#spore screen capture
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This is the Deck Hawk. It was supposed to be a play on the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars, but I shortened “decade” into “deck”.
Yes, it’s a 1950s style flying saucer. That’s why its name in-game is 1950s Throwback.
In my story "Josephi's Savior", this is the design of the Deck Hawk that a Spesh Captain named Stitch owns. His pilot is a Spesh woman named Poppy and he has three more of his own species aboard. All are Spesh men and their names are Seymour, Hively, and Sharp. Also living on board are an individual of each species the Spesh Empire is allied with. Representing the Girtha Bertha Empire is a woman named Zoe. The Crolos Empire is represented by a man named Takagaki. Miyu is a Scorpion Lord woman who represents her species' empire on board. Felix, a Leafy Kyrozi man, represents his empire aboard the Deck Hawk. The final one on board is an Arclart man named Yon.
The Deck Hawk also leads a fleet composed of spaceships belonging to the other five empires, each of which has five of its species aboard (a captain, a pilot, and three posse members). The Crolos Empire pilot a ship model called the Practicale (made in Spore by MaxisKSeid, one of many Maxis employee accounts whose creations fall under Maxis Made in the online Sporepedia). The Girtha Bertha Empire has a ship model called Sovkaan following it (which comes pre-installed with every copy of Spore). The Scorpion Lord Empire have the Redraff (made in-game by MaxisGuillaume). The Leafy Kyrozi Empire has a spaceship called the Celestial Snake in the fleet (made by Rebecca1208 aka DarkEdgeTV). The Arclart have a replica of the Megazord from Power Rangers (made by "Davias" in the game).
The Deck Hawk itself is bigger on the inside, though not to the same extent in all of it. The description in-game (and in the screenshot) lists various things you can do with spaceships in Spore's Space Stage.
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creature-keeper · 11 months
has anyone else seen the incredibly strange and unique glitch that happens when recording Spore in OBS with game capture? Because it has fascinated me for years and it is so odd that is does this at all.
Strangely, it seems to not be discussed much online and no one really goes into why. even i dont have tech answers on Why but the most is that OBS seems to capture the loading of textures/normal maps/etc when something like a creature is loaded (doesnt happen with vehicles or buildings). They are so fast that I guess it can be assumed this is being done all the times when you are playing, but for some reason OBS manages to process it. If anyone has more insight, feel free to add on.
I will post screenshots below, but you can see a video where i slowed it down 10% (even then, its still really bad). There are a few clips out there but I wanted to slow it down as much as I could.
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And the first time it happened was incredibly unsettling. and streaming it live without realizing it would happen is horrible lol... It only appears on the OBS/viewers side, and not on your own game screen so its easy to not notice right away.
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Asked by @fleurviolettes​
@spengnitzed @stantzed @bixiebeet @angelixgutz @thealmightyemprex @goodanswerfoxmonster @amalthea9 @themousefromfantasyland @professorlehnsherr-almashy @budcortfancam
Favorite Thing About Them: There was an excentric, always serious, socially awkward nerd character, played by a comedy actor who wasn't a big movie star like his screen colleagues Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis were, originally only meant to provide technological exposition, and he became the breakout character that audiences most strongly cared about. Egon Spengler showed viewers that just because we wored glasses, weren't muscular or trained in complicated martial arts, it didn't mean we couldn't be seen as heroes, even tough he initially decided to capture ghosts just hoping to earn a living like his friends. Also, while ocasionally awkward and a bit shy around women, he is never shown to be self hating. He talks with certainty about his scientificial knowledge, isn't much bothered by the teasing of friends like the more street smart Peter Venkman and Winston Zeddemore, and is shown that is because of his inteligence and seriousness that Janine Melnitz finds him atractive, without Egon ever needing to try becoming more "tough", "atletic", "cool", etc.
His lines about humans being like small bacteria are even complimented as romantic! There were moments where he would show an explosive temper, but its clear that its only in extreme circunstances where a dangerous treat is on the horizon and everyone's emotions are heated, and not before trying to present argumentations to better solve the problem first.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: Returning to a criticism I made on this post here, when the writers of Afterlife, a sequel made 37 years after the original film, decided to incorporate Harold Ramis death as a major plot influence, they also mixed the complicated personal life fact that Ramis was an absent parent to his second daughter for most of her life, wich was something he deeply regreted, into the character of Egon Spengler, using the cliche plot of a father who abandons his daughter without explanation (not even letting his friends know of her existence because she is suposed to be a "big reveal" even in universe) to fight the great scope villain, and get redeemed in the eyes of sayed abandoned daughter just because he is dead. That is not character growth, that is not a tribute to his creator, thaf is just cynical, unecessary melodrama (ignoring that the first was a comedy!) exploiting a complicated, painfull story of an actual, real family.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
* I wear large glasses;
* Like his portrayal in the live action movies and IDW licensed comics, my natural hair is dark brown and grows in agitated curls;
* I love chocolate treats;
Three Things I Don’t Have In Common With Them:
* I don't collect spores, molds and fungus;
* I alternate between physical and online books, so I would never say the phrase "Print is dead";
* I'm not born in the United States;
Favorite Line:
From the July 1983 Script Draft:
"I don't understand. What have I got?"
"And not a very precise one."
"I have trace PKE valences everywhere in the building and extremely high readings in the interior stacks."
"Good in what sense?"
"I'm patched into the Bell Labs computer in Boston. We should have an answer in a moment."
"I think we can catch one."
"I own an automobile."
"It's a 1957 Saab."
"Those are proton packs and that's a Nutrona wand. They're prototypes of new devices for putting proto-mater in stasis."
"It's 9.642.55 square feet."
"Not all of this is for the office telephones. I'm constructing a fiberoptic network to monitor microwave activity outside the commercial frequencies assigned to telephone and television transmission."
"This is amusing."
"I think it's too early to tell."
"We're all animals, Venkman."
"Okay - It's ready."
"This is the proton pack."
"14.55 kilos."
"Thirty-two pounds."
"This is the Neutrona wand."
"I'm working on a self-contained version but for now we'll run off building current."
"Switch... ON."
"It's ready."
"I've heat shielded the entire pack and it's fully portable now. We'll each be capable of shooting an ion stream up to 12 feet. The stream will repel ectoplasm but have no effect in the physical enviroment. Ready?"
"Then we'll be virtually defenseless."
"Easy... easy... open the trap now!!"
"Watch it... watch it... now."
"It's getting crowded in there. We have to arrange some kind of spill-release system."
"I tought we'd be busy but I never expected this many. That's what bothers me. All my recent data points to something big on the horizon."
"I am Egon Spengler, human being of Earth, Master of Physics, Doctor of Philosophy. Greetings Vinz Clortho."
"Free him, Officer. I will speak with the Minion of Gozer."
"I like these dehydrated meals because they save time. And they have a long shelf-life."
"Could I ask you a feel questions, Vinz?"
"Vinz, how will Gozer come?"
"I want you to look at these pictures, Vinz, and tell me if you see Gozer or anything that looks like Gozer."
"If I were to deactivate the grid generator, the facility could no longer contain the high-concentration of valences inside. You can see what's inside trough the monitor if you wish."
"I've plotted the location of our 99 confirmed manifestations. Look at the pattern and where it fits. Over the tri-state region we have many heavy industries responsible for the destruction of ozonic and other atmospheric layers. The random mesh of microwaves from telephone and telecomunication senders acts as a lens increasing the focus of all the sun's dangerous gamma and U.V. rays which otherwise would be filtered out if the protective atmospheric layers had not been destroyed. These rays are being focused raw on a region under which there lies buried many thousands of tons of chemical and radioactive waste releasing stripped electrons into the atmosphere.
Finally, even a casual glance at the map reveals this region lies within an almost equilateral triangle having at its intersecting points the Indian River Plant in New York here, the Three Mile Island Facility in Pensylvania here, and the Sands Creek Reactor here... two of which we know are leaking hundreds of roentgens per hour."
From the September 1983 Script Draft:
"Oh! This is big, Peter. This is very big. There's definitely something here."
"Two reasons. First of all, I found trace PKE valances everywhere in the building and extremely high readings in the interior stacks."
"That was both of them."
"Incredible. She was stripping ions all over the place."
"We were right about the proton count, Stantz."
"Raymond and I are convinced that we can trap a ghost and hold it indefinitely."
"Just for your information, Ray, the interest payments alone for the first five years come to over $75,000."
"Print is dead."
"Is that a game?"
"I collect spores, molds and fungus."
"I think it's the food of the future."
"This is the Proton Pack, Peter. The only problem with it at the moment is that it could cause sterility."
"Yes, well, I'm working on that."
"Peter, trust me. We are about to make scientific history."
"Raymond, the plug."
"She's telling the truth - or at least she thinks she is."
"Or even a race memory, stored in the collective unconscious. And I wouldn't rule out clairvoyance or telepathic contact either."
"You're a Scorpio with your moon in Leo and Aquarius rising."
"I blame myself."
"We'd better adjust our streams."
"Something was definitely here."
"Were you recently in the bathroom?"
"The wet towels, residual moisture on your lower limbs and hair, the redness in your cheeks indicating..."
"When you were in the bathroom, did you notice anything that was yellow and unusually smelly?"
"Wait! Wait! There's something I forgot to tell you."
"Don't cross the beams."
"Trust me. It will be bad."
"It's hard to explain, but try to imagine all life as you know it stopping instantaneously and finding yourself confined forever in another dimension."
"They're not guns. They're particle throwers."
"I couldn't do that. You might hurt someone."
"On Earth - no. But on Krypton we could slice him up like Oscar Mayer Bologna."
"Well, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokinetic energy in the New York area. According to this morning's PKE sample, the current level in the city would be a Twinkie 35 feet long weighing approximately six hundred pounds."
"I just met the Keymaster. He's here with me now."
"Die in what sense?"
"I don't care. I see us as tiny parts of a vast organism, like two bacteria living on a rotting speck of dust floating in an infinite void."
"You have nice clavicles."
"Oh, shit!"
"If you don't shut up I'm going to rip out your septum."
"Of course! Ivo Shandor. I saw his name in Tobin's Spirit Guide. He started a secret society in 1920."
"After the First World War, Shandor decided that society was too sick to survive. And he wasn't alone. He had close to a thousand followers when he died. They conducted rituals, bizarre rituals, intended to bring about the end of the world."
"Sumerian -- not Babylonian."
"I don't believe in luck."
"Thank you."
"It's Shandor - the architect!"
"I think he's saying that since we're about to be sacrificed anyway, we get to choose the form we want him to take."
"Full-stream with strogon pulse."
"No! Them! Shoot them! Cross the beams. Cross the beams."
From the 1984 movie final cut:
"That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me."
"Ray, it's moving. Come on."
"This is hot, Ray."
"Raymond, look at this."
"Venkman, get a sample of this."
"I'd like to analyze it."
"I'm getting stronger readings here. This way."
"I wouldn't say the experience wasn't completely wasted. According to these new readings, I think we have an excellent chance of actually catching a ghost and holding it indefinitely."
"I'm always serious."
"I think this building should be condemned. There's serious metal fatigue in all the load-bearing members. The wiring is substandard. It's completely inadequate for our power needs. And the neighborhood is like a demilitarized zone."
"I could look for the name Zuul in the usual literature."
"Tobin's Spirit Guide."
"Venkman, shorten your stream. I don't want my face burned off."
 "I looked at the trap, Ray."
 "I don't think he's human."
"Vinz, you said before you were waiting for a sign. What sign are you waiting for?"
"I think that would be extraordinarily dangerous."
"I'm warning you. Turning off these machines would be extremely hazardous."
"Try to understand. This is a high voltage laser containment system. Simply turning it off would be like dropping a bomb on the city."
"Clear the building!"
"Oh, come on!"
"Your mother!"
"The structure of this roof cap is exactly like the kind of telemetry tracker that NASA uses to identify dead pulsars in deep space."
"It's not the girl, Peter, it's the building. Something terrible is about the enter our world and this building is obviously the door."
"Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes! Volcanoes!"
"Art Deco. Very nice."
"It's Gozer."
"It's whatever it wants to be."
"Ray? This looks extraordinarily bad."
"Look out!"
"Sorry, Venkman. I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought."
"I have a radical idea. The door swings both ways. We could reverse the particle flow through the gate."
"We'll cross the streams."
"Not necessarily. There's definitely a very slim chance we'll survive."
"I feel like the floor of a taxi cab."
"We'd like to get a sample of your brain tissue."
brOTP: His brother (Lionel in the novelization, Elon in the Earth Day TV Special), Eugene Visitor, Ray Stantz, Peter Venkman, Winston Zeddemore, Dana Barrett, Tiyah Clark, Slimer, Buster, Louis Tully, Sherman Tully, Dytyllio, Walter Peck, Louise, Irena Cortez, Bryan Welsh, Kylie Griffin, Eduardo Rivera, Garrett Miller, Roland Jackson, Ilyssa Selwin, Jenny Moran, Dani Shpak, Lou Kamaka, Marie Laveau.
OTP: Janine Melnitz.
nOTP: Pink Mood Slime, Gozer.
Random Headcanon: Since Egon still consults literature about the supernatural (more famously Tobin's Spirit Guide) and the STEM fields, is believable that when he says the phrase "Print is dead", is not in the sense that he doesn't read anything and only uses TV and radio as sources of information (otherwise he would have failed academically) but in the sense that his only reading is preexisting titles for work research and he doesn't read new releases and/or literary fiction and poetry, compared to Janine.
Unpopular Opinion: As I commented on this post here, I don't imagine that his parents (specially his father) were complete cold monsters that despised the concept of love when prioritizing Egon and his brother's academic education. Maybe some fans mix his father's personality with Uncle Cyrus, an old, demanding and arrogang relative that appeared in the Real Ghostbusters animated series, but its more interesting to imagine that, while flawed, Egon's parents were still feeling human beings who genuinelly loved him and his brother and just tought that working hard to provide them with a good school education while sacrificing spending time with the children was their, understandable tough misguided, way of showing how much they cared.
Songs I Associate With Them:
The Gods Are Not Crazy
She Blinded Me With Science
Weird Science
I Believe in You and Me
Just The Way You Are
Time in a Bottle
Favorite Picture of Them:
Harold Ramis in the 1984 film
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In the Real Ghostbusters animated series
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 In the Extreme Ghostbusters animated series
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In the IDW licensed comics
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ascendantlizard · 11 months
Spore Stream Scuff
The Spore creature creation has some glitches streaming with game capture. When changing colors of a creature, it quickly flashes multiple other images quickly on the captured screen. This seems to not be the case with window capture in OBS.
I don't feel comfortable leaving yesterday's VOD up with this issue, so I've unpublished it. May re-post it somewhere with the offending parts edited out if I can.
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bestshopuniverse · 16 days
PuroAir HEPA 14 Air Purifier for Home
PuroAir HEPA 14 Air Purifier for Home: Ultimate Air Purification for a Healthier Living Environment
Elevate the air quality in your home with the PuroAir HEPA 14 Air Purifier, the gold standard in air purification technology. Designed to tackle the toughest pollutants, this high-performance air purifier ensures that every breath you take is clean and fresh. Perfect for anyone who values a healthier, allergen-free living space, the PuroAir HEPA 14 is your go-to solution for superior indoor air quality.
Superior HEPA 14 Filtration
The PuroAir HEPA 14 Air Purifier features the most advanced HEPA 14 filtration technology, capturing 99.995% of airborne particles as small as 0.1 microns. This includes dust, pollen, pet dander, smoke, mold spores, and even harmful bacteria and viruses. Experience unparalleled purification that significantly reduces allergens and pollutants in your home.
Check for more- https://youtu.be/Zqwj0SkU4A4
High Coverage Area
Ideal for large rooms, the PuroAir HEPA 14 Air Purifier efficiently covers up to [specify square footage] square feet. It's perfect for living rooms, bedrooms, offices, and any other large spaces where air quality improvement is needed. With its powerful fan and high Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR), it quickly and effectively purifies the air, ensuring a healthier environment for you and your family.
Intelligent Air Quality Monitoring
Stay informed about your indoor air quality with the PuroAir's intelligent air quality monitoring system. The built-in sensor continuously measures air quality and displays real-time data on the LED screen. The purifier automatically adjusts its speed settings to optimize air purification based on the detected pollution levels.
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Enjoy clean air without the noise. The PuroAir HEPA 14 operates at whisper-quiet levels, making it perfect for use in bedrooms, nurseries, and other quiet spaces. The sleep mode ensures an undisturbed night's sleep by reducing noise and dimming the LED display.
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The PuroAir HEPA 14 is designed with energy efficiency in mind, helping you save on electricity bills while providing top-notch air purification. The long-lasting filter not only ensures sustained performance but also reduces the environmental impact by minimizing waste.
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With its sleek and modern design, the PuroAir HEPA 14 Air Purifier seamlessly integrates into any home decor. Its compact size allows for easy placement in any room, ensuring that you can enjoy clean air without sacrificing space or style.
Key Features:
HEPA 14 Filtration: Captures 99.995% of particles as small as 0.1 microns.
Wide Coverage: Effective for rooms up to [specify square footage] square feet.
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shanenygm57 · 8 months
A Breath of Fresh new Air: HEPA Filter Vacuum Cleaners for Enhanced Indoor Air Good quality
Are you tired of constantly sneezing, coughing, and combating allergies? Do you need to make a healthier surroundings for All your family members? Search no more than HEPA filter vacuum cleaners! These ground breaking cleansing tools are designed to boost indoor air high-quality by capturing even the tiniest particles. On this page, We'll check out the many benefits of HEPA filter vacuum cleaners and give you all the information you might want to select the ideal just one for your house.
The Value of Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air excellent plays a vital purpose inside our Total well being and nicely-being. Sad to say, several prevalent house allergens and pollutants can compromise the air we breathe. Dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mildew spores, as well as volatile natural compounds (VOCs) can be found in our households, leading to respiratory challenges, allergies, as well as other health conditions.
How HEPA Filter Vacuum Cleaners Work
HEPA means Large-Efficiency Particulate Air. These filters are intended to capture particles as compact as 0.three microns having an performance charge of 99.97%. To place that into viewpoint, a human hair is about fifty microns thick! HEPA filters use a combination of mechanical filtration, diffusion, and interception to trap particles and forestall them from becoming introduced back in to the air.
Benefits of Utilizing HEPA Filter Vacuum Cleaners
Using a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner provides quite a few rewards about conventional vacuums:
1. Successful Allergen Removal
HEPA filter vacuum cleaners excel at eliminating allergens from the property. They're able to capture dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and various microscopic particles that cause allergy symptoms.
2. Improved Respiratory Health
By cutting down the level of airborne allergens in your home, HEPA filter vacuum cleaners will help ease respiratory challenges which include bronchial asthma and bronchitis.
3. Increased Cleansing Performance
HEPA filter vacuum cleaners not merely clear away allergens but additionally cleanse a lot more carefully. They're able to get lesser Dust particles, ensuring a cleaner kenmore vacuum bags c dwelling atmosphere.
4. Odor Reduction
Some HEPA filter vacuum cleaners come with activated carbon filters which can soak up odors, leaving your house smelling new and clean up.
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5. Longevity of your Vacuum Cleaner
HEPA filters are intended to past extended than conventional filters, preserving you dollars Over time. These filters commonly Possess a lifespan of 6 months to 2 many years, depending on utilization and routine maintenance.
How to Choose the Ideal HEPA Filter Vacuum Cleaner
With a lot of selections available available on the market, selecting the appropriate HEPA filter vacuum cleaner for your needs is usually overwhelming. Take into account the following aspects prior to making a obtain:
1. Filtration Efficiency
Ensure which the vacuum cleaner has a real HEPA filter using a filtration efficiency of at least 99.ninety seven%. Search for types which might be certified by independent screening corporations.
2. Suction Power
Opt for a vacuum cleaner with solid suction energy to efficiently get Filth an
A Breath of Fresh new Air: HEPA Filter Vacuum Cleaners for Enhanced Indoor Air Good quality
Are you tired of constantly sneezing, coughing, and combating allergies? Do you need to make a healthier surroundings for All your family members? Search no more than HEPA filter vacuum cleaners! These ground breaking cleansing tools are designed to boost indoor air high-quality by capturing even the tiniest particles. On this page, We'll check out the many benefits of HEPA filter vacuum cleaners and give you all the information you might want to select the ideal just one for your house.
The Value of Indoor Air Quality
Indoor air excellent plays a vital purpose inside our Total well being and nicely-being. Sad to say, several prevalent house allergens and pollutants can compromise the air we breathe. Dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mildew spores, as well as volatile natural compounds (VOCs) can be found in our households, leading to respiratory challenges, allergies, as well as other health conditions.
How HEPA Filter Vacuum Cleaners Work
HEPA means Large-Efficiency Particulate Air. These filters are intended to capture particles as compact as 0.three microns having an performance charge of 99.97%. To place that into viewpoint, a human hair is about fifty microns thick! HEPA filters use a combination of mechanical filtration, diffusion, and interception to trap particles and forestall them from becoming introduced back in to the air.
Benefits of Utilizing HEPA Filter Vacuum Cleaners
Using a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner provides quite a few rewards about conventional vacuums:
1. Successful Allergen Removal
HEPA filter vacuum cleaners excel at eliminating allergens from the property. They're able to capture dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and various microscopic particles that cause allergy symptoms.
2. Improved Respiratory Health
By cutting down the level of airborne allergens in your home, HEPA filter vacuum cleaners will help ease respiratory challenges which include bronchial asthma and bronchitis.
3. Increased Cleansing Performance
HEPA filter vacuum cleaners not merely clear away allergens but additionally cleanse a lot more carefully. They're able to get lesser Dust particles, ensuring a cleaner kenmore vacuum bags c dwelling atmosphere.
4. Odor Reduction
Some HEPA filter vacuum cleaners come with activated carbon filters which can soak up odors, leaving your house smelling new and clean up.
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5. Longevity of your Vacuum Cleaner
HEPA filters are intended to past extended than conventional filters, preserving you dollars Over time. These filters commonly Possess a lifespan of 6 months to 2 many years, depending on utilization and routine maintenance.
How to Choose the Ideal HEPA Filter Vacuum Cleaner
With a lot of selections available available on the market, selecting the appropriate HEPA filter vacuum cleaner for your needs is usually overwhelming. Take into account the following aspects prior to making a obtain:
1. Filtration Efficiency
Ensure which the vacuum cleaner has a real HEPA filter using a filtration efficiency of at least 99.ninety seven%. Search for types which might be certified by independent screening corporations.
2. Suction Power
Opt for a vacuum cleaner with solid suction energy to efficiently get Filth an
0 notes
tori-pool · 11 months
Shadows and Spideds
Ch: 1 Death Knocking
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Chapter 1: Death knocking
The spider society was excited as multiple spider heroes went on different missions to catch anomalies in other universes.
However, in one particular mission, a group of spiders was tasked to capture a variant of doc ok in an unknown universe. Upon opening and entering the universe, deep cloaks of fog and snow. As they were about to disband, an agonizing scream came deep within the mist, along with the sounds of metal flesh tears. The spiders were prepared for a fight until a body was thrown towards them.
When they looked closely, they realized it was the anomaly doc ok. His body was glitching and shaking tremendously.
“Well, that was-”
“Shut it. Let's head back to HQ. Miguel is not going to like this.” one whispered, still looking at the fog.
Quickly they typed in the coordinates for earth-928 spore doing the injured doc oc.
One of the spiders looked at his back, and his eyes widened.” Oh fuck! His tentacles are ripped out,” he almost gagged, seeing the bloody carnage on his back.
Babylon Towers bustles is a Spiderman activity, with the heroes going left and right to go on a mission or bring back any anomalies. In the middle of the hall, the portal opened, and the group of Spider heroes rushed in, holding a bleeding doc oc.
“What the hell happened?”
“Why is he bloody?”
“What did you do?”
“What happened there?”
Countless bickering was thrown back and forth, and no one was getting an answer from the group. Their argument got louder by the second until a voice spoke out.
“What's going on here?” a voice boomed through the crowd, causing them to go silent. A giant man wearing a holographic suit. His red eyes scanned through the group until his eyes fell onto the injured anomaly
“We don't harm anomalies; what did you do?”
“Nothing. We went in, and the place was snowing and very foggy.” said a Peter Variant
“Were we about to split up? We heard screaming coming from the fog. We thought it was Doc, but it wasn't. He came flying towards us with his tentacles ripped from his back.”
Miguel looked down at the shaking doc, who was in a fetal position shaking. Doc Oc began to mutter over and over. “Shadows, Reckoning, Spiders. Shadows, Reckoning, Spiders. SHADOWS! RECKONING, SPIDERS!” he repeated louder and louder, shaking on the floor.
Miguel furrowed his brow, punching the bridge of his nose.”Someone got him to the medical bay and locked him with the rest.”
Two Spider-Men from the group picked up the manic doc rushing to the med bay.
“Lyla, what universe did they go through?”
A small hologram appeared next to his shoulder, looking at her screens.”Earth-1666. Not much info about this besides it being Foggy.”
“Is there a Spiderman there?”
“I can't tell. Whatever is happening in that universe is Jamming my interference. “
Miguel groaned upon hearing this.”Great. I'll gather a team once this whole fiasco dies down. See what else you can get on that earth.”
“You got it, boss” With that, Lyla disappeared.
Miguel sighed, placing his hands on his hips, his gaze focused on the bustling Spider society. His chest tightened at the sight of the trembling Anomaly. What kind of thing would rip his tentacles from his spine, leaving him bleeding and defenseless? Shaking the thought out of his head, he headed back to his lab.
0 notes
cetrixstore11 · 1 year
Breathe Easy: Discover the Power of Air Purifiers from GDIMed
In today's fast-paced world, air pollution has become a significant concern, both indoors and outdoors. Harmful pollutants, allergens, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can affect our health and well-being. Fortunately, advanced technology has given rise to efficient air purification systems that can help create a healthier indoor environment. GDIMed, a trusted name in the industry, offers a range of high-quality air purifiers designed to improve air quality and enhance your overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of air purifiers and highlight some key products from GDIMed's collection.
1.Understanding Air Purifiers: Air purifiers are devices designed to filter and cleanse the air by removing contaminants such as dust, pet dander, pollen, smoke, and bacteria. They work by utilizing various filtration technologies to capture and eliminate these particles, allowing you to breathe cleaner, fresher air. Air purifiers are especially beneficial for individuals with allergies, asthma, or respiratory conditions, as they can significantly reduce the triggers that worsen their symptoms.
2.The Benefits of Air Purifiers:
Improved Indoor Air Quality: One of the primary advantages of air purifiers is their ability to improve indoor air quality. They effectively remove harmful particles and pollutants, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and allergies. By eliminating dust, pollen, and pet dander, air purifiers create a healthier living environment for everyone in your home.
Allergen Reduction: Air purifiers play a crucial role in reducing allergens that can trigger allergic reactions. Common allergens like pollen, mold spores, and dust mites can be effectively captured and removed by advanced filtration systems present in GDIMed's air purifiers. This feature is especially beneficial for individuals who suffer from allergies, as it helps alleviate symptoms and provides relief.
Odor Elimination: Unpleasant odors from cooking, pets, or tobacco smoke can linger in your home and impact your comfort. GDIMed's air purifiers feature activated carbon filters that can effectively absorb and neutralize odors, leaving your indoor space smelling fresh and clean.
Removal of Harmful Chemicals: Certain chemicals, such as VOCs, can be present in indoor environments due to household products, paints, or building materials. These chemicals can have adverse health effects when inhaled over extended periods. GDIMed's air purifiers equipped with specialized filters can effectively capture and eliminate these harmful chemicals, providing a safer environment for you and your family.
3. GDIMed's Air Purifier Collection: GDIMed offers a diverse range of air purifiers, each designed to cater to different needs and room sizes. Here are a few notable options:
Medify Air Purifier MA-50: Medify MA-50 has a perfect blend of commercial and residential applications and comes with additional UV filtration. It comes with an H13 HEPA filter - a higher grade of HEPA comes with a CADR rating of 500m3/hr and can easily clean the air in a room up to 550 sq. ft. every 15 min or 1100 sq. ft. every 30 min. It has True H13 HEPA 3 Layer Filtration. Comes with a Touch screen panel, 4 Airspeed settings, UV Disinfectant, 2-12 Hour timer, and child lock.
MA-1000 Medify Air Purifier: The MA-1000 air purifier is equipped with powerful technology and high-grade filtration, offering massive coverage for schools, medical offices, laboratories, and other businesses. On wheels, it's easy to transport from room to room to cover 3,750 square feet every 30 minutes.  It has four True HEPA H14 filters that effectively remove 99.99% of harmful toxins including dust, mold spores, allergens, smog, virus, and bacteria particles, down to 0.1 microns.
Conclusion: Investing in an air purifier from GDIMed can make a remarkable difference in your indoor air quality and overall well-being. With their advanced filtration systems
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How Long Do Mold Spores Stay in the Air?
Mold spores are tiny reproductive fungal cells that float through the air as microscopic particles looking for an environment to establish new mold colonies. They’re natural and can be found in indoor and outdoor air, but if they land on damp surfaces or objects, they can grow into a dangerous fungus.
Mold spores can stay in the air for days, depending on their size and weight. They float through the air like tiny airborne particles, attached to other airborne debris such as dust, pollen, and pet dander.
They can also attach to certain surfaces and become sticky. When people brush against these spores, they’ll be dislodged and fall off the surface.
These spores can then land on other surfaces and float around, forming more mold on those surfaces over time. This is a common problem in many homes, especially when a wet spot is left unattended for 24 hours or more.
When it comes to how long mold spores stay in the air, there is no exact answer because everyone reacts differently and the concentration of spores varies depending on where they come from. Nevertheless, there are some things you can do to help reduce the amount of spores in your home and keep them at bay.
First, you should open up all the doors and windows in your home to encourage fresh air circulation. This is not only helpful for removing spores from your home, but it also helps prevent them from coming back to haunt you again in the future.
Next, you should install an air purifier in your home to catch any spores that might be floating in the air. The air purifier will then filter the air through a fine mesh screen to remove the most hazardous spores.
Once the spores have been captured by the air purifier, it’s important to keep the machine running for a couple of days to make sure they are completely removed from your air supply. While this may sound like a lot of work, it’s an effective and easy way to get rid of mold spores in your home.
Finally, you should consider nasal irrigation to clear out any remaining spores in your nostrils and lungs. This is a simple procedure that involves pouring a solution of saline water into one nostril and letting it flow out the other. The saline will act as a decongestant, eliminating the spores in your sinuses and lungs.
If your home has a lot of mold, you’ll likely experience some respiratory symptoms such as sneezing or coughing after exposure to the spores. These symptoms can last for as long as a week or more, depending on how sensitive your immune system is to mold.
If you’ve been suffering from these symptoms, you should consult your doctor to see if there are any underlying issues such as an allergy or asthma condition. If so, your doctor can recommend specific medication and treatments to help manage the spores and alleviate any associated discomfort. If you do have an allergy or asthma, it’s also a good idea to avoid any home remedies that use chemicals to combat the mold. This will help you stay healthy and feel better overall.
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alicemichelle297 · 1 year
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"When You're Lost in the Darkness," Don't tell me to look for the light - The Last of Us episode 1 recap
In the past, I've done episode-by-episode recap/reviews for House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones, so I thought I'd do the same treatment for HBO's The Last of Us series.
I played the original game on PS3 when it first came out, and I was truly impressed with it but haven't returned to it myself in a long time. My partner is obsessed with this game, however, so I've seen the story beginning to end probably a dozen times and Part II a couple times after that.
The Last of Us stood as a swansong for the PS3 and the seventh generation consoles. A visually stunning action game, which pushed the console to its limits. The seventh generation lasted much longer than it should have and gaming had started to feel like it was stagnating, so when it finally ended it was truly impressive that The Last of Us looked and performed better than anything that came before it on the system, benefitting from a decade of system optimization and tricks of the trade Naughty Dog had polished over the course of its previously successful Uncharted series.
First impression of this series: this is a solid adaptation, which is no faint praise when it comes to a video game adaptation for the screen. The Last of Us probably benefits from being a game that was trying to look more like a movie than a video game in the first place. PlayStation Studios has been doing a great job adapting their IPs already; I enjoyed the hell out of the Uncharted movie with Tom Holland and Mark Whalberg.
This episode already demonstrates that the show isn't going to be a shot-for-shot remake of the game, but it's not far off from it, either. While many of the scenes are lifted from the script word for word or visually recreated, every scene has added material compared to the game.
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Joel's daughter, Sarah, gets much more screen time than she did in the game, and all of her added scenes serve not only to endear her to us more before her inevitable demise, but also to flesh out the world around her and better establish the outbreak's rapid onset.
I could list all the differences, but it's not that kind of blog post. I'll only highlight the ones I think merit discussion.
The original scenes and shots have more of a horror movie style to them, whereas the game had zombie and apocalyptic imagery but never felt like a "horror game," more like an action/adventure.
The infected in this series are more unsettling to look at, as the method of transmission has shifted from airborne spores and zombie bites to more of a vampiric latching onto the victim by the neck or other areas and injecting mind-controlling fungus like a venom. I didn't expect that to be so much more unsettling, but it is!
This will probably be an unpopular opinion, but I think Pedro Pascal's performance during Sarah's death scene is lacking something that Troy Baker's performance had. He's a great Joel, don't get me wrong, but he just didn't nail that emotional note for me.
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I never doubted Bella Ramsey for a minute and it's good to see that faith paid off. Her Ellie captures the anti-establishment energy of the character in every single moment she has on screen.
While the show is its own version, it preserves the visual style of the game in so may shots that are almost perfect recreations of the original. Fans of the game will enjoy the preservation that went in, while new viewers will enjoy the fact that these were already very good compositions in the first place.
Moving the timeline back so the outbreak starts in 2003 instead of 2013 actually gives the establishment of military dictatorship a little more believability (you know what you did, George Bush).
Overall, I can't wait to see what else this series has to offer. As a fan of the original game, there's plenty to eat here. As a critical eye, there's even more to digest and HBO is already demonstrating an understanding of adaptation that actually uses its new medium to enhance the source material rather than running away from it. The Last of Us is already giving us more House of the Dragon, not Game of Thrones.
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This Spore captain of mine goes by three names. There’s Spiritmaster Stitch the Wise, Spiritmaster Stitch the Faithful, and Spiritmaster Stitch the Renowned. His real name is just Stitch, though.
This is the captain of the Deck Hawk. Yes, I named him after a Disney character. Both are aliens, but this one has very dissimilar origins to his namesake. He also has a subjectively fabulous pink and purple color scheme.
In-game, I got him up to Level 10, the highest level a playable captain can be.
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Above are all of the accessories I unlocked as Stitch. I can’t equip all of them at once due to complexity limits I’m convinced are more about performance than the game being able to handle it, but I wanted to have at least one accessory from each row, which correspond to a different archetype in the Space Stage (Knight and Wanderer don’t have parts even though they have unique names for each level).
Having all four of the accessories for Diplomats and Zealots means that I get their unique super-abilities. Diplomats get Static Cling, which disables all weapons and vehicles on a planet. It’s supposed to be used for diplomacy, but it would be easy to use it to attack. Zealots get Fanatical Frenzy, which turns a Space Stage star system under another empire’s control into another colony for you. The catch is that it violates the Galactic Code and every empire nearby will hate you for it. Due to that, I fear using it. What kind of Empire is Stitch a part of? A Shaman empire, which means that he also gets Return Ticket. That lets you open a wormhole to your homeworld.
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bluetideexteriors02 · 2 years
How can metro screen work partner with you?
Have your window screens been harmed? Do you want to replace your current screens? Do you intend to build, modify, or add a screened-in porch to your house? Regardless of the task at hand, Metro Screenworks wants to assist you by providing you with all the window screen material options that are accessible. 
We want to demonstrate that you can have a screen that fits your needs and way of life without trying to overwhelm you.
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Pet Security
Have you ever considered that a screened-in porch is out of the question or that your furry buddy or boisterous family members will only cause your window or screen doors to rip open?
Put your ideas to rest and listen as we discuss pet screens. One of the most robust window screen materials available is a pet screen! It is a strong polyester with a vinyl coating that is seven times more resilient than common window screen material while still allowing for excellent visibility and airflow. 
Pet screen is available from Metro Screenworks in a range of colours in addition to black and silver. Pet screen is offered as an option in our bespoke window screens, screen doors, and other products, as well as in rolls. Want to add a porch screen? The durability you require can be found on pet screens.
Super Screen
Super screen is one of the better solutions for window screen material that can accommodate different screen needs. Super screens, like pet screens, can endure hail and the harm our pets may do to our screens. 
In addition to providing excellent visibility and airflow, the super screen may shield users from insects and the sun's UV rays. Super screen, offered in roll sizes and our custom solutions, is the window screen material with the best durability value.
Solar Screen
Speaking of solar protection screens, Metro Screenworks also carries solar screens! The interior of our homes and furniture can suffer damage from the sun, which can also dramatically raise our energy costs. 
You can gain up to 90% protection from the sun's UV radiation by installing solar screens. A solar screen is what you require if you want to shield your house and save money on electricity. We provide custom screens and sell solar screen material in bulk. 
Dust & Pollen Filtering Screen
Even if you don't have a problem with the sun, you could feel as if you can never open the windows since your allergies make you feel miserable every time, especially at certain seasons of the year. 
Our pollen, dust, and dust-filtering window screen can be used in place of your current window screen material. This screen comprises coated polyester and other fibrous materials that draw in and capture pollen spores. You may say goodbye to excessive energy costs caused by the inability to open your windows to let in some fresh air.
Dust and pollen filtering screens are available from Metro Screenworks in bulk rolls and custom screens.
UltraVue Display
Are you annoyed by how most window screen material obstructs a beautiful view? Are you tempted to take out all of your screens? We can provide you with even another remedy. Consider using our UltraVue window screen material. 
Phifer developed a window screen material that still offers insect protection while giving you the visibility of a window without a screen. This window screen material is a durable option thanks to the protective vinyl coating and fibreglass screen that are combined in it. We provide UltraVue in a range of sizes and lengths.
Our Window Screen Material and Metro Screenworks
We know that we have just given you a lot of information regarding the alternatives available to you for all custom apps and when you need to re-screen your replacement window screen frames. Still unsure what kind of window screen material would be best for you?
Screen doors, window repair equipment, and other custom screen solutions are available at Metro Screenworks. We offer unique screen solutions, sliding doors, and high-quality window screen material.
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ezlebe · 2 years
Seen this one before but wanna know how u would do it, tomgreg sex pollen where greg is the infected one and incredibly horny for tom
“Why – uh, so why can’t you help?” Greg asks, his voice tight through the comm, interjected briefly by an admittedly rousing gasp. “Please?”
“Because that’s the protocol, Greg,” Tom says, somewhat neutrally, then hardening his voice with very real irritation. “Similar to not sticking your nose in everything you’re given like a goddamn puppy.”
“But I’m going to die, Tom,” Greg says, suddenly outright whimpering, plainly trying to manipulate and not even skillful about it.
“It’s well-documented that you won’t,” Tom says, a bit more for himself, than anything, since Greg altogether hasn’t treated this very seriously, starting from the moment he was told not to get too close to the sample without PPE – bar serious, if nonlethal consequences – and an hour later sniffed it on a dare. It’s just lucky that he didn’t do it in the field.
“I’m not coming down, you can beg as much as you like,” Tom says, opening his bunk to fold away the desk and reveal the cot underneath. He slumps down on it, alone, and it’s not any sort of large, despite his position on the station, but at the moment it almost feels it.
“Like what about – uh, you could do like video?” Greg says, voice pitching again, though it’s less outright pleading, as he concedes to compromise. “Is video against protocol?”
Tom presses his lips together, tipping his head back and forth, then rolls his eyes and settles on his back on the cot. He gestures with a pinch and sweep of his fingers for his comm screen to go to the place over the bunk, then navigates toward the video comm and starts the feed, watching the blips, and admittedly does feel some relief when Greg appears on the screen, if not particularly hale nor hearty.
“Aren’t you looking hot and bothered?”
“It’s really bad, Tom,” Greg says, digging both his hands up into his sweaty hair, and he seems to be entirely naked by the brief glimpse of his hips. “I’m like – incredibly aroused to the point of discomfort?”
“You stuck an alien super aphrodisiac in your already mess of a genetic freak’s body, Gregory.”
Greg chews hard on his lips, pouting, “So did Roman.”
“That should never be an excuse,” Tom says, pressing his tongue to the backs of his teeth, as he clenched his jaw, and briefly just allows the anger to wash through him. “For anything, Gregory. Seriously, I – I’m absolutely furious with you. I could just fucking kill you, doing this, and right under my damn nose.”
“That is… oh.” Greg closes his eyes, markedly shuddering and seeming largely unaffected by the threat. “The real reason you won’t – uh, won’t come here?”
“60-40,” Tom admits, rolling his eyes to the space just a few centimeters above the screen. He scoffs and shifts his focus back, studying Greg’s overheated face with an uneasy smirk. “Minus a couple percentages either side for the fact it’s communicable until the spore dies.”
Greg makes a pinched face. “How like long, again?”
“About eighteen to twenty hours in an average size human,” Tom recites, recalling with some embarrassment the stony, yet wary look on Willa’s face, as she put medical beds between them, and realizing he’s certainly going to have to apologize for that reaction. “So about sixteen for you and twenty-two for Roman.”
Greg exhales slowly, nose flaring, “So… four-thirteen?”
“Hypothetically, buddy,” Tom says, reaching out to tap the screen, as if it’s Greg’s actual forehead. “You’re not totally human.”
“More than them,” Greg hums, peeking open his eyes while openly arching his back against the cot. “Tom.”
“Alright,” Tom says, exhaling an exaggerated sigh and folding his arms behind his head. “Open the zoom there and let me see, handsome boy, or I’m cutting the feed.”
Greg reaches up, fingers briefly fuzzing in the camera, and when he pulls back it’s not quite capturing his entire body, but most above the ankles. He also looks to be in a state, to say the least.
“Hell, Greg,” Tom says, unable to entirely stifle an incredulous burst of laughter. “You could split wood.”
“It’s so bad,” Greg says, looking down with evident uncertainty at his own jutting dick. “And like – uh, my clothes, before I got them off… I could feel them? You know, but not in normal way.”
Tom clicks his tongue. “I bet not.”
“I tried like – like coming, after I got out of medical, but it just stays,” Greg says, wincing a bit while tracing one of the thick, unusually stand out veins on the shaft. “I – I don’t get soft even a little?”
“Here’s hoping this doesn’t end up breaking it, somehow; I like your dick the way it is, Greg.”
“Thanks,” Greg says, tightly, lashes fluttering his cheeks.
Tom gives in all at once. “Fine. Where’s that toy I got you, for when I went to Charon.”
“Oh, uh…” Greg blinks slow, then inhales sharp and clambers away, halfway disappearing from view aside for and admittedly nice shot of his ass. “Shit. I totally… forgot that, somehow. I’m like so, so horny, Tom. It’s so crazy all I can think about is like – like how much I need to come?”
Tom is very glad at this point that he never told Greg he wasn’t going to do more than watch, because he sure as hell didn’t even last ten minutes. He doesn’t know why he thought he would – he’s been hard in his briefs since Greg opened the call in that desperate tone to beg.
“It’s like – uh, like on the edge just…” Greg returns with both toys in hand, and his following swallow is strikingly obvious with the way he stretches his whole body out with a shudder. “Always, right… right on it.”
“Remember the lube,” Tom says, noticing its glaring absence, somehow, despite his eyes very much still caught on the various twitches and movements of Greg’s flushed body. It’s not even his dick, really, laughably erect, but the way sweat pools in the divots of his arms and shoulders and the short, desperate expansions of his chest. It’s kind of nice, in a very specific way, to be able to stare at Greg uninterrupted through a screen. If he was there, a level down and two berths to the left, he’d try to touch him and that would certainly somehow ruin something about it.
“Yeah, yeah,” Greg says, his whole face turned just pink, breath coming in needy pants, and clearly whatever clarity he had is quickly fading to a simple, baseline arousal. It’s an absolute sight to behold. “Could… like, do both?”
“Somehow, you’re…” Tom pauses, tilting his head and waiting for Greg to exhale a particular choked protest, which comes something like three seconds later, as if cued, as he squeezes lube with reckless abandon between his slender fingers. “More incoherent than usual.”
Greg tightens bodily with frustration on his cot, exhaling whimpering gasps while somewhat hysterically trying to finger himself open at the same time he glares at Tom with watery eyes. “The same time, you know, Tommy, like th-the dick one and the dildo one? Both?”
Tom rolls his eyes slightly and reaches up to reluctantly minimize Greg’s feed and check the app. He can see both on there, and experimentally selects them simultaneously, as he quirks a brow. “Looks like yes.”
“Pl-please,” Greg begs, unceremoniously shoving the other toy onto his dick.
“Won’t say I don’t enjoy that…” Tom mutters, reaching under his bunk to open a small storage cubby, grabbing for one of his own components of the toy set out of it with a low hum. They hadn’t actually got much use of it on Charon – him still feeling the heavy weight of a failed marriage of inconvenience across his shoulders, not to mention being so vindictively shunted off to a damned moon in the middle of nowhere as an apparent punishment for his part in its failure, and Greg panicked trying to figure out what exactly secretaries of logistics do, until he inevitably realized it was just exactly what he was already doing for Tom except his name was on it.
It takes a moment for them to pair, but Tom can tell immediately by the way Greg murmurs thanks through a gasp on the screen at the activating vibration. He eases the toy onto himself, huffing at the lewd squelch and thrusting to get used to it a few times before he fully activates the partner function.
Greg promptly arches and moans out a pitchy, desperate noise, arms stretching above his head to palm at the top of his bunk. He doesn’t seem to know how to move, as the sensation hits him from both ends, but that clearly isn’t an issue, as he’s soon exhaling choking breaths with uneven movements that are undeniably orgasmic.
He peeks open his eyes only a few seconds later, seeming just a bit more clear again, even still trembling from his climax. “Did – did you come?”
“No, baby boy, of course not,” Tom says, exhaling a panting laugh, then reaching down to squeeze a bit at the base of his cock, though he isn’t really near close. “That was not even two minutes, you sleazy premature ejaculator.”
“Fuh-uck.”Greg throws his head back against his pillow with a low whine, dragging his hands down his ruddy face in pale streaks. His earlier words ring true – his dick is still throbbing hard as ever. “I’m going to like – to die, Tom. You like have to come down.”
“Absolutely not,” Tom says, experimentally starting up with the toy, again, and smirking when Greg squeezes his eyes shut with a body-shaking, inaudible moan. God, it’s like porn just for him; he finally understands the whole cam thing. “I’m actually really enjoying this.”
Greg pants with another clench of his stomach, arching up into the toys, then, “You’re like, so fu-fuck – the worst.”
“You asking me to stop?” Tom asks, letting go of the toy and showing both hands to the screen with a wave.
“N-no, please,” Greg whines, peeking open his eyes with a glare that contradicts his pleading tone. “Tom.”
“Alright, then stop being so nitpicky about how you get fucked,” Tom says, thrusting up again, but slowly, and greedily watching Greg twist into more lovely shapes. “Especially, after doing something I would’ve airlocked anyone else for."
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lordofthefarts · 3 years
found something a little interesting in my rewatch of “children of the spore,” which relates very well to “olivia & yunan.”
children of the spore is all about this mind controlling fungus that infects the whole town because hop pop smears onto the kids in order to make them behave better. given our current situation with marcy, mind control is making a return. let’s see what we can learn about mind control from this episode and note any parallels. 
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after the effects of the spore fade away, sprig states that it was “like [he] was a prisoner in [his] own body.”
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i don’t think it’s that deep, but here’s a frame showing their glowy eyes and their drooling mouths. clearly, they’re not themselves - and their bodies don’t behave the way they’re supposed to. just a key function of mind control.
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in order to defeat this creature, hop pop breaks the very model ship that he was able to keep only because of the fungus. it’s clearly very important to him. but there’s a more important task at hand - breaking everyone free. notice that this warship is called “the green lady?” 
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apothegary then gets cornered and begs for his life, saying that he’s the last of his species. hop pop then shoves him towards bessie, who eats the mushroom.
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as she eats it, we pan to a silhouette view of the “defungus-ing” procedure.
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huh. that’s a bit familiar. 
recall what happened in olivia & yunan?
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marcy watches in horror as she begs to be let go. 
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there goes the green lady, broken to serve some “other purpose.”
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as mind control is, this is no longer our marcy wu - her eyes are gone, glowing bright with the Core’s eyes instead. her body isn’t hers. she’s a “prisoner in her own body.”
maybe it’s just a cool artistic choice to use the silhouettes because it would be gross to show that de-rooting and rooting process on-screen. maybe this is just because of the way mind control is already conventionally presented in media. regardless - it’s interesting that we’ve got multiple instances of this mind control, and we’ve seen the release as well as the initial capture in the exact same style.
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what’s the deal with this? was it just a foreshadowing that there would be some kind of mind control shit that would happen in the show? this specific fungus hasn’t come back to the storyline at all (yet).
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witchsona-week · 3 years
Ways to make a witchsona
Ok so here's a few rough tips if you're struggling.
First, think of something you're really good at, or something you really enjoy, or something you really find interesting. These things could be your magics!
Maybe you have a rock climbing hobby? As a witch your magic lets you climb any surface, even walk up walls!
Maybe you have an interest in photography? As a witch, your photos could magically move, or they're tiny portals to the place you took the photo, or every time you use your special camera it stops time for a short while because you "captured" the moment!
Do you find mushrooms really interesting? Honey, you're a fungus witch with a mushroom cap hat and magic spores everywhere!
Do you enjoy the videogames? Maybe you're a technomage that can pull game items out of the screen to use in real life!
You get the idea! Then you just imagine what you would look like as that witch, maybe throw in a few of your favourite colours for the outfit, accessorize with a wand or a broom (the broom can carry on the theme! Huge paintbrush brooms, brooms with many tiny drawers all along it, brooms that are just driftwood, or maybe you just stand on a flying roomba)
If you have a pet (or service animal!) or always wanted a cool pet, then that can be your magical familiar! Maybe they can grow in size so that you ride them around instead of a broom!
Well there you are, I hope this helps you!
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theinsanecrayonbox · 3 years
you know, i wrote out my Training Belle plot synopsis then got back to work on it, maybe if i wrote this one out it’ll magically happen. or at the very least get out of my head
Origins: Omega Red
start off loosely around 1950. Arkady’s an early teenager, Vassily is 6-9 years younger?? folks affected by the repressions in Leningrad are filtering into where he and his family live; an influx of new people who were used to living the high life and are now destitute because one member of their family was accused of treason and imprisoned and/or executed, so now the whole family is worthless. that’s when Arkady meets Yuri; Yuri’s family was one of those affected. Yuri caught Arkady killing a dog, but didn’t rat him out. the two start up a friendship. --on the other side of things, Olinka Barankova is a late teen? and has managed to escape a similar fate as other intellectuals in Leningrad. her father was put to death for refusing to help develop the carbonadium; Olinka reveals she’s actually the one that developed the  formula and is more than happy to help the State.
we move forward a few years. Arkady and Yuri are 16-18, and have developed a relationship, but have to keep it on the down low because that’s a punishable offense. those local beggars Arkady’s files say he killed? other destitute refugees, but also likely bums that caught him and Yuri. eventually Vassily catches them; Arkady threatens his brother not to tell but doesn’t kill him (obviously). Yuri freaks out about that, but Arkady refuses to kill his own brother; Vassily tells about the killings and the homosexual relationship. The boys run away together.
They set up a new life in a city, but Arkady ends up joining the Army; as part of enlistment blood samples are taken, which we see end up in the hands of a now older Olinka, who is working with the KGB on the series of projects that would ultimately create Omega and Epsilon; these blood samples are being screen to find potential candidates for her research. Arkady gets sent away to the Arctic outpost, where he gets outed because one of his squad mates gets a hold of his mail and goes through the letters Yuri sent him. Arkady is executed, last thing he hears before falling unconscious is that the one that outed him joking with his buddies about heading back to the city to go find Yuri and do the same to him. 
Arkady’s powers activate, releasing his death spores and they blanket the compound; some hours later he wakes up to everyone remaining in the camp laying dead, drained of their life force. as he’s looking through paperwork, seeing that they guy that started this did get off base before this apparently, this is when the Secret Police show up. they demand answers for why Arkady’s the only living person left here, especially since they’d just been on a radio call to the base however many ours ago and everyone was still alive then. fight ensues, Arkady manages to escape. a second wave of Secret Police show up the next day, Olinka with them; she marvels at the level of death on display here, and reaffirms that they came here for Arkady, and that she wants him desperately for her work now.
next we follow Arkady back to his home with Yuri, but it’s too late. Yuri’s dead. Arkady is enraged, and he goes hunting. not sure if he finds the guy or not...because Olinka and her team do find him and confront him. he refuses to work for her; she’s all “haha you won’t work for me, you’ll be a test subject. no one will miss a deadman after all”. and he might be captured there? -either he gets captured and Olinka over sees several stress tests to judge the limits of his powers and how they exactly work, to better judge which Red Plan to use (this is what leads to his skin whitening and eyes blanking red...unless that happened after he “died”); he somehow escapes from that during a location transfer, thus leading to his European escapades that gets the attentions of Sean Cassidy. which he gets caught and returns to Olinka’s “care”. OR -he escapes right then and there, does the European escapades, gets recaught, given to Olinka, then the stress tests.
either way, we get to about 1963, and the Omega Plan was the one chosen, because it was figured that his healing factor, though it needed to be fed, could compensate for the carbonadium implantation. (because his healing factor repairs present tissues, but doesn’t regrow removed tissues, thus the castration to punish his prior sodomy being permenant). and that worked....however, Olinka hadn’t factored in that the carbonadium’s radiation would be magnified when inside of a living organism; the higher ups weren’t happy with the idea that they’d have to “feed’ their living weapon near constantly to keep it alive, and weren’t willing to spend the money to try it again, so she developed the C-Synth. however, she caught wind of her planned execution after this failure, so she leaked to the CIA the existence of the C-Synth, leading to Team X’s attack. she used that attack as the perfect cover to escape herself, eventually defecting to AIM.
so without the ability to recreate the C-Synth, and unable to repeat the Omega Plan, the KGB put Arkady in cryostasis, and instead pulled out the Epsilon plan, because Olinka hadn’t run off with all her work is seemed.
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