#speedrun zine
bycmykae · 2 months
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🍵☕️Caffeine Rush: A Coffee and Tea x Color speed run zine
Concept: Contributors will about 2 weeks to complete a mini piece that relates to the theme of coffee/tea, features one of the colors from our palette and incorporates one of our secret prompts.
Content Restrictions and Requirements
Prompts: 🤫 Our secret prompts will be revealed in the Discord server once the project begins to add to the challenge. We will have 4 prompts that your work should relate to. Our prompts are open to interpretation.
Rating: SFW, PG
Original Zine: Caffeine rush is an original zine. OCs are not necessary as work just has to feature coffee or tea and people are not a requirement.
Zine Specs: Free Digital Artists: 1748 x 757 px Writers: No Min or Max but you only have 2 weeks FAQ listed after the “Keep Reading”.
🍵 Schedule
Interest Check: September 01 - 14
Contributor Sign Ups: September 17 - 30
Finals Due: October 19
☕️ Moderators
@cmykae - graphics, design, social, org
@thelocalmuffin - all things writing, org
🍵 What is a zine? New to zines? Check out https://zinebaby.carrd.co/ for some general information. For this project, a zine is a digital PDF that will be released for free.
☕️ Who can participate? Anyone who applies during the application period. No previous experience. No portfolio needed.
🍵  What type of mediums are allowed? 
Anything that can be put into a PDF, which means no music or animation. (Although contributors are encouraged to turn their pieces into animations if they choose to outside of this project).
Physical mediums like painting, clay, or embroidery is allowed as long as the contributor is able to crop and prepare files to zine guidelines. Please apply as an artist.
Chefs, baristas, and bakers are allowed to participate to create recipes using coffee/tea flavors, write about coffee blends, etc. Please apply as a writer.
Although short stories (fics) are most popular in zines; poetry or article styled writing is also welcomed.
☕️ Contributor Expectations:
Adhere to the guidelines
Discord attendance: mandatory.
Final deadline: non-negotiable.
🍵 Cover Artist Due to the nature of this zine (a speed run), we will not have cover artist applications.
☕️ Using our Color Palette: The main highlight of your work should be the one of the five colors provided. Artists: You only have to use ONE of our colors. It does NOT have to be monochromatic. You are NOT required to use all our colors. Writers: How you interpret and incorporate the color into your piece is up to you. 🍵 Is romance allowed? Coffee dates are okay! Please remember this zine is rated SFW, so nothing scandalous is allowed.
☕️ Can I draw digital merch? Although not a popular choice, artists are allowed to make digital merch. From social media assets to printable pages. If you are interested in making digital art, please apply as an artist. 🍵 Is it only Coffee and Tea? Anything made from coffee and tea is allowed as well. Fruit tea, Milk tea, Affogato, Iced Coffee, Tea Cookies, etc, etc.
☕️ Is fanart allowed? Yes, fanart will be allowed in this project. — - — - — - — 
Additional Questions? Feel free to reach out through email or ask box
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hxvphaestion · 3 months
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Eye for an Eye (or: a confirmation of love)
a web weaving zine.
for @ricciardoes, hope you like it!!!!
my entry for @love-leah's 2024 Motorsports Zine Exchange
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zephyrine-gale · 2 years
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arcade au kazuha for @kazuhaauzine! leftover sales are open rn :>
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kiwibirdlafayette · 8 months
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going through it rn (/neutral) so in the mean time have some silly things/sketches from this past week <3
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sailxrmxrs · 2 years
pov you've woken up and there's snow everywhere outside so plans have to change. what do. are we building snowmen? having a snowball fight? staying indoors and wrapped in a blanket? the answer is all of the above. it is entirely too cold rn so this is the ideal way to cope ofc. i was going to write and post this along with other hcs sooner but then december things happened and i got wildly busy. also hades. sigh. c'est la vie. enjoy the snowy softness gamers!!
♡ leo ♡
The moment Leo had laid eyes on the thick blanket of snow that adorned the streets beyond his living room window, he had texted you to announce his coming over. It wasn't a question, but a promise brimming with certainty. He'd offered no other explanation or inclination as to what he had in mind for the day ahead but knowing Leo it was sure to be far more exciting than the day of errands and chores you'd been putting off all week. When he arrived on your doorstep not half an hour later with a deep blue scarf peeking above the collar of his coat and a hat and gloves to match, Leo was beaming with rosy cheeks from the winter air. He looked adorable with his snowy backdrop, all bundled up to fight the biting chill in the air. He entered through the threshold of your door, a snowflakes tumbling into a tiny pile of snow at his feet while you pulled your own warm garments on.
"So what did you have in mind for today? I saw Brooklyn went ice skating the other day so we could try that out?"
Leo shook his head, snow shaking off his hair with the movement. "Another day, maybe. But not today. We need to make the most of the snow outside while it's thick enough!"
Humouring his childlike excitement, you asked, "And how do you intend on doing that?"
"By building a snowman," Leo stated matter-of-factly. His face was overflowing with genuine sincerity. He was completely serious in wanting to build snowmen out in the street beside your home.
"But it's so cold," you complained, already feeling the inevitable numbness striking your extremities after enough time outside bracing the elements. Leo wasn't having any of it, declaring how he would carry you inside and layer you up with blankets and a hot chocolate the moment your fingertips began to hurt from the cold. Knowing Leo, he was probably entirely serious about that too.
"Come on," he pleaded. "Don't make me sing the Frozen song at you. I'll do it." His threats were a poor attempt at intimidation, as though the threat of him singing was anything but a delightful promise you were intent on holding him to. But there was something in the hopeful sparkle of his eyes and the way his hands were clasped in yours that you just couldn't say no. Besides, how long had it been since you'd built a snowman? And how long had it been since the snow had settled deep enough to do anything substantial with it?
"Bold of you to assume I don't want to hear you sing out on the street. But fine. Only if you pinkie promise to make that hot chocolate." Leo didn't hesitate to accept your terms, grinning from ear to ear as he reached for your wrist to lead you outside and onto the snow trodden path. There were handfuls of people dotted along the street having had a similar idea and making the most of the snow's abundance. Leo was quick to start rolling a base while you followed suit, tasked with forming it's head. Somehow the initial shock of the cold air faded away quickly, the excitement of moving about and playing around in the snow taking over. Leo hadn't missed your not-so-subtle attempts to sprinkle snow over him while he shaped the snowman's body, but he merely chuckled and admired the melodious sound of your laugh as you darted off.
It wasn't long before your creation was almost finished, only complete when Leo donated his scarf to the cause. His subsequent shiver was impossible to miss and was all the persuading you needed to drag him back inside for warmth. Only when you were tucked up on the sofa, blankets covering the both of you with warm mugs in hand, did you admit that maybe it was a good idea on Leo's part. He proudly smiled at you, glancing out the window at your creation. He'd already sent a myriad of photos to the others, proudly proclaiming how this was the best snowman for miles, prompting Tobias to create his own in competition but Leo was unmoving on his stance. Now that you were happily burrowed in the warmth, you were more than happy to take Leo's side.
"Thank you for today. I know it was a little cold for you, but I had the best time," Leo confided, his head leaning on your shoulder as he left the softest of kisses in his wake. Maybe you could be persuaded to go back out again in the morning.
♡ milo ♡
"If you even think about throwing that at me I swear Milo—" You couldn't even finish uttering your half empty threats before you felt a burst of cold snow graze your hand. Words evaded you for a moment, contemplating the best course of action while Milo stood there barely holding back his laughter. He was already crouching down in the ankle-deep snow and preparing for his next attack. There was only one solution here. Snow-fuelled war. Thankfully your gloves were decently thick, the perfect barrier to protect your hands from the snow. Milo's eyes narrowed as he waited for you to strike, fully prepared to launch another ball of snow directly at you. That first hit had been him going easy on you, testing the waters to see just how mad you'd get. Now this was the real thing and he had no intentions of holding back, especially not upon seeing that determined glint in your eyes as you formed the ball in your gloved hands.
Earlier that day, Milo had been the one to call you and ask you out for a walk around the local christmas market. He'd seen the weather and decided it made for the perfect winter date and an optimal opportunity to spend some time together while the festivities were still ongoing. He'd been careful to not reveal his ulterior motive—engaging in a snowball fight with you. Before long, the snow would melt away to give rise to springtime showers so he had to make the most of it while it was there. There was also the fact that he found your taunting glare unbelievably adorable. He knew better than to admit that was a large portion of his reasons for provoking you.
"What was that? Couldn't hear you over the sound of that excellent shot," he declared, pushing his hair back from where it had fallen over his forehead. A snowball sat in his hand, primed and ready to be thrown the moment you retaliated.
"What are you? Five?" Despite your scathing remark, you aimed and hit Milo square in the chest, snow decorating the front of his winter coat. He was quick to appraise the well-aimed shot before sending back one of his own and laughing at the remnants that decorated your hair.
"I might be five, but who's the one to fall for such obvious bait?" He questioned, stepping back when you crept closer with a returning shot sitting and waiting in your hand. You broke into a run, Milo's cackling laugh mingling with yours as snowballs flew. The few that hit left vaguely circular marks over the both of you, Milo's aim considerably better. How he managed to launch them so fast and so accurately, you had no idea. Still, it was surprisingly fun to run about the open field, if a little cold.
The two of you halted, a momentary stalemate as you both caught your breaths back. The cold air left your chests heaving, puffs of air visible even in the thin veil of mist that clung to the atmosphere. Milo slowly edged closer as though he were approaching a stray cat with the intention of petting it. He had both hands raised to signal his empty hands, though you didn't quite trust it. If anyone were able to completely hide a snowball from sight, it would be Milo, after all.
"If I knew better, I'd say you don't trust me," he accused, trying and failing to convey a hint of pain beneath his smile.
"That's because I don't," you replied, eyes searching Milo's person for the damning evidence. When your search came up empty, you relinquished and closed the gap between you both. Milo brought a finger to cup your chin as he slowly leaned in. Right as his lips were about to touch yours, you felt an all-too-familiar onslaught of cold snow right on top of your head, snowy remnants tumbling to frame your face and return to the ground.
"MILO." You could barely retaliate when Milo's arms wrapped around you, his laughter uncontrollable as he rocked you from side-to-side, poor attempts at apologies struggling to escape between laughs. But despite his certain victory and your, quite literally, cold grimace, there was nothing you wished to change in that picture perfect winter scene.
♡ rory ♡
Within moments of opening his eyes and slowly emerging from the haze of sleep, Rory swiftly decided today was not a day to be productive on. The room was far too cold to even consider getting up and the bedsheets held just enough warmth that he could ignore the light of day that peeked beyond the gap in the curtains. Not to mention he had you to reach for and pull in close, craving that additional warmth even more so as he felt his still-tired body lure him back into his dreams. At least, that was what he had expected to feel. But when Rory reached an arm to your usual sleeping spot, all he felt were empty sheets and the echoing remnants of warmth from where you had risen not long before he awoke. Grumbling to himself, Rory burrowed under the covers in the hopes that you'd just gone to the bathroom and would be swiftly returning to give him the attention he craved. He did not wish to dwell on the possibility that you had gotten up and ready for the day in spite of the biting cold. Usually Rory was perfectly content to get up in the early morning and begin a slow start to his daily routine. However, there was little Rory hated more than leaving a warm bed—especially when the external air was as cold as it was that morning.
Despite his body's attempts to lull him back to sleep, Rory had no intentions of doing it alone. So when you didn't return after a short few minutes' wait, Rory took it upon himself to bring you back to your rightful spot. He threw back the covers, almost hissing at the sharp wave of cold air that hit his once warm legs. The things he did for love. The rest of the apartment felt marginally warmer than the bedroom, though not enough to convince Rory to change his mind. You were leaning against the kitchen counter, a blanket draped over your shoulders as you scrolled through your phone.
Noticing Rory's appearance, you glanced up and greeted him, "Morning, Rory. I was just about to make breakfast, you want some?" No answer came your way, at least not a verbal one anyway. Instead, Rory reached to lift you into his arms, ignoring your gasps of shock that morphed into bemused laughter. His grip was steady as he strode back toward the bedroom and deposited you in the empty spot you'd abandoned earlier. Rory paused, expressionless as he waited for your inevitable questions or complaints.
"I take it that's a no," you said, stifling another laugh.
"It's a 'I feel personally slighted that you abandoned me in the middle of winter to freeze on my own'," Rory answered, climbing back into his side of the bed and tucking the covers just under his chin. He almost sidled up next to you as he'd intended earlier until he remembered he was pretending to be mad at you; he wasn't doing a very good job.
"Abandoned is a tad strong. And for someone who's frozen you're moving and speaking awfully well."
Rory's frown only deepened at your teasing, softening only when you reached to pull him into your embrace, his face nestled into the heat of your neck. Keeping up the pretence was growing harder and harder with each second.
"Is someone feeling a little grumpy in the cold? Poor thing. Let me atone for my crimes." You ran a hand through Rory's sleep tousled hair, the other tracing patterns up and down his back. His face was on fire, burning a deep red as he melted into your touch. Suddenly he was very grateful for your morning disappearance if it meant you would hold him like that. He never liked to admit just how much he loved it, though it didn't take a genius to notice either. Rory burrowed his face in impossibly closer, relishing in the vibrations of your laughter against his skin. His legs were tangled in yours under the guise of seeking warmth, though you both knew he was lying when he said it. In reality, Rory craved nothing more than this closeness, especially beneath the blanket of cold air that circulated the room and kept you both pressed to one another, heart-to-heart as you let the morning pass you by like the misty wind that howled outside. This was all you could need. Life could wait for a little while longer.
♡ alexei ♡
Alexei and cold weather were not the most compatible. As soon as the seasons began to change, his already cosy wardrobe increased tenfold. Every day that winter lasted, Alexei found new ways to bundle up in warm jumpers. He was rarely seen without a hot drink in hands, especially on cold mornings with a long day of work ahead of him. This morning was like most others, the both of you still half asleep as you milled about getting ready for work. It felt even colder than usual, Alexei struggling to resist the urge to crawl back under his blanket. Upon finally opening the curtains, the thick blanket of snow covering the world outside proved exactly why it felt that little bit colder. Driving to work was going to be a nightmare; the roads hadn't been cleared yet and were just as blanketed in snow as the pavements.
"Suddenly I have an urge to call in sick for work," Alexei spoke from behind you, inspecting the outdoor scenery. He had a look of intense concentration as though he hadn't already made his mind up and decided today was not a day for working in the outside world.
"Oh no, it seems I, too, must call in sick for work. It's so awful I believe a day wrapped in blankets is the only way I can recover," you answered, piling on the dramatics as Alexei laughed. He was in complete agreement, already pulling out his phone to call his workplace. With the snow being so thick, most likely wouldn't be able to make it in anyway so the day could just be written off as the start of an extended weekend. Within the hour, you and Alexei were sprawled out on the sofa, bundled in spare blankets and getting as cosy as humanely possible. Food had been ordered and a day inside tucked in the warmth was ahead of you. A blissful slice of heated heaven beyond the backdrop of winter's snowy downpour. The snow made for a particularly wintery atmosphere but was far better admired from afar than ankle deep in the stuff.
"Did you want to put on a movie? Or start that show Leo told you about last week? Either's good for me." You watched for Alexei's reaction, holding a hot water bottle close while he pondered the question.
"Actually, could we play that game you bought last week? I know I won't be a whole lot of help but I like watching you play." He sounded a little uncertain, as though you might decline the offer in favour of something else. But any time spent with Alexei was enjoyable no matter what. He also never really played games much himself, so getting the chance to share it with him in some way was a welcome change of pace.
You nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! I can go grab a spare controller if you want to try it out too? Or you can just watch whichever you'd prefer."
"Then, can we play together? If you don't mind!" Of course you didn't mind. And, after some time to figure out the controls, Alexei was actually doing well. The day seemed to disappear in a few mere blinks, time evading your grasp with ease. But even if night descended far quicker than you would have liked, it had been a perfect day in all the same.
♡ brooklyn ♡
It was early afternoon just a few days before Christmas so neither you nor Brooklyn had any work responsibilities forcing you out of the house. You had all the time you could ever need to sit in comfy clothes, flicking through all the Christmas films being played on tv. With the snow outside, it created the perfect wintery backdrop to set the mood for a cosy day at home together. Such days were rare too, given how Brooklyn was rarely seen in anything other than a suit. But today, in a warm, hand-knitted jumper and a blanket over his legs, Brooklyn looked positively adorable. His hair wasn't styled as it usually was, a slight tangle to the locks that embellished his forehead. It was a little snippet of another version of Brooklyn reserved only for your viewing. Well, unless you decided to sneak a photo of him for the other boys to see. Brooklyn never really minded, smiling softly as you giggled when he caught sight of your phone or noticed the burst of notifications as Tobias or Leo shouted about how much softer Brooklyn looked.
Sitting together on the sofa, Brooklyn had pulled the blanket so that it was covering you both. He usually made sure your side was more generously covered so as to ensure you were decently warm. If you ever called him out on it, he'd always deny his astute favouritism; Brooklyn never was very good at lying. He only further proved just how much he liked to spoil when it came to meal times. He was always learning new recipes or trying out different ways to prepare your favourites so that he could surprise you. If you ever wished to return the favour, he'd allow it, but more often than not he'd be the one wanting to bring you something new he'd baked that week. Today, Brooklyn had seemed a little pre-occupied. He was on his phone more than usual as the tv played, not fully paying attention. It was unusual for him to be so distracted, but you assumed it was merely something work related that was stealing his attention. Nothing particularly out of the ordinary.
Then, with a burst of energy, Brooklyn shifted forward on the sofa, clearly intending to get up.
"Fancy a warm drink?" He asked, looking at you with anticipation in his eyes. You couldn't figure out exactly what he had in mind, but assumed he was just particularly excited about a new flavouring of tea he'd bought recently.
"Sure. I'd never turn down some tea—especially with this weather."
Brooklyn's smile widened. "Ah, no tea on the menu today, love. I've got a little something else in mind." Brooklyn said no more, leaving you with little more than a wink as he made for the kitchen. Curiosity consuming every inch of your body, you followed after him.
He went about the kitchen, retrieving all kinds of ingredients, though some were intentionally obscured as he prepared the drink with his back to you. He had heated up a pan and was meticulously stirring away at his concoction.
"It feels like you're making some sort of potion over there," you teased. "What with all the secrecy."
"Not at all. Just don't want to ruin the surprise," Brooklyn answered, turning to swipe some fresh cream onto the tip of your nose.
"Meanie," you grumbled, grabbing the nearest cloth to wipe away the remnants of his teasing.
Brooklyn turned back, a wide grin across his face. "Will this make you love me again?" He asked, presenting you with the most elegant looking hot chocolate you'd seen perhaps ever—maybe except for one you'd had in an expensive cafe with Brooklyn once before. He'd even whipped up a small dish of fresh cream to decorate on top.
"Is that one of those fancy French hot chocolates? You spoil me too much."
"On that contrary, I don't think I spoil you enough." He pointedly ignored your scathing look of disagreement. "Now, may I do the honours?"
♡ tobias ♡
Tobias and intelligent decisions do not always go hand-in-hand. Sometimes they do. But more often than not his judgement skills are somewhat lacking. Particularly when it comes to matters of weather and his ability to withstand colder temperatures. Upon waking up and seeing the blanket of snow that covered the road outside, Tobias did not once question whether or not the two of you should go out as planned or not. In Tobias' mind, the snow was nothing more than an addition to the scenery, rather than an obstacle hindering your plans. When you tried to suggest perhaps going out on another day, Tobias was certain it would be fine.
"You know you can always trust me, right? Besides, I want to see this movie before Rory can spoil it for me." In most aspects of life, your answer to his question was a resounding yes. Tobias was someone you relied on in many ways, and someone you cherished for those reasons. But this was one of the few instances where you didn't trust his judgement. Still, the thought of going out in the snow was exciting enough that you went along with Tobias' assured comments—though you did make sure to wear an extra layer or two, feeling the cold seeping into your bones just looking at the thick cover of snow. Tobias, however, was not quite so meticulous as he got ready. He'd pulled on his favourite pair of jeans and a cosy sweater to match. Heavy boots and a coat sat waiting to complete his so-called winter outfit.
"How do I look? Like one of those fancy fashion model boyfriends, right?" He asked, pulling a series of exaggerated poses while you watched on, laughing.
"Oh, of course. But don't you want to wear a little something more underneath? It looks pretty cold out."
Tobias shook his head. "Don't need it. I'm too hot for that~"
You didn't bother to offer a reply, only walking away and holding in your laughter at Tobias' reaction. He was so easy to tease like that. Hiding away even the smallest crumb of affection was enough to have him whining about how you didn't appreciate his love enough. It was all light-hearted banter, of course, the perfect tactic to garner a sympathy kiss from you. Today offered little difference, Tobias running after you, arms engulfing your body as you tried to pull on a scarf and gloves. He pressed his lips to your cheek, offering no escape despite your half-hearted protests.
"You look cute all bundled up like that," he mused, moving from side-to-side with you still in his arms.
"You'd look cuter if you did too. It's cute to be warm."
Tobias laughed and you felt the sound reverberating from his chest. "Nice try. But didn't I tell you I'm built different?
"Mhm. And I'll believe that when I see it. Go finish getting ready so we can put that to the test, yeah?"
When the both of you had arrived in the sprawl of the city, winter's biting chill had settled in deep. You were mostly handling it fine with only your face feeling the brunt of the cold. Tobias, however, was not faring quite so well. His hand had been in yours without seconds of leaving the house, tucking it into his pocket for extra warmth. When you asked if he was doing okay, Tobias nodded back a yes all the while his entire body was shivering. But he was adamant he could manage. That had been ten minutes ago. Now his cheeks and nose were stained with red and he was adjusting his coat every few steps to try and muster up even the slightest fraction of warmth.
Stopping in the middle of the street, you looked at him with an undeniable seriousness. "Tobias Fox you are freezing. Don't even try to tell me you're fine, your fingertips are almost turning blue! Now, come here."
Tobias obeyed, watching as you pulled a spare pair of gloves out of your coat pockets.
"Put these on. And this." You unravelled the scarf from around your neck, pulling it around Tobias's neck and tucking it into the neckline of his jumper. "It's not a lot but it'll do for now. At least it'll be warm once we get into the movie. Better?"
"Better." Tobias nodded, taking your hand once more as you both resumed your steps. "And thank you. Maybe I can admit that the snow beat me today."
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pikslasrce · 9 months
good god i can watch a Movey...
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chaoticnebu · 1 year
i'll apply for the golden garden huntlow zine when it opens applications, wish me luck 🫡
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punkkrat · 2 years
6 and 8 for the artist asks?
Thanks for asking!!
6. I think there's a lot but there's one (1) post about color theory I saw when I was 11. I have never forgotten about it and to this day I sometimes use the tips on my art
8. So MANY. I have so many wips I'll probably never look back to... But abt big projects? I wouldn't be able to say, I think I have plenty of time to go back to them (or even to start them) as I'm still studying and getting better and comfortable w my art for the ideas I have for the future.... Haven't really lost interest!! Just put a tab on them to check out later
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harvocel · 6 months
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Card #1 for @mcsrtarot is Nerdi!
The moon tarot card represents illusions and deception. Nerdi does not really fit this card. However, Its widely accepted in the speedrunning community that Nerdi currently holds the 1.16 RSG world record. Although there are other times that have been completed much faster, Nerdi's is simply the most respectable run of its time.
Check out the full zine here
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mcsrzine · 1 year
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Hello There! We're running an interest check for MCZR, a zine dedicated to minecraft speedrunning and those who create for it. The continuation of this project depends on the interest in it, so we'd appreciate if you'd take a second to fill out this interest form :) Thank you!!
EDIT: Just want to clarify that while obviously a lot of this will be cc's, we're also interested in art focused more around the PROCESS of speedrunning (there are LOTS of cool opportunities for art about routing bastions/forts, killing the dragon, all advancements, etc!)
In addition to that, we would also be interested in finding a way to include skin artists! They're such a large part of the community and it feels right to represent them in a project like this. Thanks again!
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sunnys-aesthetic · 1 month
true artist solidarity is everyone in the discord vc speedrunning the last of their zine artworks, sweating, crying, blood everywhere. were holding hands. someone's missing an arm maybe.
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bycmykae · 24 days
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🍵 Afternoon tea anyone?
The interest check for Caffeine Rush, a coffee and tea speed run is now open. Are you interested in a flash creation project? Let us know!
📆 Closes Sep 14, 9PM CT 🔗 Form: forms.gle/ZCirp1kVREUMmDUJ7
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blueskittlesart · 9 months
i havent finished totk yet so getting the zine while trying not to get spoilers means i now have to speedrun the rest. im looking forward to it and finally being able to read the comic!
the good news is the totk comic doesn't have any major spoilers iirc!! it alludes to some events from botw & the opening cutscene of totk but nothing else so you should probably be ok!
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nanashi-art · 1 year
i`ve speedrunned the genshin impact zine
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rheesvandar · 10 months
Sorry I’ve been silent on SPOP and TOH posts for a bit. I’m last-minute speedrunning my Entrapdak Zine submission like the ADHDer I am.
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voidpidgeon · 7 months
Bonjour! In the spirit of curiosity, I'm going around asking people things about their experiences in fandom. So, here's the first question: have you ever joined an exchange or fan-run event before (can be as a writer, beta reader, or artist)? If the answer is yes, what did you like about it? Can you share the piece you made for it? Cheers! 🪶 anon
Yeah! I have been part of two Technoblade gift exchanges, the dreblrtine exchange, a new year secret santa, the flamekeeper zine, the dtqk+ big bang, the dsmp pin up calendar, the through the ages collab and fanart speedrun on twitter and some less committal (but no less fun) stuff like the sixteenth day event and art trades! I have always joined as an artist :) I also organized the dreblr secret santa this year, and I am running a big bang right now.
Generally, I enjoy drawing for others, it is just fun idk. And somehow drawing with some limitation (like a prompt) can be really inspiring to me and often creates drawings, I would have never done otherwise! Besides that, you just get exposed to more corners of the fandom. I think I found Airrec first because I was assigned to them in a gift exchange, and I have been enjoying their writing ever since. Anyway, here are my 4 favorite fandom event pieces I have done:
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