#spook the pewterarm
Guys. I just realized that kelsier didnt rename lestibournes spook because it "was a mouthful." It was because he understood the reference to the street slang.
And he wanted spook to know he hadn't been abandoned.
I feel like crying now, by.
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butwhybother · 3 years
Kelsier founded Survivorism and is called Survivor and Sovereign (among other things).
Vin is called the Lady Heir and is a prominent figure in Survivorism.
Edit: Vin is also called Ascendant Warrior, thank you @warrioreowynofrohan for pointing this out.
Spook was called Survivor of the flames and Lord Mistborn.
Sazed founded the Path and became the literal god of a planet.
Marsh was head of the Canton of Inquisition and is a prominent figure in Sliverism. He is also called Death.
Breeze is called Counselor of Gods, and is something like a patron saint of bars.
Ham had no titles (apparently), but there are places named after him.
It's remarkable how most of Kelsier's crew became religious or historical figures, acquiring following and titles.
Except Dockson. Dockson got nothing.
Edit: Clubs...
Edit: Dockson did get something; there's a city called Doxonar. Still nothing for Clubs though.
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pharos-ryoji · 4 years
In a post that no one asked for and probably like two people will actually care about... I couldn’t sleep last night and came up with a mistborn AU for mdzs. Mainly just what abilities most of the main group would have. Is three mistborn an absurd amount? Yes. Did I do it anyway? Of course. I’m putting them under a read more because there are a lot of characters and I’m not going to flood anyone’s dashes with that lol
Wei Wuxian is a mistborn. This information is kept quiet, known only among the Jiang family. Outside of them, the belief is that he is a lurcher. Any information regarding his abilities would’ve preferably been kept secret, but there’s no way he could avoid messing with people’s (aka, Jiang Cheng’s) weapons when sparring. A large part of Madame Yu’s dislike of him comes from the fact that he is a mistborn when her son is only a misting. Beyond that, the fact that he has any abilities at all fuels the rumors regarding his parents. When he’s thrown into the Burial Mounds, I think he would be pierced by some hemalurgic spikes, but I haven’t put any thought into that yet.
Jiang Cheng is a coinshot. This one’s a little hard for me to explain, but it just feels right. We see the Jiangs practice archery a lot, and I feel like this would really augment his abilities. Plus, the fighting style with Zidian makes me think he’d be a good coinshot. It makes sense in my mind.
I toyed with the idea of Yanli being a tineye, but I think she’s gotta be an emotional allomancer. So, she’s a soother. It fits with her comforting her brothers, but also she would absolutely push down every one of Jin Zixun’s emotions in a show of strength when he’s trash talking WWX. People underestimate her, but she’s incredibly good with what she does (Breeze levels of subtlety when she doesn’t want to be noticed)
Moving on, both of the Twin Jades are mistborn. I almost made Xichen something else, but he is canonically the highest ranked cultivator. I like the idea that he’s known to be a mistborn (I think a lot of the secrecy behind mistings is lessened, too) Lan Zhan, on the other hand, is assumed to be a smoker. People have tried to mess with his emotions, but with his coppercloud up no one can even hope to.
Time for the Jin clan. Jin Zixuan is one that I really struggled with. I thought of giving him copper, but I really, really love that idea that he ran off when confessing to Yanli because he suddenly starting thinking that someone was messing with his emotions. So, I think I’m just gonna go with rioter for him. We know he doesn’t like talking in front of groups and being the center of attention, but I could see him influencing things from the side while his father talks. Plus, I like him and Yanli complimenting each other’s abilities.
Jin Zixun isn’t a misting because I don’t like him. That’s self care.
Jiggy is a true rarity. I was going to stick with the first eight metals and mistborn, but.... I want him to be able to burn malatium. JGS’s massive amounts of illegit children can be attributed to him trying to find new metals that people can burn. Jin Guangyao was the first successful attempt, revealing his abilities in the Sunshot campaign. He was then promptly accepted into the Jin clan.
Nie Mingjue is a pewterarm. Is anyone surprised?
Nie Huaisang, by contrast, is such a good tineye. He’s constantly brushed aside or forgotten, hanging just far enough back that people assume he can’t hear or see what’s going on. But there is nothing he misses.
Wen Qing is a seeker, the best one they’ve seen for generations. I imagine instead of Yin iron, maybe they’re trying to find things that have allomantic properties. Who better to find them than her? Wen Ruohan uses her abilities to his advantage as much as he can.
Wen Ning is the only one of the main group that isn’t a misting. Instead, at Qiongqi Path, he was stabbed through with a spike of iron. His strength is immensely improved, but sometimes he has to fight to control himself with the spike.
I’m including Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan because this is my AU and I can. XXC is a tineye as well. However, he’s a savant. I’m not sure which idea I like more; all of Baoshan Sanren’s disciples being savants, or if it happened after he gave up his eyes. But either way, it happened. Is this projecting my love for Spook onto him? Yes, yes it is.
Aaaand finally, Song Lan is a pewterarm as well. But where Nie Mingjue focuses on the strength that comes with the metal, he instead focuses on the grace and speed it lends him. He’s deadly in a fight, his talents legendary.
I’m not including the juniors in this because I’ve listed so many characters already and this was mainly just to throw words down because I love mistborn so much. But yeah, if anyone is interested in writing this please do. Also if anyone wants to talk about this (or just mdzs in general) hit me up
EDIT forgot Wen Zhuliu used aluminum spikes against people okay that's it I'm done now
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the-conglomeration · 5 years
MISTBORN THEORY. I AM UP TO CHAPTER 26 OF HERO OF AGES. Do not tell me if I'm correct yet please.
Marsh has mentioned hemalurgy in the teaser for book three. We know making an Inquisitior is messy and uses multiple people who all die.
Hemalurgy would logically mean blood craft.
I think those spikes in Inquisitiors are used in it. And since he referred to a table designed for one person on top of another.
I think a spike must be driven through one person and into another, thus doing something.
Since they do it to a feruchemist I presume it can still powers. more evidence for this is Marsh was just a bronze burner. He is now a mistborn.
Vin and Inquisitiors can sense allomancy through copper clouds.
I think hemalurgy has been done to her.
I think that's what her earing is. And I think her sister was either a Mistborn and Vin was a bronze burner other sister was a bronze burner. And she was given her sisters power by her mother.
I have more evidence for this theory too.
Spook was stabbed THROUGH a pewterarm earlier. He can now burn pewter. I first thought this was due to some magic Kelsier stuff. I now think kelsier is a hallucination or something.
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downtroddendeity · 7 years
Allomantic/Feruchemcial/Twinborn headcanons for the radiant Historia cast?
I actually did a Mistborn AU ages ago! Do not underestimate my ability to apply every AU remotely possible to this game. I’m still waiting on a cheat sheet for the powers and oaths for the orders of Knights Radiant in the Stormlight Archive because that one’s personality-based and therefore superior for AUing purposes.
I had Stocke as an atium Misting, spiked to pewter by Uncle Dearest via a similar situation to Spook in Mistborn canon. He doesn’t know about the atium thing, and just thinks he Snapped because he, you know, had a sword broken off in his chest. Since Stocke is the absolute last person who should have access to allomantic pewter (a.k.a. the metal of bad life choices), by this point he’s a savant.
Lippti and Teo are jointly Harmony, and Heiss is playing Bleeder’s spike-swap game so he can have all the powers he wants but stay out of their control.
Raynie’s a Coinshot, Marco’s a Windwhisperer. Eruca’s a Rioter (Resistance morale is much higher whenever she’s in the room). I think I might have had Rosch as another Pewterarm, though his Gauntlet would definitely have to go because having a large metal machine attached to your shoulder is a pretty bad plan with Coinshots around, and you can’t attach EVERY part of it to flesh. Either Beastkind have weird powers from some other offworld Shard or Aht is a full feruchemist and Gafka is… I don’t know what Gafka is.
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