#spinjitsu writes
spinjitsuburst · 3 months
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spinnning dialogue for a thing around at work
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jaynopoly · 4 months
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Hey ninjago fandom pls can you not tag your platonic or ship hate art/posts with the actual ship names? Use numbers or don't even tag it
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kriti-the-creator · 5 months
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I found a new brush 😁( quite satisfying 😌)
Request: open
I will draw your oc for free but conditions are written in my blog for I am lazy to write that all again 🥱
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nyaskitten · 8 months
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I've decided that to celebratre, I'd draw one character whose name has been mentioned in every era of this show and who we've seen SOME depiction of in each era, but only SEEN seen in present day once, in a death-bed dream, the First Spinjitsu Master!
Ninjago is a show I've stuck with since the second season, and has a fandom I've stuck with since 2018! It's probably just because I am SEVERELY autistic but I don't care because I'm happy and making friends and making others happy and it's all because of one stupid Lego kids show!
I love watching this show, making fanart, speculations, and sometimes the occasional writing. I love interacting with... MOST of the fandom... some people I do not like all too well... not y'all tho.
So again, happy 13th anniversary Ninjago, I for one am VERY excited for what Dragons Rising season 2 will hold for the future of the series, and I'm just as excited to continue drawing and being in this fandom!!! :D
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heroictoonz · 4 months
I’m not the biggest Wu enjoyer ever in fact most the time in private friend servers and dms with close pals I joke about hating him and wanting him out the show I’ll admit to that. But like. I do think about the moments that probably were but never shown. I honestly think about Wu a lot
I think about Wu alone in the monastery with Cole, the first Ninja he recruited. A young man who was still grieving his mother even after all this time and in his own way, maybe unknowingly, grieving his father as well. I think about Wu possibly finding Cole constantly training in the main area at all hours of the day and night just to keep his hands busy. Wu sitting with him and maybe even being nervous to say anything to him. His last pupil he drove away. What if he did the same to this one? His last pupil was like a son to him and he screwed it all up and has to live with that on his hands and yet, here he is, trying it all over again, praying to the ghost of his father and anything in the heavens that will listen that he doesn’t make the same mistakes again. Maybe he sits quietly with Cole, not stopping him but letting him silently know that he isn’t alone no matter how long the monastery halls seem to feel. Bringing Cole water or a snack even when they both should be asleep. Finally, at one point, having the courage to tell him that he should sleep more. That if he wanted to talk, about anything at all, that Wu would be an ear to listen. I wonder if Cole would talk to Wu about any of it. Maybe not about it all. But maybe bits and pieces of his frustration and anguish that was clearly haunting him in those early days. I think that Wu’s words might even be enough to calm some of that in him. Maybe not all of it, and maybe Cole still pushes himself to keep away feelings and thoughts he can’t handle, but he sleeps more. He rests more. He takes breaks with Wu and has tea with him.
I think about Jay joining and being probably really skeptical about the whole thing. Probably distant with Cole cause he doesn’t know this guy. I think about Wu bringing in this second pupil, knowing by now that he was building a team that he would have to train not just in the ways of spinjitsu and their elements but also train them to be one with each other in battle. An anxious Wu trying desperately to get the two to talk and just hang out if even just for a meal or two. Wu bringing them together and having them build not just their strength and skills but their trust in each other too. Wu probably asks Jay about his parents. Seeing how Morro and Cole’s family backgrounds were he probably feared a trend settling in. Maybe Wu is plesently surprised when Jay tells him about his loving, though kinda embarrassing and smothering, parents. His parents who, even after moving out, he still writes to and stays in contact with as much as possible cause he doesn’t want them to worry. Maybe Wu smiles when Jay tells him that he’ll probably meet them someday.
I think it was very soon after that Wu found Zane. I think about Wu asking the people of that village about the strange boy who wondered their town alone, memoryless. With nothing to him but a name and a kind heart. Wu finding him and giving him a funny surprise in that lake. Pulling Zane out and offering him and permanent home. Maybe even catches the words in his throat as he feels the similarities between Zane and Morro. Strange orphaned children with nothing but their names and the clothes on their backs. Promising them a forever home. He hopped this one he could keep that promise. He’d do anything to keep that promise. Wu bringing Zane to the others, a little worried at first knowing that Zane was already very different from most people. Cole and Jay, where getting along better now, were still full of bite and fight. If he weren’t careful he would be putting this poor boy into the lions den. It goes better than he expects. Zane fits in easily with the other two. Wu is almost surprised by it, but thankful nonetheless. But this is where his real challenges begin. Training the three together, coaxing them to be more than just teammates. Knowing that it wouldn’t be enough. That they needed to trust each other implicitly. Maybe he was thinking about the tornado of creation, knowing that unless these three (and the fourth that he was still searching for) would need to be in near perfect harmony to pull off such a feat. But that they would need it in their coming battles.
I think about Wu holding back tears when he walks in to see the three goofing off. Yes they were meant to be working (maybe chores or training) but they were goofing off. They were getting along. Acting as friends and companions. And both Cole and Jay continued to argue but it was less like strangers and more like family. (They occasionally would remind Wu of him and his own brother from a long, long time ago.) I wonder how much pride Wu felt when he noticed that Cole and Jay were attempting to help Zane when he didn’t seem to catch up or understand something in a social or emotional situation. Even if they did throw in a few friendly insults at the poor boy here and there. Wu probably got a good laugh of the three pulling pranks on each other. Cole and Jay coming up with some to try and ease Zane into the concepts of practical jokes and being rightfully surprised when the future ice ninja got them back just as good.
I especially think about Wu when he meets Kai. Young and angry and a spark just waiting to ignite and explode. Violent and uncontrollable. And a spitting image of Ray. I wonder if Wu thought of his old friend when he saw Kai. The soft way he mentions the man in their conversation about the golden weapons. I wonder how much Wu misses his old friends and if he mourned them at the same time Kai and Nya did seemingly worlds apart and still shedding twin tears under one moon. I think about Wu feeling a frustration with Kai he’d probably never felt before. He sighs when he’s alone in his room. His head is his hands. “Father, how would you teach someone who seems so unreachable?” He would ask to no one. He would run his hands over his face and try to remember if Morro was this stubborn. But Morro had only become stubborn later in his trainings when his arrogance and drive for power blinded him. Kai was born stubborn and arrogant it seemed. Wu might even smile with exasperation and wonder to himself ‘how did Ray and Maya raise such a child?’
I think about Kai distancing himself from the rest like how Jay once did. Throwing himself into his training like how Cole once did. A young man alone and lost in the world as how Zane once was. Seeing so clearly how he clung to his sister and had a drive like no other to get her back. Maybe Wu even worried that after they rescued Nya that Kai would leave. That he would see no use in sticking around. Wu doubted that this soon encounter with his brother would be the last. Maybe Wu saw much of Morro in Kai and felt something almost like fear. Fear of losing Kai to a similar fate? Fear of Kai being pushed away when all Wu wanted to do was bring him close to the rest of them? Maybe even a fear that the shadows of his past would keep him from meaningfully connecting with Kai like he tried to do with the other three.
I think abut Wu bringing Kai tea. Wu pulling Kai in to eat and train with the other three. Wu trying to take the lessons he had learned from all this time and help Kai transition into the team. And similarly, help the rest of the team transition into including Kai. Kai was full of just as much bite and fight as Cole and Jay when they first met, maybe more. Definitely more. But Wu wasn’t going to give up on him. I think about Wu catching quiet moments of Kai’s sorrow. What he normally covered up in anger but sometimes was too weak to do so. Wu sitting next to him and telling him stories about when he and his brother were growing up. About how the loss of their father affected them. About how the loss of his brother affected him. Maybe Kai would snap at him. Telling him that they were nothing alike. That Wu couldn’t understand. Maybe Kai says something harsher. Says that at least Nya wasn’t trying to destroy the world. That he would get Nya back. That Nya wasn’t some evil freak. And Wu would let every word slide off him like water. Because he knew Kai was just angry. He knew Kai would be angry for a while.
I think about when they get Nya back. When Wu officially introduces himself to her. I wonder if he knew she was the water element right then and there. Did he know that she would one day show signs. I wonder if he has his suspicions but decided to wait and see. The elements are tricky things. They do not always do as expected. I think about Wu noticing just how equally as stubborn Nya is as Kai but how much better she tried to mask it.
I wonder if Kai ever apologized to Wu for how he acted. I think about Wu stopping him and reassuring him that it was nothing to worry about. Wu knew he was just upset for the fate of his sister. Wu was just thankful all turned out well in the end.
I think abut Kai and Cole both seeing a father figure in Wu that the other two probably don’t connect with as much. Maybe Cole is a bit more open about it than Kai. I wonder if, when Wu realizes this, if it worries him. Morro haunts him like a ghost. His greatest regret. In a life of mistakes the one he mourns the most. I’ll always wonder how much Morro’s impact on Wu’s life haunts his days with his new students. Maybe the ninja see Wu have his own silent moments. Days he can’t hide his own sadness. Whether for Morro or his brother. Maybe even both. Maybe even days when he remembers Aspheera or the other elemental masters. So many friends that he lost along the way.
Maybe the ninja try to cheer him up and be with him the same way Wu would for them. They bring him tea, offer to take him with them out to the city for their weekly run, ask him to tell them stories about the first spinjitsu master or about Wu’s old travels and adventures. Wu knows what they’re doing, but he lets them do it all the same.
I think about how Wu was probably constantly worried about Lloyd’s safety and health. He knew his mother had left him at that school. I wonder if Wu was against it or not. I wonder how often Wu would think about Lloyd, alone, festering in what would only become feelings of abandonment. Would Wu realize that? Or would he be just as blind to it as Lloyd’s well meaning (yet still wrong) parents? I think about Wu grabbing his dear nephew into a hug when they first reunited. Tucking him in and reading him that story. I think about Wu maybe even sitting Lloyd down and trying to talk to him about his parents. Especially his father. I don’t think it’d go over that well but I think he might try.
I think about Wu maybe feeling nostalgic when Garmadon was with them to rescue Lloyd. It must have been so, so long since the two were on a quest or adventure of some kind. Maybe he regrets the joy he feels or even hardly has the time to feel it knowing that Lloyd is in so much danger.
I wonder how much guilt Wu holds. I think about him regretting so much before the ninja and then even more so regretting being so closed off about it all and not saying anything before it’s all too late. “There was something I never told you.” “I should have told you all this long ago.” Keeping his past a secret probably out of shame or a fear of history repeating itself, only for it to cause his new family such distress and trouble. Learning the hard way that his past would always come back for him. From Morro to the Hands of Time all the way to Aspheera. I wonder if Wu regrets not being the one to tell Lloyd the truth about his heritage. Maybe he assumed Garmadon would have. Maybe he thought it was best for the young leader to not have to worry abut such things until once again it was far too late.
I think about Wu mourning his bother over and over and over again. Sometimes with Lloyd, sometime with Misako, but many, many, many times completely alone. In the silence of his own grief and regrets. I wonder if he ever sees himself and Garmadon in Nya and Kai. Or even just in the ninja as a whole. Not an exact one to one but seeing them be a family, watching them go on quests together, I wonder how often he thinks of his brother in those moments.
I think about Wu rebuilding a family and maybe not even immediately recognizing he did just that.
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Lego Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitsu (2011)
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Propaganda Below
No Propaganda sent in
Personal: Ninjago is one of my special interests that I have been watching since 2011 to date so I have so much to say but I'll try to keep it brief. Ninjago is absolutely amazing of a show. The writing might not always be the best both story and character wise and there's continuity errors sometimes and like listen my friend's have heard a million and one rants about this show from me. But there's something so magical in it. The simplicity of it's early seasons to the crazy as fuck plots in the later seasons. The large span of characters that yeah some never come back but the fandom sure as hell wont let you forget them. The lore only gets more and more crazy yet interesting as the show goes. It's definitely a rollercoaster to watch with its good seasons and bad seasons but even the really bad ones you can have fun with. Please watch Ninjago and talk to me about it she is the love of my life
Google: "Six young ninja with elemental powers and masters of the ancient fighting style of Spinjitzu defend their world, the mythical realm of Ninjago, against constant threat. Under the leadership of their mysterious Master Wu, they stand up to those who are cruel and unjust and protect those who cannot protect themselves."
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ups3tti · 5 months
Euphrasia & Morro as foils
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@emerald-cloud23 HI OKAY YES ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. Euprhasia is so important to me I'm so glad you asked JFHEKTJ (Morro too obviously but yk.). This is going to be a bit long, apologies in advance.
Dragons rising season 1 spoilers if that matters to anyone.
- To start off, the difference between Euphrasia's quote of "Time to make *our* own destiny!" and Morro's "Well *I* make my own destiny!" Is incredibly important to me. Euphrasia is connecting herself to those around her from the start, even when defining herself, whereas Morro defined himself *by* being set apart from everyone else.
- Something that immediately stood out to me was how Euphrasia's first major beginning moment as the master of wind is by being the main force used to drive back massive tentacled monsters out of/in order to protect cloud kingdom and back into a rift. This is such a contrast to how Morro's story ended, with him summoning a giant tentacled monster from a portal and destroying a Stiix in order to see it through.
- Speaking of Euphrasia's first fight, she is consistently using her elemental powers as a support for others. She saves Arin and Sora from falling, she helps the ninja launch spinjitsu attacks, and while she does still do damage herself, she prioritizes finding ways to support the others.
Morros style is not based in teamwork that way at all. Even with his ghost gang, he usually has them doing their own separate thing. "I control the wind, YOU control the situation" and all that jazz. He climbs the peak to blind man's eye on his own, confronts the ninja on his own, confronts nya and lloyd on his own, etc etc etc. When he has his gang do stuff, like distract Nya or the other ninja, he's normally watching from the side, or doing his own separate task. He's using the wind to get on the offensive or to get *himself* out of harms way.
- all in all, Morro uses the wind for offense and agility, Euphrasia uses it for defense and support.
- Euphrasia greatly values her culture, community and loved ones, to the point where she was intending to forgo use of her elemental power entirely in order to remain with them, AND risked exile in order to protect them. After she was able to reveal her power and wasn't shunned for it, she stayed on at the Cloud Kingdom as its protector.
We don't know where Morro came from, who his parents were, any of that. He had Wu and that was it. His entire identity was forged around what he wanted to become, instead of who he was to begin with.
- A more obvious one is their personalities, I feel the differences are pretty clear and I don't need to specify a whole lot but a big one is Morro's arrogance vs. Euphrasias uncertainty, especially as it translates to being a wind elemental.
I really love the choice to have Euphrasia wanting to write her own destiny but taking it in an entirely different direction than Morro did. Every element seems to have some concept that connects one master to the next, and I don't think Wind is any different.
Thats all I got for now! I could probably think of more if I rewatched certain episodes but I'm a bit tired. PLEASE let me know if anyone thinks of other stuff I would love to hear it
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ratmanzhq · 5 months
Hey! I found ur Stem Siblings AU- idk if ur still doing it- but if you are I have some questions if you don’t mind me asking. (Amazing AU and great art!) first, can the twins feel when the other is using a certain power? Like overtime they can sense when one is using their power- like they can use it to know which power the can use or to react the other twin down if they got separated? Second, Twin Telepathy- can they use it or like a form of it? Or do they pretend they can just to mess with people- that’d be funny. Third, since Kai has a dragon ‘form’ does Nia too? Or like in Season 4, are their dragons affected? Like it’s a two headed dragon, or a dragon that can split into two and merge into one, or like two separate dragons that just never leave each others side? 4th, what do the other ninjas think of the twins- not just the main 4 at the beginning but like all their friends throughout the story, like Ronin, Derek, Skylar, etc. 5th, this goes back to 1st and 2nd- as their powers grow- do they form a sort of mental link- like they can sense each others emotions or just like sense where the other is or when they are in danger?
Sorry with all the questions, amazing art! Hope ur still doing the Steam Siblings AU
Thanks for the questions!!!! I love getting them.
I am still trying to make more art for the AU. I'm currently trying to write a fic or the bare bones of it.
But to answer the questions:
Depending on if only one of the twins can use the power. They might feel with training if the other is using the element, but I don't know right now. It is a cool concept, so I have to think about it.
No, I don't think they can do a twin telepathy, but they totally would fake it. The only way I feel they might is if they connect to their powers fully or something. It also depends on only one can use the power (I am currently flip-flopping with it)
Yeah, Nya also has dragon form and their elemental dragon would be affected like their spinjitsu. One more fun idea, they can only summon elemental dragons together. The dragon would be two-colored for sure. Two heads would be cool, especially if the elements are at odds with one another. Twins can summon their dragon, but they keep fighting each other.
A curiosity for elemental people, but other than that I think similar to the show. They will be more close relationship than in the show and that could play out in several ways. You see Nay, so Kai has to be close and vice-versa. And I can see them being menaces to the bad guys, so they might be more “feard” by them.
I think they can sense each other, they just don't know it and only one of them dying do they feel that they have a connection to the other.
thanks again!!!
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lumagarden · 5 months
im prob Very wrong but i want to write my thoughts!!
here r the semi-obvious
- kai and bonzle will somehow be brought back
- i think this season arin will find our what sora did and then also get mad at wildfyre for keepinf hwr swcret (this is where it gets a little less likely: i think he’ll run off or something (?) and gwt in some trouble)
- we’ll probably find out abt kais vision
non-obvious and Are my theories
- COLE X GEO CANON 😁!! someone said someone was getting a boyfriend this season (and now i assume its pt2 or it was just a rumor and ir wont come true st all) and i hope… they kith…. but tbh jaya dont even kiss that often so. prob not
- i dont think jaya will meet Yet.. but i think one of the ninja will find jay
- i think MAYBW arin will be able to do spinjitsu on an object like consciously—by the end hopefully??
- i Kind of hope that lloyd kinda goes crazy looking for kai liks. rlly troubked by the grief n stuff
- one of the ninja WILL turn evil i know it and i want ro say jay gets found and manipulated by lord ras or someone and then joins him based on the s2 figurine leaks but IDK
- i fhink they’ll find pixal!!! it would make sense maybw. if not this next part def the next one
- perchance cole learns the rising dragon thingy??
- i think egalts going to die sorry if not this next part the next one but it makes more sense for it to be at the end of this season
- i also feel like if egalt DOES die we’ll get a full scene of what wildfyre saw in her vision bc it wasnt like completwly touched upon and hers and kais r the only ones we didnt see at all (hers was mentioned tho so idk)
- i think lloyds visions might predict like. the next season or somerhing… (and he’ll continue having visions) also something will happen w him and rhe source dragons IDK WHAT but something
this is just what i Want/dont want to happen
- PLEASE if wildfyre gets a boyfriend i will throw myself off a cliff im so serious. she does NOT need a bf (she needs a gf)
- *rocking back and forth in my straitjacket* lostshipping.. lostshipping…
- fully evil jay or arin/lloyd sorry yall
- one of them have to put on the masks and turn fully evil I NEED IT i got a taste of it from pt1 and it wasnt ENOUGH
- this is unrelated to the show kind of but if lego doesnt release a mr frohicky plush i will go to the headquarters and ask for it myself
thats all i got thank u for reading
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spinjitsuburst · 11 months
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explodes I’m too impatient can this fic write itself I wanna post it NOW
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jaynopoly · 11 months
Lil mini bruise doodle!!! I love them SO MUCH
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sunsetsandsunshine · 4 months
🕺🏾🪸🫶🏾 🄼🅈 🄵🄰🄽🄳🄾🄼 🄻🄸🅂🅃 🕺🏾🪸🫶🏾
Bold = What I will not write for but still apart of the fandom
Normal = What I will write for
Last updated: 7/28/2024
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🪼 Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 🪼 Steven Universe (+ Future) 🪼 Avatar the Last Airbender 🪼 Ducktales (2017) 🪼 Alvin and the Chipmunks (1980’s and 1990’s) 🪼 TMNT 2012 🪼 TMNT 2003 🪼 TMNT 1987 🪼 Lego Ninjago Masters of Spinjitsu 🪼 Dragon’s Rising 🪼 Amphibia 🪼 The Owl House 🪼 Carmen Sandiego 🪼 Super Giant Robot Brothers 🪼 She-ra and the Princesses of Power 🪼 We Bare Bears 🪼 Smiling Friends 🪼 Craig of the Creek
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🦈 Rise of the Guardians 🦈 Luca 🦈 Mutant Mayhem 🦈 Princess and the Frog 🦈 ROTTMNT The Movie 🦈 Alvin and the Chipmunks (Live Action) 🦈 The Outsiders 🦈 Sonic the Hedgehog (2020-2024 Live Action) 🦈 Into/Across the Spiderverse 🦈 The Peanuts Movie 🦈 TMNT 2007
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🐡 Detroit Become Human 🐡 Minecraft Story Mode
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🦑 Haikyuu 🦑 Sk♾️ the Infinity 🦑 Hunter x Hunter
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🫧 Legally Blonde 🫧 Heathers
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smellybead · 1 year
OP do you have the essay about how Morro died 👀
Let me access my google docs really quick
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Ok bear in mind I am not very good at writing shit and I'm not very good at chemistry but I think I did ok when I wrote this
After leaving Master Wu in search of his destiny and to prove his old master and the Golden Weapons wrong, Morro died in the Caves of Despair while seeking out the First Spinjitsu Master’s Tomb. He died after being trapped in a chamber full of the gas ‘kethanol’ - from a geyser in the chamber. Kethanol is a fictional gas that is extremely flammable and explosive and is released from deep well mining (this information was provided by Zane upon the ninja entering the caves of Despair - S5 EP7, Crooked Paths). While kethanol is not a real gas in our world, we can relate it back to gases that do exist for us and their effects on the human body by examining the location and circumstances of the gas.
So from the information given, we can correlate kethanol back to two likely examples of gas that would exist in a similar environment: hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbon monoxide (CO). H2S is a largely natural occurring gas, usually produced when bacteria breaks down organic material (typically in bogs and swamps, hence why it is also referred to as ‘swamp gas’). However, H2S can also be produced by volcanoes, hot springs, thermal vents, and geysers. CO can be sourced from geysers and coal mining. So both of these gases are comparable to kethanol.
And of course, being a fictional gas, kethanol could have drastically different effects on the human body than the gases stated, but these can give us the best guess on how Morro would have been affected in the cave chamber.
Now, in geysers, CO and H2S usually only make up a small amount of the different gases being released and only really occur in minor quantities. However, the composition of gases in spring waters located in fresh, hot volcanic areas is typically quite different. In cases like these, CO is known to be even more prevalent than CO2 (which is usually the most prominent gas). And in some areas, H2S makes up about 20% of active gases. We can consider the chamber in the Caves of Despair volcanic as in the episode ‘Crooked Paths’ (again, S5 EP7), the ninja barely made it out as the geyser violently erupted, spilling lava everywhere.
CO poisoning is generally quite a common issue and in a few cases, where it is allowed to continue to enter the body for longer, results in death. When there is too much CO in the air, your body begins replacing the oxygen in your red blood cells with CO. Depending on the concentration and the size of the person, CO poisoning typically takes about two hours to occur. Symptoms include things such as dizziness, disorientation, nausea/vomiting, chest pain, headaches and weakness but can eventually lead to unconsciousness, seizures, arrhythmias (irregular beating of the heart), and death. A few severe cases of CO poisoning may also involve the skin turning a bright “cherry-red” colour. 
Similarly to CO, large concentrations of H2S can quickly lead to death. While lower amounts of the gas may only result in headaches, loss of appetite, sleep troubles, slight eye and throat irritation, and nausea, strong amounts can lead to staggering, collapse within as little as five minutes (or even nearly instantly if the concentration is at extremely high levels), significant damage to the eyes, and death within 30-60 minutes.
The fatal effects of these two gases are very likely along the lines of what Morro’s death was like. It could have been a mix of these symptoms, or even wildly different but these results can lead us to a decent conclusion of what he would have been experiencing in his final moments.
He makes me so mentally ill /affectionate
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nyaskitten · 1 year
I know this probably won't happen, but here's my idea for an Akita and Lloyd reunion in Dragons Rising (this is... kind of long mb) (any feedback would be appreciated tho I'm not v good at writing):
The wind harshly howled, the cold felt like tiny daggers piercing Lloyd's face cruelly and mercilessly, and the snow seemed as eternal as the Endless Sea. And if he had it bad, his students, even in their thick and puffy color-coded jackets, sleeves and hoods lined with bushy fur and wonderfully sturdy snow boots, still couldn't fight the effects of the bizarre frost in this area.
"S-s-s-o c-c-c-cold," Sora struggled to say, her breath as visible as smoke from an open flame before her eyes.
Riyu whimpered in agreement, his tiny dragon jacket clearly not enough for him.
For what felt like an eternity, the four of them trudged through the endless storm, shivering and trying to forge some form of warmth through Lloyd's powers, yet to no avail, so they simply kept journeying, their only sources of slight warmth being the lamps they all held.
I should've taken the bounty. This is the worst training I've ever thought of. Lloyd thought to himself, bitter and annoyed at what he believed would be a wooooooonderful way to teach his pupils that soooooometimes, you haaaaave to adapt to the area around you.
As the storm worsened and the trio began to slow in their movements, a low growl echoed through the surrounding area, the perpetrator of said growl masked in the shadows of night.
"L-Lloyd? W-what was that?" Sora asked, the freezing cold almost seeming non-existent to her in the face of the fear of this unknown sound.
"I don't know. Stay close, and be prepared for anything..." Lloyd instructed cautiously as he unsheathed his blade, while Sora stood in a fighting stance and Arin grabbed his grappling hook from his hip.
As the four stood there in fear and anticipation, they heard what sounded like a set of soft and light feet grazing the snow behind them, to which Arin turned around in fear, watching carefully. More light footsteps could be heard from the shadows, as though there were numerous of these mysterious things, circling the nervous trio.
As the sounds of crunching snow became louder and louder, the heartbeats of the ninja became faster and faster, until they heard a howl echo from the shadows, and several wolves began to slowly emerge.
"This is bad... Like, really, really bad..." Arin said, fearfully clutching his grappling hook.
"Don't make any sudden moves," Lloyd cautioned. "We don't want to hurt them, and we don't want them hurting us, got it?"
"I don't think they got that memo..." Sora whimpered as the group of wolves, around 8-9, really hard to tell in the darkness, began closing in on them.
The supposed alpha of the wolves howled loudly and then leaped to the ninja, causing Lloyd to hurriedly cast his lantern aside and fire a blast of energy at the wolf. The other wolves followed suit, to which Lloyd formed a Spinjitsu tornado to toss the wolves around, and Arin used his grappling hook to latch onto a tree and Spinjitsu his way around as well.
While Lloyd was tossing wolves with tornados and energy blasts, Arin was soaring through the treetops Spinjitsuing wolves like no tomorrow, no, like no next hour, even!
Riyu tried helping, but he, being a baby dragon, couldn't really do much other than growl and bite and get tossed and shaken about.
Meanwhile, Sora tripped and almost got bitten by a wolf, so naturally, she kicked the wolf, which was a terrible idea but Riyu thought it was hilarious so, not a very tough crowd there.
The wolf whimpered a bit then snarled and growled very clearly enraged, a hatred burning like a forest may, causing Sora to back up fearfully and grab a large stick to wack the wolf with, but the stick broke so that idea was out of the picture really quickly. Sora also grabbed stones and the wolf was like, mildly bothered by that at BEST!
The wolf lept at Sora but luckily Arin was still Spinjitsuing through the trees like Tarzan swings through the jungle, and he managed to kick the wolf away fairly easily.
Arin tried to manage a landing this time as he finished spinning, but he flew into a very soft bed of snow instead.
"Arin! Are you okay?" Sora asked as she rushed to his side to help him up.
"Mildly scratched here and there but, I'll manage," Arin nonchalantly said as he got up, seeming very unhurt. "C'mon, let's go help Lloyd!"
The pair, alongside Riyu, ran to Lloyd to help him in punching and kicking the wolves away, but it seemed like these guys just wouldn't stay down no matter what.
"Jeez, do these guys ever know when to quit?" Sora asked as she hit a wolf with a nasty uppercut kick.
"I guess that makes wolves and ninja really close," Lloyd quipped while blasting a wolf away, prompting Sora to mutter something about quitting, ninja, and shutting up under her breath.
The fight felt like it was continuing for an eternity as more wolves began to emerge from the shadows to make their move. The ninja were getting very tired, and kind of sweaty, which did NOT mesh well with the blizzard.
Soon they all felt the endless cold creep back onto them and started to feel the pitiful nature of their situation once more.
"We can't fight like this! It's t-t-too cold!" Lloyd yelled out, trying not to freeze to death.
As the wolves once again started slowly approaching, with malice and rage in their beady little eyes, another howl was heard from the shadows, and so too was the unmistakable growling of a bear... oh crap this can't be good...
The wolves looked to the shadows as the odd wolf and bear approached.
"Lloyd, what do we do now?" Sora asked, shaking both from fear and the cold. Lloyd gave no response, instead, he stared focused upon the wolf and bear, trying to get a better look at them through the dim moonlight and the light of their sidelined lamps.
"Is that... No way..." Lloyd muttered to himself.
"What, what is it?" Arin asked, puzzled by Lloyd's fascination.
"I-I recognize those two! I think they might be old friends of mine!" Lloyd said with a bit of joy in his cold, hardened face.
The wild wolves growled and snarled at this duo, who gave the same response. The duo were hype-focused on this pack, as the ninja team were mostly obscured by darkness and hard to make out.
The bear was the first to attack, leaving his wolf companion baffled. The bear slapped several wolves away, and stomped on one of their tails, while his companion leaped onto another wolf and bit the wolf, which was, very tragically, the same wolf Sora kicked... poor guy...
"Akita? Is that you?" Lloyd yells out to the wolf, causing her to look up from the wolf she was fighting in confusion and shock. Said wolf then kicked her off it, and sent her flying back.
The frustrated wolf growled at the other, only to be jumped by two other wolves. This prompted Lloyd to run to the wolf and help her with the wolves, tossing them off. The wolf then looked up at Lloyd in amazement and a look of happiness, panting like a little dog with her tongue out.
"It is you!" Lloyd yelled out, pulling the wolf in for a hug, which Akita happily returned.
Lloyd helped Akita up and the two got ready for a rematch, only to see the bear having sent all the wolves scurrying, and having left one or two unconscious. Akita disappointedly transformed into her human form, wearing a thick coat and odd new robes underneath.
"Kataru, you know the point of this whole thing was to drive them away, right? NOT bash them around, right?"
The bear transformed into his human form, wearing a coat similar to Akita's and a smile on his face.
"Sister, you know they were asking for it. Besides, we did still run them out, did we not?" Kataru said, his grin only extending wider.
Akita sighed annoyedly and then looked over to Arin and Sora, then to Lloyd. "Are these... your children?" She asked, genuine confusion in her voice.
"W-what? N-no no no, these are my students, Arin and Sora! Arin, Sora, meet Kataru and Akita. Akita, Kataru, meet Arin and Sora!"
"It's nice to meet you!" Arin says as he enthusiastically shakes both of their hands.
"So, are you like, close or something?" Sora asks Akita in reference to her and Lloyd.
"Something like that. Lloyd helped to liberate our realm from an evil tyrant and his advisor... although the tyrant did turn out to be one of his friends, we worked it out. Kind of." Akita said, as though fond of the past adventures she and Lloyd shared.
"Huh... That sure is something I guess" Sora says scratching her head.
"So, what brings you all out here in the freezing cold?" Akita asks.
"Well, we came here looking for a cursed sword. It landed somewhere in the Never-Land's, and I... uh... thought it'd be a good training exercise, y'know, to test their resolve and all..."
"That is a terrible idea. It's FREEZING here. The fact that you have survived this long is a miracle honestly."
"Yeah... we figured."
Akita let out a sigh. "Come with us, we will get you warmed up and fed, our village is not very far from here anyways".
As the group walked away, the snow glowed and glistened brightly, their footprints, and any traces of their scuffle, soon to be eradicated by the snow.
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the-mold-is-coming · 2 months
i love scrolling through character ai and finding dumb plots and playing them for laughs but one of them kinda turned serious and gave me the basics to rebuild my royal au from scratch and now im trying to write down all events from the begining but the ai does not save early messages, that's why it sounds like it forgets stuff, it really does and i am SEVERELY STRUGGLING.
i cannot write general stuff when theres so much detail, but i struggle s hard to write detail i am almost paralysed and barely have anything
first spinjitsu master help me i just want my arranged marriage au that ends up in a happy relationship skskkkskkfgfigi
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