#srr critical
megafreeman · 11 months
Something really funny about the reboot is that you can really tell the marketing material was made/written by someone who never even touched the game because nothing lines up with the actual game lore
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chaosbarelycontained · 5 months
I’m The Pain You Tasted
North Country Boy Chapter 3
Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley x AFAB!OC
TW: Swearing, blood, angst
Words: 3.6k
Synopsis: Jules and the Lt go head to head.
“Nervous?” Soap asked as he sat down in front of her, smoothing his hand through his short, dark mohawk.
Jules simply raised her eyebrow at him and took another bite of her bacon sandwich, managing to swipe away an errant drip of brown sauce before it ran down her chin. She maintained eye contact with him long enough for it to become awkward, chewing slowly but then swallowed to allow a huff of laughter to escape at the increasingly nervous expression that grew on his face.
“Fine, fine,” he said, holding his hands up, “I get tha picture. Nothin’ t’be worried about anyway. Ah’ll go easy on ye fer sure.”
“Go easy on me?” she asked, suspicious of the pseudo-innocent expression he held.
“Aye. Who’d ye think ye were sparrin’ with fer the physical? Price?” Soap let out a guffaw at the thought of Jules and the Captain going up against each other.
Jules smirked as she finished the last bite of her sandwich, casting her eyes over Soap in a deliberately slow appraisal. Humming, she drained her brew and smacked her lips together in appreciation. She reached across the table and patted his hand, her voice taking on a sickly sweet, patronising tone.
“Don’t worry baby boy, I promise I won’t hurt you too much.’
Laughing at his confounded expression she rose and took her breakfast things over to the hatch.
“Marry me, Jules!” she heard Soap call as she left the room, blowing him a kiss over her shoulder as she went.
Rounding the corner, still chuckling, she walked head first into a brick wall - at least that’s what it felt like - until her brain caught up with her and she realised she’d walked slap-bang into the Lieutenant. Her face immediately shut down, her blood searing like ice in her veins.
“Great observation skills, Sergeant,” he rumbled and Jules cursed the fact that she had to raise her head to meet his eye.
“Sorry, Sir.” she replied, her voice toneless and cold.
Jules stepped back a pace, crossing her arms behind her as she stood at ease.
“Hope you’re gonna do better than that later,” Ghost pressed, seemingly intent on carrying on the awkward interaction.
“Of course, Sir.” Once again she gave him nothing, which left him on the back foot a little.
“Jules…Jules?” he tried but she stared blankly ahead, unresponsive to the almost plaintive note as he spoke her name. “Sergeant?”
“Sir?” she finally acknowledged him and it was then he understood where she’d drawn her line.
“Firing range, 0900 hrs,” he huffed. “You’d better be as good as Price thinks you are.”
He turned and stalked away, leaving Jules fuming in the corridor. It wasn’t until he’d entered the mess that she reacted, tucking her tongue behind her bottom lip and giving him a vicious one-fingered salute with both hands.
Returning to her room, she finished getting ready for the day, brushing her teeth, doubly-securing the neat bun at the back of her neck, and replacing her trainers with her boots. As it was a training exercise, she was allowed to forego the camo smock that was usually worn so she remained in her khaki t-shirt. Taking a breath to calm herself, Jules pulled her beret from the pocket of her pants and situated it on her head, eyeing herself critically in the mirror to make sure that it sat perfectly. After almost ten years she could do it blindfolded but today she needed the mirror’s reassurance.
It was only a short jog over to the main part of the barracks where the firing ranges were located. Jules was early, of course, and so she was made to wait outside whilst they finished setting up whatever test they needed her to perform. She’d taken part in a few skills assessments during her time in the SRR, both as observer and participant, and she had a good idea of what to expect.
When the gate opened again Jules was invited inside. There, an array of weapons was laid out, ranging from the compact Glock 19 to an HK417. Ghost stood off to the side, his arms folded across his chest as he nodded his head towards the display.
“Load, fire three rounds or a two second burst, unload. Make sure you at least hit the target,” he commanded, his last words dripping with sarcasm.
“Yes, Sir,” Jules managed through gritted teeth, barely able to hold back the fierce response she wanted to give.
Stepping towards the bench, Jules picked up the ear defenders that lay before her, noting from the corner of her eye that the Lieutenant did the same before returning to his previous nonchalant pose. A green light flashed on to the left of her vision indicating that she was safe to begin. Picking up the Glock she loaded it swiftly, aimed, fired her three rounds and then unloaded before moving on to the next weapon, and the next. It wasn’t the best shooting she’d ever done, she couldn’t help but be distracted by the looming phantom in the corner of her vision, but it was definitely up to standard and she impressed even herself with the accuracy of her shots with the L96, a weapon she’d always preferred.
When she’d completed her task and unloaded the final gun, Jules removed her ear defenders and stepped away from the bench, standing at ease before the Lieutenant. She didn’t know what she was expecting but Ghost said absolutely nothing, merely casting his eyes over her and raising his eyebrow so that it disappeared beneath the edge of his balaclava.
“Gymnasium two,” Ghost said curtly before striding away, leaving Jules to have to scurry to catch up to him.
If she could have walked there on her own she would have but protocol dictated that they travel together. He was deliberately lengthening his strides so that Jules had to almost trot to keep pace alongside him and she grew more pissed off with every step.
By the time they reached the gymnasium she was practically biting her tongue to refrain from chewing out her senior officer. She wasn’t afraid to argue back at those in command when the situation warranted it but this wasn’t the time or the place. If she had an outburst now she could be up on charges. Again.
“There y’are,” Soap grinned as they entered the large space, pushing himself off the wall where he’d been leaning and heading over to them. “Ye ready for this?”
He cracked his knuckles and cricked his neck dramatically before shadow-boxing the air before her, making little huffs and grunts. Jules laughed despite herself. She was grateful for the comic relief; it drew her out of her head and back into the moment.
“Are you?” she countered, rolling up her non-existent sleeves and bouncing on her feet with her fists up.
The action had drawn Soap’s eye’s to the green colour on Jules’ forearm that he’d not noticed before. When she saw the direction of his gaze she stopped and held out her arm.
“Is tha’ the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles?” He asked, grabbing her arm and running his thumb over the tattoo.
“Yeah,” she confirmed, a little of the excitement draining out of her voice. “It’s for my brother. He loved ‘em.”
The past tense she’d used didn’t pass Soap by and he winced in sympathy.
“Ach, ahm sorry, Jules,” he said.
“Don’t worry about it, it was a long time ago. He-”
“Enough gossipin’, let’s get this show on the road,” Ghost interrupted harshly, regretting the way his words made Jules stiffen and retreat within herself once more.
Soap rolled his eyes and grinned at Jules as they made their way into the centre of the room, shaking out their hands and rolling their shoulders more seriously this time.
“Don’t break her, Johnny. I don’t fancy fillin’ in all that extra paperwork,” Ghost grumbled, taking Soap’s place against the wall.
He heard Jules’ barely muttered curse that was surely aimed at him and the corner of his lip twitched upwards as he smirked beneath his face covering. He was itching to get some sort of reaction from her, even if it were rage. Anything would be better than the icy blankness that she afforded him at the moment. He watched them spar, quietly impressed with how she held her own against Soap’s obvious height and weight advantage. What he didn’t notice, as he leaned with his arms folded across his chest, was the way his thumb idly rubbed over a single patch of skin on the edge of his bicep. If he ever let anyone get close enough to see the detail inked there they’d find four Ninja Turtles, drawn in black and grey, hidden amongst other, more violent, designs.
The next time Soap caught his eye Ghost nodded and then indicated towards the edge of the room with his chin. Breaking off the fight, Soap gripped Jules’ forearm in a handshake and they parted, grinning at each other with heaving chests.
“Ye did good, Newbie. Gave me a right crack or two,” he chuckled, rubbing his jaw.
“Likewise,” Jules replied, leaning over and resting her hands on her knees. “Are we done, Sir?” She asked Ghost, who had taken a few steps towards them, an unfathomable look in his eyes.
He didn’t reply but simply uncrossed one arm and gestured at Jules, beckoning her towards him with two fingers before planting his feet solidly on the mats and tilting his head in challenge.
“Lt, you’re jokin’ no?” Soap interjected on Jules’ behalf, showing no small concern for her welfare.
Ghost shook his head slowly and beckoned Jules once more and his arrogant aura pierced through her exhaustion.
“How long?” she asked sharply, her breathing slowly returning to normal.
“‘Till you tap out,” he rumbled, flexing his shoulders back and stretching out his neck.
Unnoticed by the two teammates currently stalking around each other on the training mats, Soap recovered his phone from the pile of his belongings and sent a text to Gaz and the Captain before returning his attention to the pair. He watched with interest as his Lieutenant quietly let the newbie get under his skin. Soap had known him long enough to recognise his tells and he knew that Ghost was going to let something slip.
Jules went on the offensive, knowing that was her best tactic. She wasn’t short by any means but the Lieutenant still dwarfed her by a considerable amount and not just with his height. He was fast, really bloody fast, but then, so was she. Using her smaller stature to her advantage she ducked underneath his guard and managed to land a few hits, although they weren’t nearly as effective as she’d hoped they’d be.
She knew she wasn’t showcasing the best of her skillset in a scenario like this. She was better in covert ops. Jules wasn’t phased by a sneak attack, creeping up on hostiles and taking them out from the shadows with her knife or a wire, but this pure display of force she knew was designed to highlight her flaws and she would be the first to admit she was struggling.
It only took that one moment of mental distraction for the Lieutenant to catch her with an elbow across the jaw. She almost went down but managed to recover herself, scuttling backwards a few paces to give herself room to shake off the dizziness that clouded her brain. Feeling her mouth fill with the thick, copper taste of blood she spat on the floor and then swiped the back of her hand across her mouth, seeing the trail of pink-stained spittle she left behind.
Jules took a few gasping breaths, her only consolation being that Ghost looked almost as winded as he adjusted the balaclava that covered his face.
“You ready to tap out yet, Princess?” he taunted.
Jules froze.
She’d not heard that name in over ten years, and never with the tone he dressed it with now. Rage bubbled within her chest, a volcanic eruption that was ready to explode. If she could’ve seen beneath his mask she would have known he’d realised his mistake, but she couldn’t. Jules couldn’t believe his audacity. He’d disappeared from her life so completely for so long and yet now could throw those names at her as if they meant nothing?
With a growl of fury emanating from deep in her throat Jules hurled herself across the floor towards Ghost. The vehemence of her offensive caused even Soap to let out an expletive as he watched their new recruit launch one of the most vicious attacks he’d ever seen outside of a mission.
For once Ghost found himself on the defensive from the start. She was so fast it seemed she was everywhere, fists, elbows, knees… He tried to block them all but more hits than he cared to admit managed to work their way past his defences. It took her no time at all to regroup after an offensive manoeuvre and then she would be on him again, searching out all the spots that would cause him the most pain.
Ghost could’ve sworn she’d cursed him out as a “twat-faced bastard” and he relished in the emotions she projected at him, finally receiving a reaction, albeit anger. He just about managed to raise his knee in time to block a particularly nasty assault aimed at his bollocks but that left him open for her next attack.
Gripping the front of his shirt tightly between her fingers, Jules used it as a lever to manoeuvre herself upward and plant the corner of her forehead onto the bridge of his nose. A loud crack sounded and the blow made even the usually stoic Ghost grunt in pain. Jules almost crowed in triumph as white skull on the front of his balaclava began to suffuse with red.
“That all you got?” Ghost taunted, his words thick and a little slurred from the swelling in his nose.
“I didn't know dead men could bleed,” Jules spat, launching herself towards him again but a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and stopped her attack.
She struggled against the arms that restrained her, but the Scottish voice that rumbled in her ear finally began to filter through the red mist in her mind and she began to calm.
“Easy Tiger, take a wee breather aye?” Soap gentled, timing his breaths to match hers before beginning to slow them down.
It worked. Jules felt the tension in her body start to release and her shoulders sagged.
“Had enough now, have we?” Price’s commanding voice cut through the tension like a knife.
“Yes, Sir!” Jules called, immediately snapping to attention.
“You,” he pointed at Ghost, “clean up and meet me in my office.”
“Sir,” the Lieutenant nodded his acknowledgement.
“Tiger, you’re coming with me,” Price indicated towards the doorway and Jules stepped to follow, passing by Ghost as if he didn’t even exist to her.
Ghost watched her leave, his heart still pounding with adrenaline even as his breathing returned to normal. His balaclava stuck uncomfortably to his face, the fabric wet and cold with blood, but he’d have to wait until later to sort it out.
“Ha’ ye no got anythin’ to say fer yersel’ Lt?” Soap admonished, as Gaz nodded, backing him up.
“Yeah, actually,” Ghost replied, eyeing the pair of them disdainfully. “I think you’ll find they’re called Ninja Turtles, not Hero Turtles, ya fuckin’ rookie.”
* * * * *
With Rob away at camp and her Mum working the bacon and egg shift at the cafe on Gorton market, Jules went to college on her own. The bus ride was one of the most uncomfortable she’d ever taken. Her left knee jiggled with agitation, earning her a black look from the old battleaxe in the seat next to her. Jules offered her a tight, apologetic smile and adjusted her headphones on her head. She slipped her hand into her pocket and turned up the volume on her Walkman, trying to drown out the anxiety in her brain by blasting out one of the mixtapes her brother had sent her. A faint chuckle left her lips as the song that was playing finished and the DJ began to speak.
“You’re listening to long wave radio Atlantic 252-”
The sound cut out as the next song began and Jules could just imagine Rob, sitting on the floor of his barracks and swearing up a storm as he fumbled to pause the recording until the music began again. The thought warmed her heart but made her miss him all the more, especially on a day like today.
College was bustling with Year 13s, all ready to collect the slips of paper that would decide their futures. Jules scanned the handwritten signs that were taped to the front of a row of desks in the hallway, each representing a set of surnames grouped alphabetically. A-C, D-F, G-I…there it was, J-L She grimaced at the member of staff behind the desk and then focussed on the stack of envelopes on the table before her.
“What’s your name, love?” the woman asked kindly.
“Kelsall. Juliette Kelsall,” she croaked, holding her breath as the woman flipped through the stack before finally pulling out an envelope with a satisfied hum.
“There you go Juliette, love. Good luck!”
Jules retrieved the envelope from the woman with trembling fingers, mumbled a quick “thanks” and then made her way outside. She smoothed across the thick white paper with her fingers, turned it over and over in her hands, and tapped the edge of the envelope against her lips, trying to drum up the courage to actually open it. After a few deep breaths she finally managed to slide her finger under the poorly-glued flap, ripping the envelope open and then pulling out the single sheet of paper it contained. Her eyes welled with tears as she raised a shaking hand to her mouth and then her lips parted in a triumphant grin.
On the bus ride back home Jules was filled with even more nervous energy than before but this time it was for an entirely different reason. Hopping off a couple of stops before she usually would, she almost ran to the small shopping precinct and into the butcher’s shop.
“Hi Mr Summerscales, is he in the back?” she asked the owner but his ruddy face, smiling in anticipation of a new customer, fell into a concerned frown.
“No love, sorry. He called in sick this morning.”
“Oh,” Jules responded in surprise. “Thanks.”
Despite the butcher’s words she still craned her neck a little, as if she’d catch sight of Simon dressed in the white coat that hung almost comically short on his tall frame but of course he wasn’t there.
With a shrug and a small smile at Mr Summerscales, she left the shop and began the short walk home. The mid-August sunshine blazed down on her and by the time she arrived at Simon’s house she was pink-cheeked and the paper she still clutched in her hand was damp with perspiration. Jules knew something was off as she approached the front door, she could sense the tension in the air, but she still raised her hand and knocked.
It took a while but eventually the door opened a crack and Simon’s mum peered through. Old makeup was smeared under bleary eyes, her over-bleached hair piled into a crispy knot on the top of her head. Pursing her wrinkled lips, she took a drag from the cigarette that dangled from her trembling fingers.
“S’not a good time, Jules,” she croaked, her ears deaf to the raised voices from deeper in the house but even the numb Sharon Riley winced at the sound of a fist hitting flesh.
Jules stepped towards the doorway without a thought but Sharon had already closed the door in her face. With a heart turned heavy with concern there was nothing else Jules could do but go home.
It was hours later, after her Mum had returned from her second job cleaning the local high school and had settled down to watch Coronation Street, that Jules heard the distinctive sharp whistle from outside. Slipping out of the house she smiled when she saw the familiar shape of Simon perched on the front garden wall.
“Alright?” he dipped his head towards her with a lop-sided smile but couldn’t quite look her in the eyes.
“I’m fine, are you?” she asked, unable to mask her worry.
“I’ll be ‘right,” he mumbled but he flushed, which only served to highlight the bruise that had bloomed painfully across his cheek. “Really, don’t worry about it,” he insisted, leaning away from the hand she’d lifted as if to stroke his face.
“Sorry,” Jules muttered, her eyes downcast.
Simon felt an immediate flood of regret and shuffled closer to her on the wall.
“Tell us then, swot? How’d ye get on?” he probed, knowing how important today had been for her.
A broad smile crept across Jules’ face and it was her turn to blush but with excitement and not shame.
“Two As and a B,” she squeaked.
“You got in!” Simon exclaimed, grabbing her and pulling her against him, ignoring the dull ache in his ribs.
“I got in!” she confirmed excitedly, her voice muffled by his chest and Simon couldn’t help himself.
Cupping her face in his hands he tilted her face upwards and leaned in, pressing his lips against hers. Jules could feel him smiling against her as she returned his kiss. It was different this time, a far cry from the other times they’d sloppily given in to the tension between them when they were drunk, or stoned, or both.
“What was that for?” Jules asked breathlessly, her eyes shining in the twilight haze.
“M’proud of you, Princess,” he murmured in response, pulling her towards him again.
Taglist: @aykxz98
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stilwater-saint · 2 years
"New Saints row is glitchy! Too glitchy to recommend!! Glitchy mess!! Im harping on the glitches because otherwise it's a standard game!!" Yall please, almost every new game is glitchy on release these days, it's standard fair.
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delicrieux · 4 years
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pairing: corpse husband x f!reader author’s note: hope yall didnt die of starvation jfc 💀 srr for the wait i had guests n couldnt leave early sigh 😌 anyway.... WE DID IT. IT HAPPENED. cue the cute minecraft couple montage!! 😚💗 hope yall like this chapter even tho its late asf. since ppl are STILL asking me what apps i use even tho i already answered the question 69420 times & explained it in the masterlist, hopefully the big, bold letters near the taglist will finally suffice & ill be absolved from this question. anyway, lmk wat u think!! 💞💘💖
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tags (in italics is those i couldn’t tag! make sure all’s ok w your settings!) : @littlebabysandboxburritos - @fairywriter-oracle - @tsukishimawh0re - @ofstarsanddreams - @bbecc-a - @annshit - @leahh19 - @letsloveimagines - @bellomi-clarke - @wineandionysus - @guiltydols - @onephootinfrontoftheother - @liamakorn - @thirstyfangirl - @lilysdaydreams - @pan-ini - @mxqicshxp - @tanchosanke - @yoshinorecommends - @flightsandfantasy - @liljennyx3 - @bingusmode - @unknown-and-invisible - @sinister-sleep - @fivedicksinatrenchcoat - @mercury--moon - @peterparkerspjsuit - @unstableye - @simonsbluee - @shinyshimaagain - @ppopty - @siriuslystupid - @crapimahuman - @ofthedewthesunlight - @mythicalamphitrite - @artsyally - @corpsesimpp - @corpsewhitetee - @corpse-husbandsimp - @hyp-oh-critical - @roses-and-grasses - @rhyrhy462 - @sparklylandflaplawyer - @charbkgo - @airwaveee - @creativedogs - @kaitlyn2907 - @loxbbg - @afuckingunicornn - @fleurmoon - @yeolliedokai
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miningmyminecraft · 4 years
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It’s nice to see a romance featuring OFWs that doesn’t sensationalize the challenges of working life and strikes a meaningful, empowering tone. Helmed by prominent director Cathy Garcia-Molina, this romance topped 2019’s Philippine box workplace and gained great important acclaim. This is the plot ofJohn Denver Trending—a hidden Pinoy indie film gem from 2019. In an age when cyberbulling and social media-driven disinformation are hot matters, this film helps viewers understand that online speech has real-world penalties, while not feeling overly preachy. Our third finest Pinoy film of 2019 is a authorized procedural drama—Verdict.Verdict follows the case of Joy, a Filipino housewife who stabs her abusive husband Dante in self defense.
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Furthermore,Cleaners‘ visuals seem like highlighted black-and-white photocopies—evoking the appearance of Filipino high school reading supplies. Director Glenn Barit bodily printed out the frames he shot, manually highlighted them, after which scanned the highlighted printouts to craft the final movie.
It’s a sprinkle of coming-of-age mixed with a dash of magical realism. With wonderful manufacturing high quality, Alone/Togetheroffers a practical and heartfelt take a look at balancing romance towards particular person dreams.
The highest grossing films within the Philippines have a tendency to change every year, but what would not change is the fact that they're normally the same bubblegum-sort, feel-good flicks that is good for the second, but doesn't really age nicely. There are the Vice Ganda comedies, the John Lloyd Cruz romps, the Vic Sotto fantasies. Currently, the highest  grossing film is the freshly released Hello, Love, Goodbye, starring Kathryn Bernardo and Alden Richards, clocking in at virtually 900 million pesos. While it still falls principally under the standard tacky drama, it's become a well-reviewed movie that is deep, non-formulaic, and relevant.
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Shake, Rattle, and Roll movies if you need your horror film repair whereas staying at house. This one comes courtesy of Regal Entertainment for releasing a few of its basic SRR films in mild of the quarantine. K’na The Dreamweaver who centers on K’na , a princess of the T’boli tribe in South Cotabato.
The drama Caregiver stars Sharon Cuneta, John Estrada, and Rica Peralejo and takes place in the United Kingdom. The story follows English instructor Sarah Gonzales who is working abroad as a caregiver to make money to help her husband support their household again residence in the Philippines. The movie tells the empowering story of Filipino OFWs via Sarah’s journey to self discovery.
Set in Negros, Oro, Plata, Matatraces how the struggle affected the lives of two aristocratic households. Its imagery and dramamakeit a case research in nice Filipino films. In sum, the On The Job director asks the movie-going public to have faith in Filipino movies. Bernardo and Richards prepared intensely for their roles; Bernardo spent time away from the other cast members to construct a way of isolation. What results is a sensible and empathetic efficiency that avoids the hole sugariness of other Filipino romances.
No extra ticketing or scheduling problems; they’re finally obtainable with just a faucet. The movie was filmed in simply three weeks, and stars a lot-liked Filipino actress Nora Aunor, in what many pundits price as the best performance of her profession.
The movie walks the line between documentary and drama, strolling us by way of Joy’s seek for justice in opposition to Dante. The movie contains an anthology of 5 different tales that includes designated classroom cleaners in a Tuguegarao highschool. Each of the tales touches upon the theme of “cleanliness”—whether why not look here or not bodily, moral, or otherwise. A cast of first-time actors brings the five tales to life, and offers them an authentic, pure feel. Those who went to highschool in the Philippines could find moments of tender nostalgia in Cleaners‘ narratives.
Affluent Julie Monserrat falls in love with student-slash-combo participant (that's much like at present's DJ) Dido, and their forbidden romance rocks the entire town. Already a traditional, thisMike de Leon opus has been described by many as one of the best Filipino films of all time. Starring Mark Gil in his most iconic function as Sid Lucero, it explores the fraternity culture during the last phases of martial legislation in the Philippines.
Vic Silayan plays a terrifying patriarch with a stranglehold over his family, together with his newly married and hapless daughter (Charo Santos-Concio). Diaz-Abaya was one of many strongest feminine voices in Philippine cinema, and on this period drama she lambasted the commodification of girls as strongly as she ever had. A son returns to his hometown along with his new bride in tow, solely to have her be the item of his father’s lust as a result of her resemblance to his deceased spouse. Swirling with themes of oppressive patriarchy and Oedipal complexes, shot through with startling violence, Karnal is as close to noir as Philippine films can get.
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, de Leon was making cinemagoers swoon with this mild coming-of-age love story between an aimless student/aspiring songwriter and the attractive woman whose marriage in the end proves to be a heartbreaking wakeup name to their dream of being together. I keep in mind being pissed off as a result of I was too younger to catch this true-crime thriller when it first got here out at the 7th Metro Manila Film Festival. Based on the Nick Joaquin article “The House on Zapote Street”, Kisapmata proved too darkish for audiences’ tastes for the time, however its standing as a harrowing exploration of the shadowy corners of the Filipino psyche stays unparalleled to this present day.
She aptly and intensely portrays Tin’s vulnerability in a way that doesn’t feel overly sentimental. As the second-highest grossing movie of 2019 within the Philippines,Alone/Together reaped nice financial rewards for telling its story properly. Adapted from the hit Korean movie agree with of the same name,Miracle In Cell No. 7won the love of critics and audiences with its heartwarming father-daughter story. Building upon the Korean unique,Miracle In Cell No. 7 tells the story of a mentally disabled man named Lito who’s wrongly jailed.
It is properly-acted and is likely one of the finest-crafted films within the decade. It indulges followers to revel within the state of kilig by seeing their favourite celebrities do a dance of will-they-or-won’t-they despite the fact that everyone knows the ending.
Dukot is a dramatic action crime film set within the Philippines starring Enrique Gil, Christopher De Leon, and Shaina Magdayao. The film tells the story of a center-class government official whose estranged son gets kidnapped. When the abductors demand a high sum for ransom, he should come up with the money before it’s too late. The dramatic comedy Four Sisters and a Wedding stars Brenna Garcia, Bea Alonzo, and Bea Basa and is ready in Manila, Philippines. The film recounts the story of a Filipino family consisting of four sisters and a brother.
After failing her structure board exams, Mara meets Gali , a deaf signal language instructor. The two develop an unlikely connection as they find consolation in every others’ imperfections. Made by millennial-focused Black Sheep Productions,Alone/Together follows a normal romance storyline but executes it well. The film stars real-life couple Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil as the leads—a girl named Christine “Tin” Lazaro and a boy named Rafael “Raf” Toledo, respectively. Tin research artwork, and Raf studies Biology en path to changing into a physician.
Set in a crowded and underfunded government hospital, the movie finds humanity within the dankest corners and the harshest of conditions. What might have been just another love story set in an unique land is reworked by Jason Paul Laxamana into an affecting portrait of escape, with the potential for romance between a beleaguered film star and a troubled expatriate. Lav Diaz and Brillante Mendoza are as active as ever, supported not by an area constituency however by the demand of foreigners for his or her distinctive views. There are additionally many other filmmakers who are producing films on their very own, risking fortunes and careers to not create content for media companies however movies to be screened in a movie show.
John Denver Trending has glorious cinematography and nicely-developed characters (John Denver’s mom is an particularly interesting figure). This makes its on-line witch hunt story feel all the extra resonant, and illuminates the raw horrors of internet-pushed mobs. Director Arden Rod Condez retains the narrative tightly centered, and never lets it descend into the same irrationality that a few of its characters embody. Impressively, this extremely relevant film is Condez’s directorial debut.
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A caregiver named Jaica is employed by Vivian, a successful businesswoman who recently found she was unwell. Little does Vivian know, Jaica performs a considerably larger function in her life— one which reconnects her to her distant son. At that time, Siguion-Reyna, son of movie legend Armida Siguion Reyna, was known special info for breaking barriers. One of his earlier films, additionally that includes Roces, wasLigaya ang Itawag Mo sa Akin, which illustrated rape. It was initially given an X rating and was only aired to the general public after quite a few concessions that resulted in scenes on the slicing ground.
When Lito’s fellow inmates notice he’s an harmless man, they assist smuggle in his young daughter Yesha so the two can proceed bonding. Starring Kapamilya actress Kathryn Bernardo and Kapuso star Alden Richards, Hello, Love, Goodbye is the best-grossing Filipino film of all time.
This intensive, months-lengthy course of results in a movie that literally looks like nothing else that Pinoy cinema has to offer. Ulan could be about love, nevertheless it’s not your average Filipino romance. The film stars Nadine Lustre as a author named Maya, who’s struggling to find romance and happiness. As Maya journeys via life,Ulan weaves fantastical tales from her creativeness and childhood as a reflection of her psyche. We see her speaking withtikbalangsin one second, and typhoons in one other.
If you’re trying to celebrate the occasion within the consolation of your personal house, you might be interested in doing so by catching up on must-see titles Philippine cinema has to supply — or, when you’ve already seen them before, watching them unfold all over again. Initially hard to find , these motion pictures have been made accessible to extra audiences thanks to different streaming platforms.
Most of the Philippines' critically acclaimed films are gritty and heavy, but this Maryo de los Reyes basic sticks to the reality of highschool, which is light, relatable, and fun. There are many extra intricacies between and after these occasions, and you may need to essentially watch Karnal to understand why it's such a fantastic Filipino movie. The combination of a powerhouse forged and formidable director Peque Gallaga led to this beautiful Filipino traditional.
The movie tells the story of mysterious happenings in a remote village which end in Ferdinand E. Marcos implementing Proclamation No. 1081, which locations all the Philippines under Martial Law. The movie delves into the difficulties of the village folks as they cope with this new proclamation. The drama Himala takes place in a poor Filipino village and stars Nora Aunor, Veronica Palileo, and Spanky Manikan.
When the brother, the youngest of the siblings, declares that he plans to get married, the sisters devise a plan to speak him out of it, revealing the deep-seated animosity they've for each other. The romantic drama The Hows of Us stars Kathryn Bernardo, Daniel Padilla, and Darren Espanto.
Any benefit thisAlvin Yapan filmevaporated when word got out that a canine was killed throughout production. Based on the true story of the "Gata Four Massacre" in Caramoan, Camarines Sur, it received a number of accolades and obtained positive critiques. The dog killing, nonetheless, resulted in Senate hearings and closed-door meetings. The scene was eventually edited out, but its impact has one way or the other lasted. Have you ever come across a movie so controversial, so bold that the President needed to step in to ban it from public viewing?
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Anyone who didn’t will nonetheless benefit from the 5 stories’ easy however meaningful takes on adolescence. Another more distinctive Filipino love story that came out in 2019 wasIsa Pa with Feelings .
It seems to be the case for lots of the nation's most groundbreaking movies. Mang Kepweng was a popular comic strip by Al Magat a couple of humorous village albularyo. The character was dropped at life by comedy legend Chiquito and it spawned a number of installments, with Mang Kepweng and Son being the fourth film within the sequence. Dindo Fernando, Vilma Santos, and Hilda Koronel play a person, his wife, and his lover on this Danny Zialcita film about the intricacies of marriage and adultery. The in style Filipino movie won six prizes on the 31st Filipino Academy of Movie Arts and Sciences Awards , including Vilma Santos' third Best Actress win.
It’s a type of films where the protagonist has to make a tough alternative – on this movie, K’na has to make a sacrifice between her village clans and real love. all not on Netflix – can now be accessed freed from cost, due to the kind hearts of our filmmakers. We’ve listed 10 of these local films – from blockbuster hits to horror movies – under. It’s a black comedy by the use of city fairy tales and magical realism. It has impeccable use of cinematic language — from scoring, to cinematography, to editing.
It reached P880 million box office mark after a month of hitting the cinemas. The movie is not a typical “LizQuen” love story that showcases the Philippine Art and nostalgic 90’s vibes. It depicts the story of a pair who faced many challenges from their school romance to turning into actual adults entering the real world. 2019 has been a great yr for Philippine cinema as it supplied numerous motion pictures that entertained a lot of Filipinos throughout the globe. You can watch more award-successful Netflix Originals, documentaries, motion pictures and TV reveals by choosing a plan that’s best for you.
The film tells the story of the romance between the young couple, Primo and George, who dream of building a life collectively and are already devising their future. However, their plans are put to the take a look at when they're confronted with obstacles that put their relationship in danger. Set in the Philippines in 1972, the drama From What is Before stars Perry Dizon, Roeder, and Hazel Orencio.
The movie tells the story of Elsa, a Filipina villager who claims she has been visited by the Virgin Mary. The go to changed her life as she now appears to have particular healing powers. Her newfound talent begins to trigger hysteria in her small village.
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This Jose Javier Reyes movie is known for being known as "a properly-made gentle porn movie" by none aside from then President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. Live Show, which was originally named Toro, depicted the lives of poor individuals who had to resort to performing lewd acts on stage to outlive. It is among the few extensive-launch movies that featured full-frontal nudity. After pressure from the Catholic Church, the President herself had to suspend it from airing on theaters. Though initially banned by the MTRCB, it was allowed to re-air after the title, which meant pay-per-view sex, was changed.
The film tells the story of Basha and Popoy, a young couple deeply in love who spend all of their time together. But when clashing ambitions and tensions come into play and the couple splits up, they're both feeling devastated and heartbroken. Strangely sufficient, pandemic motion pictures have turn into extra in demand because the coronavirus outbreak. If you have received the guts to sit by way of movies that observe the results of a virus, check out our suggestions. A record of greatest Filipino motion pictures would be incomplete with no Dolphy starrer.
It indulges the equipment behind the love team to flex its muscular tissues, creatively and financially, proving the online value of the pair by putting out an enormous-display romance that’s so rigorously calculated to a fault . And lastly, it indulges the actors to show their benefit as reliable actors, with tacked in confrontation scenes and weepy dialogues that profess the true nature of formulaic love. The marriage is a attainable gateway to a greater life however Teria’s leaving, the way in which the movie is a one-take shot of her going across the island earlier than reaching the pier, more so embodies the ills and the heartaches that kind the core of the Filipino diaspora. Are the “mainstream” and “indie” labels even applicable nowadays, when budgets and industry don’t considerably differ?
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If it’s a matter of sensibility, how can we distinguish when “impartial” filmmakers are directing studio-backed motion pictures, whereas established actors and filmmakers from the big networks are also increasingly going “indie”? And let’s not even delve into the query of whether or not it’s primarily based on notions of quality.
Produced by then-married couple Nora Aunor and Christopher de Leon, the World War II-set drama follows Rosario , a woman deserted by her lover when he joins the Resistance, solely to then fall in love with a Japanese soldier . But Hello, Love, Goodbye is the mother of all migrant dramas—and never why not pinoy movies just because it's officially the best grossing Filipino film of all time. The dramatic motion crime movie Metro Manila, set in Manila, Philippines stars Jake Macapagal, John Arcilla, and Althea Vega.
The story revolves round beautician Coring as he takes in Nonoy , who is the son of his crush. With Lino Brocka behind the digital camera, Ang Tatay Kong Nanaydelves into the themes of homosexuality and single parenting through a comedic lens. This Filipino film is a traditional rich-woman-poor-boy romance delivered to life by actors Vilma Santos and Bembol Roco and director Celso Ad Castillo.
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The movie follows the story of Oscar Ramirez and his household who flee a lifetime of poverty in a small village in northern Philippines to the bustling heart of Manila. The quick paced lifestyle and hardened locals quickly overwhelm the household, and Oscar should do what he needs to to survive in the massive metropolis. The romantic drama One More Chancestars John Lloyd Cruz, Bea Alonzo, and Derek Ramsay.
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foodsindustry · 2 years
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Seeds Market Analysis  Insight and Growth Strategy
Market Overview
The seeds market size will be soaring at a notable rate from 2020 to 2027, presumes Market Research Future (MRFR).
Market Dynamics
Modernization of agriculture, the need to boost food supply, and the increased use of biofuels and animal feed are all driving the global seed sector forward. Diversification of diets, advancements in seed technology such as seed coating and seed pelleting, increased use of waste land for agricultural uses, and a more accommodating regulatory environment are all expected to contribute to market expansion.
The usage of genetically modified seeds has increased significantly among farmers as a result of variable weather conditions and high food demand among end customers. The costs of developing GM seeds are much higher, which drives up the price of seeds. Certain vendors are concentrating their efforts on generating GM seeds with specific features (herbicide tolerance and insect resistance), allowing them to charge a higher/premium for their seeds. In comparison to the average price of seeds, hybrid seeds and organic seeds of vegetables and fruits such as apples, tomatoes, melons, and grapes have greater costs. This could have a negative impact on the global seed market in the future.
However, in the coming years, the advent of contemporary technologies with higher benefits than traditional ones, advancements in seed replacement rate (SRR), and increased demand for a diversity of seeds in developing nations will provide profitable prospects for brands.
During the first quarter of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on seed certification, production, distribution, and cost. Furthermore, in economically disadvantaged countries, this pandemic played a critical role in the development of a robust food system and agricultural sectors. There was a labor shortage for transportation, production, and paperwork processes, as well as a decrease in the market for seeds and plants, causing challenges in seed production for international trade
Type, crop type, seed treatment, trait, and geography have all been used to segment the worldwide seeds market.
The worldwide seeds market analysis has been divided into two types: genetically modified (GM) seeds and non-GM seeds.
The market is divided into two categories: organic and conventional.
The global seeds market has been divided into four categories based on crop type: cereals & grain, fruits & vegetables, oilseeds & pulses, and others.
The global seeds market has been divided into two categories based on seed treatment: treated and non-treated seeds.
Herbicide-tolerant, insecticide-resistant, and other traits have been used to segment the global seed market.
Region Overview
In the global seeds market, Asia-Pacific is expected to account for the largest revenue share. Due to population growth, rising disposable income, and agricultural development, Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period. Furthermore, there are minimal restrictions on seed import and export in the region.
Because of the presence of several market players and rising agricultural exports, North America is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period. Farmers are increasingly preferring commercially produced seed varieties over seeds from the previous harvest, which explains the region's dominance. Furthermore, an increase in crop production and increased government initiatives in Europe's agriculture industry are driving market growth in the region.
Competitive Environment
Some of the leading players in the global seeds market include Bayer AG (Germany), DowDuPont Inc. (France), Syngenta AG (Switzerland), Monsanto Company (US), Groupe Limagrain (France), KWS SAAT SE (Germany), Land O'Lakes, Inc. (US), Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co. (India), Gansu Dunhuang Seeds Co., Ltd (China), and Sakata Seeds Corporation (US
Mergers and acquisitions, collaborations, expansion, and technology/product launches are just a few of the growth strategies used by players in the global seeds market to gain a competitive advantage.
NOTE: Our Team of Researchers are Studying Covid19 and its Impact on Various Industry Verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid19 Footprints for Better Analysis of Market and Industries. Cordially get in Touch for More Details.
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aeronave · 3 years
Next Generation Interceptor Program Achieves Critical System Requirements Review
Next Generation Interceptor Program Achieves Critical System Requirements Review
The MDA downselects Lockheed Martin team to deliver Next Generation Interceptor The MDA’s NGI program is designed to protect the United States from complex, rogue threat, ballistic missile attacks. The interceptor is an end-to-end design to detect, contain and destroy incoming threats. The SRR is a significant early program milestone, demonstrating that the company is ready to proceed with the…
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phgq · 4 years
Panelo apologizes to Robredo about ‘incorrect’ info on relief ops
#PHnews: Panelo apologizes to Robredo about ‘incorrect’ info on relief ops
MANILA – Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo on Wednesday said he apologized to Vice President Leni Robredo for accusing her of boarding a military aircraft to deliver relief goods in typhoon-hit Catanduanes.
Robredo earlier denied that she never boarded a C-130 plane bound for the Bicol Region while her spokesperson Barry Gutierrez asked Panelo to get his facts straight.
Panelo, however, insisted that he was not peddling fake news, but was simply fed incorrect information.
Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana, in a separate statement, clarified Robredo did not use any military aircraft to go to Catanduanes.
“I requested the Philippine Air Force to confirm through their flight manifest and they reported that there was no instance that Vice President Robredo boarded any military aircraft in going to Catanduanes,” he said over his Counterpoint program.
However, he said there was an Air Force "Huey" helicopter that brought relief goods from the Vice President from Legazpi City, Albay to Catanduanes on Nov. 3.
Panelo said after learning about his mistake, he immediately sent a text message apologizing to Robredo.
While sorry for accusing her of boarding a military plane, Panelo said he was not apologizing for statements he made about Robredo using government resources to aid in relief efforts.
“Narinig kita kanina sa interview mo na never kang humingi ng tulong sa gobyerno. Papaano mo papasinungalingan yung dokumento galing sa [Philippine Air Force]. May log report e na 90 packages…ang weigh is mga 2000 plus pounds… Mali yung sinasabi mo na hindi mo ginagamit (I heard you in an interview saying that you never sought help from government. How will you explain documents of PAF. There’s a log report that there are 90 packages which weight 2000 plus pounds. What you’re saying that you didn’t use government resources is wrong),” he said.
He said while Robredo was free to use military planes for relief efforts, she should not have made it appear like she was the only official working.
In an interview over CNN Philippines, Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque also confirmed that Robredo may use government planes and choppers for relief operations.
“I think the issue is—she can if she wants to, but I think you have to be clear about whether or not you just use a vehicle and whether or not in fact, you’re responsible for relief goods being carried by that vehicle,” Roque said.
Panelo also lamented at how Robredo failed to help correct perception that Duterte was sleeping on the job when he was actually working as well.
“Bakit di ka nag react nung marinig mo na binabanatan si Presidente dahil pinalalabas nilang hindi tumutugon sa bagyo? E samantalang alam mo naman. Alam mo VP Leni a may summit, alam mo na si Presidente nagta-trabaho (Why didn’t you react when they were criticizing the President that he wasn’t responding to the typhoon when you knew. You knew there’s a summit, you knew that the President was working),” he said.
He said Robredo acted as if she was “politicizing” the distribution of relief goods.
“Since you are reacting against any false information then necessarily kung objective ka…dapat you should have taken it on yourself na ‘Hindi totoo 'yan. Si Presidente huwag niyo hanapin 'yan. Nandiyan nagta-trabaho ‘yan (if you’re objective, you should have taken it on yourself that ‘That’s not true. Don’t look for the President, he’s working),” he said.
‘No calls from Robredo’
In a speech aired Tuesday night, President Rodrigo Duterte lashed out on Robredo for “grandstanding” during the height of typhoon Ulysses and acting as if the Armed Forces took action after she made calls to her contacts on the ground.
“You make it appear na gumalaw ang Armed Forces (that the Armed Forces acted). You are not part of the command,” Duterte said.
He noted that government personnel and resources were prepositioned two to three days before the typhoon made landfall.
Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) spokesperson, Marine Maj. Gen. Edgard Arevalo said there were “no requests or information of distress calls” received from Robredo.
He pointed out that even if Robredo had some “contacts on the ground”, action units on the ground will still have to take their orders from Duterte, Lorenzana, and AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Gilbert Gapay.
“If ever the VP had our operational commanders as her ‘contacts on the ground’ as she mentioned in her tweet, and if those calls were received by our action units on the ground, they will render appropriate actions as circumscribed in the orders of the President, [Secretary of National Defense], and [Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines] to provide the needed assistance—with the information coming from VP,” Arevalo said.
Arevalo said the AFP was on a round-the-clock monitoring and deployed follow-on Search, Rescue, & Retrieval Teams (SRRTs) at the onslaught of the typhoon with instructions to coordinate directly with Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Councils.
“[Local government units] are in a better position to direct our SRR Teams to go to which locality according to their judgement of need and priority since they have the overall view of the situation. We deem it that way because during those times when we were inundated with requests for assistance, our SRRTs and assets will not be enough to respond to specific or individual requests for rescue,” he added. (with reports from Priam Nepomuceno/PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Panelo apologizes to Robredo about ‘incorrect’ info on relief ops." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1122268 (accessed November 19, 2020 at 04:02AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Panelo apologizes to Robredo about ‘incorrect’ info on relief ops." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1122268 (archived).
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megafreeman · 1 year
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radioromania · 5 years
şăPremiul UNITER pentru Lupoaica de Giovanni Verga, producţie SRR
(14 mai 2019)
În cadrul celei de-a XXVII-a ediţii a Galei Premiilor UNITER, care s-a desfăşurat luni, 13 mai, la Teatrul Naţional Cluj-Napoca, Premiul UNITER pentru cel mai bun spectacol de teatru radiofonic al anului 2018 a fost acordat producţiei Societăţii Române de Radiodifuziune Lupoaica de Giovanni Verga, adaptarea radiofonică Domnica Ţundrea, regia artistică Vasile Manta.
Juriul pentru nominalizări, alcătuit din criticii de teatru Monica Andronescu, Oana Borş şi Mircea Morariu, a urmărit spectacolele care au avut premiera în 2018. Juriul final, compus din următoarele personalităţi ale lumii teatrale: Vlad Ivanov – actor, Doina Modola – critic de teatru, Maia Morgenstern – actriţă, Cristian Pepino – regizor şi Viorica Petrovici – scenograf, a decis prin vot secret câştigătorii celor 11 categorii de premii.
Lupoaica de Giovanni Verga a avut premiera pe 15 martie 2018. Adaptarea radiofonică: Domnica Ţundrea. Regia artistică: Vasile Manta. Traducerea: Olga Mărculescu.
În distribuţie: Adela Mărculescu, Mircea Rusu, Ioana Calotă, Gelu Niţu, Dorina Lazăr, Petre Lupu, Daniela Ioniţă Marcu, Cătălina Mustaţă, Cristian Simion, Ionuţ Kivu.
Regia de montaj: Radu Verdeş şi Florin Bădic. Regia de studio: Janina Dicu. Regia muzicală: Patricia Prundea. Regia tehnică: Vasile Manta. Redactor şi coordonator de proiect: Domnica Ţundrea.
Scrierile lui Giovanni Verga (1840–1922), binecunoscut autor italian de factură realistă, au generat, de-a lungul deceniilor, ecranizări ori spectacole de mare succes la public şi la critica de specialitate. Romancier, autor de proză scurtă şi dramaturg, reprezentant de forţă al verismului italian, Giovanni Verga este considerat drept un scriitor remarcabil prin vigoarea expresiei şi autenticitatea trăirilor surprinse în pagini narative ori teatrale, izbutind să influenţeze, pe plan naţional, literatura de după cel de al doilea război mondial. Piesa Lupoaica de Giovanni Verga este valoroasă, prin construcţia concisă, forţa viziunii, puterea sentimentelor, reflectarea stărilor sufleteşti şi pasiunea nemijlocită ce răzbate din toate situaţiile scenice, iar traducerea realizată de Olga Mărculescu se dovedeşte a fi plină de farmec şi bogată în nuanţe, păstrând spiritul dramatic al textului, alternând nota sentimentală cu pitorescul stilului popular italian.
Cu atenţie la psihologia personajelor, la stările lăuntrice, la încleştările exterioare şi interioare, regizorul artistic Vasile Manta a transformat acest univers într-un spectacol radiofonic puternic, dramatic, de o mare plasticitate, îndrumând actorii spre o interpretare firească.
Spectacolul Lupoaica de Giovanni Verga aduce o tipologie feminină aparte, fascinantă, de mare profunzime şi complexitate psihologică, pe aceea a personajului Pina, interpretat cu incontestabil har actoricesc de Adela Mărculescu. Rolul Pinei îi prilejuieşte marii actriţe trăiri intense, izbucniri pătimaşe, treceri de la mândrie la duioşie, de la o furie excelent dozată, la o caldă, emoţionantă, copleşitoare stare poetică.
Muzica spectacolului, sensibilă şi evocatoare, aleasă de către regizorul muzical Patricia Prundea şi coloana sonoră gândită de Vasile Manta contribuie la conturarea unui univers profund şi nuanţat, amplificând dramatismul, trăirile, pasiunile, emoţia spectacolului radiofonic.
Montarea piesei Lupoaica de Giovanni Verga la Teatrul Naţional Radiofonic propune publicului un act artistic expresiv şi elocvent, oferindu-le actorilor ocazia de a se confrunta cu partituri generoase, roluri puternice, de a crea un univers în care spiritul popular şi poezia sentimentelor se împletesc.
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Adăugat de Luciana Gingăraşu
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oocneoblog · 7 years
[[A lot of the vagueposts are missing, simply because I never thought it would have to come to this. By this point, I’m not even looking for an apology. It’s too late for that. Make of these receipts what you will, but hopefully you’ll understand why the tag has become such an unsafe place to me and my moirail.]]
[18/06/2015 20:04:15] *** ყøŘıck 👻 would like to add you on Skype
Hi, I'd like to connect with you on Skype. ***
[18/06/2015 20:04:23] *** Ted has shared contact details with 💎 yaakov. ***
[25/06/2015 20:43:36] ყøŘıck 👻: teddy bear what are your pronouns
i was using they for you but idw do that if you actually use something else srr
[25/06/2015 20:44:08] Ted: usually I go with "they" but sometimes I go with "ey" to avoid confusion with plurals
[06/09/2015 00:56:08] yorick ☁: hey can you. not namedrop shelby on my post, shelby has sent me messages picking on me when i have breakdowns and calls me "aggressive" and i have her blocked and i wanted to keep the post vague.
[06/09/2015 00:57:01] Ted: Ah, okay. I didn't realise you had her blocked now. She vented to me about vagueblogging in the past is all.
[06/09/2015 00:58:59] yorick ☁: yeah she and her group of friends have been really hurtful to me and idk
[06/09/2015 00:59:13] Ted: what group of friends?
[06/09/2015 01:01:13] yorick ☁: asheton, tiff, and idk if she's friends with meow but meow was really not great to me
[06/09/2015 01:02:16] Ted: yeah, I understand
[06/09/2015 01:02:45] Ted: haven't seen her interact with those people lately but I respect you and i'll try not to mention her around you
[06/09/2015 01:10:22] Ted: i think that might have come out badly, I've been having to write a lot of complicated thoughts down today and it's tired me out
[06/09/2015 01:10:40] Ted: but, like, i understand
[06/09/2015 01:18:40] yorick ☁: yeah its ok
[21/11/2015 00:23:03] 🌴 yorick: HAPPY BIRTHD 🎂
[21/11/2015 00:23:52] Ted: Yay! Thank you!!!
devotedslothminion: who was it?
nosh-o-matic: idk if im comfortable saying because you're friends with them and idrw you telling them what i said
nosh-o-matic: idk you can probably deduce who i'm talking about but person in question reblogs from this blog (screenshots bcs i have that blog blocked) http://kumbricprince.tumblr.com/post/131251859912/since-they-have-me-blocked-heres-the-nonsense and other radfems who are anti-trans & anti-sex worker, plus the lovely post they just reblogged about menstruation specifically refers to a law found in the torah and afaik they're not jewish
devotedslothminion: ah, i'm working on the terf thing btw
like, i don't want to say why but there's some stuff you don't know about that's kind of basically making her afraid of everything right now
it wasn't clear to me that it was talking about the torah
devotedslothminion: i just want to say, just because someone reblogs a specific thing they relate to from a person, doesn't mean they share all the views of that person
devotedslothminion: i mean that in a reassuring way, btw
nosh-o-matic: i don't believe sympathizing with violent transmisogynists is okay especially if what they're sympathizing with is specifically anti-jew? like i don't need to know what's going on in her personal life but having personal reasons to nod her head in agreement with people who think transness is a cult and jewish traditions are disgusting doesn't make me comfortable with it
devotedslothminion: it's not anti-religious to criticise sexism in religious practices. like, i say this as someone who identifies as religious. sometimes you're just following someone because you're curious about their viewpoint and what made them that way.
and, like, you don't need to force yourself to feel comfortable with someone if you don't want to
devotedslothminion: a lot of our viewpoints on a group are based on our sole experience of that group, which may or may not be indicative of the whole
idk, i'm probably just stressing you out. i'm sorry.
nosh-o-matic: jews are a marginalized group so i will never believe it's okay for nonjews to criticize the torah? this isn't about religion as a whole... it's about judaism and i am v stressed out that someone i used to talk to on the daily is putting antisemitic stuff on my dash
devotedslothminion: like, i personally don't see how it was antisemitic but because i'm not jewish i take your word for it
like, idk what specified it as an attack against the torah specifically as opposed to christian tradition
because i'm not jewish
nosh-o-matic: the tenakh & torah (the old testament) are first and foremost jewish because christians appropriated the entire tenakh from us despite saying in the new testament that the old testament is obsolete. everything in the "old testament" is the tenakh and it's jewish
if that makes sense
devotedslothminion: the first christians were also jewish though? like, it was their culture and there's stories in there that were important to them, especially for context. (also, i've never been told that the old testament was obsolete, and i've seen a lot of christians quoting it)
devotedslothminion: paul the apostle was hesitant about sharing christianity with non-jews at first, so i don't know if it's right to call it appropriation when it was willingly shared and spread
nosh-o-matic: the first christians were EX jews who put their faith in a messiah that jews don't believe in plus modern christians are not descendents of ancient christians or jews in any way so i don't see what this has to do with me not wanting non-jews to criticize the torah
devotedslothminion: and yet god spoke to them
nosh-o-matic: i'm sorry but whst youre saying sounds like 'christians and christian-raised atheists can't be antisemitic because 2000 years ago the first christians were ex-jewish converts'
devotedslothminion: no, i'm not saying that
what you're saying sounds like non-jews who convert to judaism cannot identify as jews because they are not descended from ancient jews
nosh-o-matic: that's literally not what i'm saying, all jewish converts regardless of race/ethnicity are just as jewish as ethnic jews. i'm saying that ethnic jews who convert to christianity are not an authority on judaism, which literally doesn't matter anyway because this conversation sprung up because gabby reblogged something antisemitic despite not being ethnically or religiously jewish
nosh-o-matic: you kept saying "ill take your word for it because i'm not jewish" yet you're telling me what i should be okay with based on the writings in the new testament that aren't even a part of my faith
devotedslothminion: no i'm not, i don't see how you're taking that from what i'm saying
nosh-o-matic: can we move this to skype
devotedslothminion: if you want
[02/01/2016 19:06:11] 🌴 yorick: so the reason i'm getting this
"you kept saying "ill take your word for it because i'm not jewish" yet you're telling me what i should be okay with based on the writings in the new testament that aren't even a part of my faith"
is because you're telling me that based on the origins of christianity, written by ex-jews, in a book that isn't part of my faith, i shouldn't call christians using jewish texts as part of their faith appropriative because it was part of the culture of the first christians because they were ethnically jewish
and like, yeah, it was part of THEIR culture, but modern christians have no direct ties with ancient ones - modern christians are not jewish. (jewish converts ARE jewish because despite their not being of jewish ethnicity, they're spiritually jewish and are welcomed into the culture after going through the steps for conversion)
christianity as it exists is the belief that the laws of the torah (the mosaic law found in leviticus etc) are outdated and no longer meant to be observed because of jesus (who i do not believe in because i am jewish) being sacrificed for everyone's sins
it is anti-semitic for a christian/ex-christian to criticize the laws of the torah because christians believe those laws are obsolete
those laws are not christian, they're jewish
does that make sense
[02/01/2016 19:07:39] Ted: okay, I see your point, but I disagree that believing in jesus as the messiah made the early Christians non-Jewish.
[02/01/2016 19:09:27] Ted: they would have still identified as jews because they believed that it was a fulfilment of god's previous promises, citing prophecies in jewish scripture. the old testament is needed to give a full picture of Christianity, as without it, the new testament would have no context. do you see my point?
[02/01/2016 19:12:34] 🌴 yorick: that doesn't change the fact that the torah is jewish and jewish ONLY
this entire conversation sprung up because christians and christian-raised atheists believe it's okay to criticize JEWISH practices as long as they wrongly call them christian
[02/01/2016 19:24:27 | Edited 19:24:23] Ted: (I'm typing something up on my laptop but in the meantime I need to go eat something bc ny body's telling me it's low on sugar)
[02/01/2016 19:25:01] 🌴 yorick: aight
[02/01/2016 21:05:50] Ted: a lot of modern day Christians also follow those practices, which I think is what you were referring to with the appropriation comment earlier? (this is my understanding after having thought on it and what you've said since)
in a lot of places, said Christians appropriating ancient jewish laws/practices have undue influence on the power structures of society, and use these appropriated laws/customs to marginalise people they feel they can get away with stomping on. a criticism of the torah in that respect is supposed to reflect on that inappropriate deployment of those customs by the power-hungry, and on the nature of sexism in society as it currently is.
because many of us live in so-called Christian countries, criticising the power structure inherently involves criticising those laws that are falsely used to justify subjugation of the oppressed.
[02/01/2016 21:10:15] 🌴 yorick: there are plenty of people who are actually jewish who are already criticizing sexism in the torah so why is it necessary for goys to get involved you keep telling me what's okay to be upset with and what's not but i'm actually jewish and this upsets me
[02/01/2016 21:10:54] Ted: i'm not saying it's not okay to be upset. i'm sorry. I was just trying to make you feel better.
[02/01/2016 21:13:45] 🌴 yorick: i genuinely appreciate you trying to make me feel better but im also just not really comfrted by being goysplained to about the origins of christianity ykno
[02/01/2016 21:14:42] Ted: i was trying to explain the place people are coming from since you seemed upset and confused
[02/01/2016 21:14:56] Ted: i'm sorry if i misread the situation
[02/01/2016 21:16:14] Ted: the people making those posts don't necessarily think anything against Judaism was all i was trying to explain, and i hoped that might be of some comfort
[02/01/2016 21:22:15] 🌴 yorick: that's the problem though, that christians are the ones everyone automatically thinks of when they read the torah even though the torah is completely indisputably jewish and NOT christian
like that video where a bunch of non-muslim goys disguised a bible as a qu'ran and read from the OLD testament to prove that "christianity is violent"
that was antisemitic
the tanakh isn't christian, it is jewish and i'm uncomfortable with goys unloading criticism onto jewish texts when jews are a marginalized group and face the highest percentage of religious hate crime (62.4% of all religious hate crime in the US alone is anti-semitic hate crime)
and they will always get away with it too because they can use the same excuse "the old testament is actuslly christian"
[02/01/2016 21:23:35] Ted: i think in this case it was more that people had been quoted those verses to justify their suffering and so are lashing out against that, but i do see your point
[02/01/2016 21:25:28] Ted: like, there's going to have to be a balance at some point and idk what to say, but you're right that the root problem is appropriation
[02/01/2016 21:25:45] Ted: sorry that i made you have to explain all of that
[03/01/2016 03:57:02] Ted: Okay so gabby saw that vaguepost and now she's suicidal again great.
[03/01/2016 03:58:59] 🌴 yorick: i'm to blame for reacting when someone triggers me??? i also specifically told you i didn't want you to tell her when i was talking to you earlier so thanks for that
[03/01/2016 04:01:00] Ted: You didn't say that at all to my memory. You can choose to react by talking to someone you trust about it instead of making someone terrified they're going to have their name dragged through the dirt over something that ultimately wasn't their fault.
[03/01/2016 04:03:06] 🌴 yorick: my very first message to you was "idk if im comfortable saying because you're friends with them and idrw you telling them what i said"
[03/01/2016 04:05:29] Ted: Sometimes it's hard being yelled at even if you know it's probably not that they hate you. Sometimes you need emotional support. Also, I didn't say anything that you'd said about her, only vaguely mentioned the subject matter being about appropriation of Judaism by christians.
[03/01/2016 04:09:04] 🌴 yorick: why doesn't everyone just fucking leave me alone everyon expects me to have pristine reactions to everything and then when i don't people hate me whenni didn't do ANYTHING EXCEPT DEFEND MYSELF
[03/01/2016 04:10:59] Ted: No one was attacking you this time. Vagueposts can be catastrophic when read by the wrong person, which is why I generally respond to them. I don't hate you, yorick.
[03/01/2016 04:18:01] Ted: Why do you think she wouldn't have seen it?
[03/01/2016 04:18:41] 🌴 yorick: I BLOCKED HER & WHY WOULD SHE HAVE BEEN ON MY BLOG????
[03/01/2016 04:19:38] Ted: The only reason it was gabby I vented to is because literally everyone else is too busy ignoring me.
[03/01/2016 04:22:07] 🌴 yorick: leave me aloneyou don't care about me whatsoever you didnt listen when i told you not to tell gabhy what i was telling YOU ONLY and you didn't care about any of what i was saying either you only talked to me so you could spill everything to gabby and tell her HEY YORICK HATES YOU!!!
[03/01/2016 04:24:20] Ted: No, that's not true. I don't understand internet acronyms all that well and I was low on blood sugar at the time so my reading comprehension was shot.
[03/01/2016 04:26:44] 🌴 yorick: well whatevwr either way its literally all my fault i made gabby feel vad with my disgusting trans sex worker jew self and i should kms because yoa and ga bby would be so much happier and then you can tslk aboit me all you want
[03/01/2016 04:27:12] Ted: No, that's not true either.
[03/01/2016 04:29:12] Ted: I'm sorry that I don't talk to you all that often when it's not about social justice topics and things, but I do respect you, and I do like you. That's why I try to help.
[03/01/2016 04:31:32] Ted: Evidently I'm not that good at helping you feel better. Maybe it would be better if we just stopped talking, but... I do like you and I want you to be happy and feel safe.
[03/01/2016 04:33:25] 🌴 yorick: Ted - Today 10:57 PM
> Okay so gabby saw that vaguepost and now she's suicidal again great.
well thanks a bunvh this really helped me feel better when i already self harmed yesterday because i was sick with worry that one of my other friends hated me because i told her i love her and now SHE SAID SHE'S TALKING TO GABBY TOO SO SHE REALLY HATES ME NOW THANKS THANKS THANKS THANKS THANKS
[03/01/2016 04:36:52] Ted: Can you just... Not vaguepost about people I'm friends with? That would solve a lot, actually.
[03/01/2016 04:39:57] Ted: If you could talk to someone not involved instead, that would be better because it wouldn't put unnecessary tension on people trying to balance both friendships.
[03/01/2016 04:44:38] Ted: I try to help everyone, and sometimes that means pointing out destructive behavioural patterns. That's what my psychologists have done for me in the past and a lot of my friends have found it helpful.
[03/01/2016 04:47:25] 🌴 yorick: fine next time i find out someone who i thought i was friends with literally hates trans people jews and sex workers i'll just keep my damn mouth shut since everything isMY FAULT and im an asshole for having narcissistic perrsonslity disorder and no empathy and now i know that you can't keep a secret when i literally deal every day with people hating me because im trans and jewish and fuck off with pretending you care about me whatsoever you're just being nice because you want me to say yes sir!!! and delete all the posts about gabby so fuckign fine you get your wish
[03/01/2016 04:49:09] Ted: Gabby doesn't hate trans people, she's scared of a certain someone who isn't you and was bad to her. I talk about my transition that I'm going through all the time with her.
[03/01/2016 04:49:24] Ted: And I doubt she hates Jewish people either.
[03/01/2016 04:55:42] 🌴 yorick: mom abused me my entire childhood but that doesn't mean i get to announce to the world that i hate women and FUCK OFF WITH CALLING ME DESTRUCTIVE AND CRAZY LEAVE ME ALONE
[03/01/2016 04:56:13] Ted: I didn't call you destructive or crazy.
[03/01/2016 04:57:20] Ted: Sometimes we develop coping mechanisms that may or may not be harmful to ourselves and others in the end.
[03/01/2016 08:03:38] *** Ted blocked 💎 yaakov ***
[03/01/2016 04:53:46] Clare 🐻: Hey Ted can I talk to you
[03/01/2016 04:54:03] Ted: Yeah.
[03/01/2016 04:55:00] Ted: I know yorick thinks everyone hates them and I'm sorry for causing all of this. I'm trying to make it up but idk.
[03/01/2016 04:56:38] Clare 🐻: Right now I think they're most upset about you apparently saying they're destructive and should see a therapist?
[03/01/2016 04:57:53] Ted: "I try to help everyone, and sometimes that means pointing out destructive behavioural patterns. That's what my psychologists have done for me in the past and a lot of my friends have found it helpful."
[03/01/2016 04:58:55] Ted: A lot of this has been basically me talking calmly trying to explain that I'm not trying to attack them with words.
[03/01/2016 04:59:16] Ted: And that nobody else is tbh.
[03/01/2016 05:02:03] Clare 🐻: What do you mean by calmly
[03/01/2016 05:02:24] Clare 🐻: Like just no yelling, or being super zen
[03/01/2016 05:03:00] Ted: The first bit was emotional, the next not so much.
[03/01/2016 05:03:50] Ted: I am feeling pretty Zen right now but that's probably because I'm tired out from the meltdown I had earlier.
[03/01/2016 05:04:12] Ted: Insomnia yaaaay
[03/01/2016 05:06:15] Ted: I'm such a piece of shit friend, no wait. I know that's not true. I'm a great friend but sometimes I make catastrophic mistakes and it leads to situations like this where I have to argue about things that may exist or may not, but if they do then only pathetically.
[03/01/2016 05:09:49] Clare 🐻: Things that may exist or may not?
[03/01/2016 05:10:17] Ted: Gabby's supposed transphobia or antisemitism
[03/01/2016 05:11:03] Ted: Like, there's no way she's a threat. She cares too much and I'm too on the ball.
[03/01/2016 05:11:52] Clare 🐻: So you mean like, if she is antisemetic or transphobic, it's to such a low degree that it doesn't matter?
[03/01/2016 05:14:44] Ted: Pretty much. Like, I talk about being trans all the time. I'm going for transition and gabby is supportive. And I'm pretty sure she's not antisemitic, just anti-abrahamic maybe but it's for valid reasons. We've talked about theology and she knows that a few verses aren't indicative of a whole religion and its followers because she knows me as an example of a christian and I've talked about christians I know.
[03/01/2016 05:16:59 | Edited 05:16:58] Ted: Like, not that it doesn't matter but that it doesn't automatically affect how she views someone who belongs to those groups.
[03/01/2016 05:29:26] Clare 🐻: Well I understand where you're coming from but I worry that it's dangerous to ignore low degrees of prejudice--as I understand it gabby's only instance of transphobia is her radfem leanings, but in itself that's still enough to make a lot of trans people really uncomfortable really fast.
Obviously it's at the discretion of every individual, and I don't mean to imply gabby isn't a good friend to you--just that however you perceive her views it's clear that Yorick doesn't share that perception, and feels unsafe talking to her
however you feel about Yorick and their beliefs (from what I understand there was a respectful disagreement earlier?) i think you really hurt their feelings with the destructive behavior/therapy stuff, even if that wasn't your intent--they feel like you're saying they're destructive, or like they're not worth listening to, I think
[03/01/2016 05:31:15] Ted: And I have since explained that that was not what I was saying. I have been challenging gabby on her terf leanings consistently since they came to light, something I have also said to yorick.
[03/01/2016 05:34:05] Clare 🐻: Could you tell me what you were saying or trying to say
I'm getting a lot of third person info ;;
[03/01/2016 05:36:07] Ted: I don't have access to tumblr im at the moment.
[03/01/2016 05:36:40] Ted: I also can't copy more than one message at a time from skype.
[03/01/2016 05:37:13] Clare 🐻: Oh I just meant could you like. Paraphrase
[03/01/2016 05:38:34] Ted: Like as far as I can remember I said "I'm working on the terf thing" and what yorick's been accusing gabby of is that she outright hates trans people and jews
[03/01/2016 05:42:14] Ted: I've never seen her reblog anything overtly terf or antisemitic. (yorick and I disagreed on the antisemitism inherent in this one post, which is what started the argument basically because I didn't understand what they were getting at. I do now understand what they were getting at but I feel like it was more just antisemitic by association than overtly antisemitic as they were portraying)
[03/01/2016 05:43:14] Clare 🐻: So like, antisemetic via anti-Abrahamic religion
[03/01/2016 05:43:20] Ted: A lot of my beef with yorick is about their skewed portrayal of people's views, which wouldn't be a problem if they weren't so public about it.
[03/01/2016 05:43:22] Ted: Yeah.
[03/01/2016 05:43:30] Ted: Exactly.
[03/01/2016 05:43:41] Clare 🐻: So public about it?
[03/01/2016 05:44:28 | Edited 05:46:23] Ted: Vagueposting publicly. Gabby felt like she was being called out for views she doesnt have and that's why she deleted and started contemplating suicide.
[03/01/2016 05:45:37 | Edited 05:46:44] Ted: I should have used better judgement in that case but i really did not know that this would happen because of one vent.
[03/01/2016 05:48:16] Ted: Yorick expects me to have perfect judgment and automatically know 100% their current status with all known friends.
[03/01/2016 05:49:01] Ted: And if I make a mistake well obviously I hate them and agree with every single one of their enemies.
[03/01/2016 05:51:48] Clare 🐻: Mm, and I think yorick feels like you were blaming them for making gabby suicidal when you talked earlier?
My perspective is like
the whole point of vagueblogging is that it doesn't call the person out
I think with Yorick it's less about making mistakes and more about owning up to them and trying to better, which is their big beef with gabby--like as I understand it Yorick doesn't see you as an enemy, but as a friend, which is why what they interpreted you as having said hurt them as much as it did. Like you still care about them, right?
[03/01/2016 05:53:44] Ted: Yeah, of course. But vagueposting is inherently risky and can often feel manipulative if it's obvious who it's about.
[03/01/2016 05:55:09] Ted: When you're being yelled at it's hard not to feel attacked. And when I get yelled at I go into my self-preservation mode to stop me from going back into that spiral of depression, psychosos and anxiety.
[03/01/2016 05:55:56] Ted: And that involves instantly dismissing any criticism until I'm in a state where I can think clearly.
[03/01/2016 05:57:31] Ted: I would never vaguepost to a community about a member of that community - especially a friend. I've always seen more harm than good come from a vaguepost.
[03/01/2016 06:02:42] Clare 🐻: Idk I think there's a certain merit in vagueblogging, as a way to blow off steam without Starting Shit--like this was all on yoricks main right? So not even in the community
That being said I get what you mean about the dynamic that emerges when it's obvious who's being talked about--but nobody is guiltless of that in this case
[03/01/2016 06:03:14] Ted: Actually it was on their neoblog - I don't follow their main.
[03/01/2016 06:03:41] Clare 🐻: Oh whoops. Scratch that then
[03/01/2016 06:05:04] Ted: They've vagueposted before about a friend of mine in terms that made their identity clearly obvious to anyone in the neotag who had been paying attention to their dashboards lately.
[03/01/2016 06:07:09] Ted: On their neoblog.
[03/01/2016 06:08:45] Ted: And you know what set off my argument with archiie - a vaguepost.
[03/01/2016 06:10:18] Ted: In those cases all it does is serve to turn the person who was vagueposted about into the aggressor, whether they were or not to begin with.
[03/01/2016 06:14:18] Clare 🐻: What would you recommend instead though?
[03/01/2016 06:14:41] Ted: Venting to an uninvolved party.
[03/01/2016 06:15:46] Ted: Which can help to clear your head and give you perspective, as well as confirmation when required.
[03/01/2016 06:22:36] Clare 🐻: What if there isn't an uninvolved party
[03/01/2016 06:23:56] Ted: Then you just gotta bite the bullet and talk to someone who is involved. Vagueposting when everyone is involved is a recipe for disaster.
[03/01/2016 06:30:54] Clare 🐻: I agree with the vagueblogging part but not the talking to someone involved part, like you were venting to gabby earlier right? And it turned into this clusterfuck of a situation. Would you not vagueblog about it if you could go back in time?
[03/01/2016 06:32:00] Ted: Idk, I needed to vent to someone. I didn't tell her about the vaguepost because i knew that would upset her.
[03/01/2016 06:32:29] Ted: I was going towards a meltdown. I need to vent when that is the case.
[03/01/2016 06:33:42] Ted: It was partly also so she didn't think I was ignoring her, because she's been on a dangerous self-loathing streak lately.
[03/01/2016 06:37:18] Clare 🐻: Yeah I can understand that
Idk I just think vagueblogging or even like, making a Facebook status are a lot less liable to cause trouble, but that's just based on my experiences, & where I think Yorick was at earlier
[03/01/2016 06:39:55] Ted: My sister's ex girlfriend once vagueposted about her on facebook and some of my sister's friends liked it because they didn't have context, but my sister saw it and basically had a mental breakdown over it.
[03/01/2016 06:41:19] Ted: Had I not been there to jump in as defender, it would have lead to another suicide attempt.
[03/01/2016 06:43:24] Ted: There's a difference between vagueblogging to vent and vagueblogging to manipulate. With the latter, people do it so they know that their mutual friends don't hate them for their falling out with the other person, which can be very helpful to know but can be seriously damaging to the other person.
[03/01/2016 06:43:53] Ted: I'm not calling yorick manipulative btw.
[03/01/2016 06:44:08] Ted: I'm talking about a normal human reaction here.
[03/01/2016 06:44:11] Clare 🐻: Ah good I was just about to ask
[03/01/2016 06:47:46] Clare 🐻: to me yoricks initial vagueblogging was just venting
If they wanted support or agreement it would be a lot easier to vague about it in a group chat
& yeah it got progressively more overt but they were basically blogging at each other at that point
[03/01/2016 06:48:30] Ted: Gabby's post wasn't in response to yorick's.
[03/01/2016 06:48:41] Ted: That was also my mistake.
[03/01/2016 06:49:53] Ted: Yorick told me they'd unfollowed her, so I figured, like, since it wasn't common knowledge, that particular disagreement... You know?
[03/01/2016 06:50:28] Ted: Also i didn't see what went down on tumblr after I posted my fic.
[03/01/2016 06:51:21] Ted: She needed to vent.
[03/01/2016 06:51:37] Ted: Man I'm such a hypocrite.
[03/01/2016 06:52:00] Ted: I didn't know that yorick would be checking her blog either.
[03/01/2016 06:52:21] Ted: They told me they'd unfollowed, so I assumed that was it.
[03/01/2016 06:52:43] Ted: Gabby's been afraid of yorick for quite a while.
[03/01/2016 06:53:43] Ted: I shouldn't have mentioned them at all. But can you see why I don't want to tell yorick my reasoning in what mistake I made?
[03/01/2016 06:54:21] Ted: To tell them that gabby was afraid of them would cause very bad things.
[03/01/2016 06:55:26] Ted: I'm usually so good at the mediation thing, giving people space to vent.
[03/01/2016 06:56:18] Ted: It's when I'm yelled at for trying to explain a different point of view that I just close up and end up needing to vent myself, which makes me part of the problem.
[03/01/2016 06:56:49] Ted: I forgot the circles of crisis, support inwards dump outwards.
[03/01/2016 06:57:10] Ted: I guess I didn't have anyone else to dump onto at the time.
[03/01/2016 06:58:41] Ted: Everything's shit now.
[03/01/2016 06:59:13] Ted: It's my stupid fault for caring.
[03/01/2016 07:08:37] Ted: No it's not. Idk. Caring is useful. I feel numb. On the one hand I know I'm entitled to be upset by this but on the other my cbt kicks in and tells me I don't have to be upset so I just... I just...
[03/01/2016 07:32:43] Clare 🐻: Hey now. I don't think it's anybody's fault. You couldn't have foreseen this, and it's better to vent than keep it all inside.
Everybody involved is really upset and you're all blaming yourselves but the only thing anybody can do now is apologize, try to learn, and most importantly tend to individual mental health
[03/01/2016 07:33:12] Ted: Hard to do that when someone is vaguely accusing you of being an anti-Semite in their tags.
[03/01/2016 07:33:56] Ted: Tend to individual mental health, I mean.
[03/01/2016 07:38:59] Clare 🐻: Fair point
But it's hard for Yorick to tend their mental health when they perceive antisemitism, too
Idk since I'm catholic I'm inclined to err on the side of shutting up as fast as possible, bc I know shit all about Judaism outside of Passover
Imo it's a lot less stressful to do research than talk to ppl, but I'm an awkward little hermit. So
[03/01/2016 07:39:27] Ted: they are giving the impression (and actually stated to me) that when they call someone an anti-Semite they mean that they hate all jews
[03/01/2016 07:40:09] Ted: oh and now they've changed their skype name to "destructive behaviour"
[03/01/2016 07:40:29] Ted: I cannot
[03/01/2016 07:40:31] Ted: i can't
[03/01/2016 07:40:33] Ted: i
[03/01/2016 07:44:45] Ted: i just want it to stop
[03/01/2016 07:45:15] Ted: everything feels like a stab in the heart
[03/01/2016 07:45:42] Ted: i was going to be okay but now i'm not okay at all
[03/01/2016 07:46:27] Ted: i know they're not doing it to hurt me but
[03/01/2016 07:46:31] Ted: i can't deal with this
[03/01/2016 07:46:56] Ted: i can't do anything i can't block them they'll take it personally
[03/01/2016 07:49:27] Ted: this is primary 2 all over again i can't deal with this
[03/01/2016 08:01:09] Clare 🐻: They're doing it to stab themself in the heart tbqh
They worry a lot about their behavior
[03/01/2016 08:01:14] Clare 🐻: Here you know what
[03/01/2016 08:01:25] Clare 🐻: I'm formally asking you to block them
[03/01/2016 08:03:12] Clare 🐻: I'll let them know I asked, they won't take it personally, and you both take a break to sort through everything individually
[03/01/2016 08:04:29] Ted: i like yorick
[03/01/2016 08:04:41] Ted: how will i know when to unblock them
[03/01/2016 08:06:15] Clare 🐻: I don't know tbh
I'm hoping a sign presents itself
[03/01/2016 08:06:53] Ted: they still think of me as an anti-Semite and probably a transphobe too
[03/01/2016 08:11:20] Clare 🐻: Well I know they don't think you're a transphobe, and idrk what you guys talked about re: religion so I can't comment on the antisemitism but I think mostly they're upset because they think you see them as like a destructive lunatic
Like you're both more conscious of how you think the other person sees you than how you see the other person, if that makes sense
[03/01/2016 08:12:27] Ted: Filed under HOW CAN I CHILL WHEN Y'ALL ARE ANTISEMITES HUH,not neo
[03/01/2016 08:13:57] Ted: and if their standards for gabby and their standards for me are the same, they think i am an anti-Semite and transphobe because i defended someone they see as a terf and an antisemite
[03/01/2016 08:14:43] Ted: i was about to go copy something they said to me in the skype chat but i forgot i blocked them
[03/01/2016 08:17:15] Ted: and i cannot say anything about how they made me feel because they are easily upset and already think that i hate them
[03/01/2016 08:18:05] Ted: idk, i'm going round in circles
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[03/01/2016 15:21:05] Clare 🐻: How are the circles going
[03/01/2016 15:21:49] Ted: I'm talking to yorick again, so it's turned into more of a wiggly line now.
[03/01/2016 15:22:23] Clare 🐻: What's going on w that
[03/01/2016 15:23:35] Ted: From what I gather, they made a possibly half-hearted attempt at suicide and are now freaking out that everyone's going to call them a baby for not following through.
[03/01/2016 15:23:58] Ted: They think that me and gabby and Shelby all hate them because they have npd.
[03/01/2016 15:24:57] Ted: When, even if I did hate them, it wouldn't be for having a mental illness, it would be from their effectively running gabby from the community.
[03/01/2016 15:26:08] Ted: And maybe for yelling at me when I was trying to help, idk. But I can see when someone's having a breakdown while talking to me and I'm more lenient on them usually.
[03/01/2016 15:26:18] Ted: Idk if that makes sense?
[03/01/2016 15:29:55] Ted: I'm not very good with open questions
[03/01/2016 15:43:35] Clare 🐻: To be fair though vagueblogging is hardly running someone from the community
Like Yorick takes things really personally, that's probably the biggest npd thing they do, so to complain about something in what they interpreted as a safe space, and then have all this shit happen, like...
I dunno man, yorick feels like shit and it does seem like a lot of people are shutting the door on them because of their pd, you know? Not you necessarily, idrk what's up with you two, but... People shut them out for stuff that they hate about themselves. You know?
[03/01/2016 15:48:31] Ted: That doesn't make their behaviour any less hurtful though. I feel like I am going to have to step back from my friendship with them because I really cannot deal with being yelled at while I'm having a meltdown and I'm sure they're the same. I don't want to make them feel like I'm yelling at them every time we have a disagreement.
[03/01/2016 15:56:42] Ted: We're just going to keep hurting each other unless something changes.
[03/01/2016 16:00:02] Clare 🐻: I can understand that. & like I get that it's hurtful to be told you're antisemetic or whatever else but I just want you to recognize they aren't saying that to hurt you or to get their way, they're just trying to communicate how deeply antisemitism (real or perceived) from a friend hurts them
And really, I do understand where you're coming from, I just don't think friend-dumping them is the answer here
[03/01/2016 16:00:59] Ted: Do you know why I even asked yorick who they were vagueposting about? Because I thought "wow, that sounds like a really awful person" and I wanted to know who it was so I could avoid them.
[03/01/2016 16:02:07] Clare 🐻: So what does that mean for you and gabby?
[03/01/2016 16:03:19] Ted: That I had to help yorick understand that gabby wasn't being a threat.
[03/01/2016 16:04:06] Ted: That interpretation of the post is what she would have expected everyone to have, which is why she deleted her tumblr and wanted to kill herself.
[03/01/2016 16:05:12] Ted: That's why I wanted to try and help yorick reroute their coping mechanisms into something that isn't going to lose them friends.
[03/01/2016 16:05:57] Ted: It's a destructive feedback loop, which is what I was trying to get at.
[03/01/2016 16:06:29] Ted: Vagueposting about someone in the community is a great way to get people to start taking sides.
[03/01/2016 16:07:44] Ted: And unfortunately for yorick, I'm taking sides with gabby.
[03/01/2016 16:10:21] Clare 🐻: So you did basically tell yorick they were destructive and needed therapy
[03/01/2016 16:10:22] Clare 🐻: ?
[03/01/2016 16:10:59] Ted: I already gave you the quote earlier.
[03/01/2016 16:11:26 | Edited 16:11:16] Clare 🐻: Yeah I just didn't read it that way initially so I'm. Confused
[03/01/2016 16:13:20] Ted: I basically told them I was trying to challenge and help with what I saw as destructive behavioural/thought patterns, which was what psychologists have done for me and what I have done for my other friends in the past. They took it the wrong way, it seems.
[03/01/2016 16:14:57] Ted: There's a difference between what I was saying and what they perceived me as saying, and that seems to be a consistent problem with yorick. I cant operate as a friend under these conditions because i have a natural urge to comfort.
[03/01/2016 16:20:47] Clare 🐻: Well yeah, but they spend a shit ton of time worrying that they're destructive so it's not exactly comforting to have a friend tell them they're overreacting and they're gonna drive people away
Like that shit hurts, you know
I get that you were just trying to help, which is awesome, but. Idk if you don't know how someone feels about their illness then suggesting ways to 'fix' it might not be a great idea
[03/01/2016 16:21:32] Ted: Well if they want to drive me away then so be it.
[03/01/2016 16:22:14] Clare 🐻: Dude.
[03/01/2016 16:22:21] Ted: I have to be honest with people. It's how I'm programmed. I cannot be friends with yorick if it means denying my own feelings.
[03/01/2016 16:22:45] Ted: Idk, I know they don't want to but that seems to be your argument.
[03/01/2016 16:23:24] Ted: That I shouldn't try to comfort a friend who's feeling like everyone's out to get them when they're not.
[03/01/2016 16:23:41] Clare 🐻: That's not my argument at all.
[03/01/2016 16:24:09] Ted: So tell me, how do i explain to yprick that we're not all out to get them without implying that they're overreacting.
[03/01/2016 16:25:29] Clare 🐻: I'm saying you shouldn't tell a friend how to feel about being triggered, much less tell them that their being upset is driving people off
[03/01/2016 16:25:51] Ted: I didn't even say that, explicitly.
[03/01/2016 16:26:18] Clare 🐻: Then what were you saying
[03/01/2016 16:26:37] Ted: So what should I do when yorick starts driving people off? Nothing?
[03/01/2016 16:27:02] Ted: It's not their being upset, it's the way they channel those emotions.
[03/01/2016 16:27:18] Clare 🐻: Yeah, nothing
[03/01/2016 16:27:34] Ted: Then I cannot be friends with yorick.
[03/01/2016 16:27:56] Ted: If that is what they need, then I cannot be the friend they need.
[03/01/2016 16:30:02] Ted: Friends don't ask friends for something they can't provide, and yorick's and my needs are incompatible.
[03/01/2016 16:31:27] Clare 🐻: You can't backseat drive peoples' lives, though
Like if yorick makes mistakes it's not your job as their friend to point it out and tell them how to fix it. That's some helicopter parent shit right there
[03/01/2016 16:32:17] Ted: I only ever try to offer comfort and advice. It's when people YELL AT ME for it that I cannot be their friend.
[03/01/2016 16:32:54] Ted: I offered comfort because they sounded distressed.
[03/01/2016 16:33:32] Ted: My friendship with gabby, for instance, does not include yelling at someone who's trying to help.
[03/01/2016 16:35:07] Clare 🐻: I respect the motive of trying to help but I just can't see how that advice could be interpreted as anything but criticism
[03/01/2016 16:35:54] Ted: You didn't see the whole conversation, and I am unable to provide a transcript
[03/01/2016 16:36:41 | Edited 16:36:31] Ted: What I tried to say was "gabby doesn't mean those things" but yorick took it as "you're overreacting and I hate you"
[03/01/2016 16:37:31] Ted: But hey, I should be used to people getting the wrong impression from my words, I'm fucking autistic.
[03/01/2016 16:38:32] Ted: No one ever cares if there's something going on outside of what they've been told of me. No allistic ever gets the wrong impression of my actions therefore the allistic is to be believed over me.
[03/01/2016 16:39:26 | Edited 16:48:05] Ted: I'm not saying this is what's happening in your case it just happens too fucking often and I'm sick of always being the misunderstood victim who only tried to help.
[03/01/2016 16:40:26] Ted: But hey, usually helping does work so I can see when I might be better off leaving someone who would be better helped by a friendship with someone else.
[03/01/2016 16:42:31 | Edited 16:43:21] Ted: Something my psychologist helped me to see is that emotional reactions to someone's behaviour is to be expected. People yorick hurts by their coping mechanisms have as much right to be hurt as they did in the first place.
[03/01/2016 16:43:21] Ted: Just like I don't fault yorick for being hurt by my "criticism"
[03/01/2016 16:44:54] Ted: Or by gabby's reblogs
[03/01/2016 16:54:08] Clare 🐻: It seems like you do tbh like that's the whole reason you're friend dumping them, no?
I don't mean to imply that people can't be hurt by yorick. I worry more that people dismiss yoricks opinions when they're hurt
Idk what's happened to you in the past because of your autism but it sounds like people misinterpreted a lot of stuff, and you know what? That sucks. That's fucking awful, and I'm sorry you had to go through that. But people do that to yorick, too. It's not fair that either of you should be discredited or ignored for how your brains work.
[03/01/2016 16:55:27] Ted: How my brain works and how yorick's brain works are not compatible for a healthy friendship.
[03/01/2016 16:56:02] Ted: We're too similar but too different.
[03/01/2016 16:57:50] Ted: I feel like I am not allowed to have an opinion around yorick that differs even slightly from their own. A big part of my friendships involves discussing and debating each others points of view.
[03/01/2016 16:58:44] Ted: I feel like I cant express myself in case it hurts them, yet feeling safe to express myself is a need.
[03/01/2016 16:59:59] Ted: Do you see why I feel we are incompatible as friends?
[03/01/2016 17:23:37] Clare 🐻: I think so but it kind of seems like it's because of their npd which you said earlier it wasn't so now idk
[03/01/2016 17:25:07] Ted: I said I didn't hate them for their npd, but their needs as a person with npd and my needs as a person with autism make us incompatible.
[03/01/2016 19:16:16] Clare 🐻: Yorick wanted me to ask if you could unblock them for a minute? I think they want to apologize
[03/01/2016 19:16:51] Ted: I don't know how to do that from my phone :(
[03/01/2016 19:59:50] Clare 🐻: Apparently you add them then click on their profile? I think there's a toggle or something idrk
[03/01/2016 20:03:54] Ted: What's their username?
[03/01/2016 20:04:45] Ted: Like, I'm not going to lie to them. I don't really know if this is a good idea.
[03/01/2016 20:05:09] Clare 🐻: [[removed]] I think
[03/01/2016 20:05:43] Clare 🐻: Idt you're gonna have to lie to them like really I think they just wanna say sorry
[03/01/2016 20:06:19] Ted: I'll give them that opportunity.
[03/01/2016 20:07:02] Ted: I unblocked you.
[03/01/2016 20:21:53] 🌴 yorick: clare said you were mad at me because i was yelling at you and i tried to apologize last night but you had already blocked me so im sorry i yelled at you
[03/01/2016 20:30:01] Ted: idk what to say that won't hurt them or be a lie
[03/01/2016 20:31:51] Ted: honestly this whole argument has drained me. it's been going on for more than 24 hours and I've only had 3 hours sleep because of it.
[03/01/2016 20:32:18] Ted: i'm not in a good place to judge what is and is not a harsh thing to say
[03/01/2016 20:32:48] Ted: can you give my love to yorick and let them know that i'm not ignoring them out of spite?
[03/01/2016 20:37:08] Clare 🐻: Yeah, of course
[03/01/2016 20:37:24] Ted: thank you
[04/01/2016 14:00:08] Ted: What's important to you in a friend?
[04/01/2016 15:28:45] 🌴 yorick: they care about me and love me and are honest and i can trust them with my secrets
[04/01/2016 15:30:50] Ted: I accidentally say or do things that end up offending people or hurt them. You've seen me do it before and it's going to keep happening. It's not something I can change about myself.
[04/01/2016 15:33:49] 🌴 yorick: everyone hurts people and being a good friend isn't about never hurting or offending your friends, it's about how you rectify the situation after you know you've hurt or offend someone
[04/01/2016 15:37:03] Ted: I need to feel free to express myself honestly, I need a friend who knows that when I am harsh, it is not because I want to hurt them. When someone takes what I say the wrong way, it's very triggering for me. It reminds me of all the people who have gotten the wrong end of the stick and punished me for it without letting me explain.
[04/01/2016 15:44:13] 🌴 yorick: i can understand not wanting to be punished when you didn't do anything wrong
because how do you think i feel when you tell me in more words that you don't want to be friends anymore immediately after a suicide attempt
how do you think i felt when i tried to apologize for it and you willfully didn't acknowledge my apology even to say "hey can we talk about this later" and instead told clare that you weren't going to speak to me
how do you think i felt when all day yesterday i was crying and couldn't eat or drink anything and not understanding why i was being punished for trying to kms and the only reason i was able to sleep last night without trying again is because clare talked me down
[04/01/2016 15:45:39] Ted: I explained to Clare why I couldn't talk to you and asked her to pass on my feelings. I could not talk to you at that time.
[04/01/2016 15:46:51] Ted: When I try to explain things when tired or emotional, that is when I am more likely to hurt someone with my words. I knew you were already hurt, and I didn't want to hurt you any more.
[04/01/2016 15:48:27] 🌴 yorick: you hurt me by ignoring me
[04/01/2016 15:49:14] Ted: I asked her to tell you that I wasn't doing it to hurt you.
[04/01/2016 15:50:40] Ted: Please stop expecting me to know what to say. I will hurt you. Please let me go so that I can stop hurting you. I'm not a good friend for you, yorick.
[04/01/2016 15:54:46] 🌴 yorick: i don't CARE if you hurt me
friends hurt each other
i care that you won't apologize for hurting me even though it wasn't your intention to
even though you didn't mean to, you still hurt me and instead of trying to rectify it you're doing the opposite and making up excuse after excuse for why you were justified in everything you did and now you're going to cut me out of your life for something that could be made okay if you just said you're sorry
[04/01/2016 15:57:30] Ted: Clare told me it's better that I say nothing than say something that might hurt you. The hurting you was unintentional, but I need to express myself. This is why i say our needs are not compatible. I am not sorry for what I said when I was trying to calm you down.
[04/01/2016 15:59:01] Ted: Irl it's a constant that I am portrayed as an aggressor simply for having an emotional reaction. Yet it is unhealthy for me to repress my emotions.
[04/01/2016 16:00:36] Ted: I'm sorry that I hurt you yorick, really I am, but it's not something I can change.
[04/01/2016 16:01:17] 🌴 yorick: clare isn't me
why are you taking clare's words about what i want over mine
i would rather fix things than toss a friendship aside
i forgive you and i still want to be friends
[04/01/2016 16:02:20] 🌴 yorick: i already said i don't care if you say something that hurts me
all that matters is that i know afterwards that you still care about me
[04/01/2016 16:04:34] Ted: I don't like hurting my friends, but it's clear that the way I try to help when somebody else hurts you only hurts you more.
[04/01/2016 16:09:05] 🌴 yorick: cutting me out of your life over some small shit that escalated is going to hurt me worlds more than anything you could ever say to me
friends abandoning me is my worst fear and it happens so often
at thisbpoint it's your call but i thought i should tell you that i don't blame you for being emotional
[04/01/2016 16:10:31] Ted: Do you know why the content of the vaguepost hurt Gabby so much?
[04/01/2016 16:11:05] 🌴 yorick: no
[04/01/2016 16:12:06] Ted: Because she thought that everyone who knew it was about her would turn on her because they would think she was evil and selfish.
[04/01/2016 16:14:40] 🌴 yorick: then i'm sorry for personally hurting gabby
that was an emotional reaction on my part at seeing someone i had been friends with sympathizes with views that are dangerous to me, being a jewish trans person, but i didn't mean to hurt her personally and im sorry
[04/01/2016 16:17:18] Ted: That is understandable, and I forgive you. I just want to let you know that the reason I asked who it was about was because I saw it and thought "wow, that sounds like a horrible person" and I wanted to know who it was so I could avoid them.
[04/01/2016 16:21:45] 🌴 yorick: do you and gabby know why i reacted so badly to what she said
gender essentialism is transphobic violence, and lumping jews in with christians ("monotheists") and painting us as a misogynistic oppressor religion is antisemitic violence and the latter is a tactic frequently used by white supremacists
i am still sorry for hurting her but i think it's important that you know i didn't pull this conflict out of my ass and that this stuff really hurt me too
[04/01/2016 16:22:17] Ted: I know, and I'm sorry.
[04/01/2016 16:22:40] Ted: Should I pass on your apology to gabby?
[04/01/2016 16:23:33] 🌴 yorick: yea
[04/01/2016 16:23:43] 🌴 yorick: can me and you be friends again
[04/01/2016 16:23:53] Ted: Yes.
[04/01/2016 16:24:50] 🌴 yorick: do you really really mean it
[04/01/2016 16:26:13] Ted: I do. Thank you for explaining things to me.
[04/01/2016 16:27:27] 🌴 yorick: do you wanna virtually hug it out
[04/01/2016 16:27:52] Ted: okay *hugs*
[04/01/2016 16:32:20] 🌴 yorick: the new year has been full of fighting so far so i'm reverting back to using the hebrew calendar
the new year 5777 doesn't start until october so i have plenty of time to start being nice
[04/01/2016 16:34:21] Ted: Well you've already made a start by patching things up with me.
[04/01/2016 16:36:59] 🌴 yorick: so are we really foreally friends i need assurance
[04/01/2016 16:37:45] Ted: Yes. :)
[04/01/2016 16:38:51] 🌴 yorick: prove it by telling me i have cute neopets
[04/01/2016 16:40:01] Ted: Send me a link so I can be genuine.
[04/01/2016 16:44:20] 🌴 yorick: http://www.neopets.com/userlookup.phtml?user=supsujums look at my children
[04/01/2016 16:44:55] 🌴 yorick: fun sloth fact i traded a uc sloth halloween moehog for katfink
[04/01/2016 16:45:43] Ted: Wow, those are really cute!
[04/01/2016 16:53:36] 🌴 yorick: they like you too
[04/01/2016 16:53:54] Ted: Awwww!
[04/01/2016 15:48:17 | Removed 16:31:17] Ted: This message has been removed.
[04/01/2016 16:31:29] Ted: Nevermind, it's okay, we sorted it out.
[04/01/2016 21:37:07] Clare 🐻: Sorted what out?
[04/01/2016 21:37:36] Ted: The conflict.
[04/01/2016 21:49:28] Clare 🐻: Which conflict
[04/01/2016 21:50:33] Ted: The conflict me and yorick were having.
[04/01/2016 21:51:01] Ted: The one you were helping me make sense of the other night.
[04/01/2016 21:51:21] Clare 🐻: Ahhhh okay
[04/01/2016 21:51:50] Clare 🐻: So what did yall work out?
[04/01/2016 21:52:07] Ted: We're friends again.
[04/01/2016 21:52:57] Clare 🐻: Sweet!! Is everything okay?
[04/01/2016 21:54:17] Ted: So far, yeah. I mean gabby's still angry and will be for a very long time, but yorick understands why now.
[04/01/2016 21:56:08] Clare 🐻: Hmm alright
You and Yorick are cool though ?
[04/01/2016 21:57:49] Ted: Pretty much. They apologised and I apologised. I'm still shaken but I have perspective now.
[04/01/2016 22:03:41] Clare 🐻: Perspective?
[04/01/2016 22:05:25] Ted: Like, of what was going on and stuff. How yorick feels about me. Etc.
[04/01/2016 22:08:46] Clare 🐻: Ahh okay
[07/03/2016 02:11:34] Gabby "痛い" C.: (( i honestly don't feel welcome or safe in the neopets community ))
[07/03/2016 02:11:46] Gabby "痛い" C.: (( my own special interest fuckin hates me ))
[07/03/2016 04:26:00] Gabby "痛い" C.: (( if i was enough i wouldn't be like this!!!! i wouldn't have been sexually assaulted several times by my ex!!!! i wouldn't have been bullied and harassed throughout my entire school career!!!! ))
[08/03/2016 04:24:03] Gabby "痛い" C.: (( at this point i'm almost ready to outright write a suicide note on tumblr and start planning my funeral ))
[08/03/2016 04:25:40] Gabby "痛い" C.: (( but then there's the issue of quickly, efficiently, and painlessly dying. that's a doozy i haven't solved yet ))
[08/03/2016 04:29:38] Gabby "痛い" C.: (( the only reason i'm even thinking about staying alive is sheer obligation (example: you, my cats at home, etc) ))
[07/03/2016 00:58:41] Ted: weird request: can you reassure me that I didn't just alienate myself from the whole chat?
[07/03/2016 00:59:28] bean 📻: i don't think you alienated urself, nobody is really online rn and i didn't even see what happened ;;
[07/03/2016 01:00:21] Ted: just everyone suddenly stopped talking after I shared my link, and it wasn't on topic and just idk, I guess i'm still anxious from what happened the last time I was in a neotag group chat
[07/03/2016 01:01:00] bean 📻: don't sweat it, the chat gets really quiet up until the next neogames
the radio silence in there is totally normal and not because of ur link
[07/03/2016 01:01:17] Ted: thank you
[13/03/2016 04:16:35] bean 📻: Heyo, I just wanted to message you to let you know that a few people in the chat felt a little uncomfortable with the use of 'cr*zy
[13/03/2016 04:16:41] Ted: oh
[13/03/2016 04:16:46] Ted: but
[13/03/2016 04:17:04] Ted: what do I call him then?
[13/03/2016 04:17:43] bean 📻: well in the neogames I call him Dr Sloth Wannabe, but shorten it to DSW whenever something happens related to him
you can call him w/e you want, it's just that a few people felt a little uncomfortable w/ the slur
[13/03/2016 04:19:09] Ted: i
[13/03/2016 04:19:54] Ted: I would rather explain to them personally where the name comes from to be perfectly honest
[13/03/2016 04:21:59] bean 📻: I don't want to name any names because I don't want to tarnish your experience in chat, but a few of the people who spoke up told me that they've had that slur leveled against them and it makes them really uncomfortable to see someone else call their own OC by that
[13/03/2016 04:22:08] Ted: do these pesopl even know that I have a history wof sphychosis
[13/03/2016 04:22:50] Ted: that si t nknow gine well what it's like to bee  ac vifctim eof stignma
[13/03/2016 04:23:09] Ted: thisf inns't the first time
[13/03/2016 04:24:04] Ted: he is not some stereotype
[13/03/2016 04:24:14] Ted: his name is not a joke
[13/03/2016 04:24:40] Ted: it is so so important
[13/03/2016 04:25:18] Ted: and no bone wants to let sme expalina
[13/03/2016 04:26:19] Ted: therny nhthink i'm sar horrinle unfeeling s=person with too much privilege they think i'm enuteroytpical don't they the y think I don't know twhaat it's like to have horrible foivces telling me the rworld will be tbetter off when i'm edad
[13/03/2016 04:33:35] Ted: I had a very very bad time
[13/03/2016 04:35:22 | Edited 04:37:14] Ted: please either let me explain to them personally or idek just tell them to come to me when they have a problem with my character
[13/03/2016 04:38:43] Ted: i don't mind people coming eto me when they have a problem twith something im' doing
[13/03/2016 04:41:55] Ted: please say somethign
[13/03/2016 04:43:54] Ted: i really really do not like people talk ing behind hmy hback i harte it i whate ict
[13/03/2016 04:45:56] bean 📻: i'm sorry, I was imputing people into the games and I forgot to check skype
[13/03/2016 04:46:33] Ted: why sdo people stalk about nme beghin gd my back
[13/03/2016 04:46:53] Ted: instead of letting m e explain
[13/03/2016 04:46:58] Ted: they jumpe to conclusions
[13/03/2016 04:47:07] Ted: it walwasy happens
[13/03/2016 04:47:09] bean 📻: They came to me specifically because I'm the mod of the chat, and I'm the only one in there who has everyone added
[13/03/2016 04:47:47] bean 📻: I'm sorry that this has upset you, but they didn't have you added and didn't feel right just adding you to message you to stop using a word
[13/03/2016 04:48:43] Ted: can you tell htem that i have a history of psuchosis and have had crazy levelled at me also and that's hwy he is called crazy because I KNOW twhat stigma does
[13/03/2016 04:48:51] Ted: it's about stigma
[13/03/2016 04:48:58] Ted: the character is about wstigma
[13/03/2016 04:49:25] bean 📻: The people who've contacted me also deal with psychosis and it triggers them to see the word
[13/03/2016 04:50:35] Ted: i don't wknos what to do i can't scentsor myself whern ti comes to this he's too important to em
[13/03/2016 04:51:21] Ted: shoufl oi leace
[13/03/2016 04:51:35] bean 📻: No, you don't have to leave
[13/03/2016 04:52:06] Ted: no non ehas theat words likested in thiee spreadshrett
[13/03/2016 04:52:31] Ted: i c ouln'ts
[13/03/2016 04:52:47] Ted: you said it was a fww peorpl
[13/03/2016 04:53:14] Ted: now tyou're saying it's one peorpsn
[13/03/2016 04:54:37] Ted: moeaybe i read wont i'm sorry
[13/03/2016 04:54:39] bean 📻: It's not one person, one person out of the group told me that the word triggers them
[13/03/2016 04:55:16] Ted: whty is gevenyone wtalk ing boaut me
[13/03/2016 04:55:28] Ted: i have timnble
[13/03/2016 04:55:31] Ted: tubmbel
[13/03/2016 04:55:33] Ted: tumblr
[13/03/2016 04:56:33] Ted: ij have ensxplained beforea
Record Number     : 151868
Action Type       : Chat Message
Action Time       : 13/03/2016 03:56:47
End Time          :
User Name         : [[removed]]
Display Name      : Ted
Duration          :
Chat Message      : i didn't want to intentionally trigger anyone and i am sorry
ChatID            : 19:[email protected]
Filename          :
Record Number     : 151869
Action Type       : Chat Message
Action Time       : 13/03/2016 03:57:08
End Time          :
User Name         : [[removed]]
Display Name      : bean 📻
Duration          :
Chat Message      : don't sweat it ted, let's enjoy the games for tonight
ChatID            : 19:[email protected]
Filename          :
[13/03/2016 04:58:13] Ted: i can't enjoy myself right now i'm too skaekthen but tyou enhjoy
[13/03/2016 04:58:33] Ted: somebody sent me an asccusatyo anon while you were vgone
[13/03/2016 05:00:17] bean 📻: I'm sorry that people are sending you anons
[13/03/2016 05:00:44] Ted: it wasn about something differnte but it shook me
[13/03/2016 05:27:27] Ted: i'm sorry i get upset more easily when i'm tired i shouldn't stay up so late i'm sorry
[13/03/2016 05:27:59] bean 📻: it's okay, don't sweat it
[18/03/2016 09:43:53] Ted: Look, idk why you think it's okay to give yaakov a free pass to inflict whatever hurt they might while venting, then tell someone with autism that they're manipulative and controlling for doing the exact same thing (only in that instance I was trying to reach out, to help. Yaakov was doing no such thing.)
[18/03/2016 10:00:29] Ted: Autism limits the ways you can express yourself. It affects the way you perceive the world. It makes it hard to automatically understand how your words are going to affect other people. Does any of this sound familiar?
[18/03/2016 10:03:44] Ted: It was my mistake getting involved in the first place. I should have just left it, but yaakov sounded so upset, and the person in the vaguepost sounded like an awful human being. I had no idea it was gabby until they told me. And I naïvely assumed that if yaakov was vagueposting about someone, they must have them blocked and therefore won't see their posts. I was dead wrong.
[18/03/2016 10:06:02] Ted: I've since managed to see yaakov's vagueposting for what it was intended to be, but that doesn't stop it from hurting people. Gabby would have found out about it at some point, and her reaction would have been the same. I am glad I was online, bc I fear if i wasn't she would have seriously attempted to take her own life.
[18/03/2016 10:07:03] Ted: And yeah, I was angry, but instead of gossiping about yaakov behind their back, I went to them with the issue.
[18/03/2016 10:08:40] Ted: This is what I would want under the circumstances. It's what I thought anyone with a neurodivergency would want. My timing was bad and I seriously regret some of the decisions I made that night.
[18/03/2016 10:11:12] Ted: People like me and gabby, we can't handle being talked about behind our backs because we have a chronic history of "getting it wrong". We often don't know if we've hurt someone until they tell us to our face, and yaakov having confided in me about being unable to predict or imagine other people's emotions, I assumed they would be the same.
[18/03/2016 10:12:12] Ted: The rule is do not vaguepost about someone in front of their friends, and especially do not vaguepost about someone where they might see it.
[18/03/2016 10:13:39] Ted: However I didn't get to explain this to yaakov bc they were too busy accusing me of wanting them dead, of conspiring with gabby to laugh about them and make them want to die. Of being a bloody antisemite.
[18/03/2016 10:14:53] Ted: (sure I'm a bit out of touch, but I did hear their point, and I looked it up to find somebody explaining it in a way I understood)
[18/03/2016 10:17:44] Ted: I know from my own conversations with yaakov that our issues are very similar. It just seems to be the way we are programmed to deal with them that seems different, and that is why my reaction after the argument was "clearly our needs are incompatible"
[18/03/2016 10:18:15] Ted: That view was only reinforced by them taking that the wrong way
[18/03/2016 10:21:21] Ted: And now you're acting like it's gabby's fault for being upset that yaakov was seemingly spreading shit about her?
[18/03/2016 10:22:59] Ted: I was the one that made yaakov suicidal that night, yaakov was the one that made gabby suicidal that night, and you were the one that made me feel disrespected as a person (and yeah, if I'd been in a worse place and hadn't had cbt on my side, I would have considered suicide)
[18/03/2016 10:25:26] Ted: The question remains, how did you feel? Because from what I've seen you feel it's your burden to make sure everyone feels okay. And when someone is dumping a great negative feeling on you, that can suck you in, tire you, make you unable to see the emotions of the other person involved.
[3/17/2016 11:30:14 PM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like am i stressing you out by talking to you
[3/17/2016 11:41:09 PM] Clare 🐻: I mean. A little
It's less about stress & more about being.  uncomfortable
[3/17/2016 11:41:44 PM] Gabby "痛い" C.: how so
[3/17/2016 11:47:16 PM] Clare 🐻: Well there's the radfem stuff but mostly i just feel weird after all that stuff Ted said to yorick?
[3/17/2016 11:48:00 PM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like i can't necessarily control what ted has to say
[3/17/2016 11:58:09 PM] Clare 🐻: Well the stuff you said to yorick, too
[3/17/2016 11:58:23 PM] Gabby "痛い" C.: which stuff
[12:07:59 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: if this is about the monotheist comment again, i know i already explained this to you
but like i literally didn't know at the time for sure they were jewish and was trying to continge for that
[12:10:38 AM] Clare 🐻: Did you think he was like. Lying about being Jewish
[12:11:15 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like they had me softblocked for. a while
i was literally out of the loop
[12:15:10 AM] Clare 🐻: Ahh
Why the monotheism comment then
[12:15:48 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i was tipped off to that one post about "how all neopagans are neonazis"
[12:16:21 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: bc like ted and yorick were in something before and i wanted to see what the fuss was about
[12:16:47 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: >not realizing that yorick had _soft_blocked me at the time
[12:21:36 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: >that post i vagued about wasn't even the one ted and yorick were arguing about in the first place
[12:26:05 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: let's just get this argument done
[12:30:22 AM] Clare 🐻: I still don't understand why the monotheism comment
[12:31:15 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like it was literally a blanket statement because i didn't know if they were jewish or like, one of those pro-israel christians or what
like i said, i was literally out of the loop
[12:31:37 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i didn't know they had mentioned they were jewish like anywhere?????
[12:34:02 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i didn't even find out until you and ted told me
[12:34:09 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: after i deleted
[12:37:10 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i'm not sure what kind of answer you're expecting
[12:42:22 AM] Clare 🐻: I think more I'm confused about why make a monotheism comment in general
[12:43:37 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: the original comment they were vaguing about that i was vaguing back about was religion related so????
it made sense to me at the time
[12:47:58 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: of course i'm so out of the damn loop it doesn't matter
[12:53:10 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: that's all i've got to say that isn't going to go in a loop
[12:54:51 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: because that's what i've got to say about the situation
[12:58:37 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: literally the only reason i know jack shit about anyone from the tag anymore is bc ted mentions that sort of thing from the time to time
[1:03:53 AM | Edited 1:03:49 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: then again, ted's literally the only person i've been in regular contact with from the tag in quite some time
[1:17:53 AM] Clare 🐻: Idrk what defines the Loop but. In the case of Yorick being Jewish that's not really privileged information
[1:18:40 AM] Clare 🐻: & it feels like an unfair way to retaliate you know
[1:19:26 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like there was no signs that
i picked up on
[1:19:46 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like nothing was obvious???
[1:20:21 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i was trying to be inclusive but sufficiently vague at the same time
[1:21:05 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: trying to toe the line between a reblog with why they're mistaken and respecting the don't reblog tag
[1:25:50 AM] Clare 🐻: If nothing was obvious then why blog abt his religion like. I understand turning it around but either you did or didn't know he was Jewish & blogging about monotheists seems pretty. Direct
[1:28:23 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like it was literally just a guess. like. the post they made was clearly attack on something i'm interested in, stating it like it was the whole truth. i was clapping back presuming they were one of the big three (christian was originally what i was going for)
[1:28:55 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: the original post was about religion
[1:43:30 AM] Clare 🐻: See but that's the trouble. You can't lump Christianity in with Judaism and Islam. Like. Two of those are persecuted and murdered and discriminated against by the third.
Like if all the neopagans Yorick has dealt with had been neonazis maybe talking shit about Judaism isn't a great way to break the stereotype
[1:44:29 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like no one takes me fuckin seriously anyways and tbh i didn't even expect them to see that vague
[1:47:25 AM] Clare 🐻: But he did see it, and he took it seriously. Feeling like people don't take you seriously isn't license to say whatever
[1:48:07 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: well, you know, vagueblogging in general isn't exactly good practice either
[1:49:30 AM] Clare 🐻: I guess?? I think it has its uses. Venting, etc
[1:49:45 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: and like i was angry triggered at the time
[1:52:08 AM] Clare 🐻: Still not a great reason to shit talk judaism though ?
[1:53:11 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: well i deleted and i'm deleting again so that way they'll never have to worry about someone who is clearly such a massive piece of shit
[2:03:14 AM] Clare 🐻: I don't think he knows you came back in the first place tbh so that's not gonna. do much
I'm not really sure where you're getting massive piece of shit from but if that's how you feel about this then like. Deleting isn't the answer? That's not gonna make anything right u know, you've gotta try to understand and stop talking shit about minorities
[2:03:56 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like i'm the massive piece of shit
[2:04:08 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i know i'm the horrible person
[2:04:20 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i know i'm a waste of space
[2:04:48 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i know i should just kill myself already, so that way someone less fortunate than i can live
[2:05:48 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: and this feeling has been here long before this incident happened
[2:08:01 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i know my anger is useless and worth nothing
[2:09:53 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i've fucking known i've been the whole reason all this shit went down
[2:10:03 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: even tho it wasn't even what i intended
[2:11:44 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: and i know i told ted not to tell yorick off for me leaving
[2:11:51 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: but ey did anyways
[2:18:07 AM] Clare 🐻: Well like you said you can't necessarily control what Ted says
Like just. Baby steps. Not using monotheism as an umbrella term when generalizing. Acknowledging transwomen. That kind of thing
[2:19:04 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i never stopped acknoweldging transwomen tho??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????///
[2:19:52 AM] Clare 🐻: Oh typo my bad
I meant acknowledging them as women
[2:20:40 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i don't have the energy to argue rn
[2:21:43 AM] Clare 🐻: Okay
[2:22:14 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: this... was excrutiating
[2:26:01 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i've gained little i didn't already know, except why you weren't replying to anything i had to send you recently
[2:26:10 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: thanks
[2:29:30 AM] Clare 🐻: Uh
You're welcome?
I kind of feel like you're saying you just disregarded all the stuff I tried to tell you & im not really sure what to do with that
[2:29:49 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: no i didn't disregard everything you said
[2:29:57 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i just already knew it
[2:30:13 AM] Clare 🐻: I'm confused
[2:30:31 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like idk how to put it in words rn
[2:30:39 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: but like idk
[2:36:19 AM] Clare 🐻: Okay well sorry this was excruciating
[2:36:41 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like you don't have to be apologizing for that
[2:38:41 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: honestly i feel like you're attributing an overly rational mindset to me, completely glossing over the fact that i was feeling
[2:40:47 AM] Clare 🐻: Just now?
[2:41:08 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like in the most recent argument
[2:41:30 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like i was so fucking upset at the time
[2:42:03 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: like at the time of the original vague
[2:42:14 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: and you act like i was totally cool and calm and collected
[2:51:50 AM] Clare 🐻: I don't really think that so I'm sorry if I gave that impression
[2:51:59 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: ok
[2:52:24 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: (sorry if i seem bitchy i'm really tired and not quite sober rn)
[2:53:30 AM] Clare 🐻: Nah you don't seem bitchy
Maybe we should just pick this up another time
[2:54:04 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i want this to be resolved now so that way i'll know if we'll ever talk to each other ever again or if i should just never return to the tag ever again
[3:01:37 AM] Clare 🐻: I mean I think we will as long as there's not any more trouble
[3:02:01 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i'm skeptical tbh but okay
[3:14:19 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: there. i deleted, i'm never coming back to the tag ever again.
[3:26:40 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: everyone else deserves a safe space
but i deserve to be fucking lynched
[3:26:45 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: good night
[3:29:31 AM] Clare 🐻: Nobody's gonna lynch you & if you want to make a safe space you don't have to leave, you just have to respect people
[3:34:30 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: i respect people and guess what? they don't respect me back
[3:34:59 AM] Gabby "痛い" C.: it's been that way all my damn life
[3:57:48 AM] Clare 🐻: That sucks, ngl
It's a shitty thing to be disrespected your whole life & it's one thing to snap back at them but it's another to go after other marginalized ppl
This ain't the food chain & you gotta vent steam upwards or you'll get mold
[19/03/2016 00:57:59] Clare 🐻: okay I'm gonna break this down by points bc that's a lot of information to process
1. I don't give Yaakov free passes to inflict hurt. like I'm sorry if you were hurt by their venting but I'm not going to go all tonepolice and "not all Christians" on something I, a catholic, am not in a position to understand
2. autism is not stereotypically associated with being manipulative and controlling, so i'm not sure why you bring it up in this context unless it's as an excuse not to be called out for anything?
3. I understand that you were trying to reach out and help but there is no context in which it is appropriate to tell someone the things you told Yaakov that night. like regardless of your intentions, saying to someone that they're destructive and driving people away isn't helping. it's not an intervention; it's you messaging someone who's already upset and telling them bluntly that you think they're a bad person. you can't compare that to yorick vagueblogging about antisemitism.
4. i'm not sure if you're saying that I called you manipulative/controlling or that Yaakov did so idk what to say to that
5. I understand that you have autism, and to some degree, i understand how it affects your expression and perception
6. if you thought it was awful when it was vagueblogging, what changed when the mask was lifted, so to speak? what about the context affected your reaction?
7. You weren't wrong. Yorick did have her blocked, and if she hadn't gone to his blog directly, she wouldn't have seen his posts, even as reblogs. unless you mean you were wrong about how blocking works, in which case nvm
8. gabby would not have found out, nor would she have known that it was directed at her. i'm glad you were online to keep her safe, and help her to not hurt herself, but the only reason she became aware of yorick's reaction to her post is because you brought it to her attention. I don't mean to blame you or cast aspersions but the only reason she was reading yorick's blog is because you decided to vent to her. yaakov didn't message her directly for a reason--because he also knew how she would react. he didn't want to to provoke a reaction. he just wanted to vent his feelings about antisemitic posts like the ones gabby was reblogging
9. you say that like going to yaakov with the issue was the right decision. and like you weren't "gossiping" with gabby at the same time
10. if you want people to approach you under those same circumstances, you need to become more approachable, and respond to criticism without immediate denials
11. you can't have it both ways. either you want people to tell you "to your face" when you've hurt them, or yorick was being unruly and horrible for telling you your advice about 'destructive behavior' was mean and unsolicited
12.  I can understand that it was an honest mistake, thinking that that's what yaakov would want under the circumstances, but he's not neurotypical either. empathy might be tricky but like. just take a minute to imagine you have a chronic history of worrying you were doing X, and then someone you were opening up to told you "you do X all the time and you need to get that looked at". like what if yorick had said to you about "getting it wrong" what you said to them about "destructive behavior"? how would that have made you feel?
13. That's not a rule anyone agreed to. Maybe not vagueblogging about people where they might see it, but again, the only way Gabby was going to see that was if she was on yorick's blog directly
14. once again, yorick is neurodivergent too--and you certainly weren't giving him reason to believe you wanted him alive. i'm not going to speak on his behalf regarding his brain stuff but, friend dumping someone immediately after they try to kill themselves isn't exactly a "hey, glad you're not dead"
15. not being jewish myself, I can't really speak to the anti-Semitism, but in the same way that "not all men" isn't usually a feminist slogan, "not all Christians" doesn't bode well u know
16. Similarly, not sharing your or Yaakov's disorders I don't really want to speculate about how they affect y'all but I just don't understand how "our needs are incompatible" is indicative of any kind of attempt at respect or inquiry
17. Vagueblogging isn't "spreading shit". It's venting. You spread it, man. Not yorick.
18. It is in no way Gabby's fault that she's upset, and I don't fault her for having feelings or a negative reaction to all the shit that went down. If I fault her for anything, it's the way she chose to retaliate, and we've talked about that, and I think I've made my stance clear.
18. So you're guilty, yaakov is guilty, i'm guilty--what about gabby? she's not blameless in this situation, ted. none of us are. it's one thing to accuse me of giving yakko a free pass, but you can't turn around and do that for gabby at the same time. yorick didn't start this. yorick vagueblogged about a very antisemitic post of Gabby's. gabby started all of this.
19. I'm sorry if I made you feel disrespected as a person--that was never my intention, and if you can be more specific I'll apologize more specifically and try my damnedest not to do it again. Looking at the logs, I honestly don't know where I went wrong so I would appreciate whatever insight you could provide
20. How did I feel? Do you really want to know? I'm exhausted. Making sure people feel okay isn't a burden, it's my responsibility as a member of this community, and no matter how tiring it is I will always try to keep this a safe space. Yes, I may be a little overly empathetic, but the emotions of one person don't cloud my judgment, nor my perception of other people's feelings. I understand how you and Gabby felt, even if I don't understand why, and I understand how yorick felt. That was one of the shittiest nights of my damn life. I'm depressed and neurodivergent and chronically ill. I have so little energy, and so few spoons, and i'm so easily stressed that I basically huck it all out the window first thing in the morning. waking up to find an elaborately choreographed parade of bullshit is not my idea of a good time.
I was so scared, and so worried, and so angry
i'm so tired of this
[19/03/2016 13:47:38] Ted: 1. I wasn't hurt by their venting. What I was hurt by were their accusations, which left me confused and scared.
2. You accused me of trying to backseat drive people's lives. That is where I am taking manipulative and controlling from.
3. I didn't mean to imply that Yaakov was a bad person. Sometimes good people hurt other people by accident, and it was the wrong time for me to try and confront them about the way they were handling things. I've already apologised for this, and I was under the impression that me and Yaakov were friends again.
4. See point 2.
5. The reason I said “sound familiar?” was because it overlaps with Yaakov's description of NPD, and correlates with the times you have said “but you can't think of them negatively for that, they have NPD” when you are faulting both me and Gabby for having the same difficulties.
6. When speaking to someone face to face, you have the ability to reason and negotiate. You have opened a dialogue privately with that person and are not airing the dirty laundry, so to speak. When I saw how upset Yaakov was, and when they brought up points about my own behaviour, my tone changed. This is an example of why talking to people is better than vaguing, in my opinion.
7. I was under the impression that Yaakov had only soft-blocked her, but I'm probably getting my dates muddled up about the implementation of the new block system, so I'm sorry about that.
8. She would have found out eventually that Yaakov was vagueposting about her. It wasn't the first vaguepost, and the only reason I vented to her (she had no idea it was anything to do with her, tbf) was because she's the only person who makes an effort to regularly talk to me. (Okay, there's one more person now but we're still not that close that I'd be comfortable venting about someone.)
9. I wasn't gossiping. When I have an argument with a friend and need to vent to another friend, I generally keep the more harmful content out of it. I tried in this case to give the impression that it had nothing at all to do with anything to do with Gabby, but of course that backfired. I was not gossiping with Gabby about the content of my argument with Yaakov.
10. There's a difference between a denial and an explanation. If people come to me with accusations that I feel are false or misleading, of course my response is going to be more of a “sorry I hurt you, but I think you're misreading the situation” tack. I've had anons come to me in the past saying they're uncomfortable about something I've said, and I've immediately apologised and deleted or modified the post as necessary. There was another time when a mutual of mine said something very mean to me on anon, and after they explained to me (again on anon) what had caused it to happen, I forgave them. (I had to spend a good deal of time comforting them after that, but overall, confronting the anon directly had a much better effect on everyone's emotions after the fact than just getting upset and/or vaguing about it would have done.)
11. I never said that Yaakov was being unruly and horrible for telling me my advice wasn't wanted. Neither of us were in a place to accept perceived criticism or accusations that night, and we since apologised to each other - Yaakov for yelling at me and me for hurting Yaakov.
12. I didn't say they were neurotypical. In fact, my whole reasoning for approaching Yaakov in the way I did was that they are not neurotypical. When I am in a situation of worrying that I'm doing X, it helps me to be told “actually, you are doing X and here are possible ways you can minimise that effect. Thoughts?” I don't want to be in the dark, worrying about how my actions affect others, especially when the CBT I was given was all about not overworrying and letting people come to you if they have a problem.
13. If Yaakov had Gabby blocked, why were they seeing her posts and reblogs? Were they on Gabby's blog? If so, why is it inconceivable that Gabby would also be looking at Yaakov's blog. Yaakov had interacted with Gabby before in a way that made her feel bullied, and if Yaakov's reasoning for looking at Gabby's blog was that she was intimidating, I feel like this point is only going to go round in circles.
14. So I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. At the time, I thought I was being responsible by recognising that we would only end up hurting each other if I tried to be a good friend (which was a flawed response, as we have already discussed, and my timing was super bad). My reasoning was that by trying to comfort Yaakov earlier in the day, I had upset them more. By trying to explain how their actions were affecting others, I drove them to try and commit suicide. When I know that I'm hurting someone and I don't know how to stop, I remove myself from the situation so that I won't keep hurting them and can maybe gain some perspective on what went wrong.
15. I never used “not all Christians”, and that was never my argument. I don't understand what led you to that conclusion.
16. You seemed to be asking that I don't get involved when a friend hurts a friend. Yaakov also seemed to be telling me that I shouldn't have let them know that they'd hurt Gabby. This was where “our needs are incompatible” came from.
17. Very antisemitic? Do you even know what the post said? It was something along the lines of “the holy men declared our monthly bleeding unclean”, which could have been a reference to any number of current events. I didn't flag it as antisemitic until Yaakov pointed it out, and Gabby certainly had no idea of any antisemitic intent of the post. It was a reblog, not her own.
18. (1) This is the same thing that bothered me about Yaakov. If by “chose to retaliate” you mean the vaguepost she made in response, that was my fault. If you mean by deleting her blog, that's not going to be solved by making her think she won't be listened to.
18. (2) My beef with you is you aren't even trying to ascertain what we said or think before you jump to your own conclusions. My reason for contacting you is because, from what Gabby said, it seemed you were blaming your hesitancy to speak with her (which imo is totally valid bc you're so close with Yaakov) on what I had said to Yaakov. (In other words implying that you don't want to speak with her because she's friends with me.) From what I understand, you think that Gabby doesn't believe that trans women are women, when she does. There was a time when she wanted to believe the TERF lie, but that was before I found out that her then-girlfriend was a manipulative rapist and encouraged her to end it. I've been giving her support ever since, countering any views that border on transphobia in a way she can understand, without yelling at her or accusing her of wanting people to die.
19. You didn't ask me to clarify what my views were before believing what somebody else had said about me. That's what made me feel de-personified. Like you were talking at me or telling me off instead of trying to resolve my feelings (which I think is what you were trying to do, and is what I perceived that at the time).
20. I don't know what you mean by “an elaborately choreographed parade of bullshit”, so if you could elaborate on that I would be thankful. I'm sorry if this was a bad time. I can only ever time things based on my own spoons, but I understand if you want to wait to respond. I know I do a lot of the time. It lets me calm down and process everything, try out different contexts for interpretation, and collect my thoughts, as well as wait for a time when I am able to express myself coherently.
[19/03/2016 13:47:52] Ted: 20. (cont.) I know how it feels to care about everyone and for it to seem like no one else does. However, asking what is wrong and trying to soothe their fears is more effective than telling someone “I can't see your reasoning as valid”. I made mistakes with Yaakov, and I apologised for them. If Yaakov is still upset about what I said, please let them come to me at a time of their choosing, when their spoons allow. As long as they realise that I don't hate them, that I care about their feelings, then I am happy with our friendship as it is.
[20/03/2016 11:34:49] Ted: Okay, scratch all of that, I didn't realise they were so scared of me. I'm gonna send one final apology and then leave you guys alone for good. I'm sorry for all the hurt that I've caused.
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[21/03/2016 21:50:24] [[removed]]: hey can we please talk for a sec because i'm under the impression that you've been stalking my friend's blog. if not, i apologize for the unnecessary confrontation, but if you are indeed doing this, please stop.
[21/03/2016 21:51:57] Ted: I don't mean to stalk I'm just so worried about them bc I upset them really bad and I'm stupid and I don't know that I'm hurting anyone until it's too late
[21/03/2016 21:52:29] [[removed]]: they don't want you viewing their blog. they are not comfortable with you doing that.
[21/03/2016 21:53:10] [[removed]]: you cannot reconcile everything that goes wrong. please just leave them be.
[21/03/2016 21:53:56] Ted: Did they message me back? I can't access tumblr right now
[21/03/2016 21:54:59] [[removed]]: they have vented to me that they are extremely uncomfortable with whoever it is from scotland who's viewing their blog.
[21/03/2016 21:55:27] [[removed]]: the best thing you can do is step back and leave them alone.
[21/03/2016 21:55:35] Ted: I will
[21/03/2016 21:55:52] [[removed]]: as in, don't view their blog. don't do it repeatedly, don't do it occasionally. leave them alone.
[21/03/2016 21:55:58] Ted: Yeah
[21/03/2016 21:56:42] Ted: I understand what it's like to feel harassed. I'm very sorry and I will definitely leave them alone now
[21/03/2016 21:56:55] [[removed]]: please do so. thank you.
[21/03/2016 21:57:20] Ted: Thank you for telling me
[21/03/2016 21:58:19] Clare 🐻: Look you need to leave him alone. Like stay off his blog entirely.  What are you looking for
[21/03/2016 21:59:17] Ted: I was trying to check on them. [[removed]] already told me. I'm sorry for everything
[21/03/2016 22:00:46] Ted: If there was one last view there it's because I was making sure my phone wouldn't automatically stick me back on that page again
[21/03/2016 22:04:07] Clare 🐻: What were you checking on
[21/03/2016 22:05:08] Ted: To see if my apology had upset them I suppose
[21/03/2016 22:05:35] Ted: I'm on my phone rn so I can't access my inbox
[21/03/2016 22:09:30] Clare 🐻: Ah well. He's not upset but idt he's going to respond, he doesn't know what you're expecting him to say
[21/03/2016 22:10:15] Ted: Whether or not they want me to delete the art they gave me
[21/03/2016 22:11:07] Ted: And also "please just leave me alone" if that's what they wish
[21/03/2016 22:14:23] Ted: I really honestly cannot tell how someone is feeling unless I have some form of feedback, which is why I was checking their blog. I'm sorry.
[21/03/2016 22:17:16] Clare 🐻: You don't have to delete the art, he already drew it so it doesn't really matter
& yes he wants you to leave him alone, he's scared and uncomfortable
[21/03/2016 22:17:34] Ted: Ok
[21/03/2016 22:17:56] Ted: Thank you for telling me to my face
[21/03/2016 22:18:03] Ted: Goodbye
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oocneoblog: Hi, this probably seems like weird timing. I told myself to wait until I wasn't so upset and paranoid and thinking everything was a conspiracy. But I guess my brain won't let me do that any more than it's done, so... I guess... can you tell me why I was removed from the neogames skype group?
oocneoblog: I just kind of... need to know in words... I'm sorry.
mojavescript: Hi there, you were removed from the group because several people were made to feel unsafe, including Yaakov/Yorick. Although it may not affect you, others were feeling extremely uncomfortable about the slurs you were using. It's been months now, so I'm not entirely sure why you're bringing this up.
oocneoblog: Did Yaakov tell you what happened?
oocneoblog: (also i did stop using the word "crazy" after you told me about it. I wasn't meaning to have a go at you or anything here. I'm bringing it up because of sticky/intrusive thoughts that won't leave me alone.)
oocneoblog: (like, i didn't even know yaakov was upset. i had to find out from a vaguepost that one of my mutuals reblogged. i felt shitty about the whole thing and i still feel like i was misrepresented. but i did cause hurt but i didn't know about it and i just. i never know where i am with people. i wish they'd just talk to me.)
mojavescript: Yaakov did tell me what happened, and they felt uncomfortable with you checking up on their blog after the whole incident went down. Yakko also asked you to stop talking about them to other people. I'm sorry that you're having intrusive thoughts, but things have settled down on our end of the matter.
oocneoblog: I just don't know what to do anymore. I need to talk to someone about it but I can't talk to anyone.
My psychologist is on maternity leave as well.
And has been since before the incident.
Did Yaakov tell you what went down before? Did Clare tell you why I sent that big long spiel?
mojavescript: I'm not on a psychologist, and I don't know if I can help you. Which spiel??
oocneoblog: The one that made Yaakov upset. That I sent to Clare and assumed she'd be wise enough not to show to Yaakov, since it was a private conversation about my feelings.
mojavescript: I have no idea what you're talking about, can you elaborate??
oocneoblog: I don't know I don't know I don't know what I'm allowed to say and what I'm not I'm sorry I'm sorry
I thought Yaakov told you and that was why you removed me
oocneoblog: Oh no no no I've said too much you didn't know oh no no please i didn't mean to i just want the reminders to stop but i can't do that without talking but i don't want to spread all that shit among people that didn't know because that's shit spreading and i don't want to do that i don't want to alienate anyone
mojavescript: Yakko told me that they were uncomfortable with the slur usage, that's it. That's why I removed you. I thought that's what you were talking about.
oocneoblog: No
I hadn't even done that after you said why would that be the problem i didn't use it again
oocneoblog: i don't see how i can explain without going into things that happened months ago but suffice to say clare said something about a previous argument i had with yaakov about a friend of mine and that's why i sent what i sent, because she said she couldn't understand
she kept saying she couldn't understand why i'd said what i said that time so i tried to explain
oocneoblog: but she showed it to yaakov and i didn't know until i saw that vaguepost
and then you removed me the very next day
oocneoblog: nobody understands that i need to be told if i'm doing something wrong
if i'm upsetting them i need to know because i don't do that intentionally
i'm not an allistic i can't pick up on these things i can't always know if something i'm about to say is going to hurt someone
mojavescript: Can I ask Clare what happened so I can get a better idea of what went down?
oocneoblog: I don't know. I don't know what I'm allowed to do. I promised to leave them alone but that was before these thoughts started trailing me everywhere
mojavescript: Are you still following them? If you are, maybe it's in your best interest to unfollow them?
oocneoblog: I'm not following either of them
Haven't for a long time
mojavescript: Okay. I'm gonna talk to Clare.
oocneoblog: i was already uncomfortable around her because of things she'd said to me before
mojavescript: What things?
oocneoblog: patronising things, when i was upset, things like "i get that empathy is difficult but just try putting yourself into someone else's shoes" when i'm not allistic, my brain works differently so what's good for me isn't what's good for an allistic
but when i tried to explain that i got talked over and accused of trying to friend-dump yaakov post suicide attempt
oocneoblog: did you tell yaakov i was talking about them
mojavescript: From Clare: "okay so I mentioned to a mutual friend of ours that I was uncomfortable w ted, & I guess the friend in turn mentioned this to ted, bc I woke up to 15 messages about why yorick sucks and I let them get away with everything
So this is in relation to what went down, I think.
oocneoblog: she said to mutual friend she was uncomfortable talking to said friend because of things that i said
and she repeatedly said "i can't understand how anyone would ever think those things are okay to say to someone"
oocneoblog: so i tried to explain how i had felt and why
that is what i sent here
it was never meant to be a list of reasons yaakov sucks
mojavescript: I don't know exactly how to help you, since I'm so removed from the situation, in addition to the fact that I have no idea what was said between you, Yaakov, or Clare. I understand that you're hurting, but I don't know what to do to help you. I'm sorry.
oocneoblog: did you tell yaakov
mojavescript: No, but Clare might've??
oocneoblog: she must have
mojavescript: Again, I have no idea what's going on so I don't know how I can help.
oocneoblog: it's out of your hands now
oocneoblog: i'm sorry
mojavescript: ???
oocneoblog: yaakov is saying things to me on skype
(assuming you're looking for context)
oocneoblog: so yaakov admitted it had nothing to do with slur usage and everything to do with our argument
i don't know how to feel anymore
i guess i feel vulnerable
oocneoblog: they said "have a nice day" and i don't think i ever can after this
idk idk idk i'm sorry it's not your fault i shouldn't have brought it up i'm awful i shouldn't have said anything
oocneoblog: but they have this big support group they can tell anything to and everyone will believe them
mojavescript: Listen, Ted, you're right, you shouldn't've brought this up to me. The situation has been resolved, and bringing it up will only make it start back up again. Even if you haven't made peace with this, others have, and you'll have to find peace your own way that doesn't involve dredging up drama that's been resolved.
oocneoblog: I didn't mean to dredge anything up I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry I put you through this stress I really am.
I'm sorry.
[02/05/2016 23:04:22] 🍏 yaakov: ted idk what your deal is but i would appreciate if you would stop bringing up the situation from months ago, again and again, to people who were not even involved
i already asked you to stop talking about me to other people and everything was fine but now you've brought it up again, just like you brought it up to clare before
i don't know what you want but you ssid you'd leave me alone
messaging my friends and forcing them to be trapped in the crossfire of a situation that could have been over months ago is not leaving me alone
i don't talk about you or mention you to my friends until you bring it up again, so i'm not sure why you're so insistent on talking about me with people.
just let the situation die. it's already resolved. thanks
[02/05/2016 23:05:51] Ted: it's not though
[02/05/2016 23:05:57] Ted: I got no closure
[02/05/2016 23:06:04] Ted: i only got isolation
[02/05/2016 23:06:14] Ted: and now i have intrusive thoughts
[02/05/2016 23:06:26] Ted: who even told you i was talking about you
[02/05/2016 23:06:34] Ted: i wasn't talking about you, i was talking about me
[02/05/2016 23:08:04] Ted: i have literally no one to talk to about how traumatised i feel
[02/05/2016 23:13:04] 🍏 yaakov: you are 4 years older than i am and stalked my blog and sent 35 messages of shit talk about me to my partner when she said she felt uncomfortable talking to gabby because of what you said to me. you told me to seek therapy for my "destructive behavior"
im not isolating you. i distanced myself to keep myself safe from abuse.
[02/05/2016 23:13:19] Ted: i did not
[02/05/2016 23:13:22] Ted: i never said that
[02/05/2016 23:14:20] Ted: I try to help everyone, and sometimes that means pointing out destructive behavioural patterns. That's what my psychologists have done for me in the past and a lot of my friends have found it helpful.
[02/05/2016 23:14:27] Ted: how is that telling you to seek therapy
[02/05/2016 23:14:58] Ted: i was worried about you because of the vagueposting and i know how hurtful it can feel to see a vaguepost
[02/05/2016 23:15:16] Ted: what i sent to clare was supposed to be an explanation of my emotions
[02/05/2016 23:15:34] Ted: i really do not understand why she sent it to you
[02/05/2016 23:15:43] Ted: she must have known it would upset you
[02/05/2016 23:16:51] 🍏 yaakov: probably the same reason you told gabby what i posted in the first place that started all this!
or maybe not
i still don't know why you did that
[02/05/2016 23:17:00] Ted: i didn't tell her what you posted
[02/05/2016 23:17:20] Ted: or that you posted about her
[02/05/2016 23:19:44] 🍏 yaakov: ok. i don't really care either way because
a. it was months ago
b. i said i want to be left alone
i only sent you a message because you brought it up again and here we are, with you talking about it again, not leaving me alone
[02/05/2016 23:20:11] Ted: you used to care
[02/05/2016 23:20:19] 🍏 yaakov: [2:43:53 AM] Ted: Look, idk why you think it's okay to give yaakov a free pass to inflict whatever hurt they might while venting, then tell someone with autism that they're manipulative and controlling for doing the exact same thing (only in that instance I was trying to reach out, to help. Yaakov was doing no such thing.)
i don't after this
[02/05/2016 23:21:33] Ted: clare told gabby she was uncomfortable talking to gabby because of things that i had supposedly said to you
[02/05/2016 23:22:21] Ted: why did you ask bean to remove me from the group chat
[02/05/2016 23:23:03] 🍏 yaakov: i don't feel safe around you after everything that happened
hence the request to leave me alone
[02/05/2016 23:23:18] Ted: why did you ask bean to remove me from the chat
[02/05/2016 23:23:29] Ted: it was a neogames chat
[02/05/2016 23:25:25] 🍏 yaakov: 🍏 yaakov - Today 6:23 PM
> i don't feel safe around you after everything that happened
doesn't matter what the chat was about, i didn't want you in there. you were removed after you sent clare that 20-point list of reasons i'm a horrible person, and i told bean i don't feel safe around you
[02/05/2016 23:25:45] Ted: bean was under the impression it was because i had used a certain word
[02/05/2016 23:26:28] 🍏 yaakov: it didn't have anything to do with that, though she might have read it that way
[02/05/2016 23:26:35] Ted: it was never meant to be a list of reasons you were a horrible person
[02/05/2016 23:26:51] Ted: i was just trying to explain how i felt
[02/05/2016 23:27:25] Ted: why did you see fit to isolate me from the first group chat i'd attempted in months
[02/05/2016 23:28:05] 🍏 yaakov: why did you see fit to tell me you didn't want to be friends an hour after i attempted suicide?
[02/05/2016 23:28:45] 🍏 yaakov: do you need anything else because i'd like this conversation to end
you make me feel unsafe
that is the answer to any future question you might have
[02/05/2016 23:29:23] Ted: because i knew that the communication difficulties that led to it would happen again, and lo and behold they did. i did want to be friends with you. but i didn't want to hurt you again, and i didn't want you to hurt me again. friends don't say things that make friends attempt suicide.
[02/05/2016 23:29:54] 🍏 yaakov: Ted - Today 6:29 PM
> friends don't say things that make friends attempt suicide.
[02/05/2016 23:29:59] 🍏 yaakov: have a nice day ted
[02/05/2016 23:30:23] Ted: so you're agreeing with me now after guilt tripping me into staying friends with you when i knew it was a bad idea???????
[02/05/2016 23:30:46] Ted: do you even know how i felt
[02/05/2016 23:31:04] Ted: i can never get anything right
[02/05/2016 23:31:12] 🍏 yaakov: go to hell, i had just attempted suicide
i almost died and i wasn't with my wits
i said have a nice day ted
[02/05/2016 23:31:20] Ted: fuck you
[03/05/2016 00:04:32] *** Ted blocked Loops [[removed]] DELETING SKYPE ***
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[03/05/2016 00:04:55] *** Ted blocked Clare 🐻 ***
[04/05/2016 23:21:10] Ted: i'm sorry. I know I tend to go on and on about things, especially when I don't fully understand what's going on. i'm sorry to make you feel like I was putting you in a stressful position, and i'm sorry I put you in a stressful position. I really don't know how not to be like this. I have trouble letting things go if I feel the issues were unresolved, and that's what put us in this mess. like, I don't necessarily want forgiveness. I don't think I want things to go back to the way they were. I just want some kind of resolution that puts everything to rest, not just a cold truce like has happened before.
[04/05/2016 23:21:49 | Edited 23:22:53] Ted: like, I still don't understand why I was removed from the chat. but that's specifically because bean told me not to worry after i'd apologised. it's not your problem.
[04/05/2016 23:25:12] Clare 🐻: It's not that you have to stop being this way, it's just that it's better to communicate directly, I guess? I have a hard time letting things go too, so I feel you there. What kind of a resolution are you looking for, ideally?
& I haven't really talked to Bean about it but my understanding was it was because of Cr*zy & people being uncomfortable with that? I could be wrong idk
[04/05/2016 23:25:41 | Edited 23:24:52] Ted: i guess i'll have to talk that over with bean then.
[04/05/2016 23:29:06] Ted: idk, one that ties up loose ends i suppose. from what gabby relayed to me, i'm satisfied that you understand where i was coming from and why it hurt me so badly. do you understand that i wasn't trying to turn anyone against Yaakov?
[04/05/2016 23:30:30] Ted: (shit, that wasn't supposed to sound sanctimonious. i'm sorry.)
[04/05/2016 23:31:56] Clare 🐻: I understand that you weren't trying to like, talk people into thinking he's evil or anything
to me it's more like... the way you were describing the situation was Bound To make people feel uncomfortable, I guess
[04/05/2016 23:32:30] Ted: i was trying to be as objective as possible. idk what else i could have done.
[04/05/2016 23:33:21] Ted: idk, i guess i was trying to be fair
[04/05/2016 23:34:32] Clare 🐻: yeah, I get that, I just felt like it was a misrepresentation of yorick's actions
[04/05/2016 23:34:49] Clare 🐻: it made me feel like you don't understand
[04/05/2016 23:35:23] Ted: i'm not going to understand all of it
[04/05/2016 23:36:03] Ted: i'm not jewish, I've not lived Yaakov's life, i don't know anything other than what they've been comfortable confiding with me
[04/05/2016 23:36:33] Clare 🐻: ah well I don't mean that you need to like. live his life or anything
[04/05/2016 23:36:52] Clare 🐻: just that it made me feel like you hadn't listened to us when we talked about it
[04/05/2016 23:37:07] Ted: i felt like neither of you had listened to me
[04/05/2016 23:38:28] Ted: like, i don't want to go into all that mess again, i just want you to know that i too felt i'd been dealt with unjustly
[04/05/2016 23:39:17] Ted: and that some of the things you were accusing me of were things that i hadn't done but you or Yaakov had, if you understand
[04/05/2016 23:40:38] Clare 🐻: I don't understand
[04/05/2016 23:40:41] Clare 🐻: which things
[04/05/2016 23:43:02] Ted: misrepresentation, accusations, trying to turn people against them. that sort of thing
[04/05/2016 23:44:58] Ted: (the trying to turn people against them thing... i'm not accusing them of doing anything like that on purpose but what with the timing of my expulsion from the group... i kinda thought they'd told bean (and potentially the whole group) the same exaggerated things they'd said in their vagueposts about me)
[04/05/2016 23:46:13] Ted: (and what with [[removed]] saying Yaakov was very uncomfortable with whomever it was from Scotland viewing their blog)
[04/05/2016 23:47:05] Ted: (like, i didn't feel safe. that's all i'm trying to say here i guess.)
[04/05/2016 23:53:39] Clare 🐻: Okay well. Misrepresentation is different from misinterpretation imo like. I still don't fully understand what you were going for, no matter how much you explain it. If I don't get it, I'm sorry, but I wouldn't ever deliberately skew things.
Idk I think we're both guilty of accusations--you accused both me and yakko of some serious shit, you know?
And I can say with 100% honesty neither I nor Yorick has ever tried to turn someone against you. You were expelled from the group because people were uncomfortable with the slur usage, & your explanations thereof. Yakko may have mentioned to Bean that he was uncomfortable w that; I honestly don't know.
[04/05/2016 23:56:44] Ted: from what i could gather, Yaakov told bean they were uncomfortable with me and bean assumed it was because of the slur. i don't know why she removed me as a contact but like i say i'd have to take it up with her. i'm not blaming anyone i just want to get to the bottom of it.
[04/05/2016 23:57:26] Ted: (could you clarify what i accused you of?)
[04/05/2016 23:59:55] Clare 🐻: well, you accused me of being patronizing and making you hypothetically suicidal
& you called yakko a bully, and destructive, and a whole bunch of shit that i'm not gonna list
[05/05/2016 00:00:10] Ted: i didn't call Yaakov a bully
[05/05/2016 00:00:40] Ted: there is a big difference between "i feel bullied" and "i'm being bullied"
[05/05/2016 00:00:40] Clare 🐻: okay, well, who were you calling a bully
[05/05/2016 00:00:56] Clare 🐻: I don't understand
[05/05/2016 00:01:00 | Edited 00:01:39] Ted: i said i felt bullied, regardless of whether Yaakov was a bully or not
[05/05/2016 00:01:21] Ted: i was being honest that it was my emotional response and not anything objective
[05/05/2016 00:02:12] Ted: tbh i kinda felt like you'd kind of ganged up on me, but we already sorted out that that wasn't the case now
[05/05/2016 00:04:01] Ted: by the way, i don't think making mistakes makes you a bad person
[05/05/2016 00:04:20] Ted: i don't think unintentionally upsetting people makes you a bad person
[05/05/2016 00:04:39] Ted: i don't even think lashing out at someone you feel is hurting you makes you a bad person
[05/05/2016 00:05:34] Clare 🐻: i don't know what to say to that. neither do i, i guess? it's how you deal with your mistakes that determines your character
[05/05/2016 00:06:18] Ted: i know i tried to learn from mine
[05/05/2016 00:08:12] Clare 🐻: i don't know what kind of resolution you're looking for, or what peace i can offer you
[05/05/2016 00:08:47] Clare 🐻: you were kicked from the chat because multiple people were uncomfortable with the slur usage & the way you addressed it
[05/05/2016 00:08:49] Clare 🐻: that's all i know
[05/05/2016 00:09:06] Ted: i apologised and never used the slur in the chat again
[05/05/2016 00:09:36] Clare 🐻: yes, but you continued to use it outside the chat
[05/05/2016 00:09:51] Clare 🐻: & your posts justifying it made people uncomfortable
[05/05/2016 00:10:16] Ted: have you ever had a psychotic breakdown
[05/05/2016 00:10:36] Clare 🐻: i don't feel comfortable answering that question
[05/05/2016 00:10:48] Ted: look, my usage of it is a response to stigma, not any attempt to perpetuate stigma
[05/05/2016 00:11:06] Clare 🐻: I understand that
[05/05/2016 00:11:16] Clare 🐻: and I understood where you were coming from
[05/05/2016 00:11:25] Clare 🐻: but people were still uncomfortable
[05/05/2016 00:11:33] Ted: and it being implied otherwise, behind my back, is what was so triggering to me that i had to reblog those posts justifying it
[05/05/2016 00:12:03] Ted: as i said before it's very hard to make amends with someone when you don't know who to make amends to
[05/05/2016 00:12:13] Ted: i'm sorry. i thought you were blaming me again.
[05/05/2016 00:12:17] Ted: i'm sorry.
[05/05/2016 00:13:34] Clare 🐻: I understand needing to know who was interpreting things that way, but I don't think even bean knows all of them. She got multiple messages, some on anon--and I don't think that anyone thought you were using the name Crazy to uphold the stigma. It's just the fact that it was a slur.
[05/05/2016 00:13:50] Clare 🐻: & they didn't find your justifications to be Reason Enough to use a slur.
[05/05/2016 00:14:07] Ted: i'm just sick of having to explain this time and time again and for people to not understand the context of why. i shouldn't have to bring up my history of mental health woes to justify it. it's not a universally agreed-upon slur within the mental health community.
[05/05/2016 00:15:10] Ted: i didn't hear of its designation as a slur until a couple of years after i joined tumblr, by which point even if i wanted to change it i couldn't
[05/05/2016 00:16:25] Ted: on top of the fact that i didn't name him that, he named himself that. and i didn't see a problem with it at the time so i went along with it.
[05/05/2016 00:18:35] Clare 🐻: Slurs don't need to universal to hurt people. In the same way that it's uncool to have a character named like, Queer, it's going to upset enough members of the community that it's representative of that there are other things to do. Other names to give.
[05/05/2016 00:18:59] Clare 🐻: Nobody sat down and said "wow ted is super ableist" it was just. "this is a slur and it makes me uncomfortable"
[05/05/2016 00:19:55] Ted: it felt like that was what they were saying
[05/05/2016 00:20:17] Clare 🐻: i can understand why it would
[05/05/2016 00:20:31] Clare 🐻: but no one said that. i don't think anyone even thought it
[05/05/2016 00:20:42] Ted: then why didn't they come to me
[05/05/2016 00:21:14] Clare 🐻: I think some people did, didn't they? You got messages about it
[05/05/2016 00:21:20] Ted: i didn't
[05/05/2016 00:21:22] Ted: at all
[05/05/2016 00:21:29] Ted: only from bean
[05/05/2016 00:22:16] Ted: i had to hear from bean that a group of people found it "disturbing that anyone would call their oc that"
[05/05/2016 00:22:32] Ted: a group of people i wanted so badly to call my friends
[05/05/2016 00:27:18] Clare 🐻: I don't know why no one messaged you. They may not have been comfortable approaching you, or maybe they just didn't know your url.
I don't know who among the chat had/voiced objections. I think it was good that you apologized in the chat but outside of the chat your actions didn't really reflect that, you know? It seemed like you were justifying its continued usage, not apologizing for the past.
[05/05/2016 00:28:31] Ted: i apologised for its use outside of my blog, where only people who are comfortable with it would follow me anyway
[05/05/2016 00:29:20] Clare 🐻: Okay
[05/05/2016 00:29:28] Clare 🐻: Like I said, I don't know who objected, so
[05/05/2016 00:29:35] Clare 🐻: I can't do anything with that information
[05/05/2016 00:29:37] Ted: yeah
[05/05/2016 00:29:46] Ted: like, idk
[05/05/2016 00:30:12] Ted: it did me good to get that out in the open and cleared up with you
[05/05/2016 00:30:31] Ted: thank you
[05/05/2016 00:30:45] Clare 🐻: Yeah, no problem, I'm glad I could help
[05/05/2016 00:30:51] Clare 🐻: I wish I could do more
[05/05/2016 00:31:21] Ted: even just that is a massive relief
[05/05/2016 00:32:09] Clare 🐻: what is? talking it out?
[05/05/2016 00:32:33] Ted: yeah, and knowing that you understand
[05/05/2016 00:33:35] Ted: i thought you didn't before, and that you held a beef with me for intentions i never had
[05/05/2016 00:34:21] Clare 🐻: Oh, yeah, definitely
it's a huge relief to actually Discuss Things
[05/05/2016 00:34:32] Ted: yes. i'm sorry i was so scared before.
[05/05/2016 00:35:13] Clare 🐻: i'm sorry i made you feel like you had to be
[05/05/2016 00:36:34] Ted: do you think i'm allowed to interact with Yaakov's posts or should i still avoid doing that
[05/05/2016 00:36:59] Clare 🐻: i'd still avoid it if i were you
[05/05/2016 00:37:07] Ted: okay, good to know
[05/05/2016 00:37:10] Clare 🐻: he's upset and scared himself
[05/05/2016 00:37:27] Ted: yeah
[05/05/2016 00:37:58] Ted: i wish there was something i could do about that but if leaving them alone is the best option then so be it
[05/05/2016 00:38:22] Ted: at least i don't have to be scared anymore. thank you clare
[05/05/2016 00:39:42] Clare 🐻: for real, no problem. thanks for talking to me about it
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06/28/2016 [[To Azzy. He never responded.]]
oocneoblog: could you tell me what you mean by what i've done before
i don't want to have a go at you i just want to know so i can think about it and hopefully modify my behaviour
oocneoblog: please tell me it's been bugging me and i don't have the context to figure out which incident(s) you were talking about
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[29/06/2016 04:39:20] Ted: What should I do now
[29/06/2016 04:41:58] Ted: I saw that post at a bad time when I was already triggered by something else
[29/06/2016 04:42:09] Ted: I really don't know what to do
[29/06/2016 06:20:10] Clare 🐻: I don't know there's anything you can do, really
just like, apologize sincerely, explain if you feel like you gotta but don't make excuses, wrap 'er on up
[29/06/2016 06:20:17] Clare 🐻: at least that's what i'd do
[29/06/2016 10:36:13] Ted: I already apologised tough. I apologised as soon as I saw yaakov's response and I realised I'd fucked up
[29/06/2016 10:37:04] Ted: Apologising again would just be saying the same things and I'd look like I was dragging it out
[29/06/2016 10:40:45] Ted: Honestly though, this is probably going to keep happening. I'm super paranoid and anyone I talk to who isn't friends with yaakov only makes my paranoia worse. I'm not sure if anyone realised how traumatic the first two incidents were for me. Instead of support and a chance to heal I get more anxiety, paranoia, sleepless nights and palpitations. I don't know what's wrong with me
[29/06/2016 10:57:13] Ted: Sticky thoughts. That's what's wrong with me. That's why I can't just leave a situation unresolved and forget about it forever.
[29/06/2016 11:00:51] Ted: I need to talk to the people involved and sort it out or else seek help from someone else to sort it for me. But it's clear none of you guys ever want to talk to me about what happened because it gave me negative feelings about yaakov. I can't tell who likes me and who is uncomfortable around me unless something happens. I just walk straight into it and then it looks like I'm doing it on purpose.
[29/06/2016 11:02:39] Ted: So I don't say anything but then it just builds up and builds up and something innocuous ends up triggering a complete system shutdown. I don't know how to stop this from happening.
[29/06/2016 22:42:39] Ted: maybe I was in the wrong for not wanting to vent to or reveal things to people who already disliked yaakov
[29/06/2016 22:47:38] Ted: idk it's just so complicated and I never know the right thing to do, balancing my needs with my desire not to be a burden on other people (would be easier if I even knew what my needs were half the time, but that only ever seems to come out when i'm too emotional to think clearly about my impact on other people. and that's a harmful trend. I know that. I just don't know what to do about it)
[29/06/2016 23:06:23] Clare 🐻: I don't really know what to say, then
If talking to people who don't like yakko makes you more paranoid, then I guess--don't do that?
The people who do like yakko... I guess I can only speak for me, but I don't want to talk about it because it was upsetting as hell, not because it made you not like yakko
We can talk about it if you want but I dont have much to say tbqh
If you need more support re: the first two incidents then I'm sorry, but I can't give it to you
[29/06/2016 23:10:12] Ted: it wasn't just that it made me more paranoid, also that I felt it would be wrong of me to give them more cause to dislike Yaakov, I guess. idk, i'm all muddled about it. but i'll stick to people who dislike Yaakov then. they're probably in a better place to give me support. i'm sorry about all this.
[29/06/2016 23:32:30] Clare 🐻: I know I can't like, magically change your opinion, and maybe I shouldn't even try to but like
Yorick is a good person, I know you guys have some issues & you're probably right when you say yall are incompatible but
I don't think doubling down is the right thing to do here
You should do whatever you think is best, like get the support you need, but don't just dislike yakko because it's easier, you know
[29/06/2016 23:33:21] Ted: it just felt a lot of the time like I was being punished for saying I was hurt
[29/06/2016 23:36:33] Clare 🐻: How do you mean
[29/06/2016 23:40:41] Ted: like, do you remember when I left that first group chat?
[29/06/2016 23:41:16] Ted: idk, that's probably not a true example
[29/06/2016 23:42:07] Ted: I just... whenever I told anyone I was upset, Yaakov would end up thinking I was attacking them
[29/06/2016 23:46:30] Ted: i mean fair enough in this instance i was definitely lashing out, but it's never felt like anyone was taking my emotional state into account when judging my actions
[29/06/2016 23:47:01] Ted: (that was true of the first group chat, the second misunderstanding, and everything since)
[30/06/2016 00:14:00] Clare 🐻: I get why you'd feel like that but I don't think it was necessarily... Relevant?
Not to say your emotional state doesn't matter but just that it doesn't automatically excuse the stuff you did, you feel me
Like you can't do this with impunity you know? It's not a get out of responsibility free card. People can take your feelings into account and still disagree with your actions
Without touching on past situations like, this time you haven't apologized to Yorick or explained the situation to your followers beyond "I fucked up," which has led to yakko getting a whole mess of anon hate
And like yeah, you were upset, I get that. If I had been in your situation & under the impressions you were under, I woulda been much the same, especially if it seemed like nobody was considering my feelings on the matter. But it's just not a matter of people looking at you and saying objectively like, "wow let's judge ted's actions," there are other factors at play that are going to affect their priorities in addressing the situation
[30/06/2016 00:15:09] Ted: "ok sorry sorry tou should have told mei fucked up i fucked up i fucked up i’m sorry"
[30/06/2016 00:15:22] Ted: and i didn't know about the anon hate
[30/06/2016 00:15:26] Ted: that's harsh
[30/06/2016 00:17:57] Ted: man, nothing's coming out right anymore. it's just... you've told me before i think that i have to forgive Yaakov for things they do when they're emotional, so it feels unfair. i don't know. i'm probably missing the point. the "other factors in play" are the things i have trouble processing so that's why i get so scared and confused when people are having a go at me
[30/06/2016 00:18:10] Ted: idk idk
[30/06/2016 00:18:22] Ted: i'm sorry
[30/06/2016 00:19:09] Ted: anon hate is horrible and detestable and people shouldn't do it, and i'm sorry i caused this mess. what do you want me to tell my followers?
[30/06/2016 00:20:26] Ted: the main thing i'm having trouble with is why Yaakov pretended to like dr. sloth, and if people i was talking to knew that
[30/06/2016 00:20:56] Ted: there are so many things i wish i could take back
[30/06/2016 00:21:26] Ted: things that were really fucked up in the new context but not in the context i knew at the time
[30/06/2016 00:24:39] Clare 🐻: You don't have to forgive Yorick for anything, you should never feel pressured to forgive someone
I wasn't really aware of yakko's opinions re: sloth so I don't know if anyone else was
I'm assuming yakko pretended to like them so as not to hurt your feelings but tbh we haven't talked about it so I honestly don't know
I know Yorick would want to talk to you if it meant yall could get some resolution, maybe you should ask about it?
[30/06/2016 00:25:14] Ted: i think i'm too traumatised to do that
[30/06/2016 00:27:15] Ted: and the amount of people who have told me to leave Yaakov alone, if it went bad again, they would yell at me and tell me to leave tumblr, or something
[30/06/2016 00:27:45] Ted: i can't risk it going wrong again i just can't
[30/06/2016 00:29:30] Ted: if you weren't aware of Yaakov's opinions about sloth and you knew that we had had a fight and you saw them suddenly change from headcanoning sloth from trans to saying they don't like sloth and therefore sloth is cis... what did you think? what would you think? what would anyone else who was following Yaakov think?
[30/06/2016 00:31:28] Clare 🐻: Well again I can only speak for me but my immediate instinct was "Yorick doesn't like that shade of green" which tbqh doesn't make a lot of sense
[30/06/2016 00:32:27] Clare 🐻: I really don't think yakko would react like that, like. I don't have the answers to all your questions you know? Yorick isn't gonna run you out of town for trying to get closure
[30/06/2016 00:32:54] Ted: i don't mean Yaakov, i mean the people who reblogged after them
[30/06/2016 00:33:02] Ted: and whoever it was sent me those anons
[30/06/2016 00:33:07] Ted: the mean ones
[30/06/2016 00:33:11] Ted: or one
[30/06/2016 00:33:18] Ted: i can't remember if it was one or two
[30/06/2016 00:34:50] Clare 🐻: Oh, oh
[30/06/2016 00:34:52] Clare 🐻: I see
[30/06/2016 00:35:18] Clare 🐻: God I don't know what fucking possesses people to send mean anons
[30/06/2016 00:35:29] Clare 🐻: Like fight people to their face
[30/06/2016 00:35:34] Ted: exactly
[30/06/2016 00:36:06] Ted: (sometimes it's mania, but that's not what you were going for)
[30/06/2016 00:36:53] Ted: what was it you wanted me to say to my followers?
[30/06/2016 00:36:58] Clare 🐻: Sometimes what's mania
[30/06/2016 00:37:25] Ted: what possesses people to send mean anons
[30/06/2016 00:37:39] Clare 🐻: Oh idk
If it were me I'd just be like "just a misunderstanding sorry folks" or smnthn I dunno
[30/06/2016 00:37:54] Clare 🐻: Ahhh
[30/06/2016 00:38:02] Clare 🐻: Yeah true
[30/06/2016 00:39:33] Ted: tbh, i think most of the anons Yaakov gets are probably from the same few people who look for reasons  to hurt them
[30/06/2016 00:39:47] Clare 🐻: I think so too
[30/06/2016 00:40:13] Clare 🐻: I know a few are from that Bradford kid, who doesn't seem to know they're blocked
[30/06/2016 01:26:26] Ted: idk, i still feel like i'm being perceived as a genuinely nasty person. i mean that's probably wrong. it's the only thing i can get from people's reactions, and after this point there's probably nothing i could do that would salvage that. i don't know if they realise i made a mistake, or how obvious it looked at the time. idk. i'm sorry. i should leave you alone. i'm sorry.
[30/06/2016 07:46:16] Clare 🐻: shit sorry I didn't see this
I really don't think anyone thinks of you as being nasty, tbh like
it's never been like "either yakko's evil or ted is" you know
sometimes shit just happens but it's how we deal w it that reflects on us
[30/06/2016 10:17:31] Ted: No one ever listens to my explanations though. I know because the next time it comes up they just say the thing they originally said I had done even after I explained and it makes me feel so villainised because then I have to explain myself all over again and it's upsetting and it's triggering and it reminds me that I'll never be accepted by allistic authority figures when they think I've done something wrong
[30/06/2016 10:28:29] Clare 🐻: I dunno I mean. maybe they listen and they just didn't understand, or they thought things would be different the second time around? you don't need to give people explanations unless they ask for them
[30/06/2016 10:29:47] Ted: people not understanding what I mean is a common thing and I don't know what else to do because often i'm literally saying exactly what I mean and they still don't get it
[30/06/2016 10:34:23] Clare 🐻: i don't know either
[30/06/2016 10:35:36] Ted: that's why it really gets to me when people don't think i'm being honest because what else can I do other than find someone to advocate for me? but then that puts pressure on them as well
[30/06/2016 10:37:43] Clare 🐻: do people think you're being dishonest?
[30/06/2016 10:38:34] Ted: they think i'm not telling the whole truth, or that i'm fudging the facts in my favour on the whole, because that's what they expect people to do even when they're being "honest"
[30/06/2016 10:41:43] Ted: and sometimes yeah, they do think i'm being dishonest, or manipulative, or that I haven't bothered to look at anything from a different perspective
[30/06/2016 10:43:47] Clare 🐻: hmm
[30/06/2016 10:43:49] Clare 🐻: i see
[30/06/2016 10:54:12] Ted: like, bean for instance. i don't know what to do about bean. i don't know how she feels about me at all, but i still feel like i was treated unfairly (though i can understand potential reasons) and that means if i talk to her about it she's going to end up feeling attacked. and if i say i'm not meaning to have a go at her or blame her or anything, that's not going to give any reassurance and she's still going to be hurt but i don't know what else to do. if i keep it to myself i'll just keep being hurt by it. but i want to know if i'm wrong because if i'm being distant for no reason that also is not good.
[30/06/2016 10:54:24] Ted: i don't know, everything's a muddle
[30/06/2016 10:56:21] Clare 🐻: you feel like you were treated unfairly by bean, or by other ppl & bean disagreed
[30/06/2016 10:58:39] Ted: she told me not to worry about a certain issue then removed me for supposedly that same issue when there hadn't been an incident since
[30/06/2016 10:58:44] Ted: i don't see how that's fair
[30/06/2016 10:59:33] Ted: she didn't even tell me why she removed me, she removed me as a contact as well, asriel blocked me, so what did the evidence suggest?
[30/06/2016 11:00:20] Clare 🐻: ahhh
[30/06/2016 11:00:27] Clare 🐻: yeah i feel you
[30/06/2016 11:01:08] Clare 🐻: idk maybe she should've talked to you about it but i know there were several people who approached her
[30/06/2016 11:01:21] Clare 🐻: idk about any incident but we're talking about Crazy, right?
[30/06/2016 11:01:26] Ted: yeah
[30/06/2016 11:02:03] Ted: i was told not to mention his name in the chat, and i apologised for mentioning his name in the chat, and then i never said his name in the chat again
[30/06/2016 11:02:23] Ted: and i was told not to worry about it
[30/06/2016 11:02:57] Ted: i feel like i was cut out of the discussion
[30/06/2016 11:03:59 | Edited 11:02:42] Ted: and if it's because of things i said on my blog, i was triggered and fragile and trying to reassure myself that everything would be okay and that i wasn't a horrible person for having a character response to ableism and stigma
[30/06/2016 11:06:01] Ted: do you understand?
[30/06/2016 11:06:23] Clare 🐻: i do
[30/06/2016 11:07:02] Clare 🐻: i don't really know what to tell you, though
i wasn't involved in that stuff while it was going on & i haven't talked to the other people involved about it
[30/06/2016 11:07:18] Clare 🐻: but i get what you're saying
[30/06/2016 11:07:45] Clare 🐻: & why you feel it was unfair
[30/06/2016 11:08:11] Ted: and i still don't know whether approaching bean about it would be the right thing to do
[30/06/2016 11:09:03] Ted: because i don't think she understands how it made me feel, and if i try to explain then she'll feel like i'm trying to guilt trip her
[30/06/2016 11:10:18] Ted: or that i'm trying to make her feel bad about it
[30/06/2016 11:10:36] Ted: or that i think it was all her fault
[30/06/2016 11:11:32] Ted: when i know that she was under pressure, and that she wasn't part of anyone conspiring against me
[30/06/2016 11:13:12] Clare 🐻: as far as i know she understands, i know she felt bad about it but she was trying to do what was best for the chat?
[30/06/2016 11:14:22] Ted: i had no indication of her understanding. she just kept telling me it was my fault.
[30/06/2016 11:15:06] Clare 🐻: she said that?
[30/06/2016 11:15:48] Ted: i'll look. it's what i felt like she was saying but i probably misinterpreted
[30/06/2016 11:17:14] Clare 🐻: okay well in the mean time I've gotta hit the sack so i guess let me know
[30/06/2016 11:17:41] Ted: "The situation has been resolved, and bringing it up will only make it start back up again. Even if you haven't made peace with this, others have, and you'll have to find peace your own way that doesn't involve dredging up drama that's been resolved."
[30/06/2016 11:22:30] Ted: ok that was the last message but this is the first message "Hi there, you were removed from the group because several people were made to feel unsafe, including Yaakov/Yorick. Although it may not affect you, others were feeling extremely uncomfortable about the slurs you were using. It's been months now, so I'm not entirely sure why you're bringing this up." when i'd said in my first message that i tried to wait until i was less paranoid but i was having intrusive and sticky thoughts and that's why i was contacting her about it
[30/06/2016 11:25:10] Ted: ok i hope you sleep well
[30/06/2016 13:04:59] Ted: "Yakko also asked you to stop talking about them to other people." there was that as well
[30/06/2016 13:08:14] Ted: I can see how it would have looked like I was trying to turn their friends against them but really the only reason I chose to talk to people who were friendly with Yaakov and not people who weren't was because I didn't want someone who would automatically take my side.
[30/06/2016 13:09:50] Ted: i know that's stupid and selfish of me, and i see that now, but nobody believes me that i really was just trying desperately not to cause more trouble for them, because i know that Yaakov gets a lot of hate
[02/07/2016 23:53:31 | Edited 23:51:57] Ted: (oh btw i was thinking about the whole evidence thing and I now understand exactly why yaakov reacted the way they did back when gabby was reblogging from terfs, so... thanks for letting me have this conversation I guess. It's opened my eyes)
[03/07/2016 02:03:27] Clare 🐻: it's not stupid or selfish to look for other opinions, it's not automatically a bad thing
the situation w yorick was more about respecting yakko's feelings than any wrongdoing, you know?
[03/07/2016 02:04:43] Ted: No it was stupid and selfish bc I didn't stop to think that maybe the people I was trying to talk to had been traumatised by the situation as well
[03/07/2016 02:05:10] Ted: And wouldn't take kindly to me opening old wounds
[03/07/2016 02:07:01] Ted: I just don't understand what I was supposed to do. I tried to do the right thing, but it ended up being wrong and people thought I was doing it on purpose because it's obvious to them but never to me
[03/07/2016 02:10:02] Ted: And I knew that yaakov was prone to exaggeration, especially when they're upset, so it was pretty much impossible for me to tell if their saying that they never wanted their name to pass my lips again was a reasonable request or not
[03/07/2016 02:13:23] Ted: (do you want the whole conversation with bean? Bc that would make it clear why I thought she was telling me that yaakov lied to her in order to have me removed from the group)
[03/07/2016 02:15:49] Clare 🐻: yeah actually if you think it'd help that'd be cool o:
[03/07/2016 02:21:58] Ted: do you have openoffice? if not I can save it as a word document
[03/07/2016 02:22:49] Clare 🐻: I don't unfortunately
[03/07/2016 02:23:01] Ted: ok
[03/07/2016 02:23:16] Ted: (just trying to make sure it won't carry my name on it)
[03/07/2016 02:27:18] Ted: (some of it wasn't chronologically accurate, and i'm sorry for that)
[03/07/2016 02:40:53] Ted: (i'm also sorry for the stuff I said about you)
[03/07/2016 02:44:09] Ted: (I should have read through it properly again before I sent it so I could warn you)
[03/07/2016 02:44:50] Clare 🐻: heh it's cool
[03/07/2016 02:46:01] Clare 🐻: so to be clear: you thought yorick told bean that the slur usage was uncool in order to have you removed, vs the other stuff that was going down
[03/07/2016 02:46:03] Clare 🐻: ?
[03/07/2016 02:46:12] Ted: yes
[03/07/2016 02:47:07] Clare 🐻: what do you think now
[03/07/2016 02:47:59] Ted: i asked Yaakov at the time when they contacted me over skype and they said all they said was that they felt uncomfortable and bean's interpretation was bean's interpretation
[03/07/2016 02:48:12] Ted: which i took to be true
[03/07/2016 02:50:16] Clare 🐻: yeah that makes sense
[03/07/2016 02:50:39] Clare 🐻: I honestly don't remember who knew what when at this point
[03/07/2016 02:52:18] Ted: and that gave me the impression that bean just doesn't want to associate with me bc i'm a bad person who uses slurs
[03/07/2016 02:54:39] Clare 🐻: bean's interpretation did?
[03/07/2016 02:56:28] Ted: the fact that she didn't tell me why she was removing me from the group, the fact that she removed me as a contact, and the fact that she didn't interact with me whatsoever after that conversation
[03/07/2016 02:58:00] Clare 🐻: ahh
[03/07/2016 03:03:13] Ted: like i know that's probably not the real truth but i have no way of verifying it myself without risking another incident
[03/07/2016 03:06:04] Clare 🐻: yeah I don't think that's the whole truth but I don't really have any way to verify it :/
[03/07/2016 03:08:42] Ted: at this point it's probably too late for me to seek closure on the group chat thing anyway
[03/07/2016 03:09:34] Ted: I've likely just reinforced the views of anyone who thought i was toxic and didn't belong
[03/07/2016 03:11:59] Clare 🐻: i never heard anybody express either of those sentiments
[03/07/2016 03:12:58] Ted: the fact that no one who was uncomfortable with me saying crazy actually came to me kind of suggests that's the case
[03/07/2016 03:15:11] Ted: "Dude why are you getting your underwear in a wad over someone not liking a character you like. This isn’t the first time you’ve done something like this and you need to chill out; at this rate I wouldn’t blame them for not liking you." i asked what he was referring to and didn't get a response
[03/07/2016 03:16:41] Ted: i'd have to unblock the others to see their responses again but, like, they were all pretty much the same
[03/07/2016 03:16:52] Clare 🐻: who was this?
[03/07/2016 03:16:57] Ted: that was asriel
[03/07/2016 03:21:31] Ted: he didn't give enough context for me to know what he was talking about
[03/07/2016 03:23:47] Ted: there's several possibilities but the only one that fits exactly is the skeith hate one, which doesn't make sense because it was about fatphobia and classism?
[03/07/2016 03:25:06] Ted: and i got stuck on r/tumblrinaction for it???
[03/07/2016 03:26:59] Ted: if it was about the mettaton headcanon discrepancy i wasn't angry at all i was just confused and kind of scared because he sounded very upset and i didn't understand
[03/07/2016 03:34:40] Ted: and i was made to feel like the worst kind of transphobe for misunderstanding an ambiguous quote in the game
[03/07/2016 04:09:02] Ted: idk i shouldn't have said that i'm sorry
[03/07/2016 04:10:36] Clare 🐻: when did this happen
[03/07/2016 04:10:54] Ted: in the neogames chat, shortly before i was removed
[03/07/2016 13:33:50] Ted: I was actually in the process of drawing azzy as part of a neogames picture when I got removed and blocked. But there was no point finishing it after that so I abandoned it
[03/07/2016 13:36:06] Ted: I don't know what relevance it has to the conversation other than it being another reminder of what a fuckup I am
[04/07/2016 12:21:06] Ted: ok I think i'm going to try apologising to Yaakov over skype
[04/07/2016 12:22:07] Ted: it's really not fair what they put themself through because of me and I want them to know that
[04/07/2016 12:23:39] Ted: it'll take me a while to type something up, and i'm still very anxious, but it's the only right course of action I can see
[05/07/2016 01:25:21] Clare 🐻: well hey if there's anything I can do to help just let me know ! I know yakko was willing to talk stuff out so this could be good for you guys
[05/07/2016 01:27:35] Ted: Thanks. I sent them a thing earlier. The convo isn't showing up on my mobile though, so I don't know if that'll change if they try to send something back.
[05/07/2016 01:38:04] Clare 🐻: are you guys contacts? idt yorick can get messages from ppl they aren't contacts w so you might have to add each other & resend it
[05/07/2016 01:40:13] Ted: Ah, right. Thanks for the tip! I'll do that tomorrow once I'm free
[05/07/2016 01:41:11] Clare 🐻: finger pistols
good luck!! it's really cool that you're doing this (:
[04/07/2016 13:26:26] Ted: I read over the first fight we had on here, and wow, I was really a dick. I can't believe I was so up myself. wow, I mean really. that's just... I totally don't blame you or clare for being uncomfortable with me after that because that was seriously out of line. but yeah, anyway, the reason I was reading that anyway is because I wanted to get things straight before I apologised. because I now know exactly why you were behaving the way you did with the gabby situation, why you assumed that they hated you, why you didn't want to confront them about it, because how were you to know what was going on in their head at the time? you had no way of knowing they were following the terfs as a form of self-harm. you had know way of knowing the only reason they were doing that was because of abuse. and I acted so self-righteous about it. man.
you also couldn't have known that it was bean that mentioned you first in the conversation we had about the neogames group. I wasn't talking about you on purpose, I only wanted to know why i'd been removed. when she mentioned you, I did ask for more details, and she implied she knew everything. it was only then that I mentioned the "list" i'd sent to clare (I don't really have any excuse for that other than trying to protect gabby from what had been my fault in the first place), and bean had no idea what I was talking about. I tried to backtrack and told her I shouldn't have said anything, but it was too late and she asked clare for context. from your perspective it must have seemed like I was trying to turn everyone against you. first it had been clare, and when clare proved fruitless I moved onto bean. I understand how it looked, and I don't blame you for reacting the way you did. from what bean had told me, and from circumstances that surrounded the "list" incident, I took that as confirmation you had been turning people against me. I'm not saying this to excuse myself, but you deserve an explanation. i'm really sorry I had a go at you for that. it wasn't your fault.
and just, I've been looking back at so many things in the new context and i'm thinking what the fuck did I put you through? there are so many things I wish I could take back. I know what it feels like to be pressured into sexual discussions you're uncomfortable with and i'm so sorry I did that to you. you've always shown me such great consideration and compassion and what have I given you in return? i'm sorry I didn't realise earlier how the age difference could be factoring in another sort of pressure. I feel that same pressure to please younger people rather than older people for some reason. I don't know why.
I look back on it all, how I thought this whole time that the problem was that you and your friends didn't understand, and I see that the problem was that I didn't understand. I can see why you might have felt you needed to lie to me about dr. sloth. you didn't need to spare my feelings on that one, but I don't blame you for thinking you needed to. in truth, the character is very important to me. I won't go into why right now because that's not what this is about. but basically, i'm okay with people having a difference of opinion. it's okay to not like something I like, even if it's something I really love. I get upset over character bashing but that's different. i'm used to people not sharing my special interests. the reason I got upset with the headcanon post was the context I interpreted it as still being in. I didn't stop to think about other possibilities as to why you would be feeling that way, and for that I am sorry. I shouldn't have accused you of trying to hurt me. from what i'm aware you've never tried to hurt me, and in fact you've gone to great lengths in the past to avoid hurting me. i'm sorry that you put yourself through that. and i'm sorry that I ever made you feel like you had to pretend.
and above all, i'm sorry for being scared of you. i'm sorry I felt like I couldn't express myself for fear of judgement. and i'm sorry that I didn't understand your side. I understand now, and I understand that I was in the wrong. tbh i'm still scared, but I feel like talking it out honestly with each other is the only way either of us is going to find closure.
[06/07/2016 18:37:35] *** Ted would like to add you on Skype ***
[06/07/2016 18:49:37] *** Loops [[removed]] has shared contact details with Ted. ***
[06/07/2016 18:51:41] 🔫: yo
[06/07/2016 18:52:04] 🔫: your message from monday sent just now so you don't have to resend it
[06/07/2016 18:52:15] Ted: cool, thanks for letting me know
[06/07/2016 18:56:15] 🔫: anyway thank you for talking to me and i forgive you
im sorry how mean i was in that last fight we had, (not the sloth thing, the one before it) i never would have told anyone but i felt bad about screaming at you afterwards
and i'm sorry about the sloth thing too, i really didn't intend for you to see it or for anyone to reblog that from me, it was meant as a reply to the op and not a dig at you, i winced as soon as i saw that you @ me because i knew what it was about
so can we be cool again
we don't have to be buddies but i don't want us to keep blacklisting each other because that's clearly not working out so great huh
[06/07/2016 18:58:37] Ted: ball of anxiety right now so I can't really talk but I wanna send you hugs, is that ok?
[06/07/2016 18:59:36] 🔫: yeah
[06/07/2016 18:59:42] 🔫: you can answer whenever
[06/07/2016 18:59:51] Ted: [hugs]
[06/07/2016 19:00:18] 🔫: (my reply was kind of short too because i didn't know what to do bcs clare's offline)
[10/07/2016 11:15:59] Ted: Don't feel like you have to forgive me in order to stop the drama. There's no ambiguity anymore about why you were acting the way you did, and I know you feel as bad about it as I do. Likewise, take your own time in responding. I want to make sure that we both understand each other and can go forward feeling like we don't have to hide, so please if you have any questions do ask. I'm more than willing to answer (tho it just might take a bit bc of irl stresses and stuff)
[16/07/2016 17:02:09] Ted: Could you maybe ask bean if it's ok if I talk to her about why I was removed from the neogames chat again?
[16/07/2016 17:02:35] Ted: (also I keep meaning to say sorry for not wishing you a happy birthday)
[16/07/2016 17:03:23] Ted: (I was still unsure at the time and I didn't want to make you feel awkward)
[17/07/2016 01:38:37] Clare 🐻: She says "yeah totally!"
And thanks! I get that heheh. Birthdays aren't really a big deal to me tbh
[17/07/2016 19:31:48] *** Ted would like to add you on Skype ***
[17/07/2016 19:35:59] *** add me on discorp bean#8272 has shared contact details with Ted. ***
[17/07/2016 22:34:35] Ted: hi, i'm gonna have to postpone until tomorrow. really not in a good place mentally right now
[17/07/2016 22:45:36] Ted: (rl stuff)
[18/07/2016 23:19:43] Ted: are you online? (sorry, skype's acting a bit weirdly)
[19/07/2016 22:19:14] gravy fucking sucks and you cant tell me otherwise: sorry for the late reply ;v; I was out all day yesterday, but i'm free now!!
[30/07/2016 11:48:24] Ted: Man, sorry for going all quiet on you. My family's been going through a really rough time so they've had to take priority and I haven't been getting to the things I was already in the middle of and it's all been really stressful
[30/07/2016 11:50:42] Ted: Anyway, it'll probably be really difficult to find a time when we're both online, so I wanted to know if you're okay with receiving messages while you're offline?
[30/07/2016 18:51:33] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: i'm okay w/ that!!
[31/07/2016 09:22:26] Ted: So... I guess I'm basically wondering again why everything happened the way it did with the neogames chat, and... I guess I felt hard done by when you told me not to worry and then removed me for the same reason without telling me anything had changed
[31/07/2016 09:29:19] Ted: I did view you as a friend, but I have no idea if you feel the same way so I guess I'm asking that as well. I know I'm liable to making that mistake because I've made it in the past more than once. It's ok if you don't see me as a friend. I know you don't hate me and I know you were under a lot of pressure when the games were going on.
[31/07/2016 09:31:49] Ted: Sorry for being so much trouble
[03/08/2016 17:56:22] Ted: Man, I'm sorry. All I really meant to ask you was why I was removed from the group, since the first conversation kind of got derailed when we started talking about yaakov and when Clare got involved and stuff. I know you weren't really trying to hurt me. I've never thought that.
[03/08/2016 19:51:17] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: aaa, i am so sorry, my message never sent. basically the only reason why you were removed from the group was because Barbie and Yakko were uncomfortable with you being in the group
[03/08/2016 19:53:48] Ted: Barbie? That's very surprising, but ok. Why didn't you tell me?
[03/08/2016 19:55:13] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: At the time, I was very blinded by the situation. Everyone was talking to me at once, you and yakko and Barbie and the neogames chat. Everything was firing off at once. At the same time I wanted to protect the identities of barb and yakko because I didn't want to ruin your relationships with them
[03/08/2016 19:55:41] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: In hindsight, I should've been flat out with you, and I apologize for being so vague and causing you so much stress
[03/08/2016 19:57:31] Ted: I wish people had just talked to me in the first place
[03/08/2016 19:58:43] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: I think they didn't talk to you because they were afraid of hurting your feelings further. They both figured that silence was better than confrontation at the time
[03/08/2016 20:00:45] Ted: I felt like everyone had rejected me
[03/08/2016 20:03:04] Ted: Sorry, I know that's not your fault. I'm still all messed up and stuff irl isn't helping
[03/08/2016 20:03:53] Ted: I'm just still very confused
[03/08/2016 20:03:56] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: Yeah, you deserved to hear what actually caused me kicking you out, so don't worry too hard abt contacting me out of the blue
[03/08/2016 20:06:34] Ted: It's just... Kicking me out was supposed to hurt my feelings less than talking things through and telling me what was wrong?
[03/08/2016 20:08:29] Ted: I really don't understand why that was the solution you all came to
[03/08/2016 20:09:56] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: It wasn't my call ultimately. They all wanted to kick you out, but I was trepidatious, but because I was the only admin I was the only one who could kick. I was going through some tough times during this whole thing, so after being warn down I just. Did it
[03/08/2016 20:13:11] Ted: Like, I know why Yaakov wanted me removed
[03/08/2016 20:13:43] Ted: I really don't understand. I apologised.
[03/08/2016 20:14:49] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: Sometimes people are just. Deeply affected by what others do, and no matter the amount of apologies it won't really bring things back to where it once was
[03/08/2016 20:15:14] Ted: Then they should have talked to me
[03/08/2016 20:15:35] Ted: I understand trauma. I've been there so many times
[03/08/2016 20:15:39] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: Talking to you brought back a lot of bad memories/feelings
[03/08/2016 20:15:50] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: After the incident at hand, that is
[03/08/2016 20:16:22] Ted: Did anyone even think about how it would feel for me?
[03/08/2016 20:17:00] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: That's why Clare and I stepped in as a middleman so to speak, so that way you could feel closure and they could relax
[03/08/2016 20:17:23 | Edited 20:16:59] Ted: When are you meaning?
[03/08/2016 20:18:12] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: Like. Right afterwords, Clare started talking to you, and because of irl stuff I wasn't able to help her out consistently until just recently
[03/08/2016 20:18:28] Ted: After what?
[03/08/2016 20:18:45] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: After you got kicked/tried to reach out to yakko
[03/08/2016 20:19:16] Ted: She didn't keep talking to me
[03/08/2016 20:19:29] Ted: She didn't even talk about the group stuff
[03/08/2016 20:20:44] Ted: She just told me "you need to leave yakko alone"
[03/08/2016 20:21:16] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: I think in hindsight we were both too emotionally invested to do the job we set out to do
[03/08/2016 20:22:02] Ted: I thought you didn't want to hear from me bc you'd removed me as a contact
[03/08/2016 20:23:22] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: I removed you as a contact because I was emotionally fired up after some irl junk and it wasn't right on my behalf
[03/08/2016 20:26:36] Ted: I still have no idea who hates me and who doesn't, and who never wants to hear from me again
[03/08/2016 20:26:55] Ted: I have no idea who I can trust, who I can even talk to
[03/08/2016 20:27:24] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: Yakko will not want to hear from you again, possibly same with Clare and Barb
[03/08/2016 20:28:14 | Edited 20:28:26] Ted: Wait, yaakov and I went through some stuff lately, is this after that? And don't worry, I think Clare and I are cool again
[03/08/2016 20:29:23] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: I don't know abt anything you and yakko went through lately, I'm just speaking from after I removed you
[03/08/2016 20:29:35] Ted: Ah, ok
[03/08/2016 20:30:13] Ted: Well, yaakov and I basically apologised to each other after that last public misunderstanding
[03/08/2016 20:46:11] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: Alright well, even so, just let them mellow out for a while
[03/08/2016 20:53:05] Ted: Have they said something? I don't really know what's going on right now
[03/08/2016 20:55:47] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: I asked them what was up and they said that they were still healing, give them some time
[03/08/2016 20:56:30] Ted: As in right now?
[03/08/2016 20:56:45] kong, from the series "King Of Apes", available only on Netflix™: Yes
[03/08/2016 20:57:04] Ted: Ok, cool. That's good to know
[03/08/2016 21:10:49] Ted: I get the impression asriel hates me, though I'm not quite sure why
[03/08/2016 21:17:32] Ted: (Also, I don't think it's fair that the group manipulated you like that)
[03/08/2016 21:21:50] Ted: (something smells really fishy about them trying to spare my feelings by pressuring you to remove me)
[04/08/2016 01:37:22] Ted: Hang on, I think barbie and I interacted in a friendly way even after the group chat stuff. Are you still in contact with him? Could you maybe ask if I can talk to him about this? I really don't want to cause anymore upset but I feel like talking it out is the only way I'll be able to put these feelings to rest
[04/08/2016 13:09:31] Ted: And like, I know it might seem like I'm upset, but I really am so grateful to know you don't hate me for everything that went down. It's taken a lot of worry off my mind to know that we're okay
[04/08/2016 13:15:49] Ted: With everything else that's going on right now, I needed that
[06/08/2016 14:04:04] Ted: Bean?
[11/08/2016 19:07:39] Ted: Are you ok?
[14/08/2016 18:14:43] Ted: Please respond
[17/08/2016 10:10:44] Ted: Bean please
[18/07/2016 23:09:40] Ted: hi
[18/07/2016 23:11:56] Ted: (ah, sorry, thought you were online)
do you know if Yaakov would still be up for talking things through with gabby?
[18/07/2016 23:46:57] Clare 🐻: I am sorry! Just now getting up lol
& yeah yakko would def still be down, do you know gabby's Skype name?
[18/07/2016 23:47:32] Ted: yeah, but they're not really keen on using skype
[18/07/2016 23:49:49] Ted: they're still very much on edge about the whole thing and would prefer a simpler platform
[18/07/2016 23:51:33] Clare 🐻: Oh okay! That's fair, what platform would work best?
[18/07/2016 23:55:25] Ted: i'm just discussing that with them right now
[19/07/2016 00:01:07] Clare 🐻: righteous, keep me posted c:
[19/07/2016 00:07:44] Ted: ok is Yaakov online right now?
[19/07/2016 00:09:01] Clare 🐻: yep!
[19/07/2016 00:10:07] Ted: cool, would you be up for a group chat type thing? basically so you and me can know what's happening and support yakko/gabby respectively
[19/07/2016 00:12:48] Ted: (if so, there's a link here: https://chatstep.com/#not_tinychat and the password is "bruh")
[19/07/2016 00:13:14] Clare 🐻: yeah i'm down, should I let yakko know?
[19/07/2016 00:13:21] Ted: yes, definitely
[19/07/2016 00:14:27] Ted: (ok seems you have to go in through the homepage since it's passworded)
[19/07/2016 00:19:12] Clare 🐻: yorick isn't really up for a group chat right off the bat, it'd be okay after but yakko doesn't want spectators
[19/07/2016 00:19:25] Ted: ok, i'll let gabby know
[19/07/2016 00:21:00] Ted: ah, Gabby's not really comfortable one-on-one
[19/07/2016 00:22:04] Ted: (I think Gabby's scared in case one or the other starts yelling and it breaks down)
[19/07/2016 00:24:26] Clare 🐻: hhm yeah that makes sense
[19/07/2016 00:24:28] Clare 🐻: well shit
[19/07/2016 00:24:29] Clare 🐻: now what
[19/07/2016 00:24:33] Ted: idk
[19/07/2016 00:32:59] Ted: gabby really doesn't feel safe talking to Yaakov one on one in case they (gabby), uh, I don't really want to repeat the wording but suffice to say they feel they can't trust themself to keep it civil if you and me aren't there
[19/07/2016 00:35:41] Clare 🐻: would it be easier if we like, passed along messages or something? yorick feels really strongly about not being spectated
[19/07/2016 00:37:18] Ted: so would that be like Yaakov says something to you, I relay it to gabby, gabby responds, I pass the response to you and you give it to Yaakov?
[19/07/2016 00:37:44] Clare 🐻: yeah I guess
[19/07/2016 00:37:53] Clare 🐻: i'd have to run it by yakko first though hang on
[19/07/2016 00:38:35] Ted: gabby says that would be ok
[19/07/2016 00:40:55] Clare 🐻: yakko's okay with it too
[19/07/2016 00:41:10] Clare 🐻: finger pistols
we're in business
[19/07/2016 00:41:13] Ted: cool!
[19/07/2016 00:48:04] Ted: alright, so ted keeps telling me to talk things out with you
[19/07/2016 00:57:25] Clare 🐻: im not ok with my words being passed through 4 different people and i don't see the point when i don't feel like i have anything to say to gabby and gabby doesn't want to because she's been told that she has to talk to me
[19/07/2016 00:57:40] Clare 🐻: okay we might not be in business
[19/07/2016 00:57:50] Ted: aw ok :(
[19/07/2016 00:58:48] Ted: if you wanna pass on that I wasn't telling gabby that they had to, just that it would probably help them if they did
[19/07/2016 00:59:53] Ted: this isn't going to be easy to deal with
[19/07/2016 01:00:02] Ted: oh man
[19/07/2016 01:01:00] Clare 🐻: yeah I don't know where to go from here
[19/07/2016 01:01:22] Ted: it took ages for them to work up even enough courage for this
[19/07/2016 01:01:38] Ted: if it goes wrong now... idk... this is really bad...
[19/07/2016 01:01:56] Clare 🐻: well it doesn't seem to be going wrong so much as not going anywhere
[19/07/2016 01:02:26] Clare 🐻: so gabby doesn't want to talk to yorick because they're worried they'll get mad? or upset?
[19/07/2016 01:02:36] Ted: yeah
[19/07/2016 01:03:08] Clare 🐻: hm
[19/07/2016 01:03:19] Ted: i run the risk of being a massive asshole and it becoming a huge fight
[19/07/2016 01:03:28] Ted: were their words
[19/07/2016 01:05:56] Ted: i haven't passed on yet that Yaakov doesn't want to talk
[19/07/2016 01:06:54] Clare 🐻: it's not that yakko doesn't want to talk, still definitely down to talk
[19/07/2016 01:07:15] Clare 🐻: I think it would just be preferable if things were a little more private
[19/07/2016 01:07:26] Ted: but they said they didn't have anything to say to gabby?
[19/07/2016 01:08:24] Clare 🐻: yeah yorick doesn't have anything to say but if gabby does then yorick's open to hearing it
[19/07/2016 01:08:29] Clare 🐻: answering questions, talking it out
[19/07/2016 01:08:32] Clare 🐻: that kinda stuff
[19/07/2016 01:08:49] Ted: ah, ok, i'll relay that then?
[19/07/2016 01:09:12] Ted: would Yaakov be ok if it was like an actual question or something?
[19/07/2016 01:09:42] Clare 🐻: how do you mean? o:
[19/07/2016 01:10:09 | Edited 01:10:09] Ted: like, if gabby gave a question to me to pass to you to forward to yaakov
[19/07/2016 01:13:44] Clare 🐻: i dunno i think it would depend on the question
[19/07/2016 01:13:51] Clare 🐻: do they have one in mind?
[19/07/2016 01:13:58] Ted: i don't think so
[19/07/2016 01:14:24] Ted: like, they're kind of in the same boat, where they need something to go off of
[19/07/2016 01:15:15] Clare 🐻: i feel you
[19/07/2016 01:15:43] Clare 🐻: i dunno i think it would be okay but i don't wanna like, assume
[19/07/2016 01:20:18] Ted: Gabby's not gonna budge any further, unfortunately
[19/07/2016 01:20:56] Clare 🐻: yeah neither is yorick \:
[19/07/2016 01:21:39] Clare 🐻: if gabby has a question or anything to say i can pass it along but idt yorickk's gonna wanna respond so publicly
[19/07/2016 01:22:04] Ted: oh dear, i really thought this was gonna work
[19/07/2016 01:22:23] Clare 🐻: me too
[19/07/2016 01:22:25] Clare 🐻: this sucks
[19/07/2016 01:22:32] Ted: since Yaakov trusts you, gabby trusts me, we trust each other
[19/07/2016 01:22:44] Ted: yeah, i have a really bad feeling about this
[19/07/2016 01:24:46] Ted: can you give me confirmation that Yaakov genuinely really does want to talk things through with gabby, just privately is all?
[19/07/2016 01:24:56] Ted: (and like, not just a grudging ok)
[19/07/2016 01:26:21] Clare 🐻: yeah when i told yakko there wasn't any like, hesitation or grumbling
[19/07/2016 01:26:30] Clare 🐻: just "sure what's her skype name"
[19/07/2016 01:27:09] Ted: and it isn't just a case of honouring a request?
[19/07/2016 01:30:08] Clare 🐻: what do you mean
[19/07/2016 01:31:37] Ted: like, is it "sure" as in "i was hoping we would get a chance" or "sure" as in "i have nothing against it"?
[19/07/2016 01:32:13] Ted: (Gabby's asking if it being just me would help but i can't see that it would)
[19/07/2016 01:32:54] Clare 🐻: probably the latter, but all things considered that's about the best we could hope for i think
[19/07/2016 01:33:15] Clare 🐻: just you like yorick talking to you?
[19/07/2016 01:34:04] Ted: i think it means just me as the only "spectator" or the sole mediator or whatever terminology you want to use
[19/07/2016 01:35:03] Ted: might be best just to drop the whole thing if it was a case of the latter
[19/07/2016 01:35:23] Ted: unless Yaakov really knows what they're getting into
[19/07/2016 01:37:06] Clare 🐻: yeah idt yorick would go for that
[19/07/2016 01:37:25] Clare 🐻: i know yakko is open to talking but if gabby doesn't have anything they want to say then
[19/07/2016 01:37:29] Clare 🐻: sshrug emoji
[19/07/2016 01:38:46] Ted: then the whole thing is off. i am absolutely not going to talk to them one-on-onewell that's that then :(
[19/07/2016 01:39:09] Clare 🐻: oof. alright
[19/07/2016 01:39:23] Ted:  they can tell you when they're ready to talk to me, with a mediator
[19/07/2016 01:40:06] Ted: so, yeah, that's their position on it. :\
[19/07/2016 01:40:10] Ted: sorry about all this
[19/07/2016 01:40:59] Ted: ("you" as in me)
[19/07/2016 01:41:22] Clare 🐻: yeah i got that
[19/07/2016 01:41:33] Clare 🐻: i'm sorry too, i was really hoping this would work out
[19/07/2016 01:42:10] Clare 🐻: yorick isn't going to approach gabby without anything to say, so idt this is ever going to go down
[19/07/2016 01:42:19] Ted: yeah :(
[19/07/2016 01:43:05] Ted: the trauma's still fresh in Gabby's mind and has been since the whole incident went down, thanks to the whole sticky thoughts thing
[19/07/2016 01:45:30] Clare 🐻: is that why you wanted them to talk to yakko? resolution or reconciliation or w/e?
[19/07/2016 01:45:37] Ted: yeah
[19/07/2016 01:46:51] Clare 🐻: damn
[19/07/2016 01:46:53] Clare 🐻: this sucks
[19/07/2016 01:47:09] Ted: it does
[19/07/2016 01:47:56] Ted: i'll keep trying to do the best i can, but there's only so much i can really reassure them about
[19/07/2016 01:49:01] Clare 🐻: yeah i feel you
[19/07/2016 01:49:12] Clare 🐻: make sure they know i'm always down to talk
[19/07/2016 01:49:23] Ted: ok, i'll pass that on
[19/07/2016 01:49:31] Ted: thanks
[21/07/2016 10:37:52] Ted: *Please don't feel
[21/07/2016 10:38:41] Ted: That was the word I was missing. I knew I was missing a word
[21/07/2016 18:23:59] 🔫: im getting kinda uncomfortable with this situation because i keep getting pressured to respond every few days because it keeps getting re-brought up when im trying to relax irl because of medical stuff and i don't really want to say anything right now
[21/07/2016 18:46:36] Ted: That's fine. I did say take your time. I didn't mean anything by this, it was just a puzzle that had been bothering me for a while.
[21/07/2016 19:42:59] Ted: Tbh my rl's a nightmare rn and I haven't even been on tumblr the past few days.
[30/08/2016 12:12:46] Ted: Did you stop talking to me because of something I said or is it because of something completely unrelated that you don't want to talk about? Please, I need to know if I said something that upset you.
[03/09/2016 02:53:30] the rumor come out: does bean is gay?: sorry, it wasn't because of anything you said. I've just been trying to hyper focus in on college, so I've pretty much muted everyone on here except for a few irl friends
[03/09/2016 02:53:43] the rumor come out: does bean is gay?: ive been bad at checking in when I get notifications, so that probably didn't help either
[03/09/2016 12:32:43] Ted: That makes sense. Thank you for getting back to me
[20/08/2016 19:02:01] 🍳 yolkie: yo
[20/08/2016 19:02:27] 🍳 yolkie: this is probably weird to message you right now
[20/08/2016 19:03:03] 🍳 yolkie: but something really wild is going on irl and it's making all my internet fights seem so. petty
[20/08/2016 19:03:18] 🍳 yolkie: so anyway i'm sorry and you're a cool person
[20/08/2016 19:04:05] 🍳 yolkie: i got kicked out of my home last night and in the morning i'm most likely going to fly 2500 miles across the country to live with clare's mom
[20/08/2016 19:05:09] 🍳 yolkie: and if i get abducted or something on the way and die i don't want any grudges or reasons for my soul to haunt anyone's neopets or whatever
[20/08/2016 19:26:32] Ted: Thank you for messaging me. I hope everything goes well for you on your journey and I hope you get there safely.
[20/08/2016 19:31:08] Ted: Things have only been getting worse and worse in my rl, so I know the feeling of wanting to get things wrapped up in case something happens.
[20/08/2016 19:31:26] Ted: I'm sorry you got kicked out.
[20/08/2016 22:03:02] Ted: Good luck
Tumblr media
[07/12/2016 01:27:56] ᴸᵒᵒᵖˢ: hey
can you please not namedrop me on your blog
im going through a lot right now; therapy, new medication, endometriosis & infertility, clare dumping me, recent homelessness, and abuse from my family and the reason i left tumblr is because my family was stalking me. please i really don't need this and im asking you, as a favor, please don't talk about me
[07/12/2016 01:33:12] Ted: i've also been going through a lot right now, but hey, I censored the post so your family won't be able to stalk you through me (although I don't know how they would be able to but fair enough you know better about that than I do)
[07/12/2016 01:34:31] ᴸᵒᵒᵖˢ: thanks
[07/12/2016 01:35:30] Ted: i'm just sick of people treating me like a cinnamon roll when they don't know what i did
[07/12/2016 01:36:20] Ted: and other people not wanting to touch me bc of my "secret"
[07/12/2016 01:38:11] ᴸᵒᵒᵖˢ: i have way bigger problems now so dont even worry about it. its in the past and i have to focus on the things that are actively killing me right now and i don't like this kind of thing being dug up again when i'm in a different chapter of my life now
[07/12/2016 01:39:40] Ted: I can't move on from it when my friends are constantly reblogging from someone who asked me not to interact with them over what happened with you and who hasn't blocked me for some reason, and bc Gabby's still suffering and it's still my fault
[07/12/2016 01:49:24] ᴸᵒᵒᵖˢ: this is going to sound harsh but i promise i mean it in the best possible way.. feeling sorry for yourself isn't going to help gabby. idk the full extent of gabby's problems but it sounds like they're a lot bigger than you and me and are something she needs outside help with, but that's entirely up to her.
be there for her, be a rock for her to lean on instead of making her feel worse about how she is by saying it's all your fault. it's so fucking difficult to be strong for other people when your own life is in shambles, but relationships with other people are always difficult, that's just how it is and it sucks but it's not going to change. focus on helping gabby by building yourself up for her instead of tearing yourself down when she needs you to lean on
[07/12/2016 01:50:57] Ted: ok
[07/12/2016 01:51:49] Ted: btw, Gabby's a "they"
[07/12/2016 01:52:02] Ted: thanks though. I needed that.
[07/12/2016 01:54:46] ᴸᵒᵒᵖˢ: no prob. hope it works out
[07/12/2016 01:54:53] Ted: thank you
oocneoblog: hi, i realise we haven't talked since the thing, and i'm sorry about that. anyway, i think gabby would really appreciate hearing from you. they've been feeling really down about themselves lately and i think unresolved feelings over people they used to talk to are part of it.
clarenecessities: oh dang okay, what's the best way to get a hold of 'em?
oocneoblog: probably skype. they don't have im open to people they're not following
thank you so much
clarenecessities: yeah no worries dude, anything i can do i'm down for
i think they may have removed me on skype though, is there some other way to hit them up
oocneoblog: gabby says you're still a contact
clarenecessities: whhat's their skype name
oocneoblog: [removed]
clarenecessities: oh whoops i was looking in the wrong section
03/01/2017 [[To Barbie, who appears to have left for good by this point.]]
oocneoblog: Hi, I'm not sure how often you come on here anymore or if you'll even see this but I really need to talk to you about what happened in the neogames chat. I've been putting it off for a while because I didn't know if you'd even want to hear from me but... I always appreciated our friendship and it makes me so sad to think that I ever hurt you.
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maritimecyprus · 5 years
(http://www.MaritimeCyprus.com) From 31 December 2018, large commercial seagoing vessels flying the flag of an EU Member State may be recycled only in safe and sound ship recycling facilities included in the European List of ship recycling facilities (‘the European List’).
The European List was first established on 19 December 2016 and last updated on 22 January 2020 (see the updated list here). It now contains 41 yards, including 34 facilities located in 12 EU Member States and in Norway, 6 facilities in Turkey and 1 facility in the United States of America.
To be included in the European List, any ship recycling facility irrespective of its location has to comply with a number of safety and environmental requirements. In April 2016, the Commission issued technical guidelines on these requirements.
For facilities located in the EU, it is the national authorities of the Member States which indicate to the Commission which facilities located on their territory are compliant.
The Commission has received a number of applications from ship recycling facilities located in third countries. The applications are being thoroughly reviewed and site inspections conducted to check their credentials. The Commission then decides on their inclusion in the European List.
Whilst the Regulation brings forward the requirements of the 2009 Hong Kong Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships,  it also includes additional safety and environmental requirements. Indeed, the EU SRR sets higher standards than the IMO’s Hong Kong Convention – the beaching method is not allowed and requirements related to downstream toxic waste management as well as labour rights are included. Moreover, EU ­listed ship recycling facilities are subject to a higher level of scrutiny: there is independent third party certification and auditing, and NGOs, are allowed to submit complaints should they have concerns that a listed facility is not operating in line with the Regulation. These are important safeguards that are alarmingly absent under the Hong Kong Convention regime. EU-listing is indeed the only guarantee that a yard has been independently certified and audited up against an acceptable standard.
The following guidelines have been developed and adopted to assist States in the early implementation of the Convention’s technical standards:
​ –
2011 Guidelines for the Development of the Ship Recycling Plan, adopted by resolution MEPC.196(62);
2012 Guidelines for Safe and Environmentally Sound Ship Recycling, adopted by resolution MEPC.210(63);
2012 Guidelines for the Authorization of Ship Recycling Facilities, adopted by resolution MEPC.211(63); and
– ​2015 Guidelines for the development of the Inventory of the Hazardous Materials, adopted by resolution MEPC.269(68).
To ensure legal clarity and avoid administrative burden, ships covered by the new legislation will be excluded from the scope of the Waste Shipment Regulation. Non-EU flagged vessels sold for scrapping whilst in European waters will remain covered by the Waste Shipment Regulation.
European ships, as well as vessels sailing under the flag of a third country and calling at an EU port or anchorage, will furthermore be required to have on board an Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM).
The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) also released Guidance on Ship Recycling Port State Control inspections: Guidance on inspections of ships by the port States in accordance with Regulation (EU) 1257/2013 on ship recycling, ‘Inspections from the EU port States to enforce provisions of the ship recycling Regulation. It can be downloaded below:
              The deadlines that you must meet for the preparation and verification of IHM are the following:
EU-flagged newbuildings are required to have onboard a verified IHM with a Statement of Compliance by 31 December 2015 and before 31 December 2018.
Existing EU-flagged ships are required to have onboard a verified IHM with a Statement of Compliance by 31 December 2020.
Non-EU-flagged ships calling at EU ports are also required to have onboard a verified IHM with a Statement of Compliance by 31 December 2020.
The IHM consists of three parts:
Part I: a list of hazardous materials referred to in Annexes I and II of EU SRR, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 5 of EU SRR, and contained in the structure or equipment of the ship, with an indication of their location and approximate quantities.
Part II: a list of the operationally generated waste present on board the ship.
Part III: a list of the stores present on board the ship.
The shipping industry is difficult to regulate due to the use of flags of convenience. The majority of European shipping companies do not register their ships under the flag of an EU Member State during their operational life, and opt instead for flags of convenience. Port States have thus increasingly been seen as solution providers to fight the many substandard practices of shipping.
A major loophole of the Ship Recycling Regulation is that ship owners can circumvent the law by simply swapping their EU flag to a non-­EU flag. Major European ship owner Maersk has already threatened to flag-out from the Danish ship registry to allow the use of non-­EU approved ship-breaking facilities on the beach in India. This move has been strongly criticized by environmental NGOs and clearly illustrates why measures that go beyond Flag state jurisdiction may be put in place to hold the shipping industry accountable for environmental and social protection.
                      Ship Recycling Loophole – updated EU List of Approved Ship Recycling Facilities (www.MaritimeCyprus.com) From 31 December 2018, large commercial seagoing vessels flying the flag of an EU Member State may be recycled only in safe and sound ship recycling facilities included in the European List of ship recycling facilities (‘the European List’).
0 notes
ecadimi-blog · 5 years
Week 3: Research Critique Table, Framework, Model, and NIH Certification
This assignment provides the opportunity to continue the development of the evidence-based practice (EBP) project proposal by adding the research critique table, theoretical framework and change model sections.  In addition, the student is required to complete the National Institutes of Health (NIH) certification regarding human subjects.  The NIH information focuses on the history of the legal and ethical issues related to research and informed consent.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome:   CO#4 Develop knowledge related to research and evidence-based practice as a basis for designing and critiquing research studies (PO 1, 2, 6, 9) Due Date Sunday 11:59 PM MT at the end of Week Three Total Points: 85 points
Description of the Assignment For this assignment students are required to continue the development of their EBP project proposal by adding the new sections of: Research Table Critique with reference citation and permalink for each reference Theoretical Framework Change model. In addition, each student is required to complete the Protecting Human Research Participants (PHRP) course as presented by the National Institutes of Health. Criteria for Content Research Critique Table The PICOT/PICo question is presented after the title of the table Students will select four (4) research-based studies and complete the Research Critique Table following the format noted in the sample. All selected research-based articles must be consistent the selected PICOT/PICo question. Complete citation of selected research study is required in the column labeled as Citation Permalink foreach research article is required and located in the column labeled as Citation Reference list is required located Research Critique Table The required column headings are: Citation Purpose of the research Research design and sample Data collection methods Results Strengths and limitations (both must be identified for each research study) Theoretical Framework Explain the theoretical framework that will be used in this project consistent the PICOT/PICo submitted Describe how the theoretical framework is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Change Model Explain the change model that will be used in this project Describe the steps within selected Describe how the change model is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Completion of PHRP Course as presented by NIH: All modules of the PHRP are required in order to earn the certificate of completion. Completed certificate is uploaded into the assignment following the reference list PDF format for the certificate is required    
Preparing the Assignment
Criteria for Format and Special Instructions 1.Using your lecture materials and textbook, completed detailed critiquing of four (4) research-based studies by creating a table using the column headings noted the sample that is included in these assignment guidelines.   Only research-based studies are to be included in this table. The research-based article may use either an quantitative or qualitative approach as appropriate to the identified PICOT/PICo question.  For this assignment, the selected references should avoid systematic research review (SRR), meta-analysis, clinical practice guidelines, or any other secondary analysis articles.   Identify this table as: Research Critique Table.   One theoretical framework must be included and a reference cited for the information regarding the framework.   One change modes must be included and a reference cited for the information regarding the change model and its steps.     For the NIH training regarding human subjects, go to http://phrp.nihtraining.com/. You will need to registerfor the NIH Training on the use of human subjects in research and complete all of the modules. When you have completed the training, you will be awarded a NIH Training Certificate of completion. Save this certificate and upload to this assignment after the reference list.  This training should take 2– 2.5 hours to complete. If you have taken this training within the past year, you may submit that certificate. If you took the training more than a year ago, you need to retake the training course for NR505.   The NIH Training Certificate will be checked for authenticity. Submitting a non-authentic certificate will result in a zero for this assignment and report regarding academic integrity will be submitted.  
Directions and Assignment Criteria
Category Points % Description Completion of PHRP Course as presented by NIH 10 12 Student completes and submits the certificate for completion of the NIH training accessed at http://phrp.nihtraining.com/   The required content for this section includes: ·      All modules of the PHRP are required in order to earn the certificate of completion. ·      Completed certificate is uploaded into the assignment following the reference list ·         PDF format for the certificate is required Research Critique Table 40 25 The required content for this section includes: ·         The PICOT/PICo question is presented after the title of the table ·         Students will select four (4) research-based studies and complete the Research Critique Table following the format noted in the sample. ·         All selected research-based articles must be consistent the selected PICOT/PICo question. ·         Complete citation of selected research study is required in the column labeled: Citation ·         Permalink foreach research article is required and located in the column labeled: Citation ·          The required column headings are: o   Citation o   Purpose of the research o   Research Design and sample o   Data collection methods o   Results o   Strengths and limitations (both must be identified for each research study) Theoretical Framework 10 12 The required content for this section includes: ·          Explain the theoretical framework that will be used in this project ·         Cite a reference for the selected framework ·         Describe how the theoretical framework is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Change Model 10 12 The required content for this section includes: ·         Explain the change model that will be used in this project ·         Describe the steps within selected ·         Cite a reference for the selected change model ·         Describe how the change model is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Paper Specifications 5 6 NIH certificate was submitted Research Critique Table was submitted Complete citation of research article and permalink included in the column labeled as Citation in the Research Critique Table Reference list is required A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. References are current - within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission. APA Format (6th edition) 5       6 APA guidelines as found in the 6th edition of the manual are to be used to identify the research study used on the Research Critique Table. One deduction for each type of APA style error Writing Mechanics 5 6 Rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, and punctuation are followed and consistent with formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual. Total   85 100 %  
    Research Critique Table (sample) State the PICOT/PICo Question: Citation Purpose of the research Research Design  and Sample Data Collection Methods Results Strengths (S) Limitations (L) Cavanaugh &Huse. (2014). Surviving the nursing Shortage:  Developing a nursing orientation program to prepare and retain intensive care unit nurses.  Journal of Nurse Executives, 16(2), 34-56.   Permalink To create an orientation program that would produce competent nurses to work in the NICU who had no previous NICU experience. The orientation program would also be streamlined to ensure all new hired nurses were provided the same information and patient types Quantitative Study N=27 nurse orientees over a two-year period Formal preceptor program developed for identified preceptors Orientation program developed to foster critical thinking, interpersonal relationships, and technical skills in new orientees Caffarella’s program model used to create a program due to fluidness of the teaching model Final orientation evaluation revealed 100% of orientees felt the program prepared them to competently work independently The clinical educator identified key components of a successful program: well-prepared preceptors and biweekly conferences with the preceptor, orientee, and clinical educator Retention rate after two years was 93% S-program design/concepts transferrable to other nursing departments L-small sample size Hardy, J.& Smith, J. (2016) Enhancing staff development with a structured preceptor program.  Journal of Nursing Education, 54(1), 101-110.   Permalink To redesign an orientation program on an ICU unit due to high staff turn-over, low staff satisfaction rates, and a 14-bed expansion. Orientation model based off Connelly and Hoffart and including the Myers-Biggs cognitive personality  style assessment Qualitative Study: Phenomenological Examination of previous orientation program with new design based on structure, identifying qualified preceptors, developing a preceptor course, and orientation packets for the new nurse Current program lacked structure Identification of staff nurses who would make effective preceptors, development of a preceptor educational course, management commitment, development of an orientation manual Greater satisfaction with preceptor role N=5 total staff who had gone through the preceptor class New staff members feel orientation process is designed to meet learning needs Increased overall staff satisfaction Many employment applications due to referrals from current staff S-study can be transferred to other types of nursing departments L- no exact measurements regarding number of participants, possible bias of researcher Loft, W. (2015). Moving forward: Creating a new nursing services orientation program.  Journal of Nurse Executives, 76(2), 56-61. Permalink   To redesign a hospital orientation which would create a more meaningful experience for new employees. Quantitative: Descriptive Study: Predictive N=74 surveys returned/reviewed from May to December 2004 May to June results were from the current orientation process New orientation process began July 12 Redesign orientation based on Scope and Standards of Practice for Nursing Professional Development Orientation checklist replaced self-study tests Modular orientation classes set up to allow employees who did not need to specific classes the opportunity to spend time on assigned units May and June results reflected what administrators already knew to be issues with current system July through December results showed an overall improvement in satisfaction rates of the new orientation program S- sample size of 74; able to critique results from the two programs; survey comprehensive using Likert-scale as well as open-ended questions   L-Unknown number of total orientation participants versus number of surveys returned; a 3 month follow-up survey resulted in poor response, so no significant data was able to be reported Meyer, G.& Meyer, S. (2017). Utilization-focused evaluation: Evaluating the effectiveness of a hospital orientation program. Nursing Leadership in Healthcare, 78(9), 90-98.   Permalink To evaluate the effectiveness of current orientation practices and which aspects of the program were viewed as positive and which were viewed as negative Quantitative: Descriptive study: Survey N=59; total number of surveys distributed = 90 Improve areas of orientation program based on survey results Top three survey questions noted to be: The need to provide quality time and opportunity to practice new clinical skills Having a designated preceptor was important Offering preceptor classes to potential preceptors was vital to successful orientation programs S- The survey was pilot tested before distribution. Surveys were distributed to all shifts in multiple departments L-Small sample size (rate of return was 60%) Modic, C.& Harris, Y.T. (2015). Masterful precepting: Using the BECOME method to enhance clinical teaching, Journal of Nursing Education, 67(12), 134-145. Permalink   To provide staff unit educators a tool for educating and mentoring preceptors Descriptive Study: Survey To examine commonly experienced orientee behavior N= 342 from 13 states in the U.S. and Ontario, Canada The classification and recognition of common orientee behaviors allows preceptor programs to include effective teaching strategies for preparing the preceptor when these behaviors are encountered The most frequently encountered orientee behavior was slowness and disorganization Most strategies used by preceptors to deal with different orientee behavior fell into one of 6 categories: Behavioral, Emotive, Cognitive, Organizational, Modeling, and Elicit help S-large sample size L-fixed questions regarding preceptor education, results were unclear as to whether strategies provided by the preceptor in dealing with a difficult orientee was successful or not Morris, C., Pfeifer, K., Catalano, R,  Fortney, G.,  Nelson, L., Rabito,B., &Harap, H. (2013). Outcome evaluation of a new model of critical care orientation. Critical Care Clinics of North America, 64(4), 573-582.   Permalink To determine if a new orientation program had an effect on satisfaction, retention, turnover, staff vacancy, staff preparedness, and cost effectiveness Quasi-Experimental N=173 A total of 197 nurses had participated in the new program, with only 173 giving consent to answer questions Questionnaires were handed out to educators, managers, preceptors, and orientees. Questionnaires were given at set intervals throughout the program and after the program for direct feedback. Key components recognized by participants allowed the program develops to improve the current orientation program Two successful teaching strategies identified: pocket guides and time spent in the simulation lab (p=0.023) The created Critical Care Institute program, which helped prepare new hire nurses for patient care was rated high among the different groups.   One year after the program was instituted: -Retention rates increased by 2% -Turnover rates decreased by 1.5% -ICU vacancy rates decreased by 10% Cost for the new program increased by $24,810 Length of orientation remained the same S-Large sample size L-No clear conclusions drawn regarding why certain values are so far below the national level (ICU vacancy rates and turnover rates) Prouix, R. &Bourcier, C. (2017). Graduate nurses in the intensive care unit:  An orientation model.  Journal for Nursing Leadership, 33(10), 194-201. To find a more efficient way to develop skills during a new graduate nurse’s orientation and improve the orientation program Qualitative Study Phenomenolog-ical Examination of previous orientation program with new design based on themes found in recent literature regarding challenges and stresses of a new graduate nurse Unit preceptor team Program redesign based on the stages of skill acquisition of a new graduate nurse Year 1: original goals of the program were met Informal interviews at the conclusion of orientation yielded positive feedback Preceptors found the redesign rewarding New design saved the unit money S-study can be transferred to other departments based on themes tested L-No exact number of orientees mentioned; unsure of level of ICU patients; subjects were new graduate nurses only Thomason, T.J. (2014). ICU nursing orientation andpost orientation practices: A national survey. Nursing Leadership, 22(2), 67-75.   Permalink To determine the national practices regarding current instruction methods, preceptor training, and post-orientation programs for ICUs. Descriptive study: Survey A geographic map of the U.S. was divided into 7 regions. Inclusion criteria for hospitals included JC accredited and have one or more ICUs, not including pediatric ICU or progressive care units N=24 hospitals participated; results obtained from either a telephone survey or electronic survey Survey tool included 35 questions Information gathered regarding national practices for ICU orientation programs including instruction methods and post-orientation support Orientation times based on previous experience and RN level 87% of hospitals used didactic, classroom education with average 73 hours spent All hospitals surveyed reported the same three key elements to measure success of an orientation program S-a beginning attempt to gather information regarding national orientation programs L-small sample size Electronic surveys sent to CNSs who had affiliation with organizations Ward, G. H. (2013).  Enhancing orientation and retention: One unit’s success story. Applied Nursing Leadership, 4(1), 22-29.   Permalink here To design an orientation program that supplies quality preceptors to new nurse hires which will arm them with skills to be successful in their positions and retain them within the organization Qualitative Study: Phenomenolo-gical N=22 orientees over a 2 year period (2011 to 2013) Evaluation questionnaires were completed at the end of the orientation class A department specific class was developed to help new department hires become familiar with the unit’s patient population and frequently performed procedures Participants felt overall the class was a valuable addition to their orientation Retention rates on the unit increased from 44% in 2004 to 88% in 2006 S- Study examined orientees over a 2 year period L-Interviews limited to one department      
          Grading Rubric
  Assignment Criteria Exceptional 100% Outstanding or highest level of performance Exceeds 88% Very good or high level of performance Meets 80% Competent or satisfactory level of performance Needs Improvement 38% Poor or failing level of performance Developing 0% Unsatisfactory level of performance Content Possible Points =  75 Points Completion of PHRP requirements 10 Points Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable 0 Points ·         All modules of the PHRP are required in order to earn the certificate of completion. ·         Completed certificate is uploaded into the assignment following the reference list ·         PDF format for the certificate is required         Completed PHRP certification was NOT submitted by due date   Research Critique Table 40Points 35 Points 32 Points 15 Points 0 Points Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements: ·         The PICOT/PICo question is presented after the title of the table ·         Students’ select four (4) research-based studies ·         All selected research-based articles must be consistent the selected PICOT/PICo question. ·         Complete citation of selected research study is required in the column labeled: Citation ·         Permalink for each research article is required and located in the column labeled: Citation ·         The required column headings are: o   Citation o   Purpose of the research o   Research Design and sample o   Data collection methods o   Results o   Strengths and limitations (both must be identified for each research study)   Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements: ·         The PICOT/PICo question is presented after the title of the table ·         Students’ select four (4) research-based studies ·         All selected research-based articles must be consistent the selected PICOT/PICo question. ·         Complete citation of selected research study is required in the column labeled: Citation ·         Permalink for each research article is required and located in the column labeled: Citation ·         The required column headings are: o   Citation o   Purpose of the research o   Research Design and sample o   Data collection methods o   Results o   Strengths and limitations (both must be identified for each research study)   Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements: ·         The PICOT/PICo question is presented after the title of the table ·         Students’ select four (4) research-based studies ·         All selected research-based articles must be consistent the selected PICOT/PICo question. ·         Complete citation of selected research study is required in the column labeled: Citation ·         Permalink for each research article is required and located in the column labeled: Citation ·         The required column headings are: o   Citation o   Purpose of the research o   Research Design and sample o   Data collection methods o   Results o   Strengths and limitations (both must be identified for each research study) OR may have There is one or two examples of incorrectly stated information Presentation of information from following elements fails to meet expectations in one, two, or three elements: ·         The PICOT/PICo question is presented after the title of the table ·         Students’ select four (4) research-based studies ·         All selected research-based articles must be consistent the selected PICOT/PICo question. ·         Complete citation of selected research study is required in the column labeled: Citation ·         Permalink for each research article is required and located in the column labeled: Citation ·         The required column headings are: o   Citation o   Purpose of the research o   Research Design and sample o   Data collection methods o   Results o   Strengths and limitations (both must be identified for each research study) OR may have There is three, four, or five examples of incorrectly stated information Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in four, five or six of the following elements: ·         The PICOT/PICo question is presented after the title of the table ·         Students’ select four (4) research-based studies ·         All selected research-based articles must be consistent the selected PICOT/PICo question. ·         Complete citation of selected research study is required in the column labeled: Citation ·         Permalink for each research article is required and located in the column labeled: Citation ·         The required column headings are: o   Citation o   Purpose of the research o   Research Design and sample o   Data collection methods o   Results o   Strengths and limitations (both must be identified for each research study) OR may have There is six or more examples of incorrectly stated information Theoretical Framework 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements: ·         Explain the theoretical framework that will be used in this project ·         Cite a reference for the selected framework ·         Describe how the theoretical framework is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements: ·         Explain the theoretical framework that will be used in this project ·         Cite a reference for the selected framework ·         Describe how the theoretical framework is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements: ·         Explain the theoretical framework that will be used in this project ·         Cite a reference for the selected framework ·         Describe how the theoretical framework is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Presentation of information from following elements fails to meet expectations in one or two elements: ·         Explain the theoretical framework that will be used in this project ·         Cite a reference for the selected framework ·         Describe how the theoretical framework is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in threeelements: ·         Explain the theoretical framework that will be used in this project ·         Cite a reference for the selected framework ·         Describe how the theoretical framework is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Change Model 10Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points Presentation of information was exceptional and included all of the following elements: ·         Explain the change model that will be used in this project ·         Describe the steps within selected ·         Cite a reference for the selected change model ·         Describe how the change model is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Presentation of information was good, but was superficial in places and included all of the following elements: ·         Explain the change model that will be used in this project ·         Describe the steps within selected ·         Cite a reference for the selected change model ·         Describe how the change model is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Presentation of information was minimally demonstrated in the all of the following elements: ·         Explain the change model that will be used in this project ·         Describe the steps within selected ·         Cite a reference for the selected change model ·         Describe how the change model is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Presentation of information from following elements fails to meet expectationsone or two elements: ·         Explain the change model that will be used in this project ·         Describe the steps within selected ·         Cite a reference for the selected change model ·         Describe how the change model is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or four of the following elements: ·         Explain the change model that will be used in this project ·         Describe the steps within selected ·         Cite a reference for the selected change model ·         Describe how the change model is useful to the selected PICOT/PICo question   Paper Specifications 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2  Points 0 Points This section included all of the following: ·         NIH certificate was submitted ·         Research Critique Table was submitted ·         A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. ·         References are current - within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission. ·         Reference list is included ·         Permalink for each research study presented in the Research Table Critique is provided on the reference page This section included fourof the following: ·         NIH certificate was submitted ·         Research Critique Table was submitted ·         A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. ·         References are current - within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission. ·         Reference list is included ·         Permalink for each research study presented in the Research Table Critique is provided on the reference page This section included onlythree of the following: ·         NIH certificate was submitted ·         Research Critique Table was submitted ·         A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. ·         References are current - within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission. ·         Reference list is included ·         Permalink for each research study presented in the Research Table Critique is provided on the reference page This section included only twoof the following: ·         NIH certificate was submitted ·         Research Critique Table was submitted ·         A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. ·         References are current - within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission. ·         Reference list is included ·         Permalink for each research study presented in the Research Table Critique is provided on the reference page This section includedone or less of the following: ·         NIH certificate was submitted ·         Research Critique Table was submitted ·         A dictionary, required textbook for this course and Chamberlain College of Nursing lesson information, may NOT be used as scholarly references for this assignment. ·         References are current - within a 5-year time frame unless a valid rationale is provided and the instructor has approved them prior to assignment submission. ·         Reference list is included ·         Permalink for each research study presented in the Research Table Critique is provided on the reference page Possible format points  10 points APA Format 6th edition 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2  Points 0 Points APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the ·         Body of table (including citations and headings), and   One deduction for each type of APA format error 0 to 1 APA error was present APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the ·         Body of table (including citations and headings), and   One deduction for each type of APA format error 2 -  3 APA errors were present APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the ·         Body of table (including citations and headings), and   One deduction for each type of APA format error 4 – 5 APA were are present APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the ·         Body of table (including citations and headings), and   One deduction for each type of APA format error 6 – 7 APA were are  present APA guidelines, as per the 6th edition of the manual, are demonstrated for the ·         Body of table (including citations and headings), and   One deduction for each type of APA format error 8 or greater APA errors were present Writing Mechanics 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2  Points 0 Points 1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual 3 – 4 errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual   5 – 6errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual   7 – 8errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual   9 or greater errors or exceptions to the rules of grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation and other aspects of formal written work as found in the 6th edition of the APA manual   Total Points _____of  85 points     Read the full article
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foodsindustry · 2 years
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Seeds Market Share, Size,  Growth, Scope and Analysis
Market Overview
The seeds market size will be soaring at a notable rate from 2020 to 2027, presumes Market Research Future (MRFR).
Market Dynamics
Modernization of agriculture, the need to boost food supply, and the increased use of biofuels and animal feed are all driving the global seed sector forward. Diversification of diets, advancements in seed technology such as seed coating and seed pelleting, increased use of waste land for agricultural uses, and a more accommodating regulatory environment are all expected to contribute to market expansion.
The usage of genetically modified seeds has increased significantly among farmers as a result of variable weather conditions and high food demand among end customers. The costs of developing GM seeds are much higher, which drives up the price of seeds. Certain vendors are concentrating their efforts on generating GM seeds with specific features (herbicide tolerance and insect resistance), allowing them to charge a higher/premium for their seeds. In comparison to the average price of seeds, hybrid and organic seeds of vegetables and fruits such as apples, tomatoes, melons, and grapes have greater costs. This could have a negative impact on the global seed market trends in the future.
However, in the coming years, the advent of contemporary technologies with higher benefits than traditional ones, advancements in seed replacement rate (SRR), and increased demand for a diversity of seeds in developing nations will provide profitable prospects for brands.
During the first quarter of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on seed certification, production, distribution, and cost. Furthermore, in economically disadvantaged countries, this pandemic played a critical role in the development of a robust food system and agricultural sectors. There was a labor shortage for transportation, production, and paperwork processes, as well as a decrease in the market for seeds and plants, causing challenges in seed production for international trade.
Type, crop type, seed treatment, trait, and geography have all been used to segment the worldwide seeds market.
The worldwide seed market has been divided into two types: genetically modified (GM) seeds and non-GM seeds.
The market is divided into two categories: organic and conventional.
The global seeds market has been divided into four categories based on crop type: cereals & grain, fruits & vegetables, oilseeds & pulses, and others.
The global seeds market has been divided into two categories based on seed treatment: treated and non-treated seeds.
Herbicide-tolerant, insecticide-resistant, and other traits have been used to segment the global seed market.
To get more info: https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/press-release/seeds-market
Region Overview
In the global seeds market, Asia-Pacific is expected to account for the largest revenue share. Due to population growth, rising disposable income, and agricultural development, Asia-Pacific is expected to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period. Furthermore, there are minimal restrictions on seed import and export in the region.
Because of the presence of several market players and rising agricultural exports, North America is expected to grow at the fastest CAGR during the forecast period. Farmers are increasingly preferring commercially produced seed varieties over seeds from the previous harvest, which explains the region's dominance. Furthermore, an increase in crop production and increased government initiatives in Europe's agriculture industry are driving market growth in the region.
Competitive Environment
Some of the leading players in the global seeds market include Bayer AG (Germany), DowDuPont Inc. (France), Syngenta AG (Switzerland), Monsanto Company (US), Groupe Limagrain (France), KWS SAAT SE (Germany), Land O'Lakes, Inc. (US), Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Co. (India), Gansu Dunhuang Seeds Co., Ltd (China), and Sakata Seeds Corporation (US
Mergers and acquisitions, collaborations, expansion, and technology/product launches are just a few of the growth strategies used by players in the global seeds market to gain a competitive advantage.
NOTE: Our Team of Researchers are Studying Covid19 and its Impact on Various Industry Verticals and wherever required we will be considering Covid19 Footprints for Better Analysis of Market and Industries. Cordially get in Touch for More Details.
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cancersfakianakis1 · 6 years
The risk of extra-ovarian malignancies among women with endometriosis: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Publication date: Available online 9 January 2019
Source: Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology
Author(s): S. Gandini, M. Lazzeroni, F.A. Peccatori, B. Bendinelli, C. Saieva, D. Palli, G. Masala, S. Caini
We conducted a meta-analysis of studies reporting on the risk of extra-ovarian malignancies among women with endometriosis. Summary relative risk (SRR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated through random effect models. We explored causes of between-studies heterogeneity and assessed the presence of publication bias. We included 32 studies published between 1989 and 2018. We found an increased risk of endometrial (SRR 1.38, 95%CI 1.10-1.74) and thyroid cancer (SRR 1.38, 95%CI 1.17-1.63), and inverse association with cervical cancer (SRR 0.78, 95%CI 0.60-0.95). No association emerged for breast cancer (SRR 1.04, 95%CI 0.99-1.09) and melanoma (SRR 1.31, 95%CI 0.86-1.96). Between-study heterogeneity was large for breast and endometrial cancer and melanoma. Associations were generally stronger in case-control, cross-sectional, and cohort studies with internal control group, compared to cohort studies with external control group. No indication for publication bias was found. Our conclusions need to be confirmed in properly designed cohort studies with clinical confirmation of endometriosis.
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fuguitianxiae-blog · 6 years
IntelliVue Cableless Measurement Monitoring
Welcome to a Biomedical Battery specialist of the Philips Battery
Allowing for greater patient ambulation, Philips IntelliVue Cableless Measurement solution with battery such as Philips VS2+ Battery, Philips ME202C Battery, Philips Suresign VM6 Battery, Philips Suresign VM8 Battery, Philips Suresign VS2 Battery, Philips Suresign VS3 Battery, Philips Suresign VM4 Battery, Philips Suresign VM6 Battery, Philips Suresign VM8 Battery, Philips A3 Battery, Philips M3516A Battery, Philips M4735A Battery provides NBP and SpO₂ data to help enhance care and aid mobilization of patients throughout your facility. Features small, lightweight devices.
Cableless devices free up patients and offer reliability Gain greater freedom of movement and ambulation for patients while providing reliable and secure transfer of vital signs to the central station through the existing network infrastructure. Philips cableless devices can be used anywhere greater mobility is desired, such as in critical and intermediate care areas, medical-surgical and telemetry units, and during transport.
Secure transmission to support decision making Philips small, lightweight cableless devices transmit vital signs information to a central nurse’s station via an IntelliVue patient monitor or telemetry transmitter to help clinicians with the early identification of deteriorating conditions.
Extra measurement features extend monitoring capabilities Add measurements beyond ECG, such as NBP and optional SpO₂, eliminating the need for an additional SpO₂ and NBP monitor. The solution uses short-range radio (SRR) so you can provide these capabilities without additional capital investment.
Rechargeable Li-ion battery for long life An integral rechargeable battery is designed for long life and an efficient use of resources, reducing the need to frequently order and dispose of batteries.
Small and lightweight for enhanced patient comfort The cableless measurement pods are easy to apply and easy to wear. Their lightweight design enhances patient comfort and does not interfere with the goals of treatment.
Cableless technology reduces cable clutter Fewer measurement cables help enhance patient mobility by eliminating the wire between the SpO₂ and/or NBP sensor and the monitor, while also decreasing the potential hazard of clinical staff disconnecting the cables by accident.
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