#starscream is so gay and so mean and i love that for him
She’s Having The BEST DAY!
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As soon as I saw this promotional popcorn bucket, I knew what I had to do.
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Initial test fit because it was adorable.
He a Short King.
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hee-blee-art · 1 year
I've been watching Transformers Prime and there's no way they didn't make Knockout that sexy on purpose. Even just his VOICE but the hip popping?? THE DIALOGUE??? GAWD. Cannot get enough of him. And your art of him?? delicious. scrumptious even
I get what u mean. I figure they probably did it as a joke ("haha playing up the pretty boy robot who's flirty and flamboyant and just kind of gay all around wouldn't that be funny lol") but like? oops 👀 it worked too well and I love him. also thnk you !! I plan to draw more of him bc he's fun and I ♡ transformers. here's a screenshot from my tfp collection as gratitude for this ask:
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lord-squiggletits · 4 months
Fandom posts about Megatron's trial/him being put on the Lost Light that frame Optimus as the bad guy are always so fucking funny to me. And it's almost never "Optimus putting Megatron on the Lost Light was an abuse of authority and unfair to Rodimus and everyone else on the ship" which is an actually valid critique, but I often see it from Megatron fans who are somehow convinced that Optimus was like.............unfair to him?????? By "making" Megatron join the Lost Light? Or by "forcing" him into doing things he didn't want to do?
There's the people who think that being put on the LL was a punishment for Megatron where they were constantly putting him through moral tests designed to make him fail which is.... literally where, where did you get that. The LL was just a random cruiseship of misfits who didn't even ask for Megatron to be on the ship with them, where are ppl getting this idea that Optimus/the LL crew were in some sort of Machiavellan plot to torment Megatron and rub in how he's so evil he'll never be accepted?
Or like the fact that wanting to join the LL in search of the Knights of Cybertron was literally Megatron's own idea and the whole "only the Knights of Cybertron can judge me" thing was a legal loophole that he only pulled out bc he was mad about Starscream publicly humiliating him during his trial? And that if Megatron really didn't want to agree to the terms of his parole, Optimus was just going to keep him in prison until the LL came back with the Knights rather than immediately executing him?
Oh but Optimus made Megatron drink Fool's Energon. Ah yes, it's so evil and unfair of Optimus to make Megatron (one of the deadliest fighters of their entire race) drink a substance to make him weaker due to the fact that in far space, there's no one to enforce Megatron's parole or to stop him if he was lying and really just wanted to kill everyone. And btw Fool's Energon was a placebo the whole time, so Optimus' gay ass couldn't even poison Megatron properly. It was entirely a token gesture made for appearances only.
What about the part where Optimus made Megatron denounce the Decepticons, you cry? Well if one were to actually read the entire speech instead of taking screenshots out of context (something this fandom loves to do), the "we were wrong to assert ourselves" comes directly after a statement about technoism and subjugating organics; in other words, "we were wrong" is referring to the whole colonialism and genocide thing, not saying "we were wrong to rise up against Functionism." (Which btw Optimus was literally a fanboy of Megatron's and agreed with his writings, and pre-war OP did his own undercover work to foil the Senate's plans, and they overthrew the previous Prime Zeta together, so idk where people are getting this idea that Optimus hates Megatron for being a meanie revolutionary that didn't play nice >:((( ).
And given that the Decepticons attacked Megatron's trial to try and break him out, and that there was a splinter faction of Deceptions under Galvatron that were trying to invade Earth again, I think it's pretty fucking reasonable that Optimus would go "So before I very indulgently grant you the rank of captain and let you go on a random cruise ship for your journey of self-actualization, would you mind making a speech to deradicalize the Decepticons? I'm trying to keep society from not descending into another civil war and you helping by telling the Decepticons to Fucking Stop is the least you can do in exchange." I mean if Megatron cared so much about the Decepticons he could've said "No, I'm not going to give that speech, in fact I'm going to stay on Cybertron and speak to the Decepticons my way" but he didn't bc he decided that going on his personal quest was more important than sticking around to integrate the Decepticons back into society.
But somehow, Megatron choosing to make that speech so that he'd be allowed on a ridiculously lenient parole is the big, evil Optimus' fault, and Megatron has nothing to do with how poorly the Decepticons are treated post war, he had no power to stop that apparently.
Like it's just so incredibly weird to me that Megatron fans villainize Optimus for, of all things, letting Megatron join the journey for the Knights of Cybertron. Optimus' decisions were almost entirely driven by personal bias towards Megatron where he abused his authority as Prime to defy what quite literally everyone on Cybertron (and possibly the whole galaxy) wanted, which was Megatron's immediate execution for his crimes. He lets Megatron free of prison with almost no oversight, grants him captaincy of an Autobot ship, gives him a freaking placebo instead of actual weakening energon, and the only thing he demands from Megatron in return is a speech to make the remaining Decepticons who were still fighting (which wasn't even all of them) understand that the war is over. And Megatron accepts all of these terms because the whole thing was his idea that he wanted to be allowed to do. The only reason Optimus' indulgence didn't go badly is bc Megatron wasn't lying and actually meant his heel-face turn.
But somehow all of this makes Optimus the bad guy who's being unfair to Megatron???? Never mind Optimus' flagrant disregard of the law in favor of granting Megatron's personal wish??? Never mind the fact that the conditions for Megatron's parole were incredibly lenient to the point that one of them was a placebo and not hurting Megatron in any way??? Never mind that the speech Optimus made Megatron make was entirely for political reasons to try to stabilize society again and not bc he wanted to humiliate Megatron or something ridiculous like that???
What I mean to say is it's very confusing to me why the discussion of Megatron's trial is "Optimus is so mean/bigoted for making Megatron do what he did and forcing him to live under such strict conditions" and not, idk, "Megatron chose to abandon the Decepticons and publicly denounce their cause for the sake of getting to go on his own personal journey" or even "Megatron was initially going to just submit to trial, and the Knights of Cybertron excuse was something he pulled at the last minute because Starscream made Megatron look like an idiot and Megatron decided he wanted a more Grand and Important legacy than that." Or even "If Megatron cared about the Decepticon,s he would've just refused Optimus' deal and stayed in prison on Cybertron rather than trade the dignity of their cause for his own freedom." Nope. It's all Optimus' fault. Poor Megatron was forced onto the Lost Light and this is such a horrible and unfair punishment for him.
People want Megatron to be a poor downtrodden victim of the Ebul Autobots so bad, when the reality is that post-war/early MTMTE Megatron is nothing more than a dethroned tyrant, severely in denial of of his own shittiness, going on a journey solely to benefit his own ego, and all of MTMTE/LL is about him trying to get better from his stupid pride and self-centered behavior.
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riverbeatsaber · 10 months
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i am so good at media analysis
Image ID and deranged ramblings under the cut:
[Image Description: A chart titled "the Greater Witwicky Polycule," centered on Alex and Dorothy Malto. It has lines to connect many of the characters from the show, and the lines connecting them are labeled with the relationships, real or headcanoned, between the two characters connected. Dorothy and Alex Malto are connected with a line labeled "Married" with a heart emoji. Alex Malto is connected to Mandroid and Bumblebee. The line from Alex to Mandroid is labeled "and how do you two know each other?" (exes), and the line from Alex to Bumblebee is labeled "cute little gay crush," and is a one-way-arrow from Alex to Bumblebee. Bumblebee is connected to Breakdown with a line labeled "definitely something going on here." There is a gay pride flag emoji after it. Breakdown is connected to Knockout with a line labeled "boyfreidns?" The misspelling is intentional. Knockout's box on the chart is labeled "(please please please pleas epleae)." This is also intentionally misspelled. Dorothy Malto is connected to Megatron with a line labeled "Partners." Megatron is connected to Starscream with a line labeled "oh god.", and to Soundwave with a line labled "bitter exes" with a broken heart emoji. Megatron is connected to Optimus Prime with a line labeled "previously divorced (working things out)" with a rainbow emoji, a black heart emoji, a hands-forming-a-heart emoji, a robot emoji, and a sparkly heart emoji. Optimus Prime is connected to Elita-1 with a line labeled "can't explain it but. theyre lesbians" with a red heart emoji, a trans pride flag emoji, a face-with-three-hearts emoji, an emoji of a car facing right, an emoji of a truck facing left, and a two-hearts emoji. The car and the truck are positioned to look like they are kissing. End image description]
some context:
this was a collaboration between me and my older brother who got me into transformers. we're so normal about this i promise. quote from him: "is some of what's in the show just ship bait? perhaps. but they expected to catch a fish and not a kraken. and boy oh boy i am pulling this boat down with me"
"Greater Witwicky Polycule" is from the memes about the "Greater Seattle Polycule"
Dot and Megatron are referred to in the show as partners. headcanon they're in a qpr type thing. amica endurae
I know Knockout isn't technically in Earthspark. but. hear me out. He Could Be
Optimus Prime gets so many emojis because he would like them. i chose kinda randomly though. except i did go omg this truck emoji is facing the other way... trucks kissing... love wins
Alex has a celebrity crush except the celebrity is living in his house and is friends with him
Bumblebee and Breakdown in the show are described as "really close friends. like brothers" and we all know what that means don't we. something lgbt is going on here
why are Optimus Prime and Elita-1 labeled as lesbians? yuri is when theres themes and motifs. "you will never understand a warrior's bond" sorta situation
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blueikeproductions · 10 months
So another EarthSpark thing that came to my attention was Ratchet and Drift were pitched into being in EarthSpark.
They were pitched as having trying to look at the Cyber Sleeves the kids had, with Ratchet and Drift having scientific and philosophical thoughts on what they are despite not having a solid answer.
Also neat.
They were also pitched as being married.
Not neat.
This stranglehold IDW has over Transformers needs to end yesterday. I liked IDW, but it’s clear Hasbro wasn’t feeling it anymore, and the attempt at a reboot didn’t help. Not to mention, toys made with the IDW cast in mind don’t appear to sell well. Tarn appears to be the exception, because it’s Tarn, and he’s awesome, but I’ve also never personally seen him in person in stores. Fellow comics original Jhiaxus yes however, so take that as you will. It’s also why so many people were surprised two nobody IDW2 robots, an Autobot and an Acenticon, were getting toys. Even hard core fans have no idea who they are or much desire for these two, and I say that with my open fondness for Autobot Scrounge.
The couplings in IDW always felt kinda forced… I’ve often viewed them as crack ships, some working slightly better than others. I thought Chromedome and Rewind was handled the best, and I’d be very open to seeing them in EarthSpark as (one of) the gay couple(s) in the show.
Drift and Ratchet being a couple comes kind of out of nowhere. I get there was this opposites attract thing going on with an atheist and religious guy, but the joke got old quickly. Besides some implications Drift and Rodimus were more of a thing, age differences are a sticky point for me. A lot of the main couples amounted to twenty something kid hooking up with grandpa or grandma. I know age is more of a suggestion in TFs, but it always bothered me. Tailgate Cyclonus also fall into this for me, but I also preferred their dynamic being a plucky son and stand offish father learning to care for each other. The moment it became romantic I lost interest and felt kinda creeped out T’be honest. Same with Drift and Ratchet. Ratchet’s said to be super old, not quite Kup or Alpha Trion old, but he’s up there. Drift in comparison is about Hot Rod’s age, and met Ratchet at a clinic on Cybertron when Ratchet was already older than dirt… The two being a crusty grandpa who loved his grandson but doesn’t quite get his interests was a dynamic I liked.
I just think there’s better options romantically for Drift and Ratchet. Closer in age too. I imagine in the interest of fairness the EarthSpark versions would be closer in age. RiD15 Drift, to me at least, seemed a bit older than Bumblebee and was more of a stern but well meaning uncle/father to Sideswipe, Jetstorm and Slipstream. Prime Ratchet felt married to his job meanwhile…
Admittedly I’m surprised Drift was entertained at all. A lot of the IDW original characters seem to have been benched in media for the time being, and Drift’s role in Cyberverse was lauded as the most idiotic thing the show did for both supporters and detractors that even the writers regret using him that way. It kinda feels like that particular instant sorta sullied the character for some frankly…
If we do get Ratchet back in particular, since we have Steve Blum reprising Starscream, I say let’s get Jeffery Combs to reprise Ratchet. Drift I’m not sure. It’s easy for me to say Eric Bauza should return, but maybe there’s a better alternative for a potential EarthSpark Drift.
I don’t think you can really do the proposed plot anymore since that ship has sailed, but there’s a role for Ratchet and Drift, just not as a couple. Ideally, just make a new couple. Gears having a boyfriend would be funny, someone who can see through his sourball antics, or give Pipes an aquatic mode boyfriend he was wanting. -checks- Hmm I dunno have it be Pipes and Waverider, that could be fun.
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quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
I have so many ideas for this and is hard to lock view in a single one, but the thing to keep in mind about Senator Shockwave and his loyal Orion Prime is that the guys are still fucked. They mean well, but Orion is a fucking cop who understands nothing of the people's struggles so he relies on Shockwave who still thinks that the Primacy is a good idea as long as his boytoy is the one in charge and has very flexible ethics. This is not ideal. They both idealize each other and are trapped in a bubble of toxic validation. Oh my god, the things they would do together.
Also Megatron still went through the entire arc that made him become obsessed with violence to the detriment of his own previously held values and still hates organics, probably. He's also not gonna accept the Primacy. So with that in mind
They still end up going to war. Given these circumstances is hard to imagine they wouldn't. It's the fate of Cybertronians. Very tragic. That being said, the Decepticons lose advantage because as dubious as the shockops are, they don't suck half as much as Zeta, so the Autobots have more recruits. The Decepticons also don't have Shockwave and Megatron loses some of the advantage of OP being gay for him bc he has Shockwave.
Shockwave basically takes Prowl's role in this... sort of, Orion is more willing to listen to him and he doesn't go about things the same way, but he is the SIC playing 3D chess. This doesn't keep Prowl from being Prowl because he still thinks only he can do what must be done and considers Shockwave too emotional (I mean, Prowl is too, but you can't get him to accept that).
Despite everything, the fact that Orion is constantly smooching faces with Shockwave does something to lessen the extreme alienation Optimus feels in canon, so good for him I guess. The Decepticons try to kidnap Shockwave every other year and Orion loses his entire shit every time and keeps reinforcing Shockwave's security, which the later is not happy about.
Alternatively, there could be a way to enter negotiations with the Decepticons before everything goes to hell. Given that Orion doesn't actually care about the Primacy, Megatron tries to persuade him that he was the one to first inspired Orion and what does that posh Senator even know about anything. This becomes a very weird political love triangle that risks blowing into a full blown war at any moment.
Also, Zeta is there, he's still pals with Shockwave, he's mad Shockwave scorned him to make Orion the Prime and schemes. Zeta is the Starscream of the Autobots. Zeta and Starscream should kiss actually.
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soundwavereporting · 4 months
Welcome to Cybertron's Worst Bosses 2.5: Dark Cybertron Special
I actually finished reading Dark Cybertron last week, then lost all motivation to keep writing meta/rereading the comic, so hopefully this poll will inspire me to keep going.
Like the others, this poll is indented to be for the worst bosses in a particular point in time, specifically the Dark Cybertron crossover, which ends with the Megop teamup to take down Shockwave, Bumblebee dying, and Megatron becoming an Autobot. I'm not sure when to cut off the next poll, since we're heading into a long stretch of questionable leadership where comic arcs and crossovers bleed into each other, BUT it's getting to the point where the 'bosses' are more consistent. This is a problem for future me, though, so:
Propaganda under the cut!
Shockwave: this is all his fault! I don't think I need to say more.
Megatron: warcrimes supreme. Helps save the universe with the power of gay love/hate, but then turns on his followers to join up with the Autobots
Optimus Prime: Was so so close to creating a Prime-free society but let Rodimus talk him out of it. His toxic trait is his feelings for warcrimes supreme
Nova Prime: Expansionist colonist regular crimes supreme! The Autobots keep winning.
Prowl: Yells at Bumblebee and is also mean to Soundwave a couple times. While it's not technically a reflection of his management skills, he goes to pester a widower, and I think that's pretty rude!
Bumblebee: Lets Megatron make him wait around for 'dramatic entrances'. Dies.
Starscream: He's always up to some kind of nonsense but honestly? I don't remember what he was up to in THIS arc. Sorry, Starscream :<
Ultra Magnus: Suffers the indignity of being in a crossover.
Note: I left characters like Soundwave, Rodimus, Galvatron, and Jhiaxus out of the poll because while they may have been in previous polls, they don't do a lot--if any--leading in this arc. While Soundwave was in the last poll, he seems content to follow whatever Prowl or Megatron tell him to do, and Galvatron mostly follows Nova's lead while Jhiaxus follows Shockwave's. Rodimus, like OP in the previous poll, is explicitly Not A Leader. Both Soundwave and Galvatron will be in the next poll though!
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TFP au where Miko's host family are the Darby-Esquivels- I have a lot of issues with the logic in TFP surrounding miko- inorder to be an exchange student she'd need consistently high grades and while the show tries to make it sound like mikos host family is neglectful and they basically don't exist- that's nonsensical why would anyone volunteer to be a host family and then not hang out with the kid? You don't get paid anything so it can't be about money! it really is about developing a relationship with the exchange student during the duration of the program. In this au, jack and raf are half-brothers, jack's dad divorced his mom and Raf's dad is dead, we get some actual backstory on miko, also here miko cares about her grades- cause if she started failing she'd be forced to drop the exchange program- this also subverts some expectations cause in this au I want miko to actually be punk! And I want to give Jack a bit more oomph, Raf would be heavily rewritten (he stays a shy hacker boy who becomes friends with Bee and Ratchet but can we give him something to work with outside of that?)
Also Silas and MECH and dark energeon aren't dropped from the story- MECH and Silas as villains where genuinely more interesting than the omega keys and artifact crap we got, I'd go as far to say Silas is more interesting than Megatron and after all the stuff we see with starscream being an actually competent scary villain that was also comedic it angered me to see him become so flanderized- so here we take a cyberverse route but do it a bit differently and Unicron stays a major threat (I'm taking some inspiration from armada so in this au sideways replaces arachnid but instead of starscream getting redeemed- well let's say he still doesn't get a happy ending) I changed arachnid out for sideways cause she made little sense in universe.
Raf doesn't understand bumblebee in this and there's at least one story where they have to find alternative means of communication- let be actually be disabled by his lack of a voice box
I'm probably never going to write this but I'd like to see other people add to this au with there own ideas, let's get freaking insane and do the stuff tfp didn't have the balls to do! kill Bulkhead and let him get actual character development so it hurts, give Dreadwing a redemption arc, lets give arcee her time to shine, let's get some gay shit with Knockout and Breakdown let's fucking go!
edit: I was thinking about what problems I have with most human characters in transformers is that they 1 aren't as interesting as the bots are, I understand they want the characters to be relatable but sometimes they make them into flat characters borderline harem protagonist, another problem is a problem more commonly found in YA books- when a 16 year old middle class scrawny white girl with no combat training or superpowers or anything can successfully fight off a room full of vampire fbi agents with no injuries or losses, so my goal is to make the kids badass but in a more believable way, so they aren't just damsels in distress either
like I know jack was chosen because he's suppose to be like a young Orion pax and whatever but like it never felt right to me, they could have drawn the parallels clearer, we can also make Miko's badassery and cool moments more emotionally satisfying and make them feel more...deserved idk how to explain my problems with the humans in transformers too well.
Also can we make this the ultimate found family au? And bringing back some inspiration from transformers animated for Bulkhead- not exactly mind you but I love the idea of miko showing bulkhead something cool/creative for a hobby like how sari showed him art, and in RID15 apparently raf and bee liked watching cowboy movies together so now I'm just imagining pure fluff with these ideas I'm trying to come up with some fun ideas for jack and arcee- I usually don't like fluff but I like seeing friends being friends- it's adorable
More on miko, in this au she'd be the master of malicious compliance and finding loopholes, she's scared of failing and cares about her grades as stated above, but she also has early onset senioritis so she finds her ways, she rarely actually breaks rules or skips out, so she works smarter not harder, she's still got some major flaws, she's got a secret case of overconfidence, she's cynical (I think her parents would be loving but super controlling and never gave her privacy so she became sneaky to get away from them, she might have become a lone wolf in school maybe people thought she was scary or something maybe she tried having friends but her parents scared them away I like the idea that mikos super outgoing but in a way that scares people or she struggles with deeper connections outside of surface level, more on Jack, I'm taking some spiderman inspiration- like the rest of the fanbase I shall torture him for fun, give him some hidden rage, a guilt complex, constantly stress over June Raf and Miko, and here he's going to be a senior, he still lives with June and pays her rent but it's always a little bit extra even though she says he doesn't have to, he remembers the time when his parents first divorced and when Raf's dad got sick in this so he worries about cash a lot and maybe has some depression, he's working out what he wants to do with his life and all around is trying to act stupidly responsible and mature to cope, raf is still a dorky lil baby but he's got a surprisingly dark and unsurprisingly gross sense of humor and is more interested in biology than computers at the start, but starts picking up on stuff real fast, he and bumblebee work on alternative means of communication together(one day the bots can't translate what he's saying so after that they start practicing sign or Morse code or something!) Idk just tell me random stuff that bothered you tfp and RID15 or ideas you guys have that could make this au interesting
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amnesic starscream au : starscream is... a little dense
with the damage to his processor slowly, slowly healing, and with starscream not allowed to leave to base ( orders from the council, ratchet orders, and deceptions as a good reason to strap him to the base) starscream finds himself retelling old memories about his past, more importantly, skyfire.
truth be told, no-one knows about skyfire other than he was starscream only friend, his file only a few lines, no extended family or relatives mentioned or known, the only thing known about him is that he was a space explorer, he studied at the lacon science academy, and that he was starscream friend.
when starscream is asked about skyfire, as means to know anything about his location, possible extended family or reletives of sort, the seeker beamed like the sun.
he ended up telling them everything but the required info, and the more he talked, the more it seemed like skyfire wasn't only a friend, the way starscream talked about him made it seem like skyfire was his conjunx endura, he treats him as if they're bonded, not to mention how flustered starscream sounded in his retellings.
up until he said, "he's the bestest friend anybody could ask for!"
confused by their silence, he asked what's wrong.
bumblebee decided to be the brave one to tell him.
cue starscream hiding in the darkest corner of the base muttering "i am so dense i am so dense i am so dense i am so dense iamsofraggingdense-"
Oh no-
Baby no-
Oh honey-
This poor guy XD he's been head over heels in love for thousands of years and didn't even realize it. Starscream is truly dumb gay representation because Skyfire was his husband in all but name and he somehow didn't realize it. The fact that it's Bumblebee who had to break the news for him makes this like 10x funnier
But now 🥺 Starscream realizing he's been in love with Skyfire this whole time and that only makes him more determined to find his old partner 🥺🥺 that's so cute
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deadlysoupy · 1 year
wait i just saw the fandom game too!!!! gosh i cant make up my mind between transformers and teenage mutant ninja turtles!!! i'll let you pick between the two. or omg both!? too much? aah well i wanna know your thoughts on it all LOL
-bumblebeesdoorwings 💞
since i already answered the tmnt one here's transformers!!!
the first character i ever fell in love with: absolutely tfa bumblebee. i remember like it was yesterday. it was like three or two years ago, i was scrolling insta and saw an edit of tfa bee (i can't link it and i won't put it here bc it's obviously not mine) where prowl said "we're gonna use bumblebee's greatest weapon. his obnoxious personality" and i LOST MY MIND it was love at first sight
but imagine my surprise when i finished watching tfa and realised that all the other bees... are just not the guy i liked. i watched prime and didn't enjoy it as much as i could have, had i forgotten my weird obsession with sorta hot shot-like bee and just appreciated prime's bumblebee. it didn't stick tho and i stopped looking for tf stuff for like two years (i realised i just gave like my whole backstory about tf ok sorry lmao)
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: swindle. idk why he's just another jerk to me now, tho i do like the tfa take
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: ratchet/wheeljack from prime. i like dratchet now <3
my ultimate favorite character™: still bumblebee. even tho he's not what i expected at first he's one of those archetypes i easily fall for, i simply had to stop looking for a comic-relief arrogant teen
prettiest character: drift <3 or starscream. or ratchet from prime and idw. or knockout from prime.
what are transformers so pretty for......
my most hated character: unicron? i can't get what his deal is and what is he even why is he in the plot in every continuity i'm kinda sick of him tbh get some new ideas
my NOTP: starscream/megatron. i can kinda see it but like.... nah
favorite episode: it's not really an ep but. ALL OF TAAO. like all of it. superb character writing, beautiful art, gay. haters will say.. idk what they'll say i'm not a hater nor an empath so
saddest death: bee... in idw... and in prime... in idw specifically. "we're stronger together than apart" FUCK OOOOOOOOF
prowl from tfa was tragic too.... hxhdduirejejkf
favorite season: the first season of tfa actually! it's really cozy and humorous and character-driven i love it (and earthspark obviously i don't know if it counts as a season)
least favorite season: i don't think i have that but unicron idw the one that's the ending just pisses me off. everything gets re-set why. why is my otp Like That
allow me to rant here for a few seconds bc i can't even anymore
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AND STARSCREAM DIES AS REDEMPTION???? that's just CHEAP and for the sake of it like they needed to tic it off the list of completed arcs that's not how it works!!!!! i mean yeah SURE it comes full circle when he comes back as a ghost tethered to bee but we could have had it all and for wHAt.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: pharma? i have no idea. perceptor? yeah sure. shockwave too what an asshole
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: STARSCREAAAM how did i even end up loving him
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: blurr lmao
but really it's prowl i think. especially now when everyone screams acab i don't agree. but i won't get into that. anyway prowl interesting but has poor execution
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: starbee also..... it's sooo weird for me to ship a "hero" and a "villain" i don't typically do that but idw changed me fundamentally
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: megop. i just don't like optimus i think. he's boring... hot take right at the end there
hope you don't hate me now 🥺🥺
some of these are.... questionable for sure
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favesgrave · 2 years
IDW 1 End Thoughts
Okay, I've had most of the day to process things. Maybe I can put it all into words now. Spoilers below (duh).
I still can't decide if I like this ending. I'm leaning more towards "no." Unicron was the final arc, the endgame of the series, and so many characters got killed off. I'd recover from one death, and then another would happen. Starscream, Soundwave, and Wheeljack were all favorites of mine, so seeing them die was... not fun, to say the least. They aren't going to get to enjoy a peaceful world.
And I get it, I guess. Thinking about it in-universe, this was the best outcome for everyone else. Without other bots sacrifices, more probably would have died. I'm not happy or satisfied with it though, especially with Cybertron just getting destroyed. That really bummed me out.
Now, onto Lost Light. The final Lost Light comic was a giant punch to the gut for me. Ratchet dying, Megatron getting his sentence (which we never actually find out what he gets), the crew splitting up, and a few other things.
Like... everyone forgetting Rung. Just, why? Why was that necessary? Was there an actual reason given and I just forgot? Was it supposed to be funny or something? I didn't find it funny. Just... really, really sad. After everything he did, they just forget him. I'm not cool with that.
Time for Megs. Because... yeah, we knew this was coming. It's been something established since he joined the crew. Even if he did good things, like helping the Functionist Universe, there's still so many unforgiveable things as well (I say this as an IDW Megs fan!). I guess his sentence is up to fan interpretation. Death, or eternal imprisonment.
Rewind... oh, I'm so sorry buddy, you got done dirty. First he dies, and then we get him back and things are happy for a while! Then in the last issue he's like, paralyzed. I don't like that either! Unnecessary sadness, once again! Same goes with Ratchet's death! I'm pretty sure there's characters older than him that are alive. But nope. Ratchet dies from age burnout. Yippeeee.... Brainstorm's whole thing with his accident was another punch to the gut!
And I feel really bad for Rodimus. It seems like he may be an alcoholic now? Or something close to that. He still gets to go on adventures in space, but like Drift told him, it's not the same. It'll never be the same without the Lost Light crew.
SPEAKING OF THE LOST LIGHT CREW!!! THEY JUST DON'T TALK TO EACH OTHER FOR YEARS? IT'S THE FOUND FAMILY BREAKS UP AT THE END TROPE AND I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS. Like, I get they all have their own lives... but still. You get what I mean, right? And I know that there's that copy in another universe, still going off on adventures, but it's just not the same. The main characters, the original ones we got attached to, they're still living their lives, most in less-than-happy ways. It just kills me a bit.
So, in conclusion, the IDW ending makes me feel empty. It leaves me going, "Oh. This really is it, then." Though, I do think the Optimus Prime comics ended better than Lost Light. That one truly was bittersweet for me, while Lost Light was just gut-punch after gut-punch. That being said, if you've been reading all my reactions to this series, thank you. I started this last summer and now, I'm ending it this summer. I don't know what it is, I guess when it turned June my brain went "it's pride month now FINISH READING ABOUT THE GAY ROBOTS!"
That being said, I'll probably read IDW 2. I don't know when, I've gotta find a reading order. So if anyone has one, then I'd love to see it.
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comicaurora · 3 years
I just finished rewatching inuyasha, are there any anime or cartoon recommendations you have? And yes, I have already seen reboot, it’s pretty great.
always nice to have my tastes validated, thank you 💖
In no particular order:
Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes - recommended several times before, but it really is one of the best versions of the avengers I've ever seen. Fun ensemble cast with excellent dynamics means every main character has fun chemistry with every other main character, leading to teamups that feel like they shouldn't work but do, like Thor and Wasp having a lengthy conversation about how horrifying MODOK's giant weird head is, Hawkeye and Hulk developing an utterly bizarre friendship, etc. It's also got one of the least bland versions of Captain America who, despite being 100% rock-solid paragon, still manages to have a personality of his own well-written enough that when they do the Secret Invasion plotline the audience can actually tell that Skrull-Cap is a pale imitation of the real version.
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Transformers Prime - the only Transformers cartoon I've ever watched, so I can't speak for how it measures up to the others, but it's very solid. Another show that nails a paragon's characterization, this has a really solid version of Optimus Prime, fitting his core characterization of "strong enough to be gentle" - and the rest of the cast is just as well-written, if somewhat less deep. There's a trio of human protagonists that are nominally the focus, but they're really only there to justify focusing on the more interesting robots, and get some focus but are more effectively utilized to communicate the somewhat terrifying scale of the bots and how scary it'd be to be human-sized in that context. The villains are also really solidly written - they manage to retain the Megatron-Starscream dynamic of "Starscream is always trying to backstab Megatron" without making Megatron seem like an idiot for putting up with him. This is probably one of the most intimidating versions of both Megatron and Starscream.
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The Owl House - currently airing and not yet finished, but this show is really cute. Human protagonist stumbles through a portal into a magical otherworld that's literally hell with the serial numbers filed off and starts learning witchcraft from an extremely hilarious mentor figure. The first episode is deceptively basic and kids-show-y, but after that things start delving into more serious implications. The main character is written with an extremely on-the-nose portrayal of ADHD and some corresponding RSD (and has a romantic subplot that is both explicitly gay and getting more and more focus as the show goes on, which fuckin rules) and the show delves into some other fairly serious real-world concepts through fantasy coding (for instance, the mentor struggles with a curse that's treated like a progressing chronic illness, and an episode puts focus on how her mother keeps obsessively pursuing magical "cures" that'll theoretically "fix" the problem rather than helping her manage it or improve her quality of life) and doesn't shy away from the real psychological consequences of character traits that might originally seem like jokes, like how a character has comedic delusions of grandeur and reacts extremely badly when they eventually find out everyone around them has just been humoring them. There's also a lot of casual queer representation, which I find very refreshing.
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She-Ra and the Princesses of Power - I mean obviously this was making my list. Goofy 80s reboot of a toy commercial turns out to be an exploration of love, family, trauma and the cycle of abuse. She-Ra operates on the Rule Of Cool and its corollary, the Rule Of Maximum Emotional Impact. It's not not tropey, but that just kind of makes it comfortable, you know? Villains you like get redeemed, villains you hate get punished, downtrodden characters learn to stand up for themselves, heroes making mistakes realize they've messed up and work to make up for it, the power of love saves the day several times, etcetera etcetera. Also extremely gay. I still can't believe this show really happened sometimes.
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Batman Beyond - a show I have described before as "it really, really shouldn't have worked, but somehow it did." A fifty-years-later sequel to Batman TAS focusing on a new kid becoming Batman under the mentorship of an old and cranky Bruce Wayne. Somewhat dystopian cyberpunk future setting, new Batman is basically just Spider-Man, eschewing stoic menace for quips and flips. The similarity extends down to a one-for-one correspondence between their respective rogues' galleries. And somehow it's really solid. Episodic with an open-ended "the adventure continues" wrapup, it's good to watch in one go but it also works for sporadic viewing, even out of order. There's some drift in the status quo, but after a while things get pretty firmly established and the episode order stops mattering.
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Tales of Arcadia (Trollhunters, 3Below, Wizards) - Caveat that the finale movie just came out (Rise of the Titans) and I'm not recommending that. The experience of the series is better if you pretend it had an open ending when Wizards wrapped up. Anyway, Guillermo Del Toro loves him some urban fantasy and Netflix likes enabling him, so we got a great set of interconnected series (six seasons total) about an ensemble cast of weirdos dealing with crazy magic urban fantasy stuff. Starts off with a fairly standard unprepared chosen one protagonist navigating an unfamiliar secret world, but the scope quickly broadens and it becomes clear that the core message of this story is that "the lone chosen one must save the world with zero help" is total bunk and emotionally deeply unhealthy, and it's much easier to save the world with a bunch of other cool people who are also good at saving the world. 3D animation is very pretty but takes a little getting used to - all the human characters are a bit distractingly noodly proportion-wise. Has some fun twists and fakeouts and routinely went in directions I was fully not expecting.
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Gargoyles - 90s Disney urban fantasy about a clan of gargoyles who end up frozen for a thousand years and wake up in 90s NYC. Don't watch season 3, but everything else is really fun, if extremely 90s. The voice cast is incredibly solid and I honestly recommend it just for the auditory experience (protagonist is Keith David doing his rumbliest baritone, major antagonists are Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis bringing more personality to their respective roles than Riker and Troi collectively had in the entire run of TNG, etc) but it's also just fun overall with lots of cool literary and historical references - the actual historical Macbeth is a recurring antagonist, as are Puck, Oberon and Titania. Fun fact, major romantic subplot between gargoyle protagonist and hard-boiled human cop is documented to have awakened an entire generation of monsterfuckers.
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Ducktales (2017) - no, really. Aggressively cute, adventurous and funny 95% of the time so when it wallops you with the really intense scary tragic family feelings the other 5% of the time it's way more impactful. David Tennant gets to do his natural scottish accent as Scrooge. They weren't legally allowed to put Mickey Mouse in the show, so they just get his voice actor to play like five other characters. Sometimes the animation goes really hard for no reason. Surprise, the show that looks like it's about wacky adventures in disney properties is actually about family and togetherness and love and stuff. All this and more might explain why I like the show so much, but I still don't really know.
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - old news, I know, I've recommended this show a hundred times and probably will a hundred more. Incredibly well-crafted, well-paced, a really solid 64-episode mystery/political intrigue series that only gets better on rewatches as more details and hints pop up. Vocal performances are excellent in both dub and sub, though the names fit a little better in the dub since they're mostly english words. I sometimes describe this show as the best anime I've ever seen, which is admittedly highly subjective, but overall what I mean is it's the best put-together overall - tightly paced, clearly planned out from the start, characters behave like real people and develop naturally as the story progresses, overall a show with very little wrong with it.
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mycarhasasecret · 2 years
TfP Shockwave x scientist Mech reader
The reader is one of the best scientists on Cybertron, haveing knowledge of basic first aid. He met Megs in the Pits of Kaon. When the war broke out he sided with Megs, and put him in charge of trying to start Project predacon without Shockwave.
This leads to many sleepless nights and one experiment after the other all in failure.
(Megatron doesn't mind cuz of course the reader is making better progress in the lab then Starscream in anything-)
But when Shockwave is on board he sees all this progress, just overall impressed that the reader made it this far with only a hand full of old notes of his lol.
Thay start working together and thay just fall for eachother (Predaking totally ships it-!)
Im so sorry this is so long-
I just really excited cuz i found someone who writes for transformers!
You can choose to ignore this if you wish, tho i would love to be your 🇨🇱 Anon.
Im just really gay for tall robots-
Hey, 🇨🇱 anon! This was a lot to fit in one ask, so I did have to take some liberties, but I hope you like it!
Shockwave could honestly say he was still impressed after all these months of working with you. When he first stepped on board he was blown away but how much you'd done from just a few of his notes. You amazed him every day with your progress and persistence. When he found you pouring over notes from the both of you, more frustrated than he'd ever seen you, he wasn't sure what to think.
"(Y/N)," his deep, booming voice rang out through the lab, and you quickly looked up at him. "What are you doing? The work day is over. You've made excellent progress. It's illogical for you to continue to work, as neglecting your rest will only hinder you."
"I've made no progress, Shockwave! No matter what, everything I do ends in failure! I'm no closer to getting any answers than I was when I started this damn project! You're notes are so detailed and have so much data in them, and I still can't get it right! I need help, Shockwave. I can't do this on my own."
"You are not on your own," Shockwave tilted his head in confusion. It's true, you weren't. He'd also been conducting experiments and sharing his findings with you. You'd been working more or less together, but you obviously didn't see it like that.
"I know I just..." You sighed. "I feel like I'm running in place. All this work with no pay off..."
"There is pay off."
"What? Being able to tell Megatron I failed without getting berated?"
"No. Data."
"What do you mean?"
"Every time you fail, you fill in a gap in the data," Shockwave moved toward you, his large form filling the room in a comforting sort of way. "I admire your perseverance and dedication. Every unsuccessful experiment is one step closer to finding a solution that works." His servo cupped your face places. He softly stroked your cheek. "I admire you so much that I have begun to have some rather distracting thoughts and feelings."
"Have you?" You were in a daze, gazing into his large, red optic, frustration forgotten. Shockwave nodded. The lab was silent, and all the two of you could focus on was one another. The air around you was dense with longing, and you wondered if the spell the two of you were under would ever break.
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miraculousmaladys · 3 years
TFP If You Ship...
Ultra Magnus
I would also like to warn yall, I do roast the shit outta these ships and you. Some of y'all are nasty and need to be told/reminded, and some of you need to stay far the fuck away from me. Aight? Aight lets begin.
MagOp/OpMag/Magnimus/ Ultra Magnus x Optimus Prime: You pretentious bitch. You absolute fucking- I have no fucking words to describe how beige you are. You 're personality is plain oatmeal. Message me. I want to beat your ass. You prolly like them for the fact that they can relate to each other, and because of their importance to the war. But I hate you cause you also have more content. Fuck you. May your cereal turn soggy before you can eat that shit, may your drawing tablet get so hot in that one corner that you can fry bacon on that bitch. Fuck you.
MagMeg/Magatron(ew)/ Ultra Magnus x Megatron: you eat mayonnaise with a fucking spoon. Y'all saw that one scene with them on Darkmount and was just like "hm, but what if fuck?" and ran with it. You went to Ao3 expecting kinky shit, but all you got was stuff for IDW Megs and Mags and honestly baby, its gon' be okay.
Matchet/Ragus?/ Ultra Magnus x Ratchet: Yes we get it, the old man can dom now shut the fuck up. If taking your S/O to the nursing home as a date was a ship it'd be these old crotchety ass bitches. But, but, on a more serious note this ship can be so therapeutic for both mechs. These two were there way before the start of the war, they lived through it, and they knew Optimus all throughout. I imagine Ratchet would tell Magnus about Orion before his ascension to the primacy. I ain't ever been more depressed scrolling through a tag though, y'all broke bitches need whatever the fuck UltraScreen is having.
Magbee/Ultra Bumble/Ultra Magnus x Bee: I ain't ever seen two same heighted Cybertronians in a relationship, always one of'em gotta be spike suckin' height.
UltraJack/ Ultra Magnus x Wheeljack: Listen, listen, both these mechs love their solitary time and it can create so much angst, SO MUCH. Magnus feeling he must uphold his duties and Wheeljack having a mindset similar to a pirate. His spark belongs to the stars AND Magnus, but the stars will always come first. But bitch this is Ultra Magnus. We horny. We know Wheeljack is a fucking brat, and Ultra Magnus is his Dom.... baby we nasty. We nasty and there is no fucking denying that shit my GOD.
Ultrabulk/ Ultra Magnus x Bulkhead: Listen man as crazy as this might sound, I think this could work. Just like any other ship with Bulkhead you are fucking STRUGGLING though dude, you got like 5 fics you keep coming back to. You cry at night, knowing, and praying, that the gods will smile upon you and bless you with an update. You know you struggling when you only got three fics that have this ship as the focus. If y'all ban together I'm sure you can scrounge together like three pieces of fanart and a lint roller between the four of you.
UltraScream/ Ultra Magnus x Starscream: I don't see how anyone could hate this ship. Like, they literally work as really good foils to each other. You've got Magnus who is loyal as fuck, very militaristic??? And very much involved with the safety of his team. He's described as recklessly brave. Starscream on the other hand has a lot of character to work on and Magnus could help him along with that, and he can teach Magnus self preser- fucking-vation because Mr. "gets fucking chomped by a predacon for another bitchass Autobot" needs it. You're fuckass wants someone to save you, or you want to go absolutely apeshit. You are the mom friend everyone is worried about.
Ultracee/ Ultra Magnus x Arcee: Huh?? I mean like....Okaaaayy?? I mean good for you. This ship makes me feel the way that you feel when someone offers you candy you don't like, but you wouldn't mind eating it so you do. To be honest the people who ship this definitely see diamonds in places others wouldn't expect, but like you're so fucking unnessecary oh my god. Like you prolly add weird ass comments to other peoples statements, ain't nobody out here asking for an echo. Sit down.
UltraShock: ya like'em thicc don't you commanding officer Ultra Magnus? Anyway maybe y'all could team up with UltraBulk shippers and add a pile of used soda cans to the pile. Y'all are ghosts, do you even exist on this plane. My guesstimate on how many people actually ship this forreal is like 5.
Ultrawave/MagnusSound/Magnus x Soundwave: Listen if the Ultrabulk shippers are starving y'all ain't even corporeal. I show up to this ship with a fucking ghost talk box and some heat sensors, and like one boombox tryna see if GHOSTS even inhabit this bitch. Y'all aight? Are y'all good?? HELLO IN THERE (hello in there) (hello in there). Yall really go all out for the goth shit. Prolly hidin' in the shadows of my house waiting to strike.
You, and I mean this in the most (derogatory) way possible, are a fucking
Literally looked on AO3 saw nearly NOTHING BUT kinky MF PORN. The oooonly plot y'all got is exactly how long Ultra Magnus can deny Smokescreen an overload. Why every time it comes to Magnus people make this by the books vanilla bitch the kinkiest one. YES I love subverting expectations but can I PLEASE get one fic where he sputters because his partner says a bad word. These two are the main ones who get this treatment, and baby I ain't complaining, but please. Please just- please sir I-I a-ah!
Ultradown: The UltraBulk, and UltraWave shippers come here every year, at the exact same location, at the exact same time, all for this ritual. The UltraWave shippers take out a boombox, some energon candies, and a supersized Cybertronian false spike. The UltraBulkers begin to sing the incantation to summon their fallen comrade: https://youtu.be/m9We2XsVZfc. They must do this once every year, they must battle the UltraDown shippers, though most would say they are a myth, the UltraShock and UltraWave shippers know better.
MagnusOut/KnockMagnusOut?/Ultra Knockout: Listen its not as horny as Smokescreen but the constant tension is definitely there. Knockout is just as horny as the depressed, RE-pressed ass Magnus fans and can you really blame him? Boyfriend? Dead. Magnus? kinky. Hotel? California.
/If I missed any let my gay ass know. Sorry if this ones lackluster, but some of these ships don't even really seem to have a fanbase?? Remember that these are TFP ships y'all.
Also I better see more Bulkhead content after this. Do you all have a problem with truly thicc bootyful babes or what?
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transfemstarscream · 2 years
I honestly cannot understsnd how tfp starscream can be someones favorite version... the way tfp starscreams characterization was done has really distorted how people perceive her as a character
EXACTLY like i have been trying to dial back my dislike for prime stsc because i really think its one of those situations where its obvious the story didn't have anywhere to go with her at all... like even in the first season, it doesn't really try too hard to install starscream as the main villain and didn't really hesitate to push her out of the spotlight once megatron got back in the game.
but i just... cannot like her? beyond her being an even bigger transmisogynistic caricature (and not in the big but unintentionally cool way that i often see myself having fun with regardless; beast wars ii starscream is a transmisogynistic caricature but she's honestly handled well and the show's respectful about her and in no way is the show ever weird about her... thank you so much beast wars ii) she's just... hard to watch. secondhand embarrassment maybe, but i just cannot watch her for longer than a few minutes, especially during season two. she's SO inconsistent personality wise, because she's either "intelligent and resourceful enough to calculate great plans and outsmart her opponents" or "bumbling incompetent idiot who cannot shut the hell up for one minute" with no balance or in between.
not to mention that she just kind of... ruins the tone of the show? like transformers prime wants to be a lot more grim: scenes are often devoid of music, jokes are few and rely more on character interactions, death and pain are treated with (some) care and weight, etc. but prime starscream just... doesn't work within any of these. she's subjected to a lot of slapstick humor that just doesn't work with the pretty realistic 3D models, especially how textured and apparent scars and bruises are left on her frame. scenes with her that are meant to be funny, serious, etc. just come off as awkward because she's so overanimated and expressive yet this just looks off when compared to other characters, it's almost like she's meant to be in a different show. she's not at all as complex or sympathetic as some of the other decepticons, which isn't inherently bad—i love me downright asshole jerkass starscream—but the way the show doesn't pass up the opportunity to fixate on her being hurt or having her personal space invaded or just in general "perv" (don't know a better word but i don't mean in a sexual way) on her... she just feels. weird.
this isn't really helped by what spawned of a lot of future starscream fan content. it's like the fandom asked "hm. how could we take this blatant caricature and fetishize it into something worse?" and didn't wait for an answer. i literally don't understand how prime starscream is seen as attractive she's UGLY and that's the POINT! she's MEANT to be UNSETTLING! "the stiletto-heeled freak" is NOT a compliment! she is not your "gay GNC small waist high-heeled twink disaster" that is an airplane alien made to look creepy and off-putting. and like it's so funny because she is genuinely regarded as handsome in multiple continuities. she's canonically youthful looking and rather handsome. but then you try and compare cybertron starscream and prime starscream, who people often argue are the two best starscreams, and... well....
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see it for yourself. (and before i get "you're biased" or "different angles": prime stsc just looks like that. devoid of color.)
like i would not care, truthfully, if prime starscream was purposefully meant to be this unlikable, obnoxious villain that we were meant to root against. hell, animated sentinel was also that and i enjoyed him immensely. but she's just so... bad. she never really accomplished anything long-term. her character never goes anywhere good. she doesn't work within the show's own setting and tone. no real attempt to do anything good with her. and the fanbase is unbearable and so fucking creepy about her that blocking her tag means you lose almost 75% of the content in her general tag. I Do Not Like Transformers Prime Starscream.
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Transformers Siege (WFC) show review!!;
So a lot of people have different opinions on this show, let me tell you guys some of my pros and cons!
*spoilers/thirst/swearing might be included.
Wheeljack getting to say ass. Took me out when I heard it for the first time.
The fact that they addressed how decepticons were mistreated through various means.(Like the time they revealed the ‘core override implants’. That shit was clearly a touchy topic, and I REALLY enjoyed the fact that Prowl hated thinking about it and its history.
Blackarachnia was fucking GAY. And I loved how they chose HER to have such raw energy. It wasn’t at ALL forced, and I appreciated my girl looking and feeling free.
Megatron ACTUALLY said ‘Starscream was right’, can you fucking imagine-
Optimus’s character arc. He came off as SO unlikeable. Like he was impulsive, kind of full of himself in a way, only for him to do a full 180 into the Prime we grew to know and love.
Megatron saying ‘fuck you’ to Galvatron. I love a Megatron that just won’t take that ‘my way or the highway’ bullshit (though Prime Wars Megatron did it the best).
The way the show LOOKS. Seriously, everything is SO detailed. Scuffed paint, feather textures, scales-all of it looks SO good?
Everything with Elita one. Fucking Queen, she deserved to kiss OP (or her three little simps either or-) at the end god dammit.
They gave Airrazor a LITTLE more screen time, and I appreciated what they did with what little they had.
That one fucking moment where Optimus had Megatron at gun point and asked for forgiveness. That WILL hurt you.
This is the FIRST time I've ever liked a Quintisson? I mean bitch WAS crazy.
Season two episode four. Optimus was ANGRY gay that episode, I loved it
The way the different continuities merged was actually really cleverly done, especially by showing the death of a different Optimus Prime.
The voice acting. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve seen shittier voice acting in shittier series. I just feel like if you’re already a tf fan, you’ll be disappointed. From Beast wars Megatron, to Dinobot, it just won’t hit the same level compared to other series.
They hinted at Sunstreaker again, but didn’t give us SHIT-
Impactor’s death. Homophobic.
Galvatron. I just. Wasn’t impressed with him, aside from appearances. I was gonna include Nemesis as well, but that dude had major feral energy, and I appreciated that, so just fuck Galvatron. 
I appreciated the characterization in some of these guys, but the plots of some of the episodes seemed to just, zoom on by? I mean it was better than it being drawn out like some other series (RID2015), but it’s something that takes me out of it, in terms of pacing.
Megatron didn't get the happy ending he deserved. Optimus got insane amounts of closure, while Megatron and his decepticons were just kinda thrown to the wind. It's better than no punishments, but decepticon get the bad end of it in most shows. For more details on this kinda idea, I have @baebeyza post about it, definitely read it, it has great points;
Final thoughts!!; This show isn’t bad in the slightest, but it's personally not something I loved completely. I loved things ABOUT it, but it's not a series I'd recommend to my friends. Certain scenes sure, but not the series as a whole. 7/10. It could be improved by steady pacing and more gay moments, but on the whole, not too bad.
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