#sr2 tag
whoredmode · 1 month
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thinking about the sr2 mobile game bc when am i not thinking about all the defunct/unused/lost sr media and like. do y’all think “eat this” is a real restaurant in stilwater too.
like i know they just used that bc they couldn’t say freckle bitch’s in their mobile game but like. why not use apollo’s. why make up a restaurant w a terrible name just use one that already exists in-universe😭 also this is just making me wanna continue that pixel art i was doing awhile back lol
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tezzbot · 8 months
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An interpretation of some moments from the Silver and Espio story in Sonic Rivals 2!!! They are silly to me<3
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lelelego · 1 year
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completely platonic things to do with your bro. your broski. your homeboy
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katzenklavierr · 1 year
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(separate sprites under the cut; free to use with credit!)
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scungledfiles · 3 months
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ruvviks · 1 year
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SLIME RANCHER 2 ➤ sunrise in starlight strand
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bembwashere · 1 year
Those awful, ravenous, rainbows.
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HI i've finally gotten Slime Rancher 2's early access on steam and help this videogame is dragging me in by the legs kicking and screaming.
I just wanted to draw some art for this videogame because i've really wanted to draw/render the Tarrs and slimes for a while (Vacpack was hell to draw i just traced it a little ghfgdfsda)
Anyways! I hope you enjoy this art!
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masschase · 10 months
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"I didn't ask, Zach." "No, but you need one." "Says who?" "Says your face, love."
This started as a quick doodle bc I didn't have the energy for a comic I wanted to do with them but I just kind of kept going and then regretted not putting more work into the initial sketch. I don't like how their faces came out to the point I liquified the fuck out of them several times to try to fix them but ANYWAY.
This is my Boss, Casey and @zoo-the-saint's boss Zoo in the Double Boss AU. This is them in their ANGERY bebes phase (SR2) and I would imagine it's probably after killing Julius. Although some decisions are split throughout the games, it's only fitting they do this together with the way Jules deliberately tried to pit them against each other from the start.
This AU is something I have... SO much backstory for to be honest but I never know how much people want to hear. I wanted to write a world for the triad of Zoo x Matt x Casey to eventually exist but that left me with a good 15 years (half of their fucking lives!) of friendship between these two before that even coming to fruition, and they have an interesting dynamic in their own right.
I like to think Cass bought Zoo the custom lighter because she's always bumming his cigarettes. I cannot stress more that the girl has never bought a pack in her life.
Anyway this is more than I meant to write but obviously I'm always happy to answer questions about my AUs. 😊
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⚜️ Real intro! My name's Shan but you can call me Tio (they/them). I've been a long-time Saints Row fan and it felt like time to make a specific blog for it.
⚜️ I've played all of the original Saints Row titles, but haven't played GooH, AoM, or the Reboot. This may change! But I have very strong opinions!
⚜️ My main Bosses are; Tito Menendez (he/him), huge loser; Frankie Delacruz (they/them), homicidal clown.
⚜️ Check out my Boss profile, and keep an eye out for easter eggs.
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izzy-b-hands · 7 months
Currently in ridiculously niche random media thoughts, the idea of the Revenge crew having a 'keep the party going' sequence a la Dethklok when Toki and Abigail were taken, but it's over Izzy being gone (except this is my version of things so he's not gone, but he's currently digging himself out of his grave while grumbling about how he cannot fucking believe they buried him alive. What the entire fuck, guys. We don't do basic medical care/call a time of death anymore? You can't tell him Roach wouldn't have at least tried to call a time of death in another situation, and he'd have been honored for Roach to be the one to declare it for him, SO LONG AS HE WAS ACTUALLY FULLY TRULY DEAD THIS TIME)
The crew rolls back up to Ed and Stede's, not to visit and say hi but to ask Ed if he still has any additional contacts for rhino horn (because the party ain't stopping just because they're running low on supplies! to loosely quote Pickles the Drummer 'oh no we don't miss people! Oh we hardly notice that they're gone!' while slugging back booze and doing every substance available so the actual emotions and thoughts about the person being gone doesn't hit. Everyone on the ship is FINE, why the fuck are Ed and Stede being so fucking judgy about this. Which is saying something, considering there's evidence littered around the vaguely repaired 'inn' suggesting that Ed and Stede had been attempting to 'keep the party going' themselves prior to Izzy digging himself out and revealing that he was very much not dead (what's the mcr line. I'm not dead I only dress that way? Yeah.), but with what little rum that was left to them when the crew first sailed off into the sunset.)
The crew gets halfway up the hill, all of them internally girding themselves for the moment they'll walk past/see Izzy's grave because that's the last thing any of them want to see right now-
Instead of the grave, there Izzy is alive and whittling, sitting there grumbling about Ed and Stede having little concern for finding additional supplies or money or anything and the roof is still threatening to cave in for fuck's sake-
And suddenly the party stops dead, at least the party to distract them from his loss is dead, because he's alive, how in the fuck is he alive (they don't actually care, they're just happy to see him), while he's being nearly crushed over incredibly excited hugs
I haven't written this out more fully bc the cross over reference is uh. Very Niche. and I don't know that anyone else cares for it but fuck if it doesn't keep sticking around in my head all the same
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mxanigel · 2 years
<Shepard walks into Life Support after they successfully complete the ME2 suicide mission>
Shepard: Thane, I have a question. Thane: Certainly. Shepard: Do you often gaze into the engine room from here? Thane: Yes. It's calming. Shepard: And you have perfect memories? Thane: Indeed. Shepard: Right. You didn't happen to notice when Miranda and I-- Thane: I noticed, yes. Shepard: Well. Shit.
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whoredmode · 6 months
why did the menu moan when i opened it
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vinkumakkara · 1 year
thought abt the way saints row over the course of the entire series handled its relationship with like... idk, how they’re video games. like the old games and sr2 especially were always self-aware to a certain point but the way they approached the concept was organic and playful, a spectrum that includes things like the increasingly outlandish activities Boss treats as perfectly normal to the tiny “blink and you miss it” details like the activity completion screens giving you “coupons” for the perks you get. the blurring between diegetic and extradiegetic elements is constant and everywhere and it very effectively conditions the player into accepting Stilwater's internal logic, that something like Red Asphalt and Septic Avenger can happen within the same world. obviously it’s a subjective thing where not everyone quite “gets it” but when the fans talk about how much they like how the game handled tone and word their experiences as a balance of “serious” and “silly”, this was a huge part of it
i have a hard time finding words to sum it but it’s like the devs saying “it’s a video game. and that really means something” in contrast to the later games just saying “it’s a video game” or even “it’s a video game. and that means nothing you did or do actually matters!” in sriv you have characters talking about the events of the old games like they played through them rather than actually experiencing them, you have Boss referring to their past self as “the second player”, it’s just a constant deluge of characters pointing at themselves and going “i’m a video game character and this is a video game it’s not real! did you get it yet?” it’s no longer an organic part of the world where it adds meaning to the experience but rather it tries and succeeds in doing the exact opposite. it sucks out all meaning leaving nothing but an empty husk if you’re looking for anything else but the most surface level casual “mindless fun”. it’s like that by design
i don’t really have a clear opinion on this when it comes to the reboot yet but i definitely think this is a major aspect of why that game feels so wrong. like the stated goal of srr “re-grounding” the series was not only commendable but also absolutely crucial to actually keep the thing going, but it feels like the the srr team basically only learned the “don’ts” of srtt and sriv in this context without understanding the “do’s” of sr2. or they understood them perfectly well but were told not to do it that way because someone with a lot of control over the project was also someone who “didn’t get it”. i don’t think it’s only the latter option though because these problems feel like they run so damn deep, it extends from everything like the player character feeling like they come from a whole different universe than the rest of the crew to things like how the GUI conveys information to the player. it’s like srr is still lacking in that self-aware nuance, just like srtt and sriv, but in like a completely new nightmare extreme i didn’t even consider was possible
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lelelego · 1 year
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here's a visual timeline of my playa/boss sr1->srtt :^) with some notes on how he is during each game
also this ignores the timeline from the wiki because honestly it makes no sense - carlos apparently dies in 2007 but sr1 is supposed to start in 2006?? lin dies AFTER carlos?? so i just did whatever felt right. :o)
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underneathestars · 1 year
✨ Wip Wednesday Thursday ✨
Tagged by the one and only @ndostairlyrium
My current work in progress would be this:
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Which I would like to turn into something like this:
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But my hopes are not too high, it's a bit more difficult than it looks like from these online tutorials so fingers crossed.
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vriskabot · 1 year
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earlier when i was thinking about my boss the name giulia popped into my head and i cannot shake it. she fucking named herself LMAO
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