#steam siblings au
ratmanzhq · 11 months
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AU that's totally new and creative, Steam Siblings AU!
Basically, Kai and Nya are twins, so they get both water and fire! But, they can't use it at the same time. So Kai is the designated fire man and Nya is water woman, but they can use the other element, just not when the other is using said element. Got have some restrictions to make it fun.
But if one loses their elements, the other can use both of the powers or they both can't use it. Idk.
And because their twins, they have more sister/brother dynamic than parent/child.
That's basically it!
And Kai also becomes one with the sea. :)
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arrietty-rune · 5 days
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I don't know what to post lately, but this i was actually hesitating for because it's such OoC even if this is from an AU :( but I like the render of it so why not
But yeah, so a Tobias, I miss drawing him despite my SM hyperfixation x') I like my design of him and Rachel from my Steam Tales AU, despite it's actually their future/ adult version
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saym0-0 · 5 months
cant stop thinking about rabbit sneaking away and immersing herself in drag culture before she could transition,,, been thinking abt it all day this headcanon means so much 2 me
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steampunkiejulie · 1 year
Do you have any siblings? And what do they look like???
Yep, I’ve got three! (tw badly drawn gun)
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There’s Bea,
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And Jonesy! Aren’t they all super cool?
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dominimoonbeam · 2 years
Scars That Remind. 13.
Darlin/Sam, Darlin & David sibling AU. We’re ramping up, people! 
tags: darlin’s new to good relationships but we’re getting there, this chapter is so fluffy and cute I don’t even have tags for it beyond the basic Darlin Disclaimer
Scars That Remind. 13.
-read the whole fic on ao3-
What exactly had he meant when he said that biting wasn’t supposed to hurt?
Darlin laid on their couch until the sun came up and long after. They had meant to get some sleep but after everything that had happened last night, and it had been a lot, that one part kept rearing up in their thoughts.
If any other vampire had said it, Darlin would think they were a deluded narcissist and left it at that. But Sammy? No. Maybe he just meant that he wasn’t cruel about it. That he thought vampires weren’t supposed to be cruel about it. But that wasn’t how he’d put it… He made it sound like it wasn’t supposed to hurt at all. That was stupid. Darlin understood biting. Nipping could be fun and cute, biting without breaking skin could be a warning or a claim, but the way vampires bit? That was like saying shark bites didn’t hurt.
Darlin wasn’t stupid. They knew there had been nothing gentle about how Quinn had done anything. He liked pain. He gnawed. They knew Sam wouldn’t be as bad but they didn’t know why they wanted so much to try.
They’d almost been asleep when the front door opened.
Darlin jerked upright, feet on the floor and eyelids pressed open. Somewhere in their brain they knew it was David. Maybe they’d already registered it even before the jarring wakeup. Otherwise they would have been on their feet before he got the door unlocked.
He kicked the door shut with a vengeful thud. Darlin sighed and leaned back into the couch, clawing finger through their hair. David carried two grocery bags into the kitchen. “You slept on the couch?”
Darlin sighed and got up, stretching. “Why are you here this early?”
“It’s ten.”
Darlin frowned and sulked toward the kitchen to see what he was pulling out of those bags. They folded their arms, leaning against the other side of the counter. Eggs, milk, butter, bread…
He sighed like he heard their disappointment and reached into the other bag. He pulled out a pastry bag and slid it across the counter to them before going to the coffee machine and starting it up.
Darlin bit back a smile and sat down on the stool facing the kitchen. They pulled the bag open and almost bounced when they found a sticky cinnamon bun inside. It was still warm. They took a bite and grabbed the milk carton he’d just bought. They’d gotten the cap off when David noticed and growled, pushing a cup toward them. Darlin rolled their eyes but poured. Joke was on him, as soon as he left they’d be back to it.
“Can you try to explain it?” he asked, the coffee brewing.
Darlin stilled for a second before washing their mouthful of cinnamon bun down with milk. “Are you bribing me with sweets?”
David snorted, back to thumping around the kitchen. He was definitely planning to make something. Which was great because Darlin’s stomach was suddenly empty. “What’s going on with you and the vamp?”
“Which one?” Darlin snickered.
David shot them a look, unamused.
Darlin sighed, nodding. Yeah. That wasn’t nice. “He’s a friend. Really. I think.”
“You think?”
Darlin rolled their eyes but went back to eating the giant bun. “I thought he told you everything last night?”
David started setting out ingredients and Darlin tried to puzzle out what he’d made. It wouldn’t be French toast or pancakes. Not if he gave them a cinnamon bun. Eggs, tomato, turkey slices, bread… His grilled sandwiches! Fuck yes!
“He said he was using you to try to get Quinn to come back.”
Darlin nodded. “That was the plan, yeah…” Until he said they weren’t bait, and apologized for using them, and some fantastically confusing shit about biting not hurting.
David thunked down a pan on the stove. “And you thought that was a good plan?”
Darlin shrugged.
“And you didn’t tell me you were teaming up with a vampire who stalked you in order to lure Quinn back?” He was obviously trying really hard not to yell.
“It didn’t seem like something you’d agree with,” Darlin said before stuffing more pastry in their mouth.
He shot them a hard glare. “No. I wouldn’t have.” They stared at each other for long seconds. His gaze flicked to their neck briefly and then away. Checking?
“I don’t think he’s a problem.”
“Sam or Quinn?” David sneered.
“Funny,” Darlin watched him fill their coffee mugs. They’d been using the same ones for years. Gabe’s was still in the cupboard.
“Asher thinks he likes you. Sam,” he added before the joke could go on.
Darlin looked at their food. “He doesn’t. We’re friends.”
 David stood on the other side of the counter, watching them scrutinize the density of their cinnamon bun like it was their life’s work. He put the mug on the counter and pushed it in front of them and then poured a little milk in, the way they liked it.
David hadn’t needed Asher to tell him that Sam liked Darlin. Not after the way he’d practically mooned over them when they came to his rescue last night. Everything made too much sense then—why this otherwise nice guy had practically begged to be punched for stalking and using Darlin. And why the only person he’d gone after in return had been Christian. Fucking Christian… David would deal with him later today, though Sam had done a pretty good job of that last night.
“So, what’s the plan now?” David asked, watching Darlin pick up the coffee. They had always been easier to get answers out of if he was feeding them. It kept them from storming away and made them just a tiny bit more reasonable. Sometimes he worried it was because a part of them thought if they weren’t, they wouldn’t get the food. But they had to know by now that he would chase them around the fucking house with breakfast in hand if he had to.
“No plan,” Darlin mumbled and then groaned like he’d pressed already. “The plan was dumb. I’m done with the plan, okay?”
“And Sam? Are you done with him too?”
Darlin stuffed the last of their cinnamon bun in their mouth and said nothing.
“Yeah. Okay. So, you’re friends now?”
Darlin nodded.
David sighed and leaned against the counter, looking at them. It was bullshit. Sam and Darlin were not just friends. Darlin did not get this quiet or this shy about a friend. And a person didn’t act like Sam did over a friend. “I need you to tell me things when they matter, Darlin.”
They looked up at him, surprise written across their face. He could see them forming an argument.
“Having a stalker and making plans to use yourself as bait for a psychopath are things you should tell me.”
Darlin winced and looked down again, nodding. “Yeah. I know. The pack—”
“No,” David snapped. “It’s not about pack and being alpha. It’s about being family. I love you. I know you’re going to do dangerous shit. I just need you to trust me enough to tell me about it.”
Darlin looked up through their lashes at him, like they weren’t ready to make full eye contact and acknowledge what he’d said. He waited. Finally, they nodded.
David rolled his eyes and drank his coffee. “So, are you hanging out with him tonight?”
Darlin shrugged, color rising on their cheeks. That was a yes. Okay. David could deal with this. It was better than Quinn, even though that was a monumentally low bar to surpass… He had checked up on Sam back when he first showed up out of nowhere to save the day. No one had anything bad to say about the guy. Former healer. Injured in a car accident with his vampire girlfriend and turned. There were rumors about a falling out in the Solaire house because of it but however it went down, it was the girlfriend that seemed to be on the outs with the family and not him.
To be honest, David had been bracing for a much worse than Sam Collins.
That being said, he hadn’t missed that the ward on their door was still in place. No biter could get into the house. How long would that still be there?
David pulled out a cutting board and put it on the counter. “You going to help or just watch and eat?”
Darlin pressed back a smile. They leaned over the counter and laid their cheek on their arm, watching him. “The second thing.”
He snorted but nodded. They’d been doing that since they were teens. He remembered coming out in the morning to a sleepy, grumpy Darlin on the kitchen stool like that, watching his dad make breakfast. A little chill ran up his spine, and he stood taller when he got to work.
 Darlin managed to get some sleep during the day, after eating one too many of David’s grilled sandwiches and agreeing to go to lunch with him and Angel tomorrow.
They got up again in the afternoon, went for a run, and then came back and showered. The house was quiet. It was always quiet now. Darlin thought about moving, maybe to some small apartment in a big building. Someplace that would never be too quiet. But they weren’t ready to give it up yet. It had been their first home and a part of them was scared nowhere else would ever feel safe like this again.
They’d just gotten dressed when their phone chimed. A thrill shot through them, a smile already pulling at their mouth when they picked it up.
-still want me to come over?
They glanced at the windows. The sun was setting. They bit their lip and texted back. -you’re up early. yeah. let me know when you’re here and i’ll come out.
Darlin looked up, toward the front hall and thought about the door. It was weird not just inviting him in at this point, wasn’t it? They hadn’t given it a second thought before because the whole point had been to go out and be seen. But now? Now Darlin didn’t want to be seen. Not by anyone but Sam anyway… Their heart beat faster. Shit. Maybe they were reading too much into it.
But what had he meant about biting not hurting? And he’d said they could still be the sort of friends that kiss but that… that he wouldn’t be doing it for anyone else.
Why was it, that they felt like they were in more danger of getting hurt with Sam Collins than they ever had been before in their life?
They heard the truck outside and almost laughed, marching to the door just as their phone chimed.
Darlin threw the door open. It wasn’t even full dark yet, some light still glowing at the edges of the sky. Sam flashed a smile, stepping out of his truck. “You left while it was still light out?” they asked, letting the door hang open while they set about pulling on a boot.
He walked up the driveway, shrugging once and sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “I wake up early.”
“Yeah, okay…” Darlin couldn’t stop smiling, almost rushing to lace the boot.
Sam stopped a few steps from the doorway. “So, what do ya want to do tonight?”
Darlin bit back all of their first replies to that open question. What did they want to do? They wanted to kiss him. They wanted to ask him to bite them. “I guess going out is sort of dumb if we’re dropping the plan, right?” Their heart beat faster. They laced up the second boot. “We could pick up some food and then come back and watch a movie or something?” They stood upright and smirked at him. “Blood bag for you and dumplings for me?”
Sam blinked and then smiled back at them. “Um. I mean, that sounds great but…” He tried not to look at the doorframe and the ward keeping him from walking into the house even if he wanted to. They could tell he was trying.
Darlin felt heat in their face. They looked like a fucking coward hiding in their house… “Oh. Yeah. I was just being a dick when I put that up,” they said, one step out of the house and reaching up to grab the frame. It was funny that they could so easily break something no vampire could even touch.
“No,” Sam almost yelled. Almost. He was right there behind them, his arm along theirs and his hand on their wrist. “Don’t.”
Darlin let go, the ward still intact. He pulled them gently back from it, suddenly in his arms when they turned to look at him.
“I don’t think you did it just to be a dick, Darlin,” Sam said softly. “And I feel better knowing it’s there.”
Darlin stared back at him, making no more to put space between them. They raised an eyebrow. “Is that your way of saying you don’t want to come into my house?”
Sam huffed an almost laugh. “I would love to go into your house…but I can wait.” His smile returned in full force, flashing the points of teeth. “Do you want to see my house?”
Darlin swallowed. Hells yes they did. “Sure.”
Sam took a step back, letting them go. “Is this a date, Darlin?”
Darlin blushed. “I guess…If you want…”
Sam held out his hand. “I want.”
Darlin shoved their hand into his, afraid they’d lose the nerve if they hesitated long. They were just walking to the truck. It wasn’t a big deal.
It wasn’t a big deal.
But it was.
Why was everything with Sam a big deal?
Why was Sam a big deal?
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star-whatevers · 1 month
AU where Shen Yuan gets transmigrated into a younger brother of Mobei-Jun. He manages to avoid getting axed in the inheritance struggle by being a slippery little bugger and a catty bitch that the warring siblings keep around for entertainment purposes. There's a pact that he has to be the last to go when their numbers are finally down to two and everything. He has teleportation powers, but since he doesn't actively cultivate they're not as powerful as Mobei-Jun's.
He's built like a bean pole, but somehow inherited a similar teleportation ability to Mobei-Jun. He spends 75% of his free time holed up in the library and puttering around any markets for books that by all appearances he hates, but won't stop buying. The other 25% he spends actively pissing people off for shits and giggles. His brothers find this hilarious and defend him from the foreign dignitaries he ends up trolling straight to rage.
He only gets in trouble with Mobei-Jun when he finds out that Shang Qinghua is Airplane and beats him with his own scrolls. Mobei-Jun walks in on this scene and is like 'my little brother, finally showing a shred of interest in something other than books, and it has to be with MY situationship'. He's like 3 seconds away from beating the snot out of Shen Yuan for trying to take HIS boy toy. Shen Yuan senses the murderous aura behind him before he's basically throwing in the towel and posturing to his brother like "he's one of the terrible authors, his crimes against words are numerous. I'm not trying to take your man."
Shen Yuan is trying so hard not to piss off the brother that will actually win the fight for inheritance that he ends up wingmaning him after that conflict. He also gets dragged into spars, and he can't tell if this is actually for his benefit or for Mobei-Jun to blow off steam with the added benefit of plausible deniability if he ends up dead at the end. Meanwhile Mobei-Jun is like 'ah, yes, another ally in my struggle to become king. I must make sure he is able to hold his own. He can live.'
Immortal Alliance Conference happens and Mobei-Jun goes there like in the novel to try to catch a couple minutes with Shang Qinghua, breaks Luo Binghe's seal and dips, but Shen Yuan appears and tries to usher him into the Endless Abyss. He gives Binghe some supplies and a weapon before having to try and distract Shen Qingqiu so Binghe can make an escape. He can only transport himself with his weak shadow powers, but he can buy time for Binghe to go down on his own.
Binghe's eventual escape from the Abyss means he comes straight to the Northern Palace and challenges Mobei-Jun in a fit of rage, coincidentally running into his savior - the only person who had been kind to him since his mother died. Shen Yuan becomes a quasi advisor, helping Luo Binghe's adventures and conquest. It's surprising that Luo Binghe doesn't seem to be interested in all the demon women he meets, but at least he doesn't have to endure being the third wheel to all the papapa.
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imababblekat · 3 months
Accidental Eavesdropping?
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Anon request, "Hey!!! Love your blog and your writing style, it’s amazing and so detailed!!! Can I request Bayverse TMNT Spider-man Au, where the turtles and spider-y/n are in a battle with Bepop and rocksteady. And in the last moments of the battle, spider -y/n saves the turtles but gets unmasked in the process. (They live) If you don’t want to do that idea! You can either delete this OR A moment where the turtles start talking about y/n and they don’t even realize that they’re talking TO THEM!!! This was funny to me for some reason lol 😂"
A/N: Aw thank you, anon! ;v; I went with the second prompt, btw. Leans towards Raphael x reader, but it's mentioned/hinted that the other turts also got the feels for reader. Any who's, I hope you enjoy! <3
◌(s,p) = spider persona◌
You're swinging over traffic, indulging in a rather quiet night despite the sounds of honking vehicles and other night life, when a sudden warm fuzzy feeling beams from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. It's not your spidey sense per say, but something akin to it, all you know is that it's a good sense and you follow it with glee. It doesn't take long before the feeling is buzzing and you see the source of the feeling chilling atop a pizza parlor. Well, more like sources. You let out a small giggle, noticing that the four ninja turtle brothers seem to be in some sort of deep conversation or debate.
"Hey guy's, what's going on?!", you greeted, swinging in next to a steaming Raphael.
"Oh you know, just the daily sibling teasing while we wait for our pizza to be made.", Donnie shrugged, watching as you and Mikey did your secret handshake.
"Yeah? Let me guess. . ."
The eyes of your mask squinted as you pretended to skeptically look at all brothers before looking at the glaring gaze of Raphael next to you.
"Is Raphie suppressing his emotions again?", you chaffed.
Said turtle rolled his eyes, shifting his weight to one side as he growled.
"Great, just what I need. And don't call me that."
"Come on, I'm sure I can help! What's up this time big guy?"
Leo chuckled, gaining your attention while Raphael sent him a warning glare from behind you.
"Raph's got a crush on our friend."
At this your eyes widened, a small gasp escaping you as you looked between the two eldest brothers in excitement.
"No way! Who?!"
You're question went ignored as Raph threw his arms up, cheeks flushing a light hue of embarrassment.
"All I said was they smelled nice, and y'all chuckle heads suddenly think I've been struck by cupid or some mushy crap!"
"You complimented them, Raph.", came Leo's retort.
"I compliment people all the time!"
Everyone remained silent, giving the hot headed turtle deadpanned expressions.
"What? I do. Right (s,p)?", he asked turning to look down at you.
You merely shrugged.
"Sarcastically maybe."
Raph huffed, leaning back against the buildings ledge, you hoping up to sit next to him.
"So is anyone gonna tell me who this mysterious person is or nah? Come on people, I want the tea."
Mikey, idly spinning his nun-chucks, grinned widely.
"It's our friend, (y,n)!"
You sat rigid, mask eyes wide once more.
". . .Who now?"
"Oh you haven't met them.", Donnie waved off, checking his turtle made watch to see the remaining wait time on their order.
Raphael clicked his tongue, still slightly aggravated about his brothers earlier teasing. Meanwhile, you still sat frozen beside him, staring into the abyss with a racing heart.
"I still don't have a crush on them.", he muttered.
"You complimented them on their perfume!", Leo loudly pointed out once more.
"Why is that so weird?!"
The two started to banter once more, Mikey enjoying the show while Donnie threw in a few matter of facts to weigh in on Leo's side. You, however, felt never more thankful than in that moment that you wore a full face mask. If it wasn't for the coverage, surely the ninja brothers would see just how closely the color of your face matched Raphaels mask right now.
Raphael growled, fed up with his brothers ganging up on him and his definitely non-existent crush on you. If they were going to call him out, then he would do the same to them.
"Maybe you guys should get off my shell and jump on yours first! I ain't the only one whose been makin' googly eyes at (y,n)."
You just about fell off the side of the building, hands gripping the edge of where you sat, knuckles definitely white beneath your suit. What is happening right now, is all you could terrifyingly but blushingly think.
Leonardo and Donatello were quick to look anywhere but at Raph, trying their hardest to not blush themselves at their brother's call out.
"I seen the way you put on the macho charm, Leo, bowing extra deep and all your swooning romance book crap when they come over. And you, Donnie, sputtering and dropping shit when they try to help you with projects and their hand accidentally brushes against yours. And Mikey. . ."
All eyes focused in on the youngest of the bunch who sat ready and waiting to hear Raph's jest.
"Actually, Mikey you're not that surprising. You think anyone who gives you food is a gift from heaven."
"Hey, it's not my fault their cinnamon rolls are so good!.", Mikey pouted, bottom lip jutting out adorably.
Leonardo shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose before turning towards you.
"What do you think, (s,p)? Are we over analyzing or are we right?"
The boys eagerly waited for your answer, for your input. Surely someone from the outside would be able to better determine the situation the brothers found themselves in. Well. . .should have been able to more like, as the response you gave was not what they were expecting.
A rushed, "Igotgo!!!", was all they got before watching you thwip away at the speed of light, leaving the turtles to look at each other confused and quizzically.
". . .Wait, so you guys don't have a crush on (y,n) too??", Mikey questioned with furrowed brows, innocently confused by how they could not.
Raphael groaned loudly as he and his brothers devilled into another childish debate on why they totally didn't have feelings for you, a familiar smell that had sparked the argument coincidentally wafting lightly into their senses upon the wind in the direction of which you swung off.
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Loving Arms (3)
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Summary: The children of Viserys I from his wife Alicent Hightower had always been lacking in affection from their parents. They simply didn't realize how much until their widowed aunt was brought into their lives. (AU where Alicent has an older sister and her kids get the love that they deserve, takes place some time after the Driftmark event)
Part III: Conversations over tea
|| Loving Arms Masterlist ||
A/N: Sorry for those of you who saw this before it was fully done! I tried the mobile app and don't plan on doing that again. 😅 P.S I tried a different way with the tag list, and hopefully it worked!
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The Targaryen siblings were seated in a semi - circle in the chambers of their aunt, while she sat on the chair of her vanity looking at them with an expression of bemusement.
"Typically, when a child asks to be excused from the table at supper, it is to go and do anything besides seek out another adult" she chuckled.
"It is just.... we hoped to speak with you without our Mother or Grandsire present," Aemond mumbled. "From what we saw at supper, we did not think things would be productive with them present."
"Well... I suppose you are not wrong there," she laughed. She settled herself comfortably on her hair and slowly began to take out the pins from her hair, loosening the tight hold she had placed on it from the style she had it in.
While she did so, the children looked over her features to see if they could spot any similarities between themselves and their aunt. Apart from her distinct auburn hair that she shared with his sister, their aunt looked nothing as they expected of her. But then again, they had such little expectation until they had the opportunity to meet her.
Feeling their gazes, she stilled her hands and met their curious stares. "It would be considered rude to stare at a lady, is there something troubling all of you?"
"Well.... we know so little about you, muña" Aegon said. "We really were not sure what to expect with your arrival, even more now since it is quite obvious that there remains tension between our mother, grandsire, and you."
"I did very little to hide it, didn't I?" she sighed and rubbed at her shoulders to release the pressure settling into her body from the days event.
"Muña?" said Aemond. "Why did you come to King's Landing? And why do you not get along with mother or grandsire?"
Her smile faltered and she cleared her throat uncomfortably, "Let... let me have someone bring us some tea and a comfortable change of clothes for the three of you." She brushed her skirts and fidgeted with her hands. "This... this will be a rather long conversation, if it goes the way that I think this will. I will be... as honest as I can be. Just... give me a moment. Alright?"
The siblings nodded nervously, her own tense smile was a clear enough indication that she was uncomfortable.
Before she left the room to change, Halaena reached out quickly and took her aunt's hand in her own, all the while shaking as she did so as she was so unused to giving her touch freely.
"Muña, we are prepared t - to listen but only what you are w - willing" Halaena stammered. Her gaze dropping down to her feet, plucking and picking at the skirt of her dress.
Their aunt whispered in return, "Thank you."
When all had dressed comfortably in their night shirts and shifts, they sat once more in their places. A few teacups were placed in front of the children and carefully their aunt poured each of them a steaming cup.
"I am not one for wine before bed," she attempted a laugh. "I hope you all do not mind, I find it can be quite relaxing for both the body and mind."
The children were quiet, nursing their cups in their hands and looking at one another, unsure of how to keep the conversation. But this did not escape the careful eye of their aunt, deflating in disappointment of herself.
"I am sorry," she said. "I suppose it is a bit difficult to really know where to start with this conversation and do not wish to place that burden on the shoulders of you three. You are all far too young to be worried about the mess that is our family and the affairs that come with it."
"Muña, I do not think we can be too young to know about the shortcomings of our family if mother and grandsire already have the intention of marrying Halaena and I soon" Aegon countered.
She scoffed in disbelief, "Surely you must be joking. Our family has always followed the Faith of the Seven, marriage between brother and sister is not permitted. It is absolute madness, no matter what those daft Targaryen ancestors of yours say!"
"I wish it were simply a joke, muña" Aegon said seriously. "But our grandsire says this would strengthen my claim to the throne and that as Targaryens we are within our right to marry."
"No! Absolutely not!" she said. "I will fight this tooth and nail if I absolutely must, but you and Halaena are not getting married. Is that understood?"
"Yes muña," the pair said with equal sighs of relief.
"The old man is going senile if he thinks that I would let such a marriage occur, he might know the ways of this court but the man does not know how the politics of marriage work at times" she huffed as she took a drink from her tea. "He claims that he was the one that arranged my marriage to your uncle, may the seven rest his soul. But I was the one that made my match and no one else, he thought I was a lost cause."
"Because of your... your," Aemond wasn't sure how to word it.
"My disfigurement?"
"I was trying to find the right words to be tactful, muña" Aemond blushed.
"Do not worry about my feelings pertaining to it, my sweet boy" she soothed. "I have had many years to understand that it is best to not beat around the bush when it comes to the topic, alright?"
The one - eyed prince nodded in appreciation.
"But yes," she murmured. "When I was very young, your grandsire did not think I would ever find a match because of my disfigurement. The skin on my face is still puckered and scarred from where I was burned, and my left eye can see nothing but light."
"You say you were burned," Aemond noted. "My eye was cut by my nephews, the sons of Rhaenyra. Who hurt you?"
She grimaced, "I do not think that I should be telling you that."
"Why not? Do I know who did it?"
"Yes, sweet boy and I do not want to be the one that changes your perception of them."
"Simply tell him, muña" said Aegon. "You said it yourself, the topic isn't one that you need to beat about the bush."
She rubbed at her temples tiredly, "Using my own words against me now. I suppose that I should keep my word about it."
"Who was it?" Aemond asked again.
"Alicent, your mother."
All three of the children looked at her wide - eyed, it was incomprehensible to them that their own mother could have possibly done such a thing. The burns took up the majority of the left - hand side of her face, it was difficult to think of how their mother could have done it and for what reason.
"I will tell you all the story another time," she sighed. "I am not particularly fond of how or why it even happened. People say we should forgive and forget, but it is not an easy thing to forget when the reminder looks back at you in the mirror every day."
"But muña, you said that we could talk about all these things" Halaena said. "You are delaying the conversation."
"We can talk about these things. But I think it would be better if that was a conversation that we saved for another time, it is too complicated of a story to tell. Or maybe it isn't, but I do not feel like having it today."
"Do you promise to have the conversation?" the young girl asked. "People tell us that one day we will be told or one day we can understand, but they never keep their word."
Their aunt looked at each of their young faces, hopeful and yet no expectation because of the many times that someone else had let them down before.
"I promise, my sweet loves. And may the seven strike me where I stand if I do not keep my word."
Satisfied, the three finally took a sip of their tea, only to then have varied expressions of disgust.
The elder lady Hightower burst into laughter at their faces, trying to stifle the amusement. "Either your tea went cold or all three of you have not partaken in drinking much tea, have you?"
"I tend to drink wine, not this leaf water that we have swallowed," Aegon stuck his tongue out in mild disgust.
"If tea is solely leaf water then wine is merely grapes that have spoiled," she teased. "But I suppose my gifts for you all will not have much use then."
"Gifts?" they all asked, because for as much talk that they were grown, the siblings were still only children.
"Yes," she laughed. "But now that I think on it, perhaps the gifts had a bit of selfishness on my part."
She stood and walked to the trunk near the foot of her bed, opening it, she picked up three small bundles of cloth and placed each bundle of the hands of her nephews and niece. Quickly Aegon opened his, finding a light purple tea cup with a golden handle and filigree along its rim. Halaena was more gentle as she unraveled her bundle to find her tea cup was a rosy hue and a darker red handle with ladybugs along its rim. While Aemond carefully found a sky blue tea cup with a silver handle and filigree.
"I was not sure what to gift you all, but I thought that perhaps, your own tea cup that we could use every time that we come together for a chat" she said sheepishly. "But if you all do not like tea, they could serve as a decoration and reminder of today."
"I do not mind tea," Aemond said.
"I suppose I could tolerate it" said Aegon.
"If we drink it then I would like some sweets to make it tastier" Halaena said looking over the ladybugs.
Their aunt laughed and quickly wiped at her eyes, "I will make sure that I have some sweet tarts or other treats for our next conversation. I will look forward to it."
The three flushed happily and looked at their tea cups fondly, already looking forward to the next time that they would spend time with their beloved muña.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
So, for the Supervillain Danny and Everlast Trio Villains Au's....
What about Jazz?
Since I understand everyone's villain alter ego is based around their trauma and becoming their own antithesis and what not, I'd like to think that Jazz's alter ego would be a bad girl, kinda like Ember and Kitty (the former who mind controlled her twice and the latter who almost took her place while slowly corrupting her), maybe with a hint of Spectra (the school councilor thing, the hospital thing, and that one time with all three of them).
Instead of being the nice, normal girl who tries to be perfect, she's a loose cannon who does all the wild teen stuff, doesn't care about anyone accept for those who are in her 'gang', and will absolutely resort to violence the first chance she gets. Maybe she also has some kind of mind control powers, given how these incidents relate to her being under someone else's control.
Maybe she doesn't come around as often, because she has college and the like, but once she does, things get messy as she takes the chance to let out all her school related stress.
you have read my m i n d
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Jazz had almost no childhood since she helped raise Danny from a very young age. She's intelligent and respectful and really wants to be an excellent example for Danny, so she acts as such. Therefore, Jazz never got to go through her 'teenage rebellion' phase. She wears modest clothes and upholds a pretty solid moral code. So here I present Nightingale, the punk-rock social justice warrior who comes and goes like a hurricane. She takes on the name Nightingale to avoid confusion, but once the JL realizes she and Fenton are related, some of the members consider going on a very long vacation to another world so they don't have to deal with this shit.
Now for her powerset, I'm not entirely sure if she should play meta or not. It's a common trope in fics that Jazz has been ecto-contaminated from her parent's experiments, thus giving her some sort of body enhancement. I played on that to give her a set of ears and teeth that match Danny's. She may not have ghost powers, but if she's fighting alongside Team Phantom, she must have some freaky abilities, right? (I love the mind control idea, btw) I feel like Jazz would be the Exception, where she's obviously enhanced in some way, but it's not an obvious power she can consciously separate herself from. It's like trying to tell your body to stop using your eyes. Unless other outside forces are preventing it, Jazz can't really not use her enhanced strength or speed. It drives the JL nuts because either Nightingale is a very weak meta or just an Olympic-level teenage athlete, and no one will spill the beans.
Also, this is personal preference, honestly, but I think it'd be really fucking funny if the DC universe is where Jazz and Danny have all their sibling fights. At home, they have to put up a united front so their parents don't get suspicious and the house doesn't kill them. (Also so none of the rogues takes advantage of their anger at each other) But they're siblings. Even if Jazz and Danny are the best of friends, they have to have arguments over the stupidest stuff. That's practically rule number one of having a sibling. So they go there to blow off steam and duke it out like they've always wanted to. It's mostly to release tension and stress, but each fight is getting more and more elaborate, and this whole thing is ridiculous. None of the heroes get paid enough for this. They're just gonna sit back and watch the show.
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shveris · 2 months
my jjk headcanons, part 3
tumblr pls give me more colors
part 1
part 2
part 4
satoru’s favorite color can only be seen with the six eyes. he’s tried explaining it to his peers multiple times but it just left him frustrated and everyone else very confused like “wdym you can see different colour spectrums????”
modern!au sukuna calls the number on missing animal posters, imitates the noise of the animal that’s missing and then hangs up (he does the same with missing children ones, too, if he’s feeling particularly unhinged)
modern!au yuuji has a letterboxd account and his reviews are the funniest shit you’ll ever read
he does the same with steam game reviews, too, and at some point dragged megumi and nobara into his shenanigans as well
first year suguru said “eat the rich” and satoru asked “why do you wanna eat me????” (shoko cried tears of laughter). this is how suguru found out satoru’s a nepo baby
adult satoru brings nanami cds and vinyls from emo/alt/rock bands as souvenirs whenever he has missions abroad. nanami keeps telling him to stop but the first thing he does when he arrives home is listen to them
nanami is also who megumi got his taste of music from since nanami babysat the fushiguro siblings some times when they were younger
cult leader suguru calls shoko whenever he gets a serious injury and asks her to come over and heal it (she gets there as fast as she can)
quitting smoking was very rough on shoko but babysitting the fushiguro siblings and studying for her medical license was a great distraction
modern!au choso doesn’t have the tattoo/mark over the bridge of his nose, instead it’s just a huge scar he got as a kid during some accident
megumi likes listening to rain sounds while falling asleep
satoru’s a little (read: huge) nerd. his bookshelves are filled with lectures and studies about physics and math theories, documentations of all kinds of natural sciences, he keeps up to date with everything in the field and even peeked into biographies of big science people
despite satoru and suguru being very cat-coded, shoko is actually more of a dog person (how does she put up with them? we’ll never know)
nobara regularly uses megumi and yuuji to test out her new nail polishes. she’d wipe it off for them after but at some point neither of them cared anymore so the boys just run around with colourful nails some times
when we see sukuna eat popcorn and drink soda during his fight with mahoraga, it’s because he saw yuuji eat/drink all those things while he was in satoru’s basement. he got curious and wanted to try himself but we saw how that ended
an addition to the hc above, sukuna also has forgotten the flavours and textures of all kinds of foods. modern era foods would really mess with his taste buds because heian period food wasn’t particularly known to be as flavourful as it is today + they didn’t really use oil back then. sukuna would certainly be insanely overwhelmed if given a modern meal
this is not really a headcanon but also not canon because gege never specified it: only cursed spirits can see sukuna’s tattoos. there’s several indications in both manga and anime that humans & shamans alike cannot see the tattoos (correct me if i’m wrong) but in season 2 jogo’s inner monologue proves that he can see them. i’d like to think it must be because he’s a cursed spirit, which means all cursed spirits (or high ranked ones) are able to see the marks
when satoru held yuuji in that basement for two months, yuuji taught him how to cook because “sensei, you’re an adult. how do you not know how to make tamagoyaki??? we can’t order takeout twice a day!” (yes yuuji, he can, he’s gojo fucking satoru, he has a black card and swims in money)
yuuji is good at every sports, even the ones he’s never played before
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saltnsugarbear · 4 days
you're the only one who makes me- every time we- (18+)
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summary: just some foundational building for this au (headcanons)
title from: "Wildflower" by 5 Seconds of Summer
word count: 1.4k
content warnings: MDNI!!! talks of cam work, allusions to a break-in, casual affection between friends, allusions to sexual fantasies
side note: everyone go kiss aw-live for giving me more filthy ideas on this au <3
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- I think we've decided Lip hosts his cam streams in the top floor of the Alibi Room (we being me and Olive)
- it's simply the place where he would have the most privacy and Veronica would probably be chill about it and be like get your bag (she ran cam shows??? so she's like fuck yeah okay king)
- I've just remembered she did cam shows, hell yeah actually she's like get your bag king here are some tips and shit.
- V probably helps set him up with a nice camera, gives him a set of keys to get into the bar and upstairs, helps him spruce the place up, make it look nice for the streams
- this takes place during when he works at Patsy's, and is 100% diverging from canon
- I don't think he's entirely obnoxious about how attractive he is but he has some sort of inkling? like he's the smallest bit cocky about his appearance around his partners just because they're kind of like,,,, they short circuit sometimes
- so he has the idea that he's attractive enough so he's like fuck it why not try?
- and I mean he's got a mouth on him so he can definitely say some shit that'll get people hot and bothered
- so he figures doing cam shows is worth a shot and will help bring in some money on the side
- you work at Patsy's Pies as a waiter, dressed in the white tank top and shorts that have become your uniforms
- you're one of Fiona's most trusted and therefore are very close with her
- one day Fi asks you to go out but day of she asks if you can swing by her place, asking you to bring an item of clothing with you because she has the perfect outfit planned
- so you take the L to the nearest station to her and make it to her house in no time
- you're a little surprised the Gallaghers have an unlocked door policy given they live in Southside Chicago but oh well, Fiona assures you they're prepped for anything (she even shows you The Bat)
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"It's unlocked!!" You hear from behind the door. The voice sounds much farther than just a door between the both of you. True to the statement, the door gives way when you turn the doorknob.
The mudroom your greeted with is cramped, boots and shoes littering the floor and coats crammed onto different hooks.
"Kitchen!" You can hear Fiona's voice clearer now. You duck out of the mudroom, taking in the cluttered living room that leads to the dining room.
Fiona pops her head out from the doorframe and gives you a bright smile. "You made it!"
"I said I would, didn't I?" You adjust the strap of your bag on your shoulder. Fiona shrugs as you walk into the kitchen. Her hair is up, and she's got a steaming mug in her hands.
"You brought it, right?" Her eyes are bright as she looks at you. You nod, opening the bag to pull out the corseted top she asked you to bring. It was something you had been gifted and never planned on wearing yourself, so you offered it to Fiona happily.
Her eyes light up when she sees it. Fiona sets her mug down before she walks over to you, taking the top out of your hands. You watch as she fingers the material, taking it in.
"Thank you," Fiona is quick to wrap her arms around your shoulders, bringing you into a fierce hug.
"'S no problem." You tell her, squeezing her tight before she let's go.
"Gonna go change, and then we can get ready together!" Fiona gives you a soft kiss to your cheek as she departs. You've become used to Fiona's casual affections, watching how she gave the same affection to her siblings in the restaurant. "Help yourself to some coffee."
You watch as Fiona goes up the stairs, disappearing behind the wall. You listen to her walking upstairs before you set your bag on the counter and search for a mug.
The sound of footsteps on the stairs comes sooner than you anticipated Fiona would be.
"Hey Fi," You call over your shoulder. "Where uh- where do you keep the clean mugs?"
The footsteps stop short, and you turn around to look at Fiona. "Left cabinet."
It is not Fiona who speaks, and you think you might break your neck with how quickly you finish your turn. Lip stands on the third step.
The sight makes your brain pause. Your eyes widen slightly, taking in every detail you can process. What jumps out at you the most is the outline of a triangle on his left pec.
"I- Um-" You're struggling to find any words.
"Sorry, didn't think anyone else would be here other than Fiona." Lip takes the last few steps down and walks to the laundry basket on top of the washing machine. Your eyes follow him as he crosses the room and grabs the first shirt he can get his hands on.
You watch silently as his muscles move when he lifts the shirt over his head. You quickly avert your gaze when he tugs it over his chest.
"Which, uh- which cabinet did you say?" The image of the ink triangle has thoroughly derailed any thoughts you might have had.
"Far left." Lip's voice is curt.
You make your way to the counter, leaning against it to open the far left cabinet door. True to his word, there sit mix-matched coffee mugs.
"Pass me one?" Lip's voice is closer and you can feel his shoulder against yours as you grab the first mug. You softly place the first mug on the counter, exchanging it to your other hand to pass it to Lip. His fingers are warm where they graze over yours when he takes the cup. You're quick to grab your own, turning to push yourself against the counter behind you.
After he's filled the first mug, he passes it to you on the counter and holds his hand out for the empty when you've got grasped between both your hands. You're almost too quick to pass him the mug, nearly pushing it into his hands.
You take the first one, bringing it close to your chest. Being this close to Lip makes your brain go blank like an etch-a-sketch.
"Cream, sugar?" Lip asks as he places the pot back against the machine.
"Uh, both." You say, setting your cup on the counter.
Lip nods as he opens the fridge, grabbing the gallon of milk from the fridge.
"Sugar's behind you.." Lip mutters coming up beside you and reaching around you. You can't help but freeze, holding your breath until Lip is out of your space.
He grabs two spoons from the drying rack on one side of the sink, offering you one of them.
You take it from his hand, your fingertips brushing against his knuckles
You can feel his eyes on you as you start taking spoonfuls out of the container. The huff he lets out through his nose makes you glance at him, watching as he rubs softly at the knick on his cheek.
"Make your coffee.." You mutter, bumping your shoulder into his.
Lip huffs, turning back to his cup. He takes the sugar from your hand, trading you the milk for it.
As you mix the milk and sugar into your coffee, you can't help but zone out.
The inked triangle you saw on Lip's chest makes an appearance in you fantasies that night. And the few nights after that, when you try to get yourself off.
Of course, such a simple thing was to haunt your mind.
It was Lip Gallagher, after all.
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- Lip is not the soft and sweet camboy no no
- he is the mean, condescending camboy
- the camboy who talks you through it, degrades you while fucking himself into his own fleshlight in his hand
- the camboy who teases you and coaxes you and says if you cum before he tells you to he won't let you cum again for a week
- safe to say he builds quite the desperate fan base. men, women, and people alike clock in to watch his streams, showering him in tips easily, giving him enough money in one stream to pay rent
- sometimes he's an extra tease on stream, using his third one for the week to just talk you through it, not even thinking about his own pleasure as he coaxes you through your own release
- that's all for now
- gotta wait for the big show for more thoughts!!!
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ratmanzhq · 4 months
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I kept Kais gi:s pretty much the same and some of the gi:s are the same with all the ninjas, so the only hard part was coming up with Nya gi.
I only made the outfits that would be relevant to the fic that I'm trying to write. But I might need to draw more of them when I need to.
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hello!! I hope you are doing well
this is more of an ask than a request but given their occupations in the modern au it seems unlikely that the M6 would meet each other, but how do you think the M6 would meet??
whether it was during childhood or as adults
this just seems like a fun little drabble/hc, ofc if you're not up to writing it that's perfectly ok/g 🥳🥳
Phew, this ran away with me, but here's a modern pre-prologue setup for you anon friend!
Julian and Portia are siblings, of course, who lost touch when he went off to college and med school for that student debt life (and stayed out of touch because Portia resented him getting the opportunity when she's still struggling to pursue her education). They've since gotten back in touch and Julian is being allowed to help with the application process.
Nadia and Lucio met in the back of one of his nightclubs because she was the highest paying VIP member and he recognized her family name and figured he'd do some networking. It quickly devolved into drunken complaints about parental pressures and expectations and led to the infamous Vegas drive-thru wedding we've all heard about. Nadia stuck it out because she wanted to stick it to her family and needed space to build her own legacy as the city's mayor (backed by Lucio's network), and while it wasn't ideal it worked because she lived at her office and he let off steam with one of his business partners (Valerius).
Their marriage ended on paper when Lucio faked his own death in an arson case because his tax evasion was catching up with him.
Asra and Muriel grew up in the foster system together, Asra's parents having gone missing when they were a child and Muriel being an orphan. They attended the same highschool as MC, whose aunt would often open the back room of her shop to them when they needed to study together (or just a safe space). When they aged out, Asra was able to access his inheritance and used it to buy a piece of land with a crumbling old house on it that Muriel found for the two of them to work with.
They started out working evening/night shifts at clubs together, Muriel as a bouncer and Asra at tables, while Muriel put himself through community college on a scholarship for biochemistry and environmental science. Asra eventually achieved underground success as a DJ, and after getting his degree, Muriel moved to working full-time on their property to transform it into sustainable living research.
Asra started doing magic shows at kid's parties as a favor for a friend, and found that the pay was better than expected and the event was plenty of fun. Now they DJ and magic on their own schedule and rent a studio apartment in the city to save themself the commute.
The property Muriel works from is still owned by both of them, and between the royalties from Asra's mixes, the rapidly accumulated value of the compound Muriel's built, and Muriel's ongoing research, the two of them live comfortably at their own paces. They both keep in touch with MC, though Muriel much less frequently so because he's so hard to reach. Asra's highschool crush on them never disappeared and he often uses his unusual schedule to avoid them for a month or two, because he's in denial about it being more than a crush and he's terrified of losing half of the closest thing he has to family.
Asra and Julian knew of each other from kid's parties they both attended (Asra as the magic show, and Julian as the pediatrician who the kid considers a dear friend), but officially met when Nadia hired both of them after Lucio's arson and fake death stunt. She needed to investigate the circumstances of Lucio's death, which needed Asra as an inside informant on general behaviors in the club and Julian's opinion as an expert in crime-related injuries from his previous stint in forensic medicine. Julian developed a habit of stopping by for drinks after a long shift and the two had a brief friends-with-benefits situationship while the investigation was ongoing. They ghosted each other to focus on their personal lives when it wrapped up, and Nadia (who had become a dear mutual friend) was too busy juggling being mayor and managing Lucio's business to keep in touch.
During the last week of the investigation, an abandoned warehouse right next to the arson scene blew up when a forgotten pile of explosives triggered several weeks late due to Lucio's sloppy planning. Asra, Nadia, and Julian were right next to it when it happened, and would later find out that MC, Muriel, and Lucio were all nearby for their own reasons as well. While several of them sustained severe concussive injuries which messed with their memories, MC took the worst of the blast and ended up in the hospital in a comatose state.
Asra blamed themself for it because they'd been going through a period of trying to (and failing) to forget about them (again) and found out that MC had texted them their location after they thought they spotted Lucio and decided to follow him. He had a bit of a wake-up call watching them in a near-death state in the hospital and realizing that he was the only listed next of kin. They took on the role of MC's caretaker for the long recovery process, moving them into their flat, and eventually helping them take over their aunt's old shop for a steady source of income and independence.
Portia and Nadia met when Portia quit her Home Depot job to work in the mayor's office. A visiting constituent was so impressed with her efficiency and people skills that they suggested she apply to a recently-opened secretarial position. Portia took it for the pay increase and did her job so competently she rapidly rose to her current position as Nadia's personal assistant. Nadia has slowly become aware of Portia's interest in veterinary work and, without Portia's knowledge, is planning to add a new benefit to her position that lets her work part-time and go to school fully funded.
All's well, until the city's mayor comes knocking on a neighborhood shop's door after hours because Lucio's been spotted meeting up with Valerius, an ongoing business partner, and MC was a forgotten key witness ...
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saym0-0 · 4 months
constantly stuck between 'rabbits transition and where it is in the timeline is vital to her characterisation and her relationship with peter walter I, and is an important piece of queer media' and 'i dont want to draw her looking like a man, but i do want to draw her in practically every decade in the 20th century'
its a struggle
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nevermorgue · 26 days
Hii :3
Do you have any headcanons for misfits if they were in steampunk/fantasy au?
I love your headcanons so much <3
Hi anon! Thank you sooo much, you don’t know how happy it makes me that people actually like my stuff LOL
Fantasy time? Fantasy time. Imagine your standard DND world with steampunk technology. Let’s see…
- Lenore is a human artificer. And in this universe we can actually KEEP her family’s influence with the railroad.
- Her family’s trains and steam powered machinery are more than just that- they use magical components to be more effective and better than competition.
- Lenore and Theo were still very musically gifted here. Can’t take away that sibling bond
- maybe in this universe Theo died under more mysterious/foul play circumstances? Giving Lenore a motive to go and form a party and all that
- maybe Lenore was present and got injured/lost consciousness and can’t remember what occurred that day. got her hip injury from it
- then her father keeps her locked inside not only to protect her from whoever did this to her and Theo, but because with her hip now permanently injured he doesn’t really see her as useful anymore (asshole)
- Speaking of which, she still sets fire to the mansion and ditches at night.
- Steals a prototype of a very fancy gun that her father was planning to make to her sold. Magic, of course.
- Also still resumes the identity of the fictional Leo Vandernacht.
- She fled on horseback from the house and to a small town. This is where the story of the party begins
- Lenore has a kinda shitty cane right now, forced to use a large stick until she can actually find a store that has canes.
- She comes across a small crowd watching a bard perform. A tall, elvan man using illusion magic to entertain while also somehow playing a floating lute without touching it.
- As she stops to peer over, she feels a hand poke at her “cane” with a clicking tongue sound
- “Goodness, how is this supposed to support you at all?”
- Lenore sees- the same man. Turns out he has his illusionary self performing while he goes around to loot the crowd for anything that looks valuable. A very shifty bard indeed.
- This is how Lenore meets Duke, an elf bard that uses his charisma and many skills to draw crowds and hopefully people careless enough to leave valuables unattended.
- oh speaking of Duke. So I can keep his French. French = Elvish here. Let’s pretend.
- Lenore makes a lot of jabs at him for what he does, but he insists that the performing is his main thing and that’s what he loves. He only does the ‘look around for things to take’ deal in richer areas where they won’t notice losing a few things. Think like…a better Robin Hood.
- He gives her exactly 5 gold pieces and tells her to get an actual cane. After some more banter and light hearted jabs, he just decides to go with her. They’re fast friends.
- Lenore ends up getting a nice cane that supports her hip far better than an oversized stick could ever do. She vaguely explains her circumstances in half truths to Duke, who then decides to take her to the tavern.
- The walk between the store and the tavern is where they meet Pluto…because he tries to pickpocket Duke.
- Duke doesn’t even seem phased. He just shakes his head in fake disappointment, lifting Pluto up by the scruff of his cape.
“Again, mon minou? How many times must we go through this?”
- turns out they know each other. Pluto is a human rogue who has lived underneath this town his whole life, using theft to barely scrape by. He tried to rob Duke once and now it’s like a little game. Duke finds it amusing, and Pluto honestly keeps trying just to see him again.
- Now the three are a trio!! Lenore keeps jabbing at them both for being thieves, even revealing that she stole most of the items on her person as well.
- Pluto and Duke doing the same thing for different reasons: listen. Pluto using theft to survive, barely holding on. Duke doing it to make a statement, someone who has plenty but takes anyway to very slowly make an influence on the world both through performance and helping others. Nice little “doing the same thing for very different reasons” thing.
- Tavern time. They meet an adorable Eladrin girl who is working there as a waitress named Morella (Paladin of course). She’s a student in town and this is her part time job.
- They also meet Berenice and Eulalie here. Berenice is a tiefling fighter, Eulalie an aasimar sorcerer. They’re actually part of the local adventurers guild and are celebrating a recent victory in which they took back a village from a raid.
- Lenore takes interest in the guild, which leads to them all sitting together with Morella frequently coming by to chat.
- Oh yeah Pluto definitely has met them before too. He made eye contact once with Eulalie while he was sitting on a roof and he nearly fell off.
- He’s seen Berenice underground. He doesn’t know what she does, especially watching her go between the dangerous underground and to the surface, but he watches her wrap her bleeding knuckles with concern.
- This is the start of something new for her, something she can tell is worthwhile. All of the people she’s met since coming to town have already started to mean something special to her.
I did WAY more than I expected i’m so sorry anon-
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akystaracer22 · 6 months
Free the Bird from its Gilded Cage
Synopsis: Lucifer would tell anyone who asked his greatest regret was letting humanity eat the apple. Better than admitting what he really regretted.
Golly gee good thing affairs didn’t exist back then huh!
In which Lucifer’s tism hurts his best friend, the fic.
I think I can tag this as Edenpoly considering the conversation between Lucifer and Lilith.
I give my greatest thanks to my good friend Hat who uttered the phrase “I raise a glass to the friend you could have been and drink to the monster you became” (Or something of the sort) which has not left my brain 2 years later.
No shade on other people’s depictions of the ancient archangels. I love good archangels as much as you guys but… this is very much bashing.
I’m so sorry Michael. And Azrael, and every single angel who’s characters I butcher in this AU. It’s not you guys I swear.
God on the other hand fuck you I’m not sorry.
I have been told by many people irl that I have religious trauma. I didn’t think I did but fuck it we ball.
I am so sorry this came out late but I had two assignments and I'm moving houses, I'll try not to have a repeat.
Word count: 1957
Fic under cut!
Lucifer felt Lilith before he saw her, the first woman’s aura screaming frustration and hurt louder than the tears in her eyes.
She was sitting under an aspen tree with her legs tucked to her chest.
Lucifer didn’t need to guess why she was upset; it could really only be one thing these days.
“Adam did something again, didn’t he.”
Lilith huffed and lifted her head to meet Lucifer’s gaze, “We fought, again. He still doesn’t get it.”
Lucifer sighed and sat down next to the first woman, not for the first time the little voice in his head bemoaned Adams chronic inability to listen to anyone other than God. It was really starting to cause problems in Eden.
“He’ll regret it.”
“He always does, but he still does it.”
Lucifer nodded, “He needs to learn that God isn’t right about everything,” His siblings would murder him if they knew he was spreading this kind of blasphemy, “But I do agree, it’s a little irritating.”
“It is!” Lucifer jerked as Lilith stood up abruptly and began to pace, “He’s great most of the time don’t get me wrong, but he’s just increasingly growing more and more insufferable! It’s like every time he gets better he just goes straight back to being worse!”
“Truly the trials and tribulations of the first humans.”
“I just wish he would listen to me! Not some stuck up self-important know it all who thinks I’m worthless.”
Lucifer wisely held back the instinctive defence of the Creator, “Especially when you are so much more than that.”
Lilith seemed to finally run out of steam, falling back into Lucifer’s arms and holding him tightly, “I hate this… I hate him.”
“No, you don’t.”
“No, I don’t… I hate the man God wants him to be.”
“I hate that man too,” Lucifer admitted, “I hate how he hurts everyone.”
Because it wasn’t just Lilith that was left hurting. Lucifer hated how he was losing track of the near silent breakdowns of Adam’s.
God created humanity different from the grand design, and every day Lucifer loathed that fact more and more.
“He’s going to win, that man.”
“Neither of us will let him.”
“He’ll let himself,” Lilith hissed right by his ear, the sound sending a shiver down Lucifer’s spine, by the choirs that felt good “Adams an idiot.”
“Yep!” Call Lucifer blasphemous, but he was so tempted to-
Lilith opened her mouth to say something, and Lucifer listened to the little voice in his head once again.
He caught her mouth with his own swiftly before pulling back, face flushing as he realised what he just did.
That was something only Adam and Lilith was supposed to do with each other.
Lilith blinked, taking time to process before giving her response, “Do that again.”
Lucifer didn’t need to be told twice.
The bark of the aspen tree was lit up by Lucifer’s wings as he pressed his lips to Lilith’s again.
And again.
And again.
Lucifer had never felt so good. He could see why Lilith and Adam like doing this. This felt so good.
- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
It was hours until Lucifer disentangled himself from Lilith, still not having quite recovered from the experience. Sadly, he could feel the mental tug attached to his halo signifying his siblings wanting an audience with him. The last thing he wanted was to have them come down and see him with Lilith.
The moment he returned to heaven however, he had the distinct feeling that he might have messed up regardless.
Michael was pacing and muttering angrily under his breath, sharp sounds grating Lucifer’s awareness. When the archangel saw Lucifer, his wings physically bristled as he lunged forward and grabbed the Morningstar by the robe.
“You are so very fortunate that God was already growing tired of Lilith’s rebellion!”
“Michael,” Lucifer turned to see Azrael landing nearby, “I highly doubt Lucifer knows what he has done, as impulsive as he is.”
“What? What happened,” Lucifer demanded, mantling his wings to make himself look larger as he stared down the other archangels.
“You don’t know?”
“Know what!”
“God decided to give the first man a new wife,” Michaels words cut through Lucifer’s anger and left only shock, “Made from his rib.”
“… what?”
“Yes, I had to tear it out myself,” Michael huffed, Lucifer noticed the dried red still dusting the angels gloves, “Adam tried to flee.”
“What Michael means,” Azreal shot the other a look, “Is that Adam didn’t take the information well, and saw it fit to attempt avoiding the situation entirely.”
“He was awake?!” Lucifer screeched “By the choir what is wrong with you two?!”
“It was the Creator’s wishes, none of us knew it would bring pain,” Azrael sighed, “However, it would encourage not repeating the situation…”
“It doesn’t matter anyway,” Michael scoffed, “The Creator ensured Adam wouldn’t remember.”
“It would taint him.”
“It would motivate him.”
“Our Creator has decided to take a more… hands on approach in ensuring the situation does not repeat itself,” Azrael looked uncomfortable, “Xe employed the use of divine power to keep Adam and Eve from straying from the grand design.”
Lucifer took a step back.
Michael opened his mouth to say something, but Lucifer couldn’t hear over the roar of nothing in his ears.
Lucifer ran.
He broke into a sprint before diving back down to Earth, landing on the soft grass of Eden he looked around desperately.
Lucifer turned around as Adam’s figure came into view from behind a tree, “Adam-”
His eyes were gold.
Lucifer stumbled back as he took in the first man’s appearance, Adam’s eyes were no longer the colour of earth. The familiar dark brown orbs that bore the gold of honey and of leaves in the sun were gone. In their place was the brilliant gold of divinity, of heaven, the same gold of the-
The chain attached to his wrist.
Lucifer lunged forward and grabbed his friends arm, pulling him forward and running a hand along the softly glowing cuff on Adams wrist.
It was definitely the Creator’s doing.
“Adam what have they done to you.”
“Ah, apologies, but have we met before?”
Lucifer’s golden ichor froze as he looked back up to meet that accursed golden gaze, “What?”
“It is just that… you seem familiar with me, but I do not recall ever having met you. I apologize.”
Lucifer stepped back from the first man, “What.”
“Were you present for my creation? That day was such a blur I hardly recall all those present.”
“Adam- Adam look at me,” Lucifer grabbed Adam by the shoulder, staring desperately into those too gold, too inhuman, too holy eyes “Adam. You are my best friend. You remember me don’t you?”
Adam’s eyes flickered for a moment, that familiar beautiful earth brown peeking through for a moment before being swamped by heavenly gold.
“You are an angel; how could I ever be friends with someone of a higher status such as you?”
Lucifer wanted to cry.
The Creator truly was cruel.
“Are you alright, sir?”
Lucifer couldn’t do this.
Lucifer shoved Adam away and ran like a coward, stumbling through the bushes and past trees as he ran away from the puppet wearing his best friends face.
He didn’t even talk like Adam.
The Creator just stripped his best friend of everything that made him… him.
Lucifer collapsed under a willow tree as he sobbed into his arms.
He didn’t move for a long time after that.
- - ┈┈∘┈˃̶༒˂̶┈∘┈┈ - -
Lilith found him in the dim of night, her eyes sharp and he teeth bared in a rueful grimace even as she took him into his arms.
“We’re not letting them get away with this. Not this time.”
A hot flame of righteous anger sparked in Lucifer’s heart as he held onto Lilith. She was right, this crossed a line.
Lucifer wanted to rush in, to steal Adam away and find a way to break that chain.
Lilith told him to wait, to watch and observe as she would.
“Right now, heaven does not know about our rebellion, if we move too quickly we will both be destroyed.”
She was right, of course she was. Lucifer hated it though.
They had to watch Adam go through the motions of what his life used to be. The way he would no longer wander the garden without reason.
He wouldn’t play with the animals anymore or sit and relax under the sun.
Lucifer almost broke the trunk of a tree when he saw Adam tear out a plant Gabriel considered ‘too imperfect for the garden’ even though Lucifer knew that it was Adams favourite flower.
That flame of anger grew every time that damned shackle glowed and chained Adams will.
It took a little time to figure out, but if there was one thing Lucifer was sure would free Adam and Eve, it was the apples of knowledge.
They had to.
Lucifer and Lilith also watched Eve through everything. She seemed meek through the control of the Creator, but in the few moments the attention of heaven faded and the gold in her eyes let a little bit of reddish brown through, they got to know her.
She was gentle and sweet to the animals but there was a steel in her spine.
She was vibrant and wild as she chased the cheetah’s around the garden or buried her head in a grizzly bears side.
Lucifer grew to love her in a way. As little of her as he could see. But she was the one the Creator paid less attention to, and why would xe? She is supposed to be subservient to Adam.
Lucifer shifted into the form of a snake and curled through the branches of the tree of knowledge as she came into view.
“Eve my dear, may I borrow your attention for but a moment?” Lucifer sing-songed, drawing the girls eye as she stopped at the base of the tree.
“What is it you require of me, snake?” Eve asked, Lucifer watched intently as the telltale hint of red brown filtered into her gaze, this was the shot he needed.
“The fruit of this tree, could you tell me how it tastes to you?”
The woman flinched back as if struck, and Lucifer’s eyes narrowed at her response.
“I couldn’t, God said-”
“And have you not wondered why xe demands such things of you? Have you not questioned why xe forbade this?” Lucifer hissed, snapping off an apple and letting it fall to the ground at Eve’s feet, “I know, and that is why I ask this of you.”
Eve’s will fought with Heaven for a moment as she picked up the apple, but she was not gone yet, “God said that if I ate the fruit, I would die.”
“And the Creator lies to you,” blasphemy dripped off of Lucifers tongue as he all but snarled at Eve, the white-hot flame of fury envenoming his words, “To eat the apple is not to die, but to be freed. To have your eyes opened to the truth around you.”
Eve held the apple in her hands, the reddish brown in her eyes traitorously present.
“How do you know I won’t die?”
“Because my dear, I have had my eyes opened long ago. To open them is a freedom the Creator keeps from you on purpose,” Lucifer hissed, “You will not die, of that I can promise.”
Eve bit into the apple, and the chains snapped under the weight of knowledge granted.
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