#stating i associate them with my childhoodšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
feliphilia Ā· 1 year
Satosugu era is like my childhood back home.
It gives me nostalgia dudešŸ˜­šŸ˜­
an even more reason why they make me cry. I miss it so so much.
I miss being an eight year old and have my grandma (dad's side) feed me all three times of the day during summer vacations.
I miss my grandma (from mum's side) make me drink milk every morning before school and every evening before I go out to play with my street friends
I miss sitting in the evening with my father and watch wild life documentaries with him after he comes back home from work
I miss my mum taking me to parents teachers meeting every year
I miss going into the streets and play with my neighbour friends and be as extroverted as I was back then
I miss waking up every morning to get ready for school and spend the whole day there without a single clue of what's going on around me
I miss riding my bicycle all over my area with my younger cousins at 7pm after school
I miss waiting for my uncle to come home every weekend and take me and my cousins to the park and play badminton with us
I miss my flooded car parking during heavy rains
I miss my grandpa (from dad's side) bringing home some snacks after his daily evening stroll
I miss being addressed to as "*grandpa's name*'s granddaughter"
I miss spending 2 weeks all alone or with my grandma at my fav cousin's house during summer vacations
I miss my fav cousins coming over and us waking up early the next day to go to the beach and watch the sunrise
I miss fighting for the remote with my cousins to watch my cartoons
I miss the times I had my childhood innocence intact.
And I have no idea why I associate satosugu with all of these. Perhaps because they lost one another before realizing each other's worth like how I lost my sweet sweet childhood I didn't appreciate enough and didnt realise the bliss it caused
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itsravenbitch Ā· 1 year
hey yalllll! this is a quick follow up on this ask
iā€™m not gonna make this an in depth post because, baby, ion got the time for that. but lemme go ahead and tell yā€™all, my babies, how i just got new family members!! now, i know that sounds like i just went to target and bought them but yā€™all know what i meanšŸ˜­ so bear with me, please and thank you.
so for some backstory: i originally come from a family of 5 including me, my mama, my daddy, and my 2 sisters. my dad is a hypocrite and a yeller (canā€™t stand a yeller). my mom likes to gaslight, my older sister also likes to gaslight and is one petty mf. and my little sister always tryna act like she older than me and ion like that cause, sweetheart, iā€™m twice your age.
so whatā€™s new?
their personality and looksā€”theyā€™re completely different people. i only wanted to change their looks because it was weird to imagine them as these new personalities because, their faces are just so deeply associated with those old personalities. so i was like lemme alter them according to these new personalities.
the same way you manifest anything else. decide, accept, and persist.
the execution.
as some of yā€™all may or may not know, i live in a different state than the rest of my family because of college. but iā€™ve been coming back to texas this summer quite frequently to visit them and my childhood friends. i fulfilled my imagination before i got on the plane to houston, literally while in the airport, so when my parents picked me up thatā€™s when i physically saw they had reflected my imagination. and i later on saw my sisters too.
this happened within 5/6 hours. and i was not in the slightest bit shocked. when i saw my parents the first thing that popped up in my head was ā€œoh okay rae! we materializing shit quick i seeeeā€ šŸ¤£ the thoughts i be having, youā€™d think i was talking to someone fr. i really am my own best friendšŸ˜‚ i love it here!
feel free to ask questions, iā€™ll probably get to them in a few hours. iā€™m bout to take a nice lil nap. i just wanted to proofread and post real quick cause itā€™s been in the drafts for a week and a half now. and my drafts just keep on getting bigger, further burying this post.
love yā€™all
ā€” ravenšŸ˜˜
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mobblespsycho100 Ā· 4 months
šŸ³ bc i love ur takes
I was wondering whether or not I should share a Kabru hot take, Mithrun hot take, or Okonomiyaki trio hot take, so I'm going to share all three (lmao)
Starting with Okonomiyaki trio, I think they should be in a QPR post canon. I think they should get married, but not married for benefits, but like. An intricate song and dance, courting rituals beyond traditionally romantic understanding. I think Toshiro should show up at Toshitsugu's place holding Kabru and Laios' hand and Namari his bestie should be there also and he should go "Oyaji-dono, here are my two partners, The King of the Golden Kingdom and his Royal Advisor, and my bestest friend ever Namari of Kahka Brud, and yes, I'm going to go live happily with them in Melini. Also, we're going to beat you to death. "
I think Kabru has low empathy. Hear me out. He's highly emotionally intelligent, but his affective empathy (feeling how others feel without direct emotional stimulation to oneself) is low while his cognitive empathy (the ability to recognize and understand another's mental state) is high. I think, a lot of people who like Kabru tend to like ignore/brush off the fact that he can be manipulative and cunning because they associate those traits with evil or abusive people. Like, no. I see a lot of NPD traits in Kabru, and he's still an ultimately good/kind person who cares for others. He's a great character, and he has sooo many complex issues. Like, as a Kabru lover with NPD I see a lot of traits in him, and people need to understand that NPD (and other personality disorders) usually develops from childhood trauma... He isn't an awful person because he's manipulative guys. He's very complex. He has layers. Also I think he was totally in the right for "killing" (they show up in the end) the corpse retrievers. Let him enact his justice, they literally JUST tried to get him and his friends to kill each other, and then offered to work together to kill inexperienced adventurers. I would've tortured those fuckers, but Kabru is so kind he just kills them quickly.
People who baby Mithrun or call him ugly, even if its in an "affectionate" way, should stop. Lmao. Like, its literally ableism. No other explanation. Mithrun is a grown ass man (gender neutral). He isn't even an old man by our standards, or elven standards (hes 185??? thats not even close to 400???) he's more like a young man with old man energy not an old man with young man energy. He's clearly a very capable individual, while also being physically disabled and visibly scarred/has facial differences. He even has a prosthetic eye and stuff. Like people who call him ugly... can y'all be normal about irl disabled people? Or does every fictional character exist to be "pretty" and always have to follow like the Western societal beauty standards. Please, just think about stuff before calling Mithrun a dying old disfigured dog or a sad little baby. He's šŸ‘ a šŸ‘ disabled šŸ‘ and šŸ‘ neurodivergent šŸ‘ grown šŸ‘ ass šŸ‘ man who just happens to be a lil emo. or goth (vampirism) just.... goodness gracious. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ stop being ableist people, it's really embarassing
sorry for how ranty / rambly this came off as , I just think. I should speak forever. LMAO Thanks for the ask :] I'm glad people like my takes
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korshrimpski Ā· 2 months
MK23/JD91 aka the Matthew Knies and Josh Doan primer
Matthew Knies (no. 23, TOR): born 17th October 2002 in Phoenix Arizona. Here are some beautiful pictures of him
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Josh Doan (no. 91): born 1st February 2002 in Scottsdale Arizona, and he is the son of Shane Doan (yotes legend). AND HEā€™S MY BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN TEENAGER šŸ‘¹
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Growing up they were best friends, Josh's father, Shane, would let the two into the coyotes locker room where the pair would play mini-sticks
They were both in the Arizona Jr. Coyotes hockey program together from 2015-2019. And won the Arizona Amateur Hockey Association 16U Tier 1 State Championship (fucking mouth full that is) with each other. (please i'm crying they're so tiny in the first photo šŸ˜­)
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shane also coached the two boys and there is one quotes from another one of their coaches, Mike DeAngelis, that (make me go insane) sums up these two's relationship perfectly
"(Shane Doan) treated Matthew like he was his own son."
And in the same interview Mike called matthew and josh "two peas in a pod." (They are literally found family šŸ˜­)
Another piece of information that isn't really important is that matthew was at shane's number retirement, idk i just thought it was sweet
Then the 2 went their separate ways with Josh going to Chicago Biosteel and Matthew going to tri-city but even though they were apart this didnā€™t stop them from chirping each other in insta comments (aka it was matthew bullying josh)
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in 2021 they were both drafted; josh doan was drafted 37th overall by the arizona coyotes (full circle moment šŸ„¹) and matthew knies was drafted 57th by the Toronto Maple Leafs and in the post matthew put out josh commented this šŸ‘‡
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In 2022 they both opened a hockey academy in Arizona called "Knies & Doan Hockey Academy" that ran from the 27th of June to the 30th of June.
23rd of June 2022 these two did a podcast for the PHNX Sports together and i recapped it in this post
In 2022 & 2023 Matthew spent his summer at the Doan family ranch together as seen in these post
2022: (3rd photo i'm assuming that's matthew, 4th photo matthew is at the very left and josh is at the very end)
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after the coyotes relocated to utah matthew commented this on josh's ā€œthank you AZā€ post
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BONUS: these comments throughout the years
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So to recap they are childhood friends who made it to the NHL together and i need people to speak about it more.
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I'm sorry if this is a bit too personal, but I'm interested in becoming an archivist myself! I was wondering what classes you took and how exactly you became an archivist. Right now I'm majoring in art history for my undergrad, but I'm worried that I chose wrong šŸ˜­
This is only going to be relevant for North America, most archivists in the old world have PhD's and 6 titles, I'm just a lowly peon by EU standards especially but I finished my undergrad after I got my job. I read/majored in history with historic preservation as a secondary study/minor. Then I'm in the process of finishing a master's degree in library science with two certs in archives and manuscripts. Art history isn't a bad choice! You can have a lot of different undergraduate backgrounds. History, Art History, English language. I've met people with degrees in everything from childhood education to microbiology become librarians and archivists. The degrees you get are kind of only technicalities? You need a master's degree and it has to be accredited by the ALA. Everything else is whatever. No one gives a shit I went to a really good school. To be an archivist we do have archives tracks but its still mostly the same degree. Most of the reason we have degrees at all is because the field of library science skews heavily as a female dominated job so having a master's kind of lets us have some fancy pieces of paper that let other's in higher ed and administration i.e. men take us more seriously.
Your degrees and grades are important, but what you really want is experience. Get a library job, volunteer, job shadow, whatever you want, just get your butt in a library and ideally an archive. 9/10 of the people I know are struggling to find positions despite their degrees and good grades can't because they were so academically inclined they didn't think about actual hands on experience. We're technically a kind of academic, but we're one of few types in the humanities where our education is rather secondary to what we actually have experience doing.
If your institution has courses in curation and exhibition, public history, architectural history, cemeteries, anything that takes you out of a classroom and actually doing history, take them. Most archivists work in communities. Whether they be state or local libraries, universities, local history associations, museums, corporate archives etc, etc, we're memory keepers who need really good organization skills. Yes a good piece of our job is filing paperwork but we file the paper work that makes up the bulk of the hippocampus of any given society.
I've been an archival assistant for 6 years and a full archivist for 2 and a charge archivist for 6 months and I don't have my masters degree yet. I got a library job in high school because I had to work off some discipline issues with volunteer hours and a while down the line when I was working three job in undergrad, I got a student position at a circulation desk where I did my first archival work. I didn't really have any intention of being an archivist, I went through a half dozen majors before my body decided it was going to do its best to die and then with a lot of those very exerting possibilities off the table, I landed a third job in a library. And I had a little bit of experience in archives so I rolled to a stop at rock bottom and looked around me and went "oh hey wait, I'm actually really good at this? And it's fun? am I insane or is this a good fit?" and my supervisor agreed and two years later here I am with a well packed resume and more work experience than education and a archivist's title.
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storytimewithnova Ā· 1 year
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What is psychosis, Psychosis is where you see or hear things that are not there (hallucinations) or believe things that are not true To any outsider bokuto looked like a normal volleyball player and he was Bokuto was living a normal happy life with his husband to be they would sit up and talk about wedding plans they would go out on dates see normal right?
Just like any other Day Bokuto was sitting with Akaashi talkingwedding plans he was so happy to be getting married to his childhood best friend
Bokuto:Should we make it gold and black theme
Ā Keiji:Sure my world you are going to way to much trouble
Bokuto smiled sweetly at him and saidĀ 
Bokuto:Oh my star with you nothing is too muchĀ 
See normal day Right? Accept itā€™s not normal why Akaashi is Dead so you are wondering why is bokuto seeing him talking to him making their wedding plansĀ 
He has psychosis people with psychosis have their own set of symptoms the , 3 main symptomsĀ are associated with a psychotic episode:
* hallucinations/delusions
* confused and disturbed thoughts
Today is one of he really bad episodes and he is talking to Akaashi as far as he is concerned the are out on a date itā€™s snowing
He was wear the scarf Akaashi knitted for him
Bokuto:Keiji have you ever thought about a familyĀ 
Keiji:youā€™re my family KouĀ 
Bokuto:i know that Baby owl i meant kidsĀ 
Keiji:oh well no i havenā€™t
Bokuto stopped for a moment under a snow cover Sakura And said
Bokuto:you know Keiji you are very beautiful i am luckyĀ 
Keiji:yes you are my love but i need you to wake upĀ 
As akasshi said that bokuto did wake upĀ 
Bokuto:Keiji My world where are you?
Dead silent
Bokuto:Baby owl you homeĀ 
Nothing Bokuto rang kenma eho after the send ring picked up
Bokuto:šŸ“²Ken have you see Akaashi he was he a few moments ago
Kenma:šŸ“²Bo Keiji is dead rememberĀ 
Bokuto:šŸ“²No! His not we were just talking about our weddingĀ 
Kenma:šŸ“²Bo you have Psychosis you were HallucinatingĀ 
Kenma:Bo?ā€¦..Bokuto? Are you okay?Ā 
Kenma could hear him talk on the other lineĀ 
Bokuto:Youā€™re dead?!
Keiji:Sorry my Star my illness took over me i went peacefully in my sleep at my parents house
Bokuto:You were alone?!
Keiji:Yes my star i am sorry sorry i left youĀ 
Bokuto:But i can still see youĀ 
Keiji:Always for you my star i know i regret not telling you i was ill and I regret leaving you in this stateĀ 
Kenma was still listening to bokuto
Bokuto:Will will i see you again? Bokuto cries
Keiji:I am always with you i will see you in another lifeĀ 
Bokuto:I see you my world in another lifeĀ 
Kenma:šŸ“²Bo? Please anwser Kuroo and I are worried forget it we are coming overĀ 
Kenma hangs upĀ 
As akaashi fades away knowing bokuto will now be in safe hands with kenma and kurooĀ 
15 minute later there was a knock on the door
Kuroo:Bro open up
Bokuto was deep in thought was there away he could be with akaashi
Bokuto:I want to be with you keiji it feels wrong with out you i feel wrong with out youĀ 
Kenma:Bo? Where are you?
Keiji:Its not your timeĀ 
Bokuto:Donā€™t care my life feels wrong with you not in it
Keiji:Kou kou stop think about kenma and kuroo here they are in our house think how there are going to react right now
Keiji:There there donā€™t cryĀ 
Kuroo:Bro bro?
Bokuto:I just want to be with you see you hold you am i wrong in that?
Keiji:No Kou you can do all that when its your time and its not yetĀ 
Kenma:No Kou you can do all that when its your time and its not yetĀ 
Bokuto:Bo? Are you in there?
Keiji:Anwser himĀ 
Bokuto:Yeah kenma i Ā guess i am still here despite my better judgementĀ 
Kuroo slowly opened the door and saw bokuto
Kuroo:Holy shit Bro how bad has this gotĀ 
Kuroo:Right dumb question you really are not coping are youĀ 
Bokuto turned to look back at akaashi who looked at him and saidĀ 
Keiji:i love you please go with them my star
He nods and says
Bokuto:i will my worldĀ 
Kuroo:Huh? Who are you talking toĀ 
Kenma:Heā€™s talking to keiji it part of his Psychosis
Bokuto:Kenma you make me sound like i am crazyĀ 
Kenma:Sorry Bo i know its a coping Method
After a littleā€¦ okay after a lot of convincing Bokuto agreed to get help and see a greif Counselor he is now getting help for away to control his Psychosis and he talks freely about his intrusive thoughts and how bad he misses Keiji and maybe he was projecting his greif to keep Keiji alive and when his time came he will be with his world again in another lifeĀ 
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morvantmortuary Ā· 3 years
Hi! So Iā€™d like to state that the Morvants have encouraged me to persue my -ironically enough- childhood dream of getting my Associates in Funeral Service, and hearing about Hexā€™s photography has reignited the urge for after-death photography. Much love to Rora too, I wish to have her confidence. ā¤ļø
So my headcanon can go for any of the three: how would they react to their s/o expressing interest in their line of work?
(AAAAAHHHH NONNY?! THIS IS SO SWEET THOUGH šŸ˜­Ā  Iā€™m so so glad that something I wrote could be a source of even minor encouragement for you to go for things youā€™ve wanted to do for so long!! I love this for you, and the Morvants would be equally thrilled! <3 So much so I kind of decided just to do all three, because ofc lmao
putting this under a cut bc it got kind of long!
Maxi -Ā ā€œWait, darlinā€™, are you sure?ā€ Donā€™t get me wrong, heā€™d be delighted - heā€™d just want to be careful with his enthusiasm, make sure the decision was definitely yours. Heā€™s seen way too many apprentices going through the same qualifying courses he has start out ready and raring to go, only to have the reality of it hit them in the face at some point along the line and drop out. Maybe they come across a donated body in the practical work thatā€™s a little too reminiscent of a close family member, or maybe the gravity of constantly having to coach people through the same worst day of their lives over and over begins to chafe even before theyā€™ve really gotten started. Not to mention, sometimes, itā€™s just fucking grim work. He doesnā€™t hold it against most of them - heā€™s literally grown up with it his entire life. Itā€™s second nature to him by now in more ways than one, and in ways his fellow apprentices likely couldnā€™t imagine. If at any point you changed your mind and decided maybe it wasnā€™t quite what you hoped, he would be more than understanding and supportive of helping you find something that better fit your needs. But when you demonstrated that you were In It-in it, heā€™d be thrilled to show you what he knows, and talk you through some things heā€™s learned doing this as long as he has (aka most of his life at this point). Heā€™d be an excellent teacher - never impatient, always happy to jump in if you feel like youā€™re getting over your head, but wanting to be a place you felt comfortable trying and failing a couple times if you needed to. Anything to keep you from having the same experience he had when he was training under his dad. Heā€™d remind you constantly that mistakes, while scary sometimes when youā€™re dealing with something as serious as death, can usually be fixed if you take a deep breath and take time to think about it. And in the rare moments they canā€™t, all you can do is improvise and try your best to find a solution that works. Heā€™d be more than happy to let you stay with him in the prep room while he worked for for some hands-on demonstrations (something he normally absolutely doesnā€™t allow, ever), and heā€™d maybe even quietly peek over your shoulder when youā€™re studying, just to see if thereā€™s anything new he somehow hasnā€™t heard yet. If you ever get overwhelmed with it all or uncertain, heā€™d be happy to take you out for a drive and something sweet even in the middle of the night. While heā€™d readily answer your questions and assuage any doubts, heā€™d be more determined to make sure you could get your feelings out and have them be heard - this is a job that can take an emotional toll, and heā€™d want you to feel as supported as possible. Heā€™d take you on as his own apprentice in a heartbeat, but heā€™d also be eager to make introductions to some contacts he knows if he thought you, for any reason, wanted to take it on somewhere else. Ultimately, heā€™d be insanely proud of you - expect many industry inside jokes heā€™s now going to pelt you with, and the occasional terrible death pun-themed gift. When you were officially certified, heā€™d insist on taking you out somewhere nice to celebrate - and, when you got back to the House, heā€™d present you with your own full-sized aspiration trocar, your initials engraved on the handle. Because of course he would. (Secretly, heā€™d be most excited to finally have someone to share his morbid little world with, but he knows itā€™s more about you feeling fulfilled in what youā€™re doing than that.)
Hector -Ā ā€œOh, for real? Sweet! Here, let me show you...ā€ Hex will talk your damn ear off with no hesitation. Heā€™ll try to show you the finer points between all his different cameras, when he prefers to use film vs. digital, and more in one afternoon, talking a million miles an hour with his enthusiasm. When you eventually tell him heā€™s going to have to slow down a little, heā€™d just laugh a little sheepishly and apologize for getting overexcited. Thereā€™s just so much he wants to include you on, and heā€™d be willing to help you jump into the pool with both feet. Heā€™s maybe a bit fast-paced with you, and you spend a lot of time learning with him on the fly, but heā€™s always able to tell you what to try when you feel like youā€™re getting stuck. Once heā€™s been at the Mortuary for a bit, heā€™d probably start offering his quiet side hustle of Momento Mori photography for interested families - sure, everyoneā€™s got a phone nowadays, but thereā€™s obvious care and attention in his work that people canā€™t help but notice the difference. Ā He gets a little more traction among the natural burial crowds, but he occasionally gets an assignment from people who lost someone in just the right conditions - where the body isnā€™t somehow changed by a violent accident or a prolonged illnessĀ (admittedly, a rare thing nowadays). Heā€™d be happy to take you along with him as a production assistant when the families permitted it, and walk you through the proper etiquette and procedures. Heā€™d show you his portfolio for this first, letting you see the reality of what he usually ends up shooting and the often vivid, personal moments of grief heā€™s involved in at request of people still processing a massive life. He doesnā€™t want to discourage you, he just wants you to know what youā€™re in for. More often than not, though, heā€™d likely bring you along with him when he shot abandoned buildings and the like for his own portfolio, and show you a thing or two about how to make a... maybe less than corporeal subject show up on camera. Eventually, heā€™d start asking you about things you wanted to shoot, and would find a way to set it up so he could give you some practical experience - whether thatā€™s setting up some interesting objects heā€™s ā€œborrowedā€ from Rora and Maxi to shoot in a closed setting for practice, or finding a kind of landscape you said you were interested in at exactly the right hour of the day for the light to be what you want. More than likely, the man ends up buying you your first real ~professional~ camera, and the two of you spend the rest of the day/evening with him looking over your shoulder as you get a feel for it. Expect him to take lots of candids of you when youā€™re not looking whenever he takes you anywhere during all this - he loves your face when youā€™re engrossed in something youā€™re excited about.
Rora -Ā ā€œ...Alright. Cā€™mere, sweetness, letā€™s see what you can do.ā€ Roraā€™s hobbies are... well, okay, Maxiā€™s job is grim, and so is Hectorā€™s when the occasion calls for it. But the things Rora does just for fun are, admittedly, kind of weird. Between her... lively animal taxidermy and her closet mycology (literally, she converted her closet into a mushroom breeding ground, much to Maxiā€™s displeasure), girlā€™s got a lot going on. She has slightly tamer ones: gardening in her own plot in the backyard after Maxi told her she couldnā€™t grow nightshade in their motherā€™s garden because he wanted to keep the roses in their original arrangements, or when she gets really into face-up-ing plastic dolls whenever she hits a creative rut with her taxidermy. Theyā€™re all hobbies that take a lot of time, hawk-like attention to detail, and a fair amount of dexterity and creativity... but sheā€™d be happy to share, if you asked. Itā€™s not often people express prolonged interest in what she does when she seals herself away for hours at a time in her workroom upstairs - Maxi and Hector both ask after her projects, sure, and Maxi is always trying to make sure she eats even when sheā€™s hyper-focused now that sheā€™s alive again. But neither of the boys get it, and she knows this. So to have someone actually want to participate in it with her? In her own way, sheā€™s going to be over the moon. Sheā€™s going to be a little intense about showing you how to do things, but not unkind. If sheā€™s particularly engrossed, she might have you sit in her lap while she works, explaining quietly in your ear what sheā€™s doing as her deft fingers seem to create life from perfect stillness, vegetation from death, or light with a couple careful strokes of a pencil on a molded face. When youā€™re attempting your own first projects, sheā€™ll either lean on the table and watch you with those bright green eyes of hers, or stand behind you, gently reaching forward and adjusting your grip on your needle or your brush or what have you with her shockingly cold hands. She doesnā€™t exactly help your concentration, with her murmured instructions or the way her perfume sneaks up on you when she leans close, but she makes for a wonderful crafting/gardening partner in the long run. The longer you kept at it, the more youā€™d see her start to move her own supplies over wherever you were working to make room for you - until, at last, itā€™s almost perfectly divided between the pair of you. Sheā€™d be content to spend hours with you catching up on local gossip as you worked, or listening to some mellow music - or, even, total companionable silence. Sheā€™d pick up little things she thought youā€™d need or might help you whenever she makes supply runs from them on out, sliding them quietly to you across the space where you were working. Whenever you finished your first project, even if it didnā€™t quite look like hers yet with her years of experience, sheā€™d be obviously proud, demanding Maxi and Hector come upstairs whenever they got home so she could show it to them.Ā ā€œAnd they did that all themself,ā€ sheā€™d say, her subtle smile postively beaming in your direction over their shoulders.Ā ā€œIsnā€™t it inspired?ā€
(Cheers again on you chasing what you want, nonny! Weā€™re all sending you love!)
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levi-supreme Ā· 2 years
Here for your Fanfic writer asksss
1.. lol jk you donā€™t have to answer that. I know its Flegel Reeves that cutie
14, 17 and 34 pleaseee
MRS SMITH MY LOVE <3 Yeah if I love writing for Flegel Reeves, you love writing for Keith Shadis...........
14. How do you feel about your older work?Ā 
Answered this previously here but to add on!!! I wanna talk about Petrichor HAHA. This was one of my earlier work too, and tbh I was actually really excited to post this because rainy days with Levi makes me feel really fluffy, and I always associate Levi to rainy days because I love rainy days, and I love Levi.
But!!! I feel like this fic kinda flopped because I feel like the readers didn't 'feel' the excitement I had while writing this, and probably they couldn't relate to the emotions I tried to portray too. Was it because of my writing? Or because people don't feel the same way about rainy days like I do? Oh well, I will never know XD
17. What fanfic tropes do you gravitate to writing for?Ā 
Obviously established relationships!!!!! The Levi in all my writing is always either reader's boyfriend or husband there's no in between hehe. I just love the idea of living a domestic life with Levi it's all I want in life šŸ˜­
Also, my favourite is (childhood) friends to lovers, so I definitely have that in my writing too. I just love the idea of two people getting to know each other and becoming friends, and then the awkward phase of developing feelings for each other and fearing the other realises, and the moment of revelation when the feelings are mutual <33
And idk if this can be considered as a trope lol, but I really love happy endings lmao. I guess the Pisces in me just wants a happy ending anywhere and everywhere haha I cannot deal with sad ending and heartbreaks </3
34. Have you felt emotional while writing a scene before?Ā What scene was it?
I think I always talk about crying happy tears writing my dad!Levi headcanons haha, but I wanna talk about some negative emotions this time round!!
So the fic in question is Ten. It's a collab piece, and my first (and probably only) fic with dark content (tw: cheating, extra-marital affair, one night stand, some spousal violence) and tbh, it took me soooo long to write this fic!!
It was really hard for me to write this because I hate all the trigger warnings stated above, but I was glad I wrote this fic, because it made me explore something that I don't think I ever will, and I liked how this fic turned out in the end. It was rather angsty and negative in the beginning, but it had a good resolution so I'm somehow pleased.
I guess the most emotional scene for me to write was when Levi was trying to admit that he still had feelings for reader after so many years, and even though she's married. And also the part where the both of them crossed the boundary between friends and lovers, and admitting their feelings for each other.
Honestly speaking, I think I didn't do this fic justice haha. I could have written a lot of the plot better and maybe rewrote more of the emotions better, but oh well!!! What's done is done!!!!
Fanfic writer asks!
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