dorywhynot · 2 years
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Illustration 3/3 for @dustandhalos and the printing of their gorgeous fic, "Stalwart Sun, Wily Moon." 🖤
Preorder the book!
Read the fic!
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cottonotter · 2 months
Omg can't believe I haven't got round to sharing this beauty on here since she arrived 😱
It truly is a work of art in its own right 😩🤌💖 can't thank @dustandhalos enough for just a wonderful piece of work as well as the artists who contributed to such a beautiful project! (It's because of SSWM that I discovered and fell in love with @elizamaru 's work in the first place!)
And to have it signed as well makes me so dang happyyyyy! So glad I worked past my shyness to ask 🙈
She sits pride of place in my bedroom!
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Also can I just say, as much as I loved this book before, since joining the binding community it scratches a whole new load of happy itches on my brain and I love it 👏😂💖
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autistme · 11 months
i know i wanted to make this a gif but the audio honestly makes it so i might just make a tiny clip. but also i want to post a different clip from this show. can this random fucking show on a random tour get two entire clips for it. are we allowing this
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sangfielle · 9 months
oh my gd i need to see against me live more than anything else in the world but theyre not active...
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5p4ced-0ut · 22 days
Putting the "Super" in Super Soldiers
AKA Why ROTTMNT fans won't shut up about our genetically modified War Machines
@certifieduruihater @tmntforeverinmyheart Welcome to the show
Now, I recently came across this post, in which this question was asked:
question: why do the rise boys being "purposefully genetically bioengineered weapons of war" matter so much in the context of crossovers?
Great question, even if it is rhetorical! The reasons may vary from person to person in the fandom, but as a general rule, the answer is: It's something that doesn't happen in other shows.
The entire point of crossovers is to have various versions of the turtles react to what they are like in other universes. So, obviously, the differences between the crossovers are incredibly interesting, and thus would get brought up more times than not.
You with me so far? Great. Now we move on to the meat of the post!
Physical Prowess
"you guys know that they're ALL mutants, right? so it's likely that they ALL have some form of enhanced abilities like super strength, super speed, healing factor, etc? they ALL have superhuman physiology to some degree, what makes rise special?"
They all do have some level of enhanced abilities, yes, but with Rise? It's simply more. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that other versions are weak. I'm just saying Rise!Turtles have, well, A LOT going for them.
Here's a post from @/risestarkiss detailing their various strength feats, and if you go in the reblogs, you'll find more examples
In terms of durability, well, I put more effort into this part:
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Here, both Leo and Raph hit the wall and leave dents (well Leo leaves a dent, Raph leaves a hole) in said wall. This is a New York City sewer system, and these baby's walls are made of reinforced concrete. In order to know how much force our Red and Blue boys are flying into these babies with, we need to acquire the type of reinforced concrete, and then get/calculate the Concrete PSI, which tells us how much force concrete can withstand before breaking.
[Disclaimer: I'm no expert on city planning and its technicalities; wrong type of engineer.] This part was pretty complicated. See, I spent hours combing through sewer layout maps, various building code forms, The NYC DDC Standard Sewer and Water Main Specifications PDF, various other nyc.gov assets; it was not fun. So, what kind of reinforced concrete is the pipe made of? According to the NYC DDC SSWMS PDF, Section 21.05, it is Precast Reinforced Concrete. According to my research, it has a Compressive Strength Range of 4000-7000 PSI. For reference, studies done to determine how hard boxers could punch had the hardest hitters clocking in at anywhere from 1,300-1,700 PSI; Mike Tyson's punches were 1,800 PSI. Now, there's a lot more physics involved here, but unfortunately, there are too many unknowns to go into the detail I want to. I can, however, give you this: Pressure is Force over Area, and the bigger the area, the more force needed to achieve a certain pressure. We know Leo is 5'5, so thats approx. 25 sq ft for our area, and 4000-7000 PSI for our pressure. So, thats anywhere from 64 million to 112 million Newtons of force necessary to flat out break concrete on impact. Again, for reference? The strongest bone in the human body, the femur, can handle about 4000 N. And you know what? Raph and Leo just bounce back up again after this.
Here's another example:
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The iconic shock collar! Just a quick physics refresher: Amps is the measurement of current flow (Electrons flowing through an object), while voltage is the force moving the current along.
Now, I'm well aware other versions of TMNT get zapped in their respective media, Fourfold Trap comes to mind; I did some research in to the workings of the electric chair and found out the highest shock clocks in at 2000-2500V, which, along with knocking you unconscious, can cause serious burns and even ventricular fibrillation or cardiac arrest. (I'm using the electric chair as a basis because the shock device resembles one.) So, due to the fact that neither Donnie or Mikey die that episode or sustain serious burns, though Mikey does pass out, we can safely assume that they can handle a maximum of 2000V. As for the amperage, I really can't say? Once again, they don't die, so the amperage for the electric chair would be overkill to say the least. (Electric chairs clock in at 5-7 amps. It takes as little as 100 milliamps to kill a human.) So I'd say around the shock was around 50 milliamps? Humans start feeling pain at only a couple milliamps, so 50 is being generous.
On to the shock collar! This one was trickier, because there are only really dog shock collars out there, but I managed to find some studies on now banned shock collars via Wikipedia. Now, dog collars have a higher voltage than an electric chairs, the highest clocking in at 3,500 Volts. BUT! It's important to remember: It's not the volts that'll kill you, it's the current. Lets take a look at that. One study found that the commercial dog collars operated at a minimum of 30 milliamps and a maximum of 80. A later study found the maximum was closer 400 milliamps.
And once again, we see Leo pop up after 2 or so shocks, right as rain and more annoyed than hurt. But what really solidifies the feat for me is that shortly later, when Leo places the collar on their villain? Meat Sweats receives the same number of shocks as Leo, and he is on the verge of passing out.
Hey, how about speed? From episode one, we see these guys pulling anime sprints, even before they got those mystic weapons!
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And of course, there's the ever famous shredder fight where they move so fast, they're just blurs on the battlefield
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(One could argue this is due to their ninpo tho)
Healing Factor? Do I even need photo evidence for this? Previous incarnations got put into a coma for 3 days/months when being thrown out a window. We see Rise!Leo take hit after hit from Krang Prime (who can tear through steel like paper), cough out blood, hear his bones/shell crack, and he still doesn't go into shock. And he's fine within a couple months.
And believe you and me, I'm just getting started.
Ninja Abilities
Technically, this could still fall under Physical Prowess, but I feel like it deserves its own section. Insane In the Mama Train. One of my favorite episodes in the series, and an episode that often gets overlooked by people who aren't Rise fans. It serves to address one of the main complaints about the series, and answers the question of "Can the ROTTMNT Turtles even compete with the other iterations?" The answer is yes.
In case you forgot, or never saw it in the first place, Insane in the Mama Train's premise is as follows: After the boys goof off and miss an important mission, they feel guilty for not being the "perfect ninjas" they think Splinter wants. So, they ask Splinter to give them formal training, and by GOD, do they get formal training. Just. Words don't do it justice, watch the fucking clip
Do you see that shit? Do you see how quickly they were able to adapt and improve? I'd like to remind you that Splinter is still a ninjitsu master in Rise, the same caliber as his counterparts. This montage is implied to be anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days. And this isn't a one off thing played for laughs either. No, this episode is a plot episode, and they. kick. ass.
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(Again, I cannot do the episode justice through clips alone, Go watch the episode)
So, yeah, they are formally trained. They don't have the same experience as their counterparts, but they are still ridiculously skilled. The reason they don't fight like this? It just doesn't work for them. They're not as comfortable with the traditional ninjitsu, so they don't really do it.
Villains & Ninpo
Alright, here's the part of the post that actually irked me.
And sure the rise turtles are very powerful and can fight with fish and ladders. But what good would that do in any other situation where their villains aren’t idiots. i can see their first fight ending in a draw, but ultimately, i still say that the 12 boys could take down rise.
Ok, I do not get paid enough for this!
First off, Rise!Villains: The show is a comedy show, you guys know that. You state as much in the og post. So, regardless of how serious the threat, there will always be jokes and the stakes will never seem high. But I assure you that Rise!Villains are still dangerous. Here's some examples: - Meat Sweats: He is a canonical cannibal who, in his debut episode, tried to cooked Donnie alive. He literally sucks the life force out of animals and mutants, and explicitly states he wants to cook/kill the turtles - The Purple Dragons: Successfully hack Donnie's tech and nearly destroy him and his brother - Baron Draxum: Warrior-Scientist that was actively trying to kill all of humanity. He was planning a literal mass genocide. - Big Mama: Yokai Crime Boss who runs a battle-to-the-death, gladiator ring, and has significant control over the Hidden City. - Foot Clan: Foot Brute, Foot Lieutenant and Casey are all the leaders of the foot clan, an organization that has sworn to defeat the Hamato and return Shredder to Earth - Albearto: Literally a killer robot trying to overthrow humanity
And that's not even touching on Shredder or The Krang, because they are a whole other can of worms. Rise has quite a few silly villains, yeah, but so does EVERY OTHER VERSION. Their villains still try and kill them.
Now for Ninpo:
I'll do a quick rundown on each brother's powers
Raph: Along with mystic constructs that act as a shield around his body, we also see he has the ability to manipulate the size of said construct, as well as alter its appearance, e.g. adding another set of arms. When his ninpo unlocks, we see Raph gain the ability of shadow clone jutsu with none the downsides.
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Leo: Along with his classic portal ability, we see he is also able to move and alter portals even after they are made. After his Ninpo is unlocked, we see him gain the ability of teleportation, using his swords as landing pads.
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Donnie: Donnie has no mystic abilities prior to unlocking his ninpo, but when he does unlock it, he gains the ability to make a construct of anything, just as long as he understands it.
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Mikey: He's got quite a few, from tossing around objects like they weigh nothing to minor pyrokinesis, and ofc infinite, near-indestructible chains
Overall, pretty formidable powers on their own, even deadlier when they work together. 2012!Shredder is scary and powerful, yes, but he's still human, for most of the series anyway. The only way Shredder is winning is by using underhanded tactics and quick-thinking, like he did to defeat Batman. And even those only go so far. Likewise, when the 2012!turtles confront various magic foes, they... Welll, to be honest, they get their asses handed to them until they can come up with a semi balance of a plan. Jei? Without Kintaro and Usagi, they would not have been able to take him on. Ho Chan? Wits and April got a lucky opportunity. Kavaxas? They were struggling until Mikey decides to break all rules of magic with bubblegum. Point is: In the 2012 world, magic is a lot more subtle and spiritual than in Rise World, and thus, when confronted with magic on the level of Kavaxas and Jei, they ultimately don't outright fight back, but rather rely on trickery.
Why am I bringing this up? Because trickery may work the first time, but definitely not the second. 2012 may gain more knowledge on how Rottmnt works, but that street goes 2-ways.
(If you had said 2003 TMNT? Yeah, I'd admit they could defeat rise, they've got fucking dragon forms, plus actual experience with powerful magic.)
God, this is getting long.
Anyway, feel free to respond.
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alltheselights · 2 years
What would you say is you least and your favorite fic that you have written. I love them all so much but I know how I see them may not be the same as how you do since you wrote them. Be careful though I will not take necbym slander and I am so serious 😤
Hahaha I’m sad about NECBYM because I was so proud of it at the time, but I feel like I could’ve done a better job on it....it’s not my least favorite though! My least favorite fic is still probably Not Quite. It was my first fic and I thought it was going to be my only fic, so I feel like I threw some things in there (mainly the second sex scene) that didn’t necessarily fit with the fic because I figured I wouldn’t write another and just wanted it to have everything.
My favorite fic is probably between I’ve Got You and Secret’s Safe With Me. I feel like they’re well-written and fully fleshed out and I also think I did a good mix of humor, angst, and smut in those two. Also, with SSWM, I also worked on it for sooooo long that I felt very proud when I finally posted it.
I do love all my fics for different reasons though and I don’t dislike any of them! I have favorites and ones that are lower down in my ranking, but I still love them all and I’m proud of them all.
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fortunebanana · 2 years
Sports team budget spreadsheet pdf -proposal -instructions
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#Sports team budget spreadsheet pdf proposal instructions license#
The main aim of the SSWM Toolbox is to be a reference tool to provide ideas for improving the local water and sanitation situation in a sustainable manner. Depending on the initial situations and respective local circumstances, there is no guarantee that single measures described in the toolbox will make the local water and sanitation system more sustainable. Disclaimer The contents of the SSWM Toolbox reflect the opinions of the respective authors and not necessarily the official opinion of the funding or supporting partner organisations. Under the following conditions: Attribution: You must always give the original authors or publishing agencies credit for the document or picture you are using. We would appreciate receiving a copy of any changes that you have made to improve this document.
#Sports team budget spreadsheet pdf proposal instructions license#
To view an official copy of the the Creative Commons Attribution Works 3.0 Unported License we build upon, visit This agreement officially states that: You are free to: Share - to copy, distribute and transmit this document Remix - to adapt this document. Material published in the SSWM Toolbox for the first time follows the same open-source concept, with all rights remaining with the original authors or producing organisations. The publication of these materials in the SSWM Toolbox does not alter any existing copyrights. Following the open-source concept for capacity building and non-profit use, copying and adapting is allowed provided proper acknowledgement of the source is made (see below). 2 Copy it, adapt it, use it – but acknowledge the source!Ĭopyright & Disclaimer Copy it, adapt it, use it – but acknowledge the source! Copyright Included in the SSWM Toolbox are materials from various organisations and sources.
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suchaflurryflurry · 6 years
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shape shift with me // against me! ↳ favorite lyrics
part one/part two
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charlieroart · 6 years
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'Perfect weather for a head wound' 333 // Against Me!
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dorywhynot · 2 years
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Illustration 1/3 for "Stalwart Sun, Wily Moon," by @dustandhalos
I'm so utterly thrilled to reveal the illustrations I had the honor to provide for the physical publication of "Stalwart Sun, Wily Moon." This was an incredible project to be a part of, with a lineup of even more incredible artists. Preorders are open now, and copies will be limited, go get it, kids!
Preorder the physical book!
Read Stalwart Sun, Wily Moon on A03
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mueritos · 2 years
Do you know any songs about trans self love? I need more for a playlist fksbsjsn
to be honest i dont know if any of the trans artists I listen to write solely about trans self love, but a lot of Against Me! songs from Transgender Dysphoria Blues and the Shape Shift With Me album deal a lot with coming to terms about being trans, losing people from it, and finding lovers and friends. I think the SSWM album is written more about the aftermath of transitioning and what it means for relationships, but its a very cathartic album :) im sure folks have more reccomendations to add in the notes!
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autistme · 10 months
your against me posting has me foaming at the mouth wishing the band was Real. against me is still active TO ME.
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zinzinina · 3 years
500!! congrats lovely Sam, how exciting! I'm so chuffed for you getting all the loveeee💘💕❤️💖 I couldn't resist taking part in this celebration, such a fun idea!
1. If you were an animal, what would you be?
One of my families nicknames for me is bunny, and a few of my good friends compare me to those vampire deer because of my fairly sticky-outy canine teeth, and honestly I'm flattered with either of those cuties!
2. Describe your ideal night out, and your ideal day in.
My ideal night out would definitely have to involve some kind of walk through nature, or a dinner under stars, something peaceful and relaxed!
A perfect day in is one where we can stay in our PJs, make art together, have nice snacks, play video games & cuddle the cats (or Tookas?)
3. What are the three main qualities you're looking for in a partner right now?
I super value honesty, duh, a strong moral compass, and someone who can express their love in a way that translates clearly to me💘
4. Tell me which song to listen to while planning your date, to help me get attuned to your vibe.
Soft Universe by Aurora
5. Briefly describe your personal idea of hell!
Being stuck in some overcrowded, overheated place, with no end in sight 😫 even worse if all the people in the crowd were diehard empire supporters if you catch my meaning oof
I have no gender preference, no allergies (apart from a particular penicillin), and I'm surely in a blood feud with anyone who takes issue with my rebel alliance tattoo. I acknowledge your disclaimer and sign myself over to your will!💘
Hi Becky! I have a match for you!
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Rose is often mistaken for a softie, and while it’s true that she has a sweet heart, she’s definitely no pushover. Smart, quick and outspoken, she stands up for her friends and the cause she believes in without hesitation. A little-known fact about Rose is that she is absolutely fucking ruthless when it comes to video games. This girl is going to kick your ass and then tease you about it relentlessly, even while she’s snuggling up next to you, grinning in triumph. I’d be willing to bet she even has a secret little starbird tattoo hidden somewhere to match yours! 
For your date, Rose likes to keep it pretty simple. She has strong feelings about unnecessary shows of extravagance or wealth; her priorities lay elsewhere. And she can be just the tiniest bit shy, at least to begin with. So she’s coming to your place with homemade goodies. She’s making classic Hays Minor syrup cakes based on the original recipe from her home planet, still hot in her insulated canteen, with fresh jogan berries to have on the side. She’s bringing a stack of holovids to pop on in the background, and some screen printing gear so you guys can work on some fresh Resistance banners while you snack. It might take her a little while to get there, but as the night wears on she’ll be scooching closer and closer until she’s just about in your lap. Then the crafting might need to be delayed… for a little while. Down with the First Order!*
Thank you for using Sam’s Star Wars Matchmaking Service™️! *For legal reasons in case any official representatives are monitoring this channel, this is a joke and we here at SSWMS are definitely not involved in any illegal or insurgent activities. May the Spires Keep You!
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fuckyeahlauragrace · 7 years
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alltheselights · 3 years
your new fic is so so so good!! i read the whole thing in one day i couldn’t put it down and now of course am re-reading every fic youve wrote
Thank you!!! I’m so so happy you liked it. 😊❤️
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Lie to me. Right through me.
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