#sry this is such a random ramble
messybouquetoflilies · 9 months
i keep thinking my boss is mad at me bc the new person the hired to help me keeps fucking up what i usually do, but i just learned today that she's not allowed to do it anymore bc its too important n ive been doing it alone since the day i was hired lol. very validating tbh. but also like.... help me still pLEASE
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nyaskitten · 7 months
All jokes about "It's perfectly fine for a fictional character to beat the shit out of a random teen" aside, why the fuck have I GENUINELY seen people claim Wu deserved to have been punched in the face by Faith. YES, he lied, which was fucked up, but that is a grown adult woman about to punch the shit out of a young teenager, if anything she should be more annoyed at the four "older teenagers" who never thought to intervene for... some reason. They just let him lie until he was caught bullshitting... like yeah it probably taught him lying gets you nowhere but also DAWG COME ON
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gayfraggle · 8 months
ok but like why is hazbin's version of Peter so adorable and silly from what we've seen???
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emahriel · 1 year
i associate Fjorn's current state of depression/anger (aka prior to the events of bg3 + a good part of bg3) with black, silver & purple
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but once his relationship blossoms with Astarion and they get to settle down a bit and appreciate the little things in life, I imagine him basking in browns, burnt orange & gold
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just... both of them enjoying the riches of life, Fjorn actually indulging himself possibly for the first time in his life
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xxwelxx · 2 months
Does any one else spin tsukasa around everytime they’re in the costume menu but then realize too late that he’s super dramatic so he was actually already turned the right way so you end up having to waste time turning him back around?
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ai-higurashi · 1 year
Back at it again with another Hecka request (To the surprise of absolutely NO ONE!) but this time with E1!
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Hope you like it!!
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proteesiukkonen · 1 year
Kävin Traconissa, ja nyt märisen nostalgiaa
Pääsin viikonloppuna pitkästä aikaa käyskentelemään Traconin taidekujalle. Viime kerrasta taitaa olla melkein kymmenen vuotta, kun kävin vielä itse myymässä. Vähän tuli kaipaus siihen, kun vielä oli "inessä skenessä", tunnisti ison osan kujaporukasta vähintään nimimerkiltä ja tuli jopa itsekin tunnistetuksi. Piirtäminen oli silloin mulle enemmän yhteisöllinen harrastus.
Nykyään multa on ainakin henkilökohtaisesti yhteisö kadoksissa, ja iso tekijä siinä on ollut tietysti se, etten enää tee törkeällä pöhinällä ja tavoitteellisesti jotain, mitä jakaa. Mutta luulen että se oma tekeminen on lähinnä yhteisöä/yleisöä luoksetuova voima. Yhteisön luokse löytämiseen vaikuttaa enemmän se, että en enää jaksa olla netissä siellä missä kaikki muut on. Tumblr sopii mulle tosi hyvin alustaksi, mitta se ei ole enää The paikka suomalaisille taiteilijoille pööpöillä. Twitterissähän jengi viihtyi (viihtyy?), mutta se oli mulle niin pahoinvointipaikka, että teki hyvää poistua. Instagram ja mikä joku bluesky tuntuu aika lailla samanlaisilta algortimikujanjuoksuilta, ettei nekään kiinnosta. Vaikka twitterin jättämisestä oma elämä parani, niin kieltämättä välillä harmittaa kaikki ne hennot kommunikaatiolinjat muihin tekijöihin, jotka siinä meni poikki.
Ei sillä, että olisin siitä yhteisöstä ikinä hirveästi mitään järisyttävää saanut, sen verran olmi olen yhteyksien luomisessa ja yhteydenpidossa. Efekti on ehkä vähän sama kuin jos lopettaa jonkun joukkuharrastuksen, jossa oli mukavia ihmisiä - ei sillä harrastuksella halua vain niiden kontaktien takia itseään rääkätä, mutta tunnetta siitä, että ollaan tuttuja saman asian äärellä voi silti jäädä ikävä.
En tiedä, haluanko asianlaitaan edes muutosta tarpeeksi, että viitsisin tehdä asialle jotain. Tuntuu, että internetin tavat on muuttunut sellaisiksi, ettei asialle oikein edes mahda mitään. Some tuli ja vei mennessään henkilökohtaiset nettisivut ja foorumit, missä tapahtui paljon mun olemisen tapaan sopivampaa kanssakäymistä. Jos päivän The Menomesta ei nappaa, niin joko sinne pitää mennä kärsimään tai olla menemättä ja yrittää kultivoida kommunikaatiokanavia muiden jäljelle jääneiden kesken, jos jaksaa.
Vaihtoehtona sitten tietysti antaa piupaut koko yhteisön pykertämiselle ja tehdä omaa juttua omassa rauhassa. Jos sillä jonkun jostain tavoittaa niin hyvä juttu. Ja sillä tyylillä minä vähän tällä hetkellä menenkin, eikä se peräsimestäkään ole. Jännästi vaan kuitenkin parilla taidekujalla piipahtaminen ihan vaan katselemassa ja ostelemassa on molempina kertoina antanut tosi paljon tekemisen energiaa, niin kai se on myönnettävä, että kyllä silläkin on merkitystä, että ympärillä on ihmisiä, jotka tykkää tehdä samaa juttua.
En tiedä, tämä oli tällainen introspektio, jonka äärestä löydän itseni nyt toista päivää niin might as well naputella alas, kun olen anyway jumissa makkarissa pitämässä turvaetäisyyttä säteilevään kissaan.
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monstermonger · 2 years
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omg I just realized something
The last time i was posting on tumblr, @konkenorve was just my gf
Now she’s my hecking WIFE 100%%%!!!!!!!!!!!!
(…both in this damn mmo and irl LMFAOOOO)
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localjsabapologist · 4 months
Hehehe, I love making my little TitanShape suffer :]
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Ahem- for context:
Before Sakura truly gained their status within Tera (Earth) as the "truly balanced" soul; they used to be pure and looked up to their mother, Mothra, for guidance before being banished.
They still remained pure for a while until a corrupted flower (that swam from paradise) encountered them, and well, corrupted them; turning them into a more brutish version of themselves. (basically giving them their father's personality)
After a "quick intervention", they were able to be quelled, but the "medicine" only worked for so long... Slowly it shifted them into a more violet hue and was able to be excused to it being confused for being a more natural purple.
As the Voilet Virus happened, they became The Infected Emperor (one pictured behind) and typical JS&B shenanigans ensue.
After being freed from their insanity, they remained in solitude and partially redeemed themselves. They tend to have nightmares nowadays reliving some of the events, most of which; they will never tell a living soul that's new to their city.
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snezario · 3 months
AAAAAA another br/oadwa/y fave is a tony winner!!!! i am over the MOON for him ;-;
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messybouquetoflilies · 5 months
its rly weied to think that super conservative mormon chaser dudes have been into me since way before i came out. it was a running joke in my jr high/hs friend group that i was a trap. one guy routinely used me as "wrestling practice" while i knew absolutely nothing about it, n it was basically him just tossing me around like a ragdoll, another would take me and only me to movies, but wouldnt socialize with me around his friends outside of school, and also once said that i had "the breeding hips of a woman", and another one locked me in a band locker (i asked him to it looked cozy. ive always been like this what can i say) n threatened to not let me out if i didnt promise to sit next to him on the bus to a band trip we were going to... one of these guys joined one of those nazi militatias, another one is married with a kid, and i have no idea what happened to the third. growing up in the heart of mormon land rly was a trip. i was so scared of being outed at the time too, so i rly didnt play into any of it. weird that they just decided that was a thing tho
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depravedangelbaby · 8 months
daydreaming about getting spanked again.. but my girlfriend is busy tonight </3 cruel world
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also gender and sexuality are a social construct you can b whatever u want
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brainhanging · 24 days
Hello, hanging brain... (Sorry, I just don't know what your name is)
I was wondering if you... you have Lawrence headcanons? Or any BTD character, actually... It does not matter...
I'm not sure if these are interesting enough to share, but I do have some random thoughts about him.
(Hey guys, look what I've just discovered, the keep reading feature, haha... sorry for my previous long ass rambling posts which I didn't know how to cut at the time) (•́ω•̀ ٥)
Okay, so Lawrence. Sometimes I imagine that he would normally have this relativly longer fingernails because he didn't like or couldn't remember to cut them. And once they got annoyingly long, he would trim them painfully short.
Another thing is that, I think he would definitely choose to cut his own hair instead of receiving haircuts from others, due to his autism and lack of trust for human in general. Therefore, the long hair and the bang were very unlikely to be a fashion choice. I think he might have tried to cut his hair short once or twice, but he didn't like the result. After that he just let it grow. Eventually, his hair would grow long enough that he'd have to cut the front so it wouldn't block too much of his vision.
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Now, besides the grooming habits. I knew he did crave for connection, but at the same time he's arrogant, had trust issues and anger problems. So he would get bored pretty easily and started to do some really crazy shit to MC even though they "both know the truth". Just like how he treated his plants, he loved how they depend on him so he could do whatever he wants with them.
And I secretly think he touches himself more often than he wants to, and PCT hits him hard each and every time.
These are just some really random stuff that came on top of my head while I was working on some Lawrence art, hope you'd find them somewhat interesting. (◍•ᴗ•◍)♡♬
(Sry for the late reply, last few weeks were pretty tough for me. And you can call me whatever. Hanging brain is perfectly fine if you're comfortable with it!)
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lunarcat982 · 3 months
My boyfriend is actually the best like wtaf, I love him ssssm and I need to ramble abt how absolutely amazing he is moreee.
He’s js the most gorgeous person I’ve ever seen liek wtf and js aaaaaa I can’t, like I js crumple into a blushing mess in my head whenever he smiles at me, or liek lit js him laughing or smiling in general like nobody gave u the right to look so godamn pretty???
He’s like sooo funny and cute, like we have the exact same sense and style of humour like wtf??? And we js bounce off each other rly well, and I absolutely adore talking to him abt anything and he rly needs to start rambling abt stuff he’s interested in more like omggg it’s so cute
Also also also like he’s so caring and affectionate to meeeee, and I love it smmm, like idk how but he puts up with my insane levels of clinginess, and is always checking up on me if I’m sad or tired and I rly need to start doing it more for him cos I feel so baddd when I donttt. And he’s so affectionate with me like js giving my random kisses and letting me hug him omg I love him so fucking much.
Andandand he’s soo supportive of me like ik so many pple who js wouldn’t care as much or try to help as much with me being trans, and it’s js so amazing of him, like literally js checking with me, or using purposefully feminine pet names, and like telling his parents and pple he knows my preferred pronouns and name is js so aaaa :) also him js accepting me as that without question is so freeing and js omfg could I even ask for someone better?????????
Point is I love him and he deserves allllll the love in the world ever ever ever
And I’m rly rly rly sry for anyone js reading this and cringing so hard at the cheesy ness, js needed to get it outttt
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midnightsnyx · 1 year
that angst 😭 could write a part two where reader calls back a few weeks later to see if there’s a chance or something but another girl answers the phone? 😳
original prompt here. i freaking loved this idea and it's been in my drafts unfinished forever but i finally finished it. hope u like it <3 requests are open!
The funny thing is that you know what Taryn’s voice sounds like. You know it like the back of your hand because in the 4 years you and Matt had been together, Taryn became like a sister to you. 
Except, you panicked the moment you called Matt back a couple weeks after his drunk call and hung up as soon as you heard a female voice because you can’t. You can’t handle having your heart broken again, just because Matt drunk dialed you and you were dumb enough to call him back. So you ignored when he called you back an hour later, when he called you that night and ignored all the texts he sent, not even bothering to open them. 
It’s not until 2 in the morning while you’re laying in bed unable to sleep because there’s a nagging voice in the back of your mind wondering why that voice sounded so damn familiar that you open Matt’s texts. 
From Matty: hey call me back plz
From Matty: taryn answered my phone cuz she’s visiting with mom.
From Matty: i’m only speculating why u hung up as soon as she answered
From Matty: is it cuz u thought it was a random girl?
From Matty: sry taryn said that sounds bad 
From Matty: plz call me. taryn wants to talk to u too but she doesn’t want to bother you
From Matty: sry she told me to stop blowing up ur phone. I understand if u don’t want to call me back and i'm sorry 4 drunk dialing u. I’ll leave u alone now
You can’t help but smile at the string of text messages. Matt was always bad for sending multiple texts instead of just sending what he wanted to say in one text. It’s kind of comforting to see that hasn’t changed. 
You start to write a message, but pause, unsure what exactly to say. It’s too late in the night to call him although you’re certain he would answer it if he saw your number despite what time it is. But, he has a game tomorrow, and you don’t want to interrupt his sleep so you settle on sending a text message.
To Matty: hey
30 seconds later, your phone rings. 
You hesitate, only for a moment before answering the call. 
“Hi,” you say quietly.
“Hey,” he replies, a little breathlessly, like he didn’t think you would answer. “I didn’t think you’d call back.” 
Neither did I, you think to yourself. 
Instead you say, “well, I did call you first.” 
He chuckles at that and you realize how much you missed that sound. It makes you want to cry a little.
“Yeah, there was a little miscommunication, I guess. Taryn felt bad, she’ll probably call you tomorrow… if that’s alright.”
“Of course.” You’d never say no to talking to Taryn, especially if she’s feeling bad for something that’s not her fault. 
Another pause and then: “why did you call me?”
The thing is, you weren’t going to call him but an opportunity arose that gives you the chance to move near him but you didn’t want to make any assumptions considering he was drunk when he called and told you he missed you. 
“I got a job offer at a Firm in Fort Lauderdale and I wasn’t going to take it, but then you called and I thought,” you pause, realizing you’re rambling. “Well, I thought maybe the reason you called wasn’t just because you were drunk.”
He hasn’t said anything so you take a deep breath. “Look, I - we can’t just pick up where we left off but I thought, maybe this could be a refresh button.”
He’s been quiet too long that you’re starting to panic when he lets out a breath like he’s been holding it in. 
“You’d really move out here?” he asks quietly, probably remembering the last argument the two of you had that essentially ended your relationship.
“It’s a good job opportunity… and I miss you too,” you admit.
It’s a risk, taking the job and moving to another country, leaving everything you know here in Calgary. It’s a leap of faith and you can’t help but wonder what will happen if it doesn’t work out but when you arrive at the airport in Fort Lauderdale and see Matt’s smiling face waiting, you begin to think about what will happen if it does work out.
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