#station19 imagine
oneshotnewbie · 8 months
Would you be okay with writing a Maya x Carina x daughter!reader?
Maybe a sick fic or some comfort
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The first thing you felt was pain as unbearable as a thousand jackhammers smashing in your skull from the inside and pinning you to the ground. You could not even open your eyes, your lids heavy. Your mouth was dry, even after several liters of tea you had already consumed for your sore throat that felt like the desert and its sharply cutting sand. Your limbs completely cramped and heavy.
A cold breeze blew around your stomach, only a light wool blanket draped over your body to keep you warm and protected. But with every movement you tried to take, the coldness inside increased and made you shiver violently. You felt weak and feverish. "Honey, you gotta take this" a soft voice whispered and you slowly opened your eyes and blinked in confusion to adjust to the unusually bright and diffused light.
Your mother, Maya, was kneeling on a piece of crumpled bedspread on the floor, looking worriedly at your pale face before placing her hand on your forehead to feel the temperature while smiling sympathetically. Slowly and carefully not to inflict yourself even more pain, you peeked at her hand. In it, she held a small bottle that should bring you relief, the label with various herbs telling you that it had to be medication. "This will help bring down your fever."
You rolled your eyes suspiciously, not caring about the accompanying pain for a brief second. It was the most disgusting drug you have ever had to take in your life and your mothers knew full well that you hated it. However, it was the only thing that always helped you get back on your feet and get fit. "Ew, I do not want that."
"Eppure lo prenderai, bella." (And yet you have to take it) said the gynecologist who had appeared behind you and strolled across the entire living room to open the window and ventilate the room. She returned with a tray containing a freshly set teapot, a new cup and a plate of rusks. Carina carefully poured a cup of steaming chamomile tea and placed it on the table next to the couch before taking a rusk in her hands and breaking it into small pieces so that you could eat it more easily.
You pushed your head softly back into the pillow and pressed your back against the edge of the couch. Quickly, you grabbed the blanket and pulled it over your head. You heard a giggling from your side and within a few seconds, it was gently pulled back down. Two loving pairs of eyes met your flushed face. "I do not want to take this, it tastes disgusting."
Maya and Carina looked at you intently. The brunette gently strokes your tousled hair and whispers soothing words while the blonde already dripped the brown liquid onto a tablespoon. Frowning, you looked between both of them with puppy eyes, but even they no longer attracted them. The firefighter extended her arm and placed the edge of the spoon against your lip, waiting for you to accept it.
You knew it was high time to take the medication before they would take you to the hospital. Besides, you were lucky that your throat was so sore you could barely taste the bitterness. Still, you struggled with the slimy texture and wrinkled your nose as a defensive stance. Panting, you flop back onto the sofa. "Throat lozenges would have worked too,"
"No they would not," both chuckled. Maya rose from her position and bent down to kiss you gently on the forehead. With quick steps she hurried away to let the used cutlery disappear into the sink while Carina helped you eat the rusks while smiling lovingly at you. She quietly told you a story about her childhood in Italy with her little brother to make you forget the fever and the pain.
Without further ado, she carefully picked up your legs and dropped down next to you, your legs now resting on her lap. "Would you like me to warm you some soup?" the blonde called questioningly from the open kitchen, waiting for your answer. But the answer did not come, instead you grimaced sharply and hastily shook your head."I think your daughter is saying no,"
"It is your daughter too, Carina."
"Yes, but she definitely inherited the stubbornness from you," exhausted, you snuggled deeper into the blanket and tried to make the slightly bizarre taste in your mouth disappear. Tiredness, which you had so wonderfully repressed until now, slowly returned to your body. You tried desperately to shake it off but not a shred was averted. "Are you cold, mi amore?"
You nodded and the brunette felt you tremble under her touch. "I am freezing." She was worried, you had already been couch-locked for two days, the flu ravaging you and sapping your energy without any progress towards improvement. "Maya, can you bring another blanket. Please?"
"It is already on the way," the woman addressed made her way straight to the bedroom, occasionally taking a look into the living room. Your eyes fluctuated between half open and closed and if she was lucky, she would be able to spend a short time with you before you would fall into a deep, sound sleep once again. "And a hot water bottle?"
You had been in and out of sleep for days, barely awake for a few hours before your body shut down completely once again. On the one hand this was good, your body trying to beat this miserable disease. On the other hand, you had hardly eaten anything or moved from your place for days.
The headache slowly subsided, just as your cramped limbs became looser. For a few minutes you listened to the streams of sounds spreading through the apartment as you lost your thoughts. You kept feeling like you were on the verge of falling asleep until you opened your eyes again.
Eventually you gave up and totally surrendered to the feeling.
Just then, the firefighter came back into the center of the apartment and looked at her sleeping daughter. "Oh, she fell asleep?" she murmured and carefully draped the second blanket over you. She carefully placed the hot water bottle under the blanket and found its place on your stomach. The brunette raised an eyebrow and hesitated with her answer before she leaned forward and looked into your sleeping face. "Yes, the medication always makes her quite sleepy."
Smiling and silent, she sat down on the other sofa element and gently placed a hand on your head. She carefully stroked your hair and looked at the screen of the television, on which she concentrated on until you woke up once more. Maya had no intention of leaving your side.
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toogay2besaved · 8 months
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I am in desperate need of some good friends who love to geek out!! Not only to station-19 but anything!
A little about myself!
I’m 21 (22 in a few weeks),
My inbox is always open no matter what!
female she/her,
I’m new to tumblr, I love reading and writing little fanfics,
my favourite shows right now are Station-19, Criminal Minds (100 more to list),
my favourite colour is lavender and burnt orange
Canadian 🇨🇦
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tisinez · 8 months
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mayasdeluca · 1 month
Wait, wait wait. Station19 Source posts everything about the show and BTS and they don't even watch anymore. Imagine having that much time on your hands for something you don't even care about. It's like this a story from media class of someone who listened to Howard Stern every day (4+ hours), recorded it to listen again (another 4+ hours) to detail every offensive thing he said to send it to the radio station to get him fired. EVERY DAY! I don't even put that mich effort into my regular job.
It's pretty insane. The fact that they still update the S19 source account regularly while not watching the show is...something. Like what is the point? Clearly she's still keeping tabs despite being bitter with the direction it's going. I just don't understand any of it.
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ticklishgirlsworld · 9 months
No but the way I’m sooooo excited to know if that convention is going to happen in Paris or not. Like??? Just imagine if i can meet the cast of grey’s anatomy and Station19 for the second time?? In like 4 months apart 🙊🙊🙊
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iamalasagnagirl · 3 years
WLW show recommendations please:) Ive been looking for good quality wlw shows to watch, all suggestions are welcome. Thank you
Ok so, let’s start with movies:
Saving Face
Tipping the velvet
Seasons of love
Kiss Mig
The Miseducation of Cameron Post
The World Unseen
Tell It To The Bees
Imagine Me and You
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
The Half Of It
The Handmaiden
More Beautiful For Having Been Broken
Lez Bomb
The Feels
Below Her Mouth
Blue is the Warmest Color
Elena Undone
GirlTrash: All Night Long
I Can’t Think Straight
Lost and Delirious
Vita and Virginia
Four Faced Liar
Happiest Season
Carmilla The Movie
The Prom
Shiva Baby
My Summer Of Love
Anatomy of a Love Seen
tv shows:
Luisita and Amelia (Amar En Tiempos Revueltos) plus thei spin-off which is sooooo cute (#Luimelia)
Mariah and Tessa (Young and the Restless)
Lorena and Flor (Hockey Girls)
Flor and Jazmin (Las Estrellas)
Juliana and Valentina (Amar A Muerte)
Lola and Maya (SKAM France)
Cris and Joana (SKAM Spain)
Umang and Samara (Four More Shots Please!)
Frankie and Cat (Lip Service)
Diane and Sydney (Gypsy)
Spencer and Ashley (South of Nowhere)
Sydney and Maggie (Saving Hope)
Brooklyn and Sage (Utopia Falls)
Sameen and Root (Person of Interest)
April and Sterling (Teenage Bounty Hunters)
Rue and Jules (Euphoria)
Ana and Mariana (Madre  Solo Hay Dos)
Carlota and Sara (Cable Girls)
Shelby and Toni (The Wilds)
Emaline and Kate (Everything Sucks)
Pepa and Silva (Los Hombres de Paco)
Max and Sophie (Ginny and Georgia)
Mae and George (Feel Good)
Fabiola and Eve (Never Have I Ever)
Dani and Jamie (Haunting of Bly Manor)
And you can also chose from the most popular ones: he L Word and The L Word: Generation Q, Atypical, Orphan Black, Gentleman Jack, Vis a Vis, Dickinson, One Day At A Time, The Bold Type, Orange is the New Black, Runaways, Sense8, Legends of Tomorrow, San Junipero (Black Mirror), Riverdale, Skins, Glee, The 100, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Supergirl, Grey’s Anatomy, Station19, Wyonna Earp
Ok so i really hope this can help you find something to watch.
I surely forgot to mention some good movie or show but those are the ones that came into my mind right now :)
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mrandmrskarev · 4 years
I’m really curious about what your theory is to what happened/what will happen to them in the future. Do you think you’ll ever share it? Hahahahah
Okay, I didn't want to share these but I am now, so sit down and relax because this is going to be a looong answer. Before starting I want to say that I will write two theories, they're basically the same but with little different things, in my head everyday I have new scenarios so if you ask me this tomorrow, I could write a total different thing. Also, sorry for my english and my grammar mistakes, english isn't my native languge. *and sorry for the late reply.
1) It’s 6 months since Alex left Jo, Meredith, Bailey, Richard and his whole life. No one's heard from him since those letter he sent to them, including Meredith who is his best friend. She never called him or texted him to know how was his new life in Kansas. Life is pretty normal at Grey Sloan, everyone is busy with their schedules and surgeries. Jo still shares her loft with Levi and they are good roomates. She is still single and she is focusing on her carreer, sometimes she likes to have fun nights. It's a sunny morning in Seattle, Meredith is ready to start her day, she is with her interns when she sees Alex Karev getting closer to her. She is like petrified and surprised to see him there. She gives him a big hug and she asks him what he is doing there, where are Izzie and the kids. Alex says things didn't work between him and Izzie. He says that at the beginning, for a few weeks,they were happy and the kids were happy, but at one point everything changed again. He says he tried to make things work but he failed. He failed not only because he and Izzie weren't the same of years ago but also because his mind was somewhere else and that he realized he isn't in love with Izzie but he was terribly in love with the idea of having a family. He says that he wanted things to work because he wanted to give those kids the happy family he never had, he wanted to fill those kids' memories with laughter, happiness and lots of love and he thought that the best way to give all of that to those kids was being the perfect family. But he failed because things weren't as he imagined. Alex confesses to Mer he kept thinking of Jo even if he was happy to spend time with his kids, that even if he had Izzie there, Izzie wasn't Jo. Izzie has been a big part of his life but she belongs to the past just like his love for her. And he tells Mer she was right when years ago she told him Izzie wasn't the love of his life. In that farm, nothing had sense, only the kids which he loves. He says to Mer he loves being a dad and that the happiness of his children come first but day after day, he realized that his kids can be happy even if parents aren't together. He imagined a whole different life for his children but as much as he loves them, his life wasn't there with Izzie. He belongs to Seattle, his life is there with Mer and Jo which he misses more than anyone else. He knows what he did is terrible and he knows he's a jerk and he doesn't claim to have his life back because he knows things changed since he left, especially he knows with Jo something broke, and that everything changed and nothing is like before. He also asks Mer if Jo met someone else and Mer tells him she is still single and she shares the loft with Glasses. Everything Alex wants is to apologize to Jo, tell her in person this time, that she deserved better than a letter, that she deserves better than him but he also wants to get Jo back even if he knows it's not easy and probably it's impossible but he will try, no matter what. Jo hears from Levi Alex is back in Seattle, because Levi is one of the interns who were with Mer. She is shocked and mad and she doesn't want to see him but .... (now you can keep imagine what you want, you can finish this like you wish, all the scenes are already in my head by the way 🥰)
2) It's basically the same of the first one. But in this one Jo started dating Jack Gibson, yes the guy from Station19. The first one who see Alex as he arrives at Grey Sloan is always Mer and he says to her the same things I wrote before BUT he adds something else. He says that one day, after the 50490344th fight with Izzie, she got a call from the hospital for an emergency and she asks Alex to take the kids to their dentist for their monthly check up. The dentist is a great friend of Izzie and he supported her during her whole pregnancy five years and half ago. Alex doesn't know him yet so he's curious to see who he is and to meet him. When they arrive there, the dentist greets the kids and shakes Alex's hands. He says he's happy Izzie finally found someone who loves her and her kids after all these years and that he's happy those kids can finally have a dad. Alex realizes that the dentist doesn't know Alex is the biological dad of the twins so when he was about to tell him that, the dentist says Izzie's journey with pregnancy wasn't easy. That she tried more than once to get pregnant. So Alex asks him  why, adding that he can imagine how difficult it was... and the dentist tells him that she used the sperm of her ex husband at first and that she got pregnant but she had a miscarriage around the 8th weeks and after a few months, she tried to get pregnant again using another donor's sperm. The dentist also says that after she had the miscarriage, she didn't want to try to get pregnant again but he helped her and convinced her to try again. In that moment, the world Alex had built all those months he spent there, collapsed. He couldn't believe what that man said to him. So after brining back the kids home and having a long fight with Izzie, he decided to leave that place because Izzie lied to him and that wasn't his life and those kids weren't his kids. He said one thing to the kids before to go, he said to them that he enjoyed the time he spent with them but he isn't their dad, he said to them they are smart and amazing and hope one day they will meet their biological father. After hearing the whole story Meredith is like paralyzed, even if she is not surprised at all. She's happy to have him back there but as she understands that he's back for Jo too, she tells him Jo started dating the firefitghter Jack from station19 and that after a long time, she seems finally happy (...) When Jo sees that Alex is back, she is shocked and ..... (you can continue as you want, and yes I have the whole story in my head)
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oneshotnewbie · 9 months
Marina x daughter!reader gets hurt during a soccer game. She’s obsessed with the sport lives and breathes it. So when she gets injured it’s her ACL( care ending injury)
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A painful outcry, which went through the marrow and bones of Carina and Maya´s body and drove a shiver down their backs, caused the doctor and the firefighter to run onto the field after a brief shock. Their daughter had clashed with her opponent, been knocked off her feet and thrown a few centimeters through the air.
After that, you hit the ground and your loud scream echoed across the soccer field. It was completely silent, the whistle sounding a break while not a sound could be heard from the fans. All eyes were on you on the floor, a small team of doctors already squatting with you, while you were writhing on the floor, your face contorted in pain.
All your fellow players, even the opponents, had gathered in a small circle around you and the doctors while Carina and Maya had pushed themselves through the crowd and got on their knees next to you. They talked to you softly and watched in shock as you held your knee frantically and it was already beginning to swell under your fingers.
"Hey baby. Stop moving, it is alright. We are here," the blonde said softly, staring down at you in shock. You seemed to despair of the pain, slightly opening your shiny, tearful eyes while you mumbled incoherent whines. You looked between your mothers before the brunette found her words. "What hurts? Can you tell me that?"
Without words and with a face turning red from pain, you pointed to your knee joint, which took on a bluish discoloration and on which the doctors were already touching around. Maya gently stroked your hair and rested her hand on your shoulder while trying to calm you down with soothing words. "The doctors are doing what they can, but you can expect that you will not be able to play today and we are going to the hospital instead."
"No! No. We have to win the game! I have to play,"
Your mothers gave you a slightly annoyed look and shook their head hastily. How could you think of winning a stupid game while lying on the floor in unnatural pain? "Bella, non c'è modo. You are injured and we will not allow your addiction to the game to cause further injury." it burst out on the Italian and you stared at her defeated.
Your mother was right and you could not persuade the two rock-hard women anyway - you could not play like that.
With a firm grip under your armpits, Maya had clawed you and pulled you up, Carina carefully supported your balance with two hands on your shoulder blades. "Can you put your foot down?" a small but nice question that made you say no when you tried to do so. "No, it hurts so terribly!" you replied whimpering and leaned on the blonde's shoulder.
"Ti portiamo in ospedale. Maya? Hospital. It is probably the anterior cruciate ligament, it needs treatment." nodding, she pulled you closer to her. With quick steps, you both walked and hobbled down the muddy path from the soccer field until you reached the Italian's parked Porsche.
It had been two days since you were discharged from the hospital. As revealed by an X-ray, this was not just a simple injury, but a serious one that caused problems. Your mother was right and you really did destroy your anterior curciate ligament as a result of your accident and had to have surgery.
Now you were lying on the couch at home, your leg propped up on three pillows, while your favorite show was playing that you were not even paying attention to. Instead, you dwell on your thoughts.
Anything could have happened. Everything, but not that. It was the penultimate game of the season and now you had destroyed your knee in the decisive game for the final, which meant a four-month break for you. Now you could not attend such a big event and play for the cup.
"That is bewitched!" you shouted and slammed your fist angrily on the pillow that lay on your lower stomach. The blonde and brunette who had taken time off work to take care of you, quickly moving over to you and ignored the washing machine calling for them.
"Honey, what do you mean?" Carina whispered softly to you and gently ran her fingers through your hair. Tears wet your cheeks and you let out a soft sob, the pain brewing with the feeling of failure inside you. "I have failed."
"Hey, you did not fail. You are injured and that has nothing to do with failure. You will still get the trophy, I promise you that," the blonde continued the conversation and pressed a big kiss on your head, her hand softly touching your thigh and caressing it. Her voice was still a whisper.
A simple whisper that meant so much to you.
"But I let you down. You ran a 10,000 meter sprint with a sprained ankle and won the gold medal. And me? I just fell on the floor and now I have…this" you admitted, pointing to your braced knee. The last few weeks, the last few months have been so beautiful. Maya, Carina and you, were looking forward to your soccer game and had imagined what it would be like to celebrate your beaming face with the trophy in your hand.
But now everything had gone differently and you were lying here on the dreary couch and all hopes were destroyed.
Two horrified and deeply saddened faces exhaled loudly and were silent for a brief moment while they looked down dejectedly. You had no reason to compare yourself to Maya, you were unique in your own way and they hated that they could not take your worries away. "I beg you, Y/n.. you are not a failure." the Italian broke the silence and looked at you invitingly.
"Look at me little one," the blonde said cautiously, bending slightly over you and always looking into your eyes. You looked up at her questioningly, blue eyes boring into yours. "Neither Carina nor I are disappointed in you. Rather, we are happy that you did not injure yourself worse."
You nodded cautiously, holding back your words. The blonde smiled and got up from her seat before disappearing again. "Mom?" you called after her as she was about to disappear into the bathroom and she turned around questioningly. You held up the already heated ice pack. "Can you get me some new ice? It's starting to hurt again."
"An ice pack for the princess with extra painkillers and vanilla ice cream is coming right away!" she said curtly and hurriedly walked towards the kitchen. A few minutes later she came back two her wive and you with all the things and sat down next to you again. "Now back off. We are going to watch a horror movie to distract you a little," she giggled, grabbing the remote control. With a little nudge on your nose, you pressed yourself to the blondes side and rested your head on her chest.
"Se metti un film horror e lo guardi con lei, sei una donna divorziata."
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oneshotnewbie · 8 months
Marina x daughter!reader?
Daughter works at GSMH as a trauma specialist but she takes Owens advice about possibly joining the army. Carina finds out and goes mama bear on him.
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You, a trauma specialist at Grey Sloan Hospital Memorial, have tried everything to reshape your life over the past few months. Although you were satisfied with the current version of it and grew up in a stable environment in which your mothers had a harmonious marriage and were always there for you when you needed them, there was a huge lack of variety.
Already a few months ago you noticed that you felt more uncomfortable in your work and since then you have had the desire to do more with it in order to remain happy. But it was still totally unclear in your eyes how to change it. After a while, your colleague Owen Hunt noticed it too and decided to talk to you while you were restocking and reorganizing the emergency room inventory.
You listened carefully with a searching look as your experienced colleague began to talk seriously about his own experiences in the army, about the discipline, the varying challenges and the opportunities that presented themselves. He emphasizes his words with deep and clear gestures while you nodded every now and then, showing signs of uncertainty but also more obvious interest. Your work became more and more forgotten the more you listened to him and the further the conversation went, the more your interest increased and the happier you seemed to be about the new opportunity in your life.
After a few minutes of deep conversation and the army memories shared by the emergency surgeon from his time, you looked at him seriously but still with a soft smile, looking for an answer. Owen placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder and nodded encouragingly. You seemed to have already made a mental decision. Now you just had to get through the hard part of this plan- you had to tell your parents.
Days had passed when you had the conversation with Owen Hunt, and since then you could not live a minute without the thought that your life could change drastically. However, you still could not bring yourself to even begin to tell your mothers what you had planned for your future and what idea had implanted in your head. And so you hid every piece of information you had requested in your room, hoping neither Maya nor Carina saw it until you were ready to confess it to them.
But during your shift at Grey Sloan Hospital, Maya walked through your room with a vacuum cleaner and, unbeknownst to you, began cleaning it. While she was vacuuming under your bed, she came across a hidden package from Owen to you. Curious, she pulls it out and opens the already opened package. In it she found an information sheet for the army with your name on it. She stares at the paper in disbelief, her expression alternating between confusion, concern and surprise.
Maya could not believed what she was holding in her hands and her eyes filled with tears as she tried to understand why you had not told Carina or her about your decision while she pulled out her cell phone to call her wife. The blonde sat down on your bed while the phone rang, the vacuum cleaner already turned off and lying on the floor, still holding the information sheet in her hand. Her eyes were blank as she tried to get her wife on the phone. "Maya, I have two women in labor-"
“Our y/n wants to join the army,” between quiet tears and the crackling on the line, she thinks about the possible reasons that could have motivated you to take this step, and another wave of concern and anger overcomes her as she stroked the trauma surgeon's name written with a thick sharpie. "What are you talking about, bambina?" the brunette spoke up, trying to process the sudden news.
The world seemed to stand still for a moment around the two women as they struggled with the thoughts that perhaps you were about to make a big change in your life that they did not know about. "I was going to vacuum her room and then I stumbled upon a package from Owen. There are information sheets and even a registration form," Maya heard the Italian woman's deep sigh and growing annoyance, so she kept her mouth shut and listened to the noise in the background, waiting for an answer. "I will call you back Maya, I need to have a word with someone."
With these words, Carina ended the conversation with her wife and quickly ran to the emergency room. The atmosphere is tense as the brunette, with an angry expression on her face, charges at the man she had already had her sights on when the elevator doors opened. Her eyes spark with anger, Owen immediately turning around as she screamed his name, immediately recognizing the tension on her face. "Carina, what-"
"How dare you put such nonsense into my daughter's head?" the Italian woman lets out her anger with a loud outburst, stabbing her finger several times with full force into his chest. She waves her hands wildly and her voice is sharp and angry. Owen tried to answer, but she cut him off with another angry torrent of words. Her gestures become more energetic, her voice louder. "You have to know better! She does not belong in the war!"
"She wants more discipline and more variety. New opportunities. So I told her about the army, nothing more, calm down." words fly back and forth between the two as Carina screams out her frustration, disappointment and anger at Owen's actions. Her anger seems to know no bounds and she lets out all of her emotions without regard for loss. "Idiota! Come puoi essere così idiota!" (Idiot! How can you be such an idiot!)
The trauma surgeon tried to defend himself, but Carina didn't let up. She looked at him hatefully and crossed both arms over her chest. "You know what the army does to you, you yourself were plagued with PTSD, you even wanted to strangle your wife in her sleep!" the angry words hit him like lashes, and he seemed to be overwhelmed by her emotions. He tried to get her attention, but Carina was too caught up in her anger to listen.
The tension in the room reaches its peak and Owen finally becomes silent and resigned. The words dry up, but the anger is still in the air, heavy and burdensome. Carina disappears in total frustration and leaves the former soldier standing in the emergency room, all eyes on him.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Carina drags Reader to go hiking on a free day and Reader is excited to be in the nature with her girlfriend but then up in the hills, there is a big bridge that crosses the way where there is nothing under the bdige and if you fall, youre free falling. Reader is scared of heights. Fluffy and cute Carina pls
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Summary: Maybe, you were afraid of heights and none of your friends knew. Especially not your girlfriend. And maybe, this turns out to be a problem when she wants to go hiking with you and you have to cross a bridge, 150 meters above the abyss, to get further on your adventure.
-Breathe- you adonished yourself as you gazed at the great wooden, rickety bridge that connected two mountains and tried to fight down the panic rising in you.
From the bridge, you had a fantastic but also scary and frightening view. Hidden in the forest, not far away was a small vantage point from which you had a wonderful view- the contrast between the green valleys and gray peaks of the surrounding mountains. The grass seemed glaring and was moving further away from you with every step you took, the sky more than usual to see.
Your gaze drifted into the far distance, the forest blurring before your eyes. You felt the sun shining on your face and tickling your nose while you enjoyed the warmth and the blissful peace of your otherwise hectic life on this beautiful summer day.
You tried to calm your racing heart down and to realize, that with your girlfriend by your side, nothing would happen to you. You just had to keep breathing very calmly. You tore your eyes away from the rapidly receding ground and looked at the people moving comfortably and carefree onto the bridge with a smile and happy.
How could people stay calm, did not they realized that this bridge was so unstable that it could tear at any second?
"Are you okay, bambina?" Carina´s velvety soft voice tore you out of your thoughts when she realized that you had become suspiciously quiet and that there as not much left of your talkative mood during the trip.
You just nodded and tried to smile genuinely, even tho your jaw was enormously tense. You feared not getting a single clear word out if you tried to speak but you tried, only getting out your girlfriends name. "Carina," your voice was low and shaky so that only she, standing a few feet away, could hear you. The addressed turned her head slightly from the abyss to you and looked deep into your eyes. "I am scared of heights"
"Why did you not tell me that?" she whispered, her voice was calm as she turned completely to you. She ran her fingers through her soft curls and a small sad smile crossed her lips. "Do you want to go back? We do not have to go further"
"No, I want to try" yet you did not feel comfortable in your own skin. Your legs carried you step by step, up the rise of the bridge. Uneasiness overcame you instantly and you took another deep breath and straightened your shoulders.
"Bella.." she lumbered to you and immediately pulled you into a side hug. As always, your heart began to race when she touched you. You broke away from your girlfriend and looked embarrassed on the ground.
You heard Carina grin softly, which is the situation for you made it even more uncomfortable. The footsteps you had taken previously had disappeared and you looked into the distance again, at the facade of the stony wall.
After a moment of silence, you heard a nervous inhalation and exhalation. "I know you hate giving up control of yourself. But sometimes it is nice to give control to someone else." She tilted her head slightly towards you and smiled a little. Her gaze met yours and you were immediately captivated by her bright eyes, her smile and the sun that accentuated her cheeks so timidly. "Do you trust me?"
Her honesty and warmth impressed you from the first meeting. Goosebumps covered your entire body and your suspicions about the situations were gone. Her soft hand entwined with yours and with a satisfied smile on her lips, she slowly started walking with you.
You frowned when your foot touched the first wobbly wooden floorboard and you disappeared into another world. Carina noticed this and stopped at the bridge sections when she noticed that your breathing was getting faster and held you back by your arm.
You flinched slightly and she pulled her hand from yours to let you decide to walk further or to stand still.
"I am fine, don´t worry," with that, you turned to walk further, clutching the railing with both hands as you took another step. This path was obviously more difficult for you, but you kept fighting your way. "I can do this. But I need your help"
The brunette answered frantically and asked suspiciously. "What should I do?"
Your fearful gaze pierced her eyes. "Hold me," you said simply, and a chill ran down your spine. As if in trance, she nodded and you felt her strong arms wrap around your upper body. You closed your eyes briefly and leaned against your girlfriend with all your weight.
Stumbling, you walked inch by inch and you clenched your eyes even more while your sweaty hands pressed back to the terrain. "Bella, we should go back. You are getting paler with every step"
"I am alright, ´ina." you said softly, trying to push her a little in front of you. You could feel the pressure on your body easing a little and you cautiously took half a step forwards. "Fuck, that is high. That is high. That is high" you gasped as you opened your eyes and she complied with your silent request to pull you away from the bridge and keep you on solid ground.
"We are not gonna do that.." she began to whisper cautiously and did not take her eyes off of you for a second. Carina raised her eyebrows sharply and studied every feature of your face. The brunette pushed an unruly strand of hair behind your ear with a quick movement and her compulsive smile let your embarrassment dodge at once. "We should take it slow and small and not start with something big like that"
With a sad and pouting smile, you looked into her brown eyes, which fixed yours relentlessly. With a nod and an incredibly loud breath that was the first of it´s kind in a long time, you rested your head on her chest and let her pull you into a deep hug. "Let´s make that our new goal. We will make it across this bridge together. One day"
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Can you do a oneshot where Maya Bishop and Reader have a big fight and Carina walks in on them having the fight and she just listens to the last few sentences before you storm off and she is pissed at Maya for bringing up your past?
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Warning: Slight mention of past eating disorder & some swearing
"Damn it, Y/n. Just eat it already!" shouted the blonde and you flinched at her loud voice for a brief moment. Eyes opening again, the tears had immediately welled up and threatened to tumble down the waterline of your eye.
You didn´t know exactly how this argument, which was slowly escalating, came about. You just wanted to take a quick shower and wash the day off before eating, but apparently Maya was having a much worse day than yours and was taking it all out on you.
"Maya I-" she didn´t even let you finish your sentence, interrupting you while her jaw started to clench in pure frustration. Her steel blue eyes turned up from the floor to you and you could feel how much coldness the look carried in itself when a shiver run down your spine and goosebumps started to form on your delicate skin. "That shit you did in your past is over, grow the fuck up and finally eat like a normal human. What´s so hard about that?"
Frustration was eaten up by an irrepressible kind of anger and left you digging your fingernails into your palms while biting down onto your lip - tasting the bitterness of iron distinctly as the thin skin of your lip was torn.
She was your wife and she was allowed to air her annoyances, but she had no right to unpack your past, with which you made peace with and threw it in the back drawer of your memory.
"You know what?" wrapped up in your emotions, you didn´t notice how the heavy wooden door of the shared apartment opened and the Italian woman stood behind you with her feet firmly on the floor; her mouth wide open, unable to grasp the words that came out of the older blonde. "Fuck you."
With that, your body turned towards the exit, but your head still stayed firmly in place, staring into the blonde´s perplexed face. You had never talked to her like this before.
Lost in thought, you ran into the Italian woman behind you and broke eye contact with Maya, your gaze now wandering up to the taller one, vision blurred by the many tears you kept from falling. Your legs were carrying you away from this situation, but you were stopped by a strong hand that crept in front of your body and stood still at the height of your navel.
"Hold on, bella." the brunette remarked; pulling your gaze from the floor to her with two fingers she had draped under your chin. Shortly after seeing the tears reflecting in your eyes, she bit her lip. "What´s going on here?"
Reluctantly, you pulled your face out of her gentle grip - actually craving her touch. But no matter how much your head wanted to fall on her, you knew that your heart couldn´t stand being in this apartment today; sleeping in a bed with the woman who dug your past out of the grave to inexplicably hurt you. "Ask your girlfriend. I am out of this shit."
"Wait, bella. Wait!"
Dissolved, you walked past the still outstretched hand and aggressively pulled on your coat before casting one last look at your blonde girlfriend, hoping for an apology from her. But when nothing more came than a loud sigh and a hand with which she grabbed her forehead, you just scoffed and slammed the door behind you shut with a mighty jerk.
Once you were out of the apartment, the awkward silence began to settle between the two other woman as realization hit Maya full force.
With her lower back propped up against the table, she buried her face fully in the hand that had been on her forehead a moment ago and let out a loud groan. "Care to explain yourself, Maya?"
She let out a low whistle before smiling to hide her anger at herself. Her chin rested on her closed fist and she looked at the door where she had last seen your figure, wishing the evening had gone differently.
"Tell me, what happened?" called Carina out and meanwhile fished in her purse for her phone to call you back and to clarify the matter; she couldn´t stand a quarrel between her two beloved wives and especially not worrying about where you will spent the night.
"I can´t tell you, okay? All I know is that I messed up and took my whims out on her. I snapped at her for no reason and I couldn´t stop. The words just came gushing out and now she is gone."
"Screwed up? You pulled her past by the hair without her probably doing anything!" stated Carina dryly as she grunted at the blonde in front of her. "How do you think she feels now, huh? Maya, you KNOW exactly how long her recovery took and how much she had suffered!"
Her phone finally in her hand, she threw the bag on the couch and supported herself with one of her hands on the armrest after dialing your number on the speed dial. But when, instead of the supposed ringing, the favorite song from the Italian woman, that you had left for her as the caller tone started to play in the kitchen, she jumped up slightly startled and Maya raised her head; her eyes wide.
There was no way of reaching you or knowing where you were.
With quick steps, the fire woman walked to the kitchen counter where she suspected the song playing out and froze as her fingers traced your apartment keys. Her index finger slipped through the lanyards´s hole and her fingers pressed the keys into her palm with full force - leaving small imprints from the edges. "She left her keys and phone here."
Guilt began to gnaw at the young blonde and an uneasy feeling spread in her chest that made her feel like she couldn´t breathe properly.
Immediately, Maya pulled out her own cell phone in a panic and called your best friend, Andy, to make sure that she would call as soon as you got there or if she heard a word from you.
She knew very well that sooner or later you would walk to her and that you were safe.
"I hope she´s strong enough to ignore your words and just ran off to get some air, otherwise I don´t know, Maya."
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oneshotnewbie · 8 months
Could you write Maya Bishop and little sibling reader. Reader is about to graduate college and is looking forward to freedom away from Lane. Maya has shown up always to support reader in any way possible.
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Authors note: I'm having a really crappy day and it's not even 9am so… here's a little comfort story with Maya Bishop so that if you're also having a bad start to the day like me, it might get a little better.
It was afternoon as you sat at the desk in your room. In front of you lay a whole stack of books that represented the last four years of your life and the finished thesis that you had already handed in weeks ago. The room was filled with a strange mix of relief and sadness as you realized the chapter in your life was nearing its end, and the anticipation of your independence was hard to miss on your face.
You stared out the window as the leaves rustled outside with the gentle summer wind and you thought about all the years you tried to please your father but never seemed to achieve it, no matter what you did or how hard you tried. Nothing was ever good enough for him.
The room was silent, only the rustling of leaves reached your ears and the dull sound of arguments in your memory could be heard. The unsaid words, the heavy punishments and the screaming voice of Lane were still hidden deep within the walls, your father's stubborn, unyielding face still visible in front your eyes. He never understood who you really were, never understood that you would never be what he imagined.
Your eyes wandered to an old photo on the desk - a picture of you with your whole family when the world was simpler, before Maya moved out and your relationship with your father became more complicated and strained. You longed for a life that was not burdened by him. The future seemed uncertain, but also full of freedom and new beginnings, far from the difficult relationship with your father.
Lost in thought, you closed your eyes briefly and took a deep breath. Breaths of freedom wafted through your room and the idea of finally being independent gave you a warm feeling of relief. Soon you would leave this place, throwing off the shackles of your past and into a future of your own making. Freedom lay before you like an open book, and you were already writing the first pages with your sister.
„Hey you,“ a soft voice pierced your ears, tearing your thoughts apart. You looked up as your sister entered your room, a worried look on her face. "Maya! What brings you here? Are you not on shift?" you got up from your seat and quickly walked towards her. You let yourself be pulled into a tight hug and jumped on top of her, clinging to her like a little monkey. The older one giggled and tried to walk to the bed with you in her arms to sit down with you. "I have the day off and I thought, maybe you would like to stay with Carina and me for the weekend?"
A wide smile sparked on your lips, making the thin, thoughtful lines from before disappear. You nodded your head wildly as it rested on her shoulder and pulled away from her. "That would be really great, let me just pack up a few things?" With those words you set out to pack some clothes and the most important things into a carrying bag. “Y/n?”
"Yes, Maya?" The blonde sighed loudly, hesitating for a moment with the question that had been plaguing her ever since she saw you at the desk with the family picture you were holding in your hands. "I Am a little worried," she began to speak, standing up to close the open door to prevent some unidentified ears from overhearing the conversation. Lane was at home and his hearing was acute whenever she visited you. "What exactly are you worried about?" You asked seriously, stopping what you were doing to listen carefully to your sister.
"I know what you were just thinking about before I came in. You are thinking about whether leaving home is the right decision and I can understand why," she padded onto the empty seat next to her as she sat back on the edge of your bed. You reluctantly found your place, your leg bent as you nervously played with the end of your pants. "He is our father, I know. But he is a toxic environment for you, he is not good, y/n. He denied you everything that makes a human being. Your individuality, your freedom and your dignity. He wanted to break you and it is time to disappear."
"But he is our family. Mother too. What if I lose her? Then I only have you," Maya could sense that you were close to tears and fighting them back as the last words came out broken and you swallowed hard. Gently, she placed a hand on your shoulder and pulled you in to welcome you into her arms again. "Both of them never really supported us or loved us the way we deserved. It hurts, but it is the truth. We have a family, people who understand and accept us as we are. Station 19."
"But it still hurts to know that we are leaving our roots behind. Even if they are poisonous, they are our parents," you looked into Maya's eyes, tears flowing freely down your cheeks. She took your hand and mingled her fingers with yours before her thumb stroked the back of your hand. "But sometimes we have to let go to save ourselves. We can not live in this shadow forever and must find our own light to shine."
The light of the setting sun bathed the campus in a warm, pink glow as you walked up the steps to the podium in your graduation robe to receive your diploma. The smile on your face radiated pure relief as you held the diploma roll tightly in your hand and ran your thumb over the red ribbon. The burden of college that you had carried for years seemed to magically disappear from your heart and you exhaled deeply to ground yourself.
You looked for your older sister who was standing at the edge of the fairground with the whole team of Station 19 next to her, a proud look evident in her glittering eyes. They were the only family that had accompanied you that day, and their presence meant more to you than a thousand words could ever express. Maya had always believed in you, even when Lane could not and your mother was too scared to show it.
You felt a knot unraveling inside you as you looked out over the cheering graduates, proudly throwing their graduation hats into the sky. A feeling of freedom spread through you as you thought that you were now in control of your own life. No more strict rules, no more unfulfillable expectations from your father with additional punishments. You would go your own way, with Maya by your side.
The ceremony began, and as the graduates celebrated their achievements, you could not help but look at your sister, who smiled back with proud eyes, and jump into her arms. "I am so proud of you, sweetheart. You did it," she spoke joyfully, pressing her lips tightly to your forehead while spinning you around. „Ready for a new life?“
You nodded happily and smiled widely at your bigger sister. It was a moment of connection and understanding between the two of you. A promise to build a future together, free from the shadows of the past and away from Lane. A well-deserved college degree, a symbol of freedom, was within reach.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Can you do something Where reader hasn't been to the doctor in years and Marina doesn't know until she develops a fever and they insist they go with her and help he through the exam?
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Authors note: I know that it was all about the fact that Reader have not seen the doctor for a long time, but I immediately associated that with fear. It doesn't make any sense and deviates a bit from the correct storyline of Station 19 because Reader takes the hormone shots for a desired pregnancy instead of Carina, but nothing else came to mind at the moment. Sorry!
"How do you always manage to magically attract every disease when you go out that door?" Maya looked at you reproachfully while pulling a clinical thermometer out of your ear. A look at it showed her no improvement; you have been stuck in bed with a fever for two days and you still did not want to admit it.
"For the 100th time, I am not sick," you hissed, getting a violent fit of coughing that made you bend over forwards. You actually choked on your own spit from all the fuss. The blonde quickly poured water into a glass and held it in front of you. At the risk of choking, you accepted it gratefully and took a long gulp of the room-warm water to soothe your throat. "Of course not. You are perfectly healthy!" she exclaimed ironically and prepared a spoonful of medicine for you.
Strongly, you frowned at the foul-smelling liquid and the bitter after taste of the antipyretic syrup. You were not a fan of any type of medicine designed to nurture your healthy. Instead, you preferred to let your body decide for itself how long it took to get rid of each symptom and flu.
"Bellezza, I will make you an appointment with the doctor today-" Carina´s female voice replied, whose Italian accent dominated whenever she was concerned. You looked demonstratively to the side where the brunette was standing in the doorway, tugging at the button of her sleeve and skeptically raised an eyebrow at you.
"I do not need to see a stupid doctor!" you replied grimly, crossing your arms across your chest like a small child in protest.
Both, Carina and Maya, did not understand why you were so reluctant to visit the family doctor. All he would do was run a few tests on you to see what you did caught. Both knew that you were terrified of needles, they realized that as soon as you had to start take your hormone shots.
But there was more to it, they just had to find out why.
Maya bit frustrated the inside of her cheek. Her head was bowed down, her hand placed on your covered thigh and gently stroking it while her gaze shifted sideways to the brunette. She hoped that the Italian would approach you with her gentle manner and find out the reason for your negative attitude towards a visit.
"When was the last time you saw a doctor who gave you a thorough check-up?" slightly interested, the blonde lifted her head and waited for your answer. As if reading your mind, the corners of her mouth turned down and her bright blue eyes stared at you in disbelief. "And I do not mean our gynecologist, but a real one"
"Maybe a few years ago.." you paused, paying attention to the curious looks. Horrified, the brunette walked over to the bed and sat down. It gave out under her weight as she leaned towards you. You looked at her with a glance normally reserved for children, who had made a mistake and were afraid of trouble. "My family doctor at the time made a mistake during the postoperative examination and was rather harsh. Almost costed me my life. I have not trusted any family doctor since. This has increased rapidly over the years"
She nodded in understanding before taking your face in both hands and looking deep into your eyes. It was strange, even though you were covered in a feverish veil, there was something forbidden beautiful in her eyes. The brown sparkled expectantly and with a gentle touch, she traced the contours of your face.
"But this is important," Maya stated, her facial expression abruptly becoming serious once again. You knew it was important to have a check-up at least once a year to prevent illnesses or even detect life-threatening diseases early, but blood draws were not your thing at all. And as you knew, these values also had to be checked from time to time. "We will come with you. But you have to go, we need to know what is wrong with you"
You rolled your eyes, cursing under your breath before nodding and flopping back into the bed. You felt defeated. You had no chance to defend yourself against your two wives. What they said, had to be done.
It was not a day later that your doctor´s appointment took place. Tense and restless, you sat on the uncomfortable plastic chair in the middle between your two wives and nervously played with your wedding ring, which was stuck on your sweaty finger. Your leg bounced dangerously fast as your heart raced.
Your body tried to protect you from a real threat with uncontrolled bouts of fear, even though it seemed exaggerated, unrealistic and groundless. A gentle hand wrapped around your thigh, trying to calm you down which let you lift your head up.
Carina leafed very calmly through a magazine, a gentle smile graced her lips before another arm timidly laid on your shoulders from the other side. Touched by the individual gestures, you pressed yourself against the blonde and closed your eyes.
You felt sick thinking about what was being done to you in the small, sparsely furnished room. "It is going to be fine, sweetheart. It is just a small, harmless examination," Maya tried to calm you down, but it did not quite work. You looked at her in disbelief while your shrill voice swept through the room. "If he wants to draw blood, I will be gone faster than you can turn on your fire truck´s siren"
Slightly insulted, you turned away from her. But her hands gently grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to her again, your body engulfed in her arms. "Nothing will happen to you, we are here"
"Ms. Y/l/n, please!" suddenly, the lady from the registration calls out and you look in panic between Maya and Carina. They just nod and smile at you encouraging before pulling you up from your seat.
Together, you walked into one of the treatment rooms, where you sat down onto the leather armchairs in front of the desk. While waiting, an awkward silence spread and you looked around anxiously.
It was a small room furnished with a large dark brown desk and a lounger. Soft shades of yellow blended with the brown of the bookshelf lined with anatomical books, which were rounded off with bluish paintings of various dandelions.
You seemed to be able to argue about the taste, but when the door suddenly flew open and a strong breeze blew in your direction, you jerked out of your thoughts and turned in your seat. While the two ladies next to you greeted the man in a white coat with a handshake, you remained frozen.
"So, Mrs. Y/l/n. You are here because of a constant fever for three days that does not seem to be breaking?" the older man asked as he pulled himself closer to the table.
He was in his fifties, slightly plump and a well-known doctor in Seattle, who had his own medical practice for more than 20 years. Dr. Brown, at least according to his little name tag, seemed nice. However, that did not take away an ounce of panic out of you.
You nodded your head in response, wanting to add that aside from being here in hell, you are actually fine. But you refrained from doing so and instead bit your lip with nervousness. "Good, then free your chest and sit down on the lounger," he said calmly and composedly, possibly sensing your fear.
Your gaze turned between Maya and Carina, who smiled at you cautiously and gave you an encouraging nod. They noticed how visibly pale you got as you stood up on shaky legs and walked to the back corner of the room.
You did what you were told and slowly but involuntary undid the buttons on your blouse. You felt embarrassed walking around half-naked in front of a man, adding even more color to your already ruddy cheeks. Sitting down on the stretcher at the very front and waiting for the elderly gentleman to come up to you with his equipment, you saw the blood pressure monitor in his hand and another rush of fear came over you.
But you had to be brave, otherwise you would never get out of here.
Roughly, he put the cuff on your left upper arm and you did not like it at all; the noise and the pressure that formed hurt incredibly, bringing back memories from the past. Scrutinizing, the blonde glared into your eyes that showed nothing more than helplessness before deciding to keep you company.
Maya stood diagonally behind you and put her hand on your shoulder. Again, she had put on that lovely smile and the empathetic look with her steel blue eyes. This calmed you down a bit.
"Blood pressure is a little high, but I think it is from the stress your body is going through," the doctor said sternly, looking up at you. "I will now listen to the heart and lung"
With a sigh, you let yourself fall forward slightly and grabbed your shoulder to reach for your wife´s hand. Immediately, she intertwined her fingers with yours and squeezed them tightly. This gave you some support and you closed your eyes as the cool feel of the iron stethoscope pressed against your back.
As expected, a bolt of lightning shot down your spine and you winced softly to yourself. A shadow in front of you and the smell of lovely, sweet perfume penetrated your nose, letting you guess that Carina had also come to your side. Her fingers danced softly on your forearms, stroking them soothingly as you took deep breaths and tried to calm yourself down.
You fought back your tears and buried your head in the firefighter´s shoulder as best as you could. You were tired, exhausted and totally drained. Your body was already struggling with the fever and there was not enough room to fight your fear with every single exam that had to be taken.
"So far, you are physically healthy. I can not find anything unusual," he began to speak as he let go of you and gave you permission to get dressed again. Hesitating and considering, he stroked his lip with his index finger and disappeared back behind his desk. Flat, he placed his hands over the brown wood and began writing down his findings into a file. "So you think it is just some kind of cold?"
"No. Colds do not come without symptoms," he answered quickly, gently shaking his almost bald head. "But I did notice some small puncture wounds on the lower abdomen. Diabetes?" You all shock your head simultaneously as you all began to grin. They were by no means insulin corrections but one of the most important steps for your future. "Hormone shots. We are trying to get pregnant"
It was not until you said that sentence that it clicked in Carina´s head. Elevated temperature for longer days can be caused by hormonal changes that occur in the female body and can be an early indication of a likely pregnancy.
The first early signs of pregnancy can appear before your missed period and were not uncommon. There are also uncertain, probable and very rare signs of premature pregnancy, such as in your case- fever.
She started grinning at you and you didn't understand why. You might have been healthy, but the fever lowered your ability to work or do everyday things. Irritated, Maya and you took turns looking at the two doctors who were trying to make sense of your visit until Maya's eyes opened wide, her jaw dropped and she was the first of you two to understand.
"There is a possibility that the fever indicates an early pregnancy. To be on the safe side, I would advise you to take a pregnancy test and see your gynecologist. Even if the result of the test is negative"
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Can you a 'twoshot' out of the oneshot where Maya and Reader get into a fight and Reader runs off? Please please please I love the big sympathic and genius brain of yours ❤️
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A/n: This is not proof read whatsoever because I am really exhausted of the week. Also it is a bit longer then expected because I got carried away. I still hope you like it ♥
In the rage you were about to sink into, you thoughtlessly headed for an old bar where you´d often spent your time when you needed to blow off steam for whatever reason. This, was on the outskirts of Seattle, on a connecting road to the next town; a perfect and quiet place where no one would try to look for you.
Unlike other places of this type, it was extremely quiet in this place.
Silence affected people differently; some loved it and others felt uncomfortable or even afraid of it. But you enjoyed the absence of annoying everyday noises and the kindling of silence, tranquility and peace.
While you sat at the bar and waited for your beer, you let the impressions of this place work on you. All the images, the soft sounds of the old music box and the sensations. Everything that people left behind had accumulated on the walls over the years. People may not have realized how much of themselves they leave in placed they visit- sadness, joy, pain, anger, fear, insecurity.. All this was buried deep in the walls, decorated and covered with dull light.
And you, too, did your share of these emotions today.
"Is the seat next to you still free?" a bit frightened, you turned your head to the female voice and your eyes immediately catch blue eyes which nevertheless shone like ice water in the stuffy and smoky air. "Yes, of course. Have a seat."
Filled with initially growing uncertainty, she perched on the stool beside you and as soon as she found a reasonably comfortable position, waved to a bartender. Besides you, she was the only female along all the men in this bar. "What can I get you?"
"An Asti Pink for me and a whiskey for the lady here." She winked at you, a smile lit the pretty face as she casually rested her elbows on the bar and stroked her shoulder-length, black curls. The black tank top, that she was wearing, riding up thereby revealing a black spot on her side; about a level with her hip bone. Just visible enough to make you curious.
It appeared to be writing, but you could not make it out in the darkened atmosphere. Before you had a chance to inspect it further, she turned back to you, sliding over the drink she ordered you earlier and you looked up, caught, letting the blood thaw and flush in your cheeks. Her lips formed into a wide smile. "Like what you see?"
You swallowed hard and fled your gaze in another direction; one of your hands digging behind your neck while your other hand reached out for the cool crystal glass that held your drink. "Thank you, but I don´t usually drink.."
"Honey, by the looks of you, you´ve had a rough day. And if you´ve had a hard day, you have to drink something hard too." she interrupted you and you just nodded, pouring the first sip into your body.
It was already after midnight when Carina and Maya were still awake, trying to determine your whereabouts. Silently, they were across from each other; Carina sitting at the dining table, playing around on their cell phone, texting and calling any of your friends and family asking if you´d came to their place.
But everyone denied it, even Andy, who they were hundred percent sure you would show up there sooner or later. "Thank you, Andy. Please call us and let us know if you hear anything from her."
"Nothing?" asked the blonde with trembling hands as the brunette angrily threw her phone on the wooden table. She was nervous, sick with fear and worry.
Restless, she walked in small circles between the kitchen and living room. She knew that you were a grown woman who could take care of herself but as a Captain of the fire brigade, she knew about the sick world out there and that it could get extremely dangerous.
"She´s not with Vic, not with Andy. She´s not with the boys and neither with the girls at Grey Sloan. Nobody saw her!" Carina shook her head grumpily and did not dare to look at her girlfriend, still deeply angry about the blonde´s behavior. "Why can´t you at least think one time before you act?"
Carina sighed as she sat desperately in the dark, only a small light from the lantern in front of the apartment encased the room, pinching the bridge of her nose with thumb and forefinger, feeling the stabbing pulse of her headache behind her eyes.
The Italian was waiting for your return, stroking her curls thoughtfully, not sure where else to look for you; there were no sign of your whereabouts. No one had heard from you and the worst thoughts were rattling in her head. "Do we call the police?"
"There is nothing they can do, babe. She is old enough and gone less than 24 hours. They would not even file a missing persons report."
"So we just sit here and do nothing, hoping she shows up again?" the brunette yelled desperately, completely frustrated and tired only to get a nod in return. She began to nervously fiddling with the clasp of her watch.
"Sei serio? Sembra fantastico." (Are you serious? Great!)
You were pulled onto the small dance floor by Cassy, your new acquaintance, and giggled as she showed off her drunken, nonexistent dancing skills. Soft music that didn´t invited to dance hummed through the pub, the lights were dimmed and embellished with a few LED´s, and at the bar the same bartender was still mixing drinks as desired.
"Come on, pretty woman. Swing your body and dance with me" she said loudly and a charming smile touched her lips which curled around the straw of her cocktail. You scrutinized her, her black hair falling in her face as she fixed you with her brown eyes.
Cassy came back to you, a grin curling her lips as she danced around you, sliding her index finger tenderly over your shoulder as she leaned towards you from behind, whispering in your ear. "C´mon, Y/n. Let´s have fun" she pronounces your name like it´s something special and even though you did not know her, you were attracted to her; so familiar and yet a total stranger.
A shiver run through you; her hot breath on your ear giving you goosebumps. She pulls you closer by the hips and aims to provocatively rotate her hips on your back. You absorb every shift as she moves gracefully to the music. Her hip swing must be from another planet; so erotic, so secy and just plain inciting.
The black-haired had turned you around skillfully, her front pressing against yours. Again, she let her hands wander; over your shoulders, down your waist to your hips and bridges the last gap between you. She stretched out her hand to your face; her thumb gliding delicately over your cheeks while her eyes seemed to study your face.
Cassy´s face was approaching an immoral level and you tensed up as your thoughts led you to what you were about to do; suddenly remembering your two wives, who were probably sitting at home sick with worry, hoping for your return. You were a faithful soul, you would not allow yourself to make such a huge mistake to cheat on them; for the three of you it was clear from the start that the first misstep would lead to separation.
And you did not want to risk that. You loved Maya and Carina too much, even more than yourself, to hurt them that badly just because of a little accident from the firefighter, who took her bad temper out on you. "Cassie.. we should not be doing this."
"For what reason? You´re young, have some fun." she whispered, taking another sip of her drink while placing her free hand on your hip; her face moving to the crook of your neck to place soft kisses on your tensed skin. You shook your head and pushed her slightly away from you to meet her eyes. "I have a wife at home.. two to be honest. And I am happy with them."
The black-haired looked at you in dismay, her eyes wide and her pupils dilated from all the alcohol coursing through her blood. "If you´re so happy, why did you end up here on your own?"
Silence reigned on your side. Even though you knew that exact answer to that question, you were not able to answer it; no words passed through your lips. You stare at her briefly, barely able to take your eyes off her as you want to leave without saying goodbye. But she grabs your arms and you turn back to her. "Here, in case you change your mind."
You stared at the napkin she held out to you, probably stuck in her pocket for a few hours, with her number on it. Hesitantly, you too the piece of paper with you, stowed it in one of your jacket pockets, which was placed over your arm and disappeared from the bar.
You just wanted to go home, back to your wives.
Maya stood at the open window of their shared apartment and breathed the cold air of the night deep into her lungs. Darkness enveloped all of Seattle and the only light that wrapped the room was the faint glow of the street laps. Only a few cars were on the road and they drove carefully on the narrow streets. There was hardly a person to be seen at the roadside.
Lost in her deepest thoughts, she ignored the creaking of the lock on the front door and your figured fitted across the hall. You were unsure whether what you were doing her was right and whether you were still welcomed at all.
You had no idea what time it was, but what you did know was that you were wet to the bone, freezing and shaking non-stop. On top of that, your head started pounding and you felt like shit.
"She´s finally back" the brown-haired reported and jumped up from her seat. She walked out of the living room and saw you standing in front of her, completely soaked. "Y/n, we were so worried" she whispered happily and hugged you tightly.
Astonished, the blonde looked at the young woman in front of her and you lowered your head so as not to have to meet her eyes. Maya almost whispered a soft ´hi´ and your face showed absolute surprise at her gentle manner, your point of view pulling up and meeting hers. Unsure, the blonde looked at you and for a split second the world seemed to stand still, blue and your eyes tied an invisible bond.
"Are you okay?" Carina´s hand went to your chin, forcing you to look at her. All you could see in her soft, brown eyes was pain, fear, anger and desperation. Wordlessly, you took her hand and entangled your fingers with hers. "Where have you been, bella?"
"I was in a bar and I met someone.." You started to whisper, having a hard time saying the words out loud because they amounted to nothing but the truth. You pulled the wet paper out of your jacket pocket, on which the writing was almost impossible to read. You held it between your fingers for a few seconds, bit your lip and exhaled deeply, replaying the experience of the past hours in your mind. "There was a woman. We drank, we danced.. This is her number"
You looked back at the blonde who had not moved an inch from her place in the living room. You could not tell what she was thinking and how she was feeling at that moment. Only that her eyes started to glitter in the dull light and her chin started to twitch with nervousness. "Do you..?"
"Kissed her? Made out with her? Slept with her?" your question was addressed to Maya, who dared to quietly ask the question that was burning in her heart. "No. I could not, never would. I love you both too much to hurt you like that."
Maya´s tearful eyes closed automatically of relief.
She bridged the last centimeters between you. Her lips were warm and soft and when they touched yours, it was like a horde of butterflies were flying around your stomach, making your anger at her go away instantly. The blonde was so worried about you and just needed this closeness now, had placed her hands on your neck and pulled you even closer.
"I am sorry. I should have asked how you are and should not have taken my mood out on you. God, I should not have used your past to hurt you." Maya´s hands fell on your hips, gently pressing her fingers into your sides. Carina, who quietly stood aside so that you could talk, moved onto your spine and drew circles on it, letting you shuddering under her touch. "But please, promise us to never do this again. Please do not just leave without any way to get in contact to you, not knowing where you are"
A small grin was unavoidable and you laid your head on her chest, letting Maya resting her head in the crook of your neck. Soft kisses covered the thin skin of yours and made your eyes droop. "I promise"
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oneshotnewbie · 10 months
Can we pretty please get a part 2 for that Maya x Carina x reader fic where she might be pregnant?
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Author's note: I am aware that you can only tell the sex of a baby from the 12th week of pregnancy - even better from the 22nd week. However, these dates didn't fit into the plot of the story, so I changed it up a bit. Don't be mad at me for that ♥
The very next day you sat on the edge of the bathtub and waited anxiously for the result of the pregnancy test you had taken.
Immediately after your doctor's visit, you drove past a drugstore and got two different tests to be on the safe side. Simple tests that will pre-confirm whether or not you are pregnant until you have not been to a gynecologist yet, waiting for the pregnancy test to give you an indication if the three of you would finally be expecting a baby.
Five minutes felt like an eternity and you were biting your lip with tension until the taste of iron filled your mouth. Your fingers tapped wildly on the surface of the bathtub, drenching the bathroom with a light tune that drove you even more insane.
Carina gave you a warning look, arms crossed in front of her chest and leaning against the wall with her calm demeanor. Despite the calm she radiated, you could see that she was reluctant to wait for the result, her eyes barely parting from the sink where the test strip lay.
Maya, on the other hand, was the mother of nervousness. As if she were walking a marathon through the apartment, she was in the room faster than she moved out again. She could not find peace and restless, finding only a moment of it as she bit her fingernails. "How much longer do we have to wait?"
The addressee checked the time on her watch again - now for the third time. Her relaxed facial expression turned into a smile and she nodded in your direction almost unnoticed. As if the blonde had developed a sixth sense, she had jogged back from the living room to the bathroom faster than the Italian had managed to move away from the wall.
She immediately grabbed the test strip with her clammy hands and admired the results. A gentle smile had spread across her face, which was gradually changing into a deep grin. Two pink lines appeared. "We are pregnant!" marveled Maya and thus drew all the attention. Instantly, the Italian approached her and leaned out behind the firefighter to look at the small, long object in her wives hand. Her eyes filled with tears of joy.
Carina immediately gasped with joy and excitement before the two happy and shining pairs of eyes turned to you but did not meet your gaze. Your view had long been down on your stomach, already daydreaming about the baby that might be growing inside you right now; fingers dancing on your shirt, tenderly drawing a big heart across the entire surface of your stomach.
"Bella, cosa fai?" (Beautiful, what are you doing?)
"All the weeks of mood swings, hot flashes and dizziness have finally paid off," you chuckled happily and were about to burst into tears. Maya and Carina savored this moment as a treasure and adored the gesture. "We are pregnant - we are having a little baby!"
With slow steps they tiptoed towards you and sat down next to you.
The brunette's arm wrapped around your shoulders while her fingers pulled your face gently around for a deep kiss while the blonde knelt in front of you and laid her head on your lap; hugging you tight.
They too were more than happy about the beautiful news but could hardly believe it, even if they had been longingly waiting for this day. Now only a small stone lay in the path of a family; the ultrasound to confirm your pregnancy and the beginning of a new, even happier phase of life.
Both Maya and Carina took a day off from work to accompany you to the gynecological practice.
While you were sitting in the waiting room together, you both held your hand and took turns smiling at you. Again and again you all glanced at your stomach, the pregnancy test confirmed Carina's assumption that you would soon be parents.
Now the first ultrasound was coming up, which will confirm whether you were really pregnant or not and in which week you were already if so. "I am nervous," you whispered, looking over at your wives who were gently stroking your fingers and playing with the matte silver wedding ring. "You do not have to, everything will be just fine"
"Mrs. Bishop-DeLuca?" the receptionist brought you out of the conversation and you quickly pulled your gaze back towards the door. Maya and Carina followed your gaze before getting up and following you into the treatment room.
You sat down on the stretcher, your legs tensely waving in the air; the two women in the chairs in front of the doctor's desk. "So let's see, you are here because of a probable pregnancy?" she asked you and you nodded in unison with the two women. "Yes, we did two pregnancy tests a few days ago. Both were positive."
The doctor also gave a short nod, began entering the information in your file and preparing everything for the examination. "Well then, let's see. I ask you to lie down flat on the stretcher, shirt up and jeans down to your hips, please"
You did what you were told and made yourself comfortable. The doctor spread the cool gel on your stomach and on the ultrasound machine before switching it on and briefly entering your information into the system.
With a concentrated look, the doctor examined everything carefully, stroking the head of the device several times over the point below your navel and stopping. Your heart was pounding with hope and joy, the beaming faces of Maya and Carina indicated that it was the case with them too.
The specialist leaned closer to the screen, increasing the brightness of the image to get a better view before finally turning her gaze to you. "Congratulations, you are in your eighth week."
You looked at Maya and Carina wide-eyed and watched them shake in their chairs. You too could hardly keep still, but you tried to give the doctor a good examination. "Do you already want to know what gender it will be?"
"Yes, we would like that. Please," Maya intervened. The gender did not really matter to you, the main thing was that he or she was healthy. Nevertheless, the three of you agreed that you really wanted to know whether you could prepare for a girl or a boy.
"Well then, I do be happy to accept a few ideas?"
Now you were excited and pondered independently about the fifty/fifty chance. Maya had always wanted a little girl, while Carina really wanted a boy. Gender made no difference to you, you would love the child anyway. Whether son or daughter. "A girl," the blonde said at the same time as the brunette answered, "a boy."
You all give a short laugh before the doctor joins in. "Well in that case you are both right. Congratulations, you are having twins."
Twins. You had not even considered that and had to digest it first. She turns the monitor to you, your two beloved women now very close to your side again. You saw the two hearts beating almost synchronously and you suddenly realize that luck has made you two. Two treasures that would make your life complete.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Y/n has problems with her stomach once in a while but now they're back. Maya notices it first and Y/n wants Maya to nit tell Carina because she will go feral but she notices it soon when Carina sees her girlfriend getting pale while working in the ER (or somewhere in the hospital) and Carina has a consil there
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Maya was about to toss the individual ingredients of her smoothie into the blender when she heard quick footsteps, followed by a shadow of a figure before loud gagging and coughing from the bathroom interrupted the morning silence. "Y/n?"
When she only heard agonizing noises instead of your voice, her body tensed up and let go of the transparent vessel before her upper body pushed back from the counter she was standing at. She sprinted in the direction you had been heading before and stopped at the door frame to survey the situation unfolding in front of her.
You sat huddled in front of the toilet, one hand wrapped around the seat while the other was laying flat on your stomach. Since yesterday evening you felt nauseous but tried to get over it and suppress the feeling of throwing up; you wanted to at least try to hold out until your girlfriends were out of the house so they wouldn´t know you weren´t feeling well.
But you couldn´t achieve the goal you had set for yourself and it happened in front of the blonde´s eyes. You felt a warm hand gently on your spine, massaging it with light movements while a grip on your hair became noticeable and the annoying strands were removed from your face. "It´s okay. Let it out, babe."
A rush of nausea overcame you again and you shook your head as you cleared yourself of the acid and the spit that came out. The comforting warmth left your back for a split second as you heard the sink turn on. Your shaky hand left your stomach and placed itself on the flush before you cleared your throat and managed to finally pull away from the toilet only to see Maya kneeling next to you, cloth in hand and a soft but concerned look in her eyes.
"Take a deep breath." she whispered, gently taking your chin up to wipe the corner of your lips. You didn´t even realized you had problems giving your lungs the needed air before you took a breath and you felt the cold air tingling in your chest. "Is it your stomach again?"
You nodded gently so as not to increase the slight dizziness before turning away from her and walking to the sink to rinse your mouth with water and splash some of it in your face. She leaned her lower back against the sink you were standing at and lovingly handed you the dry towel.
"Please do not tell Carina, she´ll go crazy." you breathed in a hoarse voice, glancing nervously at her over the mirror. But you only got a soft sigh in response and a subsequent gesture she always did when she was concerned; she rested her hand on her forehead and shook her head. "Then how are you going to explain to her why you´re not showing up to work today?"
"I won´t have to tell her because I´m going."
The strong nauseating feeling was still looming as if it were walking right behind you. You were still dizzy, like everything was spinning around you but you still managed to get through half of your workday without throwing up again.
Now you only had to endure another four hours.
In the elevator down to the emergency room, you leaned against the cool wall and closed your eyes for a moment. A moment too long- when the usual elevator made the sound as it stopped at the desired floor, you startled and walked out with quick steps.
Lost in thought, you ran unnoticed into a nurse who dropped all the documents she was holding, on the floor. Apologetically you knelt down and helped her put the individual papers back in the files, jumping up a short time later.
As a result, you became so dizzy that you had to cling to the wall next to you.
"Tell me, bella, are you alright?" Carina asked you from the side and put a hand on your shoulder; lightly squeezing it. You carefully turned your head in the direction her voice was coming from and a soft smile greeted you as she looked at you with concern.
"I am doing great." You answer her question and push yourself off the wall. Unfortunately, you felt a bit unsteady on your feet, so the brunette had to hold you tight.
She raised her eyebrows sharply. "Honestly, you don´t look all right to me." she remarked, frowning and looking worried at your otherwise lively figure. The Italian woman put her hand on your forehead, but before she could feel your temperature, you turned your head to the side. "I´m not sick, Carina. Just a little worn-out."
The brunette crossed her arms and bit her lip. She could see and feel that you weren´t feeling well and that you were a different person, she had known you too long and too well for that. Also a blonde birdie texted her and told her what happened this morning- she just didn´t understood why you were trying to cover up your apparent state of health.
"Come puoi essere così testardo?" (How can you be so stubborn?)
You rolled your eyes at this saying, did you know exactly what this meant; you had heard it flow out of her mouth often enough. With a big sigh, you felt defeated and you leaned on her shoulder. "Will you bring me home?" you asked a bit pitifully, your vision still severely limited.
"Of course, bambina." she put and arm around you thoughtfully and slowly began to walk with you. "But first let´s have Bailey examine your stomach thoroughly."
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