#spn finale denialist
cloudcas · 1 year
“I think if the show were to end, it would have to be because the boys walk away” - ATL Con 2016
Once again losing it at how much Jensen has always been against the brothers dying at the end of the show
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deanncastiel · 1 year
how does one explain the jivorce and jackles finale denialist to a casual viewer? I am convincing a family friend to watch the winchesters after we both watched the finale without context (in that I hadn't actually watched the show for five years and he not since s8 or 9 idk - yes i know I'm one of those November 5th people lol). I mean the good thing is that he never liked Jared anyway but I find it so hard to explain the whole thing because there's so much you know?
oh my god nonny you are preaching to the choir. i have been rewatching spn with my friend who has never seen it. we have been on this journey since sept 2021. we have been on episode 15x13 for FOUR MONTHS NOW. (she has a completionist aversion, she's been on the last three episodes of Bones for months now too and refuses to finish).
ANYWAY - i am the opposite so i have REFUSED to tell her ANYTHING about the jivorce and jackles' finale denialism and the oct 2021 jpeg homophobic rant and she hasn't watched the winchesters or even the trailer bc i was like "it will be more meaningful after you have seen the whole show" but at this point i'm just like "are we ever going to finish the show" and i want to share with her the drama so bad but how do you provide the right context!!!!!!
all this to say your guess is as good as mine nonny and if you ever find and answer let me know please. i swear the next time there's another drama dump (which with the winchesters could be any fucking minute lbr) i'm just gonna combust and spill all and it will literally be the real life version of that fucking wendy's meme
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monstermoviedean · 2 years
whenever i think of a post-spn finale denialist ending for dean re: cas and jack as a unit (i love sam but this is specific to them) is like. the 🥺 of those lines in iceblink luck by cocteau twins that are like “you, yourself, and your father don’t know so much in your own ways / you’re really both bone-setters / thank you for mending me babies” and it gets me every time
anon this is beautiful, thank you so much for sharing!!! ❤️
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rahullkohli · 3 years
i want to see spn to pull a will& grace. in a couple years a s16 is announced and the first minute of the first ep is dean waking up from a nap on the couch going "what the hell that was messed up" and sam asks what he dreamt, and then dean proceeds to explain the plot of the finale as if it was his dream and then cas comes into the room so we know they didn't just let him rot in the empty
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poohkeepsee · 3 years
Reminder that the finale ended with "and... cut" implying that everyone in the scene could drop the act because supernatural was still a story. They never broke free of the narrative.
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rmcmisha2022 · 3 years
Bringing this panel back...
And going feral with commentary because I’m waiting for our school to call a snow day (slight tinhat and Cockles content)
1. Misha saying it was drawn out because WE had to wait to get back. Yes he says he had done most of his mourning before COVID but that is understandable given that his character did have a very emotional death scene then. (Also Jensen’s heart eyes during Misha being sad I can’t). Also why Castiel hair if not filming??
2. Why did Alex smile about the bridge and Jensen’s spoiler (also why did Jensen spoil?) He supposedly wasn’t there.
3. Yeah sure you didn’t change the scripts and were happy with them...we have proof you didn’t even have them fully completed at COVID time ya’ll.
4. Dabb looks like he’s been run over by something (not commenting about his overall appearance-he just looks exhausted)
5. They filmed for nine days!? For an episode that was significantly shorter and missing shots??
6. Jared “I couldn’t be more pleased” Padalecki ladies and gentlemen
7. This is probably the most enthusiastic I’ve seen Jensen be about the finale yet it still comes with an explanation of his reservations, a “I’m too close to it”, and a lot of stuttering
8. Why was there a weird cut and no answer from Alex or Misha about their opinions on where their characters ended up?
9. Misha’s offhand “what a prick” joke when Kripke is mentioned
10. Oh Singer and his I don’t care what the fandom thinks
11. Jensen and Misha being cute. Alex being cute.
12. Jared joking they were drunk when they wrote the final scripts. I mean...also true Jared feelings?
13. Misha not actually answering the home question makes me sad
14. Women of Supernatural shout out (even though you did them so dirty in the end)
15. Misha and Jensen were texting right? Cuz they were texting.
16. It makes me so sad how much love and anticipation there was before the finale. They ruined those messages of family and helping those who had been hurting with that episode.
17. In the same vein, Jared how is it your favorite episode? How? Your tv kid has the name Dean stitched into his overalls as he runs away from your blurry wife and your party city wig.
18. And thus the sexy silence has its beginnings. Notice he says a “moment” in the finale and then says it might just be too new. Love him for saying Comic Con though.
19. Misha reiterates that his last scene was an epic ending to the character arc. It wasn’t Misha! Castiel deserved to hear he was loved! (Unless he was talking about the scene he filmed for the finale and quarantined for).
20. Misha’s ditto! Okay this turned into a Cockles post. I’m just sad.
21. “I will forever be married to the SPNFamily”. I really hope that is true and this family never dies.
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Dean and Cas are together (I'm a finale denialist, they both are alive and happy) and they meet someone new on a case or just in their regular life, and this person asks them: "so, how did you two meet each other? What's your story?"
And all they say is:
- "this angel literally pulled me out of hell"
- "I kind of just fell for him"
And everyone thinks this is just a romantic emotional metaphor, and it is, if course, but also isn't
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annballofyarn · 3 years
I don't know what y'all are talking about. They're road tripping 🚙🛣️🏞️👨‍👨‍👧‍👦
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stapledeyelids · 3 years
the more i think about it, the more i see just how fabricated our perception of supernatural is. like i have spent so much time overanalyzing spns characters and storylines that it was such a slap in the face to rewatch later seasons’ episodes after several years,,, it is not NEARLY as good as it’s made out to be on tumblr. and it’s almost like “duh. not a hot take at all we all know that spn sucks haha” which . is true. but also it is fucking shocking how this half dead fanbase managed to reach into the throat of this inconsistent television program known for discontinuity and incoherent plot lines and and pull out its spine with its bare fucking hands and rebuild its literary flesh and bone ENTIRELY through meta content. i want to kiss every spn analyst / tinhatter / overthinker directly on the mouth
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hen-of-letters · 3 years
With the author as the villain of Season 15, the finale should have been about the characters freeing themselves from the narrative, and about the power of storytelling being taken away from the author, and given to the audience.
Instead, the finale butchered the characters (in every sense of the word), ripped the heart out of their story, destroyed the idea of free will, and burned their world to the ground.
However, the characters were too powerful to be contained by that abysmal ending. They broke free of the text. And the power to tell their stories wasn't given to us, but we took it anyway.
Happy DeanCas Wedding Day. Here's to the happy couple and the family who love them. 🥂
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i bet you there is not one sane person on this planet who has willingly watched the spn finale more than once
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Patroclos and Achilles parallels of the way Destiel ended hitting me rn and I can't take it anymore
Don't get me wrong, I still hate 15x20. Dean defeating the enemy and being killed in battle after his lover died in a sacrifice for him could be seen as a parallel, as well as his deep moarning over losing him (even if most of it was cut).
Problem with the finale is, that it was written in a way - demanding free will, writing your own story, fighting your fate - that it should have not ended the way it ended for that exact reason. The prewritten fate (like Achilles') is over. No heroic death in battle, as it was predestined for years, but in your own way. No predestined death without ever being allowed to live a life after the war is over. The meta turn the story was taking demanded for the characters to be free from their destiny and to have a life and death outside of it, after it is over.
I'm so mad, everytime I think about the finale it only gets worse. But since there are reasonable doubts concerning the canon-compliance of 15x20, it is safe to assume it is, in fact, not canon - more of an AU episode - and can be ignored.
I could also write another essay here on how the actual meaning of this story is not made by the author, but by everyone interacting with it, which is how myths and legends generally work.
This post is a mess, it's late and I have a lot of feelings.
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morganofthefairies · 3 years
Does anyone else get confused when they see posts about Jack leaving forever?
Like. I have just rejected that whole idea.
Jack became God. He didn’t come back to the bunker because Chuck left him a big mess to clean up.
But he still comes home sometimes? Once things settle, he even mostly lives with the Winchesters and just goes on the occasional business trip to take care of God things.
So when people are like “I’M SO SAD JACK LEFT” I’m like “Jack essentially left for college! He’s coming home though! Why are you so sad!”
I just completely rejected the idea that Jack was leaving forever as soon as 15x19 aired.
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s5byler · 3 years
i havent been able to listen to carry on my wayward son since the finale because of all the times they played it and whatever version they played at the end 😃. and i finally did it. i listened to the original kansas one and.. god i forgot how good of a song it was.. 
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chaoticwistfulness · 3 years
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And then he went and married what's-her- blurry-face 💁
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Literally who read that finale and said let’s film this and put it on television
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