abrahamsmarterboy · 5 months
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Original Universe
Crash Bandicoot:
The relationship between Crash and Tawna is an extremely cute couple since Crash saved Tawna from Dr. Neo Cortex. However, years later, Tawna was gone for unknown reasons, perhaps hanging out with her friends for years. Someday, he'll see his girlfriend again, but he has to save the world from Dr. Neo Cortex. In Crash Tag Team Racing, this is where he met a possum girl named Pasadena. Even though she basically has a crush on him and does weird, flirty things with him, we figure out that girls like Crash because of his handsome good looks. However, Crash is 100% not interested in her romantically. He only likes her as a friend because his real love is Tawna. I really don’t know how Pasadena feels about that, but I just hope she moves on from it.
Spyro The Dragon:
The relationship between Spyro and Elora would have been extremely cute, as they teamed up to defeat Ripto. At the end of the game, Elora thanked Spyro with a kiss on the head. Despite their strong bond, Spyro missed his chance with Elora. They always found a way back to each other, remaining the main love interests in the series until Elora disappeared. Later, Spyro encountered a female dragon named Ember, who developed a crush on him. She mentioned engagement rings and thought Spyro reciprocated her feelings, but he only saw her as a friend. It seems Ember really needs to move on for Spyro.
Alternative Universe
Crash Bandicoot:
The relationship between Titan Crash and Yaya is unknown but cute, in Nitro Kart 2-3D, it seems like Yaya asked Crash for help because Nitros Oxide wanted to take over her home. Crash accepted the mission, and after saving her home, Yaya thanked him (hoping for a reward like a kiss). Despite this, it's puzzling why Yaya didn't appear in Crash of the Titans and Mind Over Mutant. We may never learn more about her, but I understand the desire to ship this relationship if they remake the game for Yaya Appears.
Spyro the Dragon:
The relationship between Spyro and Cynder is strong; they share a good connection. Spyro first encountered her when she was under the influence of Malefor's poisonous powers. After defeating her, she was freed, and Spyro took on the role of caring for his friend Cynder whenever she was in trouble. Years later, the two dragons teamed up to save the world from Malefor. It seems they have a deep bond, with Cynder expressing her love for Spyro. However, the ultimate conclusion of their story remains unknown.
Even though the game's Director stated that Spyro and Cynder are friends rather than a couple, fans are still shipping them. (It raises the question of why similar fan enthusiasm isn't extended to Titan Crash and Yaya.)
In the Skylanders series, the relationship between Spyro and Crash with the girls is unknown. In this version, Spyro and Cynder are best friends, and I'm glad that Crash can talk and is portrayed as very smart. Additionally, Crash and Tawna are good friends without being portrayed as a couple. Overall, it's important to remember that this is a kids' game and show.
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saffronaura · 8 months
Toxic SpyroXCynder Gatekeeper!
So apparently there's a toxic SpyroXCynder fan going around DeviantArt posting unsavory and disruptive comments on any Spyro ship fanart he can find (new and 10+ year-old fanart) that has Spyro or Cynder being shipped with other canon Spyro characters or OCs. These include SpyroXOC, SpyroXEmber, SpyroXElora, CynderXEmber, CynderXOC, etc. The topic of Spyro shipping even sets him off in a hostile condescending mood.
He's literally gatekeeping fanart that fans are free to do whatever they desire. And apparently he has a history of doing this offsite too, and a google doc had been made to inform users of his antics. Guy's really unstable and needs to be avoided. He also has a history of using alternate accounts to bypass blocks and act as "friends of his". He's giving levelheaded SpyroXCynder shippers a bad look and name.
If you ever encounter him and you do SpyroXOC, SpyroXEmber, SpyroXElora, CynderXEmber, CynderXOC, or ship art that's not SpyroXCynder, block him asap! If he hops on alternate accounts to continue talking to you, or play dumb by pretending to be a friend of his, report him to DeviantArt Support. He's already been suspended on DA for alternate account hopping!
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blackkittyartz · 2 years
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Some SpyroXElora lovin’ <3
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aquillis-main · 3 years
Spyro for Fandom Meme!
The first character I first fell in love with: Spyro the Dragon from Heroes Tail and Enter the Dragonfly. I think he should have more snark/backtalk to the others when most don't.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Elora. Who knew making an old line more jokey instead of accusatory makes me like her character more?
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: Ripto. I'm not a fan of him, and prefer the more aggressive tones in Reignited for the soul purpose of him being taken more seriously than the original, when he sounded like a bumbling idiot.
The character I love that everyone else hates: I wouldn't say hate, perse, but the Sorceress doesn't get her dues as much as Ripto does, as she's the only character I felt balances out the dark humor as well as the comedic aspects of her character in both versions. If only she did more than sit on her butt like Dr. Robotnik from SatAM, and actually interacted with Spyro before her battle with him...
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Cynder, if only because I realized how... not well written she was, in comparison to Bianca in the same position.
The character I would totally smooch: Hunter. Anxious boy.
The character I’d want to be like: Not really much characters I want to be like... though I like dragons.
The character I’d slap: Moneybags. He's there to be slapped, after all.
A pairing that I love: I guess SpyroxElora, though more for the way they were handled in Reignited than anywhere else.
A pairing that I despise: SpyroxCynder, it felt a bit too tacked on in Dawn of the Dragon.
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crusherthedoctor · 3 years
Elora for the character meem
How I feel about this character:
I've always liked Elora well enough, but I REALLY like her in Reignited, and how they made her interactions with Spyro that extra bit cuter.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I'm not an active shipper of it in the same way that I ship Sonudis The Forbidden One™, but I do have a soft spot for SpyroXElora.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I know they've yet to actually interact in an official product, but I think her interactions with Bianca could be interesting and/or amusing.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
Can't think of one.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
In the original timeline, Elora vanished off the face of the earth after Spyro 3, to the point where she was rarely even mentioned. I always thought this was a shame, especially since she was apparently meant to come back in a couple of games but... it never happened, for some reason.
So I'm hoping she won't suffer the same fate the second time around, since she's a good addition to Spyro's friends.
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rosstallica · 3 years
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Sorry SpyroxElora shippers but i think we have winners here :33
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ramona-the-remora · 6 years
Well, the new Spyro games have managed to “reignite” my interest in my first ever ship: SpyroXElora.
Doubt it will go anywhere, but maybe some fun fanart will come from this ^^;;;
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abrahamsmarterboy · 5 years
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What if they have a romance for each other (I think)
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abrahamsmarterboy · 5 years
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The first picture is Credits and private and belongs by Mischef and This is Genderswap of Spyro and Elora but I like that Name's You could say their name. I think she is the only person who draws genderswap of Elora and nobody never made her as a guy for a year and I made her as a guy too. (Even way I try so hard to draw Elora face because it's hard)
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aquillis-main · 3 years
Spyro X Elora
I actually hated SpyroxElora before Reignited. I felt like Elora’s original ‘I’m a fawn, you dork!’ was far too aggressive and far too confrontational, which made me dislike Elora a bit. It doesn’t help that I didn’t play any of the original Spyro games, and actually got my start with Spyro on... Enter the Dragonfly. Yeah. Not a good start already.
With Reignited, they made Elora’s ‘I’m a fawn, you dork!’ far more cuter and far less snippy, and it made me into Elora a load more as a character. Doesn’t mean that I’ll ship them (as I’m not into shipping now, lols), just I can see the potential.
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