talesfromedgecity · 2 years
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mrs Fence
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soapkaars · 28 days
I consider all of your OCs to be apart of the Peter Lorre cinematic universe.
I suppose that in a sense they are, because I keep on casting Peter Lorre in the most batshit roles I can think up for him!
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In no particular order, from the bottom to the top, left to right: Eon the Spy (triple A anarchist spy), Red Priest number Five (from the future and serving the goddex of Love and Pain), Niccoló (a demon former human who serves Lucifer in the Backstage world), Number 3 (also known as Capitaine Trois, a French clone of Peter Lorre, commands a haunted Nuclear submarine and shark lesbians), Number 2 (also known as Doctor Deux, number 3’s brother and ship doctor), Stakhanov the Robot (a rogue Peter Lorre robot), and Pietro Dellarossa (mysterious Venetian surgeon)
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peterlorrefanpage · 2 years
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Peter Lorre as Foto Johnny in F.P.1 Antwortet Nicht. Screencaps found here.
OMG the cuteness. I need to watch this movie already. If he's really calling Johnny "Little one," it's killing me slowly but surely. So poignant. The look in his eyes - !
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read-marx-and-lenin · 2 months
During 1935 and 1936 a new form of shock-work has developed in the form of “Stakhanovism.” In essence it is a very simple story. A certain coal-miner, by the name of Stakhanov, working in a pit in the Donets Basin in the Ukraine, reorganized the work of the group of which he was leader, so that output was greatly increased. His pit newspaper gave the matter publicity, it was taken up as a “scoop” by other newspapers — for the U.S.S.R. needs coal — and the rationalization proposals of Stakhanov became known throughout the world. Many managers and engineers did not approve of Stakhanovism, for two main reasons. First, they felt that the wholesale reorganization of methods of work was their job, not that of the rank-and-file miners. The Soviet Government Press, however, immediately attacked such a view, pointing out that the welfare of the U.S.S.R. depends on the maximum expression of personal initiative by all workers. Secondly, in certain cases the managers and technicians objected to workers reorganizing their methods of work, because their wages then rose considerably above those of the technical and managerial staff! This attitude was also attacked in the Press, and the Stakhanov movement has spread throughout the country. The Stakhanov movement, and the publicity and encouragement given to Stakhanov and his followers, stimulates every worker, however unskilled, to become a rationalizer, an organizer of his or her own labor. In this way every worker feels encouraged to utilize brain as well as hand. Large numbers of workers become more skilled and earn higher wages. There is a general rise in both material and cultural standards as a result. Further, the leading Stakhanov workers themselves are asked to become teachers of their methods. Stakhanov has been invited back to his native village, to use his organizing power to raise production in the collective farm. He also spends much time visiting different coal-mines, teaching the workers there how to reorganize their work for greater efficiency. A rank-and-file miner has become a technical expert and an engineer. And this is happening all the time in the Soviet Union today, affecting hundreds of thousands of workers.
Pat Sloan, Soviet Democracy, 1937
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hedgehog-moss · 2 years
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The autumn growing season in the greenhouse is coming to an end, so here are my plant reviews!
1. Basil: 11/10
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I’ve never had so much basil before! I planted it when it was a baby and it grew to the size of a baobab. I’ve made SO many jars of pesto, I can make pasta all winter. The basil plant started suffering from the cold around mid-November and I harvested the last leaves, but it grew amazingly as long as indoor temperatures remained above 10°C at night.
2. Bell pepper: 10.5/10
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The only reason I’m ranking it lower is because I like basil better, but I’ve had a constant supply of beautiful green peppers all throughout the autumn! The plant is very low-maintenance and bravely produced peppers in 35° greenhouse temperatures in early September and 10° temperatures in November without a complaint.
3. Green beans: 10/10
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I love fresh green beans. I planted different kinds, purple ones and green ones, and discovered with a bit of surprise that the former grow a deep purple colour and then become green when you cook them. It’s a fun plant. And they grow very well in vertical growing towers!
4. White onions: 9/10
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They didn’t thrive in my planters for some reason (they seemed to get smothered by the other plants around them) but they were very happy by themselves in the vertical tower. Will keep that in mind for next year.
5. Kohlrabi: 8/10
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Kohlrabi shouldn’t be so high in the list because I don’t like eating it all that much, but it grows so enthusiastically and then it looks like little green aliens going \o/ in their towers, it’s just a very endearing plant.
6. Lettuce: 7/10
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The lettuces (I’m making this word countable) in the towers grew amazingly in September thanks to having their feet constantly soaking in water, while their sisters in the planters were suffering from the heat. But as soon as the weather grew colder and more humid all the tower lettuces became covered with mildew :( Meanwhile the planter lettuces were having their 15 minutes of fame (see second picture)—until the weather got even wetter in November and they finally succumbed to mildew as well. So I’ll note that tower lettuce is good for summer and planter lettuce for early autumn, and then the greenhouse gets too humid for healthy lettuce.
6. Parsley: 5/10
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Parsley is in the shame corner. It grew very very well in its tower—so well that its roots started colonising the little pipe that brings water, so the pipe became clogged and water stopped circulating in the tower and the parsley died. That is the definition of shooting yourself in the foot, parsley, you short-sighted plant. You wanted instant water gratification and ended up with nothing. There’s a lesson to be learnt here. (The lesson is to put parsley at the bottom of the tower rather than at the top where the pipe is.)
7. Miscellanies: my aubergine plant produced stakhanovically in September and then shrivelled up and died as soon as October (and cold nights) started. Definitely a summer-only plant (at least in a non-heated greenhouse). Fennel grew incredibly well, both in the planters and in the towers, but I discovered (I’d never tried it before) that it tastes exactly like anise and I hate anise. I tried cooking it in a gratin as I figured cheese makes everything okay, but not even cheese could make fennel tolerable to me. No more fennel. Arugula (<- the superior word. Boycott rocket) grew well but had trouble asserting itself next to my giant basil plant. I’ll try to give it more space to grow next time, poor arugula got so squished.
And finally:
8. Fish (not rated for reasons explained below, but it’s hard to imagine what a fish could do wrong)
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The point of the vertical growing towers is to try aquaponic gardening—they are connected via pipes and a pump to a water tank in which I would like to raise fish. The idea of aquaponics is that the fish and the plants have a symbiotic relationship, with the fish’s waste fertilising the water for the plants, and the plants’ roots cleaning the water for the fish as they absorb these nutrients. It’s recommended to start with goldfish for the first year as they are quite sturdy, then once you know how your greenhouse behaves in every season, the water temperature changes etc, you can try other kinds (including edible fish).
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^ So I had four little pioneers in an aquarium in my kitchen waiting to move to the greenhouse—but I needed to stabilise the pH of the water (among other things) before bringing in the fish, and that proved very difficult! My pH had daily fluctuations that I tried to tame by adding potassium bicarbonate or varying the % of rainwater vs. spring water in the tank, and nothing worked. I thought it was because I had put so many plants in the towers, but as I started removing the summer plants and the pH didn’t improve, I finally tried putting my pH sensor in a bucket of distilled water to see if it worked... and it turned out that the sensor was malfunctioning. I bought a new sensor, who immediately told me that my pH was perfectly adequate. I felt daft.
Anyway, my brave pioneer fish were moved to the greenhouse last week and they seem to be enjoying their new tank (they’ve got lots of plant roots dipping in the water to nibble on or hide behind), so I’ve ordered the rest of the goldfish gang! My greenhouse will become a lot more populated tomorrow, stay tuned :)
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segretecose · 9 months
smashed my beloved bedside table lamp into a thousand little pieces while cleaning because i get so into it cleaning the windows freaking it stakhanov style i yanked the curtain which pulled on the cord moral of the story never clean live in a pigsty
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mariacallous · 2 months
Alexey Stakhanov didn’t need Red Bull, kids
Citing health risks to children of high-dose stimulants, Russian lawmakers have adopted the second reading of legislation that would ban the sale of energy drinks to minors, effective March 2025. The legislation also grants regional authorities the power to restrict the sale of energy drinks in spaces used for educational, medical, cultural, and sports purposes. (The original draft of the law would have banned the sale of energy drinks in containers greater than half a liter and started enforcement on September 1, 2024.)
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tettine · 11 months
Inizierò a scrivermi i modi in cui mi definiscono le persone giusto per rendervi partecip di quanto siano offensivi i ""complimenti"" che mi fanno: partiamo dal più comune 'sei strana forte' inteso come non sei una persona che ragiona e fa le cose non come gli altri ma comunque degno di rispetto, 'sei fatta in laboratorio' questo non lo so perché, 'sei la cosa più vicina ad un indianO' inteso come quelle persone presumibilmente indiane che ti spiegano le cose su YouTube o quelle persone che costruiscono case con piscina in una notte (questo era completamente estraneo alla mia conoscenza e raga ma come cazzo fanno???), poi vabbè diagnosi disparate tipo sei Autistica, Asperger (??). Mi hanno denominata anche stakhanov un po' per le mie origini un po' per il mio fare più cose contemporaneamente.
Vorrei essere felice di queste cose e vederle in modo positivo come gli altr ma in verità ci rimango male perché io non ho mai passato quella fase della pre adolescenza dove vorrei solo essere considerata parte dell'ingruop e non essere discriminata per le cose che faccio o che dico ma allo stesso tempo non riesco a mantenere gli stessi ritmi e comportamenti perché sono troppo lenti per me. Boh mi sa che dovrò andare da un dinamico
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talesfromedgecity · 2 years
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soapkaars · 8 months
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Making shitty doodles at work. Is Captain Trois that strong or is Stakhanov the robot that light? Yes.
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Late Night Conversations Masterlist
2015 (ao3) - outphan
Summary: Dan and Phil are writing TABINOF.
A burden (ao3) - loyal_phan
Summary: A late night conversation turns sour after Dan accidentally offends his blind boyfriend
A Love For Two (ao3) - realityfallsapart
Summary: Dan ended up going through all of the cabinets, only realizing too little too late that the cereal box he was looking for was in fact in the trash. He groaned and let his arm fall to his side, turning around and shouting in the vague direction of where he knew Phil was sitting in the lounge, already watching some show-or-other on Netflix.
Dan and Phil have been living together for years, and have known each other for even longer. Dan doesn't want Phil to know how much he would like to kiss him and hold his hand, and Phil doesn't want Dan to know that he wants to spend lazy mornings together in bed, cuddling and passing soft kisses. In short, they're both in love. The question is: will they act on their feelings after nearly nine years?
A Sleepless Night (ao3) - obsessivechild
Summary: Basically, Phil can't sleep so he pays Dan's room a visit.
All Those Times, I was Looking at You (ao3) - TodayWe_Are_Infinite
Summary: Phil is taking an art class, and he's drawing Dan as one of his assignments.
Because his flat mate could use some general cheering up, and because he's got a good face, from an artistic point of view.
Not because he wants to capture the way Dan’s mouth quirks up when Phil says something he finds funny. Or the way his eyes grow even brighter when he's talking about something he loves.
Of course not.
It's purely for art.
Anyone's Call (ao3) - Stakhanov
Summary: A short story about Dan and Phil having a fateful late night conversation. Will change transform them?
At the End of the Day (ao3) - Full_Moon_Lover
Summary: Dan had been waiting for months to finally meet the person he had started considering his best friend. Skype conversations just weren’t enough anymore and he was craving the real thing. He just hoped that he hadn’t read Phil’s flirting in the wrong way.
Barely A Person (ao3) - intoapuddle
Summary: // “You don’t have to be anything,” Dan murmurs. “I can be enough of a person for the two of us for now. Okay?”
// “You’re barely a person on a good day,” Phil quips.
blue moon (ao3) - waveydnp
Summary: it's storming in the middle of the night in a city not his own and phil's phone is dead, which means he has no choice but to slink back to the flat he's just snuck out of... the flat of the once-famous youtuber with whom he's just had his very first one night stand
Drunken Talks (ao3) - orphan_account
Summary: This fic is based after this post on tumblr. I just added the phan bits to it.
Friday Night Death Talks (ao3) - LetGladnessDwell
Summary: Another Friday night in bed, another conversation about death.
good things (ao3) - lyricallyharley
Summary: Dan can't sleep, so he indulges Phil in some late night cuddles and a little game.
I'm Almost Me Again (ao3) - MaybeALilCringey (probablysecretlyawitch)
Summary: Dan feels insecure like he hasn't in years. Phil reassures him.
I'm Rubber, You're Glue (ao3) - indistinct_echo
Summary: Superglue is one of the only substances that can bond rubber, so it's really no wonder that Phil has so quickly gotten attached.
Late night chats (ao3) - starryphilfics
Summary: Dan and Phil enjoying a late-night conversation and getting distracted.
Late Night Coffee Runs (Are Best Done With You) (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: "Just like old times?"
"Just like old times."
With those fateful words, the night is turned into a whirlwind of situations Phil really could have done without.
That one really long fic with coffee and shopping cart incidents and fluff.
late night talking (ao3) - theloveofbees
Summary: it surely wasn’t the weirdest thing phil had caught dan doing in their thirteen years of knowing each other, but it was up there.
or it's the summer before dan's tour and they talk on the floor of their office.
Love me as hard as I hate myself. (ao3) - Heyashes
Summary: Not less than two seconds after he's sent that text Dan smacks himself in the face so hard he thinks he's given himself some kind of permanent brain damage for a moment.
"How do I delete my life?" He mutters under his breath as he casts a horrified glance to his phone.
He's fucked up. He's fucked up so bad he expects the ground to open under his feet and make him disappear.
He kind of hopes it does, to be honest.
Groaning at his existence, he makes a point of hiding himself under the duvet and contemplates never getting out.
(Or: the one where Dan thinks he doesn't deserve Phil and Phil proves him wrong.)
milagros (ao3) - bloodyscarab
Summary: a conversation in the dark. before bed.
because that's when all the most authentic conversations take place.
Milk and Honey (ao3) - TRaena
Summary: Dan has a nightmare and Phil helps, late-night conversation ensues which goes exactly how all late-night conversations go, that is, emotionally.
Panties and Bralettes (ao3) - fin_flora
Summary: Phil didnt know how to open up the topic first, but he was glad when he did.
Secret For The Mad (ao3) - your_starless_eyes
Summary: Sometimes Dan can't sleep.
Phil is more than happy to help.
seven hundred miles down highways to Eden (ao3) - gogystyle
Summary: "It's the third time he's landed directly on his ass today, which is simply great. This midnight adventure is going to flatten the moneymaker." Dan can't sleep, so he drags Phil out of the house for some midnight fun. Featuring: the tragic fate of a skateboard, 3am meals from McDonald's and boyfriends in love.
Shut Your Mouth and Listen Closely (ao3) - SimplyUndead
Summary: Dan is mute with an unfortunate past. Phil is a nice boy with a warm heart and love to give.
Star Light, Star Bright (ao3) - happy_hufflepuffle
Summary: Dan and Phil take a midnight walk.
That's The Beauty Of A Secret (ao3) - softsocks
Summary: 'You know you're supposed to keep it'
Phil loves being the only one to touch Dan. But sometimes, keeping their relationship in the dark, facing all the rumors from his peers - it can hurt.
The Wall (ao3) - Star4545
Summary: The Wall between Dan and Phil's rooms was thin. Thin enough to hear everything, especially things said in the middle of the night.
Thinking of You (ao3) - Spring_Haze
Summary: Dan and Phil have been flirtatious during their late-night conversations. One night, they find themselves wanting so badly that they give into both their bodies and eventually their secrets.
time to unwind (ao3) - spacebunphil
Summary: a tad of anxiety!phil worrying about the madrid con, dan swoops in. fluffy smut.
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jloisse · 2 years
Il n'y avait pas de militaires ici, c'est un site purement civil
Voici tout ce qui reste de l'école sportive de Stakhanov, ville située à 60 km de Lougansk. L'armée ukrainienne l'a ciblée lundi dernier avec des roquettes HIMARS.
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read-marx-and-lenin · 2 months
It is not every worker in the Soviet factory or collective farm who wants either to go to a university, or to convert some amateur activity into a full-time profession. There are hundreds of thousands of workers greatly interested in the particular jobs which they are at present doing, but who want advancement to more skilled or more responsible branches of the same work. Such advancement is possible in all Soviet enterprises. A characteristic of every Soviet institution is the stress which is laid on the desirability for every working man and woman to raise their qualifications at their work. Whether it is a case of teachers in an elementary school or university, or workers at machines in a factory, or typists in an office, there are always available the means of further education, through evening classes free of charge. And in all this a leading part is played by the best workers in the enterprise, who often undertake voluntarily to train other workers up to their own level. When, in 1935, the coal-miner Stakhanov became famous all over the world as the young man who in a six-hour shift had doubled output and had at the same time received a tremendous rise in earnings as a result, many people outside the U.S.S.R. asked the question: “Does this not mean that a new privileged category of workers will arise, having a monopoly of the jobs which earn high wages?” To those who were living in the U.S.S.R. at the time, this question appeared singularly divorced from real life, for in his spare time this same coal-miner Stakhanov was going round his own and other pits training the workers there to use his methods and to become more efficient organizers of their work, raising earnings accordingly. In this way leading workers in the U.S.S.R. train others up to their own level. From the point of view of the ordinary worker this means that, in every sphere of work, the most highly skilled are willing helpers and trainers. Every working man and woman has the opportunity to learn to improve technique at the job, with the expert assistance of those who are best at that kind of work. Obviously, such a system is itself dependent on certain economic conditions! Leading workers in the U.S.S.R. would not be so willing to train others up to their own level of efficiency if, as in Britain today, they thought they might be replaced by these other workers as soon as they had trained them. Full co-operation on the part of all the skilled workers in a community in training others to their own level of skill can only be obtained in a society in which there is no unemployment, and where every sort of skilled work is in demand. In the U.S.S.R. there has been no unemployment since 1931, and there is a demand for every kind of qualified worker. It is in such circumstances that the skilled worker knows that by training others he is not endangering his own security, and that the community as a whole, and he as a member of it, will gain from a greater supply of skilled workers and the products of their labor.
Pat Sloan, Soviet Democracy, 1937
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The apparent hit on [Igor Mangushev,] a Russian rightist, propagandist, and self-styled "swindler and  mercenary" raises a range of questions about coordination in the Russian forces, the role of Evgeny Prigozhin [who leads the Wagner Group] and Russia's slide back towards the 'wild 90s.' Still, that's a better prospect than Putin's repeated invocation of the 1940s, most recently at the 80th anniversary of the battle of Stalingrad…
This excellent podcast from Mark Galeotti (author of The Vory—highly recommended if you haven't already read it) concludes that the shooting of Igor Mangushev on Saturday was a targeted hit...but was it an effort to take a pawn off the board before it reached promotion, or a proxy attack on Evgeny Prigozhin?
More here:
Mr Mangushev first fought against Ukrainian government troops in 2014 as part of the military contractor ENOT, whose members made no secret of their neo-Nazi views. The 36-year-old man frequently posed for photos doing a Nazi salute.
He gained notoriety as a spin doctor working for companies affiliated with Mr Prigozhin.
He became one of Russia’s most notorious faces of the invasion, even claiming that he and his allies came up with the letter Z as a symbol of the Russian invasion.
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vedast · 8 months
Ensuite, Stakhanov For Ever succomba en un instant à notre attaque digne de la prise du château fort dans Les Vikings, avec Kirk Douglas, un vieux triacétate 35 mm
JB. Pouy, Spinoza encule Hegel.
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gaydebord · 11 months
"average russian coal miner mines 227 tonnes of coal in a single shift" factoid is actually just a statistical error. the average russian coal miner mines much less. coal miner alexei grigoryevich stakhanov,
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