thinginator5000 · 2 years
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Forklifts are outdated, it’s time for the age of the Sporklift!
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beldaroot · 2 years
i feel like i've read every single angsty/sad reddie fic that exists. what are your recs?
it (1986) by stephen king
lskdjfkldsjfkldf no i'm joking but it's kinda true that nothing is more devastating than canon itself lol
anyway! here are a few fics that have destroyed me and turned me into a puddle of tears:
detour by naiesu
finis (a tragedy in three acts) by HATECADILLAC
this is the way the world ends by sporklift
eddie and richie's very limited playlist by tossertozier
5555 by weepies
rinse & repeat by billdenbrough
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chadism-101 · 2 years
can G'ika get a chad tip?? 🥳
Chad Tip!
The number one way to stop crashing sporklifts is to get your sporklift licence!
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polibmiprdel · 10 months
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cornycopeia · 2 years
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@milfreva i can’t get the image of sporklift out of my head
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thelazyeye · 4 years
Fanfic asks: 8, 12, and 20
Thank you, darling!
8. What is a scene you wrote that you are most proud of?
I recently wrote a detailed fever dream where the main character goes from believing he’s back at home after a difficult semester studying to slowly descending into delirium caused from his illness. In his dream, he’s forced to confront his demons and choose life or death intentionally. I’m insanely proud of it.
12. What is your ideal writing area?
I do a lot of writing at my kitchen table or my in-bedroom office. Ideally, it needs to be quiet or I need to be listening to Lo-fi Beats to Study and Relax To lmao
20. What story that you have written makes you the happiest to re-read?
Already answered!
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AU meme: umm....harringrove mafia AU?
ooh, let me think here...
Steve as the heir to his mafia-boss father’s fortune, and Billy is the bodyguard his father hires to watch his back. Unfortunately, his bodyguard is a conceited prick and Steve will do ANYTHING to slip his watch.
That is, until Steve gets kidnapped and Billy has to come in and save his stupid, rich, pretty boy.
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euphoniyummyart · 6 years
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good morning everyone
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phoenixwrites · 7 years
Re: the message about people misinterpreting Lewis, digging that shade at Pullman. He's always so snotty about his interpretation of Lewis. One of my friends actually got to talk to him about it once and he was so ridiculous and high and mighty about it. D r a g h i m.
I am trying SO HARD to be nice about Pullman because I know a bunch of my followers love him.  And His Dark Materials.  For some reason.  And he has some literary criticism that is pretty good and I love his fairy tale collection.
But the C.S. Lewis thing will ALWAYS be the line I can’t cross into enjoying him as a writer.
I get the Susan criticism.  Considering I’ve been ranting about the abundant misinterpretations that abound the interwebs for the past nine years or so, at this point, it is impossible not to understand WHY people perceive (however wrongly) her fate as sexist.  (They are wrong but I get it.)  But it’s really the OTHER crap Pullman talks about Lewis that riles me up.  How he presents “His Dark Materials” as the anti-Narnia…like seriously, fuck you, man.  What kind of pretentious ass bullshit is that?  Rowling was disturbed by Susan, but she acknowledged gratitude for how Lewis transformed the genre–paralleling Harry walking through the barrier of 9 ¾ with Lucy entering the wardrobe.  Gaiman wrote an unpleasant short story about Susan, but still acknowledged his debt to Lewis and wrote a really beautiful speech that tributes him.  
He complains about the worldview in the Narnian books, saying they take for granted misogyny, racism, and conservatism.  Disagree.  Hard disagree.  Furthermore, expecting an Oxfordian don from the 1930s-1950s to be at the level of progressivism that permeates the academic world now is stupid.  This is isn’t to say you can’t find traces of misogyny and racism in his fiction–it’s there.  But I don’t agree at all that it’s in Narnia.  Narnia is probably the most progressive of his works.  Honestly, it feels like Pullman’s main problem with Narnia is the religious overtones.  Boo fucking hoo.  Grow up.  Get over it.  The whole of English literature is rife with religious overtones, symbolism, themes much more blatant than Lewis’ fantasy world and if you’re going to call yourself an academic, you better get over it.  You don’t have to share the worldview, but you need to appreciate what it’s doing and why it’s making a cultural impact.  
I recognize Pullman is smarter than me and has more degrees and more experience in the academic literary world but I do not care and I will be ranting about his attitude towards Narnia till kingdom come.  You don’t have to LIKE Narnia, that’s fine, but stop acting like an elitist snob who is just so much wiser than the rest of us religious peasants for disdaining the series.  And your friend proves my point.  I feel like I could have a productive discussion with Gaiman and Rowling about their feelings on Susan.  (I have been involved in a highly embarrassing Twitter interaction with Gaiman and once Gaiman liked a Tumblr post of mine where I talked about his short story of Susan and how I understand him resolving his conflicted feelings on her through writing so I feel like he and I are good on the subject).  I do not feel like I could have a productive discussion with Pullman about it.  
Most of Pullman’s knowledge of Lewis personally and professionally comes from a truly heinous AND FUCKING INACCURATE biography by A.N. Wilson.  This biography is one of the worst accounts of Lewis’ life you will ever read.  I have thrown it across my room MANY TIMES.  If you want a good, fair, and honest representation of C.S. Lewis, for the love of all that is good and holy, read Alister McGrath’s biography.  He does not elaborate, he does not romanticize, he is completely fair.  A.N. Wilson is the Rita Skeeter of biographers.  
Like if we want to critique C.S. Lewis, step into my office, I’m happy to discuss my love, criticism, and problems for and with C.S. Lewis any day of the week.  I have written many papers on the subject.  I researched at the Bodleian Library in Oxford for precisely this reason.  But I don’t think Pullman can do that fairly or objectively.
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wolfie-winchester · 7 years
Fandom Alphabet Ask: A - G, U & Z
Ooh, lots of letters. I like it. Also, I would’ve replied earlier but I actually reblogged that post while I was at work, lol. 
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Currently, I’ve been reading a lot of Sam/Rafe fanfic from the Uncharted series. I also have a friendship that I ship a lot, which is Harry and Eggsy from the Kingsmen movies. And of course, Destiel will always have a place in my heart.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
Interestingly enough, this was Destiel for me. When I first started watching SPN I didn’t see it at first, but Tumblr changed my mind. (Also sort of related, Tumblr was actually the reason I started watching in the first place so I could understand all the GIFs that popped up everywhere)
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
The only thing that really comes to mind is Dean/Amara from SPN.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
I can’t actually think of any
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
My roommate and I once co-wrote a SPN fic about the French Mistake episode where it’s from Jared and Jensen’s POV (assuming they switched places with Sam and Dean)
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom?
My first instinct was to say SPN but actually I think it might be Bones. I watched that way before I started SPN.
G - Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
Yes, but I don’t really remember.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Okay, here we go. 
Cas from SPN because he’s a sweetheart and always tries to do the right thing (even though it backfires a lot) and also I love his character development from Season 4 to now.
Zuko from ATLA. Do I really need a reason?
Wolfgang from Sense8 because he’s a badass and is adorable with Kala, and let me just say I am super excited Netflix at least gave us a series finale episode to wrap everything up. 
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Sort of a continuation from the above, but honestly Sense8 is the best show I’ve ever seen (aside from maybe Avatar) and if you haven’t watched it, then you’re seriously missing out. The fandom is amazing too, and the show touches on lots of important and relevant things (especially now). 
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sporklift · 5 years
so i’m doing some mise-en-scene research for a new reddie fic i have in the works 
and i cannot stop laughing and must share
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that is a wire pineapple filled with pinecones next to two ceramic bunnies next to a bowl filled, once again, with pinecones 
why the pinecones, madam?
(also @senator-mothman​ i need you to see this) 
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icouldifiwantedto · 7 years
Greg Serrano at Emory Headcanon: he has a small group of Study Buddies in his department. No he doesn't call them "Study Buddies." He calls them by their names: Anna, Chris, and Elsa.
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Huehuehuehue OUAT.
OMFG I never get asks over here this is exciting. Lol. It took me a while to figure out what meme this was for. 
I’d get rid of CS. That ship is a disaster and poorly written in all kinds of forms. (If you REALLY want to know what I think of CS, I’ll rant in a separate ask if you send something in.) Whether that’s killing off either/or of them or breaking them up. 
Bring back long lost characters that were actually interesting? Like.... I miss Ruby, Whale, August, Neal, (LOL ‘dead is dead’ what a load of bullshit but whatever) etc
HOW COME I NEVER GOT A FREAKING WENDY DARLING STORY. OR ANY OF THE DARLING SIBLINGS. The Neverland Arc sucked overall, lbr here guys. Like, why the hell was Ariel a part of that arc? That was ridiculous and could have been used for a Wendy episode or something but whatever.
Can we stop redeeming every goddamn villain that comes through the show? At least Cruella didn’t get that treatment. But like, it’s getting kind of dumb now.
Everyone needs to stop being related to everyone. Like: “Congrats Henry. Your life is a goddamn soap opera now. You’ll need a lot of therapy for the rest of your life.” 
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sadgaywerewolf · 8 years
Remember Johnlix 👀
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dolarrrosa · 3 years
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I know I’m 7 years late, but I still want to show the art to create which I was inspired by @sporklift by her "Scraping Metal" (and all other works from this series). I love it too much and I can't help but make such a small gift.
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AU meme: Tommy/Kim/Jason, Mystery Dinner Party
Kimberly’s always wanted a fancy party, so her two adoring boyfriends go out of their way to make a mystery dinner party to celebrate.
Unfortunately, they want to keep it a surprise, and so Kim is starting to feel a little put out when neither Jason nor Tommy seem willing to spend any time with her leading up to her birthday. She’s never had both of them be so distant in the time they’ve been seeing each other, so what could they be up to?
But the best part is, when it all comes together and she gets to see all of her friends dressed up, and Tommy and Jason have even written a fun mystery for everyone to solve!
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