#stand up like a taiwanese
Truly, one of the greatest love language is someone agreeing to eat something atrocious for your benefit.
My first experience with this was in college. My friend Charlie invited me to a jazz club. One would think he’d learned his lesson. I thought nothing of this and agreed to a fun night with a guy friend. We arrived and I saw nothing romantic in the outing.
The menu at the club was very traditional date food- steak, oysters, romancey food. But still, I didn’t catch on. This food didn’t sound like what I wanted. In fact, what I wanted was a hummus plate. Charlie took this turn of events with a slight wince but ordered one for us.
The hummus plate arrived. Sitting politely on the corner of the garlic bomb was a spicy pepper. Laughing, I teasingly dared Charlie to eat it. You see, this kind of rough humor was common among buddies. I thought we were in Buddy Rules. But Charlie was operating under Date Rules; eating the pepper would be a romantic test of his bravery.
He bit the pepper.
His skin was almost as pale as mine and he went bright red instantly, tears stood in his eyes as sweat broke out across his whole body in protest. He barely managed to swallow as he began coughing, his body reflexively trying to spew forth the poison in his mouth.
I was doubled over with laughter and didn’t feel bad until a few days later when Brendan informed me it had been a date. I scoffed initially and only slowly realized Charlie had been intending it as a date. I repented the pepper and promptly dated Brendan in self defense.
Charlies act of romantic heroism went unappreciated but the spirit was there.
Many years later when I’d given up on boys I was dating my beloved wife. Together we took a trip to Taiwan. One of the wonderful things about new places is the food. I still dream about the food in Taiwan. Even the humblest train station cream puff was several orders of magnitude better than any I’ve ever had in the states.
But one place we went was like. Italian food as interpreted by Taiwanese cooks. Some of the combos were as bizarre to me as many Italians probably feel American Italian food is. Specifics escape me, but it felt like I was dreaming some of the menu at the time. At the end we decided to get a chocolate fondue, because why not. We were on vacation.
The liquid chocolate was served with all the things one would normally expect, strawberries, sweets, the usual chocolate accompaniments. And then we saw the tomatoes. Tomatoes and chocolate. We all stared at the tomatoes in horrified fascination.
Now, I hate tomatoes. I can stand a tomato sauce but raw tomatoes and I have nothing to talk about. So I knew that if I tried it I’d find it as repugnant as I’ve always found tomatoes. But I was haunted by the idea that someone who actually liked tomatoes would like tomatoes in chocolate.
My beloved loves tomatoes. And chocolate. I turned the biggest puppy dog eyes on them and begged to know if the combination was actually somehow delicious. My wife insisted that it would be heinous. Still, they speared a tomato sacrifice and coated it in chocolate, for me. For me, they ate it.
It was so wretched that their face collapsed into instant regret. But they didn’t spit it out. They knew I got sick if people spit out half chewed food. So they soldiered on and swallowed the cursed chocolate fruit.
Their devotion utterly delighted me, and even years later I adore that they suffered that tomato to reassure me that indeed, it was bad.
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seat-safety-switch · 2 months
If there is a truly painful part of our current existence, it is the decline of our most trusted brands. Venture capital scum are buying up the companies that made all of your dad's favourite junk, slapping the name on some absolute shit to make a quick buck, and then escaping with the profits to the cosmos.
Many of us grew up staring at the tools that our parents used. That kind of youth exposure – being forced through continuous exposure – trained us to know that these are the Good Tools. They will not let us down, not like the common garden-variety horseshit that clogs the shelves, in their ugly generic boxes. So it's extra harmful when their modern incarnations don't stand up to this childhood idyll.
Those of you who are regular readers of Adbusters will criticize us for ever trusting a brand name. And it's easy to see why, once you've been condescended at for long enough to understand what marketing has done to the human soul. These names mean nothing, and are easily manipulated by evil moneymen to induce an emotional attachment in the population rather than cold, hard, logical thinking.
The rest of us, who are apparently not visiting this cursed Earth from the halcyon era of late 2005, will waste at least two hundred dollars over the course of our lives. We do so by buying one of four identical piece-of-shit toy vacuums cynically wearing the Shop-Vac® name – at least twice – in case the first one was just a fluke. And it's not just sucky tubes that suck now: every brand with significant goodwill from the days of yesteryear is a victim of this. It's hard not to feel cheated.
There is good news, though. Paradoxically, it is now the ugly, dollar-store no-name brands that are pretty good. It's because those brands now mostly consist of the Taiwanese factories that got stiffed by these same vampire assholes in the first place. It turns out they make a pretty good power tool, too, as long as you're willing to buy them from Qwijibo Heavy Fabrication through a series of shell corporations, top-secret dead drops, and the sacrifice of a goat. I personally cannot wait the remaining six months to get my hands on a Qwijibo Throb-Master 9000, because I have a lot of mouse nests to pull out of my dad's old Ford. I'd buy a new one, but it's built like shit.
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absolutebl · 10 months
10 Best BL Shows with the Hottest Sexitimes
Because this is English and word order matters, this title means the show itself has to be good AS WELL AS the scenes high heat, as opposed to the best sex scenes in BL. The two are not necessarily the same list. Anyway I tried to pick both high heat and a fun show. This was hard (pun intended).
FYI expect triggers with your high heat.
(Oh right. For me to get a 3/3 heat rating the BL has simulated sex in it or very close to it. And usually one or more other sexual acts like bjs, a-ply, etc...)
So, I went to the spreadsheet, and sorted it by high heat and then ranking, and here is what I got. I think #1 will surprise you. What will not surprise you is it's mostly Thai and Taiwanese.
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10. TharnType (and follow ups)
Thai 2019 Viki
Should it still rank, all these years later? I am sorry to say, yes it should. University setting, great acting and complex characters, interesting friendship groups, enemies to lovers, seriously angsty coming out, high production values, AMAZING chemistry, multiple BL side couples with all the issues, damaging queer rep, strong seme/uke and husband/wife language, classic tropes and lots of them bad. But it's famous for a reason.
This was KinnPorsche before KinnPorsche.
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9. Addicted: Heroin
China 2016 Viki
When Chinese BL was good it was very dirty good and when it was bad it was censored. This is the model for that statement: rich kid falls madly for the genius poor kid in his class, starts an aggressive pursuit, includes kidnapping for love, obsession, stepbrother trope, plus some cheating. I love this BL because of what I could have been. Just stop watching it after The Sex Scene. Okay?
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8. Love Stage!!
Thai 2022 YouTube
This BL surprised me with its charm. The acting was good, the leads were appealing, support cast on point, and the production values high. It followed the original manga story arc relatively closely: boy falls in love with girl as a child, grows up to discover girl is actually a very pretty boy. Although there are some quintessentially Thai changes that mellowed, softened, and extended the romance arc and heat levels.
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7. HIStory 4: Close to You
Taiwan 2021 Viki
Nancy Chen directs, the side dish plot is basically a pastiche of problematic BL tropes inherited from the above. Great chemistry, high heat, stepbrothers, dubcon, obsession, stalker etc… They sexy tho.
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6. My Day
Pinoy 2020 YouTube
The set up on this one is enemies (also boss/employee) and they don’t like each other to start. But that gets resolved pretty quickly. And then they are some of the cutest, hottest, and best boyfriends ever. This is an under-appreciated BL, IMHO.
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5. Cutie Pie
Thai 2022 YouTube
Very high production (and heat) and a lot of visual references to live action yaoi gave this show a whiff of Japan but ultimately it stayed firmly in Thailand’s BL camp veering from absurd to appealing to annoying and then back to absurd again. If you can roll with the arranged marriage conceit and very lifestyle D/s relationships, the chemistry is spot on even if the plot is naff and driven by miscommunication. Watch this one for the pretty, give it a pass on depth. (It has depth, it just depth of tongue kisses.)
Also the follow up: Naughty Babe
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4. Bed Friend
Thai 2023 YouTube but for high heat you'll net to watch on iQIYI
Office frienamies transition a flaming hot one night stand into a f-buddy relationship that is built on a puppy/cat dynamic (and kinks into it at one point). Our puppy is loyal, smitten, and protective with endlessly longing eyes, while our cat is snarky, prickly, and deeply damaged (ALL THE TRIGGERS). NetJames give lovely high-heat with excellent chemistry and tuned-in performances of surprising depth, unfortunately the story ultimately failed them. Had the show had the strength of its convictions and kept to a tighter, darker, harsher 8 eps it would have been the first high heat to earn a 10/10 from me, but once they fussed with it, it dropped to a solid 8/10. Could have been great but was overworked. Still if high heat is your thing, this one will not let you down.
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3. HIStory 3: Trapped
Taiwan 2019 Viki
Basically the definition of enemies to lovers from Lin Pei Yu. This is a cop + the mafia man he is chasing but WAIT, they fall in love. Added bonus side couple: assassin and nerd cop ALSO falling in love. It’s great. All the leads are stellar. Its high heat, fun action, and a bit of a mystery drama but pretty about all of it. My only warning is that the main couple doesn’t entirely end up together, it’s implied, but… amorphous ending.
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2. Why R U?
Thai 2020 Viki
No one knows what’s going on, not even the characters, but absolutely no one cares 'cause it's so thirsty. The plot seems to be "great chemistry and make sure Zee's shirts are NEVER BUTTONED PROPERLY." We, the collective, have a pro Hawaiian shirt anti-button stance, so rah rah rah! Still the most confusing thing about this show is: why they didn't just title it YRU? The FighterTuror sex scenes still stand as some of the best every fielded in a Thai BL.
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1. Be Loved In House: I Do
Taiwan 2021 Viki
A cute classy office set BL with a few plot raised eyebrows, but no other concerns. ALL THE TROPES plus a general sweet softness that’s pretty rare from Taiwan, who usually prefer to go hard, but all their signature domesticity. There is one high heat sex scene and it's great. But it's the whole package of classic sappy Taiwanese BL that puts this at the very top for me.
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Generally just v high heat?
Hottest sex scenes in BL is frankly gonna be largely a matter of your personal taste.
But if the ones mentioned above don't work try:
Love in the Air
Big Dragon
HIStory 3; MODC (the BL that shall not be named)
Be Mine Super Star
Manner of Death (and anything else with MaxTul)
Oh My Sunshine Night (sides)
Secret Crush on You
Wedding Plan
Most dark JBL has very good high heat, but... ya know.
For @samara44 by request.
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linghxr · 1 year
Chengyu containing only 1 tone (all 4 characters are the same tone)
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I had noticed several chengyu for which all 4 characters are the same tone. I was curious to find more of these chengyu, so I conducted some analysis on the chengyu in my Chinese Anki deck. Some notes about my criteria:
I decided to exclude chengyu like 从从容容 and 浩浩荡荡 that are the same two characters repeated.
If only one character was repeated, I did not exclude the chengyu.
Some of these chengyu do not fit the criteria if you study Taiwanese pronunciation. I marked them with an asterisks*.
1st tone
忧心忡忡 yōuxīnchōngchōng - deeply worried and sick at heart
息息相关 xīxīxiāngguān* - closely bound up / intimately related
居安思危 jūānsīwēi* - to think of danger in times of safety / to be vigilant in peacetime
声东击西 shēngdōngjīxī* - to threaten the east and strike to the west / to create a diversion
卑躬屈膝 bēigōngqūxī - to bow and bend the knee / fawning / bending and scraping to curry favor
惺惺相惜 xīngxīngxiāngxī* - people of talent appreciate one another / to sympathize with one another
2nd tone
籍籍无名 jíjíwúmíng - unknown / lacking fame and reputation
4th tone
跃跃欲试 yuèyuèyùshì - to be eager to give something a try
大错特错 dàcuòtècuò - to be gravely mistaken
对症下药 duìzhèngxiàyào - to prescribe the right medicine for an illness / to study a problem to find the right way to solve it / to take appropriate steps
就事论事 jiùshìlùnshì - to discuss sth on its own merits / to judge the matter as it stands / to consider the matter in isolation
上当受骗 shàngdàngshòupiàn - to be duped or deceived
自作自受 zìzuòzìshòu - to reap what one has sown / to stew in one's own juice
面面俱到 miànmiànjùdào - take care of everything / handle everything
各就各位 gèjiùgèwèi - (of the people in a group) to get into position / (athletics) On your mark!
If you are learning Taiwanese pronunciation, then here is an additional chengyu that will be all 2nd tone:
突如其来 túrúqílái - to arise abruptly / to arrive suddenly / happening suddenly
I pronounce it as tūrúqílái, so it does not fit the criteria for me.
[Definitions are adapted from MDBG.]
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liu-anhuaming · 8 months
Reading Chinese Ebooks on 讀墨 ReadMoo
For the past few years, I've labored under the assumption that I can't read Chinese ebooks because I just can't focus on them. However, I recently saw someone on insta mention the app 讀墨. I was intrigued, and decided to give it a try. And wow, what a shock, I can in fact read Chinese ebooks! I just have to change it to vertical text and make the font very large.
So the past couple weeks I've been trying to read more consistently using 讀墨. The book I started with was slow going at first, which almost made me give up; it was the Chinese translation of The Last Cuentista by Donna Barba Higuera. This book really wasn't for me, and I didn't want to keep reading it. So instead of just giving up, I bought one more book and tried again: 《你的孩子不是你的孩子》 by 吳曉樂 (yes, it is the basis for the Netflix show of the same name).
I devoured the book in under a week. So yeah, I think Chinese ebooks work for me if I like the book.
Below is gonna be an overview of the app, and my thoughts on it so far. It's not comprehensive though, since there's a lot of things on this app I haven't explored yet (like the audiobooks).
***Please note that 讀墨 is a Taiwanese app, and as such it mainly offers books written in traditional characters. There are apparently books written in simplified available, but I haven't explored those since I'm fine reading traditional.***
Buying Books
Buying books is fairly simple. You make an in-app purchase of coins, which you then use to buy books. Note: As of writing this, I have recently recently received a notification from the app that their book purchasing system will be changing soon. Instead of being able to buy the books in the app, you'll have to log in to your account in a browser and buy the books there. The books will apparently then appear on the app for you to read.
As it stands, 210 coins costs $10.99, and the books I've bought have ranged in price from 210 to about 300 coins. That means the books cost ~$11-$16, just like a regular book. This could be pricey, but since I'd otherwise be paying for international shipping if I were buying a physical copy, this feels like a bargain to me. (For me, shipping books from Taiwan/China to the US typically doubles the price of the purchase rip)
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Once you buy the book, it's in your library for you to start whenever you please.
As for browsing for books, I haven't gone too in-depth yet. I went in to 讀墨 with a TBR and went for books off that list exclusively. When it comes to buying books online, I almost always go on whatever site I'm buying from with a list of the books I'm thinking of buying. I get recommendations elsewhere (e.g., Goodreads or insta).
Reading Books
The 讀墨 reading interface is pretty typical for an e-reader app. What makes me like it way better than other apps I've used is that it has a lot more customization options.
For starters, you've got 6 options for page/text color. There's the typical black, white, and sepia, but there's also blue and green! I use the 奶綠 option, since I don't like having such a stark contrast between the text and the background when reading on my phone for long periods.
Then there's the options for changing the text size and spacing. You can make it bigger or smaller as you please, and put more or less space between each line of text.
You can also change the font. There's 8 different fonts you can choose from, including the default. There's even a font that puts 注音 next to each character! You can see a preview of that one in the photo below.
And then, there's the option to switch between horizontal and vertical text. The default is horizontal text, but I've come to prefer vertical when reading Chinese novels. If you go to your settings on your profile, you can make vertical text your default, which is what I ended up doing.
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Like any good e-reader, there's options to highlight text. There's four different colors you can use (pink, yellow, purple, and blue). If you go the ToC, you can find all of your highlights and filter by color of highlight. Super convenient, since I've been using pink to highlight words/phrases I don't know or find interesting and yellow to highlight key sentences/paragraphs.
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Aside from highlighting, when you select text you have the option to look the characters up in a dictionary or online. I've been getting a lot of errors with this recently, but I'm wondering if that's just my phone acting weird? It worked perfectly fine when I first started using the app. Anyways, the dictionary it takes you to is 夢典 MoeDict and it opens in a browser. This personally is a bit annoying bc I actually have this dictionary app installed on my phone, but this is a minor complaint. The dictionary opening in a new browser tab is a non-issue.
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Reading Stats
Now, I'm a big dork and love to track my reading stats. To my great satisfaction, 讀墨 keeps track of some stats. The main one is time spent reading. You can set a daily goal (the minimum is 20 minutes), and if you reach it you get a nice checkmark on the calendar. The calendar doesn't update until the very end of each day, so if you've reached your goal for the day it won't show on the calendar until the next day.
Also, keep in mind time differences between where you live and Taiwan. I'm ~12 hours behind Taiwan, so the app doesn't start a new day until around noon for me.
Below the calendar, there's a chart that shows your total reading times for a week, month, or year. I normally can't be bothered to time my reading (especially not when I'm reading physical books) so this is cool to see. I think when it comes to reading in Chinese, being timed is more interesting because I'm able to more clearly gauge progress.
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And below all that, there's a breakdown of the genres you read. I don't pay much attention to genre when choosing books, so I don't find this one quite as interesting.
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(tfw you're reading a non-fiction book about a tutor so your main genre becomes 教育)
Overall Thoughts
So yeah, I've enjoyed myself so far. Aside from the reading interface, I find the app pretty easy to navigate. I spent a bit of time just clicking around and was able to figure out what's what pretty quick.
Like I said, this isn't a comprehensive review, but I'd recommend giving the app a try if you're willing/able to put down money for ebooks and are able to read traditional. It feels worth the money for me, since the interface is pretty customizable and easy to use.
If you're wondering where to find simplified ebooks, idk. This is my first real foray into Chinese ebooks, so I don't really know where to find them for simplified or traditional. I have heard that it is a little easier to pirate Chinese ebooks since their copyright laws are a little different than ours in the US?
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gunsatthaphan · 10 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: November 2023 ~ 
🎅🏻 Happy December!!! 🎄
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Twins - November 3rd (Thailand) 
🌟 Last Twilight -  November 10th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Middleman's Love - November 10th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 A Breeze of Love - November 10th (South Korea)
🌟 Beyond the Star - November 11th (Thailand) 
🌟 Playboyy - November 16th (Thailand) 
🌟 Pit Babe - November 17th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 Wheels and Axle - November 17th (Thailand)
🌟 Bake Me Please (starring Ohm Thitiwat) - November 19th (Thailand)
🌟 7 Days Before Valentine - November 22nd (Thailand) 
🌟 My Biker - November 24th (Thailand)
🌟 VIP Only - November 24th (Taiwan)
🌟 The Sign - November 25th (Thailand) 
🌟 Every You, Every Me - November 25th (Thailand)
🌟 Cooking Crush - November 26th (Thailand) ✅
🌟 The Whisperer - November 26th (Thailand)
🌟 My Biker - November 27th (Thailand)
🌟 For Him - November 30th (Thailand)
🌟 Sahara Sensei to Toki-kun - November 30th (Japan) 
Monthly likes/dislikes
👎🏻 Love Senior - This isn't a BL but I had to include it anyway because it's horrific lmao. I peeked in bc I was interested in what Starhunter could bring to the GL genre but I should've known better lmao. It's the girl version of Sotus but so much worse. Anyone who watches this and genuinely enjoys it, please unfollow me sdhfkd.
New series & movie announcements
🎥 Your Dear Daddy - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 My Stand In (starring Up Poompat) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 My Boyfriend is a Captain - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Teach Me Touch Me - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 To Be Continued - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 I Love/Kill You - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Gray Currents - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Lost on the River (adapted by Sammon's novel) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Shadow Confession - Date TBA (South Korea)
🎥 Mr. Doctor (BMS spinoff) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 I Became the Lead Role of a BL Drama - Coming January 1st (Japan)
🎥 The Hidden Moon - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Universe of Love - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Battle of the Writers - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 YZilla - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 You and My Stars - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Monster Next Door - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Love For Love's Sake - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Jack & Joker (starring YinWar) - Date TBA (Thailand)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ At the streaming event of the final episode of I Feel You Linger in the Air, the cast announced a second season of the show. Details are unknown.
❗️ The Taiwanese historical BL My Stand In is getting a Thai adaption. Up Poompat and Poom Phuripan have been confirmed as the leads, Porsche Tanathorn, Mek Jirakit and Inntouch Naphat have been confirmed as part of the cast as well, along with others. The series is currently in pre-production and has not disclosed any further information. 
❗️ LINE TV and TAICCA announce “Be Love, Go Love”, a project that will include 6 Taiwanese BLs/GLs, produced & realized by multiple cross-country BL producers, screenwriters and directors from shows like the HIStory franchise, To My Star, Bad Buddy, ATOTS, 2Gether, Semantic Error and more. The project will launch in the 2nd half of 2024.
❗️ MeenPing (Ai Lhong Nai) were announced as the leads for AllThis Entertainment's upcoming BL The Rebound. Further details are unknown.
❗️ After Manner of Death and Triage, another one of Sammon's novels will be adapted into a series titled Lost on the River. Further details are unknown. Regarding the adaption of her novel Euthanasia, Tor Thanapob and JJ Krissanapoom were announced as the leads. The show will be called Spare Me Your Mercy. The production stated the reason they delayed the filming for more than a year is that they wanted to make sure to get Tor and JJ as the leads.
❗️The Korean broadcasting network KBS announced the period BL Shadow Confession. This is the network's very first BL production, giving it a huge relevancy as KBS is Korea's leading television- and broadcasting system.
❗️ MaxNat's upcoming BL Two Worlds has begun filming. The show will air in early 2024.
❗️BrightNonkul (I Feel You Linger in the Air) won "Most Charming Y-Series Actors of the Year" at this year's Starlight Awards.
❗️ Studio WabiSabi held their 2024 lineup event "Next Page" on November 23rd. The following BL productions were announced:
Sunshine in the Wind (BL/GL)
Star Scope
Fourever You
The Vampire Project (formerly known as "My Broccoli", starring BounPrem)
❗️ The Thai BL Be Mine Superstar is getting a spinoff revolving around Mueng and Ning, played by Boston and Kavin. The drama is titled Mr. Doctor and will air in 2024.
❗️ Actors Yin Anan and War Wanarat announced a new upcoming project titled Jack & Joker; a BL series of a still unknown genre. The sidecast includes Prom Ratchapat, Mark Siwat and others. Yin and War said the show is an original by their agency and they will act as producers as well. The pilot trailer will be released on December 2nd. Further details are unknown.
Upcoming series & movies for December
👉🏻 Chains of Heart: The Movie - December 7th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Cherry Magic Thailand - December 9th (Thailand)
👉🏻 It's Complicated - December 14th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Dear Kitakyushu - December 14th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Colorful Melody - December 16th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Dead Friend Forever - December 23rd (Thailand)
👉🏻 Wuju Bakery - December TBA (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Intern in My Heart - December TBA (Thailand) 
👉🏻 Night Dream - December TBA (Thailand)
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respectthepetty · 7 months
Anti Reset is about the colors
Taiwanese BLs are my bias. I love them. They are great. Nobody does it better for me, yet Anti Reset is exceeding my expectations.
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The discussion about technology and its ethical implications isn't new, but it's hitting just right in this BL.
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Obviously, the color coding is helping because coloring the main as blue, which is the most logical color since it symbolizes intelligence, reflection, integrity, and honesty, is brilliant. The lead is trying to logically think through his feelings, which at times are illogical, and the ramification of them. As a Blue Boy, that makes sense for him to struggle with this!
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The commodity aspect of Ever 9 makes Ever 9 manipulative by design. He is programmed to have a vulnerability feature so he can induce empathy from his owner. He is constantly collecting data about his owner, so he can adjust his settings accordingly. Therefore, none of the interactions are genuine. They are merely programs following preset orders as new data is introduced. And that's why our history professor Blue Boy Chu Yi Ping is struggling because even the term "owner" is an issue when it comes to Ever 9.
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Although Ever 9 came with intelligence, he is studying Chu Yi Ping and learning how to be a better caregiver to him, emotionally and physically. He is colored white because he was essentially a blank form that Chu Yi Ping could shape into his ideal companion.
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And that's the biggest problem! Is anything about Ever 9 real or simply a reflection of Chu Yi Ping? Because if Ever 9 is just a mirror of his owner than he is a robot, but if he is really learning than that means he can, eventually, make his own decisions, which opens up the philosophical floodgates regarding what makes humans human. Because aren't humans all just preset with ideas and thoughts, and we learn new information by interacting with others and adjusting accordingly? Then, based on that information, we make decisions?
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The uncle warned about humanizing Ever 9, but the first episode already framed the caring and warm Ever 9 as "more human" than Chu Yi Ping who is emotionally distant and cold aka robotic which is a constant description for those on the spectrum.
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Yet Chu Yi Ping teaches that a vital element of individualism is that memory and history are important for "constructing new narratives and redefining the future" (ep. 4, 15:18-15:28), so wouldn't the fact that Ever 9 can make decisions based on his memories make Ever 9 just as human as Chu Yi Ping?
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Which is why I need to know what Ever 9's favorite color setting is.
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It doesn't even matter what the color is as long as it's his choice and not some default setting as Chu Yi Ping claimed it was because it will show that Ever 9 is learning concepts outside of his original purpose. Why would a robot need to have a favorite color to be a good caregiver? He wouldn't! A favorite color would solely be for Ever 9 and stand as a testament that he likes stuff simply because he can. And if it's not blue, it means he learned this without it being about Chu Yi Ping.
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So give me a favorite color! Give me signs of life!
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mitsubinyuri · 2 years
MILGRAM Guilty/Innocent verdicts, according to my father
MILGRAM, but instead of forming my own opinions I scroll randomly through the YouTube comments of each video, take the first theory I see, explain it poorly to my father and have HIM judge them guilty/innocent based off of that.
A 50 year old Taiwanese man’s opinions on MILGRAM characters. (He, as a doctor, had a LOT to say about Shidou)
[note that this was posted between It’s Not My Fault and Triage.]
ME: State your name and occupation, please.
DAD: Dad, Physician.
Haruka (no. 01) (no idea how to sum up the common consensus on him, but yknow what I’m thinking of) - INNOCENT
“I dunno... I think this guy needs treatment. I don’t know, there’s actually no causal link between having a learning disability, being neglected, and like, killing small creatures.” 
“They say killing animals in your youth is a risk factor for predicting if someone��s gonna grow up to be, an actual, y’know.” 
“I mean, so, forgivable? I mean, only in the sense that y’know, this may be part of him that’s sort of intrinsically broken and he really just needs treatment.”
Yuno (no. 02) (abortion “theory”) - INNOCENT
“Well, I mean, I don’t really have any- to me this is not an issue... I don’t think there’s any particular moral wrong here, I mean y’know, she does what she does, she was in a position that she found herself pregnant and she didn’t want to be pregnant so she had a perfectly legal and safe medical procedure to take care of it.”
I brought up the fact it might not have been legal.
“Well, I mean, either way, I don’t see that it’s an issue. I don’t have any issue with it.”
Fuuta (no. 03) (doxxing/cyberbullying theory) - GUILTY
“Yeah, well, I don’t really think there’s anything particularly excusable about this one.”
Muu (no. 04) (bully -> bullied “theory”, I brought up the lesbian theory to him and presented it as an additional option as well) - GUILTY
“I dunno. I mean, honestly, I don’t really have much sympathy in this case. If you’re gonna dish it out you better be ready to take it.”
“Look, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, alright?! Y’know, I mean, seriously!”
“This is like, at best it’s just pure hypocrisy, okay, well turnabout. You didn’t think about it until you were the object.”
My sister makes an Ace Attorney reference referring to the word ‘turnabout’. He texts her an Ace Attorney meme. 
Shidou (no. 05) (organ harvester theory) - GUILTY
“This is not how any of this works, okay? You cannot just whip organs out of one person and bung (?) ‘em into someone else and it’s gonna be like ‘Wow, that’s awesome’!”
“Yeah, see, that to me is too far out there. I can’t even say because that’s now how it functions.”
I ask him if hypothetically you could, what the verdict would be.
“Even if you had a whole... You could some how make it work... it’s still not- no.”
“Besides, you can’t even perform surgeries at 29 unless you went through med school very quickly.”
Mahiru (no. 06) (toxic relationship + suicide theory) - GUILTY
“She sounds... extremely emotionally immature. I don’t think she was ready for a relationship.”
“Now, why didn’t the guy just dump her and walk away?”
I explain the ‘breakup ritual’ line, and bring up the ‘both sides toxic’ theory.
“Well, I mean, is there any evidence at all to support that sort of thing?”
I explain the vagueness of the video.
“Yeah, I dunno, I mean absent to any further data I’m not inclined to be merciful here.”
Kazui (no. 07) (cheating + suicide theory) - INNOCENT
“I mean, sad to say, it’s not an uncommon phenomenon. It’s a thing that happens, y’know,”
“So I don’t really, I mean, depending on how he broke it to her, I suppose, and if he actually DID have an affair or had just contemplated one.”
“Or even then, I sort of feel like jumping off a balcony over it is a little bit of an overreaction.”
“A lot depends on the specific details about how this came out, assuming that’s the correct story. I mean, the situation is sad, but at least the way it’s presented I don’t feel like I can hold him at fault for her deciding to throw herself to her death.”
“Well, I mean, and I think legally you couldn’t really say anything about it. I mean, he’s responsible in part but it’s not like he pushed her or anything like that.”
Amane (no. 08) (cult theory) - INNOCENT
“I mean, the thing is. This is one of those classic cases- assuming she’s been completely brainwashed by this cult, that’s one of those cases where deprogramming has to be the first step.”
“It’s related to not guilty by reason of insanity, this is someone who’s worldview has been warped to the extent that they’ve presumably sworn their unthinking allegiance to whoever their leader is.”
“Obviously she’s directly responsible, though I don’t know how a twelve year old can beat someone to death.”
“You would need therapy and deprogramming, before you try to bring it to trial.”
“It also depends on if the therapy turns out successful or not.”
I mention she’s twelve.
“Alright, so like, automatically guilty then.”
Mikoto (no. 09) (DID “theory”) - INNOCENT
“I mean... really? Does this alter even have a name?”
“I mean, legally you can’t render judgement here.” 
“I mean, assuming the alter was the one murdering people?”
“Yeah, I mean, I dunno, if he truly is suffering from this disorder, it’s like the other ones, we can’t hold him responsible.”
Kotoko (no. 10) (vigilante “theory”) - GUILTY
“So, basically... did she intend to kill him? Or did she try to beat him up and get carried away?”
I explain that she did intend to kill.
“Y’know, the fact of the matter is, as great as it sounds, I don’t really condone vigilantism. She knows exactly what she’s doing, right?”
I say yes.
“Okay, well, in that case, then I would think that she should be prepared to face the consequences.”
“Yeah, so this also sounds like someone who feels that they are above society’s rules. Not something I feel completely comfortable with, even if now they appear to be doing things on the right side.”
also said, at the end: “Just because someone cannot be held morally responsible for their actions also does not mean we should have them out roaming the streets.”
bold (no italics) is things that I said. Italics is things he did. 
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thistransient · 9 months
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I'm only in Macau for one night, and to be honest it's not popular for visa runs because there's no budget accommodation. I came here for the day when I was living in China in 2017, and went back in the early evening for this very reason. As such, I had never seen Macau properly in the dark (the quest for McDonald's with the Taiwanese kid at 3 am in October doesn't count), and was very curious. Man, it is shiny.
I took the public bus from the airport because the fare was 6 MOP and I had exactly 6 HKD in coinage lurking in my closet from previous voyages (they're interchangeable in Macau). My fellow bus-riders did not appear to be tourists. I took the risk of trusting google maps regarding the bus route, and only felt betrayed for a moment before I realised it was making a detour because of construction, and still headed in the general correct direction, even if it took a bridge that didn't seem to exist on the map yet. Spellbound by the glittering lights and the thrill of being somewhere new, I was finally enjoying myself (having been anxious for days previous already).
Between my hotel and the bus stop was more neon signage than you could shake a stick at, I was enthralled. Check in went smoothly, and I hastened back out to walk around and take pictures. The old city side of Macau was quite hopping considering it was nearly 10 pm on a Tuesday night and cold out, Taipei feels a bit sleepy in comparison (or maybe I'm not going to the right places). I had very sensibly looked up a bunch of restaurants in advance in an attempt to divert for once my usual fate of walking around forever and not eating (although I had brought a lot of bananas with me to the airport after realising they weren't going to survive a week at home, so at least I wasn't running totally on empty). As usual, even the best laid plans can go awry when there are too many things to look at (by things I mean giant crabs in the window of the seafood restaurant). Somewhere around 22:30 I realised I needed to consume something before bed.
The go-to late-night food in Macau appears to be...beef offal. Now, I'm not opposed to offal, I like some grilled intestines at the izakaya, but this was a boiled affair and there were an intimidating amount of bits on display at the kiosks. Afraid I was running out of options before reaching my hotel again, I stopped at a takeaway stand that had a picture of a 煎餅 (fried pancake wrap thing) and inquired with the guy as to whether it could be obtained. (All the signage and menu was in Chinese, so I had started with Mandarin from the get-go.) There was no 煎餅 to be had. I could, however, have a box of rice accompanied by...[here we had many of those silver trays in a bain-marie, filled with various soupy things]. I asked him what one was. He told me "Lú lòu". I was baffled and told him I didn't understand. He said it again as if I'd misheard him. No, I really don't know what that is, I insisted. He said it again more loudly as if I were daft. Finally I remembered that [n] often becomes [l] for Cantonese speakers and he was saying niú roù 牛肉...beef 😑 Well then. I asked if he had any vegetables, which appeared to be an offensive request, so I resigned myself to 50 HKD of rice and meat chunks. Shortly after I discovered if I'd just kept walking, there were plenty of other options, but either way, I had dinner. When life gives you meat chunks...you start chewing.
Tomorrow my return flight is not til 4, which means I should mosey to the airport a bit prior to 2, so if I go to bed within the next 15 minutes I might make it for breakfast and some more trotting around looking at things (an activity that was cut short in 2017 on account of it being mid-summer and the heat rendering me somewhat delirious). These days going places often feels like a heinous exertion while in the planning stages, but once I'm out there I start getting into the spirit of it. Enrichment. Outside of my enclosure, even!
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 11 months
Currently Watching - November
aka The Masterlist
Because I love a good little list - in alphabetical order! 😊
Regularly updated during the month, latest update 30.11.2023
A little link to my favorite bl-tropes-collection 💙
Here you can find all of my gifs.
And if you want to show me something you think I might like, just let me know with #josistag
At the end you can have a look at what we can expect in November with MDL links and a link for the trailer (if avaible). There are 18 coming up series this november... Sleep I love you, but we are going seperate ways this month!
This is guaranteed to contain spoilers!
1. 7 Days before Valentine (1/12 WeTV)
Hm... This was not what I expected. The acting was a little bit over the top. I don't know if I can stand Sunshine. The feeling this first episode gave me was kinda off. I don't know. Right now I don't know if I want to keep watching it.
2. Bake me please (2/6 on Gaga)
This series is so good! I really like Ohm and Guide together. Guide is such a sunshine and I like his character! This series deals with a lot of baking and childhood trauma and a sunshine and grumpy main couple and I love it!
3. Boys Like Boys (8/10 on Gaga)
Okay, I am officially invested! The story of eight taiwanese men who are on the search for love. It is messy and funny and of course I have my favorites! I wish I had waited for the show to finish, because then I could have watched the final and know if I can keep my hopes up or not... And there are twists and turns and some butterflies and I can't wait for the next episode.
4. Cooking Crush (1/12 on Youtube)
I have to admit beside Not Me, I am not the biggest fan of OffGun. Their slapstick humour is just not mine. I can't get the right feeling for this series right now. I will wait and see how it turns out with more episodes...
5. Last Twilight (3/12 on Youtube)
I got fucking emotional when Mhok read from The Little Prince and they had this whole big conversation through the book and I am in tears just thinking about it. The Little Prince is very special for me.
6. Pit Babe (2/13 on Youtube)
Ladies and Gentlemen! We have an Omegaverse! I am still in shock! I usually don't dive into the omegaverse, but I did read some webtoons. I am curious how they'll play it out. The first episode... I don't understand shit! I have no clue, what is going on. There are intrigues going on and I don't trust Charlie at the moment. But I couldn't care less because: Pavel! He could just sit there or walk in his driver's uniform and I would be happy!
7. Playboyy (3/14 on Gaga)
I am intrigued! I needed to call my best friend and tell her about what I have seen. Not just the amount of sex and masturbation and wet dreams, but the way it is filmed. I am intruígued! It looks like a romantic dream combined with porn. And I am looking forward to next week and the weeks to come, because it is so interesting!
8. The Sign (1/12 on Youtube)
I am already in love with this series! Mystical elements, a good chemistry between the actors, some fighting, naked men... What else could I wish for... Oh yeah, and an accidental kiss 😂 But I still enjoyed it so much! And I can't wait fot next week!
9. Twins (4/12 on Gaga)
I don't know what it is. The story is... nothing special. The acting is okayish. Sprite's/Zee's facial expression need some time to get used to. And yet, I like this show! It is one of my most anticipated watches of the week. I like First and I LOVE enemies to lovers 😅 It is one of my weak spots!
Finished in November
1. I feel you linger in the air (12/12 on Gaga)
This is one of my favorite series from this year, if not the best one! It is such a good and well written story about love and building a home, trusting in love and people again, fight against the rules and love the people who deserve your love. I am not as heartbroken than I thought, but I miss them already, like five minutes after it ended. Jom and Yai's love is a love that can overcome all kinds of barriers like time and I love that so much! I love this series so so much! And they confirmed a second season? Now I am afraid and excited? A true 10 out of 10!
2. Dangerous Romance (12/12 on Youtube)
I like Perth and Chimon together, even though their characters can be a little bit cheesy or bromancy. Over all I liked the series, even though I was searching for the danger in the romance. It lost a litle bit of the tension in its second half. Not a bad series, but also nothing special. A solid 7 out of 10.
3. Kimi to Nara Koi wo Shite Mite mo / If it's with you (5/5 on Gaga)
It is sweet and has the typical japanese vibe, you know? The crickets and circades are very much present in the the background and it feels kind of cosy. My japanese vibe. The story itself is sweet. I like the fact that the Amane is open and sure about his sexuality, even though he has experienced homophobia and tries to hide behind a smiling mask. This is a really wholesome watch for the coming darker days. I gave it a 9 out of 10.
4. Kiseki: Dear to me (12/13 on Viki and Gaga)
Okay, this series started strong for me and got really messy and lame in the second half... Well, way before this to be honest. The only reason I was watching in the end were Ai Di and Chen Yi. Their relationship was such a great add up to this mess. Yes, it was messy and I wish they would have communicated earlier, but I love their tenderness and their love in the end. The main couple... I really couldn't care less in the end. And the story was... not that interesting and a little bit confusing at times. Overall an 7,5 out of 10 and that's because of Ai Di and Cen Yi.
5. You are mine (10/10 on Viki and Gaga)
The lovestory between a very demanding chef, who terrorise his employees and his easygoing new male secretary who can give good massages. And the lack of communication is really bothering me at this point. Instead of just going after your secretary, perhaps try and talk to him about your feelings? Argh... Okay, the last episode was just a display of affection and fluff and it was really cute. But it couldn't help a bad series to become a good one. They can kiss, yes, but overall it was not that good. So just a 5,5 out of 10 for me.
6. A Breeze Of Love (8/8 on iQiyi)
I love this one! It is short and cute and for once I understand the problem. The execution was a little whacky, but hey, I really don't care because it was just that cute! The two mains have very good chemistry and are believable. And I am totally in love with them. It has sport and kind of enemies to lovers so checks for me and it is korean. Yeah, that is definitely worth a watch and I guess I will rewatch it from time to time, whenever I need something wholesome and cute. A 10 out of 10 for me.
7. One Room Angel (6/6 on Gaga)
It started out as a very depressing series. It kept this feeling through the whole show, but it never said, that it has to be like that forever. There were always hints, that life can get better. That you are enough and that you are worth it, worth of living, worth of loving and worth of being loved. I mean it ended with this line: I received and was able to give. Even someone like me had something I can do. So probably, life isn't so bad." And that was the point where I lost it completely. A solid 8 out of 10 for me.
1. Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai
This one is a sweet and quiet movie. Well the character Aki is not that quiet, but in this movie there is not that much drama or angst. It is stacked with food and I got so hungry watching it! The food really looks delicious! It is not a bromance. You definitely can see that these two love each other and there are so many hints, that they want to spend the rest of their lives together. And as far as I know there should be a second movie. Fingers crossed! For me a solid 7,5 out of 10
Short Film
Dropped/On-Hold in November
Looking forward to in November
Twins - MDL - Trailer (Nov 3rd on GagaOOLala)
Boy Drenched in Water - MDL (Nov 8th on GagaOOLala)
A Breeze Of Love - MDL - Trailer (Nov 10th on iQiyi)
Last Twilight - MDL - Trailer (Nov 10th on Youtube)
Middleman's Love - MDL - Trailer (Nov 10th on iQiyi)
Beyond the Star - MDL - Pilot (Nov 11th on iQiyi)
Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai - MDL (Nov 15th on GagaOOLala)
Playboyy - MDL - Trailer (uncensored) - Trailer (censored) (Nov 16th on GagaOOLala)
Wheels and Axle - MDL (Nov 17th on TBA)
Pit Babe - MDL - Trailer (Nov 17th on iQiyi)
Bake Me Please - MDL - Teaser (Nov 19th on iQiyi / Gaga)
7 Days Before Valentine - MDL - Trailer (Nov 22nd on Youtube)
VIP Only - MDL - Teaser (Nov 24th on Viki & Gaga)
The Sign - MDL - Trailer (Nov 25th on Youtube)
Cooking Crush - MDL - Trailer (Nov 26th on Youtube)
The Whisperer - MDL - Trailer (Nov 26th TBA)
For Him - MDL - Pilot (Nov 30th on iQiyi)
Wuju Bakery - MDL - Trailer (TBA)
Night Dream - MDL (TBA)
Boyy Of God - MDL - Teaser (TBA)
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tachineko · 1 year
what are some of the best bl's you think released this year?
hi!! so far i think this year has been good with bl's but i think these few are the ones that i think stand out the most.
currently airing
my personal weatherman
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this one came as a shock to me. i haven't been keeping up well with mbs' bls, given that "eternal yesterday" scarred me for life. but knowing the original source, i saw the announcement of them doing this and thought, you know what, maybe it won't be so bad. it won't. and i got shocked at how much i love the actors, the setting, and the characters. i loved this series so much that my tiktok fyp page was filled with one of the actor's cute tiktok dances, and i guess that's just the algorithm for me.
kiseki: dear to me
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you can already tell from the amount of gifsets i make that i love this bl. initially, i only watched because i know that my favorite bl scriptwriter, lin pei yu, who i've been a fan of since her first bl, was in charge of the series. but as it went on, i was begging for more because of how much the actors, the plot, the characters, and the setting draw me in. it will honestly become one of my most favorites after it finishes airing. the whole thing just gives off that history-trapped vibe that i've been yearning for in taiwanese bl for so long.
i feel you linger in the air
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having read the original novel (go buy and read it. it's amazing), i was expecting this one to be just fine. now that a few episodes have been aired, i'm aware that they did some cutting from the novel to fit the lakorn-style series. still, the quality, acting, and chemistry are so good. i wasn't confident at first since it was directed by tee, but then again, you can't always judge a director from their other few series. especially since this one deals with heavy themes of identity, culture-bound issues, and history. so far so good. i think this might be a standout bl for this quarter.
our dating sim
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one of the hit bl's that i personally wasn't a fan of at first, but then i saw how good their chemistry was and how well thought out the plot was. i was also shocked that even the actors themselves didn't expect this series to blow up because it was great from start to finish. one of my favorite scenes this year is that one scene where kitae had an emotional breakdown in front of wan.
sing my crush
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this one surprised me the most. having released all their episodes in one day, i was shocked at how long they've kept this from us. it was filmed during the start of the pandemic, and it was only given to us this year. such an amazing drama series.
though one of the reasons why i found this amazing was watching it when i was sick, so i guess that contributed to it.
unintentional love story
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what i loved about this series is the length and character progression. it just goes to show that k-bl's have the potential to become full-length in the future.
moonlight chicken
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another masterpiece made with love. i think there's not much i can say about this series other than it's one of those classic bl's. i recently recommended this to a friend for their first bl, and they loved it and became a fan instantly.
jun & jun
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a bit controversial, but i think my own perception of this series was different than everyone else's. what i love about the series is its outstanding chemistry, easy-to-consume plot, and actors' visuals.
to me, this bl feels like thailand's first step in making korean bl. let me explain. one of the reasons why this series has some hint of thai production in it is because of the presence of high heat among the main characters.
now, a lot of people complain about the quality, but to me, it's fine. it's fine because it's not a series that's meant to be taken seriously, and it's also nonsensical for the sake of easy consumption among viewers. though i gotta say that the actors have great potential to be in other bl's as well.
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bleachbleachbleach · 5 months
A Collection of Joe Shinigami Who Definitely Exist
It is currently some godforsaken hour in ORD and my connecting flight does not leave for another three hours, I've crossed into the twilight zone, and I only feel mentally and physically capable of two things: composing a ranking of every airport I have ever been to, or listing "actual people I've experienced in the last 36 hours that would make for excellent Joe Shinigami."
I don't think the airport ranking would be that interesting, because most airports are "idk? 2/5 due to their being an airport," so:
Joe Shinigami who has, over the centuries, composed a definitive ranking of senkaimon he has experienced, despite the fact that aside from the gate facade they all open into very literally the exact same liminal space (but is liminal space ever the same? oOoOoO)
Married Couple Joe Shinigami who operate two identically named tea shops on two parallel streets separated by only a couple of blocks, and routinely call each other and send customers between the two, creating their own strange parallel universe/temporal-spatial wormhole in the Seireitei's commercial district
Joe Shinigami standing on an urban doorstep describing supernatural encounters to each other, until one affects a comic sitcom voice and says "but it's nothin' compared to comin' home to the missus!" (I feel like these are probably bottom-ranked 4th Division goons that Unohana has sent off on "fieldwork" in the vein of Af-san.)
Joe Shinigami who has comprehensive knowledge of all the points multipliers and Gold/Silver/Platinum/secret Titanium membership clubs that comprise the complicated world of the Gotei's Hollow bounty system. (Seriously, I had dinner the other night with a guy who had comprehensive knowledge for American credit card and hotel rewards programs. It sounded like Pokemon and he talked, with a straight face, about working his way toward lifetime Platinum status with some hotel chain because "all you needed to do" was spend 500 nights in one of their hotel properties over the course of X years, without falling below a certain threshold Y annually or failing to re-up in consecutive years. It sounded like gacha for hotels.)
Joe Shinigami who runs a tea shop and partners with farmers in whatever Rukongai's equivalent of Taiwan is (in my version of Rukongai, I guess this is somewhere in East Rukongai, but not the part of it that either line of the East Rukongai Soul Train runs through). She refers to both tea masters and Gotei captains/VCs as "weird creatures" and has strong opinions about Rukongai farmers' cooking, specifically because if you don't like the dish one night and there are leftovers, they just serve the same thing the next night--literally the same thing, and they don't believe in refrigeration out there, so it's taken on a flavor. But this matters substantially more to a shinigami than it does to a soul in bumfuck Rukongai, because only one of these entities needs to eat it.
This is getting away from Joe Shinigami profiles, but re: Taiwanese Tea Joe Shinigami, the way she talked about tea reminded me very much of how I think some people would talk about reiatsu, and I feel like Reiatsu Appreciation Class at the Academy takes the form of the instructor having a selection of upperclassmen assistants wrap/infuse their reiatsu into cups of water, because pairing it with the water makes it easier to externalize/conceptualize and ultimately practice evaluating and eventually manipulating, in terms of reiryoku/reiatsu fluid dynamics, and in terms of the ways reiatsu (like tea) can change the experiential properties of the water, making it feel more "slippery," or dry, or move differently in the mouth, etc.
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warningsine · 1 month
Taipei/Sydney, Aug. 22 (CNA) The Australian Senate passed an "urgency motion" Wednesday in support of Taiwan's sovereignty and participation in international organizations.
Senators agreed by vote to move the motion: "That United Nations (U.N.) Resolution 2758 of 25th October 1971 does not establish the People's Republic of China's (PRC) sovereignty over Taiwan and does not determine the future status of Taiwan in the United Nations, nor Taiwanese participation in U.N. agencies or international organizations."
Supported by lawmakers from across the political spectrum, the motion was co-sponsored by Senators David Fawcett of South Australia and Deborah O'Neill of New South Wales, both of whom visited Taiwan last month to attend the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China's (IPAC) annual conference.
Addressing Parliament House in Canberra, Fawcett, of the main opposition Liberal Party, said the motion was "urgent" because of the "growing risk to the security and stability in the Indo-Pacific."
"It's important not just for the human rights of the 23.5 million people in the democracy that is Taiwan," Fawcett said, "but for the impact that a decrease in security and a conflict there would have on the rules-based order that underpins peace and security around the world, as well as for the global economic impact, which Australia would not escape."
O'Neill followed Fawcett's remarks by saying that "the resolution does not mention Taiwan or address its political status."
"Despite this fact, there is an ongoing and egregious campaign currently underway from the PRC to reinterpret the resolution and misrepresent what the resolution actually does," she said, referring to China's attempts to minimize Taiwan's participation in the international community.
O'Neill, of the ruling Labor Party, said it was "not in the interest of the international community to have 24 million Taiwanese excluded" from critical bodies such as the International Civil Aviation Organization and the World Health Organization.
Senator Jacqui Lambie of Tasmania said that "the people of Taiwan continuously reject reunification with the Chinese Communist Party, with less than 5 percent of support for the reunification in Taiwan."
"The Chinese Communist Party has no business in destroying democracy in Taiwan," she said. "Australia must stand up against the Chinese Communist Party and back the more than 22 million people of Taiwan who choose democracy and freedom over the authoritarianism of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)," she added.
Senator Raff Ciccone of Victoria, who is also deputy government whip in the Senate, said that Australia's economic, trade and cultural interests with Taiwan "cannot be understated."
Pledging to continue energy cooperation and support Taiwan's transition to renewable energies, Ciccone told the house that Australia was currently Taiwan's largest energy supplier, contributing "around two-thirds of Taiwan's coal and almost half of its natural gas."
Senator Pauline Hanson of Queensland voiced her view that Australia and the rest of the world "should recognize Taiwan for the independent sovereign nation it has effectively been since the 1950s."
"[The CCP] regime's highest priority is to capture Taiwan -- most likely by force -- and turn that beautiful island nation of 24 million free people into another oppressed, polluted, communist hellhole," she added.
Rebuking former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating, who recently said that the whole world agreed with Beijing's position on Taiwan, Chandler described his claim as "false."
"I think there are questions to be asked about why Australians should pay to support private office for a former official who consistently pushes a false narrative about Australia's policy, especially when that false narrative aligns with that being pushed by foreign regimes such as the CCP," Chandler said.
Finally, Senator Linda Reynolds of Western Australia said Beijing had been "gaslighting" Taiwan and warned that China had formed an "axis of dictatorship and authoritarianism" with Russia, Iran and North Korea.
On Thursday, Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) welcomed the Australian senators' pro-Taiwan motion, describing it as "just."
"MOFA strongly affirms the Australian parliament's firm support for Taiwan's international participation and thanks Australia and IPAC for speaking out for Taiwan," the ministry told CNA.
"We also call on the international community to jointly counter China's misinterpretation of U.N. General Assembly Resolution 2758 and China's attempts to make false connections between the resolution and the so-called 'One China' principle."
"We will continue to cooperate with partners like Australia and other countries to jointly defend the core values shared by the global democratic camp and maintain regional peace, stability and prosperity," the ministry added.
The PRC claims Taiwan as a part of its territory and has ramped up threats to use military force to annex the country in recent years. Since assuming China's seat in the U.N. following Resolution 2758 in 1971, the government in Beijing has continually pressured other countries to exclude Taiwan from international organizations.
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bengiyo · 11 months
Kiseki: Dear to Me Ep 13 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last week, Fan Zhe Rui met the Bai family again, and it seems we still have some drama to resolve with the Fan family. Chen Yi and Ai Di got it in, the Plus & Minus boys had a cute cameo, the girl who works with Bai Zong Yi is clearly a spy, and then Chen Yi got shot??
So they faked a hit on Chen Yi to scare Ai Di into coming back, and now they're trying to soothe things over with PPL??
Mafia dads are giving Supernova (2022).
I hope we see more of Louis Chiang. I enjoy the way he has physically embodied Ai Di.
They could have let Ai Di and Chen Yi fool around more before going back to the plot.
Shit just be happening so fast in this show. Right as we learn about ole girl she runs up and stabs Zhe Rui.
This show reminding me that they brought Wayne on this show just to kill off his character that Chun Chih's character was also pining for is a bad choice.
Ai Di is wearing a BLESS THIS MESS shirt. HOW DARE THEY???
I'm with Bai Zong Yi. What is the point of all they've suffered if Zhe Rui is going to let himself be stabbed to death?
Though I love the aesthetics of this car make out, aren't they supposed to be on guard for potential assaults now that Chen Yi is the Boss?
I like how we get a quick check in with the Bai family and then it's like, anyway back to the Mafia bros sex sesh we interrupted.
LOL he got an Ai Di pillow as well!
Oh, I guess it's over?
In the kitchen! Unsanitary.
Final Verdict: 5, Bless This Mess. It was interesting to have a show where the primary angst was external for most of the run, but this show was genuinely a mess. Normally I'd give a show like this a 7 because it was so amusing for Taiwanese BL fans and because the chemistry was so consistent across the entire cast, but they brought Wayne and Chun Chih on this show just to kill Wayne. I'm as mad as hell about it, and I'm not going to take this anymore. The Mafia stuff is just not really well done in this and I kinda wish it wasn't part of the drama at all. It rears up whenever they want a spike in the drama, but it feels constantly misplaced. In the past the enthusiasm from the cast would have carried me a lot further with a show than this one did, but we've had a lot of great pair work this year, so the hot mess of a plot around this show stands out a lot more. I enjoyed the cast a lot, but I won't rewatch this ever.
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hisnowbie2 · 6 months
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¤ Beomgyu is sleeping in his class, YN is attentive in her class. Nobody gets it on how they are related, not because on how they are the same class, sitting on the same seat, but because how on earth did they manage to get together?
Read again, because something is not right.
P.S: Also, please add the fact that wordings start to appear randomly on the table ¤
I Miss You masterlist
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TW: Character de ath
Thank you for reading it until the end and until then, please look forward to the rest of the SMAU and oneshots that I have done! It has been a blast writing this story and hopefully the rest of my work will result the same!! It is devastating to see de ath in my story, but it is going according to a Taiwanese movie named 《Secret》 or 《不能说的秘密》. The story plot isn't exactly the same but the method of yn and beomgyu communicating is the same. It is sad to say goodbye especially when my story ends with a sad ending (even though the movie kind of ends off in a good ending) but hopefully i can find story inspiration for Beomgyu to get an happy ending next time! As for yn, you actually have to find clues to match together. If you have found it, great to you, but try not to spoil it eh. Hint: It's hidden within the I Miss You masterlist chapters. Now that this has been done, it is time to say goodbye to this SMAU🥹 and so, see you in the next SMAU, TXT Taehyun's SMAU!!!!!
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ENDING (0.8k)
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Yoorin comes into the living room, seeing Beomgyu is in school attire, it makes her remember the past, and she awkwardly smiles at him.
Joo Yoorin, a friend of yn, is now 29 years old with a family of one kid. Beomgyu gulps as Yoorin sat down onto the sofa and opens up the gallery book. As she flip the pages, she sighs, and starts talking.
"2014. YN was the same age as you. She played the piano very well, not as well as prodigy players, but in my mind she was. She was just too introvert, wouldn't dare to attend any musical clubs. She was even a smart student too. But she liked to daydream. I wouldn't know that's the case, until I kept on hearing her mentioning a guy's name. She liked the guy, but I always thought that maybe she was getting enough of being single, and so lied to me about knowing a guy. Everything started when she said she found a musical sheet that made her travel time. Even until now I thought she was just kidding. And I also thought that there is no secrets in between us. Until one day, her parents told me that she died in school, with her table written something. It was after our exams were finished."
She points at a photo. "And this was our last picture together." And she closes the gallery book. "Why did you asked? Have you heard of her?"
Tears are at the edge of his eyes, trying not to cry in front of Yoorin. Hands fidgetting. He wasn't sure what to do with all this information.
Yoorin sighs and stands up collecting the gallery book, but suddenly something crosses her mind. She told her to wait for her as she gather something, and he didn't hear a single thing from her. As she went to go fetch the item, only for her to come back and see that he is gone from his seat.
"Choi Beomgyu?"
Out there cycling towards the school, his mind reminise every single moment he shared with yn, especially the one moment when yn teaches him how to play the piano. She specifically told him not to play a specific musical sheets in the piano room. She got him asking why, only to get an answer because it didn't sound good at all.
Reaching the school, he throws his bike off his way and went up towards the piano room. Seeing that the construction site starts to put on caution tapes all around the walls, he tried so hard to get in and towards the piano room. He tries, he tries to remember how to play, but immediately slams the piano keys, blaming himself for not remembering how to play the specific muscial sheets.
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Yoorin sats down onto the sofa, flipping through yn's old stuff when she came across a letter. The top part was folded but Yoorin focus on the words below as she reads out loud to her ownself.
"I don't care whether if we are able to meet, I don't care whether if you will forget about me, I just want to tell you a secret. I love you. From YFN"
Yoorin hums to familiar handwriting before unfolding the top part of the letter.
"To Choi... Beom... Gyu..."
Yoorin widen her eyes, unbelieving what she had just read. Everything about yn and her past in school makes sense now, now that she remembered everything. Without any alert, she ran out, mind thinking, hoping that Beomgyu receives this letter and not to stupid things, now that she remembered that the school is going to be demolished soon.
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With every moment in his classroom, Beomgyu stares to reminisce the moments that he had with yn, and it feels almost impossible that he is hallucinating. He could feel her touch, her voice echoes into his mind, her smiles brighten his world. He lays down onto the table and tries to figure out everything in his brain.
The construction site started its work.
It was then a stroke of white liquid paper ink comes out of nowhere. One stroke after another, Beomgyu immediately gets up and watches as the liquid paper ink moves on its own.
"I am yn"
Immediately, Beomgyu takes out his mechanical pen and writes down a question that he most wanted to know.
"Where are you"
Shivering, he bites the tip of his pen and waits for a reply from you, only to receive non-relatable answer.
"I love you"
The ink continues below, and Beomgyu can't help but fidget.
"Do you love me?"
Receiving the question, he tries to write down his response, but the ink in his pen dries, and he hurriedly throws away the pen and uses his liquid paper, poking hurriedly onto the table, trying to get the ink to flow quickly towards the tip. With much poking to then he realised that he made out a heart shape, then he stopped.
The wrecking ball swings towards Beomgyu's classroom, and finally he lets down a tear.
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TWICE’s Tzuyu on cold feet before solo debut: “I wondered whether I could really pull this off”
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There’s been a lot weighing on Chou Tzuyu’s mind. While the TWICE singer, who’s also the youngest member, is a seasoned pro with her bandmates, the thought of stepping out of her comfort zone has her a tad more flustered than usual. “When it was first decided [that I would go solo], I started to feel the nerves, wondering if I could do a good job, you know,” Tzuyu tells NME over a video call in late-August, just weeks before the release of her first mini-album, ‘abouTZU’. Immediately, pressure settled in, and before the process was through, she had lost more than a little sleep.
That’s how, in discussing the mini-album, this chat turns to the subject of dreams. “Like the dreams in my sleep?” she asks an off-screen interpreter. Neat strands of auburn hair fall to either side of Tzuyu’s face while a finger props her chin up in contemplation. “There was actually one dream I had recently that really stuck with me,” she replies, eyebrows furrowing slightly. “It’s… a little scary.” Honestly, it was closer to a nightmare: “I was standing high up somewhere when this woman fell to the ground,” she says, right hand slipping out of frame like an object in freefall. “There was so much blood. It was really scary!”
In more ways than one, then, fear is an emotion she got to know intimately in recent months. “There were a lot of moments where I wondered whether I could really pull this off,” Tzuyu says, circling back to the beginnings of ‘abouTZU’. It wasn’t just a question of music. An album cycle in the K-pop industry will run newcomers and veterans alike off their feet – even the biggest of personalities find all the broadcast shows and interviews intimidating. “It’s always taken me a while to warm up to people,” she adds. “I’m still pretty reserved. I was pretty reserved when I first debuted, too.”
Since preparations for ‘abouTZU’ began earlier this year, Tzuyu had some time to think about how she was going to get her ideas across. “Expressing my thoughts… It hasn’t been very easy,” she says. In addition to the Taiwanese singer’s introverted leanings, living in Korea for over a decade has meant contending with a constant language barrier. This difficulty has lessened along with time and concerted effort: “Preparing my solo album was a great opportunity to work on that a little more. I can tell that I definitely feel more comfortable now than I did before starting the process.”
If there’s a new fire in her gaze, that’s calculated – “I took care to focus on my facial expressions, especially playing up the intensity in my eyes,” she says – as is everything else that sets her apart from the past. A teaser for the album fixes on her face and lithe frame, loosed arrows flipping her hair back like a modern Artemis. “This time around, I wanted to show a different kind of charm, really taking a step to show the side of me that is cool and confident, mature, and sexy,” she says, winkingly.
That confidence led her to take an interest in the music’s creative process, as well. The creation of ‘abouTZU’ wasn’t her first brush with songwriting – TWICE’s heartfelt ballad ‘21:29’, written as a team after the completion of a 2019 concert in the Philippines, holds that honour – but it was the first time Tzuyu took the process on solo. “For previous tracks, I was really engaging with the other members to write the song together,” she explains. “This time, it was pretty tough to go through that process of writing alone.”
“I can’t say things flowed easily from start to finish,” Tzuyu adds. “I got stuck plenty of times.” It helped for the native Mandarin speaker to imagine the song as a diary entry, private thoughts that only had to make sense to her. Once she heard the backing track, a picture started to play in her mind; eventually, she would jot down corresponding phrases in Korean and English. “It was a real challenge, putting the stories I wanted to tell, the feelings I wanted to convey into words,” she says. “It didn’t come as naturally as I’d hoped, but I took my time to work through each line, looking up any words I found more difficult.”
Full article click here in order to read it
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