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This week's product of the week is the mini netted bouncers BBOL-040 Skelter
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✅ Free pegs
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𝗧𝗲𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗳𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻:
Approximate dimensions (Imperial) - 18ft x 17t x 21.3ft. (L/W/H)
Platform height - 10ft
Approximate weight - 160kg
Approximate packing dimensions (LxWxH) - 1.20 x 0.90 x 0.90m
Maximum user height upto 1.00 Meters - 5 (1 User at a time on the drop slide)
Maximum user height upto 1.25 Meters - 5 (1 User at a time on the drop slide)
Maximum user height upto 1.50 Meters - 5 (1 User at a time on the drop slide)
Maximum user height upto 1.80 Meters - 5 (1 User at a time on the drop slide)
Suitable for adult use - (Yes, However Maximum user data still applies)
Includes - Inflatable and Steps Only
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Happy shopping 🛒🛍️📦🚚
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🌎 𝗪𝘄𝘄.𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿-𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗲.𝗰𝗼.𝘂𝗸
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therobotmonster · 11 months
So many kid's toys these days just. Arn't fun. They're designed to be COLLECTED rather than PLAYED with. Everything is a fucking blindbag. Materials are flimsy and cheap and designs don't hold up to an actual child throwing them around. And it's all so EXPENSIVE, even accounting for inflation.
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To expand on my thoughts here, I'm unrolling a Twitter thread I made about this trend. (with some additions)
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The Big H's handling of mainline figs is... distressing, of late. Very little push for show mains, oversupport of already saturated legacy characters, and some frankly unsettling engineering and materials choices (esp in Cyberverse).
Increase in overall fragility, thinner parts, styrene-on-styrene joints that will go floppy in a few months of light play, very little "clicks" or locks solidly... the passion is clearly in the collector's end, and that's just bass ackwards.
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This repugnus would have been amazing triumph from Mego in 1970s. But for a mainline big H TF line in the 2020s? This is a backslide. And before anyone brings up that it's from the kids' line, that's the point. They're KIDS, they should get MORE care and effort in their merch.
Every toy you make might be a kid's only birthday gift or holiday present. Toys are /given/ to children, and if the work is subpar, you make a chump out of grandma. You won't be there to blame if it breaks or disappoints.
It seriously drives me nuts seeing how far the stuff-for-kids industries have fallen. There's no brands without the work, but as the poet DMX said: "these cats done forgot what work is."
All your blockbuster superhero empires start in the pulp gutters. Compared to the movies toys, games and comics will never be profitable ENOUGH to be worth it on a billion-dollar scale ledger.
"Give me mighty oaks! There's no profit in acorns!"
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If you want the stuff that makes the Michael Bay blockbuster, you have to start with the stupid goofy cartoon no one had seen before where anxiety over the oil crisis was acted out by robotic Punch and Judy puppets. How many studios would greenlight TMNT or TF sight unseen today?
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If you make toys and cartoons and video games, your job is to make kids happy. How is that not sacred? If anything is sacred it should be that.
Art is the act of evoking emotion, and fun is an emotion (what else could it be described as?) and it is SO IMPORTANT.
I fear that gets lost in the "what to do over next?" rush. Every artist at those companies has a dozen amazing ideas in their back pocket that won't get a chance to become the next Transformers because a studio is terrified they'll make Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors instead.
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Since the world is run by Captain Planet villains, I wouldn't bat an eye if we found out venture capital was a ploy by some disgruntled warlock who just hates the goddamn Care Bears.
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Just some dick at Bear Sterns singing "There's no room for joy on a spreadsheet" to a weaselly sidekick.
Cuz guys, we've got companies that make GAMES for CHILDREN hiring the Pinkertons. I repeat. Games. For. Children. That's not normal. That's not a normal thing. That is a very disturbing thing.
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And its hard to even discuss without sounding like a frickin' Care Bear myself. Because how do you sum up the creeping dread that the support beams are being mined thin, and everything fun for kids will go the way of Toys-R-Us, dragged down like Artax.
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I'm not advocating pure altruism here. There's plenty of money to be made giving kids an awesome experience. It's investing in future fandom. Real Brand loyalty. If you want the blockbuster 15 years from now, get them hooked on the fun cartoon now. The value-add always pays off.
For every Transformers or He-Man there's going to be several Robotix-es or Power Lords. That's a risk. A risk worth taking. New ideas should be easier and cheaper to bring to fruition now than ever. But the system won't let it happen.
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180 notes · View notes
Distracted, Desperate, Determined [Pt. 1]
Summary: Baxter is having difficulty focusing on his work these days, ever since his seamstress hired a new assistant to help around the office.
Rating: R - Content features heavy themes. Not suitable for most audiences. Consult warnings before proceeding.
Explicit depictions of violence. Reader discretion is highly advised.
Words: 1038
Notes: Don’t be deceived, boo. Things go down fast with this one.
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Baxter was a man, distracted.
Distracted. Divided. Not inattentive, but pulled away from his responsibilities by a force he couldn’t name and could not say he cared for, either. He was not a stranger to romantic inclinations, fantasies, sudden flings, slow-burning inclinations that died the moment his attention was called elsewhere. Predictably, the few relationships he allowed himself were short-lived, at best disastrous at worst, but he did not have a problem with that.
If anything, he appreciated it. He had always thought of company as optional, and what little loneliness he was still capable of feeling could be drowned with a generous glass of indulgently expensive wine. He was not one to linger, he tried not to overstay his welcome.
He had been sentimental, once, too emotional for his own good, and he had learned his lesson, he remembers how excruciatingly painful it had been for him to wane himself off that attachment, how far he fled from everything. He did not intend to change. He did not want to change.
Yet, here he was. Back to the same well. Distracted all over again.
He could not think. He could not focus. It was all he could do to look like he might’ve been trying to read the most recent file left on his desk. It was about another tech bro wedding in Santa Clara, the sort of thing that was burdensome and required too much air travel, but that paid his bills for months on end. It was a bunch of invoices, travelling bills, vision photos, proposals, budgets and requests, stuff to sift through and organize. A drag that he probably would have dealt with days ago, if he had been able to concentrate.
He made a half-hearted effort to straighten his back as the door to his office began to open, but Baxter dropped the act quickly, abandoning it completely by the time he heard the sound of heeled boots against hollow tile, caught a glimpse of a familiar, albeit rarely used, catalyst, searched for eyes and found the cover of a thin book. Instead, the lovely face was still buried in some novel as the person stepped through the threshold, not bothering to knock.
It was Jamie Last. He should have known it would be her. Who else did he deserve? Jamie, his in-house seamstress’ new assistant. Jamie, the latest addition to his tight social circle. Jamie, his current, infuriating, unshakable fixation. Jamie, the new employee who had not paid him so much as a passing glance since her arrival, much to his frustration.
She did not look at him. She rarely ever does, but today it hurt more than it usually did, as she dropped another stack of papers onto his desk, letting it replace the greeting she had forgotten to offer.
“Xavier needs you to sign this.” She started, laying out her priorities clearly, a skill that he was beginning to resent. “It’s their bill for their services on the Ackerton wedding last week. They said that, if you don’t want to read it, I’m supposed to look the other way.”
Ah, they must have inflated the numbers a bit, under the guise of a “rush order” expense. Not that they do not have a point on that, as the ludicrous ingredients on the desserts must not have been easy to source. Well, the Ackertons were too wealthy for their own good, they would not mind covering the extra hundreds when he sends them the full bill.
Baxter glanced over the rows of numbers, the messy hand-writing, the columns of meaningless gibberish that blended together into a mess of ink and digits, skipping over black truffles, llama milk and Himalayan salt. He takes their suggestion, scrawling his name across the only blank line. It was a lost cause, especially with her in the room. Especially with her unoccupied hand resting on his desk, her fingertips idly tapping an unsteady rhythm into the wood, and all he could think about was who he would be willing to kill to feel that hand pressed against his cheek.
He considered asking her, for a moment, giving her an order and hoping she would absent-mindedly obey. He is, after all, ultimately her boss, is he not? He thought about touching her, or running his fingers through her hair, or pulling her into his lap and mumbling sweet nothings into her ear until someone else dragged her away.
He thought about a lot of things.
In any case, he actually said, “I take it your silence comes at a price?”
She shoots him a teasing smile. “Do I seem that selfish to you?”
Jamie is selfish. She had to be selfish. If she was not, then, surely, she would have been kind enough to put him out of his misery months ago.
“I like helping people. Just remember this when I need a favour from you.” She laughs, a heavenly sound that sings to his ear like the violin she plays when a contractor bails on them. “Such as when Xavier brings you a thank-you cake.”
“Ah, that’s going to take a while. They’re swamped with work and need no referrals from us.” He went on. “I’m sure we could work something more immediate out between ourselves.”
The young woman is already starting towards the door, calling the conversation to a close before Baxter could begin to finish. In the back of his mind, something flared, the urge to catch her wrist, to go after her, to put himself between her and the only exit and refuse to move until she looked at him. However, he forced it down, swallowing the temptation before it could eclipse his common sense.
He could not be impulsive. He could not make rash decisions. He is not prepared to deal with how difficult that would make things, not now. Not yet.
“Join me for a drink?” He tried, again, attempting to sound unbothered. Nonchalant, casual, normal. Like he was not itching to burn every book she had ever touched. “I know that you don’t have anything better to…”
“Another night, Mr. Ward.”
And just like that, she is gone, leaving his muttered response to echo through his empty office.
“Of course.”
Distracted, Desperate, Determined Masterlist
Our Life Masterlist
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freckled-moss · 2 years
Autumn Tea Chapter 3
Lockwood & Co.🌸Historical AU🌸Locklyle
1028 words
Chapter 2 , Chapter 4
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Part One
Anthony had grown rather bored in the past hour. His least favorite part of this job was the deskwork, and unluckily he didn’t have another trip until next week.
To France with George, if he remembers correctly.
Until then, though, Anthony Lockwood was stuck at his desk, reading over reports and orders, the current one discussing differing prices of Chinese tea throughout the years.
Far too many numbers for such a pretty morning, he thinks.
So, instead of continuing to labor over inflation rates, Anthony stood and walked to the window that overlooks the front of the estate. The sun was warm but not bright, and there was still a slight fog from the early hours of the morning. Weeds populated the yard in great patches.
In the distance, he saw a figure weave in and out of the front gardens.
“Ms. Carlyle?”
She stood and looked over towards the house as if she had heard him, and true enough it was who he thought. Her dress was hiked up to let her move easier (he made a point not to look any lower than her waist) and her hands had large, bulking gloves on.
For a moment, he was afraid she had seen him, but then she turned and continued prying weeds from the ground before dumping them in the wheelbarrow beside her. She worked fast and effectively, and he watched, entranced, as she moved about the shrubbery.
He had never thought about hiring someone to tend the garden. It was presentable enough that no company had ever commented, but apparently to her it needed work. He grinned to himself, and in the back of his mind filed away the need to get women's garden gloves.
Soon, the clock chimed noon, and Anthony pulled himself away from the window for lunch.
Part Two
Holly was just finishing the chicken salad when Lucy came bursting into the kitchen, spouting apologies about losing track of time in the garden. Holly was well aware of Lucy’s gardening and had decided not to ask her for help with lunch because of how badly the garden did need some help.
“It’s quite alright, Lucy. The garden did need some attention, but for later reference know that we start preparing lunch about half past eleven. Can you begin the tea?”
“Of course.”
Lucy shuffled over to the stove and began heating the kettle before opening the ice box to get the milk from that morning.
“Have you been enjoying your time here, Lucy?” Holly asked as she took the roasted potatoes out of the oven.
“Yes, though I worry I’m not being of much use.”
“What do you mean?” Holly turned from where she was working on plating the sandwiches towards where Lucy was waiting for the kettle.
“It’s just… well… all I’ve done to help today is bring Mr. Lockwood tea this morning.”
“Hm…” Holly considered something, before perking up with a smile, “I’ll give you some duties then! Mr. Lockwood hardly tells me what to do anyhow. He knows he can’t understand what needs to be done to clean the house.”
“Thank you, Holly.”
“Of course! And after lunch, your first duty will be to accompany me to town.”
Part Three
Lunch was held on the second floor balcony. Lucy carried up the sandwiches and tea while Holly held the roasted potatoes. Mr. Lockwood was already sat with a blonde, pudgy man Lucy didn’t recognize.
“Here you are! Lunch looks lovely, Holly!”
“Thank you, Mr. Lockwood.”
“Oh, and Ms. Carlyle, this man here is my friend, George Cubbins.”
“How do you do?”
“Starving,” Mr. Cubbins sniffed before grabbing one of the sandwiches.
Mr. Lockwood smiled at her, “He’s not one for idle conversation.”
Lucy tried her best to grin in response, but worried it appeared more as a grimace.
Lucy began pouring the tea, adding sugar and milk to Mr. Lockwood’s cup before turning to Mr. Cubbins, “Sugar and milk, Mr. Cubbins?”
“I’ll get it myself.”
Her eye twitched, “Yes, sir.”
After the table was set, her and Holly left to have their own lunch before heading into town.
Part Four
Anthony bit into his sandwich and sipped some tea. Still too sweet.
“Lockwood?” George stared at him over his own cup.
“Yes, George?”
“You hate that much sugar.”
“Well,” he set the cup down and went for some potatoes, “I don’t see what’s wrong with trying something new every once and awhile.”
“That’s crap. Last time you had tea near that sweet you spat it out, in my face, mind you.”
“Perhaps your face just needed a good spitting on.”
George decided to ignore the comment, “I don’t see why you don’t tell her, or get a new maid. Wasn’t tea the whole reason for hiring another to begin with?”
George kept grumbling as he munched on his second sandwich, but Lockwood looked down into his cup. It was the reason, wasn’t it? So why can’t he bring himself to fix the problem?
He took another sip.
Part Five
London was much grander a place when Lucy wasn’t unemployed with hurting feet. Or maybe it was just a nicer area that Holly brought her to.
“Oh, Lucy, isn’t that gorgeous?” Holly tittered over to a shop window where the latest fashion in dresses were displayed. Elegant gowns with hues of pink and yellow with gold trim. Lucy never thought she could look good in one. Her figure too short and wide despite her malnourishment. Her complexion too patchy. 
“Yes, it is,” and for a moment Lucy wished she could wear those dresses.
“Yes… we really must get going, though. Lots to get. Oh, and I can tell you your new duties while we go.”
So, as Lucy and Holly filtered through food stalls, Holly told Lucy how starting tomorrow she would need to sweep the entrance, dust the two drawing rooms on each side of the hall, and clean the dishes after dinner. Any other duties she may have would be given on a day-to-day basis.
“Well, I think this has been quite the successful trip!” Holly proclaimed as they entered back into the estate.
“Yes. Quite so.”
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kp777 · 2 years
By Robert Reich
The Guardian Opinions
Oct. 2, 2022
On Tuesday, the Congressional Budget Office released a study of trends in the distribution of family wealth between 1989 and 2019.
Over those 30 years, the richest 1% of families increased their share of total national wealth from 27% to 34%. Families in the bottom half of the economy now hold a mere 2%.
Meanwhile, a record share of the nation’s wealth remains in the hands of the nation’s billionaires, who are also paying a lower tax rate than the average American.
How do the ultra-wealthy justify their wealth and their low tax rates? By using three myths – all of which are utter rubbish.
The first is trickle-down economics.
Billionaires (and their apologists) claim that their wealth trickles down to everyone else as they invest it and create jobs.
Really? For more than 40 years, as wealth at the top has soared, almost nothing has trickled down. Adjusted for inflation, the median wage today is barely higher than it was four decades ago.
Trump provided a giant tax cut to the wealthiest Americans, promising it would generate $4,000 increased income for everyone else. Did you receive it?
In reality, the super-wealthy don’t create jobs or raise wages. Jobs are created when average working people earn enough money to buy all the goods and services they produce, pushing companies to hire more people and pay them higher wages.
The second myth is the “free market”.
The ultra-rich claim they’re being rewarded by the impersonal market for creating and doing what people are willing to pay them for.
The wages of other Americans have stagnated, they say, because most Americans are worth less in the market now that new technologies and globalization have made their jobs redundant.
Baloney. Even if they’re being rewarded, there’s no reason why the “free market’ would reward vast multiples of what the rich were rewarded with decades ago.
The market can induce great feats of invention and entrepreneurship with lures of hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars – not billions.
As to the rest of us succumbing to labor-replacing globalization and labor-saving technologies, no other advanced nation has nearly the degree of inequality found in the United States, yet all these nations have been exposed to the same forces of globalization and technological change.
In reality, the ultra-wealthy have rigged the so-called “free market” in the US for their own benefit. Billionaires’ campaign contributions have soared from a relatively modest $31m in the 2010 elections to $1.2bn in the most recent presidential cycle – a nearly 40-fold increase.
What have they got for their money? Tax cuts, freedom to bash unions and monopolize markets and government bailouts. Their pockets have been further lined by privatization and deregulation.
The third myth is that they’re superior human beings.
They portray themselves as “self-made” rugged individuals who “did it on their own” and therefore deserve their billions.
Bupkis. Six of the 10 wealthiest Americans alive today are heirs to fortunes passed on to them by wealthy ancestors.
Others had the advantages that come with wealthy parents.
Jeff Bezos’s garage-based start was funded by a quarter-million-dollar investment from his parents. Bill Gates’s mother used her business connections to help land a software deal with IBM that made Microsoft. Elon Musk came from a family that reportedly owned shares of an emerald mine in southern Africa.
Don’t fall for these three myths.
Trickle-down economics is a cruel joke.
The so-called free market has been distorted by huge campaign contributions from the ultra-rich.
Don’t lionize the ultra-rich as superior “self-made” human beings who deserve their billions. They were lucky and had connections.
In reality, there is no justification for today’s extraordinary concentration of wealth at the very top. It’s distorting our politics, rigging our markets and granting unprecedented power to a handful of people.
The last time America faced anything comparable was at the start of the 20th century.
In 1910, former president Theodore Roosevelt warned that “a small class of enormously wealthy and economically powerful men, whose chief object is to hold and increase their power” could destroy American democracy.
Roosevelt’s answer was to tax wealth. The estate tax was enacted in 1916, and the capital gains tax in 1922.
Since that time, both have eroded. As the rich have accumulated greater wealth, they have also amassed more political power – and have used that political power to reduce their taxes.
Teddy Roosevelt understood something about the American economy and the ultra-rich that has now re-emerged, even more extreme and more dangerous. We must understand it, too – and act.
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april-pad · 13 days
What Is a Recession?
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A recession is a financial state wherein economic activities reduce or contract for a minimum of six months or two quarters. Recessions affect both the government and the people. Due to reduced sales and low production, inflation soars resulting in job loss and reduced budget spending. Interest rates shift as the central bank cuts rates to support the economy. The government now faces an increased spending budget driven by social security and unemployment insurance. The government also receives fewer tax revenues, and must now rely on reserves. Another way to view recessions is the relationship between economic activity and consumer confidence. Whenever the economy shrinks due to redresses in business investments, there is an increase in economic stress. This triggers negative reactions such as: Businesses reduce labor forces (Layoff) There is an increase in unemployment levels driven by low hiring rates and job losses Wage increases become stagnant Consumers reduce spending due to financial insecurity.   According to USA Today, 58% of economists believe that there is a 50% chance of a recession in the next twelve months.
 What Are the Best Assets to Hold During a Recession?
During a recession, it is always recommended to invest in recession-friendly sectors. These include healthcare, proven consumer staples, and long-term utilities. Some well-established companies that have been in business for decades, such as telecommunication sectors, may be able to withstand the recession. During a recession, stock values will fall and may take hard hits before hitting the trough, or seeing recovery.
What Assets Should Be Avoided During a Recession?
During the crisis, it is best to avoid speculative or cyclical industries. These include retail, hospitality, manufacturers, startups, and retailers of high or luxurious consumer goods.
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Even though recessions are usually downturns for most sectors, it is possible to benefit from them. One example is the high interest rates that are typical in the early stages. This translates into an advantage for savers who will earn higher on bank account balances. However, as the recession creeps to an end, it may create an ideal moment for investors. Homebuyers may benefit from the interest cuts and other assets that decreased in value during the recession. The recession can be a smart time to start long-term investment. Stock prices are lower, so it may be worth buying now and profiting from the upswing once the recession hits a trough. Read the full article
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market-news-24 · 1 month
Bitcoin is on the rise today, with prices shooting up in the digital currency Market. Investors are keeping a close eye on the fluctuating numbers, trying to understand the reasons behind this sudden surge. Stay tuned to find out why Bitcoin is up today and what this could mean for the future of cryptocurrencies. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Over the past day, Bitcoin (BTC) has experienced a nearly 5% increase, surpassing the crucial $65,000 mark, as reported by CoinMarketCap. The recent surge in Bitcoin's value is attributed to a combination of various macroeconomic factors. This surge coincides with the release of US inflation figures, showing a 3-year low in core inflation in the United States at 3.4%. Consequently, major banks worldwide have shown increased interest in Bitcoin investments. The digital asset Market has a strong reliance on Bitcoin's performance, especially since the Bitcoin halving event in April. Despite a slight downturn earlier this year, Bitcoin has now reached the $65,000 level with a notable surge in the last 24 hours. The recent momentum is largely linked to the inflation data released on Wednesday, indicating a decrease in inflation in the US. While inflation plays a significant role in Bitcoin's recent surge, it is not the sole factor driving the price up. The Spot Bitcoin ETF Market has also contributed to Bitcoin's recent rally. Financial institutions like JPMorgan, Wells Fargo, UBS, and others have disclosed significant Bitcoin ETF exposure through US Securities and Exchange Commission filings, boosting Bitcoin's value this week. Moreover, more institutional interest is expected as other prominent firms like Vanguard show interest in entering the Bitcoin ETF Market. The hiring of BlackRock's former global ETF head as Vanguard's new CEO has sparked speculation about the company's potential shift towards Bitcoin ETFs. This trend of institutional investors incorporating Bitcoin exposure into their portfolios is likely to continue driving Bitcoin's price higher. Overall, the recent surge in Bitcoin's value can be attributed to a combination of factors, including favorable inflation data, increased institutional interest, and anticipation of further institutional involvement in the Bitcoin ETF Market. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. Why is Bitcoin up today? Bitcoin is up today due to increased demand and positive Market news. 2. What caused the surge in Bitcoin prices? The surge in Bitcoin prices was caused by a combination of factors, including investor sentiment and Market trends. 3. Is it a good time to buy Bitcoin now that it’s up? It's always important to do your own research and consider your financial goals before investing in Bitcoin, especially when prices are up. 4. Will Bitcoin continue to rise in value? It's difficult to predict the future value of Bitcoin, as it can be influenced by many unpredictable factors in the Market. 5. How can I stay updated on Bitcoin prices? You can stay updated
on Bitcoin prices through various financial news outlets, cryptocurrency exchanges, and online resources that track Market movements. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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littlejumpersnj · 3 months
Bounce house rentals New Jersey Metuchen, NJ
Little Jumpers LLC: The best choice for Bounce house rentals new jerseys rentals near Metuchen, NJ.
Little Jumpers LLC is your high quality source for bounce house rentals new jerseys. We enjoy providing the best quality for your money in the industry. With every rental and every event, we focus in on providing world-class service so you can focus on hosting. We also really enjoy providing safe, clean rentals at the most competitive pricing around. Each rental is cleaned and sanitized after every event to guarantee your safety and satisfaction. We always follow rigid safety guidelines and we absolutely will not ignore your safety for more business.
In addition to offering #1 bounce house rentals new jerseys in Metuchen, NJ, we also offer: Party for rent. So if your kids are bored this year, then you should consider Little Jumpers LLC for your next party so they can have a party with their friends outside in the grass. We have a huge selection so, check out all of our inventory.
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Little Jumpers LLC rents out all sorts of equipment, including: Little Jumpers. While we focus on bounce house rentals new jerseys, you can also rent other inventory. If you just want a bounce house rentals new jersey for your own yard, at a park, gym or indoor – we can do that. We also do larger event rentals for non-profits, schools, or festivals. Give us a call if you want to chat.
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Are you organizing a backyard party? Little Jumpers LLC offers all the equipment you need to make it unforgettable. Our inventory of bounce house rentals new jerseys is highly regarded in the region, and our staff is constantly ready to assist you with delivery, set-up, and clean-up. Call us today to find out more!
Interested in throwing an unforgettable event? Look no further, we’ve got you covered! With everything needed, we can help make your party absolutely unique. Whether it’s small gatherings or large-scale corporate events, we offer a wide range of rentals to suit your needs.
For premium bounce house rentals new jerseys, Metuchen, NJ turns to Little Jumpers LLC.
We have everything you need to host awesome, once in a lifetime parties. Whether it’s in your backyard or a big company event, we specialize in making sure your event is an enjoyable, stress free experience from start to finish.
Little Jumpers LLC: Leading the Bounce house rentals new jersey industry in Metuchen, NJ.
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nomorerww · 4 months
Thirty-three-year-olds could also whipsaw the job market.
Throughout much of the 2010s, employers had more entry-level applicants than they knew what to do with. When peak millennials graduated from high school in and around 2009, they were a flood of potential workers pouring into a labor market rocked by recession. The unemployment rate hovered at a near-record 16 percent for 18- and 19-year-olds that year.
The labor market remained weak even when those who went to college began to graduate, and employers had their pick of hires for years on end. Remember the rise of baristas with bachelor’s degrees?
Now, that tide is turning.
The economic backdrop has changed, for one thing. Companies have been clamoring for hires ever since letting workers go at the start of the pandemic. Demographics could be part of that story. A lot of people were born in 2001, albeit not quite as many as the millennial peak, which had helped to keep entry-level employees available. But that early 20s group is mostly in the labor market these days, and noticeably fewer people are now aging into adulthood with each passing year.
The question is whether the drop-off is significant enough for employers and workers to feel it.
If it is, there would be precedent. Economic research has suggested that the Baby Boom generation (which included a peak birth cohort born in the early 1960s) faced a tough entry into the labor market as its members competed for a limited supply of jobs. Generation X, or the so-called “Baby Bust,” was smaller — and experienced better outcomes.
“There seemed to be a real advantage in the labor market to the baby busters,” said Ronald Lee, a demographer at the University of California Berkeley, noting that they saw good wage growth and rapid advancement.
“That might be true for Gen Z-ers as well,” he said.
In fact, late baby boomers offer a template for the way a big sub-generation moves through the economy. They were the largest population group in history until millennials came along, and they were much bigger than the Silent Generation, the group that came before them.
That gap meant that the economy had to stretch out even more rapidly to accommodate boomers when they were hitting their adult years in the early 1980s. And they too entered a challenging economy: Inflation had spiked, so the Fed had raised interest rates to double-digit levels, forcing the economy into a punishing recession right as late baby boomers were looking for jobs.
“The market was flooded,” said Richard Easterlin, an economist at the University of Southern California who is behind a lot of the research into how generation size affects labor outcomes.
Because they were forced to compete in crowded job and housing markets, some peak-birth-year baby boomers have been left with permanent economic scars compared to the rest of their generation: Research suggests that they remain at a heightened risk for homelessness.
So are peak millennials destined for a similar fate?
If today’s 32-year-olds become a huge wave of retirees when they hit their mid-60s, they will be drawing money out of a retirement system that is poised to have far fewer active taxpayers to support it, assuming today’s demographic trends do not change.
Peak millennials will also be filling up nursing homes with fewer young nurses to staff them, eating at restaurants with fewer servers and cooks to choose from, and in general taxing an economy with far fewer young people to support them.
And that will be a problem not just for the early ’90s kids, but for everyone who follows.
The question is whether fertility trends for the generation turn out to be a permanent state — or just another sign that millennials are doing things later, and that the peak of the generation is still aging into the years when those crucial decisions get made.
On that, I can only tell you what I tell my mother when she wonders (gently, hintingly) if and when she’ll ever be a grandmother.
Thirty-three isn’t all that old in the grand scheme of things. We’ll have to wait and see.
If today’s 32-year-olds become a huge wave of retirees when they hit their mid-60s, they will be drawing money out of a retirement system that is poised to have far fewer active taxpayers to support it, assuming today’s demographic trends do not change.
Peak millennials will also be filling up nursing homes with fewer young nurses to staff them, eating at restaurants with fewer servers and cooks to choose from, and in general taxing an economy with far fewer young people to support them.
And that will be a problem not just for the early ’90s kids, but for everyone who follows.
The question is whether fertility trends for the generation turn out to be a permanent state — or just another sign that millennials are doing things later, and that the peak of the generation is still aging into the years when those crucial decisions get made.
On that, I can only tell you what I tell my mother when she wonders (gently, hintingly) if and when she’ll ever be a grandmother.
Thirty-three isn’t all that old in the grand scheme of things. We’ll have to wait and see.
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careeralley · 4 months
Resumes: Differences Between Success & Failure
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Crafting a killer resume is paramount to securing opportunities with prospective employers. A compelling resume not only demonstrates genuine interest in the position but also articulates precisely why the applicant is an ideal match for the role. Beyond these factors, what are additional distinctions separating a successful resume from an unsuccessful one? Attributes of Good and Poor Resumes Attributes of Good Resumes Attributes of Poor Resumes Customized to each job application Uses a generic, one-size-fits-all approach Clear and concise with relevant information Cluttered with unnecessary details Professional formatting and design Inconsistent formatting and unprofessional layout Includes quantifiable achievements Lists duties without showing impact Utilizes keywords from the job posting Lacks specific keywords, risking ATS rejection Starts bullet points with strong action verbs Uses passive language or repetitive verbs Features a tailored skills section Lists generic or irrelevant skills Uses positive, confident language Contains negative or uncertain language Free from typos and grammatical errors Contains mistakes that detract from professionalism Appropriately lengthed, balancing detail and brevity Too short lacking detail or too long and dilutive Winning Resumes Are Concise Avoid the frequent error of composing extensive cover letters and overly detailed resumes, which can inundate prospective employers. Strike an equilibrium: furnish adequate information to secure an interview while ensuring conciseness to sustain interest. With practical tips and proven strategies, meticulously design a winning resume that not only aptly showcases your qualifications but also allows for ample discussion during the interview phase, laying the groundwork for a prosperous career transition. Click To Tweet #jobhunting #careeradvice #resumetips" quote="Your resume: Launchpad or ☠️ Dead end? It's ALL in how you frame it! Learn the subtle tweaks between a career-killer & an interview magnet: #jobhunting #careeradvice #resumetips" theme="style2"] Winning Resumes Are Tailored for the Job A discerning hiring manager can easily spot a generic resume sent out en masse. Ensure your resume letter is tailored with pertinent keywords and addresses the company or position explicitly. Otherwise, it risks being discarded unread. Crafting a focused resume demonstrates genuine interest in the role and company, increasing the likelihood of making a positive impression on the hiring manager. By showcasing your knowledge of the company and aligning your skills with the job requirements, you stand out as a strong candidate deserving of further consideration. "You’ve heard the saying “You never get a second chance to make a first impression” and your resume is a perfect example of this. Your resume is your first point of contact with hiring managers and recruiters. If you want the interview and ultimately the job, you will need to ensure that your resume is perfect. With that in mind, there are some things that you don’t want to have on your resume. With all of the competition in today’s job market, anything less than perfection is likely to get your resume tossed. A perfect resume is not always about what is (or should be) included. Sometimes perfection is about what to leave off your resume. Simple as this sounds, many job search candidates are not aware of items they should exclude." - 7 Things You Don’t Want on Your Resume Winning Resumes Don't Lie or Exaggerate Forget the inflated titles and embellished achievements. Winning resumes don't play the exaggeration game; they glow with honesty. Background checks are the norm, and any fabrication unravels quickly, leaving your credibility in tatters. It's not just about ethics – it paints a picture of insecurity that employers shy away from. So instead, prioritize truthfulness. It's not just the right thing to do, it strengthens your image as a confident, reliable candidate ready to impress in the interview chair. After all, trust is the currency of a successful career, and your resume is your chance to showcase its abundance. Make it count. Winning Resumes Are Free From Spelling or Grammar Issues Misspelling words or adding multiple commas where they don't belong are the hallmarks of distracting text. If you can't bother to proofread your work on an important document such as a resume, when can you be counted on to produce quality work? Ensuring meticulous attention to detail in crucial documents like resumes not only demonstrates professionalism but also instills confidence in your ability to deliver high-quality work consistently. Failure to prioritize accuracy and thoroughness in such contexts not only undermines your credibility but also raises concerns about your reliability and commitment to excellence as a potential employee. Winning Resumes Are Formatted Properly A well-crafted resume begins with essential details like your contact information at the top of the first page and flows smoothly throughout. Collaborating with a skilled resume writer ensures your document is polished and tailored to your industry's standards from the start. Differentiating between a winning and losing resume can sometimes hinge on subtle details. Presenting only your finest work significantly boosts the likelihood of leaving a lasting impression on the hiring manager and securing the opportunity to delve deeper into the job you've applied for during an interview. Summary Mastering the nuances between a successful and unsuccessful resume is pivotal in today's competitive job market. By meticulously crafting a polished and tailored resume, you position yourself as a standout candidate, primed for success. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your skills and experiences effectively, ensuring each application reflects your true potential and sets the stage for a promising career journey. Other Resources - Resume Magic, 4th Ed: Trade Secrets of a Professional Resume Writer (Resume Magic: Trade Secrets ... $29.73 Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/13/2024 03:11 am GMT - The Resume.Com Guide to Writing Unbeatable Resumes $25.00 $20.86 Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/13/2024 03:56 pm GMT - RESUMES THAT WORK!: Templates, Samples and Resume Writing Tailored to the Job. $5.99 A career guide complete with resume templates and resume samples, you won’t have to settle for a job ever again! Your resume will give you the opportunity to get the career you want. Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/13/2024 12:25 pm GMT - Modernize Your Resume: Get Noticed… Get Hired (Modernize Your Career) $18.95 $15.99 Buy Now from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/12/2024 12:05 am GMT - Knock 'em Dead Resume Templates: Plus 110 Resume Templates $20.99 Buy from Amazon Buy from Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/12/2024 09:26 pm GMT - Resumes For Dummies $24.99 $21.41 Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/12/2024 09:06 pm GMT - No Mistakes Resumes: How To Write A Resume That Will Get You The Interview (No Mistakes Careers) $12.99 Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/11/2024 06:36 pm GMT - Knock 'em Dead Resumes: How to Write a Killer Resume That Gets You Job Interviews $14.95 $6.69 At a time when companies can draw on resume banks containing millions of documents, you'll need to create a concise and powerful resume if you want to stand out. Buy from Amazon Buy from Walmart We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/13/2024 03:21 pm GMT - Ignite Your Career!: Strategies and Tactics to Unleash Your Potential $6.49 This book provides guidance to help jobseekers to avoid making common résumés mistakes and to create résumés and cover letters that get them noticed and offered interviews. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/13/2024 09:45 am GMT - 5 Resume Writing Books You Should Read Learn to write a killer resume with our top picks of 5 must-read books on resume writing. Land your dream job today! Create Your Killer Resume We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. - A Top Recruiting Director's Guide to Writing the Perfect Resume for Every Job $4.99 An insider shows how to tailor a résumé that sets applicants apart from a sea of candidates. Recruiting director Brad Karsh has worked with thousands of misguided job seekers. Now he?s putting his experience into print, with step-by-step guidelines to improve the wording, content, and format of any résumé. Buy on Amazon.com Buy on Walmart.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/12/2024 05:21 pm GMT Read the full article
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yantainc · 4 months
Digital Transformation: Recession-Proof Solution | Yantra Inc.
Digital transformation has become a phrase du jour in recent years. Beyond simply being a trend or a nice-to-have, it can also serve as a recession-proof solution for businesses. The CFOs’ forecast on the business environment in the next 12 months does not seem to be positive as their confidence index fell from 6.64 in Q1 2022 to 5.50 in Q4 2022. In times of economic downturn, businesses may be forced to cut costs and find ways to stay competitive. Every organization and business keeps talking about “digital transformation” which can help streamline operations, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. However, there are still many questions remaining to be answered in order to define if digital transformation is the right answer to lift up a business in a tough time.
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Is Digital transformation recession-proof?
More and more challenges lay ahead in the entrepreneurship journey, which is exacerbated by the global economy facing inflation and recession. Business leaders need to find ways to increase their revenue and operational efficiency to maintain and enhance customer relationships while dealing with a limited budget.
They can use several strategies and methodologies to stay resilient when a recession approaches, one of which is digital transformation. Digital transformations have a proven track record when it comes to revamping businesses during past recessions, with the latest application being during the pandemic. COVID-19 pushed enterprises to utilize business technology solutions in order to offer better customer experience and resolve pandemic-related business delays and labor shortages.
During the recession, although most companies will have a hiring freeze, projects are still being funded to make processes more efficient and less human-dependent. A recent survey shows that digital acceleration is the top spending priority for CFOs in the near term while some other business functions are more likely to face a budget cut. By utilizing operational software and automation tools, the digital transformation process can automate manual tasks to save costs on labor, increase productivity and minimize the risks of errors.
It may be bragging to claim that digital transformation has been a life-saver in the recession, but it is undeniable that several businesses found opportunities through this process or using their existing digital platform and leveraging them to create a recession-proof plan. Moreover, it brings advantages to the organizations, in the long run, for global competition.
How can digital transformation help my business?
Digital transformation can have various starting points, from gaining more vision in inventory management to building a better supply chain. Beyond that, by analyzing the facts and data provided by digital tools and approaches, businesses are also able to have better customer experience and future predictions.
For businesses that are struggling to maintain traditional revenue streams, digital transformation brings an opportunity to tap into a new market, generating new sources of income that may not have been possible before through new digital products or services. Netflix had famously re-invented itself from a DVD rental company to the streaming giant it is today, weathering the 2008 recession by going one step ahead and offering streaming services back in 2007.
In addition, digital transformation can also help businesses stay competitive during a recession. Due to tougher market competition, industry players who are not ready to adopt contemporary technologies and processes can be dropped out of the race. Businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors and stay ahead of the curve if they can take advantage of digital tools and solutions for optimizations and market predictions.
Digital transformation is complicated. How to deploy it?
To carry out digital transformation in a way that improves business operations and performance during and after a recession, it is important to follow a structured and well-planned approach. Some key steps to consider include:
Define your goals: Clearly define what you hope to achieve through digital transformation and how it will benefit your business. This will help you stay focused and ensure that your efforts are aligned with your overall business objectives.
Conduct a digital audit: Take a thorough inventory of your current digital capabilities and identify areas where you can improve. This will help you understand where you are starting from and what gaps need to be addressed.
Identify the right technologies: Choose the technologies that will best support your business goals and help you achieve the desired outcomes. Consider factors such as cost, ease of use, and integration with existing systems.
Develop a roadmap: Create a roadmap that outlines the steps you will take to implement your digital transformation plan. This should include a timeline, budget, and clear roles and responsibilities for each team member.
Communicate with stakeholders: Make sure to communicate your digital transformation plans and progress with all stakeholders, including employees, customers, and suppliers. This will help ensure buy-in and support for the changes you are making.
Measure and track progress: Regularly measure and track your progress to ensure that you are meeting your goals and making progress. This will help you identify areas that are working well and may need further attention.
By following these steps, businesses can carry out digital transformation in a way that improves operations and performance during and after a recession. It is important to remember that digital transformation is a journey to achieve long-term success, not just a one-time project.
To read full blog visit-  Digital Transformation: Recession-Proof Solution | Yantra Inc.
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thefruitiestofbois · 5 months
The Worst of Us
Chapter 1
Link to wattpad^^^
My heart hammered in my ribcage as my shaky hands twisted the handle on the door leading to my dad’s office. The familiar feeling of dread consumed me with every step I took towards his desk. Rain pattered against the floor to ceiling windows as clouds coated the entirety of Seattle. The view from the 45th floor of Fourth and Madison was breathtaking, even on a gloomy day, but it’s a shame the prick occupying the office doesn’t appreciate it. He doesn’t even acknowledge me as I sit in one of the green cushioned seats across his mahogany desk. The article about Owen is the only thing racing through my head as I mindlessly pick and bite at my nails. After what felt like a decade, he clears his throat and addresses me with his grating voice, “Have you spoken to your husband?” I don’t miss the way the last word reluctantly leaves his lips. I shake my head, bringing my hands down just enough so he can’t see me picking at them behind his unnecessarily large desk. I hated his desk, we weren’t even that big of a company for him to be blowing all his money onto a fancy desk that, to this day, has never seated any important clients. The fancy furniture, like the desk along with the expensive paintings he slapped on the walls, did nothing to hide the inflated ego packaged into this small man. “Did he tell you I fired him?” Resting my hands on each armrest, I lean back, in an attempt to steady my thundering heart, and ask, 
“Did you fire him or was it actually Joel?” His eyes glared at me over the top of his monitor and paused before rolling his eyes. 
“M&W have no say in who I hire or fire and Joel certainly isn’t my fucking boss.” He spits through gritted teeth.
“What do you want me to do about it? Cause I clearly don’t control who my husband fucks and who he doesn’t.” 
“Abby, this isn’t about you.” He glances at me once more with the same look he gave me when he told me- no he ordered me to go off to boarding school, so I could learn “how the real world works” and outgrow my apparently ‘naive’ outlook on life. I was eleven. “If it was about you, I’d be firing you instead.” I know he wishes it were true. I almost let a laugh slip through as I imagined how my father would be if he had the means to fire me and rid me from his family. Funnily enough, I was the only real family he had but he still kept Yara, his step-daughter, and his current wife, Thea, closer to his stone cold heart than he ever kept me. In fact, I don’t even think he sees me as family, only an employee he was unfortunately obligated to keep around. The bastard was always looking for something to blame on me, so he could use it as an excuse for his lifelong disdain towards me. If it wasn’t for public opinion and the pressure of keeping up a pristine reputation within the media, I am certain my father would have had me killed. Or worse, he would kill me off, make it look like an accident and then play the role of grieving father so well it would put any Oscar winner to shame. No matter what, he always came out on top. The phone starts to ring and my dad gestures for me to leave while holding up three fingers to indicate how many hours he wants me back in. As I make my way out of his office, I offer a polite smile to Sarina, my dad’s assistant, but all she does is awkwardly avoid my eyes and shift her focus to her screen in return. Weird. Every little thing about today is driving me further into my anxiety-filled cave. Instead of heading to the elevator to go back to my office, I head right at the end of the hall into the toilets. The hinge of the door creaks shut behind me as I grab the sink with a shaky grip and try to control my breathing. In and out, it’s easy, in and out slowly. The very idea of dealing with Owen at home, especially after he had been fired so publicly, makes my insides twist into a steel knot. White noise echoes all around me as the floor beneath me starts swaying and I tighten my grip on the sink in an attempt to steady myself. In and out Abby, in and out. I can’t do it. Tears burn a trail down my cheeks as I let out short, irregular bursts of breath to try and relieve the crushing weight of my own heart in my chest.
A hand on the back of my shoulder snapped me back to reality and, as if on autopilot, I twisted my body and grabbed the stranger by their jacket and shoved them as hard as I could into the wall adjacent to the sink. 
“Woah easy, I’m just trying to help.” I use one hand to wipe my eyes and keep the jacket balled up into my fist in the other. My gaze wanders up and finds a wide eyed girl staring back with a panicked expression. Shit. Nobody was supposed to see me like this, especially not someone from my dad’s floor. “Do you wanna, you know?” She hesitantly lets out an awkward chuckle and looks down at my iron grip still on her jacket. I instantly step back and apologise but she waves me off and smoothens her jacket out. Giving a lookover in the mirror she continues, in a feeble attempt to break the awkward silence, “You didn’t do much damage, I think I still look presentable enough for a meeting with the big, bad CEO.” Without even thinking I blurt out,
“You have a meeting with my dad?” She stills and narrows her eyes, her demeanour shifting from playful to serious instantly. Almost the same expression Sarina had earlier.
“Are you Abby?” I nod and she mutters out a barely audible “Fuck” and she looks to the floor for a second then at me with an apologetic frown. “I’m here to see Jerry about Owen but I think I better tell you first seeing as you’re his wife.”
“I already know about the article.” I reply with a roll of my eyes. What is with everyone needing to avoid me or treat me like I’m made of glass because of something my husband did? Yes, I know he slept with practically every assistant from every department and now he had been fired because directors shouldn’t be doing fucked up shit like using their position to screw around at work. Honestly, Owen had it coming. Owen had a lot of things coming. I’m sick to death of pretending to be the happy wife so the rest of the world could relish in the happy family facade my father had so carefully crafted. A puzzled look flashes across the stranger’s face but disappears quickly as she takes a step towards me, “Abby this isn’t just about the article, the police found Owen’s body at his apartment a few hours ago. They think it was suicide, I’m sorry.” The rest of her words faded out and the white noise began echoing all around me but this time my heart was thundering in my chest, almost bursting out of my chest. My insides churn in anguish as I rip through the stalls and release bile, and the rest of my dread, into the toilet. Everything has gone numb. I can’t feel anything except pressure in my skull. My mind was somehow empty but ready to explode out of my skull. Her hand returns to my back, trying to be soothing but the touch burns into me and I jerk away and I hear her footsteps become fainter and fainter until she leaves me alone in the room. Thank God she knows how to take a hint. I need to be alone. I need to think. Actually, what I really need is my medication. Guilt encases me as I rip out a few pills from the emergency packet in my blazer pocket and swallow them dry. I can’t even calm myself down without the help of a chemical, it's pathetic. My therapist says I shouldn’t beat myself up over needing a little extra help. I, on the other hand, think my brain is an asshole for not being on my side, but I guess if my own brain doesn’t side with me then maybe it is actually my own doing? I don’t fucking know. I don’t know anything. As I steady back into some form of chemically induced normality, the realisation creeps through- Owen is dead. I begged myself to feel some form of grief but for some fucked up reason, relief flooded through me bringing me a level of serenity even my pills coudn’t give me.
“So where are we at for this charity gala?” Joel asks, fixing himself a drink from the cart in his office. We still have an hour before five o’clock but Joel looks like he needs it so I don’t question him. 
“We got catering and music sorted and I’m still working on the venue.” Stress lines form on his forehead and he stops pouring for a second before I reassure him we would get the venue. The gala was in two weeks time and would serve as a celebration of M&W’s newest acquisition: Anderson and Moore. Although in light of Owen’s misconduct, I wasn’t sure if a gala would be setting the right tone but Joel assured me that a gala would be a perfect spotlight instead of the article about Owen. I guess he was right. I know Joel was regretting the decision of buying Jerry’s firm but he was a man of his word and he saw the deal through even after the initial accusations against Owen. Grabbing my laptop so I could show Joel some potential venues, I moved to sit on the sofa next to him. Just as I place the laptop on the coffee table, Joel’s phone rings. I go to look at his desk but quickly realise it's his personal phone on the table in front of us. The caller ID reads ‘Tommy’. That’s weird. Tommy never calls Joel. Like ever and especially not during official working hours. Joel answers and immediately sets his drink down. His frown lines look more prominent than before and the look on his face stirs unease in my stomach. A minute or so passes by and Joel sets his phone down, takes a swig of his drink and says, “Police found Owen’s body this morning.” 
“Was it us?” he shakes his head, “Tommy said it wasn’t any of our guys but he’s not sure cause it looks like a suicide.” 
“Looks like it or is actually suicide?” I ask and he mumbles that he isn’t sure through gritted teeth. “Shall I call Dina or Jesse? I can ask them to-”
“No it’s okay kiddo,” he stands up and grabs his coat which was sprawled on one of the sofas, “you just focus on this gala. Choose whatever venue you want, I trust you as long it ain’t the space needle.” He smiles at me and I let out a small chuckle as I remember the conversation we had a few months ago about a venue for his birthday party, “Not everyone wants to be looking so far down after eating cake, Ellie.” He said trying to conceal the fact he was actually just scared of heights. Joel was one of those bulky looking guys, with salt and pepper hair, a scruffy beard, which definitely needed trimming at this point, but even though he had a rough exterior, he was a soothing anchor in my life. He’d never openly admit he cared but he didn’t ever need to, I always knew. All those times he would fool around with his gravelly Texan accent to impersonate the different characters from my story books to help me be less afraid of the dark. Joel Miller was the person I knew I could call in the middle of the night and he would drop everything to be there and he would do it countless times. In fact he had done so more times than I could count throughout college. He was my person and I’d be forever indebted to him but he was obviously the kind of man to never expect anything back except for respect and honesty. 
A few hours pass and I settle on the aquarium as the venue, emailing and making the necessary calls needed to finish booking. Finally, I fix myself a drink from the cart and wander past the sofas and up to the tall glass windows. When Joel wanted a headquarters in Seattle, I always knew he’d choose the Columbia Center. With 76 floors, it was the tallest building in the city and it was right in the centre so it was Joel’s way of saying “We’re the biggest corporate law firm here and don’t you fucking forget it”. Joel wasn’t flashy but he wanted the headquarters to not only serve as a working space, but also as a reminder to himself that he built this company and deserved all 76 floors of this giant building, as well as a way to make a statement to the rest of the corporate world here in Seattle. 
I sipped my drink slowly and glanced at the glimmering array of city lights underneath the full moon. The highways weren’t that busy seeing as rush hour was over but the city was still bustling. The people of Seattle weren’t finished for the day and neither was I, but I desperately needed a break. The acquisition as well as this new Owen mess had me on the verge of forming my own permanent frown lines. If I can sort out most of the gala stuff today it’ll be one less thing to stress about so I finish my drink and resume my hunt for the perfect fundraiser, this time heading to my own office to work.
Around 9pm I head to Joel’s office once more and drop off a few files but as I approach the door, I hear two voices, one is Joel’s, bickering. I only make out a few words to do with Owen and his suicide and then my name popped up but it wasn’t Joel talking about me, it was the other person. I knock and slowly creep through, nodding at Joel before looking just behind him to come face to face with the one person I vowed I’d kill if I ever saw them again. Rage flushed through my veins and I did nothing to hide the scowl and all she gave me in return was that stupid cocky smirk. That just about did it and I charged forward, ignoring Joel’s orders to stop and, with full force, connected my fist with her cheek.
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carrentalgyumri · 5 months
Reasons to Opt for Car Rental Services in Gyumri
Exploring high-altitude cities with thriving tourism scenes presents a compelling motive to journey to Armenia, especially when the destination boasts vibrant musical and theatrical historical events like Gyumri. Gyumri welcomes you with serene surroundings, breathtaking mountain vistas, fresh air, and amiable locals. In addition to these charms, car rental Gyumri offer the key to unlock even more adventures, facilitating the exploration of ancient Armenia at your own pace.
Initiating your adventure seamlessly, renting a car at Gyumri airport emerges as the most dependable and convenient option, ensuring a hassle-free start to your journey.
Variety of Cars Available for Rental in Gyumri
Selecting the ideal vehicle in Armenia may pose a challenge due to the limited presence of major international rental companies and the variable offerings of local agencies. However, opting for car rental in Gyumri presents a satisfactory compromise. The economy hatchback reigns as the favored choice in these parts, though sedan, SUV, and convertible options are also accessible for online reservation. Short-term rentals may serve as a viable alternative for budget-conscious travelers.
Considerations for Rental Pricing in Gyumri
The absence of prominent international rental chains in Gyumri influences both pricing and vehicle availability, rendering car hire in Gyumri relatively less budget-friendly compared to European or American standards.
Securing the Best Rental Deal
To optimize your rental experience:
Steer clear of peak summer tourist seasons to avoid inflated prices.
Opting for a one-day rental can prove cost-effective.
Prioritize online bookings to bypass local providers with dubious reputations.
Economy-class rentals offer the most economical choice for budget travelers.
Exploring Additional Rental Options
Despite the limited vehicle selection and higher costs, Gyumri car rentals offer an array of convenient options, including WiFi, child seats, free cancellation, additional drivers, and fuel options, among others. The costs of these add-ons can be viewed during the booking process, with options for CDW insurance, deposit waivers, and credit card payments available.
Guidelines for Selecting Extra Options
A well-defined travel itinerary aids in discerning the necessity and value of supplementary add-ons for your vehicle. While essentials like child seats are indispensable, exercise discretion to avoid unnecessary expenses.
Rental Companies in Gyumri
Sixt and Hertz stand as the sole international rental companies operating in Gyumri, reflecting the relatively closed nature of the Armenian rental market. While local agencies dominate the market, exercising caution is advised when considering rentals from individual owners, with online reviews serving as valuable resources for vetting reputable providers.
Insights from Rental Reviews
User experiences offer valuable insights into the Gyumri car rental landscape, emphasizing the need for early reservations, thorough contract scrutiny, and appreciation for the region's natural beauty. Positive testimonials outweigh negative feedback, underscoring the potential for a fulfilling rental experience.
Document Requirements for Rental
An International Driver's Permit isn't obligatory for Gyumri rentals, with a valid passport and driver's license typically deemed sufficient. Documents must be in English or Armenian, and securing booking confirmations or discount certificates can yield favorable rental terms.
Embrace the Ease of Car Rental in Gyumri
Seize the opportunity to embark on a memorable journey through Gyumri's enchanting landscapes and historical marvels by securing your car rental today. With our services, your exploration of Armenia promises to be both seamless and rewarding.
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The Art Of Crafting The Perfect Resume
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Your CV is your first chance to create a good impression on potential employers in today's competitive employment market. It must successfully convey your experiences and abilities as well as traverse the world of applicant tracking systems (ATS), which are used by many employers to screen resumes before hiring. We've put together some crucial pointers and strategies to assist job searchers in creating a resume that is eye-catching and stands out to companies and applicant tracking systems. Customize your CV for every job application
Make your resume unique to each job application you make. Emphasize the qualifications and experiences that are most pertinent to the particular role. Using this strategy improves your chances of clearing the applicant tracking system and striking a chord with hiring managers. Adopt an orderly and formal format
Select a format that is clear and easy to read. Make sure the document is formatted consistently throughout, using a professional font and bullet points. This facilitates the resume scanning process for humans and ATS systems. Begin with an impactful synopsis or goal
Start out your resume with a strong summary or goal statement. This little part should give a quick overview of your professional objectives and your strengths. Make it interesting and relevant to the position you're seeking for. Pay attention to keywords
When ATS systems evaluate a resume for a position, they look for certain keywords. Examine the job description and incorporate pertinent keywords and phrases. Keep this organic, though, and refrain from packing keywords. Qualifications and schooling
Add your degrees, relevant certifications, and educational background. If applicable, mention any honours or awards. Emphasize significant results and competencies
Highlight your accomplishments, abilities, and credentials. List achievements and pertinent skills in bullet points. Whenever feasible, use percentages or statistics to quantify your accomplishments. Quantify your achievements
When describing your accomplishments, include numerical data whenever possible. "Increased sales by 30% in the first quarter," as opposed to "Improved sales," has greater impact. Provide a workplace background section
Provide a reverse chronological list of your job history in the experience area. Give specifics about your duties, accomplishments, and the influence you had in each position. Display your impact
Describe the impact your efforts had in past positions. Did you help the business grow, save money, or improve processes? Emphasize what you have contributed. Include a skills area
Your technical and soft skills can be highlighted in a different skills area. When describing the tools, software, and languages you know well, be explicit. Use action verbs
Use powerful action verbs to introduce each bullet point that describes your achievements. The terms "achieved," "managed," "implemented," and "created" all imply effect and initiative. Provide professional contact information
Make sure your contact details are current and appropriate for a professional setting. Provide your email address, phone number, and, if you have one, your LinkedIn profile. Keep it brief
Ideally, your resume should be between one and two pages long. Be succinct and concentrate on the most crucial details. Refrain from adding extraneous details that could complicate your document. Show integrity and honesty
Sincerity is essential. Don't inflate your credentials or background. Employers and ATS systems both value authenticity.
An ideal resume is one that combines both strategy and art. Craft a CV that is tailored to your specific experiences and qualifications, and optimized to work with both human recruiters and automated systems that many firms use. Only a nicely crafted CV can help you get noticed by the best recruitment companies in India, such as WalkWater Talent Advisors, India’s fastest growing leadership search and talent advisory firm!
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paypant · 8 months
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iraempirecom · 8 months
Tyler Wall SD Bullion
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SD Bullion, Inc. is an online precious metals company with an impressive record of rapid growth and market influence. Founded by Dr Tyler Wall and his partner, both medical doctors and passionate bullion investors, the company has steadily increased its market share since its establishment in 2012.
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With an innovative approach and a commitment to offering the lowest prices in the online retail space, SD Bullion has made remarkable strides in the industry. For detailed information, check out: SD Bullion Reviews
Tyler Wall: About SD Bullion
In a market that offered limited options for retail investors interested in purchasing gold, silver, and platinum bullion, the founding of SD Bullion was a game-changer. Dr. Tyler Wall, the current President of the Board, and his partner saw a gap in the market and launched SD Bullion to cater to this underserved segment.
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The company's commitment to low prices, secure shipping, and excellent service has contributed significantly to its growing market share. SD Bullion's Growth Trajectory SD Bullion's growth has been nothing short of remarkable. The company hit the Inc. Magazine's list of fastest-growing companies three times in four years, demonstrating its strong momentum. Moreover, its annual sales surpassed a billion dollars, and its lifetime revenue exceeded three billion dollars. This steep growth trajectory has cemented SD Bullion's position as a major player in the online precious metals market. Changes in Leadership The first quarter of 2023 saw significant changes in SD Bullion's leadership. The company announced a new CEO, Chase Turner, and a new COO, signalling a new phase of expansion. Turner's extensive experience in digital marketing and the precious metals industry, combined with his entrepreneurial spirit, positions him well to lead the company's operations. The Beginnings When Chase Turner started at SD Bullion, the company was a small operation with only a few employees. However, through strategic decisions like switching to the Magento e-Commerce platform, the company began expanding. Today, SD Bullion is a billion-dollar company, a testament to its strategic decisions and relentless pursuit of growth.
Challenges Faced by SD Bullion
Despite its impressive success, SD Bullion operates in a challenging industry. The precious metals market is volatile, with hot and cold periods that complicate staffing decisions. Moreover, the industry is a prime target for fraud, necessitating careful and smart approaches to business operations. Despite these challenges, SD Bullion has managed to navigate the industry's complexities successfully.
The Founding of SD Bullion
SD Bullion was founded by two doctors who saw gold and silver as a hedge against an inflated and eroding US dollar. Dr. Tyler Wall, one of the founders, served as the CEO for the first ten years, setting the company on a path to success. Today, Tyler Wall continues to play a crucial role as the President of the board, providing guidance and consultation to the leadership team. Management Philosophy at SD Bullion SD Bullion's management philosophy revolves around trust and the right fit of employees. The company was built for remote work from the beginning, so the transition to a virtual work environment was smooth. At SD Bullion, hiring the right people and trusting them to do their job is a key principle. The company values intelligence, work ethic, and a can-do attitude over a perfect resume.
The Future of SD Bullion
Despite its successes, the team at SD Bullion sees plenty of room for improvement. They are excited about the prospect of further growth and improvement. With a young and enthusiastic leadership team, they are confident about becoming the largest bullion dealer in the USA.
SD Bullion has made a significant impact in the online precious metals market with its low prices, secure shipping, and excellent service. Despite the challenges inherent in the industry, the company's strategic decisions, innovative approach, and commitment to its customers have ensured its success. As it looks to the future, SD Bullion is poised for further growth and is well on its way to becoming the top bullion dealer in the USA. To find a detailed analysis of the company, I suggest checking out SD Bullion Reviews. Check out our top gold IRA firms of the year if you're thinking about investing in a gold IRA. Opening a precious metals IRA is a major decision. That's why I suggest checking out our top gold IRA providers list. There, you can find the best precious metals dealer in your state and choose accordingly. Also, the list will help you understand what the industry's best has to offer. Furthermore, it helps with what you might miss out on. Find the best Gold IRA company in your state Read the full article
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