rxscss · 1 year
🧬💜☂️ ace x felicity
🧬ace - the first pic in her camera roll of him
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💜 ace - her fave pic of him
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☂️ace - her last pic of him
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spctlights · 1 year
# - ace x dylan , alana x ronan
🅼🅴🅼🅴 🅳🅰🆈 : phone headcanons.
send me “#” for cell phone headcanons about our muses
# ace & dylan
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: wing man #1 what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: standard iphone ringtone my muse’s last text to your muse: does that make me a simp?
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# alana & ronan
what your muse’s name is in mine’s phone: (a) lana anna & fontana what your muse’s picture is in mine’s phone
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what your muse’s ringtone is in mine’s phone: stupid cupid ( from princess diaries ) my muse’s last text to your muse: i'm never drinking again
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starcreatives · 1 month
How to make Delicious Dessert from Watermelon Rinds!W
atermelon rinds are edible, nutritious, high in fiber, vitamins A and C, potassium, magnesium, and other nutrients
Watermelon Rinds Sweet‼️
تربوز کے چھلکے ضائع کرنے کے بجائے اس کا حلوہ بنا کر سب کو حیران کر دیں
Star Creatives Cooking
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icedfae · 1 year
💜☂️☮️  dex and lena 
send    💜          ⸻your    character    posts    their    favourite    picture    of    my    character    .
send    ☂️          ⸻your    character    posts    the    last    picture    in    their    camera    roll    ,    of    my    character    .
send    ☮️          ⸻your    character    posts    a    picture    of    my    character    from    a    good    day    . ( @starcrs )
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crashspyrostuff · 7 years
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Here are the nominees for Best Remake/Remaster (IGN):
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy. Okami HD. Wipeout Omega Collection. Windjammers. L.A. Noire: Remastered. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. StarCraft: Remastered. Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age.
VOTE: https://goo.gl/buFhzY
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adamarks · 5 years
simon snow has fucking dragon powers or some shit and this is my goddamn proof
Whilst you people were having a meltdown over Baz and Simon not hashing it out (Simon’s not in a place of understanding his self worth enough for that yet.), I was having a meltdown about Simon Snow The Literal Fucking Dragon. 
Now, this is obviously going to have major spoilers for Wayward Son. I’m going to assume you’ve read it if you’re reading this. I’ve put a lot of thought into this theory and this is a long ass post so I’m putting it under the cut. Now. Let’s go, lesbians!
First and foremost, let’s start with the wings and tail. 
Simon’s wings are established at the very beginning of Wayward Son to represent something. We don’t really get to quite know what that something is until they start referring to Simon’s wings the same way they used to refer to his magic. 
The most direct reference to Simon’s wings symbolizing his magic is in Simon’s section of the prologue at the very end of the book:
“It’s time for me to stop pretending I’m some sort of superhero. I was that-- I really was-- but I’m not anymore. I don’t belong in the same world as sorcerers and vampires. That’s not my story.
Dr. Wellbelove said he could remove the wings. And the tail. Whenever I’m ready. I could go back to school then, or get a job...”
This section directly confirms that yes, these wings are a metaphor for Simon’s magic. They’re all he has left connect him to the world of magic. They’re the only thing still making him feel even remotely on the same level as Baz and Penelope. (This book really was all about the concept of self-worth and how completely lacking it affects not only us but those we love. Phew, talk about a doozy. No wonder we’re all crying.)
Now that we’ve established that Simon’s wings, at the very least, are his one tether to magic, let’s drive the nail into the coffin of the wings and tail being absolutely, 100% symbolic of his magic. 
As I mentioned earlier, the book starts treating the wings exactly the same as it treated his magic. This even starts before Wayward Son. The first mention of Simon’s emotions relating to his wings and tail is in the first book. In the epilogue, in Baz’s section, during the dance scene. 
“His tail whips out of my hand. It tends to slash around when he’s upset.”
This really starts to come out in the last fourth of Wayward when he’s “itching for a fight.”
His wings constantly poke, prod, and generally annoy Baz and Penny because he refuses to put them away. Almost.... like... how his magic..... felt suffocating.... and too much... and he couldn’t push it back... or tamp it down. *cough*
Okay, so that was all pretty basic, boring, base-building stuff, yeah?  Pretty “whatever we get it.” 
Well, here’s where it starts to get fun. 
Let’s talk about Simon’s Mirrors.
Lemme just explain what the hell a mirror is, first. In case we all flunked our high school Lit classes. 
A mirror character is, in simple terms, a character that acts, looks like, or reminds you of one of the main characters. Through these “mirror characters” some important information about the main character is revealed to us subtextually. 
Let’s name our Simon mirrors:
Agatha (she’s being developed as her own character but that’s not stopping her from mirroring our good lad.)
Aunt Fiona (to some extent anyway. she doesn’t really factor here.) 
There might be some minor ones I’m forgetting (I’m not including foils) but these are our main guys. 
I put Ebb on the list first, but let’s start with Agatha, the cranky heroine of our dreams. 
Throughout the whole first book, Agatha is shown to be Simon’s mirror. Them both mooning over Baz in almost the exact same way. (Jesus Christ they’re embarrassing to watch.) The waiting on rooftops, the handkerchief. (Don’t get me started on Simon carrying around Baz’s scarf in Wayward. I’m soft and everything hurts. Our poor, stupid, stupid boys.) It’s not exactly subtle. 
In Carry On, Agatha reveals just how much Simon also resents his fate. He never really expresses it, but Agatha is reflecting to us how he’s feeling. They both get progressively less resigned to the bullshit “Chosen One” fate as the book goes on. They both make it out alive. Maybe everything will be okay. 
But then Rainbow rolls up with a Sex On The Beach and Gucci sunglasses to tell us that “fuck no everything’s not okay.” (She’s right. God, I could go on a rant about how no one ever talks about how you feel when you’ve defeated the villain. When you’ve escaped the dungeon. Hhhhh)
Wayward Son immediately sets Agatha up as even more of a mirror than she was in the first book. We’re shown right away that the two of them are both in a depressed funk. They’re both at “15%” and miserable. These two are echoing each other like NEVER before and I am LIVING for it. 
Like, we even get this amazing bit in Chapter Four:
“That would feel like an answer to... the question of me. Then I could say, ‘Oh, that’s who I am. That’s why I’ve been so confused.’”
They! Are! Struggling!
Now, how does this relate to Simon having literal fucking dragon powers? Good question, thank you for asking. 
In Chapter Fifty-Six, when Pen and Agatha are stuck in the back of Fuckwad Vampire #3′s car, Agatha says this:
“I honestly thought I could walk away from it all-- like magic was a place. Like magic was a person. Or a habit I could break.
When Simon first came to Watford, he couldn’t make his wand work. He could barely cast a spell. He thought they were going to kick him out, that he wasn’t magic enough. 
“You don’t do magic,” Penelope told him. “You are magic.”
I... am magic. 
Whether I like it or not, whether or not I claim it. Whether or not I carry my wand. 
It’s in me, somehow. Blood, water, bone.”
They!! Are!! Both!! Magic!! 
Magic is in them! Magic is with them! They’re made of the stuff! They can’t cut off this part of them, no matter how much they want to. (lmao. talk about good old internalized homophobia. I don’t really have an opinion on what Agatha’s sexuality is, btw. I’m using homophobia as a blanket term because I have no clue what’s up on that front.)
Simon is made of magic. He doesn’t want to remove his wings. Even though he has to hide them. Even though he thinks he’s a Normal now. Like Penny said, “an aeroplane is still an aeroplane even if it’s on the ground.” (I’m not sure that’s verbatim, apologies.)
Simon still has magic. We just can’t see it. He’s made of magic. He is magic. He was literally conceived during a spell. Bitch is as magical as you can get. 
But where is the magic???? Where’d it go???? Hello????
I’m getting there. I promise. First, we need to talk about Ebb. 
Ebb wasn’t only Simon’s weird Aunt figure; she was his mirror. Ebb was what would’ve happened to Simon if he hadn’t rejected the mage at the end of Carry On. Ebb just gave in. She didn’t want to fight anymore, and she figured Shithead The Great knew more than she did. 
God I just fucking hate Mage so much like holy shit. Anyway, anyway. 
Ebb was the strongest magician next to Simon. She didn’t want to fight. She didn’t want to use her magic for any great purpose. She just wanted to be. Agatha even reiterates this in the epilogue of Carry On.
 “Like, they couldn’t just let her be.”
(No, Simon doesn’t miss killing things in Wayward. He misses excitement and having a purpose. He mainly misses having a purpose. Not having one of those fucking sucks.)
What the fuck does Ebb have to do with this? Why can’t I just get to the point?
My point is!
My Point IS!
That goddamn dragon with the sheep was supposed to remind you of Ebb.
So, let’s do the math. If 1=1x1= 1 then...
Ebb = Margaret = Simon
Sure, sure we had Simon screeching that he wasn’t a dragon. But Margaret was immediately like, 
“Not yet.” She pets his wing. “Are kitten. Someday dragon. Someday ferocious.”
Simon smells like a dragon, but also apparently “smells like iron.” Whatever the fuck that means. I mean I guess it means that Baz could still sippy sippy. (Which is gonna happen or I’ll eat my own toe.) 
One more thing: 
“I wanted wings,” he says. “I wanted to fly.”
“Why tail?”
“I wanted to be free!”
Gee, that sure sounds like what Agatha was saying earlier, huh?
Omg thank you for asking. I’m going to blow your mind with my final point. 
The Final Point: The Baz Problem.
Wayward Son is, by all accounts, Baz’s book. It develops everyone beautifully and everyone has an arc, but this book is where Baz gets to shine. 
We found out in this book that vampires are immortal.
This introduced a whole new issue, an issue that surfaces every time immortality is introduced as a possibility for one character but not the rest. 
Someday, Baz will be left alone.
He’ll inevitably outlive everyone he cares about. We all know our poor, beautiful, delicate bastard boy couldn’t take it. How deeply he cares is his most beautiful and wonderful trait, and this could break him. 
I wonder, how long does a dragon live?
Penny talks about the improbability of Simon and Baz in Chapter Three. 
“Star-cross’d lovers. ‘From forth the fatal loins of these two foes.’ The whole shebang.”
Simon’s magic was always described as smoke and fire. The first creature we learn about Simon fighting was a dragon. (Chapter 1, first page of Carry On)
“You’ve slain a dragon, Simon. Surely you can manage a long walk and a few buses.”
 God, I just really hate Bitchface the Mage. Anywho.
Simon. The One Who Came to End Us. Simon. The One To Save Us All. Simon is the dragon and the knight. He’s his own worst enemy. His arc will be completed once he accepts the “dragon” part of himself. It’s poetic as fuck, I must admit. 
Simon has to find love and care for himself, and then this baby dragon will be grown. He’ll be “on top” as Margaret had said. (God, could you imagine all the dragons waking up? How fucking epic would THAT be? Fingers crossed.)
The monster that drains living things and the monster that burns all in its wake. These losers are starcrossed, but they complete each other. Dumbasses. I just love them so much why can’t they get their shit together. 
Simon and Baz’s storylines are utterly intertwined. They’re perfectly matched. Simon might not know it, but their hearts are already tied together; they beat in sync. They’re two stars orbiting each other. And, if we’re all very lucky, maybe they won’t crash. Maybe this story won’t end in flames. 
So, in conclusion, I really really really want Simon to breathe fire. The only other way I could see this twisting is the wings somehow going away and Simon getting a regular-magician amount of magic. That’s kinda lame tho and doesn’t complete his arc correctly. This dumb boy is a dragon now and there’s nothing we can do about it. (EDIT: actually yeah simon’s not gonna lose his wings no way in fuck. check out my meta.)  Also? I would sell my soul to see Simon getting really possessive over really weird objects for his hoard. 
Thank you for sticking with me this far, dear reader. I’ll leave you with this thought: Baz is Donkey and Simon is the dragon from Shrek. 
Check out my other meta on the future of simon and baz’s relationship and how penny and agatha relate 
scarf meta as well check it
Gonna be tagging peeps so this can circulate better. 
@carrybits @neck-mole @watfordwallflower
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starry-hills · 8 years
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Watching TV before he goes to work.
These captions for the posts today were so lame compared to the drama yesterday.
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Download Game Starcraft Ii Wings Of Liberty Update Files Crack
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Follow the instructions carefully. Labels SC2 Crack. Labels: SC2 Crack. Popular posts from this blog SC2Allin1 v NET Framework 4 required for the program to work correctly. Step 1. Unpack the archive "SC2Allin1-Setup-v Disclaimer : It will be your decision to continue the installation if antivirus detects any "Tsar Trojan" alert. This is how SC2Allin1 would look like. Step 2. Click the "Maps" tab. There are 4 buttons to choose from. Add Maps from Folder - add maps from the selected folder. This is if you previously downloaded the Starcraft 2 Map Packs from the link above. Select Map - select a map and go to the game settings Game tab Map Sites - launches a browser and moves us to. Read more. SC2ALLin1 v This works with Starcraft 2 v1. Based on reloaded's crack and all menus are working fine Update : SC2Allin1 v Info Retail crack has nothing to do with this tool! So don't confuse them! I , Advanced Team Options , Cheats and much more! What is ALLin1 tool?? It is an automated legit launcher tool. Buy the game! This cracker is not meant as a full replacement of the legit game! If you cant use this tool then you don't deserve sc2. Known issues : There is a case sometimes when exiting completly the campaign, a message box may appear asking for validated language pack. Just press ok and ignore it, there is no problem! NET 2. Author: TheTacoMan This is beyond ridiculous. Well i got news for you guys, your perfect system has already been cracked, so the jig is up. As this is a mission mechanics guide, I don't really talk about much beyond what's listed in the achievement descriptions in-game, but still, you have been warned. I don't make any guarantees of accuracy, but if you see any inaccurate information, please post so I can correct it. After beating the campaign and logging onto the forums, I noticed there have been quite a bit of confusion regarding campaign achievements, especially Liberty Completionist and HUIRN. This guide is intended to clear up any misinformation regarding achievements and provide suggestions on the best way to unlock various achievements. Read our guide on how to complete Brutal Campaign. Few tips and recom. StarCrack ALLin1 9. StarCrack ALLin1 v9. Q sections. Simply locate the launcher folder and delete it! After running the setup, if Windows ask you if this program was installed correctly, select the YES option! What is StarCr. This is not the "be all and end all" of information, this does not circumvent battle. Starcraft 2 Full Client Download. Blizzard is allowing the full client to be downloaded before release! If you intend to purchase StarCraft II digitally, downloading the client now will allow you to simply pay and play when digital copies of StarCraft II go on sale. Cracked SC2. Learn how to download, install, and use SC2Crack. Update: SC2Allin1 v Use it to play SC2. Step by step procedures 1. First of all, SC2Editor. Don't forget to make a backup of both files so you can play once the servers are up. When you start the SC2Editor and the nag screen occurs which asks you to login, press no then you can use it without any problems. Example : Steppes of war. SC2Map 3. Editor Go back to the Editor itself and click on the open button located on upper toolbar.
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shivam11110000 · 4 years
India Vs Australia, IND Vs AUS 1st Test Update; Moises Henriques Returns After Mitchell Starcr | स्टार्क के बाद अब ऑलराउंडर हेनरिक्स की टीम में वापसी; 17 दिसंबर को एडिलेड में खेलेंगे
India Vs Australia, IND Vs AUS 1st Test Update; Moises Henriques Returns After Mitchell Starcr | स्टार्क के बाद अब ऑलराउंडर हेनरिक्स की टीम में वापसी; 17 दिसंबर को एडिलेड में खेलेंगे
Hindi News Sports Cricket India Vs Australia, IND Vs AUS 1st Test Update; Moises Henriques Returns After Mitchell Starcr Ads से है परेशान? बिना Ads खबरों के लिए इनस्टॉल करें दैनिक भास्कर ऐप एडिलेड2 महीने पहले कॉपी लिंक ऑल राउंडर मोइस हेनरिक्स हैमस्ट्रिंग के कारण इंडिया ए के खिलाफ अभ्यास मैच में ऑस्ट्रेलिया ए टीम से बाहर हो गए थे। वे पहले टेस्ट मैच के लिए मिशेल स्टार्क के साथ एडिलेड…
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rxscss · 1 year
🦄💜🪁 Alana x Johnny
🦄alana - a pic of her dorky/silly side
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💜 alana - his favorite picture of her
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🪁alana - a throwback photo
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wowhealthfitness20 · 4 years
India Vs Australia, IND Vs AUS 1st Test Update; Moises Henriques Returns After Mitchell Starcr | स्टार्क के बाद अब ऑलराउंडर हेनरिक्स की टीम में वापसी; 17 दिसंबर को एडिलेड में खेलेंगे
India Vs Australia, IND Vs AUS 1st Test Update; Moises Henriques Returns After Mitchell Starcr | स्टार्क के बाद अब ऑलराउंडर हेनरिक्स की टीम में वापसी; 17 दिसंबर को एडिलेड में खेलेंगे
Hindi News Sports Cricket India Vs Australia, IND Vs AUS 1st Test Update; Moises Henriques Returns After Mitchell Starcr Ads से है परेशान? बिना Ads खबरों के लिए इनस्टॉल करें दैनिक भास्कर ऐप एडिलेडएक घंटा पहले कॉपी लिंक ऑल राउंडर मोइस हेनरिक्स हैमस्ट्रिंग के कारण इंडिया ए के खिलाफ अभ्यास मैच में ऑस्ट्रेलिया ए टीम से बाहर हो गए थे। वे पहले टेस्ट मैच के लिए मिशेल स्टार्क के साथ एडिलेड…
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starcreatives · 11 months
Chicken Mix Veggies Recipe
Chicken Mix #Veggies Recipe, Tasty & Spicy Chinese Dish! مزیدار مسالحےدار مرغ مکس سبزی کی چائنیز ترکیب#StarCreatives #chickenmixveggies #chickenvegetables#chinesechicken
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icedfae · 1 year
🦄💜  waverly and alana
send    🦄          ⸻your    character    posts    a    picture    of    my    character    showing    their    dorky    /    silly    side    .
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vilaspatelvlogs · 4 years
भारत VS ऑस्ट्रेलिया पहला टेस्ट: स्टार्क के बाद अब ऑलराउंडर हेनरिक्स की टीम में वापसी; 17 दिसंबर को एडिलेड में खेलेंगे
भारत VS ऑस्ट्रेलिया पहला टेस्ट: स्टार्क के बाद अब ऑलराउंडर हेनरिक्स की टीम में वापसी; 17 दिसंबर को एडिलेड में खेलेंगे
Hindi News Sports Cricket India Vs Australia, IND Vs AUS 1st Test Update; Moises Henriques Returns After Mitchell Starcr Ads से है परेशान? बिना Ads खबरों के लिए इनस्टॉल करें दैनिक भास्कर ऐप एडिलेड42 मिनट पहले कॉपी लिंक ऑल राउंडर मोइस हेनरिक्स हैमस्ट्रिंग के कारण इंडिया ए के खिलाफ अभ्यास मैच में ऑस्ट्रेलिया ए टीम से बाहर हो गए थे। वे पहले टेस्ट मैच के लिए मिशेल स्टार्क के साथ एडिलेड…
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alexminhtran4 · 4 years
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StarCraft 2: ZERG vs ZERG! (Live Game) A defensive Zerg versus Zerg in StarCr... #blogema #apm #guide #howto #legacyofthevoid #lotv #lowko #lowkotv #macrogame #micro #sc2 #simonheijnen #starcraft #starcraft #starcraft2 #starcraft2legacyofthevoid #strategy #tutorial #zerggame #zerggameplay #zergguide #zergmacro #zergmicro #zergtutorial #zergvszerg #zergvszerglotv #zvz
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surnativa · 4 years
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StarCraft 2: ZERG vs ZERG! (Live Game) A defensive Zerg versus Zerg in StarCr... #surnativa #apm #guide #howto #legacyofthevoid #lotv #lowko #lowkotv #macrogame #micro #sc2 #simonheijnen #starcraft #starcraft #starcraft2 #starcraft2legacyofthevoid #strategy #tutorial #zerggame #zerggameplay #zergguide #zergmacro #zergmicro #zergtutorial #zergvszerg #zergvszerglotv #zvz Source: https://surnativa.com/starcraft-2-zerg-vs-zerg-live-game/?feed_id=11320&_unique_id=5f3349717af03
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