#spy x family chapter 83
oldscythe · 11 months
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“but why me? am i that easy to mimic?!” yes, yuri, you are. you see, he knows your bright eyes and that sharpened furrow of the brow when your rage knows no bounds. he’s familiar with the black silk that drapes your face and your narrow, sloped nose. the slight elven ears, the tight-lipped smile, the faint curve of your mouth. the intensity. he knows you because he knows her. whether our master of a thousand faces cares to accept it, you’re family because she’s family. we all accurately mimic those whom we love.
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yuzukahachimir · 11 months
The sxf mood right now
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astersugar · 11 months
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kweenluxa · 11 months
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I wonder if Loid's gonna enter a phase of self reflection and try distancing himself from his family because it's interfering with his judgement. But I don't think that's exactly what would happen because it would mess up his relationship with Anya which would be bad for operation strix
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feral noises
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ackergarden · 11 months
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his reaction at the mention of yor🥲🥲
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mj-ackerman · 11 months
I just checked the jp version. In the jp version Loid said 「頑丈すぎる.....!!!ヨルさんの蛮行に晒され続けた結果なのか?」/ “He's so tough...! Is this the result of being continuously exposed to Yor's barbaric strength?”
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Idk but this is so funny to me. This also proves that Loid / Twilight is totally aware of Yor's super strength but still doesn't see or think of it as suspicious or weird. Or maybe he actually did think it was weird for a "NORMAL" city hall clerk to have that kind of strength but he's keeping a blind eye to all of Yor's red flags so he could keep her as his wife.
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notallangelsaregood · 11 months
My thoughts on Spy x Family Chapter 83
Needless to say, my folks, huge manga spoilers ahead 🌹
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Oh, boy, I was totally wrong! He he, but also, I got some things right!
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No more guns, thanks, Lord! What was this wait? I was anxious, trying to keep my head off the upcoming update, and It was successful, I relaxed a little bit and BOOM, Sunday came, and I didn't even realize It was chapter's day, until I saw the notification on my smartphone and read it all in 10 seconds (have I mentioned I'm diagnosed with anxiety? No? Okay, yeah).
Now I'm trying to analyze a little bit of this week's chapter with you all while trying to stay sane till the next one, may Endo help us! So, I got a few hypotheses right! Actually, I believe only one 🤣
No revelations yet!
Which is something I'm really grateful for, even though we can not be sure if it will happen in the next chapters, I truly believe it won't. I feel like it's not the moment, the manga is at its peak (so is the anime) gaining a huge amount of notoriety and I don't Believe Endo would rush things, not right now. So I'm glad, I really feel revelations will make the story take a huge turn that we are not quite ready for it. There's so much to happen yet! What is the Garden? Which side is the organization it? What about Westalis? We know nothing. Spy x Family is a huge slow burn, and I'm all in for it.
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Twillight is the one hurt, I'm surprised, truly. Yuri is quite a soldier, however, the hesitation present there was bigger than Twilight's ability, reflex and advantage (since he was the one pointing the gun first). My heart truly hurts for seeing him injured, I can't even explain. We've grown fond of our Spy, and It's not a nice feeling. At all
I know, I know he will be fine, he can't die or anything (haha, can he?😨) But still, it is making my heart hurts. In need for those "Yor takes care of Loid's wounds" fanfictions, please? Moving on.
See? Our Twilight is a smart guy. He senses his wavering. He knows it is there, but he doesn't understand why. He can't figure that by hurting (or killing) Yuri, he would deeply hurt Yor, and he would not do that. His unconscious is pretty clearly messing up with his conscious mind and decision-making. I doubt he will bring that up to the Handler, but it's possible, since they know each other very well. My guess is that Sylvia will just know. He won't even say a word and she will know.
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Yeah, Yuri boy, I would totally be creeped out as well. His ability is outstanding and scary, even.
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See? This guy had this major hypothesis (which is right?) figured in like, 5 seconds? He is so bright, Yor is proud as floof as she should. Yes, Yuri, he is someone close to you, someone observing you.
"But that doesn't matter now!" It will surely matter once you find out, but my guess is that he will keep that insight for himself, trying to figure it out on his own, but who knows? It will certainly be on his head, constantly.
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Yuri's hair, I'm like 🤣 Our poor boy. Yes, Yuri, Twilight is tough, but so are you! What am I even saying? I don't have a side in this (kinda do). I want both of them not to be involved, never again fighting, for my heart's sake. They are both precious babies I want to keep them protected, but It's not up to us, right, Endo? Humpf...
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Oh, well. GOOD THING he will live, Twilight, thank you for your unintentional totally intentional mercy.
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Not okay. Look at his expression. I'm dying. I'm out of breath. Why is Endo like this? I mean, we are in a serious as floof situation, with conflict going on and you drew what? An expression like that which made me burst out laughing at 3 a.m? Dude.
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He is a tough boy, I must admit.
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Those expressions are killing me. And the worse, I don't know which one is which. That kick must have decreased the chances of a large family lineage for one of them, for sure 🍒 If you know what I mean.
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Yuri on his fight mode is scary (not as much, but it is), just like his sister. I believe one of Endo's objectives is to make us scared of the Briar's brothers and damn, boy, yeah. I don't like that "I will kill everything on my way" expression.
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This was such on point. I loved it, I mean, his floofing daughter is being raised by Yor, so I would consider it a huge plus. Besides, he is thinking of her consciously right now. It's not his unconscious, unknown feelings and thoughts. He is rationalizing and that's major.
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Yeah, that resilience is not even NORMAL anymore. Mama Yor, can you pick me up? I'm scared 😨
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Oh, well, okay, that's expected. Poor Yuri is going to be so hurt after this. I'm wondering if Yor will know about his or Twilight's injuries, she is not as bright as his brother, but she can think about it later, can't she? I wonder If Yuri will visit her while recovering. The tension in the air if Loid is also on this meeting. Damn. This was so much better than a revelation or a simply hurt Twilight. This growing tension makes things so much better (and torturing).
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He is such a good brother.
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And this expression right here is a Twilight on Twilight Conflicted Mode. Yeah, I just made that up, but he is clearly conflicted, may be in pain and not getting understanding a single thought coming from his mind. Only focused on getting out of there, leaving that behind.
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Okay, from this part on I understood ✨ nothing ✨
My reasoning is not that nice and I should be sleeping right now, but I can't due to anxiety, so bear with me, please.
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Yes, it did! WISE is the best, haha, wha-
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Okay, she is also incredible smart, yada yada, I don't want to write about Fiona. Let's move on!
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Damn, folks. Theories? My brain is jello. I can't even function due to the last of sleep, but here I am. Make sure to talk to me in the comments, I really appreciate it. Sorry for any misspelling or typos. Be sure to leave a beautiful kudo and talk to me about what you think will happen next!
I'm certainly less nervous about it, our last chapter was very open to where this one would go, and I'm glad of two things, mainly
No time skip! It started right where it was left.
Our boys are fine! Yuri will be fine. Thank you, Endo!
I miss our girls so much, and Bond boy! 😭
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time-lady-the-sage · 11 months
I wonder if Loid will ask Yor for some "self-defense" training after he has to explain that injury to her
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cresneta · 11 months
I think there's a chance that Yuri will end up accusing someone close to him of being Twilight other than Loid, because Yor saw Loid go to the hospital and will likely tell him about when he asks her about how tailing Loid went this morning. This means Loid has an alibi.
You know who is close to Yuri and is less likely to have alibi? Camillia's boyfriend, Dominic, who is Yuri's friend and also has some connection to city hall so there's a good chance he had the day off as well. While he may have spent it with Camilla, and thus has an alibi, there's also the chance he decided to just chill at home something.
Yuri falsely accusing Dominic of being Twilight and getting him arrested might be good for Yuri's journey out of the SSS, although I'm not sure it would be as narratively satisfying as him accusing Loid. Then again, he can still accuse Loid later on, nothing says he can't do both
Just a thought
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nekoro-san · 11 months
SxF spoiler chapter 83
I know Yuri lost this time to Loid but he still think this is Twilight. And Yuri has not much motivation to endure the pain because he still do it for the mission ( and he couldn’t careless what Twilight is because he only care for Yor well being in a safe country)
In bus jacking arc at least point out that he felt the pain because of lacks of motivation of protecting the bus that Anya in. And the bullet that Yuri took for the bus jacking arc he felts the pain because that is the 1st time he took it to someone ( in that case is Anya and the kids) besides Yor.
So if he has to witness Yor or Anya in danger, Yuri probably showed his “fully” strength more 🤔
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oldscythe · 11 months
in life you’ll find that siblings are often the same people in different fonts. that’s why i’m dwelling on twilight’s words here. “is this what being raised by yor does to someone?” isn’t a question that’s rooted in shock or frustration, but awe.
awe (n.) – a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
twilight is used to targets staying down once he strikes them. he’s a notorious legend in ostania and wise’s best for a reason. yuri rising to his feet again as if he is antaeus (the mythological ancient greek giant who became more powerful every time he was knocked down in a fight) is one thing, but for twilight to view it as an extension of his wife rather than a quality unique to yuri himself is a sign of near deference.
(tldr: what’s it called when little details remind you of someone close to you? when suddenly things aren’t simply things but phantom limbs attached to your significant other that you can feel too? i believe it’s a four-letter word that rhymes with dove, but what do i know.)
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yuzukahachimir · 11 months
Call me crazy but this development in Loid I really love it.
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The mere fact that he put Yor's happiness before the mission only for being named by Yuri and didn't ended him right there say it a lot.
He cares a lot for Yor.
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astersugar · 11 months
yuri, waking up in the hospital: am i dead? is this heaven?
loid: *is there*
yuri: no, this is definitely hell
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kweenluxa · 11 months
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l-fury · 11 months
Horrifying SxF scenario I cant get out of my head: Yor walks in on Loid sculpting an incredibly detailed and accurate latex mask of her brother's face. How does the world's greatest spy get out of that one?
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