#spite dsaf
autumnsartblog · 1 year
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Past VS Future
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silly-chiroptera · 7 months
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i dont lijke him
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thatoneconfusedcitrus · 10 months
im so mad someone in the tags insisted jack was a twink NO HE'S NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE IS FAT SHE'S FATTTTTT STOP LIVING IN THE PAST EMBRACE FAT KENNEDY💥💥💥
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dee-in-the-box · 7 months
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it's the Kennedy Parents!! been thinking about them :]
here's a post with some fun facts about them :D
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ask-steven-stevenson · 2 months
Heyy, Steven, before I disappear off into the ether again, have a plushie.
[ give him a little fox plush :3 it is immune to damage, dissapearance, or anything else that could take it from Steven by other anons ]
{He quickly took it and held it close! He thanks you.}
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doomzidle · 4 months
Legacy/Radical Jack isn't the same monster you think.
I keep seeing Legacy/Radical Jack get chalked up to being nothing short of a 'evil person who wants to do evil things', which... ISN'T true in the slightest. Yes, he's bad. But there's reason. Not everything is so black and white. Here's a dive into Legacy/Radical Jack's character, and why he acts the way he does, along with a retrospective into Jack's life before DSaF. Here's my take on Jack's motivation for the Legacy/Radical Jack routes.
This is all referring to Jack’s hatred towards the real fredbear and fredbear 'cursing' him. Jack blames himself for Dee's death before any of the games happen, and that's clear through just how much regret his soul has (Blackjack being able to literally cross timelines.) and multiple dialogue trees in the game. That Jack would do anything to bring her back, or redeem himself, and Fredbear knew this. Personally? I believe Jack felt obligated to promise he’d give all the souls their happiest day, as he saw it as a way, if not the ONLY way to redeem himself. Why else would a person put themselves through ALL that torture, and be willing to receive nothing in return?
Jack regrets it. Specifically in the legacy and radical routes. He regrets that he ever made the promise because he doesn't want ANYTHING to do with ANY of it. Because it has nothing to DO with him. Dee is gone and dead, and nothing he can do is going to bring her back, so why even bother? Dave encourages him to let loose and not uphold some insane, crazy promise that was shoved in his face. Fredbear cursed him, and that's how Jack sees it. He doesn't want to dedicate his entire unlife to some promise, to have to endure his body rotting and falling apart, people treating him as if he's not even a person, and in the end get NOTHING for all his troubles, all for some stupid bear diety. Frankly, I also think that that's maybe why legacy kills Dee in the flipside. Because he doesn't see that as DEE. His little sister died over 60 something years ago, and he doesn't see that as her. Or, because we know that at one point Henry’s soul enters Jack’s body, Henry killed her instead. It’s one of the two. And, if he doesn’t die? He doesn't have to face eternal nothingness. Which is what WILL happen when he dies, because he has no soul. He can't go anywhere. So, he joins Henry, in the hope of abolishing death and spreading the joy of creation so he won't have to ever face death. Legacy/radical Jack will make himself the problem that fredbear wanted him to get rid of. Not to mention, most people forget it was Jack’s CORPSE who made the promise with the real fredbear, not Jack’s soul. And when Jack’s dead body was awakened to be asked the problem, Jack’s fate was already sealed. Before he even said ‘I promise’ his body wouldn’t ever be able to rest because of the sheer fact that they decided to wake him with his soul out of his body. They took away his chance of ever being able to peacefully rest. They MURDERED him, because they wanted his help.
I don’t really think he had a choice with that promise. He’s gonna end up in the same place no matter what choice or action he makes, he’ll never be rewarded or punished for anything he does, so why bother? Fredbear KNEW Jack felt obligated. It's all obligation. ..this is probably why he kills the real fredbear, and maybe kills to children to piss him off. To make Fredbear's hope of ever giving children their happiest day nearly impossible by killing more and more kids
All because fredbear took his chance of having a happiest day away
And then, you look at Henry's influence over Jack throughout all the games; Especially in the ‘an ending’ ending, after certain in-game criteria are met you can get specific dialogue; BlackJack: ''Well done. Well done, indeed. You've really created a whole legacy out of spite, haven't you? I should have intervened, but I didn't. Was this a passing fancy? Or is this your legacy? Is this really you now?''
Jack: ''This is who I am now. This is my legacy'
BJ: ''I know you'll never be able to put yourself back together, but must you cause such suffering?"
Another secret one you can get from the SAME ending if certain requirements are met
jack: Perhaps I am trying to follow Henry.
jack: I refuse to put anything back together. Meaning, Henry hadn't interacted with Jack yet, but jack was trying to contact him, and Jack doesn't WANT to put anything back together again.
They broke HIM, so why should he fix them? You also gotta consider Henry's manipulation towards Jack. Through SEVERAL instances in the third game, we see Henry telling Jack the same things he told Dave. Hell, even Doggo confirms that Henry's only manipulating him. Each route of Jack, they're all the same jack- Just the anger directed towards two different sides, two different extremes.
Good route Jack is one extreme, the one that's willing to do anything and everything he can to put everyone else back together, because he himself was broken.
Legacy/radical route jack is the other extreme, the one that's willing to do anything and everything he can to give back what HE was given.
They broke him, so he's going to break them. Hell, all throughout the games it is PRESSED upon the player just how broken Jack is. Dee says it, Dave says it, Fredbear does- Jack Kennedy is more broken than anyone else. They are TWO halves of the same whole, two ends of the same line. One if fueled by regret, the other is fueled with hurt. Another important thing you also have to take into consideration is just HOW broken this man was, EVEN before the games. Here's a short retrospective on Jack's life BEFORE his parents died- Just gonna throw in his life after his parents died too, because it was kinda rough looking back on it. They died when Jack was 16/17, and he was solely in charge of raising Dee, as Peter had already moved out and living with his wife.
Peter for some reason DIDN'T help, he even apologizes for abandoning them, and leaving them alone in dsaf 3's good ending.
A big fault on Peter's end, but there's an important reason for WHY he did this, and I'll get to that in another post. A 17-year-old would've had to drop out of high school to take care of Dee, and we already KNOW he has problems. So, you take a clearly struggling teenager, who was shoved into the role of being a parental figure in an INSTANT, add the other fact that he probably thinks Peter has something against him because PETER left him behind, and add in the fact that there's no room to healthily grieve his parent's death? NOTHING good comes from that. Jack Kennedy is NOT fit to be raising a whole ass toddler on his own. Even IF Dee is Jack's WORLD before she dies, and I full-heartedly believe Dee was the one thing keeping Jack going at one point, that is NOT enough.
But anyways, you have a clearly struggling guy raising a kiddo, and y'know what? His little sister wants to have her birthday party at where he works.
The Diner.
He thinks, sure, why not? It's safe, I work there, my boss will be there, other adults will be there. Nothing bad could happen. He thinks it's safe to leave her alone for a moment. Maybe to go grab her cake, or to use the bathroom, who knows-
He THINKS it's safe, because, y'know, ONCE again- it's where he WORKS. His boss is there, adults are there, he thinks dee is safe. And when he comes back, she's gone. I think the sheer amount of regret Blackjack has is pretty telling on how much Jack blamed himself. So, Jack, panicked, full of self-blame like he usually is (it's a main part of his character), goes home in a panic, finds his DOG dead. His sister is MISSING, his dog is GONE, and what does he do, because he has NO other way to cope with whats happening? He drinks. I'd imagine that's something he's either picked up from Peter or a family member (There's a scene in the game that show Peter drinking, but that's when Peter's a phone-head, so it might be wrong.) He gets drunk. He wants to find dee SO badly, so he goes to the diner. It's night. That's NOT good. He gets caught by an animatronic, and he's dragged to the back, and shoved inside of a springlock suit. (These are the kids doing this, and it's said during the whole flashback when Jack makes the promise. They purposely murder Jack because they want his help.) He's never been in one before, he only worked the nightshift. He doesn't know how it works. He panics, the springlocks go off, and he dies. Henry finds him, and brings what seems to be dee's corpse into the other animatronic in the room. I have no idea if Jack SAW dee, but I am led to believe that it's Dee, because we know Dee was still moving AFTER Jack was dead.(Horrible to think about.) And the previous two children would've been stuffed away already. So, you have Jack. His soul is gone, he's dead. He's awakened, and every AWFUL thought, every AWFUL feeling is still there. He's STILL stuck in the springlock suit, still drunk out of his mind- but something wakes him up. He hears a voice. You have an intoxicated orange who's probably not thinking clearly and is STILL probably overwhelmed by everything that's just happened. He's just lost TWO important people in his life, and he's dead, and he's in pain and he can't even THINK properly at the moment, yet he's being asked to do something that's so IMPORTANT- Jack blames himself for what happened to Dee. He blames himself to SUCH an extent, that he'd do anything to redeem himself for what he did, So, not thinking straight, in unbearable agony, full of self-blame, he accepts the promise, and he drags himself, CRAWLS out of the saferoom. IT ONLY GETS WORSE, FOLKS. His brother, Peter, sees the news. He believes the news over Jack. Jack has nothing. He's LOST everything, and he has nowhere to go, nowhere to turn. He has been broken without any hope of ever putting himself back together again. God, just imagine how AWFUL Jack must've felt when he saw the news, seeing his own face as the murder suspect. Legacy Jack is nothing more then a broken, BROKEN man who wants to give back the world what they gave him. He isn't black and white, good or evil. Henry took advantage of Jack's anger and spite towards those who hurt him, and used it.
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dsaf-confessions · 4 months
important announcement
okay so modred here!!! and i am about to share my total, unbiased, unfiltered and honest thoughts.
i am leaving the blog
yes yes i know i try to act unbothered by everything but its scary how everything changed so fast! did you know i was actually considering sharing my main on here because i thought this place was so chill? safe to say im glad i did not do that.
i've tried to win the idgaf war but the truth is its killing me. im fighting in the idgaf war and im losing. it feels like its been months since it started, but its not even been three weeks. just over two, im pretty sure. its not even been three weeks since i've turned 15 years old!
two days after my 15th birthday this started!! what unfortunate timing. and honestly, ive got exams in less than a month, and i've been so stressed about everything. not just exams, not just internet drama, but like a secret third thing too.
its super scary to admit im being stressed out by all of this considering that there are people whove taken pride in upsetting me and for what crime? they're old posts. i was 14 when i posted them. id apologised. id listened to advice. i'd improved. but all because one day someone decided they didn't like the blog, this entire account collapsed and so did my mental health with it it seemed.
i dont like being honest. i just like to laugh about everything. i know certain people are going to be laughing and proud that they've made me leave this blog while reading this post, and while thats the reason ive been scared to leave this whole time, they're going to do that anyway. they're going to keep hating me. so the least i could do is try to put myself first rather than try to push through it using spite as my motivator.
i know there will likely be people bragging on their accounts that they've made me leave (im aware of what people are saying). and that upsets me. i wont lie. but at the end of the day, if you find yourself being proud of making a newly turned 15 year old leave an account that they once found comfort in, then thats more of a judge of character about you than me.
its scary how people can decide that they don't like you one day and make a post ruining everything, and its scary how people can act comforting to your face and then go ahead and brag about how upset they've made you to someone else, but in the end i cannot control what people say and at the end of the day i can only control what i do and who i surround myself with and thats why im leaving.
im not leaving the discord, or the dsaf fandom at all, but i am getting far away from this blog and blocking everyone who hates me because thats all i can do. all i can request is that if you know who i am, keep it secret. and if you somehow find me, please dont try to talk to me.
i think i'll just talk with my friends and post my silly little art and things without becoming a known name. its the only way to exist in fandom i think.
but wait! this blog wont die!
you see, as you were reading this post with tears in your eyes, i had secretly been assigning not just one, but two new admins for the blog! i trust them to keep it running, but also if you guys treat them terribly i give them full permission to delete this entire account. they need to put themselves first too.
so, my last words to the dsaf confessions blog?
change da world. my final message. goodbye. /ref
uhh just kidding!! final message is: if you dont like this blog, block it. if you dont like me, then we'll leave this here and forget this drama ever happened. dont try to make my past mistakes these guys problems. as soon as i hit post im leaving this blog, so any hate you try to send towards me will not go through to me. you wont even be screaming into the void either, just at some innocent people.
thats all i have to say. ily all!!! /p
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cyrusclouds · 5 months
nobody asked for this one either but idc, my head canons are for the world to enjoy not just me. as a part 2 to my dsaf headcanons, tsp headcanons for the soul :33 (maybe angst warning at some point?)
stanley is completely mute!! he knows sign language very well, but he refuses to use it with the narrator most of the time out of nothing but pure spite (and also because the narrator likes to be the talker 4 sure...)
the narrator is a low-level, fairly young god that was gifted with his own little 'passion project', per say. the curator is a much older and much more powerful god that was sent to keep his ass in check and make sure he wasn't doing some stupid shit 💀
going back to point one, after the time skip ending stanley tries to be a lot more talkative to cheer up the narrator (who is fucking traumatized), and signs to him a lot more than usual until things go back to normal :D (i gift you with fluff, children)
no matter how hard he tries, the narrator is completely unable to prevent stanley's slow descent into pure disassociation and derealization. it happens gradually, and even if he resets things, it never truly stops or goes away. he has to watch on knowing he absolutely destroyed stanley's mental state for a little fun game!!!<3 (yeah i knew the angst was coming from me eventually)
the narrator and stanley are BOTH autistic. SORRY NOT SORRY (i am autistic btw)
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moderator-monnie · 1 year
It's been like 4 years and you're still doing the Charlie phone bit...mmm don't you think it's time to just let it die dsaf isn't even a thing anymore^^;;;
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Buddy, for one... have you seen the dsaf tag on tumblr? it's still EXTREMELY ACTIVE! if dsaf was as dead as your saying the entire tag would be nothing but charlie' posts for MILES but their's countless people, some old some NEW.
Secondly, it's not a bit at this point it's something I do 1 because it makes people happy, 2 it's still PRETTY fun and gives me something todo, 3 I've put four almost five years of hard work into him with 5,000+ posts.
Thirdly as my friend lazy has pointed out, even if the dsaf fandom was dead why would I just let charlie die? He's my character one who people love dearly.
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I've said it before and I'll say it one million times more, charlie is here to STAY he's my cursed abomination, and he never does any harm, if you don't want to see charlie just blog the blog and the tags
"Charlie The Phone Guy" and "Charlie The Cursed Phone Guy" I tag litearly every post with thoes 99.99 precent of the time! just so people could avoid charlie all together.
I understand not everyone will like him and I respect that, if they don't wanna interact, then we won't interact.
So no, I don't think it's time to let Charlie die... infact my spite for asks like this? drives me to continue even more, that and I know quite a few people would be upset as well as one final reason.
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Thanks for the ask though! Goodnight : )
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who-u-calling-pinhead · 9 months
Idk if people still wonder about this, or if it has already been answered
Or if the answer is in the game, being obviously shown and I'm just being stupid
But imma just bring it up
About the good ending for dsaf3
Everyone gets to move on to the afterlife, Henry got his ass kicked, all is... alright.
And then there's jack.
What happens to him in this ending?
His physical body gets burnt in the fire in his pizzeria, and his... uhhh... spirit? Consciousness? Idk, the other part of Jack that isn't his soul is still in the flipside.
Is... is he just... stuck there now? In the void?
Plus, according to some dsaf thing doggo wrote, Henry isn't truly dead after the good ending, he's just...
Since time outside reality doesn't work like how it does IN reality, the both of them could just be there for... God knows how long. What if it gets to a point where Henry finds a way to escape.... where ever he is, and returns to a place he is most familiar with.
That being the void.
And he finds out that the man that took him down, is still there.
And with that, leaves me with another question:
What about all the spite? It's all still there, right? Did it mess with jack, or did it just leave him alone?
I mean, if it can fuck up henry, who was already really fucked up, it can surely fuck up jack.
But, how would he end up if the spite DID mess with him?
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autumnsartblog · 2 years
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Bisexual Henry for the win.
The second one with the arrows with “/j” was my friend
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rudylloyd · 1 year
someone [Ben] said they wanted it so under the cut is my dsaf swap au stuff
Dayshift at Freddy's swap au "Dayshift at Bonnie's"
Retired circus ringleader Henry Miller and his adopted son Dave, along with their cat Mittens, have had a steady stream of bad luck. Henry losing his wife and biological son, and Dave losing his parents and being orphaned, the two find comfort in each other and take care of one another. On Dave's 20th birthday, the two go to the local eating spot, Springbonnie's Family Eatery, owned by the Kennedy family consisting of two parents and their 3 children. They get a discount since Dave is the night guard
Unfortunately, Henry gets into an accident, leaving Dave to fend for himself once again. Not long after, Dave falls victim to the shockingly spiteful and hateful hands of the Kennedy's youngest child, Dee. She purposefully rigs the springbonnie suit to fail on him after a rumor spreads that Dave is the reason Henry was killed in the diner.
There, the Real Springbonnie gives Dave a chance to redeem himself on the condition he solves the murdering problem that Springbonnie's faces.
Years later, Springbonnie's closes and Bonnie FazBunder's Deli opens, serving fresh submarine sandwiches. Unfortunately, there's a murdering problem here, the main suspect being the middle son, Jack.
What hijinks ensue when a familiar purple face appears at the front door? What secrets can be discovered within Bonnie FazBunder's? And WHY is that circus ringleader animatronic constantly staring in Dave's direction?
Maybe find out ;]
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“i see you’ve played dsaf recently ... you also don’t have shoes ... dammit i can’t eat your shoes uhhh wanna watch me wiggle these strings around?”
he shrugged not sure what todo just making wee woo noises with his painted on mouth
“names charlie the cursed phone guy i am a weird cryptid/eldritch horror on tumblr you didn’t have your asks open so uhhh yeah just wanted to say hi and introduce myself”
“beware the cursed phone guy and all that!”
he then started to backflip out of spite
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Alicia and Victoria (In Every Life DSAF): First meeting
(Disclaimer: It should have been clear from the start that my first In Another Life contribution would be a sapphic one given that I’m a lesbian. So meet my first ever contributions to this AU Alicia (Jack) and Victoria (Dave). There is also reincarnated Dee in the form of River (one of Alicia’s coworkers and long time best friend), and of course Henry, for whatever reason as Alicia’s cat, the cat being Henry has no impact on the story, he just is. This story is based on a prompt revolving around feeding a cat, and despite being related to DSAF it’s, being an In Every Life story, not too related to the canon.)
Alicia had recently unofficially adopted a stray cat. Or maybe he had adopted her, she couldn’t be certain. Regardless of how she came into possession of this cat, wether she adopted him or he adopted her, it didn’t really matter. All that really mattered was that she had a cat now. One she had decided to name “Sparky 3.5”. Alicia was never sure the inspiration behind Sparky’s name, much less why he was Sparky “3.5”, however she decided the name fit and went with it.
Sparky was a large grey striped Tom cat with the most terrible attitude she had ever seen. He was unusually aloof even for a cat, tended to rip up everything and anything within his reach, scratches Alicia frequently, often bit, and had a horribly loud yowl that sounded more like a dog than a cat.
Sparky was an outdoor cat. That much was clear. He came and went whenever he pleased, frequently she’d find him yowling at her window at the dead of night as if he was intentionally coming home late to spite her. Regardless, she loved the cat to death.
However, recently Sparky had been putting on a few pounds. Ok a few is not the right word for her cat now being 50% heavier. She hadn’t at all changed what she was feeding Sparky, he wasn’t getting food on his own (Sparky was too lazy to hunt and didn’t know where his food was.), and his cat food wasn’t nearly enough to cause such a change. The only possibility was that someone else was feeding her cat.
Alicia was lonely, sure she had her best friend River, they were always good company, and she had Sparky. But she didn’t have anyone else, and that partially played into her decision.
Alicia decided to put a note on Sparky’s collar, reading “Please call me if you’ve been feeding my cat.” With her phone number written underneath.
She knew it was strange to ask someone feeding Sparky to call her, but she just felt it was the right thing to do.
It was probably just some old woman or little kid but any interaction would make her happy.
Eager to have some human contact, she waited.
Victoria was wandering aimlessly around her parents mansion, bored once again.
The mansion was always boring.
It was today, it was yesterday, and it would continue to be for however long her life lasted. She hoped not very long because the boringness was killing her sure, but a truck would get the job done faster.
Victoria was the victim of a rather overprotective family. Her older sister had drowned in a lake when she was a child and they didn’t want their now adult daughter in any danger.
Sure she could sneak out of the house, but she couldn’t do it very long, and not every day. Maybe she could just run away for good. That’d certainly be more fun.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the loud yowl of a grey tabby cat on the windowsill. Sparky 3.5! The closest thing she had to a friend outside the house! That oddly named cat was the best part of her boring day.
“Hey Sparky. Nice to see you again how long has it been.” She says dramatic, putting a hand to her forehead and falling back on a couch.
The cat jumped down from the windowsill with a definitive thud. Sparky was getting a little fat she had to admit. Maybe she had been feeding him too much.
The cat sat down and yowled at her expectantly. 
“I dunno. You do have an owner and I don’t wanna make you too fat for them.” Victoria says.
Sparky makes an annoyed scoffing noise.
“Alright alright I’ll give you something to eat. Jeez. I hope you don’t treat your owner so nice.” She says sarcastically, standing up and starting to walk downstairs to the fridge, she didn’t exactly have cat food on hand.
Once she got there she began looking looking through the fridge. Seeing a discarded eggplant laying distinctively front and centre as if an object of unbelievable spectacle. She smirked slightly at the sigh of it. 
Victoria was snapped out of her thoughts with Sparky clawing at her lavender dress (she liked dresses, they let her run faster).
“You know mom and dad hate it when you do that. They’ve already tried to get me to stop letting you in. Now I don’t mind my dress being ripped to shreds, I don’t, but I think it’s better for my sanity and your belly that you stop doing it.” She says, somewhat annoyed, looking down at the grey Tom cat.
Victoria grabs a whole chicken leg out of the fridge on a plate and removes the plastic wrap, putting it down in front of Sparky, the cat gives a satisfied scoff and starts to eat his meal.
Victoria takes a whole tangerine out of the fridge and bites into it skin included. The skin was the best part in her opinion.
Victoria closed the fridge and only now did she notice as Sparky was eating he had a note on his collar.
She reached down and removed the note, to the cat’s annoyance.
“Please call me if you’ve been feeding my cat.” Was written in a very neat handwriting with a phone number underneath. Victoria’s eyes lit up. Human contact. Fuck yeah.
Alicia was eating breakfast and suddenly jumped at the sound of her phone ringing. She looked to see it was an unknown number. Ok this could be a few things. A scam, someone who dialled her by accident, or whoever was feeding her cat. Whichever the case was she was ready to find out.
Alicia swiped to pick up the call and pressed the phone to her ear. “Hello, who am I speaking to?”
“The bitch who’s been feeding your cat.” The voice of a young woman says on the other end of the line. Alicia froze. She really expected a child, or old lady, nothing inbetween. “Why’d you want me to call you?”
“W-well uhhh… Sparky’s been getting kinda… large. As of late. And I would like you to stop feeding him.”
“That’s all? You could have written THAT on the note instead. This didn’t need to be a verbal conversation.”
“Well… I kinda just wanted to talk to someone I guess.” Alicia mumbles.
“Well you made the right choice choosing to talk to me, I mean, I’m great.” The stranger says, she can hear the smirk on the other end of the line.
“My name is Alicia Adams, it’s nice to meet you miss-“
Alicia and Victoria talked for hours, so long in fact that Alicia is late for her job.
“Sorry gotta go. It’s time for work.”
“Oooh… where do you work.”
“Fat Dog Bakery, it’s downtown. My friend’s family owns it and no one else will hire me.”
“Ok! I’ll check it out sometime. Call you again soon sweetie~” Victoria says, hanging up. She fell back on her bed, giggling. She’s already decided she’s going to drop in at Alicia’s job.
Victoria looks down at her torn dress. “Well that won’t do~ I need something… more special for Alicia. Victoria does an evil laugh and goes to her closet.
“Call you again soon sweetie~” Those words rung through Alicia’s head as she drove to her job. Victoria wasn’t flirting with her, was she? She probably wasn’t. They were near strangers and Victoria was surely straight. Even then… sweetie… it just felt…
That whole time talking to Victoria felt special. As if she had already known the girl for a lifetime.
She parked outside her job and walked inside, her mind taken up by everything but baking.
“Al!” Her friend called out, waving to her from behind the counter, snapping Alicia out of her very not straight thoughts about the girl she had just met and never even spoken to face to face. “You’re an hour late what the Hell? Traffic real bad or something.”
Alicia blushes. “No uhhh… I was talking to someone.”
River gagged. “Oh god, you met a girl. Ok, first things first, is she gay?”
“I don’t know, we just met and we only talked over the phone. She’s the one who’s been feeding Sparky.” Alicia says. She’s met with River scoffing.
“Then maybe save falling head over heels and imagining your wedding together until you AT LEAST see her face.” They say, rolling their eyes. “Get in the kitchen you lovesick moron.” They say jokingly. 
Alicia blushed more and walks past the desk, putting on her apron and starting her job.
River is sitting at the front desk, messing around on her phone when the door opens. It’s the first customer of the day. Part of why the bakery is failing is because it’s also probably the last.
She looks up from her phone and is met with the sight of a beautiful woman with milky white skin, brown eyes, dark hair, heavy and intricate makeup, tons of sparkling jewelry, and probably the most elaborate and fancy dress she has ever laid eyes on. Honestly, in foundation alone it looks like the woman has spent more on her appearance than River did on their car.
The Disney princess looking fuck comes right up to the desk, reading her name tag. “Why hello there Mx River, I’m looking for an Alicia Adams. Is she here?” River stands there a moment, silently staring at what looks more like someone who should be running away from her evil stepmother and eating poisoned apples then someone who should be leaning over the bakery counter looking for Alicia.
“Give me a moment.” River says, sharply turning around and walking into the bakery. “ALICIA WHY THE FUCK IS THERE A DISNEY PRINCESS HERE LOOKING FOR YOU!?!?!” She yells at the redhead.
“I DON’T KNOW!?” Alicia yells back at River.
“COME OUT AND DEAL WITH THIS SHIT! I’M NOT PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS! WE DON’T HAVE THE BUDGET TO PAY ME ENOUGH FOR THIS!” River yells. Alicia nods and comes out front, being met with the sight of the Disney princess esque woman leaning over the counter.
Alicia is not what Victoria expected. She’s a tan skinned, somewhat muscular young woman with short vibrant red-orange hair. She’s not sure what she did expect but this… huh… ok now she’s starting to get nervous.
“Hiiiii Aliciaaaaaaa~” she says, drawing out her name as much as possible.
“Wh- are you-!?” Alicia’s face is entirely red.
“Victoria? Yep, in the flesh.” Victoria winks. She had worn her best clothes to come here, and spent half an hour on makeup. But it was all worth it to fluster Alicia like this.
“You’re uhhh… wow.”
“I know~” Victoria purrs. “It may sound crazy but I feel like I know you.”
“Uhhhh… same… actually.”
“Not as in we met today but like… as if I’ve known you a while.” Victoria clarifies, rolling her eyes.
“Me too.” Now that’s interesting.
“Are you seeing anyone?” Victoria asks suddenly.
“Well no I-“
“Would you like to be?” Victoria says, bringing her face closer to Alicia’s. Alicia gets impossibly redder.
“A-are you asking me out!?”
“What do you think?” Victoria purrs.
Alicia straight up faints.
“…Huh.” Victoria says.
“I feel like I have committed war crimes having watched that.” River says, standing in the doorway.
“Do… do you think she’s ok?”
“Look. There are 4 things Alicia can’t take. Horror movies, she screams her head off in anticipation of jump scares and usually is crying by the end. Pretty girls, she’s cripplingly gay. Flirting, she is super easily flustered you wouldn’t even believe it, I’ve seen her go red at one of her crushes saying hi. And of course, whatever mindfuck you just did there.” River says flatly. “I’ll wake her up for you, try not to do that again. And if you’re messing with her, I swear to god, I will make you BEG for death.”
“I’m not at all.” Victoria says. River pours a plastic water bottle out on their friend’s head.
Alicia shoots back up with a yelp. “HOLY BALLS!!!” She shouts.
“I’ll try to keep it as low key as I can this time so you don’t faint again. Do you want to go out?” Victoria says simply.
“I… I… yes…?” Alicia says, blushing.
“Good, now that’s all sorted. I should be able to get out for a few hours Friday evening. Are you free?” Victoria asks.
“Great! Meet me at the fountain in the middle of town at 8. You know the one. Dress nice.” Victoria winks and walks back out towards the door, blowing a kiss before she leaves.
“Just so you know, Alicia, I am confused and horrified about how you managed to pull that off so fast. You’re literally dating gay Snow White.” River says.
“I’m… I’m just as confused as you are.” Alicia says, before fainting once again.
(Note: And thus begins the tale of Alicia and Victoria! I’ve planned at least two more stories with them, and then after I’ll probably make new reincarnations. I write a lot of sapphic girls, so writing this made me feel really in my element. For anyone interested in joining the In Every Life project, you can use this as an example of how an In Every Life story could be! <:
I believe in y’all! Try and create something cool with this AU!)
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inc0gnit0-m0de · 2 years
im playing the dsaf vegas theme to spite this fuckn' child <- Dave
hehehehe nice
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Idk what this is but I just wanted to doodle a normally colored Henry and Voidwalker-ish colored Legacy! Jack lmao (Reblogs appreciated! :D)
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