#star wars Gurlanin
for-the-sake-of-color · 8 months
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Captain Jet asks Mary Ann to Dance
It was a really sweet gesture, these little lengths he goes through to woo her, and how could she ever turn down that charming smile? Even if her attentions should be more focused on making sure her employees are tending to the catering properly Turns out emulating the charming demeanor of his tacky romance holo-novel characters is only a good cover up for Jet not actually knowing what the hell he's doing, right up until the point he has to start dancing. Mary Ann adored his effort, and gave him all of three goofy minutes of stepping on her toes before she 'suggested' he check out what she's catered for today's event at the tables She then made a mental note to get him into dancing lessons next time she caught him on shore leave, as with any luck, he'd be attending many, many more of these with her in the future. And she wanted pictures.
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I love them your honor
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nereiix · 2 years
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Some concept sketches of Gurlanins. The perfect predators and spies, I really like this species!
I think I should have made them look more alienish, but I'm not very good at that. I took inspiration from various real animals for their design: maned wolf for the body, bear for the mouth, bat for the nose and otter for the paws, whiskers and tail because I found an old forum post of Karen Traviss describing the Gurlanins as "carnivorous black-furred, long-legged otter-like creatures". I took a look at kangaroos too. For the rest, I used the descriptions provided in the RC books.
Initial concepts and rough sketches below the cut.
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vanisketches · 1 year
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The Gurlanins were a polymorphic species native to the planet Qiilura.
Drawing an OC for a change <3
Reblogs Appreciated
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asiza-art · 1 year
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Just some ink drawings I did
First one is a Gurlanin from the Republic Commando books, which are now my favorite Star Wars creatures!
And second is of a Naga Dragon, because I still haven’t forgiven Raya and the Last Dragon for how they made Sisu look 🥲 (The only good thing is that it made Naga Dragons my favorite dragons)
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mearchy · 5 months
people giving sentient star wars species weirder and less human traits, that's my shit actually. like yes i agree that nautolans are like ten feet tall, exactly. why are they all so normal? gurlanins i love you so much, perfect example of what kind of incredibly inhumanoid form a sentient can be. we exist now in a star wars universe that is heavily animated there’s no reason we are still sticking to the boundaries of what species lucasfilm could afford to make in practical effects
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roseaesynstylae · 4 months
Star Wars: Republic Commando: Hard Contact, Chapters 8 & 9
Chapter 8
"Her face was a study in blank surprise. It was also fascinating in a way he couldn't define. He had never seen a human female this close, this real. He was astonished by the dappling of small brown dots across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks, and the different strands of colors in her long, unkempt hair -- light browns, golds, even reds. And she was as thin as the locals. He could see blue veins in the backs of her hands, and she smelled different from anyone he'd ever shared space with. He wasn't sure if she was pretty or downright ugly. He just knew that she was utterly alien and utterly fascinating, as alien as a gdan or a Gurlanin. It was almost stopping him from concentrating on the job."
Despite my reaction to their first meeting, Darman/Etain is the only RepComm ship that I actually like, probably because it feels like it has actual buildup and chemistry. Ignoring Etain's actions in Triple Zero (which is a discussion for another day), I find them pretty cute.
I like the little detail that Darman doesn't know what freckles are.
Chapter 9
"There is something very touching about them. They look like soldiers; they fight like soldiers; and sometimes they even talk like soldiers. They have the finest qualities of the fighting man. But behind that is nothing -- no love, no family, no happy memory that comes from having truly lived. When I see one of these men killed, I weep more for him than for any ordinary soldier who has lived a full and normal life."
-- Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi
I was not expecting to see anything in this series involving the Jedi that isn't in some way bashing them, but this pleasantly surprised me.
Ki-Adi mentioning family is a lot sadder when you remember that he lost all three of his wives and all of his children during the war.
"Atin took a bite out of the white cube and washed it down with a gulp of water from his bottle. 'He [Kal Skirata] never trained us. Heard a lot about him.'
'Trained Fi and Darman too. Our squads were all in the same battalion.'
'We had Walon Vau.'
'That explains where you get your cheery outlook.'
'Sergeant Vau taught us the importance of planning for the worst scenario,' Atin said, all loyalty. 'And maximizing your tech. Being hard is good, being hard with superior tech is better.'
'I'll bet.'
'I'd heard everyone loved Skirata, though. Even if he was a bad-tempered drunk.'
Niner had never been drunk and he didn't even know what alcohol tasted like. 'He cared what happened to us. He was one of us, pretty much. Not just because he couldn't cope with not being in the army anymore, or had to disappear. No, he was a good man.' Niner would have given a great deal to have seen Skirata come limping through the trees right then, demanding to know what they were doing lounging around like a bunch of Kaminoan nahra artists."
Oh look, our first mention of Walon Vau, problematic-est of problematic favs. (And, indirectly, my beloved Mird.)
Knowing how Atin actually feels about Vau, Niner calling him "all loyalty" here is pretty uncomfortable.
*Flatly* I don't love Kal Skirata. I love well-written fanfics with him, I do not love him in canon.
Apparently, nahra is the Kaminoan version of ballet, in which they express emotions they usually repress. Huh.
"'Why are we scraping maps in the dirt when we've got perfectly good holocharts?'
'That's what Sergeant Skirata used to do,' Darman said. 'He didn't like holos. Too transparent. He also thought that feeling the texture of dirt focused your mind.'
'And you don't need any technology to do it.'
'He was a great believer in intuition.'"
Any time Kal Skirata has any advice or does anything that I actually like (ie, anything that doesn't make me want to strangle him), I feel honor-bound to mention it.
I have to wonder if he had to explain what dirt was to his trainees. Omega definitely had no idea what dirt was when she first left Kamino. Oh, now I have this image of him reading the dictionary definition out to a very confused group of cadets.
"Etain hesitated. She had once heard someone say that they could never remove their betrothal ring, not until they died. Her Padawan braid felt equally permanent, as if her soul was woven in with it, and that removing it after so long -- even temporarily -- would rend the fabric of the universe and underscore her belief that she was not Jedi material. But it had to be done. She unfastened the single thin braid and combed the strands of wavy hair loose with her fingers.
She felt less like a Jedi than ever, and not even remotely close to a commander."
This is one of the examples of Traviss's writing that I don't have any problem with. If she stuck more with this, instead of the Jedi-bashing and Mando-shilling, I wouldn't have so much of a problem. This passage gets Etain's situation across very well. In particular, her reluctance to remove her Padawan braid despite the circumstances reminds me of how I tend to cling to specific objects no matter the situation.
Wow, I actually don't have much to pick at with these two chapters. I suspect this will occur less and less as the series goes on, so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
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Jedi-Bashing: 15
Di'kut Count: 6
Main Post
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Star Wars Alien Species - Gurlanin
The Gurlanins were a polymorphic species native to the planet Qiilura. Qiilura had many islands with fertile soil, deep river inlets, rolling plains, deciduous forests, lakes, and gameboard fields. The planet also had gem mines, sources of zeka quartz and green silicates. The planet was home to a number of native non-sentient species such as gdans, merlies and vheks.
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During the Clone Wars, Qiilura was the location of a Separatist biological weapons lab that was developing a pathological agent specifically designed to kill clones. During the Mission to Qiilura, Omega Squad—a squad of Republic commandos—was sent to destroy the biological weapons lab and, if possible, locate Jedi Master Kast Fulier and his Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan. Although Master Kast Fulier was dead prior to their arrival, Omega Squad was ultimately successful in destroying the lab after joining up with Padawan Tur-Mukan and enlisting the help of a native Gurlanin, Jinart.
Due to the Separatist droids burning the barq fields in the search of one of Omega's members, there was a galactic shortage of the grain, causing economic problems for both the Trade Federation and the already impoverished farmers who lost their crops.
After the success of the mission to Qiilura, a deal was struck between the Republic and the Gurlanins to remove the Human colony. The terms of the agreement specified that the Gurlanins, with their ridiculously effective espionage skills, would act as spies for the Republic, and the entire Human colony would immediately be evicted from the planet by Republic forces. For the members of the dwindling population of Gurlanins, this meant that the merlie herds would once again reach their previous numbers in the wild, restoring balance to the environment. Failing to keep their end of the bargain, a Republic garrison was established and led by General Arligan Zey and Commander Etain Tur-Murkan. Their objective was to train the Human colonists in guerrilla warfare in case of another Separatist attack. However, because the Separatists had no other interests in the system, all that the training and equipping accomplished was the further encroachment of Gurlanin territory by Human colonists.
Furious, the Gurlanins decided that the only way to get the Republic to listen was to grab it by the ears. An entire Republic troopship was destroyed due to information leaked to the Separatists by Gurlanin agents. This caused the Senate to immediately understand the tremendous threat the Gurlanins could be, and a decision was quickly made to remove the Human colonists on Qiilura.
The Senate Committee on Refugees was informed by Republic Intelligence that at least two, and possibly a much larger number of other Gurlanins, had infiltrated Coruscant, where they were in place and standing by to inflict significant damage to the Republic in retaliation for the continued occupation of Qiilura. Tur-Murkan, now a General, led a contingent of clone troopers to expedite the evacuation of the Human colonists. The colonists resisted leaving their homes, and openly engaged Republic forces with the militias trained by Zey and Tur-Murkan. The evacuation quickly became an eviction, and when clone casualties grew out of hand, Tur-Murkan regretfully gave the order to use lethal force, if necessary, to remove the remaining colonist hold-outs.
When the Empire rose into power, Qiilura was conquered by Imperial stormtroopers.
During the Yuuzhan Vong's incursion into the galaxy, Qiilura fell within space conquered by the invaders.
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Gurlanin are largely considered mysterious and manipulative, and always dangerous. Changelings are regarded by most as beings untrustworthy, though the Gurlanin are very loyal to those they deem worthy of their trust. However, betrayal of that trust can earn a very dangerous enemy, as the Gurlanin are vengeful. The Gurlanin are noted as having some of the most pleasant, soothing voices in the galaxy, lending aid to their attempts at persuasion and deception.
In their natural form, Gurlanin are large, fourlegged canines with coarse black fur and no noticeable ears. Their mouths have a number of sharp, lethal fangs used for hunting small mammals on Qiilura. However, Gurlanin are meta-morphs, and can change shape at will, often appearing as whatever is necessary to achieve their goals.
Gurlanin vary wildly in height, and weigh about 80 kilograms or 176 pounds.
Gurlanins age at the following stages:
1 - 10 Child
11 - 17 Young Adult
18 - 45 Adult
46 - 60 Middle Age
61 - 74 Old
Examples of Names: Helabrus, Jinart, Tanclae, Valaqil.
Languages: Gurlanin speak to each other telepathically, but most all have learned Basic, to better spy on the local barq farmers.
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englepsi · 5 years
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A Sith Gurlanin I made for a Star Wars rp I’ve been on for far too long.
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justaballoffluff · 2 years
I haven't actually written anything with Tari as a gurlanin and that's ...kinda disappointing
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gurlpilot · 4 years
right! the weirdness of sh’lari’s force signature:
gurlanin are fucking wack, ya’ll. they can hide from e v e r y t h i n g, force included. which also begs the question of why, evolutionarily speaking, such adaptations were needed but that’s an entirely different post lmao (i’m a biologist okay, i have a legit degree in veterinary science so the biology and evolutionary factors of star wars species is SUPER FUCKING INTERESTING OKAY).
right. sh’lari
her signature is...oily. not dark oily but slippery. like it’s there but not, basically the equivalent of seeing something out of the corner of the eye but it’s the force. she can disappear with no prelude, suddenly a void where there once was a something. 
it’s muted, too, more because of the (supposed) properties of the beskar she wears (i say supposed because it’s a common fanon theory but i can’t seem to find it in lore) and just because it was how she was trained. someone who was raised a spy, a shadow warrior, a hunter, would have a more muted presence in general.
so she’s almost a void, a slippery hole in the force that can disappear so quickly that one would miss it. 
NOW AS A S I T H! hoo, boy.
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this bitch right here? valkyrja? is terrifying. not only does she have the gurlanin abilities but she has incredible darkness hiding. she comes off as someone in the grey, and she is most of the time, but when she decides that she needs to drop back down into the force, the darkness that she exudes is beyond that of sidious. it’s partly due to her training, that her master was a sith during the time of the old republic and therefore she has different values in terms of accessing the dark side. 
so she’s scary when she drops, when her eyes go red-gold, when stormtroopers fall without being touched and allies revive with choking gasps, limbs back together and memories altered. it’s a good thing she’s on your side. 
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thesummerstorms · 4 years
Rev Recaps Hard Contact (Chapter 20)
Final chapter at last!
CW: Violence & blood. Decapitation. 
TL;DR Recap: Darman and Etain make it back to the gunship with the injured Atin and Uthan in tow, but Etain refuses to let Zey leave without Omega. Niner lures Hokan into a trap and Hokan is decapitated. Zey offers Etain a choice, but 12 years later the framework still makes no sense.
Beginning Kal Count: 39 Ending Kal Count: 42
This post includes my favorite scene in the book, and has probably double the expected word count because of that. Long-Ass Post.
We open with a Kal Quote. I am ignoring Kal Quotes this far into the game because I am already very informed on Traviss’s opinions, but that does raise the Kal Count to 40 already.
Instead, we focus on Darman writing poetry to a gunship.
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:’) Dar has similes and metaphors down at least. Some unnamed clone troopers (white-armored) and a medic come running out and dismiss Darman when he tries to tell them everything that happened to Atin because he’s already adequately marked Atin’s armor. They’ve also taken Uthan, so with, finally, nothing left for Darman to do, he turns around to watch Zey and Etain.
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So Etain doesn’t ask who Zey is at all anywhere in this scene, which even with the Force telling her he’s a Jedi and logical clues telling her she’s outranked, you would think that she’d want his name. She also uses his name in her narration later without being told it on screen at any point. So that makes me think they’ve met before this, at least briefly. 
On the other hand their greeting is “formal”/ “etiquette” , not Etain being relieved that fucking finally, here is an adultier-adult whom she knows and trusts, so I don’t think they know one another well.
I’m sure the formal greeting vs “scene from a nightmare” thing is meant to be pointed, but whatever, we’re moving on. Well, except, I do have to point out:
The ARC, who I am calling Maze until I have evidence he’s not, takes off his helmet, doesn’t say shit to Darman, just stares at him. I don’t know why that makes me laugh.
Valaquil departs off the gunship, Darman praises Jinart, and Dar hopes the Republic will keep their word to the gurlanin because “they deserve it”, but we’ve long passed the point where I gave a shit about the gurlanin.
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Zey’s priority --> mostly tactical, get this shit show of a mission over, but does try to reassure Etain
Etain --> where are my people???
I love how Dar expects Etain to “soften” because he knows that she longs to be confirmed as having worth and value, has learned this even after a very short mission, but Etain is also deeply loyal and her priorities have shifted.
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Um, Maze, buddy? You want to chill?
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We as readers know that their helmets were shut down by the EMP, but here’s Darman, assuming that he’s just lost another half a squad and that just like Geonosis, he’ll never know for certain what happened to them. The flashback is heartbreaking.
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Etain’s ability to use Force-sense is so weirdly inconsistent and plot-selective in this book, but I love her already being able to tell from a distance that Omega squad is okay, even to tell where they are. This is the precursor to her being able to feel Darman “across star systems”, but on some level she’s formed some version of this bond with all of them.
And you know, no one in this book ever explains why the Republic wants Uthan so bad, but knowing from Order 66 that Palps wanted to use her for his personal goals always pisses me off.
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Darman has become familiar enough with Etain and her expressions that this expression immediately sets off his “oh shit” radar, and it’s not even the first time. 
The one boot on the gunship and one on the soil is actually a nice tiny bit of symbolism- caught between what the Jedi expect of her and what she’s learned under fire from Omega- if you chose to interpret it that way. And I can actually sympathize with Zey’s annoyance here because Etain, tactically, is being pretty stupid here. If Uthan dies before they can get her proper care, if they can’t get off the planet, then it’s all for nothing. 
But. I wouldn’t want her to react any other way. This is exactly my favorite moment of hers. (Which is why I have the entire damn thing highlighted before anyone calls me out for that lmao.)
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Listen, Zey, you know ilu, but bringing up her dead Master in a less than complimentary way was supposed to... do what exactly for your argument? He also completely ignores Darman’s attempt to keep the peace, but we just upped our Kal Count to 41 with the talk of Etain’s loyalty being a mirror.
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Again, tactically pretty dumb I’m sure but oh holy hell do I love it. Especially that underlined bit in red. “Darman thought she had changed her mind, but that wasn’t Etain at all.”
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Darman desperately not wanting Etain to be targeted by whatever Jedi mind powers he thinks Zey is about to use on her. Darman thinking about how Zey doesn’t know Etain at all, that Zey is taking 100% the wrong approach, but if Darman was just allowed to talk to her-
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That bit in red? That and the response Zey’s about to give are two of my favorite lines in the entire book.
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Zey gives in. Darman tries to get Etain to stay anyway, I think because he’s worried about the fallout of this moment landing on her, although it’s kind of too little too late for that. But Zey, as tactically expensive as this could be, as annoyed as he has been, is still proud of Etain.
It’s just one little tiny moment that says so much about Dar and about Etain and even about Zey. That little moment of pride lets me think they were better suited to Master and Padawan that maybe either of them recognized or would later accept.
Unfortunately, we now have to leave my favorite scene ever and return to Hokan’s POV. Hokan is injured and doesn’t know where Fi has gotten to, but as expected, Niner’s screaming has caught his attention.
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Hokan has this weird double consciousness, this deeply rooted aversion to mercy or anything he sees as weakness or softness. It’s still a really... delicate little moment?
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Listen, I know that Niner’s not wounded and this still is upsetting. 
Kal Count 42.
Hokan still is vacillating between thinking of Niner as an it more than a person, and “abomination” and thinking of him as a Mandalorian man who’s been unfairly used. Again, it’s this weird moment of double think, but it works in Niner’s favor, because nobody wants to know what would have happened if Hokan hadn’t taken the time to talk to him, or had decided to use the lightsaber.
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The sheer irony of Hokan avoiding the lightsaber because it was too much like what happened to Jango on Geonosis... and then Etain decapitates him... with a lightsaber.
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Niner says he doesn’t like to complain, but. Also, still very fair. And a much needed laugh after that last moment.
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“Probably okay” Fi. 
Also This raises SO MANY questions because Mando armor is supposed to hold off Jedi if it’s beskar, but this isn’t, which means Fi spends the rest of the series hoarding and or wearing armor that isn’t beskar.
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Etain is trembling, we’ll find out from her POV, because she’s still reacting to hearing Niner scream like that, and it rattles her deeply. Which again, I sympathize with, because it makes me upset.
But I mean, even if Traviss forgets it... there has to be a lot of emotion to being handed Kast Fulier’s lightsaber. He was the only one who was kind to her in the Order, at least from her point of view, she failed him, he was tortured to death with that lightsaber, and now it’s being returned to her. This is the closest she’ll ever get to closure, because as with Omega’s original brothers, there are no bodies left for burial. KT completely ignores the weight of that... but I think about it a lot.
Darman being gentle with her and praying that Fi doesn’t open his mouth makes me feel soft, though. And Niner gives her a tiny bit of the acknowledgement/respect she's wanted.
We go to her POV next:
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Same, Etain. Same. Again, as she points out... Niner’s heard that before. And none of the rest of the squad who was there for it even really seems fazed?
She’s also guilty  about not being Jedi enough of course, but that’s nothing new at this point. And I’m sure Fi and Niner can appreciate her not-Jedi instincts. (Or does Zey’s tacit approval mean actually her stunt with the gunship is rooted in some Jedi ideals, even if it’s tactically stupid? idk.)
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Maze & Zey take turns doing the pacing, confirmed. It’s just funny because earlier Zey was annoying the shit out of Niner by pacing and breaking up the holos at the briefing.
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Anyway, the conversation turns to what actually happens to Etain now. She is, after all, an orphaned Padawan in the middle of war time.
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“Etain could think of nothing worse than staying on Qiilura, with its terrible memories and uncertain future... She was alone again and scared.”
Okay, so we can debate what Etain’s duty is in this scenario. As Zey says, she knows better than anyone what Qiilura is like, and that’s info Zey can’t attempt to replicate, even if he reads Omega’s reports. It wouldn’t be the same as having Etain’s first hand experience.
But that... still leaves Etain “alone”, “scared”, stuck on a planet that is “full of terrible memories” and is associated deeply with at least three months of trauma. And she’s going to accept that, because she’s being guilted with the Jedi values of non-attachment and duty to the Republic. But I don’t know that this is the healthiest way for her to finish out her training. Like. Do the Jedi not have counselors or something, Zey?
It’s just... really sad to me.
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a) Note to self about the body language here again. “dug her nails into her palms”, tried to compose herself.
b) oh shut up about what’s expected of soldiers; not everything has to be comparative 
c) I had a conversation with  samwichwilson about this scene that’s probably still in the tags somewhere.
But the framework of this choice makes absolutely ZERO sense to me.
Like, my kingdom for the AU where Etain chooses to go with Omega squad and spends the next nine months learning to blow shit up with them. I have no idea how that would work since she’s a Padawan and still technically needs a Master’s supervision, but I would enjoy it. She would definitely be happier than she’s gonna be on Qiilura.
But... while the narrative is presenting this as serious-ish options... like, there’s no way Zey would have actually go through with that last one, right? Point about working undercover aside, if he’s offering to let one clone stay, he might as well offer all 4, and he specifically narrows it down to one of the squad, not all of Omega.
So while Etain typically seems to believe an even lower opinion of her than KT actually writes (to match her low self-esteem) I have to assume that she’s right and she’s being tested here? But Zey, what the hell were you going to do if she said yes and asked to go with Omega? Much less if, when she accidentally caves here in a moment, Darman had said yes and agreed to stay with her.
She would have failed the test, and you can’t really let them start dating under your supervision... so what are you gonna do about that?
Anyway, it doesn’t matter. As unfair as it is, the choice is not really a choice, and Etain has been guilted into remaining in this place she hates. She’ll probably even end up working with Jinart again. Bleh.
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Etain seems to be taking these options as if they’re really, truly serious here, but as a reader, it’s incredibly hard to see them that way. Because again. What’s Zey gonna do if she fails the attachment test.
(Unless you want to argue that the predilection with Jedi non-attachment and rules breaking is 100% in Etain’s head here and her guilt and mental conditioning just won’t let her see that Zey is 100% truthful and kindly letting Etain go off with these people she’s become so desperate to attach herself to. But that doesn’t fit like... any canon about the Jedi Order. Or ANY of Traviss’s writing tbh.)
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I mean, at least Etain knows herself pretty well here. Her brain is going “abort abort, abort” but can’t actually stop her from doing the stupid thing.  She’s also trying to communicate to Dar that this isn’t her abandoning him, this is her still caring.
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Listen, you can point out Dar’s lack of experience and still miss all the “child” bullshit. And honestly, his response to her saying that she’ll miss him comes off... almost a little cold. “You’ll miss me. I’m going to die in ten years, but don’t worry about me because I’m going the closest I have to home.” Maybe he’s trying to reassure her / also not to admit to someone who is now an Officer again that he’ll miss her too. It just sounds weird, even if we get the line that he was “considering it seriously.”
Or I guess what really annoys me is that in this moment that should be really personal and painful for these two characters, this just sounds... weirdly preachy?
Also...like... again Etain had to know that it wasn’t an actual option, even if the rest of the series will pretend that it was, including when she looks back at it in Triple Zero. But I’m choosing to read it more as a mark of her desperation- being so desperate and lonely, and, yes, a little trapped that her emotion overrides what she knows to be true.
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There’s some lines about how she’s a better Jedi Forever now because of “a soldier faith in her” but I have mixed feelings about those because they’re followed up with a bunch of bullshit about how she should learn from him because he had accepted his fate and had no self pity, and I don’t have time for ANY of that. You are allowed to feel bad when bad things happen to you, even if you are a woman or a Jedi.. Fuck off, Traviss.
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Listen, you know and I know that she’ll see them again, she and Darman will fall in love, she isn’t trapped on Qiilura, a place of her nightmares, forever.
But it still feels like a real fucking downer of an ending.
Still, we have now officially made it to the end of Hard Contact. I haven’t decided if I’ll make posts for Triple Zero or if they’ll follow this format if they do. (Your thoughts/comments/feedback are welcome, as always.)
Final Kal Count was 42, which is actually impressive for a 20 chapter novel in which he DOES NOT APPEAR.
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for-the-sake-of-color · 7 months
Mary Ann in Bubblegum Nebula?
[Color Palette Ask Game] by @thoughtfulrobot
Thank you! Mwah, here is Miss Polymorphic Corporate Espionage herself!!!
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etainlives · 5 years
V: Flash Forward
VERSE TYPE: Star Wars AU (Time travel/Stasis)
TIME RANGE: Leaps from 21 BBY to ~32 ABY, takes place in the Sequel Era.
In 21 BBY, shortly after being reunited with Omega Squad on Coruscant, Jedi General Etain Tur-Mukan was retasked and sent to investigate the rumor of a scientific lab operating on the Separatist-held world of Ketaris. 
Although Etain had originally been assigned to help remove and resettle Qiiluran colonists at the behest of the local Gurlanin population, the lack of other Jedi near the Celanon Spurr hyperspace corridor, Etain’s recent SpecOps experience and training, and Etain’s less than cordial relationship with the primary Republic Gurlanin contact, Jinart, lead Arligan Zey to overrule her assignment. Etain was instructed to discretely make planet fall on Ketaris and wait for ARC trooper reinforcement.
Unfortunately, local intelligence gathered groundside left Etain little time to wait for back up. She followed her lead- and her intuition- to a Separatist lab facility that had been set up beneath one of the world’s many oceans, in the ruins of a former Jedi Temple filled with a forgotten trove of kyber crystals.
Etain’s memory of what happened next precisely is hopelessly blurred, almost as if from some sort of traumatic accident. She remembers a strange Force-impression from the kyber, the feeling of surprise, and then- nothing.
[[Etain was either transported through Space Magic  the power of The Force or held in some sort of stasis containment that eventually failed.]]
The next thing she knew, she was waking more than 50 years in her own future, a lone Jedi Knight in a galaxy that had long forgotten them, the veteran of a war that had morphed decades of unrest. Likely no one would have ever believed her, had a Resistance fighter on the run not witnessed her re-emergence. 
The Resistance fighter, seeing her lightsaber and robes, took her immediately to Resistance command. Although initially Etain tried to seek out the fate of those she’d known in her own timeline- namely Darman Skirata, Kal Skirata, and Arligan Zey- the search proved both fruitless and soul-crushing. Eventually, seeing no way forward but to move forward, she allowed herself to be roped into the Resistance ranks, those her Jedi status was hidden for fear it would prove too hard for other Resistance fighters to accept.
[[Mun’s note: At the moment, I’m making the assumption that for this verse’s sake Etain wasn’t pregnant with Kad when she was transported. However, I may change that decision later. It remains undecided.]]
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Jet and his GF Mary Ann chilling in her Natural Form
If she looks like a borzoi, well, yea. Gurlanins have no canon design outside of 'canine-like marsupial' so I took some liberties She really takes 'puppy girl' to a whole new level HA
[want your own art? hire me!]
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When You're a Shapeshifter and 6'5 and your Boyfriends pet sith is stuck at 5'2
(Or, when you're 5'2 and your Captains Lover is too damn tall) Original meme below the Cut
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What if you accidentally fell in love with ur brother's (and Captain)'s girlfriend, but they're both super chill about it because Mary Ann has two hands? (and ur both girls 😳😳😳 👉 👈 )
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