#startup for women
solarpunkbusiness · 2 months
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Musana Carts: Solar-powered business in Uganda opts for open source IP over patenting
Taking its name from a Ugandan word for ‘sunshine’, the Musana cart uses an in-built solar panel to power an eco-friendly stove and a small refrigerator. By removing the need for charcoal burning, the Musana cart produces far less smoke than other food vendor carts, ensuring a cleaner and safer experience for both workers and customers. Other innovations include light bulbs, to allow the vendor to work at night, and phone chargers, so that they can offer mobile money services.
The decision not to patent the Musana cart could have been seen by Nataliey and the team as a setback, but it instead encouraged them to return to their original vision and mission of social innovation: making the livelihoods of Africa’s street food vendors cleaner, safer and more sustainable.
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They realized that the more people who had access to their cart designs, the better, and that patenting their invention could restrict access. On this basis, they decided to open source their IP so that vendors across Africa were free to improve their lives through their innovation. When IP is open source, it means that other people and groups can freely use, modify and share it.
After several years of selling to vendors, Musana Carts is already having a positive impact in Kampala. The solar-powered food carts have proved to be cleaner, more hygienic and more sustainable than traditional charcoal-fueled food carts. The Musana cart’s in-built lighting allows vendors to work at night if they choose, giving them an opportunity to earn more. Musana carts can be purchased in installments, making them more accessible to poor workers. The company has also teamed up with Kampala Capital City Authority to ensure that Musana carts are legally recognized, freeing vendors from the risks and uncertainties of working in the informal economy.
Although she sees the value in patent protection in more economically developed countries, where the legal framework is in place to ensure that an individual can be remunerated for the use of their innovation or invention, she knows first-hand that this is much harder to establish in African markets. Consequently, Nataliey encourages female inventors not only to monetize their innovations in their markets, but to share them outside of their capacity as well.
Equally importantly for Nataliey, however, is the philosophy behind open source IP. When there are so many challenges facing the world, she argues, no one individual or organization can satisfy every market need. She feels that there’s room for many to thrive. Furthermore, Nataliey believes that open sourcing can incentivize further innovation by allowing people to build on each other’s inventions. It’s the concept of cooperation, codependence and community at the heart of the African philosophy of ubuntu: ‘I am, because you are.’ Nataliey’s hope is that her company’s use of open source IP will help make this concept a reality for street food vendors across Africa.
A case study on open source innovation from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
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woman-for-women · 1 year
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magazinenerd · 8 months
Hi !
We require your help. One of my friends drafted her small business in the month of November 23.
The business is centric to providing quality vegan products and unique moulded candles to cutomers as it is a joint venture. The business website requires a minimum of 1000 views! for an impactful pitch desk performance.
Let's help create an empowered future entrepreneur everyone !! 👏👏🙌
Please acknowlegde her efforts at 🙌
All Rights Reserved @magazinenerd
^business is not taking orders currently.
^views are required for a better and an impactful PITCH DECK presentation.
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cee-jay-mcwfc · 17 days
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Welcome back Katie 🩵🧤
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elswheelr · 2 years
Bae Suzy Icons
like and reblog if u like
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Don't be so hard on yourself
You got this
A little at a time
1% everyday is better than 70% one day and nothing other days
Consistency is the key
If you only knew how close you were...
You can't quit just because it's tough
Let tomorrow worry about itself
Be more present
God's got you
God has something better promised for you
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Jewelry logo design project ☆☆☆
Need a unique logo & branding for your business? Contact:
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andrewjcalvert · 9 months
Website : https://www.andrewjcalvert.com/
Andrew J Calvert offers specialized coaching services for leaders, focusing on career transition, life coaching, and sales coaching. With a diverse background in sales leadership, customer service, and sales operations, Andrew brings a wealth of experience to his coaching practice. He emphasizes a personalized approach, helping clients align their careers with their personal goals and motivations. His services are available in various formats, including digital coaching tools and one-on-one sessions.
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Calverta
Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewcalvert/
Keywords: coaching for executives online sales coaching executive coaching for women online career coach enhance leadership skills online leadership development executive coaching for entrepreneurs leadership coaching for executives digital transformation professional services performance coaching for professionals professional development for coaches career coaching for executives executive coach for startups executive coach for women executive coaching for leaders executive coaching for nonprofit leaders executive functioning coach for young adults online personal development coach online personal development coaching personal development coaching online strategies to enhance leadership skills executive leadership development program online digital coaching tools business coach for creative professionals coaching for professional development average cost for executive coaching career transition guidance best online career coaches find a career coach online career advancement coaching sales performance improvement small business sales performance improvement sales coaching with 1-on-1 online sessions online personal growth personal development coach online enhance your leadership skills online sales performance improvement consulting sales performance improvement consultancy sales performance improvement goals sales performance improvement management sales performance improvement program live online sales coaching online based sales coaching for coaches online new home sales coaching online sales coaching program online sales coaching service digital transformation of professional development growth personal business online online personal growth coaching online personality development coach personal development coaching with 1-on-1 online coaches personal development online coaching enhance leadership management skills enhancing leadership skills affordable online coaching for developing leadership skills developing leadership abilities online developing your leadership philosophy online online leadership development consultancy transition guidance for care leavers transition year career guidance career online coach services corporate career coaching services online leadership career coaching online online academic and career coach advanced career guidance and coaching skills
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kelvinleclerc · 1 year
Hi my name is Kelvin, My girlfriend 25 and I 29 with our first pregnancy. Unfortunately she has been diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy just yesterday (at 7weeks pregnant) and need to go through emergency laparoscopic salpingectomy(right tubal removal). It is the most traumatic experience for both me and my girlfriend because the will perform multiple trans vaginal and abdominal ultrasound to confirm the ectopic where we heard the heart beat of our baby every time. It just broke our hearts to know that it will be no more. We are really finding it so hard to move forward. We are fundraising for my girlfriend to support her through process and remove the financial burden during this difficult time. We only learned of Our situation while on a very bad financial state. Please keep I and my girlfriend in your heart as we navigates this horrible tragedy.
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lanabriggs · 6 months
Challenges Women in Top Management Meet
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There has been a noticeable shift in the representation of women in top management positions within companies in the past decade. While progress has been made, significant challenges persist for women aspiring to reach and thrive in executive roles.
One of the primary challenges faced by women in top positions is the pervasive issue of gender bias and stereotypes. Despite efforts to promote diversity and inclusion, women often encounter systemic barriers rooted in traditional perceptions of leadership. They may face unfair scrutiny, microaggressions, and double standards that can impede their career advancement and credibility.
Another key challenge is the lack of mentorship and sponsorship opportunities for women in leadership roles. Many women struggle to access networks and support systems that are essential for career growth and advancement. The absence of role models and advocates within organizations can hinder their professional development and limit opportunities for progression.
Work-life balance remains a significant hurdle for women in top management. The demands of senior roles often require extensive hours and travel, which can conflict with caregiving responsibilities and personal commitments. This imbalance can lead to burnout and impact women's ability to sustain long-term success in their careers.
Moreover, women continue to face unequal pay and compensation disparities compared to their male counterparts in similar roles. The gender pay gap persists across industries, contributing to financial insecurity and undermining women's economic empowerment and professional standing.
Lastly, unconscious bias in recruitment and promotion processes presents a formidable obstacle for women seeking leadership positions. Biased decision-making based on stereotypes and assumptions can lead to missed opportunities and perpetuate gender inequity within organizations.
Despite these challenges, women in top management are driving meaningful change and advocating for gender equality in the corporate world. Continued efforts to address systemic barriers, promote inclusive leadership practices, and provide meaningful support will be essential to advancing gender parity in senior roles.
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consolecadet · 1 year
I know transitioning eliminated most of my dysphoria because I work for a company whose offshoots include "an online service for public speakers called [Business Name] Women" and "a magazine for female entrepreneurs" and I don't feel like it invalidates me in any way
It does sometimes make me worry because What If I Am A Man Sexistly Taking Up Space Meant For Women, even though they hired me knowing I was a man and literally no one seems to mind, but I guess that particular anxiety is.........gender affirming? Lol
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solarpunkbusiness · 6 months
Meet the Nigerian women spearheading solar projects
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32-year-old green energy entrepreneur Yetunde Fadeyi will never forget what inspired her to start a clean energy company in Nigeria.
As a six-year-old, Fadeyi’s best friend, Fatima, was killed by carbon monoxide poisoning in her Lagos home, along with her father and pregnant mother.
“She often came over for sleepovers. But that day she didn’t,” says Fadeyi. “It was the time that they were stealing people’s generators, so they kept [the generator] in an enclosed area and by the time it was morning they were dead.”
After a childhood in Lagos plagued by intermittent electricity, a degree in chemistry and training in solar panel installation, Fadeyi started Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability (REES). The non-profit is dedicated to climate advocacy and providing clean energy to poor communities in rural Nigeria.
Bringing solar energy to Nigeria’s poorest homes
Since its inception in 2017, REES Africa has provided solar energy to over 6,000 people in the poorest parts of Nigeria, funded by grants and philanthropic donations.
It supplies solar microgrids, which generate energy through solar panels and store them in battery banks for distribution. The small grids bring high quality, cheap and constant power to up to 100 homes each, powering light bulbs, radios, sockets and other low energy appliances.
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Fadeyi says that energy companies don’t see any potential for profit in poor and marginalised communities. With around 40 per cent of Nigerians living below the national poverty line, it’s up to companies like Fadeyi’s to fill the gap for now.
Professor Yinka Omoregbe is hoping to bridge this energy gap as CEO of Etin Power, providing energy to offgrid communities using mini solar grids. She brings a wealth of experience to the role as a former national advisor on the reform of Nigeria’s petroleum sector and a former state attorney general.
In its first year, Etin Power provided electricity to over 5,200 people in three neglected coastal communities in Edo State, southern Nigeria. While the results so far are small, Omoregbe’s ambitions are far bigger.
We will have proven that it is possible to profitably give green energy to vulnerable communities.”
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amyritter2 · 1 year
i think a lot of incel type lazy and casual misogynistic men not being able to find a woman is like things returning to the natural state of how it shd have been perhaps. like WHY were women marrying your alcoholic no household help asses for so long anyways. when they can be happier in a community of their friends. Lol. fruits of their own actions tbh. keep crhing bitch
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kmwoodson · 1 year
Want somethin' specific written? DM me.
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brimarc-noel-llc · 2 years
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The risks and costs of relying exclusively on your personal credit for your business are huge. Take those away by establishing and using business credit, and the potential savings are dramatic. 
Ask yourself the following two questions: 
Is it worth the trouble of establishing business credit to obtain $150,000 to run your business? 
Is it worth the trouble of establishing business credit to possibly protect and save your financial future and that of your family? 
Obviously, this is a no-brainer. The answer to both questions is “YES!” 
Business credit is worth it. Call us today (800) 452-8485
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sweetswesf · 1 year
I can’t remember when I wrote these down, but I think it was last year sometime:
Interview Prep Goals To Accomplish
Complete React tutorial
Get to a place where the AlgoExpert Hard questions are easy for me
Notice & understand common algo solving patterns
Clearly describe how the internet works
Complete Advent of Code 2022
Complete 100 Days of Code
Complete AlgoExpert from AlgoExpert
Complete FrontendExpert from AlgoExpert
Complete MLExpert from AlgoExpert
Complete SystemsExpert from AlgoExpert
Building a plan before solving problems and speaking through them as I work
Understand latency, availability, load balancer, long polling, web socket
Understand sync/async flow
Understand pytests better
Understand protobufs better
Passing practice interviews
Passing real interviews
Get multiple offers
Here’s what I’ve actually been able to accomplish:
Got pretty far in React tutorial, learned a good amount, interviewed with it, & dropped it after realizing there’s so much I need to do to get hired as a full stack and solidified my place as a Backend SWE :) for now at least. I know enough React to do projects as I need to, but not enough to pass an interview.
SOME AlgoExpert Hard questions are feasible for me, nowhere near EASY yet, and I don’t HAVE to get there…for any reason
Notice & understand common algo solving patterns
Somewhat understand and can articulate how the internet works
Completed some questions on AlgoExpert from AlgoExpert
Did some FrontendExpert from AlgoExpert & took some of their quizzes
Started SystemsExpert from AlgoExpert & took some of their quizzes
Building a plan before solving problems and speaking through them as I work
Understand latency, availability, load balancers
Understand sync/async flow somewhat
Understand pytests better
Passing practice interviews
Passing real interviews, no offers yet though
Completed 5-week interview prep course
Learned more about APIs
Understand how to implement pagination & searching
Understand Postman, SQLAlchemy, & FastAPI
Can call APIs in a coding interview environment like Coderpad
Here are some things in my life I have accomplished also:
Improved my relationship with my family.
I’m strong as heck physically and have been losing fat and gaining muscle.
I can sit and work 12 hour days. You couldn’t get me to side for more than 3 previously.
I can get through the day without a nap.
I’m more disciplined in every area of my life.
I release people who don’t want to be in my life anymore.
Got admitted to an improv theater after passing their multi-day auditions.
Made a rude guy who disrespected me apologize to my face.
All glory to God.
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