#spy & reader
lamemaster · 5 months
The fucking elf of my dreams
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Pairing: Finrod x GN Reader
Genre: Spyverse
Summary: You have been dreaming of an obnoxious elf and Finrod Felagund of Arda has been hearing an exasperated voice in his mind.
AN: This was so fun :))) hapi hapi hapi (Based on a poll long ago where @a-contemplation-upon-flowers suggested this-)
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The elf in your dreams is an idiot. Trusting any moving thing, unable to shut up when needed, and piss poor disguises," he was annoying to the point of exhaustion.
You had, on several occasions, resorted to screaming sense into him, but the elf in your dreams seemed to be completely oblivious, if not averse to your words.
How did these weird dreams come to be? You have no fucking idea. Perhaps you were finally losing your mind after messing around for so long.
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Finrod heard noises in his head. A loud screaming voice that he has come to name his conscience.
"Fuck can you shut up," The voice sighed in exhaustion almost. "Let the other blondie deal with it man," the voice muttered clearly talking about Angrod.
Standing before Thingol, Finrod ignores the voice and narrates the truth that had conspired on the shores of Alqualonde. The voice sighs, and Finrod barely conceals his wince as a string of curses echo in his mind.
And for days after that, the voice is quiet. Almost sulking. which is better than Angrod, who is throwing dirty looks his way.
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Looking at the bleary-eyed men, you could see the awe in their eyes had you not witnessed the authentic Finrod Felagund for past years, you might have felt the same.
"Bro, that's freaky stop," you fail to look away from the scene of your dreamy elf sitting there and putting on a whole ass musical from a bunch of sleeping people.
Did he really think he was a Disney princess or something? The music is cool and all, but for godsake, Finrod is random AF.
It doesn't take long for the golden retriever to make friends with men. And yes, you do lecture him over the panic attack over discovering men sleeping with eyes closed.
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"Build some weaponry for goodness," you mutter as you see Finrod lug another treasure chest full of his gems. "You can't fight with your pretty headpieces," the elf as usual ignored you, and at this point, you would have thought that he could not hear your rambling if not for the slight tremor of laughter in his body whenever you so much as uttered a word.
The King of Nargothrond prepares for another onslaught of curses as he senses Beor's heavy footsteps coming his way.
"Are you for real?" You huff in annoyance. "Why not accumulate an entire empire in the secret city? Just why..." The voice groans.
Perhaps Finrod would have been offended at your treatment of his dear friend if not for the coying fragrance of envy that seems to accompany your complaints.
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"You sleep a lot these days..." Your partner, Jack was looking down at you from where you lay on the couch. Even upside down you could see the amused glimmer in his eyes.
You were indeed sleeping a lot. Napping when you could. All to witness the obnoxious elf in your dreams.
You had just woken up from another one. One where another man with a familiar emerald ring showed up with a favor to ask of your elf.
And shit was going down. That idiot.
Lifting the corners of your lips in a smile you conceal the anxiety that the supposedly relaxing nap had built in your system. "Maybe because I am pregnant with your child."
A cushion lands on your face, followed by a vase.
Jack clearly did not appreciate your humor. Not as the elf in your dreams did.
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"Target the maw, it is the only vulnerable spot you can aim for" he hears it. The voice is back.
"The day we meet Finrod Felagund, I shall bind you to me, you are not to wander the face of this world alone. Not for your own good."
You do not look away. You witness every second of the elf of your dreams breaking apart in the dark halls of villains you cannot protect him from.
His nimble fingers grasp on the beast's fur with a force, you've never seen him exhibit. And then he rips the monster apart with his bare hands.
By the end of the fight, there are punctured wounds in his body, blood covers the cold hard floor your elf lay panting on. His companions are long dead. The man is gone. He is alone. Dying.
You weren't a stranger to death, you have delivered many to its door. You've almost met yours a dozen times. But his death is the most unnatural shit you have witnessed.
Sitting cross-legged by his cooling body you continue talking as you have done for decades."That day, you, Finrod Felagund will answer all my questions and obey all my commands." For the first time, Finrod sees the faint outline of your features before his vision fades into the dark and his fea floats in the sea of oblivion.
That night you wake up drenched in sweat, almost choking on your vomit. Fuck Felagund, you wipe the annoying tears streaming down your face.
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Your death is swift. Finrod barely makes it to his dream before he watches you crumble as a sharp piece of metal embeds itself in your head.
Your eyes never meet his, given that you are not aware of his presence. Your legs falter and in a fleeting moment, you plop down on the unforgivingly unyielding ground.
You are the voice. Ever since his rebirth in Valinor, he had dreamt of you. Unlike you, he has kept you in the dark about his presence.
His life is different from yours. Your hands are full of blood of men, he does not know about.
After years of watching you, Finrod has come to know you as the master of disguise. He has witnessed your battle cries as you assassinate men of power.
And on frigid nights as you sit nursing a glass of wine, Finrod has found his name scribbled on a piece of paper. In those moments, when you are alone, Finrod barely clings to the silence of his choice.
After all, what does he, Finrod Felagund owe you?
That is the case, until the streets of Tirion brim with hushed whispers. Until Tulkas' Maiar are seen looking around the markets. Maiar of Mandos following them with anxious frowns upon their foreheads. Until he bumps into a hooded figure.
A small fall that he gets up to apologize for only for him to freeze hearing the familiar notes of "fuck," muttered in a voice he remembers.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hello love!! Hope you are having a nice day❤ Can I request jjk one-shot with mafia gojo? (no smut including) the fem!reader who works as a spy has a mission to get the secret out from gojo's Mafia group. when gojo and she crosses a path, she is too powerful to gojo to stop her and kicks his butt. Gojo wants to still see this mysterious woman :D (Also she is like really polite and nice, but still kicks his butt) she: please, be aware that I am very powerful and don't want to hurt you.
Gojo: let's see it cutie (gets his butt kicked)
She: I am so sorry, I warned you, bye!
a/n: I hope you are not angry that I added something to this concept and I also hope you did not have to get impatient waiting for it 😊❤️ For you, every one shot you want, love 💕.
My little spy
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Paring: Mafia boss Gojo x Spy reader
Tw: Mafia, violence
cw: 5,7k
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You are a spy. You get a job. Everything always fits. But this is the first time your task may fail. Just because you can't forget him, and he hasn't forgotten you. And what if the best spy meets the biggest mafia boss?
Your job is dangerous.
Your job is the most risky.
But you still work like that. You like adrenaline. But sometimes it's overkill. You are afraid that people will expose you. That you will fail to do something. And that means your death. 
But you still work this way. You cannot spoil your talent.
You are a spy.
You work for everyone who pays you. Once for the government to meet some criminal. And then for other organizations.
You work where you can earn. You don't care about the details. 
When the government wants you to get information about the mafia and other criminal organizations, you are doing what you can to make it happen.
So they can hire you later in this organization that you visited recently. Always as a different person. 
You have a different nickname or name for the government.
And for every organization, the same.
Similarly with the appearance.
Different outfits, different hair styles and lenses that change the color of the eyes. 
Everything for your job. Besides, you have one rule. 
Never reveal what you've seen in other places as well.
For example, if the mafia sends you to another mafia, you give them what they want. And when later the mafia in which you were already in pays you for something, you hide everything you did before.
Why lose customers?
You are almost a mean person at work. You don't talk much. You just do what they're told. Nothing more. Short business. 
But somehow you are not sure if you can still be so cold. You want to be the way you are to your friends. 
Maybe you are playing ninja. You are wearing black clothes to get some documents. Or rather, steal it. You eavesdrop on people. You're hiding. A face mask that only reveals the eyes. Nobody can know you. 
Nobody you've worked with knows you are (y/n) (l/n). And no one will know for sure.
You are not a spy. You are not a thief. At all you don't carry a gun. You can't fight.
This is all not the case (y/n) (l/n). 
(y/n) he is not a spy or a thief. She never hurt anyone. She is a very nice and kind girl.
You're not that natural. You are not a cold person who breaks into buildings secretly and bypasses the guards. You are not that person. You like to spend a good time. And not to be in the dark.
But you will live like this until no one knows who you are.
And you know no one will know.
„The best" spy you've ever played. "Koro".
People who know you've been to their building would never hire you. Therefore, your locations are different. There are many women spies in Japan. That's why when they contact you and want to talk to you as one of your other characters, you don't say it's not you.
Three separate people. 
You are (y/n).
You are Koro.
You are Fuji.
As Fuji, you don't have many jobs. That's why Fuji hardly exists anymore. 
Because few people saw you.
Nicknames mean little.
Money too.
But you did follow in your father's footsteps. He was a government spy. 
But you... They refused to accept you. Because you were too weak for them. 
You found other places to earn. And you do what your father wanted you to do.
Therefore, having been in this life for several years, the government considers you as a last resort. Because you gained such strength after years of practice. 
As if they are employing a criminal.
You never killed anyone. You never did steal. You just took pictures of documents and plans. 
Undercover or hidden, like a shadow.
Tired of comparing you to a ninja. 
Your gun is never loaded. The little gun on your leg is fake. 
Because you never had to use it because nobody ever recognized you. 
You can avoid and hit the right place. But when fighting a group of bodyguards, literally gorillas, it's best to run than fight. They are stronger in the group. 
You really don't like something like that. But it's your life.
You want to retire now. At a young age.
You have enough impressions in life. 
That's why you want to stop.
Last action as Koro. Nothing more. Besides, you already got a recommendation. You have to show up in one place. 
To go over the details of probably the most important and dangerous mission you will have. 
Contract from the mafia. 
You hate something like that so much...
Mafia versus mafia...
Too many white powders and guns in garages...
You started dressing in your black clothes.
It's night already. And you were supposed to go to sleep.
No. This (y / n) was supposed to sleep.
As Koro, you can play a different person than you are. Be more cheeky. No consequences arising from it.
Your black pants that fit your legs, as well as a hooded shirt like that. All this so that it does not expose the skin, and also that the hood stays on your head. Tight-fitting clothes do not get in the way of your run.
You put red lenses over your eyes.
You don't want to get in trouble for someone seeing your eyes.
When leaving the building, you put on your plain colored sweatshirt and took off your mask and hood. You don't want anyone to know you. Besides, you have to take the train to that place.
You went to the railway platform.
Riding the train you wondered what it would be. You have to be there at one in the morning. 
You can go there.
Besides, this is not the first time you will work for the Zenin mafia... It's been a few times now. They are taking over the illegal market. But you know there is someone more powerful than them. You think it will be something related to this. However, a break-in is like a break-in. Or rather, the entrance there.
When you finally got there, you looked to see if the Zenins were following the rules. 
Are there no armed bodyguards elsewhere.
However, they keep their contracts with you. It was always like this. They make a profit, and so do you. So it doesn't make sense for them to do that.
"So you are!" you screamed to them by standing on the container. 
Port meetings are really shit...
"We waited. But it's good that you showed up." boss answered you.
"To the point. I want to get the job done as soon as possible." You moaned.
"Everything is inside." he pointed to the briefcase which one of his subordinates was holding. 
"Give it here." 
You threw them a line with a little hook on the end. He walked over and hung it on the handle.
You pulled the thing up for you. When you sat down you looked inside. The light of the lamp behind you allowed you to see what was there. Documents as well as money.
You don't have to read something you know you'll do anyway. At least you don't need to read it now. But you are still thinking to get to know the details. No point wasting your time now. 
They're going to make a special schedule for you anyway.
What's the target, where are the weaknesses.
It's just that it's easy to work with them.
"As always. Half the money now, half the money later."
 And that was where your conversation ended.
But while reading what they gave you, you started to regret agreeing to it.
Gojo Mafia.
And Gojo Satoru rules it.
You know this man. You were friends at school. You were talking to each other. But you've never been closer than friends. This is why each of you has gone on a separate path. You have had nothing in common for years. You haven't seen him in a long time. And you are sure he doesn't remember you.
You both look different. Especially you. 
You didn't know he was going to be a mafia boss. You've known for a while that he has Mafia ties. But it...
He was your friend. That's why you told yourself you wouldn't hurt him. 
But after all these years you can't say you know him.
Apparently he is now the boss of a big mafia that everyone is afraid of.
He was always crazy. So you can do what you have to do. Work is work. You cannot privately interfere with this. 
You weren't gonna let go. He's a stranger to you now. You haven't known each other for years. Even though you were in high school together. It is over. So many years have passed. So now there is nothing left of your acquaintance.
All you have to do is get delivery plans for next week. One of the largest deliveries. 
You have three days to get it done. They want to take their goods so that they cannot earn. Because of this, they will not be so high anymore. 
Easy access, windows on the twentieth floor of the building.
Fuck, Really? 
How are you going to get there?
It is, after all, a skyscraper. The first ten floors are a company. Lid. He also rules it.
Then another ten until the twentieth is the headquarters of the mafia. You knew about the divisibility of buildings in the mafia. The Zenins do the same. 
The twentieth floor is for Gojo only. His office.
Besides, the walls there aren't glazed. One page only. Therefore, you will have no problem choosing a glass. Could this only be a weak point? 
You can also enter else... You'll think otherwise when you're there. You can't make a plan now.
All you have to do, exactly, is that no one knows you have been there. No breaking or cutting the glass. Windows don't even open. Because there is air conditioning. And you also know that their windows will be more secure...
You have to come in from the inside...
No plan.
(the next day. 17.00)
You can't go in the morning. You can't go at night. 
But you're already inside. 
Like any company, they put the worst idiots at the entrance. Nobody would let you in anyway. But they left for a while. That's why you ran quickly inside and hid behind the wall.
Looking around you saw that a lot of things are like a normal company. 
You take a chance, but it's worth it all. You pulled the hood and the mask off your face.
Besides, your outfit is just like any other. Normal. You slowly came out of hiding. Reception. 
She won't let you go any further. But she's on the phone.
You just hear it's something about a meeting.
You thought: "Not only is he a mafia boss, but also this idiot has such an influential company..."
As the woman turned around, you walked quickly against the wall to another corridor. 
Even though there are cameras here, you don't look suspicious. Besides, nobody checks it anyway. 
The problem could be from the tenth floor. There may be more protection. 
If you know right there is a "staff" elevator that goes to floors 1-10 and twentieth, and there is also a hidden elevator somewhere that will take you to floors 11-20. Probably guarded.
Your mission is this damn secret document anyway.
Because if you don't get it by going that way, you have to come tomorrow and kindly go in there. 
You went to the elevator. The normal one. You clicked quickly the "20" button. 
But the elevator didn't close. 
You clicked again. You got scared when suddenly a voice came out of the small speaker below.
"Who is this?" 
Some man... They have something like that? It'll be bad if you don't come up with something... Very bad...
You made up something while you wait. So you don't know if any of this will come out of this.
"Good morning, one of the company's secretaries here." you said, trying to change your voice a little and get your emotions under control. You are without a mask. And they can see you here. "I have some papers for Mr. Gojo."
Silence. Nobody spoke. You had to do something else. 
"Um... I was supposed to take it to him because I can see on the documents that it is about it... Um... Meetings this week..." you came up with something quickly. You especially used what you heard at the reception desk.
"Okay. I'm already turning on the elevator." 
You wanted to sigh with relief or jump with joy at your success. 
"Thank you." you said.
Then the elevator closed and you felt yourself going up. 
You were happy, but it's not over.
You grabbed your mask and put it on your face. 
Then you looked around the elevator. You jumped up quickly and moved the camera a bit so that it showed only one part of the elevator. You stopped by the door. They won't see you when the elevator opens. 
You heard a knock. He peered around the corner. 
"No security guards? The asshole is brave..." you muttered very softly to yourself. 
You went further down the corridor.
You thought: "This motherfucker arranged it..."
Now you will only curse him. Because it all looks so good...
You went on.
You stopped quickly and hid behind the wall.
You take your words back. Two bodyguards at one door? He really hit something... You didn't think it would be like that.
But from what you know from the building plans, there's a camera room next to you. And when it comes to Cameras...
You walked to a corner and jumped up to move the device. You can't be seen, only the elevator entrance. 
If you turn left after passing them, there will be an entrance to the Gojo Cabinet. 
You climbed the wall doing splits in the hallway. Since the vents are at the end of each corridor and the camera entrance is at the end of the corridor, as is Gojo door, you can go there.
But first you need to know how many bodyguards there are. 
That's why you go to the cameras first... You are forced.
Pulling off the metal grate, you drove the bee away from there for a moment. They have insect protection, but there must be a hole somewhere... 
After the insect flew away, you entered the shaft closing the hatch behind you.
This is the first ventilation shaft where you are where your hips can barely fit. There will be a problem. 
When you managed to continue, you were above the exit, near the guards. 
You grabbed your hood by putting it on your head.
When you were about to come down to take care of them, you heard a shrill scream.
"Aaah! Bee! Take it from me! I am allergic!" 
You looked down to see one of the guards screaming.
"No! Do not touch me! I am also allergic!" The other screamed.
Suddenly they started running, screaming in panic. All the others also fled.
"Get in the elevator! We're gonna kill that bee over there! We can't disturb the boss!"
You didn't hear that, but you know they took the elevator down.
You looked into the room. Camera indeed. You were right.
But there was no point in going in there.
You went to the other corridor. 
It will be really easy... 
You walked quickly out the door and went to his desk.
But before you looked at the papers, you saw how big this place is. So rich, but also cozy.
You quickly shook off your amazement.
You opened a drawer. Then another and another.
There was nothing there. 
You went to the next room. There was no door, only a passage leading from here to there.
You went there. It was much darker.
Coffee table, more shelves. Much more of everything and a gun on the cupboard.
In a second... Is that his?
It is located anyhow. And if there is a gun here, just put on a cupboard, and this room is only accessible to one person...
You're in trouble....
You have to get out of here as soon as possible...
You went to the table and saw some documents. 
You quickly grabbed the tiny camera and took pictures of it all when you saw the right date. 
This is the day it is all supposed to be. So it has to be these documents and plans. Even data, for example. Without looking at anything there, you took pictures.
The most dangerous mission. Now you can really die.
One false step now... Especially if you get out of there and someone is there... 
Then it will be bad.
You are afraid of. 
You just go barefoot with what might happen.
If there is a Gojo there? 
In a panic, you put the camera in your pocket and started to leave.
You're just afraid...
He could be here all the time...
But where...
Or maybe he's gone somewhere...
To the bathroom?
You peeked out from behind the wall. Nobody was there. You started walking on. 
Hope these guards are gone.
If you leave this place, it will be the end of your quest. You looked out.
You started sneaking up to go to the door.
Your heart was beating loudly 
You breathed slowly and walked past the wall.
A few more meters.
Your legs are shaking.
This is the first time you feel this pressure. And you don't know why it is. You wanted to run, but you can't. Then they can notice you. 
   Until suddenly you felt a hand on your jaw and also a hand holding your hands.
You widened your eyes.
You weren't screaming. You're here illegally.
A strong hand on your face. 
"Be calm." someone whispered in your ear. You couldn't move at all. He was strong...
His hand suddenly brutally ripped the black cloth off your face, tearing it apart. 
And then he quickly pulled your hood off.
If you now die at his hands, you curse the boss Zenin!
Your body was petrified. 
But you managed to get out of his grip when his muscles relaxed a little.
You dug your heel with all your might into his foot and started to run away. 
You're in fucking trouble. Big trouble. He saw you!
You know that voice... 
Gojo, why is it you...?
If you run away, you won't hurt him...
But you felt a hand on your wrist.
You were brutally pulled back and hit the wall with your back.
Both your hands are held firmly by him above your head. 
He brought his face closer to yours with a smile.
"Not good, girl." he said showing his teeth. 
You remember that smile of his. And those eyes and white hair.
Why exactly Gojo... 
Why must he be your death today?
Everyone but him...
I stared at his face, jaw clenched. But... Your legs are free.
You can move. You can kick him. 
You've got enough strength to bring him down right now.
"Now tell me who sent you. „Koro”. Maybe someone else...? I could have sworn I would recognize that face. And I will find your true identity. Any goddamn spy always gets red-handed. You can't avoid it either. I should break your head by now. But..." he said seriously.
Or maybe he remembers you? You don't want him to remember... Not now.
You have to break free. He may know who you are now.
"Please, be aware that I am strong and don't want to hurt you" you said quickly.
"Let's see it cutie." his hands tightened on your wrists.
"I am so sorry, I warned you!" 
Suddenly you lifted your leg up and kicked him with all your strength in the stomach. 
He pulled away from you, clutching his stomach with a cough. When he was slightly bent you gave a punch with your open hand on the cheek and then you kicked him in the chest. He fell to one knee, pain painted across his face. The black glasses fell off his face. 
He continued to smile slightly.
You pulled out your "gun" and pointed it at him.
He looked at you. Right into your eyes.
You do not need to be afraid... You have lenses. Can't see your natural eye color...
"Come on. Shoot." he said with a smile.
You widened your eyes a little.
"Squeeze the trigger and kill me."
"You won't do it because you don't want to hurt me, right? You are obviously a very nice woman. That is why I am interested in one thing. Why so mysterious woman like you is so kind to me. And I think I've heard that voice somewhere before." 
He smiled and pressed his cheek to your gun. 
He knows it's not real...  You quickly took your hand away from him and slapped him in the face. 
He lay down on the floor, wiping the blood from under his nose with a smile.
"Nice blow. I know you will run away now. But I hope we'll meet again..."
You got out of the building as fast as you could...
With tears in my eyes for what you've done...
He can recognize you...
   This man was unbearable.
He is a person who has never liked filling paperwork.
That's why the photos you took were useless. 
It was just what it was meant to be. However, nothing was written in it.
There were no orders for his people. He didn't write it to them.
That's why you were supposed to try again. Enter his computer and check everything you can. 
      But the next day, you were lying at home under the blankets, crying. You were so close to death. 
You hurt your ex-friend.
You have had enough of this. You don't want to live like this anymore...
You don't want to be that spy.        
     Once your half depression is over, you changed your clothes.
You changed your hair in a nice way, put on a floral dress, and also put on lenses in a pleasant and soft green color. You'll look nice.
This time you went there normally.
No sneaking.
You managed to get in there and when asking if you could use the phone because something urgent happened (which surprisingly the receptionist believed ...), You took her card that allows you to enter other rooms in the building.
When you went to the toilet later, you quickly put your picture and your name on there.
You put a badge on your dress. 
Besides, you pretend to be the person who helps Gojo as the boss. Coffee, food, get something. Something like that.
„You are new there and Mr. Gojo told you to go get lunch for him."
That's why you have in front of you a bag with a ready-made sandwich straight from the bakery.
You hope they'll believe you.
You got into the same elevator as two days ago. 
You remembered the nightmare. What happened in this office.
You clicked the "20" button on the elevator.
This is your last chance to succeed in the mission. 
"Who is this?" 
Same question again.
"This is Mitsuri." you spoke. "I have lunch for Mr Gojo."
"I... I have been working here for several days." you said. 
"Okay. We probably don't know you yet." he said and the door closed.
So far it's going well..
Now you weren't even looking at the cameras. You know someone's looking at you.
There is a camera. 
You stepped out of the elevator on this floor.
You saw two guys when the door opened.
So he has more security guards now...?
You looked at them.
One stopped you. And he grabbed the bag. 
"Oh. I see. I know Mr. Gojo is an important man. It's just a bakery sandwich. But I understand your caution." you said with a nice smile. 
This is how you like to be.
Even though your heart is pounding in your chest now. You try to be nice and not suspicious at all. After all, what a burglar would wear such a dress. Plus, you don't have much freedom of movement in heels. You won't fight now. And it's not possible for anyone to get to know you. Different eyes and a completely different hairstyle. 
The guard handed you the bag.
There is nothing suspicious about you. There is nothing to look at. Everything is normal.
You walked slowly and easily down the corridor.
There were people everywhere when you passed the door. Mafia... They protect everything...
Everyone was looking at you, but you had a badge. So they ignored you.
Company employees have badges that are identifiers. Mafia members don't have anything like that. 
You went to the door to his office.
You felt terrible now. You can still see his smile in your mind.
"Good morning–" You said, but the man interrupted you.
"Yes. It's me."
"Okay. I just make sure I remember. The boss is at office. So he can eat right away." he told you.
Your heart pounded even harder. You felt that you were sweating. You were suddenly so cold.
But now he should be on-
"The boss just came back from the meeting, so maybe it will cheer him up." The man added. He even seemed nice. But you don't know him at all. 
Swallowing softly, you stepped inside with a smile.
"Who are you?" the white-haired man suddenly asked, sitting at the desk with coffee in his hand.
"Mr. Gojo, I brought you lunch. Just like I was gonna do." You said lifting your bag slightly.
He was just looking at you.
"They hired you to help?" He asked.
"Yes. I've been here for several days. I was going to buy you lunch." you smiled at his.   He continued to watch you.
"Oh well. Give me that. I'm so hungry..." He smiled.
You walked over to him and gave him food.
"Wha–" He groaned as his eyes flashed. "It's my favorite. It's on the other side of town."
"Well... It just so happens that I live there. On my way to work, I have it. Today I started later and was asked to get you something to eat. You need something else?" you still asked, watching him take a bite.
Out of habit, you bought what he liked best...
He nodded from side to side.
You bowed slightly and wanted to leave.
You won't succeed...
Not while he's here.
"Who told you to buy it?" he asked suddenly.
You widened your eyes.
"Um... It was... Sorry, sir, but I'm here briefly enough that I don't know the names yet. I only know your name. Because you're the boss." You said pretending to be a bit sad. 
"Come on. You can sit down. Let's talk. Rarely does anyone come to see me here. And you're also new here. I'd like to meet you." he smiled as he wrapped the food in foil.
You slowly sat down in the chair in front of him. 
"What's your name?"
"Gojo Satoru. Nice to meet you, Mitsuri." He smiled pleasantly at you. "I can know why you chose this company?"
"I... I have been interested in large companies for a long time. I wanted to go to college, but decided to start working. And I thought maybe I could find a job here. I know this is a bit of a stupid idea, but I wanted to see what it was like to work here. I want to gain experience to become more than just a help in the future!"
"Wow. You aim high." He laughed and leaned back in his chair.
"I know. But I'm really glad to be here. Even for those few days." 
"And what did you do yesterday?"
Coming up with such stories is difficult. Especially so fast. 
"Moment... I sat at the reception desk and made coffee." 
Why was he looking at you so much again?... 
Suddenly it moved the metal ornament. As a result, the light shone in your eyes for a moment.
But he was just having fun... He's bored.
"You know what, Mitsuri. Maybe I've already seen you at the company. Your face feels familiar to me."
"I've seen you a few times already, so it's possible."
His eyesight was intense...
"You have beautiful eyes. I would definitely remember you."
"Thank you very much." 
"I have always found such a color nice. I like this color very much."
He liked green? This is new... You haven't seen about it.
"I think from today the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen will be (e/c) eyes." eyes looked at you with a serious face. You scared out. You gotta fix this somehow.
"What? I'm sorry, but my eyes are green. Although I have to admit that (e/c) would be nice."
"No need to pretend. Nobody would have eyes that look like this. Your pupil does not change from the light. You could be more careful.." He said.
He already knows, doesn't he?
"You should wear your lenses with more care, Koro." he muttered, crossing his legs. 
You have a cold sweat. When you wanted to get up, he stopped you.
"Calm down. If I had wanted to kill you, I would have done so long ago. Besides, I have guards at the door. I knew you took the papers that were blank. That's why I let you go. I admit that you are really strong. But take those lenses off. Your natural eye color is so much prettier, (y/n)..."
He smiled.
"But how–"
" I told you then. I knew your voice from somewhere. As well as the shape of the face and eyes. Also, one of your red lenses has moved for a while."
 You widened your eyes. Your jaw trembled. You have to get away.
You secretly grabbed the "business" phone and sent the signal.
At least now someone was waiting to help. Someone from the Zenins who was supposed to drop your line when you sent the signal. Just in case. 
In a minute you saw the rope outside the window. He did not disappoint.
You looked quickly there and then back to Gojo.
You were breathing fast.
"(y/n) calm down. I will not do anything to you. I guess... Breathe easy. Besides, I'm not so damn stupid not to see that rope."
He glanced sideways at the decorative metal vase. The window bounced off it. 
"Now take your lenses easy. I want to see your real face."
You moved your hand and grabbed two lenses. You put it on your desk.
You looked at him.
"I missed this view." 
For a moment he closed his eyes in a smile.
You got up quickly and threw the chair in the windshield. 
Luckily it wasn't that hard. But still, you used a lot of force to break the window.
Maybe that chair was a little heavier after all...
You took that wooden one next to it. Not the armchair you were sitting on. Fortunately.
You ran quickly to the window, walking on the glass. 
It was easy for you because when he couldn't see you took off your shoes.
You quickly jumped out of one broken window. You grabbed the rope and started climbing. 
The window was floor to ceiling. And that one was all broken.
This made it easier for you to jump on the rope. But it also helped him grab your ankle at the last minute.
He tugged hard, pulling you off the rope.
You thought you were going to crash into glass or fall from the twentieth floor. But you fell into his arms. 
You hit him on the shoulder and twisted in his embrace.
Because of that, he let you go. You landed on the floor and tried to catch the rope again.
But he grabbed your waist and pulled you back, throwing you to the floor. He was kneeling over you, with his legs on either side of your hips. 
He grabbed your wrists with his left hand and squeezed them tight. It made a soft moan of pain. You tried to free yourself, but in this position you cannot kick him.
He grabbed your face with his other hand. 
"Cutie~ calm down. You didn't mean to hurt me, so I won't hurt you."
You kept struggling.
You looked at him horrified.
"Do not be afraid. You think I would kill you now? There will be no Koro, there will be no trouble."
Suddenly he let go of your face and reached down for his gun. He turned back for a moment and fired straight at the rope. The piece was cut off.
Later you saw how Zenin started pulling the rope up.
"So now you are dead in the eyes of others. My little one... (y/n)... Maybe you will finally be with me? Just like it was in high school."
A single tear dropped from your eye.
"You can work for me or be much closer to me. You know... I've always liked you."
You blushed slightly and looked at him.
"I know you like me too. But a spy...? Or maybe you want to be my spy?"
When you calmed down, he let go of your wrists.
You slipped out a bit from under him. So that you can sit down. Your legs were still between his knees.
"You don't want to kill me?" you asked softly.
"You didn't do anything to me. Besides, now I'd like to have you with me. You're strong."
"And I can kick your ass..." you laughed lightly.
"Don't get so crazy." 
"This is true." you muttered with a smile.
"Do you want to join me? You're not gonna have a life on the edge. Contract work. You will be here." put his hand on your cheek.
It was quiet for a moment.
After all, this is probably a good proposition.
Besides, it's him...
"Satoru... But that's it..." 
"Don't worry about anything. You are perfect at all of this."
"...I agree..."
He smiled very hard and hugged you. 
"So hello to you. My little spy."
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Medic: If you dont shut up soon i will give your head to Pyro :)
Spy!Reader, immediately shutting up: 😦
Heavy: What is noise?
Medic: Oh, don't worry about it! 😄
Oh man that is perfect!
Spy reader: just chilling and wanting to enjoy their day.
Red Medic: Oh hello, your mine now~
Spy reader: Wait what? (Sees RED Pyro in the distance) oh no..
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imorita1011 · 2 years
Anakin: Entonces ¿no estás enojada?
Y/N: ¿Porqué? ¿Por casi haber revelado que soy una espía de la República frente a un gran número de senadores separatista, lo que me hubiera llevado a mi, y consecuentemente a tí, a una inevitable muerte? ¿O qué has estado ocultando con mi querida prima que comparten un compromiso de más de un año, donde si este se revelará sería el fin de tu vida como Jedi y su carrera cómo senadora?
Anakin: Supongo que ambas, pero era por haber destruido tu nave y no tener para llevarte
Anakin: si aún sirve de algo, eres excelente en tu trabajo
Bajo la fachada de haber traicionado a tu familia y a tu planeta, desde los inicios de la guerra has estado pasando información a la República, muy pocas son las personas que saben de esto, ahora sumándose uno más a ese grupo.
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habitabel · 2 months
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what do I do with myself rn I'm tweaking out I'm gonna rip my skin off what THIS IS EVERYTHING TO ME
Edit❗❗❗ for more info, I have links to the discord, Twitter, and the official team lovetress website on my page! It's pinned at the top <3 the discord requires you to share a picture of your ID because I guess the game might have nsfw themes or maybe the discord does?? Not too sure but yeah just a warning!! Also, it's been brought to my attention that cabbage (the artist shown here) has stepped away from this project!! I'll share the tweet from cabbage here v
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(ily @ncalabby )
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starreo · 5 months
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multi-character drabble.
includes alcohol consumption, adult themes so, mdni.
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he got drunk around you a lot. and when he got drunk, he got too real.
last time, he'd mentioned how much in love with you he was, and how just everything about you was way too perfect to him. his confession, obviously shocked you, and led to a thorough investigation in the morning when he sobered up, completely unaware of the previous night's events.
and after you'd gotten a sober confession out of him, you let him ask you out again. though it was all messy and stuttery, you preferred it over his drunk one.
this time, you were sitting on his couch, after a nice candle-lit date, a glass of wine in hand as you watched him pour some for himself...chuckling as you noticed him side-eyeing you, mumbling about being more careful this time.
and as usual, he got carried away. glass after glass, he kept pouring it till the bottle was empty, sentences sounding so slurred as his eyes had a hazy cover to them. "a-and, y'know...then, i-i did...smth'...uhh-y'know..." he leaned in closer to you, his cold breath hitting your neck as he whispered his little secret in your ear, "s-sometimes, i think...of you," he gulped, looking at you as if he had revealed the most scandalous secret and all you could do was giggle in response, pulling his cheeks in awe.
"mhm, what do you think of...?" you asked, fingers still stretching his cheeks. "of y-you...when, 'm touchin' myself...." and that seemed to shock you because your grip on his cheeks widened, only letting go once you heard an "ouch!..." it was probably the first time the two of you had discussed something like this...it was probably wrong to probe him about it right now, in this state. you thought, as you watched him, amuse himself with the strings of your dress.
but then again, you might not get this chance again, "and...?" you ask, cocking an eyebrow as you ask him to elaborate. his eyes looking right into your soul as he smirks, a light blush appearing on his nose as he stutters over his words, "s-so...usually, i just think of your nails leaving scratches in my back as i bury my cock inside your tight little cunt," and your eyes widen, not having enough time to wonder over how confidently he just said that, when he slams his wet, drooly lips against yours, mumbling between the kiss, about how he wants to make his dreams come true.
eren jaeger, reo mikage, gojo satoru, bakugo, yuri briar (there is sm depth to his character, and if you don't understand it then,, just don't talk about him !!)
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© starreo 2023. do not copy, translate or repost .
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yandere-daydreams · 6 months
Title: Loving Suffocation.
A Continuation Of This Piece.
Written for a very lovely, very indulgent anonymous commissioner.
Pairing: Yandere!Loid x Reader x Yandere!Yor (SxF).
Word Count: 4k.
TW: Non/Con, AFAB!Reader, Slight Somnophilia, Spanking, Sex Toys, Breeding, Mentions of Pregnancy, Medical Malpractice, Oral Sex, Obsessive Behavior, Slight Gaslighting, Bruising/Marking, and Overstimulation.
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You never did get to see your opera. A lack of oxygen turned your cramped world blurry and abstract, and you faded in and out of consciousness while Yor fussed over your ruined dress and gathered you up in her arms, the strip of fabric she’d tied around your neck and stuffed in your mouth – not quite a gag, but enough to convince your uncooperative vocal cords that calling for help wouldn’t be worth the effort. Sometime between being pulled against Yor’s chest and slipping out of that sex-saturated storage closet, you blinked and by the time you could find the strength to open your eyes again, you were in your apartment, in your own bed, your makeshift gag gone and your wrists bound  behind your back with a generous amount of duct tape. You briefly considered calling for help, but you were past the point of screaming. Even if you tried, the Forgers were your only neighbors close enough to hear, and you’d seen enough of enough of that family for a lifetime.
Just as exhaustion began to overwhelm your better judgement, you caught stifled footsteps in the near distance, heard the door to your bedroom creak open and shut with enough force to shake the drywall. This time, when you closed your eyes, it was in a deliberate effort to will yourself to sleep. An effort that was, of course, rendered futile by Yor’s hand on your forehead, a soft hum too tender to be purposefully deceptive. “I think they might be asleep. The poor thing could barely hold their eyes open.”
“That’s fine.” Instantly, your heart dropped into the pit of your stomach. He spoke quietly, keeping his voice low and airy, but even in worst dreams, Loid seemed to be able to carve out a place for himself. It made sense for him to make an appearance in this nightmare, too. “Can you show me where the damage is?”
You held your breath as Yor’s hand drifted from your face to your thigh. After a moment of hesitation, she nudged you onto your back, pulling the ragged remains of your skirt up to your waist. You fought not to bolt up as cold air washed over your exposed, abused cunt – not to ball your fists as you felt Loid’s narrowed eyes pry into you the way they always seemed to when you passed each other in the hall, when he got home before you could find a reason to get out of the Forgers’ suffocating apartment. You managed to hold yourself still as he clicked his tongue, edging that much closer to the foot of your bed. You could picture him leaning over you, perfectly styled blonde hair falling ever so slightly out of place as he took long, agonizing seconds to evaluate the bruises lining the inside of your thighs, the crescent-shaped marks Yor’s nails had left pressed in your hips, your waist. Calloused fingertips brushed over your ankle, but further restraint was deemed unnecessary as his attention shifted back to his wife. “And you said you found them…?”
“Unconscious,” she filled in. You could hear her shifting her weight, feigning concern as her husband evaluated you. “In front of our building. I tried to wake them up, but they panicked, and I remembered the treatment you told me about for—for hysteria.” She paused, swallowed. “I thought I could help, but I’m afraid I might’ve just made things worse…”
Loid’s response was delayed, put off in favor of inching that much closer to you. The mattress dipped as he rested a knee on the foot of your bed. Don’t move, you repeated to yourself, despite the ever-growing urge to get up and run gnawing violently at the back of your mind. If you pretended to be asleep, you’d only have to tolerate a few minutes of his attention before he got tired of leering at your conscious body. If you pretended to be asleep, they’d leave and you could start to forget this ever happened.
It got harder to be so rational as he reached out, running two fingers over your slit and splitting apart the lips of your pussy, giving himself a better view of your abused clit, your entrance – still pitifully drooling slick. You tried to remember what kind of doctor he was, but any specialties that might’ve come to mind were immediately forgotten as his gloved fingers slipped inside of you. You had to bite back a quiet hiss as he scissored open the sore walls of your cunt, his touch probing and experimental. At least Yor had the decency not to draw it out. “You reacted swiftly and efficiently. Even trained paramedics leave residual damage.” He drew back suddenly, and you fought not to jolt at his callousness. “Can you show me what exactly your…” He trailed off. You could practically hear the curiosity in his voice. “…your treatment entailed?”
Yor made a noise you couldn’t decipher. Loid moved away from you entirely, but Yor was quick to take his place. She settled into the space between your legs, her hands – shaking ever so slightly – taking up your hips, her fingertips near-perfectly aligned with the dark bruises pressed into your skin. You felt her breath ghost over the inside of your thighs, the flat of her tongue run gingerly over your slit, and you bolted upward on instinct, mouth open and ready to—
—ready to have your scream stifled and suffocated by Loid’s palm as he forced his hand over your mouth and shoved you back into the mattress. Unable to claw at his arm, to pry him off of you, you thrashed under his steadfast hold, but he didn’t seem to pay you any mind. Rather, his eyes met yours for all of half a second before flickering to his wife, sparing her a slight nod. “Patients usually react with some level of resistance. You can go on.”
Yor’s eyes widened, but any shock she might’ve felt seemed to melt away at her husband’s assurance. She was more nervous, now that she was performing for an audience rather than assaulting you in the privacy of her chosen hideaway, but the little, tentative movements of her tongue got braver over time, her eyes closing as her hands drifted from your waist to your thighs. She nudged your legs onto her shoulders and latched onto your clit, suckling with just enough force to draw a reaction out of your burnt-out nerves, to leave you trembling and struggling to swallow back pained moans and pathetic whimpers. It hurt – more than anything, it hurt – but she had your body trained, knew just what points to hit to get what she wanted out of you. More than that, your body knew that it wasn’t going to end until she reached her goal, until she had you cumming on her tongue for the— god, how many times would this make? You’d lost track after the first dozen, but even if you hadn’t, it would’ve been impossible to tell, impossible to know what she’d accomplished the first time reality started to blur and consciousness was rendered more of revokable privilege than something you’d ever be capable of holding on to without help. In less than a minute, you were grinding against her tongue involuntarily, the movement of your hips stilted and jerky. You couldn’t have called it a real orgasm, not when any pleasure you could’ve felt was so overshadowed by a searing sort of ache, but Yor seemed satisfied – drawing the back of her hand over her chin as she lifted her head, sending Loid a sheepish smile.
“I just, uh,” she started, drumming her fingers over your thigh. “I just did that until they calmed down. I’m not sure if it helped.”
“I see.” Loid, for his part, failed to let his air of stoic professionalism so much as waver.  “And how many times did the patient reach climax?”
“…thirty?” Yor let out an airy, nervous laugh. “Maybe more. It… It was a little hard to keep track, in the moment.”
“And they’re still so unruly.” He was kind enough to feign concern, to let his tone soften and purse his lips into a thin frown. For a second, you let yourself believe that you’d just stumbled into a bad situation – that he and his wife were under some shared delusion and genuinely thought they might’ve been helping you, but then you caught a spec of crimson on the collar of Yor’s dress out of the corner of your eye and thought better of trying to humanize them. “Would you mind if I took a closer look?”
The question was posed to Yor, not you. “Please do, you’re the doctor here,” she spouted, hurrying to get out of Loid’s way. Loid was more hesitant, his palm lingering over your mouth as his eyes found yours. He was cold at the best of times – his expression often hollow when he thought your attention was elsewhere, his touch enough to send a chill down your spine on the rare occasion he found an excuse to put his hands on you – but the look he sent you as he uncovered your mouth was nothing short of frigid. The threat was clear, albeit ambiguous. You had no idea what Loid was capable of, let alone what extremes he was willing to go to.
But, you knew what Yor could do – you’d caught her in the act.
And you weren’t eager to find out what’d she’d do to you at her husband’s request.
When his hand finally fell away from your mouth, you didn’t make a sound. Rather, you dug your teeth into the inside of your cheek as Loid wrapped an arm around your waist and hauled you onto his lap – his thighs cutting harshly into your stomach. The position was enough to leave your cheeks burning and humiliation tying knots in the back of your throat, but whatever embarrassment you might’ve felt was multiplied ten-fold as his hand ghosted over the buttons lining the back of your dress and your only remaining protective barrier fell away – mutilated fabric now limp and useless beneath you. You started to writhe, but the heel of Loid’s palm found the small of your back, pressing into the base of your spine with just enough force a pained whimper past your lips. Reflectively, Yor moved to reach towards you, but Loid shook his head. “It’s important to test for reactiveness,” he explained, tone flat and steely. “I can take care of bruises and cuts, but lasting nerve damage will make things—” He paused, clicked his tongue. “—difficult.”
“Oh!” Yor clapped her hands together. At least she seemed to sincerely believe that, even if she wasn’t helping you, her husband might be. You couldn’t tell what Loid was thinking, but it couldn’t have been so benevolent. “Is that what you’re doing now? Testing for reactiveness?”
“Exactly.” Loid flashed her a smile. You felt him shift, fish something out of the pocket of his suit jacket. Aching numbness had put you at a distance from his invasive touch before, but Yor’s mouth had done away with that – resurrecting the buzzing sort of hyper-sensitivity that meant you weren’t able to hide the way your hips bucked against his thigh as he slid something sleek and metallic into your drenched pussy. It was oddly shaped – one end tapered and the other flat, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand but still big enough to leave you squirming uncomfortably as Loid pulled back. “Normally, I’d use more intricate equipment, but there are a few experiments I can run on my own.”
You heard nails against metal, a soft click muffled by stiff machinery. After a second of delay, the object inside of you let out an abrupt pulse of pure vibration – harsh and sudden and awful. Your reaction was reflexive, undisguisable. You threw your head forward as you bit back a bubbling, broken moan; waves of intense reverberation beating at the walls of your cunt. There was no time to brace yourself, to grow into the piercing sting – it was already too much. The walls of your pussy clenched around the source of your agony, and before you could think to stifle your reactions, to give them as little as you possibly could, tears were blurring your vision, dripping down your cheeks. Yor cooed, kneeling in front of you and cupping your cheeks. “Poor thing…” she mumbled, before looking up towards Loid. “I don’t think they’re enjoying it.”
Another wave of pulsing reverberation, a jagged cry forced past your lips. “P-please, turn it off, take it out, I can’t—”
It took you a second to process the sound of a palm against flesh, how it might’ve been connected to the bright flash of pain just below the curve of your ass. When you could bring yourself to glance over your shoulder, his hand was raised, his expression stern. The sight was enough to make your heart ache in your chest – a sensitivity which surprised you. You hadn’t thought there was anything the Forgers could do to hurt you more than they already had.
“We’re going out of our way to help you.” It was the same tone he used with Anya when she refused to do her homework or threatened to drop out of her upper-crust academy. Whatever genuine sympathy he might’ve had for you was buried beneath a heavy layer of practiced stoicism and nearly totalitarian authority, turning the words cold where they should’ve been comforting. “It’s unfair to be so ungrateful when Yor’s already sacrificed so much of her time for the sake of your health. Why don’t you apologize to her?”
Again, you heard that same soft click, and the vibrations pulsing out of the object in your cunt doubled in intensity. You let your head fall forward, clenching your eyes shut as you struggled to spit something out. “I… I’m sorry, Yor, I didn’t mean to—”
You were cut off by a sharp moan, the feeling of Loid’s fingers tracing over your slit. Soon, the pad of his thumb found your clit, pushing dull circles into the sensitive bundle of nerves. He let out an airy chuckle as you withered into yourself, your legs spreading involuntarily as your feet struggled to find purchase on carpeting that seemed to be just an inch too far, to ground yourself on something that Loid didn’t even have to try to keep just out of your grasp. “Don’t strain yourself,” he muttered, your unwanted reward for your easy compliance. “How does this—” He pushed a rough pattern into your clit, drawing out a wavering cry. “—feel?”
Miserable. Torturous. The worst thing that’d ever been inflected onto your poor, spent body. You deflated, your chest flattening against Loid’s thighs. “…it hurts.”
This time, he let you finish before pulling back, his palm striking your ass with twice the force he’d used before. You cried out, the noise uneven and anguished, but your pain didn’t seem to rank very high on his nebulous list of concerns. “I’ve already told you not to be so ungrateful,” he said, shaking his head. “Do you know what would’ve happened if we weren’t here to help you?” Another strike, another ragged sob. “You’d be suffering on your own, in excruciating pain and spiraling into your own delusions. If we hadn’t been there to correct you so quickly, you would’ve been unrecoverable.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” You were babbling, now, your apologies clumped together and nearly unintelligible. Loid cut in, pointed as ever.
“You’ve already apologized.” Two digits slipped into you, splitting your pussy open. Somehow, the added stimulation only seemed to make his device’s vibration more unbearable. “Now, it’s time to tell Yor how thankful you are.”
“Thank you—” There was no hesitation, no resistance. If you’d been able to, if you hands hadn’t been bound, you would’ve clung to her, dug your nails into her shoulder and your teeth into Loid’s thigh, anything to feel like you weren’t about to fall apart altogether. “Thank you, I’m so— I can’t— Thank you—”
It was Yor, this time – her mouth crashing against yours as her hand found the back of your head. Her tongue slipped past your lips, raking over yours with a ginger sort of tenderness and raking her fingers through your hair, drinking down every little moan and whimper her husband forced out of you with enthusiasm. She lingered there, lips moving gently against yours, as you reached your next climax – the number completely lost on you, now. When she pulled away, eyes glazed over and a dark blush painted over her cheeks, Loid hummed approvingly, fishing his bullet-shaped device out of your pussy and switching it off. Slick dripped down the inside of your thighs, your chest heaving stiltedly against his lap, and you noticed, for the first time, something large and stiff pressing into your stomach. For your own sake, you decided you weren’t going to think about it.
But, like always, Loid was quick to tear even the comfort you found in your own mind away from you.
“You did what you could,” Loid started, with heavy sigh. “But their condition is worse than I thought. It might take more than the usual treatment to set them back on the right path.” A lengthy pause, an arm looped underneath you. With more care than he’d seen fit to show you all night, Loid repositioned you on your back in the center of your bed. You were too exhausted to so much as try to protest. “For cases like this, insemination is the only known cure.”
Yor blinked up at him, more curious than confused. “Insemination?”
“Pregnancy,” Loid filled in. “It can be done artificially, but for cases this severe…”
Your heart dropped into your stomach. Weakly, you tried to sit up, but it was Yor that stopped you, this time, pressing her hand flat against your shoulder and pinning you down effortlessly. “If that’s what’s best,” she chimed, her smile wide and brilliant. “Can I help?”
For the first time, Loid’s expression seemed to warm. “Of course.”
Less than a full minute later, you were slotted against Yor, your head resting on her chest and her arms loosely wrapped around your midriff. Loid had reclaimed his position in the space between your open legs, one hand on your hip and the other toying with his clothes, shifting the waist of his now-wrinkled dress pants down just far enough to free his flush cock – already hard, already leaking pearls of arousal. The sight, paired with the breathy sigh he let out as he wrapped his fist around his shaft, was enough to dash any hopes you might’ve had of a last-minute change of heart.
You squirmed in Yor’s hold, your fists balling around your own near ruined sheets as Loid aligned himself with your entrance. You didn’t realize you were talking until you heard your own voice, fragile and desperate, nearly too broken to be comprehensible. “Please don’t, I—I’m not sick, please don’t—”
It was Yor who hushed you, this time, smiling as she pressed a fleeting kiss into your cheek. “He’s going to help you,” she whispered, tone simpering where you wished it would be sterile. “You can just sit back and relax while we—” She paused, squeezed you against her playfully. “—make sure you’re alright.”
There was a beat of silence, of stillness. Eventually, you managed to stutter out, “I don’t want your help.”
Loid let out an airy chuckle, tracing the flushed tipped of his cock over your slit. “You don’t have to want anything.” He bowed his head, leaning down far enough to rest his lips against the top of your head. “You’ll need all the help you can get, in a few weeks.”
You didn’t have time to protest, not before he thrust into you – sheathing himself to the hilt in a single stroke.
You tried to scream, but Yor’s mouth found yours in a moment, swallowing any fractured noises you might’ve been able to make. Loid didn’t seem interested in giving you time to adjust; immediately falling into a rhythm just as forceful and just as cruel as anything else he’d done to you. It wasn’t a question of if it would hurt, anymore, but how badly. The feeling of his not inconsiderably length splitting open your aching pussy alone was enough to bring tears to your eyes, and his rough thrusts, his shattering pace – all of it only working to agitate the few parts of you that hadn’t already gone numb to his assult. You clenched your eyes shut, willing yourself to go completely numb, but Yor cooed, one of her hands falling away from you only to find its way to the curve of your stomach, her palm soon pressed flat against your skin. “Miss Anya did mention wanting a younger sister,” she muttered, nuzzling into the dip of your shoulder. “It’ll be difficult to hide, ‘till it’s over with. There used to be a single mother working at city hall, but the State Security Service paid her a visit and…” She trailed off, shaking her head. “But I’m sure that won’t be an issue for you!”
“Of course not.” Loid’s voice was breathy, his attention mostly elsewhere. He did his best to stay composed, to maintain that painstakingly professionally air, but you could feel him twitch inside of you, feel his hips stutter as his pace grew that much more brutal. “We’ll be taking care of you. When you start to show, you’ll move in with us, and—” A groan, a pair of tired eyes allowed to close. “—and if you cooperate, we’ll make it so you don’t have to worry about anything aside from the baby. Any added stress will only make the pregnancy more difficult.”
Loid’s hips pressed against yours, Yor’s mouth on the curve of your neck. “Our little family is growing so quickly.” You could feel her grin against your throat, fangs ready to clamp down at the first sign of resistance. “I can’t wait until you’re better. You’ll be so happy, when you’re in your right mind again.”
Your mouth fell open, but anything you might’ve said died in your throat long before it could ever reach your tongue. There was no pleasure to it, no stimulation other than the same grating sensation and the pinpoints of pressure where Loid’s fingertips dug into your waist, but if your comfort mattered to Loid, he would’ve stopped as soon as he saw what his wife did to you. He cursed under his breath, throwing his hand forward and hauling your rigid body that much closer to his. You didn’t have a chance to brace yourself, to trick your pain-addled mind into believing there was anything you could possibly do to get away from him before he went still, something thick and searing flooding into your unprotected cunt. He lingered there, his cum leaking out of you despite your pussy’s futile attempts to cling to his cock, and for the first time, you let yourself think about what they were taking about – insemination, pregnancy, growing families and new siblings. You let yourself acknowledge the weight of Yor’s hand against your stomach, Loid’s hips against yours. You let yourself breath in, holding the air in your lungs for a moment before exhaling and going limp against Yor.
If you never saw the Forgers again, it’d still be a day too soon.
Yor started to pull away from you, but Loid stopped her. “Conception can be fickle,” he started, fighting not to pant audibly. “It’d be for the best if we were…” His eyes dropped to you. “…thorough.”
“Do you hear that?” Her hold grew that much tighter, her smile that much brighter. Her lips ghosted over the shell of your ear. The feeling might’ve sent a chill down your spine, if you still had the strength to be afraid of them.
“Loid’s going to take very good care of you.”
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violet-eng · 6 months
Drunk!Loid Forger x wife!fem!reader | NSFW 🔞
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Summary: Loid comes home very late drunk after going out drinking with Franky. He fucks you drunk.
Warnings: Porn with no plot lol. Smut +18. Oral fem! Masturbation. Inappropriate use of belt. Spanking. P i v. Unprotected sex, mention of pregnancy. MDNI
Wc: idk like 3k?
For Agent Twilight, there was something pleasurable about playing Loid Forger, the carelessness that the peaceful family man could indulge in from time to time without suffering any major consequences...like the night Franky had invited him out for a drink.
Twilight was a man of strong drinks, the kind that go to your head and detach you from reality by ripping your thoughts and every last drop of consciousness from your brain... he was addicted to those drinks because he could stand them, because they were no challenge for the best spy in Westalis.
However... along with the wonderful, sweet personality that the Loid Forger brings with him, certain misplaced platitudes fall upon Twilight. Twilight was a cold man of steady mettle and pure stoicism, a determination that could not be eclipsed by mundane feelings like... falling in love....
The fusion of his alter ego as Loid Forger with that of his original identity as Twilight had led him to the very night he stumbled back to your house, his hand covering his face in search of relief from the terrible headache.
He doesn't turn on the kitchen light because he knows you're sleeping in their shared room, and he doesn't make any noise when he fills a glass of water because he's afraid of disturbing your sleep.
You, his beautiful and efficient wife, what more could he ask for but a devoted woman like you. Fuck... if only his mission would never end... he wouldn't have to leave you.
"Loid..." you whisper from the living room, peering over the wall. He woke you up... you can't see him in this state, he can't talk in this state. If he confesses anything now, if he gets carried away with his feelings for you, anything would jeopardize the mission...
Come on, Twilight, think fast. He shakes his head as he returns to his role as Loid Forger.
"Y/n, my dear. I'm sorry I woke you," the voice is calm, even though your name falls from his lips in a frenzy of emotions.
"You came back late," you add, emerging from your hiding place and walking towards him, who stops breathing for a moment.
The dim light illuminates your figure, you are wearing only one of his shirts, which covers the skin above your thighs, and a pair of white wool stockings. Your hair is down, and it seems to Twilight that you look perfect in this moment, with these clothes and this warm light.
Damn, she looks so...
"I'm... I'm sorry, I went out for a drink with Franky. I didn't think I'd be back so late," he stammers for a moment. What are you doing to him? What effect do you have on him that he can't control his emotions?
"I see," you smile, "your cheeks are pink, you look lovely"
"No... no, of course not," he turns his face away, lips parted and cheeks burning.
What are you doing, Twilight, regain your composure.
"I missed you," you confess, embracing him from behind, wrapping your arms around his waist and letting them fall to his stomach, filling his breath with your scent, your lemon and honey scent reaching into the deepest recesses of his mind, taking over his consciousness and his last shred of self-control.
I am Twilight... and I am fucked... I want to fuck her tonight like I've wanted to fuck her for months.
You are completely unaware of the man on top of you. He has carried you into the bedroom in one swift, nimble movement, stealthily and carefully. He has laid you down on the mattress and is now attacking your neck with his lips.
Whiskey breath surrounds your mind, your consciousness is clouded and your heart is disturbed by the frenzy of your husband's kisses, causing sensual gasps on your skin. Loid's hands run through your hair, tangling behind your neck to give him more access to your neck and chin, devouring your surface with hunger and desire.
You are completely immobilized by his muscular body, and by the surprise that his behavior has caused you, you feel your heart in your throat, the beats echoing in your ears, only eclipsed by his moaning when he touches the valley of your breasts through your shirt.
"Loid~" you bite your lip and try to push him away with both hands, but it's no use, Loid is so much stronger than you. Has he always been like this?
"You have no idea how you turn me on," he whispers, almost on the verge of madness, his throat is choked and he holds back his tongue that wants to run all over your body.
He sits on top of you, you find relief in being able to breathe normally for a moment as you see him unbutton his shirt, opening it with a jerk to expose his chiseled abdomen. It's not the first time you've looked at him without his clothes on, but you always marvel at the way his muscles stand out against his skin, the way a few scars frame his pecs and abdomen.
You reach out and touch his skin, the line between his chiseled abs, in a reflexive action. Having him so close, like this, awakens a vulgar side in you that only he knows.
"Patience," he whispers, the tone deep and punctuated with a lustful gasp.
He throws the cloth away from the bed and leaves his hands on the belt of his pants. His movements are desperate yet unmistakable, he is quite skilled for being so drunk.
His pants are on the floor next to his shirt and boxers, he holds the belt between his hands and strokes the leather with his fingers, a dark idea floating in his mind.
"Loid..." you get his attention, only to meet a dark stare, bathed in malice.
"I have plans for you, y/n" his smile is evil, but it turns you on, fuck, you've never seen this side of your husband before.
Loid made love to you, when you slept together he was the soft and gentle type who cared more about your satisfaction than his own. He didn't play with you, he didn't tempt you and he didn't make you beg. His gaze was always loving, full of sincere and genuine affection. His kisses were chaste, almost as if you would break if he came any closer, and his thrusts were gentle, so that he could feel you clearly and not hurt you.
And he didn't cum inside you because he knew you weren't ready to be pregnant, because it was enough to take care of Anya, another child would be too much work for both of you... so when you were done, he bathed you and fell asleep next to you, framing your form with a protective hug and sweet, almost poetic words in your ear until you were both asleep. Loid was a sweet and loving husband...
That was Loid, and it was okay... for you... because for Twilight, it was a nightmare.
He hated going slow, he hated not being able to bite your skin or leave marks between your legs, and worst of all, he hated you moaning a name that wasn't even his. That's why tonight, he would completely take over Forger's identity, kill Loid, and do to your body what Twilight had wanted to do since he first saw you.
"Shit," he grunts as he takes his member in his hand and fucks him with his fist, throwing his head back. Just the thought of fucking you that night had turned him on.
You look at him with great surprise, you've never seen Loid masturbate before and you didn't think the first time would be while he was on top of you. The way his ragged breathing lifts his chest, the way his muscles flex as he jerks his arm, and especially the way he moans your name as the red head of his cock drips pre-cum.
Even though you are completely unaware of this behavior, you can't take your eyes off of him. You slip a hand under your clothes, rifling through your panties in search of your clit, throbbing at the image of Loid above you. Your wrist is gripped by Loid's hand, which leans over you with a tight grip and whispers into your ear.
"Not yet. I haven't given you permission," the voice is unrecognizable, Loid has never used such a low tone.
He undoes the buttons of your shirt, pulling the fabric apart as he dips his face between your bare breasts, sliding the fabric under your shoulders as you squirm from the soft bites he leaves around your nipples.
He circles his tongue around the buttons of your breasts as he runs his hands all over you, from your sides to your arms, lifting them above your head. Loid touches you as if he has never touched a woman before.
He takes the belt and holds your wrists above your head, watching you from his position, like a hunter watching his prey. You let yourself be taken in by his bizarre game, maybe it's a fantasy he's wanted to fulfill for a long time and now he has the confidence to do it, you think.
And the reality is that Twilight fucks like this because he knows he's going to fuck you so good that you'll want to push it away with all your might.
He leaves a trail of kisses all over your face, down your chin, your neck, between your breasts and your stomach, around your waist and down to your hips, where he holds the elastic of your panties, fucking soaked with your juices.
He glances at you before tearing the thin fabric, and for a moment you can see the face of an unknown man, his face completely changed by the lust he is releasing at that moment. Leaning back on his elbows, he spreads your legs and rests them on his shoulders, licking his lips as he watches your dripping pussy.
With his fingers he gently caresses your valley and the edge of your hole, his finger grazes your clitoris, eliciting a moan from you.
He looks at you from between your legs, analyzes your face and the surroundings, and you swear his mind is going a mile a minute right now."What are you thinking about?" you ask embarrassed.Loid turns his gaze back to you, the blue of his eyes seeming darker than before.
"I was debating whether to gag you or not, I don't want to wake the kid."
"I won't make any noise... I... I promise," you say hesitantly, because you don't believe your own words.
"I want to hear you hold back," he smiles, the corner of his lip turning to the side.
He dips his face between your legs, his nose brushing your skin, his fingers parting your folds, his tongue moving from the base to the top. You shiver at the passage of his tongue as it begins to wiggle around your clit. It is delicate, gentle, as it always has been... but he seems to enjoy it more than before.
He gasps as he moves his head, his fingers spreading your folds further apart and you feel the warmth of his breath on your entrance. He doesn't tire, he doesn't stop, in fact, with each movement he seems more energetic than before.
He continues to caress your clit with his tongue, sucking on the small nub that makes you arch your back and hold back the moans that want to escape your mouth. You feel Loid's tongue at your entrance and his nose brushing your clit, then a finger slips gently inside you, followed by another.
His fingers are long, calloused, and surprisingly dexterous. He finds your spot almost immediately and you feel like you're seeing stars. His tongue doesn't leave your clit, your button is swollen and he sucks on it passionately while his fingers abuse your sensitive spot inside you.
Your walls close over his fingers, he thrusts in and out, fucking you wonderfully with his digits, while your ecstasy grows in your belly from his skillful tongue.
He lets out a hot gasp against your skin, and the sound of his fingers soaked in your juices floods the room, it seems harder and harder to contain your moans. You bite your lip hard as he makes a soft stroke over your button, his fingers digging deep inside you.
He makes a curious movement, lifting his fingers and seeming to increase his speed, he uses his other hand to mistreat your clit, with his elbows he spreads your legs. You can't close them, you want to, you want him to stop, you feel the burning in your stomach and in your legs. He lowers his face again to the level of your sex, just when it seems he is finished, he continues, his tongue abusing your hole and your clit in perfect synchrony, a hand runs down your belly and catches your breast.
"Loid~" you let out his name in an anxious moan "Ah~ Loid..."
That name, he thinks, his mouth and mind focused on your sex... I am that now, I am Loid Forger, this is my wife, and I will see to it that she can't get out of bed for days.
"Loid," you add, taking his hair between your fingers, your bound wrists making movement difficult.
"Mmh?" he whispers still between your legs, the vibrations of his voice sending electric waves up your spine.
"Since when... you're so good... so good at this," your words are cut off by a dirty moan that slips from between your lips. It hurts, it hurts not to be able to make a sound, it hurts not to be able to scream out how good your husband is eating you right now.
"What do you mean?" he asks, he knows exactly what you mean, but he likes to play with your mind, right now.
His movements are synchronized again and your mind is confused as you feel your orgasm erupt. Loid has never made you come with his tongue alone. And he hasn't lasted this long. It's different, he behaves differently.
You're breathing hard, your mind a whirlwind, and even more so as you watch Loid savor the nectar that has stained his fingers. His tongue dances erotically between his digits, and his gaze is all on you.
"I missed your taste. Much better than whiskey," he says.
You pick up your legs, thinking he is done, and when you go to ask him to untie your hands, you feel him flip your hips. The movement is quick, almost imperceptible, your face is glued to the sheet, and when you go to protest the sudden change of position, you feel him sink deep inside you.
"Loid!" the cry you let out is unmistakable. It hurt, but it also felt so good. He pushes your walls apart with his cock, molding your insides for him. He leaves a resounding slap on your butcheek and you hear him laughing behind you.
"Just what I wanted to hear," he says.
He pulls back, letting the head tease your entrance, your sodden pussy contracting to nothing, and he slips back in, whole, as far as your cervix will allow. You feel the crash of his hips against your ass and his balls slapping against your skin. His hands are anchored to your hips, leaving occasional slaps on your now pink skin. He's ramming you like an animal, the pace is fast and the force is enormous.
You tremble, your face sunk into the mattress, your forehead rubbing against the sheet from your husband's movements, your elbows in front of your head and your hands raised as if in prayer.
"Loid~ please...more...slower," you moan, almost sobbing.
Each thrust is accompanied by moans from both of you, his moans dark in comparison to yours, and in the background the grinding of the bed and the banging of the headboard against the wall. He moves like he's never moved before, fucks you like he's never fucked you before.
His fingers slide under your belly, touching your clit, you let out another scream at the overstimulation, and begin to move your hips in time to his fingers. Your breasts are massaged by his other hand, fully attended.
"Loid, Loid I..." you don't know what to say, the sentences you blurt out are meaningless, pleasure clouds your mind and all you hear is Loid's low growl behind you.
"You have no idea," he whispers in your ear and leans over you. You feel his chest against your back, your pussy shuddering at the change in position and the sudden cessation of his assault. "You have no idea how many times I've wanted to fuck you like this."
He spreads your lips with his fingers and your tongue tastes your own taste and a hint of the whiskey he'd had a few hours ago.
"m gonna fuck you until that little pussy of yours breaks, did you hear me?" he demanded grabbing a fistful of your hair and lifting your head.
"Yes... yes I heard you" you blurted out between moans. You couldn't say no, you didn't want to.
He continues his onslaught, more violent than the previous ones, expanding your walls, opening you wide for him, throwing your head back in an avid attempt to enjoy every nook and cranny of your loins. It feels as if it's going to pierce you at any moment, hammering against your spot abruptly, relentlessly.
You turn your head to look at him in the mirror, head back, eyes closed and lips parted, letting out low moans. His arms, muscles tense as his hands hold your hips, holding you in place. His hips move deftly, forcefully, he knows how to align himself perfectly before entering you again.
And you, your back is arched perfectly, your ass vibrates with each thrust and your breasts jiggle in frenzy from the onslaught of his cock. Your cheeks are pink, your lips swollen, your forehead sweaty.
"So good" you hear Loid, who leaves his hand on the back of your neck, returning to your starting position.
You reach your second orgasm without even recovering from the first, and Loid cums inside you soon after.
"I like that you have stamina," he says, turning your body around without coming out of you, his movements continuing, resuming the frantic rhythm of a few seconds ago.
You don't have stamina, fuck no, of course not. But there's not much you can do when your hands are tied and held down by a burly man taller than you. You tell him you can't take it anymore, you feel like you're going to pass out, but fuck, how good it feels when he caresses your waist while he fucks you in that position.
He hides his face in your neck, strokes your hair, frames your cheek with his hand. Untie your hands without looking, and you finally feel free enough to anchor yourself to his back, marking his skin with your nails and playing with his hair.
Loid's favorite position is missionary, because he can smell you as he penetrates you, because he has access to you in every possible way, because he intertwines his hands with yours above your head and whispers that he loves you, over and over and over again.
"Say my name," he whispers, his voice drowned out by your shoulder, "say my name, please.
"Loid," you whisper again and again as you wrap your legs around his waist and your hands find comfort in his.
He kisses you, kisses you as if he had never kissed you before, as if with one kiss he could suck your soul and keep you in his chest forever. With this kiss, he tears away all your doubts and strengthens the promise of a life together with you.
He will not leave you, he tells you fervently, he swears on his life that he will never leave you, that he will put a child in you and that he will not leave this family.
"I hope you will accept me as I am," he whispers.
"Oh, Loid," you smile as you cling to him in an embrace, your legs feeling your third orgasm approaching,
"Loid~ I love you...".
There are no words to describe this night, it has drained you of all your energy, you feel almost sick, weak and completely out of control.Loid hugs you to his chest and covers you with the sheets, leaving a kiss on your forehead and whispers how well you took it.
"Loid..." you whisper.
"You don't have to ask me to accept you...I love you in every possible way. If this is your way of telling me that I need to get to know you better, I am ready to do so. If I discover another phase of you, as I did today, I will be more than happy to do so," you look at him smiling, "I have noticed that you have many faces that I don't know, Loid Forger.
Loid Forger, he thinks, the man of a thousand faces... doesn't sound bad.
He knows he'll have to tell you about his mission someday, but now is not the time, not after he's shed his facade and shown you an authentic side of himself. Even though he knows you'll understand, he doesn't want to risk everything, at least not yet... later, when you know Twilight better, he can tell you everything... and stay with you. ....
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aerequets · 2 years
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safe and sound
buy me a coffee
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roseychains · 2 months
How these women fuck (or get fucked) by you
A/n: in a messy situation with some guy rn, my mental health is deteriorating and I have a lot to manage. Idk, except a lot of female oriented content for a little while cuz rn I’m. Yea
C/w: written by a minor!, fem!reader, both sub and dom reader, and all of these warnings go both ways. strap on, oral, fingering, sex toys, lingerie, bondage, marking, scissoring, degradation, exhibitionism, praise, sensory deprivation, temperature play, overstim and edging, role play, hand kink
Featuring: shoko, utahime, and yuki from jjk. Pakunoda, shizuku, and machi from hxh. Misturi and shinobu from demon slayer, and honorable mention yor briar.
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Jjk women
Purple strap energy. Shoko is a switch but prefers being dom. The only way she’d ever let you take control is if you really want to, but that’s not to say that she takes on a particularly controlling roll either. For her, sex isn’t about labels it’s about making her girlfriend feel good, and herself. The thing that makes her a dom most of the time is the way that she is often the giver, and when you are she still maintains control over the situation.
Definitely smokes while she’s hitting it from the back if you let her. She’d be balls deep in your cunt and have one hand pressed on your back and the other holding a cigar between her lips, turning away to puff out the smoke.
When she goes down on you, she fingers you while she sucks on your clit. She loves watching you get close and your thighs threaten to close around her head.
Speaking of, she needs you to sit on her face. Please. She doesn’t care how heavy you think you are. She will die happily between your thighs, pull her hair too, she will moan.
Double ended dildos are defiantly her favorite toy with you. Throw in a vibrator as well, so your scissoring each other while being penetrated by the same toy and a vibrator between? That’s her favorite thing to do.
She’s a switch as well, but she leans to being a sub, a bratty sub. I feel like she’s also a big pillow princess as well, so she prefers to lay back and be at your mercy, not to mention it gets her really turned on when you tell her all the things your going to do to her. She will act bratty to get your attention, to attempt to rile you up in hopes of getting a reaction, getting punished(overstimulated till she cry’s). On the chance she is a dom, I imagine her being a cocky dom now that the tables have finally turned, you’ll be sore for a while.
She looks so good in lingerie, she likes it when you fuck her in it, while you’re wearing some as well. She will constantly talk about it when valentines is coming up, “I sure hope my hot sexy girlfriend doesn’t buy us matching lingerie, that would be so bad I hope that doesn’t happen” (she is a master of reverse psychology)
Being a pillow princess, you’re often the one going down on her. She’s super vocal while you’re eating her out, pulls your hair super hard.
She loves shibari bondage, with silky red ropes gently laced around her body. She doesn’t like normal rope, handcuffs, or tape. Only gentle, pretty silk. To be honest, sex with her is very ascetically pleasing
She’s a dom all the way. She is controlling every aspect of your bedroom activity’s, and flawlessly at that. She knows what you want, she knows how you like to be touched, where you’re sensetive, and how to abuse all of that knowledge. Depending on what you prefer, she can either be a mean dom, or a slow romantic lover, or both. She lives to please you, so don’t you move a finger. If you weren’t a pillow princess, you are now.
Dirty talk with her is so good. She says the right things at all the right times, and her smug sexy voice never fails to make you leak through whatever panties you’re wearing.
She will probably at some point bring up the idea of you wearing a vibrator in public and she has the remote. Honestly, she loves seeing you flustered and embarrassed, all the better knowing it’s all her fault.
Wants you to leave marks on her when she fucks you. She wants you to scratch her back, leave red marks that will show in her back-less swim suit the next day, she wears those marks like a badge of honor.
Hxh women
Service dom vibes. I feel like sex with with her is equally as romantic as it is almost formal. She’s a giver, and dedicated everything she does to your pleasure. With that being said, she is also a brat tamer. So if you act up, except to be bent over her lap and counting each hit. She will give you everything you want, sexually, and expects submission in return.
She’s definitely possessive, and when you go out wearing something revealing she’s making sure she has given you a hickey somewhere on your skin, for when she can’t be with you. But when she can, she has her hand around your waist at all times.
Loves to eat you out slowly so you get needy and start begging for her to finish you off. She will draw it out as long as she can, savoring your taste and reactions, but after a while she will let you cum.
She prefers to fuck you with her fingers as opposed to a strap. She feels like it’s too far away from being her, so she’s rather fuck you with something she has, reminding you that you don’t need any man, or anyone else for that matter.
She’s a sub, but definitely a power bottom. She cannot sit still, and will constantly have her hands on you. Be that pulling your hair while you eat her out, gripping you thighs while she’s going down on you, scratching your back when your fingering her and grabbing your face when you kiss her. Please don’t tie her down. That would make her sad. She just needs something to hold onto.
One of her all time favorite things is riding your strap. Bonus points if you hold her hands, even more if you hold her hips and thrust into her at her same pace, she will literally ride you till she’s crying, panting, and exhausted.
She’s extremely vocal. Even when you’re gently teasing or prepping her, she will let out the most loud pornographic moans, it’s almost like she wants someone else to hear.
She would find it exciting to do risky things, like fucking while the troupe is in the other room. Your have to cover her mouth with your hand or they really will hear.
She’s a switch because she can do it all. I imagine her being a rough dom, tying you up with her nen stitches and fucking you with her fingers hard and fast. She’s so strong, and can easily manhandle you to her will. She will also choke you. When she’s a sub, I imagine her being kinda shy, she who has always had control of the situation, that control taken away. At the same time though she really loves it, it’s a nice change of place.
Humiliation/degradation with her is soooo good. Her voice is commanding and strict, her holding you down with one hand and fingering you with the other, all while whispering in your ear how slutty you are makes you cum in no time.
When she’s the sub, please praise and encourage her. I imagine her being shy and nervous, Esspecially if it’s her first time being this way. She definitely has to get used to it, learning to let go for a bit but it’s worth it in the end with how good you make her feel.
Sensory deprivation and temperature play both ways are thrilling for her. Either you, tied up and blindfolded, not knowing what she’s going to next, dripping hot wax on your body then rubbing ice over it the next, or her in that same place, she likes it all.
Demon slayer women
A shy sub. She doesn’t want to have any control, she just wants to feel good and for you to as well. Probably one of the less kinky people on this list, but she’s open to try anything. But I imagine her mostly enjoying simple stuff, just touching you and you touching her is enough. I feel like she also likes being tied up, nothing crazy just wrist binds, she likes the element of suprise from being restrained.
Sex with her is always soft and gentle. She doesn’t like anything rough or mean, so everything you do is filled with praise and adoration. So even when tears prick in the corners of her eyes, they are pleasure tears.
Kissing 24/7 during sex. She thinks she will die if her lips aren’t on yours at any given moment. She will literally make out with you until you’re both panting and gasping for air, but after one breath she’s going back in for more.
She is super sensitive, and cums from even the lightest touches. She secretly wants you to take advantage of this, please, make her see stars from being between her lush thighs. She just loves it when you go down on her.
She’s a switch but leaning dom. I get the feeling that she lacks experience, but unlike others that doesn’t make her not want to take the lead. I imagine her to be somewhat condescending in bed, with the names she calls you and how she touched you, like you’re just a dumb little girl that she can do with whatever she pleases. However, if she were to be a sub it would be for your pleasure, and she probably would be pretty quiet and shy.
Roleplay with her is big. It doesn’t matter what, she’s down for anything. Predator prey, doctor patient, criminal officer, you’ve done em all. She really gets in character and in her opinion it’s a fun addition to your already more than satisfying sex. She likes watching how you react to different things.
She’s super possessive but she won’t ever act on it in public, she won’t fight or yell, but the second your undressed her mouth is all over your neck, biting, sucking, and kissing. She will probably also have you wear her perfume and clothes, she wants to leave her mark but steadily.
She has a massive hand fetish, yours and her own, but she esspecially likes it when you choke her. No matter who is what role, she likes the pressure that is gentle enough to make her breathing slow down with no real harm, it gets her excited.
Honorable mention
Yor briar
I’m really conflicted on this one. Cuz on one hand, I imagine her being a super shy sub (exhibit A, when loid tried to kiss her) but on the other hand, she’s an assassin and super scary and intimidating so she would maintain that demeanor in bed. Overall, I think she’s just happy to do whatever you want. She doesn’t have much experience so if you’re happy so is she.
When she’s the dom, I can imagine her getting into bondage and roleplay. With enough convincing you could probably even get her to pretend she’s on a mission to apprehend you and get information out of you… a different way.
On the contrary, when you’re on top of her she’s extremely flustered and covering her face. She squirms a lot and is super sensetive to your touch, so even the smallest things get a reaction out of her. That being said, she fucking loves it when you use your strap on her, and hold her hips down.
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lamemaster · 9 months
Weird urge to write an impeccably detailed fic about a hardcore spy with slick moves and a Silmarillion elf. From elf pov as they dream reader go through their insane missions. Ultimately dying in a sad failed mission. Only for the reader to wake up in Valinor with now their timelines aligned.
Write of healing and romance with a smooth badass reader that makes the entire Valinor swoon for them.
Should I do it? Or has someone already done it (if so, link pls 🤲)
Two options:
Is it just me or are you guys normal?
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Did I Make You Proud?
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Character: Spy!Bucky x Rogue!Spy Female Reader
Summary: Imagine being a rogue agent, relentlessly pursued by your irresistibly attractive former mentor, Bucky, who is determined to track you down.
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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Bucky P.O.V
Bucky's gaze flicked up to the intercom as the voice crackled through, laden with stress. "Did you see her?"
He sighed, the weight of the crowded train station bearing down on him. "Too many people here," he muttered, his frustration evident in the terse response.
"I never thought she would betray us. We have to find her before they do," came the voice from the intercom, laden with frustration.
Bucky ran a hand through his hair, a gesture of frustration mirroring the tone on the intercom.
It was understandable why tensions ran high in the spy agency; one of their own had gone rogue, becoming a fugitive and leaving chaos in their wake.
And to make matters worse, the rogue agent is you.
The senior agent, Bucky received a direct order to apprehend the rogue agent. He was the one who had trained and guided you.
The situation's urgency hit him like a wave as he grasped the gravity of the rogue agent's actions. You had obtained sensitive data from a secret base and were planning to sell it to another country, triggering a potential international crisis.
The explosion erupted from the toilet, sending shockwaves through the crowded area.
"KYAA!!!" Panic spread like wildfire as people scrambled everywhere except for Bucky.
He remained calm amidst the chaos, a knowing look in his eyes as he recognized the familiar tactic. He had taught you well – create a distraction but ensure no civilians get hurt. It was a motto they lived by.
As his colleagues and the soldiers mobilized to locate the source of the explosion, Bucky's focus was unwavering. His gaze swept over the frantic crowd until, finally, he spotted you.
There you were, a smirk playing on your lips as you sat inside the cafe directly across from him.
A wave of conflicting emotions washed over Bucky – relief at finally finding you, the rogue agent, mingled with disappointment and a touch of regret.
Despite the agencies hot on your trail, you exuded an air of confidence, leisurely sipping your coffee as if you hadn't a care in the world. Bucky's jaw clenched with determination as he observed you from afar, his fist tightening as he made his way towards your location.
As he anticipated, you had vanished from the cafe, but your signature perfume lingered in the air, serving as a tantalizing clue. Trusting his instincts, Bucky followed the scent until he spotted you boarding a train.
With a quickened pace, he hurried to catch up, his steps purposeful as he entered the same carriage as you. The doors closed behind them, sealing their fate within the confines of the train.
"Bucky, what are you doing?" the intercom crackled with concern.
Bucky's hand moved swiftly to remove the device from his ear, slipping it into his pocket as he met your gaze with steely resolve. "I found her," he declared, his voice firm as he prepared to confront the rogue agent face to face.
Bucky quickened his pace, determination driving his strides as he reached out and grabbed your hand, pulling you closer to the quiet area of the train.
"Stop what you're doing. Do you want to get caught and be a prisoner in another country?" he pleaded, his voice laced with urgency and concern.
You shrugged nonchalantly, seeming unfazed by the consequences. "As long as I get paid," you replied, a hint of indifference in your tone.
Bucky's grip tightened as he looked into your eyes, searching for any sign of recognition. "This isn't you," he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation.
Pushing away his hand, you retorted, "What happened to 'no strings attached'?"
Bucky grumbled in frustration, feeling the weight of his own words haunting him. Perhaps you were right; he shouldn't have let himself worry about you.
But memories flooded his mind – the nights spent together, sharing warmth on cold evenings, and when you pretended to be husband and wife. Those days held a special place in his heart, now overshadowed by your betrayal.
"You... you were different," he muttered, struggling to reconcile the person he once knew with the rogue agent before him.
With a smirk, you met his gaze defiantly. "Because of you and the agency pushing my limits, I've learned my true value," you declared, your confidence unwavering.
"I'm a good spy."
Bucky couldn't deny the truth in your words. Despite the circumstances, there was no denying your skill as a spy. You had learned from the best – him.
As tension crackled between them, a mixture of frustration, longing, and unresolved emotions hung in the air, a testament to the complex relationship they once shared.
Bucky's voice was stern as he demanded, "Where's the data?"
You met his gaze with defiance, a smirk playing on your lips. "Too late. Before you guys found me at the train station, I already handed it over to the buyer."
The weight of your words hung heavily in the air as Bucky processed the gravity of the situation. "Do you even realize what you've done?" he asked, his tone tinged with disbelief.
You shrugged casually, a flicker of intensity in your eyes. "Can't you see the big picture? If there's only peace, people like us won't exist. I'm just here to keep it alive," you retorted, your confidence palpable, starkly contrasting to the timid and quiet persona he once knew.
Bucky fell silent, taken aback by the transformation before him. You had evolved into someone both confident and alluring, your newfound demeanor leaving him both impressed and unsettled.
You sensed his internal struggle and couldn't resist teasing him further. "Did I make you proud?" you inquired, tilting your head provocatively and adding a coy "Sir?" to the end of your question.
A mischievous glint danced in your eyes as you continued, "Or perhaps you'd rather catch me and handcuff me to your bed?"
Bucky's patience wore thin as he reached out, his fingers pinching your chin to meet his gaze. Leaning in closer, he captured your lips in a passionate kiss filled with unspoken tension.
The kiss spoke volumes, a collision of conflicting emotions – desire, frustration, and longing – all wrapped up in a single moment of intimacy.
As Bucky pulled away, his voice was low and authoritative. "Don't test my patience," he warned, his eyes burning with a mixture of warning and undeniable desire.
You let out a low, almost amused hum. "Hmm... I know."
The train whisked them away, racing across the bridge with breathtaking scenery flashing by. In a different circumstance, perhaps they could have appreciated the view together. But now, they were locked in a tense standoff.
"We should meet again," you remarked, breaking the silence.
Bucky's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"
You offered no explanation, but a sense of unease prickled at Bucky's senses. He tensed, feeling a presence behind him, and his suspicions were confirmed when he turned to find seven men poised for a fight.
"Really?" Bucky shot you a disbelieving look as you shrugged nonchalantly.
"I need something to stall the time. I'll see you again, Sir." You turned and bolted with that, leaving Bucky to face the onslaught alone. He braced himself, ready to take on the challenge.
The fight was fierce, a whirlwind of punches and kicks as Bucky engaged in a battle of wits and strength. Despite being outnumbered, his training and skill allowed him to emerge victorious.
As he dealt the final blow, the sound of a helicopter overhead drew his attention. Bucky sighed, realizing that this was your escape plan unfolding.
When the train finally came to a halt, Bucky found himself surrounded by his agency colleagues, their expressions a mix of disappointment and frustration.
"She got away?" one of them asked, voicing the collective sentiment.
Bucky could only nod grimly. "Yup."
The frustration simmered within Bucky as he slid his hand into his jacket pocket, feeling something unexpected. With a quick glance, he pulled out a small item, his cheeks flushing crimson as he recognized it. It was undoubtedly your doing, a teasing reminder of your audacity.
Despite his frustration, Bucky couldn't deny the thrill of the chase, the challenge you presented only fueling his determination to catch you.
With a silent vow, Bucky steeled himself for the subsequent encounter. He would find you; this time, you wouldn't slip through his fingers so easily.
As you reached the top of the stairs, panting slightly from the exhilarating climb from the moving train, thrill and nervousness danced in your veins. 
Clara, your partner in crime and the helicopter pilot shook her head in disbelief. "I knew you wanted to make a cool exit for your hot former mentor, but this has to stop," she chided a hint of exasperation in her tone.
"Climbing up from a moving train? You might as well have signed your own death warrant," Clara continued, her eyes wide with concern.
You flashed her a mischievous grin, trying to brush off the seriousness of the situation. "I just wanted to impress him," you admitted, your voice laced with a hint of sheepishness.
Clara sighed, knowing all too well how to handle your impulsive tendencies. "Maybe next time, just kidnap him and live on a private island. Then you two can live happily ever after," she suggested with a playful wink.
You chuckled at the absurdity of her suggestion but couldn't help but entertain the thought. "That's not a bad idea. I should save money to buy an island," you mused, already picturing the two of you lounging on a tropical beach, far away from the chaos of the spy world.
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thehusbandoden · 3 months
Just Let me Explain -Husband!Loid Forger x Wife!Reader
A/n: I'm not sure how good this is, feel free to let me know! <3
General info:
Genre: angst, slight comfort at the end \\ wc: 2,711 \\ posted: 03/14/24 \\ unclear ending
You find out about Loid's mission.. how he was using you- and Anya.. that's what set you off the most. What hurt you the most.
Warnings!: a lot of angst, being used, misunderstanding, miscommunication, crying, confrontation, being ignored, ignoring, partner refusing to let go of you (briefly), Loid's mission, mentions of an orphanage, mention of an orphan, fear of putting a child back into an orphanage (briefly), mentions of a nightmare, child crying (briefly). I think that's all? Lmk if I miss any! <3
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You lived the dream life. You were married to the love of your life, you had a darling young girl you’ve adopted, and you were loved by your small family unconditionally.  
Or... so you thought. That all changed when you found out your husband’s secret. A spy... he was sent on a mission to get married and have a child. Your entire relationship... was it all a lie? 
Tears stream down your face as you process the information time and time again. All of it... was for some mission of his? Did he ever even love you? You weren’t even sure at this point.  
You were currently curled in a ball on the bathroom floor, your back pressed against the door. The man in question spoke to you softly on the other side, asking for you to open the door and let him explain. You don’t respond, continuing to drown in your sorrow.  
Every minute that crawled by felt like an hour. Loid kept calling to you, his voice filling with more concern as you continued to stay silent.  
“Y/n... please... open the door. Let me explain, you’re worrying me.” 
“Don’t lie to me, Loid. I’m done with these mind games.” You whisper, your voice hoarse with sorrow. 
“Y/n... I-I don’t know what to say to that. Please... open the door.” 
“Why? So you can lie to me more? So you can gaslight me? So I can melt into your eyes and go back to believing that everything is okay?”  
“Y/n... please.”  
“No, Loid. I’m done. I’m so done with letting you control me by playing with my feelings. It was all a lie... wasn’t it.”  
Loid hesitates, his voice faltering as he attempts to fix the mess he made.  
“And Anya? She’s a part of your sick game too, isn’t she?” You mutter, your tears drying against your skin. Your sorrow was slowly growing into acceptance.  
“She is a part of my mission, yes.” He whispers.  
You let out a low chuckle filled with bitterness. “And what? What happens once your mission is finished? Do you leave? Stay with us? End us? End *me* now that I know?”  
“No, I wouldn’t ever kil-” his voice falters once more. 
You let out a low laugh that expressed your pain perfectly. “You’re a pathetic excuse as a father. I used to think you were so good to Anya. That you were the perfect father for her- but you plan on *leaving* both of us. Or do you plan on making it worse!? Are you going to end me and leave her in that run-down orphanage again!?” You snap, standing up. 
You feel your acceptance turning into anger as you throw the bathroom door open, glaring up at the man you once called yours.  
“Y/n I-”  
“Why Loid!? Why do you plan on ruining our lives?!”  
“Y/n it’s not that simple.” He sighs, moving aside to give you a path. You take it, storming out of the bathroom. You pace around the living room and kitchen.  
“Don’t give me that. You played friends until you captured my heart, gave me a flimsy love confession-” he flinched “-and then slid an *engagement* ring on my finger for some stupid mission!?”  
He opens his mouth to speak, but you don’t give him the chance to speak. “What about Anya!?” You yell, shoving a finger into his chest. Your anger boiled over at the thought of your precious little girl. She’s been through several homes already; she can’t go back to that horrid orphanage.  
“Are you going to leave us!? Kill me and leave her as an orphan again!? Tell me, Loid!” You demand, staring into his eyes. You used to think you would never treat him like this no matter how angry you got... but the thought of your baby losing another family threw out all self-control.  
“You know me better than that, y/n.” Loid sighs.  
“I don’t Loid. I used to think that you were a good man that worked hard to support his family, but I was wrong. All you are is a selfish pig who cares about nothing but himself.” You spit.  
Loid’s eyebrow twitches. You don’t notice. 
“Anya deserves better than this, Loid! Were you really planning on leaving us alone once your mission is finished!? Were you going to give us a goodbye or were you going to just leave!?”  
He still doesn’t say anything. Your anger slowly boils over, every second he ignores you adding another drop into the already over-filled cup of self-restraint. “I... do not know what I was going to do.”  
Another drop falls, spilling the rage over. You pull yourself away, so you don’t physically lash out. “I can’t believe I loved you!? I can’t believe that I trusted you, Loid! Was it all fake!?”  
Loid doesn’t respond.  
“Was it fake!” You repeat, trembling with rage and hurt. “Answer me!”  
Loid has an unreadable expression on his face as he looks into your eyes. “Yes, it was fake...” his eyes twinge with something you can’t read. Shrugging it off, you desperately try to hold yourself together.  
“So every time you said you loved me back. It was all a lie?”  
“Every time you told *Anya* you loved her back. It was a lie!?”  
An unreadable look in his eye makes your lip tremble. “Yes...”  
“So, you were planning on leaving us? All along?”  
“Stop asking questions, it’s annoying.” His gaze hardens.  
“I said, stop asking questions.” He glares down at you. “I do not love you, nor Anya. Either keep quiet and continue to help with my mission, or you will no longer be needed.” 
You feel something crack deep inside you. You try to hold yourself together as your hands shake uncontrollably. “I hate you.” You whisper. Loid flinched, watching you walk to the guest room. You close the door, locking it behind you.  
Once the door closes, you break down once more. Falling to the floor as your body is wracked with sobs.  
Hours pass by before you come out again. Loid was sitting on the couch, reading a book. You would have smiled at the simplicity earlier this morning, but now all you feel is numb. You slip a pair of slippers on, grabbing your keys.  
“Where are you going?” Loid speaks up, his gorgeous blue eyes finding yours. You turn away, refusing to maintain eye contact.  
You don’t respond, walking out the door. Loid lets out a long sigh but doesn’t follow you.  
“A-and then Sy-on boy made fun of Becky! I didn’t punch him though mama! I smiled like you said!”  
“Good job baby.” You mumble, a plastic smile on your face. The words of your precious girl weren’t registering in your head, you were too focused on the fact that your husband- ex-husband? You don’t even know anymore- is really planning on leaving both you and Anya when his mission is over. 
Glancing in the rear-view mirror, you see Anya close to tears. You immediately go into protective mode, your eyes hardening as you pull over. “Anya what happened sweetie? Did something happen at school? Are you being bullied? Did someone hurt you??” You bite your bottom lip to confine your rage, the metallic taste of blood staining your tongue.  
“N-no mama! Nothing happened at school!” Anya sniffled, trying to contain her tears.  
“What is it baby? You can tell me, I’m your mama.” You coo, rubbing her hair gently, pressing a comforting kiss to her forehead.  
“I-I u h... umm...” Anya starts to sweat, looking around the car. 
“Shhh it’s okay baby. You can tell me.” 
“B-Bond ate my peanuts!” Anya blurts out, showing you an empty bag of peanuts. There was no sign of damage from your family dog, she must have just forgotten that she ate them, which happens frequently.  
“Oh baby, it’s okay. We can buy more, alright? Next time tell mama what the problem is so we can fix it, m’kay?”  
“Yes mama.”  
“That’s my smart girl.” You kiss her forehead once more, savoring the relationship you have with her. You’ve always wanted to be a mother, and Anya fulfilled that desire. You were hoping you and Loid could have a few of your own one day, but that’s not going to happen... 
You make sure Anya is buckled before moving back to your own seat, strapping your seat belt on before pulling back onto the road. 
“Daddy! Look at what mama got me!” Anya squeals in excitement, bursting through the front door. She runs into the kitchen where Loid was pacing, embracing his legs. He flinches at the sudden entrance, but gives the girl a small smile, leaning down to her level. 
You walk in afterwards, shutting and locking the door. “Anya, don’t forget to change!” You call, placing a few grocery bags on the kitchen counter.  
“Yes mama!” She calls, pouting up at Loid. 
He chuckles, leaning down to ruffle her hair. “Go listen to your mother, Anya. And don’t let her see you with your shoes on the carpet, alright?” He smiles, an amused twinkle in his eye.  
You would have melted at the scene... if you didn’t know.  
Loid catches your gaze, causing you to frown. Even though he’s planning on completely ruining not only your life, but Anya’s he looks so... relaxed. 
You open your mouth to say something, when you notice it. 
His eyes... were red. Your frown deepens... you’ve only seen Loid cry once, and he never mentioned it when you did.  
It was before Anya, in the first few months of your marriage. You had woken up in the middle of the night to see him whimpering in his sleep.  
He whimpered “mom” and “dad” several times, tears slipping down his cheeks as he cried for anyone to help him. You gently woke him out of his nightmare, pulling him to your chest. He was shocked from the whiplash of being in such a traumatizing past one moment to being in your arms the next.  
He let you cradle him to your chest, his head comfortingly resting on your breasts. You stroked his hair, murmuring soft words of comfort to him, letting him recover from the terrifying dream.  
You laid with him for several hours before falling back asleep yourself. You don’t know how long he held onto you, but he was up the next time you woke up. He hasn’t mentioned it, and he probably never will.  
Words catch in the back of your throat. Before you’re able to formulate anything, Anya catches your attention. You look back at your red-eyed husband once more before turning to your little girl.  
“Anya, what have I told you about taking your shoes straight away?” You gently scold, lifting her off of the carpet.  
“Sorry mama!” Anya’s cute pout makes your heart melt, causing you to grow even softer. You sigh, placing her down in the entrance of the home. 
“Just take them off now and do better next time, alright?”  
“Yes mama!” Her giggle was worth the stress. You smile fondly at your baby girl, watching her take her shoes off.  
“Y/n.” Loid whispers, wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his head in your neck. You stiffen, clenching your jaw.  
“Let go of me.” You whisper, biting your lip.  
“Y/n, let me talk.”  
“Let go of me.” 
“Y/n-” his voice cracks. 
You pull away, walking over to Anya. Loid’s voice cracks again. You don’t turn to look at him. If you looked at his guilt-ridden face for too long, you would break. 
Later that night. You were silently washing the dishes after Anya went to bed, your expression unreadable. Loid was in the living room, watching you work. He sighed, running a hand through his blonde locks. “Y/n?” He murmured.  
You don’t respond, your eyebrow twitching in irritation. Loid let out a strained sigh, standing up. He takes a step towards you, hesitating.  
“Y/n, please don’t ignore me...”  
You don’t say anything, biting your lip to maintain a calm composure... well as calm as you’re able to be. 
“Y/n.” His voice grew sharper as he steps into the dimly lit kitchen, his voice full of frustration and a hint of something you can’t understand.  
You continue to ignore him, causing him to let out another sigh, longer this time. “Y/n please.” He steps closer.  
Your fingers dig into your palms as you continue to ignore him. Your shoulders tremble from intense emotion, tears bubbling in the corners of your eyes.  
“Y/n...” he whispers, gently wrapping his arms around your waist. He gently takes your hands, intertwining your fingers so your nails dug into his hands instead of your own. You lift the pressure, not wanting to hurt him.  
“Let go of me.” You whisper, your voice trembling.  
“Y/n, just let me explain.” He whispered in your ear. Your breath hitched at his warm breath on your skin, wanting to give in to his comfort and break down in his arms. You get a hold of yourself, stiffening in his hold.  
“I don’t want to hear you explain.”  
“Loid. Let go of me.”  
“Baby. Baby listen.” He whispers, shaking as he holds you close to his chest. You gasp softly, tears slipping down your cheeks. Loid has rarely used pet names for you, telling you that he thought it was childish and would much rather call you by name. You didn’t mind it, but it did make you feel so loved when you heard any pet name from his lips.  
“My love, it’s not what it looks like. Let me explain. Let me earn your trust back, just please... Please don’t leave. Don’t take my beloved away, don’t take our baby girl.” He sniffled, causing you to stiffen.  
Was he... about to cry...? 
You don’t protest any further, letting him talk. He hesitates at first, holding you tighter as he buries his face in your neck. “You’re right. This started as a mission. I was tasked to get a wife and child, enroll the child in Eden Academy, and get information on a man that is a great risk to us. It *started* as nothing but a mission, without any feelings attached.” Loid muttered, sounding exhausted and... ashamed?  
“Y-you don’t love me? Or Anya?” Your voice cracked with inexpressible hurt.  
“No! No baby I do. I love you; I love you to the moon and back. I love you more than myself- more than anyone, anything! And Anya too! I would do anything for my girls.” Loid quickly protests, holding you tighter, like he was afraid of letting you go; like you would disappear if he ever let you out of his hold. 
“B-but you said...”  
Loid spins you around, looking you dead in the eye as he fondly cradles your face, his thumbs gently wiping your tears away. “In the beginning, it was all for my mission. I’ll be dead honest y/n. When I met you, when we dated, I had zero feelings for you. But that changed. I fell in love with you-” his voice cracks, tears streaming down his own cheeks, “-I saw you for you saw how much you loved me, how perfect you are... that love confession was real. My love for Anya is real. And I would rather be gruesomely killed than ever let anything happen to my girls. I would- nor could never leave either of you. You are my world, and I cannot live without you.”  
Your tears quickened as you stared into the eyes of your husband, truth and overwhelming guilt swimming in their deep blue depths. You choke on a response, tears dripping off your chin.  
“Shhhh it’s okay baby.” He whispers, pulling you to his chest. He caresses your head, leaning his lips against your forehead. He kisses your forehead slowly and lovingly, adding another and another to the pile as you break down in his warm, comforting arms.  
“I promise baby. I would never leave you. I could never leave you. You are my world, my universe, my everything. I am nothing without you and our little girl. Our beautiful little girl.” He whispers, kissing your tears away.  
As you sob into his chest, he gently and lovingly dries off your hands before lifting you into his strong arms. He carries you to bed, cradling you to his chest as he lays down, cooing comforting words.  
You peacefully fall asleep in his arms, your face buried in his chest as you sob, listening to his soothing words as he slowly strokes your head and back.  
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prettyboypistol · 3 months
How mercs would react after having a wet dream
TF2 Mercs' Wet Dreams! ||TF2 x M!Reader|| +18 obviously
He imagines you shirtless and on his bed all cheesy porno style, you coax him over and pull him to the bed, kissing over his chest and murmuring about just how badly you need him.
He loves dreaming about you riding him and sucking him off, especially when you suffocate him in your chest and hold him close.
He has a recurring dream of you breathing heavily, panting out "Scout, Scout! Scout!" as you jerk yourself off as you ride.
Cums in his sleep and jerks off in the morning, sneaking away to wash the sheets early that morning.
Solly is inspecting your dress code and orders you to attention for the formal inspection.
"Private! Will you do anything for your country?" "Sir, Yessir!" "No matter the cost, will you defend this base?!" "Sir, Yessir!" His voice a little quieter, yet slightly commanding as he leans into you. "Then show your major just how much you need his lead."
God, he loves imagining you in formal military dress as you kneel before him, praising his battle tactics and mouth full of dick.
Doesn't cum in his sleep, but it's a 70-30 shot that he'll grunt your name into his pillow as he ruts against his mattress.
They imagine you as an angel, dawned in gloarious robes and with a halo and wings. Pyro isn't worthy- not a monster like them that can barely stay sane- yet you invite them forward and kiss their mask's forehead as you hike up your robe to expose yourself. "It's alright darling, you can touch me."
Secretly, Pyro wants to deflower you. They know you're probably not a virgin, but the idea of spoiling your virginity is so hot to them. The first one to touch your body, the first one to ruin you.
Pyro kneels and nuzzles your thighs in reverence as they touch you the way they desire. Their touches leave purple-black marks wherever they touch, actually staining you with sin. They feel so guilty about ruining an angel like you, but you're allowing them to!
Pyro does cum in their sleep, whimpering and writhing against their suit.
Tavish's wet dreams start out like normal dreams- in a bar, drinking his heart out back in Scotland with his friends. Then he sees you from across the room. You give him a look that invites him over as you bite your bottom lip.
"Hey there sexy, you look like you could use some company." You flirt, petting Demoman's bicep. Tavish laughs and escorts you to the back of the bar, magically turned into a nicer bedroom as he lays you down.
It's a bit of a haze, but Tavish remembers thrusting into you and imagining how tight you mush be, he dreams about fingering you open with the hilt of eyelander if he's feeling a little fantasy-based rather than in the year of the lord 1971.
Sometimes he dreams of you fucking him, and those are the dreams that wake him up to stained sheets.
In the cold russian nights, you knock on the door asking for a place to stay. Mikhail ushers you in and offers you a warm bath, which you graciously accept. Little do you know that there is a little hole in the wooden walls, where Heavy keeps an eye on you.
Mikhail touches himself to the sight of your naked back, as you seen to have the same idea in the bath, reveling in the now warm touches of your hands against your skin.
He hears you moan out his name as you masturbate, and that only fuels his fire more. He usually climaxes to a particularly loud and desperate begging from your lips.
Wakes up with a raging boner that he mostly will ignore, but will rarely take care of himself to the thought of you.
You're kidnapped, tied up by the enemy- but you're naked and begging for someone to touch you! Engie is there to rescue you, but you look so handsome all vulnerable like that- you understand, don't you, darlin'?
Dell fucks you as you're tied up in the chair and mutters dirty things that make his sleeping body blush as he promises to fuck you in every way he can as he fucks you like a desperate man.
The feeling of your tightening around him and begging to let you cum, please don't call him daddy, he'll stain his sheets!
Is massively ashamed to touch himself when he's awake to thr thought of his coworker
You. On his operating table. Bound by the belts and struggling to escape as your dick is hard and tied with a little bow at the base. "To Medic" the gift tag says. Wouldn't it be rude to not use a gift?
He imagines you drunk on lust as he injects both you and himself with an aphrodesiac. Hazily, you two fuck on base instincts for hours as he shoves his cock deep into you over and over again, orgasm after orgasm until he was thoroughly used.
But you break your restraints, pin him against the table and fuck him from behind. It's your turn to use him like the cocksleeve he knows he is. Use him like a fleshlight, just as rough as you always imagine!
Doesn't cum in his sleep but jerks off into a test tube for research purposes later.
You and Spy are making out in his smoking room before you lay him down onto the couch, unbuttoning his suit and kissing all the skin you can reach as you undress him.
You finger him lazily with one hand, pouring him a glass of wine with the other. The glass is left on the side table as you suck hickeys into his thighs before you thrust into him.
It starts off slow- as it always does, you're always gentle at first- then you pick up the pace, drilling into him with reckless abandon as you chase your pleasure.
Spy sleepily jerks himself off from over his pyjama pants, more asleep than awake as he dreams of you absolutely wrecking him.
He imagines you fucking yourself with your fingers in his Sniper Nest, holding his shirt close to you. You fuck yourself stupid as you moan out "Mundy, oh god, Mick- please fuck me!"
Mick loves watching, just like the creep he is. He loves the shame of watching someone through a sniper scope, even if he's not watching intimate moments like that. During missions, he likes to rub one out as he watches people do mundane things.
He fucks his fist in his sleep to the sight of you seducing him- the idea of you wanting him just as much as he wants you drives him insane.
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habitabel · 3 months
My favorite genre of TF2 fanart is EEPY SNIPER fanart, examples:
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I have a link to my board full of napping sniper art on my Pinterest I'll link it below 😝 (SEND ME MORE IF YOU FIND ANY
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mrsvalentinefucker1 · 4 months
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Erm what the flip is he dreaming about.
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