#spook skull cosplay
spooked-skull-studios · 4 months
brutal pipe murder prop for my Elias cosplay on Friday :]
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myownpersonaldemons · 5 years
Self-Tober Prompt 3
Underswap Sans/Self
“Hey Sans! I’m throwing a Halloween party, if you and Paps wants to come. It’s the Saturday before Halloween, my place, starting at 6 PM. Oh yeah, and it’s a costume party, however, so you have to dress up! And you can tell your brother that he can wear those glasses with the fake nose as his costume if he wants.”
You hadn’t been surprised really that you had gotten his voicemail, he would’ve still been working at that point and he wasn’t allowed to be on his personal cell phone.
You got a call later that night from him, and you could perfectly envision him nearly vibrating with his excitement. A costume party at your place combined Sans’ favourite things; costumes, social events, and you. When you admitted that you, personally, hadn’t thought of what you wanted to be yet,  he gasped and when you followed it up with ‘I’ll probably swing by the costume store to pick something up’ he had told you not to because it was overpriced garbage and he knew exactly what to do!
You hadn’t been able to ask him what he meant by that as the phone call changed direction almost immediately and then you were saying goodnight.
When you phoned him the next day to try to pry it out of him, he didn’t return your call like he normally would. Your ‘bonefriend’ was punctual about stuff like that, unlike his brother who never listened to or replied to his voicemail. There was one time you phoned Papyrus asking if he could pick you up from work on his way back from work because your car broke down. So you had to walk back to your house in the rain because you couldn’t afford a tow-truck or the services (You didn’t...really blame him...especially since he felt so bad that he surprised you by fixing up your car for free.)
So...you sent him a text, even though he didn’t really like texting. Unless it was his normal ‘GOOD MORNING MY BEAUTIFUL DATEMATE, HOPE THE DAY IS AS MAGNIFICENT AS YOU!’ wake up text at 5:00 AM, and his 10:00 PM text of ‘GOODNIGHT MY LOVE, I HOPE YOUR DREAMS ARE AS KIND TO YOU AS YOU ARE TO ME.’
Still nothing.
You sent Paps a message, just in case, and you were just told that Sans had been coming home and locking himself in the basement until he went to bed. No idea what he was working on or anything. As it was a ‘SECRET!’
It soothed you a bit because at least Sans wasn’t injured, missing, or worse. However, the irritation did settle in when you hadn’t seen him in over a week and when he did message you it was short and sweet. Super sweet messages too. and you were setting up your house for Halloween.
Thankfully, you enjoyed Halloween decorating and it wasn’t too hard to do since most of your house already had that ‘creepy Victorian’ aesthetic, all you had to do was add mood lighting, fake cobwebs, and some tasteful skull and other Halloween friendly decorations. You put on some spook tunes as you flitted about your house, feeling the irritation fall from your shoulders as you switched out your normal throw blankets for Halloween themed ones.
Later in the day as you were bookmarking Halloween treats to bake, a rapid knocking on your front door startled you. You hated people showing up unannounced, and hated the sound of knocking even more. The only people who frequently visited you typically messaged you when they were going to be there, and then messaged you when they got there. No knocking required. But...you still got up and snuck to the front door making sure your footsteps were light and peered out the peephole.
Confusion brought your eyebrows together as you unlocked and opened your door. “Sans? What’re you doing here?”
“Did You Not Get My Texts?” he asked, genuinely surprised. “I Messaged You That I Was Coming An Hour Ago.”
You patted your pockets quickly, realizing that you didn’t actually have your phone on you. You couldn’t remember if it was by your computer or not...and you usually had it on silent because of your work. You shook your head, “Sorry, I have no clue where my phone is. I’ve been decorating for the party.”
Sans beamed at you, and you stepped aside and gestured for him to enter your home, which he does so eagerly. You noticed he was carrying something with him. A box that he was hiding behind his back. You eyed it curiously, “Whatcha got there?”
Another grin and he held out the box to you, “I MADE YOU A COSTUME!”
Your eyebrows flew up and your eyes flicked from the box up to his face. “You...made me a costume?”
Sans nodded happily, humming his confirmation. “YOU WERE GOING TO SPEND AN EXORBITANT AMOUNT FOR A CHEAPLY MADE COSTUME!”
You hesitated before accepting the box, “This probably cost you though...I’ve made costumes from scratch before and they’re not cheap.”
You shook your head, but with how neat and organized he was it made you want to. You’d cosplayed before and you normally made a complete mess of your own basement when you did make a costume. Sans probably had a place for everything and everything was in it’s place at all times.
“TRY IT ON! I WANT TO MAKE SURE I GOT THE PROPER SIZING. THAT’S WHY IT HASN’T BEEN LINED OR HEMMED, YET!” he said cheerfully as he gently took your shoulders and steered you towards your bedroom. He opened the door for you and waved you in. “I’LL WAIT IN THE LIVING ROOM FOR YOU!”
As you turned around to close the door, he stepped forward and pressed his teeth to your cheek with a loud ‘MWAH!’ before turning and striding back towards the living room. Your face flushed and you grinned shyly as you closed the door. That was always the cutest fucking thing when he did that.
Once you tried on the costume, you’d be more than willing to smooch him back.
So, you lifted the lid of the box. At first, you couldn’t tell what it is, just a pile of fabric. However, once you gently removed the fabric from inside, a grin stretched over your face.
You eagerly pulled it on, and opened your closet door to look at yourself through the mirror on the backside of it. It fit you pretty well, a bit too loose at the waist and a bit too tight at the bust, but otherwise, it looked great. You’d gained weight since you last dressed up like this, and for the first time, you felt comfortable trying something on.
You hurried out to show Sans, and he gasped happily when he saw you. “YOU KEEP SURPRISING ME! YOUR BEAUTY KNOWS NO LIMITS!”
A blush dusted your cheeks as you held out your arms slightly to show off the costume more. “Way to compliment your own work,” you teased. After all, you weren’t used to compliments and so you often deflected them with humour. Sans walked to your side, hands resting on your hips as he grinned at you.
“The Costume Is Just Fabric, But You Make Everything You Wear Look Like A Masterpiece,” he said, voice dropping slightly into it’s more natural deep baritone. You swallowed thickly and glanced away in embarrassment.
“Noooo, I don’t,” you denied shyly, and his hands slid around to your back and then he slowly pulled you flush to him.
“You’re Even Cuter When You Blush,” he teased, pressing a kiss to your lips. You made an embarrassed, but happy, noise and then he pulled back. “I’M HAPPY I GOT MOST OF THE MEASUREMENTS RIGHT! I’LL GET IT ALL FIXED UP BEFORE THE PARTY!”
You kissed him back, “Thanks, Sans. This is amazing. You’re amazing.”
His grin slightly fell. That made your grin fall as well, and you reached up to cup his bony cheek. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m Not Amazing!” he said, frowning, “I Got So Excited About Your Party That I Have Not Been The Best Datemate. I’m Sorry For Neglecting You!”
You instantly felt a bit anxious; did you make him think you were upset with him? You had been but...you didn’t want him to feel bad about it. You gave him a chaste kiss, before saying, “Ah...no it was only a week...you don’t gotta apolo-“
“It’s okay,” you tried, patting his back.
He leaned away to look you in the eyes, “IT’S NOT OKAY???”
You flushed slightly, “Uh...I mean- I...okay?”
A look of realization washed over his face and it softened from the confusion, and he gave you a gentle kiss. “You’re Allowed To Be Upset With Me, You Know....But Please Tell Me? Open Communication Is Key For A Healthy Relationship. Even If I Figured It Out Myself Based On Your Messages It’s Not Fair To Me But Especially You To Bottle Up Your Emotions.”
You stared at him in guilty surprise, before dropping your gaze. “You’re right...I’m so-“
“Nope! No Apologises Allowed! Instead, Tell Me How You Felt,” he said, tightening his grip on you slightly. Your mouth opened and closed as you tried to get yourself to say something but it felt like it was stuck in your throat. You didn’t want to upset him...but he was telling you that he wanted to know.
So...“I...felt lonely,” you admitted softly, keeping your gaze on your hand resting against his cheek. “I don’t know why either because I’m okay with other people taking a while to get back to me...but when it was you not responding like you normally did...”
When you didn’t speak for a while, he pressed the softest kiss to your mouth, “I Am Sorry I Made You Feel That Way. I Didn’t Mean To But That’s No Excuse. I’ll Do Better For You.”
You pulled him into a tight hug, burying your face against his shoulder. You felt tears prickling at the corner of your eyes and you snuffled trying to keep them at bay. A moment went by where neither of you said anything or moved, just held each other. Then, finally, you pulled back and wiped at your face with the back of your hand.
“Thanks, Sans,” you murmured, “I love you.”
“I LOVE YOU TOO,” he said, before littering your face with kisses until you were giggling. “I Get That It’ll Take Some Time For You To Get Comfortable With That. But For Now? LET’S GET YOU INTO SOMETHING MORE COMFORTABLE!”
You tilted your head curiously before you were scooped up bridal style. You let out an undignified squawk and clung to his shoulders. However, your temporary fear of being carried was replaced as you giggled. He gave you a wide grin before he raced towards your bedroom, sliding to a halt before your bed and then gently tossing you onto it so you bounced. You giggled again as he picked the box from the bed and placed it neatly onto your bedside table.
“Now Lets Get You Out Of That Costume? Shall We?” he said, and you reached up, grasping his jacket and pulling him down to you.
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mrfeenysmustache · 5 years
Judging a Book
Summary: They say not to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes appearances give unexpected insight.
Rating: T
Genre: romance
His appearance was striking in so many ways.
Was he beautiful? Absolutely, and Kagome felt she could spend endless hours staring at him and never grow tired of the view. She thought everyone should recognize his beauty and grace and appreciate it at least half so much as she did.
But he was also strange.
She’d never met a person before with eyes his color. Flashing yellow-gold with pupils too round to be animal but too narrow to be human, that alone was enough to set him apart from the rest of them as “something other.”
But on top of that he had shimmering white hair with twitchy dog ears, glinting fangs and long, pointed claws that could never be confused with even the most elaborate of cosplay tricks. It all looked too natural for that.
Too supernatural.
She could see why simple village folk who lived their entire lives in the confines of their little huts and farms would balk at the sight of him and turn their children back into the safety of their homes.
It wasn’t right, but she could see it. Humans had a hard enough time accepting other humans who looked different, and he obviously wasn’t a human.
What she didn’t understand for a long time was why he was also ostracized from youkai society, as well.
She’d asked, and he’d simply said it was obvious he wasn’t one of them.
She hadn’t really understood- not until she’d met his brother.
She’d seen other, less powerful Youkai of course. Mistress centipede had been large and strong, but she’d been unmistakably Youkai with her long, wormy body and a zillion spindly legs, and Yura of the Hair had been a solitary character who spent her time with a mass of hair and skulls, so neither of those encounters had helped her understand any further.
Surely Inuyasha was demon enough that youkai would simply overlook him if not accept him?
But then his brother had appeared.
‘Half brother.’ Her mind corrected in Inuyasha’s gruff voice, making her chuckle to herself.
It was upon that encounter that it finally clicked what he’d meant by it being obvious he wasn’t a youkai.
If Inuyasha’s appearance said “I am not human,” Then Sesshomaru’s appearance screamed it, rang it with bells and knocked a hole in your skull to cram it right in.
He was completely other worldly. Mesmerizing like the hypnotic eyes of a serpent, there was almost nothing about this being that would suggest any connection to humanity at all save that he walked upright, spoke words and had skin.
Skin that bore exotic markings that pushed him even further outside the realm of the human species.
He even had pointy ears like an elf from a fairytale book.
It was then that she truly realized what he meant.
Next to a human, Inuyasha looked positively feral. In fact, the first time she’d seen him in his completely human form had been a shock because of just how much he changed physically without his youkai blood and features.
But Next to a being like Sesshomaru, Inuyasha looked almost.... ordinary.
He really didn’t belong to either side.
And her heart ached for him.
It solidified her desire to give him a new place to belong. To be a person he could rely on to back him up, support him, accept him.... love him.
It helped her understand his aversion to vulnerability, why he turned to insults and posturing instead of just talking about things with her. Why he clung so hard to the reanimated image of the first person to act like maybe he wasn’t a total social pariah even though she had wanted to change him. Why he insisted he didn’t need her, didn’t want her around, hated her fussing, thought she was a burden.
She didn’t like any of it and Kami knew she didn’t always handle it all in the best way. But she was young herself and she was doing her best and he was changing. Right before her eyes his scowls softened, his shoulders relaxed, his fists unclenched and his smiles came a little easier and a little more often and stayed a little longer.
And the way his face would light up with genuine happiness or his fangs would flash in the firelight as he laughed with their friends or his ears would swivel as he listened for threats, protecting them even in his sleep became precious treasures to her. She knew no matter what happened, where she ended up, how long she lived these images of him would sparkle just as clearly in her memory as they did right now.
As the walls around his heart crumbled bit by bit his eyes glowed with so many things she wanted to lose herself reading.
As the tension of distrust melted from his spirit his casual posture gave him an attractive swagger that made her cheeks flush and her heart race.
The more they all fought together, laughed together, mourned together the more he came alive as a complex person and not just a ticking time bomb with a short fuse. He was still gruff and embarrassed and easily spooked by anything too emotional but he’d begun trying to be softer, trying to talk or comfort instead of going on the harsh defensive and running away.
It meant so much to her and gave her the resolve she needed again and again to weather all the trials that came with her quest and stay by his side.
It was why she kept trying to touch his ears, why she looked him square in the eyes even when his scowl was darker than night, why she held his hand without flinching at his claws.
She hoped to send a clear, bold message. She hoped he’d receive it one day, if not now.
‘You are very different. I can see it. But I like it.’
The way he’d started looking at her, eyes clear and cheeks softly blushing, she suspected her message had begun filtering through all the trauma in his head. That her quiet, constant acceptance and appreciation of his inhuman characteristics was finally chiseling through the remnants of harsh whispers, jeering taunts, and unprovoked attacks that still swam in his memory and tried to drown him.
She just wanted to help keep him afloat. More than anything she wanted to love him.
Then after three years away the utter softness in his inhuman gaze as he pulled her from the Well stole her breath. The way he held her so tenderly and openly with no hesitation thrilled her. And the -almost- eloquent way he confessed his desire to live with her and marry her when all prying ears had finally fallen into slumber brought her to tears.
He was undeniably half dog and half human, never quite belonging fully to one side or the other.
But he was all hers, and she’d spend the rest of her life making sure he knew that.
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unpredictableaunum · 5 years
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Two more skullies on the way! These two are providing me with a load of new learning experiences, dealing with a cat skull this time around and a canine with resin antlers. Hoping to have these beauties furred by the end of the week, provided the power stays on. 😅 Also, Its September now which basically means its Halloween so lets get our spook on! 😈 . 💀 . 💀 . 💀 . #aunumwolf42 #aunumart #skullwolf #skull #wolfskull #skullmask #wolfskullmask #fursuitmaker #fursuitmaking #fursuiter #fursuit #costume #cosplay #skullfursuit #skullwolf #catskull #cat #catcostume #skullcat #artistoninstagram #wearableart #maskmaker #maskmaking #art #workinprogress #fursuitpartial #commissionedwork #commission https://www.instagram.com/p/B194a2yJ1GQ/?igshid=avcue0d1360w
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Get to Know Me!
Got tagged by @supleed2 Can’t believe I missed I almost missed this! :0
Rules: Tag 10 People you would like to get to know better
Relationship Status: Engaged [May or may not be getting married this year :3c]
Favourite Color: Dark Blue
Last Song I listened to: Magic by Mystery Skulls
Favourite TV Show: Take a wild guess ;3c [Miraculous Ladybug. Though I do enjoy a lot of different things]
First Fandom: Ohhhhhhh boy. I had way too many obsessions as a child but I think I will go with the first one that I knew was, in fact, a fandom. And that would be Princess Tutu. Not so great name but incredible show. Still remains a favorite to this day!
Hobbies: Well, both my fiancé and I both work 2 jobs to keep things moving. I personally work about 67.5 hrs a week so, as you would expect, I don’t have a whole lot of time on my hands. Though, with what time I manage to find, I enjoy spending time with my fiancé and cat, drawing, reading, and working on cosplay. 
Books that I’m currently reading: I plan on reading “The Cry of Icemark” once again real soon.
Favourite Book: UHHHHHHHHH I can never choose. But one of my favorites is “A Sand County Almanac” by Aldo Leopold 
Worst Thing You’ve Ever Eaten/Tasted: I’m a pretty picky eater, having Aspergers and all, but nothing really comes into my mind as being the WORST. Mostly it’s odd textures, like cooked oatmeal and wet bread, that are just jwvcjfhewgdiheqbdj 
Favourite Place: Anywhere out in nature is a great place to be. Especially old growth forests <3
Thanks for reading! :) I tag @the-queen-of-the-dragons @megapandainblack @miraculous-mask @je-suis-flapillon @barbed-wire-halo @a-spook-ael3 @madeleine-madz @lady-mcpizza @addicted-2-color @the-tiniest-space
 Now’s the chance to do some stalking back ;P
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spooked-skull-studios · 3 months
got my Jonny D'Ville cosplay ready for a pirate themed camp next weekend
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My neighbour was outside while I took these but she seemed to like it so we stay silly 😭
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spooked-skull-studios · 5 months
Making Michael's door for my FMP in college (the theme was Distortion lmao)
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My hands are covered in yellow and I almost forgot to vote because of the door being on my mind. I'll likely post it when it's done :]
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spooked-skull-studios · 10 months
Went to a local con last week! Me and my buddies inc. @thetwiggiesttwig did a group cosplay of the cores from Portal 2 :3
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also my frankenturret's name is Frances :> I'll post a proper pic of it after :)
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spooked-skull-studios · 11 months
Hello Tumblr girlies, may I offer you some android Wheatley cosplay?
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All these were taken at Explorers and I went a bit insane
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spooked-skull-studios · 10 months
Better pictures of Frances the frankenturret
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It is the critter ever and I love my horrible son. It works like an actual box too!
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Been working on Mori for a while now! They’re my third suit I’ve made and first time using a pre-made base. I’m really proud of them!! (awesome head base/ears made by runaway workshop)
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spooked-skull-studios · 4 months
I cannot wait to go to MCM tomorrow with my buddies @thoughtformchoreographer and @kingoftheboooterflies :D
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art commissions
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the guysssss
Made matching pins with @thetwiggiesttwig for an upcoming con :D
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spooked-skull-studios · 5 months
shout out to that one Reaper cosplayer (and their friends) in 2023 who were just chilling in the lil area outside the toilets
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I think about it a lot it makes me giggle
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