#ss is one of the most fun games i've ever played and it is FUN
alsoamalthia · 21 days
You ask for fandom questions, Questions like THESE??? :DDD :
How in the world did you end up in this little football fandom of ours? 
The youngest memory you have of Supa Strikas?
What character do you wish we could have more of?
Out of any background character from Supa Strikas, which one do you wish would come back as a recurring character more?
Any ships you ship??? (Platonic can also apply)
Most important question (sorta) for any Supa fan, which team from the Supa Strikas Universe you would play for? And why?
1) How in the world did you end up in this little football fandom of ours?
I knew Supa Strikas as early as 2011; I started watching it around Season 2. I just didn't expect that it'd have a fandom here on Tumblr bec I admit that it's not as mainstream as Star Wars, LOTR, or Harry Potter, so seeing everyone here was truly a surprise.
And to answer the question what brought me here only now? Early in July 2024, I decided I want to franchise a Caltex.
Because I remember they sponsored the Southeast Asian release of Supa Strikas (I'm not sure if I got the details correctly) and I love the show so much that whenever I see a Caltex, I remember the show. And I got the idea of franchising it because there's this one Caltex in my home town that is very beautiful and everytime I go past it, I always whisper "I'll build one that's prettier."
2) The youngest memory you have of Supa Strikas.
Okay, this is somewhere around 2009-2010, I was ten years old. It was the very first time I saw the commercial of Supa Strikas on Disney Channel. Me, my sister, and my uncle all commented on the Caltex logo on their jerseys.
The first time, I saw the actual show, I wasn't interested. Then, my uncle's son (my cousin) love football so much that he started to watch the show. At some point, my sister and I joined watched one episode with him (I think this was Led Steppin) and found out that the show was so good.
Then I have another early memory, I go back to it a lot because of the choice I had to make. Back then, we didn't have the convenience a streaming site offers so when two shows or movies air at the same time, we had to choose one. My sister and I watch Supa Strikas on its late night encore because we can't find the time to watch it during daytime, and while waiting for it, we switched the TV to HBO and it was The Lovely Bones. We decided to watch it while waiting for SS, then it got so interesting we almost forgot to switch back to Disney. But before switching, we both stopped to decide. My sister asked, "Do we continue the movie and skip Supa Strikas tonight?" And I really did spent a moment to think, but my answer was, "Nah, I won't ever sacrifice Supa Strikas for this." The episode was Dancing Rasta on Ice.
3) What character do you wish we could have more of?
This is a fun question because I've been thinking about this lately: since we already had Rookie Season why not try to make another prequel series where it was the era of Coach and everyone else? Remember that one episode they entered a game where they played against the greats? I'd love to have a spin-off about their era.
4) Out of any background character from Supa Strikas, which one do you think should come back as a recurring character more?
Kat. Because I'm gay for Kat.
5) Any ships you ship?
Shakes x Riano. Platonic or no, I love them sm.
6) For any Supa fan, which team from the Supa Strikas Universe would you play for? And why?
Barka. Because there is nothing more I want than to be meters away from Riano.
Or I could also play for Nakama. So I can be close to Miko.
*squints eyes* Hmmm I'm seeing a pattern here.
And this is the only Ask I'm going to answer for now because I honestly haven't seen Rookie Season yet. It's like since I knew Shakes and Skarra used to be friends and parted ways as early as 2011 (meaning for more that half my lifetime), I kinda think Rookie Season is something I'm not yet ready to unpack.
So, thank you @mimpinightmare for granting this little request of mine, and would it be okay to borrow this question and ask this around?
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gamingstar26 · 1 year
Yes, you are exactly right about totk!! A lot of my own complaints come from the story (or lack thereof). To be honest, it's a rare LOZ game that has a particularly complex or nuanced story, but in my opinion, the best ones more than make up for it with their characters.
My favorite game that I've played is Skyward Sword, and I desparately want to play Wind Waker, because the both of them have such fun and compelling characters that I don't really mind the simplicity of the narratives (and Wind Waker even hints at nuance the other games won't dive into!)
Tears of the Kingdom tries to use plot driven storytelling, but... expects us to be far more invested than most of us ever really are. There's hints of character driven story in there, but it all just falls flat in the end and feels really superficial, ESPECIALLY when you look at how they treat the women in this game. Zelda is JUST the sacrificial maiden (again) whose only autonomy comes from choosing to give up her autonomy. Mineru is JUST the smart character who magically technobabbles the solutions. Purah is JUST the scientist that tells you where to go. Most indicative of Nintendo's attitude in this, to me, is with Riju. The way they treat her, it's clear they want her to fill the role of the sexy one, but they know that won't go well if they go all out because she was canonically a young child in the last game. Still really gross, Nintendo you're not subtle.
All this to say that TOTK thinks it's more clever than if is, and fails to pull its own weight in any meaninful way.
All of this!!
I’ll add a bit more that I forgot to add:
Yea usually zelda games have simple plots overall (with some expectations of course) but they do make up for it with memorable characters, etc, etc…
My favorite zelda game is Ocarina of Time cause of the lore (also gameplay of course) and the how interesting it is to me and the overall themes it goes into being tragic and relatable, even tho the surface story is simple overall.(the hero of time games being my favs cause of the story driven nature yet also have fun gameplay) Also other games like skyward sword having a good engaging story with good characters (Groose is the best), wind waker being a simple coming of age story, but also having the king and ganondorf both cling on to the past, etc.
Like you said totk thinks it’s clever and fails to deliver on making us invested in a meaningful and exciting narrative, in a way it’s using tropes from previous zelda games like oot, botw, SS and link to the past without even knowing why they worked in the first place. While failing to reuse tho tropes in a more unique way like previous games have done. It’s true there are hints of character driven story it’s just ignored or mentioned in a half assed way.
Also like I said in the post the lack of consequences with the main story at the end, like Link’s arm just being restored even tho furry rauru had said it was beyond saving, and zelda being recalled back to normal, so her “sacrifice” was not worth it at all (master sword is also worse somehow like wtf zelda)
I’ve also noticed the way totk treats the main women it’s very not good, like you said with zelda she’s just sacrificial maiden turned into a dragon, mineru being exposition dump lady cause that’s all she does tbh, also has the worst Sage ability in the whole game, etc.
zelda being the worst one. (Tbh botw/totk zelda is mixed overall she’s overrated) cause she’s dumb as hell didn’t even recognize that Ganondorf and Calamity Ganon could be related, she does nothing until furry rauru and sonia are dead. Also being a terrible princess, she didn’t even do any meaningful things to hyrule’s rebuilding efforts other than build a school and some small memorials and fuck around doing whatever the hell she was doing pre totk. Also she stole links house damn it.
there’s also the way the gerudo are treated in the zelda series as a whole, but that’s a whole other topic others have done better at that. Like with totk and botw (mostly totk) being helpless yet also warriors needing help from hylians to even survive in their own home?! Like how ingame they explain that zelda of all people was the one to help them get to know the desert and how to survive better wtf? And the secret heroine side quest end, how it’s just some random hylian guy to be the hidden 8th. (There goes the 7 sages and the 8th being the hero of time theory)
Also the way the botw events are treated. they just pretend that none of the ancient tech never existed at all and refuse to mention anything about botw, only in small passes. And the side quest with the Hateno school mentioning the original calamity.
The depths having potential to be better but we’re just empty and massive instead, I like the bargainer statues those are cool as an concept. And the sky islands being boring and copy paste the same few islands throughout.
Holy shit this game makes me write entire essays of complaints. I’m sorry if I repeat myself I’m terrible at explaining stuff at times.
Now I’m going to play the zelda games I’ve never finished to cleanse myself of totk.
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faroreswinds · 1 year
I've played around six Zelda games to completion (and I've played more than six if you count the ones I never beat) and I've loved the series for years, but I've never played Skyward Sword. Should I? Asking because from my understanding it tends to get mixed reception, but at the same time it's the game cited most often when discussing series lore, because it's the game that starts the timeline. I feel like I'm missing crucial information for having not played it. But does it really matter?
That's going to be up to you, anon.
Personally, you don't really NEED to play it. In terms of lore and understanding other games, OoT is much more pivotal. It functionally has 4 sequels on its own (LttP, MM, TP, and WW), and alongside LttP has shaped the world of Zelda in the most impactful ways.
The only games that playing SS would help you understand more would be BotW, and maybe Totk. Since they took ideas from SS lore there and forcibly shoved it into those games. Most of the lore from that game that really matters you can just read in a wiki page, though.
The game itself is... fine. I don't think it's great, and I think the story is bad. I hate the lore it introduces. I think it actively ruined the series.
But other fans adore the game, and it's their favorite for the characters or story.
It does have pretty good dungeons at least, and a likable Link and the best character Groose.
Again, it will be up to you. Like, you really have no reason to ever play FS. But SS is going to be a hit or a miss. If you want some fun dungeons and some cool set pieces, then go for it! As a game, it is fine. It's just not nearly as great as some older titles.
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hongjoongpresent · 1 year
pls talk about all your favourite things in heavenly blade
Tumblr media
Lol thats ok
Tbh I might just answer my own questions
@insomniac-jay and @unusualshrimp all the answers are here both the ones you did and did not ask for hope this helps
1. Favorite speed combo?
K so I will be adding how to do the combo but I don't feel like typing it out every time so
S = square
T = triangle
K cool
ANGEL'S CROP!!! (Sttss) This combo is so very satisfying. Just a shame you only unlock it pretty late into the game but literally from the moment I get it I don't use a single other speed combo. Except maybe once in a blue moon if I feel silly and decide to use angel's harvest (sttst) instead, but they're really similar so my point still stands
Even besides these 2 combos, in my opinion the only speed combos worth using are ones that start with square triangle triangle. They're the prettiest and most satisfying
2. Favorite power combo?
I only ever use two (2) heavy combos because there's literally only two power combos that are actually worth using, considering how slow power stance is you don't really wanna spend too long doing a combo that isn't worth it in the end
The only 2 power combos I use are laughing devil (hold r1 ttst) (tip: if you use laughing devil against whiptail while she's down the last hit will hit and stunlock her even when she already got up. I've tried multiple combos against her and this is the best one to open with while she's down). Mainly use this one against the heavy guys with the axes
The other one is striking hell (hold r1 ttss), this one is really effective when theres a large group of enemies with shields/helmets since I've found speed stance block breakers don't Always work against them?? Idk why, so I prefer using power stance and this one is really good for multiple enemies
3. Favorite aerial combo?
Probably falling blossom (go into aerial combo mode, then stt hold r1 ss)
It's the last one you unlock and when you do unlock it it's the strongest, and for aerial combos it doesnt matter that it takes longer so it's the only one that really is worth using after you unlock it
4. Favorite level with Nariko?
Can I just say the entirety of chapter 4 it's my most replayed chapter for SURE. If I have to choose one specific level though,, I'd probably say on silent wings, because I find ninja enemies the most satisfying enemies to fight.. Idk why. Yes even when I fail my counterattack for the 10075th time. Idk I just really love fast attacks I love when I can use speed stance against guys
5. Least favorite level with Nariko?
I won't count boss fights,, otherwise it'd be to kill a fox, lol. But tbh, all nariko Levels are fine really because her playstyle is very fun. But I would probably say both dawn siege and bohan's army, simply because you don't get to actually fight with her in it. I've never cared much for shooting the cannon.
6. Favorite level with Kai?
Shen's escape. Literally the only correct answer to this question. I fucking love sniping I love being a sniper I love it when Kai plays as a sniper. Next question
7. Least favorite level with Kai?
Hoooo boy. Fucking. PLAYTIME. There's only 2 little redeemable things about playtime and thats (1) the music and (2) the fact that for the last wave of enemies, you can run past them into the door they just came out of and jump over the barricade and then they cant follow you its really stupid and doesnt make any sense but it is funny. I'm currently replaying this game and I can't believe I just got all 3 glyphs in this level it's a miracle
8, 9, and 10 I already answered here but I do want to add one of the most boring things about whiptail's boss fight is that you always get all the glyphs because of how easy breaking her waves is. The most fun I have in this game is when I have to really struggle to get all the glyphs and the fight with whiptail fully trivializes it, it's really lame
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unmeiokaemasu · 1 year
I FINALLY beat Sacred Stones! :D
The "finally" is bcs the first time I played I literally set it down in the final chapter and just. never didn't pick it back up for like a year, at which point I was better fire emblem player so the idea of picking up a year-old savefile was abhorrent.
THEN, in the past year I've had two different software difficulties with it that led to losing save files. So yeah, the difficulty of finishing was not game difficulty, but software, including my own brainpower.
I'd been bashing my head against several maddening mode runs of Three Houses - since there are so many save slots I've got a run going for each of the four paths, and I'm not far on any of them - and finally got fed up and decided to see what I could salvage of my SS savedata.
The answer was not nothing, and...I honestly can't tell if this is an easier game than Blazing Blade or not; it might just seem that way because this time I was extremely cavalier (lol) about sending my units into danger...and I found out they could handle it. I think I used to just assume a magic unit had a more-than-50% chance of getting hit by a physical attacker and that a physical attack would shave off at least a third of their health, and the reality is very much not that. If you've trained your units, they're pretty tanky.
The first time I played through, I lots Vanessa in an early map and wasn't willing to restart it for her, and then didn't recruit Amelia when she threw herself into battle against one of my units and died before I could recruit her...so this time I was determined to not let any unit die, that's just my playstyle that's what I like, that and getting the supports I want adds a layer of challenge to some otherwise easier games.
And BOY HOWDY was Vanessa my MVP this time around. I think I did the same thing with Florina in my most recent Blazing Blade playthrough, insisted I'd make a good pegasus knight and damn, they do get good...although Vanessa promoted to a wyvern knight so not sure if that's a point in favor of pegasi? Anyway. Talk about a tank, I feel I really redeemed myself for letting her die the first time.
I went in the first time interested in the relationship between Ephraim and Lyon, knowing little about Eirika and kind of resenting that I had to start with her...and then by the time it got to picking a twin to follow I picked her instantly, even knowing Ephraim apparently accomplishes more story-wise in his route. I find Ephraim kinda boring, which I think is a consequence of splitting the protagonists like that, and Lyon...Lyon is honestly the second purple-haired softboi I thought was going to be my favorite and then was just kinda...idk. too soft. underbaked. Radiant Dawn fans @me if you know where I'm going with this.
(My real purple-haired softboi love is Knoll, idk why and I don't care, he's extremely disillusioned and sad and tired and resigned and I love him)
Anyway Eirika is in my top 3 favorite FE protagonists list, she's just probably my favorite version of a standard FE protagonist alongside Eliwood. I might like Eirika even a little more personality-wise but Eliwood's in my favorite game and I love him a lot so eh, I don't have to pick a winner.
So yeah, Sacred Stones is going to slot in very solidly at #4 for my favorite FE game ever. Blazing Blade just hit the exact right balance of gameplay and story for me, and Path of Radiance and Three Houses I think managed to both tell good and complex stories with excellent writing while also being fun to play (I'm so sorry Genealogy fans I'm a weak baby scrublord and I can't finish that game I know it has good writing but also it is more cynical I k n o w it's good I'm not arguing that I just cAN'T--)
Ahem. Anyway...oh yeah also the reason I was trying so hard at 3H maddening is...I finally have a hardmode-classic cleared savefile on 3H! :D
I think I may have beating Verdant Wind on that mode, but I don't have that savedata anymore so I can't check. Anyway I cleared hard/classic Azure Moon with these rules: no new game+ (so no bonus statue restoration, I think that was mechanic that let you buy things like support and weapons and professor levels so none of that either), no items from sources other than base-level gameplay (with possible exceptions, we'll get to that) so no under-the-bed items, nothing from amiibo gazebo, and no spirits of the fallen (I just played with online turned off), and no abyss resources other than the students (so no exchanging renown for items that the statue...honestly I don't even know what else is down there, I never used any of it even on easy mode, but yeah I defo didn't use it this time).
So the things I did allow myself were recruiting the Ashen Wolves (Yuri is basically always my dancer now and I always train up Constance so they can pass that paralogue and get Yuri's relic), and then stuff like Constance's quest to get the roster that allows you to to redo an answer once per teaparty, Aelfric's flower quest, the two Ashen Wolves paralogues, etc, all those things were allowed. Pouring exp into other students, esp the Ashen Wolves since they're available so early on, means sacrificing exp for your house's students, which means a harder Hunting by Daybreak, so I figured it was a fair tradeoff.
So yeah that was really fun. Glad to have both a hard/classic 3H and Sacred Stones savefile finally under my belt. What's next?
I honestly tried to start New Mystery and uh. ran into trouble getting it to. work. Will work on that more. Hilariously I saw there was a mod to minimize Kris's involvement, but I shan't be using that, bcs literally my main mission statement is to find out how annoying Kris actually is. I haven't beaten Shadow Dragon yet (the version of Marth's story that I've actually played), but I've gotten quite a ways in, and that really is the danger zone for me. I really do enjoy the early parts of Fire Emblem games more, when all the level-ups and unit potential and support-conversations-if-that's-a-thing haven't been decided yet. But I also like actually finishing!
So yeah I wanna start New Mystery, and finish Shadow Dragon. Then I've got a Binding Blade run that's like 2 years old at this point that I'll probably return to since that games...less fun to slog through...Shadows of Valentia I never finish, idk if I'd restart that or pick up my now like...three or four year old run of that...might fuck around and start Thracia...and might take another stab and Genealogy chapter 4 and see how I do. I won't ever get back to Radiant Dawn unless I can successfully transfer savedata from Path of Radiance, and at this point for me that means actually getting through Path of Radiance from the start again...which as I'm saying it actually sounds like a lot of fun. I might...I might actually do that. We'll see.
SO YEAH that's my Fire Emblem diary for today. I truly adore this franchise. I think there might be a lot of other jrpgs I might like for their story, but this mix of story and turn-based strategy is just absolutely perfect for me. I've noticed I've done well in irl board games in the past couple years, and it's definintely bcs of these games. I thought I'd be bad at strategy to the point of never enjoying these games unless they were on easiest-possible mode, but now I love the challenge! And yeah the fact that even tho in broad strokes the endings will always be the same, I adore the little things you can affect along the way (mostly who your best units are and which pairs make it to A-support). I may not have loved Engage, but there're still a bunch of great FE games in the back-catalogue for me to experience for the first time or have a new fun run of. Excited!
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celesticaether · 2 years
yall I've been playing the new pokemon after I got it for Christmas (late happy holidays btw), I'm about I think 60 - 75% through it (5 gyms, 4 titans, 2 star bases), and just wanted to say I am more addicted to this than I was to crk (pure Vanilla cookie is best cookie fight me)
// spoilers (is this how people tag spoilers?? idk I don't use tumblr often) //
the fact you get the box legendary as a rideable pokemon to make getting around easier, the fact you can just fly to ANY pokemon center you have visited, the fact all gyms, titans, and team star bases (one of the best themes in all of pokemon) can be done in whatever order you choose, the fact your legendary gets upgrades, the fact that every starter is lovable, the fact that your rival is a genuine person who gives you a choice to fight them, THE FACT YOU DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT TRAINERS IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BUT IF YOU CHOOSE TO THEN AT NEARBY POKÈMON CENTERS YOU GET REWARDS FOR BEATING THEM
it's honestly some of the most fun I've had in a very long time, I highly recommend it. bugs are kinda noticeable but there are like... ZERO framedrops now. none. some clipping through terrain here, some weird overlay there, it's fine overall.
better than HG/SS in terms of content and enjoyment I get out of them by a mile IMO (HG/SS is still absolutely amazing, don't get me wrong) national dex isn't necessary at all. also better than OR/AS, but that's closer as OR/AS is the first game I ever actually found a shiny on (yes it was a full odds shiny golbat in victory road, yes I reset over it, yes I regret it, yes I wonder traded it away holding my masterball)
yeah go play the new pokemon
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lananiscorner · 2 years
Perhaps you're burnt out on 3H and that's to be expected. But have you ever done a meme or challenge run of the game beyond a speed run? I've done a few so to share some examples: CF magic/spell only (no physical weapons), VW no promotion (noble/commoner class only), SS infantry only/no canto, AM bow only, AM inverse (all physical units use magic only and vice versa). All had their own challenges. Some were actually not fun xD but I think it was a worthwhile experience in every example.
Thanks for your ask, anon.
I did actually do a few challenge runs! Off the top of my head:
Silver Snow Holy Knight Byleth solo, full recruitment: This was actually kind of fun and it helped me a lot in figuring out how to recruit everyone the fastest.
Silver Snow church characters only: This is the second-worst route for a church only run, topped only by Crimson Flower, for obvious reasons--cannot recommend.
Silver Snow Ashen Wolves only: This was actually kind of fun. Hapi tanks Rhea's attacks like nobody's business. I used Enlightened One Byleth with gauntlets in this run, and she really was the second coming of Sothis. Crits for days.
Crimson Flower non-hypocritical run (no saint statue bonuses, no crest users, no instructing, no unlocking hidden talents, no choir, no church battalions, no divine pulse): this was fun, but also occasionally frustrating when you start to realize just how much help from the Goddess/church is involved in a normal run and how badly "everybody rises and falls by their own merits" sucks. I ended up with only Wyvern Lords Petra and Caspar, Dancer Dorothea and Dark Bishop Hubert (thankfully WL Petra is a one woman army in her own right lol).
Crimson Flower minimal NG+ prep (no saint statues, no unlocking skills/battalions beyond what's needed to get Byleth and Edel into Wyvern Lord): This one came about because I eventually want to stream a NG+ Azure Moon 100% run, but I don't really want any of the NG+ bonuses except for Dimitri's alternate hairstyle (yes, I am that petty). So this was essentially a two character speedrun with minimal use of gameplay mechanics.
Verdant Wind all Bow Knight team (except for dancer Raphael): completely trivialized Shambala--I sniped everything and everyone from behind the walls. Bow Knight Lysithea with a Magic Bow is terrifying.
Azure Moon Bow Knight Dimitri solo: I got bored of making him a Holy Knight over and over, so I decided to go with Bow Knight instead. Absolute legend. Disgustingly strong.
Azure Moon 100% OTP duo run (Wyvern Lords Felix and Annette only): I had never made either of those two Wyvern Lords before, but I figured I needed high move classes, though as it turns out, most maps on AM are actually cavalry friendly, so it really wasn't required. I actually chronicled my experience with this run here on my blog.
Azure Moon 100% Maddening, no NG+, DimiMari Holy Knight power couple run: Exactly what it says on the tin. I did AM on new game, Maddening, using only Holy Knights Dimitri and Marianne. Which means Marianne had to solo chapter 6 (including the Death Knight). This run nearly made me quit several times (chapters 7, 12, 14, as well as the paralogues Dividing the World, Retribution and A Cursed Relic in particular can go and get fucked). This was the only time in all my playthroughs that I actively needed to plan out my combat arts, battalions and abilities to the finest detail or else I'd be fucked. I don't ever want to play Maddening again (the trick to surviving it are the "breaker" skills btw--the weapon triangle is actually important in Maddening, and especially swordbreaker on Dimitri in chapter 13 will save you sooooo much trouble). I chronicled my experiences with this run as well.
Aaaaand I think that's all my challenge runs. For my eventual Azure Moon stream, I am planning to use "Knight" master classes only, so Holy Knights Dimitri and Mercedes, Dark Knights Sylvain and Annette, Bow Knights Ashe and Felix, Great Knights Dedue and Gilbert, and Falcon Knights Ingrid and Byleth.
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applecherry108 · 7 years
so i made the mistake of looking into something for botw only to trip over a lot of people giving skyward sword shit. so like,
i then did research, about why people hate ss so much, and a lot of the time it’s the exact reasons i love it. but i will also admit that i didn’t have the same experience with the wii as a lot of ppl.
for starters, yeah the wii was pretty old when ss came out, and sure i’d played mario kart or whatever with my friends but i never OWNED a wii, UNTIL ss. i literally bought a wii (refurbished, $80, it was a good deal) specifically to play ss. and i love the art style. so much. i love how colorful it is, the vastly varying designs for the regions, THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. i love that it was stylized. i loved that i had multiple characters i was emotionally invested in, that, sure, zelda wasn’t on screen doing things a lot, but she was such a presence in ss. literally the first two dungeons you’re just scrambling to catch up with her only to find out she’s been training her ass off. no she doesn’t hack and slash the bad guys, but i really appreciated what an active role she had in the story. how her sacrifice actually felt monumental as opposed to her role in other games. fuck man, i was devastated when she was crystallized. i literally sat there sobbing my ass off for a good five minutes when that happened.
the biggest thing i like about it tho, that seems to be everyone else’s biggest complaint, was how linear it is. and yeah there’s a few times i wished i had an area to just explore but i LOVED that i always knew where the fuck i was supposed to be. it added urgency to the story. and also?? i have no idea how many hours i’ve poured into botw already (too many. defintiely at least 20-30, idk, i can’t find my playtime), and i only JUST got around my first dungeon. like i walked into that elephant with 10 hearts, a wheel and a half of stamina, and the hyrule map in my pocket. i’ve been mostly dicking around doing portal shrine puzzles. i don’t really give a shit about the main quest. i am far more interested in buying my house, making sure my horse doesn’t die, and upgrading the shit out of my clothes. i get that people wanted more freedom than what ss gave them but man, botw is just...too much. you can’t hand a girl with ADD botw and tell her to do the main quest, it’s just not gonna happen. i felt like i had purpose and an extremely clear path in ss.
and also???? the DUNGEONS were so GOOD. ya’ll can complain all you want about “ohh ss was too long” or what the fuck ever, but the dungeons were top fucking knotch, probably my absolute favorites in any tloz game. and also, even tho it was stylized, i was genuinely scared/panicked by some of that shit. a horde of zombie bokolins coming after me as i climbed for my life?? terrifying. falling short of those damn teardrops and sprinting for your life away from spirit guardians? FUCKED ME UP.
AND SPEAKING OF SPRINTING. that is?? my FAVORITE??? new tloz mechanic ever??? i can fucking run up walls, it was magical! yes botw took it a step further and my new hobby is scaling mountains bc why the fuck no??t (answer: bs there’s probably a goddamn korok up there) but i have to give all my love to ss for even giving me that mechanic in the first place. it is also my go-to way of describing spoon theory to people bc tbh my stamina meter makes more sense to me as a way to quantify energy than spoons do.
things i didn’t like? wee A) i did like the motion controls but b) i couldn’t never get my damn shield to work. sword controls: yes. shield controls: no. the "songs” you learn and the harp itself were shit and totally unmemorable (harp controls: also shit). and yes, it’s annoying how you “tempered” the goddess sword, but despite the how it was fuckin kickass to actually craft the sword. sure maybe the game does go on a little too long, but right before i got botw i was doing my THIRD playthrough of ss, and tbh i only start losing interest about when you have to find the last two dragons. the swimming music note thing was eh, the lanayru dungeon was fun, and the fucking ELDIN TAKING MY SHIT. I HATED THAT. I MEAN IT WAS GREAT AND CHALLENGIING BUT I WAS SO PISSED THEY TOOK MY STUFF. and it would’ve been great if we didn’t have to fight the sealed demise so many times. two. two would have been enough.
also i love my bird.
the dragons are some of the worst dragons i’ve ever seen.
pro of botw: i stumbled upon farosh by accident and my god the botw dragons are MAGNIFICENT.
did i mention the ss dungeons? because SERIOUSLY. like i said, i finally did one of the botw dungeons and it was..... stupid. yes, i was probably vastly op for it, but like. it was a single short puzzle, and then there’s a boss. whom i got so bored of fighting i bomb-arrowed it to death. and honestly if i can just bomb arrow something to death all willy-nilly, odds are i am disappointed with it. bc i distinctly remember being able to just bomb the fuck out of enemies in tp and tp is lowest on my list of tloz games.
also, items. god i LOVE the items you get in ss. ANOTHER GREAT MECHANIC INTRODUCED IN THAT GAME: SHOOTING ARROWS THROUGH GRATES. GOD HOW I LONGED TO DO THAT IN OOT. versus botw and oh your bow broke. oh you shield broke. oh your melee weapon broke. and if there’s a weapons/repair shop somewhere i haven’t found it yet. it’s one of those ~realistic~ aspects that make botw not feel like a tloz game to me. and GOD what i wouldn’t do for some CLAWSHOTS. OR AT LEAST A HOOKSHOT P L  E A S E .
it also comes down to enjoyability too. like sure, the aperture science sheikah shrine puzzles are fun and when i figure a stumper out i feel smart, but this isn’t portal 3. it’s a zelda game. and also? i never want to fucking do any of this again. ever. it’s so goddamn tedious. it will be years and and fucking YEARS before i ever start another playthrough of botw, simply bc it’s too much and just too fucking big. and i’ve already mentioned i’m on my third play of ss. it’s long, but when you’re going so linearly it doesn’t feel overwhelming, it’s just one task after another, and as someone who gets overwhelmed when too many things demand my attention at once, well god dammit if ss isn’t the perfect focus-based  distraction.
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calcescarp · 2 years
putting off the last chapter of CF for 3 days in a row because i do not want to kill Him.........
#i'm literally so pathetic skdnskdnsmdnmdnsmndms#i'm like somewhat normal as a human being (<- lie) until characters get involved#to be entirely honest with you i do not think i would be able to play Fates as often as i have if Leo died#like this is my 2nd or 3rd time trying to finish CF but getting stalled by the mere idea of killing Dimitri#if i finish CF this time. it will be my first time finishing it. ever. IN THE 3 YEARS THIS GAME HAS BEEN OUT SKDJSK#i'm literally the most pathetic person ever when there is a Character#i'm telling myself that if i get through this chapter i'll get to start over and do SS and have tea with him......#but then i remember he's gonna die anyway. i'm 99% sure#AND NO ONE CORRECT ME IF I'M WRONG. i'd rather that be a fun little surprise for me#anyway i'm very normal#talking tag#rue plays fe3h#edit: I'M GONNA DO IT TOMORROW I THINK? i mean i might do it tonight bc my hair is wet which means i can't sleep yet. so i guess i can do#last chapter of CF and knock out some White Clouds since it'll be. literally the same as i just did skdjsk just without as much dread#i still need to hammer out my recruits for SS but i think i'm gonna do that as i go along#because i'll mostly be checking for what supports i want#so far the team i've decided on: Linhardt + Caspar + Seteth + Flayn with some possibles: Raphael + Ingrid + Sylvain#BUT IDK idk idk those possibles are super undecided#i just want happy fun times with Raphael and Ingrid talking about food okay#and some eye candy with dancer Sylvain#i'm trying to get myself to Just Have Some Fun to get me through it#so i can sustain myself until i get to play AM again
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eyeballjazz · 3 years
First of all I've been binge reading your fics whenever I get some free time so huge kudos to ya <3
Second, I've got a fun lil ask for ya: domestic headcanons for HB/PI and SS/DD :D
how do they share all their houses' chores? We all know HB is probably an amazing cook and DD looks like an organization freak but what about the rest? Does anyone besides HB knows how to cook a proper meal? We need to know!!
Well, hell!
First of all, thank you so much this is so sweet! Absolutely makes my day to know you’re enjoying my work. I hope you get lots more time to read soon, bro!
And second I’m about to go ON so I’ll chop the post here, but I’ve got headcanons old and new cooked up for you:
As I’m sure you’ve noticed I like writing about buildings so I can tell you exactly what everyone’s houses are like. The whole Crew lives across from each other on a block in the center of their territory, Slick and Droog in a Victorian townhouse and Hearts and Clubs in a duplex that’s broken into two railway style spaces. Slick would live shoebox if it was up to him, so thankfully Droog has very opinionated taste and likes spending his husband’s money enough to buy a whole antique for them to live in. 
I don’t have to tell you that cooking is huge for the Crew. They’re a small family of Italian uncles, so cooking is a major factor of their lives. 
As skill goes Droog is the best cook out of anyone. He’s self taught but for the very basics and some old family recipes his mother drilled into him back in Tuscany. And like everything with Droog, he’s someone who grew up dirt poor and now desperately wants to show off taste and affluence by being a highbrow snob. That means his skill for cooking has driven towards very elegant, subtle cuisine, lots of French influence (he says it must have been Italian, originally, but the French got famous for it somehow), and small portion size. Think of the fanciest restaurant you've ever been to and how teeny the serving sizes were and then imagine it was cooked by someone who is ferociously closeted and you’ve got it. 
Despite all that, Droog has not had working taste buds in at least thirty years because he’s smoked two packs a day since he learned to walk. Slick, likewise, had a bad smoking habit and quit for the kids so he’s not swimming in buds either. Add to that the fact that he’s had his nose broken so many times he’s functionally lost his sense of smell and you’ve got a match made in heaven. 
Lucky them, Karkat and Aradia get the spoils of Droog’s great cooking and are the picky eaters their fathers wished they could have been as boys. Droog is very proud to have snotty kids. So it is his great displeasure when, instead of having a single scallop lightly seared in browned butter then dusted with rosemary and thyme, the kids just want peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But both happen regularly. 
Hearts is a close second but of a very different school. He learned to cook primarily from his mother, who is a master of Southern cooking and made sure her boy knew how to do for himself before she let him leave her home. The rest he learned as a cook in the army, and then later from Droog after Hearts insisted he learn some real Italian recipes since his father never cooked when Hearts was a boy. Hearts still has a habit for cooking for a literal army and so he often cooks for the whole family. 
His food is mostly soul food/American southern and he seasons hard and often. One might even say it is dangerously flavorful, and everyone agrees it is extremely fortifying. It’s even strong enough to get through to Droog, who can (with the addition of hot sauce) taste it and secretly wishes Hearts would offer to teach him a thing or two.
Too willful to learn, Slick is a very low third place. He doesn’t care about food much and burns most things he tries to cook out of impatience. Plus, he hasn’t needed to learn since he married Droog so why start now?
Pickle Inspector, dead last, can’t so much as fry an egg. He loves food and knows the locations and operating hours of every restaurant and pub and gas station hot bar in the city. But cooking itself eludes him. He does occasionally try to go vegetarian but folds immediately when offered the chance to have a big beautiful meal he didn’t have to cook himself.
This matches up perfectly with Hearts’s master plan, which is to feed Pickle Inspector to within an inch of his life. And Pickle, like a stray cat, loves the attention and knows where the free food is. Hearts insists he’s too skinny and will often say ‘Just have a little,’ and then hand him a plate with half a lasagna on it.
HBPI is a ‘you cook, I clean’ split. Self conscious of his lack of cooking knowledge Pickle does every dish in the house whenever he sneaks in (read: breaks in) to spend time with Hearts and Tavros. And very often when he breaks in he tries to carve out some time to spend playing DnD with Tavros, with an ambition to get him and Hearts in a game so they can show Hearts a more kinetic version of fantasy than having a read a lot of books by nudists from the 60’s.
Because they may or may not be out as a couple to the Crew, Pickle and Hearts don’t get to spend a lot of time out on Hearts’s front porch together, although kicking back on the porch is one of Hearts’s favorite things to do. But, every so often, they take their coffee together out on the porch way before anyone else is awake. They watch the city all in blue together, right before the sunrise.
SSDD and chores are much more complicated.
Droog is fastidious, meticulous, and intense about cleaning. He also uses it to avoid or ignore any emotions he may be feeling so their Victorian is constantly spotless. Droog does all the kitchen chores, all the rewarding dusting of art pieces, mantles, and mirrors, and looks after the kids to make sure they learn how to keep their own spaces clean.
He dumps all the chores where you actually chance getting dirty on Slick. Taking out the trash, mowing the lawn, cleaning the bathrooms, washing the cars, touching anything weird, bugs, that’s all Slick.
Slick also looks after their garden, not for any love of plants but because he’s gotten himself into an all out war with a warren of rabbits that want to eat Droog’s spices and tomatoes. The war has been multi-generational for the rabbits and they’re too invested to pull out now. Slick is the only person who really looks after the garden, Droog assumes ownership of the plants but doesn’t care about them beyond having fresh basil to cook with.
Slick’s contempt for the bunnies and ferocity in keeping his husband’s plants alive have made him an unwitting expert on what a good spice garden needs. Like Droog, his feelings for the whole thing aren’t tied to love for the plants but instead pride and anger. Droog, meanwhile, loves seeing Slick do violence in his name and will often watch his tantrums in the backyard whenever one of the tomato plants gets chewed up.
Whew, this got long quick. Since it’s already so long, I’ll leave you with one more hc which is that Pickle Inspector knows how to juggle. Thank you again for the great questions, this was so fun!!!
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simonalkenmayer · 4 years
Sim Simon is now live!
Simon, you know that I created a sim version of you in Sims 4. I've completed his lair to the best of my abilities thanks to your help and pulling information from a few of the first chapters of the book. I'm new to buiding serious things in sims so it was challenging, frustrating, and fun!
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My fellow gentle readers, you can now add a sim Simon in your world, if you havent already! Just search Alkenmayer in the gallery and the sim and the house lot should appear. If it does not, I believe you can search via creator name and mine is KiddSparrow14.
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Okay but here are some ground rules about this build.
1-- The packs
I did my best to just use the base game and stay away from items in my other packs. I ended up using items from other packs, if you do not have those packs it still should allow you to download it but the item will be replaced or deleted.
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2-- The Ramp and "garages".
Simon's lair has a ramp for his car (i'll talk about that next) So in sims, you cant actually build ramps so I used a half gabled roof to make it look like a ramp. This ramp is a bit touchy. If you are ever in build mode and modify the house physically, it may delete the ramp or it might float in the air. Your best bet would be to fix it or just play with out it. Oh yeah, the garage doors arent real. Its just wall paint panels with windows up top.
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3-- The car!
Yes, there is a car. I picked the closest one that matched a camero ss. No, the car isnt in a pack, its part of the base game. The car also isn't driveable. Oh, and you will have to add the car yourself. It wont save when you download it from the gallery.
It's easy to do and doesnt involve any mods. You will be using cheats.
1) open the cheat window
2) Enter these cheats in this order:
testingcheats true
3) Use the search option and type in **DEBUG** you'll have to scroll until you come across the vehicles. There are more than one so I guess you can choose whichever you like. After that the car will never disappear when you save your game.
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Okay so Simon's traits are loner, bookworm, and glutton.
I chose glutton over foodie because gluttons get angry when they are hungry.
ah yes, most importantly. simon is a human sim. That's right, he is a human sim instead of an occult sim.
1) the only occult sims i can create is mages and aliens. I thought to make him an alien sim but... i didnt want him to have a disguise, I wanted him to exist simply as he is. (Hmm.. maybe i should have done alien but oh well its a game)
2) i cant create vampires and even if I could I wouldn't make sim simon a vampire. That would be an insult.
Whats the important of this? This means sim simon ages and can die. There are ways to work around this.
1) if you have the City Living pack you can make Simon immortal by using a cheat. I dont have this pack but it seems to work for others. Sims dont age or die from anything.
This cheat process is: testingchears true, then traits.equip_trait trait_isWeirdo make sure that you have selected the sim before typing that.
But what if you dont have City Living pack? There are in game ways to prevent them from aging and dying, some are rather tedious. I find the best way to keep my sim from aging is in the settings. Under game options for sims aging there are different options for playable sims and unplayable (world npcs). You can change your playable option to active household only so that way sim simon will exist in the world and not age until some accident happens and it dies.
what if you plan to play actively as the sim? You can turn the aging option off for your playable sims.
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I believe I have covered everything. If you download these from the gallery I hope you enjoy them and customize them with any additional packs you have yourself. Maybe even buy a business that he operates, or even a restaurant? Add Goody even if you have Pets & Cats. I hope you enjoy it and as always, happy simmimg!
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Oh yes, one more thing... Sim simon can't get pregnant or impregnate others.
and, thank you simon for giving me the quick layout sketch of your lair. I appreciate it very much ❤❤
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random note: Sim simon also got invited to a party by his coworker, went, and was stressed that there was too many people there but there was plenty of food so he was happy.
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Hii! Yeah don't worry about it! Live your life, the internet people can wait, I know I appreciate you taking the time to reply, no matter how long it takes! 👍✨
Oh cool! France and LA that must've been fun, have always wanted to go to those places. Will get around to it eventually. I've lived in Brazil, Canada, and now Portugal, but I've also visited Orlando (Disneyland) and Miami in the US. Hoping I can go to Spain next year to visit my best friend too.
What did you say that got people making fun of you? haha Which fic did you insert that in? The only reason I cheat while playing games is bc I get bored easily so I have to add a little bit of spice hahaha and my morals are questionable I guess. 🤷‍♀️ My mbti is the architect (INTJ-T) so I guess that explains things a bit (?). Do you know your mbti? Omg your poor roommate hahaha I mean that's the best kind of winner to be, humble winners are boring as hell lol
Aren't you glad you had those drunken experiences when you were younger instead of now tho? I can't promise I'll never do stuff like that again but I'm fine with it being behind me for now hahaha. Omg you're totally right on the accent thing, hadn't thought about it that way!
What!! You should watch Stranger Things with her! It's sooo good, it's a guaranteed fun time for you two. My favourite episodes of thobm are 4 and 6 too, I like epi 9 only up until Dani's bathtub incident.
I like doing accents too but only to myself bc I'm too self-conscious haha Although I pick up accents really easily it's kinda embarrassing, sometimes people think I'm mocking them. Do people get offended when you try to do their accents? 😂 I got a scholarship at a british english school in my home country when I was a kid so I had an RP accent growing up but ended up with a generic American accent after watching too many American movies and TV shows. Sometimes it comes out generic Canadian too haha. Nordern English accent became my favourite tho after watching Billy Elliott when I was a teen!
Awwh gee thanks! I'm happy you liked my damie fan art! Didn't know you already started writing for medieval AU, makes sense people already thought to send you prompts for it, it's a really cool universe! Looking forward to updates on all your WIPS, love them all! Take your time if you need tho!
Sounds like a really fun weekend! Yeah I know what you mean, don't worry we won't tell them you have a favourite haha. Congrats on coming second on that game of crazy golf! 🎉 and thank you, I will!
Awwh thank you for understanding!! I'll always reply to people's comments eventually it just takes longer sometimes, but I will always get around to it eventually!! France was fun I went to Disney Land Paris and shared a hotel room with my roommate (yes she was on the trip too because she was in another photography class... we have been friends for so long now) it was honestly a lot of fun and I went to LA to visit my ex-girlfriend while we were still together it was a long distance relationship and I went out to LA and my roommate was invited too so we had a trip out there and had a great time I would 100% go back to LA some time!! So jealous that you've lived in Canada that's one place I really wanna go I would love to live there it looks like such a beautiful country!! I would love to go to Orlando and Miami... I wanna see all 50 states eventually if I can... so far I've seen one so only 49 to go haha!! Awwh I really hope you can get out to Spain to see your best friend!! Which is your favourite place you have visited so far? Okay so... the thing I said is in Can't Buy Me Love and it's a bit of a long story so I'll shorten it down here, but basically a group of us were talking about myths and things and I mentioned the myth of being able to see the Great Wall of china from the moon (you can't) and to add to the myth as a buster I genuinely said "Well that's the thing, people say you can see the Great Wall of China from the moon... but can you see the moon from the Great Wall of China?" and it took a good five minutes of people telling me you could see it from my house and just about anywhere else to realise that, if the moon is out, and it's a clear night, and you're y'know facing the moon... you can pretty much see it anywhere... but that's what people still mock me about... that I asked if you can see the moon from the Great Wall of China... so I put that in CBML and had it as a story Dani tells Jamie. Haha I love your reason for cheating and think it's as good as a reason as any haha!! I do know my mbti... mine is the campaigner...EFNP-T... I don't know what these mean either I read it a while ago but forgot what it meant I just know what I am haha... oh yeah she's had a lot to put up with so she just won't play games with me anymore... oh yeah I agree humble winners are okay but I do like a good bit of bragging when you win a game I am glad yeah... although the road sign incident was only... 3 years ago haha like I would like to say I was a lot younger then but I wasn't haha the black out incident I was though... I can't drink much anymore though because of medication I'm on (life long medication) so I can have maybe one or two drinks and that's it so I can't do things like that again which is probably a good thing really!! Haha best way to be don't make promises like that because that is a sure fire way to definitely do it again the second you make that promise the opportunity to do it again will show itself haha!! Yeah Jamie just has no accent to me like she just talks like most people I know it's only when I saw people talking about it that I realised to some people the Northern accent is exactly that... an accent haha I LOVE episode 9 for me 4,6, and 8 are a joint favourite like I can't pick between them and then it's episode 9 because I do love it and I love seeing them be that happy for the first part of the episode but then it just gets so sad and I can't take it!! I do accents all the time around anyone even though I am terrible at them haha... nah people don't ever get offended they just sort of smile and shake their heads at me... some people have asked me to do their accent before but I mean, I am sure eventually someone will be offended there's a first time for everything... I just have an accent that's really similar to Jamie's it's not the exact same but it's very close I love that you've had so many accents for so many reasons... omg yeah the accent on Billy Elliot is my favourite accent ever, it is a northern accent but it's from a city called New Castle which is SO different to some
other northern accents... it's the Geordie accent and it's just beautiful I could honestly listen to people from New Castle talk for hours- people from South Shields also sound like that (SS is really close to New Castle) I can see why that accent is your favourite I wish I talked like that I loved that fan art I thought it was amazing!! Yeah I haven't written much of it but I have some of it written and when I say some I mean I have like 4 different scenes written from different points of the fic and each scene is only like 1k words so far!! It's such a cool universe and I am so happy people have sent me prompts for it!! Awwh thank you so much I'm glad you're looking forward to the updates of my WIPs that really means a lot to me!! I've had a great weekend but I am so tired now totally and utterly done after the weekend I've had haha... I wouldn't say I have favourites I have just spent more time with one niece than the other because since she was really young I've looked after her while her parents have been at work and I've had breaks from work / college / university so I have spent so much time with her and she's turning into a little mini me with some stuff she does but I love all my nieces and nephews the same (and I have so many nieces and nephews haha) Awwh thank you!! I appreciate that, still feeling really proud of my second place in crazy golf haha!! and you're welcome!! ☺️
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the-daylight-here · 6 years
I've got a fun idea if you're up for it! The reader (or a character of your choosing) and America have both been kidnapped by England, who wants to protect his "family" (feel free to make it parental or romantic) from the horrors of the outside world, and never ever let them leave. The reader/character is trying to find a way out, but Alfred's already starting to succumb to England's wishes despite his wishes to be the hero.
||i’m sorry my adhd medication went missing so i haven’t posted anything and haven’t been able to write,,,,,
You’d been friends with Alfred as long as you could remember. He always played the hero in your childish games, and you often played the villain or prince(ss). You often switched with Matt, but you were a way better villain. “Why is Al always the hero?” Matt asked one day. You shrugged.
“Because he won’t play if he isn’t the hero.”
“That doesn’t make it fair.”
“No, but he’s kinda scary when he’s mad.”
You and Matt shared a begrudging smile as you leaned against one another. When you weren’t playing games with Al, you and Matt would read things out of your storybook. You wanted these days to last forever. With your ‘aunt’ and her children. With Al and Matt, not having to know what came next.
Unfortunately, the best-laid plans often are spoiled.
Your caretaker, who solely went by ‘Auntie’ to the three of you, had taken the three of you on a trip to London. She said she was visiting a friend, and that you three could come with her. You were staying at the friend’s house with Auntie and Al, while Matt got to spend with ‘Big Brother’ Francis. You tended to shy away from the flamboyant man, and Al was probably still mad at him for one reason or another.
It turns out that the only reason the ‘friend’ of Auntie had called upon her was to kidnap you and Alfred. It’d been about three years, and Auntie had died within the first two weeks, suddenly falling extremely ill. You and Al were devastated, but you found a place to direct your anger. Alfred didn’t realize it, but the green-eyed man that took you in had probably been the reason she died. The man had introduced himself as Arthur, although he seemed to prefer ‘big brother’.
You didn’t realize it immediately, but as time went on, your reflection seemed to point in that direction. He kept the two of you on the property and homeschooled the both of you, only leaving to check on his business every once in a while. Whenever you asked if you could at least attend school, he only ever told you no. Whenever he held parties, you and Al were hidden away into your rooms, and most damning of all, he seemed to dance around the topic of Auntie’s death, not even seeming particularly sad about it.
As time went on, you withdrew from the games that Arthur and Alfred played, and began reading older horror novels. Arthur would always insist that you weren’t old enough, or that they were too scary for you, but you hardly listened. For some reason, the terror within the books gave you comfort, an ‘away’ from your reality.
You and Alfred were probably fifteen when Arthur threw the first party the two of you were allowed to attend.
For those who tend to be a bit more feminine in regards to how you identify:
You were dressed in a long dress that stopped around your ankles, with lacy sleeves and it was a light shade of (f/c).
For those who tend to identify as more masculine:
You wore a (f/c) and grey suit. It fit you well and was probably a bit more fashion-forward compared to Al’s and Arthur’s.
Al dressed in a simple, sleek black and blue suit. Arthur was proud to introduce the two of you as his wonderful younger siblings, adopted or not. You regretted not telling Al of your plan to escape, but he trusted Arthur too much.  
“May I have this dance?” you heard a soft voice ask from behind you. You turn and smile politely. “Sure, why not?” you reply, looking into a pair of familiar, violet irises. You hadn’t seen Matt in years, but the tone of voice and the way he looked at you hadn’t changed. His hair was a little more well kept, and he had a slimmer frame than his brother, but he still looked like the kid you knew.
You let him lead as you chat and catch up, laughing at old jokes. You mention nothing of your plan and Arthur walks over, a hard-to-read smile on his face. You force a smile as you introduce the pair, moving slightly behind Matthew. This was going to be difficult.
“(Y/n), you seem rather close to this young man.”
“We grew up together. He was in France when Auntie passed.”
“Yeah; I miss spending time with you and Alfred. I’m glad my brother got invited this time.”
“Oh, are you Francis’ little brother?”
“Yeah. He keeps complaining about how you keep trying to buy his business.”
Matt laughs, and you genuinely smile for the first time in a while. He wasn’t particularly shy, but soft-spoken and often ignored. At least, that’s how he seemed at that point. As a child, he would often let you or Alfred do things or talk to people for him until he felt brave enough to himself. He seems to have grown out of that. Being around Matt had calmed you in your previously, as it did at that moment.
Your attempted escape that night didn’t work.
You knew you needed Alfred’s help to get out, as well as Matt’s.
You spent most of the next couple of years planning and scheming. You knew the house almost better than Arthur. The grounds were easy to navigate. You knew where to hide, what boards creaked, where you could fit that others couldn’t.
Matt was a good accomplice. Alfred would take convincing.
You sat at the breakfast table quietly. You held a copy of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as you looked at Arthur and Alfred. Arthur had made some eggs, but you knew better than to eat them. You instead cut some bread and put jam on it as you curled in your chair.
“Arthur, why aren’t we allowed to leave?” you questioned quietly, knowing he’d respond the same way he always would.
“(Y/n), we’ve been over this. You two aren’t to leave because the outside world is horrific. It will ruin you both.”
“I think you’re coddling us. I read about old serial killers for fun, Arthur, because I can’t even get on the internet without you watching my every move.”
“(Y/n), he’s just worried about us. Especially since Auntie passed.”
You rubbed your temples in exasperation. Alfred was delusional to a fault when it came to Arthur’s word. You needed to find Auntie’s will, knowing she would’ve had very specific instruction for your care. She probably wrote it on her deathbed, and Arthur could’ve destroyed it or hidden it, depending on what the woman had written. Either the will or its ashes would be located in his office. “Whatever. Believe what you want.”
Excusing yourself, you went to Arthur’s office and started carefully rifling through it. Your natural instinct was to just chuck everything off the shelves, but you didn’t need to. Tapping on one of Arthur's drawers revealed a fake bottom, judging from the sound it made.
“This man needs to up his hiding game,” you muttered as you felt the bottom for a latch or hole. When you managed to get it open, you found a hefty pile of documents. Not thick enough to warrant you carrying it in your arms, but just thick enough for you to be cautious about how the hell were you going to fit it in your bag without it being noticeable.
You put the drawer back together and managed to be sliding the monstrous tome from that morning back into place.
“Finally finished that one, hm?”
“Yes. It provided some interesting insight, for nonsense and an odd story.”
“I hope you use it wisely.”
“I will.”  
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Buster & Rio
Buster: Typical that I come back to an empty house without you Rio: What a depressing waste, like Rio: Could always throw your own welcome back party Buster: Tempting Buster: The lads have been harassing me for weeks, like Rio: Aww Rio: put 'em out of their misery Buster: Fuck it Buster: Might as well start as I mean to go on, yeah? Rio: Exactly Rio: Gotta keep busy somehow babe Buster: What are you doing? Rio: What I'm always doing Rio: 🤑 Buster: Working or working though? Rio: Ha, uncrackable code that Rio: Working, now going to the flat Rio: Lord knows no one knocks in this gaff Buster: At least with me gone that's the worst you'd have to explain if someone burst in Buster: So you're welcome Rio: True 😂 Rio: ✋ for dodging that bullet Buster: I'd take the mercy kill Buster: There'd be no more need to sneak around then Rio: Hmm Rio: 'til you realise we're exiled from dubo and london Rio: then where'd we go? Buster: Somewhere else Buster: Somewhere with some sun for a start, like Rio: Wouldn't hate that Buster: Exactly Buster: The weather's shit here right now Rio: Just in case you didn't know summer's over, like Buster: Doesn't mean I have to be happy about it Rio: Don't pout, baby Rio: ruin your back to school photo Buster: You've got loads of time to cheer me up before that Rio: Do my best Buster: I'll do my best to make you miss me Buster: Be easy then Rio: You know I already do Buster: Yeah but I want you to miss me as bad as I miss you Rio: How do you know I don't already? Buster: You wouldn't be able to concentrate if you did Rio: I dunno Rio: Can make it work for me with what I've gotta do Buster: You gonna make me spend to see it? Rio: Things haven't changed that much Rio: How rude Rio: You got a party to organise though, and friends to give much needed attention 😏 Buster: Just gonna make me beg then, yeah? Buster: Rude Rio: You still have to put some work in, boy Buster: I knew you weren't worked up enough, babe Rio: 😇 me Buster: Things haven't changed that much Buster: Your words Rio: Caught me Buster: You wish I could Buster: You wanna be in these arms so bad Rio: 😖 Why you teasing me Buster: You gotta get that 💰💰💰 Buster: I'm helping Rio: So helpful, you Rio: 😒 Buster: I can always change tact Buster: What would be more helpful to you, baby? Rio: Be here or stop being so cute Buster: [Sends selfie] Buster: Does that help? Rio: Ugh 😍 Rio: I miss you Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Rio: Hold up Buster: Changed your mind or what? Rio: [Away for a long ass time cos fuck you Drew] Buster: Babe? Rio: My bad Rio: Unexpected visitor and progress Buster: Indie's back Buster: Well that's good Rio: Not yet but it's getting sorted Buster: Alright Buster: Who was there then? Rio: Drew came 'round, he didn't know I'd be here obvs, just doing some work himself Rio: but he actually apologised for the other night Rio: and he's gonna talk to Indie Buster: Seriously? Rio: I know, right? Rio: Unexpected Rio: but thank god, so over this drama Buster: Yeah Buster: Thank Christ I don't have to worry about that cunt now Rio: He was really decent considering Rio: got rid of whoever he was with before they could get an eyeful too 😶😰 Buster: Good Buster: And you're okay, yeah? Rio: Yeah, I'm fine Rio: I hope Indie comes back Buster: Like with everything he said and did Buster: You're not just saying it 'cause you want Indie back Rio: No, no Rio: Promise Rio: He was really nice Buster: Thank fuck Rio: Seriously Rio: Had forgot he had a key Buster: Me too Rio: 😂 Had to tell the stream I wasn't about to be murdered/doing some kinky roleplay for 'em Buster: Fucking hell Rio: Stepping it up some to keep the edge on my competitors Buster: 😂 Buster: You've got my heart going for all the wrong reasons, babe Rio: Soz, baby Buster: I'm just glad you didn't get murdered, like Rio: Cheers Rio: That's how you know the honeymoon is over 😏 Buster: Don't Buster: I ain't marrying you even if you threaten to murder me Rio: 😂 Rio: so gutted Buster: Get your own fortune, cheers Rio: Who's out here getting fake murdered for the coin, huh? 🤔🤔🤔 Rio: Always doing the most and getting the most Buster: Give it a few days and you'll have plenty of competition Buster: I'm already doing assigned reading whilst planning a party here Rio: 🤓 Buster: Shut up Buster: I gotta do it sometime Rio: Only joking Rio: It's hot Buster: [sends selfie of him reading] Buster: I know Rio: Don't ruin my fantasy, dork Buster: Well now you're not gonna get the rest of the pics Rio: Babe Rio: 😞 Buster: Keep your fantasy Buster: 😏 Buster: That's what you wanted, yeah? Rio: No Rio: I want you Buster: [sends some more pics but not the good stuff] Rio: Fuckin' tease Buster: learnt from the best Buster: you're the biggest tease ever Rio: Glad I've taught you so much, like Rio: don't be using it against me though, ain't ready to come for the master yet 😜 Buster: 😂 Buster: Am I not? Rio: 🤫 Rio: If you're gonna try then get prepared for me to go harder, like Rio: not gonna hold back 'cos you're an amateur, baby Buster: I leave the country and suddenly you're feeling brave enough to call me an amateur Rio: What you gonna do about it? Rio: 😋 Buster: Get on a flight to sort you out Rio: I wish Rio: Seriously...I really fucking want you right now, my body misses you so much already Buster: I ain't opposed to leaving my party before it even starts Buster: It's not like I need the distraction if I've got you Buster: And you know how you've got me too, 'cause it's the same as always Buster: There's too many walls in this house I could push you up against and I really fucking want to Rio: Oh God Rio: no, we gotta be good Rio: can't break this soon Buster: I don't wanna be good Buster: Tell me I have to Rio: You've gotta Rio: You've put it out there now, the keener guests will be on their way already, like Buster: Yeah Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: You'll have fun Buster: 'Course Buster: I just want you here too Rio: Obviously Rio: I know I am the party but Rio: gotta be places, babe Buster: With jokes like that, yeah Buster: You gonna go see Indie? Rio: Should let her come to me, I reckon Rio: make sure Drew has sorted it Rio: Imma go out with some friends, see who's about Buster: You're right, could be more bullshit from him Rio: I don't see why Rio: he's trying to make good, finally Buster: I don't reckon it is, I'm just saying Rio: Yeah Rio: Anyway Rio: party time for all Buster: Do you know where you're gonna go yet? Rio: Me and Rian are starting at Hang Dai 👌 Rio: s'good craic Buster: I'll warn them you're coming, like Rio: 🖕 Buster: You all out of politeness now I've left? Rio: Nah, so well-behaved in fact that your 'joke' cut me real deep Buster: Poor baby Rio: 😒 Gonna drown my sorrows Buster: I'd tell you not to go too hard but I ain't gonna be that hypocrite Rio: S'alright, soak it up with the Chinese Rio: No one to impress tonight Buster: I'm still gonna be able to see your posts, remember Buster: Impress me Rio: Boy, I know my angles Rio: and I know what you like Buster: If you don't by now you really do need to drown your sorrows Rio: Psh Rio: can't even try and come at me with that Rio: and my mates need know excuse to be coming with those 'rounds Buster: 😂 Buster: Literally the only thing our friends have in common Rio: Real talk 😂 Rio: Tell 'em I said hi Buster: I ain't saying shit to James from you though Rio: Oh no Rio: what a shame Buster: For him yeah Rio: Bless him Buster: He's a prick Buster: Save your blessings Rio: Why hang with him then Buster: If I hold him to it I'd have to do it with all of 'em Rio: Fair enough Rio: a lot of effort Buster: Yeah Buster: Not trying to waste my time with that Rio: Understandable Rio: they at least have their uses this way, yeah Buster: Exactly Rio: Hmm Rio: What am I gonna wear Buster: Are you sticking with the 'nobody to impress' bullshit or not? Rio: Wasn't planning to rock up in my sweats regardless babe Rio: boys that aren't you are friggin' useless, how can I work out the vibe and match from 'idk some jeans' Buster: Don't be trying to match Buster: Make your own vibe Rio: Solid advice cutie Buster: More importantly, what am I gonna wear, though Rio: Forreal Rio: gotta show 'em what they've been missing baby Buster: Easy Buster: If they ain't impressed they ain't coming in Rio: 😂 Rio: One way to keep the guest list down 😉 Buster: Well, yeah I can't trash the place day 1 Rio: not with that attitude Buster: I'm not in the 24 now, babe Rio: Exactly Rio: step your game up, before you'd just tell me the maid would clean it up to piss me off Buster: She doesn't come every day we're not royalty Buster: Just act like it Rio: Don't party like it Rio: don't need to see you in a nazi uniform or with your pasty arse out thanks Buster: 😂 Buster: [Sends booty selfie because he's silly] Buster: I was gonna throw outfit suggestions at you but you've sorted it Buster: Cheers Rio: 😏 Rio: well, the SS uniforms were Hugo Boss so Rio: right up your alley that Buster: Shut up Rio: 😂 Rio: I love you Buster: I miss you Rio: Yeah Rio: it's shit Buster: At least school will distract me Buster: Never thought I'd be saying that, like Rio: Gonna ace it Buster: Standard Rio: Yeah Rio: you work hard too though Buster: It's the one thing my parents reckon that isn't bullshit Buster: Gotta work hard as well as play it Rio: Amen Rio: I'll second that Buster: Cheers Buster: It's what none of the lads can get their heads around Buster: It can't be a game all the time, fuck that Rio: Unless they planning to live off their Ma and Pa forever Rio: tragic Rio: assumedly they'll get handed a cushy job by said Pa though so won't even see the consequences of 🙄 Buster: Yeah Buster: And a missus with her own set of rich parents is pretty likely Rio: S'who you know Rio: won the genetic lottery, like, well done yous Buster: 🥇 Rio: You ain't fooling anyone, babe Rio: know me for starters Buster: I don't need to fool anyone Buster: It ain't no trick I'm actually this good Rio: 😏 S'one word for it Buster: What's your word then? Enlighten me Rio: You know my word Rio: 'cos you hate it Rio: cute Buster: Maybe I miss it Buster: Or just love you enough to put up with hearing it again Rio: I'll call you later, no doubt when I'm fucked up and you can hear all about it Buster: Yeah? Buster: Good Rio: Let you miss me a bit first Rio: 'Course Buster: I already do Buster: A lot Rio: [sends highlights from stream earlier] Rio: how much i miss you Buster: Jesus Buster: If it's any consolation I spent so long in the shower missing you earlier that it's a good thing my parents aren't struggling to pay any bills Rio: I know, imagine how good it could've been if I weren't interrupted, but that's the story of our lives init Rio: that is not what I'd call consolation Rio: damn Rio: over here needing a cold one now Buster: You won't be wanting the footage then. I'll save it for another day Rio: BUSTER Buster: Yeah? Rio: Please Buster: [Sends video because tell me everything ain't waterproof in the future like bitch my phone already is now] Rio: 😻 Rio: I'm literally drooling you're so fucking hot Rio: like gimme Buster: That's just what happens when I think about you Buster: You're so fucking hot and I want you so badly Rio: Fuck Rio: when can I come see you daddy? Buster: Now Buster: But seriously, I need you here soon Rio: Next weekend maybe Buster: I'll make it work if you can Rio: 'Course Rio: not that long of a flight, even if I have a Saturday shift Rio: I need you Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: Go get ready Buster: You too Buster: We can do this Rio: 'Course Rio: 👑 Buster: You know it
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