#spiderman meets daredevil
magickhajiit · 1 year
Sokovia and Spiders (Chapter 6)
All Chapters
Rating- teen and up
Summary- At fifteen Peter Parker took on the mantel of Spiderman. Three years later, after a tragedy in the superhero community, the hastily passed Superhero Registration Act leads to a bitter divide in the public and the Avenger’s premature breakup.
The New Avengers, led by Tony Stark, work under SHIELD. Their sole task is the capturing of rogue heroes refusing to sign the register. An unfortunate group Peter is now a part of. When their eyes eventually turn to the web-slinging hero it threatens to dismantle the vigilante lifestyle he’s made for himself.
Blood pools on his tongue, flowing from a cut in his mouth. Peter thinks his teeth had impaled the inside skin of his cheek when his skull was bounced off the chimney by Deadpool. Peter can only struggle as he’s manipulated by the mercenary, held aloft only by the harsh grip on his head. His struggle intensifies as his mask is grappled with. But he’s quickly subdued, his hand pinned painfully to the ground by a heavy boot, rendering him completely immobile.   
As his mask is dragged up inch by inch, he hears a resounding clang in the background. Deadpool doesn’t react, probably just a stray cat. It’s hard to confirm the source of any noises with one ear clogged with blood. Speaking of blood there’s some dribbling down his chin, escaping now the mask is over his chin. Peter thinks he can hear it splash against the gravel, but his senses are haywire. Bouts of loud sound assault him before disappearing. Then noises are faded like he’s being held underwater, it’s hard to tell which direction they’re coming from.   
From his left another clang rings out, this time loud enough that Deadpool must have heard it. It’s probably a partner in crime of his. Someone else privy to Peter’s untimely exposure. With another tug his face is half revealed, the mercenary leans toward Peter’s ear, ‘’Finally, the world gets to meet Spiderman.’’   
Peter re-evaluates his idea Deadpool might have a partner when the mercenary is ripped away from him by a figure in red. As both figures tumble away in a blur of crimson, Peter crumbles to the ground the force keeping him up gone.                                                                                                                                                              
Wrenching his eyes open he watches them move across the ground, the edges of their red suits melting into the dark sky. After grappling and tumbling for a few too many moments Spiderman’s apparent saviour gains the upper hand. No, not a saviour. Just someone who happens to hate Deadpool even more than Peter did. The enemy of my enemy is my friend might sound good in movies but that doesn’t make it true.   
As a leg pins Deadpool to the ground, the newcomer’s arms take turns thundering down on his mask. Anyone one of those hits enough to have Peter unconscious. Even as punches rain down Deadpool keeps talking, garbling nonsense coming as naturally to him as breathing comes to the rest of society, '’Look, clearly this new friendship of ours isn’t off to a great start.’’ The next words are cut off by a particularly nasty right hook across his jaw. The movement is punctuated by sound, a mix between an egg cracking and a vase shattering. When Deadpool comes back into Peter’s eyeline his jaw hangs down in an unnatural angle.   
The favour is returned when his arm pulls back brushing across the ground, Peter doesn’t have the chance to shout out a warning, before it’s back, a jagged piece of brick in hand. It’s cracked off the assailant's face, sending him sprawling back into the glow of a nearby street light, a pair of horns becoming visible. Daredevil.   
He was a hero that Peter had heard about, known for leaving gun runners and gangs beaten within an inch of their lives. He’d been invited to join the Avengers a few times but he was even more of a loner than Spiderman was. Or at least that’s what the Human Torch had told Peter on one of their occasional team-ups. Like many heroes he also had a rigid anti-murder agenda. So Peter would have at least survived the night had Daredevil been the one taking him to S.H.I.E.L.D., even if he ended up a little maimed.   
Not that it mattered now with Daredevil sprawled out and Deadpool rising to his feet, his jaw having been cracked back into place. ‘’I really didn’t have time for this you know. Straight after this I’m meant to be apprehending some girl who dresses up as a squirrel.’’ He advances slowly, assured the threat has been subdued. He stretches as he walks, like someone who’s awoken from a mid-day nap, rolling his shoulder back and twisting his arms, Peter can hear muscles stitching themselves back together and bones clicking into place. ‘’We could have all worked together you know. We could have been Team Red.’’   
‘’Not sure Daredevil would have gone for that.’’   
‘’Trust me. He’ll be begging to join after an hour in Prison 42. Well, the night has worked out for me. I’ve got two heroes for the price of one.’’   
His gloating stops as suddenly as it began. The picture in front of him comes to Peter in shattered fragments. The gleaming red spurting out, splattering against the floor, speckles of it hitting Peter. The dull white eyes of the mask widening. The silver blade glints in the lamplight as it’s embedded in Deadpool’s skull. Peter squashes down the scream that threatens to rise up, as Deadpool crumbles to the floor, having been killed by his own blade.   
As the culprit stumbles to his feet, Peter feels his own stomach churning as panic and disgust boils in his gut. In a single violent convulsion, he starts to retch, the bitter tang of bile assaulting his throat as he braces his arms against the floor. At least his mask was pulled out of the way. Thanks, Deadpool.    
He flinches when a hand rubs at his back and a voice murmurs ‘’You’re alright. You’re going to be alright.’’ Belatedly Peter realises the hand must belong to Daredevil, who’s moved across the roof a little too fast and too quietly for a man who was just beaten by a highly trained mercenary for hire.   
The retching pauses for a few moments, long enough to stutter out, ‘’You just killed him.’’ before it starts again. Each tremor putting a greater strain on his webbed-up wound.   
Daredevil looks at him in confusion, like he just told a well-known joke and Peter hasn’t the punchline. ‘’I just wedged the knife through the motor area of his brain.’’   
Peter hopes Daredevil can hear the incredulousness in his voice if he can’t already see it in the lower part of his face, ‘’People don’t tend to survive that.’’   
‘’Deadpool has a strong healing factor. He’ll be up in an hour. Once he’s managed to get the knife out at least.’’ Peter looks in time to see Deadpool beginning to jerk on the floor, his limbs moving in no particular direction. A red puddle has already formed by his head, ripples wash across it as he twitches.  
The retching has stopped, his breath ragged in the aftermath, but the sight of Deadpool reminds Peter of the flecks of blood painted across his own face. As one uncoordinated hand rubs at his face, Daredevil‘s own hand hovers over him as if to prod at the webbing, before he thinks better of it.   
‘’There’s still some blood leaking out of the wound. But it’s fixable.’’  
‘’How can you tell behind the webbing.’’   
‘’I can smell copper in the air.’’ Peter decides against asking any of the million questions that statement brings forward. Seeing his struggle Daredevil tries to wipe away the blood on his face instead and Peter surprises himself by letting him. He’s unconsciously decided to trust the other vigilante to, at the very least, not to beat him to death on the rooftop of an old apartment block. ‘’Were you out on your own?’’  
‘’Everyone who's sane is at home sleeping. By the way, I'm implying we’re completely insane to be out here.’’ Daredevil smiles at him, with his face shrouded in shadow and covered by red leather it looks creepy rather than reassuring. Maybe he can tell because he stops it quickly. ‘’Plus I’m not a team-up sort of guy. Now you’ve saved me from Deadpool. Is this the part where you throw me off the roof or take me to Stark’s tower?‘’  
‘’Why would I save you only to throw you off the roof.’’  
‘’No idea why you’d want to throw me off the roof. I’m a really nice guy.’’  
‘’I’m not going to do either. We’re the good guys.’’  
‘’We? Who else is here?   ’’ Peter asks.  
‘’The falcon’s just got here.’’ The words are accompanied by a heavy pair of boots hitting the gravel behind them. ‘’Just in time to miss all the fun.’’  
‘’Sorry, got caught up stopping a mugging.’’ Walking into Peter’s eye line he’s wearing his classic costume, a pristine white body and crimson wings. Tinted googles shield his eyes, and his thoughts from Peter.  
‘’You’re Captain America’s-’’   
Cutting Peter off the Falon says, ‘’Spiderman, call me his side kick and we’re leaving you here.’’   
‘’Don’t mind him. He has sidekick syndrome. I’m going to get you up now, alright?’’ Daredevil bypasses the part where he pulls Peter to his feet and they both nobly stumble into the sunset like they’re the heroes in an action movie, Peter leaning on him for support. Instead, he scoops Peter up in what can only be considered a princess carry, kindly not commenting when Peter chokes down a sob. Fortunately, he’s in agony, otherwise, he’d be mortified at the situation.  
‘’It'll be faster if I take him by air.’’  
‘’Too risky. If you’re seen, we can’t fight off Ironman’s goons whilst protecting him.’’   
Content to let someone else deal with his latest disaster Peter’s head lolls against Daredevil’s shoulder, trying to ignore the throbbing in his leg. Listening to their murmuring, he hopes he’s not going to wake up in an empty cell, cut off from his Aunt and the world. When they start to move he stifles a whimper as they leap over to the next rooftop, his leg being jolted in the process. With the pain rising he doesn’t fight the darkness when it comes for him.  
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vigilant-insomniac · 6 months
What fandoms/franchises are you into?
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Those above are the ones I seek out fandom works for! Top three are probs DP, DC and OP!
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thecornerofegg · 11 months
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This is my impression of Peter Parker meeting Matt Murdock
Based of a picture I took at Comic Con
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milimeters-morales · 2 years
Peter: you’re gonna meet the kid tonight
Matt: i had plans
Peter: you’re gonna meet the kid tonight.
Matt: okay
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thelittlestspider · 11 months
if i could actually focus long enough to write ths it would probably hit 50k easily.
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dyns33 · 2 months
Deadpool : "So, everyone, meet my new friend and new awesome roommate, Logan. Wolvie love, the Team Red."
Wolverine : "Hi."
Spiderman : "… Am I going to have to say it ?"
Daredevil : "That Wolverine is dead and that's impossible ? Wade called us right after he beat that Cassandra to tell us that he's now Marvel Jesus and about the multiverse, as if he could blaspheme all he wants by repeating things we already know."
Deadpoo l: "Ha ha. Sorry to think you don't listen when I talk, Matty boy, but glad to hear you drink up my words at the end."
Daredevil : "That doesn't mean I believe you, but you were right about Miguel, and I talked to Strange too."
Spiderman : "No, I mean. Wade, you were against Mr. Spector and Mr. Castle teaming up with us, but the yellow suit is okay ?"
Deadpool : "Oh that ! Matty had a red and yellow period, I decided to be tolerant, we're Team Red because we color the streets with blood without killing, and we're super caliente."
Daredevil : "His suit's yellow ?"
Wolverine : "The red ant is colorblind ?"
Daredevil : "The Devil ! And… Let's say yes. Why do you smell like wet dog ?"
Deadpool : "I'll say it's because of Dogpool, but let's blame Logan."
Spiderman : "… You have a dog ?! A Dogpool ?! I can see it ?!"
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6rookie-writer0110 · 5 months
Bind souls
Hailee Steinfeld x Male Reader
Request - R is a old high school friend and ex boyfriend of Hailee’s as they broke up when Hailee career started to take off and she had to leave. Eventually time had passed they met by accident and caught up with each other over Dinner and old feeling resurface for each other
R is a reporter by day but at night he’s a vigilante like Daredevil but has his sight… One day R comes home, injured and is patching himself up when Hailee finds him in his gear.
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Hailee is on her phone texting and she isn't paying attention in public. She bumped into a guy and her phone dropped, then she noticed the spilled coffee on the ground.
“Watch where you are going,” You said.
“Y/N?” Hailee said.
“Huh?” You said.
She takes off her sunglasses and your eyes open wide.
“Hailee!” You smiled.
She hugged you tight and you did hug her back.
“Wow, you look amazing. It's been forever since we saw each other” you said.
“Yes, that is true. You look great. Are you free right now?” Hailee smiled.
“Yeah, I’m free,” You said.
“Maybe, come to my place and we can catch up?” Hailee said
“That sounds great,” You said.
You went to her condo and it's huge, you can see all the buildings and the park.
“Tell me everything, Y/N I haven't seen you… well you know” Hailee said.
You and Hailee sat on the couch and she is feeling happy right now. You and Hailee used to date in high school then senior year, she broke up with you. She wanted to be an actress and go to California but you got accepted into college in Washington, D.C. for journalism. You and Hailee tried to stay in touch but that didn't work. You and Hailee were each other’s first kiss, first love, first everything. You and Hailee fell in love young. But you never stopped loving her, because she is the one for you.
“I stayed in Washington for a while, then I moved to Arizona, Texas then here in New York. I write sports, real situations, and more. I saw your movie Pitch Perfect and Spiderman Into the Spider-Verse, and I really enjoyed the movies. Now tell me about you,” You said.
“I’m happy that you became a reporter like you always wanted, Y/N. Living in California, helped my career and it took a while for them to take me seriously. Also, I started singing and writing music. I have been on dates but nothing too serious, but I didn't give up” Hailee said.
“I’m glad you didn't give up. You are an amazing actress and I always enjoyed your music. I even bought an autograph CD from your merch store. I was dating someone but she didn't want a serious relationship” You said.
Hailee never stopped thinking about you. She always wonders what you have been up to, but she thought by now you would be married to someone else.
“Awww, that's so sweet you bought my CD. I’m really happy that I bumped into you now we see each other and catch up” Hailee said.
“I agree” You smiled.
You and Hailee continued to talk about everything. But you didn't tell her that you are a vigilante, you are not sure how she will react.
You and Hailee started to text each other every day. Some nights, you and Hailee would Facetime during late hours and then fall asleep. And you still haven't told her your secret. You were supposed to meet her for dinner but you made up an excuse. You found that The Hand is bringing drugs into the city. You found their location at the docks
“Stop him!” Madame Gao yelled.
You start to fight more than six people at the same time. But she managed to escape and you tried to go after her, but more started to arrive and you kept fighting them. You grabbed a sword from the enemy and you continued to fight them.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
You are standing in front of a restaurant. You see her and you start to smile at her, she is happy to see you and she kisses your cheek.
“Wow, Hailee you look so beautiful” You smiled.
“Thank you and you look very handsome tonight. Sorry, I’m late” Hailee said.
“You don't have to apologize, I haven't been waiting that long,” You said.
You and Hailee go inside the restaurant.
“I saw you in the news talking about the charity for sick kids” Hailee smiled.
“I always get nervous talking in front of the camera,” You said.
“It takes a while to get used to it. I missed spending time with you” Hailee said.
“Me too. Now we can catch up and make new memories” You said.
While talking, you noticed she gently put her hand on top of your hand. You didn't move her hand away, you just kept smiling at her while she talked. Old feelings for her, you started to feel it again. Your love for her came back stronger. Hailee, smiled while you talked also, and her feelings for you came back. She is hoping that you didn't stop loving her but she wanted to confess her love to you but she hesitated to tell you.
After dinner, you went to her condo. She is having a good time with you then you agreed to watch a movie. But during the movie, you and Hailee fell asleep.
You are sitting on your computer writing the draft for your article to be published. Your co-worker went towards you, and he wanted a favor.
“Y/N, I need a favor. I can't make it to the press conference for a charity for some famous actress. My wife is in labor and I have to leave right now” Thomas said.
“Congrats. Alright, I will go for you but you owe me a favor” You said.
“Thanks! Here is the address” Thomas said.
He gave you a sticky note with the address and the charity's name. You gather your items and you go to the charity. When you arrived, Hailee noticed you, and she smiled at you. You smiled back and you started to take pictures of her, while she did her speech. Now, reporters including you started to ask questions about the charity. But the moment got ruined, because criminals rushed in and they had guns aimed at everyone. One of them grabbed Hailee’s arm
“Everyone put the money and everything you have in the bag or she dies right now!” He yelled.
Everyone started to put money and their items in the bag. You managed to sneak away and headed to the bathroom. You don't have your suit on, you start to take off your shirt and make it into a mask. But you still have the white shirt you had under your button shirt.
“This feels stupid but no time for that” You mumbled.
You rushed out of the bathroom. You grabbed the first guy into a headlock the slammed him into the wall. You unload his gun then the others start to run toward you. Hailee and everyone see you fight the criminals, you grabbed a fist kicked him in the stomach then punched him in the nose. You rushed towards the stage and the leader let go of Hailee. He aimed the gun at you but you were fast grabbed the gun away from him. You grabbed him by the neck then his arm then slammed him hard onto the ground. The police arrived
“Are you okay, Hailee?!” You yelled.
“You know my name,” Hailee said.
“Freeze!” the cops yelled.
You started to run and two cops started to chase you. But you ran faster and managed to the back alley then ran into traffic, the cops didn't chase you they went back inside. You kept running then you took the shirt and went home. You turn on the TV and it's all over on the news.
Your cell phone started to ring and it's Hailee.
“Hey,” You said.
“Can I see you right now?” Hailee asked.
“I can go to your place right now,” You said
“No, I rather go to your place,” Hailee said.
“Sure, I will text you the address,” You said.
“Okay,” Hailee said.
You texted her the address then you changed clothes. She did arrive then she hugged you and you hugged her back and gently rubbed her back. You wait for her to say something or move away, you miss her touch. She lets go and she feels safe when she is next to you.
“Y/N, I was looking for you,” Hailee said.
“The cops took me to the station and asked me questions. How are you feeling?” You said.
“I felt scared and I thought they were going to kill me right there. I never experienced anything like that” Hailee said.
“I’m glad you are safe, Hailee,” You said
“I’m happy that they didn't hurt you. But I was scared because I thought was going to lose you. Y/N, I don't want to be alone right now, everyone is asking me questions and I don't have the answers” Hailee said.
You grab her hands.
“We don't have to talk about it. You can -”
She didn't let you finish, she put her hands on your face and kissed you on the lips. You wrap your arms around her and you start to kiss her back. She missed kissing you and you holding her in your arms.
“I still love you, Y/N even after all these years,” Hailee said.
“I love you,” You said.
She starts to kiss you again. After the kiss, you cuddle with her in bed for comfort but you two end up falling asleep. Hours later, you wake up and she is still sleeping and you get on your laptop. You start to search about the event and you start to find clues. Your boss called you and wants you to write an article about what happened.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✯
You lied to Hailee about working late tonight, and she is in Canada working on a film. You and Hailee made it official but agreed to keep the relationship a secret. You started to fight thieves from stealing an old lady, then stopped someone from stealing a car then saved a dog from being hit by cars. Now, you went to stop the hand from killing someone but there were too many to fight but you kept fighting them.
Hailee didn't tell you that she is back in the city, she wanted to surprise you. But she does have a key to your apartment when she went inside she gasped.
“Y/N, you are H/N,” Hailee said.
You are shirtless and injured and your mask is on the table.
“I-I can explain,” You said.
“Explain what? You are the vigilante all this time” Hailee said
“I’m sorry, I lied to you. But I did it to protect you and I have been doing this for years, Hailee” You said.
“Who else knows about your secret as Batman,” Hailee said.
“I’m not Batman. I save people and I can't stop doing this. I care about the people I save and what happened to you, I couldn't wait until the cops arrived. I can't lose you again, but if you don't want to see me… I understand” You said.
“I won't tell anyone your secret. So… that was you at the charity event?” Hailee said.
“Yeah, that was me. I don't wear my gear under my clothes and I had to improvise” You said.
“How did you learn to fight?” Hailee asked.
“I had mentors teach me how to fight. And I know a guy who does custom suits for me” You said.
“I don't hate you for not telling me. Even if you told me, I might not have believed you” Hailee said.
She grabbed the cotton ball and started to clean the cut on your bottom lip. Then she cleaned the cuts on your arms and chest. She had more questions about you being a vigilante. You trust her that she won't tell anyone then you showed how to use the baton.
She stayed the night and she wears your pajamas. You and Hailee cuddled in bed together and just talked. She has her leg on top of you and you have your arm around her body.
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tparker48 · 7 months
Request for Winnylose
It’s been almost a month since Myko discovered his spider powers. From the day he got back from his college field trip, the world he knew had turned upside down. To think helping the doctors with their project would result in him having power like these. It could have been anymore it could have been bestowed upon, it must be luck. Or a curse, the doctors required a tiny to fetch the samples, and he was unfortunately around to fit the bill.
Over the span of weeks, he honed his skills to tame the chaotic mess from unraveling, using a few soda cans in his rooms as target practice. The fluid began to manifest faster. Grow more thicker as his wrists swelled. It was only by accident that he discovered the fruits of his training, along with a bowling ball sized hole in the wall of his room.
He searched the web for other heroes just like him, and found a forum dedicated to potential heroes in the making. Sidekicks from around the city gather to share their talented gifts with well known heroes in their field. He searched through their posts and found they hosted mentor sessions to hone their skills, His mind frothing as he relished at what mentor he’d get. Train in the magic arts by Doctor Strange? Learn to harness his hearing by daredevil? His mind raced to the moon and back with possibilities of his adventures.
So he decided to have a crack at it, it couldn’t hurt after all. He sent in a few of his web ball shots, showing the magnitude he could at least disperse at the time. views slowly poured in during the first hour of posting, but it died down quicker than he could eat his bagel. All pointed toward a common theme, he was too small according to pros. Too much of a liability to have out in the field.
It nearly crushed him, looking at the feedback from the heroes. If they would let him have a chance, who else would? He dragged his mouse over the delete button of his profile, assessing it was the best course of action to relieve him of shame. but he paused when a soft chime rang from his computer. A notification shined over his logo like a beacon, sparking his dream once more. He clicked on his profile, and his eyes bulged.
“A mentor proposal from spiderman?!” He gasped.
His eyes glued to the letter attached in his DMs, scanning over his comments about his web videos. His heart fluttered, He liked them, he really liked them. He scanned the letter to the bottom of the page, and his heart skipped a beat. “He wants to test out my stuff in person? In Person?! Yes!!” he raised his wrist to the air, a webbed cannonball breaking from his palm and into the ceiling. “Oops..”
—--------------- The following day had begun as Myko raced from his apartment, taking to the streets of New york. Spiderman organized a meeting at a place called Feast. He heard of the place from one of his volunteering sessions from his class course, but he didn’t have the chance to visit there himself. What better opportunity than now he supposed.
Rigid along the side of an inbound bus, he hopped onto a trash bag along the sidewalk, looking to a structured building that filled a portion of the city street.
"This must be the place." Myko said, approach the steps as people traveled to and from the metal doors. His hands started to shake, his heart on the brink of jumping from his chest. “Alright Myko, you are about to meet the world’s famous webslinger. But!..but, no need to panic. Just keep it cool, you got this.”
He took a deep breath, approached the cemented stairs as it grinded at his torso like sandpaper. A bystander soon approached from his flank, tying their shoes at the staircase behind him. How convenient. He snuck to the side of the stairs, their hands fastening the laces of their sneakers as their feet began to move.
It loomed to the step above him, and he clinged to the flap of their jeans, his own feet leaving the ground as they advanced into the building. The leg jerked around, his lower half swaying to and from the leg as they traversed through the lobby. “And here I thought the bus was rough.” he muttered.
The motion continued as the bystander walked through the main hallway, cutting a corner as more people brushed into another pair of sliding doors. He found himself in the gym of the building, locals from the streets scattered to their own portions of the building as they traveled to and from corridors further ahead. Like a colony of worker ants, they huddled together as most bumped shoulders while others moved toward their beds.
“Man, this place sure has a lot of people.” Myko said, his phone chiming in his hand. “And this is where I get off.”
He scared the floor for a place to land, spotting an inflated mattress next to the bystander. He jumped from the bystander’s leg and onto the mattress. Its spongy surface cushioned his falls as he slid from its side, taking to the wooden floor as he scanned the herd of other new yorkers. He looked through his phone, following the spiderman icon plastered along his gps.
"Let’s see, if the gps is correct, the meetup should be right around..: He cast his phone to the air, watching the pointer of the gps turn as it followed the logo. The signal grew stronger as he turned to his left, a few tables standing in the distance. “There!”
He followed the path ahead, approaching a gap in the gym where other beds resided. Citizens from either side of the building moved in packs, blocking his path with a river of boots and sneakers as the tables rested beyond. He had a feeling this wouldn’t be easy, not in this time of day. but, despite the obstacle ahead of him, it revealed the opportunity to test his acrobatic skills. If spiderman was going to be his mentor, he might as well fit the role, he thought to himself.
He took a step back, grazing his heels into the side of the rubbery mattress. Eying the tables through the pillars of legs, he launched himself from the mattress like a track star, bolting toward the flowing traffic.
He looked to his left as boots flowed overhead, rolled under the other as he ran.. “Let’s see, from the videos I saw online Spiderman is quick to flip and spin. Okay..seems easy enough.." He muttered to himself, spiraling beneath another set of shoes. "Flip.. kick…, roll." He chanted to himself, maneuvering through the crowd like a monkey upon a series of trees.
One after the other, he hopped through the crowd as he flowed by, swinging upon the laces of a sneaker as he used its forced to gain ground. This was easier than he thought it would be, no wonder spiderman enjoyed it so much. But he doubted he’d be impressed with jump leaping around, he had to add a flare, something to really turn his head. His eyes laid upon another new yorker, top heavy compared to the others as their jeans sagged over the heels. There was just enough room to get a running start, he thought to himself. A spin move would be just the thing he might need.
He returned to the flow of passing people behind him, the wind rushing him as it were from a speeding train. Taking a deep breath, he was off.
He kicked from the grant in fierce stride, eying the burly new yorker as he waddled closer. “Just enough speed, now to get the legs moving and-”
A loud splashed came from the left of him, a foamed cupped tilting from a woman’s tray as a tide of soda raced his way. It cold fluid tackled his left side, sweeping him away i it’s fizz as it flowed to a mattress distant from him. The taste of pepsi seeped into his mouth, his lungs o fire as he got to his feet.
“Ah come on man, do you know how long this is going to take to..” A darker surface came from the left of him, a flatfoot in dress shoes stomping at the ground. Myko struggled beneath the banana peel, its silky surface slipping from his grasp. The person came closer, a gust carrying the dust particles away before they were sucked into the updraft of their steps. “Out?..”
Dandruff trickled at his nose, hurtling toward him like a speeding bullet.
He shields his eyes. "This is it! I'm getting pancaked!"
A wisping sound struck the air, a force pulling his back as the shoe stomped at the solid ground. dust prickled at his back, a sturdy substance pushing at his hair as he came to a slow stop. His arms trembled. His hands lifting from his eyes as the smooth sheet of tablecloth waved overhead like a tapestry.
He patted himself down, and a bubbly sensation overcame him. "Hehe, I'm alive. Oh I'm alive."
"That was a close one, thought I missed ya." A voice said from above. He jerked once more as he was dragged through the air, a pair of shoes resting below him as he lifted into the arms of a lea man.. "Name's Peter Parker."
"You did that? Oh thank.." He paused, looking toward the wirey cord coiling his legs. Its stuck to his clothes, almost as if they were..webs.. He followed the line of the string to Peter’s wrist, silky thread seething from his sleeve.. "Y..you're-!"
A finger placed along his lip, a palm raising to Peter's mouth. "Not here, secret identity."
He opened his shirt pocket, and deposited Myko inside. it snugged against him like a swift blanket, the chest beneath securing him as Peter turned into the corridors of Feast. The chattering crowd slowly dwindled as he turned into another hallway. Heading into a storage room as he closed the door.
He placed him along a box of magazines. "Sorry about the accommodations, Miles needed some help around the facility, and I can't exactly say no to his mom." he scratched his head. "so, you're the new rookie, right? name's Peter, but many call me pete."
"Myko." he replied, doing his best to hide his sense of glee. "I'm a webster just like you. Or well..hope to be like you."
"A webster, huh? well you certainly look the part. Though I’d say the jumping needs a bit of practice.”
His cheeks glew red. “Yeah..not much of a jumper. I saw you doing it in your videos, and thought I’d give it a try. It’s a lot harder than it looks.”
A finger brushed along his head, Peter’s soft smile lowering into view. “Hey, you at least tried, that’s what counts.”
Myko raised his head, sharing a smile in response. "Through my entire dream, I've always wanted to take part in heroing. Seeing footage of my peers saving the city, it lit a spark in me more than anything else in my life." Myko said, but sighed as he clinged to his arm.. "I just wish my size could make up for it."
"Ay, it's the heart that counts, remember that." Peter said, Myko’s smile returning. a buzz rang from his pocket, his hand digging through his pant’s pocket for his phone. "Ah great,"
"Rhino's making a mess downtown again, the police are in pursuit near the dam." He readied his suit from beneath his clothes, read and blue leather shedding from his shirt as the black spider logo wrapped at his chest. "I’ll let miles know I'm stepping out. He'll fill you in on-"
"Wait!" Myko hopped aboard a box closer to Peter. "Let me help out."
"Sorry little buddy, but rhino isn't one to play nice. I can't risk you getting hurt."
"Please, this could be my shot to see what I can do. Or at least give me a true experience in the field." he said. "I'll stay out of sight, just..take me with you.”
Peter’s gaze furrowed, contemplating on the decision. He let out a heavy sigh, lowering a palm to the corner of the box Myko stood upon. "You know, you and miles may just get along,you remind me of his time when he was a rookie." he said. " Very well, you can come, but let me handle the fighting, understand?"
Myko let out a squee, hopping upon the palm as it lifted to Peter. "You got it! I swear to you, you won't regret."
"Where have I heard that before." Peter laughed. "Let's see since this thing doesn't exactly have pockets. Its only safe to go for the next best thing."
Traffic collected through city square, red and blue lights sparkled through the other cars as officers rushed to the crisis ahead. Overhead Spiderman would be following them, casting strings of web along the city buildings as he swung forward. Beneath his chin, a little lump bulged from the flap, Myko peeking out from the opening like a small kangaroo.
He tugged at the collar of his shirt as he fanned it out, warm heat rushing into his face."Do you think you could slow down a bit? my clothes are getting a little sweaty."
"You're sweaty? Try being in my shoes. This suit’s sweatin' like a wet wipe. Not a good feeling." Peter said. "We should be closing in on the site. Remember what we said back at Feast?"
"Keep out of sight and watch the pro handle it."
"Exactly. By the time we're done, you'll know what it truly means to be a webslinger."
A chopper flowed from a higher structured building, soaring further down the street as smoke rose into the air chopper. Louds zips filled the street as officers fired their weapons into the fiery chaos, a car parting its smoke like a curtain as it crashed into the police cars. A metal stubby foot crumbled the hood of a burning car as Rhino approached, his snarls overshadowing the officers’ ammunition as hulking mass charged into their cars.
"Looks like it's showtime. You got your seatbelt buckled buddy?"
Myko snugged against the bulging flesh of Spiderman’s neck , giving a soft thumbs up. His stomach turned as the webslinger flipped into action, swinging low to the ground towards the chaos. A car rose as it hurtled toward the officer, the hero’s palms extending as a net of webbing snagged at its tires like a fish net.
"Ay Aleskie, didn't anyone tell you this watering hole isn't for free. You gotta pay the toll like the rest of New York."
Rhino flicked his head a chunk of oiled metal from his horn, turning towards them. "Pauk, I was wondering when you arrived. Makes it easier to crush you."
“Crush, I’ve had a lot of crushes. Though If you’re asking Aleski, you’re going to have to get in line.”
“Pesky spider! You bore me with bantering!”
"You're right. But here’s an idea. How’s about we talk about it. Me, you, and a nice cell at Rikers."
Rhino smiled. "I got better Idea."
He marched over to a topoled truck, jamming his horn into its side as he threw it at Spiderman. The webslinger hopped away. Landing on a pole as sparks skidded from the truck as it crashed into a staircase..
"I don't think that worked." Myko peeked from the sleeve.
"Yeah it never does, but it's worth a shot."
Beastly snarls erupted from ahead, cars thrown to the side as Rhino bulldozed toward them. Spiderman Jumped as his horn skewered the passenger side of a car, watching rip from its hinges like tin foil as he jumped upon his bouldered shoulder. He bombarded the metal husk surrounding his head, hoping to dish enough blows to subdue him.
“Get off, Pauk!” he snarled, thrashed to shake the webslinger as webs latched upon his shoulder.
"Woah there! This horse gots a kick" Spiderman said.
"Annoying spider, relieve yourself from me!"
"And let you try and kebab me, I'll pass."
He shot a web into his face, jumping as an armed palm grasped the empty air he once stood. Rhino scowled in rage, pawing at the sticky substance as Spiderman from a cement block. Curious of the commotion, Myko eased the flap of the suit and peeked from beneath the hero’s adam’s apple, he and spiderman sharing glances.
"So, Whatcha you think so far bud? You got the best seat in the house."
"It’s amazing sir, I never thought flipping around like that would be so fun! to think I'd be this close to the action." Myko said, eying the scowling villain. "But is it a good idea to make him enraged?."
"What Rhino? If there’s one thing Aleskie’s known for is his temper. But no worries, your profound mentor spiderman will-"
sirens screamed as a firetruck wisped through the air, spiderman flipping as he and Myko saw their reflection across the dark glass window. It crashed into another building, a titanic foot plowing at the webslinger’s back as the pavement cracked beneath him.
"Got you now, Pauk!" Rhino soothed through his grunts, four toed foot grinding at his lower back.
Spiderman groaned as weight applied at his body, rubble uprooting from the cracked street as it seeped into the gap of his collar. Myko was in no better shape than webslinger, compressing both of their weight as grovel tenderized his body. It was like being steam pressed by a giant ship, its weight see-sawing as his bones popped from discomfort.. "Pet-..Spiderman, it’s getting too tight in here!"
"Not to worry.. I'll have us-"
The foot pressed deeper. Cracks in the pavement carved through the street. “Who are you talking to, Pauk? I see no one but your weak flesh.” Rhino said, amusement stringing through his voice as spiderman wheezed underfoot.
Myko tried to speak, clambering his lips to muster words. But it was to no avail. The bulging neck squeezed overhead, squeezing his body beneath its weight. The collar loosened as he was lodged deeper into the suit, warm plump muscle cushioning him like a sponge. He crawled in efforts to reach the surface, pawing at the bottom as it sealed the way out.
“Come on, I gotta get through.” he muttered, digging at the skin. But it refused to budge.
The area grew smaller. The tender walls looming closer. With little choice he decided to venture deeper into the suit, hoping to at least fined the sleeves of the leathery ware. It wasn’t his ideal choice, that much he was certain, but what other choice did he have? Gritting his teeth, he pushed over the hill of the flattened pectorals, his body skidding against spiderman’s as his heart drummed deeper within. He poked his head from the bottom of them, the leathery suit funneling to the webslinger’s arms.
“There’s the sleeve. Now just to get there and-”
"What's wrong Pauk? Your body feels flat like dry cleaning. but don't worry, I’ll flatten the wrinkle."
The pressure beneath Myko loosened as the world hurled backwards, spiderman and Rhino’s grunts lingering beyond the suit. Gravity pulling Myko from the pecs, bulldozing across the tender abs as the navel acted as a speed bump. He slid deeper, and Wired thin rose over the horizon, buncheched together by round muscle as a smaller hill pulsed.
“Oh no. No no-”
Ripe sweat overlapped the air, hairs entangling his limbs as he collided against the small lump. Its surface was as hard as a mattress, warm flesh skiiding across his cheek. It glided against him at a snail’s pace, sweat soon secreting his clothes as he rose to the bell of the webslinger's shaft.
It swatted against his face, radiating its body heat with his. "ah come man, why here?"
He winced as the fabric at his head caved closer, arching his face into the puffed corner as he loomed across the tip. Its soggy lips smacked as his nostrils overtook its pungent odor. It was as if it were bathed in smelling salt, his nose scooped a portion of its fluid as a souvenir.
"Enjoy your flight, spider!" Rhino roared, gravity yanking Myko past the head as he plunged into the round spheres between spiderman’s legs. He battered against the baggy skin, fighting its sags as the flailing legs kneaded him over the taint.
A crashed boomed from outside, a loud squelch signifying its landing as a car alarm screamed through the air. "Okay, definitely gonna put a word to your supervisor." Spdierman groaned. He looked into his sleeve, but found no sign of Myko. "Myko, buddy? where'd you go?"
"Down here." his distorted voice came from below, spiderma puzzled as he leaned over the dented car. A swift motion struck the depeths of his glutes, poking into their bubbled surface like tweezers..
"What in the world are you doing down there?!"
"I went the wrong direction." he wiggled harder as the soft flesh rebounded, a flex subduing him. "Give me a second, I'll try to climb out."
"what? no, that's not..mm..necessary. I'll get you out as soon as I can. but first I-" He paused as his body jolted, the hard surface decompressing as the sound of screeching metal boomed through the air.. "Another truck, Aleskei? Seriously!”
Rhino's laughter carried in the wind, destruction ensuing as webs cast through the air.
The suit compressed and squeezed. jumbling Myko around the steamy orbs as their skin wrapped around him like a blanket. A shower of sweat oozed from the depths of the skin, lubricating the slippery walls as he was dislodged from his stationary position. He moved between the mounds like a windshield wiper, pawing weakening as his mouth was splashed by its salty substance.
"Gah, it's so sweaty in here!"
"Told you!" Spiderman said, webs spinning from the outside.
The sound of destruction muffled outside, the cheeks gyrating over the other in efforts to smother Myko in between. Their soft surface hardened as they dragged him to the musty hole in the funnel of the meat pocket, Its heat rivaling a sauna, as his feet were suckled by its folds.
He jerked his feet from his hold. "N..nope, I'd rather not see the rest of the space."
He looked up and toward the seam of the crack, the lining of muscle rubbing in efforts to overwhelm the other. He managed to reach an arm from his side, pawing at the tender surface as they flowed back into place. He corkscrewed his body, and muscle swirled around his waist. He squirmed to undie its rubbery hold, his legs battering against the hole below to dislodge them, but to no avail.
“Come you lousy legs, you have to pull your weight if we’re gonna a-”
A tear roared from the fabric, A gray pillar cutting through the clothing like a knife as it tore a hole to the outside world. Sunlight shined as the mounds separated, but quickly darkened as Rhino’s ugly mug peered into the space, His gaze laying eyes on Myko. He froze at the sight of the villain’s eyes, waving sheepishly in response.
"What's this? A spider baby?" Rhino bursted into laughter. "Has spider become too chicken he lays offspring?"
"Low blow rhino, low bro." Spiderman muttered in shame.
Myko stammered to get free from his muscled restraints, just as armored fingers pinched him between its digits. The weight of a titanic ship squished at his arms and legs, slowly beginning to quake as he was forced into a crouching stance. Myko strained to keep them apart, his back burning to relieve himself of the mountainous appendage.
He saw the struggling foot of webslinger shifting in Rhino’s other had, jerking in efforts to free himself. But its struggling was seized by a clench, rhino beaming face filling the space as the fingers squeezing harder. "Little spider like eggs, yes? Then allow Rhino to scramble your puny body."
The titanic finger magnetic closer to one another, his fingers slipping as the weight from the digit planted his back. "Not exactly..appetizing.."
Rhino released a soft glee within his laughter, holding Myko higher as if to show those around the terrible predicament. Spiderman was among the few to take notice, kicking at the fist locking his arms. But the attempt barely rippled the hide of the palm, a soft chuckle escaping from the villain.
The palm squeezed harder, and Spiderman strained." Myko.. I think.. now may be a good time to show him your cannon balls.”
“Cannon balls?” he muttered, his knees caving into his chest.
“Hah! Cannonballs? Your putrid jokes makes me soar, Pauk.” Rhino bellowed, his gaze turning toward Myko. he loomed his face closer, his nostrils flaring as droplets sputtered into his hair. “But now has me curious. Go on puny one, show us these ‘cannon balls’ he speaks of.”
Myko strained as he tilted his head, looking to the webslinger, who gave a slight nod. He held his hands forward, his wrist concaving as they aimed at Rhino. The brute laughed as they pointed weakly toward him, the fingers squeezing closer as his aim lowered. “Alright..you.. asked for it!”
He placed the remainder of his strength into his legs, flicking his wrists as fluid rushed toward his palms. Webs strings in the gap between his arms, swelling in size before it erupted from his wrist, and spiraled toward Rhino’s face.
The villain scowled in pain, their headplate smothered with webbed goo as he and spiderman were dropped from his grasp. Myko stammered to his feet, dodging the stomping from Rhino before a web yanked him toward the feet of the webslinger.
"Good work on the Cannon balls" he said. "Thing really packs a punch."
"Told ya. But I don't think we're out of the woods yet." Myko looked ahead, Rhino prying his webs to reveal his fiery gaze. "We still got a villain to take care of."
The two of the readied their stance, facing Rhino head on. In a stare down with the massive villain, his gaze looked up to a crane resting on the side of the dam, a magnet attached to the end of it. “Think we can use that crane over there?”
spiderman followed his gaze. “Yeah?.”
“Let’s try and get him into its path.”
“I can do that. But you suppose we get him to take the bait now. But can’t do that and leave you exposed..”
Myko puzzled to himself, caressing his chin before looking at the incisor between spiderman's legs. With a heavy sigh, he hopped upon the hero's legs, burrowing himself back between the mounds.
The glutes squeezed together, sandwiching his body. "H..hey!" Spiderman looked behind him. "That's a sensitive spot you just hopped in."
"Sorry, it's the best I can think of. And I don't exactly have mobility like you do. Keep him busy at the front, and I'll wail him down with some web bombs."
"That's not how..you know what, that actually might work." Spiderman said, lowering to the ground. "Alright, we'll follow your plan Myko."
Rhino roared from the front the end of the street, charging as his mass toppled cars to the side. He rammed his horn forward, Spiderman jumping as its spiky end pierced the rear of a car behind.
"Olay! You can do better than that Aleskei!"
"Save your tongue, spider!" He retorted, yanking the trunk from its hinges thrusted it toward him.
Spiderman jumped again as it stuck to the cemented wall of a building, hopping to another vehicle. "Oo so close. I know rhinos have poor vision, but I didn’t think they were that bad."
""You dare mock me!" He charged forward, throwing a fist rising its crashed as it caved the wall.
Spiderman played keep with Rhino as he flipped from car to building, keep ahead of the destruction that followed as boulders from crumbled buildings were flung in his direction. He continued his bantering, loud grunts from the villain responding as he charged mindless after him. The plan was working just as planned. Now that he had his undivided attention, it was time to put the next step to action.
He hopped onto a pipeline, extending his arms to his side. “What’s wrong Aleskei? Tired of chasing a moving target. You must really be getting out of shape.”
“I’ll end you!”
He dragged his foot upon the ground, side arming a boulder as he rushed forward. His grunts became monstrous as he charged forward, his fiery gaze not leaving spiderman as he raised his fist to the air.
Spiderman looked to the giant magnet dangling from the crane overhead, jumping just as gorilla-like forearms slammed into the pipeline. “Hopa!” he flipped through the air. “He's all yours Myko."
Spider pulled cheeks apart, Myko’s damped arms pointing at Rhino. His wrists swelled as pressure rocketed from his sleeves, spindling into a wad of web as it tackled onto his clasped fist.. More wads erupted from his wrists, sending a barrage of large balls as they decorated Rhino like a painted canvas.
His arms stuck to the pipeline, and his legs now stuck to the grovel. "Why you-"
Myko shot a web at his face, smothering his enraged scowls. "That should hold him, you’re up Spiderman!"
He shot a web upon the magnet, yanking it from its restraint as chains ripped from their stems. He thrusted it forward, and watched as it plummet toward Rhino. It crashed into his back, his body caving into the side of a metal pipe as he was locked beneath its weight.
Spiderman hopped from the crane, plucking Myko from his rear. "Tsk, really should watch where you’re going Aleskei."
“I don’t know, always wondered what a pancaked rhino would look like.” Myko chimed.
"You think this over! I am merely subdued for now. Just you..wait!"
The bulk of his shoulder grinded against the magnet like gears, the soft sound of webs tearing as the deteriorated.
Webs shot from Spiderman’s wrists, patching the torn gaps. "Sorry, Rhiny. But I don't think new york can handle another one of your temper tantrums."
Sparkling lights shined within the distance, a crowd of people gathering like a herd of sheep as cameras flashed. Spiderman turned to greet them, but froze as he looked at his weakened suit, its snared flap flying through the warm air like white flag.
"We'll let the officers handle the clean up, I gotta get a wardrobe change stat" He pointed his shooters to his flank, spraying the top of the tear with a sheet of webbing, before swinging off to the rooftops.
The ride back to Feast was like a slow ride in a taxi, Spiderman’s weight tossed around as he swung through the streets of new york. The motion of Spiderman’s swings were a different kind of sensation than the first time he swung. The soft flow of the wind flowing into his body, almost comparable to a breeze than the gust that whipped his face. It almost put him to his, but solid ground planted beneath them, shaking him from his dazed state as Spiderman entered the stair exit of the building.
He peeked at the live stream of the scene on his phone, the heavy lifter from Riker’s personnel hauling the rhinoceros villain in a giant cubicle. Watching the cage shake as he entered, his spine screamed in the reminiscents of being held by him. How spiderman was able to handle that countless times was beyond him..
Firm thumps shook the collar, the slender flap inhaling as fingers scooped him from inside.
"I really gotta work on getting these things enforced. That's the fifth suit in a row that has been scarred." Spiderman said. "How are you holding up bud?"
"Aside from an aching back, I'd say I'm good."
"Good. You know, you really surprised me out there. Not many are able to keep up in the battle. Guess you really are like miles."
"Yeah well, I couldn't have done that without your help out there, I'd be pancaked by now."
"Ay, least you're in one piece." A finger brushed at his head, the scenery shifting toward a bench as a mirror stared at him. "I'd say you'd passed the test of being an honorary web slinger, could learn a thing or two from ya that's for sure."
"You mean it?"
"Sure I mean, you earned it little buddy." He lowered a fist behind him, arching toward Myko.
A symbol of honor rose before him, the fist of his mentor raising before him. A smile crept upon his face, pounding his own fist against the middle knuckle. An honorary webslinger,Heh, guess fighting a villain and wrestling with a butt managed to pay off.
“Speaking of earn, I think your rear could use a bit of stitching.” Myko point out, watching the slim webbing deteriorate to the ground.
Spiderman aimed his wrist toward the flap, sputters the only thing coming out as it simmered like a dried spray bottle. “Ah, out of webs. Think you can uh..give me a hand?”
“Sure.” Myko said, hopping onto Spiderman’s hand. It lowered toward his rear, the smooth mouth breath peeking from the side of the withered webbing.
The sound of the door chimed as a figure entered the frame, Miles stepping inside as he mumbles lyrics from his headphones. He turned his gaze to face the room, and froze as he saw the two upon the bench. Myko sticking out from his backside. "Am I..interrupting something?"
Myko and Spiderman looked at each other, the webslinger clearing his throat. "I can explain?"
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2ndrabbit2 · 11 months
🕶Matt x Peter🕷
Matt and Peter get to know each other's identities, teaming up occasionally, and becoming emotionally close.
Even though he is a legal adult, Peter still needs someone to lean on, and without realizing it, he begins to rely on Matt little by little.
Matt tends to understand and accept Peter's feelings, but it must have been a bit difficult for him to develop feelings.
It's not that Matt doesn't like Peter, but Peter seems between friendship and affection with Matt because he is lonely and too young, so he tries not to meet him in private outside of his hero things. Matt hopes Peter meets someone his age...
And Matt felt that he really needed some personal distance as he was becoming increasingly attracted to Peter.
He thinks If someone's body becomes distant, your mind will also become distant...
Matt stays away from Peter like that, but there's no way Peter doesn't know that. He knows Matt trying to stay away from him and he thinks he shouldn't bother him for no reason. But some days he really misses him so much. Rather than want to do something, he just wants to talk about what happened today and consult about his concerns. One of those days when Peter needs someone to talk to.
One day, Matt had to work overtime so late that he couldn't go to Daredevil activities because he had a lot of legal work to do. Actually, he doesn't need lighting, he is sitting in a dark office sorting out documents, and then coffee runs out in the office. So he goes out and buys a cup of coffee and comes back...
Matt feels a familiar sense of somebody's presence felt at the office desk with a neon sign shadow from the window. The sound of fresh breathing and the slow beating of the heart.
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'He must have come to see me.'
Matt just smiled. He felt the presence of Peter in sleep, who couldn't wait for that short time to wait.
'So, Now I'll have to wait for him to wake.'
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(There are probably grammatical errors. Because English is not my mother language. Please understand that 🙏)
#mattpeter #mattpeter #Daredevil #SpiderMan
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emeraldstorms · 1 year
Hi! I'm pretty new to the DD fandom. I saw your post about Matt making up Mike. But people talk about him like he is real? Is this fanon? Is Mike made up or not? I feel kind of stupid to ask because everyone else seems to know what's going on lmao
Please, don’t feel stupid for not knowing 6 decades of comic books by heart.
I’ll try my best to summarize the “Tale of Mike Murdock” as far as my recollection of things allows. I’m sorry I can’t keep it super short because sometimes I need to point out how silly Matt is. Like, I love him, but what a dumbass. 
(DD fans feel free to correct me if I misremember something).
Okay, here it comes(dialogue paraphrased lol)
Not to sound like J. Jonah Jameson, but… this is all Spiderman’s fault. 
In the beginning, Spidey and DD had a rivalry going on. While both acknowledged that they were on the same side, they weren’t exactly fans of one another.
Spidey finds out Matt is DD. Of course, he isn’t gonna out him, but he also apparently can’t just do nothing, but has to let Matt know he knows. So he writes Matt a letter, basically saying “I know you’re DD, but your secret is safe with me” and sends said letter not to Matt’s house or something. No, he mails it to the law firm “Nelson and Murdock”.
In a not so surprising turn of events, Karen Page opens the letter. You know, managing her bosses’ mail as secretaries do. She reads it and tells Foggy about it. Foggy and Karen confront Matt.
Matt is then like “haha, stupid Spiderman! Confused me with my… um… twin brother Mike!”. He says this not only to Karen. No, he also says it to Foggy, who is his best friend since law school, has been to Matt’s childhood home and to his Dad's funeral without seeing hide or hair of a twin brother. 
So Foggy says, “You don’t have a twin brother.” 
Matt says, “Do too! He’s just a loner and also Daredevil.”
Karen and Foggy remain skeptical. But Matt has the advantage that his friends don’t know about his super senses yet. So when a man, looking like Matt but interacting with the world like a sighted person, appears, they do buy it. (It’s a 1960s comic book after all).
For a while Matt juggles his three identities, but at one point it becomes too much (especially the Matt-Karen-Mike triangle getting out of hand). So he fakes DD’s and thus Mike’s death. Then he’s like “Very sad. But my brother trained a successor to be DD in case of his death.” So he can go on being Daredevil, but no longer having to play Mike as well. And that was that for a while.
Anyway, since Matt is not only a dumbass but also a dork, he had a dossier about Mike. For reasons, the dossier got in the hands of Reader, a blind inhuman who has an ability called “Literary Manifestation” aka what he reads (in braille) becomes real. This works three times between two resting phases (with kind regards to DnD xD). So he reads the dossier about Mike and Mike manifests. For emergency cases, Reader has a braille note on his belt, spelling “erase”, but Mike senses the danger and flees before Reader can use the note.
Mike then kidnaps Foggy to get Matt to meet and talk to him. Afterwards, Matt feels it would be wrong to “kill” Mike and lets him go. 
Mike becomes a criminal - I’m not sure if because Matt created him as a “roguelike character” or because he has no other choice with not having any papers. So he joins a group of burglars at one point whose leader has a Norn stone. The burglars use it to open doors, make walls disappear etc, but Mike steals it and uses it to change reality.
So far he is real only for himself, but he changes the world so people remember him, his mother, his brother, childhood friends etc.
TLDR: Mike was just a fake identity of Matt, but now he is real because of inhuman power and a norn stone 
I hope this helps and you’re a bit less confused. <3
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spiderman616 · 9 months
honestly its kind of fucked up that spiderman had TWO crossovers with batman but literally never even goes near his supporting cast. besides the villains and bruce the only batman character that appears is like. alfred. hell even daredevil at least got to meet bruce wayne
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fr-likes-chocolate · 6 months
I used to be obsessed with that Spiderman series when I was younger! (was kinda bad) the Spiderman in that series is the Roier that Phil will meet? How tf the meet em’?? Most importan The hardcore deities are a kinda thing related to the hand?? (an enemy cult enemy of Iron Fist and Daredevil if I remember correctly) like they have their own cults and phil/danny needs yo beat them up¿?
//strangely serious questions for a joke but u asked so
Anon this is such a goofy idea but I have so much lore for this. (Og post)
So the Spider-Man series canonically has a multiverse right?
Roier is the qsmp/hardcore version of Spider-Man. There are others too! Pac is this universe’s Nova and White tiger is split between Bagi and Cellbit.
Phil does have a version of himself in the qsmp universe because he’s from the spider man universe. (Martyn inthelittlewood my beloved)
Also he isn’t the only one who got booted into the qsmp verse. Flash Thompson did too and you will never believe who he becomes
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milimeters-morales · 2 years
citizens hear about daredevil trying to tame the spider-men with chinese take-out and don’t wonder why he doesn’t show up for the next two nights
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deniigi · 1 year
yo i just wanted to let you know that all your spider-man and daredevil and then stuff is still some of my favorite content on the internet. ik you have retired from that sync for the most part but it’s all sick :))))
also do u think that one could read and enjoy your star wars stuff having never watched any of the movies?
AW. Thank you!
As for the Star Wars stuff, I must ask the audience: Do folks feel comfortable reading my SW fics without having much context?
I think you could probably get away with it for most of the series on the deniigiq account. The qigiined account tends to be more in the weeds with Legends material, but it does lean into some of my stranger premises, so I guess it’s sort of more about what you’d like to read.
If you want a base starting point to get used to the characters, you can start with these couple:
Impossible Scenario: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30779087
Spiderman/Star Wars crossover. Luke Skywalker/Din Djarin (the Mandalorian), bonus with Ned getting to meet his Star Wars heroes. Peter tries to help Luke unite with his long-lost love, and finds that, for the first time, he is not the most chaotic person in New York City.
An Injury to One: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35259241/chapters/87869434
If you’ve never seen Star Wars: The Clone Wars, you can probably briefly google a synopsis and then read this with a vague understanding of military command.
Folks tend to enjoy this one because it is about unionizing and dick pics. The general premise is that the clone army joins forces with the Jedi to go on strike against the leaders of the Republic (specifically, the sith Chancellor Palpatine/Darth Sidious).
They’re neutral: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40078644
This is an AU of a podcast episode from Criminal; it is a very soft entry into Star Wars if you can find humor and delight in a marshal commander of the grand army of the republic having to contend with people like trash collectors and the nosy backyard neighbor.
The plot is that the Commander (Cody) buys a shitty house to fix up and gets angry about people using a nearby roundabout as a neighborhood dump site, so he puts up a statue and secret Jedi start worshipping around it.
I’d be interested to hear what other folks think, though!
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dyns33 · 7 months
Spiderman : "I made my first costume and than Mister Stark gave a a new one."
Deadpool : "Same ! Almost. I asked a random dude on the Internet do redo my awesome suit with better materials. Matty ?"
Daredevil : "Oh. Well, Melvin made my suit, I was just wearing a pant, top and a blindfold, I was hurt all the time."
Deadpool : "… Red pant, top and blindfold, right ?"
Daredevil : "Hm ? No, black."
Deadpool : "… I want to be mad, but my first suit was white. We were destined to meet when we all had our final handsome red costumes, complimenting our perfect butt."
Spiderman : "I heard Miss Karen saying that the black suit was complimenting Matt's ass better."
Daredevil : "I will have a talk with Karen."
Daredevil : "… And we can be a wonderful Multicolor Team. We added Frank and Marc. I want to see the black suit, now !"
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bleh1bleh2 · 1 year
Sometimes i see voltron marvel au's. And all im saying is that lance would be spiderman and keith would be daredevil.
Feel free to read about my reasonings:
So i havent put a Ton of thought into it, its just in the background from also being a marvel enjoyer (AND mcu hater!!!!) for many years. But we all know spidey lance. Its good!! The quips, the flirting, the sharpshooter to shooting webs. It just works.
And keith? Is so so fitting of daredevil. The anger issues. The orphan with a tragic backstory. (The blade potentially being the boxer group that his dad was in before he died??? If youre taking the au more literally and anyways that doesnt really matter to my point) but basically it works so well
DD!keith being an asshole about his territory and lone wolfing crimefighting. Spidey!lance hearing about the masked man in the news. Going "im gonna say hi!" The meeting? Does not go super well
Lance is being an asshole. Keith is being an asshole. Keith doesnt know who spiderman is bc he never reads the news about that stuff. Lance is super offended. You get the point.
Then?? They begrudgingly team up. Then they get along? They work really well? But this guy is So Fucking Annoying and theyre not even friends...... omg theyre friends??? Wait no its not a crush!! Etc.
And thats all i have on those two!
(For the others i have no clue who they would be. Thinking about it for 2 seconds gives me a little something, but not a lot. Black widow allura. Winter soldier shiro. Neither of those fit super well but thats okay. This is brainstorming on the go)
(Maybe shiro could be one of the defenders?? Bc then he would have that background with keith. Maybe luke cage. Or jessica jones. Or danny rand bc the whole cult thing could be funny. And that was literally all of them. OR Elektra (in the way that her and matt are more siblings). It would be funny to me)
ANYWAYS. I think that is all. I cant think of who the others would be. The only thing i would say is that lance would also be a good human torch. (Literally glowing, super hot, famous, family man, jokes for days!! etc) but keith definitely works better as a daredevil than a spiderman and i cant see a daredevil and a human torch interacting in an interesting klance dynamic way
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