#started this one on the plane ride home from winter break forgot about it then finished it on the plane ride from summer break
jiaxxnscribbles · 1 month
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Baldur's Gate 3 🤝 Don't Starve Together:
the shadows hate you
meat products are a valid weapon
(Feat. my tav Avallir)
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marleyrose17 · 3 years
Almost Paradise ( Owen Patrick Joyner Fic )
Hey everyone! This story is gonna be a Owen Patrick Joyner story and I will be pairing the reader with Owen, so I’ll put Y/N anytime the main character is mentioned or is talking. This is my first story since high school so please bear with me as the writing will slowly become better the more I write. I hope all you fellow Owen simps like myself like this story. FYI this story takes place if COVID 19 never existed. Please check out my best friend Sydney ( @imsydneywalker) for cute Charlie Fics. Love Yall.
Summary: Y/N just turned 22 and decided to make a spontaneous trip to L.A California USA from Dieppe,New Brunswick, Canada to visit her best friend Charlie Gillespie for her 22nd birthday present to herself. He doesn’t know she’s coming, hence the surprise. But little does she know would she get a little surprise of her own on her way to America.
Chapter 1: Someday
House outfit: https://urstyle.fashion/styles/2814065
*Week before Reader’s birthday* 2021
Y/N’s thoughts: It has been forever since I’ve last seen my best friend Charles Jeffrey Gillespie or how I like to call him Arlo *as I hold onto the necklace he gave me for my 15th birthday*. Weird nickname I know, but I’ve been calling him that since kindergarten and I’m not changing it. It’s almost my 22nd birthday so I felt like I should treat myself to a present of seeing my best friend for a little while. Momma bear doesn’t know yet but I don’t think she’ll care as much since she loves Charlie as one of her own kids, so just taking a trip cross country shouldn’t be too hard to tell her. Right? Let’s find out.
*Y/N walks down to the kitchen from her bedroom*
“Hey mami,” Y/N says as she sits on one of the barstools, popping a green grape and dipping it into nutella into her mouth.
“Yes Y/N nickname?” Y/N’s mom says in a what do you want tone, while finishing cleaning up the kitchen after dinner.
“What?” Y/N asks.
“I already know you want something. You never come back downstairs after dinner unless you’re getting a snack or you want something. I’m your mother, remember.”
“Damn, that predictable huh? Anyways, yes I wanted to ask you something or more like tell you something. So I was thinking for my 22nd birthday I could possibly fly down to America and see your adopted son for a couple weeks. You know I’ve been wanting to move down to L.A so why not go for my birthday. I’d obviously stay at Arlo’s, money shouldn’t be an issue since I’ve been saving plus birthday money from past years. Sooo?” Y/N finishes saying while looking at her mom with puppy eyes.
“You already bought your plane ticket didn’t you?” your mom says while staring at you with one eyebrow raised.
“.... maybe…. no actually, I wanted to see what you’d say first before splurging.” Y/N  says while looking down at the bowl of grapes and looks up again to smile cheeky at her mom.
Your mom rolls her eyes and laughs. “ Sure, why not. Do you want me to call Maman J so she can tell Charlie?” your mom asks.
“No no, I want it to be a surprise. It’s kind of a birthday present to myself since Arlo decided to be like “ I wanna be an actor and blah blah blah”. You say mimicking him.
“Alright, well as an early birthday present, I’ll buy your ticket. Should I make it a round trip or a one way?”
“Ummm make it a one way trip, I’ll let you know when I want to come home. You know Arlo, he always has some random hiking trip he wants to take, and knowing him he might drag me to one of those trips” you say rolling your eyes.
“No problem. You better go upstairs and start packing.” your mom says.
*You dip one last green grape into nutella and pop it into your mouth before you hop off the bar stool to give your mom a kiss* “You’re the best mami!”
*You run back to your room and start planning the whole trip*
*5:30pm One day before reader’s birthday and your flight*
*you're sitting on your bed finishing up some last minute packing, when you hear a knock at your door.*
“Come in.” Y/N says without turning around.
“Hey hun.” your mom says.
*you turn around to face your mom* “Hey mami, whats up?” *you say while sitting on top of your luggage trying to close it*
Your mom chuckles, “Here is your plane ticket for your flight, it's at 5:55am, you have a connecting flight to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma which will have a connecting flight to L.A.X.”, your mom says handing you the tickets. “So you better finish packing and get some rest.”
*You reach for the tickets while trying not to fall of your luggage* “Awesome, thanks mami.”
“No problem, just get some rest ok. I will drive you to the airport.” your mom says while walking out of your room.
“Ok!” you yell through the door. *You finally got the luggage to close* “YES!” you say standing up on the edge of your bed but then proceed to fall off your bed in the process which leads to a loud thud hitting the floor. “I’M OK!” you yell before your mom asks.
You place your luggages and carry ons by your door and start getting ready for bed. You look into the mirror one last time and stare at the picture of you and Charlie at the waterfront, ( https://www.instagram.com/p/B-suC_WF8Cu/) ( just pretend its yall, I know its like his cousin or friend)
“L.A.X I’ll see you tomorrow.” you say to yourself before walking to bed.
*Reader’s birthday* 3:00am
Airport Outfit: https://urstyle.fashion/styles/2813992 (girl on the left is what your hair looks like)
*your phone goes off at 3:00 am with the song I See Fire by Ed Sheeran playing from your phone softly.*
*You groan annoyingly wondering why you’re up so early, when you realize it is your 22nd birthday and you have a flight to catch in two hours. You spring out of bed, pop your airpods in and blair The OtherSide from The Greatest Showman and begin getting ready for your long day of flying*
*Dancing towards your bathroom, you turn on your shower to warm up and start brushing your teeth. You lay out the outfit you will be wearing to the airport on your bed, take out your headphones and head into the shower.*
*20 mins later. You hear a knock on your bathroom door*
“Almost done sweetie?” your mom asks.
“Yes, I’m just finishing up, I’ll be down soon.” you say through the door.
*Because you’re going to the airport you didn’t put too much makeup on, just enough to make yourself look kind of awake on the flights. You put your hair in a messy bun, put on your jean jacket, take one last look in the mirror before you shut off the light and head out.*
*You look around your room to make sure you grab any last minute items for your carry on. Especially making sure you have your Beats, charger, spare hair elastics and gum. You go to grab your luggage when you realize your mom already did and placed them in the car. Best mom ever. You grab your guitar case and your bag and head out.*
*Skip the car ride, you’re already at the airport*
“You’re sure you have everything right?” your mom asks while taking the stuff out of the car.
“Yes, I promise, I have everything I need. If I forgot anything important I will call you and have it shipped to Arlo’s.” you say while closing the trunk of the car.
“Alright, have a safe trip hun, please be safe and try not to get Charlie in too much trouble ok?” your mom says while hugging you goodbye.
*GASP* “ HEY! I’m a good noodle, Arlo’s the one who dared me to jump in the fountain at the mall. You know me I could never pass up a good dare.” you say while breaking the hug.
“Haha, yes I know which leads you to getting sick. Remember, it was winter.” your mom retorts back.
“ Yeah yeah I know, I’m still a good noodle though.” You chuckle while grabbing your stuff again.
Your mom shakes her head, “Go before you miss your flight silly.” She says while turning you around.
“Ok, ok I get it you want me gone.” You say laughing while walking towards the automatic doors.
“OH SWEETIE!” your mom calls out.
You turn around. “Yes?” you ask
“Happy Birthday!” your mom yells in front of everybody.
You stare at her like really. “Thanks mami. I love you too”
*You walk inside the airport and walk towards the check in line to check in all your luggages.*
*Skip to you’re already on the plane before take off.*
*You check your phone for the time, plug in your Beats, place them on and hit shuffle before. You look out the window watching the sun just barely starting to rise before you close it and begin to read your book, for the next 4 hours.*
*4 hours later*
*You finish up one of your books, you pull off your headphones just in time to hear the pilot announce that you guys are about to land. You place your book and headphones back into your bag and prepare to land.*
* You get off the plane and check the time on your phone to notice that your connecting flight is almost here and you begin to panic. You check your ticket and realize that of course your flight is on the other end of the terminal, so you begin to run and book it to the other end, hoping you’ll make it on time.*
“Excuse me! Sorry! Sorry! Excuse me!” you say as you weave through airport traffic.
*Half way through your running spree you look down at your phone again to make sure you didn’t miss your flight when you feel your arm get tugged from behind you. You notice one of yours and someone else’s luggage clipped each other by the wheels and they both go flying. “Sorry, my bad.” you say as you grab a luggage, not even looking up to see who you collided with and go back to your sprinting.*
“Yes!” you say to yourself as you make it to your gate. The flight hasn’t boarded yet so you take a seat and wait for your row to be called. You get to your gate, hand the lady your ticket and proceed to board your flight.
*You place your carry-on luggage into the overhead bin and take your seat, when you notice a very sweaty guy just barely making it onto the flight. You chuckle to yourself.*
*3 hours later*
“Alright passengers, we will be landing very shortly. The weather today is 89 degrees, partly cloudy, and 40% of humidity. Welcome to Los Angeles, California passengers.” the pilot announces over the intercom.
*You place your headphones back on, and calmly this time walk off the plane and head towards baggage claim*
*As you’re waiting your favorite song Someday by Max Schneider starts to play. You begin to sway back and forth, humming to the tune when you then feel a tap on your shoulder. You turn around to see who it was and begin to stare at him weirdly wondering why you can’t hear the guy talk*
“Oh shit, my bad. Forgot.” you say as you take off your headphones to actually hear what the guy was saying.
“It's cool, all I was saying was that I was sorry for colliding with you back in Oklahoma. I wasn’t paying attention, I was in a rush and didn’t see you. It wasn’t until after that I noticed that the gate was in the opposite direction.” A dirty blonde guy explains to me.
“Oh no, it was totally my fault, I should have been looking up instead of on my phone. I guess we were both in a rush. But hey, I like your jean jacket. Pretty dope.” I say to him.
“Right back atcha.” he retorts.
*Awkwardly stands next to each other waiting for your luggage to arrive*
“Welp, that's my luggage. Have fun in L.A.” The guy says as he grabs his other luggage and heads towards the exit.
“Thanks, you too crash buddy.” you say back.
*you grab your luggages from the conveyor belt and pull to the side so you’re not in the way of people. You go to open one of your luggages to make sure nothing spilled on the flights/crash over, when you notice that the things in one of the luggages isn’t yours.*
“Shit, I must have accidentally switched luggages with that guy back in Oklahoma.” you say to yourself as you look around to hopefully see if he is still around.
*You close up the luggage, and begin to gather your things and head towards the exit, hoping the guy hasn’t left the airport yet. You get to the exit, head outside and don’t see the guy you bumped into.*
“Damn it!” you say defeated, “How will I ever get my stuff back? What a way to start off my birthday.”
*You get an uber and head towards Arlo’s place*
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rina-writes · 4 years
Mom and Dad II
Part one: link
Summary: Sequel by popular demand! You and the Dolan Twins head home for Christmas, just in time for your six month anniversary with Grayson.  The only downside is that you fighting for Grayson’s attention with another girl....your toddler cousin, Monica
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Your eyes fluttered open at the sound of that accompanied the seat belt sign flicking on.  You lifted your head off of Grayson’s shoulder and blinked the sleep out of your eyes.  The sweet smell of his cologne filled your nose and you resisted the urge to nuzzle into the crook of his neck.  You looked at him with a soft, slepy smile.  Grayson looked a bit bashful, his eyes glancing at your peripherally. You could tell he was pretending to not notice you waking up as he stared at his iPad in front of him. You pressed your lips to his cheek and his eyebrows raised slightly.  He turned to look at you and grinned, the little gems in his incisors sparkling in the low light of aircraft cabin.  His head dipped down and his lips pressed on to yours in one quick motion. You kissed back, massaging your lips softly against his.  Grayson’s hand slipped up your arm and he rested it at the back of your neck to pull you closer.  You adjusted yourself and tried to pull your weight in the kiss, but you had to be honest. The position was uncomfortable.
With the arm rest down and your seat belt digging into your stomach, you felt like you were in some kind of torture device.  But, you were kissing Grayson Dolan.  Correction, you were kissing your boyfriend, Grayson Dolan. This was going to be the first of many kisses over the next two weeks.  All your teenage fantasies of dating Grayson back in Jersey were going to come true.  Making out in the hot tub on the back patio, riding on the back of his ATV as your chin rested on his shoulder, baking cookies for Santa and then staying up all night watching movies and eating the treats yourself...the list went on. 
So, the fact that right now, your knee was a bit numb and you weren’t sure if your pinky was still working, you were still thrilled at what was to come.  Nothing could bring you down. You were dating your best friend.
“You two coming up for air anytime soon?” The flight attendant asked, making you both break apart with urgency.
You watched as Grayson’s face turned red, and wondered if you were blushing just as hard.  You tried to think of a retort, but the flight attendant just shoved the garbage bag toward you.
“Trash?” She asked, her Jersey accent reminding you of your own relatives.
“Nope.” You shook your head and Grayson did the same.
The flight attendant looked at Grayson, her red lipstick painted lips smacking together. Her eyes darted back at you before giving you an approving nod. “Not bad...” She said before moving to the next aisle.
You and Grayson stared at each other wide eyed, trying not to laugh.
“How freaking rude...” You muttered. “...no one asked for her opinion.”
“At least she said, I’m not bad...” Grayson’s eyes twinkled with a fake bravado as he stretched his arms over his head.
“Uh huh...” You rolled your eyes trying to hide your smile. “I’m glad she has reduced you to a piece of meat...and with a half-assed compliment at that.”
“You want to talk about rude...” Ethan said, slowly sitting up.
Oh yeah, the other reason you were uncomfortable was because your boyfriend’s twin’s head was as heavy as a boulder and it was resting on your arm the entire flight. Ethan had collapsed on your shoulder before the security video even started.  To be fair, it was early for him at 9am in the morning and Grayson wasn’t kind when waking him up.
“How are you going to make out with your brother right here?” Ethan asked, shaking his head as he leaned over to look at Grayson.  He then looked at you.  “I expected more from you, Y/N.  You’re way too mature for PDA.”
You blushed, once again at a loss for words. Had you been away from Jersey for too long? What happened to your clap back skills?
“Hey!” Grayson said, leaning over to look at Ethan. “You’re the one using my girlfriend as a pillow without asking.”
“I was using my BEST FRIEND as a pillow.” Ethan said, grabbing your arm and pulling you closer.  Not that he really needed to get closer.  Your seats were so close together, the twins’ thighs were infringing on your seat. Never again will you take the high ground and insist on traveling economy.  Not with the two largest twins in the world squishing you on a six hour flight.
“Oh here we go...” Grayson argued, grabbing your other arm.
You started to rub your temple and sighed.  With one hand still on your head and the other hand raised, you announced your signature move.
“I’m going to count to 3....” You warned, putting up a single finger. “1...”
“But, babe...” Grayson whined. 
“2...” You continued counting, another finger going up.
“Ugh, fine.” Ethan grunted, folding his arms.
The two silently faced forward, sulking.  You let out a sigh of relief.  If there was one perk about being the Mom friend, it was being able to control tantrums for all ages from age 2 to 20.
In the quiet of the plane landing, you couldn’t help, but start to drift back to your fantasies of you and Grayson over the winter break. By far,  you were most thrilled about your six month celebration.
 You didn’t have anything planned, but given the fact that Grayson went all out for your first month (a couple spa package followed by a candle-lit dinner), you couldn’t even fathom what he would do for six months. You even planned out your outfit. You found a similar red dress to the one Mariah Carey wore in ‘All I Want For Christmas is You.’ 
While you and Grayson hadn’t gotten frisky yet, you also splurged on a pretty number to wear underneath the dress as well.  Whether he got to see your undergarments or not, you had also prepared a more “family appropriate” gift that you were sure he would love. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by cabin lights flickering on.  You all hastily got out of your seats along with the other passengers, happy to feel your legs again. 
Once you were off the plane, Ethan and Grayson were back to the usual playful selves.  They were competing to see who could find and get all the suitcases off the belt the fastest.  You sat on the bench and called your parents to let them know you landed.  You glanced the boys and made the executive decision to call  their mom to let her know that you made it. 
With the responsible actions were complete, you sat back and watched the boys jumping over each other to grab suitcases.  You chuckled any time they grabbed the wrong suitcase and awkwardly apologized to the actual owner 
You smiled softly every time Grayson looked back to check if you were watching him.  It warmed your heart that he always wanted to impress you.  You gave him a little wave and he grinned brightly, like a little kid.  Whenever you were together, it felt like you catapulted back to your pre-teen selves, with you being the quiet cheerleader and him being the adventurous goof making you laugh.
Before you knew it, all the luggage was claimed.  Unfortunately, the winner of the challenge was indeterminate.  As the boys argued over who took the most cases and which ones were heavier, your parents called to say they were here.  Ethan hugged you first, knowing that Grayson’s goodbye was going to be longer.
“See you after Christmas!” Ethan said, rocking you from side to side in his bear hug. “Hopefully, Grayson doesn’t hog you too much at the ski resort.”
That was another reason you were over the moon about winter break.  Your family and the Dolans coordinated to go on a ski trip together.  This included some of your and the twins’ extended family as well. 
“I won’t let that happen, E.” You grinned. “We’ll all going to have a great time.”
You turned to Grayson who looked like he would explode if he had to wait a moment longer.  He hugged you tightly, pressing a kiss into your temple.  He was holding you like you weren’t going to see him in five days. 
“I can’t wait to see you.” Grayson cooed in your ear.  “Text me, okay?”
“Of course.” You smiled and pulled back to peck his lips. “Now, let’s go before my dad gets a ticket.”
“See you soon, baby.” Grayson gave you another kiss just below your ear, knowing it sent shivers up your spine. You smiled at him softly, willing your knees to not go weak.
“Come on!” Ethan said, grabbing one of your bags and gesturing for Grayson to grab the other.  
The boys greeted your parents and helped you packed the car.  You gave quicker hugs the second time around. The twins waved you off until you could no longer see them in the rear view mirror. You tried to hide your disappointment as you caught up with your parents.  You were happy to see them and wanted to tell them about school.  At the same time, you were counting down the days until the ski trip.
The day of the ski trip came faster than expected. You and Grayson didn’t text as much as you had hoped, but you had a great holiday.  You were grateful for the gifts you received and your family equally liked their gifts as well.  You also got to hang out with your favorite cousins, including Monica.  It seemed like she grew up so much in the last six months.  She was a lot more talkative now, mostly asking questions about everything she saw.  She was also adventurous and enjoyed climbing on top of things two to three times her height before jumping off. You had sent Grayson a few snaps of Monica’s tricks and he joked about being a proud papa. It made you miss him even more.
As your family checked into the ski lodge, you scanned the lobby for the Dolans who were eagerly awaiting your arrival.  You saw them instantly and waved dramatically before running over. Grayson hugged you tightly and immediately bent down to give you a strong kiss. It wasn’t super long or sensual, but there was enough force to remind you that he missed you dearly.
“Oh weird,” Cameron said from behind Grayson.  “I forgot you guys are together now.”
You blushed. “Ah yeah, I guess...” 
“No, no it’s good.” Cameron comforted you, moving to give you a hug. “The tension between you two was way weirder.  I’m happy for you. Both of you.”
You hugged her back. “Thanks, Cam.”
You hugged Ethan and their mom as well, engaging in the usual small talk until your family came over. 
“Grayson, so good to see you again!” You heard someone call from behind you. You glanced over your shoulder to see your cousin and his husband walking toward you with Monica holding your cousin’s hand.
“Hi!” Grayson said, more toward Monica than your cousins, but he was respectful enough to give your cousins hugs first before crouching down to talk to Monica.
While your cousins introduced themselves to the rest of the Dolans, you watched Grayson interact with Monica.  
“Do you remember me?” Grayson asked. “I’m Grayson.”
“I remember Gray.” She said, her voice soft and a shy. “Do you remember me?”
“She called me Gray!” Grayson said, turning back to look at you, his jaw dropping excitedly.  You walked closer to him and his eyes followed you, his head craning upward to meet your eyes.
“Apparently, Gray and beret were the only things she remembered about our trip.” You laughed. “Oh and dinosaur.”
“Not that is a competition,” Grayson smirked smugly. “But Gray is definitely a sign that she likes me more.”
“Whatever...” You rolled your eyes. “...if I had gorgeous hazel eyes and a dynamite smile, I’m sure toddlers would be fawning over me too.”
Grayson stood up and cupped your cheek. “You have the most beautiful eyes and the most stunning smile I’ve ever seen in my life.”
You blushed and glanced away. “D-Don’t say things like that with such a serious expression. It’s weird...”
Grayson chuckled before glancing down at Monica.  She reached her hands up to show she wanted to be picked up and Grayson obliged. 
“You want to meet my twin?” Grayson asked her.  Monica nodded and Grayson marched her over to Ethan to introduce the two. You were pretty sure Monica had no idea what a twin was, but she was just happy to be carried by someone.
You couldn’t help but laugh seeing Monica’s head turn from twin to twin. She stuttered out the word “G-Gray?” as she looked between the two men unable to comprehend why there were two of him.
“Babe,” Grayson laughed as he waved you over.  “Look at Monica’s face.”
He handed Monica to Ethan who took her laughing.  Monica gripped Ethan’s cheeks with her tiny hands and Ethan went the extra mile to suck in his cheeks and make silly faces for her.  Grayson took the opportunity to wrap his arms around you from behind and lay a soft kiss on your cheek.  Monica, seemingly realizing that she was not being held by Grayson, reached to go back into Grayson’s arms.
This earned laughter from the group as your cousin intercepted to take his daughter. Monica hugged on to your cousin, but her eyes didn’t break away from Grayson.
“I guess she has a type...” Ethan joked.
“Maybe it runs in the family.” Your cousin’s husband teased, earning more laughter.
You blushed as you and Grayson both chuckled nervously.
Monica was starting to fuss in your cousins arm.  She reached out to Grayson who finally relented. The warmth from his body disappeared as he pulled Monica into his arms.
Seeing Grayson with Monica warmed your heart.  At the same time, you couldn’t ignore the pang of jealousy in your chest. It was stupid, but for some reason, you were a bit worried that Monica would steal all your attention.  You scolded yourself.  This was your six months anniversary and winter vacation.  There was plenty of Grayson’s attention reserved for you that you could share with Monica.  
Or so, you thought.
The first day of the trip, Grayson and Ethan went off to go skiing.  This was understandable, as it was ski trip.  Except, you were quite new to the sport.  You had this fantasy of Grayson putting on your skis, and helping you go down the hill.  
You worked with the ski rental representative to get your skis on.  You balanced on your ski poles. Grayson chuckled as he walked over to adjust your goggles. 
“Don’t you look cute.” Grayson commented.
“I’m pretty nervous.” You said, looking down at the hill.  “You have to show me how to go down.”
“Oh...”Grayson’s voice trailed off as he looked behind him.  
Ethan was putting on his own skis and seemed to be waiting for Grayson to do the same.  Grayson bit his lip and looked at you sympathetically.
“So, I promised Ethan that we would start with the black diamond.” Grayson explained.
“Oh? Where is that?” You asked, looking around.  You looked down the hill to see if there was some kind of marking on the hill.
Grayson chuckled, “No, babe, it’s over there.”
Grayson pointed to another hill that was triple the size of yours, littered with trees and other obstacles.
“Oh...I see why this is called the bunny slope now.” You said, sadly.  “Maybe E would like a warm up.”
You and Grayson looked back at Ethan who looked like he had enough adrenaline coursing through his veins to jump out of an airplane.  Grayson looked at you and you smiled.
“It’s fine...” You nodded.  “...I’m sure I will surpass you soon enough.”
“Good luck, Y/N.” Grayson said with a smug chuckle.  “Don’t eat too much snow.”
You let out a “Hmph” sound as you turned to ski down the hill.  You couldn’t tell if you were screaming in your head or if the sound was actually leaving your lips. The tears streaming down your face, however, were very real.  You heard people yelling at you to make shapes with your feet, but it was too late.  Your were tumbling down and rolling like a ball to the end of the hill.  One minute you were staring at your feet and the next moment you were staring at the sky.  You coughed and sat up slowly.  You put up a thumbs up for the people who were watching you and they applauded.  You continued coughing and realized your tongue was like ice from...eating snow.
After three attempts down the hill, you were utterly humiliated.  As people, most parents, skied over with advice, you continued to struggle. As you walked back up the hill, your jaw dropped to see Grayson still at the top.  Ethan was nowhere to be found, and in his place was a little Monica.
 In that moment, you realized that Grayson had probably seen your embarrassing displays of your (apparent lack of) athleticism.  To avoid his teasing, you attempted to go back down the hill, really trying to impress.  As you landed on your butt, you were shocked to hear your boyfriend giggling...no actually giggling.  Except, it wasn’t at you, but at Monica. 
 If you weren’t so annoyed, you would have found it cute. Grayson’s large frame was contorting itself to fit on a little sled while he held Monica up on her skis. Her eyes danced between being wide open and clenched shut, the 2 mph speed probably feeling faster to her.  Grayson couldn’t stop laughing as her little winter coat bundled arms remained frozen in an outstretched position. 
Normally, you would have made a quip, but, you entire body was numb.  Unlike Monica, you were not as cozy in your jacket. Your confidence was also at an all time low and you also felt a bit lied to by Grayson. You left in a huff, ripping off your skis with great difficulty and marching back to the lodge to have hot chocolate.
When he and Monica reached the bottom of the slope, Grayson carried her back up with his sled underneath his free arm.  He was sweating and blotchy by the time he reached the top, suddenly realizing the weight of a toddler going uphill. He handed Monica to your cousin’s husband and Monica seemed more than ready to go back inside.
Grayson glanced around look for you, dusting his damp, dark brown hair from his eyes to get a better view.
“Where’s Y/N?” He asked, still out of breath.
“She went back inside.” Your cousin’s husband explained as he hugged Monica to his chest.  “Poor dear, couldn’t manage to stay up for longer than a few seconds.”
“Hah oh man I saw that,” Grayson managed to crack a smile. “I was hoping to help her out a bit. Oh well, maybe tomorrow.”
He motioned to go back to find you, but then Ethan approached him on bailing.  They both decided that they would switch to snowboards and go down shirtless.  He figured he would have a chance to cuddle and console you later, but the opportunity to be a savage with his twin, once in a....day.
Unbeknownst to Grayson, this decision just allowed you to stew in anger even more.  You were quiet and huffy at dinner. You also opted out of after dinner games and went to bed early.  
Grayson tried to hide his disappointment, as he didn’t want to guilt you into staying.  He walked you to your room and kissed your forehead.
“Are you sure you’re okay? I know you had a nasty--” He teased. 
You put a hand up to stop him. “I’m fine. It’s too embarrassing...”
Grayson chuckled and hugged you tightly.  “Sleep tight, love bug.”
“Yeah, you too.” You gave him a half smile and a weak hug.
As you turned to go into your room, Grayson grabbed your arm. He pulled you toward him with a gentle tug that didn’t hurt you, but still enough for your body to flow into his. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up as you met his eyes.  You were surprised to see them so soft.
“Are you mad at me?” He asked, his voice small and childlike.
“What? No...” You said, unable to look at him directly.  
“Come on, Y/N.” Grayson sighed. His tanned hand reached to your chin to force you to look at him. “You’re one of my childhood best friends, I think I can tell when you’re upset.”
“It’s stupid.” You said, suddenly feeling a jump in your eyes. You didn’t want to start crying over something so ridiculous.
“Nothing you do is stupid.  Just tell me, baby.” He smiled softly. “You know it’s been awhile since I’ve dated...I’m a little rusty. Tell me if I’m messing up”
“I really wanted to ski with you today.” You admitted, your voice quivering a little.
“Oh...” Grayson’s lips remained rounded as he nodded a bit. “Are you mad that I left you for E? Because I did think about...”
“No, no of course not.” You said, shaking your head quickly.  You hoped Grayson knew you better than that. “I don’t ever want to get between you and E.”
“I know! That’s why I’m kinda confused.” Grayson admitted, but he seemed relieved. “I’m guessing whatever it is...it’s why you decided to leave? I saw you still on the slope when I was coming down with Monica and then you just disappeared.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but then you closed it, hesitating.  Grayson used the bad of his thumb to rub your cheek as he waited patiently for your response.
“I guess, I had a hard time skiing and I was bummed that you didn’t help me, but you helped Monica.” You spoke quickly, your words almost blending together.
“Oh, baby...” Grayson said, his voice in between humored and consoling.  “I’m sorry...I guess I got a bit carried away taking care of Monica. I didn’t mean to make you jealous.”
“You’re laughing at me.” You complained, folding your arms.
Grayson grabbed your arms and pulled them down to rest at your side. 
“Just a little...” Grayson gave a soft laugh.  “But, you do realize that you’re my number one girl, right?”
You nodded and Grayson pursed his lips.  Using both hands he cupped your face and kissed you softly. Your eyes fluttered closed as you kissed back, instantly parting your lips for him.  His tongue slid in easily and quickly found yours. A soft moan left your lips which seemed to drive Grayson wild.  He backed you into the wall next to your hotel room door and pressed you against as he deepened the kiss. Your hands ran up and down Grayson’s chest and he grunted softly.  The sound of a door opening ripped you two apart.  You didn’t make eye contact with the elderly couple who walked past you, snickering.
Grayson looked at you and laughed, making you laugh as well.  He nibbled on his lower lip and kissed your forehead.
“I’ll make it up to you tomorrow. I know you have a day planned with your family, but tomorrow night, you’re mine.” 
That sent a shiver up your spine and a shy smile crossed your lips. “Okay...”
“That’s my girl.” He kissed your lips. “Love seeing that smile.”
“Love that you’re the cause of it.” You grinned. “Good night, baby.”
“Good night.” Grayson said, biting his lip again as he watched you open your door.  You gave him a final wave and closed the door behind you.  Once you heard his footsteps down the hall, you let out a little squeal.
The next day, it was girl’s day with your mom, two of your aunts and two of your cousins.  One of your aunts was single, traveled all the time, and always came back with fun stories and presents.  Your other aunt was the mother of your two cousins, who was known to be a bit more high strung in her recent years, but a wild child in her younger days.  Your two cousins were a bit younger than you and were the ones who kept you up to date with all the trends and internet drama.  You dating Grayson Dolan was probably the most fun thing in their life, even if they weren’t allowed to talk about it given the privacy of your relationship.
The plan was a “Girls’ Day” where you were going to the spa at the ski resort. The adults had a show or something to go to later that night, so they were going all out.  The youngsters were going to fend for themselves and probably wreak havoc on the hotel. You were hoping that you and Grayson would be able to sneak off somewhere since it was your official six months date.  You were disappointed that none of his snaps or texts so far mentioned the significance of the day, but you figured he was building up anticipation.
You sat in the sauna, your towel neatly wrapped around your chest. You pointedly ignored your adventurous aunt sprawled out, naked, as did her sister and your cousins.  Your mom wasn’t a huge fan of saunas, so she went to do face masks with Lisa and Cameron.  You weren’t a big fan of sauna either, but it had been awhile since you hung out with your female cousins and didn’t want to miss the chance to hear what cooky things your aunt would say.
“You know,” One of your cousins said, “They have a deal on waxes today.”
“Have you ever gotten a wax, Y/N?” Your other cousin asked.
You shook your head.  You thought about the lingerie you had stashed in your bag.  The underwear was pretty high cut.  Maybe this would be a good opportunity to get waxed for the first time.
“I would be down to try.” You said, not wanting to sound too eager.
“You’re dating that big, tan boy, right?” Your aunt said, sitting up and closing her legs in the process.
You nodded. “Grayson.” You and your two cousins said at the same time.
This caused a bit of giggling and you pretended to give them disapproving faces.
“Yes, well what does he like?” Your aunt asked, back on the topic of the wax.
There was a mischievous grin on her face that told you this was not about the wax, but more about how far you two had gone.  Your other aunt seemed to pick this else.
Your other aunt gasped, covering her mouth. “You can’t ask her that! She’s...”
“In her twenties!” Your aunt reminded her sister in a loud voice.  She turned back to you. “I guess since you haven’t gotten it before, he wouldn’t have a preference. Or at least you haven’t talked about it.  What are you thinking?”
“Uhm...” With all eyes on you, you felt under pressure. You didn’t know any wax names so you just said, “...everything?”
“Oh honey, no!” Your aunt shook her head.  “He needs a little landing strip.”
“Okay!” You other aunt stood up, holding her towel to her body. “Don’t you think this is a bit inappropriate?” She sighed and looked at you. “If you’re going to get a wax, do it for you, hon,not a man.”
Your wilder aunt snapped her fingers with approval. “That is true! Ooh, you should get a little design...”
“A design?” You and your cousins asked in unison.
“Oh boy....” Both aunts looked at each other knowingly. “You ladies have a lot to learn...”
Four hours later and you were laying on your hotel bed with and ice pack on your crotch.  You had been falling in and out of sleep, but a text from Grayson put some pep in your step.
GrayBear: Come to your cousin’s cabin ;)
Your jaw dropped.  You completely forgot Monica and her parents were staying at a cabin.  The resort had different types of rooms you could book.  From the website, you knew the cabins were drop dead gorgeous.  They were on the other side of the resort from the hotels and allowed you to view the sunrise each morning. It was single story, but had a full kitchen, a Jacuzzi bath tub and king sized beds in each bedroom.  Your cousins had opted for the two bedroom in case any of the “young people” wanted to stay with them for a night.  You guessed that Grayson got his bid in pretty early.
You tried not to get too excited as you texted him back.  You crawled off the bed, putting the ice pack in the freezer.  You took a quick shower, unable to stop staring at your newly manicured crotch.  The “heart attack” style with a little heart on top really made it look cute.  Once out of the shower, you made sure to spritz on your Wakeheart Grayson Dolan fragrance before putting on the lingerie.  You moisturized with a body butter, styled your hair and put on some light makeup: eyebrow pencil, mascara and a tinted lip gloss. 
Then you put on the red dress that hugged your shape.  At first, you were concerned because you could see the intricate lacing of the top of the bra under the dress.  With a bit of adjusting, you were able to make it seamless.  You debated putting on the Santa hat you got, but decided against it. You put on some boots that were a bit more on the fashionable side as they went up to your knees.  With a final glance in the mirror, you smiled to yourself.  You grabbed Grayson’s gift and put on a jacket that hid your outfit while keeping you a bit warm.
The walk to your cousin’s cabin felt longer than you expected.  The cold air stung your cheeks and your thighs shivered each time wind pushed past your zipped jacket.  You double checked the number on the cabin before ringing the bell.  When Grayson answered the door, you couldn’t help, but smile brightly.  He was wearing a button down shirt and dress slacks, adorned with his favorite design accessories.  You could tell he even styled his hair the way you liked.
“Hey,” Grayson said, his voice coming out deep and husky.
“Hey...” You replied, your voice coming out high pitched and squeaky.  
You both laughed and Grayson stepped to the side to let you in.  You were surprised to see Monica watching television in the living room area.
“Oh, is my cousin still here?” You asked, taking off your boots.
“Nope, it’s just us.” Grayson said, walking over to the dining table.  “I’m watching Monica for them.”
You jaw dropped. “Grayson...why would you choose to babysit tonight?” You asked, the irritation evident in your voice.
Grayson frowned and he turned to look at you. “Well...they needed someone to watch Monica if they were going to the show tonight.”
“But it could have been anyone else, Grayson.” You complained. “I’m not exactly dressed to babysit tonight.”
You removed your jacket and Grayson’s eyes widened.
“Wow...Y/N...you look breathtaking.” He made his way over to you, his hands going for your hips.
“Oh no you don’t...” You wagged your finger as you side stepped. “I am not scarring her for life by getting frisky in front of her.”
Grayson pouted, following you as you walked to the living room. His breath hitched in his throat when you bent down to pick up Monica and he got an eyeful of your thighs.
“Geez....are you even wearing anything under there?” Grayson muttered mostly to himself.
“You’ll never find out now, will you?” You quipped, turning back to look at him. Monica seemed comfortable in your arms as her eyes remained glued to the tv. You sat on the couch and Monica adjusted herself on your lap, but was clearly entranced by the cartoon program.
“Are you still jealous of Monica?” Grayson asked, putting his hands on his hips.
You remained focus on the television, avoiding his eyes. You groaned as you started to speak.
“This isn’t about her. This is about you not prioritizing our alone time.” You finally looked at him, his annoyed expression mirrored on your face. “You didn’t have to choose our six months date to babysit.”
“Babe, don’t you get it?” Grayson groaned.  “I only asked to babysit so we would have this place to ourselves.  Monica goes to bed at 8:15, our dinner is set to arrive at 8:30 and we have the place to ourselves until midnight.  Sure, the first hour is going to be a bit lame, but I thought it was kinda fitting, you know? I mean Monica is the reason we are together right.”
Your eyebrows went up in surprise. “Wow, Gray that was actually...”
“Well thought out? Insightful?” Grayson filled in with a cocky smirk.  “Babe, did you really think I would mess this up?  I didn’t wait years to date my dream girl to lose her after six months.”
You moved Monica off your lap and placed gently on the couch.  She looked at you as if she was seeing you for the first time.
“Pretty!” Monica said, before turning back to the tv.
“Hey, she’s mine.” Grayson joked, taking you hand to pull you off the couch and into his arms. “And I’m not sharing.”
You pecked his lips. “I’m sorry for doubting you.”
“It’s alright, you can just make it up to me.” Grayson teased.
“Oh, you better get ready.” You winked. “I may just give you a heart attack...”
A/N: Definitely let me know if I should continue this with their first time smut.  Thinking of making it more fluffy and cute kind of smut, but I’m not sure if the people who like this fic are a fan of smut.
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stonecoldjerseyfox · 4 years
Jersey on my mind (part 19)
Mila’s feet dangle in the air as she sits on the edge of the guard post, while looking out over the surroundings. Next to her on the floor lies a bottle of vodka, in case she gets bored. She turns her eyes to the flickering flame of the oil lantern, the only source of light. Besides the lantern its pitch black. The darkness is wrapped around the surroundings like a heavy blanket. No lights are on in the houses. 
Before she put on her jacket, hid the vodka bottle in the inner pocket and went out to the guard tower Mila tucked Juri in for the night. She helped him choose a cassette tape to fall asleep to, made sure he had all of his ‘friends’ also tucked in; the brown dog named Jeff (Mila had no idea why), his soft bunny named Bruce after Bruce Springsteen and the teddy bear that goes by the name Eddie, after Eddie Vedder. But Mila hasn’t been able to figure out Jeff. Who’s Jeff? Instead of asking him about it, she kissed Juri on the forehead and left for guard duty. Daryl wasn’t at the guard tower when she arrived, so Mila made herself comfortable. 
She taps her fingers towards the floor and hums the tune to “Hungry heart”, starts to sing faintly. Springsteen makes her think of the summers in New Jersey. Driving around on hot summer days, the long days at the beach in Point Pleasant, eating tons of ice cream and drinking Pepsi Cola, riding around Atlantic City with Darya and Laura in Darya’s dad’s convertible-    
“You sing well.”
Mila looks up. Daryl has joined her, finally. In one hand he holds the crossbow and in the other two bottles of water. 
“You’re late.” 
”You’re easy prey, sitting like this.” Daryl sits down besides her, lets his legs swing over the edge next to hers and gives her one of the bottles.
”Wolves are gone. Walkers don’t jump.” Mila removes the lid and takes a sip of water. “I think I’m fine.” 
”You’re really good.” Daryl looks down at his knees. “I mean, singing. Your accent disappears when you sing.” 
”Yeah. I’ve heard that.” Mila laughs and puts the water bottle down, next to the vodka bottle. ”It would sound even better if I had a guitar and a cowboy hat.” With a smile she grabs the Vodka bottle from the floor, unscrews it and takes a bountiful sip, before offering it to Daryl. ”I’ve heard you should drink at least one liter a day.”
”Thought that applied to water?” Daryl lifts an eyebrow and brings the bottle to the mouth and drinks, lets out a cough as he lowers it. ”Gotta get you a guitar then, Jersey.”
“Yeah I wouldn’t worry too much about that.” She replies. “It sorta’ feels pretty pointless now. I haven't played in forever.” she meets Daryl’s gaze. “I was engaged to this guy, before- It’s because of him I play the guitar, and sing in ‘American’.”
Daryl stiffens up at her words. It’s barely noticeable, but Mila notices. 
“He’s dead anyway, so it doesn’t matter.” Mila takes a sip of vodka. “My father hated him for encouraging my interest in music. Said it was a waste of time. He didn’t understand the phenomenon ‘hobbies’.” Mila tries to remember what her dear papa yelled at her through the glass. It was hard to hear exactly what he yelled, since he banged at the window, but she could make out some of it. ”Eto chepukha, Milena, chepukha!” she repeats. “Nonsense.”
“Seems like a charmer.” Daryl replies. “Ain’t a waste though. I like it.”
Mila glances at the broad archer next to her. Somehow he reminds her of Jim; tall, broad shoulders and muscles. Jim had brown hair and beard, a bit more groomed than the Southern archer, but still- 
The first time Mila laid her eyes on Jim was during a gig at a bar in Brooklyn. She was there with her friend Laura. Jim played guitar in the band and halfway through he pulled his shirt off. Milas eyes were glued to his bare chest during the rest of the performance. Even a blind person would have noticed such an intense stare down; as did Jim on stage. Afterward he asked her over to their table, and she fell like a paw for the big Oklahoma native, with the pretty eyes and the kind smile. Jim was big as a bear and kind as a puppy. He was warm, had a boisterous but contagious laugh, he was friendly and charismatic. Everybody around Mila adored Jim, everybody except papa, which made sense. Papa hated everyone, except himself.
Physically, Daryl reminds her of Jim somewhat, but their personalities are like night and day. Jim was able to entertain an entire room full of people, and happily did so by telling stories or playing the guitar. Daryl would probably never even think of entering such a room. He’s encased in armor, a hard shell no one seems to be able to break. She hasn’t heard an ounce of bursting laughter from him and he barely talks. And yet she likes his company. When she saw him walk down the street into the Safe-Zone last night it felt like a ton of brick was dropped from her chest. Of course she was still angry with him for some unimportant reason she can’t really remember now, but she was happy for having him back.
“Where’s he by the way?” Daryl asks. “Your old man. Ya’ said ya’ came here together.”
“In prison.”
The statement doesn’t seem to surprise Daryl significantly.
“What for?” 
Mila hands him the vodka bottle again. Daryl looks puzzled at it. 
“If you want to hear about it, you might need it.” Mila explains and doesn’t take her eyes away from his. “There’s a legit reason why I have alcohol problems.”
“Haven’t noticed.” the archer winks at her over the bottle and drinks. “Why’s he locked up?”
“Murder. And for kidnapping me.” 
It might be so easy to say it because she feels some kind of connection to the man sitting next to her, or maybe it’s because the whole world went to hell and papa, Mila’s perdition, her Achilles heel, probably is dead by now. 
Mila was the only child. Her father, her papa, wanted to have a son. Instead he got Mila. Her mother, who loved her more than life itself, couldn’t bear more children and Mila was punished for that her entire life by her father. Papa was stern on her from the start. Sergey Yuruchenko’s offspring wouldn’t be a weakling. Her sole purpose in life would be to make him proud. Like a show dog. He hardened Mila like steel; dragged her out on the frozen river Volga during the winters for an ice bath, a procedure to ‘man her up’. If Mila hesitated or began to cry she had to stay longer in the water. Eventually she stopped crying. He taught her to fight, games that often resulted in cracked lips and black eyes. Sometimes Mila began to cry because it hurt and she felt scared, but he assured her it was a fun game, and she believed him. He coached her in sports, to make sure she would win. Second place was never enough. Mila could’ve easily become an olympic marathon athlete, if she would have had the choice. But he had already set out her entire future. 
”My mama loved me with all of her heart and papa made sure that I never forgot how he grieved the son he never had. It was my burden and my responsibility to prove that I was worthy of his affection. I was a wreck emotionally. Thrown between boundless love and emotional abuse.” Mila pauses and takes another mouthful of vodka. “I got respect from him for the first time when I was fifteen. He firmly argued that if a man couldn’t hit a soup can fifty yards away with a gun after drinking a whole bottle of vodka, he was a wimp. He didn’t count on me, a fifteen year old girl to even dream about trying.” She raises her eyebrows at Daryl. ”But I passed the test and he eased the leash.”
After that summer, Mila had a great year. She was ‘allowed’ to be an ordinary teenager in all its meaning. She went to parties with her friends, dreamed of Leonardo Dicaprio when she kissed her first boyfriend Dima for the first time and she was convinced that life would continue like that.
“Then one day he asked me to come with him on a trip abroad, for work. It was just the two of us at home that day and he was so different. Friendly even. It felt odd, but he was so convincing. He asked me to be ready in an hour with a bag. I felt so excited. Not until we walked through the gate at the airport I understood where we were going. I couldn’t believe it. We were going to America! He made the whole trip sound so exciting. It felt like we were friends for the first time. That I finally had a father.”
Mila pauses. She’d thought about that moment many times since that plane ride. How it all was just an act. How he used Mila’s cluelessness to save his own ass. In reality he didn’t feel like that at all. He didn’t care about her. 
”We were arrested as soon as we got through the passport control at Newark. We were separated, put in different rooms. I panicked the entire time, fought and cried. An interpreter and two policemen came and told me that he was arrested. I tried to convince them that it must have been a misunderstanding. But it wasn’t. I was kidnapped and papa was internationally wanted for murder in Russia by Interpol. Or serial murders, I think it’s called, in the case of more than three victims.”
“How many?” he asks. 
Their eyes meet through the darkness. The only sound that’s heard is the chirping cicadas, the wind rattling in the trees and the thudding sound of the walkers crashing into each other on the other side of the wall. Well, he hasn’t run away yet, Mila thinks.
“Including the policeman he killed at the station the day after we arrived; ten.”
Daryl doesn't even try to hide his astonishment. 
”A woman disappeared in Moscow in- gosh, I don’t even remember the year. Anyway, she was found under a bridge, two days later. Then another woman was found a few weeks later, under a viaduct. Seven women and two men around Moscow. One woman was completely beheaded. I was fourteen when they found her, and my father told me to ’be safe’ when I walked home from gymnastics practice.”
Mila remembers almost all of them by name. They were read out during the trial in New York, while images of them were displayed on a projector. Mila saw their bruised faces, the dead eyes in the pale, straight faces. No matter how awful it was, she couldn’t look away, like passing a car accident. Mila had to watch, to understand that it was her papa, who worried when she would go home alone from gymnastics, he who always urged her to beware of boys in a group (or boys in general), that had done these horrible actions. The youngest victim was eighteen and was found in a shallow part of Volga. They had to identify it through dental cards. In court, sitting on that hard bench in between Ellie and Joe Galka, Mila desperately tried to meet her father’s gaze, wanted him to turn around where he sat, with his back against her. When he finally did, Mila didn’t see a trace of regret or empathy in them.
”He kidnapped ya’ to- what, to save himself?” 
“It didn’t seem suspicious if he traveled with his daughter. I was his ticket out of it. If he did get caught, he could use me as-” Mila fiddles on a thread in her jeans. “-Yeah, I haven’t figured out that part yet. He really knew how to inflict maximum damage to his advantages. Because of his position, working for the state, which is... corrupted beyond imagination, he could change my documents without anyone asking, making himself my sole guardian. On paper, I no longer had a mother. It was- He was so split. On one hand, a well regarded worker for the state, modest and punctual. And on the other hand, emotionally disturbed, a psychopath. A monster.” She sighs. “The same day we were arrested he overpowered a police officer. He killed him, granting him life in prison here, not risking being extradited to Russia. Social services took care of me and I ended up at the Galka’s. The first six months I visited papa in prison weekly. It really fucks you up in the head, being pulled back to the root of evil, to one's perpetrator. In my case, it was the same person. Perpetrator and father. Evil impersonated and the only person I felt I had some connection to here. And yet, I never got an explanation to why he did what he did. Eventually, thanks to the Galka’s, I stopped visiting. He didn’t like that, being out of control.”
Mila had never revolted, but when she had to acclimatize to a new culture and language all on her own, that changed. She could just as well have ended up dead behind a dumpster from drugs, but instead she went on to study at Columbia University. When papa found out that she studied to become a dental nurse, instead of a ‘real dentist’, or ‘the president of all dentists in the entire world’, or anything equally grandiose, he went all mad and had to be dragged out of the visitors room by the guards. A few days later he made a phone call and yelled at Mila for three straight minutes, until the call broke. When Mila paid him a much involuntary visit a few weeks later he’d calmed down a bit; he’d been in solitary confinement since that lash out. 
”Of all professions...” Papa snarled into the handset. ”Dental nurse? A servant! Milaya, why are you causing me this pain?”
Mila pulls herself away from the memory of Southport Correctional facility’s visiting room, back to the present, to the cool, calm night, where she shares a bottle of vodka with the archer.
“As far as I’m concerned I don’t have a father.” Mila meets Daryl’s gaze through the faint, warm light from the lantern. “I moved on. I made it. I got pregnant while in uni and tried to commit suicide. That was a nightmare. Once again I had to... switch on survival mode. I felt so defective. How could someone with a father like mine, someone who’s been hurled between motherly love and fatherly abuse, possibly be a good parent.” Mila takes a sip of vodka. The bottle is almost completely empty by now. “I haven’t had much space for making my own choices in life. Until recently.” she says. “I did some stupid choices on the way here. But at least I turned out... fairly good in the end.”
They look at each other in silence. Nothing is heard but the walkers collected hissing breaths, like a choir of rotten asthmatics, gasping for air, while pushing up against the wall. Sometimes a thud, like flesh against metal, is heard when the ones in the back push the ones in the front extra hard into the wall.
”Ya’ think he’s alive? Or they?” Daryl asks, husky. ”Your parents?”
Mila shrugs her shoulders; she doesn't know. After a while in the weeks following the outbreak, the phone calls to her mother in Russia stopped working. Her father can’t be alive. It would be impossible, just as impossible as it is to escape a high security prison like Southport. 
”What about ya’ foster parents?” 
”I don’t know.” Mila bites her lower lip. ”When the two of us came back to Jersey the Galka’s were gone. So we left, me and Juri.”
”Ain’t too bad, though.” Daryl says, in what Mila thinks is an attempt to cheer her up. “He’s a great kid.”
”He is.” she smiles. ”I never thought I’d make it, being on my own with him like this. He’s my everything, the better person of the two of us; wakes me in the morning, cheers me up and is always happy. I don’t know how he does it. He’s three!”
”And a half.” Daryl smirks. 
“Touché.” Mila looks at him. “Gosh. I’m surprised you haven’t ran away.”
”Why would I? Ma’ old man was a boozer, an ass.” Daryl replies, and his eyes suddenly shift from almost warm, to dark.  “I hadn’t much of a mother. Smoked herself to death, burnt the entire fuckin’ house down at the same time. Ma’ brother went in and out of juvenile. Died, as everyone else.” Daryl hesitates, but then he continues. ”I’m a nobody. Always been. I don’t have anything to run from.”
Mila lays her hand on top of Daryl’s, that rests against the floorboards. He twitches by her sudden move, like a stray dog that has never felt a friendly touch. 
“You’re not a nobody.” Mila says, emphasising every word. “You saved my life. Heck, I think you saved more lives than my sorry ass. Do you always push those who care about you away?”
Daryl becomes silent.
”Don’t be.” Mila says. “Honestly, It’s like you don’t think you deserve anything; people being kind to you, that people care. That’s not healthy. No wonder you’re so peevish. Just let the guard down once in a while. You do so much for everybody here, who are so thankful for it and want to show that to you. Let them. You need it. Let people in. Have you never done that?” 
”Never had a chance.” he answers. ”It’s always been bloody knuckles and shards of glass.”
”But does that mean that the whole world is dark and evil? I’ve had a bumpy ride too and I’m not all stiff and irritated with everything.”
”Well ye’ ain’t me.”
”And thank god for that.” Mila smiles a little. ”No matter what your life was like before it doesn’t have to continue being like that.” she gets silent, before she meets his eyes again. ”Have you ever just sat down and thought about what you want? Not what everybody else needs, or what they tell you to do, no matter what you think. Have you?”
”Never gotten that chance either.” Daryl grunts, and continues to look at his shoes.
“Well, do that.” Mila holds up the bottle of vodka in front of her. It’s empty. “Crap...”
“Ya’ haven’t had enough of that?”
Mila puts her head to the side and smiles dazzling.
“I told you I have problems.” Mila smirks and puts the bottle down. “But I’m workin’ on fixing that. Not tonight though.”
The corners of Daryl’s mouth curves slightly upward and he chuckles faintly. They sit quietly for a moment before he once again turns to her. 
“Ya’ really a dentist?” 
“Dental nurse.” Mila corrects. “What, are you surprised?” 
“Not at all.” Daryl replies. “How’s that like?” 
“We'll take that one another time.” Mila adjusts herself on the floor. “I have to save some cock-and-bull stories about tartar and teeth extractions for later.” 
“Can’t wait.” Daryl smirks. “If ye’ want to sing something, I don’t mind.”
Mila smiles. They sit next to each other, watching the night turn into early dawn. Mila sings faintly, to avoid unnecessary attention from the walkers, dangling her legs in the air, while Daryl’s eyes rest on the horizon, wearing a pleasant smile upon his lips.
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
For a 1000 celebration: SEASIDE RENDEZVOUS CONT— What about a hc about running into joe at a Christmas party on campus because he knew someone that attended your school and when you see each-other all the memories flood back in and things get heated in a nearby spare bedroom 👀
Forgot how much I enjoyed writing these two dorks lmao
Seaside Rendezvous Masterlist
1000 Follower Celebration
Christmas time on campus meant one thing. Parties. There was at least two every night in the lead up to the holiday, though numbers did start to dwindle a little as some people flew home to visit their families. But for those who remained it was the prime chance to drink and be merry. And try to find someone to sleep with. That was the main reason you were at tonight’s party. Technically still recovering from the previous night but nothing another drink or two wouldn’t fix. Last night you’d met this guy, Daniel someone-or-other. You’d chatted for a bit, flirted, but hadn’t been able to seal the deal. His friends had dragged him away before you could so much as kiss. But then you’d heard he’d be at tonight’s party so you rolled out of bed in the afternoon, downed a couple of aspirin, and found yourself something to wear that made you look hot.  
Now that you were at the party though it seemed like a bit of a waste of time. Daniel whatever his name was had swiftly forgotten you, and instead was making out with some other chick in full view of the whole room. It was disgusting really, practically dry humping for everyone to see. You wished it was you. Absentmindedly tugging on your necklace, you turned away from them in search of another drink and saw a familiar profile. Talking to someone, red cup in hand. You shook your head. It couldn’t be him, you must’ve had more to drink than you thought. Because Joe couldn’t be here. It was incomprehensible. But it really did look like him. You pushed your way through the crowd, hoping to at least get a better look. He turned. You stopped dead in your tracks. There was no mistaking those eyes or that smile. It only got bigger when he saw you.
“Y/N?” He asked, almost yelling to be heard over the noise even though he hurried to your side, “Is that you?” 
“The one and only,” 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” you gave him a small slap on the arm. 
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here?” 
“I go to school here,” 
“No shit! I’m mates with Steve over…. somewhere, he’s here somewhere. I’m staying with him over Christmas.” 
“No way! God what a small world” 
“So how’ve you been since Hawaii?” 
“Pretty good, bit busy but good, you?” 
“Yeah, more or less the same. I never thought I’d see you again,” 
“Yeah, me neither.” 
“D’you want to get away from the noise?” 
“Yes, please,” 
Joe took your hand in his, an action he’d done what felt like hundreds of times. When you were by the pool, pinkies hooked together so no one would see. Alone in his room, palms pressed and fingers intertwined as he drew another moan from you. Sitting on his balcony on your last night, his fingers tracing the lines of yours. You shook your head, trying to clear away the memories that had sprung up with the contact, and let him lead you through the crowd, towards a set of stairs and then towards a closed door. Gingerly he peeked inside, pushing the door wide when it was clear it was empty.  
“That’s better,” he said softly once the door was shut, dulling the noise of the party below. You wanted to kiss him. He was looking at you, staring slightly out of focus which could have been because he’d been drinking but you suspected he was running through a similar series of memories as you were and you wanted to kiss him. But you couldn’t. Not yet at least.  
“So,” he cleared his throat, shoving his hands in his pockets, “been a few months since we saw each other. What have you been up to? How’s your family?” 
“They’re good. Still the same. I went home for thanksgiving and the whole street knew I’d broken up with Eddie and struck out with a guy on holiday,” you rolled your eyes and Joe laughed. 
“Well at least they didn’t know you didn’t strike out,” 
“Yeah spose so. Although maybe if the knew I wouldn’t have got so many condescending ‘there’s plenty of fish in the sea’ comments. What about you though? What’s been going on for Joe?”
“Uh, well, usual stuff I guess. School, work, dating, went home for a bit.”
“Dating?” you cringed a little at how fast you’d asked. Of course he’d been dating, same as you. You were holiday fuckbuddies really, everything between you ended the day you’d left the resort and got on a plane. Who were you to hope he was still single? 
“Yeah. Not overly successfully though.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry.” 
“I’m not. Well, depends how you answer this next question. Are you seeing anyone?” 
“Nope. Still single.” 
“Thank god,” He closed the space between you in about two steps, placing a hand on your cheek as he kissed you. You might as well have been back in Hawaii, hidden away in Joe’s room. It was like the last three or so months hadn’t happened. Like you hadn’t said goodbye and then not seen each other again. You wrapped your arms around his neck, stepping backwards towards the bed and pulling Joe with you. He pushed your jacket off your shoulders, only breaking the kiss to tug his own shirt off. You were working on his belt as he reached to get the zip of your dress, and then he stopped. “You’re wearing it,” his finger traced the delicate chain from where it sat on your shoulder down to the bright plumeria flower. 
“Well I needed something to make winter feel warmer.” 
And then his lips were back on yours. He tugged at your zip with renewed vigour as you went back to fumbling blindly with his belt.  
As soon as you were free of everything but your underpants you scooted into the middle of the bed, offering a quick silent apology to whoever’s room it was. Joe followed, unwilling to stop kissing you for too long. 
“You got a condom?” 
“Yeah, hang on,” he kissed you again quickly before leaning over the edge of the bed to find his pants, “remember when I forgot which draw I’d put them in?” 
You giggled at the memory, “that was after the golf thing right? When you choked me?” 
“Trust you to remember being choked. Dirty girl. Could always do it again, for old time’s sake,” He wiggled the fingers of one hand in the air, making you laugh, and then let out a, “finally,” as he found the condom he’d been searching for, pushing himself back onto the bed. You were still laughing when he kissed your stomach, fingers hooking into your underwear to tug them down your legs. You sighed as he pressed a kiss to the inside of your thigh, anticipating his next move. The last few times you’d had sex had been hook-ups at parties and one-night stands. People you’d never slept with before or seen again since. But being with Joe again was better. You’d spent weeks wrapped up in each other. He knew you, knew your body. Even with the time apart he still remembered just how to touch you. You whined when his tongue flicked over your clit, your legs falling open wider than they already were. 
“Such a lovely sound,” he said softly, running two fingers along your folds, making you squirm as they brushed either side of your clit, “you as loud as I remember?” 
“Keep going like that and we’ll find out,” 
“Think I can do a bit better,” he nipped the inside of your thigh with his teeth as he slipped his fingers into you, slowly working them deeper, “now if I remember right…” he trailed off, concentrating as he shifted his fingers. 
“There it is,” 
You could feel his smirk as he curled his fingers just right, bringing his mouth back to your clit. Your back arched as he drew a soft moan from you. 
“Good girl,” 
“You never did know when to shut up,” you heard him laugh as your hand fell to the back of his head, encouraging him to keep going and, to his credit, he did, latching onto your clit as he pumped he fingers into you, curling against the same spot on every pass. It didn’t take long for your orgasm to hit, tugging on Joe’s hair as he helped you ride it out, cleaning up the mess he’d caused.
He crawled back up to kiss you again, the taste of you on his lips and tongue. You could feel him pressing against your core through his underwear and whined at the need for more. Joe’s underwear soon joined the rest of the clothes on the floor as he sat back on his knees, rolling the condom down his shaft. You gasped as he entered you, clutching at his shoulders, pulling him close. His breath was in your ear as you wrapped your legs around him, and he started to move. You left a trail of kisses over his jaw and neck as he rolled his hips against you, finding his rhythm. Soft moans and little ‘ohs’ fell from your lips with each of his thrusts, mixing with his own panted breaths and grunts, his forehead pressed to yours. If you closed your eyes you could almost smell the sea air. You moaned his name as his fingers dropped to your clit, though he quickly swallowed the sound, kissing you deeply as you felt your orgasm build. It rolled over you like a wave, your fingers momentarily tightening against his back, a cry catching in your throat. He gasped your name as he followed you over the edge.  
“You know how you tend to remember things as being better then they actually were?” you asked, curled into Joe’s embrace. 
“Yeah well, my brain got it wrong. Don’t remember anything as good as that was.” 
He hummed in agreement, both of you falling silent, not wanting to break the warm contentment you felt being together again. But you couldn’t put it off forever. 
“So how long are you here for?” 
“Not long, less than a week.” 
“Yeah. Really wish it was longer now that I know you’re here.” His arms tightened around you as if it would somehow change things.  
“Spose we should make the most of whatever time we’ve got,” 
“I’m quite enjoying just doing this,” he dropped a small kiss to the top of your head, “feels like before.” 
“Yeah but, as nice as this is, we should probably get out of this stranger’s room before we get caught.” 
“Okay, valid point,” he laughed. 
“You can come back to my dorm if you want. The girl I share with has gone home for the holiday so we wouldn’t be disturbing anyone.” 
“Me, get to see how Y/N lives? I’d love to.” 
“Alright, let me up,” you wriggled free of his hold, “and then once we’re out of here we can talk more about you choking me again.”
tagging a few people who were following SR:
@coffeexcigarette​  @ramibaby  @briarrose26 @d34d-0n-th3-1ns1d3  @painkiller80 @stephydearestxo​
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0x1ashtyn · 3 years
A Letter For You...
I forgot my diary when I went to get coffee today so I'm going to type. I'm trying to be happy these days. Even when things are crashing and burning around me, I'm smiling. I keep telling myself the answers and solutions are in my hands.. hopefully this will manifest into being true (see, positive talk aha). But even though I'm okay most days and aren't brought down by my thoughts it doesn't mean they still don't run wild. I'm thinking a lot as my life is in a shifting period. I've moved to the big (expensive) city. I've slept on my friends' couch and finally found a place (I can't afford) after my first Christmas away from home. I've been looked down on and called manic or irresponsible and even stupid for doing this so spontaneously. I came here with no plan, no job, nothing. I packed a suitcase and left. I needed to run, I finally understood that feeling now. I always thought of moving to the city when I was growing up. My best friend and I would plan it together in media class when we were 15, but I always planned it as a plan, not an escape. Life happens, unexpected circumstances arise, pain comes and sometimes doesn't heal as easily as a bruise does, it’s much deeper than that. For me there was blood, a lot of blood, so much that the only thing that could stop it was a 3-hour plane ride. A whole new life, a rebirth without physically dying.
So here we are. Today I've decided to share my deepest thoughts and struggles of growing up in the 21st century with you. Welcome my 20's. Here's my story, I hope it can comfort you and feel like we are in this together and you can find strength to carry on too despite every reason to surrender in defeat. I also hope that when I fall, you fall, we all fall, we can come here. I know and I'm sure you know the feeling of falling onto the cement instead of someones arms after a hard day. I will be your arms, and if you don't feel any of that, that's okay, I'm happy enough to speak up for the ones of us who can't. So, mock me all you want, I will wear the embarrassment proudly.
Here's the part that we all dread on the first day of school whether it's out of anxiety or just pure annoyance of this stupid activity, I shall introduce myself. A name to the fallen words. I shall not run from the mistakes and dark parts inside my heart with you guys, my name is Lina. I'm 21 and I can now proudly say I live in Sydney, Australia. I'm finally in the place I've always wanted to be. Living the "girl goes to the big city and becomes everything she's always been destined for" dream. I've been here 3 months now. It's currently 11:02 on a Thursday morning. I'm jobless. I have no source of income and I made the actual reckless decision to rent a place I can't afford. But like, if not now? when? I don't regret coming here, I would rather struggle here then where I was. I am thought currently studying so hopefully I will be able to find my feet soon.
It might seem empty, my introduction, but that's the point. It's that whole blank canvas thing, this is my new start. I guess I could tell you my hobbies and things like that but it really is true the whole blank canvas thing. Along the way somehow my body turned to survival mode and I've forgotten how to live. I've forgotten something as simple as walking. How? Literally it's the only thing that is certain about why we are here. Life. Living. I've forgotten. I don't know how to have fun, like what to do and things like that yes, but even if I get myself up and somewhere to do things, I can't even enjoy it or I'm left there constantly checking in with myself trying to figure out if I'm having a good time or not because I'm in this constant defence mode to the world. I can't let my guard down; I can't let myself be hurt again. Nothing has ripped my heart out more than when I first saw happiness in the flesh only to see the flame burn out before I could feel it's warmth on my skin. I haven't seen it since. It makes me wonder if it was all just a dream. An illusion I made as a naïve little kid. This could sound dramatic but if you've had this feeling you understand the arm bar you keep up ever since at moment. Not completely shut off by the idea of life but not completely jumping at the idea of participating either. So yeah, I don't have fun. I can't remember the last time I genuinely enjoyed myself so much to create a memory for later. It's okay, I haven't had fun in a while and I'm still alive. You can't really miss what you haven't had right. plus, school takes a lot of energy for me. I'm up at 6am and back home by 7ish in the evening. This is enough to keep me busy.
This is actually what inspired me to write today. I now have 2-3 hours a day with myself to think thanks to these long train rides and overly deep and emotional Korean songs I listen to on my way to school. I want to cry a lot these days. No particular reason as to why, the urge just creeps up slowly throughout the day until it's taken complete control over me before I can even realise it. By then I don't have a choice. I just let the tears go. I'm very much well aware it's okay to just cry. My heart must feel heavy for reasons undiscovered yet. So, I will let my body try fight it off naturally in tears before it gets out of hand just like it would with the common winter cold. I'm also at this point where I sit in coffee shops and whisper conversations to myself.... this is totally not good. I even laugh at my own jokes.. THEY ARE EVEN FUNNY. Like why am I telling myself jokes in the first place ? It's kind of cute in a way I guess.... maybe not aha. I need friends. I TOTALLY need friends. I've never been good at not really the making friends part, more like not good at keeping the friends part. I always leave so then I can't feel the heart break of them seeing my broken parts and not liking me anymore, seeing me as "too much of an effort" to be around. Now because of this I've never been close to anyone. I have never had a friendship last longer than 2 years because by that stage you should be getting to know each other on a deeper and personal level. The forming of a committed relationship as one may say. You know what that means, I am and have been professionally told I have an underdeveloped social cognition for someone 21 years of age. And fun fact, this is actually a narcissistic trait. I have learnt that just like everything else in the world even narcissism has a spectrum, so I'm not the whole "I'm better than everyone else" kind of narcissist, I just have more of the inability to socialise part which we all commonly know would come from the ‘superior complex’ associated with narcissism which THANK GOD I don't have. I’m slightly too depressed to ever feel that way.  So, I guess you could say I'm a little sad. I think we all are in this day and age. That's what I'm hoping this letter (?) can help with. Being alone in this world goes against all of our primal animal instincts. We are physiologically made, wired in our brains, to be in a pack, so without that we feel vulnerable and weak, as if we would not survive in the wild. So, I don't know, I guess if you are feeling the same, or in a similarly made structured boat, I guess I'm saying come here. Come to me, come to the others who I know will find this page because this here is the pack we belong in, it's meant to be. I will try my best to be a comfort for you to tell your stories to. Rip them out and give them to me instead, I shall take your burdens away happily and I'm sure others will too. We can be in this together. So, for now, read this, read it as a hug. Respond. Tell me your story, I want to hear every word you ever say. It’s beautiful. We shall grow together. This is a safe place for you to come to when you aren't sure where to turn. Use me. I promise I will be here and I will do everything in my power to turn your scars into works of art. Thank you for coming today and reading this. Have a wonderful morning, afternoon or evening. Hug yourself tight for me. And I mean it. It's not stupid. And I will talk to you again soon.
- Lina over and out.
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
you aren’t here to kiss me - d.d.
plot: the reader and David get into an explosive fight on New Year’s Eve, resulting them spending the night (and many of the following days) apart. 
author’s note: hi! this story is inspired by the song “you ain’t here to kiss me” by brett young. it has a bit of angst, but i’m not the best at writing fight scenes because i like when the characters and stories get happy endings, so this is an attempt. i hope you guys enjoy reading my work!
word count: 2.25k
read part two: can’t say goodbye
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"David, I'm not having this fight with you right now," you sighed, throwing clothes into your suitcase. This was the third time you two would have had this fight in the last week, and you couldn’t even count how many times you've had it in the past.
You and Dave had flown to Chicago for Christmas and your friends had landed yesterday to spend New Year's Eve with David's hometown friends.
This fight was one you two had fairly often: his vlog. For months you've been complaining that you feel like he does certain things just for content, and a few days ago you had mentioned that you think the Christmas present he had gotten you was just for him to get a reaction for his vlog. He had gotten you a silver Cartier ring that matched the ones he had, but your ring had an engraving in it, the date you two had started dating and his initials.
"It's a promise ring," Dave grinned as you helped it up and gasped.
"Oh my god, I love it," you said in a whisper. "And you. God, I love you."
"I love you too, babe." he beamed, taking the ring from your hand and sliding it on to your right ring finger. He leaned in planted a kiss on your lips.
As you admired the ring on your finger, you noticed that David's camera was recording, and your stomach dropped a little. Of course he was recording an intimate moment between you two.
"Oh, I almost forgot," David said, pulling you back into reality. "I wanted to get you a little something else, too." He handed you an envelope. Inside were two plane tickets to Aspen. "I know your dream vacation is to go skiing on the Swiss Alps, but since I can't leave the country, I figured Aspen was our best bet," he grinned.
"Dave," you started. You were overwhelmed by the gifts, and you genuinely appreciated them, but part of you couldn't get over the fact that he was filming it. It felt insincere, like he only wanted to get a reaction for his vlog. But it was Christmas, and you didn't want to fight, so you didn't bring it up. "Thank you so much. I love you, bub."
"I love you more," David whispered, snuggling up next to you.
"This makes my present for you seem super lame," you giggled, resting your head on his chest.
"Nothing is ever lame if it comes from the best girlfriend ever," he smiled, kissing your forehead.
You had forgotten that you wanted to talk to David about recording your reaction until he asked you to watch his vlog before he posted it and he had included the clip.
"Do you have to put that in?" you asked quietly, looking down at him.
"Do you not want me to?" he asked, and you knew he would take it out if you told him to.
"It's just," you sighed, trying to figure out what to say. "It was a personal moment between the two of us, bub. And sometimes I think you forget that not everything you do has to be for the vlog." 
"Babe, I didn't put the clip in. What are you mad about?" he argued.
"God, David, that isn't the point!" you shouted, turning to face him. "You never even answered my question. Did you only get me the ring for your vlog?"
David hesitated to answer the question, which you took as a yes, even though he had answered with a no. Your heart shattered.
"Fuck you, and your vlog. We're done!" you shout, pulling the ring from your finger and throwing it onto the floor. You grabbed your phone and purse and sprinted out of the room, David quickly following behind you.
He quickly caught up to you, begging for you to talk to him in the elevator ride down to the lobby. Instead you called an Uber and ignored him.
You stood outside in the freezing cold Chicago winter, realizing you didn't have your jacket. You didn’t have anything with you as a matter of fact aside from your purse. David was still next to you, and he pulled his hoodie off and handed it to you. As much as you didn't want to take it, a small part of you did. You gave him a small smile as you put the sweatshirt on, but still not wanting to talk to him.
"Can you at least tell me where you're going?" he begged.
"Home,"  you answered coldly. He didn’t know if you meant back to LA or to your parents' house, and to be honest, you didn't know either.
When your Uber arrived, you climbed in without saying anything to David. As soon as you shut the door, you started to cry. Looking out the window, you noticed David standing outside sobbing. This felt like the beginning of the end of your relationship, and as mad as you were with him, you weren't ready to say goodbye.
It was just after 9 o'clock when you got to the airport, and you bought a ticket to San Francisco, since that flight would be boarding in 20 minutes. It was also a good distraction, since David most likely assumed you would be going to LA, and you were, you just didn't want to go there right now, in case he came to the airport in search of you.
You quietly boarded your flight, finding your seat. It was a window seat, the rest of the row being empty. The plane was half empty, with couples scattered about, including an annoying one in front of you. They were driving you crazy with all the kissing and cuddling they were doing, but it reminded you so much of you and David whenever you traveled together, and your heart ached for him. 
The flight attendant came around handing out glasses of champagne just before midnight to cheers to the new year, and as you took a boomerang for your Instagram story, you realized that you won't share a new year's kiss with David, and your heart breaks. You posted your boomerang, saying "Flying solo with only this glass of champagne to kiss at midnight." And shortly after you posted, you began getting calls and texts from your friends wondering where you are and why you aren’t in Chicago, but you ignore them. You aren’t in the mood to explain anything, and you most definitely overreacted to the situation. There was no reason you should be sitting on a flight alone instead of sharing a kiss with your boyfriend.
The pilot came on the intercom and did a countdown to the new year, and you wanted to cry. You buried yourself in Dave's hoodie, wishing he was here with his arms wrapped around you. You watched the couples around the plane share sweet kisses with each other, and you downed your glass of champagne. A few minutes later, you asked the flight attendant for something stronger, and she poured you two vodka sodas.
"Going through a break up?" she asked sympathetically, handing over one of the drinks. You weren't sure how to answer that. Technically you and David didn't break up, but this was by far the worst fight you two had ever had. You told her you didn't want to talk about it, and she continued on down the aisle.
When you landed, you booked a flight to LA. That flight didn't leave until 7am, so you have time to kill. You thought about calling David, telling him that you overreacted, but you couldn't. You weren't in the headspace to do that. When you finally landed in LA, you decided to talk to someone.  You called an Uber and sent Natalie a text, asking her to tell David that you were in LA and that you still didn't want to talk to him. She immediately called you.
"What's going on?" she asked. "Dave didn't tell me you left Chicago. He said you weren't feeling well and didn't want to come out, so he stayed in too, but he locked me out of his hotel room. At least, until we saw your Instagram story. He called me as soon as he saw it."
"Are you with him now?" you asked, suddenly afraid that he would be listening to everything you said.
"Yes, but he's in the shower. He bawled like a baby to me earlier, you know. He thinks you left him forever."
"We got into a fight and I overreacted. It was stupid and wrong. I would never leave him, I just couldn't." You were fighting back tears at this point, wanting so badly to just hug David and apologize. "Can you tell him that I'm sorry and that I love him when he wakes up? And that I'll talk to him when he gets back to LA. I don't want to ruin the rest of his trip."
"Yes, I'll tell him, but you should really be the one to tell him. He won't trust it if it's coming from me."
"I know, but I can’t think straight right now. I don't know if I'll be able to say anything."
"Are you sure? He just got out of the shower, I can put him on the phone," she suggested, but you rejected it. "At least send him a text, he needs to hear it from you that you're okay," she said before you two exchanged goodbyes and hung up the phone.
After finishing your phone call with Natalie, you contemplated sending David a text, but you couldn't. You knew you had to be the one to reach out to him first, since you were the one who left him. You knew he was debating with himself about whether or not he should call or text you, and he had most likely decided against it, assuming you didn't want to talk to him. But you so badly wanted to say something to him, so you did: hi bub, i love you and i miss you and im sorry. i just need some space. talk to you soon. 
A few minutes later, you got a screenshot from Natalie of her and David’s text conversation. David said he would be staying in Vernon Hills until the end of the week to give himself time to clear his head. 
The next few days felt endless without having David by your side. He had missed his last upload, posting an instagram story saying he was sick and still at home so he didn’t have time to film anything, and that the next vlog would be up when he was back in LA. You knew David was spending some time away from vlogging and was with his family. The family you had been with just over a week ago. They had welcomed you in with open arms, and now you were responsible for breaking David’s heart.  
Natalie had given you a heads up that David was flying home today. You just wanted to hug him and tell him that you loved him and missed him. 
The next day around 7pm, you headed over to David’s house. You needed to talk to him, and from what your friends were saying, he wasn’t talking to anyone. You had given him a day of being back in LA before ambushing him. You sat in your car for almost thirty minutes before working up the courage to knock on the front door. Standing out on his front steps, you almost turned around after knocking, not entirely sure you were ready to face him. But you swallowed your pride and fiddled with your fingers while you waited for someone to open the door. David walked up to the door, confused as to why you were here. 
“Can we talk?” you asked in a low whisper. 
“Why? You said we were done.” David said, staring blankly at you. His eyes were empty, there wasn’t a flicker of hope in them. He was wearing gray sweatpants and a black hoodie, and it looked like he hadn’t showered or shaved in days.  
“I was angry and upset. I didn’t mean it,” you plead, looking for any sign of remorse from him. 
“You left the fucking state!” he shouted, startling you. David hardly ever raised his voice at you. “You can’t just run away when something goes wrong! Yes, you had every right to be mad at me, but God, you can’t just disappear on me.” 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, tears flowing down your face by now. David’s cold eyes softened, he hated seeing you cry. Without saying anything, David wrapped his arms around you, pulling you in for a hug. You were sobbing at this point, and you knew he was crying too. “I’m so sorry.”
David didn’t know what to say. He was still in love with you, but he wasn’t sure he could be with you. It was his turn to say it. “I love you, I really do. But, I need space. You should go.”
Your arms dropped from around his waist and you stepped backwards. This couldn’t be the end, you wouldn’t let it. But this wasn’t a decision for you to make. You were the one who left, and you were the one who had to walk away until David decided he wanted you back in his life. So that’s exactly what you did. You walked away. 
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The Best Revenge (1/2) (DonnyxFem!Reader)
Requested  by @sodapop182​
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines
Let me know if you wanna be tagged in these! :)
It was early 1944...
The basterds' most recent mission led them to Switzerland, escorting one of the OSS' most important agents, along with top secret documents...
It took about two weeks to get from the middle of nowhere in  Nazi-Occupied France, to the middle of nowhere in neutral Switzerland.
They left the agent in the assigned point, and marched back the way they came immediately.
The sun had just set, the winter air was fierce. The snow was covering the ground. Hirschberg muttered through gritted, chattering teeth, "This fucking blows..."
Hugo grunted in agreement.
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That was the most they'd heard from him from the point they stepped foot in Switzerland.
Smitty's teeth were chattering so loudly, Omar joked that they could hear him over the goddamn alps...
Aldo sighed. He knew his soldiers were tired, cold, hungry, and needed a break, and a drink or two.
His eyes fell on a tavern.
Warm, soft, inviting orange light flooded through the windows and slated over the white snow piling over the street. Pots with small flowers were hanging over the window sills, snow flakes still draped over them.
And music.
Swing... Something the boys hadn't heard in so damn long...
Aldo's hands were at his hips, he smirked as he looked at the tavern. "Welll...waddya boys say to a night off?"
Smitty raised an eyebrow, "I thought our night off was when we got back h-"
Donny pushed him, "Shut the fuck up, Smitty!"
Aldo smiled, "Come on, boys. Let's see what em' Swiss  got."
The boys piled into the tavern, immediately greeted by warmth, hearing chattering, and expecting the music to be coming from a record...
They found a live band.
Omar and Smitty, having grown up in New York felt so at home hearing it...
They all looked at each other, smiling as if they'd just gotten away with murder. They ordered their drinks and piled into booths.
It wasn't long before the music started dying down. Hirschberg frowned, cupped his hands over his mouth, and yelled "Boooooo"
Wicki had to pull his hands away and rolled his eyes, "The swiss are neutral, don't start a fucking war in their bar!"
Hugo nodded, "He's right."
Everyone turned to him with wide yes, "What???"
Hugo misunderstood, believing they just hadn't heard him, not that they were shocked to actually hear him say something after almost two weeks. He held up his beer stein and remarked, "It's nice here..."
Before the basterds could express any amusement or shock at Hugo's sociability, the music started to die down, and the band leader took the microphone.
He started speaking in German, which made some of the boys tense up a little. Aldo sighed as he leaned back in the booth, sniffing some of his tobacco, "Relax, boys. This is Switzerland."
They all eased up again, laughed over their drinks, and tried to piece together what the man was saying.
According to the little that Wicki listened to, "He said somethin' about the tavern's jewel?"
Omar narrowed his eyes, "You sure you got that right?"
Donny laughed, "Maybe by jewels he means the tavern's got whores or-"
The rest of the tavern, mostly locals and regulars broke out into applause. The lights dimmed, and the band started back up. People silently teared up over the song...
They heard a soft, silvery voice, almost like the disembodied spirit of a muse, singing just for them...
Her words were in French, but they were understood.
She, like everyone else in the world at war, was living day by day...
One song led to another, and all the time, the boys like everyone else, listened over their glasses and their jokes.
But Aldo kept looking at you...
You looked so damn familiar.
So goddamn familiar, he couldn't stop thinking about it.
He was stunned when he figured out where he saw you before... It was too good to be true, he thought.
Donny looked at you, then back at Aldo. "Old man's gonna have to try harder than that..."
Donny chuckled a little to himself, then he made eye contact with you. His heart skipped a beat as you began to sing another song. One he'd heard a few times before he was deployed. "You had plenty money in 1922. You let other women make a fool of you. Why don't you do right, like some other men do..."
He was so drawn to you, your eyes, the way you moved your hair, he forgot all about the other basterds, his drink, and the fact that Aldo was staring at you too...
Hirschberg  was the one that pointed out, "She don't have any accent...Is it weird that she doesn't got a fucken accent?"
Omar rolled his eyes, "Will you shut up and listen?"
Aldo nodded, still looking at  you, but acknowledging Hirschberg...
Something wasn't right...
The next, and final song threw most of the tavern over the moon...
"When the lights go on again all over the world. And the boys are home again, all over the world. And rain or snow is all that may fall from the skies above, a kiss won't mean goodbye, but hello to love..."
That was it.
Aldo knew it had to be you...
At the end of that song, you thanked the crowd, the lights came back on, and you went to the counter for a drink.
Aldo looked back at the basterds, "Stay here."
The basterds started making jokes immediately, and somehow that burned Donny on the inside as he glared through a side eye.
Aldo knew you. He knew exactly who you were. Back in 1943, when he was just getting the team together, he had to look through masses of files to find the right basterds for the job.
Your file had been in one of the stacks.
For lack of better words, it was “fucking impressive.”
That was saying a lot, if it came from Aldo Raine.
He's already set aside a few files that he was sure on: Sergeant Donny Donowitz, Private Smithson Utivich, and Private Gerold Hirschberg.
He had already set your file with theirs. He didn't even finish flipping through it. He'd seen enough. He needed you on his team. At that point in the war, your body count was higher than Donny, Smitty, and Hirschberg's combined. Besides your impressive kill streak, you had stolen enemy tanks and planes. You had an eye for spies. And you yourself were useful for spying, knowing a few extra languages did come in handy.
You were exactly what he needed... Only a basterd would steal a goddamn tank behind enemy lines straight out of boot camp.
Aldo had just set your file on the desk with the other three, when his general happened to walk in. He took the files in his hands, smiling in approval, until he saw yours. "Oh...this...this must have slipped in by mistake, son."
The general had sighed, "Poor kid's MIA. Has been for a month or two, now. She was last seen running into a firefight. Every one of the boys on our side that was there didn't come back. Every one of them was accounted for and idetntified except for her.  It's most likely that she is a POW... Must've accidentally slippef this file in, sorry son."
Aldo flipped to the last page of your file, and saw a picture of you, and a paper with information about your home, your family, emergency contacts, the works.
It was stamped "MIA."
But there you were... nearly a year later. Not missing, and not in action. In a ruby red dress, fishnet stockings, and black gloves, sitting at a counter, drinking scotch.
He sat by you, ordered a drink, and remarked, "Didn't think Yankee tunes got so popular out here." He took a sip of his drink, and said, "You know, for bein' Swiss, your English is pretty good.... Perfect, I'd say."
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You muttered a quick, "Thank you."
Trouble was the last thing you wanted...that's why you were in Switzerland.
Aldo lowered his voice, and leaned onto the counter on his forearm,  "You were a goddamn legend, Y/n. Why'd you desert?"
And apparently, trouble was what you got. You took a sip, and thought, "This might as well happen..."
You stayed stoic. "I didn't desert." The truth was, it grated you to say it. You had been in denial all that time, never wanting to think about the day it would inevitably come back and haunt you.
"Really? Last I heard you were MIA, most likely a goddamn POW....Looks like you went AWOL,  instead kid. What'd you do, take a tank for  a goddamn joy ride for a year? Cause we call that deserting"
You kept a distant demeanor, "You don't know what you're talking about."
He sighed, "I know you're scared, kid. Don't doubt that something happened out there."
You looked up at him for the first time, instantly recognizing him from nothing other than stories: Aldo the Apache.
He knew war as much as you did.
But...that didn't matter much to you. Or at least, you acted like it didn't. "What's it to you?" You looked him square in the eyes."
"I'm a soldier, y/n. I'd say I'm a reasonable man. I know I wanna go home some day, see my old man and my sisters again. I know everyone wants to get home some day. You got a family, don't you, kid? Don'tcha got your ma and pop waiting for you? Brothers and sisters? Or do you want them to keep thinking you're dead?"
You didn't respond.
"You know, if you go back to the ol' U.S of A like this," He gestured to you and  your outfit, "You're still a goddamn deserter. You can get the death penatly."
You nodded and muttered, "So I'm staying here."
Even you resented yourself for that. And you had for quite some time.
"I know there's more to it...there's gotta be." He saw a scar, just between your collar bone and throat. Whether it was from a bullet or a blade, he couldn't tell,  but he knew it was from the war. "I know you don't want this. But I don't wanna be up in the Smoky Mountains five, ten years from now, open up the paper an' see you done got sat in the electric chair. Ya understand, kid?"
You knew this day would come. You couldn't run forever. You weren't exactly a deserter, but you knew he was right. Even if you'd tried to deny it yourself, you really wanted to go home some day. Dishonor and trial by desertion was no way to die.
Not after everything you'd seen and done...
Aldo ordered some Irish whiskey...closest thing he'd had to burning Tennessee bourbon in years.
Aldo looked at you, genuinely taking pity on what a legend had become: a forgotten ruin. He looked back at his basterds. He started out with eight men in his command, ended up with nine...and then lost three. Simon Sakowitz, Michael Zimmerman, and Andy Kagan.
He needed more basterds, and you needed a way out. "So how bout I cut you a deal, kid?"
You didn't look at him, but he noticed you raised your eyebrow.
A tell that maybe you were interested in what he had to say after all. Maybe being a lost cause was a facade, an attempt at salvation from fear.
"You join my team, we don't tell nobody we found you here. We tell the brass we broke you outta POW camp. None of em boys needa know what'chu been doin' since October 1942-"
He noticed you flinch when you even mentioned that time...
He knew for certain then that you hadn't been safe and sound, singing in a Swiss tavern all along. At least not the whole time.  He wanted to know what had really happened back in '42...but that wasn't part of the deal.
"No questions asked, little lady. You help us, we help you."
He could see softening in your eyes. He knew he was getting to you. "You know who we are, dontchu, little lady?"
You nodded slightly.
"Then you know this is your chance to get revenge for whatever happened. Time to get your name back. Get home some day...  And maybe rob 'em nazis blind again..."
He saw a flash of a smile in your eyes, and he smiled himself, "So, whaddya say, kid?"
You gunned your drink, and slammed the glass down, and turned to him. Fire in your eyes like there hadn't been for near two years. A devilish grin as you pulled off your black gloves,  "One hundred scalps, chief?"
Aldo smirked, "That's the deal kid."
You nodded, and shook his hand.
Even though the basterds were all within earshot of the bargain, Donny was the only one who kept his mouth shut long enough to listen. They'd all assumed Aldo had just gone over to be 'friendly.'
Donny was the only one jealous enough to listen.
And he regretted it...
He wanted to know why and how Aldo already knew your name. How he knew you were a deserter...
What's more, it infuriated Donny because deserters were cowards to him.
He glanced up as Aldo brought you over to the table, and for a moment, his fury subsided. He saw something in your eyes. A silent story... A mystery that needed to be pieced together.
"Well, boys, this is y/n. She's a basterd if I ever met one."
Everyone started to laugh.
"How drunk are you?"
"Since when are you a light weight?!"
"All that tobacco finally went to your brain, huh boss?"
Aldo cleared his throat, "Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. This is Private Y/n L/N. You might know her better as the Harpy."
Dead silence fell on the table before there was clamoring for answers.
You were a late legend. You were known for stealing from the nazis to benefit the allies. Tanks, planes, blue prints.  You also went as far as pickpocketing Nazis, and picking locks to raid their homes for any information that would help.
Smitty gasped and managed to blurt out, "You're supposed to be dead!'
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Omar rolled his eyes at him, "Great decorum, kid."
Hirschberg shook his head, narrowing his eyes in susoicion, "No...You're supposed to be a POW, that's what I heard."
Hugo nodded slowly. That was what he heard too.
As they baraged you with rumors and questions, Aldo shook his head, "She'll be joining us, but in exchange, no one asks her fucken questions about where she's been, what she's done, and what's done happened to her since she disappeared. Understood?"
Donny glared right at you, and muttered "She's a fucking deserter," before anyone had a chance to say 'yes sir.'
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Before anyone turned against you, Aldo smirked, "Now, Donny, a deserter has no intention of ever coming back. But, you leave 'n come back, even after fifty fucken years, it's considered going AWOL. She ain't no goddamn deserter...at least, not anymore. So, Y/n's a basterd, no one asks any questions, understand?"
The boys muttered a less enthusiastic "Yes sir," than he would've liked but, they still agreed.
And Donny now had another piece of the puzzle.
You were the Harpy. Named after the Greek myths known for stealing and torturing a king. Your stealth and skills as a thief confounded the nazi regime for quite some time, until you disappeared.
One piece of the puzzle. But whatever happened between your disappearance and now was a mystery.
Donny never liked mysteries much, they were too draining.
Puzzles took too much time.
He wasn't going to figure you out. Frankly, he had more important things to do, like...killing nazis. He decided that in his eyes you were still a goddamn deserter. You didn't deserve any redemption or even a place among the basterds.
Especially since they'd recently lost Sakowitz, Zimmerman, and Kagan.
Months passed. The Basterd's were planning a stake out outside of a high ranking nazi's cabin.
A shipment of gold and priceless art stolen from Jewish families all over Europe was coming in.
The Basterd's were sent for retribution.
Most of the basterds had started warming up to you by them. Aldo took you under his wing, and sided with you, especially in the beginning when you faced cut-throat coldness and comments from the boys. After a few months, it was more welcoming... Hugo at least acknowledged your existence....
But Donny refused to speak to you unless it was absolutely necessary. He never trusted you, and it had gotten in the basterds way quite a few times. This time, it was especially annoying. Donny almost let you get your cover and your head blown.
It wasn't until Smitty spoke up.
Aldo sighed, "Hugo, Omar take the northern side. Em nazi fuckers like to go hunting up there... If they do, you go hunting. Smitty and Hirschberg, road up back west is where they come in. Make sure e'ry nazi drives up makes it to the cabin. Wicki, you n me 'll take the eastern post, make sure none of em get away. Donny-"
Donny's eyes shot wide open... there was only one basterd left he could be teamed up with.
He shook his head, "Aldo, no."
Aldo ignored him, "Donny you and Y/N go down south. Look after each other." He turned to the entire team, "That goes for all of you."
Donny started to protest.... frankly you did too. "But-" You stepped forward, "Lieutenant?"
Aldo turned to Donny, "That's an order, boy." He turned to the boys. "Look after each other. All of you. You're a goddamn team. Germans, former deserters, and young 'uns, we're all basterds here. Trust each other, it's how we survive. Understood?" "Yes sir." Aldo nodded, "We meet back here at midnight, take out everyone we didn't get to.  Plan everything else from there. Move out."
Donny trudged through the woods. As everyone split up.  He muttered under his breath about you being a deserter.
You stopped.
"Yeah?" He turned around in a huff.
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"South's that way." You pointed opposite of the way Donny was going. He sighed and followed you, muttering atrocities under his breath.
He refused to work with you, or even trust you at all, even after making a name for yourself among the one and only basterds. Still, you couldn't blame him.. But you also knew there was  a limit to these things. Everyone else learned to trust you, but he was a tough one.
The problem with him not trusting you was that the basterds depended on each other to survive.
Aldo knew that. Being a bit older and a tiny bit more mature, he knew something else too. He smirked as he turned around and saw you and Donny disappear beyond the trees together. Aldo was pleased with how he split up the basterds.
Wicki sounded a bit concerned, "They're gonna kill each other, Aldo."
Smitty sighed, just before parting from his corporal and lieutenant,  "If they haven't already..."
Aldo smirked, "Nah... there's more to it than that."
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Smitty didn't quite understand, but he didn't take the time to question it. He ran off into the woods to find Hirschberg.
Wicki raised his eyebrow for a moment, then understood with a sly grin, and followed his lieutenant.
Meanwhile, you and Donny were hidden, watching the cabin from the southern post.
"You keep fucking groaning like that and you'll blow our cover."
Donny shook his head, audibly and visibly annoyed, "Fuck off."
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Immature as it was, you had no other way to respond, "You fuck off."
"I'm your-"
You rolled your eyes, "Sergeant, I know, I know. But I'm a basterd now. I've been paying off my debt to Aldo. I'm back in the war. I know I fucked up, but gimme a chance sarge. Not for me but for the team's goddamn sake."
Donny put his gun down for a moment and looked at you, and for that moment you had some hope.
Instead he remarked, "I don't know you, I don't like you."
"You don't have to like me.-"
"I know Aldo says to trust you, but I'm not gonna trust a goddamn deserter." He sighed, thinking more about his responsibility to the team. You were right, and he'd never admit it... He sighed. "Alright kid. If I trust you, then you gotta trust me back."
You clenched your jaw. Your heart skipped a beat.
You don't know what possessed  you to set your rifle down, and look your sergeant in the eyes. You rolled up your sleeves, pulled your hair away from your shoulders. "Last time  I trusted someone I got this." You pulled down your collar and he saw a scar from a nazi's machete.
But that wasn't what caught his eye.
It was the numbers etched into your skin with ink.
Donny had long doubted that you had been a POW. He believed you'd just deserted, and used the rumors as a scapegoat for some saving grace...
But you'd unintentionaly confirmed the rumor.
Everything changed in that moment to him.
He was silent, and looked away.
He nodded, picked his gun up,  and looked back at the cabin in the distance.
"Alright... alright kid.  I trust you. All you gotta do is follow orders."
You nodded, "I'm a soldier. It's what I do."
Donny nodded and looked back through the trees.
You sat in silence for what seemed like a thousand nights.
It had only been about twenty minutes.
Donny heard shuffling beside him, and looked at you. You'd picked up a pistol. One not given to you by the basterds...
Or even the military.
Donny knew it wasn't standard issue. He was absolutely shocked as you followed your gaze, back to the cabin where a 1943 bugatti pulled up, and a few nazis walked up to the door.
You shut one eye and cocked your head to the side.
Donny eyes widened and he pushed your gun down, "What're you doing?! You're gonna blow our fucking cover!"
"That's colonel Landa."
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Donny narrowed his eyes in confusion... "Ok, and?" To him, a nazi was a nazi. He didn't care about their names or their ranks. They were all inhuman piles of fiflth, spat out by hell.
You sighed, and sat back. Your jaw tense, your heart racing as flashes from the POW camp came back to haunt you, deafening you, taking your eyes two years back.
You wanted it to stop...
You raised your hands up to the back of your head, and squeezed it, trying to ground yourself. You shut your eyes, as the ground beneath your knees seemed to shake, along with your breath.
Donny's eyes fell on the numbers scratched into your skin, and in that moment, he understood exactly who Hans Landa was.
But the basterds were still in danger.
They still had a mission. Aldo's orders were still orders. And you were still a soldier.
It wasn't time...
"Stand down, private."
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You looked him in the eyes, "Let me take this shot, sarge. Just this one shot."
"Stand down. That's an order."
You shut your eyes, and let your gun fall to the damp moss beneath you.
Your pistol was yours alone. And the bullet in it belonged to Hans Landa. His name was engraved on it.
Your gaze was steely, cold, and distant  as you watched Landa laughing on the porch, a drink in his hand, surrounded by his friends.
All nazis...
You couldn't stop looking until they went back inside.
Then you heard shuffling...You looked, and  saw that Donny had sat by you. He looked down, but asked, "This is about revenge, isn't it, kid?"
"That's what all this has been about." You eyed the nazi dogtags Donny hung around his neck as trophies.
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Donny cleared his throat, "Your gun's not standard issue."
"Neither is your bat."
He smiled a little as he glanced at it, "You're right..."
You were quiet again, and he could see the rage in your eyes.
"Yeah?" Your eyes never broke away from the cabin.
"If it were up to me, I woulda let you take that asshole down...But we can't blow everyone's cover, right now." He sighed, remembering a similar mistake that cost Simon his life not too long before. "Not now, ok?"
"Got it, chief." You took a steady breath, remembering you were a soldier, nothing more. "Orders are orders..."
Donny looked down, an unexpected wave of sympathy washing over him. "You'll get your revenge some day, kid. I promise."
He looked at you, and smiled softly, "You know...the best revenge is when you go home, knowing that you live in a world without them."
You sighed, and nodded, as you sat back and watched the cabin. Noting which nazis arrived.
At midnight, you reconvened with the basterds and made a plan.
Only one nazi made it out that night and it was Hans Landa.
You kept quiet about it, not wanting all the basterds to know why it bothered you specifically.
Donny just leaned in and spoke softly... Something a basterd from Boston didn't do quite often, "I'm sorry, kid. You'll get him some day."
In that moment, all you wanted was revenge. You thought you were sure of that.
A year passed... There was something more that you wanted.
And you realized that during Operation Kino...
To be continued...
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idkhyuck · 4 years
Fallen  Leaves- Fireflies Pt2
SO THIS IS GOING TO BE A FOUR PART FOUR SEASON SERIES. fireflies was summer, Fallen leaves will be Fall and There will be a winter/christmas then spring version. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK 
HERE’S PT1 if you haven’t read it  https://idkhyuck.tumblr.com/post/186835769930/fireflies-nct-dream-fanfic-pt1-i-couldnt-shake
OT6 DREAM BESTFRIEND!READER Y/N is still struggling with her feelings for Chenle a few months after the Camping trip. An opportunity arises for her to tell him. Does Chenle feel the same way I woke up and reached for my phone. “We’re home in a week pack your bags!!” from Jisung to our group chat.
“huh?” i sent back, Then he sent back the video of him and Chenle in Shanghai “still not getting it.” i said “you’re going on a trip with Chenle
“WE ALL ARE!” Jaemin said “We’re going to Shanghai!” He said
“WHAT?!” i sent back just as my phone rang with a FT from Chenle “WHAT?!” i answered it, my voice cracking because i was still half asleep
“no need to be that excited.” I hear Renjun in the background.
“shut up.” i groaned into the phone.
“we leave the day after we get back.” Chenle said with his big smile on his face
“What i have to buy my ticket.”
“already bought.” Chenle said.
“for real?!” i asked
“Yup.” He said smiling at me “go to sleep. you look tired.”
“I’m just waking up. Shut up.” i said sitting up. “good luck tonight.” i said “RENJUNNIE FACETIME ME AFTER THE SHOW! I NEED TO BRUSH UP ON MY MANDARIN!” i said hopefully loud enough for him to hear.
“Fine.” he said followed by “ah this girl it never ends.” in mandarin
“hey!” i said “i got that!” pouting into the phone
“good!’ he said as Chenle threw a pillow at him.
“We’ll talk more about our plans later. okay?” Chenle asked
“yeah of course”:
“k. see you soon.” He said then he was gone. I laid back down. Wow, our trip was finally happening.We talked about this for years! Chenle has had dreams about it It was finally happening. I thought back to the last time we talked about it. It was on the camping trip Renjun had wanted to go out and look at the stars by the lake before we left the next day, Chenle and i tagged along everyone else was at the camp relaxing. It was fine Renjun spent the first bit talking about the sky and constellation and usual Renjun stuff then he fell asleep.
I went to shake Renjun’s arm but chenle’s hand on my shoulder stopped me, i turned to him. He was looking at me with sparkly eyes
“Let him sleep for a bit.” he said then laid back and patted the spot beside him on the blanket. I shifted over away from Renjun and sat beside Chenle Hugging my knee looking down at him “He’s gonna drive back he’s probably tired.” he said i nodded “It really is beautiful.” chenle said with a sigh as he placed his folded hands behind his head. He looked so grown up, His chest was getting broad. The little bit of muscle in his arm. His super sharp Jawline. I couldn’t help but think back to the night after the lake and how he felt so warm against me as we shared a towel as we walked back to the camp. I blinked the thoughts away and looked up at the stars.
“I’m so glad we did this.” i said “i’ll never forget this trip.” i said
“Lets hope we can do Shanghai soon.” he said then there was a flash and a click of my polaroid camera. i looked down to see him holding it towards me. I couldn’t help but smile. “you need to be in the pictures too.” he said i could tell he was blushing even in the moonlight. His pale skin was so light.
“What will we do in Shanghai?” i asked him.
“We can eat, We can play games. We can go to the parks and play basketball.” he said. i looked down at him
“take me on the boat?”
“We can do the boat.” he said “you’ll love the view. It’s so pretty.” He said smiling at me. i looked away and back up at the sky
“I can’t wait.” i said. “Do you miss it often?” i asked him
“sometimes.” he said “but i get so busy, i don’t have time to be homesick. and like when i go there i get homesick for here.” he said quietly “it’s a never ending cycle. My heart is in two places and i’m perfectly okay with that.”he said “i want to experience it with you guys so like it kind of puts and end to that separation of the two things that mean the most to me.” he said.
“I get that.” i said “it’d be nice to see all the things you talk about.” i said “get to know that chenle a bit.” i said
“YOU already know me though.” He said.
“I know.” i said smiling at him “i’m thankful for that.” I said as i laid down beside him with a little space between us.
“You think you’re future girlfriend will hate me?” i asked him
“nah. if she does, she’s not worth it.”
“CHENLE!” i said half loudly so i wouldn’t wake Renjun elbowing his arm “She could be you’re soulmate and still hate me.”
“We’re friends. Anyone in my life has to accept that.” he said “fan’s too.” he said
“fan’s scare me.” i admitted. “I think that’s why i like it here so much. No one even knows us. knows you guys. no staff constantly watching, No need to be on my best bahaviour like in school. No need to be careful in public. just us being us.” i said
“It’ll be like this in Shanghai too.” he said. “My house is safe.”  He said patting my arm. i felt my arm hair stand up and goosebumps form and hoped he didn’t notice.
“That’ll be nice.” i said
“Home is kind of my safe place.I’m able to separate this a bit more.” he said waving his arms “Like yes i was famous there and i had the whole career but like this is so much more than i ever imagined it could be.” he said “And it’s only starting.”
“You were meant to be a star.” i said to him
“ah.” he said waving his hand at me.
“i’m serious.” i said “We’re just little tiny stars all in the universe and you’re one of the ones that shines bright like those ones.” i said pointing up hoping he’d giggle at my cheesiness. a small laugh and a shove later i continued, i could feel him blushing beside me. “all of you guys are meant to be doing what your doing. so incredibly talented and hard working. Chenle. you debuted in 3 months.” i said “you’re amazing.” i said turning to see him looking at me. “I’ll always be your biggest fan.” i said
“you were our first.” he laughed looking me in the eye his eyes lit up. I honestly though he was going to kiss me. My heart was kind of starting to race.
“and i’ll be your last.” i said quietly, pulling my eyes away sitting up so i could breathe normally Idk why we have this insane chemistry all of a sudden. “I can’t wait to see your safe space.” i said to him as he sat up and hugged his knees. He passed me my camera. I took one of him sitting there. he started protesting, causing renjun to stir and wake up.
“how long have i been asleep?” he asked
“a few minutes.” Chenle lied “Let’s go back. It’s late.” renjun still looked at his clock confused. i looked down at my phone, at least an hour had passed. wow it didn’t feel like it. I wonder why Chenle lied about the time but i didn’t want to think too much into it.  We made out way back to camp chenle and i falling into sync behind Renjun who led the way back. I’d sneak glances at him as he walked. he would smile at me and look away. I often thought about that night and wondered if just maybe he liked me too.
I looked out the window as we landed. We were finally in Shanghai. Staying at Chenle’s house for two weeks. The boys fresh off tour needing a break. We were going to eat dinner at Chenle’s place his mom as here getting everything ready for us. tomorrow we’d go out to eat and go to the theme park Him and Jisung went to last time. We all excitedly got our bags at the airport. Again no staff, it was weird. I was able to sneak through the airport in seoul with them. they put a black mask on me and a huge hat and put my hair up. i walked between Jeno and Jisung so i wouldn’t be too visible. The bodyguards escorted us to our plane and left us on our way. i’ve never been in that kind of pandemonium before. and this was for a private schedule, I didn’t even want to think of public schedule. Flashes and flashes of cameras. Trying to get close. I just looked down the whole time and kept pace with the boys. once on the plane i was able to breathe. I don’t know how they did that. It was so freeing being in the shanghai airport with them no staff, no fans from what i could tell. No camera’s We made our way out to our car.
“it’s so cool!” i said to chenle who sat up front.
“it gets better!” He said. He spent the whole ride telling us random facts about all the places we passed. He’s really taking on a leadership role in the planning of this trip and it makes my heart swell. We pulled up to his house and his mom was already cooking it was all you could smell when you walked in and it was amazing. We all said our hellos and made our way up into the rooms they had set up for us. We all played rock paper scissors to decide who slept where. Jaemin, Renjun, Haechan and I were in the spare room while Jeno and Jisung got to sleep in Chenle’s room. There were bed mats for us to us and blankets and pillows.
“This will be so much comfier than the camping trip.” i said as i laid out on my mat.
“I was sore for a week.” Haechan said as he placed himself in the middle of the room.
“I don’t know why mattress pads didn’t cross our minds while shopping.” Jaemin said as he shoved his bag against the wall behind him. We all slowly made our way into Chenle’s room. We all played around with all of his things. I sat on the Piano Bench beside him as he played the piano he had in the corner of his room. He was playing the softest most beautiful melody. I forgot the others were here until Haechan sat on the other side of him shoving us over and me off the bench
“My turn.” he said i steadied myself and went over and shoved him over as he was playing making him mess up his song.
“We need to go to a gaming cafe here.” Jeno said as he laid on the bed he made on the floor.
“We can do that.” Chenle said as he got up from the bench. He turned on his TV and we flipped through the channels. Chinese TV was so different yet. I struggled to pick up on the words and i had been studying with Renjun for  the past week. We ended up leaving it on some Cartoon we’ve all seen at least 100 times since childhood. We played with a deck of cards for like an hour while listening to music. Chenle’s mom called us down and we were all so impressed with the spread of food she had out. I’ve had dinner at Chenle’s house before so i recognized some of the dishes but some were new to me and i was so excited to try it out. I brought my polaroid to dinner and held it up asking chenle’s mom for permission she nodded and i started taking pictures of everything. The food,  The boys making thier plates. Chenle’s mom looking at us all proud. I sat down with my plate in front of me. i didn’t know where to start, it looked so good. We all dug in and ate while talking about all the things we wanted to do tomorrow. It as late and by time i was done eating i was ready for bed. i thanked Chenle’s mom and took my pictures and went up to put them in my album i looked back at the ones of the summer. Us on the camping trip. My favourite is the one i took of chenle the night we were by the lake. I turned out so well, i could never find the one he took of me. it must have blew away when we were cleaning up our campsite. I put all my new ones in my album.
“we’re gonna play for awhile. wanna join?” Jaemin asked as he came in and grabbed his pajamas from his bag
“I’m exhausted and full.” i said “i’m going to go to bed.”
“night!” he said as he walked out into the next room. I took out my jammies and went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. i washed my face up and put my hair up. I made my way back out to the room and heard the boys yelling and playing. I fell asleep fast the night out of exhaustion from the excitement
“I wanna do it!” I said excitedly looking up at Chenle as we stared at the Rollercoaster above us.
“are you sure?” Jeno asked, i nodded and grabbed both their hands and went to stand in line. Jeno pulled his hand from mine to grab his phone out of his pocked but Chenle left his and I liked it. His hand was warm in mine and as much as i enjoyed it, i pulled away to turn and look at the line in front of us. The rollercoaster boomed above us and i jumped
“You’re not scared already.” Jeno teased from behind me. i turned to glare at him. It wasn’t long before we were locked into the potential death trap. My heart was kind of racy as we started rolling out onto the track. We zoomed a few times i didn’t mean to scream but i did. I looked to see Jeno laughing beside me and Chenle having the time of his life on the other side of me. I was clinging to the restraint for dear life. We neared one of the peaks the coaster started slowing, inching closer to the top, my heart really racing now in my ears. i looked out at how high we were. I could feel the tension in the air as we climbed slowly my stomach dropping with each inch. Chenle must have sensed my fear because suddenly he as taking my hand in his. my heart racing for a whole new reason now when suddenly WHOOSH!
“AHHHHH!” was all you heard as the coaster whipped us around the track, My eyes were buring at the speed, My hair a mess behind me. The wind hitting my face so hard i was sure my lips were flapping. The rest of the ride was a blur of zooming around and up and down and all i really cared about was the warm hand holding mine. I unintentionally squeezed a few times. He would squeal from beside me and we’d laugh but he never took it back. When we came to a stop i didn’t want to let go but he was pulling away to undo his straps. i did the same. My head was kind of spinny, and i felt so incredibly high on life. The adrenaline in my veins pumping like crazy. I hopped up and went running
“JAEMINNIE! THAT WAS AMAZING!” I said as i ran up behind him hugging him. He pulled me around front and held me at arm’s lenght
“Are you sure? did the ride knock you out?” he asked shaking me around laughing.”How many fingers?” he asked holding up his hand. i shoved him off as Haechan, Jisung and Renjun approached us with drinks for everyone.
“You guys are missing out!” Chenle said as he took his drink from Jisung. Jisung looked at it as it took off again shook his head no. We all started walking again. The park was pretty empty today. I think it was because school had started and it was fall. It was a really  nice fall day, Sunny warm. i didn’t need a jacket. The sun not quite as high as it used to b but still shining bright. We ate at a hotpot place before we came here. It was so good. It was mid afternoon.
“Can we please ride this?” I turned to ask them as they all looked at the carousel with varying degrees of disgust. “please?” i asked cutely
“ugh fine.” Jeno said as he walked towards the line
“never do that again.” Renjun said pretending to gag, I grabbed him from behind and said
“but i love Renjunie.” in the most disgustingly cute voice i could muster.
“AGH!” he said triyng to shove me off.
“Meanie.” i said letting go and reaching for Jaemin  “At least Jaemin loves me.” i said standing beside him pouting as he put his arm around me. Renjun laughed at me and rolled his eyes and pulled me away from jaemin into his arms. He held me close to him as we made our way to the front of the line. and let me go as it was our turn to enter. I grabbed haechan’s hand and led him towards the horses in the middle. Jisung and Chenle followed and argued about the horse in front of me. We all chose horses on one side. Skinship with these boy was something i was so used to. What i was not used to was the new feeling i got from being cuddly and touchy with chenle. It was never this bad even with the other boys when i liked them. I know that’s just mr overthinking into liking him and that scared me. Like he obviously doesn’t feel it and i need to work on getting over him.
The ride started the soft music playing above us as the horses went up and down. I took my camera and took pictures of each boy on their horses. We were all having fun going around the carousel. this was the most carefree i’ve seen them in a long time. They worked so hard after we got back that summer to prepare for comeback. They still had their final concert for this comeback in Korea just before Christmas. I could tell they weren’t worried about work for once and just living in the moment laughing and teasing each other. I was so grateful they were able to do this. The ride went be all to fast. and we were back on our hunt through the park
“Let’s play some games.” Renjun said as we passed huge section of carnival games.
“This one first” Jisung said going up to a basketball game.
“I’m no good at basketball!” i postested.
“We can be a team.” Chenle offered, He was the best and we all knew it. i nodded at him. The rest of the boys all lined up at thier baskets me beside Chenle. he winked at me as the balls dropped. They all started shooting their balls into the baskets. Jeno and Jaemin we’re aguing over a ball that got away from someone. Jisung was really focused. Renjun and Haechan shoving each other trying to make the other miss. I turned to see Chenle had the lead.
“Come on!” i said cheering him on, He was trying really hard not to smile and keep focusing. The time was running out there was 5 seconds left he shoved a ball at me. I flung it. and watched it fall through the hoop as the buzzer rang. He still won without my help but he was excitedly screeching as we won. I could hear the boys behind me. “OH MY GOD!” I said turning to see everyone
“she actually got one in!” Jaemin said excitedly.
“I think you deserve this.” Chenle said handing me our prize. An orange dolphin.
“Aw it’s cute!” i said “Thank you!” I said looking up at him, His orange hair now fading. “Like you.” i teased him reaching up to pat his head and laughed as the boys all cackled behind me, him turning various shades of pink. ““Let’s do this one next.” I said pointing to a shooting game. We spent the next three hours playing games. We all ended up with one prize or another. Haechan got a small honey colour bear at one of the games and he gave it to me too. I clung to both of them as we sat down in the Food truck area.
“I saw a sign for fireworks.” Renjun said walking over with a cup of ice cream and sat beside me. I looked at him then the spoon, the him again. He sighed and shoved a spoonful towards me.
‘”We should stay!” Jisung said “it’s getting dark anyway.” A shiver ran up my spine. The Fall air now blowing in as the sun set.
“it’s gettting cold.” i said another shiver threatening to escape me. i looked around at all of them wearing long sleeve t-shirts not bothered by the cold.
“Well you should have dressed right.” Haechan said.
“it was so nice!” i said protesting as i turned down another spoon of ice cream from renjun.
“you’re cold?” Chenle asked as he sat down across the table with a plate of donuts. i nodded.
“give her your hoodie.” Jaemin said.”we don’t have anything.”
“oh yeah.” he said taking off his hoodie to reveal a tighter white long sleeve underneath. “here.” he said throwing it across the table.
“thank you” I said grabbing it and slipping into it. I hoped to god my face was straight;. It was warm like him, The sleeves long and stretched because he’s always pulling them over his hands.I pulled them over my hands and cuddled into it as i zipped up
“better?” Jeno asked as he stood up. “Let’s go get something to eat.” He said to me and Jaemin. I got up and followed beside him, He suddenly came to a stop once we were on the other side of the rest area. “do you like Chenle?” he asked. I was shocked. Maybe i wasn’t as good at hiding it as i thought.
“WHAT?!” i asked shocked. as Jaemin just gave me a look
“he knows.” Jaemin said.
“you told him?!” i asked him
“no he found out on his own.”
“tell him!!” Jeno said
“why?” i asked
“Because Jaemin and i think he might like you too.” Jeno said.  
“you’ve discussed this.”i said flatly. staring at them as they both looked guilty
“I’ve come up with a tiny plan.” Jeno said
“oh god.” i said nervous for his tiny plan
“Okay so Chenle said he’s planning to take us on the city boat ride thingy because you asked. “i’m going to get the others to stay behind so it’s just you two!” he said “on the boat in the pretty city lights.” i blushed as he said all this “see i knew you’d like it.
“how will you get the others to stay. you won’t tell them right?” i asked him worried
“no i’ll suggests a gaming tournament or something at his house.” He said. I looked up at him unsure “it’ll be fine.” he said
“and if he doesn’t like me?” i asked him.
“Then you stay friends.” He said.
“WHY are you and Jaemin so sure we’ll remain friends through all of this.”
“Because You’ve like every single one of us and you’re still here and completely over it.”
“what?!” i said “not everyone.”  I said looking down. “DOES Jaemin just tell you everything?! do you gossip in a group chat or something?” i said annoyed but half laughing. “:worse than old women.” i said walking away from him.
“Not everything.” Jaemin said from behind me, i sighed as i walked up to a place that sold american street food. I picked a hot dog and fries. The boys wouldn’t shut up about american hot dogs when they got back.
Chenle’s POV.
I watched as she walked ahead of us towards the firework viewing area. She was wearing my hoodie, And it looked so good on her. I’m kind of glad none of the other boys had a hoodie with them. I hated that i liked her like this. The first girl I get a real crush on and it’s her. I can pin point the exact moment. We were at the SM christmas party dancing, some slow song came on. She looked up at me through her lashes. Her eyes met mine and goosebumps formed all over my body.
“when did you get so tall?” She asked me. I’d grown quite a few centimeters that fall and she was just noticing. It made me happy. I left for China the next day and wondered if she still thought of me as a child. I brought her back that candy and i almost kissed her in that moment but didn’t because oh my god we were best friends. She was a whole year older than me. There was no way she could like me. but she’d tease me. I was still busy pining after her well into the summer. We went on our camping trip, I watched as she slept on Jeno’s shoulder on the van ride there. I hated that it made me jealous. I loved the moments we shared on that trip. Talking in the early morning while everyone slept. She had a crush on Haechan in the past so it wasn’t exactly like she was pining over me like she did him. But the Crush on Jeno surprised me. I would have never guessed. I learned that she had like both of them and it bugged me. I hated that i felt this way, Why did i have to have a crush on her of all people. Her perfect pretty smile Her kind eyes. Her soft hands that make my heart go crazy. You don’t fall in love with you’re best friend. I tried so hard to like other girls in school, At the office. even fans. Nothing could stop me at this point. I still have that picture i took of her of that night at the lake with Renjun. I always wondered if she lost it. She always looked so content flipping through her little albums. I loved when she took pictures of us.I hate that she can be so openly cuddly with the members and it doesn’t affect them but the moment she makes the tiniest contact with me my heart starts racing and i feel all warm and blushy. I wished i was better at hiding my blush because she thinks it the cutest thing.
“here!” Jisung said sitting himself down on the cement “This is a good spot.” he said patting the ground around him. I went and sat beside him. My arms were kind of chilly but i didn’t mind because she sat beside me and leaned her head on my shoulder. I tried my best to relax, I debated putting my arm around her but decided against it.
“I’m so tired.” She said hugging her dolphin tightly.I picked that on purpose. I died my hair orange this last comeback, and well a dolphin for obvious reasons. I wondered if she would pick up on it eventually. She lit up when Haechan gave her that bear, i wondered if she still liked haechan
“We did so much today.” Jeno said reading through a flyer he was handed a minute ago.
“I had so much fun.” she said “Thanks.” She said hugging my arm
“for what?” I asked
“for bringing us here” We had about half an hour before the fireworks, The guys sat there on thier phones. I scrolled mine too trying really hard to not overthink her relaxing on my shoulder. Her breathing was getting softer and softer, i heard a tiny snore and so did renjun on the other side of because he started tapping everyone to look over now the blush was really rising. They all started laughing in hushed tones.
“don’t move!” Haecan said quietly getting up. He stood in front of us and was taking pictures on his phone ,He went and sat back down giggling. I couldn’t help but laugh at them as they all gathered around his phone screen to look at the picture. She snored again causing them to lose their shit again. Jaemin took her polaroid from beside her and took one with that.
“you guys!” Jisung said looking at his phone as the picture from Haechan came into our groupchat “She’s going to kill you.” he said giggling. They were having their fun with this and ran off when a drink cart drove by. I decided they wouldn’t notice if i put my arm around her for a little bit. I slowly lifted it up to be behind her. i rested my hand on her arm. much to my surprise she snuggled into me. My breath hitched a little and i was worried i startled her. but she continued snoring softly. I don’t know how often i thought of this. Being this close with her cuddling. Her hair soft against my face, He breathing onto me. Her warmth consuming me entirely. Renjun was the first back from the cart. He was still laughing as he saw us.
“oh she really means business now!” he laughed as he sat back down “wake her up she’ll get scared if the fireworks start.” i shook my hand a little
“Y/N” i whispered close to her ear. it took everything in me not to kiss her forehead. “wake up.” he said
“hmm.” she said stirring “why?” She asked
“fireworks are starting soon!  you can cuddle later!” Haechan said loudly as he came back. She shot straight up, i held my hands up i didn’t know what to do. A deep blush rose on her cheek and she looked absolutely adorable as she stuttered half asleep about not cuddling. She picked up the dolphin she had dropped and eyed Renjun’s drink. He sighed as he handed it to her to take a sip. the first firework went off. she reached for her camera started trying to take pictures of  the fireworks that were coming up.
“Guys go stand there!” she said. “please?” she said then we all got up and stood in front of her with the fireworks going off behind us. she took three different pictures before someone who was sat behind us offered to take one with her in it. She came and stood in the middle between Jeno and I. She wrapped her arms around me. i couldn’t help but smile huge as i put my arm around her as the flash went off. the moment gone all too quick she ran back and said her thanks the lady and then sat back down with all of her pictures around her. We all went back. The fireworks were really beautiful. Jaemin said
“go stand there we’ll take some of you.” she got up and jaemin handed me the camera with a huge smile. i took it and watched her as she turned towards us making her cute little poses. i took a few. the finale was coming and she got distracted and turned around. everyone was watching the fireworks now. I took out my phone and quickly snapped a picture of her watching them. He face lit up, wrapped up in my hoodie, the glow of the fireworks behind her. God i think i might be in love.
the first week has passed, We ate out more than i could ever imagine i was gonna gain like 20 pounds by time we got back to korea. We went to a few movies, and spent quite a bit of time at the gaming cafe. Jaemin and Jisung took turns letting me play with them even though it usually resulted in them getting killed. Tonight was our boat tour. Jeno has been setting his plan into action and i was freaking out inside the plan was for Jaemin and i to go shopping with Chenle. Then we we got back they’d be all gone so it’d just be us three then Jaemin would come up with a stomach ache last minute and stay home. We pulled up to the mall and made our way inside. The boys went to a few of their favourite stores before they finally let me shop for myself.
“We have an hour and a half before we have to be back.” Chenle said putting his new bucket hat on. i nodded and led them into a clothing store. I scoured the racks really quickly and found a dress i could wear that night. I called jaemin over quickly Chenle tried to come and i told him no
“for tonight?” i whispered to jaemin as he peered through the curtain. It was a dark floral dress that came just above my knees
“won’t you be cold?” he asked me
“i’ll get those knee socks.” i said pointing behind him
“don’t try and kill him all at once now.” Jaemin laughed i just pushed him out and changed back into my sweats.I mulled over that thoughts that chenle could see me in that way my cheeks warm. I had no problem being attracted to him. but these boys never talked about pretty girls or liking things like this, at least not around me all that much. I grabbed a pair of socks and we went to check out. we walked around for a little bit more and i ended up with some new make up.
“We’re leaving in half an hour!” Chenle yelled when we walked into his house. his mom walked in
“They went to the cafe about an hour ago.”
“what?” jaemin said
“yeah, they said that someone invited them to a tournament.”
“ugh stupid boys” i siad pouting
“You guys can still go.” chenle’s mom said “She really wants to see the boat. Take her.” chenle’s mom said in mandarin and he nodded
“we’ll have fun.” he said to me with a huge smile on his face.i nodded pouting a little for emphasis “go get ready.” he nodded at me and i ran up his stairs. once in the comfort of my borrowed room i quickly ripped tags and packaging off of my new clothes and put them on. The socks slouching over my knees just right i slipped into my boots and debated on which jacket to wear. i ended up opting for a sweater. there was a knock on the door. followed by
“it’s me” from Jaemin
“i’m nearly ready.” i said as he walked in, i was starting my make up. i kept it light but did a different coloured lip.
“k i’m gonna go camp in the bathroom til you guys leave.” he said “good luck, you’ve got this.” i was doing my hair when i heard him and chenle yelling at each other. Chenle was getting mad at him for being in the bathroom so long. “fine just the two of us then. We have to go.” He said “y/n! you ready?” He asked i could hear him stomping down the stairs
“coming.” i  took a deep breath and went to take a look in he mirror in the corner of the room. I took another deep breath then made my way down the stairs. 
“the car will be-” he stopped mid sentence as he looked at me. I swear he stopped breathing oh my god maybe he does really like me.
“huh?” I said pretending not to notice looking down to hide the blush on my cheeks. He looked down really quickly his cheeks started deepening in colour too as he played with the zipper on his backpack.
“it’ll be here any minute.” he said quietly as he slid his backpack on “Jaemin isn’t feeling good so he’s not coming.”
“Just us then.” i said
“yeah” he said “mom we’re going outside.” He yelled “be back in a few hours.” he said as he opened the door for me. The car pulled up and We got in. He sat in the back with me. “you’ve got you camera?” he asked me, i nodded “Mom made me bring blankets and heatpacks.” he laughed as he patted his backpack. “The boat ride itself is really short but the walk along the river after is my favourite part.” He said scrolling through his phone showing me the picture him and jisung had taken. “I’m kind of sad that the others couldn’t make it.” he said “but like also i’m glad i get to take you.” He said quietly “you and i have been talking about this forever now.” he laughed  
“I’m excited.” i said “thank you.” i said putting my hand on top of his. he flipped his hand over and offered to hold mine. My heart was racing and i hoped he couldn’t hear it. I thought about when i’d tell him. it wasn’t long before we pulled up  to the boat there we’re a few people already lining up and we ran over. “Stand there.” i said pointing to the sign I took a picture. he came an stood beside me. i watched him as he took tickets out of his wallet i thought i caught a glimpse of a polaroid but he shoved it down quickly and put it away. i just noticed that he had changed from our mall trip. He was wearing a black shirt with a denim jacket over and a ball cap. it was simple but he actually took time to change from his grey sweats he was wearing earlier. my heart fluttered as he took my hand and led me onto the boat. he told me where him and jisung were last time and said that we got the better spot this time. He smiled excitedly as the boat started moving away from the shore. I tried my best to hide the nervousness, he was seemingly unaffected by all this and i was obviously over thinking. He pulled me to stand in front of him. and he stood behind me not quite hugging me but leaning in close enough so he could tell me all the different building names and all the different landmarks we passed. I could feel his warmth radiating around me and i was glad for it. The wind was hitting my face alot harder than i thought it would. I couldn’t help the few shivers that escaped
“you cold? “he asked.
“a little i nodded. “stay close.” i said he pulled away and soon i was being wrapped in a blanket i grabbed his arms as he reached around front to keep him there i caught a glimpse of the bracelet i made him on his wrist. he sighed as he placed his head on top of mine and continued his tour guide spiel. I tried my best to relax in his touch, I was so incredibly comforting to have him wrapped around me like this. I thought back to the summer when we were at the lake, I still wanted to turn around and kiss him.
“you listening?” he asked
“hmm.” i said. he turned me in his grip and said
“back there...” but then trailed off as i looked up at him. I could see him swallow hard as our eyes met. He was going to kiss me oh my god He was leaning down his eyes closing. I closed my eyes tried my best to ignore my heartbeat going off in my ears. Out lips met, i froze for a second and so did he but at the same time we settled into the kiss our lips moving against each other gently. His breath hot and sweet, his lips soft against mine. My first kiss and it was with chenle oh my god this was happening. I slowly reached up and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck he moved his hand from my shoulders to behind my back pulling me closer into him.I had no idea chenle could be like this. Like it was still so soft and gentle but like it was not soft platonic touches or cuddling. Goosebumps were forming where ever he touched and i could feel myself warming up. tightly against him it was all too much i couldn’t breathe, reluctantly i pulled away and looked at him. His lips covered in my lipstick, his cheeks red. He took a deep breath in, I quickly pulled him back down to meet my lips again and we kissed a little less cautious this time. My heart is pounding in my ears, i only pulled away because the boat had come to a rough stop at the shore again. 
“y/n..” chenle says looking at me worry evident in his eyes as he packed the blanket in the bag
“I need to tell you something” i said grabbing him by the hand, we both bowed to the boat attendant and I led him to a bench by a bush across from the entrance pier. i sat down first and dragged him down with me and quickly said “i like you.” i said looking him in the eye, the blush fading on his face finally the lipstick still smeared a little on his lips “a lot.” i said looking down. 
“I do too.” he said quietly. “i mean i kissed you.” he said the blush coming back up on his cheeks 
“I was actually going to tell you tonight.” i said looking down. “i’ve liked you for awhile.” i admitted 
“SM christmas party.” He said to me 
“you knew?” 
“no that’s when i started liking you too.” he said his eyes meeting mine. i couldn’t help but laugh “what?” He asked 
“We wasted over half a year.” i said 
“i guess eh?”he half laughed “do the others know?” He asked 
“Jaemin knew and i guess Jeno does too.” i said 
“they set us up huh?” he asked. i laughed and nodded “okay. so you want to go on a real date?” He asked “i don’t really know how to do any of this.” he blushed laughing softly “i’ll take you to dinner.”
“i’d like that.”
“After that we can decide if this is really what we want.” he said. I was shocked at the maturity he was showing here. 
“i don’t want to lose you.” i  said “no matter what happens.” i said looking up at him and grabbing his hand 
“you won’t.” he said reassuringly. “Come on let’s go.” He said standing up and leading me down the side walk. “Was that your first kiss?” He asked shyly. i nodded and felt my cheeks warm up, i handed him a tissue and pointed to my lips. He wiped at his and blushed as he looked at the tissue. “Mine too.” he said 
“I actually wanted to do that for a long time.” I said quietly 
“Me too. i almost did a few times.” he admitted. My mind flashed back to all the lingering stares we’ve shared this past year. I wrapped my arms around his arm and walked. 
“i’m glad you did it.” i said 
“Me too.” he said wrapping his arm around me. We walked down the sidewalk, He was telling me all the landmarks on the shore. It was as if nothing ever happened but there was a huge sense of relief in me. He knew, I knew. It felt okay. “you look really pretty tonight.” he said quietly 
“ah, you’re adorable.” i said laughing. “i picked it just for you.” i said booping his nose and watched as the blush rose on his face. 
“Like i picked the dolphin just for you.” he said booping me back he immediately cringed and i couldn’t help but laugh at him still the same old chenle. i looked down and thought back to that day, a whole week earlier, it felt like we’ve been here forever already and i loved it. 
“it’s my favourite.”
“What about haechan’s bear.” he asked 
“are you jealous?” I teased him 
“psh.” he said shrugging it off. My heart was swelling god i just might love him. We made our way back to the car. he was showing me videos him an jisung took last time he was here. we talked and laughed the whole way home. When we got out of the car and before we went into the house he stopped me at the door and pulled me into him. He was so confident now “one for the road.” he said placing a small kiss on my lips, i couldn’t help but laugh as we were walking in. we were met with all the boys standing in the door way 
“we were just gonna call you guys.” Jeno said “We won! We won a free meal at this huge restaurant. your mom said it’s one of the nicest ones in shanghai.” He said coming over to show the coupon. 
“wow.” Chenle said “i can’t believe you guys ditched us.” 
“But you had fun didn’t you?” Jaemin asked looking at me 
“yeah!  you guys the city is beautiful!” i said “i took tons of pictures.”
“now chenle’s been on dates with both of his best friends.” haechan said laughing as he came into the room with a mouth full of food. Jisung shoved him. “Wow you dressed up for once! i almost didn’t recognize you” haechan said looking at me. “People must have thought you guys were actually on a date.” He laughed i rolled my eyes 
“i’m going to go change.” i said 
“what no. you look good.” Haechan said as i started stomping up the stairs. “i was just joking.” he said as i heard the guys murmuring and slapping him. I walked into the room and wiped off my make up, i took off my dress and put on my robe 
“i’m gonna shower.” i said walking out of the room 
“k, we’re going to the convenience store. want something?” Jeno asked 
“pick me something good” i yelled down the stairs as i walked into the bathroom. i really was kind of chilly so the warm water felt amazing, i washed my hair softly and tried my best not to think about how happy i was that chenle and i kissed. after i got, i went down and found chenle’s mom sitting on the couch in the living room. i grabbed my bag from the table i put it  on and went to sit with her 
“You having fun?” she asked me 
“yeah.” i said “i had a really good time tonight.” i said as i sorted through my pictures.looking at the one i took of chenle unable to hide my smile 
“That’s good.” She said with a smile i wondered if she knew how he felt. “chenle was really excited for this.” she said “i’m glad you went with him.”
“Me too.” i said showing her the pictures. She flipped through them smiling at them. 
“I always worry about him.” She said “but i know he has you guys and i know he’ll be okay.” she said
“Thank you for allowing us to stay here.” i said “i can’t thank you enough. You do so much for us already in korea. and now here” i said “i love you.” i said cutely in mandarin while flashing her a finger heart. She laughed and gave me a heart back we actually got along really well from the beginning. She always made sure the boys took care of me. 
“I’m glad chenle has you.” she said seriously “you and jisung mean the most to him. you know.” she said i nodded. just then the boys bust through the door laughing loudly as they walked into the living room. Jisung threw a bag at me i opened it and it was full of all of my favourite things
“we’re sorry for ditching you.” Jeno said “please forgive us.” Haechan plopped himself on the couch beside me and offered me a chip out of his bag. his way of apologizing i took it and he smiled at me. 
“it’s okay.” i said “here” i said handing  them the pictures. They all took turns looking at them and oohing and ahhing over the views. We talked about when we were going to go to the fancy restaurant. The boys replayed their grand win bickering over who got the most important kill. Jaemin told us of his nap. then we all slowly made our way to bed. i fell asleep that night the the orange dolphin a little closer than usual. 
Two days had passed. Chenle and i had our date tonight, He didn’t sneak anymore kisses on me. Jaemin was so excited for me and i was actually really excited. 
“you guys should tell the others.” 
“maybe after we come back.” i said “we still don’t know if we’re gonna be together.” i said  
“as if you guys won’t, you’ve been all over each other these past few days.” 
“what! no.”i protested. 
“Renjun literally asked chenle if you’re in love with him at breakfast this morning.” he said
“well i mean i am but jeez. it isn’t that obvious.” 
“ah you’re too far gone.” He said walking out of the room. chenle and i were going to sneak away and then come back later, He told me to meet him out back at 4 and it was 3:55. I opted for leggings and a flowy shirt with a jean jacket tonight. I walked out of the room and down into the halls sneaking by everyone. Jeno and Haechan were playing a game on chenle’s TV Jaemin, Jisung and Renjun were just leaving for the store. Now was the perfect time to leave. i was walking out with my back to yard facing the door in case anyone heard. I backed into something and screamed only for chenle to wrap his arms around me and say shh. 
“Sorry.” i said “ i didn’t think you’d be here yet.” I whispered. 
“let’s go.” he said. his soft smile meeting his eyes, my heart was fluttering. You always hear those songs about two young lovers running off into the night. 
The glow of the flourescent lights harsh above us. Chenle picked his favourite restaurant in all of shanghai for us to eat at. A tiny dive looking place just around the corner from his house. He didn’t bring us here yet. “i was saving it for you.” he said when i asked why he hadn’t brought us here yet. 
“you still have my bracelet.” I said as i watched him play with his chopsticks and napkin. 
“yeah.” he said blushing looking down. “I’m the only one.” He said “the stylists cut off the others but i’m good at keeping mine hidden.” he laughed “i also have this.” he said taking out his wallet he pulled out a polaroid. “From the night at the lake with renjun.” he said 
“you’ve had it all this time?” i asked him. he nodded “i thought we lost it while packing.”
“look at this.” i said showing him his profile picture on my phone it was on of the polaroids i took of him during the camping trip. “you’re the only one with a picture. when you call you light up my phone.” i said. he laughed looking down “too much?” i asked 
“no.” he said “I really like you.” he said “i hope you know that.” 
“i do too.” i said grabbing his hand 
“So are we going to try this out?” he asked looking down then up at me with his soft puppy eyes.
“yes.” i said  he kissed me hand 
“to seal the deal.” he laughed and just like that i had a boyfriend, my first boyfriend. The first love i’d tell me kids about someday was sitting right in front of me with the biggest smile on his face. 
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ourooboroos · 4 years
i will bend every light in this city (and make sure they’re shining on you)
Summary: LDR Malec p much Read on my AO3 or under the cut!
Don't you know that I spend all my nights Counting backwards the days 'til I'm home? -A Great Big World, "Already Home"
The light filters in through the bedroom window, lighting up the dust mites floating through the air and landing on the bed sheets. Alec grunts, rolling over and smushing his face into his pillow. He just needs five more minutes and then maybe he’ll be able to survive the day. Just five more.
His phone rings.
“Crazy in Love” starts playing, and he can’t help but smile as he fumbles around on the bed next to him to find his phone. He swipes it to talk without even looking at the caller ID. “Hey, babe.” His voice is thick with sleep, but he can’t be mad at the early phone call.  
Magnus’s laugh rings through, a bit tinny and distant, but as lovely as ever. “Did I wake you?”
“No.” Magnus laughs again, and Alec’s smile grows as he rolls onto his back, flinging his free hand over his face to block out the sun. “Okay. Maybe.”
“Day off today?”
“Of course not. You?”
Magnus sighs. “No,” he says. “I just met with my advisor and I have an appointment with one of my professors this afternoon, plus two classes tonight.” The frown in his voice makes Alec’s heart ache.
“I’m sorry,” Alec says as he sits up. He stretches, popping his back, and swings his legs off the bed. “I wish I could…” He trails off. It’s not worth saying; Magnus knows and it hurts his chest every time the words leave his mouth.
“Me too, Alexander.”
It’s been four months since Alec and Magnus have been in the same room, or even the same state. Four months since winter break -- since they’d gone ice skating at Bryant Park and made hot chocolate in Magnus’s apartment. Since they’d exchanged gifts and kisses and cuddled on the couch for hours.
They knew the likelihood of this happening, of the perils of long-distance challenging them, was high when they realized in their junior year of college and their second year of dating that they both wanted to pursue graduate school. But even they couldn’t have guessed how hard it would actually be.
Columbia has one of the top history preservation graduate programs in the country, and it’s in their home city, so Magnus remains in New York, riding the subway from his shared apartment to class to work and back again. Alec finds himself in Berkeley, California, studying to get his masters in Economics. He loves the weather, being able to study on the beach, and having DisneyLand so close by. He hates being 2,500 miles from the love of his life.
Alec’s mind often wanders back to the first time he and Magnus said goodbye, nearly two years ago now, before he boarded the plane. He thinks about how Magnus had clutched his hand tightly, how he had used the lapels of Magnus’s shirt to tug him in for a kiss, how they had embraced for far longer than normal.
Alec’s mind often wanders to Magnus.
It’s a stupid fight.
Alec forgets to text Magnus on a Tuesday afternoon before heading onto campus to spend the day with classmates studying for a final exam. Magnus forgets that Alec has an exam coming up.
Tuesday night is date night, for them. The only night of the week that each of them is consistently free from internships, class, the burden of papers and projects. They usually video chat over dinner, screenshare a movie, spend the night staring into each other’s faces as well as they can so far apart.
But this Tuesday night, Alec doesn’t answer his phone.
“Magnus, I told you I have an exam--”
“I forgot, okay? But even so you never said that you were going to be out all day.” “I was at the library!” Alec tosses his free hand in the air, the other holding his phone to his ear. He hates, hates , arguing with Magnus like this. It’s different when they’re bickering and bantering over the best episode of Doom Patrol or teasing each other for snoring or falling asleep on FaceTime, but actually arguing and hearing the anger and disappointment in Magnus’s voice hurts. And it’s also a bit frustrating. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry that I forgot to text you and let you know.” He exhales. “I am.”
Magnus huffs on the other end of the line. Alec can just imagine him pinching his nose between his fingers, his rings sparkling on his polished fingers. God, he misses him. “I’m sorry, too. I know I can get angry, quickly. I just miss you.” His voice is soft, and Alec almost misses the last four words.
“I miss you, too.”
At that, Magnus sighs. His voice is uneven when he says, “You’re going to ace that final, you know?” He sniffles a bit, and Alec hears a shuffle, a nose blow.
He smiles sadly.
They keep talking, now that Magnus has forgiven Alec, and Alec has forgiven Magnus, each of them finding each other as well as themselves at fault for a lack of communication. Magnus sounds exhausted -- he’s had a lot of late nights and early mornings lately, he says, trying to get everything he needs to done before his exams and before Alec’s graduation. He wants to finish it all so he can take some time off his internship when Alec flies back to the city.
“When’s the last time you slept for more than 4 hours, Mags?” Alec asks, taking off his glasses and leaning back on the sofa, legs splayed in front of him.  
His boyfriend lets out a noncommittal noise.
“Magnus . ”
“Probably like three weeks ago,” Magnus says quickly, the words practically tripping over themselves.
“ Magnus .”
He snorts, but it’s without humor. “I’ve been trying! I just, you know, am busy.” He pauses, and Alec can hear the kettle whistling through the phone. “And I don’t… I don’t sleep as well without you.”
And that, that Alec understands.
Alec grits his teeth as the plane touches down. He’s always hated the feeling of landing; take-off is unpleasant but he much prefers it. He isn’t unhappy for long though, once he looks out the window and sees LaGuardia.
His exams are finished. He’s all but graduated, and it turns out you don’t actually have to walk in a graduation ceremony to get the degree.
Now, he’s almost where he belongs.  
When Magnus calls “Hang on ,” Alec bites back a grin and knocks on the door again. He can hear Magnus approaching quickly from the other side. “Oh for fuck’s sake, I sa-”
And his words are cut off by a gasp as he throws himself at Alec.
“Alexander!” Magnus’s voice is both loud and quiet at the same time; he’s speaking softly but Alec can hear the intensity and emotions in his words. They wrap their arms around each other. Magnus buries his head into Alec’s neck, breathing deeply, unevenly. His voice shakes when he says, “What are you doing here? I wasn’t expecting to see you for two more weeks.”
Alec smiles into Magnus’s hair, soaking in his sandalwood shampoo, and tightens his grip on his boyfriend.
“I’m coming home.”
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Jae - Warm my heart
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Characters: Jae x You
Genre: angst (if you squint) fluff, just pure fluff to fuel my day6 soft hours
Words: 2.3k
Description: When the cold winter turns unexpectedly sweeter and warmer
Staring out of the window of your 9th floor dormitory room with a wistful smile painted on your lips, you let your eyes wander along the white winter wonderland below you; the snow falling from the skies above completely changing the landscape before you. It formed a powdery carpet on ground, and turned the fern trees from green to white. You watched the snow fall onto the ground in a mesmerising manner, and for a moment you got so lost in your thoughts that you almost forgot about your family.
Family – what a bittersweet word for you this year.
Usually by this time of the year, you would be at your grandparent’s home either found in the kitchen helping prepare the family dinner, or out in the front yard playing with your younger siblings. This time of the year, it was usually a time filled with warmth and laughter for you but this year… things were different.
Your family had run into some financial difficulties and between funding your university education and paying for your grandparent’s medical bills, your parents could not afford a plane ticket home for you. With air fares pushed sky high during the holiday season, it was nearly impossible for you to go back home for the new year. You tried saving for your own plane ticket home but it still wasn’t enough after paying for your dormitory fees and living expenses. Alas, you came to accept that it’ll be a quiet New Year this year for you on the campus grounds, with all your friends’ home for the holidays.
It wasn’t the first time that you had spent the New Year away from home; the last time was during your second year of high school where a school field trip over winter break saw you counting down in front of Taipei 101 surrounded by friends and teachers.
But that was then, and this was now. You willingly went on the Taiwan field trip, self-assured with the knowledge that you’ll be seeing your family within 48 hours. But this time round, the wait before you could see your loved ones seemed endless. And to make matters worse, the quietness surrounding you amplified the loneliness in your heart and you could feel your chest involuntarily tighten as tears welled up in your eyes. Burying your face in your hands as you tucked your knees closer to your chest, you let your tears fall onto your sleeves, not caring if they got stained.
Between your tears and watching the snow outside your window, you missed the first knock on your door. You brushed it off as a figment of your imagination – who would be knocking on your door on New Year’s Eve? Everyone had long gone home for the celebration and festivities, there was no one left on campus!
The second knock came seconds later, and this time, you were sure that you were not imagining it. So you got up, wiped your tears and opened the door and the figure standing before you left you speechless.
Park Jaehyung – what was he doing here at this hour?
Sweet Jae was a fellow student like you in the same year. You had met him at the beginning of the academic year through a compulsory module you both had to take. A few conversations, meals and a project later, you had become friends with him. He would occasionally drop by the school library where you worked and that’s when you had your precious 5 minutes conversations with him as you checked out his books. You’ll occasionally drop one another texts just to make sure that the other party is sane and alive but showing up at your doorstep like this? It’s not something you expected Jae to do and to seeing him in flesh just cemented your shock even more.
You didn’t move until Jae waved a hand in your face.
“Y/N? You there?”
“Oh yes! Jae! What brings you here? Shouldn’t you be home…?”
“Well, I was… but I’m here now…I mean- I shouldn’t turn up unannounced but I called and you didn’t pick up so I decided to just drive here to pick you up.”
The image of your phone screen lighting up in your peripheral vision flashes through your mind and you mentally berate yourself for missing his call.
“I’m sorry, I was busy with something just now…”
“It’s alright Y/N. But may I?”
He gestured towards your apartment and for the second time that day, you mentally berated yourself for being so muddled.
“I’m so sorry Jae gosh…but please do!”
You opened the door wider and shifted your body to make space for him to enter and you closed the door before turning to face him.
“What brings you here, Jae?”
Upon hearing your question, Jae’s cheeks became dusted with pink and all of a sudden, his fingers became a more interesting subject than your face.
“Erm…actually…well, you know… it’s New Year’s Eve…and I know that you’re spending it alone this year…and Ididn’twantthat so I decided to ask my parents if I could invite you over for dinner and theysaidyessoirusheddownandhereiam.”
Jae may have rushed the last part of his sentence but only having to travel through the small space between the both of you, each word sounded crystal clear to you and your heart swelled at the thought of someone bothering to remember you; especially more so when they’re supposed to be busy with family and friends.
You paused for a moment to catch your breath before calling for his attention again.
“Jae, are you really inviting me to your family dinner?”
Jae’s neck snapped when he heard your voice and the words left his mouth before he could even process them.
“Yes. Yes I am.”
“Ok then just wait out here for a little while? I’ll change into something more presentable before we go.”
“Ok Y/N.”
You gave Jae a soft smile before retreating into your room so of course, you miss the small smile that lights up his face and his soft whisper into the air that said, “You already look perfect Y/N.”
The 20 minutes ride was supposed to be short but it felt like an eternity to you – probably because you were nervous. But it made no sense to be nervous! You and Jae weren’t dating so it wasn’t like you were on your way to meet your future in-laws! But the bundle of nerves jumping around in your stomach weren’t going away and it must have shown on your face because you felt Jae give your hand a reassuring squeeze the moment he pulled over.
“Don’t worry about it Y/N. No one is this household is going to give you a hard time.”
“I’ll try to not worry about it.”
The moment you saw his family, you knew that your fears were unfounded and all feelings of nervousness were banished from your mind. His entire family has enveloped you in a warm hug even before you had set foot into the house before whisking you away from Jae and towards the dining table. For the rest of the evening, his family treated you like one of their own, piling up your plate high with food and engaging you in their conversation. Being the attentive guy that he was, you saw Jae checking on you from time to time and each time, your smile got a little wider and your gestures bigger; proof that you were slowly easing into the conversation and truly enjoying yourself. You were happy, so Jae felt reassured. He couldn’t voice it out loud but oh, how he wished that every family gathering for him would be exactly like this.
At the end of dinner, both you and Jae had offered to do the dishes but were promptly banished from the kitchen by his mother, stating that both of you should be out on a pretty winter night like this. So with nothing to do and nowhere else to go, both of you headed outside, and stepped into the winter wonderland.
“Did my family scare you just now? Sorry about that, they can be enthusiastic sometimes. Wait, scratch that. I meant overly enthusiastic.”
“It’s alright Jae, I loved it. It feels really nice to be able to spend the holidays with someone instead of being alone and I was greeted so warmly. My heart is full right now thanks to you so thank you very much for that!”
In your attempt to be funny, you grabbed onto Jae’s hand with both of yours before giving his a mock 90 degree bow and you could hear Jae’s chuckle from above you – but it was short lived. Jae’s laughter ceased abruptly and you could feel your hand being turned around by his larger ones.
“Why are your hands so cold…”
“Because it’s winter…? And also I have poor blood circulation so that makes matters worse.”
You let out a laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood but the crease on Jae’s forehead was not leaving. He looked genuinely worried and it was scary, because you’ve never seen Jae this serious before. The frown on his face deepened as he gnawed on his lower lip and it was only erased after he spotted the convenience store right behind you.
“Wait here, I’ll be back in 5 minutes!”
Jae then took off like a lightning bolt into the store and got swallowed up by the racks. It had only been seconds since his hands left yours, but you would be lying if you said you didn’t miss his touch and warmth already.
True to his word, Jae reappeared in front of you in 5 minutes; right down to the second – this time round with a hot pack in hand.
“Here, take this. Your hands are deathly cold and I’m really worried so please use this. It works wonders, I promise.”
“Oh! You really didn’t have to but…thank you.”
You were too shy to do anything much except to give Jae a soft smile; it was one that simply lifted up the corners of your lips but it was already enough to make Jae’s heart skip a beat.
Continuing to walk along the streets, the hot pack was indeed starting to warm up your hands but it still wasn’t enough. From the corner of his eye, Jae caught you blowing your breath into your hands. It seemed like a simple act but it took Jae a few heart-pounding moments before he mustered up your courage to do it.
Without another word, Jae dug out his hands from his pockets and opened his palm towards you’re your eyes widened at what he was suggesting but you immediately caught on the drift. No doubt, you were shy – your face was most likely bursting into a million colours now and your heart was beating so quickly you were afraid that Jae could hear it. You’ve never held hands with Jae before and somehow, the idea was both thrilling and terrifying. However, thoughts of his soft, warm hands from before won over and lacing your fingers with his, Jae immediately stuffed your intertwined hands into his coat pocket.
“What’s this all of a sudden?”
“I call it the Accelerated heat warming method – invented by yours truly. The additional body heat from me should warm up your hands faster.”
Jae then gave your hand a small squeeze and this time round, it was your turn to blush pink. Though Jae was not faring much better by himself; with that goofy grin spreading over his face.
Jae deliberately drove slowly back to your apartment just to delay the inevitable goodbye but still, both of you found yourself in front of your apartment soon.
“I’ll walk you up.”
“But my apartment is right there.”
“No, I want to. Besides, it’s late.”
It was honestly the lamest excuse in the rule book one could use but Jae was willing to play the fool just to see you more and make sure that you were safe. Unable to fight against him, you went up to your place with Jae beside you.
But even with both of you right outside your doorstep, it was evident that neither of you wanted to say goodbye. But someone had to do it – and you decided that it would be you.
“Thank you for tonight Jae, I really, really appreciated it.”
“You’re welcome. Wish we could have more time, but sadly…”
“All good things must come to an end.”
You then looked down at your feet, unsure of what to say next but at the same time, not wanting to leave him either.
How does one prolong time?
In such a situation, there seemed to be only one option.
“Jae, I’m still feeling a little cold. Could I get a hug?”
Silently, Jae opened his coat wide; an invitation into his arms and you semi-ran into that space before he wrapped his coat around you.
With your face pressed into the soft fabric of his turtle neck, your voice came out a little muffled but Jae could hear you nonetheless.
“What’s this new method called?”
“Let’s call it the Ultra, Accelerated heat warming method – a combination of body heat plus residual heat.”
“Sounds great to me.”
One minute passed, and then another. And another before you broke the silence.
“Ok I guess I should go…”
But Jae was unwilling to let you go, and he tightened his grip on you instead.
“Let’s just stay like that for a while more…maybe forever…”
“Well, maybe not forever…but for as long as we can.”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“You’re smart, you’ll figure it out Jae. But for now, good night and thank you – for the dinner and for sending me home. Get back safely!”
Standing on your tiptoes, you gave Jae a quick peck on his cheek before disappearing inside your apartment.
Jae stood outside your apartment dumbfounded, the spot where you kissed him burning and his heart warm.
You were right. Jae was smart and Jae did decipher what you said in minutes.
All he had to do now was make it official.
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buckthegrump · 5 years
The Only One - 6 (end)
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Word Count: 1569
Warnings: angst, fluff, 
A/n: i told y’all i could write happy endings 
previous parts can be found on my masterlist
You were you standing in the park, the park that held so many of your memories with Bucky.
“Oh god, what did I do.” You were pacing and talking to yourself. “So I can never show my face here again. I’ll call Tony and have him pick me up from the airport. And then move to a place where no one can ever find me. I’ll never see Bucky again because Dot will kill me.”
So you called Tony he bought you a ticket for the next flight home, which you promised to pay back. You spent the whole flight with the jitters you had texted Peggy telling her that you were going straight home and asking her to bring your things. You tried to sleep on the plane but you never got there. People kept giving you stares because you were still in your wedding attire, you can only imagine what it would have been like if you were actually the one getting married. When you finally landed you found Tony instantly and ran into his arms.
“Hey kid what happened?” He asked.
“I did the whole speak now or forever hold your peace thing and then I panicked and ran.”
“You didn’t wait for an answer?” He led you to his car.
“No you know how I get when people stare at me and I wasn’t getting an answer fast enough.”
“You probably should’ve waited a little longer for an answer I mean you did stop his wedding.” He opened your door and you get in his car. You wait for him to get in too to answer.
“Well, I’m here now.” You take out your phone to turn it back on. “Oh crap my phone is dead, do you have a charger?”
“Sure kiddo, it’s right here.” He picks up a cord and hands it to you.
*A few hours earlier*
“Where did she go?” Bucky looked at Peggy. After you ran, Peggy and Nat apologized and ran after you. You were surprisingly fast but they also had no idea where you could’ve gone. After half an hour the boys found Peggy and Nat and helped look for you.
“I don’t know,” Peggy ran her fingers through her hair. When she felt her phone buzz. “Hold on, I just got a text from her.”
“What does it say, Peggy.” Bucky urged.
“Calm down I can’t read it when you’re yelling at me,” she told him. “She says that she called Tony and she’s going back home.”
“Call her, there’s no way she’s on the plane yet,” Steve said.
“Ok, I’m calling.” Peggy pressed your contact and it rang. It kept ringing until she went to voicemail. She knew that you never listened to your voicemail so she hung up and tried again. This happened a few times but it started ringing only once. “Her phone must have died because she’s not answering.”
“Ok so what do we do?” Sam asked.
“I have like 8 missed calls from Peggy.” You told Tony when your phone turns on.
“You should call her back.” He said as you pressed the call button. It only rang once before going to voicemail.
“That’s odd. It’s off.”
“Leave a voicemail.” He ordered.
“Fine. Hey, Peggy, I saw you called me, I wished you had left a voicemail because I was on a plane. And you know that I listen to voicemails after I get off a plane. So I’m telling you that I’m not dead I’m with Tony and call me back.”
The whole ride back to Tony’s you told him the story of the trip, every drama filled detail. When he pulled up to his place you immediately got changed and took off the makeup and crashed on the couch.
You woke up to a note from Tony on the coffee table. It said he had to go do something but he would be back. You got up left his house, you were starving and craving a pizza so you went to a little pizza joint down the road. It took you about an hour. You walked back to Tony’s place and saw someone sitting on the steps.
“What are you doing here?”
“Looking for you.” He answered.
“Sam, he didn’t answer.”
“You didn’t wait for an answer. Y/n you’re crazy if you think that Bucky would choose anyone else over you.”
“So where is he? Because I don’t see him sitting on the steps. How do you even know where I was?” You looked around for the rest of them.
“Peggy called Tony, he grilled us when we landed,” Sam told you. “Besides the rest of them are around here somewhere.” He stood and walked into the house you were about to follow him.
“Y/n,” The voice comes from behind you. You stop but you don’t turn around. “Turn around.”
“No,” it comes out as a whisper.
“Why not?”
“I’ve had this dream before, where I hear your voice and feel your touch but when I turn around you’re gone. So maybe this time if I don’t move you’ll stay for just a little bit longer.”
“Y/n I promise you if you turn around I’ll be here.”
“You’ve said that before too.”
“Damn it Y/n, just turn around please.” You finally listened to the voice you are still convinced is a figment of your imagination. But when You turn around Bucky is there on one knee.
“Bucky, what are you doing.” It wasn’t really a question because you knew. And he holds out a ring.
“We were practically dating for four years of college. I bought this the beginning of our last year, I had taken on three jobs during the summer to save for it.”
“Why did you-” you started to interrupt
“Let me finish.” You stopped and let him finish. “I had this whole plan to give it to you, actually I had two. I couldn’t decide if I was going to ask in winter during a snowfall, because I know you like sappy shit like that. Or if I was going to do it on graduation day, so you knew that you wouldn’t have to worry about what our future held. But then you left, and I never got rid of it. Even when I for sure thought you weren’t coming back, even when for the very brief moment in time I hated you for like a minute, even when I started dating other people, even when I asked Dot to marry me. Hell, I had it in my pocket on my wedding day. And then you drop the bomb that you broke off your engagement. And when the officiant said speak now I almost did. But you did it first but then you ran. Y/n I am done letting you run from me. Please marry me.”
“But I live here and you live on the other side of the country.” You weren’t convinced that he had thought this through.
“I’ll move here.”
“All of your friends live there.”
“I don’t care. Y/n marry me.”
“Can you see what he’s saying?” Steve asked from the back of the group.
“No, she’s standing in the way,” Maria answered, she, Natasha, and Peggy were huddled at the window watching it happen.
“They’ve been out there a while,” Sam observed.
“Yeah well, knowing Y/n she’s probably pointing out everything wrong with his plan,” Tony mentioned and everyone but Peggy looked to him. “What?”
“You guys he’s right,” Peggy said still staring intently at the two of you. “She’s probably telling him about how they live on opposite sides of the country. And that he can’t move here his life is there and so on.”
“But he would move here,” Natasha said.
“She wouldn’t let him do that he has more friends there than she has here,” Tony said. “Besides Peggy is probably going move there too on account that she’s boning Steve.” Peggy closed her eyes and leaned her head against the window.
“What?” Maria looked at Peggy.
“I thought you weren’t going to tell anyone,” Steve said to Peggy.
“I didn’t I just forgot that Tony has a superpower for figuring out who’s sleeping with whom by just being in the same room,” Peggy told him.
“That and you should leave your phone out to where anyone can find it,” Tony said and Peggy gave him a look that told him that if he didn’t shut up she would punch him.
“Why don’t we just open the window and listen to them.” Sam brought the attention back to Bucky and you.
“No,” Peggy said with a smile on her face, “They’ll tell us the story when after she says yes.”
“What makes you so sure she’ll say yes?” Steve asked.
“Y/n’s a sucker for a happy ending.”
“Listen Y/n I have spent the last 7 years holding on to the dream that one day I will marry you. Please make my dream come true? Marry me?” Bucky said after you’ve been staring at him for a minute.
“Of course.” You finally said and closed the distance between you and kissed him. You paid no attention to the group of people cheering from inside the house. When you break apart he places the ring on your finger and unlike the last, this one feels like it’s meant to be there.
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cleverbroadwayurl · 6 years
Some AUs that I Love
Okay so I made a giant list of AUs, prompts, and other things that I love so that you guys could reblog/request/get inspiration from them! I know some are really similar, but honestly that just means I really love that trope! Please feel free to reblog these and use them for your own purposes! I’ll update this list as time goes on, I’m sure, as I’ve had a running list for a long time that was just on my phone. I also don’t own any of these (besides 152 and 196). 
it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost
I thought I was the only one who liked the waffle station in the cafeteria
it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay
The guy with the bibles on the quad has cornered me and is screaming about hell, please rescue me
You’re the only one who actually responded to the desperate message I sent to the whole class about needing the notes
'i ordered a pumpkin spice latte at starbucks and you made a heart with the foam and i decided to drink it here so i can smile at you some more’ au
you walked here in a blizzard to get your hot chocolate but you forgot your wallet at home, here, let me buy your drink for you
we’re at the mall when there’s a severe weather warning over the loudspeakers, guess we’re spending the night here
“I work at a department store and if you take out and unfold a shirt and then leave it one more time I’m going to stuff it down your throat” AU
“You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks” AU
“You have just witnessed me cry over the ending to my favorite game before class began please don’t ever tell anyone about this.”
“I’ve never talked to you before but the teacher just used us as an example for a scenario where we are married.”
“I’m exhausted, feverish, and hacking up a lung, and the student health center’s first suggestion was pregnancy, can you help me get to the ER in town” AU
“I know that this probably isn’t a good idea but it’s included in the meal plan and I’m stressed out, so I keep hitting the ice cream sundae bar in the buffet style dining hall at least a couple times a week” AU
bonding solely via eye contact over that annoying person on our plane that we’re both slowly becoming more and more exasperated about au
you fell asleep and i started making funny faces at your kid to keep them amused and the steward mistook us for a couple au
actually, any mistaken for a couple au
having to SHARE A LIVING SPACE FOR ARBITRARY FIC REASONS. having to see each other in their pajamas first thing in the morning, messy haired, drowsy eyed and soft faced. going from “you can have the bathroom first” to brushing their teeth beside each other and feeling like this closeness has always existed (at the same time, painfully aware that it won’t always).
bed sharing. :^) we all pretend we’re bigger than this but we are not. 
'room mate has a nightmare and doesn’t want to sit alone at night’ au 
'room mate gets sick and needs tissues and cough sweets and soup’ au
ok but a ‘your apartment is next to/above mine and i can hear you and your partner dancing and singing and the bed moving and you two laughing and talking in hussed tones and it won’t let me sleep so i bitch about it to you 24/7 and one day it stops and one day turns to one week and then months and i haven’t seen you smile in forever please let me     in, i’ve been knocking for ten minutes’ au.
Don’t tell anyone you saw me crying AU
did you actually just blue shell me on our date you fucker
I’m calling to cancel our date because I’m actually in the ER right now, sorry. …I mean, sure, I guess you can come down here, but… okay…
You’re my waiter and I’m on a really crappy date with an asshole
'i’m having a minor breakdown in the middle of bed bath and beyond and you’re a bewildered shopper who wants to buy plates but also to make sure i’m okay bc im wailing a little bit in the kitchenware section’ au
“I’m in a bookshop and I really need that book can you get it for me??? Wait you’ve read that book? let’s have an in depth conversation about it.”
“You were trying to reach for a box of cereal and a whole shelf’s-worth of cereal boxes fell on you here let me help”
“We’re on the bus and I’m really not trying to take up your space I’m sorry I just have rlly rlly long legs” 
“You’re afraid that you’ll lose me in big crowds so you always hold my hand but now you just hold my hand when there’s only, like, five people around and I’m getting vry suspicious” 
It’s like 3AM and my roommate locked me out of the house and I forgot my keys and I’m really drunk pls take pity on me and let me crash at your place for the night o’ neighbor of mine AU
The walls in this apartment building are really thin and I can hear you having mental breakdowns all the time are you okay? AU
“I barely know you but my boyfriend just broke up with me and you heard me crying so you brought over ice cream and movies” AU
I was in a hurry and I ran into you outside the coffee shop while you were carrying two lattes and it turns out they were both for you except that now you’re wearing them I’m so sorry
‘i offer you my bed to sleep in bc our respective roommates are getting it on in your room and take the sofa to sleep on only i wake up back in my bed with your tiny body wrapped around me and damn me if it isn’t the cutest thing i’ve ever seen’ au
You passed out in my car because of strong medication and now I have to figure out how to get you home and avoid taking a picture of your cute sleeping face.” 
 “Hi so i know we haven’t talked before but we have French Literature together and i noticed you’ve been gone and since we’re on the same dormitory floor i thought i’d stop by and give you my really thorough notes and oh wow you’re rEALLY sick are you ok?” 
you look so good and so many people are trying to pick you up and I can only sit in the corner and seethe, and now people are giving me concerned looks
“I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
“Stay the night. Please.”
“I just did some calculations, and I’ve been able to determine that you’re full of shit.”
“You’re so cute when you’re half asleep like this…”
[text]: So I might be in a hospital right now…
 I’m worried about your coffee dependency
  “My shower’s broken but I’ve got a date tonight could I possibly use your shower please?” “Oh sure (neighbour that I’ve been crushing on for the past six months) of course you can use my shower to get ready for your date (fuck fuck fuck)”
There’s a person who won’t stop bugging me will you pretend to be my partner so that they’ll fuck off?
meeting while waiting for hours on end in the emergency room au
‘i’m pretending to be ur bff bc u looked VERY uncomfortable with that person at the bar hitting on u’ AU
“We live in adjacent apartments and our bedrooms are on opposite sides of a very thin wall and one night I heard you crying and talked to you through the wall” AU
“we work at the same office and never really interacted but suddenly we’ve been taken hostage” AU
“at a concert and you kinda saved me from being trampled” AU
“can i borrow your blanket? i need to cry.” AU
‘im really sorry i keep staring but i dreamed about you horribly dying last night and i just wanted to make sure you dont spontaneously combust’
‘i drew you a mathematical heart curve for valentine’s day u nerd’
“I’m a waiter/waitress and you always sit in my section. I really like you and i thought you liked me back until you walked in here with a date, w h o o p s would you look at that I keep spilling stuff on them” au
Another waiter/waitress one: “You always come to this place and never talk much, but now these two assholes are harassing me and you step in and defend me” au
“My friends dared me to go on this rollercoaster but now that we’re at the top it looks way too scary and hellO hot person sitting next to me (careful i might puke)” au
“My significant other just broke up with me and I impulse bought like 5 pizzas. Can you help me eat them and make me feel less like shit?” AU
“You’re a store clerk and oh shit I just spotted my ex please let me hide behind your desk-thing” AU
"This has been a very bad week and you just grabbed the last box of my favorite comfort food at the supermarket” AU
“You crashed into me on your bicycle but I’m actually okay, you on the other hand look like you need some first aid” au
“this is totally awkward considering before this the only interactions we’ve ever had have been casual nods to each other in the hallway but there’s a huge fucking spider in my bath tub and you seem like the friendly neighbor type please help me” au
“it’s the middle of the night and i’m walking home alone in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s starting to gain on me and i found this phone booth with a lock on the door and i tried to call my best friend but my hands were shaking so badly i accidentally dialed the wrong number and i don’t even know you but help me” au
“we’ve been pen pals for like hella months and we finally decided to meet up and damn your cute, also did you break up with your jerk bf/gf yet?” au
“i was out in public and had an anxiety attack and you left your friends to give me some chocolate and talk me through it, so tysm” au
“idk you but you were getting hit on in public and you look super uncomfortable so i walked over and pretended to be your bf/gf, but hey while we’re at it, do you wanna go get some food?” au
You and I ride the same bus home every day but never talk but then you fell asleep and sorry to wake you up (you look really cute in your sleep) but it’s your stop next
it’s exam week and i run a coffee shop near the campus and you walked right into my glass door i’m laughing so hard oh my god
you started screaming bloody murder and i could hear you from my apartment and i thought something was horribly wrong but it turned out to be just a spider. and after i squashed it with a slipper you coerced me into being your spider-savior
“you’re super short and i’m sorry but it’s really really cute whenever you try to reach that book on the top shelf here lemme help you- oh no don’t be embarrassed, your face is all red and you’re even more adorable now i am going to die” au
“you fell asleep on my shoulder on the plane ride and i  would ask you to move but you look so comfy and adorable when you sleep. also you smell really good and the feeling of your breath on my skin is somewhat relaxing, maybe we can go out to lunch in this shitty airport when you wake up?” au
“i’m a quiktrip worker and whenever I work a night shift, you always arrive and buy like 3 cans of redbull and you look exhausted, do you need some help? are you okay?” au
“i catch you at the bus terminal shivering your ass off because it’s 30 degrees and for some godforsaken reason you’re wearing a short sleeve t shirt, so out of pity i lend you my hoodie and you look so surprised it’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen, setting aside the fact that you’re a goddamn idiot, do you want to get sick?” au
(cont.) “you look so sad and cold that i just tell you to keep my hoodie b/c you obviously need it more than i do. a week later i see you at a coffee shop/book store/etc. and you’re wearing my hoodie which you look so fucking tiny and cute in, and you just saw me and you look super embarrassed; you offer me it back but i tell you it suits you more and we end up talking and i buy you a drink” au
i tried to call a crisis hotline but got one number off and started ranting for 10 minutes before you got to speak and tell me i got the wrong number but now you’re worried about me and telling me not to hang up
Character A has been working at a retail store during the night/early morning of Black Friday and is so tired, but they need to stay awake so that they can drive home. Character A stops at Character B’s small coffee shop—which opened early in case people came in at 4am—and Character A accidentally falls asleep in a very comfortable chair while waiting on their coffee. Character B lets them sleep and even gets a blanket out of the back room to cover Character A
You’ve been missing for 5 months and suddenly you turn up at my doorstep with a huge scar across your face, looking more grim than when you left and won’t talk about what happened.
You usually only order hot chocolate and yet today you’re ordering something with six shots of espresso, are you okay??? Are you gonna die???
I just took a super dangerous job and you’re trying to talk me out of it, but we really need the money
You always bring your dates here to the restaurant I wait at and now you’re here alone…you okay mate?
We are trapped in a bank during a robbery
I saw you sleeping on the couch in the lounge in the morning, but now it’s like 5 pm and you’re still here. Are you okay?
I don’t know how we ended up having to sit next to each other on a roller coaster ride—sorry I fell against you  and grabbed your hand a couple times
“You’re so small”
“I can’t breathe”
“Fight me”
“Whose head do I have to rip off?”
“Don’t you ever fucking touch them again”
Found the other in an alleyway under the influence of drugs/alcohol and brought them home
“Why am I your emergency contact?”
“Wait, you actually stayed the night?”
“If he’s going to treat you like shit, I’m gong to kick his ass.”
“I just want to cuddle and watch friends.
“I want my best friend back”
“If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!”
“Fuck…I feel like I’ve been hit by a car”
“Who gave you that black eye?!”
“Are you drunk?”
“You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?”
“It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.”
“We should get you to a hospital.”
I’m on a terrible date and you’re my waiter please help me
“Please don’t touch me”
“Does he know about the baby?”
“Don’t fucking touch me!”
“Game’s over son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!”
“Look at me—just breathe, okay?”
“Shit, are you bleeding?”
“You haven’t touched your food. What’s going on?”
“You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
“That guy at the bar keeps staring at you.”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“Do you want to stay over tonight?”
“Every guy you date is a total jerk and I have to watch you get heartbroken over and over again because you can’t see that I love you!”   
We were snuggling in our underwear when my roommate came home early from vacation now you have to try and sneak down the fire     escape while I distract them with really terrible small talk
I don’t really know you but I noticed that this creep has been trying to chat you up even though you’ve already turned him down, so I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend/girlfriend until they leave you alone
It’s 2 am, we’re standing outside of our apartment building because someone pulled the fire alarm, and you look cold and unprepared, do you want to share my blanket?
We share a class at university and you forgot your notebook under your desk but luckily your phone number’s written inside PS: your doodles are pretty cool
I got stood up on a date and you were just grabbing dinner—shit my ex is here, sit down and pretend to laugh at something I said attractive stranger
Our flats are opposite each other and your kitchen window faces my kitchen so we always see each other making coffee at 3am.
Imagine you’ve been stood up by your douche of a boyfriend on date night and the waitress keeps asking if you’re ready to order but you keep asking for more time hoping that he’s just late. People are starting to look at you with those apologetic looks like they now and you start to feel worse and worse about the whole situation but as you decide to just get up and leave, this boy you’ve never seen sits down explaining loudly “Sorry, I’m so late, traffic is crazy right now.” He quietly adds “I’m [name]. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn’t bother to show up is a dick.” And so you go with it because he’s sweet and trying to save you (and plus he’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen) and as you’re leaving the restaurant after the best non-planned date ever, he asks you out for real this time.
I’ve been texting my friend for about a week now and they don’t reply but turns out I was texting a random person and there was some deep personal stuff I sent oh my god why are they calling me now (+bonus if the person calls at 2am)
“Look I don’t mean to pry but you’ve been wearing the same outfit for three days and I just want to check that you’ve slept?” “Okay obviously not because you just passed out in the hallway holy shit what do I do?”
You’re the bartender and you catch someone slipping something into my drink
You’re the perpetual frowner in class and one day as I’m answering the teacher I intentionally make a very cheesy pun and I can hear crickets but you’re laughing out loud and that makes me feel very much accomplished
I come to this café pretty much every day after work and by now you know my order by heart and even wave at me when I come in
I brought you to my friend’s wedding as my plus one and it was really fun and all but now it’s the end of the night and we’re sitting alone together at the reception and all these twinkle lights and flowers everywhere are causing a hell of a lot of romantic tension between us and ohhhhhhhhh
We were the only two to show up to class because it was cancelled but stay inside to finish work and ‘Hey, are you good at math?’
You’re my neighbor who got drunk and thought this was your apartment but I can’t just send you back home when you keep crying and venting about all of these awful things happening to you
I’m always terrified no matter how many times someone draws my blood. And even though you don’t need to be there when the guy comes     in to take it you always stay with me and talk to me to calm me down and     hold my hand
There’s this creepy person asking me out over text and could you pretend to be my significant other?
“How much did you drink?”
I’m a little drunk and I tried to call my ex back and I typed in your number and you had to hear a long emotional rant ohmygod I’m mortified but you left me a really sweet voicemail aw
The coffee machine stopped working and you’re cramming for finals please don’t cry
I accidentally gave you the wrong dosage of your medication and now we’d better get to the hospital before you pass out and possibly die
Lady and the Tramp AU
“The manager says the only reason the restaurant where we work at is popular is because people enjoy eating while watching our relentless flirting with each other but I swear to God we’re not flirting???”
“It’s Valentine’s Day and I’m single and you want to cheer me up but you can’t cook nor bake to save your life so you make me hot chocolate instead and it is delicious and I think I love you???” AU.
We bump into each other every Friday at the supermarket to buy the same ice cream and maybe we should eat it together?
“You’re the jerk-face customer that keeps on thumbing through their phone while ordering their drink so I exact revenge by spelling your name wrong on your cup and drawing phallic pictures on your coffee”
You’re my roommate who’s super cute and you’re cramming for your exams in your flannel pajamas and disheveled hair and it’s becoming     increasingly hard for me not to kiss you.
"We work together and I stayed after a couple minutes and I saw you on the intercom pretending you were at the Hollywood Bowl with Beyoncé and not to be weird but you're adorable ??"
“It’s our mutual friend’s wedding and they keep shoving us into each other because we’re the only ones at the ceremony who are single”
“I’m sick so you make me chicken soup and I’m really grateful but I’ve also seen you read books on magical spells and potion-making so I’m not sure if I should drink your soup in case it turns me into a toad”
“I’m a perpetual frowner and most certainly not a morning person and I work part-time at a breakfast bar and your disheveled hair and content smile as you eat my waffles and scrambled eggs is the only thing that can get me to smile”
“You’re the health-conscious med student and I’m the chain-smoking art student who’s also your barista and you leave me notes on smoking and lung health on your napkins and also a 20-page essay on lung cancer tucked under your saucer” AU.
“I’m egging a random person’s house to relieve stress and you join me and as it turns out the house belongs to your ex and now they are chasing us as well as the police and now we’re both in jail waiting to be bailed so um you wanna talk about it?”
“I’m a fashion major and I’m working on my illustrations and maybe I’ve had too much coffee but I swear I just saw one of the mannequins move so here I am calling you in the middle of the night please help I’m scared” AU.
“I lied and said I could speak a different language to impress my crush but now he wants me to tutor him so I need to become fluent in Mandarin in 3 days HELP”
“I’m taking this Literature class to fill a Gen Ed, and for the love of God I can’t figure out this dumb poem. Here, you’re an English Major, please help me write this stupid paper” au
“I hope one day you’re as happy as you’re pretending to be”
“I think I picked up your coffee by mistake”
“I want my best friend back”
“I’ll be right over”
“I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.”
“Is there a special reason why you’re wearing my shirt?”
“It’s okay to cry”
“Look at me--just breathe okay?”
“She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” 
“We have to pretend that we’re married.”
“Why can’t they see that they’re meant for each other?” 
“You did all this for me?”
“You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 
“You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked mine.”
While closing up Character A finds that they’re completely snowed in and the roads are blocked. Character B--another employee/a regular that stayed late--gets out two mugs and offers to make Character A a cup of hot cocoa while they wait for the snow to clear.
“how much did you drink?”
“You deserve better. It doesn’t have to be me, but you deserve better.”
“Please just hold my hand, that person’s basically undressing me with their eyes.”
Teacher from one department falls in love with teacher from another department AU
You found me singing a sad song on the fire escape a floor below you and you came down to ask me if something was wrong and I broke down and told you everything while you awkwardly sat there patting my head while I wept into your shoulder.
We sit across from each other on the train/tube everyday and I’m not sure how but we’ve ended up with this weird, silent, almost-friendship where we share “wtf” looks when we see another passenger doing something weird or telling a bizarre story and a few times I’ve almost gotten you to break and laugh out loud, but today you’re sitting with someone and I think they must be your partner because they are really in your space, but you shoot me a silent look that clearly screams ‘get this creep away from me’ and I’m all for that. AU
It’s the middle of winter and my heater went out and you let me stay at your place so I don’t freeze to death. God bless you.
Why are you crying in the hallway?? Are you okay?? Let’s go to my place, I have ice cream and Netflix.
I work in the library and I’m a little concerned for your health bc you never stop studying. 
I’ve been standing in line at the coffee shop for hours and you casually cut through for your drink but also buy me my favorite blend and now I’m not so sure what to make of you AU
“I don’t get sick”
“It’s not fun anymore, I’m dizzy...”
“We need to get this fever down”
“If you don’t stop soon, we’re going to the ER.”
You didn’t get a blanket on this flight so I figured we could share mine. You look cold okay? NO I AM NOT BLUSHING
You walked into the student lounge on our dorm floor and saw me cry-studying and walked out and now you’re back with coffee and a bag of chips and I’m seriously debating proposing to you with my ring pop
I kept getting harassed by some creepy person as I was trying to study and they’re not picking up on my ‘fuck off’ vibes and I started to actually get scared and then you put a coffee in front of my face and called me babe and scared them away thank you please let me buy you a new one on me oh you have a really cute smile when you’re shy
So I heard you get into this huge fight with someone and I know we’ve only exchanged genial smiles but I just wanted to check that you’re okay AU
You’re my adorably shy and awkward assistant who cares way too much about my love life and at a dance party you tell me to dance with the most attractive person in the room last so you can set up a date with them for me and when everyone’s gone I ask you to dance with me because you’re the prettiest person here to me duh AU
Your girlfriend decided to kick you out at 3 AM and I tripped over your boxes of shit in the hallways in my drunken trip to my apartment now I’m half passed out in a pile of your clothes AU
You asked who I had a crush on and so I described you to a tee but apparently you’re the most oblivious person in the world because you got kinda sad and nodded and HOW DO YOU NOT GET THIS AU
So your TV is facing the window and you’ve been watching Say Yes to the Dress for three days straight I just want to make sure you’re okay AU
You don’t eat nearly enough food and so I’ve gotten in the habit of making you lunches and bringing you deserts to make sure you don’t starve
My cereal is always on the bottom shelf but today they changed the layout so it’s on the top and I can’t reach it AND I WILL NOT ACCEPT YOUR HELP YOU GIANT AU
You are stupidly tall and you sit in front of me in class and I can’t see anything so I despise you with all of my soul AU
You are fiery and outspoken but you are so short that nobody pays any mind and I am so tall and have a huge crush on you so I just sort of follow you around making people listen to you AU
Person A getting startled by the New Years fireworks--not being fond of loud noises. Person B pulls them in for a deep kiss, completely distracting them from the exploding lights filling up the night sky
I was really drunk and you walked me safely back to my dorm room
My roommate brought you back to our apartment because apparently you got really drunk last night and needed someone to keep you safe and now you’re hungover and making pancakes and wow you’re cuTE
My ex runs one of the rides and I want to RUB IT IN THEIR FACE hold my hand and by the way when the camera takes a pic imma lean over and kiss you okay AU
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antiquecompass · 6 years
So I was HOPING to have 1 complete story and 2 complete ficlets done for @warriorgays birthday today. I don’t know why I plan on anything honestly bc whenever I do my family decides it’s time for massive Home Improvement Projects which take up my days off. I wanted to get SOMETHING up for Alex’s birthday though, so here’s a very long preview of the will-not-end superbowl fic:
A lot had changed in Babe Heffron’s life since 2004. His Philly family had lost a few members, but gained a ton between new babies, a hell of a bunch of in-laws, and groups of folks that just got adopted in along the way. In those years Bill had lost an entire leg, gained a desk job, finally convinced Fran to marry his foolish ass, and started raising three kids. Ralph was an actual <i>doctor</i> now, running one of the Thibodaux Medical Clinics just outside Baton Rouge. Maggie lived with Ralph and Sid in their own place in St. Boniface, working at the clinic there and forging her own path like usual.
 And Babe?
 Babe went from being a bartender to working an actual office job for Nixon Development. He had most weekends and holidays off and a 401k and an actual accountant to handle his taxes now. He was <i>married</i> for Christ’s sake. To a friggin’ <i>doctor</i>. In Louisiana of all places. If he could’ve gone back in time and told his teenage self he’d be settled down, far away from South Philly, with some Cajun doc he’d met during Mardi Gras, he probably would’ve punched himself. He definitely would’ve called Ron to take care of his delusional evil clone.
 And there was no way, in any of his wildest dreams, he could’ve predicted having Merl-Francis as his brother-in-law.
 He was pretty fucking proud of Shelton too. Boy had gone and become a Registered Nurse. They’d done so many study sessions in the middle of the night to past that certification test. They’d held a bake sale outside the clinic to raise the $500 fee just to take that fucking test.
 Merl-Francis got it done on the first try.
 So Babe definitely couldn’t complain about how his life had turned out since last February 2004. 2018, despite the hellscape that had become the world in general, hadn’t been too bad to him so far. He was cautiously optimistic about the year, after having gotten past the normal mourning days around Christmas. It was nearing his anniversary of meeting Gene and the Eagles were in the play-offs. So yeah, things were looking bright and shiny for Babe Heffron. Sure, he was waiting for Ralph to <i>finally<i> admit he was dating Maggie, but that was more fun to watch Spina struggle to come up with excuses for why he couldn’t hang out other than ‘I’m dating your little sister.’ It was amusing as hell.
 And then fucking New England has to fuck up the good year Babe had going for him. Honestly, he should’ve expected it from the Patriots.
 “You look like you’re fixing to punch the tv,” Eugene Sledge said as he looked up from his laptop. “Please don’t. It took Snafu three different trips to pick that one out.”
 “I had to compare the specs,” Merl-Francis said through a mouth of crab dip.
 Gene slapped him. “Close your mouth. Never could take you nowhere.”
 Merl-Francis glared at him. “We at home, Gene-Baptiste. Ain’t no one here not used to me.”
 “We still don’t want to see all that,” Gene said.
 None of the men present understood Babe’s pain. It was the fucking Patriots. Again. If only Ralph and Maggie were here, instead of being all responsible and working. They didn’t get it, this group of Saints fans. They didn’t <i>know</i>.
 “You don’t understand,” Babe said.
 Sledge shrugged and went back to working on his manuscript. “You don’t like the Patriots. A lot of people don’t. Andy’s probably the only one I know who does.”
 “No,” Babe said. “It’s a rematch of Thirty-Nine. I don’t know if I can take this shit again.” He stood up and went to the small kitchen medicine cabinet. “I need all the Tums.”
 Merl-Francis smirked at him. “You got such a weak constitution.”
 “Fuck you,” Babe said as he stepped over a sleeping Kipling.
 Babe’s phone started to ring on the coffee table. Gene reached for it and frowned as he looked at the screen.
 “What?” Babe asked as he shook a handful of Tums into his hand.
 “It’s your dad,” Gene said.
 “Well, answer it,” Babe said.
 “Good evening, Mr. Heffron,” Gene greeted as he put the phone on speaker.
 Joe Heffron sighed. “Gene, when will you just call me ‘dad’?”
 “Sorry, sir,” Gene said.
 His dad sighed again. “We’ll work on it. Where’s my boy? Eating a handful of antacids?”
 “Yes,” Gene said glancing over at Babe.
 Babe made a face at both of them. It wasn’t his fault his stomach didn’t like sports-event related stress.
 “Just like his mother,” Dad said. “Once he’s done choking down chalk, tell him to call me back. We need to know when he’s coming home.”
 “What now?” Babe asked.
 “There’s my boy. You’re coming home for the Super Bowl. You can’t celebrate it <i>there</i>.” Dad paused. “No offense, boys.”
 “None taken,” Gene said.
 “Bullshit,” Merl-Francis muttered.
 His father did have a point. There was just something about Philly fans being at home around other Philly fans. Look, he knew the reputation they had in the sports world. They were the most asshole of fans who did stupid shit like climb poles and flip over cars and throw batteries at opposing pitchers and fall into the penalty box to fight a professional hockey player and booed Santa Claus once almost fifty years ago. And sure things got so bad for a time there the Eagles Court had to be established to deal with all the shit happening at games, but that had been disbanded over fifteen years ago. Despite all that, there was nothing like being around that energy. Even with the actual game in Minneapolis, Babe had to admit that he couldn’t picture watching the game anywhere else but in his parents’ living room.
 “I don’t know if I can get the time off,” Babe admitted.
 Merl-Francis laughed. “You run that office. You can give yourself some days off. Take Gene with you, he needs a vacation.”
 “I have work,” Gene said.
 “Nope, you’ve got paperwork,” Merl-Francis said. “You don’t even practice much medicine anymore, running all the Thibodaux clinics. You got Anna, Renee, Sid, and Bryan to cover your shit. Take a vacation.”
 “You forgot Spina,” Babe said.
 “Ralph and Maggie conditionally asked for the time off if the Eagles made it to the Super Bowl,” Gene said. “I already approved their vacation.”
 Merl-Francis grinned from his sprawl on the couch. “They’ll be there, Mr. Heffron.”
 “I knew I could trust you, Merriell,” he said. “You and Eugene should come up as well. You’ve got to come see our city again.”
 Merl-Francis smiled like that had been his plan all along. “I wouldn’t miss it.”
 “Fuck,” Babe muttered as he threw another couple Tums into his mouth. He eyed the economy sized bottle of Excedrin as Merl-Francis started humming an off-tune version of <i>Fly Like An Eagle</i>. As he started on the second verse Babe reached for the bottle and reminded himself to pack it for the trip to Pennsport.
 There was a sold period of Babe’s life where he couldn’t go back to Philly. At first it was a question of safety. In the wake of Julian’s murder—and that’s what it was even if people still didn’t want to call it that—Babe was forbidden from setting foot in the city. He couldn’t explain that to his parents, didn’t want them to know everything about Ron Speirs’ more classified business dealings or the shit Babe sometimes got mired in to make an extra buck. And the more people who knew the truth, the more lives were at risk.
 After that issue got permanently resolved, Babe couldn’t return because of his own grief. It was funny, really. Babe’s grief was they excuse they used for so long while Julian’s killers were being hunted down, that even Babe forgot there was a world of truth to it. He didn’t know how deep the roots of his grief had grown, even after years, until he was asked to return to Pennsport and had an actual fucking panic attack.
 He couldn’t make himself get on a plane back then, so they drove, and honestly? Babe didn’t know what he did in his past lives to get Gene, but he was full of immense gratitude to whatever good deeds he accomplished back then.
 After overcoming that emotional hurdle, Babe made sure to visit at least twice a year. He’d just been there back in October to welcome the latest Guarnere into the world and hadn’t planned on returning again until May.
 Babe looked through the storage bins and the closet and realized he’d probably have to buy a winter coat while he was up there. The two he’d owned had already been claimed by Gene and Merl-Francis. Sledge, ever the Boy Scout, already had his own.
 “Well that’s a nice view,” Gene said.
 Babe laughed and wiggled his ass as he leaned over the bin. “At least there’s something you still like about me.”
 “I’m just with you for the life insurance and the tax break,” Gene said.
 “Figure out how you’re going to kill me yet?” Babe asked.
 “I figured with the amount of almond milk you drink I’ll just let the cyanide do its thing. Claim you must’ve got hold of some bitter almonds and made your own homemade glass of milky poison.”
 Babe looked up and had to laugh at the evil smirk on Gene’s face. “That’s horrifically brilliant.”
 Gene shrugged. “I needed something to do at the last board meeting.”
 Gene didn’t like having to play the businessman. He liked being a doctor, it was his calling, but they both knew how important it was to him to make sure lower-income and rural areas had access to decent health care clinics. It was a never-ending battle with local governments and the more religious members of the board who didn’t want to provide free contraceptives, pregnancy tests, or rides to the few Planned Parenthood clinics still in the state, but Gene always won. It was hard to argue with him when he got <i>that</i> look on his face and <i>that</i> tone in his voice.
 “Maybe you need this vacation,” Babe said.
 Gene nodded as he walked into their bedroom. “I was thinking about going down to five days a week too. Apparently there’s benefit in taking more than one day off a week.”
 Babe almost fell on his ass. “Did I just hear you speaking actual common sense?”
 “Fuck you,” Gene said with love.
 Babe grabbed an armful of sweaters and walked over to his open suitcase. “I know what this is about. It’s because you’re turning forty next year.”
 “Fuck you,” Gene repeated. He slipped his arms around Babe’s waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. “You got enough clothes there?”
 “Half of these are for you,” Babe said. He leaned back into Gene’s embrace and softly laughed. “And Merl-Francis. He’s going to have ten layers on. We’ll be able to roll his ass down the street.”
 Gene laughed in agreement. “Never could fatten that boy up.” His lips were warm when the pressed against Babe’s temple. “You happy?”
 It had been on those little traditions of theirs, to ask this, in the quiet times. The answers differed at times, but it was an honest question for an honest answer.
 “So much,” Babe said. He turned his head to meet Gene’s warm gaze. “So much,” he repeated.
 After the job that had cost both Bill and Joe Toye a leg a piece, they’d come back to Philly to stay. There had been some bullshit with the Department of Defense, even more with Veteran’s Affairs, and finally they’d just taken jobs with the Nixon Development Philadelphia office. Joe had been officially adopted by the Guarnere-Heffron-Julian-Spina clans. Fran and Bill had insisted Joe live with them, since their place had newly constructed ramps and handrails, and while it’d been a fight, Joe had finally given in.
 The Guarnere home was their first stop. Babe pulled their rental car up to the small strip of concrete that masqueraded as a driveway on the backend of the house. He had insisted on driving, knowing damn well his car full of backwoods country boys wouldn’t survive the trip from the airport without getting in at least three accidents. Babe smiled to himself as he got out of the car. St. Boniface was home, had been for a long time, but there was nothing like the old buildings and decorated front stoops of where he grew up. Green and white flags and Eagles logos decorated damn near everything as far as the eye could see.
 “Uncle Babe!”
 Babe braced himself as Juliana Guarnere came running down the steps at full speed.
 “You gonna dent the car,” Merl-Francis said from where he sat in the backseat, huddled up like he was about to trek the Antarctic. It wasn’t even that cold outside.
 Babe caught Juliana up in his arms and marveled at how tall she’d grown. Seven years old and already half her mother’s size. She had green and white hearts painted on her cheeks which clashed horribly with the faded orange and back Flyers t-shirt she wore.
 “Missed you, Julie,” he said, hugging her tight.
 She gave Babe another hug and then moved on to Gene before waving at Sledge. She frowned at Merl-Francis in the backseat.
 “Is he okay?”
 “He’s cold-blooded like his gator relatives. He’s just conserving his body heat,” Babe said.
 “I can hear you,” Merl-Francis said. He finally slid out of the car. “I assume there’s heat inside your house.”
 “Duh,” Juliana said. She grabbed Babe’s hand and tugged him towards the back door. “Come on! Uncle Joe’s making lunch. Uncle Ralph is supposed to be coming by too. Why didn’t he fly with you?”
 “He had his tickets long before we got ours,” Babe said.
 “’Cause he’s got more faith in the Eagles than you,” Juliana said.
 Babe laughed. “You sound like your grandmother.”
 Juliana laughed as they walked into the kitchen that smelled like ricotta and marinara. Joe Toye was balanced on a stool over the stove, slathering loaves of bread with butter.
 “Look at you all domestic and shit,” Babe said.
 Joe smirked at him and cleaned his hands on the bar towel resting on his shoulder. “I can’t cook much, but this? I’ve got it down.”
 “Smells good,” Gene said. He was looking at Joe with his doctor’s gaze, but probably only Babe and Merl-Francis knew it enough to tell. “Anything we can do to help?”
 “Yeah,” Joe said. “Get out of my kitchen. Go play with the kids. Henry’s teething, just so you know.”
 Juliana nodded. “It’s the worst.”
 “You weren’t exactly a ball of fun,” Joe said. He tugged on Juliana’s ponytail. “You going to stay here? Be my proper sous chef?”
 “Do I get first dibs on the sauce?” Juliana asked, a wicked grin on her face reminiscent of her father.
 “Of course,” Joe promised.
 “Okay,” Juliana said. She waved at Babe and Gene. “You know the way.”
 Gene led the other two out, but Babe lingered by the doorway.
 “Hey, Joe?” he said.
 “You about to start singing some Hendrix at me, Heffron?” Joe asked. “The baby wailing is enough noise.”
 Babe shook his head. Some things would never change. “Just saying, you look good.” He paused and added, “Asshole,” as a parting shot.
 “Watch your mouth,” Juliana yelled after him.
 Babe followed the sound of childish laughter to the living room. Bill Guarnere held court on the couch, little Henry is his lap sucking down a bottle and four-year-old Sofia laughing as Bill made funny faces at her, apparently more entertaining than the Bubble Guppies on the screen.
 Sledge was looking over all the family photographs on the wall, while Merl-Francis had claimed the chair closest to the heating vent. Gene was conspicuously absent.
 “Fran stole him,” Bill said.
 “Already?” Babe said. He held out his hands and took the baby and the bottle. “That’s got to be a record.”
 “We got a new big girl bed for Sofia and a canopy to go with it. The canopy is driving Fran up the wall.”
 “It’s has Elsa and Anna on it,” Sofia helpfully supplied.
 “And it lights up,” Bill said.
 “Jealous you don’t get one?” Babe asked. He shifted Henry in his arms, surprised how much he’d grown since the last time Babe had seen him, and tried not to make a face when he got spit up on.
 “Why do all your children do this to me?”
 Bill smiled, eyes tinged with memories from a lifetime together. “Maybe it’s just a Guarnere thing.”
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detective-rowan · 6 years
Cryptid: Santa
(In participation of @klance2017secretsanta​ and for @ka-gayama​, I really hope you like this.)
WC: 2425 Summary: Lance is stuck in the dorms for Christmas and is surprised to find Keith there as well, trying to execute a strange plan.
The floor was unusually quiet.  Lance moved between the kitchen and his dorm, bringing various ingredients he had forgotten as the meat cooked on the stove.  While it was nothing close to what his roommate Hunk could make, it was a recipe he got from his mom.  Giving him a taste of home while he was stuck at Garrison Academy.  
He had been on the phone throughout the day talking with various family members, or constantly receiving pictures from his family of the things he was missing.  It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be home for Christmas, luck just hadn’t been on his side this year.  The guilt of missing the last ride home weighed heavily on him as he rewatched a video of his nieces tackling the family dog in excitement.  Despite their loud squeals the dog did not stir.  
The smell of the food hit him, calling his attention back to what he was doing.  
He had lingered on campus to turn in a final paper as his professor had offered to let him turn it in a little late.  It was a kind gesture, but now the roads were too dangerous and a plane was too expensive, especially if he wanted to avoid the snow storms.  
He shook his head, trying to chase away the fuzzy feeling like he was going cry.  Christmas meant making the best of it, enjoying the day and thinking about loved ones no matter how far away they were.  Plugging his phone into the wall Lance found some of his mother’s favorite songs to play while cooking.  
In no time he had plated the dish and slowly realized the mound he had created.  Too much for one person.  If Hunk was still in the dorms, it would be perfect.  Most of the floor was in fact empty, except for- “Allura?”  He leaned out into the hall and called out to the door at the end of the hallway.  She had been a little sad lately, while she didn’t celebrate Christmas, she had been sharing a few memories and stories of her parents lately.  Maybe she could use the company.  
Allura was their RA and was spending winter break in the dorms as well.  Despite that, there was no answer at her door.  Putting some of the food on a second plate Lance approached her door carefully.  It had been a rocky start between the two of them, but he liked to think they were friends at this point.  
He took a few calming breaths before knocking, “Allura~  Hey are you home?”  There was the muffled sound of things being moved before the door cracked opened a little.  “So I made way too much food and I was wondering if you’d-” the face that peered out at him was not the angelic face he had been expecting.  “Keith?!”  Lance’s chest tightened at the exhausted, drawn out face that narrowed its eyes at him.  
“Lance?  What are you…”
“No better question, what are you doing in Allura’s room?” The mental image of Keith with Allura wrapped in his arms sent a nauseating chill through him.  
“She’s with Shiro and lending me her room.  It’s not ideal but there’s less room for someone to make an escape.”  Keith yawned, stating as matter of factly as if that should make enough sense.  
“That” he paused, “sounds weird.”  Lance leaned against the door trying to look in.  “What do you mean, escape?”  
Moving out of the way and letting the door open, Keith held his arm out to show the spectacle that laid before him.  The chill of the room hit Lance as he gazed at a large pine tree took up most of the actual floor space in the dorm, nearly every branch was covered in tinsel, lights, and ornaments.  Most of them paper, or fabric, a few busted ceramic ones were also visible.  The room was covered in garland as well with a large plate of cookies along with a tall glass of milk sat next to an open window.  Somewhere there was a low hum of ‘Jingle Bell rock’ being played.  
“What is this?  Allura doesn’t-”
“I brought them in.  I promised to clean up after tonight. I just needed a good place to set up, and after I spent last year on the roof Shiro said I couldn’t do it at home this year.”
“Do what exactly?”  Lance casually pinched off a bite of food with his fingers, his stomach demanding something to eat if he was going to keep standing there.  
Seemingly to take his cue from Lance, Keith also reached in and took a bit of food and ate a little while explaining, “I’m going to catch him this year and prove he’s real.”
“Who- oh you can’t possibly mean…”
Lance jerked a little at the sudden need to chuckle at the seriousness on Keith’s face when he nodded, “Santa Claus.”
“Okay, I know you’re old enough to know he’s not real.”
“He is!  I’m going to stop him, get proof, and get some answers.  If there is anyone who could answer my questions it would be the man who is always watching.”
“Yeah okay man,”  Lance smirked before thrusting the plate at Keith, “so anyway, I made too much, I was dropping this off for Allura.  See she gets some tonight when she comes back?”  
“She’s not coming back tonight?”
“Shiro and her are hanging out watching movies tonight at our place.  So I’m staying here tonight.”
“You mean you live with Shiro?” It was hard to image that the guy who just disappeared one day from the dorms living with the guy Lance’s professors still gush about to this day.  The guy who sometimes gave visitor lectures.  It was like night and day between the two of them.  The thought of them living together had his legs feeling a little jittery like he needed to get out of there.
“He’s my brother.”  Keith raised an eyebrow at Lance’s question.
Lance nodded, that would make sense, oddly enough this fact had him relaxing.  “Okay, well, I guess you can have it instead, but don’t come begging me for more!  Just bring the plate back to my room when you’re done, it’s three doors down on the left hand side that way.”
“Thanks.”  Keith glanced at the food and away towards the floor, Lance couldn’t help staring at the way his bottom lip stuck out in almost a pout at that word.  The door shut with a soft click in his face without Keith saying a word of goodbye.  
Lance muttered as he made his way back to the kitchen to enjoy his own food and clean up.  
Hours had passed as Lance finished cleaning up and found himself distracted by various videos on his phone.  With the warm food in his belly and the late night, he found himself slowing down.  Gathering up his stuff he made his way to his dorm and was a little surprised to not see a plate sitting in front of his door.  ‘Maybe Keith is still eating it?’  
After putting his cookery away he made his way back to Allura’s room.  “Keith?”  He knocked, but there was no answer.  “Keith?”  His hand tested the doorknob and it turned, unlocked.  He took a breath before announcing that he was going in.  The room was dark except for the Christmas tree lights, there was no sight of Keith.  He opened the door wider, “where did-” Lance jumped at the sudden sound of many things clattering.  
“Got you!”  Suddenly something warm slammed against him, tackling him to the ground in the hallway.  “Ha!”  Lance felt the heat raise to his cheeks as he gazed up at a glorious look of triumph that clashed with the dark bags under Keith’s eyes.  Keith’s weight kept them to the door as he pinned Lance’s hands above his head.
“Y-yeah,” Lance stammered for a moment as they both blinked at each other.  From that proximity the dusting of pink that crept up Keith’s neck to his cheeks, and even tipping the tops of his ears, was all visible.  “I mean- what the hell Keith?!”  Lance squirmed under him, nearly bucking him off as Keith scrambled backwards to get off.
“Sorry I just thought you were-” Keith offered Lance a hand in standing up.
“You thought I was Santa Claus?  Jeez, you really need to get some sleep man, I don’t even sound like an old guy.”
“You don’t know what Santa sounds like.”  
Lance sighed, “whatever.”  He looked into the room, behind the door a few emptied cans of various energy drinks were scattered in various directions.  “That can’t be good for you.”
“I got to stay up so he doesn’t get the drop on me.”  Keith shrugged, “oh, here’s your plate.  Now I gotta set this back up.”
“Seriously though man, you look exhausted.  When was the last time you slept?”  Lance eyed  Keith as he missed while trying to pick up one of the cans.  
“Oh I’ve been up for… a while.  Took some time to get everything over here and set up.”  Keith waved his hand towards the room behind him, almost knocking a standing lamp over that he apparently forgot was there.  
“You’re going to destroy Allura’s room at this rate.  Just get some sleep.”
“I’ll sleep tomorrow.”
“No.”  Lance pressed his hands on Keith’s shoulders.  “How about you sleep and I wake you up in a little bit?  How can you hope to catch Santa in this state?”  He hoped that feeding into Keith’s plan would help him see reason.  The way Keith narrowed his eyes and seemed to brood with thought, slowly, looking more like a pout as his sleepiness took over; Lance thought he had won.
“Okay but you gotta hide with me then.”  He shut the door behind Lance and went to work setting up the ‘alarm’ system again.  
“What do you mean hide?”  As a response Keith pointed over to the lower part of Allura’s bunked bed.  She had it set up where her bed was lofted and she had a futon sofa set up underneath.  A pile of blankets laid before him.  
“Alright come here.”  Once Keith was satisfied with the cans he motioned for Lance to sit next to him.  Shrugging Lance agreed, only to be buried in so many warm blankets that smelled a lot like Keith.  A mix of sweat, some warm spice he couldn’t put his finger on, and a little bit of the food he had made earlier that night.  His nose wrinkled.  Though it was surprisingly comforting in comparison to the chill that permeated the room from the open window.  
“Okay so… you sleep, and I’ll wake you up in a few hours.”
“You’ll wake me up if Santa tries to come in through the door or window, right?”  Keith demanded, glaring at Lance while behind huddled under the blankets.  
Lance suppressed the urge to chuckle, again.  “Yep.”  
It was only moments before Keith leaned into Lance’s side, nearly knocking him over.  His breathing suddenly becoming very heavy.  Sleep had to have been just around the corner for Keith, Lance gazed in wonder, questioning how he was able to stay away so long if he had been that tired.  A sharp pain increased in his back at the angle however.  Slowly he tried to maneuver the two of them into a more comfortable position, only to find himself slowly leaning backwards with Keith laying on top of him.  The mess of blankets entangled between and around them making it nearly impossible to move.  
“Hey Keith?”  Lance poked, and prodded, trying to stir him enough to get him to move.  Keith seemed to snore even louder as an answer.  Laying there, feeling Keith curled up against him, Lance tried to listen for the Christmas music, something to keep his thoughts occupied.  But whatever had been playing had gone silent.  He started weighing his options, he could roughly wake Keith up and get them resituated, maybe Keith would go back to sleep quickly.  As he wondered about it, there was a slight tug at his shirt.  Keith grumbled a little in his sleep, he furrowed his brow while he clutched at Lance’s shirt.  
Lance sighed, wiggling to get an arm around him, holding him as best as he could.  Slowly Keith’s expression softened, but still he didn’t let go.  “Night Keith.”  Accepting the situation and relaxing into the futon Lance felt the lull of sleep coming onto him.
Something shifted and light hit Lance’s face, slowly he blinked his eyes open, trying to figure out what was going on, he always closed his blinds at night.  The surprised, sleepy, and almost endearing expression on someone elses face peering so close to him had him smiling.  In the daze it was vaguely familiar, calming his concern almost immediately.  “Hi there.”  He reached out and pressed his hand to their cheek, letting the warmth sink in.  Though as he did, slowly he started to remember, and recognize that face.  Especially as it started to glower at him.  
“You said you’d wake me up after a few hours.  We missed our opportunity.”  Keith grumbled, his cheeks turning a little red as he pulled away from Lance.  He continued with strangled noises as he shifted the blankets, freeing them both.
“It’s not that big of a deal, besides Santa doesn’t-”  His words were lost as he sat up, surprised to see a few presents placed under the tree.  “But…”  Keith slid off of the futon and scooted closer to the tree and pulled out the gifts.  
“Here.”  He casually tossed three boxes in Lance’s direction.  “Those are for you.”  
“But…”  He blinked in confusion as Keith tore into one of his presents.  
It was a strange, and thrilling experience.  Lance tried to figure out what had happened, settling on the idea that it had probably been Shiro or Allura. He had barely noticed what the presents were or what Keith was doing until he plopped back down next to him.  
“Next year maybe…”  Keith nodded assuredly to himself, before turning to Lance, his eyes darting everywhere but at directly at Lance. “So ummm…thank you.  For staying last night.”  He reached out giving Lance’s hand a squeeze.
“Yeah of course… Merry Christmas Keith.”  Keith stilled at Lance’s words, he tilted his head looking at Lance out of the corner of his eye.
Slowly his shoulders relaxed before he mumbled with a smile, “yeah, Merry Christmas.”
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trekwithtaylor · 6 years
Country #97 - Bulgaria
The Airport Sprint
When I arrived in Lisbon, Portugal from Praia, Cape Verde it was about 7am and only my first of three flights of the day. There was a very long immigration line that took about an hour, and then I had to change terminals in Lisbon from the nice terminal to the dingy low-cost carrier terminal. Of course, this isn’t an easy process. You have to completely exit customs and then the airport itself just to change terminals. Going back through security took a while again but I was finally to my gate, this time to head to Frankfurt.
I would just be flying through Frankfurt to get to Sofia, Bulgaria and I knew that it would be a very quick connection time. It didn’t help matters that my plane leaving Lisbon ended up being about thirty minutes late. It was quite the long flight for continental Europe at about three hours. It was so long that I had to break down and pay for food on the plane! When I arrived in Frankfurt I had to take a bus to the terminal as almost always in Europe, but this ride was especially interesting as there had been a wreck between another bus and a baggage carrier. There were ambulances and fire trucks everywhere, but it looked like thankfully everything was fine - there were just tons of precautions! From this minor slowdown forward my nightmare of running through Frankfurt began.
When I finally arrived at the terminal I had 15 minutes in which time I cleared immigration, went through security, and ran for 15 minutes straight. I was dying with all of my luggage and my winter coat and drenched in sweat. I arrived at the boarding gate right when the gate was about to close. The bus was still there - the driver was standing right by the gate agent. I was about to pass out from my sprint. The gate agent told me that it was too late - which was not true as I had about a minute to spare before the gate was to technically close, and the bus was right there! Obviously, it wasn’t true, as after about 30 seconds of my panting from exhaustion he decided to let me on.
This was great! I was so appreciative that he decided to let me on. I began to apologize profusely, at which time my airline ordeal became much, much worse. Just to preface this, I have flown so much this past year, and have never had such a bad experience with an employee of any capacity within the travel agency. This Wizz Airlines employee absolutely went off on me. He told me that no, I was not sorry, or else this would not have happened. He told me that there was no way that I was sorry or I wouldn’t have been late. I tried very sincerely to apologize but every time I said sorry he would continue to mock me and tell me that I was not sorry. Which I obviously was! I hated being late and having to run - it’s not like I decided to do it for fun.
The problems only continued from there. I was now very upset from how he had treated me, but I was on the bus and ready to go. However, while waiting for the bus to go I looked inside and saw the gate agent making fun of me to four or five colleagues! He was mimicking my breathing and then mimicked my apology. It was horrible and I was pretty furious at this point. Like I said, I have never been treated so badly let alone by an airline but as a customer in any industry. I was sincerely sorry and after being mocked to my face I was then made fun of in plain view! It’s like the employee forgot glass and existed and that I could see everything that he was doing.
Anyways, this was an absolutely horrible experience and I wrote to Wizz Air to let them know about my experience, so we will see what happens! I fly almost daily and deal with low-cost carriers (including Wizz Air) very often and have never had this happen so I know it is an isolated incident, but nonetheless, it was very unfortunate. After dealing with that whole ordeal I was thrilled once the plane was moving and it was behind me.
I arrived in Sofia at around 7:30pm to find that I had arrived in the terminal without a metro connection and that the bus to the other terminal would not run again for another thirty minutes. I was incredibly lucky, though, as I made a new friend who helped me make it to the city center very easily! He was a former professional dancer who now teaches dance and has lived all over Europe, so it was really interesting to talk with him not only about his home country of Bulgaria but about Europe and travel in general.
We had a great talk on the bus ride and he even was nice enough to walk me the last few minutes to my hotel. It was another great chance encounter on my trip, and I can’t thank him enough for his helpfulness, generosity, and enjoyable conversation!
When I arrived at my hotel, Sense Hotel, I was blown away with how nice it was and immediately was so excited to just really enjoy a great night of sleep for the first time in a few days. My room was beautiful and modern and had lots of fun buttons to push to control all of the lights and settings in the room. There was a really nice shower and also a good night chocolate which was so cute and an unexpected treat. Thank you so much to Sense Hotel for sponsoring this night of my trip and allowing me to get a much needed full night of rest.
It ended up being quite the ordeal to get to Sofia, but I am so excited to get to explore Bulgaria tomorrow!
The Churches
I felt rested for the first time in days thanks to my cosy night’s sleep at Sense Hotel and had a great breakfast with amazing views out over all of Sofia to start my day off right. I enjoyed talking with the really sweet girls at the front desk (who were kind enough to give me an extra hour to check out) before heading out for the day in Sofia.
My first stop was Cathedral Saint Alexandar Nevski which is probably the most well known of the many churches in Sofia. It has quite the unique design and was actually built by the Russians. That makes sense upon seeing the architecture which really is stunning. My next stop was just right across the street at Temple Sveta Sofia. It is one of the historically most important spots in the city as it has been around in some capacity for almost two millennia. It stands in stark contrast to Cathedral Saint Alexandar Nevski, but was beautiful in its own way. The best part was being able to walk around all of the old ruins of previous churches that have stood on the site. You actually go underneath the church and it was really quite cool.
From there I headed to yet another church, Russian Church Sveti Nikolay Mirlikiiski. It looked very traditionally Orthodox and though small was beautiful both inside and out. My next stop was the Amphitheater of Serdica which was quite bizarre. The Amphitheater of Serdica is ruins of an ancient amphitheater, but they are now inside of a hotel. So you go inside of a hotel to see these ruins. It was fine but just weird and the ruins were not very impressive as there was not very much to see. Luckily for me everything in Sofia is very close together so it didn’t hurt to give it a quick look!
I transitioned here from looking at old ruins and churches to visit my first museum of the day, Museum of the History of Sofia. It was not a very large museum but it contained a lot and was very easy to do in under an hour. Everything was in English and I learned a good amount about the city in one quick visit. From here it was back to visiting churches. I attempted to visit Sofia Synagogue but it was closed. My next stop was Cathedral Church Sveta Nedelya, but on the way I ran into quite the interesting site! The East Gate of Serdica ruins were discovered when the city was building a metro station in 2012, and is almost an entire Roman street from the 6th century! It was really cool to walk through, and I found it especially interesting as it is right in the middle of the city and is such a recent discovery.
Cathedral Church Sveta Nedelya was right past the East Gate of Serdica and was yet another beautiful church in Sofia. From there I visited, of course, one last church. It truly was impressive how many beautiful churches are in Sofia! My last one was Church St. George Rotunda, which you could just tell was very historic. It was surrounded outside by many ruins. I then headed just next door to visit the National Archeology Museum. It was not very large but was pretty interesting, especially after having seen so many historic sites today!
My last stop was to grab a quick dinner at a restaurant called Corso. I had a nice chicken dish for a reasonable price before heading just a few minutes down the street back to Sense Hotel to get my bags and head to the airport. I took the metro as it was very quick and inexpensive. It was pretty easy though I did need to double check and make sure that I was getting on the right train.
When I arrived at the airport I was at the right terminal this time thankfully. This terminal is much nicer and newer than the one I flew into yesterday. I cleared security and immigration easily and then made my way to the airport lounge for a few hours. Things were going smoothly until I noticed my flight was delayed by an hour. This was not a huge deal but was not ideal. It left me with only an hour to connect in Istanbul. However, things only got worse. Before I knew it one hour turned to two. After finally boarding the plane and taking off I pretty much lost all hope of catching my flight when the plane had to circle in the air for another hour, bringing the delay total up to three hours.
When I arrived I was told that my flight was still at the airport, but I knew that there was no way I would make it. The flight was in the final call stage when my flight had just landed and I checked online, and when I checked the departures board in the airport it went from final call to no longer being listed on the board. I had walked quickly for a few minutes before completely giving up when it was no longer on the board. I definitely was not the only one with a missed connection. Apparently, all of this was caused by the weather in Istanbul.
There were probably hundreds of people in line to have their flight changed on Turkish Airlines. I thought that I would be in line forever, but then I got very lucky. They decided to open up a new desk to deal with the demand and they chose my spot in line to go to the front. It was so lucky and I couldn’t believe it - perhaps I would get a little sleep after all.
I had my ticket changed to a 9am flight, meaning that I would still have plenty of time to enter Azerbaijan, but I would unfortunately now not have time to see Baku which I was definitely disappointed about. I’m really glad I decided on getting Priority Pass to use for the remainder of my trip because it came in handy big time tonight. I found a lounge that I was able to sleep on a couch in for about four hours. It was a bit noisy but I was on a couch and there was even a big locker for my things so I can’t complain. I woke up around 8am, headed to my gate, and finally boarded my plane for Baku, Azerbaijan.
While tonight was quite the ordeal, it is also the first time that I have had a flight connection missed which I honestly have a hard time believing myself. Especially because, in quite exciting news, I am now one country away from being halfway on my trip! To have made it halfway without something like this happening is truly amazing. While it isn’t ideal I’m just very glad that it wasn’t worse and that I was still able to make it to Azerbaijan within the time that I needed to be there.
97 countries down, 98 to go.
For more information on Bulgaria click here to read my guide.
To learn more about Sense Hotel click here.
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