#but leaving for a year long honeymoon feels like a big thing to just go for without any consideration to the effort she presumably
whirlwindsworld · 5 months
I just keep seeing this image of Fabian in my head. This young man who so desperately seek affection and happily soaks up praise–
Standing in a massive empty house. Wandering from room to room. There’s so many rooms. Quietly drinking his milk from a glass he hunted down. He puts himself to bed. This will be the next year of his life.
He’s 18 and he just saved the world. He’s 18 and he killed his father. He’s 18 and he’s so tired. He’s 18 and maybe he deserves a long proper hug from his mom. He’s 18 and he needs to keep smiling as she leaves. (It barely feels like she was here.) He’s 18 and he’s writing his name on the face of the world. He’s 18 and his father would be proud of everything he had done in lieu of his summer vacation. (It’s not what he was worried about.) He’s 18 and he’s his father’s son. He’s 18 and he is his own man. (He was meant to be his mother’s son too.)
He’s 18 and of course none of it hurt. (She said she would start doing better.)
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boykissr · 2 years
tighnari x gn!reader
cw : ooc , fluff , pure brainrot , i love him so much i can't think clearly
an : remastered remixed part 2 idc. he is not a want but a need. sickfic linked here
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you help out around gandharva ville a lot in your spare time
tighnari hardly ever lets you assist him in his duties in the forest, and when he does, it's typically when he's sure there won't be any danger
which isn't often
everyone at the village is very thankful that you help out so much
going on patrol with collei!!! you're practically attached at the hip most of the time
you do occasionally give tighnari shit for always being busy. all in good fun, of course - you understand that he has a very important role in helping the forest, and that it isn't always possible for him to spend time with you
whenever you get sick he makes the nastiest medicine imaginable <33 it's not his fault that the best treatment tastes awful!!!!!!
when you refuse to drink the medicine on your own, he spoonfeeds you!! while teasingly chiding you, of course
and if you still dont drink the medicine...... well, he has to resort to.. other methods
i'll leave that up to interpretation
please req a sickfic i have so much to say actually
you.... have so much knowledge of plants
you can't help but pay acute attention whenever tighnari goes off on another excited ramble about this species of flower that reminds him of you!!! he's just so adorable in moments like those
the look on his face when you recite some knowledge he told you in passing a few weeks ago
shitting on the akademiya together
him helping you open up and share your opinion more, and you helping him learn that he doesn't always have to be in charge, that it's ok to take longer rests and that he shouldn't feel guilty when something that's out of his control goes wrong
you constantly taking in animals that are either hurt or babies, and him rarely having the heart to turn them away
the amount of ongoing inside jokes. plant jokes. most of the time they're so subtle that if you weren't in on it, you would even realize a joke was being told
helping him write the occasional botany paper because, shocker, you've developed a love for the subject as well
dragging him to bed with you, even if it's just to cuddle and talk about your days and theorize if this specific plant could thrive under these specific conditions
you asking him one time to bring you something back from his patrol, him doing it every time he goes on one without you
every time you drop something and hurt yourself, he's immediately (lovingly) on your ass. damn those big soft ears
petting his ears. ranting and raving about them with collei
you being the only person to pet his ears??? like even if other people ask he typically declines them...
him constantly flustering you with subtle flirts, even after you've been together for years
still being in the honeymoon phase despite dating for so long already
him somehow finding ways to flirt / compliment you so that you don't process it until way later,,,, staying up way too late thinking about what he said
you tearing up the first time he gave you a handmade lunch; admitting that it was the most thoughtful thing someone's done for you in a long time
still crying when he gives you homemade lunches, being painfully aware of his busy schedule and seemingly-never ending duties
having tons of connections by association,,, becoming quite well-known yourself
pausing to look at certain flowers when on a walk, remembering him mention them to you the other day
when you argue him having the nerve to get all close to you and say some shit like "ooh, you wanna kiss me so bad" and so you do. you kiss him. hard.
him promising to get you a different flower that reminds him of you every year; him keeping tru to that promise
falling asleep to the sounds of the forest, tucked in his arms, smile on your face as you snuggle closer into his neck
laughing whenever he accidentally bonks his ears on a doorframe
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logan relationship alphabet
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warnings: not edited, canon typical violence, cursing, mentions of nsfw subjects, mentions of breeding, mentions of scent kink, if there’s more feel free to let me know
due to 18+ themes minors please do not interact
a/n: ty to @humanalien01 for dealing with my rambles about him and helping me make decisions
A = Arguments(How often do you two argue? Who apologizes first? How do they make up? etc)
not very often do the two of you fight, but when you do, it’s definitely bad. He can be very stubborn and headstrong and a royal pain in the ass.
he apologizes first usually he can’t handle knowing you’re mad at him
he’d probably bring you a gift, something you love but not very expensive to make it up to you
B = Bedtime Routine(Do they prefer to be the big spoon or little spoon? Favourite sleeping position? etc)
he feels like he’s either a big spoon or you’re laying on top of him (pretty boy has anxiety so you’re like a weighted blanket for him), but definitely skin on skin contact in some way
C = Cook(Do they cook? Can they cook? What type of food do they like to cook for their partner?)
he’s not a great cook but he’s not the worst, don’t expect really fancy dishes, but he will make you breakfast often, typically eggs and bacon or sausage
D = DIY(Do they like to make gifts for their partner? Are they good at general DIY around the house? Do they enjoy doing it? )
he absolutely does, definitely the type to carve you little wooden figures & nicknacks. he’ll ask kitty or rouge for help if he thinks it needs painting but he tries his best to do it all by himself. he’s big on “it’s the thought that counts”
E = Effort(How much effort do they put into their relationship?)
he puts as much effort as he can muster, he’s so thankful for you and doesn’t want to do anything to make you hate him
F = First Date(Where do you go on your first date? How does it go etc?)
i see him as being someone who wants to spend the first date getting to know you, he probably also asks one of the female xmen (most likely rouge) on ideas especially more modern ideas, most likely sets up a picnic & sets up pillows and blankets in the back of his pick-up
G = Gifts(What kind of gifts do they gift their partner? What kind of gifts do they receive? etc)
probably gifts you simple but meaningful things, eventually he gifts you his dog tags
he’d love anything and everything you’d gift him, he’s so in love with you, you could gift him a rock that you thought was pretty and he be grateful
H = Honeymoon(Where do they go on Honeymoon? Details on the honeymoon etc.)
if you don’t have a dream do it, he’d most likely suggest a cabin in the canadian mountains with no-one around to bother the two of you, he just wants to spend time with you and bask in your presence
I = Intimacy(What do like they like? Where do they like to be intimate? Are they experienced etc?)
he’s over 200 years old, he definitely has experience. but intimacy is still hard for him, it takes time but he loves the slow and quiet moments with you, where it’s just the two of you cuddled up
J = Jealously(How jealous are they? How often do they get jealous? How they react? etc)
usually no, but sometimes he will, but it will take a lot to get him there but once he does he’ll pull you close and stare the other person down until they leave. it’s worse if they were making you uncomfortable, then he’d throw hands
K = Kink(Do they have any particular kinks?)
he definitely has a breeding kink, but he’s scared to actually get you pregnant because he doesn’t believe he’d be a good father
it’s canon and widely known that he has a strong sense of smell, there for he probably has at least a small scent kink, he loves the way you smell and especially when you smell like him so he makes a point for you to always smell like him
L = Long Distance(How do they cope with Long Distance? How they prefer to keep in contact? etc)
he’d hate it but if it was necessary he’d suffer through it. he’d be sure to text, call, and face-time as often as possible and ask about your day, he’d want to hear every detail
M = Marriage(Do they want to get married? Their wedding etc.)
he didn’t want to get married for a long time, until he met you and then shortly there after he changed his mind, and couldn’t wait to marry you
his wedding would be at the manor, charles would be officiant, if you’re alright with it i can see him asking other x-men to be in the wedding as well. like hank as his best man, rouge as the flower girl, & kurt as ring barer. he’d probably also want to invite his students, after-all the x-men and the rest of those at the institute are his family
N = Night’s Out(Where do they take their partner on nights out? How often do nights out happen?)
probably takes you to bars or restaurants, and occasionally accompanied by a movie
as often as he can swing, he believes you should treat your partner to dates as often as possible, because you shouldn’t stop wooing them just because you are in a relationship
O = Often(How often do you see each other? How many times a week? etc)
he makes a point to see you as often as he can, multiple times a week, if you’re an x men or teach at the school he’d ask for you both to share a room (if you were okay with it as well obviously)
if you weren’t an x-men or teacher, he would probably leave and see you after classes unless he had a mission, then he’d give you a call and tell you how much he loved you, just in case he couldn’t come back to you
P = Public Displays of Affection(Do they like PDA? Do they have boundaries etc.)
he’s okay with pda but he’s not one that he’ll full on make out with you in public, he’ll hold your hand, have his arm around your shoulders or waist, and give you kisses, but that’s about the extent of the pda.
Q = Quiet(Why do they get quiet? How does their partner solve it?)
he gets quiet when he gets in his head, which is usually after nightmares, or someone made a comment about how he’s undeserving of you.
some simple reassurance & snuggles solves this, tell him how much you love him, and how safe you feel around him.
R = Reunion(How they like to reunite with their partner?)
he’ll hold you tight and press a kiss to the crown of your head when he first sees you, he’ll then shove his face in your neck and inhale deeply. as i said before he loves your scent and while he was away he found himself missing it
S = Surprise(Do they like surprises? What kind of surprises do they like to get etc?)
he hates surprises..usually, he hates the waiting, now that being said he’s okay if they’re from you, because he trusts you with his entire mind, body and soul
if you text him or tell him you have a surprise for him, it’s an almost guarantee that he’ll make a dirty joke about it, he’d probably ask what color the lingerie set was that you’re gonna wear (good luck walking tomorrow if that actually was the surprise)
T = Texts(How often do they text? How do they react when they receive texts from their partner?)
he is absolutely god awful at texting. except with you. he’ll leave almost everyone on ‘read’ or ‘delivered’ never you though, he always responds as fast as he can. so when you hear everyone complain about him never answering you can’t help but giggle because you don’t have to deal with that
U = Unity(How well do they work with their partner? Do they make a good team?)
i feel like you’d work well, he’d be sure to always check in and protect you
V = Vacation(Favourite vacation spot to take their partner?)
again, canadian mountains, this man’s ideal vacation is just the two of you, away from everyone and everything unbothered
W = When(At what point do they move into together? What kind of place? etc)
if you’re a teacher at the institute or x-men & live in the mansion, i can see it being a few months in maybe like 6
if you aren’t either of those, it maybe closer to a year, it’ll probably start out with an apartment but eventually he wants to get a cabin for the two of you (and any kids you may have)
X = X-ray(What is their favourite body part on their partner?)
i definitely think he’s an ass/thighs man, but also a tummy kinda guy, he loves being able to grab you
Y = you(A random headcanon about your relationship.)
he’s so gentle with you for someone labeled as an “animal” and a “killing machine”
Z =Zoom(Zoom into the future, what does your future look like?)
the two of you, in a cabin somewhere in the woods (most likely canadian mountains), unbothered, he’s mostly retired from x-men duties (he’d still go on missions if they needed him contrary to what he says), occasionally someone from the team will visit, maybe some animals and a garden (he wants to go into town as little as possible).
maybe even a few kids if that’s what you wanted, as many as you wanted, and if they eventually showed signs of developing mutations he’ll be sure to assure them that there’s nothing wrong with them no matter what anyone may say. hell teach them to control their power, and if it’s too much for just him he’ll ask xavier for help. he’d also be sure too teach them that they should use their gifts to help people & never cause unnecessary harm
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mothwingwritings · 11 months
There’s Honey On The Moon Tonight
F!Reader X Kaoru Hanayama
Maaaaan it’s been so long and I am SO sorry. I kinda got out of my groove for a bit and life got overwhelming and draining, hence the radio silence. I wanted to come back with a little fic to get me back into the swing of things and since I have wanted to write for Hanayama for some time, this came about. It was based around a yandere prompt I saw that was “I love you so much, you have no idea what limits I would go to prove that to you.” I actually started writing this for Jack, had all kinds of issues, and decided to write it for Hanayama instead lol. I may still possibly post the little Jack fic I plucked at, but I am overall pretty meh about it so we’ll see. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I really want to work on writing some shorter stuff for a while. I am so in awe of all of you that can churn out these small masterpieces. My ass does NOT know when to shut up and when I start to write my brain is like no… You must explain EVERYTHING, which (whether my mind believes it or not) is not something that needs to be done. ( ͜。 ͡ʖ ͜。) So going through a lot of trying to unlearn that.
ANYWAY I will be quiet and leave this hear for your perusal. It is my gift for coming home (finally) and working to get back up to speed! Thank you all for reading anything I write, and thank you if you like it! I am constantly floored by how wonderful you all are, and I appreciate anyone that reads my stuff more than you all know. (╥﹏╥)
This fic is set a few years in the future, you and Hanayama are both adults and at this point he is even more of a Yakuza big shot. You play the starring role of his forced little mob princess wife, isn’t that sweet? I love romance! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
WARNINGS: Yandere, very dubcon (dare I say even noncon?), power imbalances, grooming, unwanted touching/kissing/heavy petting, forced marriage, mentions of violence and hints of cruelty, mentions of sex.
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Some people may call this ‘the dream life’.
Sitting on this private beach, you soaked in the last of the sun’s rays before it dipped beyond your view. The world was bathed in a swirl of pinks and oranges as the sun sunk into the sea, the gentle lap of the waves coming so close the water nearly touched your toes. The sand beneath your feet was soft, still warmed by the quickly setting sun. Gulls cooed as they circled above you, the flap of their wings diminishing as they began to fly off for the night. You were envious of them as you watched them soar freely, pained by how easily they could fly away to their home.
If only you could be so lucky.
Drops of salt water dotted your arms, mingling with what was left of your sunscreen. Though you had long since applied it, the remnants of the lotion and sea water left a slightly uncomfortable film on your skin, flaking under your nails when you scratched at it. A gust of wind blew, sending a chill through you. Absentmindedly you wondered if despite your preparations, you had been burned.
“Do you plan to stay out here all night?”
Your breath caught in your throat, an all too familiar voice shattering the tranquility of the evening. You had been so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t notice the lumbering form coming up behind you, his arrival marking the end of your solitude.
Another gust of wind blew causing you to shudder once more. As it whipped wildly around you, your body grew colder. It was an unwelcome feeling, especially when just moments ago you were surrounded by such blissful warmth.
If only you could have just a few more minutes to yourself…
It had been a peaceful day, the nicest one you had had on this little honeymoon of yours. Kaoru Hanayama, your newly appointed husband, had been occupied most of the day, leaving you to your own devices.  The peace that awarded was something you sorely needed, seeing as none of this was anything you had ever agreed to willingly.
But now that he had returned all the contentment you had felt moments prior had been drained away, the joy of this island paradise tainted by his unwanted presence.
The night Kaoru proposed he had told you that he could not imagine living a life without you by his side, that his love for you had grown so rampantly that he could no longer bear the thought of not having you officially. He had long since coerced you into being his lover, leaving marriage the logical next step. Brandishing a ring so extravagant it bordered on gaudy, Kaoru got down on one knee. The upper echelon of the Hanayama group surrounded you in a constricting, tight circle, each set of eyes on you fixated on the scene with great interest… Thinking back on it, you had no idea how you didn’t pass out from sheer anxiety.
At that point, you were doomed to become his blushing, beautiful bride.
To you, Kaoru was husband in name only. This marriage would be just another trial that had been forced upon you since meeting the man, his ceaseless infatuation continually ripping your life asunder.  Needless to say, when he was off doing some important ‘family’ related things that ate up the majority of the day you didn’t have many complaints about his absence.
When he had departed this morning you did your best to look forlorn as he kissed you goodbye, shoulders slightly slumped as he ducked through the door, off to do god knows what to god knows who. Even as his now wife, you were never made privy to his ‘business’ dealings. So much of his life was shrouded in mystery, and you were just fine keeping it unknown.
You preferred when Kaoru was bogged down by work. If he was otherwise preoccupied that meant you had no expectation to be latched to his side, forced to play the role of obedient, doting wife. You abhorred the part you played in his life almost as much as you detested the man himself. It took years of whittling you down, making you shed piece after piece of yourself until you were everything he envisioned you would be, his perfect partner. He had molded you into his ideal love, and even though you knew you were sinking to a depth you were unsure you could ever escape, there was nothing you could do to stop it. It was hard going against a man who had the whole Yakuza at his fingertips, and the threat someone of Hanayama’s caliber posed against your family and friends was too high to risk insubordination.
So you acquiesced to his heavy handed flirting, playing along with his awkward and curt stabs at romance. You dropped everything for Hanayama, not because you wanted to, but because he expected it. And if there was one thing you gleaned about the mob life these past few years, it was what the boss wanted, the boss got.
He needed you in every way he could have you. You never had the option of saying no.
A heavy sigh came from behind you, annoyance radiating from your husband when you didn’t acknowledge him. Despite the irritation, the words he spoke came surprisingly gentle. “It’s time to come inside, (name). Dinner has arrived, it will be ready for us shortly.”
You wrapped your towel tightly around your shoulders, and with a deep shuddering breath, rose to your feet.
Silence hung heavy over the dinner table.
The meal Hanayama had served was nothing short of gourmet. ‘Only the finest for the finest’ was something he once joked to you, but he held firm to that ideal with every aspect of your life. The Oyabun’s wife was spared no expense, why would your meals be any different?  A caterer must have come with him to set the table up when Kaoru first arrived home, as it was set in a way that was far too charming for just him to pull off. Flowers and delicate candles garnished the surface, giving the whole room a romantic feel. Condiments and spices stood within arm’s reach, concealed in aesthetically pleasing containers, ready to season the cuisine as you saw fit.
Sighing lightly, you raised your glass for another sip of champagne. Even with the pretty presentation, you lacked the appetite to enjoy the meal. Picking at it lazily, you swirled the food around to make it appear as though you had eaten more than you had, like a child desperate to meet their parent’s approval so they could leave the table.
“Aren’t you hungry,” Kaoru’s deep voice finally interjected, his own feasting halted to shoot you a questioning glance. “You’ve barely touched your dinner. I thought you liked this restaurant? I chose to cater from them to please you.”
“Sorry,” You gave him a forced smile, “The food is delicious, but I think I may have snacked too much today, so I don’t have much of an appetite right now.”
You always had to choose your words carefully with Kaoru, his doting had a tendency to become overbearing if he believed you to be suffering from any ills. The last thing you needed was him fretting over you missing a dinner.  “I’ll have to box it up soon, that way I’ll have something to look forward to tomorrow.”
He grunted in response and an uneasy quiet once more loomed over the table. Hanayama did not seem totally appeased by your excuse, and refrained from placing his focus back on his meal. Dark, steely eyes bore holes into you as you sat hunched over, fixing your focus on anything but him.
He waited a moment before continuing, a look of brief tension flashing across his features.
“I know you are upset with me for leaving you alone all day, but you must know that I am sorry… Will you forgive me?”
To most people, this would be a shocking sight. It was highly unusual for a man like Kaoru Hanayama to be asking forgiveness so modestly, in fact, you were more apt to be groveling at his feet begging mercy than ever hearing the man beg pardon.
But things were different with you, they always had been. Try as he might to harden the soft spot he had for you, he never could seem to bring himself to give you the same detached treatment he gave others. And while his love for you was something he quite proudly displayed, he also refused to let his affections make either of you a target.
Being the Oyabun’s cherished wife put you in danger, his devotion to you making your demise extremely appealing to his enemies. The knowledge that your death would be a huge blow to the indomitable Hanayama was not lost on any who opposed him, but the problem laid in ever getting close to you. He certainly made it hard for anyone trying, finding a moment when you weren’t glued to his side was rare, finding you completely alone even more so.
However catching you by your lonesome was not entirely impossible, and leaving you vulnerable and ripe for assaulting was not something Kaoru could live with.
To combat this threat, he chose to lock you away so that no one could hurt you, touch you, see you, or ever be near enough to harm you. You were his and his alone, and he would let no other soul take you from him.
Ever since you had become ‘official’, the only people besides Hanayama ever allowed to have any correspondence with you were his closest inner circle and occasionally your family. But even then, Kaoru made sure he was always close by to monitor, hovering near to insure nothing untoward or upsetting could happen to you.
In your mind, the isolation hardly seemed necessary. No one ever questioned Hanayama’s might-one look at the man was all you needed to ascertain that he was a terrifyingly powerful figure. When you were in his vicinity your safety became his only care, any risk to that transforming him into a downright beast, bloodthirsty and rage filled beyond compare. Any unfortunate idiot wandering your way who held even a smidge of bad intent was in for a world of excruciating pain, followed by a slow and agonizing death.
But alone, in your own shared space away from prying eyes and hidden dangers, traces of that monster were nowhere to be found. When it’s just the two of you, Kaoru lets himself be overcome with his fondness for you, serenity overtaking his brute side. This display of vulnerability, these small moments of sickening intimacy, he saves solely for you, blanketing them upon you in suffocating layers until you can scarcely breathe.
“It was wrong of me to do,” He reached across the table, his thick hand encompassing yours in a tight grip. “A matter required my utmost attention, but it was not fair to leave my wife at any point during our honeymoon. This time is reserved for you and me alone, and I went against that. I just want you to know that I only left because I had to, and that I hurried back the moment I was able. I hope you can forgive me.”
If you could have done so consequence free, you would have burst out laughing. Of all the wrongs Hanayama had committed against you, giving you breathing room was the most minor of offences.
“It’s alright Kaoru,” you shook your head, keeping your voice even “I understand, and I’m not upset at you. I spent most of my day out enjoying the ocean while you had to get work done, so really I’m the one who should feel sorry for you in this situation, right?”
He smiled at your jest, a sparkle in his eyes as they drank you in.
“You are always my top priority,” Releasing your hand, he went to cup your cheek, engulfing the entirety of it. His calloused thumb pressed in a bit too hard as he stroked you, scratching at the soft skin of your cheeks apple. His hold was deeply uncomfortable, but you dared not move. “Don’t forget that, (name). Never question how much I treasure you.”
A chill ran through you at the intensity of his words, the rough feel of his palm reminding you of each violation his hands had ever committed against you. You watched as his eyes darted to your lips, a different kind of hunger overtaking his expression as he began to lean towards you, eager for a kiss. In a slight panic, you readjusted yourself, creating a moment to break away.  
“W-well, I really need to get this boxed up,” you spoke, pushing off the table until you were standing. Hanayama’s hand lingered in the air for a brief moment, still savoring the memory of holding you. An aggravated look flashed through his eyes, but was gone as quick as it came. “I don’t want to keep it out too long or else it will go bad. I’ll go grab a box.”
If there was going to be a time to escape him for the evening, this was it. You sprang into action, darting around the table as you made your way to the kitchen. The faster you could box up this meal, the faster you could excuse yourself and leave the room while Hanayama took his time finishing. Though it only would buy you a few minutes of privacy in the long run, any time to yourself was worth the effort.
But just before you could completely round the table, a tight grip around your waist snatched you from your course. In an instant you were tugged to the side, plucked up and planted until you were straddling one of your husband’s girthy legs.
Before your brain could even fully register what had happened, he was on you. Desirous, sloppy kisses littered your face as a salacious grin spread across his lips, a low growl rumbling from his chest with each smack of his lips. Your head was spinning at the speed it all occurred, a protesting whine all you could muster as his lips feverishly claimed yours.
Sweat mingled with the scent of his cologne, the heady scent a sign that his actions were quickly and effectively getting him riled up. Overcome with the essence of him, you could do little to fight his intrusion of your personal space, your balled fists pressing against his chest doing all they could to try and create distance. His tongue worked violently, the muscle forcing itself inside you until you were nearly choking on it. Your whole body was thrumming with discontent over how quickly Hanayama came to control your every sensation, his sheer mass totally overpowering all that you were.
The feverish grip he had on your hips kept you rooted, grasping you as if you were his lifeline. Bruises were already starting to form around the press of his fingers, your flesh searing in his hot hold. His hands began to forcibly gyrate your body, rocking you against his leg so that the short skirt you donned had ridden up completely, the sheer fabric of your panties the only thing keeping you from the raw friction of his leg. Your breath hitched as he jostled you against him, small pulses of unwanted pleasure resulting from the action.
His lips parted from yours, moving to latch on your neck. A dull ache emanated from the area he sucked, the bruises he had marked you with days prior not yet completely healed. Without warning, he bit into the tender flesh, causing you to jolt. A dark chuckle rumbled from within him at your response, his tongue laving up the small trail of blood the fresh wound had inflicted.
“My pretty wife,” he murmured in your ear, brushing the straps of your top off your shoulders, “Being apart from you made this day seem never ending. I longed for the moment I could come back and have you all to myself.”
He grabbed one of your hands off his chest, trailing it down his body until coming to a rest on the growing bulge of his crotch. He released a shuddering breath as he thrust against your unwilling palm, his hand guiding yours to trail his length through his tightening pants. Dread gripped you as he began to harden under your touch, his already impressive size growing with each hesitant stroke. Feeling him throb beneath you made your stomach turn, a horrible precursor to the pain you were about to endure.
“Feel what you do to me?” He rasped in your ear, hot breath fanning your neck, “This is all for you.”
“Please Kaoru, I-” Your meek voice began to object, but was cut off by another domineering kiss.
“You don’t have to beg me,” his voice was growing more ragged, breathing becoming choppier the harder he grinded your body against his, “Let me spoil you tonight, it’s the least my beautiful wife deserves for being such a good, patient girl for me.”
Unable to stand the torment of your touches any longer, he stood, throwing you over his shoulder in a display you could almost call barbaric. Making his way towards the bedroom, he smacked your ass harshly, eliciting a pleased hum at the pained gasp the act had garnered.
“I was going to offer dessert after our meal, but you have presented something much sweeter to me,” he chuckled as he entered the bedroom, tossing you to the awaiting bed, “And what you offer is something I would much rather devour.”
Tears stung your eyes as you watched Kaoru begin to shed his clothing, his scarred body coming more into view with each piece of fabric he cast aside.
“Get undressed,” he ordered, lust dripping from his features. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, before shooting you a cocky grin, “I can wait no longer. I love you so much, and you have no idea the limit’s I’ll go through to prove that to you.”
He took a step forward, inching his way up the bed, “But tonight, I don’t intend to stop until you understand.”
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atom-writings · 3 months
hello! how would netherlands, luxembourg and russia like to spend their honeymoon with their s/o? or, what would the wedding look like?
hetalia netherlands, luxembourg, and russia wedding / honeymoon headcanons
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0.6k words ~ gender neutral headcanons
tw: none!
a/n: guys im trying to get back on schedule :sob: i have asks from almost a year im so sorry
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When it comes to Abel, neither his wedding nor honeymoon would be big.
For the wedding, there’s no more than, like, 5 people invited. He would’ve preferred a sudden in-and-out wedding if it weren’t for how public it was, regardless of how un-romantic it is for you.
Instead, you can invite people if you want, and you’ll be having a quick, private ceremony in the woods. Probably only with nothing, except like, 2 chairs for “an emergency” (He won’t elaborate on that.)
He also wouldn’t dress up either way, unless it were vitally important to you. He wants to be as true to who he is when he vows to be with you for as long as you live, and he is not a tuxedo guy.
Weirdly enough, it’s how much he cares about the wedding that makes him so weird about it. It’s very important to him, and that means everything has to be as authentic and intimate as possible. So, that means a weird awkward wedding.
Of course, that’s just if he gets his way. But he’s surprisingly lenient with his S/O with most things (as long as it’s not too expensive.)
For future reference, he is most susceptible to puppy dog eyes and “pretty please.”
As for the honeymoon, there’s no way he’s putting any effort into it. You can plan it, but he’s not paying and he’s not helping you guys get there. His ideal honeymoon is a night in and watching a movie he pirated, but whatever you want is fine too.
What he wants to do though is a lot of cliche boring stuff, like going sightseeing, hiking, and visiting museums. Notice how all of it is free? That’s the main idea here. Although, he does love camping regardless of how cheap it ends up being. Lets him show you how much of a man he is <3
He’s not travelling though. Leaving the country is out of the question. The important part already happened, why are you making such a big deal out of it?!
The exact opposite. Laurent is renting out a significant chunk of his capital city to throw the biggest, most extravagant, most expensive modern wedding in the world! He may be a busy man, but he’s always willing to put away plenty of time for his beloved.
If you like planning events, you two will work together for many months making sure everything is perfect. But if you don’t, he’ll take it all on himself to ensure everything goes perfectly.
But with that, he’ll become really stressed. He wouldn’t snap at you (because after all, it is all for you,) but he’s no fun when he’s that worked up. It’s better if you help.
Especially since he wants your wedding to have great symbolic meaning. Having it represent the shared vision of your future together is his first- well… second priority.
The honeymoon afterwards would be much the same, although he also wouldn’t want to travel too far. Once the spectacle is over, he just appreciates the excuse to do nothing but spend time with you without any pressure.
Preferably trying a bunch of new food, going shopping, and going to stereotypical couple-y activities, like dance classes.
He may seem upbeat, but Laurent is surprisingly melancholic around the time of your wedding. For as excited as he is (which is very,) he can’t help but feel worried about how much time he’ll have with you.
But it shouldn’t get him down too much. He's still riding the high of seeing you in your wedding attire <3
Ivan would want a very, very, very traditional Russian wedding if you’d be fine with that. Unlike a lot of other nations, he’s never been married before, so he’s very stressed about getting to do every single thing he never got to before.
You’d swear he abandoned you for months before the wedding as he’s panickedly running around the country trying desperately to throw everything together. Half the ceremonies he wants to do haven’t been done for centuries, and he really doesn’t understand why he can’t have live cannon fire at his wedding!
Maybe just pat him on the head and tell him you’ll love him even if you can’t sacrifice 20 goats during the ceremony.
But once the stress (and awkwardness as all of his former friends are forced to attend,) is over, he’s whisking you away for a months-long vacation. Preferably somewhere bright and warm but really; he doesn’t care where you want to go, anywhere is alright, as long as it’s far away from everything you two have to worry about regularly.
His favourite things to do with you while on vacation are really stereotypical, like going to the beach, going to scenic locations, and falling into every tourist trap.
He tries to be as romantic as possible through all of that, but he can’t help being awkward and giddy after you two are finally married.
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lingering-42-long · 11 months
Hiiii. I really wanted to ask for a fic about Captain Price. Something telling about him being in a relationship with someone who is younger (an appropriate age). Details: Can be an NSFW or SFW, either option is.
Thank you, I love your stories ^3^)
John price x f! reader
Hello everyone! Once again, I have failed to load on a daily basis lol. I blame my writers block.
The story you are about 12 year separate in age. You are 23 and he is 35.
Warnings: fluff, no mention of (y/n), John being slightly insecure about his age.
John felt old, like really old. When he got out of bed this morning, he could feel his bones crack and pop underneath the pressure, his back hurt slightly, and he was already in a grumpy mood, without his coffee or cigar for that matter, but deciding it was too early for the cigar, he settled with the coffee.
Looking over at you, he couldn’t help but feel old. Between you and him, It was an age gap of 12 years. It wasn’t a super big gap, but it definitely was off putting one too some. Some people called her a Golddigger and some people called him a creep. He didn’t care so much what they called him. As long as they kept you out of the picture he was fine he could deal with the torment.
Being a military wife wasn’t easy and he knew that. There have been multiple times where you had to make the tough decision of choosing between attending school or helping him on more than one occasion. He hated that. Being in the military meant that you moved a lot online school was an option, but you really wanted to attend inside a building with other people, your age, studying and learning together. John sometimes felt like he had ripped that away from you.
John rarely felt loathing for himself. He was very comfortable in his own skin and his own decisions. Sure, he had made decisions poorly in the past, and he does regret those, but he sees no reason onto why he should linger what he can’t fix. But it was days like these, where he got to really reflect on his life did he realize how much of an impact he had on other people… on you. If there was one thing, he hated the most it was the fact that he had to constantly be on the move leaving you to fend for yourself, in a new town that you had just moved in only to be picked up once again by the winds to move to another new town, again.
He knew that your education was so important. You’ve been working on your bachelors in your respected field and it had taken so long for you. With the constant moving and readjusting almost every two years or so, it was hard on you both.
John also regretted not having a proper honeymoon with you or a proper wedding for that matter. Yes you too did have a wedding with close friends and family members and it was really cute a little backyard wedding at one of his friends cottage farms, But he knew that you liked the city. He knew that you had a ton of other people that you wanted to invite, but due to him, leaving for departure soon, getting married, and at that time, not really having the greatest amount of money… it was rather hard for both of them who they wanted to invite.
The honeymoon was also postponed for a solid year as well, and when he was able to take you, it wasn’t nearly as long as he wanted. Once again, getting whisked away to serve his country. What was supposed to be a whole month was reduced down to only two weeks.
You were always OK with it. You always understood that this was just a part of being in the military. There was barely any time really for you two, as you both were competing for one another, as well as for the workplace calling out for him. Any time he had to tell you that he had to pick up and go again, you always gave him a smile and said where to and always try to make the best out of the situation…. He loved that about you. He loved how resilient you were. It took a lot to really irritate you and that’s what draw him to you. What had become a simple greeting at a local grocery store, had become their lives now.
Going back to reality he finally made his way to the kitchen to make coffee for both of them. He knew you would be up soon. You rarely slept in when he woke up. He was an old man with old habits. Waking up at three in the morning was some thing he was very accustomed to. You had adapted to that.
He made his coffee black while fixing yours the way you like it. Milk with a little bit of sugar to cut the bitterness out. His mind returning back to his wariness about his own issues. He didn’t understand why he was so reminiscent and methodical about the past.
He felt a hand, gently rest on his shoulder, followed by a head. It was you. You had just woken up and was still coming around.
“Morning love.” Price smiled softly as he turned around to hand you your coffee, and give your father had a gentle kiss. You had your hair in that cute little messy bun that he always enjoyed seeing you in, wearing an oversize shirt over his boxers that you had stolen. You had that tire drunken look that you always got in the morning when you were first waking up.
“Did I disturb you?” he asked, even though he knew the answer.
You shook your head and gently slept on your coffee while leaning on your husband.
He carefully ushered you into the living room with him so that he could enjoy his coffee sitting down with you versus standing up in the kitchen. You carefully curled yourself around him and wrapped a blanket over both of you. As the coffee was slowly kicking into your system, you asked,
“Did you sleep well?”
He had to think about this one actually. Did he sleep good? He felt like he did but at the same time he didn’t really feel all that restful, not like the other times he had.
“ It was all right. What about you love? This morning I caught you snoring.” he chuckled as he made light teasing with her. She made a pathetic, whining sound, and gave his shoulder, a gentle slap, which in return, made him chuckle and give her a tighter hug before placing a kiss on the top of her head. They sat in silence for a few more minutes. This was their ritual to slowly wake themselves up from their sleepy minds.
Once again, Price’s mind wandered. It was drifting all over the place. He felt like he was on a raft in a very rough sea. He felt a tap on his shoulder before he looked at you.
“Hmm? Yes love?” He asked.
“ What are you thinking about?” You ask as you gently set up a little bit more straighter, watching and reading his expression. He may be a soldier and a captain At that, but you had mastered the ability to read this light little details in his face. The way his eyes creased when he was smiling or the way his brow furrowed when he was in deep thought about something that he wasn’t too sure about. The way his left eye would twitch if something was irritating him. And the way he would pop his hands if he was bored.
“Am I too old for you?” John never beat around the bush. He was straight to the point all the time, but this wasn’t also the first time he had asked this question. He had asked it a few times prior before marrying you and during your marriage.
“ you know my answer, no of course not. Besides, I like older guys they have better understanding of how the world works and they have a better grip on their shoulders.”
You looked at him, letting him know that you approved at his age. He gave a slight home as he took more sips of his coffee.
“ I’ve just been thinking… I guess my mind is playing tricks on me… I’ve never been the type to be insecure about myself, but… I guess this morning when I got out of bed and felt pain, It made me feel really feel old, And I guess it’s borrowed from there.” He looked at her. “ if we have kids by the time they turned 10 I will be well into my 40s or 50s…. Are you sure you still want a life like that with me?” He looked at her with those soft, steel-blue eyes.
“Always. I would always want a life with you. I looked back at my friends who are marrying young guys, and their relationship isn’t doing as great as ours. Either both or one of them is more immature than the other, and it leaves the relationship feeling hollow or unstable…. I mean I hope you feel that we have a strong relationship, I feel like we do.” His wife fiddled with the blanket that was on top of them.
“Love you make me the happiest man, I love you never forget that, yeah?” He smiled and kissed her, this time on the lips.
“I love you too, my captain.” You chuckled and kissed back, feeling his bristly beard hairs, tickle your cheek as he deepened the kiss.
“So….” She looked at him once the kiss ended.
“So what my dear?” He asked.
“When can we try for a baby?” You asked looking innocently at him which was the worst timing for him, as he was just taking a sip of coffee before nearly spitting it out, which still resulted in him coughing a little bit.
“Are you serious love?” He frowned looking at her “ I don’t want you making any irrational decisions on my behalf.”
“Don’t be silly! I want a child too! I’ve just been waiting for you.”
“But what about your schooling? Would it be easier for you to finish that first before starting a family?” he was also worried about his career, not being able to spend time with his children, but that was for a different note.
“ I think I’ll be fine.” You smiled. “Schooling will always be there for me to go anytime, but the opportunity for a child may not always be there.” John sat down his mug on the little end table and hugged her close. “When should I start?”
“How about now captain?” You smirked, also setting your mug down.
“Oh my dove, you are one feisty woman arn’t ya” he chuckled and brought his wife’s wish to reality.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Zones and Photography for Fools Rush In! Steve. Preferably pre-nomad 😆
I read every update of yours as soon as I get the notification. Keep up the good work. You are amazing <333333
From this dirty ask game but okay, wait, I hope I'm understanding this correctly.
Fools Rush In!Steve is post-canon--he's a version of Steve that came back after replacing the Stones from Endgame,--so technically, he already went through his actual Nomad years. I'm gonna have to assume you me pre-Dignity of His Choice (since that's when he kinda looks like Nomad or Ari Levinson whoops again) which is fine because after all of Dignity's angst, I'm sure people are afraid of where that leaves us--terrible of me to leave y'all hanging so long, sorry. OH CRAP! Welp. This is gonna have some spoilers sorta kinda for the honeymoon fic in the works...Yes, Ro, but when will we ever get that f***ing thing???
So. Right. Here we go! Sorry, but MINORS DNI for these still.
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woahhhhh omg he glows so pretty 🫠🤤
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Z - Zones
Oh boy, oh boy!
Is it hot in here??? Just me? Sure. That checks out.
Steve has diminished sensitivity after the serum. It makes him stronger to feel less pain, but it's slightly more difficult in nearly ever other aspect of life. He feeds his tactile experience with the acuity of his enhanced senses. Ever heard the expression 'eating with your eyes?' Like that.
The sight of you, the smell of you, what you sound like, how you taste, these are all things he can absorb to fill in the gaps of his touch.
Now, the caveat? He's not a fucking idiot. He can tell if you are kissing, biting, scratching, or gripping him. He knows these are things you do for your enjoyment as well, so that fuels his entertainment during sex. After a whole lot of wallowing over how disconnected he felt without sensitivity, he understands this actually brings you two closer together because pleasure and intimacy is truly a shared experience.
Uh. Also. His neck. No judgment but he can hear and smell you very well if you pay attention to his neck. That's pretty great. He likes that.
P - Photography
Honestly, I just want to burst out laughing even imagining Steve taking a dick pic much less sending it 🤣 If he did do something like that, it would be an accident, and that boi would rush into some lab and insist there was a super secret mission to completely delete the contents of your phone before you opened it. I feel like he'd be lucky if he didn't just smash the phone itself out of panic. Seriously, I'M IN TEARS. Just no, hard no on the sending nudes.
I also think he'd be super worried about privacy if you sent them. The idea is sound, and it's not like he wouldn't enjoy them. Steve doesn't trust technology that much though, so not digital. Analog. Old school is the way to go. Which bring us to this cheeky bastard on his honeymoon with Keeps.
Enjoy this excerpt I've sat on for a year!
“What’s that?” “Your wedding present,” Steve beams. He fakes a frown at your following ‘we weren’t doing presents’ look. “Not big ones. They’re just for fun.” He picks up another Canon film camera, a hefty black and silver thing from his hard-sided suitcase, and hands it to you. “Thought they’d be nice for the trip.” You weigh it in your hands and eye the Polaroid then switch with Steve. “That’s more of an artsy-fartsy Sketch thing,” you say, stepping around him with your new toy, rushing to grab toasty sweatpants from your own bag. As you bend over to pull out the garment though, you hear a mechanical click and whip around. Steve still faces away from you, but his head is slightly turned and he softly whistles, so of course, you lift your camera and snap a picture of his ass, too. He wrinkles his nose, looking over his shoulder with an unhidden smile. You shake out the photo card provocatively while he suits up for the fireside in a sweater and jeans. He glances at the developed shot and, seeming satisfied, plants one more kiss on your forehead. He hums as he holds up his picture of you entering the tent, thumb tracing the line of your hip exposed like it was on the glossy magazine pages after your bear debacle. “Yes, out there distracting all the wild animals,” you joke. “It’s working,” he mutters. “Hungry, Misses Rogers?”
Also, lest we forget, Steve has an incredible memory. He does not need footage to remember exactly what it looks like when his cock is slowly dragging in and out of you, or how your ass jiggles as he ::cough:: enthusiastically fucks makes love to you ::cough::
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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theheirofthesharingan · 7 months
Hcs for shisui and itachi as husbands? (Not together separately)
Sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask. I'm just not very good at imagining these things. :( But I've tried answering these. Thanks for the clarification too, hehe. Answering this from a girl's perspective.
Complete SFW
He loves flowers. Whenever his wife is upset he'll get her her favourite flowers. It's hard to get upset with him but even the best people have tough days. Flowers work every single time. It's okay if he doesn't receive flowers, but he needs to get them for her.
Yes, she does know he loves flowers so she gets them for him too and he is all smiles for a week. He's happy to have a thoughtful wife.
He loves dates too. Before he leaves for a mission, even if it's for a couple of days, he'll take her on a date. When he comes back he does the same.
Every single moment she spends in his absence is bittersweet because he makes her so happy when they're together and when he's not around she has tons of memories to keep her occupied for a while.
Every single day spent with Shisui is like an everlasting honeymoon phase of life. He's an easy person to be with who gives her enough space.
He makes so many jokes, sometimes silly ones, only so that she can laugh and he loves her laugh. It makes him giddy with happiness.
When they grow old and their children are old enough he still goes on dates, far from everyone so that they can spend some time with each other. Old age has dulled neither his feelings for her not the romance.
He remembers all the dates and celebrates it with her - The first time they met, the first time they kissed, the first time they made love, the day they got married, etc., he remembers all of the dates, even if he's super busy with his missions and other work.
Okay, Itachi can be a little bit of a hard person to deal with. He's never had an issue in his life handling people, but he has hard time expressing his feelings. He's a quick learner so he tries his level best to make her happy.
At first, even if it's after 2 years of dating, he'll be a little bit awkward after marriage because all of it is so sudden and the change feels too quick if not outright abrupt.
Still he's a quick learner so he settles in his new life rather quickly. He likes things quiet. He'll bring gifts and flowers when she's not expecting them.
When they're watching a movie together he'll play with her hair, hold her hands, play with her fingers, hold her close because they're married and he doesn't feel awkward anymore. Physical contact is essential for him.
Having been busy in missions he never really got a chance to leant to cook, but he spends most of his free time looking at the recipe of her favorite dishes. Occasionally Sasuke sneaks in too who's happy to help his big brother.
Itachi never minded attention he got from girls and guys but now he makes it clear he's taken. If he has to attend a party or any gathering he isn't going without her.
He has a sort of dry sense of humour but he tries to be funny which makes the things he said even funnier, because you don't know if he's joking or being serious, but when she laughs he realizes he said something silly and he can only blush. He's learned the pattern so he deliberately says silly things and sometimes his wife can't stop laughing.
He loves long, quiet drives at night when it's raining.
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nolita-fairytale · 1 year
call sign: tennessee whiskey | rooster x fem!reader & hangman x phoenix | chapter eight
summary: you and bradley spend three days in encinitas on your proverbial honeymoon and make a big decision about your relationship.
warnings: smut, fluff, minor angst, suggestive language, swearing, mentions of death, military & aircraft carrier inaccuracies, second person pov
wc: 4.8k
listen to: the playlist
a/n: this is an exclusively rooster x whiskey chapter and gets a little smutty. this is the second to last part, so next chapter i'll wrap up the rom-com of these four. i'm going back to work and very much want to finish this nine chapter adventure before i do. however, i AM planning on writing a more extended oneshot that catches up with these guys a year and a half later so i'm definitely not done with these four.
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chapter seven | masterlist | chapter nine
“Look at us! We’re almost normal,” you comment, optimistically as you breathe in the bright California air. Sometimes, when you’re on leave, you can almost trick yourself into believing you’re a civilian. “No one would know by looking at us that you just saved the world!” 
“And almost died trying,” Bradley grumbles as a reminder the job you share is rarely ever that glamorous. 
Bradley holds your hand in his as the two of you walk along the beach. The drive up hadn’t been long, but you’d been eager to go for a walk after arriving. Once you’d arrived, Bradley had barely been able to put his seabag down before you’d practically tugged him outside across onto deck, past the gorgeous private pool, and off to the beach.
“That’s what I mean! We’re not aviators this weekend. We’re not facing near-death today! We’re just… two normal people who don’t have to worry about deployments or fighter jets or top secret missions funded and backed by the pentagon,” you continue, celebrating the freedom you’re leaning into on this particular leave. 
“Probably shouldn’t say that too loudly,” Bradley coughs, scanning the beach for any curious listeners. 
“Ahhhh yes, you’re right,” you mumble, lowering your voice. 
“But I like where this is going. We’re just… Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” Bradley chimes in, playing along with you. “You know… the boring ones. Not like... the spy assassin ones.”
“Right, right. Because there’s a fine line, Bradshaw,” you fire back. 
He laughs in response with a shake of his head, his eyes full of endearment towards you. 
“Okay so… how’d we meet?” you ask, turning to steal a glance Bradley’s way. 
“How does anyone meet these days?! On an app?” he answers, in his best well-duh tone of voice. 
“No!” you cry out, giving his arm a little shake. He laughs again, giving your hand a squeeze in return. God, no one’s made him laugh this much in a long time. He shoots you a quizzical look as you clarify with, “C’mon! There’s no romance in that! No, we uh… we definitely had a meet-cute.”
“Who knew you were such a romantic, Mrs. Smith,” Bradley chuckles as he teases you, giving your hand another squeeze. 
“Okay then. Tell me more about this meet-cute.”
“Okay hmmmm… so you’re…” you trail off, before letting the silliest, furthest away from reality thing tumble out of your mouth. “... a yoga instructor.”
“What?!” he yelps, his eyes widening at the ridiculous sentiment. 
“And I'm… a chef who’s just recently moved to San Diego to open up yet another fusion restaurant gentrifying small surf towns across the nation,” you continue, making sure your faux-job feels just as silly as his does. 
“Wait. Why am I the yoga instructor!? I can’t even touch my toes,” he backtracks, alarmingly. 
You laugh, “Because it’s funny! And maybe the furthest thing away from what we actually do.”
“Okay fine. I’m a yoga instructor,” he grumbles, resigning himself to his new pretend-occupation. “But I’m not growing out a man bun.”
“No, the mustache alone gives you enough street-cred. Or rather, hipster-cred, if you will,” you reply, playfully. 
“You like the mustache,” he shoots back. 
“Oh, I definitely like the mustache,” you smirk. “In fact, that’s how we met. I spotted that mustache across the room in a coffee shop, made sure to let you know that, even though they don’t really do it for me, yours was pretty cool, which of course led you to inviting me to the yoga studio that you own.” 
“Which was just an excuse to see you again,” Bradley adds, playing along. 
“Exactly,” you giggle, as the story continues to grow more and more ridiculous. “… And well, you know what they say! The rest was history.”
“You are so silly,” Bradley chuckles, releasing your hand as he wraps an arm around your shoulders instead. 
“Gotta keep you on your toes, Bradshaw,” you giggle, your sliding around his waist. “Oh! That reminds me. We need to go to the grocery store.”
“I thought you said we could stay in bed all weekend,” Bradley challenges, his tone light. 
“Fuel,” you shrug, coquettishly.  
“Besides, I’m cooking you dinner tonight.”
“Well, you are the chef between the two of us.”
“Now, you’re catching on.”
It’s later that night that Bradley learns that while you gave him the job furthest away from reality, the possibility of you being a chef was a lot more probable. He watches you create a lemon-scented pan sauce, his mind wandering back to earlier when he’d been surprised by your knife skills. 
“Holy shit! You really cook?!” he practically exclaims in the middle of the state-of-the-art home kitchen you’re occupying all weekend.
“Guilty,” you answer, as if it’s some kind of confession. “If I hadn’t gotten into the Naval Academy, I was going to go to culinary school. Just one psycho thing for the next.”
You coat the back of a spoon so that you can taste the sauce for seasoning:
Salt levels are good. Shallots are perfectly caramelized. Capers add the right amount of tang to it. 
You scoop up another pool of the liquid in the spoon once more, offering it to Bradley. 
“Come try this,” you say. “It’s a lemon chicken piccata. I think you’ll really like it.” You hold the spoon up to his lips, watching as Bradley tastes the lemon butter pan sauce. 
As soon as the sauce hits his tongue, you watch as he closes his eyes, in total disbelief. 
“Holy shit. This is un-fucking-real, honey,” he says, the term of endearment making you blush a little. 
“Thank you,” you smile, leaning in to place a kiss on his lips. 
As you pull away, he pulls you back for another kiss before murmuring against your lips, “Though I think I like it better on you.”
Holy shit, is that hot. 
As Bradley releases you, it’s almost as if you’ve forgotten to breathe. Your head feels light and you have to remind yourself to take a deep breath. 
“I won’t distract you any longer. Sooner we finish up dinner, the sooner I get you naked,” he coos, his hands dragging across your hips as he pulls away. 
Jeez, this man is perfect, you think to yourself. 
What the hell were you getting yourself into?
As you sit down to dinner with your lemon chicken piccata and a funky orange wine, you learn that Bradley can’t cook to save his life. You can’t believe that after two and a half weeks of the craziest of training, you’ve managed to find yourself on your proverbial honeymoon with a guy you’re quite sure is perfect. Sure, he’s got enough baggage to sink the USS Roosevelt, but you’re not sure you mind. He is, after all, who he is because of it. 
He finishes telling you another story from his days at UVA and you’re caught in a fit of giggles as you watch how animated he gets as tells you about his college-day shenanigans. 
“What?” he asks you, seeing the look on your face. 
You know you probably look like you’ve got goddamn hearts for pupils at this point, so your answer is simple:
“The more I learn about you, the more I like you, Bradshaw.”
He blushes.
“I really like you too, Whiskey.”
Saturday morning: 
Rooster Bradshaw thinks he’s died and gone to heaven. 
It doesn’t feel real. 
As you stand there in the middle of the kitchen, clad only in his NAVY tee, it’s as if the domestic bliss he’s always craved is right in front of him. 
This is all he’s ever wanted. 
Bradley’s frozen for a second, paused in a moment in time. Ever since his mother died, there’s been a hole in his heart he’s never been able to fill – not with girlfriends, not with work, not even with himself. It’s this hole in his heart that yearns for a family – that allows himself to be taken care of, to be cherished, to be loved. But he can feel something, this feeling, swelling in his chest as he watches you make breakfast in the way-too-fancy home kitchen after knowing you for barely three weeks. 
Now that he’s proven himself in the Navy, maybe he could begin healing his relationship with Mav. He could let himself open up to you. Maybe the part of his healing he’s been missing… is letting himself be loved. 
He’s not sure how long he’s been standing there, but he figures it’s been long enough as you turn back around to him, sending him a curious look. 
“Good morning, handsome. Coffee?” you greet him, with the sweetest smile he thinks he’s ever seen in his life. 
And damn, he loves the way you look in his t-shirt. 
“That would be great,” he answers, a lovestruck grin plastered to his face.
You hear the sounds of his footsteps before you feel his hands on your hips, pulling you in close to him from behind. You giggle, turning your head for a good morning kiss. Bradley’s lips are soft – a stark contrast from the rough texture of his mustache – earning another giggle from you. 
You nod towards the french press on the counter that holds the coffee you’ve just made. There’s a second mug resting on the table that you pulled from the cabinets for him. He likes that you thought of him – thought to do that. He likes being thought of. 
“How’d you sleep?” you ask, plating up two plates of eggs, bacon, sliced avocado, and a mix of berries you’d purchased yesterday. 
“Great. How about you?” Bradley answers, a soft smile on his face as he watches you. 
You wrap a hand around the edge of the plate while your other hand carries your coffee cup. 
“Wonderfully. Why don’t you grab a fork and meet me out by the pool?” you tempt him, sending a wink his way before disappearing, heading towards the sliding glass doors that lead to the deck. 
Instead of following suit, Bradley watches, taking this all in. He takes a few steps so that he can see you through the glass door. You sit down with your copy of today’s paper, while you snack on a few strawberries before picking up your fork to eat your soft scrambled eggs. Bradley swears under his breath, still in disbelief that this is real, before fixing his cup of coffee and taking his plate outside to join you. 
“You know… I know we have the same one… but I think I like mine better on you,” Rooster says, taking a seat on the lounge chair next to the one you’ve posted up on. 
You can practically feel your heart speed up, as you watch Bradley pop a strawberry into his mouth. 
“Listen. I’m just relieved you own something other than the Hawaiian shirts,” you admit, a cheeky smile on your face. 
“What’s wrong with my Hawaiian shirts?” he teases you with a wink. 
“Absolutely nothing. But… it’s not like I can bring you as a wedding date in a printed shirt and jorts,” you tease him back, playfully.
 As much as he likes to banter with you, he’s more focused on the fact that you’re thinking of ahead – thinking of the future with him. 
“How do you feel about eventually making our way out to the beach today?” you propose, continuing with your breakfast. 
“If we make it out… yeah,” Bradley replies, suggestively. 
You smirk, “Well in that case, finish your breakfast. You’ll need the energy.”
You enjoy the poolside breakfast with him, handing him the sports section of the newspaper so that he can check out some of the baseball stats. You swap: the arts section for the sports section when he mentions maybe seeing if there’s a show you both could go to – making plans that you most likely won’t make anyways. 
After breakfast, you pull Rooster’s NAVY shirt over your head, revealing your barely-covers-anything bikini you put on earlier. 
“You wanna-?” you start asking, with every intention of getting in the pool. 
“Oh, I don’t think so,” he says, grabbing your hand. 
Before you know it, Rooster’s thrown his empty breakfast plate on the small end table between both lounge chairs, pulling you back towards him. You follow, more than eager to explore exactly where this is going. As he pulls you down on top of him, you sit over his hips, just to feel how excited he’s gotten from seeing you in your bikini. 
“You are such a tease,” he growls, bucking his hips up into you. 
“I think you like it,” you smirk, leaning down to ghost your lips over his. 
“Uh huh,” he answers, and you can feel his breath on your lips. 
“Already, Roos?” you ask him, a devilish smile on your face as you grind your hips against him. 
He hisses, pushing his hips up again as he answers, “Baby, you’ve had me this hard all weekend.”
You giggle, your lips finally meeting his, your tongues easily tangling together as your lips move in perfect time. 
“I like these,” he says, his fingers dancing over your hips as works to untie your bikini bottoms. 
“Yeah?” you ask, your eyes filled with lust. 
“Yeah,” he answers, untying one side completely. 
Rooster sits up, flipping you over so that you’re now laying back against the lounge chair, earning something between a gasp and a laugh from you. Eagerly, he pulls your bikini bottoms off, tossing them somewhere on the deck as he covers your body with his in this new position. 
“Rooster,” you moan, his mouth moving lower. 
His lips and tongue are everywhere: your shoulders, your breasts, and rapidly making their way down your abdomen. 
His hands pull your legs apart to make room for his shoulders as he watches you with a fire in his eyes. You know exactly where this is going, waiting impatiently for him to touch you. Bradley licks a broad stripe up your already wet heat, his tongue stopping to move around your clit as you throw your head back, his name on your lips. 
“God, you taste so good, sweetheart.”
You close your eyes, the hot sun kissing the both of you as he eats you out, right on the freaking pool lounge chair. He works at your clit, tracing little shapes around it as you moan his name, trying to remind yourself not to be too loud since your friends do have neighbors. As his tongue moves further down, his mustache bumping up against your most sensitive spots, your hands move straight into his brunette waves, bucking your hips up against his face. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you cry as you feel him begin fucking you with his tongue. “You’re so fucking good at this.”
You feel him smile against you, your words having unleashed something within him. From here forward, Rooster is relentless. He’s holding your hips down, pulling all kinds of sounds from your body as he continues to bring you heavenly pleasure with his tongue and his fingers. 
“Fuck!” you cry, feeling that tight feeling in your abdomen as he pulls his fingers in and out of you. 
“You gonna cum for me again?” 
“Yes. God, yes. I’m so close!”
And it’s all he needs to hear to do whatever it takes to get you to cum, pulling you past the point of pleasure you thought you could feel. You come with a strangle moan, and before you know it, Bradley’s folding his body over yours once again. He presses his lips against yours and you can taste yourself on him, earning a moan from him as you kiss him with desperation. 
“I hope your friends don’t have cameras out here,” he chuckles, in between kisses. 
“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” you tease. 
“Jeez, sweetheart. If that’s what you’re into….”
You were going to be the death of him. 
And, he decides, what a lovely way to go.
“Bradley!” you gasp, feeling that all-too-familiar tightening in your abdomen, as Bradley winds you up.
“You gonna cum?” he grits out, his hips driving into at a rapid pace. “Go ahead. Let go for me, baby.”
“Yesyesyes,” you’re practically chanting as you feel him so, so deep inside of you. 
“Fuck, Bradley. I’m gonna-,” you pant, and he groans, feeling you squeezing around him. “Please make me cum.”
“God, I love it when you beg me. Shit. Holy shit, baby. Fuck,” Bradley grunts out, his face buried in the crevice of your neck. He whines your name so sweetly as he releases, finally stilling the motion of his hips. 
Bradley lifts his head, still inside of you as he leans down to press a passionate kiss to your lips. 
“Holy shit. How is it possible that it just keeps getting better and better?” you sigh, your back hitting the sheets as you catch your breath. 
“I don’t know but… if we get any better at it I might go into cardiac arrest,” he jokes, earning a laugh from you. 
“No!!” you cry out, dramatically.
The two of you settle into a quiet intimacy, as you turn over onto your side, wrapping yourself up in the sheets. Bradley notices a shift in you, but remains on his back as you prop your head up on your hand. 
“I want to be with you,” you blurt out, causing Rooster to turn his head in your direction. 
He can’t even hide the smile on his face as he hears your words. 
“I want to be with you too, Whiskey,” he grins, his eyes as soft as the morning light. 
“Oh thank god!” you say, letting out a sigh of relief, eliciting the most amused look from Bradley. But you pause, and he can tell that you’ve got something else on your mind as you continue with, “I just-, I guess I’m just wondering if-. Do you… think we’re moving too fast?”
“What do you mean?” he asks, curiously, rolling over onto his side so that he can match your body language with his own. 
“I don’t know…” you hesitate with an ambivalent shrug. “We haven’t known each other for that long. Is it… totally wild to feel this way about someone after only three weeks?”
Bradley takes a beat, his chocolate brown eyes warm and filled with confidence. 
“Maybe. But stranger things have happened and… Whiskey, I-. I think I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time,” Bradley answers genuinely. 
“I think so too. Is that crazy?” you reply softly. 
“If it is, then at least we’re both in it together,” he reassures you, pulling you over to him so that you can cuddle.
“What do you want to do today?” you ask him, shifting a little to something more lighthearted. 
Like you’d predicted, despite every intention of doing so, neither of you had made it out of the house this weekend aside from the occasional beach walk and for dinner last night in Leucadia. Not that you were complaining. The hot non-stop sex-a-thon and staying up to talk till the early hours of the morning were absolutely heaven… but you knew at some point you’d both have to resurface. 
“I think I might go for a run,” Bradley replies, as if it’s the most casual thing in the world. 
“You haven’t gotten enough cardio?!” you practically shriek in surprise. 
He chuckles, “Can’t take too many days off or I’ll lose my stamina, honey. Wanna come with?”
“Hmmm… I think I may just stay here… take a shower. Unlike you… I’m not a psychopath,” you joke. 
He laughs, “Okay, okay. Then how about when I get back, I’ll take you out to breakfast and we can go from there.”
“Sounds perfect,” you agree with a totally lovestruck smile. 
After a few more kisses, Bradley manages to unwillingly pry himself out of bed to get ready for his morning run. He’s right. You both have to return to reality at some point, and it’s not a bad idea to try to work in some of your routine before you’re back on base. You might’ve even agreed to go on a run with him, but selfishly, you’d like the alone time because you have to call Nat. 
Once Bradley is out of the house, you slip a t-shirt left on the floor from the night before, hurrying into the master bathroom. You quickly FaceTime Natasha, praying that she picks up, considering this is the first time you’ve had a moment to call. 
“Hey! Didn’t think I’d be hearing from you till you got back,” Nat says as soon as she answers the call. 
“Oh my God, Nat. I am in love with this man,” you say, incredulously. 
“Are you talking about Rooster?” she asks.
“Yes, of course I’m talking about Rooster!” you exclaim, with a laugh. 
“Jeez, Whiskey. How much sex are you guys having?!” she teases, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“You… don’t want to know the answer to that,” you answer honestly. 
“You’re right,” she nods, her voice dropping. “I don’t. I guess I don’t even need to ask how it’s going then.”
“So well. Too well. I-, we told each other that we want to give this a shot. A relationship,” you fill her in. 
“Holy shit.”
“I know.”
“I mean... Whiskey, I think he’s ready to settle down with someone and… that’s why I wanted to introduce the two of you so badly. Don’t overthink it. Chalk it up to good timing,” she advises. 
“Okay yes, but do you think this is too fast?” you ask, nervously. 
“It’s… fast, sure. But it’s not like you’re getting married or anything,” she reassures you, before pausing. “You’re-... not getting married-.”
“Of course not!” you interrupt her, rolling your eyes playfully. 
“You know what the proverbial they say: when you know you know,” Nat adds, trying her best to offer up a little more reassurance. 
“Yeah, I guess I’m just trying to check in with myself. Make sure we’re being realistic, you know?” you vent. Truthfully, your hesitations have nothing to do with Rooster and everything to do with the fact that you haven’t chosen the best partners in the best. But Rooster? He’s near-perfect. 
“Have you told him about your deployment yet?” Nat asks you. 
You shake your head, “Not yet. I didn’t want it to be another thing to raise the stakes, you know? But I’m… I’m kind of nervous to.”
“Rooster knows how this goes. He’ll be fine,” she replies. 
You nod slowly, “How are things going on your end?”
“Uh… good. Just waiting for you guys to get back before I head back up to LA,” Nat replies with the most casual tone in her voice. You eye her suspiciously, knowing that that can’t just be it. 
“And Jake?” you ask, curiously. 
“What about Jake?” she asks back, earning a funny look from you. 
Okay, Trace. 
If she needs it spelled out, that’s exactly what you’ll do. 
“Have you guys talked or are the two of you still just fucking each others’ brains out?” you rephrase, putting it bluntly. 
Natasha rolls her at eyes at your crass comment before answering, “More so the latter,”
“Got it.”
You take a beat, not wanting to overstep, but then again this is the woman that quite literally parent-trapped you and Rooster. 
“It would be okay, Nat… if you had feelings for him,” you begin, cautiously. 
“Whiskey, I don’t-,” but she can’t finish the sentence. She knows she can’t finish that sentence because it would be a lie. And when has she ever been able to bullshit you? If anything, you’re the person who knows both her and Jake the best. 
She takes a beat before opening her mouth to say something else, “I don’t know if I’m ready. For that.”
You nod slowly, “And that’s okay too. You’re just gonna have to tell him.”
“Yeah, I know,” she sighs, dissatisfied with the resolution she’s come to. She changes the subject and you talk about a few other things. Who else is going on the next deployment from the Dagger Squad. Having lunch solo with Halo. That Maverick and Penny seemed to be a thing.
“Hey uh… I gotta run but, we’ll talk. When you’re back,” Natasha says, as she realizes what time it is.
“Yeah of course,” you agree.
“Okay. I’ll see you soon,” she smiles, signing off. 
“Bye, Nat.”
You take a breath after hanging up the phone with Nat. Maybe you wish that she and Jake could just figure it out, but you also know that they’re not exactly those people. They’re actually the most stubborn people you know. You run the shower for a minute or so, waiting for it to come up to temp before stepping in, letting the water help you think through things. 
You and Bradley were different. Both of you were looking for something – a relationship – and had found a connection with each other that felt good. It felt right to be with him, even if the idea of falling in love with him terrified you – even if it felt like the two of you were on the fast track. But Jake and Natasha? You’ve always felt like they were more similar than either of them would admit. They’d have to really want it, really want to be together to make it work, and it doesn’t seem like either of them are there yet. 
You finish up your shower, enjoying a little you-time before Bradley gets back. You haven’t exactly had that much since you got here, but you know you’ll have plenty when you return to Lemoore. After shutting off the water and drying your hair as best as you can with just the towel, you wrap a second towel around your body before heading back into the bedroom. 
Only, you see something you’re not expecting – something you weren’t quite ready for. 
“Bradley…” is all that comes out of your mouth as you see him. 
He’s sitting on the edge of the bed, tanned skin glistening from his run while he holds loose papers in his hands. 
Those papers. 
Your papers. 
“Why didn't you tell me?” he asks, looking up from your deployment papers. 
“Bradley. I’m sorry,” you repeat, your voice shaking a little. 
You take a few steps towards him, stopping so that you can sit next to him on the edge of the bed. 
“I don't know…” you answer, honestly. “I guess I just thought-. We've clouded our judgment with hot sex all weekend….” You laugh nervously. “... and all of this has just been so intense – between the mission, and you almost dying, and… – I didn’t want my deployment to change the outcome of this weekend.”
You wait for him to answer, and you can see the gears turning in his head as he listens to you. You’re right. The parameters of the mission, your hookup, all of it has been so high stakes. He’d be a fool to deny it. But it doesn’t change how crazy he is about you. He thinks he’d feel this crazy about you if he met you in the supermarket, not in training for a suicide mission. 
“I understand,” he says, his voice low as he turns to you. “But I wish you had told me.”
“Would it have changed anything for you?” you ask, stealing a glance his way. 
“No,” he reassures you, his voice softening. He slips an arm around your bare shoulders, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your skin. “I just-, I don’t know. I guess I thought we’d have more time before we had to deal with… all of this.”
You nod, “I know. I should’ve told you earlier.”
“You still want to do this?” you ask again, with a nervous flutter in the bottom of your belly. 
“Yeah, of course,” he admits with a smile. “But it’s not going to be easy and… I guess… these papers just reminded me of that.”
You turn your body towards him so that you’re facing him, no longer sitting side by side. Bradley runs his fingers through your wet locks, eventually moving to cup your face. There’s a sadness in his eyes and you can see that the reality of your jobs has set in. 
“I kinda wish I was still a yoga instructor and you were some hot shot chef,” he chuckles, trying his best to make light of the situation.
“Me too,” you agree. “It’ll only be a month. And… then maybe once Cyclone has all the data he needs… they’ll make our detachment official. We-... won’t have to be apart.”
Bradley nods, “Yeah. We’re gonna figure this out together, sweetheart. I know it.”
You smile in response. How is this man real?
“How can you be sure?” you ask him, hopefully. 
“I can just feel it,” he replies, leaning in to kiss you. He touches his lips to yours before pulling back to ask, “What would you say to getting back in the shower?”
You smirk, “Lead the way, handsome.”
read: chapter nine
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livyjh · 8 months
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Temptation ch.11
Co-written with @fhatbhabie
No outbreak!Dbf!Joel x Fem!Plus size!Reader
Series Masterlist
Rating: EXPLICIT 18+
Summary: After you break things off with your toxic boyfriend, you move back home with your dad. His best friend and neighbor, Joel Miller, takes an interest in you. But you’re the one who has to convince him to make the first move.
A/N: this is the second to last chapter!!!! Enjoy! 🩷
Chapter warnings: tattoo, smut!!, public play, mentions of being on a plane, almost getting caught, teasing, hot shower, staying in a hotel, riding rides, mention of eating, flirting, drinking alcohol, bar bathroom sex, exhibitionism, daddy kink, possessive!Joel, oral sex.
Divider art by: @saradika
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One year. 365 days of being with Joel. You've heard of couples not lasting that long because after a few months you get out of the “Honeymoon Phase” but with Joel you didn't have to worry about that. He always found some way to make you feel like you were the only girl in the world. Whether it was him sending you flowers to your office making every woman envy you or just simply going to the mountain outlook and spending time together. You did the same too. You made him feel loved and like he was the only man in the world. You always brought him a freshly made lunch to work and had dinner ready for when he got home after his long day. You spent a lot more time over at his house but you always told your dad you were going to your boyfriend’s. It wasn't a lie because you were, in fact, going to your boyfriend’s but he didn't need to know your boyfriend lived right next door.
About a month ago Joel started to feel insecure about his age. He told you that he was afraid you'd up and leave him for a younger guy. So one night you walked into his house all giggly and smiling, excited to show him what you did to make him feel better.
“What's that face for?” He asked.
“Got you a little… somethin.” You giggled.
“Jesus… what?” He said, laughing.
“Well I know lately you've been feeling a little... insecure, so I got you something.”
“Darlin’ you didn't have to…”
“You're right, but I wanted to.” You pulled him off the couch and pressed your ass on his crotch making him groan softly. “Lift up my skirt.” You said. He grabbed the hem of your skirt and bunched it up around your waist. He looked down and saw the fresh black ink spelling out his name in a small, pretty font.
“You got my name tattooed on your ass?” He said, laughing
“Yep.” You giggled. He turned you around and wrapped his hands around your waist.
“I love it.” He said, smiling. “Now when there's a handprint on your ass everyone will know who did it.” He smirked, making you laugh.
Fast forward to now, it was finally your one year anniversary. You and Joel were on a plane to California, him having surprised you with the gift of a trip.
You two were in first class, cuddled up with each other under a blanket when you felt Joel’s fingers drawing circles into your upper thigh, just below the hem of your shorts.
“Whatcha doing?” You whisper.
“Nothin’.” Joel smirks mischievously. He squeezes your thigh tightly then, making you hold back a yelp on the rather quiet plane.
He leans back and closes his eyes to look like he’s asleep just as his fingers move up to your waistband and dip beneath it. The touch on your low stomach made you tingle between the legs.
You also lean back and close your eyes, trying to enjoy this instead of worrying if anyone would notice. The blanket was big and fluffy, Joel’s movements were subtle, and both of you looked like you were asleep. Chances of getting caught were low… but not none, you realize as Joel’s middle finger slips down under your panties and taps your clit.
You start to moan but cover it up by clearing your throat. You spread your legs wider beneath the blanket and scoot down in the seat just enough to give Joel better access.
His middle finger moves down to your entrance to collect some of your wetness before coming back up to circle your bundle of nerves.
The flight attendant a couple rows up, at the front of the plane, comes on the overhead speaker. “Food and drinks will be served momentarily.”
Okay, now you might be starting to panic. The flight attendant was gonna come by and look directly at the two of you as she asks if you want drinks.
You lift your head from the headrest and open your eyes to look at Joel. He still looks fast asleep but his middle finger is rubbing fast on your clit and you’re already getting closer. You bring your arms up out of the blanket and lightly place them over your lap to mask any movement going on below.
The flight attendant is getting out the food and beverage cart and starts tending to the first row of people. You and Joel were in the third row.
You subtly grind down against Joel’s hand, hoping to get off before the attendant got to you and inevitably saw your flushed face and your boyfriend’s hand under the blanket in a peculiar spot.
“Joel.” You breathe, just a whisper.
“Hm?” He hums.
“Joel, wait, I-“ you whine just loud enough for him to hear.
The flight attendant steps to the second row with her cart to serve the passengers directly in front of you. You reach under the blanket with one hand and grip Joel’s wrist to ground yourself.
He pinches your clit and it sends you over the edge. You barely have time to enjoy your silent orgasm when the flight attendant rolls her cart further down the aisle and looks directly at you.
“Any drinks? A snack?” She smiles at you, totally oblivious.
You take a deep breath, feeling the aftershocks of your orgasm hitting you. “Uh- I- um…” you stumble over your words. “Water.” You finally spit out.
She pours you some water from a pitcher and hands it to you.
Your hand, not gripping Joel’s wrist, reaches up and takes it from her. You smile and hope that the employee will disappear.
“Anything for him?” She asks.
Joel presses a finger into you at the same time you take a breath to speak, turning it into a small gasp. You laugh nonchalantly to try and cover it, “Nope. He’s sleeping.” You say shyly.
“Okay.” The woman nods and turns to the people across the aisle from you.
You dig your nails into the back of Joel’s hand, hoping to hurt him just a little bit.
Joel continues slowly fingering you until the flight attendant is a few rows behind you. He opens his eyes, looks at you, pulls his hand out of your shorts and sticks his middle finger in his mouth.
He sucks it clean, grinning at you all the while.
“You’re an asshole.” You laugh quietly.
“You’re welcome.” Joel winks.
The rest of the flight is calm and easy, you and Joel both falling asleep for real until the pilot comes on the speaker to tell everyone to return to their seats for landing.
You and Joel go through the motions of getting off the plane, but you thankfully just brought carry-ons for the weekend and don’t need to go through baggage claim.
You walk out of the airport into the warm, California spring air. You take a deep breath and grab Joel’s hand. “So glad we’re here.”
“Me too.” He smiles down at you.
There are lines of taxis up and down the road, waiting for passengers to pick up. You both spot the same one that still had a light on to let you know it was free. You head for it and get in, the driver greeting you. “Afternoon, folks. Where ya headed?”
“That a Texan accent I hear?” Joel asks with a smile.
“Sure is.” The driver nodded. “Where you two from?”
“Texas.” You and Joel speak in unison.
“Well, howdy.” The driver smiles as he looks in the rear view mirror.
“Howdy.” You say back happily.
“We’re headed to the Hilton at universal city.” Joel tells the driver.
“Great.” He clicks the meter to start running as he carefully pulls out from the line of parked taxis and merges into the road.
“Universal city?” You ask Joel. He hadn’t told you anything about the trip except that you were going to LA for the weekend. “As in universal studios?”
“Yep.” Joel smiles at you.
“Fuck yes!” You grin. It was like Disneyland for adults and nerds. You wouldn’t exactly call yourself a nerd but you did enjoy several classic/iconic movies and tv shows.
“Knew you’d like that.” Joel smiled.
You nod and rest your head on his shoulder as the driver takes you to your hotel.
You two get there and check in, heading up to your room.
When you walk inside, it’s not quite like anything you’ve ever seen before.
The entire outside wall is thick glass, showing through it was a view of Hollywood. Fuck, you could even see the infamous Hollywood sign.
“Joel… you didn’t have to do all this.” You shake your head, smiling, almost in tears from how happy you were.
“Wanted to, baby.” Joel smiled and pulled you into a hug.
It was around 4pm, neither you or Joel were ready for dinner yet so you decided to kick off your shoes and plop onto the bed to relax a little. Stretch out after the flight.
Joel turned on the tv and flipped through channels till it landed on a home improvement show.
“Babe.” You laugh.
“What?” He raises his brows and looks at you.
“You might as well be at work if we watch this.” You chuckle, teasing.
“Nah, because if I were at work… couldn’t do this.” He puts the remote down on the side table and before you know it, he’s between your legs, looming over you, holding your wrists above your head.
You’re suddenly out of breath as you look at him, biting your bottom lip.
“Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” He grins.
You nod, feeling yourself get aroused yet again today. If the orgasm on the plane wasn’t enough, what Joel had in mind certainly would be.
To your surprise, he leans down and kisses you ever so gently. “Come on,” he whispers, “let’s go walk around town.”
“You’re a fucking tease, Joel Miller.” You sigh with a laugh.
He gets off the bed and stands up. “You’re welcome to tease back, honey. Just know I’ll have something to say about it when we’re in private.” He laughs darkly.
This sends a bolt of electricity straight to your groin, making you gasp softly. Joel doesn’t seem to hear it as he turns away and gets his shoes back on.
You had a fun idea. If Joel was open to teasing, you’d have to take advantage of that sometime.
7pm rolled around and you and Joel realized you were starving after walking up and down the streets of Hollywood, exploring shops and attractions.
You went back to the hotel and ordered room service after realizing most of the restaurants around here were either too fancy for how you were dressed, or the waiting list was two hours.
You both got wagyu burgers with fries and a milkshake. By the time you were done, you were both rubbing your bellies from how stuffed you were.
Joel kept dozing off and you decided that a shower sounded nice. You get up and go into the bathroom and turn on the water to heat it up.
You’re surprised when you hear the bathroom door open behind you, Joel slipping inside. “You gonna shower without me?” He asks, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
“You’re welcome to join me.” You laugh a little at the state of his curly hair. It’s sticking up in every different direction and he’s just so cute when he’s tired.
“Think I will, darlin’.” He smiles and steps closer to kiss you before you both get naked and get in the hot shower.
You sigh happily as the water runs over your scalp and down your back.
“Jesus, that’s hot.” Joel reaches his hand out to catch some of the water.
“Too hot?” You ask.
“A little.”
“Pussy.” You snort a laugh.
“What’d you say?” Joel chuckles.
“Called you a pussy.” You giggle and turn around to make the water a little cooler.
He lands a slap on your ass, happy when he sees it jiggle. You yelp in surprise at it, turning back around once you’ve adjusted the water temperature.
He grabs you by the waist and pulls you in for a deep kiss, making you moan softly against him. It felt nice to be with him like this. Intimate, soft, vulnerable.
You both wash up and then get out and dry off before climbing into the large hotel bed. Joel pulls you in against him so your back is against his chest. He takes a deep breath and you follow with the same.
“I love you.” Joel whispers against the back of your neck.
“I love you, too.”
You woke up the next morning feeling Joel's arms wrapped around you. You looked over and he had a grumpy look spread across his face meaning he was still sound asleep. You gently placed a kiss on his cheek and rolled out of bed making your way to the bathroom.
You slipped on a pair of leggings along with a cute top tossing your hair into a bun to avoid sweating like a whore in church. You walked out of the bathroom and saw Joel awake and getting dressed.
“Look at that. Didn't have to wake you.” You teased.
“Oh, whatever. I'm not a kid...” he pouted.
“Oh baby, of course not. You're my big, strong man.” You said, making him roll his eyes and chuckle.
You walked into the park hand in hand with Joel mesmerized by all the attractions. You started off by going on some rides which Joel was not a fan of. Every ride you got off of he avoided the picture booth by the exit but you couldn't resist to see the look on his face when the camera went off. It was close to 7pm when you realized you haven't ate anything all day.
“Hungry, baby?” you asked as you rubbed his tummy.
“Oo let's go there.” You grabbed his hand and walked into an old school diner. “Make you all nostalgic?”
“This was actually before my time, sweet girl.” He replied, making you laugh.
You ordered your food and sat down and ate. You went on and on about the other things you wanted to do in the park but Joel wasn't listening. He could see your mouth moving but your voice became muffled. He was amazed by the twinkle in your eyes making his heart warm to see you this happy. How beautiful you looked with your hair slowly coming out of the bun it was in, making strands of hair hug your cheeks. Absolutely beautiful.
“Joel!” You said, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Sorry, what?” He asked, making you giggle.
“You not hear what I said, baby?”
“No sorry, honey... Got distracted.”
“By what?” You asked as you looked around the diner.
“You.” He said, making you blush.
“What about me?”
“About how beautiful you are. How amazing of a woman you are. Y’know. You.” He smiled, making your face turn bright red. “What were you saying darlin’? I'm listenin’.”
“I said I just wanna hit a few gift shops and we can get going before it gets dark. Oh and I wanna take a picture together.”
“Darlin’ you know I don’t like gettin’ my photo taken...”
“I know… but please, baby.” You pouted, making him chuckle.
“Fine.” He said, making you smile.
You walked out of the diner hitting up a few shops and grabbing things for yourself and of course Sarah. You were making your way over to the big Universal globe when you handed Joel your bags.
“Gotta pee, be right back.” You pecked his lips and walked off to the bathroom. He stood there for a solid 2 minutes when he saw someone walking up to him from the corner of his eye.
“Well well well… aren't you a tall glass of handsome water.” A man said to Joel. “I'm Caleb. What's your name, cowboy?” He asked, giving Joel a wink.
“Joel… that's hot.” Caleb said as he chewed on his bottom lip looking Joel up and down. “Here.” He handed Joel a small card with a phone number on it. “In case you ever wanna have some fun.” He winked and walked off, leaving Joel speechless.
You walked out of the bathroom and saw Joel frozen in the spot he was in with his cheeks bright pink.
“Joel? You okay?”
“Y- Yeah umm… I think that guy just hit on me…” he said, confused.
“Ahhh… I see.” You smiled. “You liked it, didn't you?” You asked, making Joel's eyes grow wide.
“N- No baby girl, I swear I didn't. I love you.” he said, making you giggle.
“Mmhmm...” you smirked as you walked away with him hot on your tail. You stopped in front of the globe and asked someone to take the picture for you. You wrapped your arm around his waist and placed your other hand on his tummy. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and held you close.
“I love you darlin...” he said, making you laugh.
“I love you too baby. I'm just teasing you.” You walked back to the woman and grabbed your phone thanking her. You scrolled through the pictures she took and smiled. There was one picture where you were looking at the camera and Joel was looking at you smiling from ear to ear seeing nothing but love spread across his face.
“This is my favorite...” you said, showing Joel.
“Mm... Mine too.” He smiled and with that you changed it to your lock screen wallpaper.
You walked out of the park holding hands with him. You looked down at your fingers laced with his and pouted.
“What's wrong honey?” he asked
“Wish we could do this back home… Hold hands and kiss out in public.”
“I know baby... once we tell your dad everything we can.” He placed a kiss on the top of your hand, making you smile. “What do you say we get dressed up and go out tonight?”
“That sounds amazing baby. Where?”
“We'll find a place.”
You and Joel get to a bar in downtown Hollywood after stopping by the hotel to get changed and dress up a bit.
Joel was in tight, black slacks with a silky, burgundy button down tucked into it, and some nice, black leather shoes. He’s never looked so dashing.
You were wearing an emerald green dress that hugged your curves and hit at about mid thigh. It had thin straps and a sweetheart neckline. You also wore some heels, a strapless bra, and your favorite (and Joel’s favorite) matching thong.
Joel keeps his hand on your lower back as you two walk into the bar and find a couple of open stools at the cocktail counter. You both sit and look at each other, smiling.
“Baby, you look so handsome…” you grin at him.
“And you are as pretty as a peach.” Joel hums.
You blush a little and the woman behind the counter comes over to take your order.
“Whiskey.” Joel smiles and nods at her.
“And for you?” The woman asks you.
“Vodka cran, please.” You smile.
Joel hands the woman his credit card. “Keep the tab open.”
“Got it. I’ll be right back.” She smiles and walks down to the register behind the counter, putting in your orders. She pours your drinks and hands them to you with cocktail napkins.
“Thanks.” You and Joel say at the same time before smiling at each other.
“What should we drink to, baby?” You look at your handsome boyfriend.
“One year of always being the hottest couple in the room, even if no one knows it.” He smirks.
You nod and clink your glasses together before taking sips of your drinks.
It’s not long before Joel is 3 whiskeys in and you’re on your 4th vodka cran. You’d been chatting for almost two hours when Joel placed his hand on your thigh, sending electricity up your spine.
He held it there while you kept talking about your trip to the park today and which attractions were your favorites.
His hand was so fucking warm, it almost felt like it was burning you. Maybe it was the alcohol. You didn’t know, but he slowly worked his hand upward to the hem of your dress. He’d dip his pinky underneath it every couple of minutes, just to tease. Then you remembered.
Joel welcomed you to tease him back.
You blink slowly, drunkenly, as you lean in to whisper in Joel’s ear. “Daddy, I’m all wet.”
He clenches his jaw and the thumb that was moving back and forth on your thigh is now still. He turns his face to yours, only a couple inches away as he hums a response. “Yeah, baby?”
“Mhm… wish you could taste it. Feel it.” You purr.
He growls quietly in his throat. You lean your head on his shoulder and turn your face into his neck so that the tip of your nose is brushing against it.
“Do you need me to take you back to the hotel?” He slurs.
“Not enough time… need you now.” You whine quietly.
He squeezes your thigh, hard, and then he’s getting up. He mumbles the word “bathroom” before walking away to the back of the bar.
You blush and down the rest of your drink before getting up on slightly shaky legs. You stabilize yourself before walking where you saw Joel go, into the men’s bathroom.
The door isn’t even fully closed when he gets his mouth on you. His beard scratches against your neck as he sucks a mark into the side of it. “Daddy… please just… take me. Fuck me so good.” You whimper.
Joel leads you into one of the three stalls, closing it and latching the door before shoving you against it. You whine softly as his hands grab your breasts, massaging them, groping them.
He leans down to capture your lips with his and press his crotch against you.
Fuck, so hard already.
“I know.” He replies. Wait, did you say that out loud? Whatever.
You sling your arms around the back of his neck as he reaches under your dress with one hand to push your panties aside and feel just how wet you’d gotten for him.
“Shit, darlin’… you’re soaked.” He groans.
“F- fuck me, please, baby.” You whine against his lips.
He plunges a finger into you and you gasp, thighs already shaking.
“You need it bad, sweet girl.” He tuts.
“So bad!” You say loudly.
Joel pulls his finger from you and brings it to your lips, smearing your slick over them before pushing his digit into your mouth. “Suck.” He demanded.
You start sucking his finger while his other hand reaches down to undo his pants. He pulls his finger out of your mouth and finishes unzipping his slacks before pulling his cock out.
It was heavy, leaking… fuck, you wanted to put your mouth on it but you didn’t want to get on your knees in a bar bathroom. Even in this nice bar.
“Need it inside.” You whimper.
“I know, honey. I’m gonna give it to ya.” He smiles.
He hiked up your dress around your waist, pulling one leg up around his hip before pushing into you.
“Fuuuuck!” You gasp.
“Shit, baby. All fuckin’ wet… so tight.” Joel moans deeply.
“Hhngh…” is all you can get out when he pulls back and pushes in again.
You’re holding on to his shoulders and he’s got one hand holding your leg up, his other hand around your back at waist level, keeping you close. It helped the angle that you had high heels on, Joel didn’t have to bend his knees too much to fuck you.
“Whose pussy is this?” He sighs with pleasure.
“Da- daddy-“ you huff.
You hear the bathroom door open and you suddenly sober up, just a little. But Joel doesn’t miss a beat.
He keeps fucking into you, making the stall door thud against the lock over and over.
You look at Joel, giving him a face of confusion.
“S’alright, baby. It’s okay if he hears.” He starts fucking into you especially hard before reaching down and pulling your other leg up, both now wrapped around him. He’s supporting you under your ass with his hands as he fucks you against the stall door, your pussy making obscene noises as he does so.
“Didn’t answer my question.” He growls.
“What?” You ask breathlessly.
“Whose pussy is this?” He repeats.
You hear the other man in the bathroom flush one of the urinals.
“Y- yours!” You nearly scream as you hear the sink start running.
You should be embarrassed. You should be telling Joel to stop. There’s a lot of things you should be doing, but his cock is too fucking good. You can’t stop now.
“All mine.” He groans over and over and you hear the other patron leave the bathroom.
“I’m gonna cum!” You yell.
“Alright, baby. Go ahead. Cum on daddy’s cock.” Joel orders.
He pumps into you a couple more times and then you’re losing it. “Oh! Yeah, Joel! Fuck!” You whine like a porn star as you cum hard, squeezing around him.
“F- fuck…” Joel stutters before he’s spilling his load inside you.
You both keep moving until you’re overstimulated and sensitive. Joel pulls out and carefully sets you down. He hands you a little toilet paper to clean yourself, and you do before tossing the soiled paper in the toilet.
Joel flushes it with his foot and turns back to you, kissing you hard. “Fuckin’ love this pussy. Love you.” He hums.
“Love you s- so much.” You breathe.
He adjusts your panties and pulls your dress back down to an appropriate length before you both step out of the stall.
“I’ll walk out, you wait ten seconds, then come find me.” Joel nods.
“Okay.” You smile, drunk and blissed out.
You look in the mirror and make sure you look somewhat presentable before peeking out of the bathroom to make sure the coast was clear.
You step out and see Joel in a spot close to where you’d been sitting before. You walk past a table of rowdy men, aging between 25 and 50 you imagine.
You sit down at the bar next to Joel when you hear a man at that table behind you.
“Some bitch was getting her brains fucked out in there.” He said.
Your head snaps to the side to look at Joel with wide eyes. He smiles at you. He heard it too, but he’s more proud than embarrassed.
“She sound hot?” One of the other men asked.
“Fuck yeah. Moaning like a whore, pussy sounded juicy, too. She had to be a thick girl.” You hear the first man chuckle.
You turn a deep shade of pink and rub the back of your neck, looking into the mirror behind the bar and catching Joel’s eyes there. He was smirking like the devil.
“You alright, darlin?” He asked, still smirking.
“Mhmm...” you took a sip of your drink, hoping it would help reduce the redness spread across your face.
“Makes me wish they were out in the sink. Woulda paid to see that.” The man added, making Joel chuckle evilly to only where you could hear. You finished the last bit of your drink and stood up, trying to regain the feeling in your legs.
“Baby I think I'm ready to go...” you slurred.
“Let’s go, sweet girl.” He waved the bartender over and closed out his tab. He wrapped his arm around your waist and made your way out of the bar and into a cab.
You stumbled into the hotel room, kicking off your heels and walking over to the bed.
You laid down on your back, legs dangling off the edge of the bed at the knees, closing your eyes. You hear some clothes shuffling and then Joel’s hands are on your thighs.
“Hi, baby.” You lift your head and open your eyes. “Oh-“ you giggle drunkenly, noticing his nakedness. He was already half hard, cock hanging heavy between his legs.
“Hi.” He smiles, fingertips tracing circles on the tops of your thighs. “Let’s take all this off.” He uses one hand to motion to your clothing.
You nod at him and then he’s on you. He shoves your dress up and pulls your panties down quickly. He laughs darkly. “Still all swollen from earlier.”
“Still wet and sensitive, too.” You breathe.
“Good.” Joel groans as he runs a finger through your folds to collect your slick.
You moan softly as you watch him bring the wet digit to his lips and suck on it. “Awfully tasty, darlin’… good thing I’m hungry.” He hums.
You bite your lip as he reaches down and pulls your panties off the rest of the way. He then uses both hands to pull off your dress, you sit up a little to help.
“Ah, easy access.” He laughs with a smirk when he notices your strapless bra is clasped in the front.He reaches down with one hand and undoes it with a twist.
The bra flies open, laying underneath your back as your full breasts burst out. “Could never get tired of those.” Joel bites his lip and looks you over.
You smile and blush a little when Joel moves down and grabs your hips, shoving you further up on the bed. You lay your head on the pillows and look down as he crawls up between your legs.
He kisses your lips for a long moment before he started trailing kisses down your neck and chest. He took a couple minutes to praise each breast with his mouth and fingers before he continued south.
He got down and threw your legs over his shoulders, beginning with little licks to your slit.
“Joel-“ you gasp.
He put his hands underneath your ass, squeezing as his mouth attached to your clit. The warmth of his mouth was almost overwhelming.
“Oh, daddy…” you whine, gripping the sheets.
He hums against you as he presses his tongue against your bundle of nerves as hard as he can. Your toes curl and your hips buck up. He grabs them quickly and pushes them back down into the bed.
He darts his tongue back and forth, pressing a hand over your belly to keep you from rutting up against him. His other hand travels up to your breast to pinch and pull your nipple.
“Fuck…” you moan and gasp when his tongue starts moving up and down, making you reach for his biceps.
Joel really knew how to please you. On top of all this, he starts to suck on your bud, making you dig your nails into his skin.
He growls against you and it does you in.
“Fuck!!” You shout, your hands flying up to grip the sheets next to your head as your cunt seizes against his tongue.
Your back arches and you feel liquid squirt from your pussy onto Joel’s chin. He groans against you, sending a shockwave up your spine.
“Don’t- don’t stop!” You cry out, hoping for a quick and even more intense second orgasm. And you knew Joel could get you there.
He pushes two fingers into you and starts sucking on your clit even harder now, you swore you could feel his teeth too. He starts thrusting his fingers in and out, rubbing against that special spot inside you.
“Yes!!!” You scream, thighs shaking around Joel’s head.
“Yes! Daddy! F- fuck-“ you cut yourself off with a moan as your second climax hit you. One hand gripped the sheets while the other pulled at Joel’s hair for grounding purposes.
He keeps his fingers moving, mouth active against your clit. As the waves kept hitting you, he gradually slowed down and eased the pressure on your sensitive bud.
“Fuck.” He whispered as he pulled back. “You never stop surprising me, baby girl.” He laughs.
“Give me like two minutes to recover and then I’ll surprise you again.” You wink at him.
“Is that right?” He chuckles.
“Mhm.” You nod, breathless.
He moves up next to you in the bed, pressing his aching cock against your hip.
You moan at the feeling of wetness on the head. He moans too, the slight friction enough to make him do so.
You reach down between your legs, wetting your fingers before wrapping them around his dick. He bucks into your hand, no hesitance.
You stay like this for a couple minutes, him rolling his hips forward as you stroke him. Before Joel is aware of what’s going on, his mind feeling fuzzy from arousal, you’re on top of him.
“Shit.” He breathes, reaching to hold your thighs.
You grab his cock and guide it to your entrance before sinking down onto it.
“Fuck, baby girl… always so tight for me.” He groans and grips your thick upper thighs.
You lift up a couple inches before slowly sinking back down onto his hardness. “You’re so fucking big.” You whine.
“And you can’t get enough.” He moves his hands up to your hips, holding them hard as you begin to bounce up and down.
You place your hands on his chest, supporting yourself as your body rolls against him. He’s gripping your hips to help you thrust when he bucks his own hips to slam into you.
“Joel-!” You gasp.
“This pretty pussy is all mine, isn’t it?” He growls.
“Yes!” You whimper, meeting his hips with your own as he fills you up, over and over again.
“Need my cum, don’t you, honey?”
You nod.
“Say it.” He demands.
“Need your cum, daddy… please.” Your hips stutter as you feel yourself getting closer.
He grabs one of your breasts as he keeps fucking up into you, cock twitching. “F- fuck, sweet girl… you always look so good split on my cock.”
You nod frantically. “Pl- please…”
“Whaddya need, sugar?”
“Touch… please touch my clit, daddy.”
He laughs darkly. “All ya had to do was ask.” He removes his hand from your breast, reaching down to rub circles into your clit with his thumb.
A few seconds later you were quivering. “I’m gonna-!!” And that was all you could get out before your orgasm hit you like a bullet train. “Yes!!! Joel!”
He grunts with each thrust as he fills you with his seed, the both of you shaking from how good you felt.
The aftershocks were incredible, your pussy fluttering around Joel’s cock for a minute after you both came.
He slowed down and you leaned in to kiss him, moaning into his mouth as he pulled out of you.
“Such a good girl.” He breathed against your lips.
You let out a moan of agreement and moved off of him to get under the covers together. He pulled you in and held you tight until you both fell asleep.
The next morning was only slightly stressful. The traffic to the airport was a nightmare, even for the experienced taxi driver who was taking you.
But, you made your flight on time, getting to the gate just ten minutes before you were supposed to board.
“Told you it was gonna be fine.” Joel nudges you with his elbow.
“Yeah okay, you were right.” You chuckle. You sit down in your assigned seats, you by the window and Joel in an aisle seat, not long after the plane took off...
“Thank you...” you said, looking over at Joel. “For everything this weekend.”
He smiled. “Would you say it was the best anniversary?” He asked, making you laugh.
“Don't wanna say that cause I feel like you're gonna try to top this one next year.”
“Tellin’ me we're still gonna be together next year?” He asked.
“Honey, you can't get rid of me that easy. And yes I'd like to think that we're still gonna be together a year from now… maybe even longer.”
“Sounds like a plan to me darlin...” he cupped your cheek and pulled you into a deep, wet kiss, making you melt into his touch. You nibbled his bottom lip lightly, making him chuckle.
“I love you...” you muttered as you brushed the tip of your nose against his.
“I love you too... more than you'll ever know.” He said, making you smile. The sound of the drink cart pulled your attention away from him. The flight attendant stopped right beside your row and smiled at you.
“Would you like anything to drink, beautiful?” He said.
“Water is fine, thank you.”
He poured a cup of water and handed it to you. He looked down at Joel and smirked.
“What about you, handsome?” He said, making Joel blush.
“W- Water is fine...”
“Coming right up, big boy.” He winked, making you giggle. He handed Joel a cup of water and leaned down. “If you need anything else...” he started as he rubbed Joel's bicep. “Don't hesitate to ask.” He winked at Joel and walked off, leaving Joel speechless and you in tears from laughing so much.
“Darlin, I promise I didn't do anythin’ for him to talk to me like that,..” he said.
“Baby, it's fine.” You laughed.
“I swear, darlin...” he said again, making you laugh more.
Tag list: @evyiione @chyannealaniz @cesspitoflove @supersingle @jrosie25 @blackfemalenerd @bongsrconfusing @milly-louise @farintonorth @brittmb115 @vampire7595
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shina913 · 2 years
Coquet, Part 8 | JJK
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Coquet, Part 8
\ kō-​ˈket Definition: noun. a man who indulges in flirtation.
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✫✫✫Coquet Masterlist✫✫✫
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Pairing: Escort!JJK x Fem-reader
Rating: M (🔞)
Genre: Fake-dating!AU; Strangers to lovers; fluff; angst; smut
Warnings: aftermath of medical emergency; fluffy/quiet moments; crack; infidelity; false accusations; emotional breakdown; physical altercation (without serious injury); lots of crying; cussing; vulnerable confessions and conversations; INSANE AMOUNT OF ANGST--like, seriously--buckle up!
Word count: 7.7K+ words
Summary: On your brother's wedding, you dread traveling to see your family–whom you have successfully avoided for over a year after moving across the country for work. In an effort to save face, you hire an escort to get them off your back and perhaps even make your ex–who happens to be the best man–a little jealous.
A/N: Thank you so much to my lovely betas: @internetjunkdrawer for tirelessly listening to me scream about this every day this week and helping me plan out one of the most intricate scenes I've ever had to write--I might post our diagram, if I feel like it 😂 and to @deepseavibez for the great suggestions on the flow and some of the dialogue and introspection--you've added more nuance to this chapter. I am forever grateful to both of you!!!
A/N2: I do not condone violence in any shape or form. And to reiterate--this is a work of fiction. If you're familiar with my work, I tend to get very dramatic so please keep in mind that this is all for the dramz!
A/N3: Did not expect the taglist to get this big so I'm going to have to do it piece-meal for this chapter and subsequent ones. Thank you all for reading and loving the story so far. As usual, please leave me a comment, ask, or reblog. I love reading and responding to your reactions!
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“Do you want me to get you something from the vending machine?”
You looked up at Taehyung, after hearing the tail-end of his question. “Uh–just water, please?”
He nodded, walking down the hall to grab some refreshments for both of you.
You realized you’d been staring at the blank, white wall while you sat in the hallway, right outside your dad’s room. The nurses were limiting visitors after his minor procedure.
After commandeering one of the shuttles and driving it back to the hotel, Taehyung ran up to his room to pick up the spare keys to your dad’s red 1960 Jaguar Drophead. Clutching the keys in his hand felt bittersweet. He didn't expect to be driving this car so soon. Your dad told Taehyung that he and Jennie could ride off to the airport on the way to their honeymoon–a wedding surprise.
The wedding…
It was one of the first things your dad said when he came to. Taehyung quickly calmed him down and told him that his health was number one priority.
The doctor said that he suffered a ventricular tachycardia episode. The diagnosis sounded more serious than what it actually was, especially after they took him into a small room and put him under anesthesia. They inserted a catheter through one of his blood vessels and applied mild radiofrequency energy so that no further arrhythmias would occur. The doctor eased your worries and assured you that since your dad did not have any history of serious heart conditions, he would bounce back in a few days. He just needed to be kept overnight to make sure that he stays stable but that he’d be discharged tomorrow, just in time for the ceremony.
Taehyung returns, handing you a bottle of water.
You murmur your thanks as you take it from him, twisting the cap open to take a swig. As you chugged down the water, you realized that you hadn’t eaten or drank anything in the last…four hours, you thought, after checking the clock in the hallway.
“Dad’s funny, he’s so worried about the wedding,” he mutters vaguely, trying to break the silence.
“Yeah…dad’s priorities need a little work,” you say wryly.
Taehyung laughs softly, sinking into the seat next to you in silence, with his shoulders slumped. After a long beat, he swallowed hard. “Fuck. I’ve never been so scared in my life,” he confesses as he buries his face in his hand.
You put your hand on the back of his neck and rubbed it reassuringly. “I know. Me, too,” you whispered.
“Thank goodness Jungkook was there. What are the chances that you bring your doctor-boyfriend over to a family function and a medical emergency breaks out?”
You chuckle to yourself. Exactly. What were the chances?
“Y-you’re…you’re…” You stuttered.
“Yes, I am.” Jungkook gave you a small smile, trying to keep his voice hushed.
“But…h-how? When?”
“Well…I just got my MD and started my residency–which was why I was running late the day I was supposed to meet you. I had just wrapped up a shift.”
“Holy shit–a-are you sure this isn’t a part of–”
He shook his head then reached into his back pocket. “No, no. This is most certainly not part of the package,” he chuckled nervously. “Here.” He presents you with his work badge…with his real name written on it.
“You had this on you this whole time?” You ask him incredulously.
He nodded. “Yeah. Like I said, I was coming from work…I just changed out of my scrubs and into my suit at the airport.”
Your heart was racing–it felt as if you were about to have some sort of coronary episode as well. He cupped your face–calming you down almost in an instant.
“I’m sorry you had to find out this way. But when you get back, I promise I’ll tell you everything, okay? Right now, I know you have to go to your dad. I’ll be back at the hotel waiting for you.”
You pressed your forehead to his. “Thank you,” you breathed out.
“You’re welcome. Are you going to be okay?” He asks softly.
You tilted your chin up to kiss him. “I will be,” you answered.
Your phone buzzed, reminding you of pending notifications that you have yet to look at. You pull your phone out and look at the screen–two missed calls: one from Cristina and the other from Jimin. You had several text messages from him and Mindi as well, checking in. There was another text–this one was from Jungkook.
[From Jungkook] (10:45PM): Was it a V-tach like I suspected? Did they do the radioablation on him?
You chuckled to yourself–still coming to grips with the fact that he is a doctor. You turned to Taehyung and excused yourself, stepping away to place a call.
Jungkook picks up on the second ring. “Hey.” His voice instantly calmed you.
“How are things?”
“Fine, now. And you were right on the money on the diagnosis–they did do that, uhm…radio…” You had forgotten the term.
“Radioablation,” he says carefully.
“Yes, thank you,” you sighed softly. “They have to keep him overnight just to make sure that he heals nicely but–the doctors seem to think that they were able to fix the problem.”
“Yeah. It didn’t seem like your dad had any other serious health issues in the past so that sounds about right,” he says. After a beat of silence, he switches tact. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m–” you cleared your throat, “I’ll be okay,” you say slowly. “It got a little scary back there but it’s good to know he’s going to be fine.”
“Is there anything I can do?”
“Jungkook, you’ve done plenty already. Thank you, again. I…I don’t know how I could ever–” your voice started to crack at the thought of losing your dad. Even though the doctor had already assured you that he was safe, you still couldn’t shake the feeling.
“Hey–it was a no-brainer for me. Someone’s in trouble, I can’t just watch and let it happen.”
A warmth bloomed within you. Whether he was obligated to do it or he did it out of pure concern and care for your family, it was still incredibly noble of him.
You looked back to see Taehyung calling you over to your dad’s room.
“Listen, I have to go,” you say apologetically over the phone.
“It’s fine. Just text me if you need anything, okay?”
“Thank you, I will. Uhm…bye,” you signed off before following right behind Taehyung as he walked through the door.
Your dad was lucid but looked exhausted from the ordeal. He was conversational but the nurse insisted that he get some sleep to aid in his recovery.
“Why don’t you both go back to the hotel and get some rest? There’s not much we can do for your dad at this point. He just needs to sleep and wait ‘til the morning,” your mom says, sounding resigned.
“We can go back and grab some things for you. Anything in particular?” Taehyung asked.
“A change of clothes, maybe? Or his other medications?” You suggested.
Your mom nodded absently. “Yeah…yes. Clothes…that-that sounds good.” She sounded disconnected from the situation. She was still reeling from this evening’s events. You grabbed her hand and squeezed it reassuringly.
“He’s out of the woods now,” you say softly. “The doctor says he’ll be okay–he can go off and do normal stuff after this.“
She looked at you, tears pooling in her eyes, and nodded. You engulf her in a tight embrace and she lets out a sob. “Darling, I was so scared. So, so scared.”
“I know, mom. We were, too.” Despite her flaws and your tricky relationship, you still loved her. But marrying your stepdad was one of the best decisions that she had made. And you knew that he was one of the best things that happened to her.
As she pulled away, you wiped the tears off her cheeks. “Please tell Jungkook how grateful I am for him being there.”
You nodded. Taehyung gives her a hug as well before letting her know that you would both drive back, pick up some personal items for them and return as soon as you could.
After getting off the phone with YN, Jungkook runs into Jimin and gives him a quick update on her dad’s condition.
He breathes a sigh of relief. “Damn. That was pretty insane what you did back there, though.”
Jungkook chuckled. “It was nothing. I just did what I had to do.”
Jimin pats him on the back as a sign of his gratitude. “Either way, thanks, doc!” He says with a grin before walking off to find his mom.
Jungkook let out a puff of air. There wasn’t much for him to do. Everyone else was just waiting for word from YN or Taehyung on their dad’s condition.
He took a stroll down towards the lobby, thinking he’d lie down back in the room and wait for YN’s call. When he crosses the walkway to the courtyard, he overhears harsh whispers.
“I don’t understand why you are bringing this up again. Now? Of all days?” The female voice hissed. 
“I’ve been trying to talk to you all week and you’ve been avoiding me–”
“God! Will you ever stop? I don’t know what you want from me! I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you again–it meant nothing!”
“Stop saying that it didn’t mean anything!” The male voice said.
It wasn’t like Jungkook to eavesdrop on a private and seemingly personal conversation. He decides to walk away but he hears something else that compelled him to stay.
“It was a mistake! You knew that I’ve been in love with Tae this whole time. Whatever happened was–regretful, to say the least. I was vulnerable and we shouldn’t have been drinking.”
The male let out a frustrated groan.
Jungkook carefully rounded the corner of one of the hedges that led to the courtyard to find Haru clutching Jennie’s hands.
“Please…I just…I need to know. I need to know for sure–”
“Haru, I love him! I am marrying him! I don’t know how else I can make that clear to–”
Jennie gasps and her eyes widen at the sight of Jungkook while Haru whips his head around curious to find out what she was reacting to. She withdraws her hands from him abruptly–as if they hadn’t already been caught in a compromising position.
Haru flexes his jaw and excuses himself, sidestepping Jungkook as he heads back indoors.
Jennie and Jungkook stare at each other. Her eyes start to water as she tries to figure out how to talk her way out of this situation.
“H-how much did you hear?” She asks when Haru was out of earshot. It was a stupid question but it was the first thing that she thought of. She wraps her hands around herself, suddenly feeling small.
“Enough,” he answers. “I’m guessing that she has no idea?”
She shook her head adamantly. And judging by that reaction, Taehyung was in the dark as well.
“Does anybody else know?”
“No,” she answers immediately. “I…honestly had chosen to forget about it,” she says quietly. “I told him to do the same. He’s just being an idiot. It was a mistake a-and…”
“And yet he still went ahead and broke his engagement…for you?” Jungkook directs the question at her.
Jennie’s eyes shoot up at him. Her expression turned hard. “He was being delusional!” She dropped her hands to her side and walked a few steps to the other side of the courtyard.
She took a deep breath while staring off at the distance. “We all grew up together…I’ve loved Taehyung since…forever! When he finally told me that he felt the same, I never wanted to let him go. I waited so long for him to realize it and say it. I wasn’t about to let Haru ruin that.”
“So instead you decided to break his sister’s heart.” He didn’t mean to sound accusatory but it just came out like that. He was feeling incredibly protective of YN.
“I did not decide anything,” she said slowly. “Haru and YN were engaged...I was going through some things. He was just trying to be a good friend when I needed him…we got drunk and a little carried away. It happened once and it didn’t mean anything!”
“It sounded like it meant something to him, though,” Jungkook deadpanned.
“Well, he’s wrong! I never wanted to break them up. I even tried convincing him to get back together with her but…he–he just would not listen! It was one time. One time!”
Jungkook pursed his lips and nodded.
She then closed in on him, a worried look on her face. “Y-you wouldn’t tell, would you?” She asks meekly.
His eyebrows lifted. He stared at her quietly for a few seconds.
“Jungkook–y-you wouldn’t…please?” she begged. “You guys are together now and…and Taehyung and I are getting married,” she laughed nervously. “The past doesn’t matter anymore.”
“Look, Jennie…it’s not my place.”
Her face visibly relaxes for a bit but her relief doesn’t last long.
“I know that in this situation, I’m not obligated to be truthful to you. But I feel like you need to be honest with yourself and, in turn, be honest with the man you’re going to marry. And…in the process, make amends with people you’ve hurt.” It clawed at him that one of YN’s oldest friends would betray her like this. But he decided it would be best that the truth come from her and not him. 
“Jungkook…I just…I can’t right now. With Taehyung’s dad and everything else going on–I have to find the right time.”
Jungkook hummed. “Mm, you’re right. You really should time these things. So that when Taehyung hears that you screwed his best friend and that you played a part in his sister’s heartbreak, he won’t feel like the world is collapsing around him and there’s no escape…because, hey, you’re already his wife.”
She let out a shaky breath. “Jungkook–”
“Don’t worry, Jennie. Like I said, it’s not my place since I’m not involved in this situation. But as somebody who says they’re YN’s friend? I think you owe it to her. And Tae–” He thinks back to hours ago during the cocktail reception. The way he talked about Jennie and how he practically worshiped the ground that she walked on. “You can’t start your marriage off with a lie.”
Jennie’s lips narrowed into a thin line as she considered it.
When you and Taehyung arrived back at the hotel, you went straight to the front desk to ask for a copy of your parents’ room key to retrieve some of their personal things. Taehyung explained the situation and the staff were incredibly understanding and sent their warm wishes for your dad’s recovery.
After they hand the key card, Taehyung shoots straight for the elevators with you following right behind but he stops you.
“Hey, uh–maybe we should split up. I can go up and grab their things but–would you mind doing me a huge favor?”
“Of course,” you replied.
“Could you find Jennie for me and tell her that I’ll be down in a few? Last time she called me, she said she was somewhere out back with her family. Or…I don’t know,” He scratched his head. “Maybe she’s in the bridal suite–I don’t even remember what room–”
“Tae–say no more. I’ll look around for her.”
He gives you a small nod of gratitude before he steps into the elevator. You walk off, making your way to the courtyard when you see Jungkook sitting in one corner of the lobby.
He sees you out of the corner of his eye and immediately rises to move towards you.
Upon seeing him, you felt…lighter. You walked, no–practically broke into a sprint as he came to meet you halfway, immediately wrapping you in his arms.
“Hey,” he says as he nuzzled into your hair.
“Hey, doc,” you chuckled softly into his chest. You felt his laugh rumble within him, tickling your ear. You pulled away, regarding him intently for a bit.
“What? Do I have something on my face?”
You smiled. “No,” you say lightly. “I just–” you chuckled again. “This is so crazy,” you whispered to him.
He nodded. “I know. I’ve never had to use my actual job as a cover story.”
“W-we could have gone with my original idea? That you’d be a shrink?”
He snorted. “I thought I’d try a different strategy for this booking. Although…I never thought I’d actually have to practice medicine.”
“Well–that was…incredibly lucky,” you said, referring to your dad’s emergency.
His face turns serious. “Are you sure you’re okay?” 
You nodded earnestly, tilting your chin up to press your lips to his. “I’m good now,” you smiled at him. His expression softens and he smiles back.
“The doctor who treated dad sounded reassuring before Tae and I left.” Suddenly, you remember what you were supposed to do, before getting distracted, per usual, by Jungkook. “Actually, we were just stopping by to grab a few things for my parents then we have to head back again. Have you seen Jennie, by the way? Tae asked me to look for her.”
Jungkook’s eyebrows quirk at the sound of her name. He shifted uncomfortably–although you didn’t think much of it. “I, uh–thought I saw her walk off with her mom somewhere. I wasn’t really paying attention.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll call Mindi to find out–but first–I think I need to pee,” you grimaced. “All of this tension is shrinking my bladder. I’ll be right back.” You hear him chuckle softly as you pull away from him, walking towards the lobby restrooms, to the left of the elevators.
When you walk out the door and back down the hallway, you are startled when Haru blocks your path. “Holy shit, Haru! What the—“
“Can we talk? Please?”
You hesitate. “Uh…do we have to?“ You say tensely. You were stressed enough and didn’t know how much time you had left to find Jennie before Taehyung made his way back down to the lobby.
“Look, I saw you and Jungkook talking and you looked really upset,” he started quickly. It baffled the hell out of you but you were more surprised to learn that your little moment with Jungkook was not-so-private after all. Your heart started pounding, thinking that the jig was up.
“A-and I know what you’re thinking right now but I need you to listen to my side of the story,” Haru continued.
Your eyebrows knit further in confusion. Before you could open your mouth to argue, Haru pressed on. “I want you to know that I didn’t do it to hurt you…b-but after what happened, I just felt incredibly confused.”
He was confused? What about you?
“H-Haru, I’m…not following,” you utter slowly.
Ignoring your last remark, he continued his word vomit. “I started feeling all of these things and…I just couldn’t shake them. I tried, believe me, I tried really hard to fight it. And it wasn’t like I didn’t already know how Taehyungie felt about her—“
Your mouth went dry. It was as if the wind had been knocked out of you.
“...Then I thought about us and…I realized that…I didn’t want to be unfair to you. I couldn’t.”
The room felt unsteady all of a sudden. Or maybe those were your legs–legs that you weren’t even sure belonged to you right this second.
“YN? I’m so sorry. I’ve been wanting to tell you–”
“No.” Your voice sounded unfamiliar to you. “No,” you repeated the word forcefully, as if not comprehending fast enough. “I…I can’t…I can’t deal with this…” Your chest felt tight and you were absolutely sick to your stomach.
You started to walk off. Ears ringing as if a bomb had gone off. You were unsure which direction you were going–but you wanted to move somewhere safe. You wanted to go and find Jungkook…your safe place.
Feeling unsteady on your feet, you stumbled but you felt Jungkook swoop you up in his arms right away.
“What happened? Did he do anything to you?” He asked as he glared at Haru, who stayed rooted to the spot.
“I-I…” you stuttered, trying to get over the shock.
“I can’t believe you told her!”
You were jolted by a shrill voice coming from the right side of the elevators. You pulled away from Jungkook to lay your eyes at her. But when you turned to look–you were confused as to whom she directed her ire at.
Was she looking at you?
You traced her line of sight and were shocked to find that she was glaring at Jungkook. You looked again to make sure that you weren’t hallucinating.
You tore your eyes away from Jennie a second time and looked back at the man in front of you. “You…you knew?”
Jungkook’s eyes widen and blink furiously “H-hold on–”
“You knew?” You repeated, wrenching yourself away from him.
“It's not what you think…” he started to take steps towards you but you held your hand up to stop him.
“You knew and you didn’t tell me?!” You say more aggressively at him this time. When he didn’t respond, you turned your attention to Jennie. “Does Taehyung know?” You yelled, looking back at Haru, who had stepped in closer.
Jennie gasps at the sight of him and stands frozen, realizing Jungkook wasn’t the one who revealed her secret— it was Haru. 
“Does Taehyung know what?”
None of you heard the elevator ding. Everyone’s heads whip around to find Taehyung stepping into the lobby, carrying a small duffel bag with him. 
“What? What is it that I know? Or don’t know?” He asks curiously while looking around at everyone.
You were visibly shaking from anger, jaw clenched, fists balled up. You wanted to scream out their indiscretion right then but somehow, you couldn’t make words come out of your mouth.
“YN?” His face scrunched up in confusion upon seeing the distressed look on your face. “Will somebody tell me what the fuck is going on? Jagiya? Haru?”
Jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat—wondering how much longer he could stay out of this.
But everyone seems to have forgotten how to speak. Taehyung asks again, sounding more irritated this time. “Guys, seriously–if nobody tells me–”
“I slept with Jennie,” Haru blurts out.
Tears start streaming from Jennie’s eyes.
Taehyung let out a humorless chuckle and turned to his friend. “What?”
“Jennie and I…we had sex,” Haru said again–as if the point hadn’t gotten across yet.
There were only seconds of silence in between those moments but it felt like eons. 
Taehyung turned to Jennie who was struggling to contain her sobs. “I-it was right before we got together. I-it didn’t mean anything,” she whimpered.
His neck whipped sideways at his friend, silently asking for an explanation.
“I’m in love with her, man. I…I love her–”
Jennie interjected immediately. “But I love you, jagi–it’s always been you!”
Taehyung glances at you. Tears stung your eyes but not from hurt…it was from rage. But you saw the pain etched all over your brother’s face. It was a look you’d rarely seen during your childhood. Then, his lip suddenly curled into a sneer before he lunged at Haru, ramming into him and taking him down.
It all happened so quickly. 
The two men hit the marble floor with a thud. Someone yelled. There was a distant sound of screaming. You stood there, frozen and silent, emotions twisting within you.
Taehyung pinned Haru by the throat and pummeled his jaw with a series of blows. Haru grunted with each brutal impact and struggled to break free.
Some bodies zoomed past you, coming from different directions as they attempted to break up the melee. 
Mindi and Jimin round the corner after hearing the commotion. 
You couldn’t stand being in the presence of other people right this second. You needed to walk away…needed to leave this situation before you exploded. Your feet started moving on their own–finding yourself walking towards the courtyard and out to the beach.
Jungkook tries to pull Taehyung off a bloodied Haru when Jimin jumps in, trying to hold his friend back as well. He gives Jimin a look and he nods, telling him that he’s got this so he could go after you.
“Tae, stop–you’re getting married tomorrow!” Jimin says through gritted teeth after finally managing to pull Taehyung far enough from Haru.
Taehyung quits struggling at the sound of Jimin’s reminder. Breathing raggedly, he shrugs off Jimin’s hold and gives Haru and Jennie a look–both pained and contemptuous. “The hell I am,” he growled. “Wedding’s off,” he declared.
As he takes a couple of steps away, Jennie tries to stop him, begging him to let her explain things. “Jagi, please,” she sobbed.
“No, don’t,” he shook his head, eyes squeezed shut. “I can’t even look at you right now,” he seethed.
Her shoulders sag. Mindi approaches quietly and pulls Jennie into her arms, where she breaks down watching Taehyung storm off.
Jimin eyes Haru with contempt. After he is helped up by two other groomsmen, he utters, “Clean yourself up and get your ass out of here if you know what’s good for you.”
“Wait up!” Jungkook calls out to you.
“Leave me alone!” You trudge through sand, thinking how comical you must look. But you didn’t give a shit at this point. You were incredibly angry. Angry at Haru. Angry at yourself. Angry at…everything!
“YN, wait!”
“I can’t believe I trusted you,” you say indignantly.
“Will you stop running away for one second?” He catches up to you in a few strides.
You stopped abruptly to turn and face him. You aggressively swipe at the tears dripping down your cheeks.
“How could you not have told me?” You seethed.
He scoffed. Opening his mouth preparing to say something but shutting it just as quickly. He looked like he was at a loss for words. “What did you expect me to say? I–”
“You should have told me,” you cut him off. “Instead, you let me make a fool out of myself. You lied. But hey, I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised because that’s what you do. That’s what your whole business is built on…that’s who you are. A liar!”
He tossed his head back and let out a bitter chuckle. “Oh? So we’re back to judging me again, are we? That’s rich,” he says icily. “You’re pointing the finger at me? The man whom you hired to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
The reality check was a punch in the gut…as if you hadn’t gotten enough of those tonight. What’s another one?
You square your shoulders and tilted your chin up, acknowledging his argument. “Okay, you’re right. I did that. I was so desperate to make everyone believe that I was okay…that I was happy…that I decided to pay $8,000 for a lie.” You swallowed hard. “But at the end of the day, the only one who ended up falling for it was me,” you spit out angrily.
You hated saying it out loud because it made you acknowledge how delusional you might have become.
His expression turned solemn. “You know, I figured you were running out of steam on this jilted-fiance story and you needed some fuel to ruin your next relationship. So go ahead! Hate me.” He stretched his arms out on either side and shrugged. “Consider it part of the package.”
You looked away from him. Regretting the last two days…the last few hours. He made you feel safe, showed you that he cared. He shared things about himself. And for a minute, you let yourself believe it…that you had fallen for the real thing–and not the fantasy.
“I won’t be needing any more of your services,” you mustered.
He nodded, feeling resigned. “Gotcha. I’ll get my things and be out of your hair tonight.” Turning on his heel, he takes one last look at you before leaving.
You watched his figure grow smaller as he moved further away from you. This was what you had feared the most: leaning in far too close and falling hard–with nobody to catch you.
Your legs give out, sinking onto the sandy surface. You bury your head in your hands and mentally kick yourself for thinking that you could find happiness again.
Jungkook nearly takes the door off its hinges when he enters the room. He was on a mission–stuff everything in his suitcase, as quickly as he can, and get the fuck out of here.
He marches into the bathroom, grabs all of his toiletries, and tosses them haphazardly into his luggage. He pulls his phone charger off the outlet. He yanks the garment bags out of the closet, setting them on the bed, then does one final sweep of the bedroom and bathroom to make sure that he’s collected all of his belongings.
Next, he pulls up the return flight information on his phone and calls customer service. Unfortunately, the airline was no longer taking red-eye reservations since it was nearing midnight so he booked the first available flight leaving in the morning instead. The associate proceeded to tell him about extra fees which he agreed to quickly.
He resolves to stay at a different hotel, thinking it was pointless to be on standby at the airport.
After he books it online, he goes to pick up his carry-on bag. He tosses his charger and other knick-knacks in it. Before he zips it up, he sees a white envelope. The one that YN handed to him on their first night.
He takes it out and walks over by the night stand to grab a pen. He sighed before scribbling something on it. Afterwards, he tosses it on the mattress. He picked up his backpack, swung the garment bags over his shoulder and dragged his suitcase, quietly walking out the door.
To his relief, the lobby was clear. He had ordered a rideshare and planned on waiting for it by the hotel’s driveway.
Only a minute into waiting, he hears someone call his name.
“You’re leaving?” Taehyung asks.
Surprised to see him there, he had to think of something quickly. He had hoped to make a quiet, uneventful getaway.
“Uh–I got a call from the hospital. My boss recalled me. They need me for an emergency back home.” He felt terrible about lying to Taehyung. He thought that maybe he had had enough falsehoods for the night. As much as it pained him to do it, he still thought about protecting YN and their cover story.
“Oh. What about YN?”
“I…we talked about it...you know, before–” Jungkook trailed off, not wanting to bring up the incident that just occurred. “I told her that I’d call her as soon as I take care of things,” he said with a small smile.
“Do you need a ride somewhere?” Taehyung looked as if he was on autopilot. Jungkook catches a glimpse of his bruised knuckles from the fight earlier.
Jungkook hesitated. “I was going to take a rideshare to a hotel near the airport.”
Taehyung’s expression was deadpan. “Tell me where it’s at and I’ll drive you.”
“A-are you sure? W-what about–”
“Listen–you’re leaving and I don’t really want to be here right now. It’s a win-win for both of us. What do you say?”
The ride to Jungkook’s hotel was quiet. Taehyung kept his eyes straight on the road.
When they pull up to the parking lot, he shuts the engine off.
“Thanks for the ride,” Jungkook utters.
“Don’t mention it,” Taehyung replied.
Jungkook peers at Taehyung, whose elbow rested on the car door while his other hand loosely held onto the steering wheel.
“I uhm–hope you had a nice trip out here?” He says dryly.
Jungkook sighed. “Yeah. It was great. Thanks, Tae,” he says, feeling sheepish all of a sudden. He paused for a beat. “I’m…I’m really sorry about…Jennie.”
Taehyung is silent for a minute. Jungkook regrets the comment but before he takes it back, Taehyung spoke. “I think I wouldn’t have been as angry if it were someone else.” He pursed his lips, trying to stop himself from verbalizing it, as if it would make it less real.
“Not Haru.” Taehyung continued as his eyes flicked downward, falling silent for another minute or so while he flexed his bruised hand. “I feel like shit, Jungkook. I–I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I can’t believe I…” he swallowed hard. “Fuck, I can’t believe I let YN–”
“You can’t blame yourself for that, Tae. YN decided that she valued your relationship more and didn’t want to put you in a tough spot.” He tries to say consolingly.
“You know, I’ve had Jennie up on a pedestal since–” he stopped short after realizing something. “...Since I put her there,” he trailed off quietly. Jennie, the girl next door. The good girl, always in the honor roll…always the sweetheart. She’d never hurt a fly.
“You couldn’t have known, Taehyung. She had no clue either.”
“But that’s what sucks, doesn’t it? I feel so fucking guilty. I felt bad enough that my sister chose to leave…she gave me an out. Now, I feel like the biggest schmuck,” he says regretfully. “And…I feel awful that I had a hand in hurting her, too,” he says quietly.
“Don’t beat yourself up for this. She dealt with the situation the way she thought was best.”
Taehyung leaned back against the headrest, sighing heavily. Jungkook couldn’t imagine going through all of these emotions in a single night. The first few days of his residency had been rough. Unlike his clients, he found it incredibly difficult not to get attached to a patient. It was a strange feeling for him at first. With clients, he learned to care enough about them to a certain degree–to make them feel comfortable. But when that job was done, he went home and simply disconnected. As a doctor, the connection was much harder to shake off with a patient.
Taehyung was not his patient–but in the few days that he had gotten to know him, it wasn’t difficult to feel empathy towards him…and practically the rest of YN's family.
“I still love her,” Taehyung whispers. He chuckled wryly at his admission. “And I’m supposed to be angry because she hurt me…and she hurt my sister. Loving her even after all that–I feel like that's so wrong in so many ways.”
“You can feel both.” Jungkook said quietly while staring at nothing in particular. “It’s amazing how someone can break your heart and you can still love them with all the little pieces.” 
Taehyung lifted his head to peer up at him in curiosity. Jungkook pursed his lips, quietly thinking about the last few days. He reminded himself that he had originally accepted the booking as a change of pace since he was getting tired of running on the old hamster wheel–and his friend convinced him to do so–for his sanity. It turned out that this trip had surprised him in more ways than one.
YN had surpassed all of his expectations, gaining access to all of his self-imposed “perimeters.” She had only managed to do that because he willingly gave her access. He opened himself up and practically let her walk through.
Jungkook puffed out his cheeks and released a breath. Then the next few words spilled out of his mouth before he could stop them. “The hardest thing is loving someone and having the courage to let them love you back.”
He bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from saying any more. He was feeling vulnerable, too. But for now, he would have to set those thoughts aside. Between the both of them, only one would talk about how heartbroken they were tonight.
Jungkook shook his head gently. “Well, if you know her shit, and she knows yours–and at the end of the day, you’d still rather give up than try…nothing’s ever going to be worth it,” he looks at Taehyung pointedly.
Taehyung lets his words sink in and they fall silent once more.
“Thanks for listening.” Taehyung mumbled.
His response came instantaneously. “Anytime.”
“I didn’t mean to hold you up. I, uh–have to go back to the hospital anyway.”
“I don’t mind at all. If anything, I feel bad delaying you,” Jungkook utters before stepping out of the car and retrieving his things from the backseat. “Thanks again for the ride, Tae.” He said it as earnestly as he could–thinking this could be the last time he’d ever see him.
“You’re welcome. And I hope your emergency gets resolved soon. I’m sure YN can’t wait until you’re back together. She’ll need you.”
Jungkook forced a smile. “Yeah. I hope so.” He made it sound like he was responding to the part about the ‘emergency’ when in fact he was actually referring to the last part of Taehyung’s statement.
“Anyway–drive safely. I hope,” He paused for a beat, “I hope that everything works out,” he sighed, thinking that it was the wrong thing to say in this situation but he was sincere about it and wanted to let Taehyung know that he meant it.
Taehyung gave an ambiguous head bob, keeping his expression blank before turning the engine back on and reversing out of the spot.
Jungkook gave him a quick wave and watched the taillights fade into the night.
After you calmed down, you wandered back towards the hotel. Taehyung sent a quick text apologizing for taking off and that he went on to return to the hospital to bring your parents’ things after dropping Jungkook off at another hotel.
Selfishly, you wondered whether Jungkook had decided to let the cat out of the bag. Taehyung didn’t seem to hint at knowing anything about it and it wasn’t really the right time to ask him about it. You would just deal with it later.
As you close in at the hotel entrance, you see Haru stepping out to load his things into a cab. He catches you from his peripheral and slows down. You took a deep breath, steeling yourself for whatever he might do next. 
You stood there in silence while his cab idled. He had a cut on his eyebrow that matched the one on his swollen lip–which was only dwarfed by the bruise on his cheek. Your brother certainly did a number on him. He tilted his head slightly, a completely dejected look on his face and mouthed, “I’m sorry.”
You nodded curtly, acknowledging the apology but not necessarily accepting it. He nods in return before he dips into the back seat and rides off.
You get off the elevator and walk quietly down the hallway, feeling some odd sense of relief that you were not going to run into Jungkook. You freeze on the spot when you see Jennie sitting on the floor by your room. She hugged her legs to her chest, her chin resting on her knees. God knows how long she’d been waiting there.
You broke into a cold sweat and were tempted to run back to the elevator. But something propelled you to continue walking towards her. You decided within yourself that you were done running. You swallowed hard and tried to calm yourself.
Hearing footsteps, she lifts her head to find you advancing towards her. She stands quickly, trying to compose herself.
So many thoughts ran through your head as you stared her down. You were very tempted to slap her. You clenched your fist but quickly relaxed it–trying to avoid doing something you might regret.
“I…I was hoping we could talk,” Jennie says shakily.
You stared at her blankly while she wrung her hands. “Well? Talk.” You deadpanned. Truthfully, you were interested to hear what she had to say. After she repeatedly shut you down during her bachelorette party after you drunkenly rambled on about Haru.
She inhaled sharply. “I’m–really, really sorry…about everything. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I didn’t want any of this to happen.”
“Well, that would have been really shitty of you if you wanted any of this to happen.” You were eerily calm. “When?”
“When?” You asked again.
“It was…sometime in March. A couple months before Tae and I got together. I…I was just so in love with him and I didn’t know how to tell him. I only called Haru because I needed his help.”
Even though she didn’t tell you the exact date, you had a feeling of when this night in question occurred. You and Haru had a stupid argument about the wedding registry and he stormed off. Thinking back, you remembered that you had been fighting a lot in the weeks leading up to your breakup.
“We met up for drinks, a-and—“
You didn’t need the rest of the details. “Did Mindi know?” 
She shook her head adamantly. “No, I never told anybody.”
You and Haru made up when he got home the next morning and you thought everything was going to be fine but it was short-lived. Less than a couple weeks later, he dropped the bomb on you and ended things. Mindi and Jennie were your first calls.
“You saw me hurting, you saw me questioning myself after it happened. I had replayed almost every scenario–analyzed it to no end, trying to figure out where it all went wrong. And after all this time, you knew.” Your eyes stung with tears.
“I know that there’s no excuse for what I did. I instantly regretted it. I told Haru that after he came to me with this ridiculous confession after Taehyung and I had gotten together. I told him that ending your engagement was a big mistake. I tried very hard to convince him to fix things with you.”
And you both know how her efforts turned out.
Before going on this trip, you dreaded seeing Haru the most. You were afraid that he would stir up feelings in you that you thought had already faded with time. The last few days made you realize that you didn’t love him anymore. But there was one feeling that lingered–it was failure.
For a year, you thought that you were the problem. He left you, so you got it in your head that you caused the relationship’s failure. 
But it wasn’t your fault. And after thinking on it more tonight, it wasn’t Haru’s fault either. Tonight’s revelations shed some light on many truths. Even some that you didn’t expect.
“I’m…so, so sorry. For everything,” she sniffled.
“Taehyung should be back soon,” you say calmly and unceremoniously.
“Yeah, I think I’m the last person he’ll want to see.” She wiped her tears. Her eyes are swollen and bloodshot from all of tonight’s events.
“You still love him, right?” Despite everything, you had no doubt about how Jennie felt about your brother.
She nodded wordlessly.
You’ve watched them love each other from a distance for years. When they finally got together, it made you yearn for something even half as good as what they shared.
She kept this from him because she had a sinking feeling that what they had wouldn’t be able to weather the truth.
“Lies erode trust, Jennie. By nature, we count on people who tell the truth. Honesty…brings us joy and builds stronger connections.” You saw that quote somewhere–not remembering who said it but it seemed appropriate for the situation.
Whatever you had with Haru was long gone. All those years of friendship that eventually turned to love—ruined, beyond repair. Ultimately, things weren’t meant to be with him.
As much as it pained you to say it, you still thought that what Taehyung and Jennie had was real—even after finding out her indiscretion towards you.
A year ago, you would have been spiteful. Wanting to hurt Haru as much as he hurt you. And what good would that have done? Even now, as your body calms down from the shock of it all, you feel oddly at peace.
“You should still try talking to him. He’s feeling raw, I’m sure but…if you love him, you have to try.”
You stared at her quietly as she cried softly.
You swallowed the lump in your throat. “And…thank you…for giving me that closure that I needed,” you finished.
She opened her mouth tentatively, looking like she was deciding whether she should say anything else or not. She swallowed hard. “D-does this mean that…you forgive me?” She whispered.
You softened your face. “Right now? No,” you say simply.
Her expression is pained and quite frankly, you didn’t want to twist that blade any further.
“But I won’t stay angry. That said, I think,” you paused, “…that should be enough for both of us to move on from this. I can’t tell you how things will turn out tomorrow but tonight, I can’t pretend that everything is okay.”
She nodded in acceptance. Before you tap your keycard to the door, she stops you to tell you one last thing.
“For what it’s worth—Jungkook had nothing to do with this. He overheard me and Haru arguing. He tried convincing me to come out with it.”
You sucked in a sharp breath, steeling yourself.
“I-I know I fucked up before but—I hope…I hope that I can at least salvage this relationship for you. He didn’t do anything wrong,” she says quietly before walking away.
With that, you open the door to your room and shut it behind you.
You took a few steps in and scanned the place. It was a sizable junior suite…but the last few days, it felt much smaller than that. More intimate.
You reached the closet to find one side of it empty. You looked around some more, as if taking stock of what was missing.
Nothing of yours. Just his.
You sat on the bed, feeling numb. You pushed him away…and he left, just as you wanted him to.
At least that’s what you kept telling yourself.
With a deep sigh, you flopped onto the mattress, with your hands above your head. As your back lands on it, your hand hits something else with a weird ‘thwack.’
You blindly feel around for the item. Once you grasped it, you held it up to your line of sight.
The words written on it made you sit up once more.
It’s all there. Trust me.
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taradiddled · 4 days
As much as I write Lilith as a mean bitch from Ada’s perspective, I do feel like, at least in the story, she and Lucifer did really fall in love. They just hurt Ada in the process because they were too worried about what she, and by extent, the Seraphim, would react. So, when Michael told Ada about Lucifer and Lilith, it was just ten times WORSE because it had been going on for so long.
Lilith also has her own flaws and reasons, and I don’t see her as this big villain. She’s just someone who wants MORE than what she already has. She’s kinda impatient, and has always felt like she and Ada are in comparison, with Lilith jealous of the praise Ada received as the First Man. And then Ada just…steamrolled RIGHT OVER Lilith’s memory, by being with Eve.
It didn’t help that Lilith and Lucifer started off their relationship in a perpetual honeymoon phase, that soon grew complicated when it became apparent that they didn’t ALWAYS agree on things, and were actually two very stubborn beings. They got into arguments, they got back together, they were happy at times, but their fights were BAD.
One fight had them tearing at each other, with one very specific soul on the line. The result had Lucifer leaving for a week, before returning, and vowing to not make the same shit happen again.
They’d separate, with Lilith going off to do her thing, and Lucifer going off to do his thing (and one of his things had been to target Ada by sleeping with Eve when Eve was looking to hurt Ada as well).
Lilith REALLY wasn’t happy that Lucifer went and did that with Eve. Mostly because it was EVE, the being who had been created to REPLACE Lilith. And it just rubbed salt in the wounds, and for a couple dozen years, the King and Queen of Hell were at odds. But they came back together. They typically did. And things were okay.
And then, when Lilith finally had something good going in Hell with Lucifer, there was Ada, an Archangel, looking down on Lilith, counting out Lilith’s failures, and having the upper-hand with her say-so in Heaven. And it just PISSSED Lilith OFF. There was also her jealousy of Ada and Lucifer’s once-friendship, and she KNEW Ada still loved Lucifer, even if Ada’s hatred was now overtaking that love.
Didn’t matter that Lilith knew Ada would NEVER be with Lucifer, or that Lucifer DID love Lilith.
There had to be MORE.
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my-soupy-brain · 11 months
ted would be SO lovely if y/n were pregnant with their child
Oh yes he would. What an absolutely doting, protective, caring man he'd be. Waiting on your every whim. So excited to be a dad again. Let's goooo!
Relationship: Ted Lasso x reader (f)
Smut: A lil smut but mostly fluff.
You woke in the morning to Ted watching your belly, poking out from your nightshirt, your pants around your hips, and your belly on full display.
His warm hand was gently on it, and he was smiling.
"G'morning, honey," you say dreamily opening your eyes. "What are ya doin'?"
His eyes are big with wonder.
"I can feel them kickin' away in there, like they're in a match against Man City," Ted answers, chuckling lightly.
You smile, putting your hand over his.
"They must be showing off for their dad," you reply brightly, Ted leaning up to kiss your lips.
"I can't believe it... that we made a life... that I get to be a dad again..." Ted murmurs, his hand stroking your tummy, a couple of ripples under the skin of the Little Lasso moving around, doing bicycle kicks or whatever they're up to in there.
Ever since you and Ted got married, you were eager to start a family but not too soon, wanting to enjoy the honeymoon period. Exactly two years and 34 days into your marriage (but who's counting) you found out you were pregnant.
Ted could've launched into space with excitement.
He called Henry right away to tell him the news, and Henry - well, he's taking big brotherdom very seriously, already deciding how he'll protect his little sibling from anyone who tries to hurt them.
And once your morning sickness set in, Ted was always at your side. Beard and Roy were good colleagues, letting him sit out some mornings to stay home with you. He came to every doctor's appointment, knowing the answers to the questions already but still wanting to be there every step of the way.
Dinners were always something he wanted to take on, making sure you ate properly and didn't stand on your feet too long, especially now that they're swelling.
"Can I get you anything, sugar? Breakfast in bed?" he asks hopefully. You smile.
"I'll take some buttered toast in cocoa if you're offering, I've got a bit of heartburn this morning..."
Ted's eyes worry immediately, and then relaxes. He knows you know what to do, and what you're asking for will help calm your stomach.
"Be right back in two shakes!" he says, hopping out of bed. He pulls on a white t-shirt and leaves the room in his boxer briefs, making you smile and whimper -- your hormones are doing lots of crazy things but how you've wanted your man has never changed.
He comes back with a bed tray, propped and ready to set over you, except your belly won't allow it.
"Little Lasso is just not going to be contained!" you joke, rubbing your stretched skin. Ted removes the tray and instead holds the plate for you while you nibble on the toast.
Once you finish your light breakfast, you pad your way into the bathroom, holding your back and waddling. You're still a month away but the pain is real and uncomfortable sometimes. You hold it together because you can't wait to have a family with the man of your dreams.
When you emerge from the bathroom in one of your long maternity maxi dresses, Ted smiles from ear to ear.
"Darlin', you're absolutely breathtaking," he says, leaning in to hug you and kiss your cheek.
"Thanks... I feel... not breathtaking," you murmur with a giggle, holding your tummy. You love the little life growing inside but all of these changes also make you feel...undesirable.
"You're radiant, glowing. Golly...how did I get so lucky..." he murmurs almost to himself.
Ted brings you back to the bed, kneeling in front of you, picking up your foot, and massaging it. It feels so good to have some blood circulation in your toes.
"Honey, I told you once and I'll tell you every day for the rest of my life -- you're the most beautiful creature that walks this fine earth, and just as much if not more because you're carrying our little one with you," Ted says gently but firmly, moving to the other foot to massage.
"I know the mystery of life is beautiful, but it... has changed my body so much," your lip quivers, your hormones kicking off ALL THE THINGS today apparently.
He kneels up to you, cupping your face in his hands as he looks into your eyes...
"You're the most beautiful thing in my world," he whispers to your lips. "When we met, yesterday, when you're head's in the toilet, this morning, when you're screaming in the delivery room, and the days that follow... you'll always be the most gorgeous, perfect woman I've ever met..."
Ted decides a date night is in order. Staying in, so you don't have to walk too far. He orders takeout pasta to meet your craving and puts a movie on to snuggle up with you.
His hand settles on your tummy, where Little Lasso is again kicking like a maniac.
"They're really active today, huh?" you ask, laughing at how it feels. "I bet they'll be a good dancer like their daddy."
Ted chuckles again.
"And with your good looks and beautiful brain, they'll be a triple threat of talent," he adds.
When you look up, he leans down to kiss your lips, running his tongue along them, deepening the kiss. It sparks a fire in you and before you know it, the movie no largely ignored as you pull him in by his soft hair, your hands touching every inch of him.
He coaxes you to his lap, sliding your panties down. You're worried you're too heavy.
"Are you sure about...this?" you ask pensively. You can't help but look down at your stomach, feeling self-conscious.
Ted, again, holds your face in his gentle hands.
"I want you every time I touch ya, doll, but if you aren't comfortable..." he says, his hands stroking your back.
"No, I want you... more than anything, Teddy...but..."
"God, you're just beautiful. Just... the most beautiful woman on earth." "And you, Little Lasso. Ears closed. Mom and Dad need to take care of something..." he says, winking at you and kissing your neck.
His joke makes you relax, he returns soft, stready kisses, his hands caressing your every curve. He touches you sensually, sparking all the right sensations.
And your worries melt away as you make soft, sensual love on your comfortable couch, whispering beautiful things, sighing, and smiling as you kiss.
TA-DA! Not only would Ted take good care of you while you're pregnant, but he would also be such a doting husband and find you so incredibly attractive. I had to work that in somewhere. Hope you enjoyed - thanks for the prompt!
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whiskeynwriting · 1 year
Something Extra Special
Agent Daddy Whiskey x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Mentions of reader’s hair, daddy kink, slight touching (not really anything), brief alcohol consumption 
A/N: I’m so sad Daddycember is coming to a close 😭♥️ I always love it 🥺🥰
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“Good mornin’, baby girl.” He’s smiling, speaking quietly and brushing your hair back to kiss your forehead. 
It’s like you’re waking up the day after your honeymoon all over again. The two of you on vacation, exploring the world and resting peacefully together. Nothing is ever better than when you’re together. 
“Good morning, daddy.” Comes your airy, morning voice, happiness laced in your tone. 
You’re in his arms, like you always are when you sleep. The curtains are still shut, gentle rays of light peeking out from the sides. But overall, the room is still dark. He’s been up though, Jack always wakes up early, he can’t help it. It’s a schedule that was set early in his life, since he joined the army in his early twenties. And you don’t mind, he likes to workout in the morning, get chores done around the house, and he usually lets you sleep while he does it. Today, he waited as long as he could, deciding to wake you after so many hours scrolling on his phone. 
“You ready to open your presents?” He asks with another gentle kiss to your forehead. 
Somehow, you’d forgotten that it was Christmas day. As cheesy as it sounds, every day was special with him. But upon your remembering, you smile, feeling giddy. Tilting your head up at him, you’re met with that handsome smile, nodding happily to him. 
You’d both spent an incredible amount of time and effort into the other’s presents this year, but honestly, you did that every year. You were thoughtful people, and that trait was tenfold in your relationship.
“Should we have breakfast first?” You ask, yawning while you stretch.
“Sure, babycakes.” Reaching over, he grabs the phone. “I’ll order room service.” It’ll likely be your last time ordering; you’re leaving for home later today. 
When Jack turns to face you, he grins widely, chuckling. Reaching over, he puts a hand on top of your head, mussing your already wild hair. “Your bedhead is really cute.”
It makes you smile shyly, cuddling up into him all over again. You listen to him as he orders, playing with the ring on his left finger while that baritone voice nearly lulls you back to sleep. Never in your life have you felt this calm in someone’s presence. 
“Wanna eat in bed?” Jack asks, admiring the way your thumb runs over his ring. 
“Nah,” Shaking your head, “I wanna see the presents. Let’s eat out in the living room.” 
As usual, your wish is granted. While you get yourself cleaned up in the bathroom, Jack takes it upon himself to set up the food. So far, everything has come quick and has been delicious during your stay. There’s really nothing better than good food after a long day, or a tasty breakfast to start it.
In your opinion, your relationship is the epitome of opposites attract. Jack is an absolute extrovert, he loves to go out and meet new people. But you, you’re more introverted, you recharge when you’re in your own space, tending to be a homebody. And as your relationship grew, you started to reflect a little bit of each other in your own personalities. Jack has brought out your more adventurous side, and you’ve definitely brought out his inner domesticity. For instance, instead of going out to some big fancy breakfast, Jack wanted to stay in on Christmas day. Not only that, but he liked the idea of opening gifts in your pjs, with just the two of you. The longer you’re together, the more he wants to experience things just with you. He likes the intimacy of it, and he never wants to share you. 
“You look so cute.” Already, he’s pulling you into his arms, your body plopping onto his lap while he sits on the couch. 
“You’re so lovey today.” You giggle, relaxing on him.
Pulling back, he frowns. “Am I not lovey always?”
Turning your head, you eye that handsome face. “No, you definitely are.” Lifting your hand to him, your palm resting over the side of his face, you then say, “And I really love it, baby.”
He grins, a small, happy hum emitting from him. “Remember when we used to say ‘I really like you’?”
The memory makes you chuckle, nodding. “Yeah.” 
Hugging you tighter in his arms, that wide smile presents itself again. “And now we get to say I love you.” 
It’s a routine thing, an everyday thing, that phrase. Before leaving for work in the morning, you’d say it. When one of you went to the store, you’d say it. Hell, if one of you went to shower you’d say it. Some might say it’s overkill, that saying the words so often makes them lose their meaning. But neither of you see it that way, not when the words came so naturally. 
“I knew it the moment I met you.”
“Did you really?” He asks, surprised by your admission.
Again, you nod, fingers stroking his face. “When I looked into your eyes, I knew it.” When you looked into those eyes, you saw everything you needed. 
“You’re gonna make me blush, babycakes.”
“You look so cute like that.” Leaning in, you give the tip of that curved nose a sweet kiss. “Now c’mon, let’s eat so we can open our gifts.” 
“Why don’t we do both?” Jack suggests, leaning over to hand you your plate.
Of course, you agree. Jack had your gifts set aside in a closet, bringing them out and into the living room when he brought in the food. And with them only feet away… they’re just staring at you. 
“You go first, honey.” He insists, grunting while crouching to sit on the floor beside you.
Both of you bring your plates, setting them on the coffee table just to your left. Before even taking a bite of your food, some delicious-looking raspberry crepes, you reach for a box. Sliding it close, you grin like a little kid, fingers already tearing in. 
“Baby,” You tut, opening the small box. “How are you so good at gifts?”
All he does is smile and shrug. “You like ‘em?”
“Of course I do!” Reaching in, you rub the tip of your finger over the gems on your new set of stud earrings. But they aren’t just any type of gem, they’re your birthstone. “They’re so pretty, baby.” 
“Open this one.” Your husband then insists, handing you another smaller gift. “You’ll like this one so much more.” 
It’s in your hands in a second, you don’t even hesitate. Another jewelry box is revealed when the wrapping paper is ripped away, and Jack was right. Somehow, you’re even more in love with this gift. 
“Look at the engraving.” 
It’s a silver bracelet, your wedding date engraved into it. 
“Honey…” You’re only two presents in and already, you’re tearing up, an emotional smile on your face. Lifting your right arm, you slide the thin cuff onto your wrist, admiring it. “I love this.” And then, you’re finding him, leaning over for a kiss. 
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it, baby doll.” He’s smiling into it, the sweet press of your lips. And he still has his morning breath but you really can’t bring yourself to care. How did you end up with a man like him? 
“Well open some of yours before I finish mine,” You then tell him, folding your legs. “Today is about you, too.” It doesn’t take much convincing; Jack is just as excited as you. 
The first gift he picks out is in a bag, and once he realizes what it is, he’s releasing a grateful breath. “Baby, this is so great. I’ve needed this so bad.”
“Yeah,” You laugh, “Ever since you dropped your old one back in the fall when you were doing your tipsy dances.” 
“Hey, I wasn’t that drunk, okay?” Raising an eyebrow at you while holding the crystal decanter and glass set in his hand. 
“You were drunk enough to shatter it!” 
“Whatever.” He waves a hand at you, returning his gaze to the whiskey set. “Anyways.” Chuckling, he reaches for another one, the smallest of his presents. 
“You really like these on me, huh?” That famous smirk is back on his face, those warm eyes glancing over at you.
“You look so handsome and cozy in them.” They’re a set of three flannels, each of them a different color pattern. “Do you like them?”
“Honey, of course I do. They are pretty cozy.” He has about a million in his closet, but what’s wrong with a few more? 
“Baby, are these…” When he opens his next gift, he’s not prepared for what it is.
“Our vows.” Answering him softly, you then say, “I framed them. We can put the other’s on our nightstands.” You thought it was a sweet idea, to be reminded of the other’s loving promises every day. 
“Babycakes, this is… this is perfect.” When he looks up, you can see the emotion in his face, the genuine love in his eyes. 
Scooching closer to him, you hold his cheeks in your hands, thumb stroking his skin. “I love you, Jack.” 
And then those strong arms are around your waist, pulling you in. “I love you, sugar.” He’s close, pressing his forehead onto your own.” More than anything.” 
The rest of your gifts are opened while eating, your stomachs’ growling becoming too loud to ignore. Upon further discovery, you find yourself holding a pair of fuzzy house slippers, a thoughtful gift from your hubby. The floors in the penthouse are made entirely of wood, and you’d been complaining about your freezing toes lately. There’s also a pair of Nike shoes in with your gifts, ones that you’ve been wanting since the summertime. They’re a gorgeous lavender shade that caught your eye as soon as you saw them. And lastly, a dark purple Coach purse. You’d never mentioned this particular item to him before, but you love it entirely. Jack knew your favorite color and was also aware that you were in need of a new bag. He’s always been so attentive with you, knowing you so well that when the time for gifts comes around, he barely even has to ask. 
On the other end, Jack won’t stop talking about how grateful he is for not only his gifts, but for you. You’d bought him a new pair of dress shoes to wear to his meetings, his old pair having one too many scuffs for his liking. In his words, he was ‘starting to look like a fool’. You’re surprised he hadn’t already bought a new pair himself. You’d also given him a full luggage set, one with durable material and quite a few bags. The luggage he brings for his work travels are the exact same bags he had in his military days. They’re old and tattered and to say the least, they needed to be replaced. And finally, you got a charging station for him. Now, every night, he’ll have a place to set his iPhone, AirPods, and Apple watch, all of them easily accessible while charging up for him to use the next day. Jack isn’t very high-tech when it comes to this stuff, it confuses him and he’s slightly insecure about it. So when you make things easy for him, he really appreciates it. 
The commencement of your gift exchange takes both of you to the balcony. Jack with his coffee, you with the glass of orange juice you’d happily made into a mimosa. The pajamas you wore last night are light and cozy, a satin nightgown with a pale, yellow tint to it. Jack in his signature white short sleeve and light gray sweatpants. You’re not dressed warm and you don’t have to be; the temperature out on the balcony is more than pleasant, the only chilly thing being a small breeze. 
“Uh-uh,” Jack tuts, a grin lining his lips. 
Taking his own seat, he reaches for you, strong hands finding your hips. Pulling you into him is easy - you let him. With a small plop, you’re on his lap, resting against his chest. He maneuvers you sideways so you’re in a sitting bridal-style position. 
“Hey, baby.” He smiles, leaning in. A small peck to the tip of your nose prompts your own grin. 
“Hi, daddy.” 
Jesus, does he love that name. And he loves you that much more for giving it to him. 
Sighing, he stares into your eyes, those warm orbs filling you with love. “Life is perfect with you, babycakes.” Reaching forward, he lightly palms your hip and the sweet curve following it. 
He’s not wrong. When you found each other, something just… clicked. It’s like the universe found balance, like you’d never have to search for happiness ever again. 
Smiling, you release a small giggle, more like a hum. “Do you think we’ll ever get tired of saying ‘I love you’?” 
“No, baby. Never.” Shaking his head, he releases another breath, clearly smitten with you. “Not when it’s the truth.” 
It sounds cheesy, but it’s true. Expressing your love for the other comes as easy as breathing the air. 
Jack’s arm wraps around you, holding your back while you rest against him. The moment is filled with a quiet tenderness, both of you gazing at the setting surrounding you. Your senses are entertained, each of them, and not in an overwhelming way. The scenery is stunning, your eyes taking in the view. People on the street pass many floors beneath you, their conversions something you’ve yet to understand. Your taste buds tingle with the fizzle from your mimosa, the combination of orange juice and champagne. The scents filling your nose are… unique. The salt from the beach, the flowers being sold, the spices in the food, it’s all special to Italy. And the touch you feel is of him, his comforting embrace, something you’ll never take for granted. 
But the moment is cut short due to your time constraints. Jack allows the two of you to rest in this tender embrace for about thirty minutes, until both of you finish your drinks. 
When you’re both finished with your plates, Jack cleans up and stacks them on the room service tray. Each of you then make your way to the bathroom, showering and getting ready for your long day. Jack made sure to wake you up with enough time to open gifts, shower, pack, and leave. That meant rising before the sun at six in the morning. This time around, your flight is fifteen hours, and takeoff is at nine am. 
“Think you’ll be ready in time, honeybee?” 
Again, you’re both dressing cozy. Jack in a pair of sweats, you in your yogas, each of you with a hoodie. And while your outfits are simple, he’s always had a knack for getting ready before you, deciding to pack both of your bags during that time gap. 
“Yeah, I’ll be done soon.” Tying your hair into a low bun, you yawn. As exciting as this trip has been, you’re excited to get back home and sleep in your own bed.
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“Hey,” Jack’s soft voice wakes you from your sleep, his palm caressing your forearm. “Babycakes.”
“We’re home, sweet pea.”
Just like before, you’d been sleeping, only waking for the occasional snacks and other treats. And Jack didn’t mind letting you snooze, that’s what he brought the mask and neck pillow for. Truthfully though, he’s glad you were asleep on this flight. He’s never been so fidgety during a plane ride before. What you don’t know, is that he’s got another surprise. 
The trip home is significantly calmer than the trip you had when arriving in Italy. There aren’t as many people, so you don’t have to wait in long lines or listen to annoyingly loud conversations. When the plane lands, it’s quick and easy, having not been fully boarded in the first place. 
“Baby,” You whine quietly, trudging along beside him. “I’m so tired.”
“I know, sweetcheeks.” Jack coos to you, kissing your cheek. 
He’d made quick work of finding a cab, loading your bags and letting you snuggle into your seat. The drive from the airport to your home isn’t too long, though, thankfully. All you want is to get home. 
“You missed the penthouse, huh?” He teases, wrapping an arm around you.
“Well, yeah.” Pouting, you glance up at him with tired eyes. “It’s our home.”
“That it is, sweetheart.” Your husband sighs, leaning his head against your own. “That it is.”
Internally, he’s searching his mind, planning out the rest of the night. Right now, in Louisville, it’s six in the afternoon, he has ample time to give you your last gift. But he’s not sure if you’ll want to unpack and shower first, maybe even get in a nap.
“Is everything okay, baby?” It’s easy to notice how quiet he’s become, especially when the two of you get to the building. 
After paying the driver, Jack circles the cab to get your bags. Still in his head, he shrugs, brushing you off with a yeah, baby. But you’re not so convinced. On your way up, you find yourself retreating into your own head. Was I too grouchy? Did I say something mean? Could I have helped out more? 
“Hey babe, you sit down for a little bit.” You insist, watching him unlock your front door.
Inside, everything is normal. Your winter decorations are still hung up, your Christmas tree looking beautiful as ever. There’s just something about being home after going on a long trip that makes you extra thankful for it. 
“You sure?” Raising an eyebrow, he then says, “I’m okay to do it.”
But you know his back has got to be killing him, especially from carrying all of your baggage. 
“Yeah,” Smiling, you reach out, taking a few bags from him. “Go sit.” 
Jack keeps a smile on his face until you turn, striding down the hall to your shared room. But then, he’s whipping out his phone. 
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“Who’re you talking to, baby?” Back out in the living room, you stop in the kitchen, grabbing some water. 
“Tequila,” He answers nonchalantly. But at this point, he figures he better tell you, because right now, he’s not sure when he should do it. “Actually honey, I’ve got one more gift for you.”
“You do?” Scurrying over to where he sits in the living room, you grin, absolutely giddy. “What is it?”
Jack grins upon seeing your reaction, licking his lower lip before he says, “Something extra special.”
“Tell me!”
“Well, do you want it now, or after we’ve unpacked everything?”
“Now! Duh!” Scooching up beside him on the couch, you smile happily. “Please?”
 “Okay, honey.” 
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“Okay, he’ll be here in a minute.”
“What? Who?”
“Tequila, he’s bringing your gift.”
“Oh my gosh, what is it?!” The fact that he has another person involved makes you even more excited. How big is this gift?!
“You gotta close your eyes for me, okay?” And then, there’s a knocking on the door, your eyes shooting over to it. But Jack is stern with you. “Close ‘em!”
“Okay! Okay!” 
Keeping your place on the couch, you hum happily, having entirely forgotten about unpacking your things. T must’ve been pretty close for him to get here so quickly. The small click of the door hits your ears, Tequila’s mumbled voice and then Jack’s soft thanks. 
“You still got ‘em closed, honeybee?” His voice is lower, grunting slightly. Is he carrying the gift?
“Yes! I promise I do.” 
Something shuffles in front of you, but it’s not Jack. You can just tell that it’s not him. And as soon as he tells you to open your eyes, you do. But all you’re met with is a plain, brown package. 
“This is my present?” Looking up at Jack, you’re met with his entirely anxious grin. 
“Well, you gotta open it!”
Something feels… off. You can’t put your finger on it, but this doesn’t feel like just any gift. This is clearly something special. 
“C’mon, sweetheart. You’re gonna love it.” Kneeling down, Jack crouches by the box. Looking over at it, and then at you, he says, “I promise.”
With a deep breath, you lean forward, placing your hands on the top flaps. Honestly, you have no idea what the hell this is. You try to move it closer to you, but Jack reaches out to stop you. The small inch you did move it, though, tells you this is heavy.
“Uh-uh, just open it right here.” He tells you, glancing at the box almost protectively. 
“Baby,” You laugh, wanting to ask again what this is. But all you say is, “Okay.”
Kneeling down on the ground, you shuffle closer, holding your breath. With slow movements, you open the top flaps, light from the above lamps shining in. And what you see makes your eyes widen. 
“Baby…” And you’re not sure if you’re saying it to Jack… or to him. 
“Do you love him?”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You’re smiling, small tears in your eyes. “Of course I do.”
Reaching in, you place your hands beneath his little armpits, lifting him from the box. He settles into your arms, releasing a soft whimper in the process. 
“Well,” Jack says, scooting closer to you. “What’re you gonna name him?”
“It’s a boy?”
“It is a boy.” He grins, wrapping an arm around you, his other hand petting the pup’s head.
“Theodore.” You state firmly, “That way we can call him Teddy.” And it fits. The Corgi puppy already looks like a teddy bear, anyway. “Baby, I can’t believe you got me a puppy.” Laughing, you shake your head. “Oh my god.”
“So, you like your present?” He asks, kissing your cheek gently.
“Honey, I love him so much. It’s our first baby!” 
This makes Jack smile, your wording.
“I already have a few things for him, a crate and a bed, a food and water bowl, too. But I figured we could go out tomorrow and get him some toys and stuff.”
“Oh my gosh, can we get him a little blanket?” Already, Teddy is snuggling into your arms, yawning. Leaning down, you nuzzle him, smiling. He even has that new puppy smell. 
“We can get him anything you want, angel.”
“Do you love him, too?” You ask, turning your head to face your husband. 
He frowns, disliking your doubt. “Of course, I do!” Leaning in, he scratches beneath Teddy’s chin, giving his head a small kiss. “It’s like you said, honey. He’s our first baby.”
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jule1122 · 1 year
Malex Fic - I can’t get the language right
This is a late response to the May prompt of ‘Missing Mom’ on @alexguerinappreciation. 
I can’t get the language right on AO3
Title from “Part of the Band” by The 1975
Summary: It’s a generic card - drawing of a wedding cake on the front, one line message inside - “Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.”  But it’s the signature that leaves both of them speechless.  Loopy handwriting in blue pen spells out “Love, Mom.” 
When Alex and Michael get back from their honeymoon, Isobel has their mail separated into three piles labeled - “might be important,” “probably junk,” and “cards: do NOT throw these away.  Rosa wants to make you something and she will kill me if you throw these away.”
“Nice to know there’s someone your sister is afraid of,” Alex laughs when he reads the note.
“Do you want to be the one to tell Rosa we forgot about the personalized gift she wants to make us?”  Michael asks.
“Nope,” Alex says quickly.  Rosa had been very clear about what she wanted, and Alex couldn’t wait to see what she created for them.
They don’t bother with the mail until after they’ve showered and had dinner.  The junk and maybe important piles are dealt with quickly since most of the mail marked as important is also junk.  They open the cards together, Alex recording them in a notebook Maria gave him for keeping track of wedding details.
Michael teases him when he brings it out.  “Please tell me we don’t have to send thank you cards to people for cards.”
“No,” Alex reassures him.  “It’s just nice to remember.”
Michael’s expression softens, and he squeezes Alex’s hand before opening the first card.  It’s not a big pile, most everyone who mattered was at the wedding.  Some are from people Alex works with at Deep Sky, there are a few from people he served with although he’s not sure how they even know he’s married, there are names Michael recognizes from odd jobs he’s done over the years, and one signed from Linsday with a heart over the “i,” who Michael once had a month long friends with benefits relationship with.
The card after Lindsay’s is addressed to “Alex Manes and Spouse.”  Michael laughs when he reads it, “Maybe this is from one of you exes.”
“Not likely,” Alex snorts, watching while Michael flips the card over and carefully opens it.
It’s a generic card - drawing of a wedding cake on the front, one line message inside - “Wishing you a lifetime of happiness.”  But it’s the signature that leaves both of them speechless.  Loopy handwriting in blue pen spells out “Love, Mom.”
“Guess it’s yours after all,”  Michael tries to joke.  When Alex doesn’t react, he clears his throat and starts again.  “Did you?”
“No,” Alex jumps in, “I didn’t.”  He doesn’t finish, but Michael nods, understanding what he doesn’t say.  Maybe if the wedding hadn’t been a rush, if they had really planned any of it, he would have thought about his mother.  But he never would have done anything without talking to Michael.
Michael turns the envelope back over and studies it.  “Surprised she kept your dad’s name,” he says, tapping at the return address.
“M. Manes” is written in the same blue pen above an address Alex knows is about an hour from Greg’s.  He’s not surprised she’s so close since Greg told him he’d met her for dinner a few times.  The name is a surprise though.  “I didn’t know.  She never,” Alex trails off and sighs.  
“It’s ok,” Michael says softly, reaching over and taking Alex’s hand.  “Let’s see what else we got.”
Alex sets the card from his mother aside, separate from the pile they are saving for Rosa.  But when Michael reaches for the next card, Alex stops him.  It feels wrong to continue.  Going through cards was supposed to be fun, another chance to remember their wedding, but now there is a weight over them, the specter of his mother and things left unsaid.
“I’ll be right back,” Alex tells Michael then walks back to his office.  Once there, he takes a manila envelope out of the bottom drawer.  He hates that this is all he has to show Michael, not even enough to put in a box.  But it’s all he has, and he knows Michael will understand.
Michael is waiting at the table when Alex gets back, but he’s cleared away the mail and all the cards, but the one from his mother. He gives Alex an encouraging smile when he sits back down.
“She never included an address before,” he explains as he takes four cards out of the envelope and places them on the table.  “I never knew where she was.”
Michael nods, but doesn’t pick up the cards.  “You talked to her, though right?  About Project Shepherd?”
“Yes, but I didn’t call her directly.  I left a message with one of her cousins, and she called me back from a private number.  It wasn’t,” Alex hesitates, not sure how to explain.  Michael knows he could have traced the number if he wanted to, but he hadn’t.  “It wasn’t a personal conversation.”
When Michael doesn’t reach for the cards, just waits to see what Alex wants to do, Alex hands them to him one by one.  He keeps them in chronological order and lets Michael know when each was sent.  “When I started high school,” he says when he hands Michael the first card in the pile.
Michael turns the envelope over in his hand, looks to see as Alex has said there was no return address.  He’s careful with the card, gently pulling it from the envelope and returning it with just as much care once he’s read it.  It only takes a few seconds to see what is there, or more glaringly what isn’t there.
“My sixteenth birthday, graduation, this one came when I was in rehab,” he hands the last card over to Michael, aware how small the pile of four cards must seem.  There are all simple, basic messages - “Good Luck,” “Happy Birthday,” "Congratulations” and “Get Well Soon.”  The insides are bare save whatever generic message the card came with and the same signature each time, “Love, Mom.”  There are no personal messages, not even his name written inside.
When Michael hands them back to him, hands gentle as if they are somehow precious, he adds, “She sent me a sympathy card after Dad died.  I threw it away.”
That gets a laugh and smile from Michael before he turns serious again.  “Do you think there were more Jesse never gave you?”
“No.”  The answer’s easy because Alex thought about this a lot when he was younger.  “Dad was really weird about Mom.  Once she was gone, he never spoke about her, not once.  I remember one morning we woke up and she wasn’t there, Dad got us ready and took us to school, and when we got home, everything of hers was gone.  He told us she had left and wasn’t coming back, and that was that.”
“You must have had questions,” Michael prompts him.
“Yeah, but by then we knew not to ask.  He never talked about her, but he never criticized her either, just pretended she never existed.  But when the cards came - Clay was the first one - he just handed them to us and walked away.  It was hard to figure out the pattern, we all got the same ones, and every time Dad just gave them to us.”
“That is weird for Jesse,” Michael agrees.
“I think he loved her, as much as he could love.  They were together before Tripp died, before Harlan fed him his poisoned theories and brought him into Project Shepherd.  Maybe that’s why she stayed as long as she did, she remembered who he was before.”  Alex shrugs.  He’s not sure any of that matters.  His mother left and his father was abusive.  How their story started doesn’t change any of that.  
Alex picks up the card and stares at the return address before setting it down with a sigh.
“Why do you think she included her address this time?”
“She’s been talking to Greg, maybe he convinced her to let me know where she is.”  The uncharitable part of Alex wondered if she knew Greg would tell him if he asked so there was no point in hiding, but he doesn’t say that out loud.
“What do you want to do?”
“What can I do?” Alex asks.  “It’s been over twenty years.  Am I just supposed to show up at her house and what, talk?”
“Maybe, if that’s what you want,” Michael shrugs.  “Maybe this is her way of reaching out, of letting you know she’s ready.”
“I don’t know if I’m ready.” It comes out sharper than he intended - brittle and defensive.  Alex sighs, hating how emotional he still gets when he thinks about his mother.
“Then you’re not ready,” Michael shrugs like it’s that easy.  “You don’t have to be ready just because she might be.”
“I don’t want to be angry,” Alex admits.  Michael drops a hand to his thigh and squeezes gently, silently encouraging him to continue.  “Leaving was the right decision.  I understand why she did it, and I’m glad she got out, that she didn’t have to suffer.”
“That she didn’t have to suffer like you did,”  Michael finishes for him quietly.
“Yeah,” Alex agrees, shifting uncomfortably in his chair.  “It was the right decision for her, I know that.  Hell, if anyone should understand, it should be me.  I did the same thing to you - left you behind when I couldn’t stand to stay.”
“It’s not the same thing,” Michael cuts him off quickly.  He doesn’t sound angry, just frustrated.  “I had my own ways out, I made my own decision to stay.  You didn’t leave me in his house, at his mercy.  You were my boyfriend, Alex, not,” Michael stops, runs a hand through his hair and takes a breath.  “You were my boyfriend, not my mother.  You weren’t responsible for my safety.  You can understand why she left and still be hurt and angry that she left you behind.”
“She didn’t have a choice,” Alex shakes his head.  “Dad never would have let us go.  His wife leaving was bad enough, but he would have fought her, brought us back one way or another.  She did the right thing.”
“Alex,” Michael says, then he waits, infinitely patient.
“I don’t want to be angry,”  Alex finally repeats because it’s the only thing he knows.  When he thinks about seeing his mother, all he can imagine is all the pain and hurt he’s been hiding coming out in accusations and recriminations.  It scares him,and he doesn’t want to be that person.
“She might have done the best thing for her, but it doesn’t mean it was the right thing for you.  It’s alright to be angry,” Michael says gently.  “It’s alright to not want to see her or talk to her.  She might be ready to reach out, but it doesn’t mean you are.  It’s up to you, not her, how you respond or if you just want to ignore it.”
“Up to me?” Alex laughs. Something about that brings some of his anger to the surface, but he’s not afraid because he knows it’s safe with Michael.  “None of this has ever been up to me.  She left - no goodbye, no note.  She was just gone.  And by the time I got used to that, she sent Clay the first card.  I thought she was coming back, but she didn’t.  And every time, even after I knew better, I’d start looking for her.  At the grocery store, in the school parking lot, in the stands at Greg’s basketball games, at my graduation.  But she was never there.  This is all I have of her,”  Alex picks the cards up and shoves them back in the envelope.  “I don’t know what they mean.  I never have.”
“Hey,” Michael takes the envelope from Alex’s hands and sets it back on the table.  “Let’s leave this for tonight.  You don’t need to do anything right now.  Just come to bed, let me take care of you.”
Alex follows Michael back to their bedroom.  He lets Michael hover as they get ready for bed, lets Michael hold him and whisper how much he loves him into his skin.  It feels selfish, but Alex would do the same for Michael, has done the same for Michael so he stays in Michael’s arms until the hurt and anger fade away.  Until he remembers that he’s loved now and that’s what matters.
Alex thinks of his mother often over the next few weeks.  Time doesn’t bring clarity, he’s as conflicted about how to respond to her card as he was when he first saw it.  He thinks about calling Greg, but he doesn’t want to interfere with whatever relationship Greg is trying to build with her.  It’s not fair to ask Greg to interpret her motives,and he doesn’t want Greg to feel like he needs to pick sides.
He ends up in the card aisle at the grocery store trying to find a card that doesn’t say too much, isn’t a confession he’s not ready to make, before his ice cream melts.  He settles on a card with a watercolor bouquet of wildflowers on the outside and the simple message, “Thinking of you” on the inside.
Michael finds the card when he’s helping Alex unload the groceries.  He wrinkles his nose at the muted bouquet on the cover, “I hope this isn’t for me.”
“No,” Alex comes up behind Michael, wraps his arms around him and kisses his neck. “You know I’m always thinking about you.”
“You’d better be,” Michael teases.  He turns in Alex’s arms and kisses him sweetly, then nips at his lip before going back to the groceries.
Alex takes the card and sets it on the coffee table.  He goes back to the kitchen and doesn’t think about it.  He doesn’t think about it while they debate about dinner before finally making pasta.  Or after dinner, when they meet Isobel and Kyle at the Wild Pony.  
Maria started experimenting with a trivia night while they were on their honeymoon, and Isobel convinced them to play together.  She hands them T-shirts that say “Team Alien Lovers” in rainbow glitter as soon as they sit down.  Michael threatens to leave until Isobel promises to pay for all their drinks.  They crush the other teams and come home laughing and buzzed and Alex doesn’t think about the card at all.
He’s still not thinking about the card the next morning when Michael joins him in the shower, and he’s almost late for work.  When he gets home, he can’t help but notice the bright yellow envelope on the table, but Michael comes in right behind him with take out from the Crashdown.  They eat dinner outside and spend the night by the fire pit Alex had put in as a surprise for Michael.  He thinks of nothing but how happy he is and how much he loves his husband.
Friday is an early day for Alex, and he’s home a few hours before Michael.  He normally fills the time with chores or working on his personal research projects, but he’s too restless to settle on one thing.  He moves from room to room, half heartedly starting something only to end up back in the living room staring at the blank envelope.  Alex finally gives in and picks up the card, sitting at the table and intending to fill it out quickly.
He’s still there when Michael gets home.  Michael must have said something when he comes in, but Alex doesn’t hear him.  Instead, Michael’s hands on his shoulders are his first indication that he’s not alone.  He relaxes into the touch, smiling when Michael kisses the back of his head.  When Michael starts to move away, Ales grabs his hand and tugs him into the chair next to him.
Michael sits with him, one hand between his shoulder blades in support, while he flips the pen between his fingers and tries to figure out what to say.
“It’s Alex Guerin now.  I took Michael’s name when we got married.  He’s the best part of my life, and I want him and everyone else to know it.  He’s brilliant and kind and loyal and beautiful.  I want to say I know you would love him, but I don’t know.  I don’t know enough about you to know how you will feel about him.  I don’t know if you will care that he’s a man or that he’s not Native.  I don’t know if you can love me let alone Michael.”
He thinks it, but he doesn’t write any of that.
“I feel like I should say I miss you, but I don’t know if that’s true.  It’s been so long I don’t know if I miss you or if I miss the idea of you.  I told Michael I don’t want to be angry, and I’m trying not to be.  But sometimes anger is easier than hurt or fear.  And I know I’m afraid to see you again, afraid of what I might say or feel.  Afraid of what you will think of me, if you’ll be disappointed.”
He doesn’t write that or this either:
“I always wondered what happened to you.  If I ran away to the Reservation, would I find you there?  Or were across the country or even on another continent.  Did you get married again, did you have other children?  I used to imagine you married a millionaire or a prince and you would come rescue us, but you never did. I held on to that dream for a long time, longer than I should have until Dad finally beat all hope out of me.  I always imagined you were happy, happier than I was.  If you were then you made the right decision.  You choose your safety and happiness over mine, and I always wanted to believe it was worth it even though it hurt. I don’t know if it will hurt more to find out that it’s true or to learn that you haven’t been happy, and we both suffered alone.  I don’t know if I’m brave enough to find out.”
When Alex finally figures out what he does want to say, he writes it quickly before he can change his mind.  Once the card is ready to go, he turns to Michael, “What now?”
Michael smiles and kisses him softly.  “How about we go for a ride?”
He drives them to the post office, and waits patiently for Alex to get the courage to mail it. 
“Thanks,” he says to Michael once he’s done.
Michael looks at him carefully, “Are you ok?”
“Yeah, I am,” Alex tells him honestly.  “Let’s get out of here.”
He threads his fingers through Michael, squeezing his hand as they head back home.  Alex realizes he’s looking forward to the weekend.  They have no plans, but he’s sure they’ll come up with something.  For tonight, they’ll cook together, spend the evening relaxing and making love.  Then they’ll sleep in and wake up together and fill the hours together.
Sometime next week, his mother will get the card he sent.  But now that it’s mailed, he feels nothing but relief.  Maybe it will be a beginning or maybe nothing will change.  Either way, Alex has said all he can for now, writing simply, “Love, Alex.”
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marnz · 5 months
2023 review
an extremely long post re: thoughts on this year
2023 was an extremely weird and fun year of a lot of personal growth! Late last year I had to take leave from work due to some health issues originating from burn out, and going into this year I was extremely nervous about returning to work. I was also determined to do more events and activities this year, which was my ~covid resolution~. And this year turned out to be way different from anything I could have imagined! Not only was returning to work successful, I could quickly tell that the time I took off was instrumental to my health going forward. The skills and perspective shift I practiced and worked on quickly proved themselves to be really important and I felt much better in just about every situation with them on board. I don't want to pretend that this year wasn't difficult--it was, it was stressful and full of a lot of hard work and uncertainty because I did a lot of stuff I had never done before, and tried a lot of new things, and also tried to make some decisions regarding my future. But all of that growth led to some really good things, which I wanted to document.
Good things:
got my driver's license
started doing yoga, which has been great for stress relief. now at the point where I have started to do it independently instead of relying on a class
got back into knitting and knit my first sweater!
saw several shows this year! and I went to a lot of them with friends
befriended some people at work! I always find it challenging to make the leap from work-friend to friend, but turns out going to concerts with people makes that happen. This is also nice bc a lot of my local friends have moved away due to cost of living
made a lot of training progress with Piper. Walking her is so much easier & enjoyable now, and I think our relationship has gotten even better. This has been a multi year project.
read 63 books this year, 13 more than last year. Audiobooks have been a life saver, and reading didn't feel like a chore the way it did at the end of last year.
returned to work successfully, started working on cool projects at work, and have gotten some recognition for it!
went to europe! on a sort of delayed honeymoon
wrote a couple more short stories and worked on original long term fiction a bunch
spent more time kayaking! and more time outside in general, hiking, walking piper, running, etc
got elected VP of the union and became a shop steward, which has been both very rewarding and very challenging
set clear financial goals that I am making progress towards
started being able to eat eggs again! not sure how this happened but it's been a life saver. thank you, immune system.
survived getting covid 😩
started adderall and oh my god....a game changer.
got better at setting boundaries
next year, I would like to work on:
becoming a morning person! I used to be a morning person and then when I got really depressed I lost that power. I know it's possible for me if I take the right steps. I've already started working on it because i'm a masochist
running. I hear it's so good for stress relief and it is so common in my field, plus it is a more attainable form of outside time than hiking (requires driving long distances, waiting for weekend, etc) or kayaking (seasonal, requires buying kayaks, waiting for weekend). my psych also told me that apparently exercise helps stabilize mood and adhd! two things i could def benefit from. i started running today and uhh we'll see how it goes lol. also, i don't drink, i don't smoke, i don't use substances of any kind, give me that fucking runner's high
driving more. driver's license or no, driving still scares me! i want to get to the point where I feel comfortable driving long distances alone, such as being able to take someone to the airport if the train isn't running
continuing big projects at work. honestly I am still considering law school and these projects will give me the chance to think deeply about whether complex litigation is for me.
writing. to be honest, while I still think about my writing projects almost daily, writing just isn't a priority right now. And that's fine. I want to give myself some space and time. i would not have been able to say this a year ago...
using my phone less! something I've noticed is that my phone sometimes makes me feel pretty agitated or i feel overwhelmed by notifications? and that I am happier and able to focus better if my phone is in the other room. for example, when i take a bath I typically put my phone in another room and then i am able to read for hours. I would like to work on this.
continuing creative hobbies. such as knitting, doing more wood working, learning how to sew, etc. brain feel good...
moving & creating a home. we are moving early in the new year, which I am stressed about, but I'm also really excited because it will be a great new space and the location is really, really good. i want to work on making sure this place is as cozy and happy as possible, and also set it up so we can host guests so loved ones can come visit more easily
continuing to build a wardrobe i am happy with! I think I have written before that a lot of my work clothes make me feel like I'm wearing drag, and I'd like to fix that and also continue to knit myself customized pieces I love. like, a sweater vest to wear with a white button down, etc. gender wise i am just vibing but I like menswear more and I would like to continue exploring that
this year I have spent more time talking with my dad and my partner about the future, and while I am still considering law school everyone, including me, is worried about my health w/r/t that, let alone financial shit. my thoughts on this are...I need to have a solid stress management infrastructure in place to be a happy person, regardless of what I do in the future. Knitting & yoga & taking Piper on very long walks daily, plus having stuff to look forward to (shows), has really helped me this year, so I would like to continue exploring that.
as far as work...well I would like it to dictate my life less. right now I'm working from home (office is being remodeled) and I feel like the most boring person alive because I am just. home all the time. I do find work novel because last year I was doing high stress complex litigation and absolutely falling apart over it and this year I'm so chill while doing the same sort of thing. mainly because I have spent so many hours building stress management processes, working on perfectionism, getting perspective, and i've recovered from burn out. game fucking changer! my workload is way too high really high right now, which I don't love, and I keep being put in extremely challenging situations! but that's okay.
anyway. I don't want to misrepresent my life and claim it was exclusively wins this year...there were some really difficult months. December in particular has been so hard. but I'm really happy that I tried so much new stuff this year and I'm excited for 2024.
sending love to y'all! <3
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