#sprint tri
phoneylovely · 9 months
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I am so late in posting this, but I had my first post-baby race last Saturday! I was only slightly worse than I usually am for these distances. I didn’t hydrate enough and so fought a side cramp during the run, but other than that, it felt great and wasn’t too taxing on my post-c-section bod. I have a 10k on Sunday and feel ready. The weather should be beautiful at 7am.
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400hurdler · 6 years
Triathlon Training: Day 3
Went to the pool to get some laps in, did 350yards total, started with one 50 then did the rest 25's with about 2 minutes rest in between. My form sucks but even after 2 days I can feel myself getting stronger which is reassuring.
Planned to do a mile trial but I went swimming just before going to the track so I knew my time would be slower. I was exhausted mentally, just tired and needed sleep, physically I felt decent. So I hoped to just run a mile (no trial), if that. I did a one lap warmup and then stretched a bit. And started my run, 200m in I didn't think I would make it one lap, y'all idk why it was so painful my legs just didn't want to move! I told myself I had to do 2 laps no matter what and after those 2 laps I started to feel pretty good., probably bc I was going sooo slow. I ended up doing 1.55 miles at 11:16 pace, barely running I know but I'm trying. I finished with a quick core sesh and called it a night.
Up next: I need a fucking bike holy shit!!! It's gonna rain alllll day tomorrow so I'll probably just go the the pool again, do some core and lifting.
22 workout days left. I really don't feel too confident in my swimming fitness/ability to swim 525 yards in open water. Oh boy.
ALSO if anyone has tips or input or anything message me!! Anonymous messaging is on! Good night!
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A 10-Week Sprint Triathlon Training Plan - Triathlon Training Tips | Fitness Magazine
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runningwithcrohns · 7 years
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2017 Reston Sprint Triathlon
I swam, I biked, I ran, I finished! Long-ish race recap below.
Before the race I did not get a good night of sleep before the race. Even though the venue was just about an hour away from home, I booked a hotel room close by so I didn’t have to wake up too early on the morning of the race. But you know how hotels have those fluffy pillows that your heard kind of just sinks into? Yeah, my body wasn’t having that the night before and was missing my firm Tempur-Pedic pillow. So, I ended up tossing and turning for a while.
We got to the race site about 45 minutes before it was supposed to start. I had a higher number because I put a slower swim time, so I actually had a while before my race even started.
Swim - 400 meters, ~14ish minutes I put a conservative swim time since the swim is my weakest leg of the triathlon. It was a pool swim and we snaked our way across. I took a few breaks when I needed to but was pretty spot on with how long it would take me to complete it.
There was an issue with my timing chip strap before the race so they had to replace my whole chip and strap before I started. My unofficial results from the race said I completed the swim in less than 9 minutes, which I would have liked to have believed, but I know that’s not true. Lorelie took pictures of me when I got into the pool and when I got out and there was a 14 minute time difference. The preliminary results online don’t even have a swim time, so I don’t even have a final time yet. I’ll probably have to e-mail someone about that.
Oh, and I saw two people with snorkels. How the heck were they allowed to swim with snorkels??
Bike - ~11.40ish miles, 40:47 I went into T1. Nothing too exciting there. Then, got out for the 3 loop bike course. The race lists it as a 4 mile loop for a total of 12 miles, but my Garmin had much less than that, so I’m guesstimating.
The bike course has its hills but a fair amount of flat areas, too, so I was able to spend a good amount of time in my aero bars. By the time I got out onto the bike, a good amount of people had already finished, so thankfully, the bike course was too crowded. I was able to make up for a little bit of time from the swim while on the bike, so I was satisfied.
Run - 3 miles, 28:21 Went into T2. A lot of people were already done. But, hey, I’m out there to do my best so that didn’t bother me too much.
Most of the run was on shaded sidewalks and pathways, so that was a relief. I stopped to walk once at the first water stop, mainly because it was also a pretty steep uphill and I didn’t want to expel too much energy going up it.
Finish - ??? Since I don’t have an official swim time yet, I have to estimate where I finished. Swim - 14ish T1 - 3:32 Bike - 40:47 T2 - 2:57 Run - 28:21 Total - 1:29:37 Not bad, I guess. Definitely need to work on my swimming more. And doing a few more bike-to-run brick workouts probably would help next time, too.
If this race fits into my schedule for next year, I’d like to do it again!
Next up: Ellicott City 5K. Yay for regular road racing!
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ironmq · 7 years
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It's official. I'm doing my first adventure race in less than a month. Naturally, since I want to get the mountain bike and trail run hours in, it's been raining. I bought some new trail shoes I'm excited about and I went on a little depression shopping spree yesterday. That is always dangerous because once I start this, it's hard for me to stop. It's my little bit of happiness in a time where I feel like it's been storming on me for months. I may try to hit the trails today. But chances are it's still pretty wet out there. I'm also registered for one other sprint and am undecided on doing a sprint or Oly at Tri Waco. More than likely sprint because that run is HILLY and I have done no hill work because of my knee. And finally another little piece of happiness. I've tried to hike a mountain once a year since my first time to Colorado. This will be my 4th year and I've decided it will be Quandary in July. I'm hauling my daughter and @amft with me because misery loves company. I can't wait. I've had constant visions of the mountains since we decided. I'm starting to see some good ahead
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phoneylovely · 2 years
A little fitness update for ya. My race last weekend was good! I was slightly speedier than when I raced this course last August. My favorite moment was not braking on the downhill part of the ride. I felt much more in control of my bike this time.
Here is me about to cross the finish.
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In other news, I set a new distance record this morning on a run with my neighbor. 7.67 miles! My previous best distance was 6 miles.
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Now I am very sleepy and don’t want to attend meetings or do any work 😴
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400hurdler · 6 years
Triathlon Training: Day 2
5/17/18.  Finally got a pool membership yay! I had a 30% discount because I work there part time so I only paid $31.50 which was nice.  Also there was no tax so that was pretty rad. My hip was still a little sore from yesterday so I knew today would be the perfect time to start swim training.
Workout:  I did 3x50yds @ 55 seconds with about 1:30-2 minutes rest. After I did a bunch of 25yards, maybe like 10-12ish of them idk I didn’t keep track, with varying rest (average rest was probably about 1:45). All freestyle except one 25 I did backstroke. The very first 50 was crazy, it was like I forgot how to swim?? My form was terrible and I went way too fast in the beginning.  I haven’t swam laps in at least 4 years and it definitely felt like it.  But after I got going it came back, the rust wore off and it felt easier because my form was better.  I have never been coached in swimming so my form still sucks I’m sure, but hopefully as I get stronger that will change. My arms are going to be sore as hell tomorrow!! But I did have a ton of fun in the pool today and I think swim workouts will become easy for me to push myself in because I enjoy it.  I wanted to do some core work when I got home but I was exhausted and starving so I skipped it. 
Next up: tomorrow (friday 5/18) hoping to do a mile trial (goal under 9:10?) at the track followed by some 200s. Also I realllly need to get a bike in the next couple of days!!!!
23 training days left until my triathlon. I think i’ll be able to at least finish the triathlon.... gahh  -Ariana :)
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phoneylovely · 2 years
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Signed up for a race this weekend so working on my cycling. Sprint tri with a 400m pool swim on Saturday morning. 🏊🏼‍♀️🚴🏽‍♀️🏃🏽‍♀️
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thecrossfitkoolaid · 11 years
It's Official... I'm Back
Meghan: How's Crossfit?
Rox: I love it!!! Who needs a boyfriend when you have crossfit? [Note: In hindsight, this may have been a little dramatic. Crossfit is great, but I still want a boyfriend.]
Meghan: OK (followed by a nervous chuckle)
Rox: Oh, and I signed up for another sprint triathlon.
Meghan: Oh wow, you're back!
Rox: Yeah, I guess I am.
In 2010, I did my first sprint triathlon and friends like Meghan cheered me on as a I trained my ass off for the 3-4 months prior. Then the last three years happened ... and I fell into some kind of rut of inconsistent exercise and a persistently horrible diet. But it's official, crossfit has brought "me" back and I've signed up for a sprint tri in July!!!
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melodicstory · 11 years
so i'm kind of getting off-track with running....i ran wednesday this week, and that's it. i rollerbladed on tuesday and today (long distances too--that's pretty exhausting). and my run on wednesday was awesome. 2 miles in exactly 18 min. pretty sweet!
so i'm staying active i guess, but rollerblading's not running and i feel like i should be running. but i guess i'll run tomorrow since my legs are now too tired to run today. 
i'll do core. make me feel better about myself.
5 more weeks until the tri! *panic panic panic*
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zombiexnurse · 11 years
Had another great workout at the gym tonight. I'm really excited about my energy level these days. For the last month or maybe more I could only work out like once, maybe twice a week and I was totally wiped out. I was dying to get back to my previous endurance level. I figured it was just post-cancer fatigue. But it seems like I'm getting back, or at least for right now.
I was so excited to try swimming too! So I did my two hour workout - bike warm up, stretching, and abs. The Sprint Tri I'm doing has a 1/4 mile swim, which is 18 lengths in the pool. I had to stop every 2 or 3 lengths and take a break, but I was able to do it! Now that I know I can do it, I have until the end of summer to strengthen my swimming and get to a point where I don't have to stop. Right now with stops and everything it took me 20 minutes. 
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healthyplum · 11 years
Upcoming events that I want to do (and will require some serious training):
May 25 - KTC Expo 10k
June 2 - Wild Rose Women's Tri (300m S/16km B/5km R)
August 11 - Secret City Tri (500m S/15mi B/5km R)
The problem is, I don't know what to focus on, and when.  I'm thinking I should follow a 12 week plan for the 10k, running 3 times and one swim and bike workout per week.  Once I can do 10km in under 90mins, start 12 week plan for a sprint tri, with 2 swim, bike, and run workouts each week.  But starting now, I'd finish a 12 week running program in mid-March, meaning I'd peak 2 months before the race.  And if I immediately started the 12 week tri program, I'd be peaking late June, which is after the Rose tri but also 2 months before the Secret City tri.
Another option would be to wait until late February to start a running program.  Then, when that ends in mid-May, wait 2 weeks and then begin the tri program.  This would give me some rest after the race in May, and the tri training would coincide with the August race.
This would mean I'd probably be more prepared for the Secret City race than the Wild Rose one.  But the Rose tri seems a bit easier (because of the shorter swim portion) so I'm okay with this.
I'll spend the rest of January and February focusing on strength and circuit training.
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phoneylovely · 3 years
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Did a local sprint tri today, and my mom surprised me at the finish line! Look at how happy I am to give her a big ol’ hug. We got home from the airport last night at 9:30pm, no fitness happened on vacation, but I’m still happy with my bike and run times (😒 swim). This is the first time since May that I haven’t had my next tri booked, but I am signed up for a trail 5k in November.
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A quick easy sub 30 1km in the pool this morning.. Not looking forward to my tri Saturday.. 400+ in a pool.. 10 x 50m.. I'm sure it's easier then an IM mass start.. But still the pool is equivalent to the treadmill of running..
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