#spires series
monomatica · 7 months
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Type Maps for Chasing the Light by Alexis Hall
– Portraits of Marius Chankseliani & Leo Dance –
You’re mad at Marius for breaking Edwin’s heart during Waiting for the Flood, but then by the end of Chasing the Light you really feel for him and understand that his snarky sarcasm is covering up so much vulnerability. Leo is the strapping man who lives on a narrowboat on the river Thames, and saves Marius in more ways than one. How lucky are we to get this moving companion novella and get THAT conversation between Edwin & Marius? It’s so beautiful.
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aplaceinme · 7 months
Some more relatable excerpts from Glitterland by Alexis Hall (which I'm loving btw):
“Shit. Fuck. Wank. I was going to have to leave the house. Interact with people.”
“I could cope fine, thank you, as long as I had time to prepare. As long as I knew where I was going, what I was doing, what would be expected of me, and how much energy it would take. I needed to plan. Assess the danger. Break the whole activity down into safe, manageable chunks so that the enormity and unpredictability of what lay ahead didn’t overwhelm me.”
“Self-pity. Such an attractive quality. But it was miserably unfair. Whatever I did, no matter how hard I tried to pretend otherwise, there was no respite from my limitations. I was my own cage. And I hated it. Hated myself.”
“And now I lived in a world so narrow and so colourless that getting out of bed in the morning was a victory. That not actively wanting to die was happiness.”
“I haven’t really recognised myself for a very long time.”
“Maybe it would not be so terrible, to disappear entirely, to drift away in fragments beneath the moon, like pieces of torn of lace. To cease to be.”
“I had never wanted death, merely cessation; unfortunately, sometimes, they seemed to be the same thing.”
“This is who I am.” I put my key to the lock. “I don’t need fixing.”
“It was strange—perhaps terrible—but somehow I found it easier to talk about wanting to die than wanting to live.”
I am Ash… Ash is me!
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smalltownfae · 1 year
"He catches my face between his hands, his painted fingernails twinkling like stars, and when he kisses me it feels a bit like fear and tastes a bit like tears, but it's as bright and sweet as sherbet, and I decide to call it joy."
- Glitterland by Alexis Hall
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dingostrash · 14 days
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Video games are supposed to be fun, right?
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rhmis-user-2020 · 2 months
People who haven't watched Tangled the series/Rapunzel's tangled adventure, how will you describe this scene?
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waddles-ex-machina · 1 year
alright place your bets folks
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tangledbea · 25 days
I have seen it speculated in the fandom that Calliope was possibly neurodivergent because of her behavior in Keeper of the Spire. Do you feel that this is the case? I have an issue because I felt the writers were trying to show case that Calliope was annoying because she was being an inconsiderate "know it all" because she was overcompensating for being insecure. Being neurodivergent myself, I dislike when an "annoying" character is speculated to be neurodivergent just for being "annoying."
I agree with you. I never saw her as particularly neurodivergent (I am as well), but as a neurodivergent person with a different kind of neurodivergent sister who is also my roommate, I'm well aware that nerodivergent people can be obnoxious (both I and my sister are self aware enough to clock when we're getting too annoying). I can't fault nerotypical people for seeing someone being annoying and supposing they might be neurodivergent, simply because that means they don't understand neurodivergence, and you can't know what you don't know. (It's another thing entirely if they don't understand and don't want to learn.)
In other news, I adore Calliope for being exactly who she is.
But when it comes to neurodivergence and Tangled the Series, I always felt that "Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf" was an ND and/or mental illness allegory. The moral there is that there can be something about you that other people find off-putting or even dangerous, but its on your loved ones to respect you and help you through it and, moreover, listen to you and your choices. That episode promotes bodily autonomy like no other. They way that they all accept that Catalina wants to keep the wolf, the way that they stop calling her Red after that. The way that Eugene sits her down and blatantly tells her that if she feels herself getting too angry again to let them now so they can help her... It spoke to me, man. That episode is overlooked.
Sorry for the tangent.
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locitapurplepink · 3 months
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Taglist: @photogirl894 , @kanerallels , @bigfrozensix , @lucy-shining-star , and anyone else who's a fan of this series.
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bananaphone---t · 1 year
No one:
My brain, quoting Eugene for no reason: "We're in a room full of magical artifacts, and I don't know what any of them do! :D"
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tourneys-by-me · 1 month
Multiple Elements Character Tournament - Round 1 (D) 6/12
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Sasuke Uchiha: Fire and Lightning
The Defect: Lightning, Frost, Dark, and Plasma
Propaganda under the cut
Sasuke Uchiha: He is iconic.
The Defect: The Defect is a metal automaton who gained sentience and seeks freedom from The Spire. Its main method of fighting is channeling Orbs, which passively give bonuses and can be Evoked to a greater effect, at the cost of the orb itself. Lightning orbs deal damage to a random enemy. Frost orbs increase The Defect's defense for a turn. Dark orbs build up power over time, and deal damage to the enemy with the lowest health when evoked. And lastly, Plasma orbs give The Defect extra energy, which allows it to perform more actions per turn.
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tenshichan1013 · 1 year
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RTA: “race to the spire” favorite screenshots part XLVIII
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monomatica · 3 months
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For Real by Alexis Hall + Book Swag
The rerelease is out today!! Plus some adorable book swag from Blue Willow Bookshop, Alexis's home indie bookstore in Houston. If you preorder any of his upcoming books there, it will come with an adorable themed bookish item + a signed bookplate.
This book is a glorious 5 Stars and a must read if you love his Spires Series – it's Book 3 in the set and his steamiest and kinkiest. It's also now officially the chonkiest of his books on my shelves!
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aplaceinme · 7 months
Halfway through the book and... Wow, do I hate Niall!!! Like I understand that it's not easy but just wow! Hopefully, by the end of the book I will like him... we'll see...
I'm really enjoying the book so far!! And Ash is still so incredibly relatable!!!
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smalltownfae · 1 year
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If anyone can get me into an age gap romance, Alexis Hall can. Also, I get this poor guy. I might not be 19 but I was cursed with an innocent baby face.
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sortanonymous · 3 months
How to view this race?
Do I appreciate what an incredible war of attrition the first five-overtime race in NASCAR history was?
Or do I pull my hair out because Chastain was wrecked out of a potential win by others' carelessness (again), Truex lucked out of a good points day (again), and Logano bumped into another win over someone more interesting (again) in a season where he looked so close to finally having a bad season?
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rhmis-user-2020 · 10 months
Varian in that one episode "race to the spire" got his boots glued to the ground by Eugene
Who glued my boots to the ground?
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That's for your little balloon prank earlier. Eugene Fitzherbert never forgets!
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