#star trek tng season 4
cressida-jayoungr · 1 year
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One Dress a Day Challenge
May: Purple Redux
Star Trek: The Next Generation (s4e1, "The Best of Both Worlds part 2") / Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan
The general design of this costume resembles some of Guinan's other outfits--compare with the yellow one from s2e26, for example--in that it features a knee-length dress or tunic over leggings, plus a polygonal headdress. But it also has some unusual features, notably the asymmetrical double standing collar and the "toga" effect created by the use of contrasting fabric over one shoulder.
The colors perhaps clash a bit in these photos, but I've lightened them considerably to show the details of the outfit. In the dim lighting of the actual scene, the colors blend better.
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hadeswearsprada · 1 year
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Moments in Star Trek I find very funny for some reason
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lyncaa · 4 months
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Saw this new drawing meme circling twitter and felt compelled by my demons
It’s just so lore and data idk
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The said original ^^^
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filmjunky-99 · 10 months
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry [future imperfect, s4ep8] 'What's important right now, today, is that you have a son who needs you. Spend time with him. You may find part of what you've lost.' - troi
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stardatez3ro · 3 months
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TEEHEEHEE i made a personell file for my little guy :33 the lcars template was made by @snowysoong !!!!!!!
(click on the img for better quality // reblogs appreciated!!)
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landfilloftrash · 2 years
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I liked when he just leaned sideways from behind the wall; that entity was fuckin eaaaavesdroppingggggg
original post by @vorta-vortex ! 
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alienantichrist · 4 months
Data learning how to dance is an accurate representation of how I looked and acted when trying to learn how to dance (well except for how quickly he picks everything up and how good he gets lol)
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stellarred · 3 months
"But, you must have so many enemies. Surely you realized that once you became mortal, some of them might look you up."--Captain Jean-Luc Picard
"It had occurred to me."--Q
(Deja Q, TNG)
Did it ever occur to Q that perhaps, an enemy of his...
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might one day decide to look up the one he loves?
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ugly-buny · 6 months
my bestie K'Ehleyr is back. killing it everytime she's on screen with her outfits or with her really rational takes
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comradecowplant · 3 months
Geordie i love you and am not judging you holistically for the 2 episodes where the showrunners decided you should be a little creep about leah brahms but you have GOT to stop being a little creep!!!
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
Worst Episodes of Star Trek by season (Revised and Expanded).
"The Alternative Factor" - I've tried to watch this episode many times, but I don't think I've ever managed to sit all of the way through it. It's just a bunch of boring, nonsensical bullshit for an hour.
"The Omega Glory" - This is the reason why I object to framing Gene Roddenberry as some kind of visionary auteur, because this one, beyond simply having a ridiculous premise, is also really racist.
"Turnabout Intruder" - Turns out body-swaps aren't always good. Like the above, but sexist rather than racist.
"The Lorelei Signal" - An episode where Uhura finally takes command should be good, but again, more sexism (and a pointless rapid aging plot)
"Justice" - The first season is mostly just kind of generically weak, but...ugh, those costumes.
"Shades of Gray" - Clipshow.
"The Price" - None of this season's episodes are actually bad, but I really don't like Troi's boytoy
"The Host" - Odan isn't interesting, and the bit where Beverly has sex with Riker's body is just gross.
"Violations" - Lots of bad episodes about rape on this list.
"Man of the People" - See number 5.
"Sub Rosa" - See number 6. Also, ludicrous premise.
"The Passenger" - Did Siddig-el-Fadil just kind of forget how to act this week?
"The Alternate" - Probably the worst instance of Trek demanding reconciliation with shitty, abusive parents.
"Meridian" - Brigadoon in Space. Also featuring yet another chemistry-devoid romance for a female crew member.
"Sons of Mogh" - So the 'solution' is just to surgically alter him and delete his memory without his consent? And Julian went along with this?
"Let He Who Is Without Sin..." - Jadzia seems like a complete doormat for not dumping Worf's ass after this one.
"Profit and Lace" - I can't even be offended by the transphobia or the misogyny because of how stupid this one is. I love it.
"The Emperor's New Cloak" - The mirror universe had already been kinda run into the ground by this point.
"Time and Again" - So boring. So pointless.
"Tattoo" - White Man's Burden. In Space!
"Favourite Son" - I don't even want to get into it, it's just bad.
"Demon" - This one could have been good if it actually paid attention to its own plot points. And the silly "needing to go to a hell planet to get deuterium" thing.
"The Disease" - Alas, Harry Kim's love life
"Fury" - Character assassination wrapped in the series' worst time travel plot.
"Endgame" - What a lousy way to end the series. No payoffs; no follow up; and the time travel thing wipes out trillions of people's lives for no compellingly good reason, and it's never discussed. The Borg are also presented as completely unthreatening villains, but this had been the way for several seasons. And it's even worse when you compare the deleted version of the early 25th century with the canonical version we see on "Picard."
"Dear Doctor" - The 'moral' obligation to commit genocide. Fuck off.
"Cogenitor" - The 'moral' obligation to give a sex slave back to their masters. Fuck off.
"Rajiin" - Some pointless T&A; a little bad acting; and it becomes clear that there is no plan to the Xindi arc.
"These Are the Voyages..." - What a terrible insult to the series that it's supposedly the finale of.
"Vaulting Ambition" - There's thos one scene where Emperor Georgiou murders all of her aristocratic in slo-mo cinematic detail and it just never comes up again. I hate this sort of pornographic, cavalier treatment of violence. It offends me to see human life treated in this manner.
"Point of Light" - Brings back Ash Tyler and Emperor Georgiou for an utterly un-thought-out 'intrigue' plot.
"Die Trying" - The idea that Starfleet has been using the same seed vault for a thousand years, that this seed vault is in Space, where it's vastly more vulnerable than it would be on (or inside) a planet, and that it contains seeds from *every plant in the galaxy* is so ridiculous that it undermines everything else in the episode for me.
"The Galactic Barrier" - Where it becomes most apparent that they're trying to fit ten episodes of plot into thirteen episodes.
"Broken Pieces" - This one gets points off for completely wasting the XB plot, but it's still good because I like the bits with Rios's holograms and the character work for Jurati.
"Monsters" - There's a lot wrong with the second season, but two things that worked were Q and the Jurati/Borg Queen arc. Both of them were largely absent from this episode, and the stuff with Picard's expansion pack Victorian childhood trauma is just dreadful.
"The Last Generation" - Themes? Weight? Meaning? Non-violent solutions? Continuity? Nah. Let's just bash TNG action figures together for an hour. Also featuring the hit single 'Found Family Ain't Shit, You Need a Biological Son'
"Temporal Edict" - This one has a generic workplace sitcom plot that doesn't really work in the Star Trek universe and also makes Freeman look like a complete idiot right out the gate.
"Mugato Gumato" - I don't think that Shaxs tasting Mugato dung was as funny as the episode seemed to think it was, and I really didn't like seeing Mariner beat the shit out of Boimler and Rutherford in the before-credits scene.
"Room for Growth" - Not bad, just kind of...meh.
"Twovix" - Again, not bad, just weakest of the season.
"All Those Who Wander" - Ruining the Gorn and wasting Hemmer, all in one episode.
"The Broken Circle" - We really, badly needed to have this ten minute sequence of our medical personnel getting fucked-up on Green Goblin juice and beating up a hundred Klingons, eh?
"Kobayashi" - Again, this one isn't actually bad, but it's just nostalgia for the sake of nostalgia; and I think that Dal's character growth should be earned through interaction with his friends, rather than with stock audio of Leonard Nimoy.
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thegreaterlink · 1 year
Reviewing Star Trek TNG - S4E8 "Future Imperfect"
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My last review was posted like... nine months ago.
Time flies when you're lazy.
Commander Riker’s birthday celebrations are interrupted by reports of strange sensor readings from Alpha Onias 3. He beams down with Geordi and Worf to investigate but they’re quickly knocked out by toxic gases. Upon awakening in sickbay, Riker discovers that sixteen years have passed (though he can't remember any of it) and he is now the captain of the Enterprise.
Sixteen years in the future. Assuming that Riker is roughly the same age as Jonathan Frakes, that would put him in his mid-fifties. And if we compare this "middle-aged" Riker to Jonathan Frakes circa mid-2000s...
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Not bad. Still, anything beats that weird adult Wesley from Hide and Q.
Then again, if we use Riker's birthday slab as an indicator, then he just turned...
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I guess he was born on a leap year.
Anyway, here we are in the future, where Dr Crusher chalks up Riker's sudden amnesia to a side effect of a dormant infection which he picked up on that away mission all those years ago. An infection which Klingons just so happen to be immune to... and I guess Geordi is just built different.
Dr Crusher recommends associational therapy, with the idea being that surrounding Riker with familiar people and things will help to jog his memory, starting with a trip to the bridge. Because a man fresh out of a coma with a massive gap in his memory is clearly fit to resume command of a starship. Good call.
Riker arrives on the bridge and finds it looking… exactly the same, since new sets ain’t cheap, but there are at least changes among the crew. My boi Data is now First officer, Geordi now has ocular implants so LeVar Burton gets to act without a hunk of plastic on his face, and more species like Klingons and Ferengi are among the crew.
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But what concerns Riker is the most is Admiral Picard and Troi arriving on a Romulan Warbird.
That last one is explained by ongoing peace treaty negotiations with the Romulans, which Riker has apparently been leading ever since he rescued the crew of a damaged Warbird which wound up in Federation space. Evidently random acts of kindness go a long way towards stopping wars in this universe. The Enterprise is currently escorting the Romulan ambassador to Outpost 23 to wrap things up and get the treaty signed.
Yep. Here we are in the future, and it's bright. Nothing to fear, no one to fight... I can't believe we've come so far.
Then Tomalak beams aboard.
Future Picard and Troi try to reassure Riker – yeah, he did threaten to take the Enterprise's hull as a trophy last season, but that was one time – but he's still concerned, both by the massive gap in his memory and that he might have to reveal sensitive Starfleet intel to someone he probably can't trust.
With the briefing over and Riker’s memories still thoroughly gone, Troi takes him back to his quarters, where a mysterious child is playing his trombone.
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"Hi, Dad!"
Ah. He has his father's... hair?
This is Riker's son, Jean-Luc (Chris Demetral). I remember being surprised that Troi wasn't the mother... but their romance is barely more than subtext at this point, so it's not that shocking. Jean-Luc's mother was actually a woman only known as Min, who Troi explains died two years prior. Even though they have zero evidence of her existing – aside from the child she supposedly birthed, I mean – and Riker can't find any trace of her in the ship's records. They don't even have any photos of her. I guess they had to make room for their... modern art?
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I think I saw the Threads logo in there.
Christ, the last time I posted a review Threads didn't even exist it's been so fucking long
The computer's been acting up for a while now, come to think of it. I'm sure Geordi will be done with that diagnostic soon.
Still, I can at least appreciate the script's efforts to make us care about this kid. Riker adjusts pretty well to being a father, though that probably has more to do with Jonathan Frakes' natural daddy– I mean dad energy.
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"I guess there's only one thing we can do. We've got to build some new memories!"
But Riker is still bothered that he can't find any trace of his late wife, though Jean-Luc says he's just not being precise enough, and pulls up some old home movies. It's here that we discover that "Min" is actually Minuet (again played by Carolyn McCormick for a single shot – that's dedication for you), that hologram lady he tried to bone way back in his babyface era.
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Suddenly everything starts falling into place. And speaking of hologram romantics (or holosexuals, as I like to call them), Geordi calls Riker back up to the bridge.
It's here that the attempts to keep Riker gaslit, gatekept and girlbossed completely fall apart, as he calls out all sorts of holes in the facade, like Geordi taking more than a day to run a simple diagnostic, nobody being able to properly recall past events and even Data using a contraction.
Ha! I knew Lore was going to come back eventually! AND THEY CALLED ME A MADMAN!
...No? It's not Lore? Aight. Maybe next season.
"Would anyone else like to speak up? Or shall we end this charade?"
With the wool thoroughly pulled back from Riker's eyes, Tomalak reveals that the whole thing has actually been a hologram simulation designed to trick him into revealing Federation intel like, say, the location of Outpost 23.
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You win this time, Lore.
Turns out that after the away team was hit with the gas, the Romulans intercepted Riker while he was being beamed up. They used their neural scanners to create a perfect replica of the Enterprise and its crew. Add a bit of ageing makeup and some bullshit about amnesia and badda bing badda bang, you’ve got yourself a pretty convincing future AU.
As for Tomalak’s OC, Jean-Luc, he was actually some random kid named Ethan who they had taken prisoner after raiding a research outpost on the edge of the Neutral Zone.
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They throw Riker in a cell with him for a lil bit — just long enough for Ethan to tell him about a secret hiding spot elsewhere on the ship — so when the Romulans come back with the intention of taking the intel by force, Riker seizes the opportunity. One distraction and a few punches in the face later, and they’re on the run.
Ethan leads Riker through a convenient crawl space to a convenient forgotten room where some convenient blueprints conveniently tell them the location of the ship’s communication centre where they could send a message to the Enterprise. But there's a catch.
Ethan: The transmitter's on a voice-activated security system only.
Riker: Do you know whose voice activates it?
Ethan: Only Ambassador Tomalak.
...The fuck you say?
Yeah, the plot be thickening. Turns out the original simulation was just crammed inside of another one. So the Romulan ship fades away... as do the Romulans... and Tomalak... until Riker is left standing back in the cave on Alpha Onias 3... with only the boy remaining.
Credit where it's due, decent plot twist.
The boy, whose real name is Barash, reveals that his mother left him in the cave — which essentially functions as Holodeck+ by manifesting anything he wants — to keep him safe. But with his mother long dead and the Enterprise being the planet's first visitors in ages, he baited the away team down to the surface and intercepted Riker mid-transport while Geordi and Worf were safely beamed back up.
But with the game up, Barash drops the facade, allowing the Enterprise to finally get a proper lock on him. Fortunately Riker realises that the kid meant nothing by it and even offers him asylum on the Enterprise, prompting Barash to finally reveal his true form.
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Ah... I think you've got the wrong set, my dude. This is Star Trek. Doctor Who is on Stage 4B.
Riker: To me, you'll always be Jean-Luc.
And so Riker has himself and the kid beamed up. Da end.
We're going to see a lot of these "waking up in a different reality" plots going forward, and while I'm usually not really a fan — you're mostly just waiting for the character in question to realise something ain't right and expose whatever tomfuckery is causing it — this one ain't half bad, since it was a bit more subtle about it and had some third act twists to spice things up. So yeah.
7/10 - The first of many.
We are so fucking back.
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wheelybard · 2 years
Put in the tags what do you think is the most consistently good seasons of a tv show.
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aquamonstra · 1 year
Help I'm on the series finale of TNG and I want to watch it but also I don't want to watch it bc that means it's over 🥺🥺🥺
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filmjunky-99 · 10 months
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry [identity crisis, s4ep18] 'Geordi, my voice is familiar. Listen to it. You can feel that we share this. You know I'm not a threat. The others, Mendez, Brevelle, they don't exist as humans anymore, but a part of you still does. You're not one of them yet, Geordi. I can help you if you'll just trust me. I know what's going on inside of you, the war you're fighting with yourself. Your humanity slipping away. The instinct to run, it's overpowering, but they know how to beat it now, Geordi. Look at me! I've come back, Geordi. Let me take you back, too. Just take my hand.' - leijten
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cryptid-crawly · 1 year
also I’m on season 7 of TNG I just forgot to post anything the entire time I’ve been watching sncjcjjfslspcospap whoops
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