#stalker wonwoo
gyuzgrl · 1 month
sixth sense //jww//
anon req- yandere/stalker Wonwoo
summary- when watching you wasn't enough, he'd sneak into your house to get himself off. what happens when Wonwoo realizes he might be able to get something more tonight?
wc- 6k
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Wonwoo swore this would be the last time. As his feet carried him further and further, across the street into private property, he promised himself that this was it.
No more.
You see, no matter how hard he tried, Wonwoo just couldn't stop watching you. Where you walked around on campus, the way you spoke to just about everyone so sweetly, how you secretly drifted off in class- he saw it all.
He'd spend hours and hours staring at your face, observing the way your features would morph into all sorts of expressions- so much so he now knows them by heart.
What started as something innocent, however, turned much darker when he realised that you lived in the house opposite his.
Night upon night, Wonwoo would sit by his window, watching, observing as you went about your life, completely unaware.
Your curtains were open- always were.
He knew when you studied, when you slept, when you touched yourself. You were so naive, so innocent, he really just couldn't help himself.
You made it so easy.
And now he's here, inside your house- with an hour to spend and a filthy, filthy imagination.
He's been here a couple of times before. Once when you'd left to go study at the library, another time when Somi and you went out for brunch, last week when your mother and you went shopping.
This time was different, though.
This time, you'd left him a little present on your bed.
As he walks into your room with practiced ease, Wonwoo's breath catches at the sight of pretty pink lingerie and a matching vibrator, laying exposed on your duvet.
'oh you have plans tonight, don't you?'
His thoughts show so clearly on his face- that signature Wonwoo smirk, corners of his lips just barely tilting up, head tipping to one side as his eyes linger over the pink lacey fabric.
Tentatively, he takes hold of the toy, clasping it in his palm, feeling the smooth, shiny plastic against his skin. Wonwoo's thoughts drift to how you'd use it in a few hours, completely unaware that he's been touching it- in turn, indirectly touching you.
'didn't know you liked this kinda stuff,'
'dirty girl'
Your room's mostly clean, usually is, save for the tangle of wires under your desk and a few odd clothes tossed at the foot of your closet. The laundry bin's full; a lid keeps it under control, but fails to hide the silky red fabric of your panties- the ones he saw you take off earlier this morning.
His eyes light up. The vibrator is long forgotten.
Time is of the essence here- there's not a lot of it left- so he grabs the red fabric in a haste and holds it to his face, inhaling deeply to take in your scent.
"fuck-" he groans softly, knees weakening at how goddamn good you smell. There's a hint of that fabric softener you use, clean and floral, but there's also the intoxicating scent of you.
The most intimate part of you.
Wonwoo settles on your duvet, nose still buried into your panties, and his eyes flutter closed as an evil hand snakes it's way into his sweatpants.
His cock jumps at the contact, and he hisses, taking his lower lip in between his teeth. Thoughts of you flood his mind, and he replays the image of you from two nights ago, with your naked body on full display as you lay in this exact spot, touching that pretty cunt of yours.
Slowly, Wonwoo begins to pump himself, squeezing hard around his girth, trying to satiate that red hot pit of desire screaming within.
He takes in a shaky breath, letting you flood his senses, and he feels himself grow in his fist, now moving faster.
Wonwoo thinks of you- of your voice, of your face, of your body. How you'd sound, whimpering, sobbing under him, how your features would settle so perfectly into utter bliss, how your skin; soft to the touch, would jump under his fingertips.
Within minutes, he feels his cock throb. It's hot and heavy in his hand, the tip burns a fiery shade of red as he works himself up to his release pumping faster as he takes you in desperately.
"f-fuck y/n" he chokes out, head falling back into your pillows.
His fist tightens around the width of his dick, trying to mimic what he thinks you'll feel like, and in seconds he tips over the edge. Hot, white ropes stream out of his cock, dribbling out of the tip, and he hunches over quickly to your nightstand to pluck out a tissue or two.
As he cleans himself off, the guilt hits, like it always does.
This is wrong, he knows it is, but he really just can't bring himself to stop. It's as though you've cast a spell on him and now he's become your very own moon- chasing after you, endlessly.
Wonwoo tidies up the bed, fixing your sheets, fluffing up your duvet, and he deposits- albeit reluctantly- your panties back to their assigned spot in the laundry bin.
15 minutes till you come back home.
He heads to your kitchen and discards his soiled tissues into the garbage shoot, destroying all the evidence that he was ever here.
There's still a bit of time left for him, so he looks through your pantry, face falling when he sees the endless sea of instant-meal cartons and ramen packets.
'you really should take better care of yourself,'
Just as he's about to close the cabinet, something catches him eye.
A hand blender- rather, the hand blender you borrowed from him last week. In a sudden burst of genius, Wonwoo comes up with a plan.
It's hasty, definitely reckless, but he has a shot at getting to touch you.
step 1- hide the blender inside the highest shelf of your pantry.
step 2- head back home, shower, put on the cologne you seem you like, change into loose grey sweats and a fitted white wife beater.
step 3- wait till you get home and watch as you settle into bed, ready to play.
step 4- once you begin to work yourself up, almost on the verge of release, that's when he'll strike, ringing your doorbell to ask for his blender.
Wonwoo's heart thuds against his chest as he presses your doorbell. The sound echoes around in his head and he swears he can feel his heart in his throat. Scuffling footsteps draw his attention back to you, and he smirks, imaging what you look like right now; scrambling around to cover yourself up, frustrated that you've been interrupted.
The distinct slap of your house slippers against wooden floors grows louder and louder, in time with Wonwoo's speeding heart, and he feels his mouth go dry.
This is happening.
Creaking your door open, you pop your head out, eyes widening when you see Wonwoo at your doorstep.
"this a bad time?" he asks, tilting his head to the side as his eyes rake over your body, observing the loosely tied robe you've covered up with.
"uh n-no, what's up Won?"
Fuck there was that petname you used all the time. He hated petnames, hated when people called him stuff like that, but with you? God, there was something so cute about it when you said his name like that. Makes him want to push you down and fuck you senseless right here on your doorstep.
"you remember that blender you borrowed? I kinda need it right now," his voice is deep as he speaks, and you notice his apperance.
Tight white vest, baggy grey sweatpants, wet hair- fuck he's your very own wet dream, delivered right to your doorstep. A deep blush spreads across your cheeks and you wonder if he knows what you've been up to.
"y-yeah, come in I've got it around here somewhere," you stutter, stepping back to let him in. Wonwoo steps forward, his long legs closing the distance between your bodies, and you gasp, eyes flicking over to his as he towers over you, barely an inch between your frame and his.
Once again, he let's his eyes skim over you, taking note of the way your cheeks heat up under his stare.
'oh? you like this, don't you?'
There's that smirk again, the knowing twitch of his lips, the condescending look in his eye. He's assured, you're far too desperate to turn him down when he makes his move.
Despite the rambling thoughts inside him, Wonwoo appears composed. He quirks a brow at you, looking almost unimpressed, and you scramble around for words..
"you w- you walk really um, really fast,"
"you don't," he states, bemused, "I really do need that blender, though."
Embarrassed, your skin burns crimson and your lips part, forming an 'o' shape.
"o-oh uh yeah that. it should be in here," you mutter, sauntering your way over to the kitchen with him trailing right behind.
Wonwoo has to physically restrain himself from reaching out to run his palm over the curve of your ass, swaying enticingly as you walk.
'fuck you made this so hard-'
You slip behind the kitchen island, throwing a quick glance his way over your shoulder, before opening up the first cabinet- the one that originally did have Wonwoo's blender.
Clumsy hands, pat around the surface of the shelf in vain, and you turn around, pouting. Wonwoo thinks this is his breaking point (it isn't, but still).
"not here, sorry this might take a while Won"
His heart swells at the petname, and inside he's got fireworks going off. On the outside, however, he remains unmoved.
"yeah take your time, baby, I've got all evening"
You flush.
He called you baby.
Turning to face him, you offer a watery, nervous smile.
"m'sorry Wonnie"
'oh fuck me-'
You turn back around pulling open another cabinet, and then another and another. Moving from the ones at eye level, you kneel down, digging through the shelves under your counter top. The angle makes Wonwoo dizzy.
'you're doing this on purpose, I swear'
On your knees, eyes a little teary from embarrassment, you look up at him, shaking your head. This is the sixth shelf.
"you're good, here- I'll help you look"
Wonwoo's voice soothes through you, it's low timbre running along your nerves like guitar strings. He steps beside you, eyes scanning over the counter top as you stand up and open your highest cabinet.
You stand on your tip toes, arm fully outstretched, and you begin to search around; this time in the right cabinet. As your fingertips glaze over something that feels like a blender, your eyes light up, and Wonwoo, standing behind you, takes notice.
"think it's here"
The only issue now, is that you can't reach it. It's too high up for you to grasp properly. You stretch as far as you can, straining your body as you try to reach the little plastic device, and before you know what's happening, you feel a presence directly behind you.
His chest pushes flush against your back as his arm extends out far beyond yours, and you let out a surprised squeak.
He grins.
The hard muscle of his torso has your mouth watering, only adding to your desperation. Sure, having your orgasm so rudely ripped away is one thing, but to have Jeon Wonwoo of all people, dressed the way he is, pushing up against you, all while you're defenseless and unable to satisfy yourself? Oh this is just pure torture.
"found it" he whispers right above your ear, his breath tickling the shell of it. You shudder.
Wonwoo brings his arm back down, setting the item down on the counter. You turn around, caged between his arms, and your knees go weak at the sight in front of you.
The thick muscles of his arms are on full display, veins jutting out deliciously right beside you. Wonwoo's eyes stay trained on your own, a dark desire, a hunger, running wild in them.
Suddenly, you realise, your little bullet vibrator won't be enough for you tonight.
You gulp noticing the proximity of your bodies, of your faces, and Wonwoo smirks.
"you're all red,"
"s-shut up"
"but you are, I mean look at these" he grins, bringing his fingers up to press your cheeks together. "so fuckin' cute when you blush,"
You're stunned into silence.
"and this-" he motions to your robe, now loose, falling apart at your cleavage, revealing the delicate pink lace of your bra, "who's this for?"
Your eyes almost double in size when you glance down, and you scramble to adjust yourself.
"it's nothing! I was just- I was just um,"
"just what?"
Your brows scrunch up as you bite your lip, suddenly conscious of your surroundings, and you avoid his gaze, opting to look down at the fabric of his vest.
"were you playing with yourself?"
You shake your head furiously, tears welling in your eyes. God, this is embarrassing but for some reason, you find yourself growing hotter, wetter by the second, with your body pressed up against his.
"dirty girl,"
Wonwoo's voice is sultry and low, he's practically purring at you, eyes glazed over with desire. The way he calls you has your cunt clenching down around empty space, and you know you need this. You need him.
"if I was t-touching myself, would you be upset?"
'hook, line, and sinker.'
"oh princess, you were just trynna feel good, of course I won't be upset" he coos, stroking your hair.
"a-and if I say that I was thinking of y-"
"if I say that I was thinking of you, while I was... y'know, would you be mad?"
Oh he wasn't expecting that.
Not one bit.
The stoic, unmoving persona dissipates within seconds and Wonwoo let's out a shaky breath, bringing his face closer to yours, leaving barely an inch of space.
"not at all,"
There's a short pause as you both share understanding glances- a wordless confession.
"this is my mess to fix, isn't it?" he whispers, breath fanning over your face, burning hot against your cheeks.
You nod, desperately, and he leans his forehead against yours.
"and you want me to fix it, baby?"
"please," you whimper, pressing your thighs together helplessly.
Wasting not a second more, rather, unable to wait a second more, Wonwoo pushes his lips to yours, enveloping them in a hungry, needy kiss.
Hot, wet skin greets your mouth, cradling your lower lip as he sucks feverishly at the tender flesh. Wonwoo slides a hand up to your chin, tilting your face up between his thumb and forefinger, and you gasp when he prods his tongue into your mouth.
A pathetic whimper escapes you, and you give in to his body.
"you want this?" he pants, his breath hot, meshing with your own.
"I do- fuck I really do Wonnie"
Your voice is whiny, your eyes gloss over, Wonwoo curses under his breath.
Without warning, he slides his hands under your thighs, and hoists your body up, moving you to sit on the counter. You gasp at how easily he manages to lift you- like you're a fragile little doll, completely at his mercy.
As your thighs spill out from under the robe, they make contact with the cool, hard marble below, and you jump at the sudden sensation.
The fabric of your robe rides up, giving Wonwoo access to the hem of your panties, and his eyes flick down, darkening considerably when he looks at your pink lingerie.
"oh? what's this you're wearing?" There's a smirk in his voice, plain as day. His hands smooth over the front of your thighs, stopping right at the edge of the robe.
"may I?"
His eyes draw back up to yours, and he looks at you, the question genuine in his gaze.
"yes," you breathe, swallowing at the thick lump in your throat.
Eager hands slide up, disappearing momentarily under your robe to feel you first, before pulling the loose fabric apart completely.
Wonwoo slips the silky fabric over your shoulders, letting it pool around your thighs on the counter, and it's as though life presses pause for a while.
He stares at you in awe, in wonder, eyes tracing over every curve, every contour of your body and the lace against it.
"you're so beautiful-" he shudders, unable to stop himself from looking.
"I am?"
Wonwoo rolls his eyes.
"what, you didn't know?"
"uh uh," you shake your head, staring up at him through thick lashes, "nobody's called me that before"
There's a pause. You can practically hear the gears twisting and turning in Wonwoo's head, with his brow set in a frown.
'you really didn't know'
'how do I show yo-'
His lips twitch up, revelation written all over his face.
"as much as I'd love to fuck you into this counter, there's something better in store upstairs,"
"u-upstairs? but how do-"
"shh, princess, don't bother your pretty head about silly things, hm?" he cooes, placing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
In a swift motion, you feel the surface beneath you shift away as Wonwoo lifts you into his arms, hands hooked under the flesh of your ass.
You yelp, eyes wide with panic, but the adoring grin painted on his face calms you down. He walks up the stairs, turning to the right, unlocking your door.
"but how do you kno-"
"patience, pretty- we'll talk when I'm done with you" his voice takes on a darker tone, and you feel your arousal seep through the flimsy lace of your panties. Feeling the tip of his fingers dampen, Wonwoo smirks knowingly.
"someone's eager"
You blush, hiding your face in the crook of his neck, but Wonwoo's quick to pull you back.
"don't you dare hide from me."
The familiar, plush mattress of your bed greets your thighs as he sets you down gently, eyes practically glued to your face, scanning for discomfort.
"if you wanna stop you're gonna tell me, kay? if you can't use your words, tap twice" he says, bringing your hand to his bicep.
"uhuh" Your eyes are hazy, staring into his, as you marvel at how breathtaking he looks crouched down towards you, watching, observing.
Your hand smoothes over his muscles, dipping into the ridges, feeling how firm and strong he really is. Wonwoo shivers under your touch, revelling in how soft your fingers feel tracing over his skin.
"keep touching me and this is gonna go a lot different than how I planned,"
"oh yeah? what did you have planned?"
"you see that mirror there?" he tips his head to the side, angling it toward the mirror standing opposite your bed,
"I'm gonna make you watch."
Wonwoo crawls his way up the mattress, shifting himself to sit up against the head board. His legs are folded at the knees, spread just enough to fit you in between, and he smirks.
An arm moves to rest on his knee, and he crooks two fingers at you, a dangerous smirk playing at his lips.
Wordlessly, you obey, moving shyly into his embrace, facing him so innocently, Wonwoo can barely bring himself to tell you that you need to turn around.
You shuffle onto your shins, awaiting his next command, and he sighs.
"so fuckin' eager- god I bet you're soaking"
Bashfully, you nod your head, eyes lowered.
"turn around for me, hm?" he ushers, his voice gentle yet firm, and you comply once again, turning in between his knees.
The sight before you has your face flaming. Right there on the wall sits a painting of you and Wonwoo, exposing your most intimate moments, bringing them to view. Your eyes meet in the mirror, and his own shine knowingly at the blush searing across your cheeks.
"keep your eyes on us, sweetheart" he mumbles into your ear, breath ghosting over the sensitive flesh, leaving a trail of goosebumps spreading over your neck and shoulder. "don't you dare look away"
A soft whimper escapes you as Wonwoo's lips attach themselves to the skin just below your ear, kissing so gently it raises the tiny hairs on your neck. Your eyes narrow in on the spot connecting your bodies- his lips, your neck- and you feel yourself grow hotter, needier, just from the sight alone.
Leaving wet, dull red marks as he moves to the side, Wonwoo reaches a sensitive spot just above your collar bone, grinning against your skin when you gasp.
"see how pretty you look right now? all marked up for me- all mine,"
"a-all yours," you breathe, head lopping to the side, giving him better access to your neck.
His hands grasp your shoulders, smoothing down your arms slowly before settling at your stomach, essentially caging you into himself.
The sharp sting of his teeth nipping at your skin, the way he holds you so secure, how his voice- sensual and deep like the ocean- resonates deep inside you; it's simultaneously soothing and exciting.
While one part of you wants to melt into him, let yourself drown in the ebb and flow of his voice, the other part is on fire, raging within you, begging to be quenched.
"can I take this off?" he murmurs into your skin, hands grazing over the hem of your bra.
Tantalisingly slow, Wonwoo rakes his nails lightly along the width of your bra, until they find your clasp.
Deftly, he clicks you free, ridding your body of the fitted fabric.
"oh would you just- just look at yourself, christ-"
Feverish hands slide under your arms, cupping your breasts, toying with your nipples, as your eyes remain trained on yourself and on the way he handles you.
Wonwoo kneads the flesh of your breasts, squeezing the supple flesh in his grasp, feeling how you fill up his palm so perfectly.
"Wonnie-" you whimper, watching how he manhandles your body, doing as he pleases with you.
"that's right, baby, Wonnie's right here"
His lips resume their work on your neck, pressing sloppy, heated kisses along your skin, occassionally nibbling at a particularly sensitive spot.
The hardened peaks of your breasts poke out enticingly, and Wonwoo knows it'll be criminal to leave them untouched. He pinches each one between his forefinger and thumb, rolling, tugging, squeezing the dark nubs, giving you a different kind of pleasure.
"oh my god-" you gasp, back arching when he tweaks one of your nipples with more pressure than before.
The motion sends a jolt of light all over your body, and you feel yourself yearning for more.
"didn't know you were such a dirty girl," he mumbles into your skin, "letting me touch you like this- must've needed a cock inside you really fucking bad, yeah?"
"uh uh- wanted you for so long Wonnie, just you"
Your voice is embarrassingly whiny and breathy, but Wonwoo hears you loud and clear. He looks at your reflection, meeting your eyes.
"just me, huh?"
You nod, biting your lip, suddenly embarrassed of your sudden confession-
"I- I like you,"
Wonwoo let's out a quivering breath, hands leaving your chest to pull you into a hug. He nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck, taking in your scent as he leaves you with a muffled- "I like you too, god I really like you"
He sighs into your skin, relaxing as he doesn't have to hold his cards so close to his chest anymore. His feelings, your feelings, were out in the open. You feel for him the way he feels for you and that's enough.
The moment you share is almost sweet enough to let you forget the ache deep in your cunt.
You need him.
"yeah baby?"
"need you to touch me" Your voice is a mere whimper, you sound pathetic, but you can't bring yourself to care.
The corners of his lips turn up into a sly smirk, and you feel it against your skin. Wonwoo lifts his head, eyes finding yours, and you note a dangerous fire dancing behind his gaze.
His ankles hook over your own, trapping your legs under his as he spreads you open, completely at his mercy. You gasp, feeling your limbs move without your command, and Wonwoo mimics you, mocking your naive surprise.
"oh look at how pretty-" he mirrors your gasp, your wide-eyed expression, "all spread out for me, hm?"
For some reason, you can't bring yourself to bite back. Insults and snarky remarks flood your mind, and you chastise him internally, calling him an asshole, a cocky, arrogant idiot; but the sight in front of you brings you back to reality.
You like this- you like being mocked and ridiculed. You like being at his mercy, unable to control your body. The flush on your cheeks, the rapid rise and fall of your chest, tells you all you need to know.
Curse him in your head all you want, your body likes this.
Wonwoo let's his hand trail down, snaking past your collarbones, your tummy, just above the hem of your panties. You watch, transfixed, as his touch raises the tiny hairs on your body, creating a path of goosebumps.
A thick lump forms in your throat when he reaches where you need him most, and Wonwoo notices how your eyes are narrowed in on his hand.
"good girl, keep looking at yourself baby-" he breathes into your hair, sending a shudder down your spine.
Your heart swells at his praise, and you look at him, wide-eyed.
"hey," he warns, sliding a finger along your clothed slit before pressing down on your clit, "here. keep your eyes right here- you're gonna watch me fuck you,"
Your hips jerk up, jolting at the sudden stimulation, but his legs force you back down, pushing your body further against him.
Words escape you, your mouth feels dry, and your eyes snap back to the image of your clothed sex. The way his finger toys with your clit, teasing just enough, has you growing so desperate, you're willing to do just about anything to get him to touch you.
"Wonnie p-please," you shudder as his finger presses into you again, "please just- oh," Your voice breaks off into a broken moan when Wonwoo begins to rub firm circles into your clit.
The textured fabric of your lingerie adds an additional layer of stimulation to your nerves, sending sparks flying all over your skin like scattered fireworks.
"please?" he echoes, his tone mocking your own.
His fingers move faster, pushing down on your most sensitive spot, and you can't help but stare shamelessly at how effortlessly he plays with you.
Wonwoo reads the silent language of your body like no other, watching each crease in your forehead, each stutter of your hips to see what you need. Those long, slender fingers flick at you so easily, so deftly, it's as though he knows you better than you know yourself.
Soon enough, your clit throbs under his touch, and he knows you're close.
"oh sweetheart-" he coos, "I haven't even touched you yet-"
Your cunt clenches down at his condescending tone, anticipation building to a shocking crescendo. Just how far is he going to push you?
"m'gonna- fuck m'gonna cum-" you moan, head tipping back. Your legs twitch under his, and your thighs work tirelessly to press together, but in vain.
You're trapped.
"aw baby look," Wonwoo brings his free hand up to clasp your neck, forcibly turning your head straight. "so pretty like this- fuck you're shaking,"
Your eyes flick over your reflection, hazy as ever, and you feel your orgasm coming on. There's something so sexy about watching yourself come undone, watching Wonwoo spread you apart and use you like a little toy.
A wave of pleasure, approaching fast, washes over you as he works you up to your orgasm. The rough texture of your panties has you drooling, and soon enough, you're nerves ache from overstimulation.
"that's it, princess- so good for me,"
Wonwoo pushes the crotch of your panties aside, without warning, and dips two fingers into your cunt, pushing deep inside to collect your essence. Your body jolts in his embrace, thighs tensing with effort to squirm away from him, but again, there's no escaping.
"oh you taste like heaven," he groans, slipping his fingers into his mouth, licking up every drop he collected.
You find yourself entranced by the sight, watching him clean off his fingers, slipping his tongue so deftly between each digit, you can't help but wonder what it would feel like inside you.
Noticing the fascination with which you observe him, Wonwoo shoots you a sly smirk, letting your legs slip free.
'I know what you're thinking,'
"turn around,"
Your body moves on its own, following his voice, and you shift in his arms with your back to the mirror.
"now c'mere," he licks his lips, moving his hands to your waist, pulling you onto his thigh.
Within seconds, his lips are on yours, pressing needy, hungry kisses to your mouth. You can taste yourself on his tongue and it makes you dizzy, in dire need of more.
Air escapes you quicker than water in a broken dam, and you find yourself growing light-headed, pulling away for breath despite Wonwoo's grumbling.
When you draw back for the third time, he's beyond frustrated, groaning as his lips chase yours.
"get back here." he seethes, hands gripping the flesh of your waist, "right. fucking. now"
Your body, unfortunately, is slow to respond.
Wonwoo curses under his breath before flipping you over, arms straining as he lays you down as gently as he can.
You yelp, clutching onto his biceps like your very own safety belt, and your eyes widen at how easily he moves you.
"what are y-"
"can't have you running away," he smirks, tongue running along his lower lip.
Balancing his weight on one arm while bringing your hand to touch the other, Wonwoo repeats himself-
"if you want to stop, tell me. if that isn't possible-"
"tap twice, got it" you interrupt hastily, impatient as ever. He smiles fondly at you, a soft huff of laughter spilling past his lips.
"that's my girl,"
Your nails run over a thick vein jutting out from under his skin, and he swallows thickly, Adam's apple dipping low into his throat.
"you're really fucking distracting, y'know that?" he tuts, grabbing your hand and pinning it up above your head.
Before you can respond, Wonwoo captures your lips in a sloppy kiss, shoving his tongue past your lips, and exploring the expanse of your mouth fervently as if he's trying to memorize the way you feel, the way you taste.
The hand on your wrist loosens its grip and Wonwoo runs his fingers down the inside of your arm- ghosting a feathery touch over the sensitive skin.
"Won-" you whimper into his mouth, desperate for air, but he doubles down, pushing his lips closer to yours. Your helpless, muffled whines fill his ears and he can't help but grin against your lips.
'you make the prettiest sounds,'
Finally showing mercy, Wonwoo lets you breathe, moving from your lips to your chest, kissing his way down to your soaked panties.
"made a mess of these-" You can practically hear the smirk in his voice and you want nothing more than to smack it off, but you know he's right.
"you'll clean me up though, won't you?"
Wonwoo sucks in a deep, composing inhale. His eyes meet yours, and your breath hitches. There's a deep, dark desire, an untameable lust behind the browns of his eyes, one that sends a shiver down your spine.
His fingers hook into your panties, tugging them off firmly, and his jaw clenches at the sight of your bare cunt.
As if under a spell, Wonwoo finds himself drawn to you, placing his lips to your sex. He sticks a kiss to your slit before running his tongue along your folds and you know you're done for when your legs begin to twitch.
"oh please-" you whimper, hips bucking up into his tongue, and his lips twitch up. He brings his tongue to your hole, prodding it inside you, flicking in and out as his hand splays over your lower belly, thumbing your puffy clit.
Your jaw falls slack, hanging open, and your head lolls over to the side in pure ecstasy.
Wonwoo moves inside you with ease, pressing into every spot you need, rubbing lazy circles into your sensitive nerves. A choked moan claws its way up your throat, flooding the room, and Wonwoo knows he's doing something right.
All those nights studying you, the way you touched yourself, the things you seemed to like- they paid off in the end.
Your breathing grows unsteady and rapid, and he moves faster, pushes deeper into you, coaxing your orgasm out of you.
"f-fu- Wonnie m'gon-" you stutter, breathlessly, and he hums an affirmation, his voice sending waves reverberating through your nerves. The added stimulation of his voice, buzzing through you, is just enough to send you over the edge, and you cum on his tongue, back arching off the bed.
Unable to control the sounds escaping you, you're a whimpering, moaning jumble of nerves.
"that's it, baby-" he soothes, easing his tongue over your cunt, lapping up the remnants of arousal as you shudder uncontrollably. "taste so fuckin' good,"
Wonwoo kisses up your torso, settling on his knees to take his clothes off.
The white tank goes first, revealing his chiseled upper body, and your jaw drops. He looks unreal. The sweatpants are next, leaving him in a pair of fitted black boxers that cling to the width of his thighs and do little to hide his size.
"you're still okay with this?" he asks one last time, fingers halting at his boxers.
Stunned by the view, you nod dumbly, lips still parted in surprise.
"baby- I need wor-"
"yes! yes- yes I'm o-okay with this" you blurt out, swallowing the lump in your throat.
"do you hav-"
"I'm on the pill" The boxers are shucked off.
Oh my God.
The mattress dips under his weight, dimples forming under his knees and elbows as he hovers over you. Wonwoo places a chaste kiss to your forehead, aligning himself with your entrance before easing into you.
"you-you're so big-" you breathe, feeling the wind knocked out of your lungs. "Wonnie- oh my god"
Your eyes widen, brows knitting together as he pushes further and further, until he bottoms out inside you.
"shi-shit that's it- takin' me so good-" he hisses, clenching his teeth.
The girth of his cock has your walls stretching wide, trying desperately to accommodate him, and your eyes roll back. Wonwoo finds himself in a bit of a dilemma, unable to figure out whether to keep his eyes on your face, contorting in undeniable pleasure, or on your cunt being stuffed full by his cock.
With each thrust of his hips, you feel him move further, reaching deeper inside you until his tip nudges your cervix, coaxing out strangled moans on your part. The thick, pulsating vein running along the underside of his cock drags against your walls, and you feel him grow inside you- getting even bigger than before.
"W-onnie-" you mewl, words cut off by sharp gasps every time he slams back into you. "too big oh my g-"
"shh, you're takin' me so good doll, doin' so fucking good for me-" His voice is tainted with effort, each consonant ringing sharp and breathy as his lips ghost over yours.
Every fiber in your body buzzes with electricity, sweat glistens off of you like gold- you're on top of the world right now. The pleasure you feel in this moment is simply unparalleled. Nobody has, or ever will, come close.
Wonwoo's motions pick up speed, as he hooks his arm under your thigh, pulling it over his back- angling himself deeper into you, reaching spots you don't even know exist.
The first thrust with this newfound angle has both of your lips parting, breathing out shaky "oh"s against each other. Tears well in your eyes and you shake your head, breathing ragged and fast.
Wonwoo lets out a huff, smirking like he isn't gasping for breath the same way your are-
"that's it- I know you're close baby"
His hand leaves your thigh, rubbing zig-zag patterns into your clit, just enough to steal that orgasm out of you. The calloused pads of his fingers show no mercy, pressing directly on your nerves, and your hole spasms around him. You're certain you can feel your heartbeat where his finger presses, you can feel his too with the way his cock throbs inside you.
"so goddamn tight-" Wonwoo seethes, now feeling his own high approaching. He continues his motions on your clit, rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves from left to right, until you finally give in with a sob.
"m'cumming oh fuc- oh fuck"
The muscles of your thighs tense momentarily, cunt clenching down hard around his cock, before you let go completely. A warm, prickly relaxation washes over you, and Wonwoo grunts, releasing himself inside you.
His thrusts slow to a halt, and he lets out an airy laugh, in disbelief. He stares down at your disheveled frame- flushed, sweaty skin, blown pupils, hair tangled up around your head.
"you're beautiful," he breathes, unable to hold his tongue, and you giggle, turning away bashfully.
Wonwoo tilts your chin back, pulling you to face him-
"I really like you, y/n,"
You smile, eyes shimmering up at him. "I like you more"
There's a brief pause as you gaze into each other's eyes, before you realise something.
"wait- how'd you know wh-"
"sixth sense" he grins, eyes carrying just a touch of madness. "I know everything."
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monamipencil · 1 month
─── masterlist of my old works;
note; these are just reblogs of my old works. please let me know if i missed any! —꒰ current masterlist ꒱
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pussy drunk wonwoo — pt. 1 & pt. 2
sweet bf minghao
big dick cheol
earned it — c.sc
haven — c.sc
three's a crowd party — c.sc & y.jh
in your arms — c.vn
back to you — l.sk
jealous cheol and mingyu
nerdy stalker! wonwoo
into it — k.mg
love like this — k.mg
titty obsessed mingyu
swim — x.mh
vows — b.sk
best friend! chan
jerking chan in a hot tub
mingyu taking care of you during red days
soft dom! wonwoo eating you out
awkward/funny moments during sex — vu | pu | hhu
mornings after series — 95z | 96z | 97z | maknae line
reaction to you groping them — hyung line
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sanakiras · 3 months
PAIRING — kim mingyu x reader | choi seungcheol x reader
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SYNOPSIS — mingyu used to be your lover. now he has to watch from the sidelines as you’ve moved on to someone else.
TAGS — once again a college au, fem!reader, jealousy, explicit sexual content, voyeurism, pretty much just porn with no plot, semi-public sex, dom!cheol, read at ur own risk !!
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mingyu would overall consider himself to be a smart guy.
he never needs to put a lot of effort into his classes to pass them, he’s quick-witted and pays attention to detail. everyone around him has always praised him for his intelligence.
but right now, he feels stupid. he has for a while at this point.
his jaw is clenched as he leans against the wall with a cup of beer in hand. normally he very much enjoys the parties hosted by his friends — today is a different case.
it’s not just anything that’s making him feel this way.
at the other side of the crowded, warm room stands his former teammate choi seungcheol. he was their team captain up until last year, having to resign from the position after suffering a leg injury, and he apparently hasn’t felt the need to return to the football team yet despite his leg being all healed up.
choi seungcheol is a nice guy. he can also be real damn scary if he wants to be.
he’s about two years older than him. mingyu found he was always easy to get along with — until two days ago, when he discovered you out of all people had started dating him.
you. his ex-girlfriend. you broke up with him a while back after a fight he honestly can’t even remember the words nor the cause of. it was bullshit. something that shouldn’t have happened but did.
somehow, he’d let you slip through his fingers. like many people, he failed to realize what he had until it was gone. failed to see the signs he was supposed to see until it was too late. he feels stupid because he’s always so fucking smart — until the one time he wasn’t.
he tried to get you back. you wouldn’t let him.
now all he can do is stare at you from the other side of the room and watch you kiss a guy that isn’t him. you’re all over him, sitting on his thigh, and he’s constantly got his hands on you, arm looped around your waist, fingers rubbing your clothed skin.
wonwoo suddenly comes up to him, nudging him in the side. “are you trying to kill the guy by looking at him?”
“seungcheol. green with envy much?”
mingyu shrugs. “maybe.”
“well, you’d probably be smart to make it less obvious,” wonwoo remarks before leaving, “for your own sake.”
the words leave a bitter aftertaste in his mouth. he wishes he could just stop looking at the two of you, wishes he could just stop thinking about it for a damn second.
he’s certainly not a lightweight, but even he suffers the consequences of taking too much alcohol. his head feels fizzy, and he loses focus for a second, only to realize you and your boyfriend are gone from your places by the couch.
looking around frantically, he suddenly catches the glimpse of the little red dress you’re wearing at the other side of the room — you’re going upstairs with him.
and he finds himself desperately eager to follow you. that’d be so wrong though, wouldn’t it? he’s not some stalker, obviously. he just wants to check things out.
or so he convinces himself.
his brain is against it, his heart has other plans.
his legs seem to have their own will. before he can stop himself, he’s walking up the stairs, cursing to himself when the hallway is somewhat empty — until he hears the noise of something clattering onto the floor two rooms further.
taking a few steps into the direction of where the sound came from, he briefly looks behind him to check whether anyone’s there, proceeding when there isn’t.
the moment he pushes the door open just a bit further, he spies the office supplies carelessly thrown on the floor, his ears catching onto the familiar sound of your soft laughter.
he takes a step forward, detecting motion at the other side of the bookcase. he’s able to hide right behind it, watching you lie down on the wooden surface from the open cracks of the shelves.
the tight dress on your body is hiked up by your boyfriend as his hands roam all over your body, the sounds of your shared kisses making mingyu feel warm, his cheeks flushing, adrenaline rushing through his veins.
he knows how much you love a good make-out session — he also knows you like to speed things up a little when you need to be touched.
he’s frozen in his spot behind the bookcase when he hears you let out those needy whimpers that would turn any man on like crazy.
“shit—i should probably be quiet.” you giggle with your hand half over your mouth while cheol has you pinned underneath him, right on top of the desk.
“i’d love to see you try.” he mutters to you, fingers already hooking on the fabric of your matching lacy, red panties.
the worst part is that mingyu remembers that pair — one of his favorites. you look stunning in that little red set.
but your new boyfriend doesn’t appear to be paying that much attention to your lingerie. you’re both panting, all hot and heavy, clearly not in the mood to take things slow right now.
he sinks down to his knees on the floor, fingers harshly digging into your thighs as he spreads your legs to give him the access he wants, and you so eagerly let him.
“so gorgeous, baby.” cheol whispers to you before burying his lips and nose into the wetness pooling between your legs.
mingyu feels himself growing harder when he hears you cry out, your back arching off the cold desk, his teeth digging into his lower lip.
with your dress pushed up to your upper chest and your panties discarded on the floor, you gasp for air, fingers pulling on his dark strands of hair. you won’t last long if he keeps this up.
the first loud noise escapes you when he suddenly slips his finger into you. “cheol!”
the man between your legs shows his disapproval. “c’mon, baby, keep quiet for me. you want me to keep going, right?”
“yeah, yeah—” you nod almost desperately, “—‘m sorry.”
he cocks his head as if to say, that’s what i thought.
sly fucker.
he’s got you in the palm of his hand though — especially when he dives right back in, eager to see you fall apart while pumping his fingers in and out of you.
mingyu is so lost in the sight that his hand travels down to his belt buckle almost automatically. he’s so rock-hard in his pants that he could cry.
it doesn’t take cheol long to get you so worked up that you’re about to cum — which is exactly when you beg for him to fuck you instead, claiming you just need him inside you.
and your boyfriend happily obliges.
with your legs hoisted over his shoulders, he hovers above your body, watching the way you gasp and whimper when he pushes himself inside you.
“so full, cheol—” you moan once he’s nearly balls deep inside you, biting your lip to keep the noise down.
“you can take a little more though, can’t you, sweetheart?” your boyfriend asks teasingly, the subtle mocking undertone making you shiver. you love it when he’s all dominant and cocky like this, and you love to play into it.
a lazy smile appears on your face. “depends on how hard you give it to me.”
he smirks, biting his plump lip as he picks up the pace. you hold onto him, relishing in the sound of his moans by your ear.
“always so greedy,” cheol muses, eyes shining as he scans your figure, “always wanting more.” he pushes into you with the last syllable, unable to hold down a grin at how breathlessly you gasp.
oh, the guy gives it to you good. something you absolutely deserve — mingyu just wishes it was him giving it to you instead.
he hates it. he hates how pretty you look in his arms, under him. he hates how you both look so fucking perfect. he hates how dirty and perverted he feels.
he hates that the thrill of possibly getting caught makes him harder.
he watches as seungcheol takes you fast and hard, his hand pumping his own cock at the same pace. your body welcomes the muttered sentences of praise; pulling his body as close as physically possible, spreading your legs a little wider, fingers digging into his back a little deeper.
mingyu knows you love your praise just as much as a bit of force, and your boyfriend seems to know it too. he leaves red marks over your body, sucking at your skin, pulling out for a moment to shove his fingers back in instead.
you’re a whiny, moaning mess as three of his long fingers pump in and out of you. “thought i told you to keep it down.”
“fuck—just feels so good, cheol—”
“i know, pretty girl. you’re doing so good.”
god, you’re just so engulfed in your need to be filled up that you’re willing to do anything for the man currently in between your legs, and he fucking knows it.
mingyu is obsessed with the way your cunt sucks in his fingers so easily. he can literally hear how wet you are — cheol’s quick fingers are squelching into your heat, thumb circling over your clit until all you can do is make sweet sounds into his mouth.
it all gets too much, and your hand reaches down to take a hold of his wrist, but his movements don’t falter. it takes less than a minute before you cum on his fingers, desperately clinging onto him. sharp overstimulation hits your body when he pushes his cock into you again, not allowing you to come down from your high.
the feeling makes you go insane. you clench on him as a reflex, and he groans in response because you’re just so damn tight, almost suffocating him.
his big hands are grabbing your waist, basking in the feeling of your warmth wrapped around him. you notice through your bliss that he’s getting more desperate, movement more erratic, kisses sloppier, breathing heavier — how you love seeing him fall apart.
“takin’ me so well.” he smiles, biting his lip as you rake your nails over his abdomen.
“mhm. ‘s all for you, baby.”
he physically can’t not cherish the way you gaze at him so lovingly while getting your back blown out. if anything, it’s a talent. “yeah? such a good girl for me.”
you capture his lips in another kiss, one that’s a little sweeter than before. his hair is soft, the roots of his strands a bit damp from the sweat, but you don’t care.
you’re mewling in your spot on the desk, every other thought you ever had thrown out the window. all you can focus on is cheol fucking you like his life depends on it.
his chest is then pressed up against yours, his one hand on the back of your head, holding you still and close while he gives you hard and deep strokes.
“shit.” he curses, getting closer now that you’re tightening up more.
he’s reaching down to touch your clit again, rubbing the sensitive spot, causing you to buck your hips against his.
“cum with me, cheol.” you beg him, your sharp nails digging into his shoulder blades, which always works well on him — it makes him so utterly weak.
it brings mingyu just as close to his release. he’s so lost in his lust that it almost feels like you’re saying the words to him and not seungcheol, so he lets his back rest against the wall as he gets himself off at the pleasure of watching you.
“i’m so close, baby.” cheol mutters, his thick brows knitting together once he throws his head back in pleasure.
your body shakes as you come undone underneath him, your arms wrapped around his back. your boyfriend can’t hold back any longer when he feels you hit your peak — his hips stutter, eyes squeezed shut as he buries his face into the crook of your neck, muffling his moans.
your secret spectator has to cover his mouth to avoid making any noise. his balls are tightening, sweat beading at the nape of his neck right before he pathetically cums in his pants, some of his release dripping on the floor.
his own chest still heaves as his eyes find the little drops of sweat rolling down cheol’s back, his eyes moving down to the sight of your boyfriend pulling out of you, leaving a trail of his cum seeping out of your pussy.
the sight is enough to make him hard again.
you’re panting in your place on top of the desk, still coming down from your high before your boyfriend speaks up — but his words aren’t directed at you.
“did anyone ever tell you it’s rude to stare?”
mingyu’s heart drops in his chest. shit, was it that obvious? he thought he did a good job at being relatively quiet.
now he’s left with two options of what to do next. either he owns up to it or gets the fuck out of here.
and he thinks to himself, fuck it. not like the situation could get any worse anyways.
so he steps forward, into the light.
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thanks for reading! let me know if u liked it x
® SANAKIRAS — do not repost, remake or copy my work in any way whatsoever. translations are not allowed.
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hannieehaee · 6 months
hi good morning! (or afternoon or evening)
how about a svt scenario thing where you’re an idol (and dating them) and you get injured by a crazy saesang that’s obsessed with your s/o?
basically, y/n is an idol in a popular group and at a fansign event, a saesang rushes towards her and attacks her, injuring her with smth (there’s blood) and vroom hospital etc etc. how would svt react?
idk this has been my brain-worm for the past few days
thank you 😊 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
a sasaeng attacking their idol!reader gf
content: mentions of stalking, mentions of being attacked, mentions of injuries, mentions of hospitalization, reader is an idol, a lil angsty, etc.
wc: 1559
a/n: thank u so much for ur request! sorry for the delay hehe (these scenarios are assuming ur relationship is public knowledge btw <3)
seungcheol -
no one had ever seen him this angry. even his members kept away from him upon noticing his furious demeanor after getting a call from your manager informing him that you had been taken to the hospital to tend to some bruises and scratches you had undergone after one of his stalker fans had quite literally jumped at you from across the table, having made themselves pass as your fan. would not comment on it publicly, simply choosing to cut his promotions short and taking a quick break to tend to you. the only thing to alleviate his anger would be your presence and knowing that you were now safe. would demand both pledis and your own company enforce better security, incredibly frustrated that you even got a single scratch on you due to their negligence.
jeonghan -
not being one to hide his emotions from fans, he would express frustration at it, mentioning it on live when consistently questioned about it. would state his disappointment, but would make it clear this was directed at fans who knew their actions were morally wrong. he would probably not do much about it other than make sure your security amped up, not wanting to get in the way of your own idol career or draw more attention to this, but having your security as top priority. would put extra focus in babying you and tending to you at any and every moment he was off work.
joshua -
he'd be very emotionally affected by it. you'd be able to tell by his quieted down demeanor after the incident that he felt put off by any public appearance, thinking that anyone around him could be a crazed fan who wanted to inflict pain on his loved ones. would continue schedules as normal, but his personality would remain tame for a while, while he recovered emotionally from the guilt he felt at indirectly putting you in danger. he'd feel extremely apologetic towards you, even if you told him you were fine and did not blame him for any of it.
jun -
his lighthearted demeanor would shift immediately. he would take a hiatus, taking you with him to china so he could have you to himself for a month or so. would not care about any repercussions to his idol career, considering your safety the top priority. would become serious for a while, only bringing back his loving and playful personality when interacting with you or any of his other loved ones. would never speak about this publicly once he came back from break, simply acting as if nothing happened. he would've had to demand both your company and pledis amp up any and all security for you the moment you came back from your own hiatus.
soonyoung -
the usually lighthearted and silly boy would turn stoic for a while. he'd never express his frustrations outwardly, but would now feel a constant sense of disappointment at both himself and at any crazed fan who would ever dare even think of putting their hands on you. would be super apologetic to you, begging you to not end it because of this incident. the only thing that would calm him down would be your reassurance that it'd take far more than one obsessed fan to drive you away from him. would dedicate all his free time to you and take on a more protective attitude towards you.
wonwoo -
would probably go on a short hiatus. you were one of the most important people in his life. he had kept the relationship secret as much as he could, but after dispatch outed you two as a couple, you had begun to receive more threats than usual. now not only from your own stalker fans but from his too. would be absolutely devastated he was the cause of your pain. he could never leave you out of his sight again, feeling an innate need to protect you. would stay gone and just be with you for a few months before returning to his idol duties, never speaking publicly about what happened.
jihoon -
pure disgust and annoyance. the same way he calls out sasaengs on live for pestering him with calls, he would bring this up too. saying that he's tried to ignore it but that some things go too far. would feel bad if any other carats felt uncomfortable by his scolding, but would feel so incredibly frustrated the love of his life was put in danger due to someone liking him way too much for safety. scared you might feel like this is too much to deal with, but would respect if you decided the relationship was just not worth the pain. would thank you immensely the moment you told him he's worth all hurdles, that you simply needed better security.
seokmin -
it was rare to see seokmin angry, and he had never been this angry. fans would be able to tell after the incident that his demeanor had shifted completely. would take him about a week or so to go back to his bubbly self while in public, having gotten the scare of his life when he got a call from your manager claiming that an obsessed dk fan had launched at you at a fansign, makeshift weapon in hand as they managed to mangle some of the skin of your arm before being swiftly taken away by security. he wouldn't go on hiatus, but he'd spend every passing minute with you as he apologized and reassured you no one would ever hurt a hair off your head ever again.
mingyu -
would also go on a quick hiatus. he hates calling out crazed fans, knowing it only incites them to do deranged things like this even more, being aware that they'll do anything to get a reaction out of him. so he wouldn't give them one. he would simply step back from idol duties for a while, joining you in your own hiatus as you emotionally (and physically) recovered from the attack. would try and give you an out, telling you that if dating him put you in danger then maybe you should reconsider your options, he would always love you but he would understand. would feel instant relief the moment you cursed him out, telling him a few injuries were not enough to drive you away. he'd swear to never let you out of his sight again.
minghao -
another member who would be extremely angry. would do his best to stand by you and show his support towards you even if it meant putting your relationship even more into the public eye. you would be his one and only priority. he would bring it up at some point in an interview or statement, airing out his frustrations at sasaengs who thought of him as anything more than an idol. would put a brake on fan-idol interactions even more now, now even toning down most of his fanservice to avoid fans getting the wrong idea that he'd ever look their way when he had you.
seungkwan -
just absolutely terrified. he'd never felt more fear in his life than the moment his manager informed him of the news that you were in the hospital due to one of his stalker fans attacking you. would feel incredibly guilty and beg you for forgiveness as he visited you at the hospital. the only relief he felt at the situation would be your insistence in telling him you were fine and that this would not break your relationship. he'd become overly attached and protective of you, demanding his own company to provide security for you, claiming that this was a personal issue and that he would not rest unless you were as protected as possible.
vernon -
would be brooding and cold for a while. he would've dealt with the situation behind the scenes, not wanting anyone to see his reaction, knowing that acknowledging the situation publicly would only cause more crazed fans to try and do the same. he'd back away from the public for a while, only participating in any mandatory schedules and even then he would keep himself hidden in the back as much as possible. would feel a little guilty for technically punishing all fans when it was only a few who acted like this, but would need some time to recover from having put the love of his life in danger.
chan -
this was brand new territory for him, so he would feel absolutely taken by surprise. he never would have imagined someone to try and come after the love of his life, much less under the claim that it was for his own good. no words could describe the guilt he felt at seeing you at the hospital, scratches in your face showing the damage the fan was able to inflict before security pulled them away. would curse at your security team, claiming this couldve been way worse, and that they risked your life. would also apologize for his part in it, knowing that if he was out of the picture this never wouldve happened. would take a short break from idol activities to spend a week with you holed up at a safe location, spending the entire time showing you how much he cared for you and how he would protect you from now on.
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hrts4hanniehae · 5 months
Clutch || masterlist
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
taglist: join from my masterlist
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main masterlist
smau socials
one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester @belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories
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bangchanbabygurl · 5 months
Our Dark Fantasies Series
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Genres: Enemies to lovers/Sunshine x Grumpy/Business Rival x Baby Doll/Business Man x Intern/Angsty/Dark Romance/Smut/Heavy KINKY SMUT
Warnings: Explicit language/mention of domestic violence/mention of violence/alcohol abuse/mention of death/stalker/mentions of blood/drug abuse/smut scenes/dark mature themes/triggering scenes/traumatic experiences/ mentions of cheating & twisted love triangles/mention of self-harm/mentions of eating disorders/mentions of SA/mentions of kinks(BDSM, etc).
OUR DARK FANTASIES is a four-book series based on fictional events that only ever occur in my mind; this is my first ever book series officially shared with readers who love dark romance and SEVENTEEN. None of the way SEVENTEEN members are portrayed are real; they are portrayed based on my standards of men and ideal type. They are not meant to harm their image at all, it is purely fictional. Each character is connected, on the Wattpad version of the books the reader has a name due to wanting Wattpad readers to understand the plot.
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Member: Scoups (CHOI SEUNGCHEOL)
Wattpad Link
Spotify Playlist
Summary: —» Getting out of a messy relationship was a big step in life for any woman; it was a fresh breath of freedom and peace. Working at a hospital as a Phlebotomist Technician was the main focus now, pushing yourself to achieve bigger goals financially and independence. Till your best friend, Chan…Christopher Bang was a man who was known for playing matchmaker within the friend group. You only hoped and made him promise he wouldn't use his tactics on you, but it was like telling a toddler not to eat sweets. You didn't want him to play matchmaker, knowing your crush on your brother’s work buddy was known to some of your friends. You lost patience upon discovering he was three steps ahead of you, wanting to play Cupid for you and his friend, who knows nothing besides marketing and numbers. You despise Choi Seungcheol for following Chan’s strange tactics and interfering with your friendship/crush with Jeon Wonwoo.
Member: Wonwoo (JEON WONWOO)
Wattpad Link
Spotify Playlist
Summary: —» Moving to Seoul was an escapism to get away from the past, wanting nothing more than a fresh start for the new year. Perhaps moving out was a good idea after all; new friends and college studies going steady. But somehow, I'm still trapped in this utterance of loneliness and pain, wanting nothing besides relief. The need to let go of everything and focus on the present rather than the past. What if my habits are spiraling out of control?
Book 3: OUR GOLDEN HOURS (Coming soon)
Member: Mingyu (KM MINGYU)
Wattpad Link
Spotify Playlist
Summary: Coming from old money may seem like a blessing, but don't let that fool you; there are dark secrets and lies that come with the blessing. Being the youngest doesn't help either; having to be aware of what you can and can’t do is exhausting. Rivals competing with the family business left and right, making everything spiral out of control. When Kim Mingyu, CEO of Kim’s Winery, becomes intrigued with his rival’s daughter, all the secrets and lies grow bigger, causing hell to be unleashed.
Book 4: BENEATH THE SHADOWS (Coming soon)
Member: The8 (XU MINGHAO)
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fvllingflower · 1 year
No Shame
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pairing: idol!wonwoo afab!reader
genre: smut
warnings: making out, cursing, boob play, boob sucking, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (actually use protection!), aftercare
song recommendation: no shame by 5sos
Wonwoo had a concert today and he of course gave you tickets. He knew you enjoyed supporting him and the guys. Once you got changed into your outfit for the concert, you sent Wonwoo a photo of yourself. He seem to enjoy your outfit. You were wearing black tennis skirt and a tight t-shirt. You got to the concert and as you were sitting down in your chair at the concert, you were texting Wonwoo, telling him you can't wait.
The concert started and you were so excited. You were screaming and cheering for the guys. You filmed the guys performance and them announcing who they are along with taking pictures of Wonwoo. He looked so pretty, you love him so much. The performance unit started performing and when Wonwoo was changed he messaged you asking if you're enjoying the show so far. Of course you were, you enjoy their music and love seeing their talent.
Hours pass and now it was getting towards the end of the show. Snap Shoot started playing and quickly the camera man found you. You started dancing very shyly and the members were "yelling" at you that you can do better than that. So you started getting more hyped and dancing with more energy. You could see Wonwoo was smiling and laughing as you danced.
The concert finally ended and you went back stage to see your boyfriend. You said hi to the guys. Mingyu and Seokmin were recreating your dance which made you laugh. As you were laughing, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. You turned your head to see Wonwoo smiling wide.
"Okay guys let me have her to myself," He waved the guys away. You turned to face him and smiled at him.
"Did you enjoy the show?" He asked.
"Of course I did, you know I love seeing you guys perform," You responded. He pecked your lips.
"Hey so we're going to go out to eat, are you two tagging along?"Jihoon asked.
"Mhm no, we'll order something later, I just wanna get in bed," Wonwoo smiled and Jihoon chuckled.
"Okay, you two have fun," He walked away.
"You ready to go?" Wonwoo asked and you nodded.
He held your hand as you two walked out and into the van. During the drive to the hotel, Wonwoo kept his hand on your thigh and just kept rubbing it. You looked at him but he was staring out the window. You sighed in defeat and rested your head on Wonwoo. You guys got to the hotel and he followed you to your room.
"What you doing stalker?" You asked as he shut your door and you took your shoes off.
"Following my girlfriend," He smiled and walked towards you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him once more.
"Is that so?" You mumbled and he hummed in agreement. You two started kissing, one kiss after another. He pulled away from you and sat in the bed. You crawled into bed and climbed onto his lap. He just grinned as he held your waist.
You two started kissing again this time with more passion. His hands started running up and down your sides. Your hand cupped his face as you continued to kiss him, but now you licked his bottom lip and inserted your tongue into his mouth. Your tongues started fighting for dominance. His hands slowly slid up your body and cupped your breasts. You decided to take your shirt off and throw it to the ground. Wonwoo looked delighted to see you in a skirt and your bra now. He started kissing and sucking your skin. Tiny moans came from your mouth as Wonwoo continued squeezing your boobs like they were stress toys. He pressed delicate kisses down your sternum and as he did you felt him grip the clasp on your bra. He unhooked your bra and threw your bra across the room. He kissed your tits softly before taking one mound into his mouth. His tongue was playing with your nipple and he suddenly bit your nipple making you moan loudly.
"Fuck!" You gripped his hair as he switched the other boob giving it the same affection.
You grabbed the hem of Wonwoo's shirt and stripped it off of him and threw it onto the floor. You started kissing down his neck and soon started sucking his sweet skin. You got up, bent over with your ass in his face as you pulled your skirt off along with your panties. He couldn't help but smack your ass. You turned around and looked at him.
"Oh god, you're so fucking perfect," He groaned in pleasure. He got up and let you sit on the edge of the bed. He got on his knees and got in between your legs.
"Can I eat you out?" He asked shyly. You smiled at him.
"God please do," You whined. With that he licked a strip against your clit, causing you to throw your head back. He started licking and sucking your folds. You gripped his hair roughly making him groan, the vibrations adding more pleasure. It felt like he was making out with your cunt. Suddenly you heard a knock on your door.
"Y/N?" You recognized Shua's voice.
"Y- yeah," You held back your whines.
"Is Wonwoo with you?" He asked.
"Mhm— yeah," You tried to keep yourself together as Wonwoo continued to eat you up like he was starved.
"Oh okay, well we're going to sleep so good night," You could tell Shua was smiling.
"Good night Shua," You replied. You're pretty sure he walked away. You let out soft whines as Wonwoo continued. He added his fingers to the mix of pleasure. You were close to shutting your legs on his head but he held you legs open by your thigh and he would squeeze the flesh as he devoured you. He was pumping two fingers in and out of your greedy cunt as he ate you up even when you released on his face, he licked you clean. He looked up at you and his face looked like a mess which made you giggle.
"Come here," He pulled you into a kiss and you could taste yourself against his lips. He stood up and pulled his pants and underwear off. You couldn't help but stare at how big he was, big and thick, of course you seen it many times but every time you just stare. You laid in bed and he climbed on top of you.
"Spread your legs for me baby," You listened and spread them as much as possible. He lined up with your hole and he thrusted into you slowly making you moan loud but you quickly covered your mouth. He didn't seem to notice at first cause he was so focused on thrusting at the right pace until he looked up at you to make sure you were enjoying it.
"Baby let me hear your pleasure, let them hear it, let them know how good I'm fucking you, yeah?" He whispered as he pulled your hand away from your mouth and held your hand. He started thrusting fast and rough. You were turning into a mess underneath him. You felt so bad for the guys hearing you but it felt so good. He was fucking you so rough you thought you would snap in half. You wrapped your legs around his waist making him sink deeper into you. He kept pounding into you like his life depended on it.
"Oh fuck Wonwoo," You almost screamed.
"That's it baby let them who this pussy belongs to," He smirked as you continued to be loud. He put your boob in his mouth and was making out with it. He bit your nipple and tugged on it. He suddenly slapped your boob and then squeezed it.
"Oh shit Wonwoo!" You moaned loudly. He continued to fuck your brains out. He was hitting every right place to make you lose your mind in pleasure.
"Such a perfect pussy," He grunted as he pounded into you harder. He put one leg on his shoulder to make it easier to fuck your brains out. This has to be one of his favorite sightings; your boobs bouncing, your hands clawing the bed, your mouth gapped open with pleasure, he loved how fucked up you look whenever he pounds your brains out. It didn't take much longer till you started to feel your stomach tighten.
"Wonwoo— I'm going to cum," You whined.
"It's okay baby, cum for me," He spoke softly. Your legs tremble as you released your arousal all on his dick. It didn't stop Wonwoo, he continued fucking your brains out until he filled your hole up. He pulled out and laid beside you, as you two caught your breath. He got up, and went into the bathroom. He came back with a wet cloth and cleaned you up. He pressed soft kisses across your face as he expressed how good you did.
"I'm going to go into my room real quick and grab some clothes, okay?" He informed you as he put his clothes back on. He left the room and entered his hotel room.
"I'm fucking traumatized from that," Mingyu exclaimed. Wonwoo just laughed.
"You're acting like this is the first time you heard me have sex," Wonwoo was grabbing his clothes.
"Yeah but I didn't know those people you fucked, but I know Y/N!" Mingyu spat.
"You're dramatic," He laughed as he walked out the room. He opened the door and you wobbled out the bathroom.
"You brought your whole suitcase?" You smiled.
"Yeah... why are you still naked? You want a second round," He smirked.
"No! I swear you almost broke me," He cupped your face and kissed you softly.
"I'm sorry baby, do you want me to massage your legs?" He asked and you shook you head.
"It's fine," You wobbled towards the bed and fell half way. He ran towards you and picked you up and sat you on the bed.
"I'll bring you some clothes," He smiled. He went to your suitcase and grabbed some underwear and handed it to you. He stood up and pulled his t-shirt off and handed it to you to wear. You put the clothes on and Wonwoo changed into something to sleep in as well.
You sat up against the bed frame as Wonwoo went to your thighs and started massaging your muscle. Once he finished help ease the tension in your thighs, he laid down next to you and you rested your head on his chest. You enjoyed moments with him, cuddled up, warm, and safe.
"I love you," You whispered to him. You noticed him softly smile.
"I love you too," He kissed your lips.
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svt-nari · 7 months
the airport incident / part two
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warnings: not proofread, mentions of panic attack, stalkers, cliffhanger (will have part three 🤭). a/n: since you guys requested here’s part two!
part one | part two | part three
as everyone piled up to check in, nari’s hands wouldn’t stop shaking, her eyes watery and her gaze a bit lost. she had asked wonwoo for his bucket hat and lowered it onto her head so it would hide more of her face. even though she was a bit shaken up by what had happened, she didn’t want to ruin everyone’s pre-tour mood.
“noona…”, chan nudged her shoulder, coming closer to her side as she was sandwiched between the members now. “are you okay?”
nari lifted the hat a bit to look at him and gave him a nod, sighing right after. she could see the worry in his eyes, even though chan’s a bit shy to openly say it, he showed through his actions by holding his palm towards her to hold her hand. she immediately linked hands with him, pulling him closer to lay her head on his shoulder.
“nabi…”, she could hear joshua’s voice calling for her but she didn’t have the power to actually lift her head and look at him, only nodding her head still laid on chan’s shoulder. “coups’ calling for you, he was talking to our manager…”
the girl could feel her eyes getting even more teary by his words. cheol is always so caring towards her, he showers her in affection and shows how much he cares for her well-being. she couldn’t have asked for someone better than him to spend the rest of her life.
“okay… thanks, shua.” she lifted her head and gave his shoulder a pat, distancing herself from chan to turn around. seungcheol was a few feet away from her, talking to the manager and, as he sensed someone’s eyes on him he turned and maintained eye contact with the girl for a few seconds. then, he motioned with his head for her to come closer - which she quickly did.
“jagi…”, he muttered lowly, only for her to hear through the chaos. “i was talking to manager-nim and we think it’s better if you stay out of the first performance…”, he held her hand carefully, stroking her knuckles with his thumbs. “it’s not good for your mental health to do this, you have to heal first. it was a big scare.”
“no! i want to perform! i can’t let the fans down!”, she hyperventilated, hands gripping his tighter. “i want to do this so bad, please let me perform!”
seeing her this broken made cheol’s heart hurt, he quickly pulled her closer, hugging her tight so she would calm down. he sighed quietly, looking to their manager who shrugged, not too sure himself about what they should do.
“let’s make a deal then…”, he said after they pulled away. “if you don’t feel like you want to perform before the actual performance, you don’t have to do it. but you have to tell me if anything’s wrong, okay?”
she quickly nodded, tangling her pinky with his to make the promise official. she could do that.
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“everyone!”, cheol clapped, bringing all the boys’ attention towards him. he had to take advantage of the fact that nari had a hair appointment before the rehearsal to say what he had to. “so, you all saw what happened at the airport, right? i didn’t wanna talk about it near nari, but now that she’s not here i want to make something very clear.”
all the members could feel the tension and the worry in his eyes, everyone was feeling worried for nari’s well-being since she was putting her feelings aside to perform. she didn’t want to relax, even though she had to after what happened. every single one of the boys tried to talk her out of it, but no avail.
“i talked to the company, we had a brief meeting through zoom yesterday…”, he began, messing his hair up. “and they are finally going to take legal actions against the guy that harassed her.”
most of the boys sighed in relief, others thanking god silently. the incident could have been a lot worse had he been able to have more time with her. though, they are sure that she hasn’t told them everything that he said and she saw, due to the closure not even the cameras were able to see the blade in his hand – something she didn’t tell to any of them.
“another important thing,” coups cleared his throat. “if you ever, and i mean ever, see him anywhere…”, he pleaded. “report it. to the manager, to the police, to anyone. even me. i will do anything in my power for it to never happen again. to any of you. he’s dangerous, i don’t really know what he told her because she didn’t wanna talk about it and she also haven’t opened the letter yet and she won’t let anyone do it too. so we are working with what we have until she’s ready to talk. it’s not the first time he’s seen at the same place as her, with or without us. did you all understand that?”
everyone nodded their heads. mingyu’s gaze lowered, suddenly he remembered a very important thing that he saw on the plane. he was just scrolling through twitter before the take off when he saw it. though he passed it as just normal fan behavior because he didn’t pay attention, now it became a big red flag in his mind. i mean people go crazy if their idol is in the same place as them, but it felt too much now that he thought about it. he tried searching it up again but to no avail – the account was deleted.
“hyung…”, he mumbled, getting everyone’s attention. “i saw a post on twitter that i think that probably got deleted because of the content…”
he got chills when he remembered, how could he just scroll through it as if it was nothing? gosh, he felt like a terrible brother.
“this person on twitter posted videos and pictures of a bathroom they were in, the post said something about nari being there, though i don’t remember much so i don’t know if she was there or had already left. but it looked like the bathroom of that restaurant we went to after the first show”, he scratched his head, trying to remember the username. “it was a man, i’m sure of it because of the name on the account. they were posting pictures of used tissues and toilet paper, that nari had just used. he was also saying that he could sell it if someone really wanted it.”
by now everyone had their mouths agape, not sure of what to think at the revelation mingyu just did. how could someone be so dirty and ridiculous? did he think nari would find this lovely or something? what made them even more shocked was how he got into the women’s bathroom, everything was so confusing at this point. it felt like someone was helping him because of how easy he was able to track her down and go after her whenever he felt like doing it.
“wait!”, mingyu gasped. “i remember his name! it was written above the username, i don’t know if it’s real though, these people usually put fake names so they won’t get caugh-!”
“come on, mingyu! what is it?”, seungcheol exasperated, he wanted to have this man on a restraining order and behind bars as soon as possible.
mingyu sighed, saying it loud and clear for everyone to hear, not seeing that nari had just entered the venue. his voice boomed as he said the name, even at the large venue they were in. the girl’s eyes widening at the name mentioned, suddenly having flashbacks as she heard it.
“it’s kim hajun.”
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all rights reserved © svt-nari, 2023
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
“telling each other your first impressions of each other” with wonwoo plz😗
valentines day event! | thank you for the request!
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"what was your first impression of me?", wonwoo asks, catching you off guard as you sipped your wine. "i'm curious to know what you saw in me that made you chase after me for nearly a month", he adds with a tease.
"i did not chase you for a month", you counter. "you totally did don't even lie", he says and you really have nothing to defend yourself after that. "you're so mean", you mutter jokingly as you take another sip of your wine. you were going to need some courage for this.
"i just thought you were cute okay", you say after a few seconds of silence, and he looks at you expectantly, waiting for you to continue. "and you were pretty good looking. you just looked so sweet and quiet and just my type of guy", you add thoughtfully. "oh, and i loved how you'd recommend me books and i'd end up loving each one. i think that's when i started really crushing on you more", you admit, a smile creeping up on wonwoo's face.
"now it's your turn. what was your first impression of me?", you ask, genuinely curious.
"hm...i thought you were some crazy stalker", wonwoo says making you whack his arm. "im serious", you say. "i am too", he says with a chuckle making you narrow your eyes at him.
"i thought you just really loved books until i realized you would come to see me every other day", he says. "and at first i really wasn't interested in dating. but you pursued me and showed up three times a week. you'd make me laugh and we'd have impromptu book discussions together. i found myself being myself and having fun with you. and it was when the days you didn't come that i would find myself thinking about you", wonwoo says making you look at him with a happy pout. "aw that's so sweet", you say.
"you should be grateful i pursued you", you tell him. "oh baby i am", he says as he kisses your cheek, a smile blooming on your face.
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jeonwonoow · 4 months
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Wherein you meet your greatest love and greatest heartbreak again after your best friends may have set you up during their son's christening.
@miraes-world @viewvuu @winterbeartaehyungbestboy
Please reply under this post to be added! A like and reblog would also be appreciated, thank you!
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pandenewie · 11 months
22 - Family Vacation
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AN: Mr Jeon has slowly morphed into Wonwoo from Seventeen so yeah
It’s 6am when Y/n finds themself knocking on an unfamiliar apartment door. God, they just pray that they got the right number. After minutes of waiting and a number of knocking attempts, each louder than the last, the door finally swings open.
“Who the hell is awake at this time of -”
“Are you Jay Park?”
The man looks visibly confused at Y/n’s interruption. “Uh… depends who’s asking?” He asks, clearly skeptical of a random high schooler standing at his doorstep at 6 in the morning. 
“I’m Y/n.” They introduce themself, watching the man’s reaction as the cogs begin turning in his brain. “Wait, Jungwon’s Y/n?” He asks with wide eyes. With the new information, he opens his door further, inviting Y/n into his apartment.
“Sorry about the mess, I wasn’t exactly expecting guests. And then this asshole decided to come over and get drunk at like, 2 this morning.” Jay says, gesturing to the guy passed out on his couch. Y/n thinks they can recognise him as one of Jungwon’s other friends, but they can’t put a name to face this early in the morning.
“Jake, wake up.” Jay mumbles, picking up a pillow and throwing it at the sleeping figure. Jake lets out a groan, flipping off his friend before rubbing his hands over his face. “What time is it?” He asks with a groggy voice. “Too damn early, that’s for sure.” Jay mumbles, pushing Jake’s legs to make room on the couch. “Make yourself at home, Y/n.” He continues, gesturing to the empty armchair placed horizontally from the couch.
As soon as Y/n is seated, the grilling from Jay begins. “Why are you here? Especially at 6 in the morning? And how did you find my apartment?” “Context clues from talking to Jungwon.” Y/n shrugs, only seeming to confuse him more. “That’s some stalker shit.” Jake mumbles, earning a smack on the leg from Jay. “Ow, bro, be gentle! I’m in a fragile state right now!” Jake whines, causing Jay to roll his eyes.
“As for why I’m here, it’s kind of a long story…” Y/n trails off, causing Jay to look at them with a blank expression. “It’s 6 in the morning, I quite literally have nothing else to do.” Sighing, Y/n thinks for a moment about the best way to sum it up. “Basically, I got suspended which means I’m not allowed to go on the senior trip that Jungwon planned - which is today. He was pretty bummed about it all so I was thinking, is there a way I can get in? Then I saw that the campsite still had cabins available so I booked one and I thought I could go and surprise him. And I need a ride so I’m asking you.”
If Jay could get any more confused than he already is, it is certainly evident on his face. It’s silent for a few moments and it finally sets into Y/n’s brain just how insane this is. Finally, after an awkward staring contest, that lasted much too long for anyone’s liking, Jake breaks out into fits of giggles.
“Oh my god!” He gasps, clutching his chest as he falls into Jay’s shoulder. “This is like a fucking movie!” Jay quickly shushes his friend, scolding him for laughing and being so loud. When this doesn’t work (partially due to Jake’s half-drunk state, partially due to him not taking Jay seriously) Jay results in pressing his palm against Jake’s mouth, muffling his giggles.
“Okay so… that’s kind of insane. In like… a cute way?” Jay mumbles, still trying to rack his brain around everything. “Do I have to… do anything?” He continues. “Not really? Just drive there, hang out in the cabin and then drive me back?” Y/n asks, pulling out the puppy-dog eyes in hopes that if all else fails, that will make him agree.
Jay likes to pride himself on being a very rational person. He likes to think things through and make sensible decisions that will benefit both him and others. Going on an impromptu 2 day holiday with a stranger so they can sneak into their school camp is anything but rational. It’s risky, reckless, and by the sounds of it, not even fully planned out to begin with.
“Okay… but you’re coming with us.” He agrees, slapping Jake, who had fallen back asleep, on the thigh - waking him up once more. If he’s going to do something this insane, he at least needs his much more recklessly inclined friend to fall back on.
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“What’s with the low face?”
A sudden voice snaps Jungwon out of his thoughts. He pulls his attention away from the bus window and turns around to find Wonyoung sitting in the seat next to him. “What do you mean?” He asks, causing her to roll her eyes. “I mean this in the nicest way possible… you look like a kicked puppy.” She says.
“I thought you were pretending you were in a sad music video at first… but then I saw you weren’t listening to music.” Ricky says from the seat behind them, leaning over to ruffle Jungwon’s hair. “Cheer up buddy! You can still have fun on the trip without Y/n here.”
Ricky’s words seem to cause realisation on Wonyoung’s face. “But Hiyyih mentioned something about Y/n coming?” She asks, confused, causing Jungwon to sigh. “I don’t know… they said something about being here no matter what. I have no idea what they’re doing.” Jungwon mumbles. He can’t tell which emotion is more difficult at the moment, the disappointment of Y/n not being on the trip or the anxiety about whatever they have planned…
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The sudden blasting of the car horn causes Y/n to jump slightly from their position in the passenger seat. Jay mumbles an apology as he rolls down his window, yelling at Jake to “hurry up” and “just grab shit”
A few moments later, Jake walks out of the convenience store, hood up, dark sunglasses perched on his nose, and arms full of an assortment of snacks. He slides into the backseat of Jay’s car, emptying his treasures onto the floor and laying down. 
“I think the worker thought I was high.” Jake mumbles, pulling his hoodie down to hide his face even further. “You sure you aren’t?” Jay jokes, reaching back for the bag of lollipops that Jake had brought. Slipping one into his mouth, he motions for Jake to sit up which earns a groan from the younger boy. “Dude, I’m still tipsy.” Jake whines, kicking his feet like a child. “At least put your seatbelt on! I do not need anyone dying on this trip.” Jay rolls his eyes before finally starting the car.
Y/n starts to think that maybe this wasn’t the greatest idea…
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“We haven’t even been here for half an hour!” Jungwon whines, as Wonyoung and Ricky grab an arm each and drag him out of the cabin. “Come on, Jungwon! We’re versing Hiyyih and Hikaru in badminton and we need a ref.” Wonyoung says, causing Jungwon’s eyebrows to furrow. “It’s a casual game. What do you need a few for?” He asks. “To stop Hiyyih from cheating. She looks sweet but that girl is a menace.” Wonyoung sighs.
Jungwon attempts to complain further but is shushed by his friends, claiming that he needs to be more sociable. Jungwon pulls his arms from their grip, attempting to run back to the safety of his cabin. This works to no avail, as Ricky quickly catches up and throws Jungwon over his shoulder. “People would think you’re being kidnapped.” Ricky jokes, as the three walk to the far end of the campsite, where the badminton court is.
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“So… you just happened to be going on a… family vacation… at the same time and same location as the senior trip?” Mr Jeon asks, eyeing Y/n skeptically. Running into one of the teachers was a given. Thankfully, Y/n has perfected the art of lying.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Mr Jeon, they surprised me with the trip last minute. I didn’t even know where we were going.” Y/n shrugs. Mr Jeon doesn’t seem all that convinced, as he looks back to the car, which Jay and Jake are currently getting the bags out of. “And those two are…?” He asks, watching the two argue over who’s holding what. “Jake’s my cousin. He's just come from Australia and Jay’s… his boyfriend.” Y/n spills, saying the first thing that comes to mind. “Right… well, I suppose I should speak with them and go over some ground rules.” Mr Jeon sighs, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “Sure thing.” Y/n smiles brightly, skipping over towards their “cousin” and his “boyfriend”.
“Mr Jeon’s coming to talk to you two. Jake, you’re my cousin who just flew in from Australia. Jay, you’re his boyfriend.” Y/n speaks quickly, causing the two to look at them with wide eyes. “Why are we dating?” Jay asks, slightly annoyed. “It was the first thing I thought of. Just act natural.” Y/n replies. Jay rolls his eyes in response before shoving a water bottle against Jake’s chest, mumbling for him to “sober up” as Mr Jeon approaches the trio.
“Hi, Jay and Jake is it? I’m Jeon Wonwoo, one of Y/n’s teachers.” He introduces himself cheerfully, holding his hand out for them to shake. His eyes widen slightly when they land on Jay, and his eyebrows furrow slightly in confusion. “Jongseong?” He adds, causing Jay to laugh sheepishly. Jay immediately matches Mr Jeon’s smile, shaking his hand firmly. “Nice to see you again, sir.” He says. “You two know each other?” Y/n asks, confused. “I taught Jongseong a few years ago… you go by Jay now?” Mr Jeon asks, causing Jay to nod. “Yeah, Jongseong feels like I’m being scolded.” He jokes, causing Mr Jeon to laugh. “Well, I’m certainly in no position to do that anymore.” He comments, holding his hand out to Jake now. Jay nudges Jake to accept it, and he gives Mr Jeon a short, silent handshake. Jay’s laugh breaks the awkward silence. “Sorry about my… boyfriend… he’s still a bit jet lagged.” Jay says, hoping the disgust isn’t evident in his voice as he mumbles the word boyfriend.
“Yes, Y/n mentioned you’ve come from Australia. Now, I’m certainly not trying to cause any trouble for you, especially since you’ve come all this way to spend time with Y/n. But are you aware of their current school situation?” Mr Jeon asks, earning an enthusiastic nod from Jake. “Yes! We couldn’t be prouder!” Jake exclaims, causing Jay to roll his eyes. “He’s talking about the suspension, babe.” Jay mumbles, the term of endearment being a secret message of “get your shit together”. “Oh yes, that we’re very disappointed with.” Jake attempts to collect himself.
“Right. Well, as much as we wish Y/n could have joined us on this trip, the suspension, unfortunately, made that impossible. I just want to make it clear that despite being in the same campsite, Y/n will still not be joining us for any of the school-related activities with the other students.” Mr Jeon points out. “Yes, of course. We’re certainly not here for that.” Jake nods. Y/n can’t help but roll their eyes. Way to sell it, Jake.
“That’s not to say that Y/n has to completely avoid the other students. There are scheduled free time slots where students are free to roam the camp and do whatever they please. If Y/n wishes to hang out with their friends during this time, they are welcome to.” Mr Jeon says. “Thank you for being so accommodating. We will try our best to get out of your hair.” Jay says. “That’s not a problem. Well, I should let you three get back to your vacation. I presume I will see you all around.” Mr Jeon bids goodbye before going off to find the students.
“God, why did it have to be Mr Jeon? He was the only teacher I actually cared about in high school.” Jay groans, locking the car as the three start walking towards their cabin. “He probably let us off easy because he knows you.” Y/n states. “But now he thinks I’m dating Jake of all people.” Jay complains, causing Jake to let out an offended scoff. “What’s wrong with dating me?” He asks. “You’re half drunk at 10 am, wearing socks and sandals and all you’ve eaten today is dried ramen and gummy bears.” Jay deadpans. “Sounds like a catch to me.” Jake shrugs, pushing his friend out of the way to get into the cabin.
As soon as the three are inside the cabin, Jake immediately flops down on one of the beds. “So what’s the plan on finding Jungwon?” He asks. Y/n shrugs in response, pulling out their phone to check their messages once again. “My friend said she’d text me updates on what they’re doing. But that was almost an hour ago.” They mumble, quickly typing out another message.
“Well, you have fun with that. I’m going to take a nap.” Jay says, pushing Jake over so there’s room on the bed for him to lie down. “Dude, what? I thought we were gonna hang out?” Jake asks. “We passed a games room on the way. They have a ping pong table and everything.” He adds, reaching over for the brochure on the bedside table, which lists the number of activities the campsite offers. “Leaving this cabin means running into Mr Jeon again. And I do not want to keep pretending we’re dating.” Jay rolls his eyes. “Well boyfriend, I don’t care. I’m going to drag you around this whole damn park and you’re going to love every second of it.” Jake huffs.
“Hiyyih just texted me, she said their first activity starts in half an hour so they’re just playing badminton for now. You two have fun with… whatever this is.” Y/n says, getting up to leave the cabin. “Text me when you’re coming back. I don’t want you getting lost in the woods.” Jay mumbles. Y/n sends him a simple thumbs up before going to find the others.
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“Why the fuck is the badminton court so far away?” Y/n asks loudly, as they finally spot their friends in the near distance. The sudden voice causes all their heads to turn in the direction of the noise. “Y/nnie! You made it!” Hikaru screams, running to jump into Y/n’s arms. “Why are you acting like I’ve been gone for a year?” Y/n asks, laughing slightly as they set Hikaru down on the grass. “You basically have. Come on, Jungwon’s going to freak.” Hikaru exclaims, grabbing Y/n’s hand and dragging them towards the rest of the group.
“The main character has arrived.” Wonyoung jokes as Y/n walks towards the group. “Thank you, thank you.” Y/n says sarcastically, bowing as if their friends were an audience. They soon find themself face to face with Jungwon, and can’t help the proud smile that spreads across their face as they take in his shocked expression.
“How are you… what?” Jungwon asks, his brain faltering as he tries to get his mind around the situation. “Surprise.” Y/n says happily, wasting no time in wrapping their arms around Jungwon’s middle. Despite still being in shock, he doesn’t hesitate to return the affection, wrapping his arms securely around Y/n. “I’m so confused.” He laughs, nuzzling his head into Y/n’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll explain everything later.” Y/n says, patting his hair affectionately. Jungwon suddenly pulls away from Y/n’s hold, worry showing all over his face.
“Wait, but the teachers don’t know you’re here?” 
“It’s fine, Jungwon.” 
“No, but they can’t know. You’re supposed to be suspended.” 
“It’s fine.”
“What about your parents? Oh my god, do they think you’re kidnapped?”
Y/n grips his face in their hands, pulling him down slightly so they are at eye level. The sudden contact shuts him up, as he looks at Y/n, eyes wide with concern. “Everything is fine, babe. My parents, the teachers, everyone knows. There’s nothing to worry about, okay?” Y/n mumbles, squishing Jungwon’s cheeks slightly. He lets out a sigh at the reassurance, letting out a muffled “okay” due to Y/n’s hands squishing his cheeks. Y/n gently nuzzles their noses together before pressing a quick peck against his lips, cautious of the fact that their friends are still there and watching.
They soon release Jungwon from their hold, resorting to holding his hand instead. “Now that that’s settled, it looks like I’ve interrupted a very important badminton match?” Y/n asks. “Oh my god, Y/n, Ricky is literally cheating! He keeps hitting it way over our heads.” Hikaru whines. “If anyone’s cheating, it’s you. I don’t think jumping on Hiyyih’s back is in the rules.” Ricky argues back. “Sounds like we need a rematch…” Y/n hints. “Yes! Y/n and Jungwon can ref and this time, no cheating.” Wonyoung states as they get back into position to play again.
As the game starts, Y/n brings their head to rest on Jungwon’s shoulder. He squeezes their hand softly at the contact, bending down to gently kiss their forehead. “I’m really happy you came.” Jungwon whispers, nuzzling the top of their head with his nose before turning his attention back to the game. Y/n has to bite back their smile as their heart flutters slightly at the action. That’s new.
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TAG LIST (closed): @kang-yeosangs-initials @kpopstanmeg @b1ndignity @soobiverse @dudufodd @mikadorbs @pagesofmiracles @tya0 @ilovewonyo @bringer-ofchaos @huening-ly @ifearjwn @callmeblondie @run2min @straykids-riley (can't tag) @rikimylove @chaechae-23 @lacimolela @n1ght-maring (can't tag) @luvvsjungwonn @yenqa @tzuyusluv @viyqe @vocaloshin @deadgirlwalking3 @flamiricky @hanniesss @grayscorner @wonqr @neozon3nha @beomgyusonlywife @ahnneyong @lani-heart @jayujus @str4wb3rizz @yunwonie @jeonncafe @danielleismyname @spilled-coffee-cup @jaylans-stuff @oceanmsxoxo @j-wyoung @mrowwww @lazy-miya
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gyuzgrl · 1 month
yandere Wonwoo fic is almost here are we ready (I'm not I've been screaming all day as I write)
I need Wonwoo icons/pics that give yandere/stalker vibes, so like pls pls pls send those my way !!
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kmazines · 10 months
part i || part ii
Your last argument with Mingyu went nasty and that’s how you and him stop talking and decided to take a break from each others. You don’t know what went wrong this time. Usually both of you will talk it out before it’s too late but since both of you have been busy for months; him with the group comeback and you with company’s big project so every small problems brushed off and and little did both of you know, both of you ended up explode, shouted and said words both of you didn’t mean to each others and hurt each others.
pairing ; mingyu x female reader
warnings ; grammatical mistakes, stalker
Mingyu made sure he was left alone in that meeting room before dialed Wonwoo's number. He texted Mingyu to call him right away after he's done with his meeting and mention it's better if no one was around. Nothing was unusual with that especially when they're on date or off-schedule, it's always better to talk without any staff around.
"Mingyu, did y/n told you anything about what happened?" Wonwoo asked Mingyu over the phone.
"What do you mean? What happened?" Mingyu furrowed his brows.
"I'm on date with Yeri right now and she just told me that someone followed y/n to the office. Apparently he is a part-timer from another company related the last project and bothered y/n few times already while preparing for the event, so the others hvae been be on guard with him too but they never thought he'll follow y/n after the event. Especially when y/n definitely draw the line with him.....Mingyu?"
"Keep going"
"He almost dragged her away outside the office area but luckily the office guard saw it and try to get him but he got away" Mingyu silently listening. He was shaking inside but he's trying to stay calm and trying to brain all this new information he just heard. 'What the hell?'
"Y/n told Yeri to not tell me because she don't want us to worry and figured at least maybe you know. She didn't know about y/n moving out either. Y/n request one month unpaid leave so... I think she moved out to new place got to do with this too. You should go ask and check on her, Mingyu."
Mingyu agreed with Wonwoo that he shouldn't drive so he asked the manager to send him to your house instead. He sat in the car seat, looking outside at the beautiful scenery but his mind was somewhere else.
Mingyu keep rewinding his memories to few months back.
"I wish I didn't need to go to the venue tomorrow. This guy been staring at me the entire time. It's uncomfortable. I can't wait for this project to be over" you complained, pulled the blanket over both of you, turned to see Mingyu beside you, eyes closed.
"Just told your manager or coworkers about it, I bet they will understand you not going. Don't worry much, okay?" eyes still closed, Mingyu pulled you closer before drifting into dreamland.
He sighed, he should ask you more about it. Sometimes it's you that end up fell asleep over the talk, so Mingyu don't think much of it. To think that you did mention about it again another night too, but Mingyu can't even remember if he ever replied you back made him dissapointed with himself. There are a lot of things to prepare for the comeback, especially this time and he barely got time to visit you either. When he did, every conversation during that period end up either like that, or with Mingyu need to rushing back to the company.
Seungkwan called just right when they got into the parking lot.
"I think you should come here. Polices are here", Mingyu get out of the car and run upstairs without even looking back.
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"What happened?" you see Mingyu panted and rushed towards you as he enter the apartment. Didn't even care about others around. He then turned to the police officers as he sit right by your side, waiting for explanation from the officers.
"And you are?" the police officer asked Mingyu. Seungkwan, Hoshi and Dokyeom already introduced themselves as your friends.
"Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend," Mingyu confidently said. You wrapped your arms around Mingyu's arm and nodded to the police officers, giving them the green light to talk about the case.
"He was arrested last night" You gasped and let out a loud relief sigh. Holding yourself from crying right now. Finally!
"He was arrested in front of your previous apartment building. Fortunately, it seems like he don't know you already moved out" you can see Mingyu's head turned to you from the corner of your eyes. You can feel the horror from his stare. Obviously shocked and waiting for some explanation.
The police officers told you that the stalker said he just want to talk to you but it's hard to do so because you're always with others whenever he saw you at the venue to check for the preparation, so he followed you after the event when you're alone.
"But after the investigation, we found out he got few reports on him and he was going around using fake names and identities. Thank goodness we got him this time" Mingyu can feel how tense you are. He slowly moved your arms from his arm and tightly hold your hands. Your fingers intertwined with his fingers, while his thumb rubs your hand, trying to calm you.
It's shocking, really. You can heard the trio's slow gasp and whisper and talking with each others too as they're standing not far behind to listen.
The police officers asked you to come to the police station later whenever you're ready and you just nodded. You barely know what's happening around you anymore after that. When you finally made sense of everything, the house was so silent already. When you looked up, the police officers were gone, seems like the trio excused themselves too. Then your eyes locked on him, Kim Mingyu. He was leaning against the wall in front of you.
You was so flabbergasted by his stares. You know he was patiently waiting for your explanation, but you don't think you can talk right now. You're still overwhelmed and you know you will end up bursting into tears right away if you try to talk about it. You smiled at him nervously then walked to the kitchen to clean the table and stood by the sink to wash the dishes. You stopped as you can feel his presence right behind you.
"Thank you......for coming..." you bite your lower lips, trying to not cry. But your shaky voice, made it obvious. Mingyu's heart sank.
"Y/n...you must be so scared" he slowly hugged you from behind. It's been a while since you felt this secure and safe.
"I'm sorry I couldn't be that person you can rely on. I'm sorry I'm not there to protect you" he said softly, almost like whispering as he tighten his arms around you. He then turned you around, wrapped you around his arms tighter as you start sobbing. Your face buried on his chest, soaking his shirt wet with your tears. You hugged him back tightly when you look up and realised the tears start pouring out of his eyes too.
After you calm down, Mingyu brought you to sit on the couch before wrapping you with blanket.
"Do you want tea or hot choco?" Mingyu wiped the tears under your eyes. You shook your head and pulled him to sit beside you, motion him to join you snuggling under the warm blanket. He smiled sheepishly, gladly do so.
"I want to call you that night but..I don't know. Maybe I was being egoist, stubborn? Maybe I was actually afraid you wont come--"
"Hey hey y/n..shh" he softly shushed you. "It's okay"
"And..and especially when that night, you know how our fight went nasty. I was so frustrated when that guy followed me to the office but instead of telling you about it, I vented my anger on you and blamed you for not paying attention on me"
"It's my fault too, babe. You're right, I wasn't paying attention. I should've take your words seriously. I thought you're overreacting and get mad at you when you must be shocked that day" planted soft kiss on your forehead.
"Now tell me everything that happened. I know what happened at the office on that event day. Yeri told Wonwoo about it". You forgot they had a date today. Yeri is your closest coworker and also Wonwoo's girlfriend. They probably crossed paths few times after you introduced them to each others because not long after, Wonwoo asked you to help him to set a date with Yeri. The next thing you know, they're an item.
"Well...that night, we fought. Then, the next day I went to work like usual. I clocked out early because I'm not feeling good" Mingyu sighed.
"I never thought he'd follow me to the apartment-" Mingyu eyes grew bigger this time, didn't believe what he heard.
"That night he keep ringing the door bell, but when I asked who is it, he didn't answer. I called the police but by the time he arrived, the guard already chase him away. The next morning when I want to go to the work, he grabbed me again.." your spine shivers remembering the situation.
"Ughhh! I seriously want to kill that jerk right now," He groaned. His fist punched the couch pillow on his lap. His voice was stern and full of anger. Your cupped his face with your hands, don't want him to be overwhelmed by the anger and looked into his eyes.
"There are many people around so he couldn't do anything. He's actually stupid if you think about it." you chuckled try to shoo away the anger and anxious feelings away from your boyfriend.
"He's bold and that's...crazy. That's scary, babe. He got away with it many times that's why he's being bold" He didn't mean to scare you but that scares Mingyu. The fact that the stalker's doing that to you in public like that.
"I knew something was wrong when you said the house contract end, l should've asked more about it. I've promised to join you to go house hunting for the next house, remember? But like, we still have few months to go so I was confused. And I know we fought bad this time but you would never moved without telling me. And especially you said before that you prefer the area closer to your office but you moved to place closer to my company instead of yours?"
It's been 10 minutes since you let him rant and nag, to both you and himself. It's been silent and scary for a week, and you hated that. You don't mind hours of his voice echoing in this apartment but you're getting sleepy. You nuzzled into his neck.
"Let's go to sleep. It's been a long week", you nodded. He strokes your hair, loving the scent. Your scent that he's been missing so much.
"Plus, unfamiliar too.."he looked around the room. Both of you just realised how unfamiliar is this house to both of you
"And whatever break is this, let's end it. I can't do this. Not just I can't protect you and be there for you when you're in danger"
"And...I've been missing you so much too y/n. The whole time I feel like I'm going to explode" Mingyu's sad pouts got you. You lean closer and planting kissed all over his face. From his checks, to his nose and to his forehead, and gave a soft peck on his pouty lips, making him giggles.
"I miss you too, Mingyu. Now you're here, I'm not scared and it feel so comfortable in this new apartment. It's so unfamiliar not because it's a new apartment, but because there's no you with me. You're my home. Definitely." You looked fondly into his eyes, giving him butterflies. He giggles before pressing his lips against yours, into a soft kiss.
"Let's not fight like this again, okay?" You nodded as you pulled out from the kiss. You give him another peck on his lips before Mingyu pulled you closer into his embrace and pressing another kiss on your forehead.
Your closed your eyes as you nuzzled yourself deeper into his frame, slowly you begin to drift off, with Mingyu's warmth make it easier to fell asleep.
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p/s : it's been hectic since I left this halfway done in my draft. I want to make better plot but I might end up not post it if I'm being undecisive so here it is. Sorry if it's a let down
I will change some words and grammatical mistakes from time to time. English is not my first language, so if you can ignore all those stupid grammar mistakes, that will be much appreciated.
PSSS : I don’t know how or what taglist is and I don’t know how to reply with this account (this is not my main account)
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gallivantingheart · 9 months
wonwooxreader approx. 1000 words genre: angst, hurt/comfort warnings: stalker, violence
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You didn't realise how dangerous dating as a famous person could be until you got home. The lights off in your flat. Wonwoo was grabbing something from the car while you opened up the place, slipping into fluffy slippers and already slinging your bag up onto a hook, and your coat on a hanger. You stop. Looking about the place, you feel odd. A tingle on the back of your neck and a sudden stiffness of your shoulders. It felt like it was more than just you in the room.
You turn your back to turn the living room light on, a quiet hum of one of Wonwoo’s songs under your breath to try and ease you. A hand falls on your shoulder, heavy and foreign. Spins and pushes you into the wall.
A man, about your age, has a snarl in his eyes. “Tell me you love me. Stop leading me on and tell me the truth!”
You shake your head, sliding upright and backing up into the open. “I- I don't-”
He whirls, glares at the picture of Wonwoo and yourself after a trip to a quaint bookstore and cafe. In a fit of rage, blood rushing into his face, he yells and sweeps it off the hall table, glass shattering. You scream out, covering your ears as your felt shards of glass bounce off your bare calves. He yells again, grabbing you tightly, his grip pressing into your shoulders and shaking you.
“You’ve been looking at me for months. Lying to the world.” He breathes, heavy and desperate, eyes glinting uneasily. “Even your house is fake.”
You shake your head, trying to press yourself through the wall to anywhere but there. “I’m sorry, I don’t know who - how did you get in here? Let me go!”
Everything is swirling and thundering, compounding at once. How did this manic man get into Wonwoo’s house? Where is Wonwoo? Who is he! Now the man shakes you so hard your head thumps into the wall, his mouth ajar so you can see strings of spit lace his mouth. You felt nauseous, bile churning.
“You liar! At the bookstore? You smiled and told me you wanted to see me again. Then you left with this idiot. And then at the signing? Ugh, why am I spelling this out for you - you’re the one doing it! You love me! Hurry up!” He screams.
You cry out again, eyes squeezed shut as you shake your head again and again like trying to physically agitate him from your head. He rattles you again and you croak out a sob, flinching at his sharpness. He shudders breath, shoving you back into a wall, roaring messily at you. It cuts off suddenly and his hands pried free. His hands being the only thing that held you up in your knitted sweater and silly slippers, you slither to the floor, disregarding the glass scattered. With the distance, you open your eyes to see him thrown across the room. Wonwoo, a pile of bags dropped at the door. He rushes him, bony fist flying. Your assailant is laid out on the floor as Wonwoo fixes you with his severe gaze. He helps you right, holding you as he shifts you behind him.
“Baby, call the police.” He murmurs.
Your hands fumble for the phone in his hand, peering wearily at the stalker - yes, that’s what he was - disorientated on the floor. Once you’ve taken it, Wonwoo’s hand laces with your own, squeezing tightly.
“Don't you ever touch my girl again.” You’ve never heard that cold snarl from your Wonwoo before, only in stories from others.
The man groans as you stutter out the address and a plea to hurry. “He-he isn’t armed but he assault - assaulted me.”
“Ma’am are you safe?” The responder says quickly.
You nod before clearing your throat. “Yes. I am.”
The stalker squints at the both of you from the marble tile. “Your girl? You’re crazy. She’s only got eyes for me, don’t you?”
Wonwoo’s eyes glint sharply behind his thin rimmed glasses and even you shy away. He steps in to loom over him, glass crunching underfoot.
“Do not look at her. Do not speak to her. Look at me. If I had my way you’d be a smear on the floor.”
Authorities make their appearance now, two officers running in, two more hanging back at the front door. They swiftly scoop up the intruder and escort him away in handcuffs. Wonwoo is by your side, curled around you as you mutter your statement. It’s brief seeing as it was so short and happened so quickly. Still, feeling the phantom grip of his hands on you has you tremble. Your boyfriend presses dry kisses to the crown of your head, rubbing circles into your back. The officer hands you their contact card and a case number scribbled in cobalt blue, take a few pictures of the fall out and then leave as quickly as they came.
You take a deep shuddering breath, closing your eyes to centre yourself.
“Baby, are you okay?” Wonwoo says softly, so warm.
You let out a broken sob and lean into him. “Why me? I didn’t do anything wrong. I didn’t flirt or anything.”
He guides you to your cramped peach two-seater sofa, tucking you into his side. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. Some people are just…delusional. They see someone and put things there that aren’t actually there. Parasocial relationships and obsessions.”
You cry out and almost laugh, getting his crisp shirt wet with salty tears. All those big words, as usual. “What now? Are there more like him?” You blubber, muffled into him.
You weren’t ready to face the world properly, see that your house no longer felt like a home. No longer the safe haven. Would that be all you saw now, where your hall table stood. The memory of being harassed and his crazy eyes that never once left you. He didn’t take anything, but you felt robbed. Wonwoo presses more kisses to your hair, your temple, your knuckles twisted up in his collar.
“Honestly? Maybe. So, we’ll install some better security here and whenever we go out from now on, we might need some discreet security to tail us. So not everything we do will be private now. But if it’s to ensure your safety, so be it.”
Ha, always so direct.
You hum and shuffle closer, slinging yourself half over him. The more of him you felt, the better you felt. Safer.
“Thank you. For saving me.”
He scoffs. “Always will.”
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hannieehaee · 6 months
Out of pure curiosity you do think in seventeen is most likely to settle down first or at least prioritize a private relationship over their careers as idols. I've been thinking about it and I definitely think leader line/jeonghan would be the least and Joshua cuz of yk :/ but then members like jun/mingyu/wonwoo/vernon/minghao seem to me to he the type where they'd sacrifice their career not because they care less but give priority to things outside being an idol. Chan and seungkwan is either/or for me - seungkwan cause of how long he's been in the spotlight acting as a promoter for seventeen and Chan cause he seems to be the ambitious "chase two girls (dreams) lose the one" type. But then again I think this also kinda reflects which members would be willing to go solo...the members who'd priorize not having relationships would be the members to least go solo and the members who would I can totally see as going solo. Sorry for the long ask btw😅
omg this is such an interesting question and i've honestly thought about this before. ima make a most to least to put their relationship before their career (this is just from my own personal read on them from what we've publicly seen of their personalities) personally i think theyd all probably find a way to work through hardships and keep it going as long as possible instead of ever ending a committed relationship due to their careers but gonna rate them all anyway lmao
a/n: this was just word vomit so its not proofread
wonwoo - he seems to value his personal life a lot to a point where he wouldn't let anything get in the way, never shying away from expressing how much he cares for his loved ones. he knows the value of his personal life, meaning he would likely place it at a higher level of importance than his career. he seems to really enjoy being an idol, though, so this would probably be a very difficult decision. i think if it really came down to it, he'd pick his s/o over his career as an idol, or would at least prioritize it more.
vernon - he seems very family oriented. i think he once said one of his dreams was to be a dad, so i think if he saw that future with his s/o, he would pick his s/o over career as an idol. he's had a long run as a public figure, even dating back to when he was a child. he wouldnt wanna risk his personal relationship for his idol career, no matter how much he loves it.
minghao - has never shied away from drawing lines in between his personal life and his public one as an idol. he gives me the vibe of a romantic and he's also very family oriented. he would likely wanna find a love like that of his parents, so he would probably see that with his s/o and prioritize the future of the relationship over anything else.
mingyu - he seems veryyyy used to his privacy being invaded (stalkers constantly calling him; seemingly more so than other members), so i think he'd be good at handling anything that came hurdling at his personal life, meaning there would probably never be a need for him to feel like he has to choose BUT if he realllyyyy had to pick, he'd pick his s/o. he adores his loved ones and is one of the most caring people, so he'd pick his s/o without a second thought.
seokmin - he's boyfriend personified, so i think if be fell in love he'd fall HARD, meaning that he would willingly give anything up for his s/o. loves his idol life so much but he loves his family twice as much (with his s/o being family to him ofc), so he would propritize them in a heartbeat, never regretting his choice.
seungkwan - he's such a loving person. he loves so many people and he loves so hard, i think he'd be unable to part ways with his s/o if his career got in the way. he loves being an entertainer to a fault, though, so i think he'd try really hard to find a loophole in there to not risk his relationship with his s/o and still keep his entertainer career intact. if it came down to one or the two, though, he'd let his heart guide him.
seungcheol - he doesnt show his romantic side that often (at least publicly) but he seems like he'd be a very dependable s/o, which makes me think that he would never drop his s/o bc of his job. he made a promise to stay by their side, so he's not letting anything get in the way. he's the leader, though, so he would never wanna leave his boys in an uncomfortable position due to his personal life. would be an extremely difficult point of tension, but he'd know that he'd always have his boys even if his career went down under.
jun - even with all the scrutiny he got as an idol for taking on a role where he was very affectionate, he still did it out of his passion for acting. in the same way, he would also fight for your relationship no matter the repercussions to his strict idol career. he seems like he'd be a bit more level headed and less emotional than the aforementioned members though. i think he'd be willing to take a break with his s/o in order to work through things, not giving up his career but also keeping a door open for a future with his s/o.
jeonghan - he's a very family oriented person and seems super protective over them, so i think he'd be the same with his s/o. only reason why i put him so down on the list is because i dont think this would be too much of an emotional thing for him. i dont think he would ever be in a position where he had to give up his relationship. he would just work his way around it somehow. would either take a break with his s/o or take a break from his career OR just work through any and every hurdle that comes his way. as cliche as it may sound, he'd cheat his way through the situation to not have to permanently give up anything.
joshua - feel kinda bad commenting on him considering his current situation, but i think he'd find a balance somehow, just like jeonghan. even if he went through horrible scrutiny, i think he would just somehow work it out and keep it together, even if it was all completely out of control. he comes from a small family, so i think letting anyone into his family must be insanely intimate and personal to him, which makes me think he just wouldnt be willing to let anything get in the way. he's also worked too hard for his career and loves his boys too much (he moved from a whole other country and found safe haven in svt) so i think he also wouldnt be willing to give that up.
woozi - his career is what he breathes. hes known for being a workaholic, creating almost the entirety of svt's discography from scratch. not only would he not wanna give up or risk his passion for making music, but he would never wanna leave his group without the stability that he brings to the group. he's a very loving guy, though, even if he's not too expressive about it. he wrote circles for wonwoo and yawn for kwan, showing how much he cares for them, which makes me think he'd feel a similar love for his s/o. would maybe take a break, or find some way to balance both out. would likely put his career above a relationship if it really came down to it though.
chan - he's young so i think he'd be more interested in his career right now than ever risking it for an s/o. i fee like he's least likely to be in a long and committed relationship rn too, considering the tightness of his schedule and the fact he's at the height of his career. this would probably come easier to him than most members, having probably not been in love yet in order to really make it a difficult choice.
soonyoung - he seems way too in love with his career to let anything get in the way. the amount of dedication he's always put on his career tells me he wouldnt let anything get in the way. although he would be emotional about it and do anything be could to not let it get in the way of his romantic relationships, i think he would still be most likely out of all members to actually end his relationship if it really came down to it. he's said before he'd like to try solo stuff someday, so i think he's more willing to put his career before anything else.
a/n: this isnt meant to be a fic lol i was just rlly interested in the question u brought up anon haha
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hrts4hanniehae · 3 months
clutch || ten
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
a/n: sorry i was gone... but i'm back.
warnings: attempted assault, violence
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wonwoo had never in his life been so afraid. afraid of losing yn. yes. he had fallen for her. it only took weeks for her to break the hard shell he cast around his heart.
he couldn't bear to let her get hurt.
she was the first woman who had loved seollie with all her heart. she was the first woman her genuinely felt that he could confide in.
if comfort and security was a person, to him, it'd be yn.
and she was gone.
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yn barricaded herself in her art room. her sculpting tools would be of great use in this situation.
her stalker was jaeho. jaeho and e/n to be precise.
jaeho and e/n were in cahoots the whole time. the plan was to monopolise the 2 daughters of a rich family so that they could get money to fund their careers.
however, after jaeho successfully married chaeyoung, he realised she was going to ruin his reputation so he asked e/n to brutally leave yn so he cld be there to pick up the pieces and seduce yn.
after that, jaeho began to stalk yn o figure out her new place of residence. e/n, began to separately stalk her, in an attempt to get her back.
"yn. i told you that you were next. don't be scared. i won't do anything."
"jaeho, my parents hate me. what does attacking me do for you? you won't get ransom!"
"not from them. i'll get ransom from your precious boyfriend wonwoo."
"you aren't making any sense! if you want money, i'll just give it to you. please just get out!"
jaeho wanted to hurt her. he blamed her for his misfortune with chaeyoung.
"if you were better, i wouldn't have married chaeyoung."
"how is that my problem! what is wrong with you? i'm confused and scared and you don't make sense. pl-"
she was cut off by the sounds of crashing and something being slammed into a wall. she heard clatters of metal and shouting before she heard the comfort of a voice she knew so well.
"i'm here, yn. you're okay."
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees @hamji-hae @hyuckxtagram @kissesfrmwonwoo @httphera
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