#splinter shredder swap au
raphaelesbian · 1 month
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I don't THINK I posted this yet?? idk though lmao. But, Splinter/Shredder swap. Doubt I'll ever write anything fr for it, but:
Saki fled to NY after Yoshi beat him, Yoshi stayed in Japan and rebuilt the Hamato clan.
Yoshi raised Miwa. Takes everything WAY more seriously than he used to, because he blames himself for what happened with Saki. Super open about his past, as he is in canon, but though he feels a lot of guilt about what went down, Miwa believes pretty strongly that it was all Saki's fault and she hates him and is glad he's dead.
Miwa is really close with her dad, pretty similar to canon.
Saki seethes in New York for a while, hating Yoshi, but after being alone with his thoughts for so long, without any yes-men, he starts realizing that his lies don't hold up under scrutiny.
Intensely guilty over it, because the whole reason he ever was so delulu is because he couldn’t handle the guilt of being WRONG. So now he has, and he’s really self-loathing about it.
Eventually gets 4 turtles (later than Yoshi did in canon, meaning they're 4-5 years younger than Miwa), because Shen loved turtles. Mutation happens, he flees to the sewers.
Starts going by Cinder, bc he is what the fire left behind of Oroku Saki.
Still names them the same as canon, to kind of honor Yoshi bc Yoshi loved Renaissance art (and I don't want to come up with new names hflkashdlgkskdlg)
He raises them to be REALLY non-competitive, bc he really really doesn't want them turning against each other. Gets along the worst with Raph as a result.
Very secretive about his past, mostly out of shame.
Just like canon, Yoshi learns that Saki is alive because of a news broadcast about ninjas in New York. He immediately goes to NY to find him, and Miwa chooses to come with.
Saki is SURE that Yoshi wants him dead, because he would if the roles were reversed fhkldaskgl. He'd probably let him, except he has his sons to take care of. Yoshi just really wants his brother back after all this time. Miwa DOES want Saki dead. Turtles have no clue what's going on, really, except that they can't tell this sad old man or this angry chick where they live.
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A better look for mutated Oroku Saki referring to this post. I could name this #forgotten clan
There's a bit of ROTTMNT and IDW mixed in with some characters being fused. It might actually be considered its own continuity.
Teng Shen didn't die and Hamato Yoshi/Splinter defeated Oroku Saki/Shredder but let him live with the agony and embarrassment of his defeat. So Yoshi and Teng lived happily with their daughter Miwa/Karai.
While Oroku had no other choice but to leave as everyone who once knew him lost all respect for him and felt petty over his existence. Over the years, he has had anything but regret and pain. His mental and body health became an issue, it was almost as if he was dying from the inside.
He tried to look for help but mostly failed because of his anger issues. Eventually, the TMNT 2012 plot thing happen and he was mutated when he went to buy 4 little turtle pets as a suggestion from his therapist.
Oroku thought of better leaving the mutated baby turtles in a better place (maybe with Yoshi and Teng if he could ever find them) but with his new form and past he knew that no one would accept him or the little turtles, and remembered how much he regretted hurting his adopted family he took the little turtles as his own and really but really just tries to be a good dad...
He still wears the Hamato clan symbol as just a memory and a sign of respect as he also preserves his deadly metal claws, though they became nothing but rusty metal.
He may be angry 24/7 but will always keep his composure and try to use the peaceful route as they once thought him to do, but if the situation demands it, he will scratch and be hard.
When the Krang started to look for him and the turtles, in one fight he lost his tail and he hides that from everyone.
He started to train his kids when they were at least 10 as he wanted to give them enough space so they could enjoy their childhood before confronting the world. Shredder also took his time to make suitable weapons for his kids (though Tenoch/Donnie made his weapons with better quality and in little time), Shredder is so proud of that.
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
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Doodles for a tang shen swap au
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percyaugod · 14 days
Role Over AU: Clans, Caseys, and April
What if I swap the Hamato and Foot clan? Shredder isn't evil, like most old people the Hamato clan just saw something new and weird and didn't like it so it had to be evil.
The current foot clan uses origami soldiers because they don't want to hurt anyone, they're for distraction. They used to be used for training and helping carry things in the past.
Seeing the turtles they think they're Hamato come to stop them. Which is both completely right and completely wrong.
Imagine if they bought all of the paper and it's just a big misunderstanding.
Something similar with the Krang? An advanced but peaceful species was locked away because people feared it. The three siblings had to watch their numbers dwindle and do horrendous things to survive as the others lost their minds to the constant unchanging world. Soon it was just the three of them.
By the time they're let out, they're rightfully cold, distrustful, and angry. Leo has the big "you were just scared" talk with Krang One as he rants and beats the crap out of Leo.
Krang One collapses and sobs. He just doesn't want to lose his siblings too. They're all he has left.
Leo jokes about "just like the few bones he didn't break." This gets a humorless chuckle from Krang One.
I want to make a change from something I said in the previous post. Instead of April finding Hueso I want to switch her with Casey Jr.
If we switch Cassandra and Karai then Casey Jr could be a descent named after her. Making him related to Splinter and the turtles. Like Splinter's nephew or something.
Cousin Casey. C.C.
Meanwhile, you've got April coming from the future who accidentally knocked Casey Jr out because he moved too fast and spooked her, even though she was specifically looking for him and everything. Luckily she knows enough about Donnie's tech to use C.C.'s tracker to locate the lair.
This accidentally turns into a hostage situation when they see her carrying him and a weapon.
April has a bat that blasts sound and wears headphones to filter the sound instead of a hockey stick and mask.
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iamheretemporarly · 1 year
Alright yall are getting my good ol tmnt iteration and my new obsession rn
Ok so
Teenage mutant ninja turtles: Land over water"
(first of all i wanna thank @lieutenantbiscute cause she was such a help in making this)
The reason behind the name of the au originated from the species of the turtles
These guys are tortoises in this, bot turtles, so by nature they'd prefer land over water.
Here's the species of each turtle
A pancake tortoise
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He is the shortest and smallest but he's also the eldest, he's chill most of the time, but worries too when in mother hen mode, he's the medic and leader but donnie is also secondary medic when leo is out of commission, he's got sass and a cain instinct
He's an elongated tortoise
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he's the second eldest, he's the genius and secondary medic of the fam, he makes the medicine that leo uses, he's a worry worm, anxious, but also calm and collected when needed to be
He's a Russian tortoise
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He's the middle child, very funny and laid back, doesn't take stuff seriously but mostly to hide the fact that he's worried or scared, optimistic and a jokester
He's a galapagos tortoise
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Yes he is the youngest, yet he's still a hot head, but a bit toned down because he's so damn huge based on his specie
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He likes to make fun if leo for his height a lot and calls him "fearless pancake", he's snarky, sassy and sarcastic but also affectionate and caring
As for splinter, i kind of swapped the whole thing
In this au the backstory of the hamato family goes like this:
Gamato yoshi the heaf of the hamato clan and Tang shen get together and have a beautiful baby girl named Miwa and years later adopt a little boy named saki
Saki and miwa are pretty close siblings, however jealousy sparked in between
You see, when it came to the art of ninjitsu, miwa aways proved to be better than saki in evry single way
And saki was jealous, however that jealousy burned into hatred when on the night their father was to choose a new head of the hamato clan, he chose miwa
And on the same night, the dark truth of his origins belonging to the foot clan that got wiped by the clan that raised him
He was angry, jealous and vengeful
He manipulated the hamto clan into his favour, and those who refused got killed
Tang shen didn't survive
Hamato yoshi did barely
And karai managed to escape to new york
Before she did she had to pay a cost
The hamato family had a chemical business on the side, and in her fight against her brother he used the ooz against her, little did he know that she had her four pet tortoise tots on her, who also got splashed by the ooze
She got mutated into a snake while her tortoises mutated into more humanoid looks
In new york she took shelter in the sewers and changed her name into karai
She raised her boys and taught them the art of ninjitsu, and down the road she'd teach them the spiritual arts
Bits that's a story for another day :)
Yeah, splinter in this is karai instead of yoshi, yoshi is the turtles grandpa that they don't know is alive and assumed him dead he's also blind btw
Saki or the shredder is karai's brother instead of father
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I dont have anything specific to ask, but I want to know more about your Parent Swap AU. Why does Shredder favor two of his sons more than the others? Are there gonna be any ships in the story?
Shredder favors Raph and Mikey (Aka Raion and Keiji) because they tend to do what he would do. In the show, during seasons one and two, we see that Shredder's strategy is mostly "keep attacking until they falter" like during that one episode (that I can't remember) when they're talking about beating everyone in the foot clan, comparing the fights to a video game. That's more Raph's fighting style, which is why he's the leader and favorite. He also is most likely to tell the others to follow Shredder, which earns him favors, though not out of any loyalty, but fear for their safety.
Mikey gets slightly favored because he's always been the most excited and interested in stories about Tang Shen and Miwa. Shredder views that as support for himself, which is why Mikey gets more favors, though not as much as Raph, due to his short attention span. Though there are things Mikey doesn't agree with, he's able to hold off and hide it until Shredder's not there.
Leo and Donnie are different because they outright didn't agree with him. Donnie, as we see in the show, isn't afraid to speak his mind if he thinks something is dumb. He's also very inventive, which has led to problems. I figured Shredder would be less tolerant than Splinter when a machine fails, leading to Donnie drawing his ire more often than not.
For Leo, part of the reason I had Shredder hate him so much was simply the amount of hatred he has for him in the show. In this AU, Leo's still the mom of his brothers, and he always gets between Shredder and his brothers. Not only does this anger Shredder because he's getting in his way, it makes him think of Yoshi, who he hates more than anyone in the world. Throughout the story, this is going to become more and more ironic (situationally) as it's revealed that Leo's more like Shen, the woman Saki worships. (I really like how @virgilisspidey wrote about it in their Mama Leo fic, which is also what made me realize the comparison for the first time).
(Also, a little thing I try to keep consistent is that Shredder never refers to the turtles as his sons. They call him Father, but he doesn't call them his sons, he sees them as weapons. As such, he favors the best fighters.)
As for ships, probably not in this story. The way I'm planning it is that the fic out now, Parent Swap, is going to be the first part of a series, and is mostly going to follow season 1, though I deviate at many instances. In this one, the overarching plot is the turtles escaping Shredder and his abuse. As such, they don't really focus on anything like that. I would like to add more later, but I also struggle to write romance as an aroace. I would like to add Capriltello, though, later in the series, as that is one of my favorite ships.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
Au idea, where the shredder actually looks for the last pice of the armor (the pice that was broken of of it) but it was fused to Leo’s foot since she stepped on it as a kid. So shredder tried to hunt him down to take it back. Leo could end up losing his foot if you want.
Yo I am so glad someone else noticed that. The first time I watched I was like. “Wait a price of the dark armor is still missing. It’s in Leo’s foot.”
So according to their own lore. The armor isn’t complete so the spirit of Shredder shouldn’t be able to come back?
This could have been a really fun way. I don’t remember the Shredder attacking Leo on his own. Or if he did it was always Leo and another member of the family. He always flashed away before landing a hit.
So if you want to spin this
The piece of the dark armor is stuck in Leo’s foot so the mindless shredder constantly goes after him/tries to separate him from the others.
Maybe that’s why he is plane swapping. The armor isn’t complete.
Besides Leo being targeted more in the fight the whole season plays out the same.
Until Shredder’s soul is freed
He’s weaker then he should be. He’s still god level powerful but weaker then he is suppose to be.
He goes to attack the Hamato’s and targets Leo and Karai. He can sense the last price of his armor in Leo’s foot.
I think he still kills Karai but maybe he captures Leo right way making the captured group; Leo, Splinter, and Draxum.
This could lean into Leo’s belief that he is Splinter’s lease favorite while also making him and Draxum work together.
This is another opportunity for Leo to show off his leadership skills and planning ability as he figures out and plays off of Draxum’s escape plan. (It still doesn’t work)
Leo defiantly gets his foot if not his whole lower leg absolutely mangled before his brothers show up.
Leo has to unlock his still in the fight. His portals being the only way he can move around the field.
Let me know what y’all think we can defiantly build on this
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sparkylilacs · 18 days
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Role Swap AU Characters
Character charts, I have an idea of the basic plot, it’d follow closely to the Rise season 1 but Draxum and Shredder are both competing to find the mystic Shredder armor because each is convinced the other’s race is too dangerous to live. In fact I have this idea that the Foot Clan is targeting Mystic businesses in NYC and when the boys investigate it leads them to Draxum’s lab etc. Maybe I’ll try to draw a few more scenes. My favorite to rewrite is the turtles demanding Splinter tell them what happened the night they were mutated, perhaps but computer art is not my forte.
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A list of my au Splinters
I decided to make a list of how many different versions of this guy I’ve made (currently. I know what my brains like, there’ll probably be another one by the end of this year). bloody hell there’s 7 of these assholes
1) Ageswap Yoshi
This kid has been around the longest. Needs a nap, a hug and therapy. He’d love it if things could be calm for 15 minutes, but he also knows he’d spent the entire time worrying about what else was about to happen. Loves his family but his relationship with them is complicated
2) Dead Doesn’t Mean Gone Splinter
Touch starved as all hell after 12 years alone. May have the worst childhood out of all my Splinters, but is trying very hard to not let that impact his family. Loves his family with everything he’s got and does his best to be a good dad - he asks Mr Silver and Kirby for parenting advice when he’s not sure. Misses his brother.  Is an absolute dork and him loosing his memories due to REDACTED is not helped by his undiagonsed ADHD or autism. Is just after Ageswap Yoshi in terms of being comfortable doing rat stuff
3) Stolen child Splinter
Hey wouldn’t it be funny if we swapped around who was Oroku Keiji’s son? Wouldn’t it be fun if the day Splinter finds out he was kidnapped as a child his kidnapper/adopted father dies, he gets blamed for it, and flees to NYC with his wife, then within a month looses his humanity? And now they’ve got 4 sons to raise and aliens are hunting them too? (Okay, him and DDMG splinter are tied for worst childhood)
4) Lost boys Splinter
An au of The Stolen Child, where him and Saki are both Oroku Keiji’s sons on the run from the Hamato Clan who are trying to kill them. Is not having a good time, but he’s got his kids, wife and older brother. Saki is not surprised or impressed when his brother gets turned into a giant rat and brings home 4 mutant turtles
5) Nanana Ratdad/Ratman Splinter
Tired. Fed up. Keeps adopting waryward kids he co-parents with Kirby. The most likely of my Splinters to tell Shredder to get bent cause he’s busy right now. Somehow ended up in the Justice Force with actual superheroes. They all think the rat thing is just a gimmick and he has no intention of correcting them
6) Ghost Splinter 2 electric boogalo
Splinter doesn’t survive the fall in The Super Shredder/Darkest Plight and decides not to tell anyone about it. The gang all find out either when Shredder tries to kill him on top of the Wolf Hotel building, or when Shredder is brought back to life. Is trying to be a better father and make up for his mistakes
7) Time skip Splinter
His Turtles went into another dimension for a month... for them. For this Splinter 10 years have passed. Blamed himself for his sons’ ‘deaths’ and took up the fight against the Foot Clan alone. Karai/Miwa, April and Casey are trying to help him, but he is not having it. When the Turtles get back, he very much wants to wrap them up in blankets and keep them in the Lair where it’s safe. This old man also needs therapy
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ask-a-frogs-tmnt-aus · 2 months
Are you going to be making anything on that species swap au between fishface and Rahzar/dogpound?
It is lowkey kinda interesting 👉👈
I mean if I get more ideas, sure. I do have more character ideas though.
Anton and Ivan
TC and Alopex
April and Casey
Turtles and Karai
Splinter and Shredder
And of course their mutant names will be different, so if you ideas I’d love to know.
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thefaceman · 3 years
That's a good question!
I actually plan to write fanfics for almost every TMNT AU that I've created. And I'm also have a one-shot book in the making as well. So allow me to introduce these said AU's for planed fanfics (vague summaries though because I'm still figuring them out):
Teenage Ninja Girls- This is a genderbend and species swap AU. Basically all girls are boys, boys are girls, mutants are humans, and humans are mutants. Something's changed such as names and how the mutantagen works, but the story is relatively the same. (2012 AU but has a ROTTMNT version)
Teenage Mutant Survival Team- The Turtles work for the government and mutants coexist with humans. This universe has some major changes such as Splinter taking over the Foot, the Turtles origin story, and a role swap. (2012 AU)
Girl Power Unleashed : TMNT Next Generation- An alternate universe based into the future where the Turtles have children. Leo has a pair of twin daughters named Rin and Izami but, after an unfortunate accident, Leo passes away and Kairai takes custody over the two girls. Raph and Mona have a daughter named Sukera and Mikey has a daughter named Guri with Shinagami. Donnie, however, is in a complicated situation with his kids since he's technically the step-dad of April and Casey's son and daughter, Jackson and Pollian. Since this AU has coexistence, the kids go to highschool where they meet new friends and deal with mean girl drama. (2012 AU)
Teenage Mystic Gem Turtles- In this AU, while Drax was working on the mutantagen, he accidentally knocked over a tray of gemstones into it. This makes the turtles not only mutants but also magical gem beings as well. The story of this AU is still the same after that but with one exception: instead of weapons they use a set of magical powers stored within themselves. (ROTTMNT AU)
The Legend of Leonardo: The Lost Spirit- Long ago, the world consisted of one piece of land. It was peaceful and the people lived in prosperity. Until one day war broke out amongst the people of the world, resulting in the land splitting into four countries: Altruis, Liberty, Gallant, and Acute. Now, eight-hundred years later, the world is in danger of being destroyed again by a deadly spirit. Leonardo, a 14-year-old anthropomorphic turtle, lives in the country of Selflessness. However, he's always felt out of place there. Wishing to explore more of what the world had to offer, he heads out towards the center of Altruis in search of Master Splinter, the leader of the country. Taking his best friend Usagi, this begins Leo's journey. (ROTTMNT AU)
Ready Set, Let’s Go- It’s April’s birthday and the Mad Dogz are out looking to get her a special gift from the Hidden City. Going into the Hidden City was usually really fun. Markets buzzed, Yokai and mutants shopping and bustling about. But this time, things didn’t end up that way.To cover more ground, the gang agrees to split up and meet back at a pet store. But that was a bad idea. A very bad idea. Lost and confessed, Mikey makes the mistake of stumbling into an illegal Yokai traffic ring and ends up in a situation that changes the future of Yokai and Mutant kind. Kidnapped and sold to an illegal underground brawling organization, Mikey must do whatever it takes to stay alive and devotes his time to not only release himself, but release the other fighters from their lives of servitude and pain, constructing and organizing a revolution. All while Leo and Raph protect the life of a little girl and Donnie looks endlessly for his missing brothers. (ROTTMNT AU)
Runaway (currently being written)- What if Leo got tired of feeling like he had no place not only on the team but in his family? What if a failed mission, caused by his own mistake, was the last straw for him? Failing time and time again, Leo can’t help feeling incompetent. Having no necessary role and believing everyone would be better off without him, he runs away to the Hidden City where he lives peacefully until a Nigawarai starts causing trouble in his neighborhood. While Leo battles tooth and nail to help a new friend from the yokai, Leo’s brother’s work day and night to find him. (ROTTMNT AU)
Searchers- Siblings Leo and Donnie discover their destiny to fight untold evil as the two crisscross the country, investigating paranormal activity and picking fights with yokai, mutants, ghosts and monsters. (ROTTMNT AU)
Enchantment High- Life was great. The Shredder is officially gone, the Council of Heads have wavered Draxum’s former crimes in favor of his contribution to save New York, and the turtles have a new home located in the Hidden City. Now months after the defeat of Shredder, Leo and his brothers receive letters to attend the most prestigious school in the Hidden City: Silverpond Academy of Magic. There, the Hamato siblings make new friends, make enemies, find love, and face the biggest challenge of their lives: High school. (ROTTMNT AU)
Outlands (very underdeveloped)- A futuristic cowboy dystopian AU (ROTTMNT AU)
From One to the Other (in development stage)- The Kraang are trying to rebuild in the Rise universe so out of desperation, Donnie brings in the 2012 turtles for help to stop them from recreating their empire. (TMNT 2012 and ROTTMNT AU)
TMNT Legendary Heroes (TMNT Reboot)(in development stage) - My own version of the TMNT story.
Different (in development stage)- A collection of TMNT one-shots.
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raphaelesbian · 1 month
Absolutely tickled by your Shredder/Splinter swap AU. Uh. Long ask warning. Like. Thinking about how in Lone Rat and Cubs Splinter's like, validly, "What did I do to deserve this? :(". Cinder meanwhile-- "What did I do-- oh wait yeah. What did the turtles do though?"
Young Raph and Leo getting super into training (taught for self-defense, I'm guessing), and Cinder just. Begging them to get a different hobby. Please. He'll even give the children noisy toys (the bane of many a parent) if they would just. Stop.
Michelangelo, already manipulative as a younger brother, being an absolute MENACE under this new parentage-- Cinder may not be a great manipulator, but he certainly had enough charisma to inspire a coup.
Cinder would probably be like, "Absolutely NOT," in regards to Donnie and April. (Romance is DANGEROUS, kids!!!) Which, since it'd probably be a harsh, instinctive reaction... would not be great for Donnie's character development.
Miwa meanwhile... her choices in teenage rebellion are either 1. be laidback in response to her father's seriousness, or 2. be murderhobo in response to her father's values. Since Saki's alive, #2 is looking really appealing... (Kinda reminds me of a crack AU of mine-- TL;DR Shredder realizes after killing Shen that he Done Fucked Up and wants to be better. Somehow this doesn't stop S1 from happening.
Point is, they share this vibe:
Saki: Look Yoshi, I understand you wanting me dead but could you stop sending teenager(s) to try and kill me? It's not good for their mental development!
Yoshi, who does not want Saki dead: My kid(s) are WHAT?)
oh my goddd I'm literally OBSESSED with this omfg???? you took that thought and RAN with it and I love it so much fhfashglk.
EXCELLENT point about the way lone rat and cubs would play out differently. Like, Cinder ABSOLUTELY believes he deserves his fate to be mutated and outcast from society, but his boys? They didn't deserve any of that. They don't deserve to have HIM as a father. But they do, so he does his best to care for them and not make them feel ashamed of what they are
(though, now that I think about it, I think he would do a much worse job of it than Splinter. Though Splinter ALSO is not a huge fan of being mutated into a giant rat lmao, he wouldn't have Cinder's belief that it's, like, a punishment. He talks positively about being a human, AND his life as a rat with his sons, and though they can tell he misses being human, I don't think he really gives much of an impression that his whole being-a-rat is a bad thing. Plus, Splinter leans into it a lot with his cheese phone and his cheesesicles and the rat wheel fhdaksghkasghlk.
Cinder would be different, I think. He may not outright state it, because he's not dumb lol, but I think it would come through more that he views his mutation as an overall negative thing (that he deserves), and he would not be one to encourage the rat jokes. So the turtles may be a bit less positive and comfortable with their status as turtles. Idk, sidebar fhadshksdglk)
FHALSGHKDSG, Cinder literally trying EVERYTHING to get them to stop being so interested in fighting. he gives them finger paint. he gives them loud toys (where raph gets his drum set fhdkasghkds). he scrounges up an old video game console. they still like sparring the most. what remains of his fur is going grey
oh man, Mikey would be DANGEROUS. which also, just another tangent, I do think it's so interesting that what we see of Shredder in 2012.... is NOT particularly charming or manipulative! which, like you said, he had to be charismatic and convincing enough to inspire a whole coup. What we see of his strategy seems to be mostly threats, which yeah, works NOW that he's super powerful, but in the beginning? nah. we see SOME charm in the tale of the yokai episode, where he tries to convince Shen to leave Yoshi, but that's p much it. So like, idk, it's interesting to think about. My interpretation (mostly) has been that, like, he just kind of loses control at the start of the show with the re-emergence of Yoshi, and the super-aggressive Shredder we see is kind of out-of-the-ordinary. Like, that's him when he's enraged beyond belief. but idk hfashgklskdgl I think it's very ambiguous...
ANYWAYS, omg the Donnie angst angle??? Literally that never even crossed my MIND but you're so fucking right. idk if you read my father/daughter one-shot but the description you gave of a harsh, instinctive reaction called to mind how he snaps at Karai in that one, which, idk. I like that thought a lot. it would absolutely drive a bit of a rift between Donnie and Cinder, that's for sure.
omg yes that's literally EXACTLY the vibe I had in mind for Miwa. To Yoshi she's like "I'm just here to support you, I really don't want anything to do with Uncle Saki" and Yoshi is like "I understand <3"
Meanwhile Miwa is sneaking out at night to attack the turtles and try to hunt down (and kill) Cinder. Meaning the turtles are EXTRA convinced this Hamato clan is up to no good, Cinder is SURE that Yoshi wants him dead, and Yoshi is just like ":(((( why won't my brother talk to me.... I just want to move forward and find a way to be a family again...."
Miwa: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk dad maybe he just sucks and we should go home
ALSO I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT THAT CRACK AU IF YOU EVER WANNA SHARE FHKASGHKSDGLK. literally I am obsessed with any potential for Saki to like, Try and Improve, bc it's something we really don't see ANY of in canon, but he's SUCH an interesting character.
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How Shredder thought himself how to take care of 4 little mutant turtles. The hardest part was the bites...
The kids essentially inherent Saki's anger issues...
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owldart · 4 years
I have a question about your TMNT Karai Au: do the Bros exist there? Like, did they mutate at all, or what? What's up with them? The all-girls team is awesome, BTW!!
honestly, i was figuring it was a swap au, sort of- where the girls are the ninja team, and the boys are their friends/confidents/helpers. so like, in this version, the group’s ‘april’ is donnie, their ‘casey’ is raph, that sort of thing.
in the recent idw comics there was a plot point that the boys were the reincarnations of the original splinter/hamato yoshi’s four sons, who were also ninjas. i’m thinking that in this verse, they’re also hamato yoshi’s sons, but from before karai was born and the shredder killed him. however, due to the fact that  yoshi divorced their father, Splinter, Shredder didn’t find out about them immediately and considered taking karai and tang shen to be a worthy punishment. but of course, when karai finally ends up failing him ‘for the last time’ and he gives her to tcri, shredder starts looking into the past… in order to find leo, an actual worthy successor for his clan and a final glob of spit on yoshi’s grave.
of course, karai is bitter about this and can’t stand leo because of it. like, not only does she train for YEARS and have to do things no person should have to do (ninja murder) but she’s still not good enough for her father figure, who decides some rando with a few martial arts skills is better at the drop of a hat. sort of like in movies where the Chosen One is some random guy, and the person who trains him is a woman who’s spent her whole life trying to get there only for her father and the mentor to decide this New Guy is more important because he’s got a Prophecy behind him.
 she is SALTY. it doesnt help that leo IS genuinely talented, and that karai’s new adopted sisters have convinced her revenge murder isn’t healthy for her.
donnie’s a college graduate and works in IT, raph’s a part-time mechanic and vigilante, leo helps run a karate dojo, and mikey is trying to finish up high school. he’s babey. he’s the mascot for basically all the sports teams at the school, cowabunga carl.
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percyaugod · 3 months
Do you have any Tmnt 2012 aus?
Specifically Donatello and/or Raph centric ones?
If not don’t worry about it :)
I have 2012 AUs, that's for sure. XD Some are already on here! ^ ^ I'll put the summaries and ones on here in the tags as well.
Mutant Apocalypse AUs
Maximum Metal AU- Mutant apocalypse AU where Donnie is separated from Raph but ends up finding Maximus and they end up traveling together. (Donnie and Maximus centered/On Tumblr)
Mutant apocalypse role swap AU- As on the tin, Donnie is double mutated, Mikey is a robot traveling with Leo who is struggling with the guilt of not being able to protect his brothers, and Raph is a hermit. (Not really centered on anyone/not on Tumblr yet)
Bonehead AU- Casey and April survive, but Casey is now a walking skeleton that Donnie is stuck with. April is with Raph trying to help him with his memories. (More centered around Donnie and Casey/Not on Tumblr yet)
Lost in translation AU- Donnie is the one with memory problems instead of Raph because Metalhead wasn't complete yet and it's causing problems. (Donnie and Raph centric/Not on Tumblr yet)
The me you created AU- Metalhead isn't Donnie. It's just taking care of Raph as Donnie's last order before he died and isn't correcting Raph's assumptions. (Raph and Metalhead centric/Not on Tumblr yet)
Second chance AU- Time travel AU with a twist. (No one centered/not on Tumblr yet)
Separated AUs
Brother from another ooze AU- Donnie is separated from the others as a kid and is found and raised by Casey and his family. (Donnie centered/on Tumblr)
Dadbot AU- Donnie is found and raised by Professor Honeycutt. (Donnie centered/on Tumblr)
Miscellaneous AUs
Splinter in my side AU- Splinter and his four kappa are the antagonists And Oroku Saki runs an honest dojo in New York. (More Splinter centered/Not in Tumblr yet)
Uncle Saki AU- He's not a rival, he's the friend the couple friends adopt and takes on dates so he doesn't feel lonely. Still ends up being Shredder and Donnie somehow got a villain arc??? (Shredder and accidentally Donnie centered/On Tumblr)
Chaos reincarnate AU- Rise stealing a turtle from each dimension to make its own. 12 Raph is Rise Donnie! : D You know, the one with the purple turtle son that has fire. (No one centered/On Tumblr)
Desperate times AU- Rise Raph and Donnie stuck in the 12 Universe. To get home as fast as possible crime will need to happen. Raph tries to refuse but Donnie reminds him Mikey and Leo are home alone. …Raph will make the disguises. (Rise Raph and Donnie centered/Not on Tumblr yet)
A Shell-don of himself AU- Shelldon is 12 Mikey AU. (Shelldon/12 Mikey centered/On Tumblr)
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 years
Random AU I thought of while in class
A species/role swap AU.
The turtles switch species/roles with the girls.
So basically it would go like this: Karai, April, Renet, and Mona Lisa are now mutant turtles who where trained by Splinter learning ninjitsu. There personalities are still the same just species and roles are different.
Meanwhile turtles are no longer turtles: Leo is a human who’s half snake mutant, raised by shredder, Donnie is a human with psychic powers, Raph is a Salamandrian warrior, and Mikey is a human and a timemaster from the future.
(Same thing can happen with Casey and Shinigami with there roles)
Casey is a warlock from the foot clan and Leo’s right hand man and Shini is a hockey loving vigilante that goes to school with Donnie
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