#squeezey hugs
hammerbacks · 4 months
just made a gif of lazenby!bond for something and i'm completely melting at the look in his eyes!!!
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notsomeloncholy · 10 months
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Boy's got it sooooo bad, atrocious even
Coffee runs for the team turns into picking Cu up and dropping them off at their lab too, since his fire and rescue crew works alongside them
It's for the convenience
Not the big squeezey hugs Cu gives every morning
Alt text has captions because my writings horrid! Lol sorry
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mama-vaggie · 5 months
Mamamamama! I back!
*reaches up for a hug*
Hi baby! *biiiig squeezey hug*
How are you doing?
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peapodsplace · 5 months
2, 24, 28?? ^^
2. what’s your feel-good movie?
Ohh, tricky! I like a lot of movies but I don't watch them often these days, I think maybe my go-to when I'm in the mood is either Pretty Woman or Legally Blonde but that's just what I can think of right now!
24. what’s something you do to de-stress?
Take my dogs on a walk, have a nice warm drink or read fanfiction! Listening to music/a podcast/a video while hanging on tumblr or writing also really suits me when I'm feeling a bit tense.
28. hugs or hand-holding?
Big, big squeezey hugs! I find the pressure really soothing! Hand-holding is great too though, I suppose I'm more of a cuddler!
The questions
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ask-the-ghoul-pack · 1 year
pls. I need a Swiss bear hug in my life... they seem so comfortable ❤️
Oh, they are. Pretty squeezey though. C'mere. - Swiss
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ink-and-dagger · 1 year
also wanted to wish you a hello and hope you're well!
giving you tightest squeezey hug until your head pops off and then sellotaping it back on again 💜💜💜
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shallowseeker · 1 year
ok but cas hugged dean super squeezey hard in 12x01 and then like one or two episodes later dean is waffling to keep cas on the phone 📞 for advice
which cas spectacularly fails at giving….but no matter…my point is cas should manhandle dean more often…dean may pretend to roll his eyes and stuff but he totally responds to it on the whole he opens up in ways at just the barest scrap of affection
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brownhairedbookworm · 2 years
“I’m a fan of platonic affection.” Will stated a bit embarrassed. “I like hugs, affection, and all that sappy stuff. You’re not my girlfriend but you are a good friend! And any friend of mine will be showered with platonic affection!.. Assuming they want it of course.” He quickly let go of Monika
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"Hugs and all that are wonderful, don't get me wrong. Just don't get all squeezey."
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appledectomy · 2 years
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Phant Squeeze
I tell you, my hugs are magic to all my small friend and folk An older piece by the wonderfully talented Spec_tacular98 on Twitter
Posted using PostyBirb
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inkykeiji · 2 years
:(( i love u n u got this!! i’m giving u lots of squeezey hugs n kisses! ♡(˃�� દ ˂͈ ༶ )
aww hehehe thank you so much sweetpea!!! i love u too!! (´∀`)♡ thank you for the hugs n kissies 🥺 i give u kissies back!!! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
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Beannnnnnnnnnnnn I think you should give me a hug
*epic hug engaged* have all the hugs you want my precious bean *squeezes you tight*
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thordodaday · 6 years
I just want to say I think you're amazingly brave. It's takes a lot of courage to open up, especially to strangers, about traumatic experiences. I think it's great you've found the strength to do that❤
Thank you so much
And I have an amazing support in my best friend, my therapist,one of my brothers,and my sister is finally getting there-sometimes it is a little easier to share with strangers on the internet because I need to ‘get it out ‘ so I don’t feel like my best friend is doing all the heavy lifting-especially right now.
And finally, if I can help anyone else who has been through it not feel so alone, or help educate their loved ones on the experiences that a survivor goes through, then I want to do what I can in the capacity in which I am able to at this moment.
But having support from my tumblr family warms my heart so again, thank you. Seriously, I cannot express how much it means to me adequately with words.
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the-rule-of-beasts · 3 years
Could I request how hugs with Leshy or P03 would feel like? Of course this could go to the rest of the Scrybes! Or just the reader (or player) hanging out and really feeling more comfortable in their presence enough to want to show their affection and care in some way? Platonic or more familial? If not that’s fine just feeling a little emotional!
Oh anon,,, you sweet sweet anon,, you don't understand how soft this ask makes me. Hugging the Scrybes?? Yes. Absolutely- I would literally die if I got to hug any of those guys 🥺
Listen- LISTEN. The man is touch starved. You know it, I know it, he just is. However, he is an incredibly awkward man and refuses to ask for affection. Whether or not it's a conscious thing is up for debate, the point is he doesn't ask.
So with that in mind, hugs with Leshy would be... A little awkward at first?? He's unused to any sort of physical contact, much less positive contact, so you hugging him would take him a little off guard??
I think a part of him doesn't think he deserves the affection, some deep seeded self loathing and like,, guilt. But I think he'd appreciate it once he got used to it, it's just that initial hump that's a little hard to get over.
At the beginning he would be super gentle with you. This is the kind of man who absolutely wrestles bears in his free time, he is BUILT. But also very anxious. He'd be terrified of accidentally hurting you, so he would handle you like you were made of glass. He'd get past that eventually, but he's just a very anxious individual.
Once he's actually moved past those initial hurdles, he absolutely adores physical affection. There's something deeply heartwarming about you trusting him enough to touch him, and it becomes one of his main ways to express affection.
A hug from Leshy feels like you're being completely surrounded by him. He holds you firm enough to feel present and he tends to rest his chin on top of your head. His smell of petrichor and moss tends to be a bit overwhelming but like?? In a good way?? He also tends to either bend closer to your height or just,,, pick you up. Like I said, he is a strong man.
I feel like he'd probably give some of the best hugs out of all the Scrybes?? Very warm,, very lovin- 9/10. Though I think the best hugger would be
This woman has all the sweet firmness of Leshy with absolutely none of the hoops to jump through. You could meet her for the very first time and immediately ask for a hug and she would be MORE than happy to oblige.
She's unsurprisingly a bit cold to the touch, but not unpleasantly so?? It sort of feels like flipping your pillow over to the cooler side.
She's so squishy. You don't understand- it's like hugging a kind stuffed animal that hugs you back. She's got her own fair share of strength, so her hugs are very firm- nice and squeezey. She's mastered the art of hugging and you cannot change my mind.
She smells faintly of lilies and gardenia. Just vaguely flowery. For the most part it's this sort of musty smell?? The best I can really describe it as is that really nice old book smell. Hugging her feels like you're in an old antique bookshop, it's pleasant!!!
10/10 hugs, would recommend.
I feel like physical affection isn't really his go to method for expressing himself?? He tends to keep himself emotionally separate from everything around him- what with the premonition angst he's dealing with on the daily- so he tends to try and keep himself distant in cold.
HOWEVER. I personally subscribe to the 'Magnificus is actually a secret sweetheart' theory, so he would be fine with hugging you if you asked. But like,, only if you two had some kind of positive rapport going on.
He's a bit more aloof about hugs than Leshy and Grimora tend to be, he's doing his best to keep himself separate from the affection and trying not to like?? Get to attached?? He's failing miserably, but that's a story for another day.
You know those dogs where like,, you go to pet them and your hand just?? Keeps going?? That's Magnificus. You go in for that hug and you just,, keep going. There's a body in there somewhere, but man, there's so much foliage to content with.
It's weirdly nice?? This is coming from someone who has hugged various trees and bushes in the past, it feels weirdly nice. His leaves tend to run pleasantly cool, but there's some small amount of body heat that reminds you that you are hugging a person, not a bush.
His touch is a lot lighter than Grimora and Leshy's, but he makes up for that in length. He tends to hold you rather than simply hug you, closing his eyes and trying his best to stave of his premonitions for a moment. He's aloof and a little cold, but he's just as touch starved as everyone else.
He smells... Interesting. There's that faint smell of oil paint and old books, but there's something distinctly?? Ozoney?? Like that smell that pops up after lightning hits close by. It tingles and feels a little weird, but it's not exactly unpleasant?? Sort of like,, the feeling of chewing strong minty gum without the smell of mint. It's weird, but he's a wizard so you tend not to question it.
7/10, he's doing his best
He's... Look, he's an emotionally constipated bastard, what else can I say??
He pretends that he hates it when you touch him, that he's above such disgustingly organic ways of showing affection but?? That's a big fat lie?? In actuality he EATS THAT SHIT UP.
He would never instigate is the thing- that's on you. And he wouldn't reciprocate right away either. He'd probably try and shove you off the first few times, though his attempts get weaker and more half-hearted as time passes.
There's a part of him, a part he tries to bury, that really needs that sweet sort of innocent affection, you know? He needs to feel wanted- loved. He'd never admit it, but having you trust him enough to hug him? To put yourself at risk just to express your affection for him?? It makes him feel all warm and bubbly inside. Just... Don't try and get him to admit it. That's how you get scrap metal thrown at you.
Unfortunately hugs with P03 wouldn't be?? The most comfortable?? He's very cold and pointy with very little give, and he never really holds you very firmly?? But it's more the principle of the thing than anything else.
He likes it when you hug him from behind and put your head on top of his screen. It's a bit more comfortable for both of you that way, and that way you have a bit more trouble seeing his dopy little smile. Like I said- he eats this shit up.
I feel like he smells like a workshop. Like,, metallic of course with that pleasent hint of gasoline and motor oil. There's a slightly smokey quality to it as well- like the smoke from a campfire. Unexpected given the setting, but pleasent. He always smells faintly of rust as well. The joys of being a robot who dOESNT TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF!!! >:(
Overall,, I'd give him maybe like?? A 6/10?? He's got the spirit, he's just pointy and bad at expressing himself.
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ask-the-ghoul-pack · 1 year
Swiss can I have a hug?
-a shy sibling
Sure! Can I give you a huge squeezey one? - Swiss
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bodycountgame · 3 years
On the same wavelength as the 'how do the characters kiss' ask, how do the characters hug?
adegoke: an excellent hugger, gives the sort of hug where you can just totally forget about everything else that’s going on, like time is just standing still. best for, like, a long intimate hug. he’s just pretty good at feeling the Vibes so he always gives a hug appropriate for the situation.
arthur: absolutely not a hugger, he kind of needs to be hugged into submission first. there’ll be a solid few seconds where he’s just standing there like person_standing before he eases into it. bit of a london bridge hugger (where his arms go in, but he keeps the rest of his body as distant as possible lmao). he’d probably get used to it over time.
atticus: very much depends on how well he knows the person and how much he likes them. generally just gives like a brief, polite, single-armed hug, but his favourite people get a full big bear hug – the kind that lifts your feet off the floor.
avery: quite a performative hugger, i guess. she’s used to hugging people because they need to be hug, not because she wants to hug them, if that makes sense? she says and does all the right things but you can kind of feel that her heart isn’t really in it (until, of course, it is, and then they can expect to be hugged at every opportunity, arms draped around their neck, kiss on their cheek).
charlie: firm and decisive, like every time he hugs someone it’ll be the only time he ever gets to, always still kind of holding on when the other person goes to pull back.
ellis: soft and loose, hand on the nape of their neck or in their hair, soothing and gentle.
florrie: just absolutely no acknowledgement of any personal space, if she’s hugging you then she is Hugging You, very prone to like a straddle or a spinny jumpy situation or just generally tackling someone onto any available surface.
griffin: squeezey tight, overenthusiastic, arms-around-waist hugger. griff would basically be in constant contact with the person he loves if he had his way, so he’s a real sitting-in-lap, arm-around-shoulder kinda guy.
imogen: buries her face in their chest/neck/hair, prone to gripping their clothes real tightly, very quiet.
nyra: generally a total ragdoll hugger, doesn’t really reciprocate any hugging, not her thing. you’d have to really work to earn a nyra hug – if she really liked someone and felt like they really needed it she can be quite supportive.
rowan: really leans into it, a full body hugger. generally instigates a hug like mid-conversation and keeps talking the whole way through – like as she’s saying hi/bye or whatever.
syd: brief but firm – kind of like a good handshake or the hugging equivalent of a fist bump. generally goes for arms around shoulders? like over waist but not fully around neck, that’d be a bit intimate.
vinh: one hand on the neck, the other around their waist, generally turns their face away and rests their head on the huggee’s shoulder. hugs with Feeling.
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Before I knew what stimming was or that weighted blankets exist I would smack body parts into things to get pressure stims, that's definitely something I can see Ed doing, not really meaning to hurt himself but throwing himself down on the floor or knocking his head into a wall is the only way he knows to get relief from that need for pressure, Stede is obviously v v concerned the first time he sees it happen but he manages to get Ed to explain and then gives him a tight squeezy hug that makes everything feel okay
Yess aaa i hear you on that!!
Ed definitely would be leaping off the bed, shoulder first onto the hard ground- or jumping from a slightly high area so he can feel that pressure stim feeling in his feet (it absolutely wrecks his knee but, in that moment he doesn't care)
Stede totally is concerned!! He doesn't want Ed to be hurting himself :^0 absolutely checking Ed over for injuries and asking Ed why he's done this?
It's hard for Ed to explain but he's able to word it in a way that Stede is able to understand ♡
Oooh!!!! Maybe Stede has Wee-John sew in some weighted things of sand or something into a blanket or stuffed toy so that Ed can have a pressure stim for when he can't have squeezey hugs♡♡♡
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