#spidops woman
spidops-woman · 10 months
........... I think I'm glad I'm not Unovan.
[A photo of a patrat running down the street, holding a whole pizza above its head.]
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the-diving-bell · 8 months
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Got bored and traced an old spinirak man comics and drew spidopts on it
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unovan-gardener · 8 months
Pelipper mail
A knitted skiddo plush and some Paldean sweets, along with a note.
"Hey, we've never talked, but you tried to help my gf when she was out of it, and she wanted to send you the plush as well, so here. If you need money, I've got a whole lot I'm happy to get rid of. Reach out if you need anything, right? Yarn girl and I are here for you. - H.O. 'Brioche'"
[Spirit Box Function Active]
Hello Brioche
......familiar name.
CD mention
Thank you
Plush is
Small comfort
[A photo is attached. It seems the same as the one sent to Juniper, but there also a Skiddo plush tucked in their arms.
Comically, Kerosene also seems to have tucked the paldean sweets in the bed as well, not sure what they are but following the theme.]
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newvillainontheblock · 9 months
so done with today.
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Some of the responses from the Pokémon Irrational Fear/Hate of Objects PART 2
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((Tags: - @sleepy-mot's Lurantis, Clover - @pokemonrangercharlie's Gallade, Dawn - @paldea-champ-n1cki's Sandile, Damian - @spidops-woman's Magnezone, Danger))
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joltik-guy · 10 months
//Answer whenever you feel like
Two definitely not secretly superheroes arrive at the dorms, one with significantly more jumpers on than the other.
[Joltik paces around the hallway, checking their phone obsessively, before spotting someone walking slowly towards them, a redhead, bundled up tightly. They decided against giving her their dorm number straight up, incase she was cautouis... or Minskt made a fake account and hired an actor to be spidops woman to get close to them and- thats stupid. ]
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Ooh wow ok, I finally got this account to work! Hope you guys like my speech, I've been working reeeeeelly hard on it!
Attention Rotomblr!
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He/him. I was once Johnathon Ohnn and thats fine I guess but I’d at least like you to use my new evil name too so I can strike fear into my enemies' hearts please!!
And no I'm not an Ultra Beast, or any other kind Pokemon, and I'm NOT a villain of the week!
What I am is the nemesis of all you Spinirak-people out there. Also the Joltick-people, and the Dewpider-people, and, ooh, there's a Spidops too? Oh I've always wanted to visit Paldea, super fascinating wildlife and phenomena!
But nevermind that! I did hugely important dimensional studies at Aether. I'm the reason a lot of you are here, tied together by this website! And what's the thanks that I got? You heroes beat me and left me behind in the Alola disaster so an Ultra Wormhole could turn me into THIS!
Then I got fired from my job, then my family stopped talking to me, then I had to start robbing people and… ah, sorry, maybe I'll just catch you up on the little details later. The important part is this:
All of you watch your backs. Especially anyone involved in the Alola incident who led to my downfall and insists on ignoring me!
I am your nemesis!
if you'll have me. And don't make fun of my Pokemon names!!! I think they're cute.
// hi @swadloom again uh. this is literally just the Spot in pkmn irl LMAOO. inspired by blogs like @spidops-woman and @araquanid-man that also crossover pkmn and spiderverse lore hehe.
design is a wip. uhhhh. idk im sleepy <3 you can bully him, im bad at events but i'll try, no gross ppl you know who you are, etc etc gn :]
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viscious-protector · 5 months
//hi I got bored at work and made fanart of all the spiders (who I could find refs of) as well as made some 2099 versions of all of them. I don't intend to do anything with these versions but I thought it would be fun to do some concepts.
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@joltik-guy , @iron-dewpider , Araquanid-man (I couldn't find their blog :[) and @spidops-woman
Happy Thursday y'all
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@lix88888 @yahooo-official @confusing-content @meeeeeraiiiiiodonnnn @totally-ikea @animatedtext @spidops-woman @emotionally-spiritual-witch @emotionally-aware-sniperbot @emotionally-silly-gato @emotionally-foreign-oryan @emotionally-alive-sniper @emotionally-amused-blu-scout @emotionally-anxious-spybots @emotionally-annoying-scout
@emotionally-boxedin-spy @emotionally-bizzare-scout @i-am-a-fish @i-draws-dinosaurs @definitely-canada @amtrak-official
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So, following the thread of Minsk being in my universe with Murdock: CD of @unovanra is there, as is @joltik-guy and everyone who has used @sinnohstruggles, and so is @spidops-woman, and any non-reality-hoppers they have interacted with in-person. Also @sword-of-injustice is here.
Life Before Death,
I had everyone here added to the map except for Juniper, who has now been added to it. I still don't understand how every superhero is in the same universe. Also, I have no idea what you meant with everyone that has used @/sinnohstruggles, did that account belong to someone else before.
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If you're a pokeblog confused why I'm following you it's because I have seven out of nine of my rp blogs as side blogs to here.
And my seperate rp blogs are @oh-shinx and @gwendoline-of-lumiose
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spidops-woman · 10 months
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I'm about to come out to my family and wasn't using the dorms before due to already just living in Mesagoza. Knowing them, can I just check how quickly I can get a dorm?? I'm already a student
- @spidops-woman
Pretty quick! You'd be amazed what sort of turnaround we can work. Just drop by Student Life and we can find a space for ya!
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sleepy-mot · 10 months
The world is rather selfish.
I sometimes look around and notice how we all expect things to be a certain way. To be what we want them to be.
I live in paldea, I've heard about all that thing with Spidops Woman, and I can't help but wonder why. Not why she killed that man, but why did people start attacking her immediately. She's always been an amazing hero, always helping people when she could, but the moment she does something that no one was expecting, a mistake, people attack her non-stop.
And she's not the only one that suffers from that. I'm also from the eeby deeby community and I always see people expecting things from my friends. Expecting them to accept their fate. Expect them to just be happy. Expect them to be glad! All those expectations are nothing but a burden for everyone to carry.
Most of them have expectations from themselves as well, me included. We all want to help each other, that's for sure, but sometimes there is nothing we can do.
I've seen my friends suffer and I never did anything to help because I don't know what to do! I want to help them, I want to make them feel good! I want them to be ok! BUT I'M JUST A FUCKING DUDUNSPARCE THAT IS UNCAPABLE OF DOING ANYTHING USEFUL!
sorry, that...
that was...
I just want to be human again
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oh-shinx · 11 months
⚡ top five people you follow you think need a FASHION MAKEOVER
............ Professor Amaryllis, Hoenn gym leader Wallace, Calem but only partially, Sophora sometimes, and Spidops Woman............ No particular order.................
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chounaifu · 11 months
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FILE # 03052023
Name: ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌
Aliases: Proton, Kusama Tetsyua, Park Du-han, Miyano Kento
Pronouns: He/They
Age: 33
Height: 5'10"
Date of Birth: June 17th
Hometown: Ecruteak City
Current Location: Celadon City
Pokémon: Golbat (x20), Crobat, Hypno, Mightyena, Spidops, Porygon, Noibat, Noctowl
Type: No current specialization, though he is beginning to lean into flying-types.
Gym Experience: None
Business Association: Executive ranked member of Team Rocket, head of the submarket & black market division, founder and leader of the repossession squad.
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Positive: Engaging, excited, creative, determined, team player, charismatic, ❛friendly?❜ ( ᴮᵉʷᵃʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠʳᶦᵉⁿᵈˡʸ ˢᵗʳᵃⁿᵍᵉʳ. )
Negative: Cruel, manipulative, aggressive, arrogant, judgmental, addictive personality, snarky, stubborn.
MBTI: ENTP (The Debater)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Sexuality: Heterosexual Bisexual Pansexual
Health Conditions: ADHD, PTSD, disordered eating, ( ᶠʳᵃᵍᵐᵉⁿᵗᵃᵗᶦᵒⁿ ˢʸⁿᵈʳᵒᵐᵉ )
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Everybody in the small village north of Ecruteak had heard the rumors of the "oni boy" that had been bestowed upon the Kojima household. Some believed that the boy's father had failed to uphold his duties to the kami, and was being punished. Others speculated that his foreigner mother had brought misfortune to the household, and displeased the spirits that lived on the land.
Every account, however, involved some mention of the various omens surrounding his birth: his first cry, breaking through the silence at 4 am, the spiders gathering near the western corner of the home where the family bed shared, the presence of serpents beneath the ancestral shrine--
Whatever the truth may be, his entrance into the world was not celebrated.
❛ Give him back to the kami. It's for the best. You can always have another. ❜
Starving an unwanted child with the hopes that the ancestors of the gods would take them back to the spirit realm, was an dated tradition, but one that the elder of the Kojima household believed in. But, when the boy survived (to the relief of his parents, and the frustration of his paternal grandfather), it forced the question:
What happens when you are considered such bad luck, that even the gods don't want you back?
-- This is the story of a boy named Taeyang Kojima, born to a strict, traditional Shinto family in rural Johto. Unbeknownst to a single soul, he would go on to become Proton, the cruelest, most wicked man on the entire continent.
Taeyang was raised in a very spiritual, and superstitious household. His mother was a Korean immigrant, and his father came from a traditionalist Johtonese family. His paternal grandfather did not approve of the woman that his son married, -- and when the omens of misfortune manifested during her pregnancy, he decided that he needed to keep a stronger grip on his son, and future grandson.
The boy displayed behaviors that were considered unusual and unnerving to the family, and the village as a whole. Taeyang had a tendency to stare at people directly in the eye, without much facial expression, despite being told again and again that it was rude to do so. His experience with being starved as an infant resulted in him biting, gnawing, and putting just about anything in his mouth. It was not unusual to see him trying to eat inedible objects, and other things off of the ground. Matters became even more grave when his teeth began to grow in-- sharp incisors, more akin to ones belonging to a Sharpedo, sparked thoughts of the vicious oni, Ibaraki-doji. And, as he got older, the "omens" that his grandfather were wary of, continued to manifest. He took a liking to writing in red ink, and often whistled to entertain himself, unaware of the superstition surrounding those two actions.
As a result, Taeyang's room was littered with spirit tags, and it wasn't unusual for one or two to be smacked onto his back, or directly onto his forehead, when his behavior began to make people uncomfortable.
❛ We cannot be too cautious. ❜
Despite of all of this, his parents loved him, and wanted him to have as normal of a life as possible. His mother enriched him with cultural cooking and stories of her life in her home region, and his father was in charge of Taeyang's spiritual upbringing. Taeyang would join his father to clean and tend to the ancestral shrine, in the hopes that he would grow up and follow in the footsteps of the Kojima family's duties and reverence for the kami of the skies and the sun: Ho-oh. After all, his mother had named him after the sun. Taeyang even had a Pokémon partner: a Hoothoot that nested in the ginkgo tree outside of his home.
Misfortune has a way of playing favorites.
When Taeyang turned 9 years old, both of his parents passed way of an unknown illness (yet another omen pinned onto the boy,) leaving him in the care of his paternal grandfather. From there, his life only became more arduous. Physical beatings became common place; he would often have his bare feet struck with bamboo rods. Taeyang grew to be rebellious, angry, and unpredictable. He stopped all focus in his spiritual studies, and became bitter and skeptical towards all beliefs in spirit and higher powers. His interest in more strange topics-- the study of ghosts, of oni, of dangerous Pokémon, replaced his time spent at the shrine. A hobby for knife collecting developed at some point, after he started spending time with some of the older boys in Ecruteak, and others from nearby towns.
❛ I'll cut the broken pieces of god out of me. ❜
And that is precisely what he did.
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The exact details on how the murder happened, were murky; Taeyang recalls standing in the kitchen, pulling cabbage leaves apart to wash them for a meal. His grandfather had been atrociously upset with him. Taeyang had gone missing for several days, and wound up being picked up by police. Supposedly, he had been getting into street fights, and was accused of breaking into somebody's vehicle. His grandfather was shouting at him, berating him, throwing every dehumanizing slur at his direction-- insults about everything, from his behavior, to his mental wellness, his disregard for authority and the higher powers, and even sharp comments about his mixed ethnicity.
Before he knew it, Taeyang was on top of his grandfather, plunging the kitchen scissors into him, and staining the tatami mat in blood.
After the slaying, Taeyang disappeared.
Taeyang spent several years coming and going from different cities. He took on odd jobs (both legal and criminal) in order to pay for motel rooms and food. Without being able to apply for a trainer license (something that was inaccessible for him due to his more rural living situation a child,) he did not have the experience necessary in order to take on gym challenges, battle for money, or even defend himself without legal repercussions. He came and went under different aliases, often times losing track of who he was identifying.
During this time, he did manage to successfully capture two Pokémon: a Zubat, and a Drowzee.
Much like the rumors that surrounded his birth, nobody can really agree on how Taeyang became Proton and joined the ranks of Rocket. Perhaps he was recruited due to his reputation as a thief. Or maybe he was desperate, and needed a reliable source of income. Some speculate that he gravitated towards the yakuza due the discrimination towards his mixed heritage, and could not find employment elsewhere. Others whispers about more gruesome rumors-- how he was caught murdering a Rocket officer, and was given an ultimatum to offer his services, or be eliminated.
Proton was an exceptionally risky recruit, displaying feral behaviors, a lack of respect for authority, similar to how he clashed with the spiritual leaders of Ecruteak-- and a disregard for the other members of the organization. Many believed that he wouldn't last a year without being killed on the job, or beaten by another veteran member who could not put up with his crass attitude. Despite all of the odds, he climbed the ranks, earning promotion after promotion, and creating an impressive, violent resume. He was trained in CQC and various forms of pencak silat, and had every bladed weapon at the tip of his fingers. Given the correct forms of enrichment and the outlets needed for him to get the job done, Proton became a massive success. His knowledge of the black markets was irreplaceable, and his ability to rally people was admired. Eventually, he found himself in sitting alongside the likes of Petral, Ariana and Archer, directly beneath their leader, Giovanni.
What has Proton done with himself since ascending to this rank?
A list of his duties.
Duties carried out by his division subordinates by rank.
Or, perhaps you have heard of the horrific accident at Cinnabar Island?
The Porygon Facility Incident
Fragmentation Syndrome
Since the accident on Cinnabar Island, Proton's memories have been corrupted. He has very little recollection of the events in his childhood, and his mental health has deteriorated even further.
However, he has chosen to lean into the insanity-- and embraces who he is. In doing so, he still manages to lead his division, and slithers his way into the lives of many, many people. Proton is a self-identified monster, feared by many, and beloved by others. And, in this state of unpredictability-- who knows what type of decisions he will make for his future? He is a valuable ally, and a horrific enemy.
One thing is for certain, though: you do not want to be alone when the repo man strikes.
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