#dani talks about tv
comradecowplant · 6 days
okay Seven litcherally describes potential dating partners using the word "individuals" rather than referencing gender but because this show is made in the 1990s Doc & Tom are exclusively revolving her dating practice around men 🙄🙄🙄
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Alright everyone STOP sending prompts so that she can work through the ones she has already 🙄
(this is a joke)
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#no writing#I have dropped into a deep depression. very serious stuff. watching the first got seasons make me sad. this tv show couldve been the best.#it couldve changed the world and in certain aspects it did#but no. d&d wanted to work on their star wars show or whatever and the long fucking night was reduced to one episode#i watch people talk about the long night in s1 and then I think oh yeah this plot actually had value. the characters were actually scared#and then i watch dany being assulted and i think how she was betrayed by her lover in a moment of intimacy and i am like#oh yeah thats what a great comment a vicitm of abuse dies because she trusts the man she loves#also her transformation into super hitler is ridiculous. tHe BeLls made her mad? what the actual fuck? the bells? seriously?#so targaryans are seriously just a flip of a coin huh? I am the dumb one huh??? thats what youre showing me. you point at the screen and say#HA Cat youre a fool! you rooted for her! you thought she was good!#you thought plot lines and character development actually means something? HA how foolish Cat how dumb you are!#Jamie Lannister? learning about how to care for others? WRONG back to cercei!!!#you think tyrion is smart? WRONG lets put the kids and women in the crypts full of dead people when the bad guy creates zombies#you think dany is actually going to stick to the values shes gotten through her character arc? CAT DONT YOU GET IT? YOURE DUMB YOURE STUPID#JONS HERITAGE DOESNT MATTER#DONT YOU GET IT CAT? EDDARD STARK DIED FOR NOTHING!#ISNT THAT WHAT YOU WANTED? ISNT THAT CINEMA? THE LONG NIGHT? HM? BATTLE OF WINTERFELL? HM? ISNT THAT WHAT YOU WANTED?#no. d&d. this is not what i wanted. in fact. i hate you for ruining a clever show. perhaps the cleverest show on this planet.#i love house of the dragon. but its simply not the same.#this makes me want to quit consuming media#and then i watch chernobyl and i am like. hm. maybe there is hope for cinema and tv#just maybe there is hope for writing. maybe quality is more important than quantity
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blairswldorfs · 11 months
I can't believe I had forgotten how badly skam españa fumbled amira's season
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visenyaism · 16 days
ASOIAF POV characters ranked by how good of a guest judge they would be on drag race (definitive ranking)
24. Arys oakheart. spectacularly bad in a way that would also be bad TV because he simply would not know what to do. and would be icky about it.
23. Ned stark. canonically gets suspicious of people just because they are gender nonconforming.
22. Aeron greyjoy. people are going to wonder why i put him as Victarion on this list. this is because I think victarion has a better personality for reality TV.
21. Victarion greyjoy. good TV, would win reverse GLAAD award for most homophobic event on television.
20. Areo hotah. too stoic.
19. Quentyn. little nerd in over his head. if Barristan Selmy is telling you that you are not serving hard enough it’s already over.
18. Barristan selmy. a #ally for revealing that egg legalized gay marriage for his kid daeron and being happy about it, but does not have a lot else going for him. would probably say everyone looks nice
17. Bran. seven.
16. Joncon. IS gay, but does not seem like he’s super into all that.
15. Jon. Would probably awaken something in him.
14. Jaime. does not serve cunt, is one.
13. Brienne. Listen she’s trying her best okay.
12. Samwell Tarly. Would DEFINITELY awaken something in him. too busy blushing and telling everyone they look great to be an actual judge.
11. Arya. One thing about her is she WILL be finding people and she WILL be talking to ALL of them which makes her a great TV personality, but i think she would get bored.
10. Davos. Can’t explain this one i just think he would be down.
9. Cat. Serves, afraid to FULLY serve. Ally.
8. Asha. gets off on being mean to pretty boys so you know she is having a great time.
7. Dany. what can i say she’s a star.
6. Tyrion. definitely has the personality for it.
5. Cersei. is a fascist but showing up in full rhaegar eleganza to her husband who she murdered’s funeral. cuntress. You KNOW she would kill it.
4. Arianne. Definitely the first person you would think to ask to guest judge and for good reason.
3. Sansa. 13 year old fashion icon who loves gay people so much. Is so into it the whole time. meticulous notes.
2. Theon. could be the greatest to do it if he could ever get over himself but as it stands simultaneously knocks it out of the park and is a total train wreck. extremely fun to watch.
1. Melisandre. Serves like her life depends on it which she thinks it literally does. Obsessed with appearances and performances. off putting antagonistic cryptic and weird. fantastic TV.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 11 months
NFWMB (Nothing Fucks With My Baby)
Pairing: Reader x Venom
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: you get kidnapped, there's some cannon level violence, nothing to write home about <3
Genre: idk if I should really classify this as angst fr but the ending is fluffy!
Summary: Carnage returns, his mission remains the same; kill Venom. And he plans to use you to do it.
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Based on this ask by @weebnotheree (thank you so much for the request, I know it took a while so I appreciate your patience, I hope you like it <3)
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"Hey y/n!" Your coworker skirts over to your desk with curious excitement.
"Yes?" You glance up from your computer at her.
"Your boyfriend is a reporter isn't he?"
"Correct. Where is this going exactly?"
"Well do you think he'd be able to come cover the charity gala this weekend?" She asks.
"He doesn't really- cover this sort of thing? He'd need to get assigned to it. But I can check with him, he can ask his boss and maybe they'll send someone else down." You concede. It can't hurt, after all, you do need the exposure for the event anyway.
Hours later, after you've both gotten home from work and eaten dinner. You're winding down for the day with Eddie by watching a show together when you propose the question from your coworker.
"Eddie quick question." You say, not lifting your head from his shoulder.
"Yeah?" He's been tracing patterns against your leg for the past ten minutes.
"Do you think you could come cover the charity gala this weekend? My coworker Dani thought it'd be a good idea." You tell him.
"I don't usually write those sorts of pieces." He hums.
"I know I told her, but I also told her I'd ask anyway. It doesn't have to be you, if your boss sends someone else that's fine. We're just aiming to get more eyes on the event." You shrug.
"I'll talk to my boss. He'll probably send someone. Not me though."
"Yeah that's fine, I know these aren't your thing, you don't have to come." You say.
"Say what?" You feel him shift to look at you.
"I drag you to enough work functions. I'll let you skip out on this one." You pat his chest lightly.
"Don't have to tell me twice." Eddie snorts turning back to the TV.
"Technically I already did tell you twice." You chuckle.
"Smartass." He pinches your thigh.
"Always." You sit up just to wink at him.
The following day, you are accosted by Dani pretty much as soon as she walks into the office.
"Did you ask him?"
"Ask who, what Dani?" You ask though you know exactly what she's talking about. "Also have you forgotten that the proper way to start a conversation is with a greeting? What happened to hi? What happened to how are you?"
"Hi, how are you? Did you ask your boyfriend about covering the gala?" She says.
"Hi Dani, I'm doin' alright. How are you?" You ask her.
"Y/n!" She huffs.
"Yes Dani I asked. He said he'd talk to his boss. Knowing Eddie, someone will probably be at the gala. It's handled." You finally cave and give her the answers she came for.
"You're the best!" She tells you.
"I know, thanks." You chuckle. You shrug.
The day of the gala is chaos from the minute preparations start. It's not really anything that surprises you and you've been handling everything that comes your way with ease.
"Y/n!" Your coworker Wendy grabs your attention when you're sorting out something with one of the photographers.
"Yes Wendy?" You aks.
"The uh catering staff is here do you know where they're supposed to-"
"They just got here?! They were supposed to be here an hour ago! Who was on that? They should've been checking for- oh never mind! Their tables are over there on that wall and tell them to hurry Wen the event is literally starting." You sigh pointing her in the right direction. The event is just gaining momentum, doors opened about twenty minutes ago and aside from the catering situation that has just been taken care of, as far as you know, everything is precisely as it should be. At least you hope so since you did come here a couple of hours in advance to make sure things were ready. You aren't technically in charge of this event but you are naturally better at organizing chaos and these events tend to be a bit of a frenzy on the day no matter how prepared you are in advance.
Tonight is your company's annual charity gala. Every year the board votes on a cause to raise money for by hosting a huge party. This year's cause is a charity that supports kids getting involved in the arts. There are a bunch of art projects on display, some of which will be up for auction at the end of the evening, but the goal is to shmooze with the community members effectively enough that they want to support the charity. You spend most of these galas working optics; talking to reporters, setting up pictures, and just generally organizing things throughout the night. As part of the company's public relations department events like these are your specialty. Carefully curating the perception of everything that goes on here tonight with the help of the other members of the department here tonight.
You're pleased to say that a couple of hours in, the event is going off without a hitch. Once it's in full swing, you have your hands full giving statements to different press outlets and sending photographers to snap the board of directors with guests of the event. Just as you're preparing the host for his introductory speech, you notice a small crowd gathering by one of the large glass windows overlooking the city.
"What's going on over there?" The host frowns at you.
"I'm- not sure. Probably just some nightlife chaos got people's attention." You shrug but before you can walk up the stage there's a shout from a few of the guests followed by the sound of shattered glass as something crashes through that large window. The room erupts into chaos as red goop shoots out at people. It only takes you a couple of moments to realize the thing currently ruining your gala is Carnage. You didn't meet him or anything last time they faced off, but Eddie gave you enough of a description to come to that conclusion when you spot the bright red tentacles and eyes so like Venom's but different at the same time.
"You have got to be fucking kidding me." You huff quietly from where you're crouched behind a curtain with the gala host.
"What is that thing?!" He hisses.
"Doesn't matter. Find the nearest exit and run like hell." You tell him.
"What?! You want me to go out there?! What if it sees me?" He shakes his head. You poke your head out just enough to see Carnage. Weirdly enough he just seems to be picking up people and dropping them on the ground again.
"You ever seen that thing before?" You ask.
"God no!"
"He's looking for something. Unless you think it's you, I'd suggest taking the risk before he starts getting snackish!"
"We know you're here! We did our RESEARCH!" The man beside you is practically shaking as Carnage's deep voice rings through the room.
"He's coming this way, you have to move now." You say.
"What about you?"
"He's more likely to notice two of us. I'll be out after you." You're so busy directing the guy you don't realize how close Carnage is to you all until the curtain you're behind is ripped off its bar.
"GO! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" You shout to the guy as Carnage reaches for- you. He's reaching for you, you realize only when one spindly spider-like appendage wraps around your waist.
"How noble of you. We weren't after him- but if you must be the hero-" Carnage easily reaches the scrambling host before he can get to the door and all you can do is shut your eyes tight when Carnage lifts him up. It's only when his screams stop suddenly and something warm drips onto your arm that you're sure is blood. You don't dare to check what Carnage has done, but if you had to guess, he bit his head off; much like Venom does when you or Eddie allows him to. Your eyes only shoot open when Carnage starts to move again, swinging back out the hole he came in through and taking you through the city. You're in the air for quite some time before eventually, Carnage drops you, rather gently for a kidnapper, on the ground inside a dusty building.
"Hello, little thing." Carnage says to you.
"I could have sworn Venom dealt with you already." You cross your arms.
"Almost. I was lucky to escape."
"Unfortunate for the rest of us." You muse.
"Let me remind you that you did kidnap me so excuse me if I'm not kind." You roll your eyes. "I take it my role is to lure Venom to you? Right?"
"Correct. He cares for you. So he will come."
"Of course, he will. Though, disrupting my work event was an unnecessary scene just to lure him out to- where are we?"
"An old firehouse!"
"Wow you really are a baby." You scoff realizing he's chosen another location where loud noise is common.
"Excuse me?"
"Nothing nothing. I presume you have a different host now right? That other guy, the serial killer, died the last time, didn't he?"
"I am bonded to his blood! I can regenerate!"
"I'm sorry- so you regenerated… an entire head for your last host?"
"That is- very strange." You frown. "Still, this place doesn't hold sentimental value to Cletus so- how will they find you?"
"Oh just call them." Cletus makes an appearance, finally, and rolls his eyes as he makes his request.
"Call them? You want me to call them and lead them to where you plan to kill them?"
"Yes. Or I'll kill you."
"That would be stupid. Killing me won't get you what you want." You scoff.
"Guess we don't need to call him." Carnage says pushing you into the fire engine that's collecting dust in the unused building.
"WAS DYING ONCE NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" Venom stomps towards Carnage.
"Father. I'm not that easy to get rid of!"
"EVIDENTLY!" Venom charges at Carnage and the two of them are quickly destroying the old brick firehouse you're occupying. From inside the fire truck you're in, it's hard to tell who's winning for most of the fight. It's all too quick and too fluid the way they're throwing each other around. By the time you've gotten a handle on what's going on between the duo, Carnage has Venom pinned to one of the walls that they haven't totally ruined already. Frantically you turn towards the control panel of the fire engine, you can't imagine it's still fully operational but there's a chance you can find some way to make noise with this thing. You need to give Venom the upper hand somehow.
"V!" You shout and cover your ears for only a moment before pressing as much of your weight as you can into the horn of the truck and hoping for the best. You can't explain the relief that you feel when that horrid loud noise fills the small space and Carnage screeches. You let up on the horn once he stumbles away from Venom, his attention on you now that you've gotten involved.
"You!" Carnage snarls. You lay into the horn again before he can get to you and the sound seems to disrupt him enough to almost completely separate him from Cletus. You let up when Eddie has crept up behind them and Venom takes over to fully rip Carnage from Cletus by force. You didn't think that was possible and it is extremely strange to watch. Venom grabs Cletus with an extra appendage and holds him far in the air as he eats the angry red goop that is Carnage.
"EVEN WORSE THE SECOND TIME." Venom grumbles and you can't help but giggle a little. The noise makes Venom wink at you before turning his attention to Cletus. "THIS TIME STAY DEAD!" Venom says before biting his head off, out of your line of sight. You come out of the fire truck just in time to catch him dropping the body.
"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Venom runs over to you and lifts you into his arms so you're eye level with him as he looks over you for injuries.
"I'm fine V. He didn't actually hurt me. You got here so quickly." You muse.
"It was going so well until he crashed it." You pout. "You don't have any other errant children we should know about right Venom?"
"NO. NOT THAT I KNOW OF." Venom shrugs lowering you back to the ground.
"Good because this kidnapping thing is very inconvenient." You say. Eddie chooses that moment to reappear and he quickly wraps his arms around you.
"Y/n, baby, thank fuck you're okay. I am so sorry." He breathes out.
"You're sorry? What for?" You frown as you hug him back.
"If I had just come to the damn gala in the first place-" You pull back and hold Eddie's face in your hands to make sure he hears what you say next.
"No. It wouldn't have changed anything. In fact, it would actually have been worse I think. There were hundreds of people in that building and we were on one of the higher floors. The casualties if you had fought him there would have been so not worth it. This was the best outcome. I'm sure there were several injuries but I think there was only one death besides him so- don't apologize. Especially because there was no way you could've predicted him crashing my event. Don't blame yourself because other than a ruined charity gala and the inconveniences that come with a kidnapping, I've barely got some scrapes. You two did well." You tell him.
"We couldn't have done it without you. The fire horn was a great idea."
"Yeah well, you were going to die. And I didn't have any fire." You shrug. "We should get out of here though, I can't imagine it'll take much longer for authorities to get here in search of the red monster that crashed a charity event." You add.
"True. The party looked beautiful by the way. You know, before Carnage trashed it." Eddie says scooping you into his arms.
"Thank you baby." You kiss his cheek just before Venom appears again to take you all home.
"You can have as many kisses as you want V." You say kissing his cheek too as he walks out of the trashed fire station with you in his hold.
"I WANT ALL THE KISSES THEN!" He declares as he swings you both up into the air.
"Once we get home I'll kiss you til my lips fall off if you so wish my love." You giggle.
"Okay okay. Reasonable amount of kisses, once we get home. Deal?"
"DEAL!" Venom says before taking off from building to building to get you home. There's no such thing as normal when your boyfriend is sharing his body with an alien you suppose, but you wouldn't have it any other way.
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hotxcheeto · 4 months
Hi, can u write a domestic, fluffy, sweet headcannon about things ellie would do with the reader after coming back from work? I would love that<3
Biggest fan...
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Ellie Williams x G/N!reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing? It's fluffy
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - HAPPY HOLIDAYSSSSSS!! THANK YOU SM FOR 4000 FOLLOWERS I LOVE YOU ALL!! even if i post every 2 months <3
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Ellie loves her job, she does
She just hates working
She'd rather be at home, with you, her game controller and whatever takeout you both picked for that night
And so when the end of the day rolls around, she gets in her car and drives home
Sometimes she'll surprise you with food if she knows you're having a rough day, or sometimes she'll just get it to get it
Then she's showing up with a bag in hand and a tired face and you know she's ready to eat and sleep
On regular days though, she loves coming home and walking in to you making dinner for the both of you
The smell of coming from the kitchen mixed with your humming?
She's down baddddddd
To the moon and back
She always did want to be an astronaut
But she'll walk in, and you'll know because she throws her shit more than half the time before picking it back up with a sigh
Then she wanders over to you despite definitely needing a shower but you never mind because she'll wrap her arms around your waist and hide her face in your neck
But the moment she cements this, it's impossible to get her off
Like I mean impossible
Sometimes she'll ramble at this stage of the night because she has a lot to say about her day and she doesn't want to forget before she tells you
So she'll just unload, all of it, while you're stirring soup or something
Oh and you love her but this girl can YAP
certified yapper
But you don't mind cause you haven't seen her all day so you just let her go
Then when she decides she's had enough, she'll try to cuddle on you again while you're cooking and you have to make her go and shower
It's sweet until you realize she's sweaty so off you make her go
You can hear her mumbling to herself as she walks away if you listen
More often than not she showers hella fast and is back out in the same koala position as before if the food isn't done
But she doesn't talk anymore
Silence besides your humming or your talking
And she very much prefers it that way because she loves the sound of your voice
And when you both sit down to eat she sits across from you when she's in a chatty mood and next to you when she's that tired she can barely keep her head up
She has those days when she stays up way too late despite you yelling at her
Take her phone, she'll be mad for five minutes then be fine after
the og ipad kid
Anyhow... after y'all eat, depending on how tired you both are, it's couch time
That's when you lay there and contemplate life together <3
It's TV show and movie timeeeeeeee
She's a game of thrones nerd
hated the ending too
Dany stan fr fr
Cause she's hot
Y'all are stuck to that couch until bed time
She cuddles bad, ur practically glued together for the entirety of the night
When it's skincare time she watches you
Same if you wear make up, she stares
It's just cause she finds you mesmerizing, until you make her wash her face too and put 48938490238 more products after
Then she pouts as you put them on her cause she wants to go to bed
But she gets happier once you're laying down and she's wrapped so far around you, you're sure she could be a contortionist if she decided to quit her day job
But she's a sweetie <3
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hughmanbean · 4 months
Lady Danielle Gotham, nee Phantom
Danny is the Reluctant King Phantom, Essence of Duality, Bringer of Balance, Protector of the Innocent, Victorious Over Plant and Weather Alike, etc. etc.
Dan(te) is the Prince, Cautioning Message, Promonition of Destruction, Wrathful Truth, Experienced Overlord and Conquest, Obsessions Deprived Newly Reborn, etc. etc.
Dani(elle/Ellie) is the Wandering Princess, Widespread Sights, Mirror Turned Painting, and now, most recently, Lady Gotham.
Let's explain.
Ellie has wandered much of their home dimension by now, and even with the Infinite Realms, wants to see an alternate Earth. Clockwork, the doting Grandpa he is, agrees, opening a portal. He says that she can do anything she wants, as long as she doesn't outright obliterate that version. The rest of them see her off, and in she goes.
The first thing she sees is a grave. Though she can't read it, as a woman in black could've been white, so long ago stands in front of it. The woman turns around, and she is
beautiful, shattered, solemn, joyful, mourning, celebrating, ominous, comforting, barely a newly minted town, an old weathered city, and
Tired. So tired. So much has happened, good and bad. She wants to watch her knights grow, to see them flourish. But even a sentient city cannot stay. Too much has changed from before. Too many magics. She has decks of curses, played or kept in her hand, but it is too much. She must reform.
Ellie is approached, and they talk. She's exploring, and this place seems really nice. A bit morbid, perhaps, but nice. Lady Gotham sees potential.
Over a few months they talk, and Lady Gotham gives not only the title, but the very essence of her beloved city to Ellie. She may not reform, and be dispersed. Or she will. But she wants someone to look after it. And Ellie can do that. She's seen so many people and places, understands how complicated it can be, and has a good relationship to the Reluctant King.
Ellie accepts. She's sad to see Lady Gotham go, but knows that nothing can forever. So she decides to check up on Lady Gotham's (who she now is) knights. And those two guys in the sewers. And the other with the bar and birds. And that woman in the catsuit and the assassin one too. All of them, actually. Invisibly, of course. Wouldn't want to do anything stupid.
She also got a cool new outfit! (Created by the essence of Gotham and herself, not that she knows that.) It feels so natural to have it on as she watches. The people she's watching, on the other hand, can feel it. The city's gaze.
Ellie has opinions. I mean, look at Mister Riding Hood! Dirtiest 'plasm she's seen! And the Bat! So many kids! Sewer dudes are actually pretty cool. Fun to hang out with. She's taken to using TVs supplied by Technus and Tucker that she's fed some ecto-essence into to let her watch them. And she's also had small picnics with some of the spirits residing there.
One day, as she's "birdwatching", or just going about her business, they see her. She doesn't notice.
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opencommunion · 5 months
"Now that I am over eighty, I keep on feeling the fright that my son and I experienced. I fear talking about it, and when I watch TV and see what they are doing in Gaza, in Jerusalem, in Hebron, the horrible feeling occupies my heart again. My son never forgot what he witnessed in ’48, and I have never forgiven myself for not being attentive to his eyes [i.e., at that time]; yes, his eyes were watching, telling me things. He was watching the scenes, like a horror movie. Horrible scenes, horrible noises – crying with deep agony, with bitterness. But I was helpless; all I could do was hold him tight. I could not give him water, or food, or safety. He probably saw the fear in my eyes too when we heard the bombing and saw the dead bodies and blood all around. You might say he was very young, but when he grew up, we used to talk; he always reminded me of details that I had deleted from my memory. I deleted the scenes of blood, and my son reminded me that the blood was not liquid, but rather still, like a frozen red color. I deleted the feeling of starvation, thirst, of the broken-heartedness we experienced when we walked out, leaving Lydda. I needed to live and go on in my life, so I deleted the painful memories from my mind. He – my eldest son – used to remember them … Poor one, he died early, from severe diabetes. Maybe his eyes refused to see them [the Israeli military] again [after the occupation of 1967]. Maybe he wanted to run away from seeing what they are doing to us now. Maybe he did not want to see the same movie, the same wounds again." 2015 interview with Rawya, a Palestinian woman who survived the invasion of Lydda during "Operation Dani," the largest single expulsion of Palestinians in the 1948 Nakba. From Incarcerated Childhood and the Politics of Unchilding, Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian (2019)
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wolfjackle-creates · 2 months
Answer My Call Chapter 2 Part 3
The second of the posts compiling all my snippets from the ask game. I'll try and get another out later today, but it might be tomorrow for the rest.
Story Summary: Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
Chapter 1: AO3, Tumblr
Chapter 2: First, Previous
Word Count: 1.3k
“Five months ago, he disappeared. I’d already started college, so I wasn’t home. But Sam and Tucker reached out and the three of us began searching. It… It took three weeks to find him. And another week to get him out. In that time… What we found… It wasn’t pretty. The guys in white—” Jazz cut herself off. That day would forever be branded into her memory and featured in far too many nightmares.
Todd made an encouraging noise, but didn’t interrupt.
Jazz took a steadying breath and forced herself to continue. “It wasn’t easy breaking in. And even harder breaking out. Danny was hurt and the agents were chasing us. We had on masks, but they knew who we were. We managed to cause some chaos, though. Released all the ghosts they had prisoner to mess up their scanners. Send them running in every direction.
“It was almost enough. We all got out of the building. But they’d figured out our path and were waiting for us. Sam, Tucker, and I managed to hold them back. Sending Danny ahead alone with the go bag we’d prepared him. He was supposed to either get back to Amity and cross the portal into the Infinite Realms or run north to meet up with the other Dani.”
“But he didn’t make it,” said Todd. A statement rather than a question.
“We don’t know. He never made it to Dani. And due to the breakout, the guys in white placed the town on high alert. There’s checks for everyone entering or leaving the town. If you’re suspected of pro-ghost sentiment, you’ll be brought in for questioning. Ghost shields are everywhere. Sam’s parents withdrew her from school because they didn’t trust her to follow the new rules.” She gave a watery laugh. “They were probably right. Then Tucker was offered a scholarship for a tech school in California. I was escorted back to Boston. Only time I went back was for his funeral.”
Todd nodded. “And they’re in your phones and computers so you can’t talk to each other.”
Jazz smiled wryly. “Yep. Tucker could’ve, probably has, developed something. A messaging program or whatever. But without being able to meet up with us to download it to our devices—” she shrugged “—we’ve no way to get it.”
“Okay, so we’ll start there. Restoring contact should be fairly easy if you all want it—”
“We do!”
“But I’m also worried about your safety. What will happen to you after you ditched your guard today?”
Jazz shrugged. “They’ll bring me in for questioning. Probably make me miss a quiz or something important for school to make it extra inconvenient.”
“What will the questioning entail?”
Jazz bit her lip and shrugged. “Before? Sitting me in an uncomfortable metal chair in an interrogation room like you might see on TV and keeping me there for… oh, up to twenty-four hours? Whenever my parents would find out and barge in yelling at them about how ‘No Fenton would support a ghost!’ or whatever. Now? I don’t know.”
“Do you think they’ll hurt you?” asked Todd. He was frowning. “After your brother, it sounds like they are capable of it.”
Jazz held out her hands. “Depends on if they know I’m liminal or not. I’m not as bad as you are. And especially no where near Danny’s level. I don’t think they’ve been able to detect it yet. But if they have their instruments that close and me captive for that long? I… I don’t know.”
Todd nodded. “That’s what I was afraid of. Look, they don’t know where we are right now and don’t have the means to find us at the moment. I can get you out of here. To a safe house in Gotham or Metropolis or, hell, anywhere you want. And we can reach out to Red Robin, see how things are going with your friend Tucker. Maybe extract him as well.”
Jazz’s mouth fell open. They could… get away? For good? To a Justice League level safe house? She burst into tears.
She might be able to see her friends again soon.
Todd moved so he was sitting next to her. Hesitantly, he put a hand on her shoulder. “So I take it you want to do that?”
Jazz nodded, then shook her head. “I don’t—I don’t know.”
“What don’t you know?”
Jazz sniffed. “I just—It’ll make it easier to find Danny. If we’re together. If we have to go somewhere.” She shook her head. “God, I’m going to sound like such a bitch. I love Danny. If it’s what we have to do to get him back, yes. Absolutely. But… It’s just… My degree. If I disappear halfway through the year for who-knows-how-long? I’ve been working to get into Harvard since I was ten years old. Since long before Danny had his accident.” She scrubbed at her eyes. “God, I’m such a bitch. My brother needs me. And if I go back, I’ll probably be detained long enough it’ll impact my grades anyway. And that’s if the Guys in White don’t just lock me up indefinitely.”
“You’re not a bitch,” said Todd, voice filled with some emotion she couldn’t put a name to. “Like you said, this has been your dream for practically half your life. But I think we can help you with that.”
She looked up at him in surprise. “How?”
Todd grinned. “I doubt your school would be able to complain or hold it against you if I had Kori—Starfire—tell them that you were needed for an urgent Titans mission. That you helped save the lives of countless people. Way I see it, they’d have to forgive your abandoned classes and allow you to retake them.” He hummed and looked up. “In fact, I’m pretty sure we could find a Justice League fund to pay for at least one semester of classes for you. Probably more. To make up for the money lost on this one.”
Jazz’s mouth fell open. “You’d do that? For me?”
“And your brother and sister and friends. It’s kinda what we do.”
Jazz nodded. “Yes, please. If you can do that, I’ll go with zero hesitation. I’d have given it all up for Danny, of course. But we’d both… not regret it. But he’d feel guilty he forced me to give up my degree and I’d always be a little resentful I had to. Not towards him, never towards him, but the Guys in White and Vlad and my parents.”
“Great. I’m going to call Arsenal and Starfire. I need one of them to get my car anyway. Left it parked back near our meeting place and I don’t think we should be going back anywhere near there if we can avoid it.”
“Then what?”
“Then I’ll reach out to Red Robin, see what happened when he went to meet up with your friend Tucker out in San Francisco. See if they’re up for an extraction as well. If I gave you a phone, would you be able to reach out to Dani-with-an-I?” He grimaced. “Do you have any other way to differentiate them?”
Jazz chuckled wetly. “Nope. Dani-with-an-I refuses to change her name. Says it’s her name and she’s not going to change it just because someone else had it first. And Danny-with-a-y hates going by Daniel or Dan. When they’re together, they drive us crazy with it.”
Todd grumbled something under his breath. “Fine, whatever. Just, do you have a way to contact her?”
Jazz nodded. “We’ve been too scared to, but if you can get me something with an internet connection, I can contact her and have her meet us somewhere.”
“Easy. I’ll have Arsenal bring us something that you can have to yourself rather than relying on borrowing our phones or computers.”
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do this, but thanks.”
Todd shrugged and stood. “I wasn’t going to just ignore you after seeing those messages. Now, try and get some sleep. It’ll be a few hours before my friends can get here.”
And that brings us to the end of Chapter 2!
Hope you enjoy. We've got the beginnings of a plan set up.
Check out the subscription post if you want notifications when I update!
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highttowers · 1 year
jamie tartt x rojas!reader where she’s dani’s twin or younger sister and is scared about tell him she’s dating jamie but ofc he’s just over the moon about it 🥹🥹🫶
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pairing; jamie tartt x rojas!fem!reader (romantic), dani rojas x sister!reader (platonic/familial)
w/c; 1.08k
fandom; ted lasso (apple tv)
trigger/content warnings; my half-baked spanish, a little swearing, jamie being a clueless himbo, dani being a ray of sunshine,
stella speaks! this prompt is so adorable, i hope i’ve done it justice!! set somewhere after 2x03
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Jamie feels bad.
He knows how close you are with your brother. He knows how much you hate keeping secrets from him. But he’s also grateful.
He’s only been back at Richmond for a couple months, and many of the boys are still wary around him. He doesn’t blame them, but they’re all so fiercely protective of you that his biggest worry what’ll happen to him, to your relationship when the cat is let out of the bag.
Your biggest worry is how Dani will take it. Dani isn’t the stereotypical ‘i’ll-kill-anyone-who-looks-at-her’ big brother, but he does take shielding you from the press very seriously. And dating Jamie Tartt? That’ll put you right in the spotlight.
The both of you are reaching the end of your rope, and it’s getting harder and harder to hide it.
So Jamie does the only thing he can think of. He talks to Ted.
He takes his time changing after training, carefully packing everything in his bag, a flimsy but effective way to stay after everyone has gone. He also keeps an eye on Roy, whom he’s paranoid knows Jamie is hiding something.
But the older player simply strolls past him, ignoring him as usual, and after Jamie strains his ears to make sure he’s gone, he bolts into Ted and Coach Beard’s office.
Ted looks up from his computer with a start, Beard’s attention suddenly also on Jamie. He feels the heat rise in his cheeks, but Ted simply smiles. “What can I do for you today, Jamie?”
Jamie takes a breath, and right before he speaks, he spots Nathan coming back in the locker room. He closes the door gently, turning back to the two men.
“I’m gonna be totally honest, I’ve been dating Y/n for two months now,” he starts, and Ted leans forward.
“But the thing is, nobody else except for Keeley knows. She really wants to tell Dani, and she’s not telling him because I asked her not to, but I can tell she really wants to, but what if the team beats me up? Like what if Dani is still mad at me for being such a twat and he gets the whole team to beat me up? Roy especially, he would like totally punch me in the balls and then Dani would make me break up with Y/n, but I don’t want to break up with her, but I also don’t want to get beat up, y’know?” Jamie rushes, his words tripping over each other.
Ted takes it in, leaning back in his chair and nodding. After a few moments of silence, he turns to Coach Beard.
“Coach?” He asks.
“Yeah, Coach?” Beard answers, eyes not leaving the chess game on his phone.
“Do me a favor, Coach.” Ted asks, starting to smile.
“Anything, Coach.”
Ted’s grin widens. “Call the Diamond Dogs together please Coach.”
Beard gives a nod. “You got it Coach.”
Jamie looks between them, not a clue as to what’s happening, when Nathan glides into the room, seating himself on the shelf next to Jamie. Jamie looks at Ted in confusion, but Ted just keeps smiling.
A minute later, Higgins also enters the room and gives Jamie a nod. Simultaneously, the four men start barking, and Jamie’s ready to leave when Ted speaks again.
“Fellas, turns out Beard was right. Jamie is dating mini-Rojas,” Ted says, and for the second time in five minutes, Jamie’s face heats up.
“Problem is,” Ted continues, “he’s not sure how well that’ll go over with the team, and frankly, neither am I. Ideas?”
Jamie raises his hand, and Ted points at him. “Yes, Mr. Tartt?”
“First off, the fuck is happening. Second, the fuck is happening?” Jamie asks, tucking his hands under his shirt.
Higgins grins. “We are the Diamond Dogs, and we are here to help! With your dilemma. Your Rojas Hassle, of you will.”
Jamie shook his head. “Whatever. Do I tell him or not?”
Nathan raises his hand. “Well, what I see the worst-case scenario being is the team ices you out for maybe another couple months. Do you think Y/n will side with you during that?”
Jamie twists his fingers under his shirt. “I mean, I hope so. I would be sad if she didn’t y’know cause— well she…” he trails off, his head filled with his favorite memories of the two of you.
“She inspires me to be a better person, and I think even if we had to break up cause Dani said so, I would still want to be better for her and then if I am better maybe Dani and the team’ll see that and they’ll let us date again?” Jamie looks up, glancing around the room.
Ted slaps his hand on the table. “Well lookee there, I think you’ve solved your own problem! And with limited help from us! I declare the Diamond Digs meeting over!”
Jamie begins to smile, a bit of the weight on his shoulders lifted. His smile faded when every other person in the room begins to bark, and with an eye roll, he leaves.
When he gets out, the cool breeze biting at his face, he sees you, waiting by your car. You’re chatting with your brother, who’s telling some sort of training story. His hands are flailing everywhere, and you’re giggling.
He takes a deep breath, then walks over. When he reaches you, he snakes an arm around your waist. You look up at him, the question in your eyes.
When he nods, that inquiry on your face is replaced with his favorite look: that shine of joy in your eyes, and you turn back to your brother.
Jamie takes a breath to explain, but before he can, Dani hugs him. “¡Felicidades! ¡Bienvenido a la familia, cuñado!”
Jamie looks to you for the translation, and smiles slightly when he notices your face buried in your hands. “Something you want to tell me, love?” He asks.
“He called you his brother-in-law,” you say, your voice heavy with embarrassment and muffled by your hands. Jamie’s grin widens.
“Should we plan the wedding then?” He asks. You groan loudly. Dani suddenly turns serious, and Jamie gulps. Has he overstepped?
“Por favor, do not make me wear those horrible dress shoes,” he says, his hands clasped together in front of him.
This causes you to laugh, and Jamie’a grin reappears.
The reaction Dani had was certainly not the reaction he forsaw, but it was definitely better than the one he expected.
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comradecowplant · 1 day
omg speaking of my love for Seven of Nine- i've been diligent about not looking anything up about the show/its characters (& the other shows) in order to continue enjoying this 20+ year old show relatively spoiler free. so i had a pleasant surprise this afternoon as i was perusing my favorite queer pop culture web site and saw this on a recent listicle about lesbi sci-fi/fantasy tv shows.............
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crying shaking throwing up with joy & will be watching tng as a precursor to seeing my beloved borg have a girlfriend in picard as soon as i finish voyager
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Richmond weird/funny interview idea.
I was going to write this as a fic but then realised I would have to try to figure out how y'all do awards shows and what they are called and gave right up.
So in AFL (Australian football), we have this awards night for the best player in the league that year and most of the other big awards (called the brownlow). It basically means all the biggest players in the league come together to this award ceremony. And on the red carpet, they do interviews and stuff for radio and tv. Pretty normal stuff. Most the time, it's what are you wearing, how do you think your year has been, who do you think will win blah blah. But there is this one segment a radio station came up with entitled 'sh*t brownlow questions', and the interviewer just asks completely random and stupid questions for fun. And it's hilarious because these players are just so out of depth with the random questions.
Now I cant get a Richmond version out of my head.
Like they go to an awards show, all dressed to the nines and there is some interviewer there who decides to ask random questions for entertainemnt on his channel, when all the guys are expecting the usual questions and it starts of pretty well and funny
Interviewer: Hey Dani, just a quick question. Would you rather fight 1 Isaac McAdoo sized duck or 100 duck sized Isaac McAdoo's?
Dani in his chipper demeanour: oh I wouldn't want to fight any version of Issac at all he is such a great guy, and I love him....
Dani suddenly going serious and grabbing the mic and looking straight down the camera: But if I had to chose, I would go 1 duck sized Isaac because 100 tiny Isaac's would be too many Isaac's, they would completly overwhelm you and tear you apart!
Interviewer: Hey Colin, just wondering do you do your tax returns as soon as you can or wait until just before the cut off date?
Colin going pale: oh no. When are the tax returns due? I don't know when the last time I did my taxes was......
Interviewer asking like this is going to be a football question: Hey Sam, we are getting to the serious end of the season now so I was was just wondering, who do you think will win..... this seasons Lust Conquers All?
Sam with his serious face at the beggining of the question laughing by the end: Oh Janet for sure but I think I would be a amiss if I didn't mention Jamie was robbed last season.
Interviewer: Hey Roy, just wondering.....
Roy barley glancing at him as he walks past: Nope not doing it, f**k off.
Interviewer: Hey Richard, so the big one is coming up, Wembley Stadium, 90 000 people, just wondering........ did you manage to get Taylor Swift tickets?
Richard without blinking: Yes, yes I did.
Any question asked of Ted, Ted is just ecstatic, takes it 100% seriously, and is generally happy to answer.
The interviewer joking pulls out a cross word from the paper and asks for some help from Beard. Two minutes later, he has a completed crossword, and he just looks at it in astonishment.
Then the interview goes off the rails a little.
The Interviewer asks Jamie a random queation about history but instead of stumping him Jamie lights up and peoceeds to give an in-depth answer with alarming detail and the interview now knows more than he ever needed to on the subject. (This makes Roy even more unhappy because Jamie is now going to 100% talk his ear off about this for the rest of the night, just info dumping on him. Let be real he secretly loves it)
Interviewer: Hey Moe, just wondering if you had an opinion on the election in (insert random country here, most people wouldn't know about the elections of).
Moe: automatically goes into lecture mode about democracy and the evil's of government  and gets so passionate and loud aftet 5 minutes of it Issac needs to come and save the reporter who eyes are as wide as saucers and is questiong everything.
Like, I can just imagine the chaos of the AFC and their personalities in a segment like this. The fans would go crazy for it, too
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its-time-to-write · 10 months
sooo excited requests are open again! Jamie gets a day off from training and you spend the whole day together cuddling and snogging and watching films
Done😎 Gonna hit you all with some angst pretty soon, so enjoy this angst-free fic while you can! Thanks for the request!
(p.s. this gif makes me giggle. idk why)
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tell me where to put my love
There is absolutely nothing like a Sunday morning, because it means that Jamie has absolutely no training. Saturdays are subject to extra time with Roy, so you and Jamie only get one day a week with absolutely no football. Well, not absolutely no football. Sometimes you let him cajole you into going to the Richmond Green and kicking around one of the ten billion footballs he has in the house. 
He says you’ve gotten better since you’ve started, you say that you could take on all of Richmond and win.
He says you’re very funny.
You say so too.
Sundays are great because you get to sleep in, but you probably don’t. You’re both so used to being awake early so despite being up late, you’re both unable to sleep past 7:30, maybe 8 if you’re really tired.
You don’t get out of bed, though.
The first one to wake will lie as still as possible, looking at the rise and fall of the other’s chest. Usually it’s Jamie watching you. You’re a light sleeper, so you begin to stir at the slightest change in atmosphere. He’ll stroke your cheek and you’ll smile and stretch, refusing to open your eyes.
His hands will start to slide down to your arms and to your waist, then dip below your pajama bottoms. You’ll open your eyes at that, because he’ll soon shift so that his head is at your waist, and lift his baby blue eyes to yours in a question. 
This Sunday is no different, and you both end up staying in bed until 10. It’s not until you’re lying tangled in the sheets, sweaty and gasping for breath, that a stomach growls (yours, his, what’s the difference) and you each throw on as little clothes as possible and head to the kitchen. Jamie pulls things out for his morning smoothie and you’re toasting frozen waffles. Neither of you are saying much, except for a “hey!” from Jamie when you steal some of his strawberries. 
You take your respective breakfasts to the couch and settle under a blanket. It gets cold when you’re only wearing pants. 
“What are we gonna watch?” you ask. 
Jamie just grins and flips through your streaming services.
“No, babe,” you groan, “not again. Please, I beg of you.”
Jamie pretends he can’t hear you and lands on Keeping Up with the Kardashians. 
“Jamie,” you say as he chooses an episode, “why are you so obsessed with reality tv? It’s so unrealistic.”
“Don’t pretend you don’t fucking love it,” he replies, lightly knocking his head against yours. You roll your eyes and suppress a smile. You can’t argue with that. 
You stay on the couch for three hours until Jamie starts to get bored and starts kissing a line up your neck. You giggle and shift away.
“Babe,” he says between kisses, “you hungry?”
“That is not where I thought this was going,” you laugh. 
Jamie shrugs, lips still against your throat. “Trying to make up for making you watch fucking American reality television. And I want takeout.”
At that, you turn and capture his lips in yours. He’s not supposed to have takeout right now, not part of his eating plan. He’s trying to butter you up so you won’t talk him out of it. Lucky for him, he’s making a very convincing argument. 
An hour later, you’re in the backyard on the patio eating Chinese food. You’re both in more clothes and soaking up the rare bit of sun. Jamie has also produced chips, and you’re not sure why they go so well with Chinese, but they do. 
You’re finishing up the last box and chatting about Jamie’s upcoming match when there’s a knock on the door. You both freeze. You’re not expecting anyone, and you exchange an assessing look to see who is most presentable to answer the door. 
It turns out to be Jamie, so he pads inside and opens it to find Dani. 
“Eyy, muchacho! Nice to have a day off, no? I was feeling a little bit lonely, so I decided to drop by to see if you would like to play some FIFA. And I did not come empty handed!” Dani holds up a bag of Mexican food. 
“Can’t,” Jamie says. “Girlfriend’s here.”
Dani’s face droops a little bit and, as if on cue, you appear behind Jamie, all wrapped up in a blanket. 
“Hi Dani!” you say. “Heard your voice from the backyard. What’re you doing here?”
He shrugs. “Just lonely, I guess.“ 
He looks so hilariously forlorn that you laugh and Jamie rolls his eyes. 
“Do you want to come in?” you ask. “Ooh, is that Mexican?”
Fifteen minutes later, Dani is explaining hair masks to a fascinated Jamie, as you sip your drinks and eat the food Dani brought. Neither you nor Jamie care to tell him you had just eaten.
He stays for two hours, crushing Jamie at FIFA. After the door shuts behind him, Jamie looks at you and says, “shower?”
You and Jamie stay in for way too long, only coming out when your hands are far too pruny. The bathroom is all steamy, and Jamie’s towel is wrapped low around his hips. You end up back on the bed, laying on top of the sheets in your towels. His arm is around you, thumb rubbing up and down your arm. Your head is tucked in the crook of his neck, and you’re breathing in his clean scent slowly. He’s talking in a low voice, not about anything really, just chattering about football, his mum, and the future. You’re trying to stay awake, you really are, and there’s no reason you should be tired and yet your eyes are growing heavy. It’s not your fault that his voice is so calm and so soothing, and before you know it you’re asleep. 
You don’t see this part, but Jamie notices the change in your breathing and starts whispering about other things. How much he loves you, and why he loves you. His real hopes for the future, the ones he’s not sure you’re ready to hear, but thinks one day you will be. He’ll let you sleep as long as possible. These times are rare, and he is going to savor every moment. 
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ghostadjacentfae · 1 year
What a beautiful morning to wake up and be inspired to commit violence.
DP x DC prompt (spinoff) (or semi-fill ig but it's still more Concept than concrete)
What if Danny didn't get stuck in the thermos by accident, but went into stasis on purpose cuz he'd been seriously injured only to have become trapped, locked away in the Watchtower vault.
What if Team Phantom know the whole time where he is but they can't just contact the Justice League and tell/try to convince them they've got a living teenager stuck in that tube of death magic.
Dani is the only one that can reach her brother, and she can't even do that right.
He'd been hurt, really really hurt. Something about how the only way to get close enough to blast the thing he was fighting was to let himself take a hit on the way. A hit that was so much worse than any of them expected it could be and made them have to pull out the mega emergencies only tactic of sucking him into the thermos' stasis just to transport him away and somewhere safe to stabilize and treat.
Except they don't get that chance.
(Or he does it to himself if he's solo, hoping that someone will find the thermos and it'll circulate back to Amity and he'll deal with whatever happens after that. Act now, think later. They saw the thermos on a TV broadcast that covers the JL investigating the battle site to learn it's been picked up by them)
On the way home the Fenton parents saw Sam with a live thermos and got curious, (or it's the GiW, or the JL themselves came a-snooping because of whatever the battle was). Tucker, Sam, and Jazz lied lied lied to coverup who was in there there so they wouldn't open it and find a grievously injured Phantom on their hands ready to destroy before anything can be set up to give medical attention Immediately but they (parents/JL) took it too seriously (and GiW are just the GiW about it) and put it somewhere inaccessible because they just can't risk whatever they caught "seemingly by sheer luck" getting out.
If it isn't in the hands of the "Jerkwad League" from the start, it ends up there for safety. Put away on a shelf in the "dangerous items do not touch" room of the Watchtower. Up in space, untraversably far for any of the three of them.
Dani comes to Amity as soon as she gets the emergency notice and they make a plan.
Well, sort of a plan.
Get up there, get the thermos, come back.
Easy peasy.
Well, the Watchtower is in space, and that's kind of terrifying. She's the only one that could possibly reach him, but she's not sure she can actually survive out in space. She hasn't gone up there before like Danny has and while yes she'd absolutely love to find out... What if she's not?
Worse yet, if she manages to get in but the JL trace and chase, crashing in before they're able to stabilize Danny? Then that's a mission failure too.
It's funny. The thing that can make her brother more excited than a puppy with a treat makes her want to be rooted to the ground.
But she's willing to risk it for Danny, willing to keep these fears to herself because maybe they're nothing. She's the only one that can reach him, and maybe that alone will make it go right.
Jazz gets the truth out of her.
A well timed "Dani, have you ever been out in space?" while she's distracted wondering how she'll recognize the Watchtower rather than some other space junk, and an unfortunately timed voice crack, and all of a sudden Sam and Tucker are reeling and talking about how they'll figure out something else because they're not taking that risk.
Their backup plan takes a lot longer to put in motion, but not one of them will hear another word of her going out of the atmosphere. She's gutted to not be able to do the rescue the way Danny definitely could have, but a louder part of her is relieved.
(Alt: She goes up there, only to find the Watchtower can't be phased into. Either the hull or maybe the vault rooms specifically. Say the govt-funded op that GiW is a subunit within or Fentons having a contract for paint or an alloy or whatever. And/or protective seals from magic users making the only way to get into the vaults be someone opening the door for her but it's more complicated than waiting for someone to do that, wait until the moment they'll leave, then snatching the thermos and fleeing Because Reasons. The others don't blame her cuz phase proof is phase proof, but she's mad at herself that she "Can't do it right")
It's some time before she realizes that while their refusal to have her do it that was is partly because she's their best hope in any plan they come up with and partly because she's part of Danny and if she's gone they lose him all over again, it's really because she's just as much their friend by now too. They don't want to lose her for her. They can't lose her, because that makes it one missing person, and one life lost.
There's guilt there, about the fact she wouldn't have these connections as strong as she does if they still had Danny, (she's not in the space he left but definitely overlapping it). There's guilt, but there's a glow too. That glow adds to the guilt, but it's still there. Her life is better than it was. She pours that guilt into doing this backup plan right even if it means taking arguably, a greater risk.
If she can't get into the Watchtower as a ghost, she's going to need to get into there as a hero.
She's going to need to be public on a worldwide level, and get their trust, and get invited up into the floating tin can of a club house as a junior hero, all without letting on that she is in fact infiltrating them. The others are capable fighters above the human level of course but not Justice League level. And not quickly enough for Danny's sake.
It still takes so, so long. Days to weeks to month to--
Hundreds of hours of fighting with limited powers so they don't know everything she can do to keep the upperhand when the time comes. Hundreds of hours of not knowing what exact door her hurt older-- twin-- younger looking brother is kept behind and having to investigate cautiously on every rare visit she gets so that these adults who think they have all the knowledge in the world don't catch onto her. Of subtly building up the medical wing with things to treat "her", "just in case." Of fearing that everything is going to go wrong wrong wrong at any second.
Until she's finally, finally, got the thermos in her hands, sprinting for the med bay with an intruder alert blaring through the space station about the "theft", phasing through anyone that tries to block or question her.
Until she's there and twisting off the cap and he's there.
He's there.
Dazed and spilling green onto the table and staining her costume after she's dropped the thermos to hold him instead and there.
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terrestrialnoob · 2 years
Found Again
Long Lost Part 2
Danny Phantom x Batman Crossover. Damian and Danny Twins AU
Danny floated near the ceiling of his bedroom when Jazz opened the door.
“You didn’t come to dinner, so I brought you something,” she said, slightly lifting the tray of food she’d brought towards him.
Danny poked at one of the glowing stars stuck on his ceiling.
Jazz stood there for a moment then said, “I heard you got summoned today?”
Danny went a little ridged and glanced down at his sister.
She hummed then set the tray on what little clear space there was on top of his dresser. She walked over to his bed and bounced slightly as she plopped down onto it. “Sam and Tucker didn’t say anything about who or what summoned you, but they said you came back more mad than usual.”
Danny sighed and lowered himself onto his bed. There was a long silence; Danny could feel Jazz waiting but she was leaving it up to him to decide if this was the conversation he wanted to have.
“My brother and father summoned me.” Danny said softly.
Jazz’s eyes went wide, “Really? They wanted to talk to you?”
“No,” Danny spat bitterly, “They wanted help from the ghost king, they weren’t expecting me.”
“Oh,” Jazz took a deep breath and after a moment, prompted, “So, what happened?”
“Tyranys was in Gotham,” Danny started easily, “I don’t know why he was there and not here in Amity. I mean, there was something there that had a pretty strong pull, but not enough to bring something that big there.”
“And you’re a hero, so of course you helped,” Jazz said and Danny blushed slightly. “It doesn’t look like you got too hurt?”
“Tyranys of the Rage feeds of fear and anger, more so than a normal ghost does. I bet that’s part of the reason he went there. The thing that is there that does pull is very, very angry. And once there, he made more fear and anger, and got bigger and bigger, and even Batman couldn’t figure out how to handle him.”
“And then a real superhero showed up and kicked his butt!” Jazz laughed and Danny rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, there was some British guy who looked the way I do when I pull an all-nighter, who I think did the actual summoning. My brother and father just happened to be there, I think.”
“You’ve said they’re fighters,” Jazz said, knowing that Danny didn’t like talking about his birth family. “Were they also there to help with Tyranys?”
Danny nodded, “I think so, yeah.”
There was a beat of silence before Jazz asked, “So, how did it go?”
“Horrible!” Dany groaned, “Like, I don’t know what I was expecting! I already hate being summoned - I wasn’t even who they were trying to summon. They didn’t even say hello, they just tell the magician who summoned me my name! Then they tell me about Tyranys wrecking Gotham. I don’t get -  Fucking anything! You know, I just – Look! I get that an apology is a lot to ask for from someone like Damian, but, I just… I couldn’t tell if he was sad or if he missed me or if… did- did he mourn me?”
Jazz gently pulled Danny into a hug. There was along silence before Jazz said, “I don’t know about anyone else, but I would mourn. If anything happened to you, I’d probably burn down the whole city. I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself.”
Danny laughed at her awkward meme, probably trying not to cry too. He pulled out of her hug and looked out the window at the city, “Well, we both know I’d destroy the entire world if something happened to you.”
Jazz smiled and sighed and another moment passed. “Do you want to talk to them?”
Danny over at her with a confused look on his face.
“It sounds like Tyranys didn’t really give you a chance to talk,” Jazz said. “If the city wasn’t being destroyed, they might have – had answers to some of your questions. I don’t know if they’d want to talk, but – I don’t know, is that something you’d want?”
Danny swallowed the lump that was gathering in his throat. “I don’t know either.”
Jazz hummed and nodded her head at no one, a habit she picked up from watching therapists on TV. “I remember when you first got here, it was impossible to get you to admit to anything. But now, you’ve grown. Better yet, you’ve matured. You recognize when you hurt someone and you can apologize. You where one way because of the environment you grew up in, and you changed because that environment changed. If your brother is in Gotham, that’s a new environment from the temple you said you grew up in, so it’s possible he changed too.”
“I don’t know, Jazz. I mean, I do want to know. I want to know what happened to him, if he did change, what he’s doing with our father and how our mother let him leave our old home. But I just… What if I don’t like it? What if he hasn’t changed? What if our father is worse than our mother? What if he doesn’t-” Danny cut himself off with a groan and Jazz decided to give him a moment to gather himself.
“I don’t forgive him.” Danny said and saw the look on Jazz’s face, “I know, I know. It’s better to forgive. But, we were kids-”
“Are” Jazz corrected. “You are both still kids. And I understand, he hurt you, and you hurt him -  you didn’t kill him, but still. And there’s a chance, now, that you’ve changed and he might have changed, maybe you won’t hurt each other anymore. Not as much or in the same ways, anyway.”
Danny sighed again, exaggerating it for Jazz’s sake. “You really want me to make things right with him, don’t you?”
Jazz nervously rubbed the back of her neck, “Look, my life got soooooooo much better when you got here, despite the rocky start. Maybe reconnecting with your brother will make your life better. Or maybe…”
Jazz trailed off a little, but continued when Danny gave her an expectant look. “If your father is as bad or worse than your mother, then Damian might need saving. Maybe you can make his life better, too.”
“Now that’s not fair,” Danny glared at her but he had literally just asked for it, “Bringing in a guy’s obsession to get your way.”
“Remember when you used to call me The Master Manipulator?” Jazz joked and rubbed Danny’s head.
“You are,” Danny said, then his stomach growled.
Jazz grinned and jumped up to get the food she’d brought in earlier, “I told Mom you weren’t feeling well so she let me make your food.”
Danny smiled gratefully, “It’s probably a good thing those two got married, I doubt anyone else would be able to eat the food she makes.”
“I’m just glad you’re here to kill it before it kills us.”
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satoshy12 · 4 months
Your thoughts on Isekai'd Danny's Class in the Fantasy world
+Dani don't ask how), if you ask how. Ghost Writer.
And our poor Danny got isekai'd into a Villain of the OG Novel. He has no phantom powers; he is just a normal human. Well a overpowered human but still. 
From Paulina, Tucker, Star, Kwan, Dash, Sam, Val, Mikey and so are too with him .
Mr. Lancer had no idea how he became the teacher of tiny Ellie, but at least he doesn't need to fight. And she is a good student, the best one he had ever. 
But well Danny, who woke up as Dad. Who is doing the best job! Danny to Dani:" If someone pisses you off, say this." Dani too adorable to say it right:"
(The Baby Land Lord Is Retiring)
Tumblr media
With Amity Park and the World can view it.
Maddie:" Just look how adorable Dani is! As she tried to threaten people, Jack:"Yes, she needs to work on it; then she can even scare Ghost!"
Rest of the World "So… we won't talk about the monsters and magic they are forced to fight??"
Fans of the Novel! Around the World!
"The villain is really now a papa!" "I know this is much better then the original plot! " "Yeah, childcare seems much cuter, and he is really working on being a papa!" "And he looks like a Daddy too! With cute Ellie in his arm!"
" But who is the ML now? "
"Well I don't think Papa Fenton would say yes to Ellie having a ML. "
"Same. But I liked the cute priest child. "
They can choose who to follow on the TV and around 90% of the World just took Danny and Ellie. Or similar.
Mr. Lancer is the most famous teacher somehow.
Can be any kind of crossover too. As they too just can just view it or find it adorable.
Kim Possible to Monique:" I want to babysit Dani so much! "
Monique:" Same. "
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