#starts to scratch himself right after I call him to come in bed (couldn't he have done that while i was getting situated?? apparently not)
corvidaequeer · 11 months
What's your pet's nightly routine?
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luveline · 10 months
how r our kbd babies doing today?
kisses before dinner —the harrington's recuperate at the end of a long week. 2k, mom!reader
“It's not so bad,” you murmur. “Just a little sting.” 
Avery looks up at you with eyes widened. She couldn't look more like Steve. “How little?” 
Bethie snores on your chest. You're laying in bed, Avery sitting on the floor in your room with a teddy in her lap. You'd pull her up into your bed if there were any room, but with Beth's leg hanging off of your hip and Steve curled toward you like a question mark, there isn't space to spare. 
“They call it a sharp scratch.” 
Avery came in with big questions this morning. Mom, what does a needle feel like? 
“Does it leave a hole?” she asks. 
“No, just a tiny dot,” you say, rubbing Beth's back. She's very warm, worryingly so. “Can you pass me Bethie's thermometer?” 
“Will you ask me nicely?” she asks. 
“Please could you pass Bethie's thermometer, my love?” you say. She smiles, indulged by your sweetend tone, and crawls forward to rifle through the mass of things you've accrued during Beth's flu and subsequent, semi-permanent stay in your bed after her last few days in hospital. Vitamins and mapap, melted cool packs and Dove's rainbow bear. She doesn't really know what's happening, but she knows her sister needs support right now, and so she's parted with her favourite bear. 
Nobody ever mentioned how many plush animals you acquire when you have children. They're everywhere. At least two in each room. 
“Can I put it on her head?” 
“Sure,” you say, brushing Bethie's hair back to give Avery an uninterrupted landing pad. “Be nice, baby, please.” 
“I'll be so nice,” Avery promises. She reaches up, tall on her knees, and smooths the thermometer patch over Beth's forehead. 
“Thank you. Kiss?” 
Avery gives you a kiss. Together, you watch the thermometer respond to Bethie's skin, and when the gauge hits the red that demonstrates much too hot, you bite back a spike of panic. 
“Is she okay?” 
“Yeah, she's okay.” You put your arm firmly behind Bethie's back and sit up with a wince. Steve stirs beside you. “Steve? She's getting hot again.” 
He grunts in his dozing. You nudge him. You'll say sorry afterwards; this is not a nice way to wake up. 
“Steve,” you say. Though it certainly isn't nice, you know he'd prefer to be woken up. You shake him by the shoulders.
He coughs as he wakes, “What? What?” he asks. 
“She's at 101 again.” 
Steve takes your wrist into his hand. He snaps into dad mode quickly. “That's fine, honey. 101 is fine. She's not a baby anymore, just take her blanket off and I’ll go get another cool pack.”
“Are you sure?” 
His voice is gravel. “I promise she's just fine. We don't have to take her back to Urgent Care unless she's at 102 for two days in a row.” 
And you already knew that, but you needed him to tell you. You lean down and rub your nose into Bethie's crown. “Okay,” you say shyly. Shouldn't have woken him. Shouldn't have panicked. 
“You okay, mom?” 
Steve peeks over your body to see Avery sitting on the floor. “Avery! My favourite toast maker, do you want breakfast? Let's make toast and get Beth some ice.” 
Steve leans in to kiss you, then Beth. “Stay here.” 
“No, it's okay, let's go downstairs.” You don't meet his eyes as you say it. You just don't want to be away from him lately. 
“...Okay, no worries.” He yawns and puts out his arms for a transfer of the sleeping child. “Did you brush your teeth, Avey-bear?” 
“No,” she says happily. 
He heaves Beth into his arms, her head falling into the curve of his neck. It would've been nicer if he had a minute to come to, but he hasn't had time to himself in days, and he doesn't complain. Steve just holds Bethie close and gets to starting the day. “After breakfast, then. Come on, sweetheart.” 
It takes you a few seconds to realise he's talking to you. Your face feels hot. “Coming.” 
You make sure Wren's baby monitor is on and leave her sleeping in her crib though she's destined to wake up any time now, putting the twin in your pocket. Steve ushers Avery down the stairs first, following her with Beth cemented to his front as you check on Dove. She's awake but laying down still, blanket tucked to her chin and one of her small feet sticking out of the side. 
“Hello,” you say, feeling the aches and pains of the last week echoing through your back as you lean against her door. “Good morning, beautiful.” 
“Good morning,” she says back. Then, with a squint. “Yo'r leaving?” 
You giggle at her funny pronunciation. “Not today. You want to come have breakfast?” 
“Carry me,” she says, kicking off the blankets. 
“Where's your sock?” You cross the room to pick her up. You don't want to carry her, it seems that the majority of your life is spent carrying these kids with legs of their own, but then you pick her up and feel her weight against your chest and don't mind so much. “Say? Where's your sock?” you ask, tilting your head to her. 
“I had hot toes when I was– when I was sleeping.”
“Yeah? How are they now?” 
“They're fine.” 
You hook your index finger into her sock and pull it off. 
“Can I have,” —she drags her nose against your shoulder— “waffles with syrup?” 
“I think daddy's making toast.” 
“...with syrup?” 
“Whatever you want,” you say, dropping her sock on the floor for later laundry and carrying her down to the bottom of the stairs. She lounges in your arms. 
From the stairs, you turn right into the hallway, which branches into both the living room and a small hallway to the kitchen. You go into the living room (which also, conveniently, connects to the kitchen), and find Bethie deposited on the big bean bag where she likes to nap, Steve kneeling by her side, a cool patch in hand as Avery fiddles with the TV. 
“Are you feeling okay?” he's asking her, putting the patch on her forehead.
She smiles at him with a gaze clear enough to take some of the worry off your shoulders. “Yeah, daddy, just cold.” 
“I know. You try and keep this on for me a little while so we can keep your temperature down, and I'm gonna go make you some breakfast. What sounds nice? You want jam and toast like Ave?” 
“Can I have a… a peanut butter sandwich?” 
He smiles at her like she's given him the secrets of the universe. “Yes. Absolutely you can.” 
“Breakfast on the couch?”
Perfect. You put Dove on the couch next to Avery and turn the TV down to a quieter volume than usual. Bethie shivers at the cool pack but doesn't complain again, her attention drawn to the morning cartoons. 
Steve's multi-tasking already as you prop open the kitchen door. Toast down in the toaster, elbow deep in a sink full of dishes. “Don't do those, I'll do them,” you say, “just make Beth her sandwich.” 
“I got it. You make the sandwich, babe.” 
“You make it.” 
Steve turns around. He dries his hands. “Who the fuck are you talking to?” he asks, eyes wide and lips parted in a dramatised shock. “Me? Are you taking that tone with me?” 
“Shut up,” you say. 
He grabs you by the waist to pull you in. “You used to be such a nice girl, you'd make me cookies and ask me over for dinner, and when I'd take you out you'd try to hold both of my hands–” 
“What does that have to do with anything?” you ask, startled and flush with remembering. You're still young, but you'd been so young. You love him more now than you ever did back then, but it's hard to forget the young love feeling of needing both his hands in yours, in wanting people to know you were together, but mostly of hoping he'd not want to let go of them. 
“It means you used to be nice and now you suck,” he says, using the height he has over you to glare down at you. It doesn't last, five seconds at most. “Sorry, I didn't mean that.” 
You laugh and put your hands around his waist. None of you look put together. His shirt is one of yours, your pyjama pants are about eight years old and don't fit right. Dove is in one of Bethie's nightgowns and Avery's trousers are a yard too short. Beth fares better in new pyjamas from her favourite uncle Eddie (please get well soon, baby Harrington), but they're ready for a wash. They all need baths. 
“Today is gonna be a long day,” you say, blowing a breath against his throat just to see what he'll do. 
Steve puts his arms over your shoulders. “I don't want a short one if it's with you.” He smiles, knowing it's a good line. “Can we still kiss?” 
You used to have a ‘I haven't brushed my teeth’ rule, but more and more life together erases the embarrassment. “One. Close-lipped.” 
“Yes sir,” he says, kissing you chastely. He makes it a good one, very loving, very can't-believe-I-get-to-be-loved-by-you. 
You figure you might as well tell him so, in a way. “Steve?” 
He steps back. You have the same idea at the same time, arms bashing into one another as you try to smooth his hair and he attempts to stroke your forehead. 
“I'm sorry if I've been a lot. I know I haven't been as, you know, strong as you have. With Beth being sick.”
“You don't have to be,” he says. He talks gently, but there's more emotion in his eyes, a softness. “I can take care of all of you, I can. I wouldn't keep having kids if I didn't know I could take care of them and you.” 
“But we're a team.” 
“Yeah, we are, and I couldn't do any of this without you, but you don't have to worry about being strong. I can be enough for both of us while you're not feeling so sure.” He grabs your hand where it brushes his hair down. “Don't mess with my volume.” 
“Steve, you couldn't have less volume right now.” 
“I love you, and it's not just… comfortable. It's not just because you're the mom of my kids, or because it's been years. That stuff's obviously true, but I still love the girl who wants to hold both of my hands at the same time. I'd do this for you even if they weren't my girls, but they are, and you are, and it's not something you need to be sorry for.” He goes a little red at being so open. He doesn't know how endearing it is. 
The toaster pops and makes you both jump. “Shit,” he says, turning around and sadly out of your arms.
“Are you burning the toast?” Avery shouts. 
“Daddy's making a campfire in the kitchen,” you say cheerily. 
Steve laughs infectiously, pulling the toast out with a knife. “I guess we get breakfast first today.”  
You creep up behind him. “I love you so much,” you say, punctuating with a kiss to his warm cheek. 
He abandons the toast as quickly as he'd tended to it to grab you for a squeeze. You groan as everything clicks and he leans into you, pressing love you's with every breath into the side of your head. “Things have been the worst but they're the best ‘cos we're together!” he insists. “You freak me out sometimes being sorry for stuff, why are you sorry? You could totally clock out and I wouldn't get mad, I worry about you. I've always worried about you and I'm gonna worry ‘till I die, I want to.” 
“Don't wind yourself.” 
“You're gonna make me crazy,” he says, kissing your jaw. “You really are.” 
He hugs you for ages. Long enough that you end up eating chewy toast, but the girls get fresh toast and peanut butter sandwiches alike, so everything works out in the end.
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pia-nor481 · 10 months
Champion of the world
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Max Verstappen x reader smut
3.1k words
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Max had preformed so well this year. He won races and was on the podium often and yet he couldn't help but feel anxious. Max was one of those people who often bottled their feeling and thoughts up, thinking it was the best idea, when in fact, it was not. They were sat in his red bull drivers room before the start of the race. "Max it will be okay, you'll do amazing like always. You've spent so much of your life racing and preparing for racing, it's your time." Her words didn't soothe him all that much, no matter how right she was, nothing would get through to him. "That doesn't mean I'll win, anything could happen on the track, no matter how good of a driver I am. There could be a safety car, someone could crash into me, the engine could fail or a really slow pitstop." He always made it worse for him self, yes all those things were possible, but it didn't mean it was all going to happen and ruin the race. He still had a chance of winning the championship. She looked up at him, trying to hide her disappointment in his statement, he was sat above her on top of what was the most uncomfortable 'bed', while she sat with her legs crossed on the floor, she enjoyed max looking down at her, regardless of the context.
They where in this position often, every race she turned up to, Max was on the top step of the podium, he knew it was superstitious, but he felt as though she was a good luck charm. Monaco was the first race she attended, rushing down from their flat towards the paddock after spending a little too much time in bed with Max. They'd ended up in his drivers room once again, her pulling the zip of his race suit up, not without him running his hands over her body. They quickly made a rule, if she was dressing him, he could undress her. It often lead to her freezing adorning just underwear. It made max relax, and she'd do anything to ensure that. But it max didn't win, even if he left covered in champagne and walking away with a trophy, it didn't seem to be enough.
So Max would lock him self in his so called 'office' of their shared flat and worsen his eyesight by staring at a screen. He would spend said time analysing data and strategies, or watching previous races trying to see where he would lose time, and then use the sim for hours on end. Max would barely leave the room, Jimmy and Sassy would often scratch at the door wanting their owner's attention, but would hardly get it. She would be left to look after his cats, and try to look after him. She would try everything possible to make Max leave those four walls, mainly make him some sort of meal, depending on the hour. First she'd call out to him, and get no response, then she'd text, again no response. Finally she walk straight into the room and just place the plate on his desk, hoping he might actually acknowledge her. But he never really did. Of course Max appreciated everything she did, he just wasn't overly connected. Most nights she'd go to bed with out him, and be woken up at an ungodly hour upon feeling the bed dip slightly, but when she would reach out in the morning, his side of the bed would be cold. Although the dishes she left in the sink last night were washed, there was no trace of her boyfriend anywhere. Not even in the sim room.
Around three hours later, Max would come back drained, clearly coming back from what was a particularly difficult training session. His kissed her on the lips before promptly walking toward the bathroom. She knew that he wouldn't be seen again for a while. This became a cycle for the couple. Until it was Saturday, post qualifying was always a fun time. Max usually felt better about racing when he was starting on the front row. This usually fixed the slight drift in their relationship; Max became a lot more aware for what he was doing, the proper term would be neglecting, but it would take him a while to come out of this hyper focus and begin to look after himself, and his girlfriend of course. He wouldn't leave her side, man felt so debilitated because of his actions, then he often would feel his heart thumping loud in his ears. His cortisol levels would have been sky high, a long with his disappointment in himself. He couldn't believe that she would still be loving and caring towards him, after all he had been putting her through this year. She must have felt so lonely, so unloved, and yet she would still kiss him like there was no tomorrow. She never turned him down because she loved him dearly.
"I love you, thank you so much for everything, you honestly don't know how much I appreciate it, appreciate you." It seemed like a simple sentence that would be written in cursive inside of a birthday card, yet Max meant every word. It would clear the stress of points was getting to him. He was so irritable and angry, he couldn't sleep and constantly had headaches even paracetamol could cure. It was daunting to see her boyfriend in such a way. "Max, just come to bed, please, I'm struggling to sleep without you here." She already had to settle with out cuddles, max felt as though he got too warm in bed, but now having to sleep without him. It was becoming too much. "I need to win the next few races, I don't want to get far behind in the points." Receiving 12.5 points in Belgium wasn't particularly helpful in this situation.
"Give me a kiss before you go." She almost begged as Max stood up, the national anthem was going to start soon and so he needed to be out in the pad ok by now. So he pulled her closer by the waist and connected their lips. She gripped his upper arm in the process, just wanting to feel him once again. They stayed like this for a few minutes, not wanting to let go, she may have not realised it, but Max felt most relaxed in her presence, feeling her helped the most though. "I love you"
The race was horrifying. Abu dabi was already a tricky race, that coupled with a safety car was not great for Max. He was however, capable of over taking Lewis Hamilton, and thereby won the race. Elated was all Max could feel, finally he was able to take a full breath and smile, he finally felt relaxed in away; stress free. He was practically screaming down the radio. Max was the world champion and he was ecstatic. After coming down from the high of a win, max decided he wanted another. You wouldn't think Max verstappen would be overly fond of a quicky, due to his nature of trying hard and making things perfect, that should take time, but it was something he enjoyed, the thought of getting caught was such a turn on for him. "Come here." He stated, grabbing her, not overly rough, that however was not his thing. Covered in champagne, Max pulled her back towards his drivers room, and as soon as the door was shut he pulled her close. His mouth immediately attacked her neck and she moaned out, running her hands up his body and into his hair, tugging on it slightly. "Don't start, baby."
Max was angry, the fact he had to ask on multiple occasions if they were sure he won was most likely the cause. He liked to be dominant, he always was, in every aspect of his life. He slid his hands over her back and under her ass, pulling her up so she could wrap her legs around his hips, he gently, as possible, placed her on the bed of the room. Max didn't let go, he was being possessive. His hand constantly made contact with her skin. Just as he slid his hand between her thighs she moaned out, "Please Max." Everything he did always felt good, she felt it through out her whole body. She pulled the zip of his race suit down and began palming his cock, he groaned at the feeling, becoming a little more loud than usual. "Please Max, just fuck me already." She knew they were running out of time, he had places to be.
As Max slid in he felt as though he was losing all control of himself. With every thrust of his hips he got closer to ecstatic, he reached down again, putting pressure on her clit, making sure she was getting as close as he was. Her moans echoed through out the room as Max sped up, rubbing faster circles on her skin. "Feels so good." She was losing the ability to form coherent sentences, thoughts too, Max knew she was close and wouldn't leave the room until she was satisfied. "Cum with me, love" He practically moaned out, leaning closer to her body. With her eyes still rolled to the back of her head, Max pulled out slowly, almost rushing to pull his clothes back on properly. She sat there for a while, watching Max, she was so happy to just be around him, that much was clear with the smile on her face, she was so blissed out, not that Max was surprised. They'd not had sex for a few weeks, so she'd not cum in a while. Once he didn't look disheveled, he began to kiss her lightly, wanting to provide some form of comfort before he had to disappear for interviews and debriefing. "I've got to go, love" he spoke softly as he shifted closer to the edge of the bed, and so, he kissed her and help do the buttons of her top up. "I know, I'll go back to the hotel and get ready, it seems like we have a lot of celebrating to do." With one final kiss to the forehead before walking towards the door. She knew that going to a club tonight wasn't nonnegotiable, they would all be getting immensely drunk.
Once they got off of Max's private jet, they practically rushed towards their flat. Max hooked his arm around her neck as they approached the front door, he was yawning the whole ride over, Max was exhausted, not physically but mentally; the stress of the season was really affecting him. "Talk to me, please, love." She looked over to him as the words left her mouth, she placed her phone and keys on the table and looked at him again. "About what?" Max looked a little on the pale side compared to normal, yet he still tried to give her everything he had. "How you are actually feeling, I hate to say it, but I'm going to because I love you so much, you seem to be so worn out, you need real rest, and yet I know you will be in that sim room, trying to improve your already amazing performance." A small trace of defeat laced her words, Max did become a tad bit displeased with the statement, but he didn't have the strength to be more than so. "Everyone thinks I cheated, as if there's a point of racing. There's no point in winning if I didn't try for it; and I know I've put in so much effort. I spent the better half of the year on the sim, I've had to get new glasses I've been staring at that screen for so long. But that's not even the worst part... I've driven you away in the process. I've been an awful boyfriend and no doubt made your life so much harder. I'm so sorry,love."
He felt so relieved having got that off of his chest, with rather loud sigh and a fall of his chest, Max walked towards her again, He rested his head on top her. "Oh Max, I love you, I'm not going to leave just because you were busy. You wanted to win and you definitely deserve it. You're right in the sense that locking yourself away for so long wasn't fair on me, but I knew how much you wanted this. And if it was going to make you happy, then it would make me happy." He was almost in tears. There wasn't anything they wouldn't do for each other. "You need to relax." She said, feeling his finger tug on her top slightly, before his hand slipped all the way up her chest. " I think I know how to relax." He smirked, grabbing her wrist and lightly pulling her towards their bedroom.
She pushed his chest lightly, forcing him to lay down on the bed, she enjoyed the feeling of warmth against her finger tips, Max's touch was divine. He began to sit up, reach out for her body. Her hands made contact again, while she spoke, "I don't think so." Her tone was teasing, she wanted him to feel good, he wanted to feel good, but she would control the when. "Oh, please, love. Don't tease me." Her hands slid over his torso, feeling every divot and muscle, the sensation was intense; max let out an exasperated sigh. As she climbed into his lap, she could feel his hard cock, it was almost painful. She palmed him once again, changing pressure to ensure he would be on the edge. He was practically moaning, the loudest she had ever heard him. "Be good." She whispered out, as his cock jumped. They had never discussed the possibility of Max having a praise kink, although he definitely deserved all the praise in the world after this season. "Did you like, hm? Do you like me calling you good? Or do you like when I tell you what to do?" Max's chest was rising and falling rapidly. "Answer me, Max." It didn't come across as aggressive, yet it was still demanding.  He was shocked with himself, never did he think giving someone else completely control of his body would be so marvellous. She began to stroke his cock faster, slowing down every few moments to tease the tip, edging him further. "Yes, yes to all. Please, Love. Let me cum." He was virtually begging as she liked along the underside of his cock; the precum leaked heavily, and so she began sucking him dry. "Uh, yes." He could feel the sensation through out his entire body, and could hold back, her mouth quickly filled with his cum.
Max was panting as he sat up, making eye contact with her in the process. She leaned forward, kissing his neck, giving him as much attention as possible, he didn't cheat, never, not in any aspect of his life, he loved everything too much. He loved her. Her so called kisses left bright red marks all over his pale skin. "Sit back, baby." Max moved back towards the headboard, still blissed out and a little coherent; in the meantime, she slowly stripped of her clothes, giving him a little show while he caught his breath. Max's gaze shifted back towards her and he felt his cock harden again almost immediately, blood was rushing through his body rapidly. A lazy smirk dawned his face as she straddled him again, stoking him a bit before sitting down fully, taking him whole in her cunt. Her eyes rolled back temporarily at the feeling, it felt like he was in her stomach in this position; his hands rested firmly on her hip while she got used to the feel of the stretch. Max didn't have to say anything, she could tell by the look on his face, and the hunger in his eyes, that he felt euphoric, just being inside her.
"Fuck, Max, feels so good." He felt almost cocky at the statement, he didn't even have to do anything and she was already moaning. Max shifted slightly, bending his knees in an attempt to thrust his hips up, but her hands came down from his chest to stop his movements. "No, why won't you listen to me? I said you're not doing any of the work, and I mean it."  As much as Max like control, he also liked to please.  She began to lift her hips up and then down rather slowly, easing Max into it, without overstimulating him. She was already squeezing him tight, so it was hard for max to resist, he was desperate, desperate for her, desperate to cum. Her hands gripped the headboard for support, allowing her to fuck him faster, he moaned out as she leaned forward, almost coming off his cock completely. It all felt too good, they were both edging on ecstasy, so much so that Max's grip only tightened, leaving marks on her skin. Her hands came down from the bed and onto his chest as she began to ride him even faster, his eyes closed and mouth agape, he felt his legs start to shake slightly. "That's it, so good for me." She practically huffed out as his breath hitched. Max came hard, he could feel it through out his whole body; legs shakes, head thrashing with his eyes rolled to the back of his head, a choked out moan bounced off the walls in the process.
After riding out his high, her arms came down as she went to rest her head on his chest, silence filled the room for a moments as they both caught their breath. Her hands trailed over his body once again, this time, in a slightly less erotic way, a more comforting act. His hands slid up her back and into her hair, playing with it, this was an act they both enjoyed. "I love you." She knew that. “I’ll be better, I promise.” Light laughter filled his ears, “Max, I love you so much, don’t doubt that.” A smiled covered his face, he not only promised her, but himself; he felt terrible for what he did and so would never do it again. He could not treat her in such a way.
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hyeque · 2 years
strawberry shortcake [tsukishima kei][nsfw]
synopsis: you let kei act out his wildest fantasies for his birthday
warnings: manhandling, cunninglius, food play, breast worship, kei being a dick (wow), mild hair pulling, choking
notes: this isn't as long due to time constraints (update: i lied, at the time i wrote this it wasn't but now it is), but it would be illegal for me not to write anything for my tsukkipoo's bday, so happy bday to one of like 4 of my main 2D husbands 🫶🏾💗 honestly i don’t know what this is
word count: 3.6kei
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tsukishima never really considered his birthday to be a big deal, but when adding you to the equation, the man definitely can't lie and say he doesn't look forward to the occasion now.
from the minute it was midnight, you had made it everyone's—including kei's—personal problem that it was his birthday. with the way you got ecstatic about it, it's hard to be convinced that it's not your birthday.
tsukishima never bothered with asking you about plans, because every time he does, you never say. no matter how hard he pries or tries to bait you, you don't give in. it's irritating but admirable, he must admit.
so as he heads home that day from work (because adult mundane things don't stop for your birthday, of course) he's not sure what to expect. he had gotten a ton of messages from his team group insinuating you'll give him the best birthday sex ever, but he never really is one to entertain locker room talk persay. and even more truthfully, all of his lewd thoughts about you should only be reserved for him and him only.
he doesn't hear or see you when coming into your shared apartment. after calling out for you, he only hears small giggles from your shared bedroom and makes his way there.
to say he is pleasantly surprised is an understatement. throughout all the birthday messages and well wishes he'd gotten earlier today, he couldn't stop focusing on the meaning of your words from before he left that morning. a, "i look forward to seeing you later" and that was it. he will admit he was a bit grumpy you hadn't texted him throughout his day.
but he forgets all of that and nearly drops his work phone out of his hands when seeing the sight in front of him.
"happy birthday, kei."
you sit on the bed, naked and with nothing but two wrapped presents on your lap. a red ribbon adorns your neck, implying you're also a gift. on a tray only about a foot away from you is strawberry shortcake made just for him, along with his favorite meal (not you, specifically actual food—sorry to disappoint the audience).
if he were a horny and uncontrollable animal like his teammates, he'd send a picture of you joking about how right they all were, but he doesn't feel like it. he knows the scratch marks you'll put on his back will make up for everything he doesn't say to his team now.
it's silent as he stares at you and you start to feel small under his gaze. and unfortunately...he's not your normal everyday boyfriend. he's prickly and sometimes he shouldn't say things he doesn't mean, but he can't help himself sometimes. he doesn't always like to grant you the reactions you're hoping for immediately. sometimes he does things just to rile you up.
"you really think that just having sex with you would suffice as a good birthday present?" he asks, pushing his frames up his face. he moves so he's sitting on the bed in front of you, calculating eyes not letting you see more of his emotions than he wants.
you frown, rolling your eyes. not a hi, not a hello. nothing. "and you're saying it won't?"
kei knows his sharp tongue can easily get him in more trouble, and believe me, reader, when i say the last thing he wants to do—especially in this moment—is make you upset.
you slam down both presents in front of him, distracting him from his thoughts. "in case your thick head didn't know, i still got you an actual present."
once examining the gift you got him, his eyes soften as it was something he briefly mentioned once awhile ago. he didn't even think you remembered. the second gift was a framed photo of the two of you from your first ever date. you both were a little bit more shy and awkward then, but the memories it holds outweighed any of that.
he becomes quiet, feeling the heat from his face become scorching hot before he looks down at you with soft eyes now.
"thank you. i really appreciate it." he squeezes your hand three times before leaning down and placing a chaste kiss to your lips. your anger from earlier slightly subsides but you still feel slightly embarrassed and move to get up and change into clothes.
kei blocks you, a smirk creeps to his face. "but...i really appreciate you more..." he yanks you by the leg, pulling your body towards the edge of the bed.
"w-what are you doing?" you squeal, looking up at him with widened eyes.
"having dessert." he answers, his eyes focused on your glistening folds. his mouth is drooling at this point.
you try to speak but nothing but sputters come out of your mouth. "h-hey mister, your dessert is over—" you're cut off by a surprise moan escaping you as kei wraps his mouth over your lower region, all thoughts of a smart reply gone from your mind.
"one—it's sir to you, and two—for the record, you taste better than any strawberry shortcake, shortcake." he grins, moving to lap at your cunt again.
your mouth drops open into a gasp, and you move your hips back against his face shamelessly. "y-you said you didn't want sex as a present."
he tsks, rolling his eyes. "i didn't say that. i simply asked you a question earlier. which then, if you were my only gift"—he smacks the fat of your ass playfully, making you yelp—"i'd be stupid not to be grateful."
'damn right', you want to say, but settle on, "y-you're so...irritating..." you huff, fingers digging into the bedsheets as he laves over your insides like a starved man.
"hey—you're supposed to be nice to me, it's my birthday." he taunts, smirk gracing his (annoyingly) handsome face.
"i'll be nice to you alright—" you whine once the feeling of his fingers come into play, "god—you—" your words become choked up as two thick digits move inside of you.
"kei is just fine," he smiles, ravishing in the squelching mess that is your cunt. the sounds and smell of you are driving him absolutely insane, but he doesn't want you to know that just yet.
your legs are trembling and you both hate and love how easy it is for him to get you like this. your skin is covered with a thin layer of sweat and you whimper, looking up at your boyfriend in awe. he's removed his glasses and his hair is disheveled from a long day at work. you didn't know it was possible for someone to be this hot while eating you out.
and so it doesn't take long before your release approaches and you're shudder with euphoria as you decline from your high.
"good girl," he hums, pleased with you cumming all over his face.
tsukishima's large hands toy with the ribbon around your neck. you recognize the calculating look in his eyes and shiver, wondering what he's thinking.
"since you're my present, i get to do whatever i want with you, right?" he asks, his golden brown eyes meeting yours.
"y-yes..." you stutter, hands resting uncertainly on his broad shoulders. he senses your nervousness and only leans down to kiss you. you sigh, leaning into him, body practically straddling him. you grind up against his thigh, your cunt rubbing deliciously over the hard muscle.
"dirty girl..." he grunts, shoving his thigh further against you. he knows you must be soaking wet down there. he'll worry about his pants and dry cleaning later.
"kei..." you murmur, resting your head on his shoulder. your hands pull at his sweater, "off, take this off."
"didn't know you were in position to make such demands..." he tsks, leaning back to take off the sweater. you never get tired of seeing him. of how lean and toned he is. his porcelain skin is going be tainted by the time you're done with him tonight.
moving over tsukishima wordlessly, you kiss down his jaw and neck, nipping and biting playfully at the skin. you run your hands over his chest and stomach, admiring the refined muscle and how it ripples under your touch. soft moans leave him and his skin flushes a rose pink. he tugs you off, laying you back on the sheets.
his eyes move and land on the strawberry shortcake and he—much to your dismay—grabs a glob with his bare hand. before you can complain about your ruined masterpiece, he looks to you with a glint in his eyes.
"i knew this cake was missing something..." he murmurs as he smears the food onto your breasts and stomach, "one ingredient that's rare, and only available to one person."
you feel your face burn as he looks at you mischievously.
pinching your cheek with his clean hand he coos, "i'm so lucky i don't have to share that ingredient with anyone else, aren't i?"
"i'm going to be all sticky after this," you whine, grimacing from the thought.
"sure, but it won't be from the cake." kei quips, making you slap his chest.
the hand you use to hit him is easily pinned to the bed. he laves his mouth along your neck, sucking up the cake into his mouth. you gasp quietly, feeling his teeth nip playfully at your skin every now and then.
"fuck, kei..." you whimper.
"i think this is a much more efficient way to eat, don't you agree?" he hums mouth moving down to your collarbone. the marks left behind from his handiwork please him but make him all the more greedy at the same time. "every part of your body is sweet just like this cake."
you whimper, arching your back up into him as the tender skin of your breasts is sucked on, his mouth not hesitating to leave bruises in his path. with the way he kisses and licks your skin, you truly feel worshipped. especially when he makes it his agenda to kiss every square inch of you. he ends his ministrations with kisses on your cunt, causing you to jerk from sensitivity of cumming earlier.
"don't think i can go back to eating strawberry shortcake normally after that." he admits and you laugh before sitting up.
you crawl to the tent in his pants, hands moving to undo his belt but hear a sound of displeasure.
"no time." he swat your hand away from his crotch. you pout until he pulls himself out from his confines, his cock slapping his stomach as he steps out of his pants and boxers.
he's leaking an evident amount of pre and you wonder what universe you had to be put in to not be able to suck him off in this moment.
he kneels between your body, stroking himself but making no urgent move to line up with your hole. he seems to enjoy your squirming and smirks at the look of frustration on your face.
"you look hot when you're desperate like this." he says, gripping himself just a little tighter at how vulnerable you look before him.
your body jerks when you feel the head of his cock brush against your cunt. the feeling dissolves but then he repeats the same motion again.
"kei i swear if you don't put it in—"
"then what?" he challenges, only running his tip over your folds once more.
"is it really a crime to want to see you cry for my cock?" he asks, slapping his shaft against you. "it's my birthday so you have to do as i say now. so tell me how much you want it."
when he's met with silence, he raises a brow, wondering why you aren't speaking. "did you not hear me? or are you already too dumb to speak? i haven't even fucked you yet."
his large hand slides up to the column of your throat and a gasp of surprise leaves you. "you're acting kind of bratty right now, and i don't like it. i don't even think you deserve my cock."
you protest, "wait! please! i—"
he taps his chin, "but that's a problem for both of us, isn't it?" he grunts, probing his tip at your entrance, pressing the tip in, but not moving any further. one move and you could have him inside of you easily, but you don't dare defy him. he'll just get more upset.
he continues, "because you won't believe how badly i want to be buried in this tight cunt. but i could just fuck my fist or your mouth and call it a day—"
"n-no! i don't want that!" you blurt.
he grabs your jaw, a stern look on his face. "this isn't about what you want, baby. it's about listening and behaving to what i want. now what do you say?"
your head bows and shame swallows you whole. "please, sir. please fuck me like you mean it."
the look on kei's face suggests that he isn't exactly pleased, and the click of his tongue confirms. "i think you can beg better than that, shortcake. you've cried harder over cuddling* than getting fucked."
"that's not—" you bite your lip when his glare falls on you, "sir please! i promise i'll be good! i'll do everything you say, i swear!"
call him a sadist but it isn't until he sees tears brimming your eyes does he fully sheath himself into. the motion makes you gasp, and your voice is suddenly lost due to the feeling of him.
"see, now this, is a birthday gift." he says, breathing shaking as your insides envelope him. you always invite him in so easily, that's how he knows his cock is made for you, and your cunt is made for him.
"k-kei..." you stutter, the fullness making your senses heightened.
"always feel like i'm celebrating something when i'm in you." he huffs, his face flush as he squeezes his eyes shut. "god, you always feel too good..."
the slow clap of his hefty balls against your ass begins to fill the room. he thinks you look pretty with the look of ecstasy on your face right now as his cock hits all of the parts of you that make your toes curl.
"creaming all over my cock like this, you might be the best present i've ever had." he grunts, moving his hand to play with your clit. "so pretty like this..."
and just like he knows, your nails dig into his back, gently but thoroughly scraping at his skin as he pounds into you. it takes everything in him to not cum right there and then. you find yourself babbling his name, chanting it and telling him how good he feels.
his mouth is moving over all parts of you to taste and lick the cake he missed from before. he groans something about you tasting sweeter today especially.
you don't get a chance to warn kei about your creeping orgasm, and just lock your legs around him as it all comes crashing down over you. he groans, nearly losing his composure as your cunt milks him. he swears before pulling out of you, flipping the two of you so that your body is on top of him.
"be a good present and ride me." he says, smacking your ass.
you waste no time and scramble to adjust yourself. your legs are still trembling when you sink back down on him but you can careless. you both groan, stilling for a moment, as you stare at each other. he laces his hand with yours and squeezes it again.
once accommodating the full and new feeling from the angle you're at, you slowly move on him.
"oh fuck." he hisses, head falling back against the pillows. you place your hands on his thighs before leaning back and bouncing yourself. his hands move over you, whispering words of affection and marveling you in his own quiet and loving way.
"god look at you," kei breathes, staring up at you like you're an angel descended from heaven. his mouth falls open slightly and soft moans escape as he watches you.
"always look so fucking beautiful when you ride me like this." he continues, conflicted on if he should lay back and view you or shove his face between his (yes, his because everything about you is his) tits.
as infuriating kei tsukishima can be, there's never a time that he doesn't make you feel so loved, and full of worth and praise. albeit these moments are shared more privately, but you won't trade the image of his half lidded eyes, flush face, and lovesick expression for anything else.
he decides to lay back and is pleasantly surprised when you lean over him anyways, offering the best view of your tits in his face. his large hands move to knead and play with them, then making you shudder and cry out of pleasure when he sucks on them.
"k-kei..." you breathe, voice caught in your throat as you grind down on him, flipping between that and bouncing on his cock. it's almost like your body is possessed in a way. he knows and you know just how cock hungry this man can make you and how your mind resorts to mush.
kei would get on his knees and thank the gods right now if he could just from seeing the sight of you so focused to getting yourself and him off with his dick. and he doesn't want to have it any other kind of way. there's a strange satisfying feeling to being used and he's not opposed to it.
"does it feel good, baby? does my cock make you feel this good? tell me." he ghosts his hands over your hips and groans, watching the sinful way that they move.
"f-fuck, feels so good, kei! i love sitting on your cock!" you whine, tears brimming your eyes. tsukishima feels himself throb in you before moaning again, not caring how desperate he sounds.
"yes, keep fucking me like this, don't stop." he gasps, trying his best to keep his hands from grabbing your hips and fucking up into you how he likes.
he can feel his resolve crumble as he approaches his high. "you're going to let me cum inside you, yeah? like the dirty girl that you are?" he smacks your ass, making you clench sinfully and deliciously on him.
you nod rapidly, nails digging into his ravished porcelain skin. "fuck yes, kei, i want all of it. cum inside of me, please!"
he grins, your whining riling him up as he pounds into you harder. he flips you over again and your legs are thrown over his shoulder and your body pinned down on the bed. everything is so loud and messy, but he's too hyper focused on filling you up to care.
"shit, fuck, i'm gonna cum. i'm going to fill you up so fucking full." he yanks you by your hair and kisses all down your neck. by his erratic breathing you know he's at his peak.
"kei, i'm—!" you gasp, your third orgasm seizing you as your cunt clamps down on him.
"ha—" he chokes, hips stilling and back shuddering as the dam inside of him breaks. the most lewd groan escapes him and you clench harder when feeling the warm of his cum spill into you. the throbbing from him evident as his balls fully empty themselves into you.
barely catching your breath, you reach up and kiss him. his mouth tastes like the cake you made him and you feel your face burn as you taste a hint of yourself as well.
your start to move yourself off of him and he grunts out of displeasure.
"not yet. just want to be in you for a bit longer." he says, hands gripping your hips tightly.
"okay." you respond, leaning down to kiss his face, neck, and collarbone. he shivers at your touch and you feel his cock twitch inside of you once more.
"you're going to start something you can't finish." he complains, pinching your side to get you to stop.
you laugh, hiding your face in his necks. "whatever you say. so...how was your birthday present?"
"i loved it. i'm going to put the photo on my desk at work." he answers, smirking as you bite his ear in warning.
"not that present, dummy." you sit up before gesturing to the bow around your neck.
tsukishima hums, his hand resting on your neck before looking at you.
"absolutely irreplaceable. i couldn't have asked for anything better, and i'm feeling incredibly lucky.
"well i'm glad, birthday boy," your eyes fall back on the food. "are you hungry? do you want more cake?"
"no...but speaking of cake, i just realized something." tsukishima says, playing with your fingers.
you tilt your head. "what?"
"your pussy always tastes the sweetest when i'm dripping out of it." he smiles.
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do not copy and or repost. likes, reblogs, and comments are appreciated though! (c) 2022 hyeque
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beom-s-author · 6 months
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txt reactions hyung line- they saw you crying
warnings: fluff,comforting,cryings,curse,hugs,etc.
Choi Yeonjun
You were looking at the ceiling in your room, lying on your back on the bed. Your phone was open next to you. It caught your attention that people you saw on Twitter ship Yeonjun with other idols and how beautiful they are. You took a deep breath, but you couldn't stop yourself from thinking. They were very beautiful. They sang wonderfully and danced wonderfully. You were just you. You were living in your little house, going to college and working part-time at the same time.
Feel pitty for yourself. And you were still thinking about the reasons why Yeonjun was with you. But nothing came to ypur mind. You were you, and you were more ordinary than ordinary. Tears filled the fountains of your eyes and fell one by one. Your teeth shook and chattered together. Your heart ached, but no one could suppress the words that you didn't deserve Yeonjun. As your whispered to yourself, sobs interrupted your words. Then you took a deep breath. Your hands were shaking. You stopped with the hand reaching for your tear-stained cheeks.
"Shhh..There is there is.." Yeonjun stroked your back and hugged you. You sobbed again and took your phone to not let him to see the post you read. But he quickly pulled it to himself and saw them. He looks at you with upset smile and sat next you. He stroked your hair and puts little smile to your forehead. "You know, it is not something I care about. You can be an ordinary person even You are already the most special to me. But you know that I will always choose you,right? So please don't cry ever again for this ridiculous things. I am happy with you crybaby." He giggled and hugs you bsck with his soft hands and his soothing words.
Choi Soobin
You came home tired. You had many wounds on your knee. Your hands were pricked by thorns. You were the school's representative in the running tournament. And everyone had very high expectations from you. But you weren't that confident in yourself. Because you didn't have the ability to manage under pressure, you stumbled too many times, resulting in bruises on your knees. You rubbed your hands on the bushes and caused a thorn to get stuck in you. The scratches made your arms bleed. You entered the house drenched in sweat. You immediately kicked off your shoes. There was blood on your leggings. You sighed deeply and lay down on the bed. When you lay down and closed your eyes, you were already asleep...
When you opened your eyes, It was already midnight. You overslept and missed your video time with Soobin. He was probably asleep also. You sighed with anticipation and laid down back. You looked at your knees and sighs with annoyance. You put some bandaged on them. You laid down again and slept back. After a day later, It was finally your competition day. You wore your outfit and now you were waiting for Soobin to come.
you waited 1 minute. 10 minute and half hour. But he wasn't there. You calles him but he wasn't there You got anxious. but he texted you after a few minutes later as he couldn't come to your competition. You sighed heavily. You went to the track and started waiting for the bell. And it started. You were out of breath almost 5 seconds later and you were 2nd now.
It was maybe not the worst one but you can be 1st also. You sighed with pain, tiredness and disappointed feelings. You took your price and went your home with tears. Soobin was at home already with snacks and refreshing bath tub with candles and room sprays. You hugged to his neck while crying loudly. You were too appreciating how he is always near of you and now you were also emotional. "Hey stop crying Y/N. You did your best. I am proud of you. I wanted watch but I couldn't so I made meal for you. I am so curious if you will like it."
Choi Beomgyu
You were on your period. Beomgyu was more stubborn and sarcastic than ever. He was laughing at your figure lying on the couch and was crushing you. But he was trying to make you happy. Most of the time, your mood would end up responding to Beomgyu's sarcastic remarks, but right now, you were in so much pain that Beomgyu's words were causing you more pain. When you take a spoon of ice cream and continue going to bed. In a big size blanket, you were sitting on the couch in pain. Your belly is aching a lot with the period cramps. Beomgyu was watching you from distance. He couldn't handle that. He went to the fridge and brang you some painkillers. He picked your favorite movie as 'Shrek 4' and laid down with you. His warmness was easing you a lot. You laid down with him while watching. Some scenes, your eyes are getting teary and you were finding yourself sniffing. Beomgyu started laughing when he saw you crying over to a scene which Fiona and Shrek is arguing. You were crying and sobbing because it reminds and panicks you if you and Beomgyu will argue like them. Beomgyu hugged you and kissed your cheeks. "Stop 'muah' Crying 'muah' little pumpkin."
You hugged him back and he picked you up for a piggy ride. You were feeling better because you were laughing after crying. Beomgyu has found the best solving for the pain. Laughing and quality times.
You watched all series of Shrek all night and hugged each other. Beomgyu was monitering your pain and also your mood. He was trying to ease your pain a bit again. He holded your hands and rubbed your belly. He kissed your hands and cheeks. He put your hands on his shouders and pulls you closer. "Sleep on me. Need some sleep and rest also."
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We'll meet again
the plot is: (Y/n) summoms a demon, Alastor, to save herself from awful men and they make a deal. We'll see what comes next in subsequent chapters :>
I used she/her because it seems to me that the heroine has her own character and I thought it won't be right if I write you/your and than the heroine will make something out of your, reader, character, but I still used Y/n because I wanted to make you feel closer to this story and Alastor
english is not my mother-tounge, so I'm very-very sorry about the mistakes I must have made :'<
Part one, the summoning
Away! Farther from this place, as far as possible! It was just incredible to stay here for any longer. Although she couldn't leave this place she still could disappear for some time.
(Y/n) was running through the forest. Cold october wind rustled in her ears and scratched her cheeks, stained with tears. She breathed hard, suffocating with sob and run, but didn't want to stop to recover her wind.
She turned from the path and ran deep into the woods. She could barely see, where she was running, blinded by tears. The mist embraced her shoulders and waist, as if it asked her for a dance. Trees were bare and grey, the grass scratched her ankles. She often stumbled over the roots and stones, almost fell several times, but didn't stopped.
(Y/n) thought how marvelously would it be, if the Death would find her there right now. If she fell and bled until William, riding on the horseback, would find her, to took her to the cold and dirty marriage bed.
She was running until she ran out into a forest border, circled by high pines. There she fell exhausted.
She hated her existence that moment. She wanted to disappear. How awfully, how disgustingly, how abominably she felt! That dirty pig who dared to call himself their family's friend and who almost...
She wanted to kill him, she almost did it, when he grabbed her roughly and tried to press her lips against his. Only a memory made her shudder in disgust. But fortunately, a maid entered the room that moment, and (Y/n) ran away taking an occasion.
Now she cried her heart out.
If only she had the power... The power to take revenge. To do anything. To be anything.
She read about such power. In the books that (Y/n) called classics just because they were old, and that her mother called worthless, as they "don't teach how to live". (Y/n) always replied that these books taught her how to feel.
These books brought her up, even if their authors lived centuries ago. They told her about love, only one immortal love, and what a person could lose to get it.
The influence of these books was stronger due to the fact, that the house, where she lived, was located in the middle of nowhere, and throughout her life she communicated only with her parents, their few friends and servants.
Shaking with sobbing, she was lying on the ground. She knew that everything she read was just a fiction. There never existed any fausts, nor mephistos, nor witches nor evil forces. But she wished it weren't so.
So maybe she could try..?
She remembered a book, she found in the attick. Black leather binding, old yellow pages, blackletter.
"Circle, animals' bones and special words," she muttered.
After a while everything was done. All she had to do is to cast a spell.
Alasor was in his radio studio and he was going to start a brodcast. He made himself a cup of coffee, tuned the radio in and only just sat in his chair when something started to happen.
Everything around him flicked and rattled; the air was filled with red and black shadows.
"What is it?" he said.
Invisible force seized him and he felt the smell of rotten leaves.
Not even three seconds had passed, when the radio studio was empty.
Alastor found himself sitting on the ground in the middle of circle somewhere in a forest border. He saw a beautiful and frightened young woman in front of him. The hem of her long light dress was stained with mud. Hair was messy and her eyes were red of tears. She looked at him with her eyes wide opened, stilly moving her lips.
A human.
Alastor understood that he was still sitting on the ground and quickly stood up.
He noticed how small was this woman. He was tall enough even among the demons; and now standing opposite her he realized how small people were.
"Oh, god," she said and covered her mouth with her palm, "I can't believe. Am I insane?"
The man dusted his suit.
"If you summon a demon and then calling the god for help, then..." he almost closed his index finger and thumb, "maybe slightly mad?"
His voice sounded like coming out of a radio. His wide smile full of sharp yellow teeth gave (Y/n) the shivers. She was amazed at how classically devilish he looked. Could it be because of the colour of his clothes? He had a red pinstriped suit, a red shirt with two intersecting stripes forming something like a cross on his chest, a bowtie, black trousers and shoes with red toes. In his hand he held a strange cane that looked more like a microphone. His eyes were red, and she felt how hypnotical was his gaze. His hair was also red but with black tips. On the top of his head she saw ears and small antlers. "A deer demon?" she thought.
"Well," he said, "are you still going to remain silent and stare at me?"
He throwned but was still smiling.
"Sorry, it's just not every day you summon a demon haha" she began to stroke her hair.
"So is it your first time, hmm?"
She looked at him with her cheeks red, "Summoning? Yeah, exactly..."
(Y/n) thought that his voice was anodyne despite who he was. She couldn't deny that she found him all attractive.
"Well, dear," said the man, "tell the truth it's my first time either! Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure!" His speech became faster and he held out his hand (Y/n).
He was still in the circle and (Y/n) was out. She tipped her head and asked, "You can't cross this circle, can you?"
He was still holding his hand out her.
"I'm quite sure that you can," he said, gazing at her with a sharp smile.
"But I'm not actually sure if it's safe for me," (Y/n) replied.
He tilted his head sharply, and she heard something like a radio was crackling.
"What a bold girl," he thought.
He smiled wider and put his hands behind his back.
"Ha! Very well, dear! Now if you don't mind, explain me, why have you summoned me?"
Her face became severe; in her eyes he saw something very similar to the thirst for a revenge.
"I want the power."
He looked up at her.
"A demon like you can give me the power, right?" She looked at him with hope.
"What kind of power do you mean, darling?"
She hardly breathed, gazing at him.
"I want to be the one who can't be harmed or even touched by men. I want them to regret they meeting me."
He was surprised indeed, "Why such a unique request?"
She hugged herself by her shoulders, "Just make it," she said.
Alastor noticed how subdued and frightened she was.
Some people say if a person seeks for a devil's help this person is weak, desperate and lost their heart. But in actual fact, not every person dares to do it. Only a fearless, confident in their strength and knowledge and slightly mad, will make a deal. Of course, a lot is contingent. Nobody will ever say that Ambrosio was a strong and brave man. But the inner strength and spirit of Faust, his desire for knowledge and willingness to do anything to achieve his dream, can be envied by many. And Alastor was pretty sure about the strength of this girl. He was actually interested in her soul.
"Let's make a deal," he said holding his hand out again.
(Y/n) looked up at him. She was thinking. What would happen if she did it? Would she end up in hell? But wasn't her own existence hell already? But it was worth it, right? To sell her soul to save her body. Madness, some would say. Maybe she wasn't actually sane that moment, but she did want to revenge.
She came closer and erased a line between her and Alastor. She took his hand and a green light filled the forest. (Y/n) saw how his antlers grew much bigger, the smile stretched from ear to ear, his eyes glowed. She felt like something had changed inside of her.
And then silence.
"Well, dear, here is the contract. You must sign it." He gave her a parchment covered with dark red ink.
She took the paper and read it.
No matter how hard she tried to find something ambiguous in the document, she couldn't. "I guess a demon gets your soul not with a trap in papers but with the formulation of your wish," (Y/n) thought.
And as the formulation of her own wish in papers seemed strange, she asked the demon, "I don't remember that I said something about the demons," she wanted to show Alastor the strange line in the contact, but he was already behind her shoulder.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
She responded with all-knowing tone, "I said, that I don't wanna be able to be harmed by any man, but you wrote here, that I don't wanna be harmed by any demons too."
"Why not, dear?" Alastor looked in her face. (Y/n) could see her reflection in his crimson eyes.
"My dear, I don't fill in the contact, you do." He drew himself up to his full height, "My job is to fulfil your wish in any way, that I think fit. You're the only one who formulates your desire, which is written here in the form you thought about it. So I believe it was you, and you only, who thought that you should be protected by demons too."
All of this he said smiling, accompanying his speech with graceful gestures.
"Evidently, you faced the demon," he put his hand on his chest, "me, and decided to save yourself from such a dangerous fellow." Alastor laughed and she couldn't hide her smile. His laugh was very infectious.
"Honestly, I find you better that most men I know," and before Alastor could realized what she said, (Y/n) asked, "But what about this part?"
(Y/n) pointed at red letters, where was said that neither men nor demons couldn't even touch her, unless she allow them to do it herself, with all her heart, completely trusting them.
"I'm sure, I couldn't think it. This point makes me defenceless. Also, I don't allow those I even trust to touch me. I don't like touch." She was serious as a heart attack.
Alastor leaned over her again to read red cursive. She mentioned that he smelled like fur and wood, and she also noticed a slight smell of coffee. "Can't believe a demon smells so nice," she thought.
"My dear, I must confess that I maybe thought this when we shook hands. Incredibly, how different the contracts between demons are from the contracts between a human and a demon!"
She frowned in cofusioun.
"I mean, my dear," he continued, "it would be quite difficult for you to never be interacted with anyone, there should be at least several men that you trust, aren't there?"
"Then don't worry!" He placed his hand on her shoulder and their cheeks touched, "this point doesn't mean anything for a reserved woman like you!"
He stood straight again.
"But how could be your thoughts written here?" she exclaimed. "Didn't you tell me several minutes ago, that I'm the only one who fills in the contract?"
"It's written in description of my protection of you," his voice became lower, "And as I mentioned before only I decide how to do it," and than backed to normal.
"All right," she sighed. She suspected that it was a trap, something that she would regret later; but she didn't want to worry about it too much. She was sure in her distrust of people.
(Y/n) continued on reading. It was a part of what Alastor would do to protect her.
"As you see, darling," Alastor looked at his nails, "I will always be by your side." He smiled wider at her.
"I give you my shadow," He hastened to add, "well, only a part of it, otherwise you would have my shape of shadow hahaha!"
She glanced at his shadow. Yeah, it would be difficult to explain why did a girl had a shadow of a tall, slim, deer like man.
She looked at the contact again. She sighed and signed it without hesitation. Before she had time to finish the last letter, the contact disappeared in green light.
Alastor stood in the bright green light holding out his hand. His antlers grew larger, reminding the branches of a dead wood. His smile was stitched, and on his forehead (Y/n) saw "X".
They shook hands and all of this had disappeared.
"Well, dear," Alastor adjusted his jacket, "now I'd like to warn you that this shadow has quite a cruel character!" He grined.
(Y/n) looked at her shadow under her feet. It had the same shape as usual, but it was much darker now. And then she saw how the shadow changed its shape in the place of the head. A long sharp arc appeared there. It looked like a smile. (Y/n) felt a shiver run down her spine. The smile disappeared.
"It'll get rid of your evildoers." The demon came closer. "But you need to remember, my dear, that it won't help you, if you let them harm you." He made her look at him, raising her chin. "You're invulnerable now, but you still can be harmed by any woman or anyone who you trust. So choose wisely."
She didn't move. She felt hypnotized, and his touching gave her a little tremble. "What did you say about touching just a moment ago?" said an annoying voice in her head.
"Funny, I told you to chose wisely who to trust, but still I can touch you." Alastor was smiling at her and ran his thumb down her chin. She still didn't move. He drew himself up straight and let her go. She blinked as if coming out of a trance. He put his palm on his chest saying, "I'm very flattered."
It seemed to (Y/n) that she saw some kind of softness and his eyes. But a sardonic grin appeared at his face again.
"Well, my dearest, with this I say goodbye to you." Alastor stepped in the drew circle. He looked around him and sayid to (Y/n), "Interesting, dear, but it seems to me, that I can't leave you until you command."
She looked at him. She understood that she didn't want him to leave. His face, his voice, his manner of speaking... She already missed it.
Did he saw a regret in her eyes?
"It was a real pleasure to get acquainted with you," Alastor said.
"Shall we meet again?" She asked and made a tiny step forward.
"I'm sure we'll do."
She gazed at him, pressing her hands to the chest. They would meet. He gave her power. She was saved. They would meet.
She took a stick and completed the erased circle.
"Goodbye, Alastor."
(Y/n) was left alone.
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queenshelby · 4 months
Our Little Secret (Part 51)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Infidelity, Age-Gap, Triggers, Smut
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With the wedding coming up, Cillian and you made even more of an effort to remain on good terms than you ever did before. While he was away, filming the Peaky Blinders Movie, you video called him so that Mara could see her daddy every day.
Every day, before she went to bed, you allowed Cillian to read her a story over the webcam, whenever he was able to.
It was a small gesture that meant a lot to Mara, and it helped her and Cillian to maintain a connection despite the distance.
Your therapist welcomed the positive communication and reminded you that you were doing an implacable job by keeping him involved even despite his busy schedule. 
During that time, you also noticed a slight change in Cillian's behavior. He seemed more relaxed, more at ease with himself, and with you. 
"So, what's the plan for Mara's birthday next week?" he asked one evening when he skyped in from London.
"I was thinking a party actually. She has been at daycare twice a week and made some friends. I was going to invite them and their parents. My mum, Siobhan and Emma are coming too, and I think even your mum is driving down from Cork. I also invited two friends from my mother's group," you said, filled with enthusiasm for Mara's big day.
Cillian chuckled, his eyes filled with warmth. "Sounds like you got everything planned out," he said, sounding genuinely pleased. 
"You know it would be nice for Mara if you could come,"  you added, hoping that he might be able to make the trip.
"I would love to," he said, "but you know I can't leave the set, Y/N. I have a busy schedule filming and I'm just hoping that things will ease up a bit in the next couple of weeks," Cillian said with sadness in his voice. 
You couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, but you knew that filming was important for Cillian's career.
"I know, but what I am saying is that you are more than welcome to come if you wanted to," you repeated, looking him straight in the eyes through the camera.
"And I appreciate that, really," he nodded, taking a deep breath. "But I still need to wrap up this movie." 
"I understand," you said softly, biting your bottom lip. "And, you know, you can always celebrate with her when you come back by taking her to the zoo or something. She probably won't remember the party anyway, but she will also remember the zoo," you chuckled, seeing how it was Mara's favorite place to go these days. 
"You are probably right you know," Cillian conceded, his expression softening even further. "Now, did you call the carpenter to fix up the shelving in the living room? I told him that you would call and to invoice for it. You might need that done before the party," he continued, seeing how one of the built in shelves had collapsed after you tried to carry out some DYI work on it. 
"No, he can't do it until the week after next, but Sean offered to fix it for me before the party which is nice,"  you informed him, noticing how Cillian's expression changed for a second.
"Sean, huh?" Cillian chuckled; his expression unreadable but you could hear a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Don't start, Cillian! Don't fucking start!" you shot back with irk, already feeling the familiar burn in the pit of your stomach.
"I didn't even say anything," Cillian smirked, his eyes glimmering as he studied your reaction.
"Then why are you acting the way you are when I bring up his name?" you asked, rolling your shoulders back, trying to release some tension in your body.
"I'm not. It's none of my business who you spend your time with so long as you keep Mara out of it," Cillian growled, scratching the back of his neck impatiently.
"You know what, I was actually thinking about inviting him to the party, as a friend of course and only if you would allow it. Because he has been a big help those last few days, running errands for me for her party while I was sitting my exams and he asked me whether he could come," you told Cillian nonchalantly, secretly enjoying his reaction.
"Oh, did he now?" Cillian said with a sigh as he adjusted the display setting. "So, you two are getting more serious then?" he enquired  without looking at you.
You could tell he was slightly irritated, he clearly didn't want to give you the satisfaction of seeing it on his face.
"Well, we are still taking things slow and we not being too serious about it. We agreed on no labels, but I still only consider him as a friend, with benefits,"  you replied, being brutally honest while watching Cillian's reactions closely.
"So poor Sean is still in the friend zone then, eh?"  Cillian quipped, the corner of his mouth curling into a slight smirk before he quickly hid it.
You noticed it, and it stung a little, but you tried not to let it get to you.
"Yes," you confirmed, doing your best to maintain a neutral expression. "He has been very supportive and helpful lately and I like having him around, but there is no pressure between us. We are both free to see other people. That's the way it is for now."
Cillian nodded, turning his gaze back to the camera. "Fair enough and thank you for clarifying your relationship status for me. I just hope he knows that too, because I am not the one who needs convincing Y/N," Cillian said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Whatever Cillian. Can you just give me an answer?"  you asked, your patience wearing thin.
Cillian's smirk faded, to be replaced by a look of annoyance. "What do you want me to say, Y/N? I don't want Sean around my daughter," he said firmly.
You let out a frustrated sigh. "Why not? He is a decent person and Mara won't even know who he is. There are other people there who are no more than friends either and there most certainly won't be any public display of affection," you argued , trying to reason with him.
Cillian sighed deeply, knowing that he couldn't win this argument. "Fine. He can come, but only if you make sure that nothing happens between the two of you that Mara might see, at least not until you are serious about him which, it clearly seems, will never happen," he relented , eliminating any obvious doubts in your mind.
Your mind began working overtime to decide a strategic approach to the situation. On one hand, you were glad that Cillian was allowing Sean to attend the party, but on the other hand, the caveat gave you a sense of unease. 
You explained the situation to Sean on your next date when your mother was looking after Mara and, much to your surprise, he was very understanding about it.
"My parents separated when I was twelve Y/N. I get it, so don't worry, okay? I don't even have to come. I can help you set up and then leave before Mara and your mum arrive," Sean suggested, trying to make things as easy as possible for both of you.
"I really appreciate that Sean, but I don't want you to feel like you have to leave on my account, especially since you have been helping me so much those last few days," you  told him sincerely.
"And I like helping you Y/N, because I know that being a single mum can be hard. Your ex hasn't really been making an effort to be here for Mara lately, so if I can do anything to help, I will," Sean replied with conviction.
"Cillian is away filming. That's his job Sean," you explained wearily, wondering if he had brought this up to upset you or validate his actions. 
"I know, but he should really make an effort to be there for his daughter's first birthday, don't you think?"  Sean queried, a hint of frustration coloring his voice.
"Maybe, but it's not my place to say or judge what he does, because he is still looking after us both," you responded, attempting to defuse the tension that had suddenly risen between you. "So, lets change the topic shall we?" you suggested, trying to keep the mood light and pleasant. 
"I am sorry Y/N. You are right," Sean sighed, taking a deep breath before giving you a gentle kiss.
Later that day, after you picked up Mara and Sean went his separate way to catch up with some of his friends, he couldn't help but feel slightly let down by the conversation he had with you about the upcoming birthday party and confided in a friend about it.
"Dude, you're acting like you are in some kind of relationship with this chick," his friend Mark joked, taking a swig of his beer. "You told me that you two agreed to be friends with benefits. You don't owe her anything other than your time while you are hooking up and she doesn't owe you anything either! So why do you even want to go to that kid's birthday party?"
Sean sighed, shaking his head as he stared out the bar window at the busy cobblestone street outside.
"Because I want to make an effort for her daughter and make her see that I could actually be right for her, you know?" Sean replied, finally giving voice to his true feelings. "It's just that she is so damn stubborn most of the time, and I know that she still has feelings for her ex, which I can't really compete with."
Mark chuckled, slapping Sean on the back. "Well, he is Thomas Fucking Shelby, man," he laughed, burying the rest of his beer in one swift gulp. 
"You are not helping Mark!" Sean rolled his eyes at his friend's remark. "I am trying here, you know?"  Sean said, sighing again, exasperated.
"I know, and Y/N is a lucky woman to have you," Mark smiled, clinking his empty bottle against Sean's before signaling for another round. "But dude, you need to just relax and stop worrying about her ex. If she wants to be with you, she will. It's that simple."
"She said she just wants to be friends and I don't even want her to meet you guys because I am worried that I will look like a fool when she decides to go back to  her ex," Sean sighed, sitting down on the couch in his apartment, feeling frustrated. "I mean, how am I seriously going to compete with someone like him, a famous fucking Hollywood actor?" Sean mumbled to himself as he paced around his apartment. 
"You may not be able to, but she may also just play hard to get, which is what a lot of women seem to do these days," Mark reminded him thoughtfully as he watched Sean struggle with his thoughts. "Maybe you should focus on being the best version of yourself for your sake and not for hers, and then she will soon see if you are right for her or not," Mark added with a raised eyebrow. "Or you could find something that makes her ex look really bad. He is famous enough, so surely, with the right help, you can dig up some dirt," Mark suggested with a sly grin and Sean's brow furrowed as he contemplated Mark's words, his mind racing with ideas of how he could ruin Cillian for you, once and for all. 
"Maybe I should try, yeah, but I don't want to fight dirty. Despite, I don't even know him or anyone who hangs out with him other than Y/N herself," he said, his morals preventing him from considering such a devious course of action.
"Well, let me help you then," Mark offered, pulling out his phone and conducting a quick online search. "I work for the Irish Times after all," his friend smirked,  focusing on the task at hand. 
@sunbeamseas @saint-ackerman @oatmealisweird @naxxsstuff @amanda08319 @r-m-cidnah @elysiannook @cillshot @infireddabdab @tastycakee @harrysbestiee @lilybabe22 @adalynlowell @henrywintersdearestgirl @ietss @thatgirlthatreadswattpad @ryiamarie @axionn
@nela-cutie @futurecorps3 @delishen @nosebleeds-247 @thirteenis-myluckynumber @gills-lounge @hjmalmed @lost-fantasy @tiredkitten @sidechrisporn @smallsoulunknown @charqing-qing @hopefulinlove @aporiasposts @shycrybaby @me-and-your-husband @hjmalmed @lacontroller1991 @galxydefender @aporiasposts
@galxydefender @hunnibearrr @saint-ackerman @lunyyx @gentlemonsterjennie1 @ihavealotoffandomssorry @nadloves @lost-fantasy @nolucesn@mcavoy-girl @hjmalmed @bloodybagels @obeyme4life @richiesgroupie @blushykiss @tatumrileyslover @teawithsatanx @orijanko @rhaenyra4ever @xcinnamonmalfoyx @budugu @nadloves @kmc1989 @bloodybagels @obeyme4life @richiesgroupie @forgottenpeakywriter @smailaway @sophiaaguirred @blondie-22
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highvern · 10 months
Teach Me IV
extra credit
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Pairing: Lee Dokyeom (Seokmin) x fem!reader
Genre: smut, humor, college au, frat!svt
Warnings: mentions of drug use (weed) and alcohol , phone sex, exchange of nudes, both are down horrendous, mutual masturbation, making out, dry humping, idiots in like, dokyeom has a praise kink and isn't ashamed, snippets of disgusting fluff
Length: ~5.1k
Note: ugh ... anyways! i know i mentioned potential angst in an ask but i'm weak
read more here
The best part of starting Fall Break on a Friday is having to do absolutely nothing for five blissful days. But because he is easily swindled by his friends, Dokyeom is ass over tits and the clock hasn’t even chimed 8PM. After the incredibly awkward week following your latest tryst, he’s thankful for the mind numbing freedom of alcohol, weed, and nothing but miles of mountain and woods.
Or he would be if wasn’t still upset you turned down his invitation to join him this weekend.
So he sneaks into his room and pulls up your Instagram. You're at the top of his results when he clicks into the search bar.
You posted a new photo this afternoon. A memory of a girls night out, sandwiched between two of your friends outside some bar, nothing but wide drunk smiles and closed eyes under the flash of the camera. Dokyeom already saw it. Already liked it. 
He keeps scrolling, down down down till he reaches his favorite picture. A frozen memory of you outside some cafe, slumped in an iron wrought chair, sunglasses obscuring half of your face; your mouth is spread over a wild guffaw, teeth flashing and the corner of your lips arched high in amusement. Whatever had amused you pulled your entire body in, shoulders curved up as your chest caves, chin tipped back. 
The soft pink sundress hugging you snugly is an added bonus. 
And somewhere in his muddled mind, Dokyeom decides he needs to talk to you. Right. Now.
After the third ring, the call connects.
“Heyyy, pretty lady.”
“Oh my god, are you drunk?” You laugh, and Dokyeom can imagine the same expression from the photo flashing across your face. 
God, she even sounds pretty. He thinks.
He whines through the goofy smile plucking the corners of his lips, “Nooooo.”
“Oh, really?”
“Maybe I’m a little drunk.”
“Only a little?” You jest.
“Maybe a lot-tle.”
“I can tell.”
“Wish you were here.”
“Yeah. Haven’t seen you in like a week.”
If he wasn’t wasted then he might feel embarrassed, but Dokyeom finds the words slipping past him without a second thought as he rocks back and forth, caught in waves of emotion.
“How’s the cabin been so far?” 
The sudden change in topic scratches unpleasantly but he lets it go.
“Would be more fun if you were here.” He confesses. “What are you up to?”
“Laying in bed, watching Love Island.”
“What are you wearing?”
“Seriously?” You scoff.
“You’re so lame, Kyeom.”
“I’m curious about what you do when you’re alone.” He tries to sound innocent. “You’re alone, right?”
“Yeah, Ava left for the weekend.”
“So what are you doing this weekend?”
He’s fishing for the real reason you told him you couldn't come with him to the cabin. You’d been purposefully vague the few times Dokyeom probed since last Thursday, claiming any excuse under the sun: a friend coming to visit, getting ahead on assignments, pulling a few extra shifts at the library. Anything to avoid flat out rejection.
“You know, this and that. What about you guys? Any big plans?”
“Some of the guys mentioned a hike tomorrow. And Beer-lympics Sunday.”
“God, you’re such a frat bro.”
“I can do better.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah. What are you wearing?” He tries again.
He hears you huff, “Pajamas.”
“I actually think this is your shirt.”
“Oh? Send me a pic.”
“What do I get if I do?”
“What do you want?”
“Are you hard?”
“I can be.”
“I’ll send you a picture if you send me one too.”
“Fuck, okay.” He agrees, tapping open his camera app and trying out a few angles, working himself up in the process.
Dokyeom settles for cupping the bulge over his pants, outline of his cock pronounced as he lightly squeezes. He’s highly aware of your obsession with his hands, so he tries to flex his arm forcing the web of veins to rise as the muscles clench.
“I’m waiting.” You goad on the other end of the phone, knocking him out of his concentration.
The five photos he’s snapped all look about the same. Settling on the least blurry one, he quickly opens your messages and sends it before changing his mind.
A sharp inhale announces its arrival on your phone. 
“Your turn.” 
He can hear the rustle of clothes and blankets through the speaker, and a whispered curse following a dull thud. Dokyeom can’t help the chuckle that escapes as he pictures whatever caused it.
The photo you send back takes him a second to decipher. You're definitely wearing his shirt, the bottom hem bunched across your breasts, the swells of flesh peaking out near the top of the picture; perfectly omitting your face. Tracing down your bare stomach, your hips are wrapped in powdery blue cotton panties. And if that wasn’t enough, one hand is stuffed underneath, pulling the elastic taunt across the crease in your hip as it stretches to accommodate your fingers.
Holy shit.
“You like it?”
“You're evil.” Head rolling back, Dokyeom groans as he takes it all in. “You want me dead.” 
You giggle at his tone.
“Fuck,” he mutters, continuing to study your figure. “You’re so hot.”
“Kyeomie,” you whine, obviously embarrassed under his attention.
“Are you touching yourself?”
“Yeah,” you mewl.
“Dirty girl.”
“Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it?”
The back and forth of your relationship is the funnest part, in Dokyeom’s opinion. You like when he puts you in your place as much as he enjoys you putting him in his. It helps that even when he assumes the more dominant role, you still praise him as if he’s the best thing since sliced bread. It scratches that submissive part of his brain that always wants needs to be good. Especially for you.
“I can think of a few things.”
“Oh? Like what?”
Phone sex is unfamiliar territory. He isn’t sure how much is too much and the awkward parting last week still stains his brain. But you just sent him a photo with your hands down your underwear so Dokyeom tries to go with the flow.
“Could make you cry on my cock.” He flushes when you remain silent for a second too long . “Sorry, that felt awkward.”
“No!” You object, voice crackling through the speaker at the sharp increase in volume. “It, ugh, that’s hot.”
“What? Crying from my dick?”
“You don’t think so?”
Dokyeom’s cock twitches, as if to signal its eager agreement.
“I think anything involving you near my penis is hot so I’m not really a good judge.”
“Well, just imagine it. Remember that time we fucked at Wonwoo and Mingyu’s house party?”
“Not appreciating you saying other dudes’ names while my dick is in my hand but yeah.”
You snicker at his reprimand. “Anyway. Remember how I wanted you to fuck my mouth?”
Dokyeom takes a sharp inhale as the memory rushes forward. You on your knees, eyes glossy and lips bruised, begging him to stretch your throat. The second the request reached his ears Dokyeom nearly came on your sweater covered chest, but he’d ignored your request, hauling your ass up onto the counter in favor of stuffing your cunt. You hadn’t complained.
“But you wouldn’t because you didn’t wanna mess up my makeup?”
“You looked pretty… didn’t wanna ruin it.”
“Yeah but I wanted you to.”
Another squeeze of his cock as he slips his hand under his boxers, “Yeah?”
“You’re really hot when you tell me what to do.”
“Fuck.” He groans, vocabulary limited by the husky timbre of your voice. “Are you touching yourself?”
“Mhhmm, doesn't feel as good as when you do it though.”
A pathetic thrust through his fist at the praise. “I know but I’ll make it up to you next time. Promise.”
“Might tie you up. Fuck you till your screamming.” Dokyeom doesn’t know who he’s become but you seem to like it.
Your reply is all breath, the same way you sign when he gives you his fingers after a long study session. The beads of pre-cum on his tip increase as he works his cock, almost able to fill the way you’d coat his fingers if he was there to give them to you.
“You like that? Want me to use your tight little pussy? Fill it up?”
“Want you to come inside me again, Minnie. So hot.”
“I know, pretty girl. So desperate for it aren’t you?”
“Yeah.” you squeak, “Are you close?”
“Send me another picture.”
Only a few seconds pass, filled with muffled groans on his end and the clack of your nails on yours. Dokyeom rushes to open the new attachment you’ve blessed him with, heart clenching when his stomach caves around a moan.
The photo is blurry from your haste but he doesn’t care. You're drenched. The crotch of your panties tinged darker as you pull them aside, flashing the way your entrance stretches around three of your fingers. Your clit just barely visible, puffy and swollen from neglect.
“Fuck, baby.”
“Minnie—” Your voice sounds far away, and he realizes you've put yourself on speaker so you can use both hands.
“Can you do something for me?” he grounds, squeezing the base of his cock to stop his impending end.
Another deep breath before he lays himself bare, “Drive up here tomorrow.”
“What?” You ask, the springs of your mattress squeaking as you sit up, clearly confused by the switch in pace.
“I wanna see you.”
“Promise I’ll make it worth your while.” Dokyeom scrambles.
Another pause before a timid, “How?”
“Whatever you want.” 
“Dangerous words.”
“Pretty sure I’ll enjoy it just as much as you.”
“I don’t know…”
“If you don’t want to, it's fine but,” he sighs, “if you can I want you to come. And not just because of sex.”
“Then why?” 
“Because I like—” He cuts himself off hastily. “Because I like spending time with you.”
As seconds tick by without response, Dokyeom is sure you're going to call his bluff. Or worse, laugh in his face. He’s sweating, heart beating irregularly as he waits for your reply.
“Really?” Shyness creeps into your voice.
Dokyeom nods before realizing you can’t see him. “Yeah.”
“I’ll come.”
“Really?” Dokyeom asks, eyes wide and jaw slack. No way it's this easy.
“Really,” he can hear you smile. “But only because you said you’d give me whatever I want.”
“You’re gonna make me regret that aren’t you?”
“Absolutely.” You tease, enunciating each syllable as his heart beats in time. “But Kyeomie…”
“I’m still wet.”
“Can’t have that.” He tsks.
“Be a good girl and play with your clit.” Dokyeom instructs, slipping right back in.
A hitch in your breath precludes a satisfied “hmmm”. He wishes he could taste both on his tongue. 
“Touch yourself too.” You plea.
Dokyeom’s wound so tight a gust of wind would have his load all over his stomach. He tells you as much.
“Shiiit” You curse, catching up to him. “Close.”
“Yeah? Think you deserve it?”
If he was there, Dokyeom knows he’d see the frustrated kick of your legs and feel the daggers shooting from your eyes.
“You ignored me all last week, I don’t know if I should let you.”
“Dokyeom, please!”
“But since I get to see you tomorrow.” he tuts, covering up the catch of his breath as you plea again. “Let me hear it.”
The call devolves into choked curses and groans. He keeps the screen close to his face as he focuses back on the picture you sent, painting his fist with streaks of white as you beg him to cum, choke on how much you want to taste. Your stuttered “ah”s floating right into his ears as you twist and shake in your bed hours away.
When Dokyeom can feel himself returning to his body, he soaks in the lull of you catching your breath.
“You good?”
“Yeah.” You sigh dreamily.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Send me the address.”
“Oh and Y/N?”
“I’m happy you’re coming…”
“Goodnight,” you chuckle at the double entendre.
Even with the satisfaction of an orgasm coursing through his veins, the fizzing bubbles of happiness in his chest have nothing to do with the cum cooling in his underwear.
The drive to the cabin is two hours and thirty seven nerve wrecking minutes. Dokyeom has been up since six, texting you the address, asking you to let him know when you left, keep him updated on any pit stops you needed to make. Not to rush up the mountain and drive safely. 
The digital clock on your dash reads just past noon as you slowly creep up a narrow gravel road, praying another car doesn’t swoop around the bend. Of course a pack of frat boys would choose some creepy woods to set up camp for a long weekend. 
You dial Dokyeom’s number just to be safe. Barely a full ring passes before he picks it up.
“Hey… I think I’m pulling up to the right place?” You scan for any sign of a driveway on either side of the road without any luck. 
“Oh shit, I’ll come outside. Jun got us lost yesterday when he drove up so it’s tricky.”
Taking a left as you finally spot the red mailbox with a beaver carved into the dark wooden post at the end of the lengthy driveway, a two story cabin comes into view between the trees. Dokyeom jogs from the porch to meet you at the edge of the yard. Rolling down your window as he makes his way over, you greet him.
“Hey,” he smiles, bright enough to blind a village.
“Um, where should I park?” 
“Just pull up behind anyone, it doesn't matter.”
Dokyeom walks next to you as you pull in behind a white sedan. Once in park, you pop the trunk before slipping out the door. He already has your bag tossed over his shoulder, tangling your fingers with his as he pulls you towards the house.
“Some of the guys went on a hike earlier so I’ve been helping Seungkwan and Mingyu clean up.”
“Oh, you didn’t need to wait for me.”
“I wanted to.”
Before you can think too much on that statement, Seungkwan interrupts by tackling you in a hug. 
“Oh thank god you’re here.” 
“Hi to you too.” You say, carrying his weight as he goes boneless.
“Hi,” he responds with a squeeze, before turning to Dokyeom with a blunt, “Goodbye.” 
Seungkwan pulls you inside the front door, beelining for the sliding glass doors that lead to the back porch.
Without slowing, Seungkwan fends him off. “She was my friend first!”
“Yeah well,” Dokyeom flounders like a washed up fish.
“You dazzle with words. Now go away.” Seungkwan sniffs.
Sending an apologetic smile over your shoulder, you allow Seungkwan to usher you along. You spot another person in the kitchen, face shadowed by the hood of his sweater. He doesn’t look up when you and Seungkwan shuffle pass.
“Ignore Mingyu, his girlfriend broke up with him yesterday.”
“That sucks.”
“Yeah, anyway.” Seungkwan plops onto one of the chairs circled around the patio table. “Speaking of girlfriends—”
“Did you finally get one?”
“Being mean is bad for your health.” He deadpans. “As I was saying, did Dokyeom ask you to be his?”
“His what?”
“His girlfriend.”
Your ears ring at the nonchalance in Seungkwan’s tone.
“Why would he ask me to be his girlfriend?”
“Why else would you get up at the ass crack of dawn to come to this dump?”
“He said he wanted me to come.” You answer, turning your head to observe the lake beyond the thin tree line.
“After you told him no? Wow, didn’t realize he was that good in bed.”
Your hands itch to circle his neck and shake but Seungkwan is saved by the very man in question.
“Hate to interrupt but I thought you might want some coffee?”
You turn around, smiling as Dokyeom leans out of the sliding glass door, “Yeah, that sounds great.”
“We aren’t done talking!” Seungkwan calls as you reach the door.
“I am!”
Mingyu apparently retreated to his room after you stepped outside, nowhere to be found in the kitchen or living room beyond the counter.
The isolation makes you nervous which is strange because it’s just Dokyeom. But his words last night over the phone, coupled with Seungkwan’s on the porch twist your guts uncomfortably. 
It’s too late to bail. You can’t claim illness since Dokyeom will fawn over you like some mother hen. Besides, you don’t actually want to leave. You just can’t stand the nagging voice in the back of your head insisting this isn’t what friends do. Even if said friends are having sex. 
“Wanna show me your room?” 
“Sure!” Dokyeom is still cheery, eagerly leading you upstairs and down a maze of hallways. 
The outside of the cabin, while daunting, failed to betray how big it actually is as you pass door after door on your journey.
The room Dokyeom is sharing with Soonyoung is cozy. Two full sized beds with little room for anything else and an en suite the size of a closet. But at least you won’t have to battle it out with anyone else for a bathroom during the next three days. 
Dokyeom was lucky enough to claim the bed closests to the bay windows, framing a pleasant view of the backyard, dock, and sprawling lake. When you step closer, you can spot Seungkwan’s mop of hair as he leans on the edge of the railing that borders the porch; hand animated as the other holds his phone near his mouth.
Turning back to the bed, you spot your bag on the floor at the foot of it. The room is ten degrees hotter when you realize Dokyeom was lying right there as he talked you through an orgasm barely twelve hours ago. You awkwardly shuffle on your feet as you try to find something to say.
Dokyeom seems unperturbed, flopping onto the mattress, arms thrown wide in invitation. A shy grin twists your lips. Hair a mess, and cheeks flushed, Dokyeom looks cute. He’s always cute but navy crew neck and gray sweats transforms him into a cozy dream. The mattress dips under your knee as you crawl to lay next to him.
Settling your head over his heart, arms twining around one another, you feel your own give a peculiar squeeze. It’s truly no different than all the other times you’ve cuddled, albeit those were post-coitous; except it is. Dokyeom told you he wanted you here, that he likes spending time with you, and now he’s squeezing the life out of you as he snags one of your legs to wrap around his waist.
When sleep tickles your nose, pleasantly warm and inviting, you ignore how Dokyeom isn’t your boyfriend. What you have right now is perfect enough.
The sweet hum of Dokyeom’s voice lulls you awake, a simple melody you vaguely recognize from his playlist he insists on blasting during your hangouts. Gray light from outside casts the room sullenly dark. Storm clouds, swollen to a near black, eclipse the late afternoon sun. Dokyeom’s neck is the perfect place to escape the unavoidable sounds of the cabin filled with life, eyes firmly shut as you inhale the smell of laundry detergent and pine. 
One of your hands managed to twist under his sweater in your sleep, fisting his thin T-shirt as you attempt to beckon sleep out of hiding and back towards you. A pathetic whine escapes when Dokyeom jostles you in an attempt to find a more comfortable position, only silenced by his lips against your forehead and his stroking your elbow.
“Shhhh,” he coos. “Go back to sleep.”
“What time is it?”
“Like five.”
Lifting back from his neck, you pout. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”
A gentle peck to your lips in response leaves you speechless, a soft quirk to his lips as you gape. Collapsing back into his chest you’re left to bask in each other's presence as you take to silently drawing shapes on his stomach, smiling as he giggles from ticklishness. His thumb traces the curves of your hip, digging to the soft flesh of your waist.
A banging on the door makes you both jump out of your skin before Seungkwan’s voice cuts the air. “Come on love birds, dinners ready!”
“If we don’t get up, do you think he’ll go away?” Dokyeom whispers into your hair.
On queue the door flies open, smacking against the wall and rebounding into Seungkwan’s face.
“I said it's time for dinner. Now get your asses up!”
“Go away, Boo!” You demand, chucking a pillow in his direction.
“What happened to respecting your elders?” Dokyeom asks, eyes sharp as he tries to kill the younger man with his eyes.
“When my elder does something respectable, I’ll consider it.” Seungkwan claps. “Now chop chop!” 
The dinner Seungkwan so adamantly demanded your presence at is a huge pot of spaghetti and some loaves of garlic bread. Nothing overly complex but the bustling atmosphere downstairs is nice, comfortable.
Dokyeom introduces you to some of the fraternity members you haven’t met, as well as their dates. Squished between him and Seungkwan at the dining table, you barely engage in conversation. Not that you need to. They both fill the space with their own joking easily enough.
Instead, your mind focuses on the warmth of Dokyeom’s shoulder brushing yours, and how he rests his arm on the back of your chair once he finishes his plate. 
When the mess is cleared away, a few people scurrying off to who knows where, Soonyoung insists on a game of Beerio Kart as dessert. Excited to have a new person to torment, he drags you to the couch before you can object. In a blink, you find yourself wedged between the armrest and Dokyeom as he explains the game.
“The rules are simple my friends! No drinking and driving and you have to finish your drunk before the race ends. If you fail to do so you’ll be publicly shamed.” Soonyoung claps his hands together, the maniacal glint in his eyes a little too intense for such a silly game. 
“And for additional chaos,” Seungkwan adds. “I’ve changed it to blue shells only.” 
“Now may the best driver win!”
“Alright, the first round is Jun, Marci, Sam, and me.”
“This is gonna be a bloodbath.” Someone calls from the other couch.
And it is. Jun uses height to hold Seungkwan’s drink out of the younger man’s reach, resulting in Seungkwan launching himself from the couch in a flying kick. They’re both so occupied with one another they don’t notice the race is long finished and neither of their characters moved past the starting line.
A chorus of boos rises as the race times out, designating them as 11th and 12th place.
“Alright, next is DK, Y/N, Wonwoo, and myself.”
“Can I forfeit?”
Dokyeom turns to you. “You wanna quit already?” 
“Considering my opponents, yes.”
“New rule: no quitting allowed.” Soonyoung interjects.
“You can’t make that a rule!”
“I just did!” 
You respond with a thumbs down, much more effective than the middle finger you want to throw his way.
“It’s okay if you’re scared, Y/N.” Wonwoo taunts from across the room. 
“I’m not scared!”
“That’s exactly what someone who is scared would say!” Soonyoung chimes in.
Dokyeom just shrugs his shoulders when you look at him for assistance. Figures. He’s part of the reason you don’t want to play. He and his roommate rile each other up too much under normal circumstances, let alone when things get competitive and alcohol is involved.
“Fine, let's play!”
Soonyoung divvies out another round of lukewarm beer cans you’re required to drink as Wonwoo picks the track. N64 Rainbow Road because apparently he’s an asshole. The way he reclines back in his seat confirms it.
To avoid the inevitable mess Dokyeom will make in his haste to chug before the race begins, you stand, shuffling closer to the safe zone at the edge of the coffee table. He tugs at the back of your shirt for a second, prompting you to shake your head. 
Dokyeom pouts but stays silent. 
“Alright lady and gentlemen! Start. Your. Engines!”
Cracking open your can the second the countdown begins on screen, you gag at the taste of cheap beer as everyone whoops around you. You manage half the can before you have to stop under the threat of it coming back up. Dokyeom and Soonyoung are still drinking, the later shuffling in place restlessly. Wonwoo hasn’t even opened his beer, focusing on getting as far ahead as he can.
Hopefully Seungkwan’s meddling takes care of him.
The race track is chaos as you press your character forward, occasionally blown off course by a blue shell moving to knock out whoever is in first. Half way through the course, you chance a glance at the other corners of the TV. Soonyoung and Dokyeom have finally started lap one, only for Soonyoung to fly over the edge at the first turn and wait to be rescued. Wonwoo is caught in the mess at the front of the pack, only able to maintain first for a fraction of a second before being sniped by a shell. 
Once you round the third lap, you take your chance. Stopping in a corner of the track to down the rest of your drink, hoping everyone is too engrossed in the events on screen to see you start moving despite still swallowing a mouth full of beer. 
This is when you see Wonwoo make his mistake. He pauses right before the finish line, cracking his can open and nearly choking on the large gulps in his haste. You're gaining quickly, barely a quarter of the last lap remains between your carts. When he finally finishes the can and picks up the controller, you unleash the blue shell you’d been saving. Rosalina goes flying as you sail by, Yoshi claiming fifth place.
“Suck it!” You scream, jumping up and down in victory; joined by Seungkwan who hollers with you as if he won too.
Wonwoo is shell-shocked, literally. He finishes seventh overall, pulling behind another computer character. Soonyoung is on the floor as he and Dokyeom fight for second to last place. The shame goes to Soonyoung as the race times out once again.
When you turn back to the couch you're met with another blinding smile as you drop into his lap. 
“Looooooserrrr,” you taunt as you flick his nose gently.
“Yeah whatever.”
“It’s okay, maybe I can teach you sometime.”
He laughs, squeezing you into his chest. “God, you’re annoying.” 
“It’s so lonely at the top.” You furrow your brow in mock sorrow.
Another race ensues, more chaos and screaming echoing through the living room. The heat of Dokyeom’s chest sinks through the back of your hoodie, strong plains of muscle shaking as he laughs with the group. When Seungkwan and Soonyoung face each other in a rematch you tempt Dokyeom upstairs, kissing behind his ear before leaning back and giving him the “look.”
The “I-want-your-dick-in-my-mouth” look.
Of which he very is familiar.
Dokyeom lurches forward, eager to appease, forgetting you're still in his lap until your weight knocks him back down. Shaking your head you stand and pull him up behind you, moving towards the stairs uninterrupted as Seungkwan and Soonyoung threaten each other's life and limb behind you.
Tacky wood shiplap digs into your spine uncomfortable as Dokyeom crowds you against the wall. His lips ghost along your jaw, hands on either side of your head to prevent him from crushing you. You don’t have the same concern, pulling him closer with the fabric of his sweater. The door to his room is a few feet to your left but the idea of separating for even a second to make it inside is pure agony.
“What does the winner want for her prize?” he whispers, teeth grazing your earlobe.
“Depends.” You sigh, grinding against the bulge of his thigh. 
“If my prize is separate from what I get for driving up here.”
Dokyeom nips your chin, dodging your attempt to connect your mouths.
“Depends on what you want.”
“I want you to fuck me.”
“I’m gonna do that anyway.”
“I wasn’t done yet.”
He stays silent, teeth bruising the sliver of shoulder peeking out under your collar.
“I want you to fuck me,” cut of with a hiss at his vigor, “and I want to film it.”
Backing out of your neck, Dokyeom blinks at you, mouth wide.
Peeking at him through your eyelashes, you wait for Dokyeom’s brain to restart. His mouth opens and closes, but nothing comes out. Not a rejection or an agreement. Just surprise.
A heaviness curls in your gut. You thought he’d like the idea, especially from his reaction to the pictures you sent last night. And the videos he’s sent over the months you’ve been hooking up. Videos of him jacking off, cumming on his own stomach, your name on his lips. But maybe you assumed too much.
But a scream interrupts your rant as he lifts you by your thighs, ankles locking around the top of his butt and arms tangling around his neck like a koala. You hold on for dear life as he carries you down the hallway.
Palming your ass harshly with one hand, the other scrambles to open the door as he licks up your neck. The door rattles on its hinges as he kicks it shut but the blood rushing through your ears muffles it.
“Yes, yes. Holy shit, yes.” He’s whining into your ear, hips rutting into your core as he lands unceremoniously on the bed, crushing you underneath him.
You’re shocked for a second, woefully unprepared for his enthusiasm. But another harsh rush against you, coupled with his hands pawing up your shirt to palm your chest makes you bold.
Two things you know to be true about Dokyeom: 
First, he has a ragging praise kink. If you tell him he’s a good boy, he can come almost untouched.
Second, he loves the sight of his cum streaking across your body.
He was right to say he’ll enjoy this as much as you will.
“Yeah? Wanna come on my face?”
Another pathetic whine against your neck as he keeps curling his clothed cock against you. All of his weight settles between your hips as drives you to madness.
“Then go lock the door.”
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puppyplayhouse · 3 months
Since my freak can be matched here I'll leave you with this
Let's say the reader has been feeling lonely lately and after thinking it over for awhile decides to adopt a hybrid since after looking online every one says it's helped them so much
Goes through the process of finding the best match and someone does pop up
It's a hybrid and his name is Jisung( I see him as a puppy hybrid especially after all of skz said he loves getting attention) but he ticks all the boxes couldn't have been a more perfect match, scrolling down his page only to find he's a bonded pair with a kitty hybrid called Minho
It says they can't be separated and will only be homed together
So the reader thinks about looking again but they matched so well and they can't just let that go, seeing their picture and them being so cute maybe it's not such a bad idea to adopt the pair so when she's gone to work they can keep each other company while she's away most of the day
Then comes the day of meeting, there brought into a room to get to know each other and Hannie is bouncing he's so excited he can't believe someone is considering the two of them and he talks about how it's a little bit more difficult for them since they can't be separate even tho he wouldn't change a thing
And off to the side is kitty Minho who's just watching because it feels too good to be true, he's thinking of every possible way for this to go wrong as they've gotten their hopes up so many times and he's the logic one as Han gets so caught up in the Idea of a new life
Getting to know Min in these sessions are harder since he's more stand off-ish and the reader is told that's one of the many reasons they can't go there seperate ways Han makes Min more comfortable, relaxed more at ease since he doesn't have to take charge of socializing
After meeting a few times and really thinking it over the reader decides to adopt the pair and the journey of settling in to the new environment begins
As anticipated Hannie has a much easier time, loving the attention and having someone new to talk to, the evening walks he gets to take now, getting praised for simply being too cute
On the other end of things is Minho, for the first few days he rarely left his room, he would only eat if Han was there so he'd be a bit more relaxed and it's making the reader panic maybe she's not the right home for them what if she can't help him settle, she starts to over think does he not like his toys she got him?is his scratching post not up to standard? Maybe it's his room so she let him redecorate it himself, what if she's working too much what if he thinks she's home too much, is it her cooking he doesn't like
After confessing these insecurities to Han hoping to get some help to make Min feel more at home the house begins to change to make him feel more comfortable
Now there is an arm chair facing out the main window where Min can now watch birds and people watch and just be nosey (nobody is allowed on this chair he takes his role as guard very seriously) and this is where his love for cooking is discovered as he's a cat and there's always a standard and it's not that he didn't like the original cooking he just thought that since some days the reader came home empty handed Min thought they were a bad hunter and struggled to bring food back (I love that cats think humans can't hunt properly and I think some of that would still follow over into hybrids)
After a couple of months of this routine comes a new problem, there's a lack of affection on Minho's side
It's not that the reader isn't trying there just worried about making him uncomfortable as getting too close makes him freeze up sometimes he even runs out the room
What if Min thinks they are playing favourites since Hannie is always all over them and is met with the same energy back, some nights Han even spends in bed with them while Min is in his room and there's this feeling of guilt because how do they not seem so over baring with him, they are aware his love language might be different since they aren't the same hybrid
This all comes to a halt when they start going into heat, at first the reader leaves them to themselves and if they need any help to just ask of course Han breaks first don't get him wrong he loves that he can rely on Min at times like these but he's craving something different this time and there's an ich that he just can't get rid of and explained this to the reader and that's when during Hannies heat he goes back and forth between the two of them
During Minho's first heat he wouldn't even let Han near him he just wasn't that comfortable in his new home yet, it takes a bit for him to let Han back in during this time but eventually came back around to it
But during one of Min's heats he just couldn't reach that he was looking so hard for he couldn't shake it no matter what he did, he tried over and over again but nothing and becomes so frustrated
As a good owner the reader steps in to ask Min if there is anything they can do to help but he's so embarrassed how can he ask for help with something like this but theres only so much the kitty can handle before he's knocking on there bedroom door one night desperate for something he's so sensitive that he'd probably cum if a breeze brushed past him
At first they think something is wrong and start asking questions, mid ramble they hear a whimper and everything just goes quiet because there's no way her shy little kitten is at her door blush sitting so pretty over the tops of his cheeks waiting for anything to be done
After getting him to sit on the bed petting the top of his head asking him to explain what he wants and all he can do is moan he's too far gone he can't think for himself and begs for them to do something, make him stop thinking to help with this feeling he just can't get rid of
And it goes the whole night there is such a build up of want and desire after not getting to be near him since they first started living together and Min is desperate he spends most the night mumbling all his wants and needs not believing that there all being met
Wet kisses all over his body being praised and degraded at the time not having to lift a paw since the reader is doing everything they can to make him feel the most pleasure his ever felt and he's having a crisis what was he thinking not going to them sooner
It's so messy and wet Min is covering the reader in scratches and bits marks because it just feels too good, he discovers his oral fixation he LOVES it being between there legs eating pussy for his pleasure to, kneeding at there stomach and thighs even into there ass
The next morning after they both had one of the best sleeps they've had in a long time the reader is worried that now it's all calmed down that Minho is uncomfortable but it's the complete opposite he's so cuddly and affectionate he just can't help himself
Starts the morning licking and grooming the reader to show how thankfully he is because he can finally think straight now that his heat has passed over even goes above and beyond and makes them breakfast in bed, runs into the next room to drag Hannie to bed with them so he's not left out only this starts a whole other round between the tree of them
They spend the next few days stuck to each other's hip and the harmony in the house is so much more relaxed and everyone is so much more comfortable they now gently rub their back as they pass by each other, Min now can't sit unless his legs are thrown over Hans while the reader plays with his hair and he's purring to his hearts content
It went from them all having individual rooms to shopping for a bigger bed so they can sleep together nearly every night and there so integrated in one another's routine and wouldn't have it any other way and they're just so thankful for each other
I apologise for the ramble I got carried away this has been rotten my brain for awhile now also I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense or if it's not that good I've never written anything before 😅
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sacredsnape · 1 year
Could you do a one shot for Remus please, after a full moon he doesn’t come back home immediately and reader is just worried and when he does come back he snaps at her because he’s tired, she gets hurt, gives him silent treatment but still tend to his wounds then cries and he hears her
I love this request, it has me in my feels 🥲
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Genre: angst/fluff
Warnings: mentions of injuries and blood
Remus wasn't home yet.
He usually returned home the morning after the full moon, but now it was nearing noon, and you were worried sick.
"Remus?" you called every time you stepped outside, hoping to see him. You and him lived in a cottage near the woods he'd run into to transform, so it only made sense that he'd appear there.
You eventually just sat outside on the front porch to wait, your leg bouncing with nerves. You felt hot tears well up in your eyes and trickle down your cheeks, falling onto your shirt.
Suddenly, the bushes lining the woods rustled. You quickly stood up, grabbing your wand just in case before crying out in relief when Remus stumbled out of the bushes.
"Remus!" you cried, running over to your boyfriend. He was in bad shape; he was more scratched up than usual and had a nasty gash on his arm that was still bleeding heavily.
"Oh, Remus," you sobbed softly as you reached him, opening your arms to hug him, "I thought I'd lost you-"
"Don't fucking touch me," Remus snapped. Your heart dropped. You stood back, staring at him in shock. "Leave me alone, Y/N."
Remus brushed past you, limping towards your cottage. You didn't move, your heart hammering as an icy shock coursed through you.
What did you do wrong? You greeted him the same way you did every time he came home, so why did he snap at you?
More tears filled your eyes, but they weren't tears of relief anymore. You struggled to swallow the lump in your throat as you entered the cottage, following Remus's trail of blood to the bathroom.
You found him already submerged in the bathtub, the water up to his chin. He didn't look at you as you walked in, his eyes trained on the water surrounding him, which had turned dark red.
"Remus," you tried again, a little desperate this time. "Why are you-"
"Stop it," he cut in, his voice gruff as he dragged the sponge across his muddy, bloodstained arms. "Just stop it, okay?"
Remus couldn't bring himself to look at you. He knew that you were crying, judging by your shuddering breaths and sharp inhales, and he felt extremely guilty. He had been in a terrible fight with another werewolf and was far too exhausted to talk to you right now.
Despite your anger and hurt, you huffed, sitting down on the edge of the tub and snatching the sponge from Remus. He still didn't look at you, causing your heart to break even more.
You reached for the bottle of body wash and squirted more of it onto the sponge. You began to wash Remus, being careful with the deep wound on his arm. The two of you sat in stony silence that was only interrupted by the gentle splashing of water and your sniffling.
After the bath, you helped Remus dry off and dress. You cleaned and dried his wounds, bandaging them with care. You then drained the water in the tub and threw the dirty towels into the laundry. Finally, you gave Remus his healing potions. He didn't thank you, simply drinking them and then handing you back the empty vials.
Remus went to bed. You went to the living room and cried your eyes out into the cushions on the sofa. You felt miserable, your mind racing as you wondered what, if anything, you had done wrong.
Maybe he was cheating on you. You'd seen the way other women looked at him whenever you two went out together. You couldn't blame them; Remus was indeed very handsome, but he was yours, unless all that attention from other women was starting to peak his interest.
The cushion you had your face buried in smelled like Remus. Chocolate, coffee, and cinnamon. You let out an angry sob and hurled the pillow across the living room, watching through teary eyes as it knocked down a photo of you and him from the mantelpiece.
The glass frame shattered on the hardwood floor. You winced at the unpleasant noise, standing on wobbly legs to investigate what you had done. The photo was of you and Remus on your first date exactly a year ago today. It sat lopsided in the shards of glass, and you cautiously bent down to pick it up, gasping when a sharp corner nicked your finger.
Cradling your bleeding finger, you looked at the photo. You were sitting on Remus's lap, his big arms secured around your waist. The photo moved, showing you laughing at some corny joke you'd heard, while Remus smiled at you with so much kindness and warmth on his face. You two had been at a friend's party, you having ended up on his lap after a dare made by said friend. You remembered how flustered you had felt in that moment, especially after feeling your now boyfriend's bulge brushing against your bare skin in your skirt.
Remus was your lover. He always had been and always will be, even if you were pissed at him, and he was ignoring you.
You had to fix this. With more sobs leaving you, you impulsively gathered up the broken glass in the air with your wand. They levitated before you, and you were halfway to the kitchen to put the frame back together, when your wand slipped from your trembling hand and the glass fell, shattering further.
Some of it cut you mid-fall, and you gave up, slumping onto the kitchen counter with your face buried in your arms as you wept, your cries echoing around the small kitchen.
You screamed in surprise when you suddenly felt large, warm hands pulling you up. The hands turned you to face their owner, and you saw Remus standing before you, his face and voice etched with genuine concern.
"Sweetheart, what are you doing? There's glass all over the floor. Your hands are all cut up too," Remus spoke softly, cradling your tear-stained face in his bandaged hands.
You struggled to catch your breath, your words slurring slightly as you tearfully asked, "Who is it, Remus? Who are you cheating on me with? Is it Madam Rosmerta?!"
Remus stared at you for a moment before laughing, shaking his head. "Madam Rosmerta? Dove, what are you talking about? I'm not cheating on you with anybody. You're my only love."
"Then why have you been ignoring me ever since you got home?" you sobbed, burying your face in his chest out of habit. The soft fabric of his cardigan nuzzled your cheek, and you whimpered and held onto him tightly.
"Love, I'm so sorry," Remus sighed as he rubbed soothing circles into your back, embracing you. "I'm just tired. I got into a bad fight with another werewolf. I shouldn't have snapped at you or ignored you, though. There's no excuse for my behavior. I'm so very sorry, my baby."
You whimpered again. Remus gently kissed the top of your head, looking around at the glass all over the floor. He noticed the photo and put two and two together, squeezing you.
"How did the photo break?" Remus softly asked you, continuing to rub your back. You shook your head, refusing to answer in fear that he'd get mad at you.
Remus squeezed you again. "It's okay if you broke it," he promised.
You sighed and finally looked up at him, your heart swelling with love. You loved Remus no matter what and he seemed to feel the same, as he kissed you deeply and held you closer.
"It's okay, darling. You're okay. Let me take care of you," Remus soothed. He pulled away to grab bandages from a cabinet, keeping his hand on your hip. You giggled as he cleaned and bandaged the cuts on your hands, his lips grazing your forehead.
"There we go. We're both going to end up looking like mummies with all these bandages if we get any more injuries," Remus chuckled quietly, kissing your cheek.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, hooking your arms around the back of his neck.
"For what?" Remus mumbled as his lips wandered down to your neck, kissing you there.
"I don't know."
Remus laughed against your neck, the vibration of his voice slightly ticklish. "Then don't say sorry if you don't know what to be sorry for," Remus said lightly. "In fact, you have no reason to be sorry. I'm the only one who should be sorry."
"But I forgive you," you answered meekly, wiping your eyes. "I'm not mad at you anymore."
Remus leaned up to kiss your lips, his lips soft and warm against yours. "That doesn't mean I've forgiven myself. I feel terrible for making my girl cry."
"I'm okay now," you insisted, despite tears continuing to leak from your eyes. Remus wiped your tears away with his thumbs, humming lowly.
"What can I do to make it up to you?" he asked, resting his chin on your shoulder as he hugged you flush to his body.
You ran your fingers through his hair, feeling him smile against your neck.
"Just talk to me next time," you sighed, pecking the side of his head. "You know I'm always here to listen to you and take care of you."
You felt his smile grow. "That I can do, my love," Remus said. "I promise."
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Reader falling asleep on gavi fic?
Sleepy Bug
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Pablo came over to my house after training, which became our little routine since we started dating, and we agreed to have a movie night.
"Hija, su novio es aqui!" my mama called and I rushed downstairs to open the door hugging Pablo's tired body tightly and his strong arms wrapped around me just as tight.
"Thank you for coming Pablito!" I said and he pulled back raising my chin and kissing my lips while nodding his head. We pulled away when my dad came to greet Pablo whom he really respects and loves as his own son.
"Long training chico?" he said being trainer himself and Pablo nodded as they spoke some football terms I didn't really understand while I still held onto him resting my head on his shoulder while his hand caressed my back.
"And still making time for your girlfriend, that's a good man hija!" papi said and I rolled my eyes seeing Pablo's proud smirk pulling him upstairs into my room.
"Did you choose a movie preciosa??" Pablo said while laying on my bed finally able to relax after a long day and I nodded showing it to him excitedly. Of course it was a romantic comedy, and of course Pablo watched it because he loved me!
"And I made your recovery shake" I said remembering suddenly when I saw his till flexed muscles rushing downstairs to grab it from the kitchen coming back to Pablo's smiling face. He always said it warmed his heart how I cared about him when we were together.
"I do need this shake but I also needs some cuddles to recover preciosa" Pablo said after sipping on shake putting the cup of the nightstand and opening his arms. I blushed and nodded my head resting into his arms and nuzzling my face into his neck as the movie started.
We watched for half an hour, with Pablo finishing his shake while running his fingers up and down my back gently and I enjoyed every second growing very tired but not wanting to fall asleep yet. I savor any time I can spend with Pablo knowing how busy he gets during the season.
I couldn't stop the yawn from escaping from my mouth at last and Pablo giggled looking down at my head rested on his chest and my clearly tired face.
"You sleepy mi amor??" he said moving his had from my back to my hair and tucking a strand behind my ear so that he could see my eyes better.
"No.." I said but it didn't sound as convincing since it was clear that the moment he starts caressing my back again, I will be lulled to sleep.
"It's okay preciosa..you can sleep and we can finish this move another time if we need to?" Pablo said and I got scared that he was going to leave so I tightened my grasp around him and looked up with pleading eyes.
"But I don't want you to go Pablito..." I said shyly and he leaned down kissing my freckled nose with a smile on his handsome face.
"I promise to stay right here preciosa." Pablo said and I raised my head from his chest puckering my lips as a signal that I wanted a kiss which he gladly obliged.
"Now come here..lay your head on my chest and get some rest" his hand slowly placed my head back down on his chest before his fingers massaged my scalp that made me even more sleepy that the back scratches from before.
It just felt so calming and safe that my eyes naturally closed and my whole body relaxed against him. I don't even know when I fell asleep but it felt so perfect.
My dad opened the door when it became very late and movie was no longer heard on the TV and Pablo held his finger to his lips signaling him to be quiet as to wake me up.
"Tan preciosa..you take care of her chico" my dad said to Pablo smiling when he saw me peacefully sleeping in his arms knowing that this boy made me the absolute happiest.
"I promise, sir!" Pablo answered and the man closed the door turning off the light leaving you and Pablo intertwined with each other in a peaceful bliss.
"Sleep mi preciosa niña..you made my life so much better by allowing me to hold you in my arms..to keep you safe..to love you..and I promise to always make sure you sleep peacefully in my arms like this" Pablo was whispering more to himself while looking at my sleeping face in adoration and kissing the top of my head. Then he laid his head on top of mine and fell into blissful sleep.
Not too long but sweet <33
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fefe658 · 3 months
Hang in there! [ 1 ]
Decided to start a new story! This story will contain the 'tinies as pets' trope, don't like don't read. Though I suggest you at least give it a try, it gets better for our poor kitty.
Cw: pet trope, mentions of death
Felix rested on his tiny bed made of scraps of fabric, enjoying what little peace he had before the store opened.
It's been two weeks since he was brought back here- or was it three? Time tends to blend together while you're sitting on a shelf all day. You just try not to think about it and wait for the shop to close for the night.
His last home was... normal. Nothing remarkable about it, but nothing great either. He was given as a gift to a young girl for her birthday. He hated kids, they'd always try to get their dirty, grubby little hands on him. Lifting him up, ruffling his hair, pulling on his tail.
On his third day, Felix couldn't take it anymore and decided to snap back. When the girl tried to reach for him, he scratched her hand. She immediately started crying and called out to her dad, who promptly slammed him back in his cage and brought him to the girl's mother. While the dad angrily screamed about how much of a waste of time and money Felix was, he simply looked down and tried to tune out the screaming, covering his sensitive ears.
The parents both decided to return him to the pet store.
He didn't know how to feel about it, he's been returned so many times that he should be used to it by now. Yet, every time he gets put back in his box on the store shelf, he feels...
Wrong. Bad. An ungrateful brat. Hopeless. A waste of time. Don't you know how lucky you are? How many like you live on the streets, wishing to have a home? Nobody wants a kitty that doesn't like being touched. Nobody will want to love you. You should just be put down.
Felix's ears twitched as he heard the bell chimes coming from the front door, meaning that Sandra was about to open the store.
Sandra was good, as good as a human working in a pet store could be anyway. She respected his personal space when she could, she listened to his needs, and she always looked heartbroken whenever he was returned.
Felix shielded his eyes as light streamed in from the windows, clearly annoyed by the sudden brightness. He turned around and buried himself in his makeshift blanket, not yet ready to face the day.
Soon, Felix heard the sound of fingers gently tapping against the front of his plastic enclosure, followed by a sigh and the sound of his water and food bowls getting refilled. He was grateful that he lived inside one of the more high end pet stores, which could afford to feed its pets clean water and pieces of fruit, instead of the usual hard, brown pieces of what could be barely classified as food.
After he heard the box close, he slowly got up from his bed. No point in delaying the inevitable, he knows that Sandra wants to talk to him every time he's sent back to the store.
Holding the oversized bell strapped to his neck as to not make any sound, he made his way over to his food, eating it as he looked outward towards the rest of the store. His box was placed on a higher shelf, so he had a good view of the various aisles. It was a pretty small store, so there wasn't much to see, really. There were some posters and advertisements on the opposite wall: One of them was listing some offers on animal centric products, another was promoting the adoption of pets, showing a happy kid holding an equally happy looking tiny with bright orange fur, a pair of tufty ears and a fluffy tail.
Felix let out a sigh. He knew that some pets just wanted to be adopted, he knew they would find a home and a family who loved them. He also knew that just wasn't gonna happen to him. The sheer amount of times he'd been rejected was enough proof of that.
But that poster wasn't what bothered him. No. The picture on the wall that he hated with every fiber of his being was the one right in front of his shelf. Perfectly framed by the edges of his prison, was a small image of a tiny holding onto a piece of string, with the words 'Hang in there' written above it.
Felix didn't know what was worse. That the tiny in the picture resembled him so much, short lavander-gray hair with matching ears and tail; or the phrasing above it. 'Hang in there', a phrase so innocent, yet such a mockery of his situation. It kept reminding him that whatever happens, no matter what he did, how many times he was returned, how many times he cried and screamed and begged, He was doomed to stay here.
He stopped trying about two years ago, after he finally understood that he wasn't worth the time. When he gave up on trying to please others just to be loved. He won't even touch the toys I bought for him, he's nothing but a waste of money.
Eventually, Felix heard footsteps approaching the shelf, so he knew his time was up. Sandra's face appeared in front of his box, a bit too low to be at eye level. She was pretty short for a human, though still a dozen times taller than him. The slight elevation always gave him a sense of reassurance, he hates having to look up to speak to a human.
"So... how was it?"
Felix put his food down, taking a deep breath before opening his mouth, "Really? Is this what you settled for?"
Sandra sighed, "Felix, I know you don't like to talk, I just wanna make sure you're alright."
The quicker you tell her what she wants, the sooner she'll leave. "It was a kid, really young. She kept touching me so I scratched her."
Sandra's calm smile faltered "Felix, I know-"
"You should've seen the dad, he looked just about ready to fling me off the table when she started crying."
"And then he brought me to the kid's mom, and she said I should've been put down, and then-"
Felix stopped talking and turned towards Sandra. She was looking at him, her expression seemed angry, but her teary eyes said otherwise. "You know I don't like it when you talk like this."
"I'm just telling you what happened, you're the one who asked for it."
Sandra pinched her nose with a sigh. Good, now leave me be. We both have better things to do.
"I'm sure you noticed that while you were away, Oliver got adopted."
Oliver, right. The other tiny that lived in the box with him. Felix noticed he wasn't in the box last night, but he knew he'd get to know why the next morning.
Oliver was young, with large eyes, a stubby tail and bright orange fur. He was sweet, cuddly and joyful, everything a happy family would want to adopt. Felix was just waiting for him to be taken so he could be alone in the box again.
"Good for him, now I'll finally be able to sleep without hearing him snore. Can I be alone now? You're gonna attract the first customers of the day here and I do not want eyes on me first thing in the morning."
Sandra gave Felix a desperate look, "Come on, at least try to open up. I'm sure you'll eventually find someone you'll enjoy being with."
Felix just ignored her and turned back, wrapping himself in his makeshift bed. Sandra decided not to press him further and just left, ready to open the store for the day.
Felix was left alone with his thoughts, staying under the covers as to not draw any attenion to himself. That's how he spent most of his days, avoiding unwanted aknowledgement from customers. The last thing he wanted was humans seeing him and try to talk to him, much less touch him.
Sandra's words burned in his head like a forest fire. Try to open up, you'll find someone who will love you. She repeats that every time someone returns him, as if saying it the fiftieth time will finally make it happen. He hated being bought, he hated being returned. He hated being owned, being played with, being touched and prodded and thrown around. He hated being treated like a child, like he can't decide for himself, he hated Sandra, and everyone who bought him, and he knew that they all hated him. He hated this place, he'd rather just stay under these covers forever and die alone than being someone's plaything again-
There was a gentle knock on the front of his box.
Fuming, he tried to ignore it. He's not in the mood to talk with Sandra. He knows he'd say something he might regret.
Another knock, slightly stronger this time.
That's it. Felix threw the covers off himself and towards the front of the box. She had it coming. Felix stood up, moving towards the clear plastic wall that separated him from the human on the other side.
"Can't you leave me alone for one second?! Why is it that out of all the other tinies in this forsaken store you just have to come and annoy me?! The fact that you 'care for people like me' doesn't give you the right to-"
Felix stopped in his tracks. The human in front of him was, in fact, not Sandra. His brain short circuted, unsure of what to do. His mind screamed at him to hide back under the covers, but said covers were right in front of the human. To get them, he'd have to get closer to the front of his cage and, by extent, closer to the human.
Felix was frozen in place, feeling the unwanted gaze of the giant in front of him. He wanted to run, to hide, curl up and disappear. He gazed into those large blue eyes waiting for that door to open and for fingers to start grabbing him, because customers never read the lable saying to not touch the pets-
But then, the human left.
Felix's knees suddenly felt like jelly, and he fell to the ground with a distressed sigh. He carefully made his way over to the front and grabbed his blanket, when something caught his eye.
The human was at the counter, talking to Sandra. And Sandra was looking at him.
Oh, no. No no nonono. Not now, not so soon. I just came back-
Felix watched as Sandra started walking towards the shelf. His shelf.
Felix hurried quickly towards the darkest corner of his enclosure, burying himself in his own bed. Closing his eyes, he braced himself for what was about to happen.
Felix heard the door to his enclosure open. "Felix here has been with us for some time, he was brought here when he was a young kid."
There was a moment of silence, and Felix knew exactly what was expected of him. Like hell I'm going out there.
"Today he's a little grumpier than usual, you see. He was adopted last week but didn't realy fit in, so..."
Yes, I'm a lost cause. Don't bother with me and just take someone else, I'm sure there's plenty better choices.
"He really likes his personal space, he tends to get a bit overwhelmed by too much noise."
You're really outing me right away, huh? Felix didn't know if he should be mad or grateful for that.
"He's a bit of a handful... Are you sure you want him?"
That voice sounded so calm, so sweet. Felix wanted to throw up.
Felix immediately felt the box being removed from the shelf, in a procedure that he's already been subjected to dozens of times over.
Sandra brought him to the back room, gently laying down the plastic enclosure on a table. After what felt like hours of silence, she finally spoke up.
"Felix, please come out."
"Felix, you know you can't stay there. I don't wanna force you to come out."
No answer.
"Felix, how many times do we have to do this?"
Felix sighed. He knew making a fuss wouldn't delay the inevitable. He also knew that he was being childish, but he didn't care. "I don't know, how many times do we have to do this?"
Felix got up, straining his neck to look into Sandra's eyes. "Do you think I enjoy this? Do you think I like jumping between homes, having to deal with everything that happens to me? Do you think I like the idea of having an owner?"
"Felix, you know how I feel about this. These are the cards you've been dealt, you should try and make the best of what's been given to you."
"Why do you want me to get adopted so bad? Can't you just let me be?"
"Felix, you know what happens when a pet spends too much time here without being adopted. You've been in the shop for six years, I don't want you to-"
"Well, maybe I do deserve to go to the pound. Maybe they'll finally put me down, then I won't be such a nuisance anymore!"
Warm tears pricked Felix's eyes, his throat was sore and his lungs were burning. He refused to look at Sandra's eyes, afraid to see the guilt? Pity? Disappointment?
He didn't say a word as he was washed, dried and brushed. He was soon set into a cage with a matted floor.
I've done it countless times, I can do it again. I just hope it'll be quick this time.
The cage was brought out of the back room and deposited on the front counter, along with some paperwork. His paperwork.
Sandra's voice spoke from above. "Is this everything? Or do you need anything else?"
The other human was silent for a moment, before bending down to be at eye level with Felix. "Do you need anything else?"
Oh, great. so you're one of those.
Felix scrambled towards the back of the cage when those giant blue eyes fell on him, shaking his head. The human shrugged, once again moving out of Felix's line of view.
"No thank you, I'll just take him and this toy."
"Perfect! Now you just need to sign the adoption papers, Mr..."
"Luke. Call me Luke."
Luke. Felix didn't bother memorising it. It's not like he'll need it anyway.
Felix heard the sound of paper being shuffled around. This was his least favourite part of the adoption process: The deafening silence, the suspance, the fact that those documents meant that this human owned Felix, without asking any opinion from his part.
Felix's thoughts were interrupted as the cage was lifted up, and he was brought to the soft ground with a quiet 'oof'. Sandra gave her best smile as she bid farewell to felix, but he didn't bother to turn around to look at her. I'll be back in a week, so why even bother.
The cage was set onto the front seat of the human's car and secured with a seatbelt. The human sat in the driver's seat, and immediately turned to face Felix with a smile.
"So, what's your name, little guy?"
You already know it.
"Not a talker, eh? Me neither."
Then stop talking.
"My name is Luke."
I'm not stupid, I heard you the first time.
The human gave Felix a weird look, turning the car on and messing with the radio knob. "Do you like music?"
Please don't choose anything pop.
The radio eventually settled onto some smooth jazz, and the car started moving. Felix tried to tune out the noise, wanting to get as much sleep as he could.
I just hope he doesn't have kids.
Phew! That was the longest chapter I've written as of now.
I really enjoyed writing this story, and I have a lot of ideas for its future. I know the pet trope is a bit of a risque subject in the G/t community, but then I remembered that morality is relative and fiction is fiction.
I want this story to be a bit more serialised, less centered on romance and more on the characters and setting. That being said, I thank everyone for reading, I encourage you to send me asks and suggestions, to like / reblog (which would really help out), and to check out my other stories.
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agoodficforchii · 1 year
House Call
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairing: Aether, Diluc, Tartaglia x Reader (Separately)
Summary: Genshin characters and you playing nurse
Word Count: Aether - 467, Diluc - 635, Tartaglia - 661, All - 1,763
Warnings/Extra Notes: Mentions of blood, Mentions of injuries (nothing too graphic), Mentions of death, Mentions of hospitals, Slight cussing, Can be seen as slightly suggestive (Diluc's part), Slight spoilers, Use of Childes multiple names, Not proof-read (pls excuse any grammatical errors thx), Lmk if there's more!
Being in a relationship with Aether -the Honorary Knight of Mondstat, the Hero of Liyue, the Captain of Swordfish II in Inazuma, the First Sage of Buer in Sumeru, plus whatever other title he will inevitably get- wasn’t always the easiest believe it or not. Not because he would ever treat you unwell (you guys had your petty fights, then again, what couple didn’t?) he'd rather die than hurt you (his words, not yours). It was more so the things that came with him being an adventurer. You know, not staying at a place longer than needed, helping everyone that you'd come across, the very frequent run-in with death. Normal things. 
But you would be lying if you didn’t admit how worried you would get for Aether. You know he can handle himself, that at most he would come back with a few scratches (usually), but it could still make you lose sleep. He would never tell you when he was hurt (Something about not wanting to worry you? What a weirdo.), and you know he doesn’t really take care of himself, often putting others before himself. Which, ironically, only made you worry more because sometimes he would come back with an injury that requires more attention than a scratch. Sometimes he would come back limping, unable to hide that he was hurt. Sometimes, which includes right now, you would freak out seeing the state he was in. 
You guys were in Liyue for a few days before you continued your journey to Mondstat. Aether had just left to finish his daily commissions while you patiently waited for him at the inn. After a while, you started getting worried he never took this long to clear out a few hilichurls. Your worries were cut short with the sharp sound of the door unlocking and your boyfriend hastily walking in. You froze, noticing the still bleeding cut on his arm, starting at his shoulder and ending near his elbow. Aether was frantically trying to make sure none of the blood dripped off his arm all the while asking you about your day. Watching the blood still drip down his arm, you were about to scold him for being so reckless but decided against it. You noticed how quickly his face lit up once he saw you despite being in tremendous pain and couldn't bring yourself to be upset at him. Instead, you grab a towel to cover his arm and start dragging him to Baizhus pharmacy for proper treatment.
"You should have just gone to Baizhu first." you mumble, glancing back at him.
"I wanted to see you first," he replied, averting his gaze from yours. "I missed you." 
Oh. You might need to see Baizhu too. After all, your heart wasn't supposed to beat this fast, right?
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Getting to know Diluc at all was already a difficult task. Truly getting to know Diluc was somehow even more difficult, but you managed. It took a lot of time and even more patience, but you managed. He let you in fully, and you wouldn't dare to leave. You knew about his nightly activities, and while you would often make fun of it or get worried over him, you supported him nonetheless. At first, you were skeptical (I mean really? Running around at night killing abyss mages in a silly mask? Yeah, okay) and didn't really believe him. But the first night he came home with fresh new scratches and bruises, you quickly realized he wasn't joking. 
The first time he came home all scratched up, you rightfully panicked. It was just the break of dawn, the sun slowly started to pour into the room through the tiny gaps in the curtain. You woke up to an empty bed, which freaked you out, to say the least. Diluc would still be in bed around this time, but maybe he just headed downstairs earlier today? You slowly got out of bed and started to head downstairs. You, in all your sleepy glory, bumped into multiple different walls on your way down. But those minor "injuries" were absolutely nothing when compared to what you saw on Diluc. Diluc was downstairs, in the kitchen, calmly cleaning up the blood around a bruise on his stomach. You froze in the middle of the doorway for two reasons: 1) Oh my god, is that blood? Is he hurt? Why is he hurt? and 2) Oh my God, is he shirtless? He seemed to have noticed you since when you finally came back to your senses, you saw a sheepish smile on his face while he greeted you.
That day, you learned that he would come home and quickly get cleaned up before heading back to bed to greet you. He didn't want to show you the ugly sides of what he does or something along those lines. You, on the other hand, would have none of it. After that day, you would wake up earlier (or stay up later) to take care of him. Diluc obviously protested, he didn't want you to worry or lose sleep over something so trivial (his words, not yours). But in the end you got your way, and months later, you don't regret it. 
In the present day, you woke up a little before dawn break, already in the kitchen waiting for Diluc to come home. You didn't have to wait much longer, since Diluc strolled into the kitchen as if he didn't spend all night fighting against abyssal creatures. He sent a warm smile your way, one which you gladly returned, before leaning against the counter next to the sink. You swiftly got to work cleaning and wrapping up all the wounds littered around his skin. Times like these were always oddly calming; the sun would slowly be rising, the birds would start chirping, and the maids in the manor weren't shuffling around yet. It was just you and Diluc...
"Did you sleep well?" Diluc asked, breaking you from your thoughts.
Ah, the main thing you loved about these times: Diluc and you got to spend time with each other uninterrupted and unbothered by the business of the day.
"Would've slept better if you had been there." you replied, cleaning the last bit of blood around his neck and looking up to meet his gaze.
Diluc smiled a bit before wrapping his arm around your waist, pulling you closer, "Then I'll be there tonight."
You smiled back before resting your head on his shoulder, cherishing the moment of bliss you get before starting your day. Yep, months later, you still don't regret a thing.
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Falling in love with Ajax was one of the most terrifying things you've experienced. He was a Harbinger for the Fatui, a diplomat for Snezhnaya, and not to mention his insane blood-lust. You knew falling for someone like him would only cause you pain, physically and mentally. But, ignoring that, you were also terrified of how he made you feel. You've never experienced love like this. You've never experienced butterflies so intense, your heart never skipped so many beats, you never lost your words that much, and you never ever felt so sick. All over minuscule things he'd do too... So, despite all the red flags and other obvious reasons you should've ignored him, you couldn't stop yourself. Which led to a couple months of mutual pinning between the two of you filled with the most corny and endearing clichés you could think of. Thankfully, it ended with Childe confessing his undying love for you with the most bashful smile you've ever seen. Another (welcomed) cliché.
Even before you were in a relationship with the 11th harbinger, you were aware of the dangers of his job. You knew that Childe getting into fights and getting the occasional bruise was something to be expected. And Childe never hid any of his scars from you, always seeming to come to you to get his scrapes cleaned up. So you never worried too much over him. He didn't hide anything from you after all. You also knew how great a fighter Childe was. Sure, sometimes he could be a bit too reckless, but he always managed. Which, in hindsight, you should've questioned. Getting into constant fights with some of the strongest people in whatever region he was in and then coming back without any major injuries? Yeah, okay. 
Truth be told, Childe would (obviously) get help before meeting up with you, but he also loved when you would take care of him. Leading him to only get his major injuries dealt with before meeting you. He wasn't embarrassed about any injuries he got, it's not like he didn't want to tell you about them... He just didn't want to freak you out and possibly scare you away. But that's a conversation for another time. In the end, you still found out, and not because he told you. Nope! You found out through a few Fatui soldiers talking about a certain Harbinger being rushed to the nearest clinic once they got back.
The second you heard Ajax's code name fall from their lips, you started running to the clinic that the Fatui would frequent. During the entire trip there and the whole process at the front desk, you could practically feel your heart in your ears. After what felt like years, you were finally able to see him, and Archons, did you have things to say to him. Bursting into the hospital room, you quickly went to grab his face before turning it all over. 
"Archons Ajax! Are you alright- No, how are you feeling?" you rush out, fear and concern evident in your voice.
"Babe? What are you doing here?" he questioned back instead.
"What am I doing here? Did you expect to hide this from me?" you asked in response. At this point, you had stopped trying to look at all his bruises and looked straight into his eyes. Both the fear and concern that was evident in your voice, was also evident in the way you held him.
His lack of response caused you to go on a mini-rant,
"You idiot, how could you be so reckless? Don't ever do something like that again."
"Be more careful next time, or else I'm not gonna kiss you anymore- I'm being honest this time!"
The rest of your scolding fell on deaf ears as Childe looked at you with the softest smile that ever graced his pretty face. He really did love you and it was clear you loved him back just as much.
Notes: *awkward cough* hi- ANYWAY. Please take this cutely domestic little post I totally spent the past three months on it. No I didn't I was just lazy. Notice how each drabble got longer and longer yeah I have issues.
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hobiebrownismygod · 10 months
Streetkid!Hobie x Fem!Reader - Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
I post these earlier on wattpad, the link is in my pinned post!! <3
~4.4k words
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Hobie's POV
"I'm telling you, Ri, I saw her!"
"Stop moving!"
"Y'have to believe me!" Hobie exclaimed, squirming as Riri dabbed the scratches on his neck with rubbing alcohol before gently placing bandaids on his cuts. "Yeah, yeah, I believe you" she said with an eye roll, more focused on his wounds than he was himself. 
"Seriously, it was like I was inna dream..." he started to say, tilting his head back against the wall and closing his eyes with a dreamy sigh. "Couldn't believe m'eyes."
Riri hesitated for a moment as she pulled away from him, satisfied with her handiwork patching him up. "Are you su-"
"Are you sure it was her?" Kamala cut in, walking towards the both of them, hands on her hips with her eyebrow raised. "I mean, you haven't seen her in a decade, how can you be sure?"
"I'm telling you Kamala, it was her." Hobie said, standing up with a groan and wiping the dust off his jeans. He was covered in blood and scratches.
"uh-huh" she wasn't convinced. 
Yesterday's riot had done a number on the group. Although they'd been able to keep the protestors safe and had successfully destroyed the mansion, they'd gotten pretty banged up. Karl was in the other room taking a nap while Kamala, Riri and Hobie stitched each other's cuts and bandaged each other up. It was normal for them to be beat up after such a heavy conflict, but it wasn't doing much to boost the team's morale. Meanwhile, Hobie was over the moon at the fact that he'd caught a glimpse of that girl, even if their conversation had been a bit short-lived.
"She looked nearly the same." Hobie started again, eliciting eye rolls from both Kamala and Riri who simultaneously sighed and ignored him. "I could never forget those eyes."
"You do realize she's the daughter of a cop, right?" Riri asked him, looking over at Hobie curiously. "So? I can fix her." Hobie folded his arms over his chest with a cocky smile. "Sure you can."
"No, really! I can. I will." He was completely confident in his ability to win her over, but the girls definitely weren't. "Always the optimistic one" Riri stated under her breath, shooting a knowing smile over at Kamala.
Your POV
You were sprawled out on your bed, head tilted back, eyes closed shut as your mind strained to remember the fine details of what'd happened last night. After Spider-Man had warned you, it'd all been a blur. Harry grabbing your hand and pulling you out the building, Mr. Osborne's angry yelling and the appearance of his agents, the silent ride home in the taxi...but the one thing she remembered in full was that man's voice.
He sounded so calm, so sweet, his deep voice and thick accent sending a wave of comfort down her body, relaxing every racing thought as she recalled it. He'd called her 'darling'. Well, a lot of people called her darling, but this felt different. He sounded like he really meant it, like that word was more than just a term of endearment to him.
Like he really did find her darling.
No. That was impossible. He was just trying to help her out. After all, it was thanks to him that she'd gotten out of there without a scratch, saved by a quiet warning. It didn't mean anything.
She sat up, hugging her pillow to her chest as she crossed her legs with a sigh. But why did he act like he knew her? What was he whispering to himself about? Why did he warn her specifically instead of the rest of the crowd? There must've been something else behind it, some hidden reason as to why he found her well-being more important than that of the hundreds of other partygoers in the mansion.
Why did he seem so familiar?
"Ms? Are you awake yet?"
You were broken out of your mind by the sound of knocking on the door, your maid having come to remind you of the time. You groaned and fell back onto the bed, covering your face with the pillow and rolling over to the side. 7:30. It was time for you to begin your errands of the day.
Hobie's POV
After a proper nap, Hobie found himself ready to begin his day as Spider-Man or 'superheroing' as Kamala called it, grabbing his mask before positioning himself next to the window of his room. His body still ached, covered in cuts and scratches, but it'd have to do, because F.E.A.S.T needed his help today. 
There was a huge food transport happening today, and Hobie would have to help protect it, as F.E.A.S.T trucks were often looted due to their high loads and costly materials. This supply was extremely important though, because it was nearly Christmas, meaning F.E.A.S.T's annual holiday celebration was coming up, where they hosted a huge service during which they'd provide hours worth of entertainment, food and drinks for anyone who attended. Not only did this festival lead to an increase in volunteers, but it also helped give sign up access to people who were struggling, helping employees provide them with shelter for the coming weather.
Hobie, an avid supporter of the organization that'd saved him from homelessness, attended this Christmas festival every year, both as Spider-Man and as himself, in order to keep the attendees safe and to be able to sign up to volunteer at the shelters. It was the only 'job' he'd ever had and he hoped it was the only 'job' he'd ever take. 
Although this year, a new item had been added to his list of reasons for attending. You.
He hoped that the grandness of the festival would be enough to attract your attention, despite knowing very few members of the higher class attended. Even then, a man could wish...
He jumped out the window, pulling his mask on in the process and shooting a web towards the nearest building, propelling him in the direction of the headquarters. As he swung through the city, he kept his eyes on where the officers were patrolling, where new squads had appeared, mapping everything out in his mind. It'd help him sneak past these same places later on.
The city was overrun by pigs, Osborne's goons stationed in every section of every street, especially after yesterday's riot. The officers were on high alert, pointing their guns towards Hobie's swinging figure whenever he passed by, despite knowing they wouldn't even be able to come close to harming him.
"COZZERS!" (A British slur for cops) Hobie yelled out as he passed them by. They yelled their own share of slurs at him, but he didn't pay any mind, laughing like a maniac as he swung circles around them on his way to his destination.
He loved being Spider-man.
Sure, there was plenty of responsibility, but there was also so much freedom. Being able to stand up for what you believed in, with no fear of being thrown in jail, shot, killed or worse. You could really just do whatever you wanted and nobody could stop you. Hobie always reminded himself of that.
Whenever a fight got too intense, whenever he got a little too bashed up, he would remind himself why he was doing this. For the people. It was his own little saying really, almost like a prayer he'd tell himself before he went off to do the rash, stupid things he did every day. 
For the people.
"For the people" Hobie murmured to himself, his eyes scanning the F.E.A.S.T truck that was getting ready to leave from the dock back to the shelter. As the truck left, he did too, silently swinging by its side, being careful to stay out of sight of any criminals that might've been waiting for their chance.
And then, like he'd expected...it happened.
A car swerved in front of the truck, causing the driver to slam on the brakes. He looked around with a bewildered expression on his face, shaking his fist at the car in front of him, until the goons got out, surrounding the helpless vehicle.
Hobie swung in, knocking out one of the thugs in the process, sending the others running. It didn't take long for him to gather them all up, tie them together with his webs and then send the truck on its way, following behind until it finally reached the shelter.
When he arrived, the employees cheered, happy to see their beloved hero. He was offered food, water, the usual, but as usual he refused, gave them a salute, and went on his way. Dropping by an alleyway, he changed out of his suit, and back into good old Hobie Brown, shoving his hands in his pockets and making his way back towards the shelter.
He was greeted similarly, offered high fives and water, and put to work carrying, cooking and decorating. The festival would be at the end of the week, only four days away, and there was plenty to be done. The set up had already begun, but Hobie was thrown into the kitchen for most of the day, cooking up food for the people staying in the shelter, and passing it out amongst everyone along with friendly smiles and a couple light conversations.
He made it his goal to learn the names of every person in that place, and he stayed true to it, getting to know everybody and even ending up becoming friends with some. He could relate to all these people. After all, he'd spent a good amount of time at F.E.A.S.T himself, and he knew that things could only get better from here.
Wearing a white apron and a chef's hat one of the kids had offered him, Hobie was in the process of handing out some of the last bowls of hot soup when he saw the door open. Expecting it to be another person looking for shelter entering, he ignored it, continuing to pass out the lunches. Until...he heard that voice.
"Hi, I'm here to volunteer?"
He snapped his head up, nearly dropping the ladle he had in his hand as his eyes widened. Those gorgeous eyes, that glowing skin, it was her.
He froze up as he saw one of his colleagues begin explaining things to you, handing you a sign-up sheet. He felt as thought his heart would burst when he caught your smile, the way your eyes crinkled just slightly when you laughed. He couldn't do anything but stare as you walked right past him, barely even noticing his presence.
He had to talk to you. He quickly finished handing out the bowls before he practically ripped his apron off and began walking towards you, who'd already began your work decorating the trees.
But then, he froze in his tracks.
He couldn't approach you...how could he? What if he said something weird? What if you didn't like him? What if he messed something up? No...he'd have to get your attention some other way.
Your POV
You were pulled into the bustle of the shelter, already part of the volunteer family despite spending so little time working. Everyone was excited to meet you, dragging you from here to there to introduce you and help you get to know the others. Everyone was really nice, happy to welcome you and excited to learn your name. You were put to work decorating the trees that were scattered around the room, mainly in the corners, hanging little globes and colorful stars on the branches, with the help of the many adorable children residing within the shelter.
You'd always wanted to work at F.E.A.S.T. You loved the idea of volunteer work and giving back to your community, but your father had never allowed you anywhere near the shelter, much less allowed you to sign up to help. He said it was a job for hippies with nothing better to do, which you heavily disagreed with.
But now, because you were older, you could do what you wanted without having to worry about him. Even if he tried to stop you, he wouldn't really be able to.
You found yourself alone as you decorated the last tree, the children who'd been accompanying you having been distracted by the promise of popsicles. You hummed quietly to yourself, gently placing a dark red ornament on one of the taller branches, getting up on your tip toes to do so.
But suddenly, you heard a noise
You swiveled your head around, peering in the direction of the noise. Your eyes widened as you recalled where you'd heard that noise before. Standing up straight, you looked around nervously, taking a slight step back. "Show yourself!" You called out. "Don't hide! What do you want?"
It was coming from behind you. You turned around to see the back door, just barely opened. It led to the alleyway behind the shelter. That must be where it's coming from.
As you approached the door, you hesitated for a moment. Was it really a good idea for you to be following a strange noise towards an empty alleyway? You shrugged.
You opened the door cautiously, peering outside. Standing there, leaning against the wall, was exactly who you were expecting. "'ello, darling" he said with a wink.
"You...what are you doing here?" You asked, approaching him in awe. Maybe your suspicions were right. There was a reason behind how he'd warned you last night. Why else would he be visiting you again?
"Just wanted t'say hi to m'favorite lass" he said, stretching his arms out as he walked toward you, shoving his hands into his vest. He leaned down toward you slightly, his figure towering over yours. "We left off pretty abruptedly"
"Who are you?" You breathed out, looking up at him with a slight smile on your face, still in disbelief at the fact that he was standing there, in front of you, talking to you like he'd known you for years.
"Your friendly neighborhood Spider-man of course. Don't tell me you haven't heard of me?" He said teasingly.
"Yesterday-why-how-why did you-?" Your mind was flooded with questions, a string of horribly worded sentences flowing out of your mouth as you rambled. "Woah, calm down." He said, putting his hands up in front of him. "How 'bout I take y'somewhere quieter first? Hmm?"
He leaned in a little closer again. "I know a place where I can answer all y'questions" He looked to the side. "Maybe even get t'know each other a little more too"
He blinked at you. "No? Wha-what d'ya mean, no?" His shoulders slumped slightly and his voice went up an octave, on the verge of cracking.
"I'm not going to follow a wanted criminal to a quiet place that I've probably never even heard about" You said with a scoff. You leaned back on your heel and turned in the other direction, about to walk away, despite still being fairly curious. 
You smirked to yourself and looked over your shoulder. He scrambled towards you, his lanky arm reaching out towards you, palm up. "Please. I-I need to talk to you." You looked down at his palm disinterestedly, raising your eyebrow at him. "And why would I agree to that?"
"Because I'm Spider-Man."
"What's your point?" you asked tightly, putting your hand on your hip.
He shook his head furiously, the eyes of his mask wide. "You don't understand, I need to talk to you!" His voice was a higher-pitch than before and he sounded like he was on the verge of begging, his hands clasping together.
"What do you need to talk to me about?"
"About-" he hesitated. "I just...want to get to know you" his voice turned deep again and he shrugged sheepishly, standing up straight and looking to the side, trying to seem nonchalant. What a weirdo.
Suddenly, it dawned over you. You scowled, turning away from him. "It's 'cuz I'm the Captain's daughter" you said softly, feeling your heart drop. He must've been trying to get close to you to gain more information about your father and the rest of the police force. "I can't believe you!"
His stance slackened, his eyes widening as he tried to defend himself. "No tha's not wh-"
"You want to befriend me?" You pointed at him. "Morph me into your perfect little rebel?!"
"No i jus-"
"I may not agree with the things my father stands for but I am not a spy and I am not some helpless little girl for you to mold into your servant!" You fumed, throwing your hands up in the air. He looked baffled as you turned away from him once again, ready to march back into the shelter without a second thought.
A web caught onto your hand, and he yanked you back towards him, spinning you into his arms. You fell against him with a yelp, his arms wrapping around your waist to keep you from running away again. "Let go-" you struggled.
You froze when you heard his voice, raspy yet soft as he desperately held you down out of the fear that you'd leave. "Please. I need to talk to you." he whispered. You looked up at him, eyes narrowing slightly as you felt a wave of guilt wash over you. "I don't even know you." You said quietly.
"Then get to know me."
You hesitated for a moment, biting the inside of your cheek in frustration. "Let go." He obliged, slowly unhooking his arms from around your waist and letting them fall limp at his sides, awkwardly watching you make a decision. 
"Ten minutes. That's all you get."
The eyes of his mask lit up and you could tell he was grinning at you from under. "You won't regret it, doll" he said with a wink, offering you his hand as he bowed forward slightly, the way a prince would offer his hand to a princess.
You reluctantly agreed and his hand engulfed yours as he pulled you into him, barely given you a moment to adjust yourself before he lifted the two of you off the ground in one fell swoop, forcing you to have to hold onto him for dear life. He was obviously enjoying your closeness and you swore you heard a deep chuckle escape his lips when you gasped, not used to the sensation of sudden acceleration.
You kept your face buried in his neck as he swung you towards this quiet place he'd spoken about, unable to say a word. Meanwhile, he was excitedly talking your ear off, telling you that he knew you'd love what he'd picked out. You couldn't help but wonder to yourself, why was he trying so hard? What did he want from you?
"You can loosen up a little, I won't drop you luv." You heard him say quietly, as if he was afraid he'd scare you if he spoke any louder. You nervously loosened your arms around his neck, giving him a little more breathing room as he tightened his grip on your waist. You looked up from his shoulder and you were awestruck.
Everything was a blur as the two of you swung faster than you'd ever gone before, your head feeling dizzy with the buildings, cars and people disappearing faster than you could see them. You didn't know how fast he was moving and you were too afraid to ask, knowing putting a number to the speed would just make the whole experience even more daunting.
And then, you felt him begin to slow down and eventually, your feet touched the ground, sinking in just slightly. Even after feeling the dirt under your feet, you kept your arms around him in fear that you would somehow still end up falling. "Uh, darling? We're here." He said softly, a smile on his face as he looked down at you. You cleared your throat as you jumped back, unhooking yourself from him. "Right."
You looked around nervously, taking in your surroundings. He'd brought you to what looked like an abandoned building, rubble everywhere and half the walls caved in. "What is this place?" You asked softly, looking around. 
The slightly disgusted expression on your face must've been obvious, because you could tell that his mood had dropped. "I...thought you'd like it." he said softly, looking down, his hands in his pockets. "It's F.E.A.S.T's old headquarters. Before it was bombed."
F.E.A.S.T's original headquarters had been bombed by supervillains a couple years ago, which was why they had moved to a place downtown, where there would be more security and less chance of another attack. 
"Oh!" Your eyes widened and a grin appeared on your face as the memories flooded your brain. This was where you'd always told people to go when you were younger. If you ever saw someone struggling or with an empty hat out in their hands, asking for money, you'd always point them in this direction and tell them that the people here would help. It was your way of helping out when your father wouldn't let you do it properly.
"I love it." You said softly, looking around the ruins. "Thank you." His eyes lit up and he approached you slightly, hands still shoved deep into his pockets as he shrugged embarrassedly. "s'nothing really." he said quietly, keeping his eyes on you as you walked towards the window, looking out with a soft sigh.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" you asked him, looking back over your shoulder at his fidgeting figure. "I...I don't know. I didn't plan this far." He admitted, looking down. You laughed, looking back out the window. "How cute."
His head perked up. "Y'think I'm cute?"
"I think the situation's...cute." You cleared your throat. "For the lack of a better word of course." you added quickly. "Yeah, yeah of course." He kicked a rock out of his way with his foot. "So...what's your name?"
"Y/N" you said, watching some of the cars on the streets below pass by, your elbow propped up on the windowsill and your hand supporting your chin. "Y/N...pretty name for a pretty lass." he said with what you believed was a smile under his mask, coming up behind you.
"Why do you want to get to me, Spider-man?" You asked, turning around and facing him, your back pressed against the edge of the window, your head having to tilt up to look at him properly. He leaned down to get to your height. "You caught my eye."
You scoffed. "That can't be true. You said you knew me." He had asked if you'd remembered him that day at the ball, and you remembered how nervous and fidgety he'd seemed. "That I did." he said softly, trying to think up some sort of excuse.
"Where did you meet me last?" His eyes widened and he looked away, swallowing. "A while ago."
"I can't put a date to it."
"How long ago?"
"Long." He nodded. "Very long."
You groaned out of frustration, looking back out the window. "What are you hiding from me?" You asked him. He shook his head. "I'm not hiding anything."
"Then why won't you tell me when you met me last?"
"If I tell you, you'll know who I am." He leaned in over your shoulder, looking at you. "And I can't let you know who I am."
"Then why bring me here?" You looked over your shoulder at him, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "Why go out of your way to talk to me?"
He stayed silent. "What a joke." You muttered under your breath, biting the inside of your cheek.
"Because I'm in love with you."
You froze. "What?" You asked softly, looking back at him, eyes wide and jaw practically hanging open. He cleared his throat. This was not going according to his plan. "Because I'm in love with you." He repeated, tugging at the collar of his suit as he looked to the side. "I've been in love with you for years and I'm finally acting on it."
"Look, Spider-man-" You put your hands up nervously, barely able to process what he was telling you. "-I don't even know you and-"
"That's why I brought you here." he interrupted. "Because I want to get to know you and I want you to get to know me."
Your breath hitched in your throat. "You're quite forward, aren't you?" You said nervously, feeling yourself get a little dizzy. Your heart was beating very fast and not in the love-sick way. You were afraid. You were stuck in an abandoned building with a strange man who you believed had been watching you. Anyone would be afraid.
"Look, I know you probably think I'm some creep-" he started, his voice sounding slightly strained as he tried to get you to see the situation from his point of view, "-but it's not like I've been watching you. I saw you once and I couldn't get over you. he said softly, his voice quieting to a whisper. 
"You've been the only thing in my mind for a long time. And that day at the ball-" he took a step towards you, "-that was only the second time I saw you and I already knew I was in love."
He noticed how nervous you seemed. "Please don't be scared." he said softly, his hand reaching out to take yours. He gently ran his finger over your palm as you looked up at him. "I swear, I just want to get to know you. I just-I just want to know who you are."
"I want to know who I fell in love with."
@therealloopylupin2099 @spiderrinn @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @itsparis-07 @vileviale @puff-hugs @s6onder
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doingitforbokuto · 2 years
First Date
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Summary: You go on your first date with Obito. He is nervous you won't like his looks, but he couldn't be more wrong. You know just the thing that will show him how attractive you find him.
Words: 4,129
Warnings: mentions of masturbation, semi-public blow job
Obito scratched the surface of the restaurant table he was sitting at. It was made of thick wood, covered in a thin layer of varnish. Obviously well used, it was a testament of how popular and old the restaurant was, still doing well even after all those years. There were other scratches on it, from both knives and fingernails. He let his own nails trace over the already existing lines before starting to create his own. He almost felt a little bad. After all, it wasn't the wood's fault that he was as nervous as he was. You were. 
The reason he was sitting at this table in the first place was because you two were going on a date. Obito had not been on a date in ages so he was nervous enough to start with, adding the fact that he really liked you into the mix was certainly not helping. 
A couple of months ago, a mutual friend had the genius idea of giving you Obito's number since the two of you would (quote) "totally make the perfect couple!". Both of you knew that that was just code for "you seem lonely because you haven't been on a date in a while so now I am trying to set you up with other lonely, miserable people". But neither of you really tried to argue it because, well, it was true. You were lonely, and you did crave the intimacy that came with dating someone. Like having someone to talk to about your day, someone who you could rely on, every day. That's why you ended up actually texting him, even though it was so weird at first. Both of you knew why this was happening and that it was only a half-hearted attempt at getting to know each other - at best. 
At least, that's what it used to be. After just a couple of hours of texting with one another you two came to realize that maybe, just maybe, your friend had not been so entirely wrong about you making a good couple. You found yourself smiling at your phone whenever a message from Obito popped up, Obito found himself thinking about you when he was at work, longing for a break to shoot you another text. Your eyes were glued to your phone screen almost constantly until you started sharing phone calls too. If you had not been in love before, you definitely were now. 
His voice was so calming and deep, you could practically imagine how his chest had to rumble every time he spoke. It did not help with your fantasies at all, you imagined yourself laying on his chest, imagined the way he would sound in bed, even. When he sent you a voice memo one morning right after waking up, with his voice still thick with sleep, you almost lost it. All you wanted was for you to finally, finally be able to see him, touch him after so many weeks of longing for him. You wanted to feel his warm skin, smell his cologne and hear his voice without the phone line distorting it ever so slightly. 
Even though Obito felt the same, he was the one who avoided meeting you in real life. He liked talking to you, he liked your humor and your advice, he liked you. And you liked him, he knew that - that much was more than clear. But that was just for now. There was no guarantee that you would still like him after you had come face to face with him. That was what he was most scared of: The way you would look at him, the things you would see in his scarred, distorted face. 
Until now, you only knew what he looked like from descriptions. Your friend had told you that he had an accident some time ago and that almost half his body was covered in scars. Obito knew that you knew that much. But you had not seen a picture of him yet, as Obito didn't have a profile picture with his face on it. He had even asked his friend if they had showed you one - which they hadn't. You were understanding of the fact that he might be insecure because of his condition but that didn't still your curiosity, it didn't stop you from imagining his looks based on the description your friend had given you. 
You would think about how his disheveled black hair would feel under your touch, how you would run your fingers through it when you cuddled. You would think about your fingers tracing his back, one hand feeling smooth, soft skin, the other one hard scar tissue. You would think about looking into dark, black eyes in the dim light of the morning after having him stay the night. You would think about kissing him, feeling the scars on his lips catch onto yours. You couldn't stop thinking about him. 
So, after what you felt was enough time to make him trust you, be comfortable around you, you asked Obito to go out with you. The first time, he declined by giving you a very obviously fake excuse as to why he couldn't make it. It bruised your ego, to say the least. But you knew that this had to be hard for Obito, maybe you hadn’t given him enough time yet. What you didn't know though, was that that night, Obito laid awake thinking about you. 
Yes, he was scared that you might reject him once you saw him. But what if you didn't? What if you still liked him? What would you say, once you saw him - all of him? How would you touch him? 
Unbeknownst to him, his own thoughts mirrored yours. His mind was full of images of you two hugging, kissing.. touching. But he would never tell you about that. He would certainly never tell you about the fact that he imagined your voice while he fisted his cock that night. Or about how he imagined how warm and soft your mouth would feel around him. Or about how all he wanted to do was paint your pretty face white with his cum. Or about how he came wishing it was your hand touching him, not his. He would never tell you all that. 
No, he would rather wait a couple of days to gather all his courage to ask you out. As much as he was scared, avoiding you and not meeting you would be worse for him than his looks. And that's how he ended up in this restaurant, tormenting the poor table in front of him as he waited for you to arrive. 
It was a good spot to get food, well visited but never so full that it was uncomfortably crowded or too loud. He made a good choice, if he did say so himself. He was so uncharacteristically early, he surprised himself. He didn't have anything else to do all day except for the date to come around and he was so nervous, he just needed to get out of the confines of his apartment. For twenty minutes he had already been sitting there, taking small sips out of his glass and shooting scared glances towards the poor door. But so far, you had failed to come in and save the door from his stare by pulling it onto yourself. 
Obito sighed. Maybe this had been a bad idea. With his luck, this was all gonna go downhill anyway. Maybe you wouldn't even come around? Maybe you never wanted to see him at all. Maybe you were just playing with him! Just when he started contemplating the biggest dick-move ever, ghosting a lovely girl like you by simply leaving, the door swung open like it had finally had enough of Obito staring at it, finally giving him what he wanted: You. 
You looked even better than your pictures, making Obito straighten his back in an attempt to look less disheveled than usual - he didn't know what it was, but it was never possible for him to look.. polished. Something about him was always a little bit out of place, a little bit wild, boyish. Maybe it would add to his charm?
Your eyes found him quickly and to his surprise, a big smile appeared on your lips. With quick steps you managed to get through the labyrinth of tables separating the two of you until you were standing right in front of him, smile still plastered on your face. 
"Hey," you breathed out. 
"Hi." He got up to greet you properly, surprised when you even leaned in for a hug. He did not expect you to be so friendly right after seeing him for the first time. And even though the hug was short and admittedly, a little awkward, it felt good. Being close to you felt good.
"Sorry," you said as you pulled away to sit down on the other side of the table, "have you been waiting for long?" 
"Oh, no." He sat back down himself, trying to cover up the scratches he had created on the table just before you arrived. "I'm usually the one that arrives after everyone else." 
"Yeah, I heard that," you laughed. "But you're here early?" 
Even with the dim lights, Obito did not miss the blush that started to spread over you. 
"Well.." He could feel himself starting to blush in return. "I was really excited to see you." 
"Yeah, me too." 
Both of your voices were just a whisper now. You had talked so much before, about how much you liked each other, but doing it in person.. it was so personal, almost too personal. 
Obito's nervousness proved itself to be uncalled for. Even though you had seen his face now, there was no sign of disgust or repulsion. Of course, your eyes inevitably slid over the scars a couple of times, unsure of what to do. It was only natural for people to want to look at them since they stood out like that, Obito knew that. And you were now faced with the same problem everyone else was: Look at them and make it obvious that you are focusing on them? Or not look at them at all and make it obvious that you are purposefully avoiding them? It was a thin line one had to tiptoe with him, but as long as you didn't stare, he was fine with whatever choice you made. Surprisingly, he found that he actually liked having your eyes on him, with your soft, loving gaze. You had him hooked already. 
"So," you asked. "What dishes can you recommend?" 
"Okay, so.." 
Obito moved a little to the side, as did you. Both of you were leaning over the table to look into the same menu. His fingers drifted over the paper to point at his favorite dishes. You could hear his breath, smell his cologne, see the blush on his face whenever he looked at you through his lashes. He had even more charisma now than he did over text. He was funny, charming and there was always some level of admiration and even innocence in his eyes when he looked at you. Like every time he saw you he reassured himself that you were actually there, with him, for him. Like he was relieved every time. 
You were sure you didn't look as innocent as he did. You tried not to ogle him but you just couldn't turn your gaze away. Not when he looked the way that he did while waiting for someone to bring your food. He was relaxed in his seat, leaning back, one arm tossed over the backrest of the chair next to him. The other one was reaching for his glass which he occasionally lifted to his lips to take a sip that made his Adam's apple bob. You were sure that under the table, his legs were spread out comfortably, taking up space he knew no one else needed. His shirt was well-filled out by his biceps and pulled taut over his chest as it moved in sync with his breaths. You wondered how his pants must look under the table. You were almost tempted to bend down and take a look. 
As much as you tried not to stare at him too much, it was impossible. There was no hiding and you were sure that at this point, Obito had noticed the way you looked at him, his lips, his hands, his arms and chest - any part of him you could see, really. But he didn't mention it. Until the very end of your meal, until after he had paid and offered to drive you home since you came by cab, he did not say a word about your stares. 
You walked beside him to his car and tried to ignore the way your shoulders bumped into each other and his hand brushed against yours. Did he do that on purpose? Was it the way your body naturally gravitated towards his? Or was it both? After all, it was undeniable that both of you were drawn towards each other. Both of you wanted to feel the presence of the other one. The amount of time you had spent at dinner was a testament to this. You two had been unwilling to leave the other's side.
The restaurant was almost empty by the time you got up, as was the parking lot. When Obito had arrived, it had been almost completely full and he had made it just in time to snag the last empty space. It was a warm summer evening, many people were letting loose and not in the mood to cook and eat at home. 
Now, there was only one other car left. The metal of Obito's car shone in the yellow light of the street lamps, as did his face when you glanced at him. 
"What?" Obito smiled as he met your gaze. Now seemed to be the time he was tired of waiting, tired of letting you do as you pleased. He wanted answers - though he probably knew them already. He just wanted to hear you say it. 
"You.." You looked away as you felt your face getting hotter. "You just look really good." You started fiddling with your shirt before looking back at him. "I don't know why you were so nervous before meeting me." 
"Yeah?" He leaned against his car, now that you had reached it. "So you think I look.. good?" 
His voice was low and his arms were crossed in front of his chest, making him seem even bigger, his biceps bulging even more than before. It was unfair how good he looked. His looks, his smell, his charisma.. it was like a drug to you. You didn't just want him, you needed him. Even though you had only just met him, he already had you hooked. It was like he had his own gravity surrounding him and he was pulling you into his orbit until you were crashing into him. And so you did. 
Your lips smacked against his, your hands went to his arms that unfolded from his chest. They opened to welcome you as you smashed into him. The force of it shook you and his car but neither of you were bothered by it. His arms wrapped around your waist and you could finally, finally feel his body heat against yours. The layers of clothing you were wearing did nothing to hide your erratic heartbeats. Chest pressed to chest, you could feel his pulse thrum against your own ribcage and you were sure Obito could say the same - if you would let him speak. 
The kiss quickly got more and more intense and before long Obito's tongue was prodding your mouth. It slipped in easily as you parted your lips at his request. It felt even better than you had imagined. The kiss had you weak in the knees and even though you were already leaning onto Obito, he still had to hold you up with his strong arms around you. His hands moved from your waist, one up to your shoulder, the other lower until it reached the curve of your ass. All you were able to do in return was moan into his mouth. You would let him do whatever he wanted right now, as long as it felt as good as this. 
Somehow, during the kiss, Obito managed to move the two of you onto the other side of the car, facing away from the restaurant. Not everyone needed to see the two of you making out in the parking lot like horny teenagers. 
And while he was at it, he switched your positions, now you were the one leaning onto the car and he was pressed against you. His body caged you in and you were unable to go anywhere other than into him. His hands started roaming your body, one traveling up and down your stomach, the other one slipping towards your neck. He took full advantage of the new position where he could have you put your weight onto the car for support. You had already slipped down a little, but you were standing more steadily now. 
It took you a while to regain your strength and composure but when you did, you knew exactly what you wanted to do. His tongue in your mouth just wasn't enough, you had to have more. 
It was almost natural for you to slip out of his grasp and down to the ground. You didn't care about the dirt or about the way that the small stones and the hard concrete were digging into the flesh of your legs. All you could think about was Obito and how badly you wanted him. 
"Wait, wait.." Obito placed a hand on your head, careful not to use too much force. His eyes did not meet yours, instead they were frantically looking around. He was searching for anyone, an onlooker who could catch you two red handed. "What if someone sees?" 
Now he met your gaze. It didn't matter how nervous he was or how much he would try and tell you that this was probably a bad idea: He wanted this at least as much as you did - if not more. 
"I'll be quick." 
You looked up at him with big eyes, practically begging him to let you suck his dick. And who was he to deny a pretty thing like you? So with one last glance towards the restaurant he gave you a small nod. The hand on your head pushed you forward gently and you were all too eager to follow his lead as you nuzzled your face into his crotch. You were mouthing at his bulge before you had even started to unbuckle his belt. 
"Fuck, fuck.." 
Almost involuntarily he bucked his hips into your face while he closed his eyes. He couldn't wait to be in your warm, wet mouth. Neither could you, so you made quick work of his belt and zipper and with another quick motion, you pulled both his pants and boxers down just enough to free his cock. 
"Hah, God.." 
You were gonna be the death of him. Not even a second after pulling him free your mouth was already on him. Little kisses littered his cock from tip to base just before you went ahead and licked a long, wet stripe back up again. 
Obito was whispering now. This was all new to him. He hadn't been on a date in forever, much less had anyone sucked his cock in that time. He would have never dared to ask for a blow job in a fucking parking lot. Damn it, how was he supposed to deal with this? It was all too much, he felt too exposed to everything and everyone. Anyone could walk out and see you two. But at the same time, he had never felt closer to anyone than he did to you in this very moment. He knew that he had to trust you and just let you do what you were doing with him.
And God, did he want you to keep doing what you were doing. Your mouth was so warm, so welcoming. He didn't even remember what blow job's from other people felt like. Were they always this good? No, that couldn't be. He was sure he had never felt something this good in his life. 
Obito wanted to ask you - beg you to keep going, to please let him cum, but he just wasn't able to. All he could do was moan again and lean onto the car. With his forearm on top of it and his forehead resting against it, it was giving him the perfect angle to look down at you. It was hard to keep his eyes open, but it was worth it. Your lips created such a nice contrast against his pale skin and your hands looked so good against his thighs while you supported yourself on them.
His grip on the back of your head got tighter and you could tell that he was getting close.
You let him slip out of your mouth to pepper kisses all over his length while you kept stroking him. 
"What is it, Obito?" 
Were you an angel? You had to be. With the way you were looking up at him with big doe eyes while pumping his cock with long, even strokes, you were making him feel as good as humanly possible. Even when you were so obviously teasing him, he couldn't thank you enough. At least, he wanted to thank you. But forming coherent sentences seemed a little too hard right now.
Instead, he just gripped his cock, with his hand wrapped around yours, and tapped the sensitive tip back against your lips. It was nothing short of him begging and if he could, he would go down on his knees now. But he figured that might make the whole blow job situation a little more complicated. 
You weren't ready to give in just yet. You wanted him to say it. But instead of telling him that, you just pressed another kiss on his tip and continued to give him your best "innocent" look. When he still didn't say it, you finally gave him a little help.
"What do you want, Obito?" 
Your voice sounded so insincerely confused, it was obvious to him what you wanted. But it was hard for him to say it. 
"Just.. ple- let me - please!" 
He really couldn't hold it together any longer. His hand had begun to uncontrollably pump his cock and he was dragging your hand with him, up and down his length. His eyes were screwed shut with the effort it took him not to move his hips, too. 
"Okay." You gave him yet another, reassuring kiss. "Okay. Just fuck me already."
And with that he was back in your mouth and this time, you were not stopping until you had given him your all. You tried to relax your throat as much as possible since you already felt his other hand coming down to your head already. He did not waste any time after you gave him the confirmation he needed. The knot in his abdomen was already pulled taut but the feeling of being able to just use your mouth to his desire was more than enough to finally make it snap. 
He pumped his hips a couple of times while he kept your head secure in his hands and he was already spilling his load into you. The moment his tip hit the back of your throat he could swear he was seeing stars. Maybe he even passed out, he could not recall. All he knew was that the next time he opened his eyes, his hands were still on your head and his forehead was resting on the car again. You had pulled away a little and were still busy swallowing the rest of his load that he had just released into you. A little bit had spilled and was rolling down your chin, but not for long. As you looked up at him, through half lidded eyes, you swept your thumb over it and pushed it back into your mouth. In front of you, Obito's cock jumped just from looking at you like that. He couldn't stop. He wanted to keep looking at you forever, take a picture of this very moment and frame it on his wall. (Preferably next to his bed.) 
"Thank you," he whispered and brushed his fingers over your cheeks. "You look really pretty right now, too." 
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flxrartsstuff · 9 months
The last thing I need…
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LevixfemReader, 18+
Authors note: You and Levi have been stranded in the middle of nowhere. You two were actually on your way to a wedding. And since you were both late anyway because other things had priority, the mood is a little tense. A little teasing that ends in another series of hot lovemaking in the back seat.
cw: unprotected sex, car sex, bj
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»Come on,« he said swearing, hitting the steering wheel as he repeatedly failed to start the engine. No matter how many times he turned the key. She sat next to him in silence, chewing nervously on her lower lip and staring at the steering wheel as if it could somehow help to get the engine running. Levi had already opened the hood and rummaged around inside, but apparently everything was fine. But the car still wouldn't start.
They had been on their way to a wedding, running late and now they were halfway there. But that was just the icing on the cake because they were both late through no fault of their own and this time, they probably couldn't get away with it so easily. She had looked seductive in that tight red dress, looking at herself in the mirror from all sides, until he could no longer hold on to himself and had fallen over her. He had torn the dress off her body and mercilessly taken her in front of the mirror. As if that wasn't enough, she had dragged him onto the bed and continued their lovemaking there until they could take no more and she had to scratch his entire back to make him realize that they were late.
Now their car was stuck in the middle of nowhere, a road driving through a forest, with nothing but trees to the left and right. Levi cursed again before getting out of the car, furious with impatience and anger. She did the same and got out to stand next to him in front of the hood, holding the flashlight so he could see. He didn't care that his suit and shirt might get soiled.
»I just don't understand what the problem is.«
»Levi, shouldn't we call a towing service?« she tried calmly, stroking his shoulder. He leaned back again and groaned in annoyance.
»Fine, call him,« he made a dismissive gesture, clearly frustrated that he couldn't get the car running himself. She grabbed her phone out of her pocket, but no sooner had she dialed the number than the annoying signal sounded in the phone that there was no signal out here. The woman put her cell phone down and looked at Levi.
»No signal out here.«
»Perfect,« he replied cynically. »I guess we should have leave without our…Foreplay.« he didn't sound at all amused by this, his tone cold as he untied the knot of his bow tie around his neck. He undid the buttons of his white shirt underneath and looked up at the sky in frustration.
»Oh come on,« she began, still somewhat calmly, although she didn't like his tone at all. After all, he didn't have to take out on her how angry he was that they were late for the wedding. »Were we really going to go without?«
She smiled, knowing full well that they both wouldn't have stopped and would have loved to spend the whole day in bed. Unfortunately, that didn't appease him either. His gray eyes sparkled excitedly as he turned to her and grabbed her by the upper arms.
»Maybe I should have been more persistent, Y/N. Today, of all days, on Mikasa and that brat Eren's wedding day, « He let go of her and closed the hood a little too tightly.
»They will understand it,« she tried again, but it didn't really reassure him. He simply couldn't accept the fact that the car had broken down and that he couldn't fix it. He leaned silently against the hood and looked frustratedly into space.
»Understand that we'd rather shag each other than show up at her wedding on time? We're not getting anywhere here, you do realize that, right?«
She blew a strand of hair out of her face after his statement. Suddenly she had an idea and the urge to put an end to his naysaying. »Well then, we'll just have to push!«
»Push the car? To the wedding?« he repeated incredulously, raising a thin eyebrow. But she already started moving and walked to the back of the car. However, the road and the ground were a little slippery and as soon as she took a step, her foot snapped so that the heel of her pump broke off with a small crack. She toppled to the side, but was still able to support herself against the car. Levi was rushing forward, arms outstretched to catch her, but she remained on her feet. Frustrated that her heel had broken off, she lifted her foot and took a closer look at the mess. The beautiful, elegant shoe that had matched her dress perfectly was now ruined by the heel, which was loosely attached to the rest of the shoe. You really couldn't be seen anywhere with that. She turned back to Levi, her shoe raised threateningly in her hand.
»Not a single word,« she began, only to stop him from making any more sarcastic remarks when the sky suddenly rumbled and a little later, the first raindrops pattered directly down on them. Unlike her, Levi reacted faster, opened the car door and dragged her into the back seat. She landed with her back on the cool leather of the seats and in the next moment felt his warm body on top of her, his soft lips sealed with hers. When he pulled away from her again, she was breathing heavily. Her face glowed with sudden heat. He lifted her other leg and removed the other shoe from her feet.
»Levi...« she purred, perplexed, yet slightly aroused. The rain pelted down on the car, now even harder and heavier. The car was their only protection from this weather. A few raindrops fell from his black strands of hair and splashed on her cheeks. His face was so close to hers that his breath kept hitting her lips.
»What are you doing? We have to go to the wedding...«
»First, I'll teach you some manners...« he interrupted her and immediately placed his lips on her neck. His tongue caressed every spot that she loved and immediately destroyed any resistance. His body lay on top of hers without really pressing on her. She only felt his warmth, as well as the clear pressure in his trousers, which pressed deliciously against her feminine center. He pushed a few strands of her hair aside, slid the strap of her dress down and continued to worship her collarbone and shoulders. A sigh left her lips, so uninhibited and unrestrained. And he loved every single sound she made. Her skin was so soft and he let out a few little groans as well as his tongue slide over her skin.
»Do you think you can go to the wedding in that shoe and dress? I don't think so, my dear,« and somehow there was suddenly a hint of amusement in his voice. His annoyed mood seemed to be blown away. When she didn't say anything back, he looked up into her eyes, which were half closed.
»Look at me when I'm talking to you.« he said to her more insistently, grabbing her chin with one hand and turning her face in his direction. He leaned directly over her, running his thumb over her lips and smudging the seductive red lipstick even more. She opened her mouth a little more, let his thumb slide in and sighed aroused.
»So needy again, huh? Let's see how much...« His hand moved slowly from her mouth, down over her breasts and stomach, to between her thighs. He pushed her dress aside like an annoying obstacle and ran his fingers over her already soaked panties. She immediately shuddered under his touch and put her arms around his neck to pull him down impatiently. He growled darkly in response and stroked his fingers up and down over her pussy.
»Teach me manners, Levi,« she whispered in his ear, burying her fingers in his black hair, stroking his undercut and feeling his tense body on hers. He made every sensitive part of hers tremble, even though he was only just getting started. Her dress quickly disappeared and was thrown carelessly onto the passenger seat, followed by his white shirt and pants. No matter how tight it was in the back seat, they couldn't stop themselves. At some point, her legs were wrapped around his hips and he was already deep inside her with his hard length, while their lips were literally stuck together. The harder his thrusts became, the deeper he seemed to sink into her. Her wetness enveloped him excitedly and while her moans were like music to his ears. Constantly whispering the same words, that he shouldn't stop while they did it unrestrained in the car.
»Oh fuck, yes...« she groaned breathlessly, clawing her hands into his neck, into his arms over everywhere they met skin. His deep voice vibrated on her lips as he kissed her. He nibbled on her lips, let his tongue glide through them and caressed hers. She sighed in pleasure, but didn't smile for long as he thrust into her harder, making her gasp excitedly. Heat gathered in the car, their bodies sticking together through their sweat.
»Yes, please. Please, don’t stop…« She moaned, threw her head back and let all her cries of pleasure resound throughout the car. He did the same and couldn't hold back any longer. He couldn't. All he wanted was to feel her tight pussy on his cock, contracting with pleasure the closer she got to orgasm. He grabbed her chin again, a little harder this time, and turned her head back towards him.
»Look into my fucking eyes, when you cum‘,« he said breathlessly, impatiently and without restraint. It was intense to close his eyes, but having Levi's gaze in front of him made it even more intense. It had never been as intimate as it was now. She saw the lust in them, saw his climax coming closer and once again the confirmation that they were one in this moment. It was intense, she felt everything with every fiber of her body. She felt how it tightened with pleasure in her abdomen, how her hips moved together with his.
»That’s right, Y/N, just like that,« he praised her with a moan and kissed her sore lips hotly and demanding. He was clearly close to climaxing, but gave up all his energy to make her come faster than him. And she did. The orgasm overtook her body, she stretched her back with pleasure, moaned and moved towards him.
»Oh, yes please, oh god yes…« she repeated over and over again, as if intoxicated. She couldn't and wouldn't stop herself. But she was surprised when Levi pulled back, straightened up and sat down in the seat. He pulled her closer to him by her hair so that her face hung directly in front of his still hard cock.
»And now show me what good manners you have. Don't you dare to lose a single drop...« He sounded dark and dominating, a shiver chased over her still drained and trembling body, where she could still feel the effects of her orgasm. She exchanged a curt glance with him before doing as he asked. And by God, she'd milk him so clean he'd beg her not to stop. Even though she knew it was a rarity to hear Levi beg.
She slid closer to him, placed her lips on his tip and kissed him. She never lost eye contact with him as she licked along his length, holding him with both hands. It was a pleasure for her to do this every time, to show him how much she appreciated him. He leaned his head back so that she had a clear view of his Adam's apple. His whole body shuddered as she began to suck on him, slowly taking the length into her mouth. At first her movements were slow. She let it slip from her lips before taking it deep inside her again.
»Fuck.« He grabbed the back of her head, pulled harder on her hair and pressed her face closer. »Just like that.«
She did what he wanted and sucked faster and deeper on him, eager to reach his climax and feel him deep in her throat. He kept repeating his words, encouraging her not to stop. His cock pulsated in her mouth, she could feel that he would come at any moment. Even faster and faster, her lipstick had long since smudged and left a few streaks on his cock. When he came, panting and moaning, her mouth was wide open and she swallowed every last drop without losing any of it.
»That's my good girl...« he growled and stroked his fingers gently through her hair, almost lovingly compared to the way he had grabbed her earlier. Suddenly the wedding had completely faded into the background and it seemed as if they had all the time in the world. The rain continued to patter on the roof of the car, like a relaxing melody. The windows were completely steamed up, they were both sweating and breathing fast. Levi enjoyed the sight of her smudged lipstick and his cum spread across her lips. He wouldn't trade that sight for anything in the world. Not even for a wedding.
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