#spidey vs doc ock
comfortfoodcontent · 3 months
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2004 Spider-Man the Animated Series Spider-Man vs Doc Ock DVD Comic Ad
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playstationpark · 6 months
Spidey Vs. Doc Ock! 'Spider-Man' PlayStation Tommy Tallarico
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bloodonmysqueegee · 10 months
Ok. Everyone sit down and bear with me. Come sit. Amazing Spider-Man issue 29. Why does this comic actually have GOOD CONCEPTS IN IT??? HELLO??? Why is this writing pretty decent and why am I excited to see where this is going HOLY FUCK
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The.,., "because I wasn't allowed to" I AM IN PAIN TRULY I AM
But yeah, some context and a sort of review for this:
Yeah the spidey comics have been ranging from either lackluster or bad for a while, (with the exception on miles' comics, which have been really good and miles deserves it so :]]) but yeah the mainline comics have been really weird for me, especially with the Paul stuff
BUT now that the Paul stuff has been moved away from there seems to be a slight growth in quality, at least I hope so
Superior Spideys consciousness is trapped within the octo arms, everyone knows that by now I think and while they're probably not letting him out until a while later holy fuck I am genuinely excited for what they do here
Acknowledging that Otto remembers how Gobby really fucked him over during superior vol 1 and showing he's still pissed? GOOD. (Not perfect with Ocks plan not making too much sense. But still good)
Acknowledging how Doc Ocks character development got reversed so he now has a hole in his memories and he's kinda confused on what he's doing? LOVELY.
Peter seemingly getting affected by Superior's memories when he puts on the octo arms so he remembers things Superior knows? BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY CONCEPT. It's a literal role reversal of the first superior volume! Thats honestly cool (I hope they take this a step further, maybe have Pete outright hear Otto when he puts the arms on so he has a way to communicate)
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The writing for this issue on its own isn't outstanding, but I'm still finding myself hyped for the next one, I'm excited to see what they do with Peter fighting Doc Ock and dealing with Norman going gobby mode not by choice this time and OHHH MAN I cannot wait for them to give Superior an out from the arms, hopefully a clone body
Can't wait to see that doc ock VS doc ock fight (only one of them has character development)
Anyways I'm insane
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the-mad-kn1ght · 25 days
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Spidey vs. Doc Ock by Ed McGuinness and Marcio Menyz.
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock.
Doc Ock was probably the best option for the first Sony villain that Peter fights. "The power of the sun in the palm of my hand," is such an iconic yet situational catch-phrase that's completely unique to this specific interpretation of the character.
For a quick and easy identifier that tells the audience, "No, this isn't just MCU Villain, this is very specifically the one from the Sony movie," that line is easily the fastest way to convey that information. You hear that and you instantly understand what's happening here.
Throughout the fight, we see some references to the Raimi and Webb Spidey films. Peter gets his version of The Bridge Scene. You know the one. Tobey got to catch a bus that was thrown off a bridge and Andrew got to catch a car that was thrown off a bridge, and now Tom gets to catch a car that was thrown off a bridge. We also get to see Tom do a slow-mo dodge of a car thrown at him from behind like the one from Ock's movie.
But what ultimately carries the fight for Tom-Peter isn't how alike he is to the other Spider-Men. Rather, it's how different he is. The unique qualities that set his interpretation apart from previous versions of the character.
He beats Otto through technological superiority. Otto's metal arms may have been cutting-edge super-science in his reality, but they're small potatoes next to the Stark tech Peter used to build his new suit in Far From Home. This is an answer for the problem of Otto that Tobey could never have devised with his limited resources.
And it sets the stage for what will be a key factor in the film's central conflict.
As an aside, this fight also confirms for us that Tom having a different face from Tobey is actually meant to be true in-universe. We are not meant to look at them and go, "Yeah, but they're the same guy so they probably look the same in the fictional reality itself." This movie establishes that variants sometimes look wildly different from each other and that's just... Normal.
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 month
What, if anything, would drive your ocs to becoming a villain?
Oooh I love this question!
So for Morgan, I actually have a whole RF!Morgan concept floating around (see tags). Details of it are TBD, but it basically involves Morgan becoming a speedster and Eowells grooming her to be...essentially his executioner, for lack of a better word. Since this is from the start of s1, she never gets close to Barry, and Eowells systematically chips away at her friendships with Caitlin, Cisco, and Iris. Thus, by the time s1 ends, Morgan is essentially pushed out of Team Flash.
However, this isn't what pushes her to villainy. What does that would be the death of someone who grows to care about her and even puts her safety above his own goals (won't say who because spoilers, but it's someone unexpected 😂).
(The reason it wouldn't be Tina is because Eowells would likely kill her off during s1, and Morgan killing Eowells (partly in retaliation, partly to protect Team Flash when she learns the truth about him) doesn't make her a full-tilt villain yet. It just sets off a chain of events that will eventually result in her becoming one)
Now Lucy...she'd have to be turned by Luke. There's already a precedent for him using history and her ideals against her to make a point—if he were a Sith, he could do that even more. It would take a lot to wear her down, considering all she knows about the Sith...but it's Luke. He knows his sister like he knows his own mind. It would work eventually.
(Still, when it comes to Lucy, I prefer the angst of Luke turning to the Dark Side and Lucy battling her every temptation to try and save him, even if it’s in vain).
Reyna's is fun to think about because of how much it mirrors what Cisco's could be. Now ofc, she doesn't meet her evil doppelgänger like Cisco does...but maybe she does eventually come to realize that these powers she's feared all her life (an unfortunate consequence of needing to suppress her powers from an early age in a world where metas are illegal) are insanely powerful and she can control them.
So maybe she learns how to do it...and she sees other Earths. She sees all the good, all the bad...and she becomes obsessed with fixing things, making them the way they should be...especially for Nora's sake. All of it is for her loved ones, see, and especially Nora. Nora, who's the only one who could pull her back to reality...unless Reyna mentions an Earth, a timeline, a reality where Barry survives Crisis 👀
For Amelia, it would likely be her putting on the Doc Ock arms to save her adoptive father from that fate, knowing from NWH what Otto Octavius's fate is 🥺 then she's corrupted by the inhibitor. It could also result in a very angsty Amelia vs Peter fight, wherein Peter is begging his now-twin sister to remember who she is, while Amelia (who, ofc, doesn't know who Peter Parker is or that Spidey is him) attacks him.
The angst potential fr 🥰
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@arrthurpendragon @ocappreciationtag @raith-way @vexic929 @ironverseocs @thechaoticfanartist @goldheartedchaoticdisaster @negative-speedforce @dream-beyond-the-fantasy
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minuy600 · 11 days
LEGO On A Budget 2024 #9: 10792 Drill Spinner Vehicle & 42163 Heavy-Duty Bulldozer
It's - more or less - the end of the road for my LEGO reviewin' duty. I don't doubt that i'll continue enjoying LEGO, as i've gotten a nice ass Animal Crossing set for my birthday and that seems like the ideal thing to collect like once a month, but i'll admit that writing has become stale and therefore i'm not very tearful about being able to move back to what my blog is mainly about.
Still! I wanna go out on a high note, with two sets from the opposite spectrum inside the budget zone. You'll see what I mean with that.
LEGO Marvel 4+ - 10792 Drill Spinner Vehicle
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Yep. In March, a new Marvel set dropped for the young'uns among us. After doing many of the bigger sets, this definitely uh... was a step back, alright. At least the box looks surprisingly nice and bright, I enjoy it's visual presence.
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I do think it at least trumps the other 4+ sets however. I don't think much of the vehicle itself is that crazy, though it's rather chunky which I always find neat. The drill in front is dulled out, which makes perfect sense for the kids though it hardly actually makes it look like... a drill. You also get a net, which I THINK functions fine, though is rather hard to actually stuff in someone's hands. ...Electro, anyone?
Also, good lord, ANOTHER Spidey, this time it's the chibified Miles Morales making an appearance. That's number 4 for the collection and i'm hardly even a Spider-Man fan! LEGO needs to release a Kang the Conqueror set pronto, the real star of Marvel.
LEGO Technic - 42163 Heavy-Duty Bulldozer
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So the very largest set in the €10 category, clocking in at a staggering 195 pieces, comes in one of the smallest boxes of them all. Huh. I suppose there's a reason for it, and that's because it's one of those sets where the amount of pieces is heavily exeggerated cuz of one certain aspect of it being overly convoluted. In this case, it's the moving tracks that take up a whopping 48 pieces out of the 195. Lame advertising, guys.
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Honestly, this did not leave an impression, like at all. It's DECENT, this has some level of 'neat' to it. Like the way you can twist the knob to lift or lower the blade in front, or how the tracks DO work very well once you put them together.
But man I don't care. You coulda chosen anything with personality. Nah. Bulldozer. Which is very similar to the steamroller from LEGO City. It won't ruin the building experience, yet I wish they would be a bit more daring with the cheaper sets, as with their more expensive stuff. Maybe that's why they ARE the way they are.
Current rankings:
Well neither of these are gonna win, that's for sure, and since these are the final ones to be ranked, there's barely any reason to give them an extensive time in the spotlight. Let's go over them quickly.
I'd argue Drill Spinner Vehicle is the 4+ set with the most oomph, the one that most people could still get a small kick out of if they saw it in the store. However I also think the Fire Rescue Motorcycle was pretty COOL for how generic the theming was, including the uncannily long fire hose that came with it. Choices, choices.
The Heavy-Duty Bulldozer is obviously beating out it's smaller cousin, the Construction Steamroller, but otherwise, it's a disappointment. False advertising and lack of personality being the obvious culprits. It's still worth it if you HAVE to have the more complex architecture at a low low price, but otherwise, I don't reccomend it. Which is strange to say. Was looking forward to this one initially.
Creator - 31145 Red Dragon
Friends - 42608 Tiny Accessories Store
City - 60428 Space Construction Mech
City - 60411 Fire Rescue Helicopter
Marvel - 76275 Motorcycle Chase: Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock
Ninjago - 71805 Jay's Mech Battle Pack
Super Mario - 71428 Yoshi's Egg-cellent Forest
Friends - 42606 Mobile Bakery Food Cart
DREAMZzz - 71471 Mateo's Off-Road Car
Friends - 42607 Autumn's Baby Cow Shed
Technic - 42163 Heavy-Duty Bulldozer
City - 60401 Construction Steamroller
Marvel 4+ - 10792 Drill Spinner Vehicle
City 4+ - 60410 Fire Rescue Motorcycle
City - 60400 Go-Karts and Race Drivers
Friends - 42612 Cat Playground Adventure
Minecraft - 21251 Steve's Desert Expedition
City 4+ - 60399 Race Car
Finally! It's all over. 18 regular sets and 8 polybags later, i'm done judging. Only the ultimate question remains; which ones are genuinely worth your time and which ones are off-limits for those who aren't young or are specifically seeking out that theme?
I'd say the absolute winner is Creator, of course. Creator is always worth it as it gives you 3 things to build. If one isn't too your taste or is too small, boom, new thing to build in the place of it. The Red Dragon and co. look awesome though, so that makes it even MORE worthwhile. Crazy value, this one.
I think most City sets are perfectly fine too. Even the low ranked ones are pretty solid purchases if you just want bitch ass basic LEGO, which in some cases IS preferable. The Space sets are fantastic however, i'd highly suggest looking into it. It expands past City too!
All the pop culture/video gamey sets are ooookay, with the exception of the rather garbanzo Minecraft set. That's not to say LEGO Minecraft in general is bad, however I still think it's a rather pointless theme if you don't enjoy having accurate real-life counterparts to the game's mobs, which is to it's benefit.
The LEGO 'brands' stuff, so Ninjago, DREAMZzz and Friends, are mostly pretty solid. You can tell they have a bit more creative freedom cuz it's something they thought of entirely by themselves. I don't know how much you'll jump for joy at the sight of a theme designed for young girls, but there's some real quality works in there. Like damn, that Tiny Accessoires Store was clever. Could do without the piss stain on Cat Playground Adventure set though.
I've given the ranking list some color, as you can see. Green means I would definitely give it a gander, blue means it's up to your gut feeling and orange means *I* didn't really like it.
And with that, I bow out and shall ready myself for some old fashioned gaming on my trusty... well I wouldn't call my Atari carts entirely 'trusty'. Hope y'all had fun and i'll see you again soon!
(Why do I hear boss music?)
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kudosmyhero · 9 months
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #54: Disaster!
Read Date: January 14, 2023 Cover Date: January 1968 ● Writer: Stan Lee ● Penciler: John Romita ● Inker: Mike Esposito ● Colorist: {uncredited} ● Letterer: Sam Rosen ● Editor: Stan Lee ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● picking up with Spidey having amnesia and being manipulated by Doc Ock ● (pg 2) Car 54, where are you? (I didn't realize I even had that memory! We're talking Nick-at-Nite in the 80s/early 90s playing reruns of old tv shows from the 50s and 60s. There was a show called Car 54, Where Are You? I just looked it up and realized one of the actors was Herman Munster, and that same actor was the old guy in the original Pet Sematary. 🤯 All of that from this little panel, which I have no doubt is an easter egg for that TV show)
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● so the nullifier starts to overheat, so they take it back to Doc Ock's lab for him to check it over. he discovers a missing element--isotope 16--which is stored nearby at Ft. Tyson ● Ock tells Spidey to go there and get it ● (pg 7) meanwhile, Gwen and Harry go to Aunt May's to see if she's heard from Peter because no one has seen him in days. of course all this does is worry May, who is already upset over the "poor, misunderstood Dr. Octopus!" ● M.J. shows up with a newspaper saying Spidey has joined Doc Ock ● (pg 8) Captain Stacy--Gwen's dad. Gwen calls him to report Peter missing ● back to Spider-Man, who has just arrived at the base ● (pg 9) Spidey is surprised at his super strength but didn't bat an eye at climbing walls or swinging on webs 😂 ● Spider-Man drops the map Ock gave him as he makes his escape ● (pg 12) Col. Jameson and his squad follow the map back to Ock's lab ● Ock turning on Spidey now that he has his isotope 16 ● (pg 18) Col. Jameson uses the nullifier on Ock's tentacles ● (pg 19) Spidey still doesn't have his memories, but he realizes he can't be Ock's partner ● Ock is arrested. Col. Jameson tells Spidey that he's detained, too, but Spidey runs for it ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Struck with amnesia from his exposure to a Nullifier device, Spider-Man is convinced by Doctor Octopus that he is one of his henchmen. Spider-Man then assists them to commit crimes, which make headlines. Spider-Man however, doesn't feel right about what he's doing. Meanwhile, Peter Parker's absence has gotten all his friends and family worried as they have no clue where he could have gone.
Meanwhile, Doctor Octopus tries to get Spider-Man to unmask, but Spider-Man realizes that if they were really partners, Octopus would already know his secret identity. Spider-Man realizes that he's been tricked and battles Doctor Octopus. Meanwhile, the military has been tracking Spider-Man since his last theft netted Doctor Octopus' secret missile plans.
During the fight, John Jameson manages to immobilize Doctor Octopus with the nullifier. When Dr. Octopus tries to talk Spider-Man into helping him get free, Spider-Man declines. He tells Jameson that he doesn't remember who he is, but he knows for sure that he's no partner of Octopus. When Octopus is taken into custody, Jameson asks Spider-Man to come with them as well. Spider-Man refuses and flees. Later, Spider-Man takes a look his reflection in the window hoping that it will remind him of who he is, but only sees a stranger looking back at him.
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Fan Art: Spidey vs Doc Ock by Kenpudiosaki
Accompanying Podcast: ● Swinging Through Spider-Man - episode 54
● Let's Read Spider-Man - episode 34
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giphit · 10 months
Review of Spider-Man 2 (PS2/GCN/Xbox)
A few months ago, I decided to play Spider-Man 2 on my VERY REAL Nintendo GameCube (Dolphin edition). Overall, I had a very fun time. Obviously the swinging is phenomenal, though it is not as approachable as the PS4 game. The combat is clunky but works most of the time. The world itself is honestly kind of barren and carried by the fact that swinging is fun. And the story is a mixed bag.
Long in-depth thoughts:
There's not much but the story in this game is very weird. As you'd expect, it covers the main narrative beats of the Raimi Spider-Man 2 movie but it adds its own stuff. And, opposite of what I expected, the movie stuff is the weakest part. As an actual adaptation, it's like we're just given an abridged version of that movie. These parts of the game feel kind of lackluster compared to the other parts of the story.
An example of this is with Doc Ock. In the movie we spend a good amount of time developing his relationship with Peter and establishing him as a mentor figure, meanwhile in the game, he's given a couple cutscenes before his accident and most of his time with Peter is cut off before a fade-to-black, back to the city as Spider-Man. Spidey will then say something along the lines of "Wow dinner with Doc was great, he's so smart, love that guy" and that's it. Maybe they expected you to have seen the movie so you'd know what these gaps were supposed to be.
A retelling of the movie isn't all this game is though, and the original content it gives you alongside the movie is super fun and interesting. My personal highlight is the Mysterio story line- everyone's seen the funny health bar clip. He's introduced as Quentin Beck, who dislikes Spider-Man and challenges him publicly only to lose. Post-humiliation, he puts a fish bowl on his head and uses his mystical power of "too much money and spare time" to pretend to be an alien staging an invasion of earth. This was just a fully enjoyable and funny quest line that doesn't just pad out the game but adds to it.
There's also the entirely new character arc that Peter goes on due to his interactions with Black Cat which actually introduce added depth to the internal "Spider-Man vs Peter Parker" thing he has going on. These two and other minor game-specific beats make it feel kind of "held-back" by having to tell the movie's story. You'll have a sequence of some really fun original quests followed by a watered down version of a moment from Spider-Man 2 (the movie).
I wouldn't say this even really takes away from the fun of the game, it is just a weird discrepancy.
It is nothing short of spectacular that this game, made in 2004, manages to have such enticing, deep and FUN traversal throughout the streets of New York. Jamie Fistrom is a genius, this idea of his was what paved the way for the evolution of Spider-Man games. But it's not perfect.
At the time, it probably was as perfect as could be but now going back to play it, there are some grievances. Mostly the problems are in the fine controls, a lot of games from this era have this "problem" of actually being TOO tight and responsive. Smash Melee is the best example (I love Melee), where it's near unapproachable for newer players due to a lack of buffer and requirement of clean execution on complicated tech.
Spider-Man 2 is not as hard to get into as Super Smash Bros. Melee but it definitely has a learning curve to it. Or I just suck. I was swinging into buildings non stop at the beginning of the game but over time you get better at it and more proficient at keeping your pace up.
The combat in this game is very similar to the Arkham games, which is funny because those games came out 9 years after this. It's fair to say the combat is unrefined but it does get the job done and the combos are fun to pull off. Where the combat fall apart for me is in boss fights.
Despite liking the vibes and progression of the Mysterio parts of this game, I did not like the Mysterio "fight" (if you can call it that) at the statue of liberty. Getting to the orbs was annoying thanks to a lack of cooperation from Spider-Man's webs paired with me probably being a little bad at the game.
Then there's the Doctor Octopus fights which were just annoying. These fights feel really inconsistent and at some point I was just spamming buttons and hoping, which worked because this game was meant for children, but it was not satisfying to bang a head against a wall for a while. I'm sure there is a way to beat him consistently but the game did not convey it very well.
The shocker fights and Rhino were much more manageable but quite simple. Overall the combat is fine but there are points where it feels like a chore.
Gameplay loop is very important in video games, and in this game, it ranges from fun to "oh this again, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay". The things to do in the city are: race, pizza, random crime and that fucking balloon.
Racing is a mixed bag. The races that are just swinging are fun because the swinging is fun. The races that ask you to wall run are annoying because the wall running in this game is not fun. Should be noted that I barely did any races during my playthrough and it's been months so maybe not the most accurate perspective coming from me here.
Pizza is fun, mostly because of the song, it is basically just another form of race but with more fun music and less stipulations. You just have to get from point A to points B through Z within an allotted time and make it back to point A. Don't do tricks or you'll ruin the pizza. Overall just fun.
Random crimes are incredibly annoying- after a while at least. When I started in the game, I was enjoying being Spider-Man, helping people out on a whim but as the game progressed, I realised that there are about 15 whole crimes/events to experience here. A couple are added to the RNG pool during the main story like Mysterio's robots and some walking tanks but that's it. Since you are forced to get hero points in every chapter, you have to keep doing these and by the end they are just monotonous tasks. It sucks that this is really all the city has to offer.
Rating and Conclusion
Very fun game to play, technical achievement for its time and surprisingly well-aged. Combat is average, traversal is phenomenal, gameplay loop is pretty monotonous and the story is enjoyable in some parts and boring in others.
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oliveroctavius · 2 years
What would be the moral alignment of all the spiderman characters (including the supporting characters and the villains)?
anons that nerd-snipe me because I love charts and graphs. (I'm choosing to interpret the lawful-chaotic axis as collectivist vs individualist, not just predictable-unpredictable.)
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WELL. I'm probably going to get yelled at by a modern comics reader for something I put on here or left out, but here's my opinions so far. Textual description/further notes under the cut:
Lawful good: Robbie, Flash, poor dear Deb Whitman, Captain Stacy, and Gwen Stacy (though her Spider-Gwen version is more chaotic).
Neutral good: Hobie is smack dab in the middle, almost a True Neutral; Harry is here but slides towards Lawful Evil during villainous stints.
Chaotic good: MJ, Peter and Felicia Hardy. Also the White Tiger and Steve Hopkins would be somewhere over here for the 3 people who remember those guys.
Lawful neutral: I have heard tell that modern era Liz Allan is around here but cannot comment myself.
True neutral: Sandman? He really just seems to be doing whatever.
Chaotic neutral: J. Jonah Jameson, of course.
Lawful evil: Kingpin (and of course the Rose) and the Punisher. I've noticed several Punisher-like figures (Sin-Eater, Fool-Killer) and I think it's just a fun concept to make a character that *thinks* they're chaotic good like Spidey but is actually lawful evil.
Neutral evil: Doc Ock. His egomaniac-ness is undercut by an old-fashioned insistence on having Minions who respect him.
Chaotic evil: Norman Osborn and Venom, with a strong emphasis on "chaotic" for Venom and "evil" for Norman. Classic Norman was honestly more neutral evil but he's been mythologized as the chaotic-evil Spidey villain at this point and he does dress like a goblin and insist on working alone, so, sure.
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waylander101 · 1 year
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Doc Ock vs Spidey - Rivals Panel from Marvel Crisis Protocol #waylanderswandering #waylander101 #MarvelCrisisProtocol #RivalsPanel #DoctorOctopus #Spider-man #wargames #wargaming #wargamingcommunity #wargamescommunity #miniaturepainting (at Doncaster Balby) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUWPbYtO3f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aburningpotathoe · 2 years
I am groot
This series will premiere agust 10th and will consist of 5 shorts centered around groot (duh)
From the trailer, it looks like a comedy series with a light-hearted plot, so probably no real threat present.
It will likely be soft-canon: the series will take place in the main MCU timeline but none of the events will matter/be adressed in the future
What if...?
What if season 2 has been confirmed as part of phase 5
It will be streaming early 2023
Some of the scenarios have been announced: a story centered around Hela, Odin vs The Mandarin, Captain Carter meeting the winter soldier (most likely the Hydrastomper seen in s1 will contain a winter soldier version of Steve), tony on Saakar with Hulk and Valkyrie (scrapped episode from s1)
We dont know it the multversal teamup at the end of season 1 will be adressed, nor if the Watcher will return (although the latter seems likely)
A third season has already been confirmed
Spiderman Freshman Year
Previously confirmed by Marvel as a prequel to homecoming, however that seemed to change given that Strange and Dock Ock will appear, while peter never saw them before the Spidey/Avengers movies
It might span across the multiverse and give us a look at different spidermans, with only a few episodes centered around Tom Holland's Spidey (this could explain how so many characters will appear while still being a prequel to Homecoming)
Many spider suits will appear, including a homemade one
Doctor strange will appear
Daredevil will appear in his black suit (Voiced by Charlie Cox!!!!)
Harry Osborn (possible Hobgoblin) and Amadeus Cho ( possible Hulk variant) will appear as Peter's friends
Nico Minoru should appear (in the comic, she is a magic wielding Runaway)
Many iconic Spider-Man villains will appear: Doc Ock, Rhino, Speed Demon, Tarantula and Scoprion (we might find out why scorpion was in jail in the Homecoming post credit scene)
Norman Osborn will appear with his iconic waves, it is unclear wether he will become Green Goblin. It is rumored that he will be Peter's mentor (in a Tony Stark-esque way as a shot of him and Aunt May mirrors the first time Peter met Tony in the Mcu)
The characters and drawing style are comic accurate (including Norman Osborn's waves!!!)
A second season called Spider-Man: Sophomore Year is already confirmed
Marvel Zombies
Inspired why the zombie episode in What if season one, it will follow a group of survivors fighting through a zombie apocalypse (duh)
The series will be TV-MA (!!!!!!!)
Among the survivors we can find: Yelena Belova, Kate Bishop, Jimmy Woo, Shang-Chi, Kamala Khan, Death dealer (the masked guy from Shang-Chi), Red Guardian and Katy Chen ( also from Shang-Chi)
Other groups of survivors include an all-female group of SHIELD agents and black widows, as well as a group of skrulls
Amongst the zombies we can find: Ikaris (although it is uncleat how an eternal that is not organic can become a zombie), Abomination, A severed captain America, Okoye, Ghost, hawkeye with many arrows shot trough him, Captain Carter and the Scarlet Witch (Lmfao they are fucked going up agains these zombies)
It is unclear wether the events of what if take place in the same universe, although captain America does appear cut in half, so we dont know if well see the group of survivors from what if (Tchalla, Scott Lang's head and Peter Parker with the cloak of levitation) as well as Zombie Thanos with the infinty stones
Expect horror moments especially with ghost's ability to go through walls, as well as splatter moments
Oh and also hearbreaking moments between Kate and Yelena, and Shang-Chi and Katy when one of them gets zombified (Marvel you will pay for my therapy sessions)
Also moments between Kate and Kamala and Zombie Carol and Clint
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dnfinite123 · 2 years
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So for my pitch of the final battle for NWH. We do have the Spider-Men vs. The Sinister Six...sorta. Doc Ock is confirmed to be present the whole time for here. However, it's the same format, with the additions of Vulture and Rhino. Plus redesigns of Lizard and Electro (yes, even Rhino since we all hated that TASM2 suit). However, Doc Ock will actually be watching over the fight after demanding his Group for an attack, before sneakily change sides to help out defeat Electro and others. Also while we're at it. Spider-Gwen (Emma Stone) and Venom (Tom Hardy) will help out the Spider-Men. Only them, don't ask for Daredevil, Deadpool, Wolverine, Scarlett Witch, Black Cat or even Miles Morales to be in it. Only the 2 I mentioned.
This pitch is unfortunately delayed to the summer since I'm more busy with my final semester (almost halfway there to finish). But I'll still post more to give you guys info just for the heck of it.
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Yup! This is the part where it gets interesting for my pitch for No Way Home. So basically, after the defeat of the Sinister Six (sorta). Green Goblin and Mysterio jump in to attack at the Statue of Liberty. The Spider-Men, Gwen and Venom faced more threatening villains after the ones they defeat. And you all remember that deleted scene (concept art) where Mysterio fights Dr. Strange. It will be revived for my pitch, but for a quick matter and something different. Now yes, this is the same Mysterio from the MCU, and it's indeed Jake Gyllenhaal's Quentin Beck after faking his death. However, he no longer needs Drones. He instead snuck inside of Strange's mansion after Spidey defeated him in the mirror world, and taking the villains to the apartment he moved in with May and Happy. Mysterio will gain that magic power to become fully powered Mysterio (while killing or firing his team to form new ones with superpowers...aka the 7 other baddies from previous Spider-Man movies). And that time, he and Green Goblin are the only 2 to be the last to fight Spider-Man, since they're the most evil and threatening villains to fight. I won't go fully into details on what will happen or what will be different, cause I don't want to spoil the fun. But yeah, Mysterio is here with Green Goblin, and will be part of the big finale with him.
Concepts not done by me big shoutout to a deveantart username SP-Goji-Fan
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honda-hatch · 6 months
Reviewing the First 14 Issues of Amazing Spider-Man Because Nobody Asked Me To But I'm Procrastinating From Editing a Presentation Video for a Grad Class (Scattered Spoilers)
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The Amazing Spider-Man #1 (March 1963): What a strange issue this is. Admittedly, I'm new to older comics, so this multi-chapter meandering story really kept me from trying to get further in for *years.* Now having actually read it, its still a weak story, but not straight-up garbage or anything. Spidey saving astronauts isn't particularly exciting, but the fight with the Fantastic Four is -- it sets the stage for many of the webhead's fights where he's obviously outmatched, but holds his own with agility and quick thinking. Pete is obviously very early in his career at this point, but it serves as an excellent display for his potential, not to mention it highlights his desperate need for money (the F4 note that they can't give salaries, but like, Jesus Christ do they clearly have money. Maybe if Johnny didn't buy a new car every week, they could pay a salary). Then, we have the final plot, Spidey vs. the Chameleon. The first of many plots where the city initially turns against our favorite wall-crawler due to his framing. It isn't executed very well here, due to the cramped size of the story, but it is a fun concept, and we get to see the first of many times Spidey conveniently runs out of web-fluid. A solid issue overall, if not the best possible introduction to the character, imo.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #2 (May 1963): Here we are introduced to Peter Parker's first "real" super-powered enemy (for lack of a better term). The Chameleon is just good at disguises. While Peter's first fight with the Vulture isn't all too memorable, it does establish the concept of the "chase fight," a troupe critical to the book. If you're unfamiliar with what I mean, I'm referring to fights that bring the webhead and his adversary up, down, and all around the Big Apple over the course of the fight. Pete's clever solution is an interesting display of the scientific prowess that he'll develop throughout the series. The second story, our first introduction to the Tinkerer... is goofy as hell. Sure, an old guy in a Vulture costume might seem silly, but the Tinkerer is a straight up alien who runs a discount repair shopo so he can sneak alien transponders into consumer electronics. I guess it fit the tone of Marvel at the time? I don't know.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #3 (July 1963): Finally, a book-length story. This is an excellent issue. Now no longer cramped into half or quarter length stories, we get an excellent introduction to Doc Ock. He promptly beats the shit out of Peter, who has had a relatively easy time winning fights so far, to the point that he questions if he should give up the mantle of Spider-Man. After a random human torch pep-talk, he returns to fight again, concluding the issue with a triumphant victory, managing to put two of Doc Ock's arms out of comission and getting in close to finish him off. An excellent issue, and definitely a cut above the first two.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #4 (September 1963): Another solid issue. Though Sandman doesn't get presented as the highly sympathetic villain he'd later become, he's still very entertaining. The highlight of the issue is a chase fight through midtown high, culminating with the (admittedly silly) solution of Spidey attacking Sandman with a drill, causing him to break into sand to avoid the attack, then getting sucked up into a vacuum. Another incredible victory for the wall-crawler. It's still a fun read.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #5 (October 1963): Finally, ASM is a monthly book! What a pleasant surprise. That being said, having zero context for Doctor Doom's powerset, I didn't really understand why he kept breaking out random decoy robots and trap holes. Overall, a bit of a bland issue that quickly fades from the memory.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #6 (November 1963): Why does the Lizard need to be based in the Everglades? Who cares! It makes for a fun change of location. Even if the Lizard's design is a bit rough at this stage, he's an intimidating villain with power greater than the wall-crawler's. His sympathetic backstory serves as a twist for the issue, and our chase sequence for the issue takes place in the Everglades, and then... a castle in the Everglades. Regardless, its great fun with a happy ending (even if not for Pete).
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The Amazing Spider-Man #7 (December 1963): What a way to finish 1963! This issue is fantastic. We see Vulture's escape from prison, and then we get to see him beat the crap out of Spidey as his original solution obviously fails. The issue culminates in an incredible chase fight through the Daily Bugle, with setpieces scattered throughout. We even get a nice little touching note to end on with Betty Brant and Peter. What a guy, what an issue.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #8 (January 1964): Looking at this cover for the first time, I expected this to be a real slog of an issue, but its actually great fun. The Living Brain/Flash fights are a good time, and its entertaining to read Pete's inner monologue as he tries not to turn Flash into a grease stain on the gym floor. The Living Brain is less interesting, but is another entertaining interior fight. The Living Torch section confirms that the F4 could absolutely pay Peter if they wanted to, and that Pete can still thoroughly outmatch them if he's really trying. A fun issue.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #9 (February 1964): An excellent example of the personal drama that makes this hero great. Sure, Electro is a big threat, but Aunt May's health is in a rough place for the first time of many. Peter gets bodied by Electro, but he's still focused on helping his aunt first. Frankly, he beats Electro rather nonchalantly, but the May plot makes it a worthwhile issue.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #10 (March 1964): Another excellent issue. While the Enforcers themselves are literally "big guy, small guy, and guy with lasso," they facilitate a fight that lsts for half the entire issue, with Spidey fighting off what must be a dozen different goons aat once, with everything in the environment being used. The issue closes out with two twists: an amusing reveal of the "Big Man," as well as some interesting characterization for JJJ. A standout issue among these early entires to me, along with #7.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #11 (April 1964): Another issue in a series of bangers. Intrigue with Betty Brant! Spidey has to go to Philly! Doc Ock returning! A massive fight with a bunch of guys on a boat as well as Doc Ock! An accidental death on the wall-crawler's hands! Oh, the humanity! Not to mention Pete gives himself a damn sprained ankle early in the issue. The guy just can't catch a break.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #12 (May 1964): Our first immediately continued story from the last issue, and it doesn't really let up. Doc Ock returns to New York and demands to fight the webhead, even kidnapping Betty Brant in the process! Luckily though, she escapes, as apparently, one of Pete's biggest weaknesses is the fact that a regular virus absolutely wipes his spider-powers. Who knew? Anyhow, he gets unmasked, but it doesn't really matter. The issue concludes with another exciting fight with Doc Ock. The guy just generates entertaining issues. Really does seem to be Pete's nemesis at this point.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #13 (June 1964): Finally, the city *really* turning on Spider-Man! Mysterio really gets Spidey up in a bind, but the actual resolution for the issue is a bit weak. How can Spidey clear his name? Well, he uses an audio recorder when Mysterio is monologuing. How can Spidey beat Mysterio's spider-sense jamming smoke/sonar? Swinging randomly. Bah.
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The Amazing Spider-Man #14 (July 1964): My God! The return of my beloved Enforcers! The introduction of Green Goblin?? And the Hulk's here too?? Yeah, sadly this is a lame issue. For whatever reason, the Green Goblin's first of many conniving schemes is... luring SPidey out to Hollywood with the help of a producer so that he and the Enforcers can kill him while they film... Why not just... gang up on him in New York? Why, so they can randomly stumble into a cave where the Hulk is, of course! Yeah, idk. The randomness is nuts with this one. Not to mention Green Goblin's friggin... broomstick. Hm. At least the Enforcers fight was kinda fun. Still a lame issue, though.
That's it for now. Perhaps I'll review them in 14 issue blocks for no reason. I am trying to read everything chronologically, ish, so it might not just be ASM next time! We shall see. If that happens. lol
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redcell6 · 2 years
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Spidey vs Doc Ock
illustrated by Vamkire Trannel
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disneytva · 1 year
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June 2023 Programming Highlights
Friday, June 2 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Cat Tree Caper/Showstopper” (1-16) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:25-1:55 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Cat Tree Caper” – The SuperKitties have to stop Cat Burglar from swiping all the cat trees from the cats of Kittydale.
“Showstopper” – Mr. Puppypaws tries to make the Singing Squirrels give him a private concert. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “Squadron/Forest Defenders” (1-06) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD; 7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Squadron” – The Jedi put their flying skills to the test.
“Forest Defenders” – Kai and friends defend the forest creatures’ homes. TV-Y
Thursday, June 8 Original Series – Series Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Beginning of the Friend” (1-01) (8:00-8:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) After learning that her to-do list will save the world, Hailey attempts to ride every ride at the county fair. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Beta’d and Hooked/The Wild, Wild Mess” (1-03) (8:30-9:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Beta’d and Hooked” – Hailey and Scott set sail to catch the legendary Blue Ono so they can win the top prize at the Fish Taco Festival.
“The Wild, Wild Mess” – After becoming ‘Sheriff for a Day’ at a western reenactment town, Hailey uses her newfound authority to rid the town of an invading dirt bike crew. TV-Y7
Friday, June 9 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Mickey Mouse Funhouse “HALT, Tiger!/You Gotta Be Kitten Me!” (2-16) (7:30-8:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/12:00-12:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “HALT, Tiger!” – On Shadow Mountain in the Land of Myth and Legend, Mickey and friends meet Cho Sook, a mythical Korean shapeshifter. *Jee Young Han (“Perry Mason”) as Cho Sook, a Korean gumiho.
“You Gotta Be Kitten Me!” – Daisy and Minnie help Thalia overcome her fear of cats. *Yasmine Al Massri (“Quantico”) guest stars as Bast, an Egyptian cat-like statue. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Sparks vs. Sparks/Poochy Playdate” (1-17) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:25-1:55 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Sparks vs. Sparks” – When animals accuse Sparks of stealing, the SuperKitties must find the real thief.
“Poochy Playdate” – A jealous Mr. Puppypaws traps all the other dogs to keep them away from the park. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Marvel’s Spidey and his Amazing Friends “Super Scooter/The Lost Web Shooter” (2-22) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:00-1:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Super Scooter” – When the villains team up to take out the heroes and their super-powered vehicles, it’s up to Ghost-Spider and Ms. Marvel to save the day.
“The Lost Web Shooter” – When Spidey loses one of his web-shooters, two kids get the dream of a lifetime to help him recover it from Doc Ock. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel, Disney Junior and Disney XD Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures “The Jedi and the Thief/The Missing Kibbin” (1-07) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD; 7:30-8:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “The Jedi and the Thief” – Kai and Master Zia must get back her stolen ship.
“The Missing Kibbin” ‒ The young Jedi helps a bounty hunter find a lost pet. TV-Y
Wednesday, June 14 Original Series – Series Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Built To Build/Pup DE-struction” (1-01) (8:00-8:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney Junior) “Build To Build” – Phinny must build a new bridge so Petsburg’s kids can get to school.
“Pup DE-struction” – Mayor Gilmore tasks Phinny with building a skate park, but an indestructible boulder stands in their way. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Hush Puppies/Beach Day Build-Off” (1-02) (8:25-8:55 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney Junior) “Hush Puppies” – Phinny struggles to build quietly for a family whose chinchilla neighbor needs to sleep.
“Beach Day Build-Off” – Bobby Boots wants to show up Pupstruction in front of the mayor, but his attempt backfires. TV-Y
Thursday, June 15 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Bailey’s Birthday Coaster/Doggone Tired” (1-03) (8:00-8:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Bailey’s Birthday Coaster” – For his little sister’s birthday, Phinny builds her the wildest roller coaster ever.
“Doggone Tired” – The Pup Crew must save the grand opening of a new Petsburg restaurant, but Tank’s too sleepy. TV-Y
Friday, June 16 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Fast and Furriest/Luna Digs Deep” (1-04) (8:00-8:25 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Fast and Furriest” – When a hamster ball rolls out of control, the Pupstruction Crew tries to stop it.
“Luna Digs Deep” – Luna loves playing with her new excavator scoop so much she can’t get any work done. TV-Y
Saturday, June 17 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “Fresh Outta Grandmas/Maybe-sitting” (1-16) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Fresh Outta Grandmas” – Tensions rise when the crew gets wrapped up in a new collection craze.
“Maybe-sitting” – When Kiff shadows Harry and Terri as they watch Kristophe, she learns that being in charge is not so easy. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Last Sand/The Show Must Go Wrong” (1-02) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “The Last Sand” – Hailey and her dad enter Oceanside’s Sandcastle Building Contest, but a cheating A.C. goads her into a small-scale medieval war of epic proportions.
“The Show Must Go Wrong” – When the star of the school musical injures herself in the middle of the show, Hailey must overcome her fear of performing in front of an audience. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Cubix Dudes/Cos-played” (1-04) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Cubix Dudes” – When Hailey’s plan to build an owl habitat is derailed, she learns the value of sacrifice for the good of a friend.
“Cos-played” – When Hailey, Scott and Beta discover that they’ve been scammed at a Hero Force cosplay event, Hailey finds the hero within her to stand up to the bullies. TV-Y7
Friday, June 23 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Bailey and the Doggy Doctor/Dog for a Day” (1-05) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Bailey and the Doggy Doctor” – Bailey is scared when she finds out she’s having her very first checkup.
“Dog for a Day” – Bobby Boots sneaks into Pupstruction HQ to get a hold of Phinny’s blueprints for a new waterpark. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior SuperKitties “Voice With No Choice/Brother Battle” (1-18) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:25-1:55 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Voice With No Choice” – The SuperKitties stop Zsa-Zsa from turning animals’ voices into musical instruments.
“Brother Battle” – Sparks and Buddy accidentally hurt each other’s feelings. TV-Y
Saturday, June 24 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Kiff “Everyday I’m Riddlin” Riddlin’/Life On The Inside” (1-17) (8:30-9:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Everyday I’m Riddlin” Riddlin’” – Kiff and Barry help a local bridge troll but discover he has some tricky riddles. *Rhys Darby (“Our Flag Means Death“) guest stars as Trollie, a troll living under a bridge.
“Life On The Inside” – Kiff and Barry get detention and meet a ragtag team of students who help them plot an escape. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel Hamster & Gretel “Let’s Sea What You’ve Got/Churro’s Day Out” (1-20) (9:00-9:30 a.m. EDT) “Let’s Sea What You’ve Got” – Gretel and Bailey experiment with Gretel’s powers at the beach.
“Churro’s Day Out” – Churro has a day out while the family gets a portrait done. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “Road Trippin’/Escape Doom” (1-05) (10:00-10:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “Road Trippin’” – Kristine feels like the third wheel after she unexpectedly joins Scott and Hailey on a road trip.
“Escape Doom” – Hailey must lead her friends out of an Egyptian-themed escape room that chaos bots have rigged to crush. *Martin Starr (“Silicon Valley”) guest stars as Cody, an escape room attendant. TV-Y7
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney XD Hailey’s On It! “The Flamingo Must Flamin-Go / Splatter of the Bands” (1-07) (10:30-11:00 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel and Disney XD) “The Flamingo Must Flamin-Go” – Hailey secretly adopts a smelly, old flamingo and quickly realizes she’s bitten off more than she can chew. *Natasha Rothwell (“Insecure”) guest stars as Carla, a local animal shelter owner.
“Splatter of the Band” – Hailey must decide between perfection and fun in order to win a local music festival. *Blake Anderson (“Workaholics”) and Brandon Mychal Smith (“Sonny with a Chance”) guest star as Swagmeister and JT, an influencer duo, respectfully. TV-Y7
Friday, June 30 Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Firebuds “The Super Safety Show/Job-O-Rama Day” (1-21) (7:00-7:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/1:50-2:20 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “The Super Safety Show” – Iggy and Rod’s jealousy of the Firebuds leads to an emergency.
“Job-O-Rama Day” – Violet can’t decide which of her moms’ jobs to present at a school event. TV-Y
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior Pupstruction “Adventures in Bulldozing/Safe and Hound” (1-06) (8:00-8:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior) “Adventures in Bulldozing” – Roxy is babysitting Bailey when she accidentally inspires the young pup to go on a demolition spree.
“Safe and Hound” – Phinny’s dad decides the Pupstruction Crew needs a “Safety Supervisor” — him! TV-Y
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