#spooky month rant
cann1bal-cr0w · 5 months
I havent seen anyone else talk about how well the topic of grief is portrayed in spooky month. I myself have dealt with the grief of losing someone close to me and i can say with certainty that the types of grief shown are quite accurate to how many types of people may grieve the loss of their loved one, for example, Lila turns to hiding her husbands stuff in the attic and never touching it again, and she also goes out drinking often, which is something she may be using as an escape from her life so she can feel happy. On the other hand, John starts dedicating his time as a police officer to track down the cult that burned down his house and killed his daughter. I dont have that much to say about how Skid grieves but from my understanding he seems to avoid talking about his father and hangs out with Pump basically every day, maybe he got attatched to horror stuff as a way to help him cope im still working that out in my brain.
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usually i dont post this kinda yap on tumblr but i have GOT to yap rn
what is it with the spooky month fandom and being so infantilizing towards roy. he is a bully. hes emotionally unstable, bratty, and aggressive to the point even his own friends are fed up. yes, hes cute! i love calling him cute and "my baby." yes, he can be nice sometimes, he can be funny, his heart is in the right place under the assholery. but the extent to which people mischaracterize him as a "sweet soft boy who must be protected!!!! the precious bean!! 🥺🥺" is actually infuriating. which leads me to wonder, how come ross and robert arent treated this way by the community?? theyre much nicer than roy is (with a reasonable degree of teenage stupidness). i wholeheartedly believe that the reason SOME people baby roy so much is because he was sexually abused, and so they perceive him as weak. the amount of genuinely disrespectful and infantilizing scenarios ive seen people make with drawings and writing about roy's sexual abuse trauma is ASTOUNDING. just saying, if ur like 13 and are not a victim nor are you properly educated, dont go around making corny "angst" content about such a serious subject matter. and just in general lets gain some media literacy and stop mischaracterizing morally gray characters before i lose my MIND.
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profound-bouquetbird · 6 months
The new spooky month episode was AMAZING!!!!
and I am here to now rant about it 😋
Spoilers if you haven't watched sm6 ☝️
To start things off. I love how they showed Radford more, and now he actually has more screentime. I remember adoring him when he first appeared on screen, and now that he had more screentime to show what kind of character he was just makes me love him even more 😭
My jaw literally dropped when I saw blood all over the crematory (if that's what it's called) and just Dexter's mom's pendant laying on the ground (also, seeing Dexter's face just felt cursed for some reason-)
The scene where the devil (or whatever it is) turns into Dexter and literally starts manipulating the priest (is that what they call him?-) just made me scream, silently of course because my parents were sleeping. AND DEXTER'S MOM ALSO APPEARING MADE ME RIP MY HAIR OUTQUQIWKQK (not literally)
The scene where Skid and Pump walked 'normally' (aka got anatomically correct bodies) made me wheeze, highlight of the episode. Another highlight of the episode is when I saw Streber at the hospital desk, and yes we are gonna ignore me thinking that it was Streber's mom and not him, totally ignoring that.
And when the grandpa bought Pump the octopus toy- I just couldn't help but be overwhelmed by this sense of guilt, like how I always feel when my parents/grandparents/anyone buys me something to surprise me. Idk if that's just me but I rly did feel guilty seeing that receipt in the grandpa's back pocket :/
Like- he went all that way to the store to just buy a gift for his grandkid to not make him think that his parents don't care about him or don't want him.
Okay, to get a little out of the depression stuff, I started jumping up and down from excitement when I saw the hatzgang. I wonder what they were talking about tho 🤔 Roy seemed rly upset, and Robert and Ross were comforting him and telling him that they were there for him, which was rly sweet but now I'm curious and scared of what they were talking about 😔
I wish I could just crawl into the screen and hug Roy (I know damn well he would bully me if I existed in that universe, but we'll just ignore that 😋)
I was shocked when I saw Patty without her mask. I mean- u go girl, but your whole personality is that mask 🙄 (/j)
Before I rant too much about this episode, I'm just gonna finish it off with this:
Jaune's husband is hot. (/hj)
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sandy926 · 4 months
Sr. Pelo gives me trust issues
He sometimes just straight up lies about characters dying or getting hurt 😭
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fruitycake625 · 4 days
Blood Friends (the Spooky Month au) is so bad and lazy that its actually just hilarious.
Skid was the most out of character. Why was he so f*cking blood hungry and out for bodies??? And it's incredibly weird how jealous he was of pump. They made my baby look like a brat and it still irritates me BADDD
Pump, ehh idrk. He wasn't himself obviously, and he felt really "softcore", but idrc about that cause it's not a "bad" mischaracterization. But I do think he was just kinda there and boring.
Lila appearing out of nowhere with such buttass hair was a shock to me. And she was also wearing a furry mask so yea. She didn't impact the story, all I remember is that she wanted to defeat skid and like recrute Robert to join her??? Listen, idk why she looks like a mess, I'll guess it's cause her son turned into psycho but yea, she's not that important.
Kevin? He's there. He was blinded by Skid and got a lowkey cool scar from it. He also survived his store burning down because skid committed damn arson.
I refuse to rewatch the series so I don't remember everything that happened, but that's the basic stuff.
Confession: I want blood friends to be revamped or even continued? Like, I'd make Skid possessed by his father and then everything kinda just ensues? Just wanna get rid of skids like Junko Enoshimas nasty purple tounge thingy??
Also, skid wears like wrapped bandages on the outside of his costume which irritates me also.
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Recent doodles of my old au :,D
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Old drawing of the characters :))
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Been needing to work on the lore and a comic 4 this ! But school has been such a draagggg I don’t think I’ll ever finish either 💔💔
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Belhhh this au was originally made bc I was obsessed with American horror stories freak show season. And honestly, I hate it with every might of me now! Killed off all the disabled people !!! They were the only thing that kept me interested,,,,,
I wish it had a different outcome like idk, the performers didn’t have to stay in the circus!! Though I guess the series is entirely based off horror and I’m assuming they never have a happy ending. But whatbeerrrr!!! Didn’t like it!!!! Wasn’t scary!!!! Only horny!!!!! And sad!! I wish the bearded lady didn’t have to die 💔💔!!
Butt rant aside that got nothing to do with my au! I only liked the fact it had a circus and that was it lol,,,
I changed the way Roy got around from a wagon to a cane bc the wagon seemed a little inconvenient…
Also the au is meant to take place in the 1930’s :,D so I got limits to what I can and can’t add! Tis the reason why Rad doesn’t have his 3D glasses, I don’t think those existed back then!
I’ll dedicate my rambling to another post bc this one is getting a little long….!!!!
…But so is literally every other post I make. I honestly prefer tumblr bc I get to say whatever I want no matter how much it is! Now all we need is for boobs 2 be allowed again and it’ll be perfect!
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eunchancorner · 5 months
Two short stories, two longer stories, almost six Google doc pages, 3377 words and one new nickname for Liv, it is with great pleasure and relief that I finally bring you
Three times Ethan tickled his partners, and one time he didn't
Ethan delighted in the soft giggles that arose as he gently squished the small bit of pudge that hung just slightly over the waistband of Streber’s pants. One of his favorite people, who he’d seen at his best, and recently at his very worst, was healing.
“You’re getting soft again,” he commented, resting his head on Streb’s shoulder.
“Ihi knohohohow.”
“I missed your squish so much…”
“Ihit’s nohot that muhuhuch.”
“But it’s something. It’s progress. Progress I’m glad you’ve made…”
Ethan pressed his cheek into Streber’s, feeling his face heating up a bit. He loved how much the genuine affection got to the poor nerd.
Ethan gently pinched up and down Streb’s tummy, listening to his giggles vary in pitch, from his normal voice to high and silly, admiring every adorable sound.
“I think your new squish is even more ticklish than before~,” he teased, adoring the flustered squeak he earned, and unable to resist giving his cheek a little kiss.
“I love you~”
“Ihi love youhu tohohoo.”
“It’s too late, Ethan, I can’t unlearn your weakness!”
The two had been locked in a chase around the house for several minutes. Ethan had recently let slip a particular secret of his to her sneaky questions, and now he was determined to make her pay for it. The only problem was that she was well-versed in running from her partners’ wrath, so he was having a tough time cornering her. However, he was also growing adept at chasing down his partners, so he had a few tricks of his own.
One of which came in the form of a very conveniently timed boyfriend.
“LEON, GRAB HER!” he shouted as Leon rounded the couch, which he was chasing her towards. In one swift motion, Leon grabbed her under her arms and swooped her up off the ground, leaving her legs to kick uselessly in midair as she protested using several threats and curses.
Ethan stopped in front of the two, taking a minute to catch his breath, before pointing at the redhead.
“You. Did you think you’d get away with that little stunt?” he questioned her.
“Yep, AND I was absolutely gonna remember it, too! I’d FINALLY have a leg up in our tickle fights, you giant ler!”
“Well, now you’ve earned yourself a one-way ticket to getting wrecked, good job. May I, Leon?”
“LEON- I swear to fuck if you hand me over to him I am gonna dump ALL of your protein powder into the toilet!!”
Leon gave the small redhead in his hands a glare at the ill-timed threat, shortly before handing her like a ragdoll over to their boyfriend with the simple statement; “Go nuts.”
“W-Wait! Leon! THAT WAS A PROMISE!” she called after him as he returned on his original route to the kitchen, before looking back at Ethan.
“U-uhm, hi?”
“Wanna apologize for your little shittery?”
“I don’t apologize for that. You know this by now!”
“Really? So you’re just gonna let this happen?”
“Let what ha-” she cut herself off as she realized what he meant. “Oh. Fuck.”
The chuckle Ethan let out was unnecessarily threatening, and Liv felt herself forcing down a nervous smile of her own.
“E-Ethan, no! I-I- I swear, i-if you tickle me, I-I’ll tell someone about it! You won’t know who, and you won’t know when until it’s too late!” she warned, wriggling in his grasp, trying to get herself down.
“Hm, guess I’ll have to tickle ya until you promise not to tell anyone!”
“Wait what-”
She squealed suddenly as Ethan practically threw her down onto the couch beside them and dug his fingers into her ribs, prompting her to grab onto and pull at his arms.
“Ehehethahahan! Nahahoho! Youhu jeheherk!” she insulted him, inadvertently digging herself a deeper hole.
“Liv, the more you fight, the worse it’s gonna get. If you wanna get out of this, you have to be nice. Start by apologizing for being rude~”
“Nehehever! Ihi’ll nehever gihive ihihin!!”
He couldn’t help but laugh at her stubbornness, especially considering how hard she was already laughing. Never change, Liv.
He grabbed her left hand, hoisting it up over her head and raking his fingers from her underarm, down her ribs and side, all the way down to her hip, then right back up, causing her to squeal and smack at him with her remaining hand.
“NyAhaHAHahaHAHaha EHEthahaHAN!! WhYhy THAhahAHAT?!” she demanded, her laughter gaining a quality Ethan could only describe as fittingly chaotic. She attempted to twist away from his hand, only to find that Ethan had very well adapted to keeping up with her constant moving.
“Because it makes you sound adorable!~ And because it’s even worse for you, which isn’t as big of a reason, but still a reason. Tell ya what. I’ll make a deal with you. All I want you to do is say sorry for being a little shit today, and you’ll be free! Sound good?~”
Once again, in all her stubbornness, Liv shook her head in refusal. She was always determined to keep from apologizing for her (admittedly harmless) actions, but unfortunately, Ethan seemed to have gained his patience back.
“That’s ok, I’ve got all the time in the world to keep tickling you until you change your mind!~”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic! You might be extremely, adorably ticklish but you won’t die! You’ll just either succumb to cotton brain or have to apologize,” he reasoned, “If you were gonna die, it’d probably be from this.”
Suddenly, he let go of her hand and began raking his newly freed hand up and down her other side, moving in the opposite direction to the other, raising her laughter up much higher than he expected.
“FUHUHUHUHUHUCK EHEHEHETHAHAHAHAN!! IHIHIT’S TOHOHORTUHUHURE!! TOHOHORTUHUHUHUHURE!!!” she practically screeched, grabbing onto his hands and flailing every which way in an attempt to escape, even going as far as to attempt to shake his arms to try to pull him off.
“And yet you know exactly how to get me to stop! But you’re not gonna, are you? Because however much you yell it’s ‘torture’ or that it’s gonna kill you, you’ll always keep being a little shit, just so someone will pin you down, and tickle you until you can’t think because it’s just so fun. Isn’t that right?~”
“SHUHUT YOUHUHUR FAHAHAHACE!!” She tried to cover his face with one hand.
“You’re not even denying it at this point! But, I know exactly what’ll get to you. Exactly what’ll get you to apologize, and end your supposed torture~” Ethan cleared his throat and leaned in close to make sure she could hear him.
“Tickle tickle tickle~”
“Tickle tickle tickle~ Such a cute little ferret getting her tickles~”
“But why not, hm? Can’t I give a cute lil ferret her teases and tickles?~”
“Well, you’re just like one! You’re wiggly and hyper and love causing mischief until someone gives you attention. So now, you’re a wiggly, ticklish little ferret, who’s getting all her tickle-tickle-tickles~”
“FIHIHINE FIHIHINE IHI’M SOHOHORRYHYHY! NOHO MOHOHORE TEHEHEASIHIHINGGG!” she finally gave in, and Ethan let go, just as he had promised, letting her make her attempts to stop laughing and even out her breathing.
“Youhuhu… ahare fuhucking ruhuhuhuthlehehess…” she managed as she slowly calmed down, earning a soft chuckle from Ethan.
“Maybe you’ll remember that next time. Of course, whether that stops you or spurs you on is up to you~”
“Aww, what’s wrong, Leon? Too ticklish for tummy kisses?~” the goth cooed at his hysterical boyfriend, before peppering soft kisses all over his belly for the second time in a row. In response, he could feel Leon smacking the top of his head as though trying to dislodge him, despite having literally asked for this.
“C’mon, don’t try to push away now. I thought you wanted a soft night in tonight~”
“IHI DIHIHID BUHUT- FUHUHUHUCK!! NOHOT THEHEHEHERE!!” he squealed as Ethan’s kisses trailed around to the side of his tummy, which somehow seemed to be much worse than the middle.
“There’s so many little spots on your tummy, you’re so adorable. My big puppy boy~”
“Are you sure? Even if you wanna pull the tough guy routine, you’re pretty puppy-like. You have lots of energy, you’re friendly, you love having your tummy tickled, and if I do this…” Ethan gently pressed his thumb just above Leon’s belly button, making him kick out one of his legs in response. “You kick like a puppy, too! So, I’ve come to the conclusion that you are, in fact, a puppy. Hm, Streber would be proud of me.”
“HEHE WOUHUHUHULDN’T! GOHOHOHOD, EHEHEHETHAHAHAN!” Leon pushed at his boyfriend’s shoulders, pure instinct driving his actions. He loved this, he knew he did, no matter how flustering it was. 
But Ethan was never going to hear that.
Ethan loved his feared ler status.
He found himself lucky to be in a household with so many partners that loved to tickle and be tickled the same way he did, and he found himself even luckier to usually be the one who ended up tickling the others. He was sure he’d won the most tickle fights in the whole house.
Well, next to Aria.
Him and her had been tied for the longest time; Ethan because he never resisted the urge to strike, and Aria because she knew how to keep people from predicting when she’d strike next.
But today, he was going to change that. Ethan was going to show Aria who the most feared ler in the house was, by sneaking up on her and tickling her until she admitted it was him.
And now he was so close!
He crept up behind her as she leaned on the back of the couch, idly watching the news.
He could hear her humming. She sounded so distracted.
He could practically hear her laughing already.
Closer… NOW!
He’d lunged at her, and was taken by surprise when she whipped around, grabbed his wrist and lifted him with her free hand, slamming him down onto the couch, all the air rushing out of his lungs on impact. He coughed a bit as he regained his breath, looking up at her looming over him, her hand still on his chest and his wrist still locked in her grip.
“Uhm… hi?” he smiled innocently.
“Hi there,” she gave him an equally innocent look. That’s never a good sign.
“Well… uhm… how exactly did you do that?”
“Well, you remember how in high school I took ballet one year, and karate the next?”
“L-Listen, you can’t keep blaming all the weirdly impressive shit you do on the weird shit you did in high school!”
“Well, I’d be lying if I said they didn’t have a hand in it, but I have been training with Leon lately!”
“Of course…” he rolled his eyes. It always fucking ties back to Leon.
“So, mind telling me why you were sneaking up on me like a creep?” she raised an eyebrow at him.
“W-well, I was uh-” he was cut off with a grunt as Aria’s weight suddenly shifted to the hand that was on his chest as she pulled her legs over the back of the couch; one landing between Ethan’s own legs and one in front of the couch.
“Oww… It hurts when you do that, y’know,” he told her, earning a small eye roll.
“So you’ve complained before. Now answer my question.” She smiled as she saw his eyes widened. He thought I forgot.
“S-so, uhm, I-I was uh… w-well… I… was… uh…” he fumbled for an answer that didn’t incriminate himself, and found himself unable to come up with anything.
“You were plotting something, weren’t you?”
Oh fuck.
“But,” she glanced over the back of the couch, “since you didn’t bring something with you, I’m gonna assume you weren’t planning on doing anything that might result in a lecture from Streber. You weren’t planning on trying to take that little title, hm?”
“Wh-what title could that be?” he asked, averting his gaze, trying to suppress his nervous smile.
“The title of the biggest ler in the house. Because that title belongs to me. And you know how I know that?”
Oh she is absolutely setting this up but how can I NOT-
“Because you’re a cocky jerk?” he smirked at his own words, feeling a tinge of confidence.
That confidence faded as soon as her eyes narrowed at him.
“Because you are awfully ticklish to gentle tickles. Aren’t you?~” she leaned in all too close as she asked, “And luckily for you, gentle tickles are my specialty~”
“W-what are you… i-implying?” he asked cautiously, his eyes locking onto her hand as it moved from his chest to the side of his face.
“I’m implying,” she began as she began tracing behind his ear, causing him to choke down giggles already, “That I’m gonna do to you exactly what you were planning to do to me. Except I’m actually going to make it effective, because we all know what makes you tick, Eth. And you are going to admit that I’m the biggest ler in the house. Or at least the scariest.”
“Ihi- I’m n-not denying y-you’re the s-scariehest, Jehesus fucken Christ,” he managed, feeling his heart pounding in his chest from the threat of tickles alone. “B-but you are not th-the biggest leher… that’s me.”
“Hm. Then it looks like I am going to tickle you for the biggest ler title.”
“Oh th-that’s just n-nohot fair…”
“It’s completely fair! After all, isn’t that what you were gonna do?” she began to trace down his neck, causing him to squeak and grab her wrist. She raised an eyebrow at him, moving her finger in slow circles in the spot it was trapped in.
“Let go of my hand, or I’m going to tickle you so bad you won’t even be able to think about today without getting in a lee mood,” she warned, and the look she had made Ethan sure she was being very serious, so he did as she said.
“Good, now how am I going to do this, hm? Should I play a little first, see how loud I can make you laugh without going for your worst spot, or should I go for that infamous little kill button right away?~ And even so, which one? The one where my hand would be trapped to trace until you can finally lift your arm, and even then there’s no guarantee I’ll stop, or do I go for the one where you can’t protect your poor little spot, leaving me to trace in whatever little shapes I want, and all you can do is laugh and laugh and laugh, because we both know you won’t be able to get out a single word. So many decisions to make, and the longer I take to make them, the more flustered you’ll be, but I think I know what’ll make it ten times worse. One simple little question, that you ask all too often; What do you think I should do?~”
I think you should be less fucken terrifying, he thought, but truthfully he didn’t know if he could get a word out. Being teased by anyone else isn’t so bad, but this was Aria. She knew exactly how to get to him too flustered to manage a word, and it was working all too well. He tried to give any kind of answer, but the words caught in his throat, and all he could manage were a few flustered squeaks.
“Ethan~ If I can’t get a straight answer, I’ll just have to decide for myself, and you know I’ll pick what gets you the most~” she warned him, hovering her hand over his ribs and watching him flinch and try to squirm away, pressing his arm to his side in an effort to block her.
“A-aria… P-plehease…” was all he could manage. He wasn't sure what he was trying to ask for, maybe mercy, but either way she seemed to be having none of it.
“What’s wrong, darling? Too scared to give me an answer? That’s ok, I think I know exactly what to do~” she cooed before she began to gently pinch up and down his side, causing him to finally release all the laughter he’d felt bubbling up in his chest. He squealed and twisted under her in an attempt to hide himself, but a quick scribble to his other side sent him right back onto his back.
“Arihiahahaha! Plehehease, wahahahait! Nohohohoho!” he begged, resisting the urge to grab her wrist again and instead opted for grabbing his own shirt to try to ground himself.
“I don’t think I will, Ethan~ We’ve both waited long enough for me to tickle you, and if you had to wait any more, I think you’d regret saying that, wouldn’t you?” She began to skitter her nails lightly against his ribs before he could answer, making him laugh louder and kick his legs to try to dispel the energy. She chuckled softly as she watched him struggle to sass her, unable to get any sort of coherent thoughts within the fireworks of his brain to come up with something snarky to say. She traced up and down his ribs, delighting in every squeak and change in pitch, listening to him come so close to absolutely losing it just because he was that much worse off with such gentle tickles. As much as she wanted to dig in and watch him flail, listen to him cackle, she knew this was so much worse.
Occasionally she’d dip just between his ribs and underarms, ripping a squeal from his throat, and just as quickly, she’d be back to his ribs. She could see how badly it got to him; the way he’d tug at his poor shirt when she got a little too high and yet how he’d just barely whine when she’d leave it alone so fast.
“What’s wrong, Ethan? Can’t handle your tickles? Why are you so whiny, hm? Is there something you’re expecting?~” she couldn’t help but tease him, knowing exactly what he wanted; for her to finally go after his death spot, for his brain to fill with fog and fireworks and be able to do nothing but laugh, to fulfill the buzzing anticipation that only got worse every time she tricked him.
Gradually she let up under she had her hand just hovering above that little spot that she knew she could destroy him with, smirking as she listened to his nervous, giddy giggles.
“Well, Ethan?” she asked, “Got anything to say?”
“P-plehehease, Ahariahaha… I-Ihi’m sohohorry, y-youhu’re th-the bihihiggehest leheher, I wahas wrohohong… plehehease, juhust doho ihihit ahalreheheheadyyy…”
Aria blinked down at him. He’s… asking me to wreck him. Just like that. In exchange for admitting it, he wants me to destroy him.
She smiled, and then she chuckled quietly.
“You’re adorable when you’re desperate~”
Before Ethan had time to process it, his wrist was released and he felt an unbearably gentle tracing in that little kill spot between his underarms and ribs, sending him into utter hysterics. She watched as his shoulders shook with laughter, his arms clamped to his sides and he tossed his head back, and yet he seemed almost relaxed. She knew why, too; the anticipation of going after his worst spot was finally over, he finally got the tickles he’d been expecting from her.
After a few more moments of tickling him senseless, she finally let up, gently patting him on the head and giggling softly as he batted at her hand.
She looked up to see their other six partners staring at her from a few feet away, all six pairs of eyes wide and all six faces blushing. She couldn’t resist the urge to smirk and raise her hands in wiggling claws, which sent all of them running in different directions, watching Confi struggle to make a decision before following Liv to her room.
Title secured.
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jacenotjason · 16 days
bob velseb has furniture made of skin canonically
sorry i was watching tender treats and this just clicked in my little rat brain
more info if you wanna hear me rant v
one of Bobs inspirations was Leatherface, and Leatherface was inspired by the actual serial killer of Ed Gein (one of Bobs portraits also reference Ed Gein more directly, the one of him doing a thumbs-up)
so both leatherface and ed gein made furniture of ppls skin
and the very first shot of tender treats is this
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not only does bobs furniture have awkward stitching and shit but
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those are faces lol
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roycappsus · 3 months
Carmen isn't a bad mom she is just mean to others and doesn't respected them enough to care. I mean she bought Roy a whole ass bag of candy on halloween, so idk who thinks carmen treats Roy badly, shes a good mom and yeah she can probably be strict and not let Roy around his friends but she means well I think.
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g0ingb4tty · 8 months
Hi random SpookyMonth rant incoming but i HATE the way Dexter's character is seen/portrayed and mischaracterized in the SM fandom (I've mainly seen it on TikTok), but the fandom waters down his complexity to "silly smol bean autism murder boi" and that's just... no.
Dexter is canonically a mentally ill murderer with a LITERAL ADDICTION to killing and will spiral if he doesn't kill something within a certain period of time (as seen in episode 4 Deadly Smiles where he posessed the kids' Happy Fella doll and tries to kill them)
He CANONICALLY became an exterminator so he would have a constant supply of creatures to kill and yet the fandom just waters him down to a "silly innocent twink" and it pisses me the fuck off.
Whenever a fandom gets ahold of a complex character, especially a mentally ill or "crazy" one, that just so happens to be a bit silly or act quirky, the character's lore immediately gets erased or watered down in fanon to where they're just some playful innocent guy who just so happens to kill people. It happened in the Creepypasta fandom too, and they're also doing it to Bob in a way but it's to a much worse degree with Dexter.
Sr. Pelo describes Dexter's character as just a bad person trying not to get worse, and even calls him a "sicko"
No, he wouldn't cry over a movie, no he wouldn't cling to Bob's or whoever the hell you ship him with's shoulder 24/7 and whine whenever he's alone. (These are all real things I've seen said about him)
(Speaking of him being shipped with Bob, they canonically dislike eachother lol)
And what really bothers me about these types of fanon, is yeah, they do it with almost every character in one way or another, but it's always the ones that are MEANT to be bad people, to be almost, or completely unredeemable. They have their complexity stripped away from them.
Take "ticci" Toby Rogers, he was abused by his father, he was bullied in school for having Tourette's Syndrome, watched his sister, the only person who cared for him (other than his mom) die in a car crash, then spiraled and killed his dad. The Creepypasta fandom waters him down to some innocent uwu waffle loving boy, and that's just... taking away from the entire story.
They're doing the same with Dexter too, like, actually look into the lore, you don't even have to do much reading between the lines when watching the show to see that he's literally DERANGED.
What these fanons are doing is just taking the character's name, design, (sometimes they even change how they look beyond recognition too :/) and just making a new character with it. It makes me so mad.
I could apply this to a gazillion different fanbases, like how I used Creepypasta as an example, but Spooky Month is my hyperfixation and I hold CANON Dexter very near and dear to me because he's a comfort character for me and I can see myself in him and it just INFURIATES ME seeing how they misportray him, I go looking for fanarts/fanfics/any fanworks of him and it's all just mischaracterized and it makes me physically cringe every time i see it. UUUYYHNMJHHGBBBHHH
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comidyye · 9 months
+ comments n talkin about chars!!.. everything from father figure bob to happy fella and chucky : 3 (still.. still mostly just bob though)
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whiteboard doodles/just him doodles ^
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very important !!! do you understand me .. what do you think
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i seriously think the cult fucked bob up real worse than he was before.. and i think him and skiddad should have interactions : 3
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i dont think bob and lila were related.. but even if it wasnt likely in canon id like think he was some kind of guardian for her
CW FOR gore in this last one (its dextr portraits next to bob absolutely munching on smone + a corpse) Because i just cant stay away from draiwing fun gore apparently
+ ranting in tags !
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ferfbish · 9 days
I hate it when people call me weird for liking my own comments, like I'm sorry girly. I'm sorry you hate self love
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sunny6677 · 1 month
So uhhh here's a ramble about some of the fandoms flaws—
Maybe this is because I already don't like conflict in general, but I feel like the famdom can be oddly like.. aggressive sometimes? Like if someone gets something wrong about the show, someone might freak out a little—or if someone happens to make a post that just makes them feel uncomfortable, they'll make some odd vague post about it. Not to mention the amount of times I've seen people start arguments through Anon over on the @confessions-sm blog. It feels like people just want a reason to fight eachother sometimes rather than just listening to the other sides perspective or being respectful. You're allowed to feel uncomfortable with something all ya want but still why get all aggressive with someone who you don't actually know irl?? It feels kinda like a waste of time just to fight with other people about something that doesn't actually matter.
And of course the shipping—Candybats hype doesn't really exist anymore so I'm not really talking about the people who ship them. I'm more so talking about everyone who kinda infantillizes characters like Kevin or Radford to the point where they react with blatant disgust anytime they're shipped with Lila or Frank despite them both clearly being grown men.
And also—anytime someone says they don't like a certain character, I see how oddly defensive some people get when hearing the persons reasons as to why?? Maybe it's just me but people are allowed to not like certain characters. You can't just try and change someone's opinion why anytime you hear someone doesn't like that character just because you happen to like that character—that's not really how it works. At the end of the day, it's a show. Why does it matter if someone dislikes certain characters in it??
That's kinda all I have to say, but sheesh.
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sami-guinea-arts · 11 days
While I respect selfshippers who don't want doubles/sharing, at the same time I am sad when people see unfollow or block me (mainly Twitter, I see "doubles dni" pop up everywhere now), solely because I ship one of my OCs with that canon character...
I only ever did selfshipping with one character from another franchise, not Spooky Month. Otherwise it is always canon x oc ships.
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neshiandraws · 4 months
I swear. If I don't see Bob Velseb Butcher Vanity art, I just might have to make some myself.
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lazarish · 8 months
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Abbie Echo
So uh. I'm posting a new legacy.
I'll avoid ranting for hours and just summarize: it's going to be a horror-themed nsb. By "horror-themed", I do mean this it's going to be darker/rated higher than my other projects.
A full list of triggers for each gen will be posted on the hub page, as well as the navigation post for each gen (the pinned post on my blog while the gen is posting). However, I will say upfront that there will never be any sexual violence, nor will there be gore further than some edited blood shown on-screen. I'm trying to be creepy, not genuinely upsetting, so all potentially triggering content will always be tagged. And, as always, I encourage you to let me know if there's something you would like tagged, or if there's a better way for me to tag things to avoid making anyone uncomfortable.
Also, Labyrinth isn't going anywhere! Gen 5 is just a huge project so it was always going to take a while!
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