#station 19 one shot
oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Would you be okay with writing a Maya x Carina x daughter!reader?
Maybe a sick fic or some comfort
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The first thing you felt was pain as unbearable as a thousand jackhammers smashing in your skull from the inside and pinning you to the ground. You could not even open your eyes, your lids heavy. Your mouth was dry, even after several liters of tea you had already consumed for your sore throat that felt like the desert and its sharply cutting sand. Your limbs completely cramped and heavy.
A cold breeze blew around your stomach, only a light wool blanket draped over your body to keep you warm and protected. But with every movement you tried to take, the coldness inside increased and made you shiver violently. You felt weak and feverish. "Honey, you gotta take this" a soft voice whispered and you slowly opened your eyes and blinked in confusion to adjust to the unusually bright and diffused light.
Your mother, Maya, was kneeling on a piece of crumpled bedspread on the floor, looking worriedly at your pale face before placing her hand on your forehead to feel the temperature while smiling sympathetically. Slowly and carefully not to inflict yourself even more pain, you peeked at her hand. In it, she held a small bottle that should bring you relief, the label with various herbs telling you that it had to be medication. "This will help bring down your fever."
You rolled your eyes suspiciously, not caring about the accompanying pain for a brief second. It was the most disgusting drug you have ever had to take in your life and your mothers knew full well that you hated it. However, it was the only thing that always helped you get back on your feet and get fit. "Ew, I do not want that."
"Eppure lo prenderai, bella." (And yet you have to take it) said the gynecologist who had appeared behind you and strolled across the entire living room to open the window and ventilate the room. She returned with a tray containing a freshly set teapot, a new cup and a plate of rusks. Carina carefully poured a cup of steaming chamomile tea and placed it on the table next to the couch before taking a rusk in her hands and breaking it into small pieces so that you could eat it more easily.
You pushed your head softly back into the pillow and pressed your back against the edge of the couch. Quickly, you grabbed the blanket and pulled it over your head. You heard a giggling from your side and within a few seconds, it was gently pulled back down. Two loving pairs of eyes met your flushed face. "I do not want to take this, it tastes disgusting."
Maya and Carina looked at you intently. The brunette gently strokes your tousled hair and whispers soothing words while the blonde already dripped the brown liquid onto a tablespoon. Frowning, you looked between both of them with puppy eyes, but even they no longer attracted them. The firefighter extended her arm and placed the edge of the spoon against your lip, waiting for you to accept it.
You knew it was high time to take the medication before they would take you to the hospital. Besides, you were lucky that your throat was so sore you could barely taste the bitterness. Still, you struggled with the slimy texture and wrinkled your nose as a defensive stance. Panting, you flop back onto the sofa. "Throat lozenges would have worked too,"
"No they would not," both chuckled. Maya rose from her position and bent down to kiss you gently on the forehead. With quick steps she hurried away to let the used cutlery disappear into the sink while Carina helped you eat the rusks while smiling lovingly at you. She quietly told you a story about her childhood in Italy with her little brother to make you forget the fever and the pain.
Without further ado, she carefully picked up your legs and dropped down next to you, your legs now resting on her lap. "Would you like me to warm you some soup?" the blonde called questioningly from the open kitchen, waiting for your answer. But the answer did not come, instead you grimaced sharply and hastily shook your head."I think your daughter is saying no,"
"It is your daughter too, Carina."
"Yes, but she definitely inherited the stubbornness from you," exhausted, you snuggled deeper into the blanket and tried to make the slightly bizarre taste in your mouth disappear. Tiredness, which you had so wonderfully repressed until now, slowly returned to your body. You tried desperately to shake it off but not a shred was averted. "Are you cold, mi amore?"
You nodded and the brunette felt you tremble under her touch. "I am freezing." She was worried, you had already been couch-locked for two days, the flu ravaging you and sapping your energy without any progress towards improvement. "Maya, can you bring another blanket. Please?"
"It is already on the way," the woman addressed made her way straight to the bedroom, occasionally taking a look into the living room. Your eyes fluctuated between half open and closed and if she was lucky, she would be able to spend a short time with you before you would fall into a deep, sound sleep once again. "And a hot water bottle?"
You had been in and out of sleep for days, barely awake for a few hours before your body shut down completely once again. On the one hand this was good, your body trying to beat this miserable disease. On the other hand, you had hardly eaten anything or moved from your place for days.
The headache slowly subsided, just as your cramped limbs became looser. For a few minutes you listened to the streams of sounds spreading through the apartment as you lost your thoughts. You kept feeling like you were on the verge of falling asleep until you opened your eyes again.
Eventually you gave up and totally surrendered to the feeling.
Just then, the firefighter came back into the center of the apartment and looked at her sleeping daughter. "Oh, she fell asleep?" she murmured and carefully draped the second blanket over you. She carefully placed the hot water bottle under the blanket and found its place on your stomach. The brunette raised an eyebrow and hesitated with her answer before she leaned forward and looked into your sleeping face. "Yes, the medication always makes her quite sleepy."
Smiling and silent, she sat down on the other sofa element and gently placed a hand on your head. She carefully stroked your hair and looked at the screen of the television, on which she concentrated on until you woke up once more. Maya had no intention of leaving your side.
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greynatomy · 1 year
Hi, Captain
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Maya Bishop x Fem!Reader
First Maya Bishop Fic!
I got this idea from a tiktok I saw yesterday, and immediately thought of writing this.
Let me know what you think!
Maya and Andy arrived at an apartment building in the city. They were driving around in the aid car and were the closest to the location, so they were assigned to the case. They walked in to the lobby, walking up to the front desk.
“Hi, we got a non-emergency call at this location. Do you know who called?” Andy asked, looking around for anyone who could’ve needed help.
“That would be me.” You said, rolling your wheelchair closer to the two.
“Hey. I’m Captain Bishop and that’s Lieutenant Herrera. What seems to be the problem.”
“Oh, wow. They sent the big bosses. Uh, well sorry for calling, I just didn’t know what to do, but I just got back from a trip and the elevator is out of order and as you can see, stairs isn’t an option for me alone.”
“What floor are you on ma’am?”
“Just call me Y/N, no need to be formal, and it’s a long way up. I’m on the twenty-eighth floor.”
“Then you can just call me Maya.” She turns to look at Andy. “How do you wanna do this?”
“One of us can carry her and the other carries the chair?”
“Would you be comfortable with one of us carrying you?”
“As long as I get to my floor then I’d be fine with it.”
Now here you are, on the tenth floor, Maya carrying you on your back, Andy following behind with your chair.
“How are you doing Captain? Still going strong?”
“We trained for this, so I’m doing alright for now.”
“What about you back there?” You ask Andy, holding your arm tighter around Maya’s neck to look at Andy.
“I’m doing fine. Your chair is surprisingly very light.”
Eighteen floors later, Maya sets you down in your chair where you roll yourself to your door, the two firefighters following closely behind.
“Welcome to my humble abode. Would you like something to drink? Water, or a sports drink for some electrolytes? I’ll just give you guys both.”
“This is a very cozy place you for here.”
“It is. I’ve only just recently moved in a couple months ago.” Wheeling over to where they stand, looking out the windows, you hand them their drinks. “I can’t thank you both enough.”
“It’s no problem at all. But how are you gonna get back down?” Andy downs all her water.
“Don’t worry, they’ll have it done by tomorrow night. I have nowhere else to go before then.”
“We have to go, but it was great meeting you.”
“It was great meeting you too, Captain.”
Rolling your chair to the front of Station 19, you ring the doorbell. Seconds later, the door opens to a male firefighter.
“Hi, how can I help you?”
“Good morning. I was just wondering if Lieutenant Herrera and Captain Bishop are here?”
“Can I know what you need them for?”
“They helped me out yesterday with getting up to my apartment, so I thought I’d thank them properly with some homemade goodies.” You at, pointing to your lap that had one big box and two smaller boxes.
“They’re currently out in a call, but should be back soon. Why don’t you come in and wait inside.”
He holds the door open so you can roll yourself inside.
“Oh! This box here on the bottom is actually for all the firefighters. I didn’t wanna bring some goodies and leave everyone else out. Could you grab the Mr…”
He grabs the bottom box when you lift the other two off.
“Uh, Montgomery. But just call me Travis.”
“Okay, Travis. You can call me Y/N.”
“I’ll just bring this upstairs and be right back.”
Maya and the rest of the team file out of the fire truck, taking their heavy gear off, each doing their own thing. As she walks towards her office, she sees someone familiar.
“Y/N! What a surprise. What are you doing here?”
“Hi, Captain—”
“—Maya, please.” She interrupts you.
“Well, Maya, I just wanted to stop by to thank you and Andy properly. I’ve just—”
“Hey! Who’s this?” You’re interrupted once again, this time by the whole team walking in.
“Y/N! Hi.”
“Hi, Andy. I was just telling Maya I wanted to thank you both for yesterday and made some baked goodies.” You said, handing them a box each. “There’s a bigger box of them for the rest of the team that Travis brought upstairs.”
“Baked goodies?” Vic asked very excitedly, running up the stairs, other on her tow. “You’re the best!” She yelled out, followed by other ‘thank you’s’ from the team.
“Thank you Y/N.” Andy followed the others.
You and Maya were now left alone downstairs.
“Would you join me in my office? I’d like to ask you something.”
“Lead the way.”
Holding the door open, she lets you enter first, closing it behind her.
“I don’t know if this is unprofessional since I am currently on the job, but I wanted to know if you’d like to go on a date with me sometime? Hopefully tonight?” After not hearing an answer right away, Maya grew nervous. “Or, not. It- it’s okay, probably a stupid idea…”
As she’s nervously rambling, she doesn’t notice you staring amusingly at her with a smile. Deciding to put her out of her misery, you interrupt her.
“Maya!” She looks at you with wide eyes. “I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Great!” She clears her throat. “Uh, cool, cool, cool. That’s awesome. I’ll text you.” She opens her office door going out, then opening the front firehouse door, you following after her. “I will text you.”
“You would need my number for that.” You smirked.
“Right! Right. Uh, here.” She hands you her phone, hands a little shaky. “Could you put your number in. Thanks.”
Handing her phone back to her. “I’ll see you later Captain.” You said with a teasing smile, exiting the station to your car.
“See you later indeed.”
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justanoasisimagines · 1 month
Green with Envy
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Summary; Travis can't stand by and watch someone all over you. Pairing; Travis Montgomery x GenderNeutral!Reader WordCount; 509 A/N; Hey my lovelies, back with another Drabble. My requests are open, and my guidelines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the divider and the banner
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Travis sipped on his beet staring at the dance floor. He swallowed the beer enjoying the bitterness of it. The bitterness in his stomach was different. He had no right to feel like this. You weren't his. Travis admired the way you moved. It was effortless as the music flowed through you. You were emezmerising Travis hadn't been able to take his eyes off of you all night Although he was beginning to wish he had. Several songs ago a man had begun to dance with you. You were comfortable enjoying yourself as you interacted. Bodies swaying to the music. He whispered something in your ear. Travis didn't know what he said, but he saw you laugh in response. He called the bartender to get him another beer "What's going on with you?" Dean asked as he tapped Travis on the back. "Nothing. I'm good." Dean followed Travis's gaze to land on you Dean sighed. "Why don't you go talk to them? Instead of sitting at them and glaring. You're going to create a storm cloud over your head." "No, they're having too much fun. Look at them." Travis's eyes flickered back to you. The music is pumping, bass-heavy. "And you're sitting over here miserable. They adore you it's obvious. Everyone knows it. So stop overthinking and go over there." Travis took a sip of his beer. "Fine if you don't do anything. I will." Dean moved up and away from Travis. He sighed as he watched Dean approach you, interrupting your dance. Travis observed your eyes flicker with concern. He watched your eyes flicker towards you. as you continued to talk to Dean. "Then you were talking over to him. Completely ignoring the man you'd been dancing with. Travis saw the concern written all over your face when you reached him. "Dean said you wanted to talk to me? Is everything okay? Are you feeling okay?" Travis always admired how concerned you were for the people you cared about. "Yeah, I'm fine. No. I'm lying, can we go somewhere quiet." You nodded as Travis led you outside away from the heavy beats of the music and the constant chatter of the patrons. When you were alone, you and Travis leaned against a wall beside each other. Travis wiped his palms against his jeans, thinking about what to say. "So what's going on?" "I don't want you dancing with me or anyone else. I can't stand watching anyone get to touch you to express such feelings. I know I have no right to feel the way I feel. You're not mine. But I wish you were because you're driving me crazy." Travis didn't mean to blurt it out. But like a volcano, everything boiled over. "Sorry I didn't mean-" Travis didn't finish his words when he felt your lips on his. He faltered before his brain caught up, and he kissed you back vigorously. Travis pulled away seconds later. "So this means you feel the same way." "Yeah, it does." Travis leaned in and captured your lips once more.
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1) Dean loves to share a bed with you. After being alone for a while, it’s nice to be able to cuddle up to someone after returning from a long day. 
2) Dean loves to cuddle. He loves to wrap your arms around you and told you tightly while he presses gentle kisses into your hairline.
3) Dean loves to be the big spoon. He adores the way he can curl his body up against yours. It also provides reassurance to Dean knowing that you're safe. 
4) After hard days, Dean likes to be the little spoon. It's comforting for him to know that you've got his back. It's also a sign of how much he trusts you. 
5) Dean loves to wrap your leg over his leg primarily so he can draw lines up and down them while you're talking late at night.
6) Despite the two of you living alone, Dean likes to speak softly when the two of you are in bed. 
7) Dean enjoys it when you give him a back rub in bed. Being a firefighter is a mentally taxing and physical job. It's nice to have the knots removed from his back once and again. 
8) The two of you exchange sweet tender, soft kisses right before bed. Sometimes it acts as a reminder that both of you are present at the moment. 
9) After a particularly rough day, Dean likes to rest his head on your chest so he can hear your heartbeat. 
10) At the end of hard days, Dean is grateful that he can share a bed with you, so he knows, exactly what he's got at home. 
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For Liam, they had to do it on a whim. They needed something to write in a space on the first of the endless documents to make Liam theirs. His bio dad didn't even want him to take his name. When Liam's older, they'll let him change it to his mom or dad's -- if he wants -- they want him to have that choice.
Still, it's the name on his adoption papers. On his kindergarten registration. His high school diploma.
Liam DeLuca-Bishop.
With Sofia, it came in a moment where time didn't exist and everything was moving in slow motion was moving and nurses were scribbling and typing on hospital bracelets, murmuring names taken from intake forms.
"...Baby Girl DeLuca..."
"Bishop," Carina interjects, still catching her breath, her voice breaking through the din. "Baby Girl DeLuca-Bishop."
Maya, in a brain-fogged fugue state of elation and exhaustion and relief, almost objects, and her eyes, tearing from their daughter -- who is tiny and perfect and here -- find Carina's, asking for confirmation.
Her beacon in the storm, Carina answers.
"She is yours, bambina."
Somehow, it still comes as a surprise.
Carina looked up from her magazine. Before her stood Liam and Sofia, hand in hand, looking both eager and nervous. Carina braced herself for what was coming. She underestimated the strength of their connection, their ability to tag-team. Any time the two of the appeared before her, it usually meant trouble. Somebody broke something, wanted something, or was avoiding something.
"Cosa c'é, miei tesori?"
"Mommy wants to ask you something," Liam answered.
Carina raised an apprehensive eyebrow. "Ah? And why isn't Mommy asking me herself?"
Liam and Sofia looked at one another and shrugged.
"Because Mommy knows how to leverage our adorable kids to soften a blow?" Maya edged around the corner into the living room, wearing a sheepish grimace.
Carina's eyebrows shot up.
"It's good. I promise," Maya assured her, her voice quiet and steady.
Liam and Sofia scrambled onto the couch, sitting on either side of Carina, barely containing their giggles.
Maya approached the couch and knelt before Carina.
Carina breathed out a nervous laugh. "Did you forget we are already married, amore mio?"
"Will you let me talk?" Maya grinned. She took Carina's hands in hers, rubbing her thumbs against the backs of her hands. She took a deep breath before beginning.
"I know there are nuances to this, and I know when we got married, it was a hard shift in thinking for you. And I understand if you don't want this part of it, and I know your practice is just getting settled and--"
"You're worrying me now, Maya," Carina placed a hand on her cheek.
"I'm sorry," Maya caught Carina's hand and kissed her palm. She clutched it tightly as she lowered it. "But...It's weird that our kids have different last names than us. Well, not different, but you know. And, the way things are in the world right now...I don't want there to be any doubt from anyone that these babies are ours." She cast a look to both of their children, tucked against Carina.
Carina raised a questioning brow at her. "But they are? We've signed so much paperwork and one literally came out if my vagina and..."
"I know!" Maya interjected. "I just...want to make sure we have our bases covered."
"So this is out of necessity? For more paperwork?" Carina cried in indignation.
Maya shook her head. "Not completely. I've wanted to do it since we brought Liam home. And, if we have more kids --"
"You want more?" Carina chuckled, eyes now alight with surprise.
"Maybe!" Maya threw up her hands. She ran a hand through her hair, gathering her thoughts. She placed her hands on Carina's knees.
"You're right, my love, it might just be another piece of paperwork. But I want everyone to know that we -- all four of us -- are a family." Maya gestured to Liam and Sofia. "Because we are. I carry you and our kids everywhere I go. This is just one more piece of it."
Carina pressed her lips into a tight line, holding in the sob building in her chest.
"Mama, don't cry..." Sofia reached up and tried to pat away the tears threatening to fall.
Carina offered her a watery smile, then kissed her forehead. "Queste sono lacrime di felicità," she whispered, which seemed to quell Sofia's worry. She wrapped an arm around her, kissing her forehead.
Maya's eyes also brimmed with tears, watching Carina comfort their daughter.
"Our names are on everything at the station," she continued, her own voice thick with emotion. "I want the world to know, always, that I am yours."
After taking one last steadying breath, Maya then reached behind her back and pulled something from her back pocket. A simple piece of white paper, folded into thirds. She held it up to Carina.
"Carina, will you go with me to the courthouse and change our names so we are officially the Deluca-Bishop family?"
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jmflowers · 4 months
Lagom lives!
Thank you to @iamthelegman and @americansrequiems for having a look at this one before I posted it.
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comradecowplant · 5 months
"I used to think that [Iraq war vets] had it easier when they got back... [Arlo] told me when they got back the tarmac was covered with people with signs and balloons welcoming everybody... When we got back from Vietnam, oh there was a crowd alright, but they spit on us as we walked by."
Vic, scandalized: >:O
lmao GOOD, fuck the Vietnam war, fuck the Iraq war, and fuck everyone who willingly participated/makes excuses for their participation, including this side character we're supposed to be sympathizing with. returning Iraq war vets ought to have been spit on too! i fucking HATE episodes of television like these where it's all about compassion for the unhoused...... as long as they're military veterans. no no, ME the imperial stooge doesn't deserve to be dehumanized like this, unlike those other icky dirty crazy homeless who deserve it. fuck off, Shonda & co.!!!!
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cncozutarapoto · 25 days
I wrote something on ao3 again after a million years, go read it!
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The Cranberries - Zombie 1994
"Zombie" is a protest song by Irish alternative rockband the Cranberries. It was written by the lead singer, Dolores O'Riordan, about the young victims of a bombing in Warrington, England, during the Troubles in Northern Ireland. The song was released on 19 September 1994 as the lead single from the Cranberries' second studio album, No Need to Argue. While the record label feared releasing a too controversial and politically charged song as a single, "Zombie" reached number 1 on the charts of Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, and Iceland, and spent nine consecutive weeks at number 1 on the French SNEP Top 100. It reached number 2 on the Ö3 Austria Top 40, where it stayed for eight weeks. The song did not chart on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart as it wasn't released as a single there, but it reached number 1 on the US Billboard Alternative Airplay chart. Listeners of the Australian radio station Triple J voted it number 1 on the 1994 Triple J Hottest 100 chart, and it won the Best Song Award at the 1995 MTV Europe Music Awards.
The Troubles were a conflict in Northern Ireland from the late 1960s to 1998. The Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA), an Irish republican paramilitary organisation, waged an armed campaign to end British rule in Northern Ireland and unite the region with the Republic of Ireland. Republican and Unionist paramilitaries killed more than 3,500 people, many from thousands of bomb attacks. One of the bombings happened on 30 March 1993, as two IRA improvised explosive devices hidden in litter bins were detonated in a shopping street in Warrington, England. Two people; Johnathan Ball, aged 3, and Tim Parry, aged 12, were killed in the attack. 56 people were injured. Ball died at the scene of the bombing as a result of his shrapnel-inflicted injuries, and five days later, Parry lost his life in a hospital as a result of head injuries. O'Riordan decided to write a song that reflected upon the event and the children's deaths after visiting the town: "We were on a tour bus and I was near the location where it happened, so it really struck me hard – I remember being devastated about the innocent children being pulled into that kind of thing. So I suppose that's why I was saying, 'It's not me' – that even though I'm Irish it wasn't me, I didn't do it. Because being Irish, it was quite hard, especially in the UK when there was so much tension." The song was re-popularised in 2023 after it was played after Ireland games at the 2023 Rugby World Cup. It was picked up by fans of the Irish team, with videos of fans singing the song in chorus accumulating hundreds of thousands of views on social media. This offended other Irishmen, who identified it as an "anti-IRA" anthem, and said that that the lyrics failed to consider their experience during the Troubles.
The music video, directed by Samuel Bayer, was filmed in Belfast, Northern Ireland, in the heart of the Troubles with real footage, and in Dublin. To record video footage of murals, children and British Army soldiers on patrol, he had a false pretext, with a cover story about making a documentary about the peace-keeping efforts in Ireland. Bayer stated that a shot in the video where an SA80 rifle is pointed directly at the camera is a suspicious British soldier asking him to leave, and that the IRA were keeping a close look at the shoot, given "the British Army come in with fake film crews, getting people on camera.” While "Zombie" received heavy rotation on MTV Europe and was A-listed on Germany's VIVA, the music video was banned by the BBC because of its "violent images", and by the RTÉ, Ireland's national broadcaster. Instead, both the BBC and the RTÉ opted to broadcast an edited version focusing on footage of the band in a live performance, a version that the Cranberries essentially disowned. Despite their efforts to maintain the original video "out of view from the public", some of the initial footage prevailed, with scenes of children holding guns. In March 2003, on the eve of the outbreak of the Iraq War, the British Government and the Independent Television Commission issued a statement saying ITC's Programme Code would temporarily remove from broadcast songs and music videos featuring "sensitive material", including "Zombie". Numerous media groups complied with the decision to avoid "offending public feeling", along with MTV Europe. Since it violated the ITC guidelines, "Zombie" was placed on a blacklist of songs, targeting its official music video. The censorship was lifted once the war had ended. In April 2020, it became the first song by an Irish group to surpass one billion views on Youtube.
"Zombie" received a total of 91% yes votes!
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oneshotnewbie · 11 months
Marina x daughter!reader?
Daughter works at GSMH as a trauma specialist but she takes Owens advice about possibly joining the army. Carina finds out and goes mama bear on him.
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You, a trauma specialist at Grey Sloan Hospital Memorial, have tried everything to reshape your life over the past few months. Although you were satisfied with the current version of it and grew up in a stable environment in which your mothers had a harmonious marriage and were always there for you when you needed them, there was a huge lack of variety.
Already a few months ago you noticed that you felt more uncomfortable in your work and since then you have had the desire to do more with it in order to remain happy. But it was still totally unclear in your eyes how to change it. After a while, your colleague Owen Hunt noticed it too and decided to talk to you while you were restocking and reorganizing the emergency room inventory.
You listened carefully with a searching look as your experienced colleague began to talk seriously about his own experiences in the army, about the discipline, the varying challenges and the opportunities that presented themselves. He emphasizes his words with deep and clear gestures while you nodded every now and then, showing signs of uncertainty but also more obvious interest. Your work became more and more forgotten the more you listened to him and the further the conversation went, the more your interest increased and the happier you seemed to be about the new opportunity in your life.
After a few minutes of deep conversation and the army memories shared by the emergency surgeon from his time, you looked at him seriously but still with a soft smile, looking for an answer. Owen placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder and nodded encouragingly. You seemed to have already made a mental decision. Now you just had to get through the hard part of this plan- you had to tell your parents.
Days had passed when you had the conversation with Owen Hunt, and since then you could not live a minute without the thought that your life could change drastically. However, you still could not bring yourself to even begin to tell your mothers what you had planned for your future and what idea had implanted in your head. And so you hid every piece of information you had requested in your room, hoping neither Maya nor Carina saw it until you were ready to confess it to them.
But during your shift at Grey Sloan Hospital, Maya walked through your room with a vacuum cleaner and, unbeknownst to you, began cleaning it. While she was vacuuming under your bed, she came across a hidden package from Owen to you. Curious, she pulls it out and opens the already opened package. In it she found an information sheet for the army with your name on it. She stares at the paper in disbelief, her expression alternating between confusion, concern and surprise.
Maya could not believed what she was holding in her hands and her eyes filled with tears as she tried to understand why you had not told Carina or her about your decision while she pulled out her cell phone to call her wife. The blonde sat down on your bed while the phone rang, the vacuum cleaner already turned off and lying on the floor, still holding the information sheet in her hand. Her eyes were blank as she tried to get her wife on the phone. "Maya, I have two women in labor-"
“Our y/n wants to join the army,” between quiet tears and the crackling on the line, she thinks about the possible reasons that could have motivated you to take this step, and another wave of concern and anger overcomes her as she stroked the trauma surgeon's name written with a thick sharpie. "What are you talking about, bambina?" the brunette spoke up, trying to process the sudden news.
The world seemed to stand still for a moment around the two women as they struggled with the thoughts that perhaps you were about to make a big change in your life that they did not know about. "I was going to vacuum her room and then I stumbled upon a package from Owen. There are information sheets and even a registration form," Maya heard the Italian woman's deep sigh and growing annoyance, so she kept her mouth shut and listened to the noise in the background, waiting for an answer. "I will call you back Maya, I need to have a word with someone."
With these words, Carina ended the conversation with her wife and quickly ran to the emergency room. The atmosphere is tense as the brunette, with an angry expression on her face, charges at the man she had already had her sights on when the elevator doors opened. Her eyes spark with anger, Owen immediately turning around as she screamed his name, immediately recognizing the tension on her face. "Carina, what-"
"How dare you put such nonsense into my daughter's head?" the Italian woman lets out her anger with a loud outburst, stabbing her finger several times with full force into his chest. She waves her hands wildly and her voice is sharp and angry. Owen tried to answer, but she cut him off with another angry torrent of words. Her gestures become more energetic, her voice louder. "You have to know better! She does not belong in the war!"
"She wants more discipline and more variety. New opportunities. So I told her about the army, nothing more, calm down." words fly back and forth between the two as Carina screams out her frustration, disappointment and anger at Owen's actions. Her anger seems to know no bounds and she lets out all of her emotions without regard for loss. "Idiota! Come puoi essere così idiota!" (Idiot! How can you be such an idiot!)
The trauma surgeon tried to defend himself, but Carina didn't let up. She looked at him hatefully and crossed both arms over her chest. "You know what the army does to you, you yourself were plagued with PTSD, you even wanted to strangle your wife in her sleep!" the angry words hit him like lashes, and he seemed to be overwhelmed by her emotions. He tried to get her attention, but Carina was too caught up in her anger to listen.
The tension in the room reaches its peak and Owen finally becomes silent and resigned. The words dry up, but the anger is still in the air, heavy and burdensome. Carina disappears in total frustration and leaves the former soldier standing in the emergency room, all eyes on him.
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erenjaegerwifee · 2 months
Summers In Pandora 🌸 Day 5 - Jealousy 
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Paring: Neteyam x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Summary: Neteyam wants your attention but you’re too busy giving it to someone else
Warnings: MDNI 18+, established relationship, jealous neteyam, rough sex, explicit language, orals (f receiving), p in v, neteyam getting mad he keeps getting interrupted,
Word Count: 2.5k
Index: kelku - house, sevin - pretty
Disclaimer: All my characters are aged-up! If this makes you uncomfortable feel free to scroll and don’t read!
Main M.list | Event M.list
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“Baby come on, just the tip” Neteyam’s hands roamed your body as your stood in front of the mirror of your kelku fixing your top while you get ready for your daily clan duties. Neteyam should always be getting ready but he seems to rather rut against your ass begging to fuck because he woke up with a ranging boner.  
“Nete, we have to leave I’m gonna be late for class.” you loved your job in the clan, it mainly consisted of teaching young healers but you like to help out wherever you can. You and Neteyam have been in a relationship for the pass 3 years, you both just turned 19 so you thought it was bit immature to mate so soon. Even thought you were not opposed to the idea; both your parents told you to wait until you turned 21.  
It has been about a year now you and Neteyam moved in together and it has been wonderful, you never realized before how horny he is until you started living together, not that you’re complaining. He is so active during the day and still he tries to fuck you every chance he gets. “Baby please I won’t take long” his hands squeezed the skin on your waist as he kissed your neck trying to convince you to get naked with him.  
You almost gave in before you head a knock on the wood next to your kelku doorway flap. “y/n are you ready? We're gonna be late” you heard Neteyam hiss at the voice on the other side of the tent. One of your newer students has taken it upon himself to follow you around like a tail. Which often meant he walked you to the healer's hut and back every day.    
Neteyam hated every part of it, why is this boy walking you around like you don’t have a man to do it for you. He doesn’t like it one bit. Neteyam was so tired of him showing up at your shared kelku as if he doesn't know Neteyam also lives there. He let go of you and threw on his towel on hastily around his hips matching towards the entrance flap, neteyam swings it open coming face to face with the man himself. “Why do you keep coming here? Can’t you give her space and wait until she gets to the fucking healers hut then see her? I am very much capable of walking my woman to and from her working station boy.”  
“When she tells me to leave her alone then I will until then you can’t tell me what to do” he sounded like a spoiled child. 
“Boy don’t make me pull rank on you, that is my wife-” 
“Girlfriend, that's your girlfriend. I still have a shot” 
Neteyam was about to knock him on his ass when you ran out of the kelku towards him, “Neteyam no, don’t hurt him he’s harmless” 
“Harmless? You call this harmless? He's basically a stalker.” Neteyam tries to walk around you but you place your hands on his chest, “No no stop baby come on, I have to go I’ll come by and see you a little later, ok? Go get ready for training” every pause in your sentence you kissed his both cheeks so he would calm down. With a sigh you know he was going to let you go.  
Neteyam wrapped his arm around you and kissed you deeply on the lips, he tilted his head sticking his tongue in your mouth as if her was stacking claim in front of the other man, you melt into him so easily, you always loved it when he kissed you, when he did anything to you.  
You pull away from and breath and gave him one last peck before saying goodbye for the day, you send him a sweet smile as you walked away with the boy trailing behind you like a puppy. Neteyam watch you walk your perfect figure away from him, sighing before walking back into the hut to get ready for the day. 
“Seriously you need to stop doing that, I’m not gonna be there to save you one day and Neteyam will knock you on your ass with his little finger.” you express to the boy. His ears pinned back as he nodding to your words, he never intended to make up upset, but seeing you with another man just makes him angry. 
“I’m sorry...” he said in a small voice, “It’s fine but you need to watch your behavior around him, it’s bad enough as it is” you told him as you walk into the healer's hut to start your lesson. After it was over you make your way to the training grounds to see Neteyam. 
When you get there, you watch him spar with another warrior and you say hi to his father and his brother, “Hey Mr. Sully, Lo’ak how’s it going?” they turn towards you and greet your back, “y/n how many times have I told you that you can call me Jake, or dad. You're my daughter in law.” 
“Oh, not yet dad, he has competition now” Lo’ak raised his eyebrows at you making jake raise a questioning eyebrow you. You turn back to look at your future mate sparring with the other warrior, “What did you hear?” you asked Lo’ak. “I hear that Neteyam is deeply frustrated about the puppy dog that follows you around.” his comment made you laugh.  
“Lo’ak please, I don’t want anyone but Neteyam he has no competition.” you turn your head to admire you boyfriend’s godly figure. “Why don’t you just tell him to leave you alone?” Jake asked, “Well dad, I don’t want to hurt his feelings, or make it weird he is one of mt students, I’d hate to have to teach someone who resents me” you sigh and Jake nodded. 
“I mean, I can see where he’s annoyed even now, I hate it when my wife has to associate herself with other men” Jake told you. “Oh, so he got the jealousy from you?” you laugh then Neteyam walked up to you three, “hi baby” he wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you close and kiss you. “Hello bro, we aren’t also standing right here”  
“Shut up Lo’ak, so baby lesson’s over? Wanna go home and have lunch?” he asked you. “Sure, let’s go” you held his hand as he led the way to your shared kelku. He walked in behind you closing the flap and pulling you close to by your waist and kissing you, “Neteyam hm, I thought we were having lunch” you said in between kisses. Neteyam picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his slim waist, “yea baby I’m gonna eat”  
He laid you down on the hammock that sat in your common area, he didn’t want to wait to make it to your bed. Neteyam got down on the floor between your legs and pushed your loincloth up taking in the view of your pussy. You had a blush on your face looking down at him between your legs and without warning he just buried his head into your pussy flicking your clit with his tongue. 
Neteyam slid his tongue up your folds while he ran his hands up your body under your top toying with your nipples. The sensation drives you mad and you throw your head back with a moan of his name, “fuck nete-” he sucked on your clit in the way he knows you like it, “yea sevin, you taste so good” Neteyam laps up all your juices, flicking on your clit you were so close to coming when your kelku flap burst open. 
“Y/n? Are you here? Tsahik said she needs yo-” your puppy dog says as he walks in seeing Neteyam’s head dipped between your thighs. You scramble to pull the throw blanket over your legs and Neteyam’s head hiding him from view. Neteyam slide out from under the blanket menacingly, he turned his head to the boy standing at his kelku entrance. “I’m giving you one second, run away or I will hurt you.”  
Neteyam’s lips glistened with your juices even while he spoke to the boy and sent him running away from your kelku. When neteyam turned back to you, you had the blanket up to your nose and you were crouched up under it looking at Neteyam. He was pissed he had enough if this situation, for weeks you have been saying that puppy dog was harmless but it seems you were wrong. Neteyam had no idea he was so comfortable barging into your kelku. How often does he do that? 
“Baby, was that the first time he came in like that?” you hesitated before shaking your head ‘no’. “He did it before, while you were training, but I promised nothing happened.” Neteyam straighten his back and gritted his teeth, “It doesn’t matter if nothing happened when did he get so fucking comfortable to burst in here like that? And only when I’m not around, I bet he thought I wasn’t here when he did it.” you shrug your shoulders not knowing if talking would make the situation better or worse. Truthfully you didn’t know what brought on his behavior, but you didn’t want Neteyam to get upset so you never told him. “And you didn’t think to tell him to stop coming into your private space?”  
You heard it in his voice, he was pissed about this, he had every reason to be as well, “why didn’t you tell me?”  
“I didn’t want you to get upset”  
“Fuck Y/n did he ever see you in any kind of intimate positions when he bargained in?” his voice was strained but you decided not to lie. “Uhm well, not really, the first time I was making lunch for when you would come home to eat and I wearing that robe you made for me, the silky one. After that he kept coming back every couple days, he never ventured in he stayed by the doorway.”  
Neteyam rubbed his hand over his face, you liked that robe, ever since he made it for you, you loved to wearing it, but you usually did so without any clothes underneath, and Neteyam loved coming home to his naked girlfriend only covered in the thin piece of silk. He thought your nipples looked so cute against the cool fabric, the way they printed out sent him mad. 
It wasn’t your fault, you didn’t know you were accidently flashing the boy, it was his fault so not respecting your space but he’ll teach him a lesson right after he does you. For keep secrets. Neteyam ripped the blanket off your body and stood up tossing it to the side, he took a step back and ordered you, “stand you, strip”  
He watched you get up and strip off your clothes for him. Your hands moved to cross over your chest but he stopped your quickly placing his hands on your wrist and pulling them apart, “no don’t hide these from me.” Neteyam walked up to you and places his hands on your tits playing with them and he brought his mouth to yours kissing you. 
You whimper into his mouth as he kneads the flesh of your tits, he tugs at your nipples making them hard and sensitive. You thought he might take you to the bedroom but instead he picked you up and sat on the hammock seating you in his lap. Neteyam didn’t break the kiss though, his hands move down your body touching everything he can.  
He always was such a passionate lover; always make you feel loved when he touched you. “Neteyam-”  
“Shh baby, I’m tired of being interrupted, I want some time with you, need to show everyone who you really belong too” his lips moved down to your neck sucking on your skin, he leaves deep purple marks and pulls away to admire his work every time before moving on and making another one. He kissed you down sucking on tits flicking his tongue on your nipple.  
You squirm in his lap and thread your hands through his braids keeping him close to you, Neteyam takes one of your hands out of his hair and brings it down to his cock, you didn’t even realize when he took off his loincloth. You gripped his thick cock squeezing it before bringing your other hand down to stroke it with both hands. Neteyam whimpers feeling your soft palm on his cock. 
He moved away from your nipples and back up to kiss your lips twirling his tongue around yours. He pulled away from the kiss but his lips still touched yours as he said, “spit on it”  
You tilt your head down spitting on his cock rubbing your slit over his length. Neteyam lifted your hips up and over his cock lining you up before he slowly lowered you down on his length. Your jaw was slack as you looked down at him but he wasn’t looking at you, he was looking down at his cock disappearing inside your cunt. “Always so tight baby” 
His eyes dart back up to your face when you bottom out and moan, he gives you a minute to adjust before he is lifting your hips up and down on him. Neteyam loved watching you on top, it’s probably one of his favorite positions. He loved watching your tits bounce in his face. Neteyam quicken his pace bouncing you faster on him listening to the way your moans got louder and the way you stuttered out those pretty ahs for him.  
“Listen baby, you listening?” he said as he sets a pace for you. “You. Will. Not. See. Him. Again. Do I make myself clear?” Neteyam said every word each time bouncing you in his cock. You clenched down on him at his words, you always did love it when he got possessive for you. 
“Oh-okk, ok” you chanted. “Let me hear you say it you’re not gonna what?” 
“Not. Gonna. See. Him” you stutter out on his cock. Neteyam smiled at your submissive nature knowing you’d never get like this for anyone but him, “good fucking girl.” Just then he saw a figure outside his doorway flap, someone was peeking through. He recognized the boy immediately and decided to have a little fun with it.  
“Oh Eywa fuck, fuck yea” you moan getting close to your orgasm making Neteyam smile watching you lose yourself on him.  
“Tell me baby, who owns you?” he smiles up at you even though you weren’t really in your right mind. “Yours-you Neteyam!” you screamed his name while cuming hard on his cock gushing your juices on his thighs. “One more time baby say it again who owns you?” he said, his voice was strained he was getting close too. “You Nete- you!” you mewl in overstimulation as he cums deep in you. Your jaw went slack once more as he held you down on him to take him seed, he drops his head on your shoulder kissing your neck as his dick pumps cum inside you. You felt him twitch when he bites down on your neck softly feeling the way you clenched down on him.  
With his tongue on your neck, he looks over your shoulder and saw the boy was gone. He really hopes he got his point across this time as he plays with the end of your tail that’s wrapped around his forearm.
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🌸 I hope you all enjoyed reading! I have tons of fun with this one! If you didn’t know before I’m a Neteyam girl at heart!
🌸Reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated!
@rivatar @delusionalwh6re @strongheartneteyam @nilahsstuff @inlovewithpandora @neteyamsoare @m1tsu-ki @kylimarz @teymars @xylianasblog @beensbaee
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justanoasisimagines · 2 months
Blurb #1
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Summary; You and Travis takes a trip to the beach.
Hey lovelies, back with another blurb. As always my request guidelines are pinned to the top of the page! Credit to cafekitsune for the banner and the divider!
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The sun beat down on the people gathered. The waves softly crashed on the shore. People gathered around with friends and family enjoying the nice summer's day. Travis and you struggled to find a decent spot on the beach. Most had already been taken. It was a nice day, so it was to be expected. Everyone had the same idea. "What about over there?" Travis pointed to a space in the corner, there was a little shade and enough distance away from everyone else. "That looks good." You weaved through the crowds of people, careful to not step on anyone. "I've been looking forward to this all week." Travis began to unfold the blanket you'd brought. "I can't remember the last time we went to the beach" "Neither can I. We best soap up some sun while we can." The two of you sat back and relaxed enjoying an unusual day off. Being able to let the world pass by. Travis glanced at you while you laid back sunglasses covering your eyes. You were a picture laid back, with no tension visible in your body. "We should make this a regular thing. It doesn't have to be the beach. We could go anywhere. Go on a hike. Take a trip to the movie's dinner. "That sounds like a lovely idea." Suddenly Travis rose to his feet, dusting himself off. He glanced at you, mischief twinkling in his eyes. "The last one to the ocean has to buy dinner." Suddenly both of you were in a race to who would get to the ocean first.
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megalony · 1 month
You're Staying Right Here
This is a new Eddie Diaz imagine based on a few requests I've merged together. I hope you will all like it.
Taglist: @justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyje @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35 @supernaturalstilinski @kyky9103 @wutheringhearts2275 @gay4hotmilfs @itshamleth @chaoticnosleepinfluencer @gs29 @wh0reforsmutstuff @mel-vaz @natashamea18 @chrisevansdaughter @alexandra848484 @deena-beena-weena @targaryenluvs @kpoplover-19 @marvelmenarebeautiful @gillybear17
@zoeybennett @mrspeacem1nusone @zephyrmonkey @estella-novella @eleventhdoctorsangel @kniselle @senjoritanana @shauna-carsley @dottierose @cfdhouse51 @darkfemme1 @rainechase45 @lolalolsstuff @jupiter1700 @ashdoctor @an-aliens-ghost @lunaroserites @houseoftwistedspirits @callsignwidow @winterreader-nowwriter @reneinii @bellsbomb @western-pyro
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: While (Y/n) is out with her and Eddie's newborn, she bumps into the 118 just as they get shot at by a sniper. And the team have to take her to hospital and try to keep her and the baby safe.
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Pausing in her tracks, (Y/n) leaned her arms forward on the pram and squinted when she looked across the road. Her eyes danced across the writing on the side of the two fire trucks, trying to make out what station they were from.
Her lips curved into a smile when she looked at the truck at the far right.
Both her husband and her brother were at work today, so chances were that they were right across the road at that scene.
"Shall we go see daddy and uncle Buck?" She turned her attention down to the newborn in the pram, smiling wider when Tate's mitten-covered hand moved to brush against her button nose.
No doubt she would wake up the moment (Y/n) crossed the road and the newborn realised she was surrounded by her favourite people.
Eddie was enamoured by his little girl. He had only just gone back to work this week and already he was finding it hard to be away from his family for so long. He just wanted to be back home with them all with Tate in his arms. And Buck was always eager to try and get cuddles with his niece. Whenever he visited, he swooped Tate up into his arms whether she was awake or not and he didn't fear waking her because he would just cradle her until she went back to sleep.
(Y/n) turned to the left and crossed the road, aiming for the truck parked up on the side of the street. There was another truck just in front, but it was from a different station that (Y/n) wasn't familiar with. She had only met a handful of people from other stations when they had parties or when Eddie came home saying he'd done a shift with a transfer who he got along well with.
If the team were busy or right in the middle of a call then (Y/n) would carry on her way and head back home. But she knew it was worth searching just to see if they could catch a glimpse of Eddie at work.
She spotted him instantly.
He had his back to her, but (Y/n) knew his frame in the pitch black, she could pinpoint her husband anywhere. Eddie had his hands on his hips which were cocked out to one side and the pose showed off his broad, tense shoulders that could be set against a ruler.
He was wearing his button up shirt today with the long sleeves that looked like they were cutting tight around his biceps and looked a bit snug on his back.
"Hard at work, I see." (Y/n) pushed the pram so it was resting near the door of the truck, shaded from the mid-morning sun.
Her head tilted to one side and her smile brightened when she watched Eddie's shoulders jerk up before he spun round on his heels to face her. His brows rose and a wide smirk curved at Eddie's lips as he moved forward, arms stretched out ready to embrace his wife.
His hands found her hips and he reeled her into his chest that felt had and tense beneath her hands. But Eddie's expression was as soft as ever as he let his eyes roam up and down his wife before he leaned down to taste her lips in a kiss. He felt (Y/n)'s hands roam up his chest to hold onto his shoulders, steadying herself against him as he leaned down into her, almost knocking her off her feet.
"Hey amor." He murmured softly against her lips, giving her hips a tight squeeze when he felt her hand move to drag along the side of his neck, leaving shivers in her wake.
He dared to swoop back in for another kiss, gliding his tongue across her bottom lip until Buck's voice caused him to grunt and pull back with his temple resting down against (Y/n)'s.
"You gonna put my sister down so I can say hi?"
Eddie felt Buck pat him on the shoulder as he walked behind him and stood somewhat impatiently at their side, hands on his hips sassily.
With a huff, Eddie let go of (Y/n) and took a careful step back so Buck could lean down and pull her into a sideways hug. But when Eddie turned to the right, the grin was back on his face and his teeth sank down into his bottom lip when he looked down into the pram.
"Hi baby," He cooed, reaching down to pick Tate up when her big round eyes started to flutter open.
He lifted her up and carefully snuggled her up against his chest, tilting backwards to keep her settled against him. He slowly carded his fingers up and down the back of her head and neck and he pressed a few wet kisses against her temple. He loved the way her lips moved and popped against his chest like she was trying to give him kisses.
He slowly turned around so he was facing his family and he couldn't refrain from rolling his eyes when he saw Buck grinning across at him. He had stolen (Y/n) for a hug and now he was clearly eyeing up Eddie's baby girl to try and take her for a cuddle too.
"How'd it go this morning?" His lips stayed against Tate's forehead but his eyes looked up through his lashes to lock with his wife.
"No more stitches." (Y/n) spoke softly with a grin as her hand moved down to press over her lower abdomen.
If they had been at home, (Y/n) would have pulled the top of her leggings down to let Eddie see the scar that now tainted her skin and show that she had healed 'perfectly' according to the midwife.
They hadn't planned for a C-section with Tate, but a day into labour, Tate had wriggled around so much the cord got wrapped around her throat. They needed her out as soon as possible as she was distressed and close to strangling herself, so off for an emergency C-section they went. It gave (Y/n) a row of stitches very far down on her stomach, but it was a relief to finally have them out.
It meant she didn't keep trying to itch them or catch them on her clothes and the general uncomfortableness was gone now. The only problem was (Y/n) still couldn't lift anything too heavy and she couldn't strain or stretch down too far.
Which was the reason why Maddie- and almost everyone else on the team- had all agreed they would keep popping round to make sure (Y/n) was okay and see if she needed any help.
Buck gave (Y/n)'s shoulder a squeeze before he moved towards Eddie with his arms held out expectingly.
"Can I have a hold?"
"Nope." Eddie kept his lips against Tate's head while her little mitten-covered hand started to bat and tap against his chest. He had only just gotten to hold his daughter and he knew they would be heading back to the station soon, he wanted a big cuddle before he had to say goodbye and let her go.
"Excuse me, I wanna hold the little lady."
"You can hold her later." they both knew Eddie was only joking, but he made no attempt to hand his daughter over just yet. He kissed the top of her head again and gently began to rock her up and down against his chest.
"So, where are you two headed?" Both Chimney's hands fell to his hips and his fingers began to tap along with his foot beating out a rhythm against the pavement. His eyes dancing between the two squabbling men who were like his brothers, and (Y/n) who was watching them all with amusement lighting up her eyes.
This call had been surprisingly quick and now all of them could head back to their station. No one would be opposed to (Y/n) coming back to the station with Tate for a while. Especially since Hen and Bobby would most likely be on shift by now. They hadn't been as early as Eddie and Evan this morning and Chimney had already been on shift for two hours.
"For a coffee." (Y/n) grinned and dragged her hand along the back of her neck. The stitches being removed had made her feel a bit queasy and she felt the need to go and get a drink to liven up before she took Tate home.
Eddie leaned his shoulders back against the truck, being careful to keep Tate settled on his chest with a smile on his lips and a glowing look in those dark eyes.
"We serve coffee at the station." He grinned, flashing his pearly whites when (Y/n)'s expression softened and her teeth bit down on her bottom lip. "You wanna come back to the station with daddy, hm?" He murmured against the top of Tate's head, taking the little gurgling noise she made as an answer.
He didn't want to say goodye to either of his girls just yet and he knew everyone at the station would be fawning over Tate when they saw her.
She had time. The only other pressing thing (Y/n) had to do today would be to pick Chris up from school, but that was late on this afternoon. She had a good few hours to kill before then and a coffee with the team- and a cuddle with her husband- sounded good.
"You do, well-"
Whatever (Y/n) was about to say faded out into silence in comparison with the gunshots that rang out through the air.
Everyone froze.
Eddie's eyes stayed locked on his wife. His arms suddenly tensed, pinning his daughter tighter to his chest as his fingers scrunched up into her onesie like he was afraid she was going to slip out of his arms.
That noise sent him back years. It had been so long since Eddie had heard the sound of a gunshot in person that he had forgotten the resounding bang that followed it. He forgot the way it made him wince when he wasn't expecting it and how much it rattled him when he wasn't in a battle zone.
His muscles contracted and his shoulders pushed back into the truck when a spray of blood splattered across his face and sprinkled over him as if someone had driven through a puddle next to him. He couldn't help the way he flinched, nor the way his lips curled as a disgruntled noise got stuck at the back of his throat.
For a second, when the blood hit, his eyes closed. But the moment they opened, it was as if his whole world had fallen apart.
His eyes locked on (Y/n) and as all the blood drained down from his head to his gut, Eddie felt his vision becoming dark. He had tunnel vision that focused on his wife and caused an aura to glow around her, nothing else visible and nothing else mattered. Except for his wife, and the blood soaking into her chest.
She didn't quite seem to recognise that the blood covering Eddie was her own because something horrid and frightened dwelled in her eyes when she looked at him. It was as if the world was crumbling and she thought Eddie or Tate had been the ones to get hurt.
Then she stumbled. Her feet slipped, her upper body tilted backwards and she went down to the floor as blood trickled down her shirt and out the entrance wound in her back, creating a dark puddle on the ground beneath her.
Static tore through Eddie's ears and his body shuddered back against the truck when another bullet pelted through the air and hit the truck, only two inches away from his head. But the thought of getting hit by a bullet didn't frighten Eddie as much as the thought of another one getting (Y/n)- or Tate.
His head snapped down so his lips could merge with the top of Tate's head and his trembling arms curved round her better so his arms engulfed her. He couldn't have the shooter- whoever and wherever they were- trying to aim for her.
He slid down the truck and twisted to the right, hunching over so Tate was between him and the ground making her as less of a target as possible. He could feel each cry and scream that she belted out becoming muffled in his shirt and vibrating through his chest, but it didn't matter. He had to keep her safe even if that meant frightening her.
"Get down!"
He could feel tears welling up in his eyes as a fire raged within his stomach and set alight to his heart and lungs. It was flowing through his veins, firing him up and making him feel like he was about to combust like the stars Buck was always telling them random facts about.
He couldn't have Tate getting hurt too. She was barely two and a half weeks old. A bullet would kill her. Any fragments that hit her if Eddie got shot would kill her. If Eddie got shot or pushed or fell down, Tate would be in trouble too because she was in his arms.
Panicked tears slid down Eddie's face as he breathed harshly, trying to control each breath that fanned against the top of the newborn's head. He stayed hunched over while Tate kicked and screamed, wriggling horribly to the point he had to hold her even tighter so he didn't drop her.
He began to shuffle to the right, keeping pressed up against the truck for some sort of cover and protection.
When he reached Buck and Chimney who were trying to shield behind the truck door, Eddie crouched in front of Buck and moved his arms out.
"Take her." He hissed as if the words were venom on his tongue. He had to go get (Y/n) and he couldn't do that with his daughter in his arms. Buck needed to hold her and keep her safe. He could see the panic flood Buck's eyes as he shakily took hold of his niece just as Eddie sternly demanded for him to protect her.
Eddie watched the way Buck's arms tightened around his niece, encasing her to his chest with one large hand curled around the back of her head for some sort of protection. He hunkered down, curling over so his entire frame was surrounding Tate like a blanket and he let Chimney grab his arm and drag him a bit further back for better protection.
They needed cover. They needed protection. They needed help.
Eddie gave the pram beside him a rough shove, watching the wheels spin out of control but it went in the direction he wanted it to. The pram moved towards Buck. It would give them a bit more cover, it would act as a shield from anymore bullets.
Her name barely scraped past his lips before he morphed into a scream. Someone grabbed him by the back of the neck. A rough chest barrelled into his side and tackled him to the floor.
He could feel whoever it was trying to pin him down, hissing in his ear to stay down, that they were in the firing line, as if Eddie didn't already know that.
Eddie gave way to the petrified scream that took all the air from his lungs. When he dragged in another breath, he went right back to screaming until he was red in the face and the vein was popping up the side of his neck.
His nails clawed at the tarmac road until blood started to scrape along the pad of his fingers.
(Y/n)'s name morphed into another scream but when he tried to scoot closer to her, his companion laid more on his back and pinned him down, still holding the back of his head to keep him looking down.
"Shots fired! Repeat, we're being shot at! Someone's hit, back up needed now. Send help!" The Captain from the 189 yelled into the radio pinned to his shoulder as he cowered down near Buck and Chimney.
A shiver tore through Buck and he cringed when he felt his niece beginning to scream into his chest. He could feel her mouth and nose pressing into his shirt and he made sure not to hold her any tighter, he didn't want to suffocate her. And it wasn't as if her screams were going to cause a problem, everyone was shouting, yelling and screaming their lungs out. Tate adding to the mix wasn't going to make a difference.
His hands shook as he cradled the back of her neck and hugged her into his chest. He could feel her tiny fists bashing into his chest and her feet kicking up into his stomach but he tensed his arms to hold her close.
She wasn't getting hurt on his watch; he wouldn't allow it.
Eddie could barely hear a thing, but he could feel his senses dwindling out and all he could focus on was his sights. His eyes were locked firmly on his wife. He could see her lips moving and Eddie wasn't sure whether it was his very acitve imagination or whether he was seeing it or not, but he was sure she was saying his name.
He thrust his elbow back into the teammate beside him, he screamed and roared until he managed to roll under the truck. He was getting his wife, he had to get to her and she was going to be taken to the hospital whether the shooter liked it or not.
His sleeves scraped against the road as he scuffled and shimmied beneath the truck that was barely raised enough for his large frame to fit beneath. He could feel his chin scraping along the floor so he didn't whack his head on the underside of the truck.
"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!"
He poked his head out from under the engine and took a quick look round for the shooter but he couldn't see anything. His vision was blurred and hazy and his eyes were moving too rapidly to take anything in. All he could see was (Y/n).
Blood was forming a river beneath her chest and her dusty blue top was turning black from the rouge blood dribbling down it. She had been shot in the chest, but she was still conscious. Her head slowly lolled to the right to look at Eddie and he saw the manic fear and pain dwelling in her eyes as his name bubbled past her lips.
"I've got you baby. I- I'm here."
He didn't waste time worrying about the best way to grab her and reel her under the safety of the truck.
With what little energy he could muster, Eddie scrunched his fingers into the back of her collar near her neck and started to pull. He yanked her close with a pulse of strength he didn't expect and his left hand planted down on the road to hold himself up.
A horrid scream bubbled past his lips as he yanked her close and scratched his knees to shuffle backwards. The moment she was beneath the truck with him, Eddie pressed his wet lips against her temple before he continued to crawl backwards, something he wasn't accustomed to doing very often.
Tears blurred down (Y/n)'s face and her wet lips parted to let out a tepid, meek cry when the tarmac scraped against her back that felt like it was on fire.
Tears blurred Eddie's vision. His arm was shaking and the muscles were tightening from dragging her with one arm, but he couldn't stop now. He had to keep moving, they had to get her in the truck and down to the hospital before she bled out here on the road and they lost her.
"I've got you amor."
When Eddie came out from under cover of the truck, he shifted into a crouching position and slipped both hands beneath (Y/n)'s arms. His nose scrunched up and he choked when (Y/n) screamed the moment he pulled her up. He had to. He couldn't get hold of her or move her any faster in any other position.
"Sorry baby, sorry, it's okay." Words tumbled past his lips and once (Y/n) was away from the truck, Eddie shifted positions.
He slipped her left arm over the back of his neck, one hand on her back and the other arm beneath her knees and hoisted her up into his embrace.
"Is Tate okay?" Eddie's voice dropped down two octaves as he rasped, his wild eyes scouring around while his head jerked forward when another bullet cut through the air.
"S-she's here, she's safe." Buck's voice had never sounded so broken and hollow before and if Eddie had the time, he would of been moved to tears and tried to hug his brother in law. But there was no time. He needed his family in the truck now so they could get to the hospital. He wasn't letting his wife bleed out in his arms like this.
"Then get her in the truck. Now!" Eddie ticked his head to the side in direction of the truck. They had to move, someone had to drive this thing and take them to the hospital. He wasn't waiting here like a sitting duck and letting his wife die in the street.
Trembling took over (Y/n)'s body and she could feel her head spinning around her. She could barely register Eddie's voice in her ear telling her to keep her eyes on him. She just wanted the pain to stop.
Eddie watched Buck keep his frame low, both hands cradling his niece as he climbed up into the back of the truck while someone else from the other team scrambled to get in the front.
He had to straighten up to keep proper hold of (Y/n), leaning over made him unbalanced and risked dropping (Y/n) before he'd got her in the truck. His teeth ground together and he turned to the side and managed to hobble up the steps into the truck while (Y/n) writhed and gasped in his arms.
"Sorry baby," He murmured as he hurried into the back and carefully lowered (Y/n) down across a row of seats. They had no ambulance nearby that they could confiscate, no proper medical equipment in here and no gurney but they would have to make do. They had to keep (Y/n) alive.
Her body writhed and jolted up when she was placed down but her nails scratched at Eddie's bicep until he grabbed her hand and held it to his chest.
Relief overtook Chimney after he climbed in with them and noticed the medic bag was still sat on the backseat where he had left it earlier, unused and ready for action.
"T-Tate," (Y/n) gasped, trying to circle her eyes back around to get her vision focused on her husband but her eyes wouldn't stay still. She couldn't do anything but let them roll and twist her head from left to right, writhing in absolute agony.
"She's here, s-she's okay amor, Buck's got her."
"I've got her." Buck repeated quietly, reaching out to press a trembling hand down on his sister's shoulder while he moved his other arm to indicate to the screaming newborn.
He had his niece in his arms and she was safe and so far unharmed. The only problem was how frightened she was and how distressed this was going to make her, but they could worry about that later. As long as she was unharmed and safe within their sights, it would be alright.
Eddie leaned forward on his heels with the soles of his boots pressed into the bottom of the opposite seats, his large frame didn't cramp well in the footwell of the truck like this. His fingers curled around (Y/n)'s hand and he held it against his chest like he wanted (Y/n) to feel his horrid heartbeat that was pounding through his body like it was about to explode.
They left the truck door swinging open as the driver took a sharp turn and jolted the truck to life, juttering down the street to get away from the scene.
Buck slumped down on the end seat stuck between the window and (Y/n) with her head nudging and pushing against his trembling thigh. Every part of him was shaking and he leaned forward, trying to keep out of range in case they were still being shot at. And he rearranged Tate in his arms so she was cuddled into his chest again.
His hand curled around the back of her head and he slowly started to rock back and forth, quietly humming against her head to keep himself calm and prevent a complete breakdown.
"I'm gonna take a look baby, okay?" Eddie couldn't stop his voice from rattling but no one seemed to care.
He held a trembling hand out towards Chimney who rummaged through the bag and handed him a pair of scissors. Eddie made quick work of cutting up the centre of (Y/n)'s shirt and dragging each torn piece across her shoulders so her chest was exposed to his eyes.
The white bra she was wearing was now blood red. Eddie would never be able to look at her in red lingerie the same way again. The gunshot wound was an inch above her bra on her left side and it was pouring blood like a tap. Blood coated all her chest, trickled down her abdomen and started to pool beneath her on the seats. It was lathered all over Eddie's hands, arms and chest and he didn't like it one bit.
A horrid grunt left (Y/n)'s lips when Eddie took a handful of gauze and forced it down against the wound so deeply it was like he was trying to give her CPR. Her chest shuddered and pushed up from the seats and her nails scratched into the back of Eddie's hand as she screamed. Spit bubbled past her lips and her blurring eyes finally managed to lock on her husband.
He leaned over her and pressed a shaking, bloodied hand against the side of (Y/n)'s face. His thumb smoothed over her cheek and his fingers fluttered against her jaw and lips. He tried to smile but he couldn't manage it.
"I'm here baby, just focus on breathing for me, okay?" He swiped his sleeve beneath his nose and rubbed at his reddened eyes before his free hand reached out to brace on the seat when they took a sharp swerve to the right.
"I l-love you," (Y/n) pushed her head back into the seat and nudged against Buck's thigh to get her brother's attention. "Love y…you all,"
Tears flushed down Buck's face as he sniffed and sucked his lower lip between his teeth to stop himself from bursting into sobs. She couldn't do that. She couldn't tell them that because that meant she wasn't expecting to live through this.
Buck couldn't be in a world without his sister. He couldn't survive without her. He couldn't live without any of his family. He went each day on shift wondering if something would happen to Bobby, Eddie, Chimney or Hen and how he would cope. He wondered if Maddie would be okay, if history would repeat itself and make him lose her like he almost did when Doug was around. He feared he might lose Chris like he did during the tsunami.
He feared something happening to (Y/n) like the night Eddie rang him in tears, saying (Y/n) was going for an emergency C-section because something was wrong with the baby. But Buck never feared his little sister would get shot, much less when she was with them while they were on shift.
"Don't do that." Eddie's voice snapped Buck out of his thoughts and had him shivering on the spot, but he wasn't talking to him. "You're not leaving me, so don't try and tell me goodbye. You're staying right here, do you hear me?"
The authoritive tone in Eddie's voice made (Y/n)'s head go dizzy and she choked on each breath she took.
He wasn't letting her die, and he wasn't going to crouch here and listen to her try to tell him goodbye. Eddie wasn't ready for that. He wanted decades with (Y/n). They had years and years and years left to be together and he wasn't having any of that time be cut short.
He'd already lost Shannon, and even though they hadn't been together at the time, she was still important to him. He couldn't lose (Y/n) as well.
He'd rather die.
"Go faster!" Pushing up on his knees, Eddie slammed his fist against the roof to urge whoever was driving to put their foot down.
He could feel the amount of blood (Y/n) was losing. He could feel her pulse throbbing against his hand as he tried to imbed the gauze into her skin to prevent the bleeding. If this continued she would have none left in her body and Eddie couldn't lose his wife.
His left hand pressed down harder causing (Y/n) to gurgle and writhe beneath him, but he had to. He had to keep the pressure.
He grazed his free hand across her jaw and his lips grimaced when he realised he'd just left a streak of blood tainting her skin. He lifted his head to look at Buck and his eyes trailed down to look at his daughter who was still screaming up a storm, despite how Buck was rocking her back and forth and trying to shush her the best he could.
But Eddie's attention went right back to (Y/n) when her hand feebly curled around his wrist and she started to pull, sinking her nails into his skin to claw for his attention.
"What, baby?"
"I c- ca…" Her nails scratched deep enough to draw blood around Eddie's wrist and she yanked his hand closer to her chest. Her head pushed back against her brother's leg and her chest lifted up from the seats.
Each breath turned into struggling gasps and her body began to convulse up and down, unable to take in a proper breath. She screwed her eyes shut and tried to still her shaking body when she felt Eddie's free hand hovering over her throat and then moving down to assess her chest.
"Shit, shit her lung's collapsing, she's breathing into her chest cavity."
Eddie turned towards Chimney who was already rattling through the bag to find a puncture needle which Eddie stole from him the moment his fingers curled around it. He had never done this in the ambulance, let alone in the back of a fire truck that was horribly swerving from side to side and shaking like they were driving through an Earthquake.
But he didn't have a choice. If he didn't do this, (Y/n) was going to keep breathing into her chest cavity and both lungs would end up collapsing. She would suffocate and combined with the blood loss, Eddie would surely lose her.
"Keep the pressure."
As soon as Eddie let go of the gauze, Chimney leaned between him and Buck, squashing his frame between them as he stood over Eddie's shoulder and held down on the gauze. He applied the needed pressure which made (Y/n) squirm and choke, but all of them froze when a struggling cough burst past her lips and a bout of blood spewed past her lips.
A quiet "Fuck," spat past Eddie's lips while he tried to steady himself on his knees and lean over (Y/n). He pressed down on two of her ribs and with a deep breath, he punctured the needle into the space between her ribs just a bit further down from her gunshot wound. He saw the moment he had pushed it deep enough because (Y/n)'s chest inflated up and her lung popped back up to maximum capacity again.
Eddie could feel tears spilling down his face when he looked back to his wife's face and saw her still struggling for breath. Blood coating her lips and dribbling down her chin while her hand flailed around to grip his arm.
"We're here!" Chimney jumped down from the truck and slammed his hands against the side of the truck before he pulled the door wider and waved them down.
Buck was next, cradling his niece into the crook of his neck as he clambered down, doing his best to stop from bursting into tears now that Tate had finally ceased crying. Reduced to whimpers and sniffles that choked Buck's heart.
"Okay amor, you're gonna be just fine and you're gonna stay with me, aren't you?"
(Y/n) did her best to nod and hum to let Eddie know she was listening and she understood. She felt him loop her good arm around his neck and once his arms slipped beneath her frame, she became weightless. Her head lolled against his shoulder and she scrunched her fingers tightly into his shirt as he hurried to clamber down from the truck and rush towards the doors to the hospital.
They didn't make it to the doors before a stretcher and a flurry of doctors were surrounding them. Eddie carefully eased his wife down onto the stretcher while a nurse immediately took place applying pressure to the wound and another clipped (Y/n)'s head into a neck brace.
"Keep breathing for me amor, y-you're doing so good." Eddie snatched the oxygen mask from the doctor and placed it over (Y/n)'s lips while his other hand gripped her wrist since she was still holding his shirt.
He could briefly see the boys running after them while he stayed doubled over the stretcher until his groin was pressed into the side and his legs burned from running at an odd angle to be alongside his wife. He didn't think about where they were going or what was happening until they reached the operation unit and a nurse suddenly grabbed him by the shoulders.
"No! No please- I can't leave her!"
He didn't have a choice. Chimney's hands clutched at his shoulders and pulled him backwards while a nurse disconnected (Y/n)'s hand from his shirt and wheeled her away from his sights.
As soon as she was out of his sight, tears overwhelmed his eyes, a sob ransacked his lips and his body started to shake like he was being electrocuted. He coiled his hands to his chest and let his nails scratch into his skin when it felt like his heart was going to give out and end his suffering.
His nails raked along his skin causing deep red indents to appear in their wake but when he twisted round on his heels, his eyes set on Buck. His hands left his skin and his arms stretched out as he gasped for air.
"G-give her to me."
Buck seemed at a loss for words and he seemed uneasy about handing over the little girl who had done wonders for keeping his concentration firm and preventing him from breaking down. But he knew if he didn't hand her over, Eddie was going to be the one suffering a breakdown.
He eased Tate into Eddie's arms, watching Eddie lean his cheek against the top of her head as he continued to silently sob like his heart was physically breaking in his chest.
What was he going to do now?
"Dad?" Confusion flooded Chris's voice and his head tilted to one side when he looked into the living room and realised his dad was home early. He had the sudden urge to rush over and bombard him with a hug but when he looked closer, he refrained.
His dad didn't look his usual self. He was slouched in the armchair like he was a wax work about to melt into a puddle. His head was propped up on his hand and Chris took note that his other hand was laid on the arm rest, shaking like a leaf.
His face was burnt red. His eyes were hollow and dark and had deep purple streaks beneath them like he had been shouting- or crying, for hours. And he could see Eddie's leg was stammering up and down, his heel clicking against the floor with every shake of his leg.
Chris felt Carla kiss the top of his head and whisper that she would see him in the morning but he could barely register her leaving and quietly closing the door behind her.
He didn't understand.
His mum was supposed to be picking him up from school today, but when he hurried out of the gates, he found Carla there instead. And all she told him was that there had been a change of plans and she was dropping him off home.
"Dad?" He asked again, his voice hollow and quiet this time as he kicked off his shoes and placed his bag near the door before he dared walk into the living room.
With a deep breath, Eddie pushed forward so he was no longer slouched in the armchair that had comforted him for the last hour. He tried to smile, he really did, but all he could manage was a small twitch of his lips.
He waved his hand out, beckoning Chris over as he got up and sluggishly moved to sit on the sofa instead. He watched Chris plop down next to him on the sofa, both hands gripping the seat as he started to rock back and forth but his eyes were intently focused on his dad.
"Is something wrong?" Chris could feel his heartbeat picking up but once he looked around, he felt a jolt surge through him. "Where's mum and Tate?"
Eddie sat forward on the edge of the seat and hunched over, clicking his spine into place as he did so. His elbows propped up on his thighs and both hands moved to cup his nose and mouth. He took a few calming breaths, willing himself not to have his third panic attack of the day, he couldn't be doing that again, not in front of Chris.
It took a moment for the adrenaline to wear off from his stomach and when it did, he turned to look at his son. He reached across and placed his hand on Chris's knee while his other hand started to rub up and down the back of his neck out of nervous habit.
"Your mum, she visited me at work this morning, and… there, there was an accident."
Eddie didn't want to be doing this.
He had done a speech similar to this when Shannon died. He had never had such a hard job as he did that day when he and (Y/n) sat Chris down and told him Shannon had passed away. He had only just got into a relationship with (Y/n) by that point, but she had been an anchor for both of them, keeping them safe and stopping them from drifting off into the unknown.
He had no idea how to have this conversation or how to speak without bursting into tears. Chimney had to be the one to call Bobby earlier and explain the situation. Buck could barely speak to Maddie on the phone. Maddie couldn't get through the phone call to her parents who actually said they were coming down. Which was a surprise, considering they hadn't come down when (Y/n) gave birth less than three weeks ago.
"An accident?" Hesitation flooded Chris's voice and he found himself leaning into Eddie's side with his cheek resting on his dad's arm.
Tears were already welling up in Eddie's eyes again despite him willing them away and telling himself to be strong, for his son.
"We don't know who, or why," He ran a hand over his face and squeezed Chris's knee. "But someone nearby started to shoot at us, and your mum got hurt."
"Mum got shot?" Chris's voice wavered and tears started to cascade down his face. Both his hands reached out to curl around Eddie's bicep and that was all it took for tears to trace down Eddie's cheeks. He reached his hand out and cupped the back of Chris's head, pulling him closer to he could kiss his curls.
"Yeah, but me and uncle Buck, we got her to hospital. I've been there all afternoon. They took her for an operation, and it went well. She's in the ICU and aunt Maddie's sitting with her now."
"W-will mum be okay?"
"It's gonna take some time, but the doctor thinks she'll be fine. But, but she's really bad at the moment, so uncle Buck and me are gonna take turns getting you from school and staying with you and Tate, okay? Just until mum can come home."
Eddie didn't want to jinx things and tell Chris (Y/n) was going to recover in case something happened. He couldn't take the risk of jumping to conclusions.
She had been in surgery for a good few hours. The bullet was taken out, her lung was patched up and the bleeding was stopped. They got her stable and into the ICU, but it was still early days. (Y/n) needed time to recover, they had to make sure her lung didn't collapse and she didn't get a blood clot in her lung since her lungs weren't working at full capacity yet. And they were getting her on antibiotics to prevent sepsis which was a big worry.
But she was still alive, she hadn't passed away during surgery, she had stayed strong and stayed with them and Eddie couldn't have been more thankful for that. His wife was still here and he was going to sit vigil by her side every day until he could bring her home.
That meant him and Buck taking it in turns to stay the night with Chris and take him to school. They would switch things around so they could both see (Y/n) every day but still look after Chris. He needed to keep routines and they had to keep him calm and look after him while also trying to take care of (Y/n) and Tate at the same time.
"Is Tate okay?"
A tender smile pulled at Eddie's lips and he nodded against the top of Chris's head.
"She's a bit unsettled, but she's completely fine. She's sleeping in my room at the minute."
Eddie carefully removed his arm from Chris's rather tight grip so he could loop his arm around the back of his shoulders instead. He tugged his boy under his arm and let him cuddle up into his chest.
It had felt awful to come home to a quiet home, especially when Eddie's heartstrings were yearning for him to stay at the hospital and be there when (Y/n) woke up, but he couldn't. He had to come home and be here for when Chris got back. He had to tell Chris what had happened and comfort him tonight and then he could go back and see (Y/n) tomorrow morning as soon as he'd taken Chris to school and found someone to watch Tate for a while.
He ran his hand up and down Chris's side while his other hand cupped his face so he could kiss his temple and keep his son as close to his chest as he could manage.
He was glad he'd come home when he did because ti gave him chance to get showered and scrub the blood from his skin. He may have scrubbed a little too hard and scraped off a few layers of his own skin, but he needed all of (Y/n)'s blood washed away. His clothes had gone in the bin, along with Tate's onesie that had been splattered with her mum's blood.
"I wanna see mum." Chris couldn't stop the tears from falling down his face, but he tried his best to hold back his sobs. He clutched at Eddie's chest and tilted his head back to look up at him.
"I-" Eddie didn't want to refuse. He didn't want to say no because he could see the agony swirling around in Chris's eyes. He knew it would do Chris some good to see (Y/n) and know she was alright. It would probably make (Y/n) feel better to see him too.
But he also didn't want to frighten Chris too much, and children weren't supposed to go into the ICU.
"Are you sure?"
"I want mum." His tone was defiant and firm and his chin jutted out as he looked up at Eddie with an expression that matched his dad look for look. And the underlying tone to his voice told Eddie he didn't want to wait until tomorrow. He wanted to go and see (Y/n), now.
"Let me call Buck, see if he can watch Tate, and I'll take you. But it won't be for long, kids aren't allowed in the ICU."
Removing one hand from around Chris, Eddie rummaged around in his pocket for his phone. He had no idea if Buck had actually gone home to change or if he stayed at the hospital. All Eddie knew was that Maddie was at the hospital with (Y/n) at the moment. But if Buck could look after Tate or at least sit in the waiting room with her, then it would give Eddie chance to smuggle his boy into the ICU so they could both see (Y/n).
He unlocked his phone, but his heart caught in his throat when he realised he'd gotten a few messages from Maddie. His phone was still on silent since this morning when he had been on shift.
*She's awake, everything looks good. XX
*Can you come back? She's getting distressed, doctor will sedate her if she won't calm down. Need your help. XX
That was what Eddie had been worried about when he left before (Y/n) woke up. She didn't like hospitals, she was going to be confused and wonder where Eddie and Buck were as they had been with her when she arrived and went for her operation.
The last thing they wanted to do was keep sedating (Y/n) if she got distressed or panicked, it wouldn't be fair to her. And they needed to try and keep her awake to make sure she was alright and she wasn't having any complications from surgery.
Eddie stuffed his phone back in his pocket, kissed the top of Chris's head and pushed up from the sofa.
"Let's get ready. Your mum's awake, and she needs our help."
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
god what a fantastic finale of mentopolis. phenomenal work from everyone.
a list of my favorite things about this episode:
concocting a plan to both get money from don avaricci while not killing conrad. the character arc that dan fucks went through in mentopolis was slow but my god was it funny
imelda flashing her boobs and getting four gangsters on her side
dan flashing his dick and getting it shot immediately. on sight.
the diamond hard balls coming back to deflect the bullets
the mechanical changes that came from the key-pressure combination
ivana rolling a 59. truly what the fuck. two nat 20s and a 19 in front of the board. they watched that happen in real time. and trapp rolling a one sturdy. getting punched a quarter mile out of the station.
dan's heroic sacrifice for conrad fully made me tear up. the fact that he was distracted by the glorious revolution of pleasure does not detract from this
the adrenaline injection moment and curios moxie intake
all of the effort that went into medical attention for dan. fucking wilton. the hand spit guy is dan fucks' dad?!?!?!
the fix taking that key from madam loathing! he did it! he put it in his craw!
conrad talking madam loathing down with a d100 spirit roll! sometimes the mechanics really do tell stories in a way you just can't get in standard media
the 11 sturdy. the 57 spirit. (alex's favorite number because it's the number of Heinz varieties)
elias taking the initiative and getting going
the fix menacing don avaricci with dinoflagellates and punching the shit out of him
the birthday cake!
elias getting an ice skating date with the coffee shop girl!!!!!!!!
i owe my sister a call!!!!!!!
the entire epilogue was great: elias becoming a whistleblower and getting the mind control shut down, anastasia & fawn's relationship, conrad & dan fucks' business partnership, curio finding foot stuff
the fix and pasha get their own bullet point. half of that was hank and brennan just fully flirting. going to madam loathing's to: find ichabod, who had been running nostalgia's, stuck in the past for so long, propose (after 20 years of marriage? Hank what is happening?), find out madam loathing, now guilta is going on a self-discovery trip, fully just get her house, and custody of all of elias' repressed childhood interests!
anastasia running for public office alongside frank freeze (pay attention!) after getting the DA arrested in court
and of course, imelda capping it off with chattanooga choo choo
truly what a fantastic season. while both of the kids on bikes/brooms seasons i.e. mismag and mentopolis were fantastic, i think mentopolis had just enough time to really get a little more crunchy mechanically, and that resulted in some great moments in this finale specifically. this is a sidequest i will be coming back to for rewatching. i loved it.
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
Question, let’s say reader is mid twenties around when the main cast (Eren, mikasa, jean, & everyone else) is around 18-19. Levi has a thing for reader & so does maybe like Connie or one of the other “main cast”, main cast is always egging on Connie (or someone else) to try their shot with reader, but Levi and reader are kinda lowkey becoming a thing / do you think Levi would like intervene or just stay quiet when someone from the main cast is openly flirting / pinning with / for reader? Like would he go into dad mode and be like “that ain’t smart” or just not do anything lol, your head canon of course.
Hi~~ How are you?
Oh, that’s such a great scenario. Especially at that age, you think you’re being subtle, but you’re actually grinning like a fool. I imagine if they’re crushing on her and Levi, she might be a new recruit in the Scouts. Many joined them after the uprising, or she could be working on the train stations they’re building or around the camps set up for foreigners.
She might try not to pay it much mind. If she’s dating Levi, who’s probably in his mid-thirties by now, and she’s in her mid-twenties, then Connie or Jean at 18-19 must look like kids to her. She might think they’re too young and remind herself that many of them have lost their mothers, so they could be seeking a bit of a motherly touch.
But Levi? Levi likely thinks, "I know exactly what was on my mind when I was 18-19, and it had nothing to do with my mother." He probably wouldn’t interfere directly or give them advice. The most he might do is throw out a sassy remark here and there, but nothing more.
I can picture him rolling his eyes at their attempts to flirt with her while she looks visibly uncomfortable. Levi wouldn’t see them as real competition—they’re like his kids, after all. If Jean and Armin are being overly suggestive about what she should do or gossiping about Connie’s practice sessions, Levi might say, "Jean, leave her alone. Unlike you, she has better things to do than bother someone else."
If Connie is being too persistent, Levi might respond with, "She’s trying to work."
And if they’re staring at her too much, he might smack the back of their heads and say, "Stop looking at her like she’s a piece of meat. Be respectful."
Levi’s reactions come mostly from a place of wanting them to have manners and not be creepy. He believes that’s not how you treat a woman. For me is definetly, more "dad mode!" than anything else!
In the end, it might be her who subtly lets them know she’s taken.
Thank you! I really enjoyed this ask—it was fun to think about!
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pandorxxx · 2 years
Sleeping beauty
Lo’ak (19) x Avatar fem reader (19)
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Warnings: somnophilla, intense orgasms, cursing, p in v, choking, creampie
🔞Minors, do not interact🔞
Lo’ak crept in like a thief in the night, walking towards your lifeless avatar body. He kneeled down beside your cot, caressing your arm.
“My sweet, y/n. You’re so beautiful when you sleep.” He whispered, tracing your body up and down. He looked around, ensuring that no one was watching. He pulled the sheet back, climbing on top of you. He bent down to your neck, kissing it softly as he fondled your breasts. He slid down your stomach, leaving a trail of kisses before reaching your loincloth. He gently pulled it down, unwrapping it from around your ankles.
He sat up, admiring your half naked body. He slowly pulled your legs back to reveal your glistening cunt. He licked his lips before bending down to French kiss it, sucking on your clit. He sat up, eyeing you lustfully as he untied his loincloth. He threw it to the side before lining himself up with your entrance, sliding into you slowly. He bit his lip, trying his best to suppress his moans, but he couldn’t help it.
“Mhmm shit!” He strained, pulling your leg onto his shoulder as he thrusted into you deeply. He kissed your ankle, looking down at your, still unconscious body…and nothing. He almost forgot that you were an avatar, lifeless without your consciousness.
Back at the lab
“I’ll take you tomorrow. You’ve got to get out of this lab.” Neteyam chuckled, watching you work on your computer. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
“Neteyam, I’m busy. Hallelujah mountains next week, I promise.” You spoke soullessly, razor focused on your computer. All of the sudden, your computer was slammed shut, and you were whipped around to face him.
“I said tomorrow.” Neteyam spoke, eyeing you up and down before meeting your eyes again. Now, all you could focus on was him. You traced his entire body before looking back into his eyes. You nodded wildly, chest rising and falling rapidly.
“Smart choice.” He smiled, kissing your lips before standing up straight. You blushed, turning your seat back around to your desk.
“Now if you would excuse me, I have to go sleep next to my lifeless girlfriends body tonight.” He smiled sarcastically, walking towards the door.
“I’ll be up when you get there, neteyam.” You chuckled, fanning him away as you leaned back in your chair.
“Ah Yes! that is what you always say. Then I find you sleep at your desk the next morning.” He replied, walking out of the door.
“ILL BE THERE! I PROMISE!” You shouted, watching him close the door behind him. You fell into deep thought for a moment:
Was I really neglecting Neteyam? That’s definitely not my intention. I’m just busy, he understands that right?
You sighed, rubbing your hands through your hair before standing. You walked over to the linking station, queuing up the transformation.
You opened the top, laying down before shutting it. You took a deep breath before closing your eyes, as you felt your mind travel to your avatar.
As your mind shifted to your avatar, you could feel your surroundings changing; the smells, the textures, the air. Your ears twitched when you heard faint moans, and grunts. You could feel a familiar sensation in your lower abdomen. Your eyes finally shot opened to an unbelievable scene.
“Hey, baby. You’re finally up!” Lo’ak muttered breathlessly as he rolled his hips into yours slowly, watching your consciousness pour into your body. You shot up, trying to push him off of you, but he pinned you back down by your neck.
“w-what the fuck are y-ughhh you doing?” You whined, unfortunately feeling your orgasm slowly approaching. He speed up the pace, hitting your sweetspot with each stroke.
“I’m fucking you, duh?!” He smiled sarcastically, licking his lips before kissing your leg again, maintaining eye contact. You threw your head back, involuntarily submitting to his touch. You tried to push him back with the little energy you had, but he was fucking you too good.
“Lo’ak! neteyam will be back any second.” You moaned, turning away from his gaze. He grabbed your neck tighter, turning you towards him.
“You don’t wanna look me in the eyes? Huh? Afraid you might fall in love?” He asked, tilting his head at you before reaching down to plant wet kisses on your neck.
“Fuck, lo’ak! Im serious! He’s on the way.” You whined, nudging his head to get him to sit up. He hissed loudly, sitting up to meet your nervous gaze.
“I’ll be quick, y/n! So you can go back to your perfect little boyfriend like you’re not seconds away from squirting off the strength of ME.” He growled, rolling his eyes as he rolled his hips into yours once more, making your legs twitch.
“yeah yeah, whatever! Just don’t stop!” You moaned, grabbing his broad arm. You bit your lip, swirling your hips into his, feeling your orgasm coming.
“Lo’ak, I-I’m almost there!” You shouted shamelessly, earning a shocked look from lo’ak. His eyes widened, covering your mouth quickly.
“Woah woahhh, what the fuck? Shut up! Are you stupid?” He joked, keeping his hand over your mouth to muffle your screams. He watched your eyes roll back as you started to spazz in his grasp. You whimpered in his hand, cumming all over his cock.
“Ahhh fuck, you keep clenching around me like that and I’m gonna fill you up.” He groaned, rutting into you as he chased his orgasm. You nodded frantically wrapping your tail around his thigh. He looked up at you through his eyebrows.
“Y/n, no! Are you fucking crazy?” He yelled quietly, throwing his head back as he felt his peek nearing. You yanked your leg off of his shoulder, wrapping both of your legs around his torso, pulling him closer to you. His eyes widened at the realization that he was stuck.
“Y/n, stop fucking around. I-I’m almost there, shitttt!” He laid his head on your chest as you wrapped your arms around him, scratching his back up as you chased your second orgasm.
“Lo’akkkk!” You whined loudly, eyes rolling back as your legs started shaking. He rolled his eyes, placing his hand on your mouth again.
“Bro, hush! I know it’s good and all, but-” He chuckled, but was quickly cut off by you spazzing harder than last time. He watched your spit slip through the cracks of his fingers as it dripped down your chin. You were going cross eyed as your whole body shook uncontrollably.
“Goddamn…” Lo’ak muttered, watching you seize under him. He was shocked that he had you feeling this way. He thrusted into you slowly, letting you ride out your high. You finally came to, eyes wide as you tried desperately to catch your breath.
“Was that your first time cumming like that? Neteyam could never make you feel this good.” Lo’ak grunted, thrusting into you relentlessly as he felt his orgasm approaching again.
“Shit, w-where do you want it?” He asked, contorting his face in pleasure. He looked into your desperate eyes, shaking his head all knowingly.
“Y/n…come on! Don’t make this hard for me.” He pouted jokingly, pushing your damp hair out of your face. You gripped his arm tightly, rolling your hips into his again.
“Shittt, stop that!” He strained, smacking your hand away. You clenched around him repeatedly, smiling into his hand.
“Y/N!” was all he could say before painting your walls with his seed. He convulsed, falling into your arms as you both tried catching your breath.
“And I thought I was crazy…” lo’ak panted, pulling out of you slowly, taking his hand from across your mouth. You gasped loudly, licking the spit from around your lips. He watched you in awe, slapping his tip on your sticky cunt.
“We gotta do this more often. How do you feel about that, mama?” He glared at you, rubbing his cock in between your sensitive folds. You sat up on your elbows, solely focusing on his cock.
“Mhmm!” you bit your lip, nodding your head frantically. He shot you a sadistic grin, getting off the cot to put his loincloth back on. You quickly found your loincloth, tying it around your hips as well. He looked back to see you wrapping yourself in the sheet, watching his every move. He bit his lip, winking at you before walking towards the door.
He stopped in his tracks, seeing Neteyam sprint around the corner. Neteyam stopped, shooting lo’ak a confused look. You shut your eyes instantly, pretending to be sound asleep.
“h-hey lo’ak. Is something wrong?” He asked confused, looking at him and then back at your sleeping body under the sheets. Lo’ak looked back at you, almost bursting out in laughter as he watched you fake sleep to save your own ass.
“Uhh no, I was just looking for my dagger. Mom said that it might be in here, but I’m not seeing it. I was sure to be quiet, so I wouldn’t wake her.” Lo’ak explained, gesturing softly. Neteyam shook his head, smiling at his younger brother.
“Baby bro, you have GOT to stop losing your weapons!” Neteyam chuckled, slapping his hand on lo’aks shoulder. Lo’ak sighed in relief, laughing along with his brother. Neteyam shot his head back at you, watching you sleep soundly.
“Did she move at all?” Neteyam asked, walking over to you. Lo’ak thought back to about 5 minutes ago; how he gave you 2 body shaking orgasms. He smiled to himself before speaking.
“Not an inch, bro.”
Last story of the week, and this might be my favorite one. Had to make it funny😂. As always, I love y’all to death, and I’ll see y’all soon!!❤️🫶🏽🫶🏽
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