#star wars rp starters
mcflymemes · 4 months
STAR WARS: EPISODE IV - A NEW HOPE (1977) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
uh... everything's under control. situation normal.
this will be a day long remembered.
in my experience, there's no such thing as luck.
i have you now!
let's blow this thing and go home!
great shot, kid, that was one in a million!
look, a few minutes ago you said you didn't want to just wait here to be captured. now all you want to do is stay?
he doesn't like you.
it's a wonder you're still alive.
no reward is worth this.
i'm surprised that you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.
the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.
screaming about it can't help you.
i see your point.
i wonder if he really cares about anything, or anybody.
what is it? some kind of local trouble?
i have the death sentence on twelve systems.
this little one's not worth the effort.
i sense something.
should i have your ship standing by?
you don't believe in the force, do you?
i've flown from one side of the galaxy to the other. i've seen a lot of strange stuff.
there's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny.
the force will be with you, always.
how did my father die?
if there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's furthest from.
i don't know what all this trouble is about, but i'm sure it must be your fault.
you watch your language!
we seem to be made to suffer. it's our lot in life.
either i'm going to kill her or i'm beginning to like her.
aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?
the force is strong with this one.
i fear something terrible has happened.
we had a slight weapons malfunction, but... uh. everything's perfectly all right now.
we're fine, we're all fine here now. thank you. how are you?
we're sending a squad up.
we're doomed.
it's not over yet.
i ain't in this for your revolution, and i'm not in it for you.
i expect to be well paid. i'm in it for the money.
use the force, [name].
i find your lack of faith disturbing.
this bickering is pointless.
hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side.
look, your worshipfulness, let's get one thing straight. i take orders from just one person: me.
give us a few minutes to lock it down!
who is this? what's your operating number?
[name], we're gonna have company!
you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. we must be cautious.
let me see your identification.
you can go about your business.
move along.
my ship has fallen under attack.
this is our most desperate hour.
you're my only hope.
i've gotta get home! it's late! i'm in for it as it is!
i'm getting too old for this sort of thing.
look, i can't get involved. i've got work to do.
it's all such a long way from here.
evacuate? in our moment of triumph? i think you overestimate their chances.
we have no weapons!
you're far too trusting.
i recognized your foul stench when i was brought on board.
marching into a detention area is not what i had in mind.
that's what i'm afraid of.
this is all your fault.
i don't know who you are or where you came from, but from now on you'll do as i tell you, okay?
surely he must be dead by now.
i have something here for you.
there was nothing you could have done.
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toebeansandotherbaes · 2 months
Wolves of Tantiss (open rp starter with werewolf Tech and Crosshair)
Tech stood, his legs only shaking slightly, and walked to the garden wall of their home on Pabu. He and Crosshair were still recovering from their wounds from rescuing Omega again from Hemlock. Although much of their wounds had been healed by the time they arrived on Pabu weeks ago. Crosshair was still dealing with phantom limb and Tech had developed a small verbal tick from the torment he had endured under Hemlock.
But their physical injuries had healed cleanly and quickly. It was strange, but both Crosshair and Tech were under many experiments by Hemlock, to make them perfect soldiers. Tech assumed one of the many injections and experiments were accelerated healing along with the cure for the accelerated aging, of which Tech was quick to steal and replicate.
Tech pushed the concerns from his mind as he watched the sun set, the "Golden Hour" of Pabu. He turned and called to his siblings.
"It is almost t-t-t-time." He called, one cheek twitching with the word causing the tick.
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
Open RP Starter: The Jedi Art of Seduction
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She couldn't believe it had come to this. To be captured by the Empire years after escaping Order 66, and by troopers and inquisitors that had been trained to fully resist Jedi mind tricks--it was a fate utterly unfathomable to the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano. Yet, even as she was carted off on the Imperial Star Destroyer, taken away for holding...she wasn't completely out of options just yet...
"Hey there, big boy~" Ahsoka purred, pressing herself against the hardlight wall and staring out at the guard stationed outside. The force field gave off a soft red light, and as she had stripped down to only her underwear and stockings, it made her orange skin almost seem to glow. "It's a long way to where we're headed, and the trip can be boring~ why don't I help you pass the time~ after all, I'm totally at your mercy~"
She leaned closer, pressing her sizable chest into the wall, making her tits squish against it erotically. "All you need to do~ is open this door~ and let me out~"
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gravityslingshot · 5 months
greed can be a powerful ally.
be brave, and don't look back. don't look back.
your thoughts dwell on your mother.
mind your feelings.
what does that have to do with anything?
fear is the path to the dark side.
fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.
i sense much fear in you.
there is something else behind this.
either choice presents great danger to us all.
no money, no parts, no deal.
wouldn't have lasted so long anyway if i wasn't so good at building things.
outlanders, they think we know nothing.
you can't have him. it wasn't a fair bet.
why do i sense we've picked up another pathetic lifeform?
unfortunately, the federation has possession of our planet.
this is the clue we need to unravel the mystery of the sith.
may the force be with you.
i don't want to be a problem.
your focus determines your reality.
stay close to me, and you'll be safe.
they continually speak to us, telling us the will of the force.
when you learn to quiet your mind, you will hear them speak to you.
i will take back what's ours.
there are too few of us, and we don't have an army.
i foresee you will become a great jedi knight.
if we do not act quickly, all will be lost forever. i ask you to help us.
a few hundred police and guards have formed an underground resistance movement.
this is a battle i do not think we can win.
she is more foolish than i thought.
this will work to our advantage.
wipe them out. all of them.
he is the chosen one.
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kyberkeeper · 2 years
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A young boy sits in the darkness of an alley, watching the locals go about their daily tasks. He waits for an opportunity and, when one finally appears, he puts all his focus into a nearby market stall. He raises his hand with the effort, trying to make the fruit float towards him, but only manages to convince it to rise before it plops down into the pile again. He’d have to try again.
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spiderben2011 · 3 months
Open Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Ahsoka Tano sighed as she followed your muse towards their ship after they had been on this planet for a few days. They had intended to stay longer, till your muse pissed off the wrong people and she had to make the save.
"You really need to stop pissing people off, okay? I can't keep defending you from them and risk exposure," said Ahsoka as they head to the hanger where their ship is at.
Ahsoka had faked her death a few months ago and ended up befriending your muse, who knew her secret. They agreed to keep her abilities hidden, but it was hard to do that when trouble follows your muse.
"One of these days I should sit back and watch them beat you up so you'd learn your lesson," said Ahsoka as they make to the hanger and begins putting in the codes to open the door.
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heroesvow · 3 months
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Written by DJ ( they/them ) / 25+ / also found at @biosurvive & @theyoungwclf
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guard-crane · 7 months
This is a private frequency I’ve sent out across the guards comms. I think I know where to find CT-3996, Tumbler, I’m asking all guards who can to help, I’m asking all Vode who know anything to help.
I’ve left cords on where to find me, now let’s find Tumbler!
Crane put down the comm, all there was left to do was wait. Was crane nervous? Obviously, none of the Corrie’s really knew him yet and he’s asking for their help to find a vod who most think is dead.
He does truly hope help will come, but if not, Crane is fully prepared to go it alone. No matter what Forge says, what he doesn’t know won’t kill him…. Probably.
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themultiverseheroines · 2 months
Open Summer Fandom RP (to all fandoms)
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Ahsoka Tano was presumed to be dead by the galaxy. She wanted to keep it that way and look to live her life as a civilian. She met your muse who she agreed to live with. And go to their home world and find some peace.
She was in their workout room where she wanted to get a good workout in before the day began. She's then told by your muse about going to the beach, which she was confused about.
"I mean, I have no trouble going to the beach, but if you're looking to get me to relax, I don't need to go to the beach," said Ahsoka who is unaware of what the beach is like on this world and if its different from back home. "I don't mind, but I feel like staying in will be best."
((made by TommesR on DeviantArt))
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teknah · 2 months
Outland (1981) Inspired RP Sentence Starters
[Adjust pronouns/punctuation/etc. as needed when sending]
"You know, if you're the kind of guy you're supposed to be, you wouldn't stick around. That's why they sent you here."
"I was afraid you'd say something like that. You really think you're making a difference?"
"They send me here to this pile of shit because they think I belong here."
"I want to find out if… well, if they're right."
"That's my rotten little part, in the rotten machine… I don't like it."
"Company doctors are like ship's doctors. Most are one shuttle flight ahead of a malpractice suit.
"You're supposed to protect us - it's your job! Where are your men?"
"My men? My men are shit."
"I'm unpleasant; I'm not stupid. Of course I'm sure - I can count!"
"If you're looking for money, you're smarter than you look. If you're not, you're a lot dumber."
"Hey, [NAME] - guess what I just found in a meat locker."
"You know, I have a feeling that you'll tell me, even if I don't guess."
"Strongest thing you ever saw. Makes you feel wonderful - you do fourteen hours of manual labor in six hours, that kind of nonsense."
"The army tested it a few years ago. It made everybody work, alright - it takes a while - ten, maybe eleven months… and then it fries your brain."
"We're talking about nuclear detonators. You just don't "lose" them, and then "find" them. You lose your comb and then find it, not detonators. Now, I want to know where they were found, and who found them. You get my drift?"
"Did you really destroy the entire shipment? You do have a flair for the dramatic."
"You know, I've misjudged you. You're not stupid - you're crazy. You think you caused more than an inconvenience? Is that what you think?"
"You're dealin' with grown-ups here! You're out of your league."
"Whoever sent you that shipment's gonna be mad that you lost it. Grown-ups have no sense of humor."
"Let me tell you what you're dealing with here: I run a franchise. The company hires me to dig as much ore as possible out of this hellhole. There's a guy like me on every mining operation, all over the system."
"My hookers are clean; some of 'em are good-looking. My booze isn't watered."
"The workers are happy. When the workers are happy, they dig more ore - they get paid more bonus money. When they dig more ore, the company's happy! When the company's happy, I'm happy!"
"Nothing here is wonderful. It works - that's enough."
"Now, don't go getting your nose all out of joint."
"Oh, it's just his way - a little ceremony for the good folks, that's all."
"You know what time it is? You'd better be dying."
"You've got the men you want, and it wasn't easy. My people are very unhappy with you."
"This could cause trouble for us on all the other mining operations. If the company got wind of what's going on, they'd clamp down like a vice."
" That could put my people out of business - and my people like being in business."
"They've already left on the shuttle arriving Sunday."
"Yes, I'm sure. No one here will stick their neck out for anyone."
"Once the word is spread these guys are pros, there'll be no trouble. I've got someone on the inside that will spread the word."
"I've gotta tell you - if this doesn't work out, the next guys who come for someone will be coming for you."
"I was on my way to drinking myself into a stupor, and I thought I'd drop in and say goodbye."
"I should thank you. There hasn't been so much excitement in this heap for some time."
"It's gonna hit the fan around here, and I want to watch it happen… You did good."
"Oh, it's beautiful. You're going to see many wonderful things. And you'll have many friends to play with."
"Mommy says that on the flight, they put you to sleep for more than a year."
"Not a bit. You'll just wake up… be home."
"I'm going to sleep through my birthday!"
"In the first place, the company wanted the bodies shipped out quickly. In the second place, when a person exposes himself to zero-pressure atmosphere, there isn't a whole lot left to inspect. In the third place, you're becoming a nuisance."
"Such a smart piece of equipment, and a wreck like me trying to run it."
"…I get it. You don't do anything bad; you just don't do anything good, right?"
"Almost everybody here doesn't have both oars in the water as far as I'm concerned. Why people "suddenly" start to lose their marbles in greater numbers is not so mystifying. I don't know why more of them didn't do it sooner."
"That's pretty good - playing by yourself, and losing. I'd join you in this dumb game, if I could play sitting down…"
"Don't misconstrue this. I'm not displaying character - just temporary insanity."
"The second time I did a tour, I got back and my wife had skipped off with some guy who was a computer programmer."
"I said, "Happy? The guy looks so boring." She said, "He may not be Mr. Excitement, except he was home all the time." Well, you can't argue with that."
"Yes. Take two aspirin, and call me in the morning. That's a doctor joke."
"Some cupcake decided he didn't need an environment suit. They're still spongin' him off the elevator walls."
"This blood is from a dead person. No alcohol. He ate dinner. Protein, carbohydrates… more carbohydrates. He didn't eat his vegetables."
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lightwxlkr · 2 months
TW: PTSD and death of a padawan is discussed
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“Absolutely not.”
Noa growled at her nephew. She hadn’t meant for her tone to come out so menacing; it was like she didn’t realize how aggressive she sounded.
Luke’s inner struggle was strong, and it wouldn’t have taken someone as strong in the Force as Noa was to see that. He had only recently learned the truth about his father, Noa’s brother… it was a sensitive subject for her as well. Though, what was even more sensitive was that Luke had just asked her if she would help him become a better Jedi.
This was something Noa swore she would never do again. Not after… that day.
If only Aspen hadn’t died…
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mcflymemes · 8 months
PROMPTS FROM THE STAR WARS - THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK SCRIPT *  assorted lines from the 1980 SCRIPT written by lawrence kasdan and leigh brackett (so it might not be accurate to the actual film), adjust as necessary
i've finished my circle and i haven't picked up any life readings.
i'm heading back to the base.
i'll see you shortly.
what's the matter? you smell something?
it's going to be difficult to spot approaching ships.
you're leaving?
you're an extraordinary fighter. i hate to lose you.
well, don't get all mushy on me.
you said you were going to stay. what happened?
don't give me that look.
you're so terrified of your own emotions.
you want me to stay because of the way you feel about me.
i respect you. you're a bold fighter, maybe not the brightest...
you're imagining things.
i say you came running after me because you were afraid i was leaving you without even a kiss.
believe me, you could use a good kiss.
i've had it with your noble mission.
we'll meet again. maybe you'll have grown up a little by then.
i'll see you in hell.
you must survive, [name].
come on, buddy, you aren't dead yet. give me a sign here. don't do this, [name], it's not your time.
we haven't got much time.
nice of you guys to drop by.
we have a visitor.
whatever it is, it isn't friendly.
i'm afraid there's not much left.
now don't panic. we don't know that.
i think we've found them.
how do you know it's them?
does it still hurt?
what would you think if i went away for a while?
what do you mean, you took care of that?
that's two you owe me, junior.
i don't know what he's talking about.
you must have gone completely out of your feeble mind.
we must hold them off until all our ships are safely away.
don't worry. you haven't seen the last of us.
let's get out of here before we become permanent residents.
it's no good! i can't see!
i don't know if there's anyone left alive in there.
someday you're going to be wrong, and i just hope i'm there to see it.
you don't have to do this to impress me.
if you said you thought coming here was a bad idea, i'm beginning to agree with you.
being held by you isn't enough to get me excited.
i must admit there are times i don't understand human behavior.
i'm looking for someone.
hey, that's my dinner!
my hands are dirty.
why are you trembling?
i happen to like nice men.
we've discussed this before.
i will not fail you. i'm not afraid.
that is why you fail.
it's not my fault! i can't understand it!
i'm still not sure what you've accomplished.
not bad, hot shot. not bad.
i feel cold.
i always said you were a gentleman.
sorry, am i interrupting anything?
would you care to join me for a little refreshment?
once you've made this decision, i cannot interfere.
i was worried about you.
i've done what i can for you.
show yourself, or do you fear me?
you'll find i'm full of surprises.
i'll die first.
you are beaten. it is useless to resist.
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toebeansandotherbaes · 5 months
Closed rp w/ @ct-7707-stutter with spoilers from bad batch finale.
CX-2 was...confused. He had been knocked around so many times in the fight with the behemoth of a clone that his mind was constantly slipping in and out of consciousness.
He vaguely remembered Dr Hemlock taking his control band from his arm and taking the asset; the girl...why did she look at him like that? With shock and horror without his helmwt; and leaving the lab.
He remembered standing from the shadows and turned, seeing one of the other clones, the one with longer hair and the face tattoo, freeze from where he was about to spear him with the electro pike.
"it can't be...."
Then there were stun blasts from another angle and he didn't remember Anything else.
Until he woke up to the sound of ocean waves and sea birds.
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pocketmemes · 1 year
star wars: kotor   ∕   sentence starters ( part ii. ) more dialogue taken from the 2003 rpg, star wars: knights of the old republic. lightly edited for clarity. feel free to shift pronouns.
just do me a favor and wait till i’m out of here before you start blowing the place up.
neither one of us is getting off this planet unless we work together.
you got another plan? or are you just objecting because you didn’t think of it?
and why would I indulge your idle curiosity?
to think us creatures beyond the need of simple passions is a delusion.
you're the one who wanted to know more about me. well, this is it. this is what I am.
all my secrets are purely of the mundane variety, unfortunately.
but in the end, you’ve lost something as well.
if we survive all this... maybe we could talk about it then.
i'm asking you to trust me. for just a little while longer.
i wonder how long you would have stayed blind to the truth?
is it vengeance you seek at this reunion?
go ahead and be paranoid.
imagine my surprise when i found out you were still alive.
you do know we’re on the same side, right?
i’m beginning to wonder if you’re capable of trusting anybody.
not all of us have the luxury of choice.
you make me think i have some purpose beyond revenge.
nice speech. i bet you tell yourself that every night so you can sleep.
i would rather not place my life in your hands.
i am prepared to do what it takes.
sounds like you’re better off without him.
how can you even ask if I will follow you?
you always did like to do things the hard way.
blah, blah, blah. don't you ever get tired of being so preachy?
we’ve survived worse, and will again.
can’t you just admit that you were rescued?
i wanted to hold you responsible for all the things you've done.
whatever he said, he was only trying to hurt you.
deny it if you will, but there is a connection between us.
i thought i could destroy all my enemies with a single glorious victory!
i believe you truly mean what you say. for now.
you talk too much and do little.
the darkness that must surely be there, it isn't who you are.
don't try to move too quickly, you might not be fully recovered yet.
one more ‘darling,’ and you’ll be sorry, understand?
no one is without hope of redemption.
none of us is perfect, but I realize ___ is a little less perfect than most.
watching you suffer tore me apart. 
i assume you had some part in this; you learned your lessons well from me.
the only thing you taught me was betrayal and death.
so he sacrificed you to save his own hide?
i always knew there were some who would think i acted out of fear.
you always could inspire loyalty.
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dynastymuses · 3 months
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like/comment (if you are a multi) for a starter
character key
(🍊 is high muse) (🌊muses i want plots for) (🧁new muses)
Star Wars
luke skywalker🍊🌊
qui gon jinn🌊
obi wan kenobi🍊🌊
padme amidala🍊🌊
poe dameron🌊🧁
han solo🌊
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lapismuses · 10 months
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Interact with this post for a starter! Be sure to specify the muse you'd like!
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