razelsbrand 1 year
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Just a few left in this fun bell bottom set! Yippee ki yay > razels.etsy.com 馃 razels.net < #razels #yippeekiyay #cowgirl #girlsbellbottoms #bellbottomoutfits #starflares #westernstyle #kidsfashiontrends #etsyshop #justafewleft https://www.instagram.com/p/CooTInEOQAr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wishingstarinajar 3 months
Finally done with these very self-indulgent pages. I wasn't sure how to upload these pages here so I just tossed them into one post.
Starflare is concerned about his captain's well-being after a crazy chase through time didn't fully go as planned.
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cheebotthings 15 days
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Makes you wonder what Megs caught Starflare doing before this eh? Starflare belongs to @wishingstarinajar
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Wynssa Starflare: I've never eaten a bagel in my life. Soontir Fel: You had a cinnamon raisin one in Hitchhiker. Wynssa Starflare: Lol. Holodramas are make believe.
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dazedpainter 11 days
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after throwing approximately two(2) tantrums and convincing myself out of worshipping the devil, starflare offerings for @wishingstarinajar!! the minibot is hyperlock, my oc
context: hyperlock found out about rizzflare's adventures
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second-best-sibling 1 year
Vee Gast aka STARFLARE
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Vee is a clone of Va Nee Gast. She was created after the 5 year blip and joined the Guardians not long after they bought Knowhere. Her powers are Mind reading/memory manipulation, teleportation, electric energy control, and flight. She is still learning how to use her powers so sometimes they don't really work.
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ragedaisy 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Transformers Generation One Rating: Mature Warnings: Major Character Death Characters: Starflare (Transformers OC), Crossroads (Transformers OC), Oikodomopolis Additional Tags: Mental Breakdown, Suicide Attempt, Suicidal Thoughts, Exactly What It Says on the Tin Summary:
Starflare is having a terrible day and it's only getting worse.
It was all a trap. Everyone in their resistance cell, everyone she knew, instantly vaporised! Starflare now darts aimlessly through ancient bombed-out ruins, unable to catch up with the churning static of her own racing thoughts. When she comes across a miraculously intact fuel station among the ruins, she decides to investigate. Maybe if she slows down, so will her thoughts?
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beststartupstory 1 month
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meadowofarabbit 1 year
The Star Trilogy Concept
Concept Doc
My Sci-Fi story about legacies. Come understand the basis of each story in the trilogy and very organization, the SyZyGy, that our very own Sigil wants to take down.
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starry-bi-sky 12 days
changeling danny has his wretched little claws in me so here's some AU fey lore
Okay so, i've got a lot of ideas for the Fey Lore in this au. But to start out what may become a sling of posts: a simplified set up of the Infinite Realms. I think I mentioned it before in a reblog of the original changeling danny post, but the fey wilds exist in the IR. In most fanon I see the same scale as the rest of the realms, however i have a different idea for it.
In simplified terms, the fey wilds and the ghost zone are two different things. They both exist in the Infinite Realms, however, they exist on different planes of existence. In simplified terms, there are three separate planes in the Infinite Realms.
The Long Far: Highest realm in the infinite realms. Home to most, if not all, the Ancients. Beings that reside in The Long Far are eldritch abominations, gods, personifications of concepts, and other celestial-type beings. The only way to access the Long Far is through the Starflare Currents in the Feywilds. Which are a nebula of stars that work similar to the ocean currents in Finding Nemo. They are a rapid vortex full of stars that pass over the feywilds that can be seen at night. In order to reach the Long Far, one must fly up to the Current and latch onto one of the stars rapidly flying past. And then they must stay on the star until the currents begin to ascend rapidly upwards. This is harder than it sounds. Ever been indoor surfing? Where you lie on your stomach on a small board and try not to get flung off? Exact same concept. It鈥檚 basically the world鈥檚 most terrifying escalator to the gods.
The Fey Wilds: The Fey Wilds isn't exactly strictly home to the Fey, however for convenience sake I'm calling it the Fey Wilds. This is the home to fey and other folklore and mythological creatures that may not want to reside in the Ghost Zone. There are no Fey in the GZ. It's not that they hate being down there, but. well.. they hate being down there. They think the place is ugly. The Fey Wilds has ever shifting, expanding amount of biomes. These biomes range from massive redwood forests, to swamps, to essentially Pandora from Avatar. The place can look almost entirely human one moment, and then like a different planet the next. Fey and other inhabitants know how to navigate this easily -- but ghosts? Not so much. There are currently two known ways to reach the Fey Wilds from the Ghost Zone and vice versa: Lake Portals, and Cave Tunnels. Which I will expand upon in a moment.
Ghost Zone: Exactly how it sounds! The Ghost Zone is, well, the ghost zone! It's essentially the same as canon. Same looks, same everything. This is the home of mortal souls and the occasional mythological creature or two, as well as weaker concept spirits. By that I mean like, ecto-octopi. Concept spirits can manifest in both the GZ and Feywilds. Ghosts tend to stick inside the Ghost Zone and avoid venturing into the Fey Wilds because, well, they're still mortal souls. They're gonna get jumped by a fey looking for a new decoration or a new pet/servant/whatever. Best to honestly avoid the fey wilds as a whole.
Now, I just mentioned that there were two known ways to reach the Fey Wilds from the Ghost Zone: lake portals and cave tunnels. I made goofy little visual aides which I will attach below, and then I will explain how they work.
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I'll start with the Lake Portals. They are, well, as the name suggests lake portals. Not every lake in the fey wild is a portal to the ghost zone, and vice versa. They're rather uncommon to find in both planes, but it's not like they're hard to recognize.
In the Fey Wilds, lake portals will have a sheen over the water like an oil spill. But instead of the regular rainbow-y colors, it will instead have the ghost zone's colors swirling in it; green and purple. The water will have that sickly green tint to it, and have a slight glow. The plant life surrounding the water are not typically what you'd find in the Fey Wilds, but might in the Ghost Zone. They look different from the regular noxious swamp bogs in the wilds, so its easy to tell that they're lake portals.
In the Ghost Zone, the lake portals will instead be shimmery and blue like a tropical ocean. And just like how there are GZ plants in the fey wilds surrounding the water, there's fey wild plants on the island where the lake is.
How these portals work is rather simple. You dive in and begin swimming down. It's a long swim down, but that's all you gotta do. It will get dark, as there are no plant life in these portals, and no aquatic life either.
It starts getting complicated when you reach what I like to call the border. The border is as the name implies; its a border between the planes. In the lakes it's not physical, however you will feel when you've reached the border and crossed it. Intense vertigo washes over you as your sense of gravity begins to shift and flip; up is becoming down, down is becoming up.
Your goal at this point is to try and push through that vertigo and discomfort and make it to the other side of the border, without getting flipped upside down and swimming back to the surface you came from. This is harder than it sounds as you become dizzy underwater, and since there's no light anywhere, you will try and instinctively seek it out and follow it. You're down too deep to know where that light is.
Once you've reached the other end of the border successfully, your gravity will have flipped without you needing to do anything. You are now swimming up to the surface, and once you do, boom! You're in the ghost zone! Lake Portals are faster to use than tunnels, but very disorientating.
Now cave tunnels are longer, but simpler. Essentially some caves have tunnels that lead into the ghost zone, similar to how in greek mythology there are random entrances to the underworld in the mortal world. I haven't exactly figured out what the tell is for when you're in a tunnel leading to the Ghost Zone, but I know that when it's the other way around it's rather easy -- as you start to climb up.
It's a less complicated explanation: essentially you are descending into the ghost zone through this tunnel. You are on your way down like Orpheus in search of his wife, or like Heracles doing his twelve labors. It can get claustrophobic and of course there is the border.
Unlike experiencing a shift in gravity, you're instead hit with the intense vertigo and an intrinsic fear to turn around. It's an instinctual response to your surroundings changing on a molecular level, and your body in response is telling you to Flee. Basically, you've taken a rip of the Cave Gasses and you feel like you're losing your mind. Once you exit the border its smooth sailing.
Sometimes you get unlucky and there's a Pit Drop and you're suddenly Alice in Wonderlanding your way down to the Ghost Zone. But hey! At least you're not swimming.
those are currently the only two ways i've come up with for traveling between the GZ and Fey Wilds. But all in all, it's meant to be very disorientating stuff; vertigo and nausea-inducing, with just a dash of Existentially Terrifying. Traveling between planes usually is.
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wishingstarinajar 6 months
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Reposting this to make his name official. The polls weren't over yet but Starflare was winning pretty hard so why wait? xD
A Transformers OC! He's an Autobot scout (part of reconnaissance) and his alt mode is a Cybertronian starfighter jet. He is curious, a little naive, and a dreamer, tries to see the best in others, and is ambitious and loyal to what he believes in. Tends to second-guess himself or things when insecure.
His white paintjob is slightly prismatic and the wings on his back can rise or droop according to his mood.
I did like the name Star Ranger of all the name options I gave in the poll so he'll have it as a nickname of sorts.
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cheebotthings 15 days
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I dunno I just like picking on @wishingstarinajar 's Starflare. He's so cute, smols and twinky! This time Pummel is suggesting something mischievous!
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magnetarbeam 7 months
If Star Wars Husbands Took Their Wives' Last Names
Han Organa: It sounds weird, but at least it makes more sense than Princess Leia taking the last name of a smuggler.
Luke Jade: No, because Mara's original last name doesn't correspond to an actual family. Palpatine could have made it up, for all we know.
Corran Terrik: Booster would probably feel a little better about it.
Kell Sarkin: It has a nice ring to it.
Wedge Wessiri: I associate his badass feats too closely with "Antilles" for this one to really land, but least AO3 tags wouldn't have to distinguish between Syal Antilles Fel | Wynssa Starflare and Syal Antilles | Lysa Dunter.
Did Winter have a last name before she married Tycho? I've seen "Winter Retrac" in some circles, but I have no clue where that comes from.
Jagged Solo: Sounds really weird until his first name is abbreviated to Jag, which is done 95% of the time anyway, and then it sounds really cool.
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the-bl0b-x 3 months
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needed practice drawing transfromers so i doodled @wishingstarinajar 's starflare! + a little drone blob. (edit: spelt drone wrong whoops)
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plague-doctdeer 2 months
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Went ghost hunting with @starflare
This is where we ended up...
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ragedaisy 1 year
ugh. yeah, so:
"I really need my audience to know what this character sounds like, so people get a feel of her personality"
"yeah but the viewpoint character has other priorities and isn't likely to notice those important details"
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