#cryptid star treks
cryptid-crawly · 1 year
Sulu: I found a gun lying on the ground and it’s mine now
Kirk: we are on an uninhabited planet?????
Sulu: bang bang
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not-equippedforthis · 8 months
i am aware this would most likely never ever happen but can you imagine spock giving kirk a back/neck rub - as he so clearly expects - and accidentally vulcan pinching him. slumps. ah. i did not intend to do that. bridge goes silent. cap's down. someone douse him with water or something
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ham103me · 5 months
Ok hear me out. We’ve all seen the comic with Spock on the porch in Iowa, he comments on the fact the corn is closer to the house than it was that morning, Jim just smiles and tells Spock to come in, we all know that one, yeah?
Now picture Jim convincing Spock to go on shore leave with him:
Jim: “You’ll get to study an unknown-to-science being!”
Spock: “On Earth? Jim, what creature is left on Earth that has not been thoroughly studied?”
Jim: “You’ll see! Just don’t whistle at night and don’t open the door after dark.”
(Jim clicks CONFIRM on a cabin in the woods in Appalachia)
One Terran month after their shore leave ends, a team from the VSA secures funding for the Appalachian, Earth Research Project. Classified.
I need a list of Appalachian cryptids to fanfic this out!
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Propaganda under the cut
Quark/Grillka - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
No submitted propaganda
Yeto/Yeta - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Yeto is a large yeti who likes fishing, forgetting his inside voice, and making soup. What does he love? HIS WIFE! Yeta is a sickly yeti who finds herself worshipping a cursed mirror shard. What does she love? HER HUSBAND! These two are the entire narrative behind the ice manor, as Link tries to get into the bedroom but ends up just finding a bunch of soup ingredients (it’s good soup though). Yeta ends up transforming into the boss, but once she’s beaten, Yeto tosses Link aside to check on her. He says she doesn’t need the mirror shard to see how pretty she is, as she can see herself in the reflection of his eyes. Once a boss is beaten, they’ll drop a heart container for Link. Yeta doesn’t do that, and instead she and Yeto spawn one themselves (as well as dozens of smaller recovery hearts) by embracing each other. Couple goals for real.
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Valentine's day cards made by yours truly!💕
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but-can-you-fuck-it · 3 months
Submissions are OPEN!
What characters pass the Harkness Test? Is it okay to fuck Mewtwo? What about Mothman? Can Twilight Sparkle consent?
Send in your favorite fictional non-human crushes and we will crowd-source the answers together!
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skeletonpandas · 6 months
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One of these is terrible and dark, just a TW
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rat-tomago · 2 years
so im moving soon and so ive been moving my stuff around to get it out of the way, including my cardboard cutouts, which led to this accidental creation
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cryptid-crawly · 1 year
I was today years old when I found out that Number One from the Star Trek OG pilot aka Nurse Chapel aka Gene Roddenberry’s wife aka the ship computer’s voice
…is also the same actress that played Lwaxana.
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spoofymcgee · 2 years
classes and a cat (a qcard ficlet for trektober day 3: cottagecore)
( a/n: well. the cat is mentioned, at least.  a fic exploring the differences between captaining starfleet cadets and teaching them. there’s always something else left to learn, and when q’s involved you might even get to do it with fireworks.)
The class is not going well. Picard has been teaching for five years now, and every new wave of cadets shows up bright-eyed and full of an enthusiasm for learning that always dissolves into apathy and disappointment right before his eyes.
He surveys the sea of glazed eyes and holds back a sigh. They will acclimate, given enough time, and it’s not as though the drier details of the early branches of Starfleet’s involvement in the Earth-Romulan war are of any particular interest to him either. Considering the relatively small percentage of Earth Human students in this class–fifteen percent–it’s likely that the students are even less interested by the material than he is. Given enough time, he knows, the situation will improve. He inhales deeply, intending to get back to his lecture, and then promptly spends all of his air on a rather undignified squawk as a familiar and dearly annoying face appears out of thin air, quite close to his own. Luckily, the students appear to be similarly distracted by the spontaneous arrival of an entire floating person midair in the lecture hall. “Hello, dearest,” Q says, grinning. “You look lovely today.” “Good lord, Q!” Picard exclaims, a hand pressed above his heart, which he can feel beating in his throat. “I told you, you can’t just scare me like that!” “Mm, have you?” he asks, turning lazily in the air and peering at Picard upside-down. “I don’t seem to recall.” “Of course you don’t,” Picard grumbles, standing. “Students, this is my partner, Q. Apologies for the interruption, they’re here to…” he trails off, raising a pointed brow at Q. They consider the question for a moment and then shrugs, flipping up to sit cross-legged midair just above Picard’s shoulder. “Not for anything in particular that I can recall, but I’ve been known to forget thoughts every now and then when I have to wrap myself around Jupiter’s rings. It’s the meteoroids, I think.” Picard sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Well, if you don’t need anything in particular–yes, Mme Tala?” “Are they the same Q from your mission reports from your time served captaining the Enterprise?” she asks, dropping her hand to tug nervously at the end of her braid. “We read a few of them in Applications of General Order 1 yesterday.” Picard smiles, ever-so-slightly. “Indeed. It has been many years since our first encounter, though, and Q and I have resolved several of the differences described in those accounts.” “Yeah, I’ve discovered I have a rather significant affection for humanity after all, if you catch my meaning,” Q tells her, bouncing his eyebrows meaningfully. There’s a smattering of choked back giggles from around the classroom and they bask in it, flipping back upside-down. “Q!” Picard protests, scandalized. “If all you’re here for is to embarrass the both of us in front of my students, I’d much rather you leave!” Q pouts, dropping to face him in a standing position, several inches above the floor. “Aw, darling, don’t be like that. You know how much I love to watch you in your element. I’ll reel in the licentiousness, I promise.” “You’ll distract the students,” Picard points out. “Between your airborne antics and unrestrained commentary, I’d hardly blame them!” “You find me distracting, dearest?” Q asks, batting his eyelashes. Picard narrows his eyes and they bite their lip sulkily, crossing their arms. “Um, professor?” one of the students interrupts. “I don’t think we’d mind that much, actually, or at least I wouldn’t.” They look around and receive a wave of assent throughout the classroom before turning back to Picard. “It might add something to the learning experience, to get a fresh perspective, especially one from an ancient, omniscient being.”
Picard frowns, surveying the students, who seem to have perked up quite a bit in Q’s presence. “Mm. Well, I suppose, assuming Q doesn’t mind…” “You know, actually, I think I napped through most of that,” Q says shiftily, floating toward the ceiling, prepared to bolt now that they’re being threatened with work. “That is a lie, and we both know it,” Picard shoots back. The class snickers. “Last week at brunch you regaled Beverly with several stories of questionable appropriateness from the week you spent in Captain Jonathan Archer’s company in 2153.” Q’s face twists up grumpily, coming back down now that their excuse has been thwarted. “Oh, Beverly. Fine, well, what do you want to know, children?” Every single hand in the classroom shoots up. Picard feels vaguely jealous for a moment, but the amusement Q’s horrified expression brings him drowns out any other emotion.
Two days later, they pop out of thin air as Picard is hunched over his desk drawer, hunting for the lesson prop he’s sure he left there yesterday. ‘Pops’ in a literal sense as well as a metaphorical one: there are tiny, sparking fireworks that crackle out across the classroom in a wave to announce Q’s arrival. Then, Picard’s back crepitates in protest as he startles, straightening far too quickly for his age. “Q!” he exclaims. “Must you scare the daylights out of me every time you visit me at work?” “And if I must?” he asks loftily, lounging in the airspace of Picard’s desk. Then he grins, producing a detailed weapon recreation from his pocket. “You left this at home, mon capitaine.” Picard sighs, aggravated at his faulty memory. “Thank you, Q. And, you know, that really isn’t the correct phrase anymore.” Q leans down to whisper in his ear. “That wasn’t what you said last night. In fact, I seem to recall there being a great deal more of–” Picard claps a hand over their mouth, pushing their face away. “That’s quite enough of that, thank you,” he says, feeling his ears burn scarlet. There’s a smattering of badly repressed laughter throughout the classroom. “I don’t suppose you’re staying for class today? We’re covering the start of the Federation-Klingon war, and I believe you told me–” “Nope!” Q interrupts hastily, producing a paper bag from the intricate folds of their robe. “Just came to bring you that and lunch, and I really must go now, there are tomatoes to be harvested and a cat to be pet. You know how it is,” he tells the students, who mostly giggle and nod. “See you later, sweetums, I’ll make sure to give Bella your love.” With that, he disappears, leaving behind another wave of tiny fireworks to fizzle out slowly over the classroom In the sparking wake, one of the students raises xer hand. “You have a cat, professor?” “Unfortunately,” Picard sighs. “Chickens, too, though you wouldn’t think they would get along, would you? On that note, this,” he clicks the holographic display to the next 3d diagram, “Was a farming planet called Phrythia…” Two weeks pass, with Q putting in sporadic appearances of varying lengths in all of Picard’s classes. As a professor of history, he teaches nearly all the first year cadets, with only more specialized classes of students who have a genuine interest in the subject beyond that. 
The change in their behavior towards him is drastic in the younger students, but it’s the older ones that shock him the most. As far as he’d been aware until this point, most of the cadets in the advanced classes more than tolerated him at the least and quite enjoyed their classes at the most. Yet in the past two weeks nearly every student had been markedly warmer towards him, as well as more attentive even in the classes that Q didn’t attend. He’s curled up on the plush sofa, contemplating the change over a cup of tea when Q arrives home, dropping directly from space into their living room, if the lingering scent of acrid smoke and dust is anything to go off of. “Ugh, I can’t believe Q,” he says, kicking out of his knee-high boots and starting to shimmy his starry robe off. “They started off the discussions today with bringing up humans again. As though Starfleet didn’t just resolve three major extraterrestrial conflicts in the past month. What’s it gonna take for them to realize that you all use your power for the good, and won’t let each other do anything else?” Picard hums, setting his mug on the side table and digging fingers into Q’s ankles when they drop them in his lap. “Well, we haven’t always done that. They have a decent bit of rather monumental history on their side.” Q sniffs. “Monumental to you,” he says, and then, catching sight of Picard’s expression, “to us. Not to the Continuum, I assure you. No, she’s just being an asshole for no reason.” He flaps a hand, as though brushing the whole affair away. “Never mind that, darlingest. How was your day?” Picard sighs, dropping his gaze to Q’s calves, which have started to go hazy and smoky beneath his fingers. Infinite space, clouded through with stardust and solar systems–a reflection of Q’s true form, most of which is currently wrapped around the planets nearest Earth. “Have I really been such a terrible teacher all these years?” “Oh, mon capitaine, no,” Q says, pulling his legs away to tuck his toes beneath Picard’s thigh. “It’s simply that my presence has caused them to see the emotional side of you that is your motivation, rather than just the professional face you put on to interact with them. They feel they can relate to you more now, that’s all. Your teaching style is not the problem.” Picard frowns, unconvinced. “Is that not a flaw as well, then?” “Hm. No, I don’t think so,” Q disagrees, sitting up fully. “Emotional displays have never come naturally to you–you’re a very reserved person. There’s nothing wrong with that. It allows your students to focus more on the material and cover more in each class session instead of socializing. That in turn allows them more time to review at the end of the term, which improves their grades. A slightly more friendly relationship wouldn’t impact that disproportionately though, and it might encourage a deeper understanding of the material.” Picard mulls over this, picking up his tea cup and sipping from it. “That makes sense, I suppose. How did you come to such a conclusion?” Q puffs their chest out. “I am a god, Jean-Luc. I have a complete and comprehensive knowledge of human beings. Such rudimentary behavior patterns are easy to understand.” Picard snorts. “You mean you got lucky, mon cœur.”
Q gasps in offense. “How dare you insinuate that I have any dealings with luck? I am hurt, I am offended, I am–” the pillow smacks him square in the nose and knocks him clean off the plush sofa and onto the soft crocheted rug Worf had made for them years ago. Q stares up at him bewilderedly, sprawled on the floor. “I think I may have forgotten to remember to have weight.” That’s the last straw: Picard nearly doubles over with laughter, trying to placate his spouse between snorts.
“You don’t need to laugh so,” Q complains. “It was an honest mistake, you know.”
 “I know, darling. I don’t mind; it means I can do this,” Picard says, wiping the tears from his eyes and standing to scoop Q off the ground and carry him off down the hall. “Oh, I do love it when you carry me,” Q sighs, bringing a hand to his brow like a fainting damsel. “Take me to my boudoir, mon capitaine.”
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spongynova · 10 months
I have thoughts about Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Lesbian thoughts. And political rants. Actually a lot of both.
But, in the end, I'm so happy to think that inside so many Vulcans there is a little anarchist saying "if rules are shit it's only logical to pulverise them".
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kosher-martian · 2 years
Introduction (Revised May 2024)
Hi my name is Kosher Martian, but you can call me Marty! I'm new to Tumblr and I want to meet people with similar interests. Please re-blog this post if you post any of the following:
Star Trek
Star Wars
Basic Cable Science Fiction and Fantasy of any kind
Muppets and other puppetry / practical effects
UFOs and Alien Stuff
Cryptids (Bigfoot, Nessie, etc)
Dinosaurs (art, fossils, movies, tv shows, etc)
Vintage Electronics (everything from Ataris to PalmPilots!)
Jewish Stuff (art, stories, recipes... you name it!)
Reptiles and Tarantulas (or any invertebrate pets)
I look forward to meeting all of you!
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bluemoonperegrine · 1 year
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captain-kermit · 2 years
cryptid bones my beloved <3
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The twinkle in doug's eyes when he solved the puzzle ✨
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headphones-lifeform · 12 days
Tumblr in the Star Trek universe: part 6
part 1 ~ part 2 ~ part 3 ~ part 4 ~ part 5 ~
Was dissapointed by the lack of 23rd-24th century contemporary media shown in Star Trek so I made my own for these characters to get invested in.
the "crimedirective" account is my OC, Tenfold Pollux. My OC content is archived at @uss-sonder. Their post is based on a meme I drew.
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🧝legolasappreciationblog-334 Follow
so weird having mutuals who are actually into contemporary media 🙃 not me listening to you all ramble about interstellar cryptid hunter or whatever while being obsessed with a 500 year old book
👽isch-tlan-forever Follow
YOU DONT UNDERSTAND interstellar cryptid hunter is so good??? its got a lot of diversity for an earth show- the mc is a vulcan (t'lan my beloved) and they actually have episodes for cryptids from a wide variety of planets (tho i am a sucker for the mothman episode)
#aaaaa #rambles #interstellar cryptid hunter #isch #everyone go watch it
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🔥hottakes-submissions Follow
having "cardassians dni" in your desc is actually really racist... just write "cardassia apologists dni" instead
isnt that basically the same thing?
🌌m1lkyw4y Follow
no. no it is not.
🌟showmethestars Follow
I've been on this site for centuries and can tell you that the reading comprehension level has not changed at all.
🍞coolest-loaf-01 Follow
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Not quite! I'm El-Aurian.
#tumblr sure is tumbling today #24th century posts
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🦔bel0vedcreatures Follow
I am so sorry for posting that tribble picture without a trigger warning! Can promise it will never happen again.
🧍someguygenderneutral Follow
why would tribbles be triggering? annoying i can understand, but they are literally harmless?
👀not-gowron Follow
*stares in klingon*
ah. sorry
#tw tribble mention #i guess??
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🦐the-danger-shrimp Follow
petition for the bel0vedcreatures blog to post moopsy
#not tagging them because im scared #what if they actually find this
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🏴‍☠️crimedirective Follow
trasnporter accident shrunk me down what do now
i am bonking my head at the screen to type
they put me back through. am ok now
🍜wet-spaghetti Follow
wasn't this the plot of a bunch of earth movies?
#spaghetti reblogs #honestly cant tell whether this is a shitpost or not #starfleet is actually just like that
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Hope you enjoyed!
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