#spiders are cool
xochipapalol · 9 days
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Do y’all ever start sketching waiting for your next class, and then you feel something pulling on your skirt, and you realize a spider (friend) was webbing on your skirt, and then when you check, it retracts back up and just starts chilling in your skirt
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gyrrakavian · 4 months
What Jumping Spiders Teach Us About Color
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two-little-spoods · 6 months
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Bugs can be girly too. 💅🏻✨💖
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whatwenthereagain · 25 days
I'm the exact opposite of the characters in horror movies i swear.
I just walked face first into a spiderweb and I fucking apologized to the spider. He looked so sad I actually felt bad cause his web was flailing in the wind.
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travelbasscase · 3 months
I made a new friend
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This is Bertie Wooster, named such because he seems to be an idle sort of chap (I saw a cellar spider/daddy long legs the other day, too, and that one's going to be Reginald Jeeves, because he had freakishly long legs, and Jeeves is tall).
He has been crawling about my bathroom for the past two or so days (at least). I'm letting him stay. I find him endearing, and he might kill mosquitoes and gnats.
These photos are from after he was crawling around in my shower. I gave him a high five (well, a high one. Just my index finger. I don't want to squish him), and he was very disgruntled by it, just completely startled and astounded. Started running around like a maniac, nearly went into the water and drowned until I coaxed him out of the shower. He seems to have adjusted to my presence, though. I gave him another couple of high fives, and this time instead of running around like a nutjob possessed by a poltergeist he just sat there.
I think he's a trachelid spider.
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thatonemacaronikid · 1 year
Me: sees a big spider in the backyard making its web
Me: is very careful not to disturb it
My mom: just throw a box at it it wont do anything
Me: no
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number1spongebobfan · 8 months
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This is my interpretation of Anansi the Spider. Anansi is a mythological figure from West African Folklore. He is a friendly but 'trickster' type god.
I used to have severe arachnophobia. However I got over my fear when I saw a green spider crawl on my arm one summer. Surprisingly I didn't scream.
Spiders are pretty cool ;) cuz they catch bugs and stuff. I view them the same way I view trains and dinosaurs. they're awesome.
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megmoon1111 · 1 year
can someone please come remove the two spiders I just saw in my room? and by remove I mean gently take them from my vicinity.
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amerasdreams · 11 months
i love being the rescuer of spiders while simultaneously rescuing Mom.
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ventebleck · 1 year
I was born. I had all my brothers and sisters next to me, existing for the first time. I never met them, however, as my instincts took over.
Get out of here.
And so I did. I move into a random direction, as did my thousand siblings. Our mother lay there, dead from exhaustion. I would never have met her. But fortunately, before passing, she gave each and every one of us the necessarily nutrients to survive for a while.
And my only concern was to survive.
I ran through the vast forest of grass that surrounded me. I hid from the birds, those vicious animals, and others who would try to eat me. I didn't blame them, however, as I understood that in this life, it is eat or be eaten.
Once I grew up, and the nutrients provided for me were long since forgotten, I made my first web. It was clumsy, and it could barely catch anything, but it was home.
I was a fast learner, and I was able to quickly improve on my craft. I was very proud of my accomplishments, and although I sometimes felt bad about the prey I captured, I knew that if I didn't, I would not survive much longer.
Once, during the summer, I stumbled upon a gigantic construction. In there, I could see giants I had never seen before. They scared me, so I tried my best to stay out of their way. That was, until I notice it.
Every day I saw how mosquitos surrounded the family (I assumed they were, as the giants were always close to each other, as other living beings I've seen in my life). At first, I assumed they had some sort of symbiotic relationship, but i quickly realized that was not the case. The mosquitos were biting them, and in turn, annoyed, the giants would kill them.
I felt bad for those insects. I knew that the blood they needed was used to feed their younglings, but I also understood the reactions of the giants.
There and then, a plan was formed. I could help those giants. I could make a web, a big one, and I could capture the mosquitos. The giants would not be harassed by the insects, and I would not have to worry about the food that I needed.
And so I did. I created a big, beautiful web, the best web I had ever made. For a while, everything was going according to plan. I had my meals, and I was growing faster and faster; the giants seemed happier, not having as many of those buzzing insects around them.
One day, when I was in my web, sleeping, I head a scream. I woke up as I saw one of the giants, looking at me, an expression of terror across their face. I didn't have time to react, to understand what was going on, before the taller giant appear with something on their hand.
They pushed a button, and suddenly I couldn't breathe. I tried to stay on my web, but my forces were leaving me, and I fell to the ground. With my blurry vision I could see how they were destroying my web, my home, with just a fast movement, as if it were nothing.
I wanted to leave, to scape, but I was stuck to the floor, and I still couldn't breathe.
I did not understand. Why did I do wrong? Why were they hurting me? I understood killing someone because you need substance, a food to survive. I understood killing someone because they are hurting you, taking your recourses, your blood. But I was helping! Weren't they happier without other insects bothering them? I was helping!
As I laid there, I slowly gave up. That's how my life would end, on the hands of the ones I tried to help.
As the darkness and coldness surrounded me, the last thing I saw was the look of pure disgust and hatred that the one that screamed gave me. And I realized that they never saw me as anything else other than another mosquito, another pest that bother them.
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dear-internet1 · 2 years
Did you know that Spider's have what is called Antifreeze Proteins . These proteins bind to ice crystals that develop in a Spiders haemolymph and slow their growth. This allows some species of spider to survive temperatures as low as -5° C. Or 23°f.
Info dump
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sixteenseveredhands · 6 months
Strange Bedfellows: these unprecedented photos show a leafcutter bee sharing its nest with a wolfspider
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I stumbled across these photos while I was looking up information on leafcutter bees, and I just thought that this was too cool not to share. Captured by an amateur photographer named Laurence Sanders, the photos were taken in Queensland, Australia several years ago, and they quickly garnered the attention of both entomologists and arachnologists.
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The leafcutter bee (Megachile macularis) can be seen fetching freshly-cut leaves, which she uses to line the inner walls of her nest. The wolfspider moves aside as the bee approaches, allowing her to enter the nest, and then she simply watches as the leaf is positioned along the inner wall.
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Once the leaf is in position, they seem to inspect the nest together, sitting side-by-side in the entryway; the bee eventually flies off again to gather more leaves, while the wolfspider climbs back into the burrow.
The leafcutter bee seems completely at ease in the presence of the wolfspider, which is normally a voracious predator, and the wolfspider is equally unfazed by the fact that it shares its burrow with an enormous bee.
The photographer encountered this bizarre scene by accident, and he then captured a series of images over the course of about 2 days (these are just a few of the photos that were taken). During that 2-day period, the bee was seen entering the nest with pieces of foliage dozens of times, gradually constructing the walls and brood chambers of its nest, and the spider was clearly occupying the same burrow, but they did not exhibit any signs of aggression toward one another.
The photos have been examined by various entomologists and arachnologists, and those experts seem ubiquitously surprised by the behavior that the images depict. The curator of entomology at Victoria Museum, Dr. Ken Walker, noted that this may be the very first time that this behavior has ever been documented, while Dr. Robert Raven, an arachnid expert at the Queensland Museum, described it as a "bizarre" situation.
This arrangement is completely unheard of, and the images are a fascinating sight to behold.
Sources & More Info:
Brisbane Times: The Odd Couple: keen eye spies bee and spider bedfellows in 'world-first'
iNaturalist: Megachile macularis
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cqcophobiq · 1 year
alright listen spiderverse fandom. love hobie’s design, but why’s he’s always in his work outfit in group art or fics even when the others are in casual clothes? punk fashion is so cool. look!! look at the things he’d be wearing when he’s clocked out
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beif0ngs · 1 year
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Hobie being Miles' #1 supporter, hype man & homie 👊🏿
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How does Hobie fit his hair under his mask- IRRELEVANT.
What you should be asking is how is his guitar not falling when they are literally upside-down
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Answer: Hobie hates laws so much he's subconsciously able to break the Laws of Physics if it threatens his aesthetic.
His suspenders also do not move.
Animation error? Hammerspace? Nah I just hc he has Infinite Coolness as a legit ability. There's no other explanation he's just That Cool.
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