#staff you suck
braingospinny · 10 months
can i not snooze tumblr live anymore? the toggle says i can snooze it “on my dashboard” for 30 days but the stupid icon is still smack in the middle of the app toolbar
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derangedangel · 10 months
There's too much going on on my dash now. Like, I need that empty space to the left and now it has all the tabs. I hate it.
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Tumblr staff gently reminding me that the implication of transgender penis is STRICTLY VERBOTEN and will not be tolerated.
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whirlwindsworld · 5 months
I just keep seeing this image of Fabian in my head. This young man who so desperately seek affection and happily soaks up praise–
Standing in a massive empty house. Wandering from room to room. There’s so many rooms. Quietly drinking his milk from a glass he hunted down. He puts himself to bed. This will be the next year of his life.
He’s 18 and he just saved the world. He’s 18 and he killed his father. He’s 18 and he’s so tired. He’s 18 and maybe he deserves a long proper hug from his mom. He’s 18 and he needs to keep smiling as she leaves. (It barely feels like she was here.) He’s 18 and he’s writing his name on the face of the world. He’s 18 and his father would be proud of everything he had done in lieu of his summer vacation. (It’s not what he was worried about.) He’s 18 and he’s his father’s son. He’s 18 and he is his own man. (He was meant to be his mother’s son too.)
He’s 18 and of course none of it hurt. (She said she would start doing better.)
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pinkeoni · 1 year
They went and made Cleradin NFTs there should be a classification for a crime of this caliber
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ducktollers · 4 months
i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images i hate you ai images I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU
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ijichi-nijika · 4 months
if we are mutuals and you wanna add me on discord send me a msg. honestly tumblr is going downhill and i don't wanna lose the people i enjoy hearing about their days or supporting them however i can. trans women need to stick together and its seeming like tumblr will just not be a place for us one day
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pinacoladamatata · 4 months
eating my popcorn watching all this drama go down irt the larian discord server
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eternalergo · 1 month
called in sick today because had one hell of a night :) migraine and chronic stomach pain my beloved.
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naamahdarling · 8 months
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nuka-rockit · 9 months
hey anyone else think its a terrible idea to hide peoples urls when reblogging their posts. how am i going to find out who made that post i thoroughly enjoyed if TUMBLR HIDES THEIR NAMES FROM ME
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baronmpontmercy · 13 days
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What if I was a redeemed oathbreaker paladin of selune and you were a bard cleric of ilmater, and I was a bhaalspawn who killed our father, and you’re following in his footsteps but aren’t sure that’s what you want, and we were step siblings and I tried to kill you but didn’t and you love me but can’t forgive me yet. And then we got tadpoled and had to save the world together
Are they even Tav and Durge Disaster Siblings if I’m not using gratuitous Drama Effects
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softquietsteadylove · 5 months
Would you continue something for the president one? Maybe Gil protecting her against someone who is very angry during a meeting and is about to attack her but he intervenes very fast and powerful?
"I believe the treaty is fine as it stands."
"I believe it requires amendments."
They hadn't made all that much progress since those two mission statements, unfortunately. They had been in this meeting upwards of an hour and everything, but with no real progress to speak of. Thena maintained that they needed a new agreement according to her new term and policies.
Kro was of the mind that the treaty - already tenuous and reluctant - was fine as it was.
"Perhaps we should reconvene," Gil suggested from the side, keeping Thena's schedule in his hand. He had a few notes he'd taken, but more than that, he had his eyes on Thena.
She was tired, the stress of their meeting weighing on her, the worry of what to report to the press, even just the fact that Kro gave her the creeps on a personal level. She was obviously on edge.
"What amendments would be made?" Kro asked, all but ignoring Gil and his attempt at intervention.
"Amendments which would prevent the repetition of my, " she blinked, "predecessor. Amendments which I believe would better protect both our peoples."
Kro was unmoved by her attempt at convincing him to amend. "Madame President, I do not know if this is the kind of agreement into which you would like to enter."
Thena glanced at Gil. They knew that Kro and Ikaris had made some sort of arrangement. That was most likely the real reason behind his reluctance to make changes. It would seal any cracks he was currently using to his advantage.
"My assistant is correct, we should reconvene," Thena declared. They would have to look at things from an investigative standpoint before continuing. She stood.
"Oh, we're done, are we?"
Gil bristled, uncomfortable with the tone that was being used with Thena, but stood his ground. He held out his hand for her to join him, "our meeting time has already gone over, sir. The President has other obligations."
Thena's hand drifted to Gil's subconsciously. Kro rose from his chair in the same second, extending a hand from an arm that looked longer than anticipated. She barely blinked.
"I don't believe I dismissed you."
Gil moved between them, his security training kicking in. He grasped Kro's wrist, twisting it and forcing it back to the table. He used his other hand to grab the elbow, pressing it in the wrong direction. "Don't!"
Kro snarled at him, and his own security reacted from the back of the room as well. "Let go of me!"
"Do not attempt to touch the president," Gil repeated, although it was equal instinct for him to tell the bastard not to touch his girlfriend.
"Stand down!" Kro's security ordered, their weapons already held and pointed.
Gil didn't look up from holding Kro down. He wasn't wearing a vest - because this was a diplomatic meeting - but he was at least in front of Thena. He looked at Kro, growling up at him like a caged animal. "Call them off."
"Gil," Thena whispered behind him. She snuck her hand up the back of his suit jacket to tug at his shirt from behind.
Kro held up his other hand to signal his security to stand down. "Excuse me--a reflex from my days in service."
Gil released the diplomatic leader, stepping back and straightening his suit. "Excuse me--my reflexes are the same."
The two men looked at one another, fully understanding that both statements were at least partial lies. But Kro sank back to the far wall of the room, his security slipping their weapons away. "We will have to revisit the treaty at a later date, ma'am."
"Indeed," Thena answered evenly, although she hadn't moved, even amidst all the commotion. She kept herself poised properly as Kro was led from the room.
Gil looked back at her as the door closed. Thena was tough, even for being the president. But he saw the extra pallor in her cheeks. "You okay?"
Thena looked around the room. It was just her and Gil. She moved forward, pressing her face in his chest, "never a dull moment."
Gil chuckled, rubbing her back as she let herself relax against him. "I guess you could say that."
Thena sighed, intaking his scent, "I knew you had it under control."
"Can't let the foreign bodies get handsy with you, sweetheart," he smiled, enjoying Thena's brief moment of being touchy-feely. "You sure you're okay?"
"I never liked him," she sighed, wilting against him even more. "I should have known he and Ikaris had some kind of underhanded deal laid out between them."
It was suspected that Ikaris had made his escape through Kro's protected territory.
"No use worrying about it now," Gil attempted to reason, still rubbing her back. "We'll have Druig look into some stuff, then we can come back and negotiate better."
"That does make sense," she conceded, turning her cheek against his shirt. "And I'm exhausted after all his blathering."
"Sorry love," he kissed the top of her head, "you have two more meetings today."
Thena pressed her face into his chest again just to let out a pained groan.
"I know," he kissed her hair again, "but I managed to squeeze in some lunch for you."
Thena tilted her head up at him, leaning up on the toes of her sensible heels, "what would I do without you?"
Gil sighed into the brief but luxurious kiss. "That's my line, hon. Now, let's get outta here, hm?
"Let's," she agreed, slipping her hand into his more properly. It was a courteous hold, perfectly appropriate for helping the president about her daily duties. And it was one of the few small luxuries they could afford as a couple. "What's on the menu?"
"There are a couple options, but how would you feel about a sandwich from that place you like?" Gil helped her into her coat, catching the way her eyes sparkled at the notion. "And a cup of soup?"
She sighed anew at the promise of a cup of tomato basil and a hot grilled cheese. He liked to tease her for being the president and also having very basic tastebuds.
But every night they had in the house together, he would make her fresh tomato soup and a sourdough grilled cheese if she asked.
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yolowritter · 3 months
In Offense to Lila Rossi
O...kay! Am I the only one who sometimes takes offense to Lila's entire existence? Even if she just stands there, looking at her on screen makes me want to grab the nearest pitchfork! So please, allow me to explain why I despise Lila Rossi in Miraculous Canon, and what my delusions say should happen for Season 6 regarding her character! Call it a stich, I'm still doing it because I can!
To kick things off, it's worth establishing what kind of antagonist Lila is supposed to be in the show. She's introduced in the finale of Season 1, Volpina (yes I know some lists have Origins last, but Collector picks up directly after so it's the finale), and from the moment anybody even mentions her, we get the hint that something is fishy. I'm quite sure it's Alya who first approaches Marinette and tells her about this "new girl" who's showed up at school. Apparently, "she" knows famous musicians, is very talented, etcetera. Marinette raises an eyebrow at this, but there's no real reason to question it yet since the audience has already seen that some of those things are true for her as well (see Jagged Stone). All in all, good little bit of foreshadowing and getting people intersted without going overboard.
Then we actually meet Lila in the library with Adrien. She seems pleasant enough, if a little infatuated, but this is Adrien. He has more fangirls that there are ticks on a goat, so he takes it in stride. All in all, Lila is cheery and excitable, happy to spend time with him. Not the most likable character in history, but also not malicious in any way. This is the expected behavior for some random teenager learning she's classmates with a supermodel. And since we get this whole thing from Marinette's point of view, the audience is encouraged to share her suspicions about Lila. We all know how the rest of the episode goes, and I'll get back to this in a sec.
Point is, when Lila first shows up, she seems interesting. Her lies aren't immediately obvious (or at least like 20% plausible given past events), and she appears to be infatuated with Adrien, just like Marinette. Sure, it looks a bit superficial, but who can blame her? We don't know anything about her yet, and it isn't completely outrageous to think that she might be giving out small lies to make herself more popular since she's the "new kid" and all that.
But after Volpina...we don't see her again until Season 3! Excepting Heroes Day Part 2, where she gets re-akumatized into Volpina for the whole illusion thing, I mean. Lila remains a mystery, and so far has been a nuanced character who we have questions about and know to be a cunning liar. Especially since in Volpina, Lila actually is being smart with her lies to Adrien! She plays up her persona of infatuated fangirl and extracts general information about the book he has, and plays off it by giving minimal details and still attracting his interest. It's only once Adrien has shown her the page about the fox heroine that Lila makes up a story about having the Miraculous in her family, and then she immediately goes off to cover her back by buying a fake Fox Miraculous from a "Gabriel" store.
Side note: This is the one and only time we see this happen, and I still have questions as to why Gabriel Agreste is selling jewerly that only someone with the Guardian's Grimoire would know how to design. Dead giveaway, but that's a general plothole in the show, and irrelevant to Lila.
The thing is, I love Lila in Volpina! She actually does manipulate Adrien pretty well, makes sure to subtly get all the information she needs, and then plays her part perfectly, to the point where he's on her side when Ladybug swings by to berate her for lying about having a Miraculous. Granted, Marinette's intense reaction doesn't do her any favors, but nonetheless Lila is actually good at lying in this episode! Now prepare to throw this out the window with Chameleon! Oh, Chameleon! What is even left to say about this episode that the fandom didn't tear to shreds back when it first aired? Welp, doesn't matter! I'm grabbing Hawkmoth's cane and beating the dead horse one last time, just because Lila pissed me off this badly when I re-watched it recently!
I have genuinely researched the lies that Lila spouts out in this episode, and I'm honestly baffled as to why the writing team even put them there? I'd think it takes more effort to think of something this ridiculous rather than a semi-believable lie? Let's break the two most ridiculous ones down real quick. Getting tinitus from being behind a plane engine while it was taking off. Now, I'm assuming Lila also lost a few braincells in this episode, because while while yes, if that were to happen one would have severe hearing damage...we're talking about going completely deaf. Not to mention that you'd have to ignore countless airport security measures to even get there, and that in some countries, it's very much illegal to be on the runway when a plane is taking off. So Lila would have gone completely deaf, forever, not to mention sustained actual injury from being right behind a plane as it's taking off. Do you see why this is so ridiculously unbelievable? And okay, for the sake of argument let's say that people do believe her. Miss Bustier has zero reaction to this information, which would have presumably caused a responsible adult to panic at the idea of a child sustaining such an injury. Clearly, this episode is designed to devour braincells from everyone present.
Then we move onto the moment that still infuriates me, the Napkin Incident™. I'm not going to go into too much detail because we all know the gist. Lila catches a napkin thrown by Marinette with her supposedly "sprained" wrist, and explains the reason she "hurt herself" was to protect Max's eyes from being gouged out! By a napkin, while he's wearing glasses! In addition, Lila blatantly lies about being best friends with Ladybug and having sustained other minor injuries, and all of this makes me honestly upset because I see what they were going for! I can see the vision here!
Lila lying about being best friends with Ladybug to gain Alya's interest! Lila making herself the victim and exploiting Marinette's eagerness to expose her to gather support from her classmates and take away her friends! She even says that's what she plans to do at the end of the episode! But...this never goes anywhere. Lila is almost entirely absent from the remainder of the season, and just...doesn't follow up on this? Instead all we get is Lila getting outrageous lies that require every other character in the room to lose the entirety of their IQ to even be plausible in the slightest. And the plot wants to pretend as if she's a master manipulator when all she does is tell extremely obvious lies that can be very easily disproven!
Even when she pretends Marinette pushed her down the stairs, nobody reacts in the way they should! Bustier and Damocles should have called in the school nurse, or a doctor to check her over, especially since Lila claimed to be in severe pain. It's completely unreasonable for adults to behave they way these two do whenever Lila is involved in anything. My point is that for Lila to be what the show says she is, she needs plot armor. People believe her just because they have to. It's demanded by the script. And it's infuriating!
It would be another thing entirely if Lila slowly approached each and every classmate and systematically inserted herself in situations as the "friend", or used small lies to slowly degrade Marinette's connections with others. She could ensnare Alya with little lies about Ladybug, and then act concerned and worried when Marinette denied everything without any proof (like we already see her do multiple times). And yes, obviously they can't devote another dozen episodes to focus solely on this, but the fact that we never see Lila even try to do it very much undermines her character. The narrative presents her as a master manipulator who pulls the strings from the shadows, and addmittedly she has some good moments like when she frames Marinette for stealing her necklace...but that can easily be disproven by checking security cameras, or by Adrien speaking up. Remember, he was there in Volpina when the necklace was proved a fake, and Lila is using the same lie here.
Not to mention that in each and every case where Lila lies, even in Season 5, the believability of that lie is solely dependant on the sheer incompetence of every (allegedly) responsible adult around her, and the fact that Marinette's classmates are contractually obligated by the script to believe her without a second thought. The problem here is that Lila isn't good at lying. What she says is either outrageous enough to warrant genuine concern if believed (ex: Marinette pushing her down the stairs. No adult would have made this girl walk back up that staircase without first asking if she was hurt and calling in a medical professional) or so plain stupid that it has everyone wondering where their lost braincells may have slipped off to. To give credit where it's due, Lila's manipulation of Chloe in Season 5 is actually pretty great and consistent with what we've been told she's supposed to be.
But...considering that by this point, (regarding Marinette's friends now) Alya knows her best friend is Ladybug, hates Lila, and was clearly right about the girl being a walking red flag...why does it take a DIY bathroom and a literal 300 IQ scheme to prove that Lila has been lying about things? Like, Alya, Adrien and presumably Nino (if anybody bothered to clue him in) should know that she's full of crap, and suspect her. Don't get me wrong, I love Marinette's whole fake bathroom plan. Genuinely made me marvel at how smart she is. But it also shows that the script still treats Lila as an Avengers-level threat...even if at this point in the story, her lies are just bad. We know from Chameleon she can't even keep her own stories straight (see Lila forgetting which ear her tinnitus was on), and this could have been an amazing detail the gang utilized to start convincing the others that she is lying.
The general problem with Lila's canon character is that she's underutilized, barely appears outside of when she absolutely needs to, and fundementally fails to be what she's been writen as, requiring her Villain Plot Armor™ to kick in and steal everyone's braincells away. I absolutely love the whole "Lila is a fox" characterization, because Volpina was literal genius! The metaphors and symbolism of Lila being cunning and always scheming? Amazing! But...what we actually get to see of her in action? Really, really bad. Also, I am not touching her three mothers with a ten foot pole, not until we get a canon explanation. Personally I ascribe to the Scarlet Lady AU version, but we'll see. Even the more obviously ridiculous things, like Lila having a whole secret lair in the Parisian Catacombs...I'd buy it. If there's IRL raves happening down there, then she could totally have a secret villain lair tucked away behind a few crypts or something.
What I wish we had gotten from Lila is honestly not a lot. Instead of just walking up to people and lying her ass off, I'd prefer to see her be more subtle about it. For Nooroo's sake, just get this girl to actually be cunning like all the fox metaphors want you to think! It isn't that hard to write a scene where she plays the "concerned friend" as Cerise to plant seeds of discord. Buggachat did it very well in "Open my Eyes", and it made me absolutely hate Cerise! And that's a good thing! Lila/Cerise/Iris/Whatever-other-identity-she-has-in-her-closet is meant to be hated by the audience! She literally is a "love to hate" character! And in Open My Eyes, Cerise actually did act as the concerned friend, she was subtle, she didn't always lie but sometimes twisted the truth just a little bit, enough to get the doubts to creep inside someone's head. I got so frustrated because I wanted Adrien to figure her out, but couldn't find a logical way for him to do so in the first place! Do you guys get what I'm talking about yet?
Subtle but convincing. Small and unnoticable until it's too late. That's how Lila should be, because it utilizes the most plot threads made by her lies. I can go on and on with specific examples, but I want to actually post this someday so I shall refrain. In conclusion, there are only two types of Lila. "I'm going to burn your house down and smile while doing it, then find a puppy and kick it into a sewer before emotionally scarring someone to the point of needing life-long therapy" Lila.
And the "cunning, sneaky and subtly manipulative fox who drives people insane slowly but surely as she makes them have an existential crisis" Lila.
I vehemently refuse to accept her canon version, and fear for Season 6 if she doesn't change into one of the above, or at the very least stops being so incredibly in-your-face about it. It's infuriating (in a good way) when the characters don't know, but if the lie is as obvious as "How was my weekend? Oh, nothing much! I just went skydiving on Venus, that's all really!" ...do I even need to elaborate? Because that's what Lila sounds like 96% of the time!
Alas, I digress. Feel free to give your opinion about our resident lying wretch, I need to go take a break before her incompetence drives me insane. I'll see you all soon...but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!
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apostaterevolutionary · 10 months
You know what would be really funny, is if people came together to have an anti-crab day. A day where every user who joined prior to automattic’s acquisition logged off for 24 hours to show that yes, actually, older user retention is important and you should listen us just as much as new users
The users giveth, the users taketh away
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pollinatedpansy · 5 months
Just a random FYI to anyone who cares, I'm a weird little gender anarchist trans freak thing and if you have any attraction to me that makes you gay (blanket term) regardless of who you are, hope that helps 😁
For anyone who wants to feel my wrath/understand what the fuck I'm talking about please read the tags, you should get the jist 💕
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