#station19 x reader
oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Would you be okay with writing a Maya x Carina x daughter!reader?
Maybe a sick fic or some comfort
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The first thing you felt was pain as unbearable as a thousand jackhammers smashing in your skull from the inside and pinning you to the ground. You could not even open your eyes, your lids heavy. Your mouth was dry, even after several liters of tea you had already consumed for your sore throat that felt like the desert and its sharply cutting sand. Your limbs completely cramped and heavy.
A cold breeze blew around your stomach, only a light wool blanket draped over your body to keep you warm and protected. But with every movement you tried to take, the coldness inside increased and made you shiver violently. You felt weak and feverish. "Honey, you gotta take this" a soft voice whispered and you slowly opened your eyes and blinked in confusion to adjust to the unusually bright and diffused light.
Your mother, Maya, was kneeling on a piece of crumpled bedspread on the floor, looking worriedly at your pale face before placing her hand on your forehead to feel the temperature while smiling sympathetically. Slowly and carefully not to inflict yourself even more pain, you peeked at her hand. In it, she held a small bottle that should bring you relief, the label with various herbs telling you that it had to be medication. "This will help bring down your fever."
You rolled your eyes suspiciously, not caring about the accompanying pain for a brief second. It was the most disgusting drug you have ever had to take in your life and your mothers knew full well that you hated it. However, it was the only thing that always helped you get back on your feet and get fit. "Ew, I do not want that."
"Eppure lo prenderai, bella." (And yet you have to take it) said the gynecologist who had appeared behind you and strolled across the entire living room to open the window and ventilate the room. She returned with a tray containing a freshly set teapot, a new cup and a plate of rusks. Carina carefully poured a cup of steaming chamomile tea and placed it on the table next to the couch before taking a rusk in her hands and breaking it into small pieces so that you could eat it more easily.
You pushed your head softly back into the pillow and pressed your back against the edge of the couch. Quickly, you grabbed the blanket and pulled it over your head. You heard a giggling from your side and within a few seconds, it was gently pulled back down. Two loving pairs of eyes met your flushed face. "I do not want to take this, it tastes disgusting."
Maya and Carina looked at you intently. The brunette gently strokes your tousled hair and whispers soothing words while the blonde already dripped the brown liquid onto a tablespoon. Frowning, you looked between both of them with puppy eyes, but even they no longer attracted them. The firefighter extended her arm and placed the edge of the spoon against your lip, waiting for you to accept it.
You knew it was high time to take the medication before they would take you to the hospital. Besides, you were lucky that your throat was so sore you could barely taste the bitterness. Still, you struggled with the slimy texture and wrinkled your nose as a defensive stance. Panting, you flop back onto the sofa. "Throat lozenges would have worked too,"
"No they would not," both chuckled. Maya rose from her position and bent down to kiss you gently on the forehead. With quick steps she hurried away to let the used cutlery disappear into the sink while Carina helped you eat the rusks while smiling lovingly at you. She quietly told you a story about her childhood in Italy with her little brother to make you forget the fever and the pain.
Without further ado, she carefully picked up your legs and dropped down next to you, your legs now resting on her lap. "Would you like me to warm you some soup?" the blonde called questioningly from the open kitchen, waiting for your answer. But the answer did not come, instead you grimaced sharply and hastily shook your head."I think your daughter is saying no,"
"It is your daughter too, Carina."
"Yes, but she definitely inherited the stubbornness from you," exhausted, you snuggled deeper into the blanket and tried to make the slightly bizarre taste in your mouth disappear. Tiredness, which you had so wonderfully repressed until now, slowly returned to your body. You tried desperately to shake it off but not a shred was averted. "Are you cold, mi amore?"
You nodded and the brunette felt you tremble under her touch. "I am freezing." She was worried, you had already been couch-locked for two days, the flu ravaging you and sapping your energy without any progress towards improvement. "Maya, can you bring another blanket. Please?"
"It is already on the way," the woman addressed made her way straight to the bedroom, occasionally taking a look into the living room. Your eyes fluctuated between half open and closed and if she was lucky, she would be able to spend a short time with you before you would fall into a deep, sound sleep once again. "And a hot water bottle?"
You had been in and out of sleep for days, barely awake for a few hours before your body shut down completely once again. On the one hand this was good, your body trying to beat this miserable disease. On the other hand, you had hardly eaten anything or moved from your place for days.
The headache slowly subsided, just as your cramped limbs became looser. For a few minutes you listened to the streams of sounds spreading through the apartment as you lost your thoughts. You kept feeling like you were on the verge of falling asleep until you opened your eyes again.
Eventually you gave up and totally surrendered to the feeling.
Just then, the firefighter came back into the center of the apartment and looked at her sleeping daughter. "Oh, she fell asleep?" she murmured and carefully draped the second blanket over you. She carefully placed the hot water bottle under the blanket and found its place on your stomach. The brunette raised an eyebrow and hesitated with her answer before she leaned forward and looked into your sleeping face. "Yes, the medication always makes her quite sleepy."
Smiling and silent, she sat down on the other sofa element and gently placed a hand on your head. She carefully stroked your hair and looked at the screen of the television, on which she concentrated on until you woke up once more. Maya had no intention of leaving your side.
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marinadelucabishops · 10 months
After a long wait, like two weeks. Chapter 3 is here!
I hope you enjoy!
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fangirlorwhateva · 1 year
Fav/Recommended Andy Herrera Fics 🥺🙏🏾
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goldenempyrean · 5 months
I’ve just started watching Station 19:
Would Marina (Maya + Carina) be something we’d be interested in seeing? Or x Reader for either :D
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✨Anonymously ask me something you've always wanted to know✨
Ok, I have a few questions
What’s your favorite poem? If you have one, ofc
When did you perceived you were in love with The Bad Batch (I’m assuming it cause you have a tumblr account about them lmao)
Do you like do have a lot of requests or prefer to be just working on your own projetcs?
Favorit show?
Howdy! 😊
I haven’t read poetry since my first year of college, so at the moment I don’t have a favorite nor can I think of one right off the bat
Well, I was gonna make this account Fives centered. Like when it came to how it looked and possibly the name. My first thought for this was like “I’m gonna make an x reader account and write a lot of Fives x readers because I can’t handle the canon focused fics I read”. But when I was starting to make this account the bad batch trailer came out and it was all I could think about. Just from the trailer I was like “Im gonna obsess over Echo because I can’t get enough of the domino squad”. Then yknow. One thing lead to another, first episode came out and I’ve become an even bigger simp for the Bad Batch since I’ve liked them since their debut in clone wars. And lowkey, yeah Omega is a child to teen in the show? But the way these big buff men treat her and are over protective of her. Didn’t help the baby fever I thought I locked away. (and can I tell you that it took me fucking days to come out with my username bc my brain hated everything I thought until this one?) and I think it’s clear to y’all that my top two favorite BB characters are Tech and Crosshair
I like writing anything. I don’t have a preference with what I prefer since. Ok here’s how my mind is. When people send me requests, I get hella excited. Bc y’all came to me and wanted to see how I’d write it out. Sometimes I write multiple parts or I’m just “give me one minute I know a different way I can approach this”. Requests make my day when they come in. But I also really enjoy working on stuff of my own proportion. I get a lot of ideas at a lot of random times that I have to write down the just of it or I’ll forget it lol. I have a lot of work in progress stuff that I can’t wait to share with y’all. Just some are series and I want to finish Beautiful Mischief WHICH I HAVENT FORGOTTEN ABOUT. I just have bad writers block when it comes to finishing a series.
My all time favorite show is Greys Anatomy and it’s spin offs Private Practice and Station19. I can watch all of those multiple times and never get tired. My family gets tired hearing Greys in the background but yknow. Can’t stop me
Thanks for asking 😊 making my first day of my third year of college less anxiety inducing
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wlw-lesbianimagines · 6 years
If you ever watch station19 can you write a fic involving Andy Herrera and fem reader
sorry honey, that show hasn’t come out in Australia yet x
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
hellooo! how are you? could you write angst carina x maya x reader where they have a fight over something stupid and r drives off in anger, which leads to them crashing. Eventually r is brought to the hospital and carina is paged to the er and she sees the condition r is in. After that a scene with maya at your hospital bed pls?
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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of suicide and the plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
I have to post this request in two parts again because I wrote too much. Also I let out a small detail because I didn´t know how to write it. I'm sorry! ♥
The caustic stabbing feeling in your stomach, which had been creeping up all afternoon, became more intense the louder the discussion between the three of you got. "I am not overworking, I am fine!" you screamed at Carina and Maya as they watched you start throwing the dirty dishes into the sink in a rage.
The blonde, who was sitting on the couch and nervously fumbling with the thread of her jeans, was protecting herself by silently enduring the consequences of the dispute that had arisen. The brunette on the other hand, tried to address the issue by placing a hand gently on your forearm, trying to calm you down while you unfolded wildly about the latest suspicion that the two had thrown into the room.
You knew exactly, what they were getting at.
For a few weeks, you were hardly at home. Working late into the night and studying hard at the library for your graduation simultaneously, you oscillated between stressful things and barely had any time in between to provide your body and mind with the care it needed.
Of course you knew what you were doing was not healthy, noticing it clearly from the lack of sleep and the resulting dark circles that adorned your tired, lackluster eyes. Throbbing headaches stretching from your temples to your neck, mixed with accompanying dizziness and reduced performance, became commonplace.
"Maybe you should think about quitting your job at the station," suggested Maya, who had spoken up for the first time in this argument. She did not want to see you leave the team, you were an important link that held it together and enabled good cooperation. But she knew from your behavior and your manner how close you were to a breakdown.
Dismayed by the statement thrown in, you tossed the sponge into the sink and braced your lower back against the metal tub. Arms crossed strictly under your chest, you furrowed a brow and pressed your lips into a thin line.
"If you would spend a little less time on the treadmill and instead help get the vehicles back in shape for the next call, I probably would have time to relax between those since you are so worried about my health" you complained immediately.
You were getting tired of having these conversations that always ended up with a discussion. The topic was always present and got on your last nerve. Of course you understood that they only wanted to protect you and keep you safe, but that was absolutely not necessary.
Before the blonde could begin to protest your argumentation, a loud whistle cut through the commotion and ripped through your eardrums. "HEY!" the brunette yelled, making you wince next to her. With a wave of her hand, she indicated that you both should remain quiet before taking up her word once again.
"Stop that crap, arguing does nothing but upset us further and make the situation even worse by one of you both being angry and saying something that you can not undo!" At the end of her announcement, Carina raised her voice a bit while examining you both. You glared at Maya and had to control yourself not to go ballistic.
"Mhmm.." you mumbled and left the room of action to disappear in the direction of the door. You quickly pulled your keys and jacket from their places before you turned back and addressed your last words to the blonde. "Maybe you should consider that your support would also be helpful instead of telling me through the flower that you want me out of your territory"
With these words, the front door slammed shut. Hastily, you ran down the stairs of the apartment complex to your parked car around the corner, which you got into and drove away with no real plan of where to go.
Loud music blared around your ears as you drove through the streets of Seattle, your mind hanging deep into the clouds. The traffic lights were on your sides, allowing you to drive through without hitting the brakes or using the clutch.
It was liberating to experience a moment without any real task, but this feeling did not last. As soon as you crossed the middle of the intersection, you could only see a black jeep from the corner of your eye, which was heading straight for you and had no chance to dodge.
All you could hear was the screeching of the rubber-coated tires on dry asphalt, subsequently, the crushing of heavy metal when your car flew over the intersection and came to rest in a nearby garage. Dust swirled through the air. A frighteningly shrill sound in your ear and throbbing in your right temple were the first things you consciously perceived.
With great effort, you managed to keep your eyes open, though your lids were heavy as lead. You carefully felt the back of your throbbing head with your right hand, while the other managed to support yourself on the console between the two front seats.
You flinched as your fingers slid over the wound. Distraught, you brought it back in front of your blurry vision as you raised your forehead from the steering wheel and looked at your fingertips, dark blood dripping down them.
What had happened?
Your gaze wandered away from them, following the blurred figures rushing wildly around what was still recognizable as a car. A hot wave of panic made its way through your body and made the sweat of fear break out of your pores.
Frantically twitching eyes, scanned the entire environment while your brain tried to process the unfamiliar images. You desperately tried to focus and organize your thoughts, but your awareness has been miserably limited by the darkness looming ahead of you.
It only took seconds for your eyes to close and the world around you to fade away with voices echoing in your ears.
Carina hurried down the hall. The imagine that presented itself was terrifying when she took the first step into a trauma room. "What happened?" she cried through the frantic attempts of desperate help as she disappeared into the crowd that had gathered around you in the small room and reappeared next to Miranda. "Car crash, somebody hit Y/n"
Her light brown eyes scanned the battered body of the woman she truly cared about, which lay still like a statue. Most of your clothes appeared to be covered with clotted blood while your face had bruises and scratches all over. Fleetingly, she perceived the information given by the attending physicians. "Extensive superficial injuries, broken ribs, possible craniocerebral trauma. Internal abdominal injuries,"
She nodded understandingly and leaned towards your face, whose otherwise glassy eyes were closed. Your pink, plump lips were dull and sallow, and matched the pale color of your graying skin. Carina´s breath caught in her throat, she could not breathe. She bit back a cry of horror, only to cover her mouth with her trembling hand.
"Is she..?"
Nobody answered her right away, finding it tough to offer her a promising answer while they fought for your life. Pressing her palms together in a praying gesture, she hoped some higher entity, that she did not necessarily believed in, could hear her and keep you alive.
"Got a weak pulse, she needs to go in. Now!" As soon as those words left the Chief Surgeon´s mouth, Carina scurried to the side with considerable effort to let go of you, letting out a stiffed moan.
She watched as your limp body was rolled out of the room with hurry, blood dripping from your hand onto the floor. The brunette looked after you and frowned, concern and worry washing over her face.
Carina knew that you were a fighter, but she also knew that she could do nothing but hope.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Carina drags Reader to go hiking on a free day and Reader is excited to be in the nature with her girlfriend but then up in the hills, there is a big bridge that crosses the way where there is nothing under the bdige and if you fall, youre free falling. Reader is scared of heights. Fluffy and cute Carina pls
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Summary: Maybe, you were afraid of heights and none of your friends knew. Especially not your girlfriend. And maybe, this turns out to be a problem when she wants to go hiking with you and you have to cross a bridge, 150 meters above the abyss, to get further on your adventure.
-Breathe- you adonished yourself as you gazed at the great wooden, rickety bridge that connected two mountains and tried to fight down the panic rising in you.
From the bridge, you had a fantastic but also scary and frightening view. Hidden in the forest, not far away was a small vantage point from which you had a wonderful view- the contrast between the green valleys and gray peaks of the surrounding mountains. The grass seemed glaring and was moving further away from you with every step you took, the sky more than usual to see.
Your gaze drifted into the far distance, the forest blurring before your eyes. You felt the sun shining on your face and tickling your nose while you enjoyed the warmth and the blissful peace of your otherwise hectic life on this beautiful summer day.
You tried to calm your racing heart down and to realize, that with your girlfriend by your side, nothing would happen to you. You just had to keep breathing very calmly. You tore your eyes away from the rapidly receding ground and looked at the people moving comfortably and carefree onto the bridge with a smile and happy.
How could people stay calm, did not they realized that this bridge was so unstable that it could tear at any second?
"Are you okay, bambina?" Carina´s velvety soft voice tore you out of your thoughts when she realized that you had become suspiciously quiet and that there as not much left of your talkative mood during the trip.
You just nodded and tried to smile genuinely, even tho your jaw was enormously tense. You feared not getting a single clear word out if you tried to speak but you tried, only getting out your girlfriends name. "Carina," your voice was low and shaky so that only she, standing a few feet away, could hear you. The addressed turned her head slightly from the abyss to you and looked deep into your eyes. "I am scared of heights"
"Why did you not tell me that?" she whispered, her voice was calm as she turned completely to you. She ran her fingers through her soft curls and a small sad smile crossed her lips. "Do you want to go back? We do not have to go further"
"No, I want to try" yet you did not feel comfortable in your own skin. Your legs carried you step by step, up the rise of the bridge. Uneasiness overcame you instantly and you took another deep breath and straightened your shoulders.
"Bella.." she lumbered to you and immediately pulled you into a side hug. As always, your heart began to race when she touched you. You broke away from your girlfriend and looked embarrassed on the ground.
You heard Carina grin softly, which is the situation for you made it even more uncomfortable. The footsteps you had taken previously had disappeared and you looked into the distance again, at the facade of the stony wall.
After a moment of silence, you heard a nervous inhalation and exhalation. "I know you hate giving up control of yourself. But sometimes it is nice to give control to someone else." She tilted her head slightly towards you and smiled a little. Her gaze met yours and you were immediately captivated by her bright eyes, her smile and the sun that accentuated her cheeks so timidly. "Do you trust me?"
Her honesty and warmth impressed you from the first meeting. Goosebumps covered your entire body and your suspicions about the situations were gone. Her soft hand entwined with yours and with a satisfied smile on her lips, she slowly started walking with you.
You frowned when your foot touched the first wobbly wooden floorboard and you disappeared into another world. Carina noticed this and stopped at the bridge sections when she noticed that your breathing was getting faster and held you back by your arm.
You flinched slightly and she pulled her hand from yours to let you decide to walk further or to stand still.
"I am fine, don´t worry," with that, you turned to walk further, clutching the railing with both hands as you took another step. This path was obviously more difficult for you, but you kept fighting your way. "I can do this. But I need your help"
The brunette answered frantically and asked suspiciously. "What should I do?"
Your fearful gaze pierced her eyes. "Hold me," you said simply, and a chill ran down your spine. As if in trance, she nodded and you felt her strong arms wrap around your upper body. You closed your eyes briefly and leaned against your girlfriend with all your weight.
Stumbling, you walked inch by inch and you clenched your eyes even more while your sweaty hands pressed back to the terrain. "Bella, we should go back. You are getting paler with every step"
"I am alright, ´ina." you said softly, trying to push her a little in front of you. You could feel the pressure on your body easing a little and you cautiously took half a step forwards. "Fuck, that is high. That is high. That is high" you gasped as you opened your eyes and she complied with your silent request to pull you away from the bridge and keep you on solid ground.
"We are not gonna do that.." she began to whisper cautiously and did not take her eyes off of you for a second. Carina raised her eyebrows sharply and studied every feature of your face. The brunette pushed an unruly strand of hair behind your ear with a quick movement and her compulsive smile let your embarrassment dodge at once. "We should take it slow and small and not start with something big like that"
With a sad and pouting smile, you looked into her brown eyes, which fixed yours relentlessly. With a nod and an incredibly loud breath that was the first of it´s kind in a long time, you rested your head on her chest and let her pull you into a deep hug. "Let´s make that our new goal. We will make it across this bridge together. One day"
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Maya comes home finding reader laying on the couch because her chronic back pain makes her life to hell on this day. She decides to give Reader a nice massage before it ends up romantic. I know you don't write smut and that's really ok but if you want and can... can you make it pre-smut? Just if you can. If not, I am okay with kisses and cuddles
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⚠️Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes pre-smut and and is therefore 16+. If you are younger, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
"Ouch, damn it. That hurts like hell" you moaned as you agonizingly moved on the couch. You were adjusting your pillow for the thousandth time and gradually, all the stress made itself felt with excruciating back pain; exactly what you absolutely could not use right now.
With a painfully contorted face and light sweat on your forehead, you clung to the white fabric of the armrests. To ease the pain at least a little, you bent forward with your upper body, but again a stabbing pain shot through you and groaning loudly, you doubled over.
Alerted by the unfamiliar noise, the blonde jumped out of the bathroom, the drops from the shower still glistening on her skin. "Babe, what is the matter? Are you alright?" she inquired alarmingly, clearly signaling her readiness with her worried expression. But you, annoyed at your seemingly unreliable body, only reluctantly waved it off.
Concerned, Maya walked towards you and sat down on the free spot. Softly, she grabbed your shoulder, but you immediately flinched and looked anxiously at the older one. Each touch maximized the pressure in your muscles and neck, sending a bolt of electricity through every vertebra in your spine. "No, please. Do not touch me, everything hurts"
"Then a massage is exactly what you need!" the blonde suggested confused, edging closer to you as you trembled. Worried, she looked over your shoulder and absently but tenderly attacked your neck.
You felt her smooth lips on your delicate skin, knowing exactly that she earned goosebumps in response. Maya grinned cheekily at her quick success as you leaned gingerly against her front and moaned softly- she was a true seduction artist with her small but tender movements.
"Do you like that?" she breathed into your ear in a dark voice, while biting your earlobe hard. Her warm, soft hands wandered from your hips over your stomach, pulling another deep sigh from you.
Maya tormented you since she came home. Her lustful gaze while eating dinner, that wicked grin she gave you when she took a sip of the delicious red wine. Or how she carefully brushed a strand of hair away from your face and ran her fingertips down your prominent face conture. Everything indicated that she had a plan for how the evening should go.
And despite the pain, you were not averted to it.
"Mhm.." you smiled and leaned in, trying to make eye-contact with her bright blue eyes. The blondes face came considerably close to yours, her nose lightly brushing yours. "Use your words, babe", she whispered husky against your lips.
Quickly closing the millimeters that still lay between you, you put your lips gently on hers, kissing her tenderly before her tongue asked for entrance, which you gladly granted.
"Heard someone calling for a full body massage?" your handsome girlfriend asked while you were about to lie down on the bed when she grabbed your shoulder and stopped. "Take off your shirt"
A little excited and jittery, you grabbed the bottom of your top and quickly pulled at the hem of your shirt, stripping it over your head. Relaxed, you let your body fall onto the soft bed and immediately felt your spine stretch and conform to the shape of it. An aching but liberating feeling settled on your back and you hid your face in the bedspread to silence an agonized shriek.
Music stretched in the background, soothing tones and soft sounds. Enjoying the aura that surrounded you, you felt the mattress indent at the sides of your butt and shortly afterwards, the young blonde sat down on your thighs.
Carefully, Maya let the massage oil run into her hands and warmed it up slightly, before stroking it in circular movements over your back. You sighed happily and let all your muscles drop while heavily concentrating on the beneficial touches.
The blonde gently stroked your neck with her fingertips, lining out every protruding vertebra that stuck out until you closed your eyes and thought of nothing but your body and the heat in the pit of your stomach.
"It feels so good," you gushed as her hands ran delicately and evenly down your sides. Biting her laugh, she tried to suppress it while exerting stronger pressure, which elicited a soft moan from you.
The blonde paid particular attention to your lower back, which was close to her favorite part of your body, which you repeatedly acknowledged with a hot moan. She willingly searched for the deep tensions that you clearly possessed and after a few tries, the older one had also found some spot that must be driving you insane.
Maya pressed her thumbs directly on the spots and lovingly began to dissolve the tension while bending over your nude upper body, kissing the auricle of your ear before she ran along your spine and at the same time slid down a little further.
Grinning, she tentatively placed her right hand on the inside of your thigh. This seemed to surprise you as you automatically jerked your legs further apart. She ran her fingernails down the entire inner thigh and then back up, clawing at your sensitive skin.
"Maya," you warned, the addressee letting herself be called to her senses and let go of the lovely spot. With just the right pressure, she ran her hand over your ass and massaged it gently. "What? Do you want me to stop?" fix, she let go of you with a wicked smile.
Maya knew you did not want her to stop.
"Stop teasing me," you breathed loudly into the sheets, now tilting your head to the side to pout at her. You did not even think about complaining, even if the actual goal of this massage was to take your pain away. You liked the twist of this evening.
Her beautiful lips quickly settled back onto your neck, tongue brushing your hairline and gently biting your earlobe. You willingly allowed it, pushing your head further to the side. Repeatedly, Maya touched the edges of your breasts, making you tremble while your breathing quickened in fits and starts.
"You know that you are driving me insane, Maya Bishop?" you whispered into the comfortable silence, paying attention to every touch. "Oh yes, I am well aware of that. Your body language speaks to me"
There was something triumphant about the smile in her voice, making your heart leap for joy while slowly feeling the pain push into the background, a bubbling sensation displacing it.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Hi! Saw that you write for Carina De Luca and I am so hyped!! Can I request one where Reader waits for Carina at the bar after work and while she waits, there is thus woman who flirts with her? Carina has to watch it, swears un Italian before she goes all jealous mode? (Romantic)
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Authors note: My Italian is not that good that I can say I translated everything correctly but I tried. Also, I did not really use swear words, but rather statements that show Carina´s anger because all the swear words I know, somehow did not fit Carina since she is more of a classic woman with decency.
You looked around, lost in thought. You stood in the front door of the bar, looking for a beautiful Italian woman you had arranged to meet after work here. Your gaze wandered around, but Carina probably had not arrived yet.
You went purposefully to the bar and took the last two seats that were still free. Before you could even take off your coat, the bartender sat down in front of you. She gave you a cheeky grin and you smiled kindly, trying to forget all the crap of the day.
"What can I get the pretty lady?" she asked and you looked at her helplessly. When you went to parties with Carina, you always held back your alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, you were not usually the person who would drink this brew voluntarily.
But on those days when nothing made sense and everything went wrong from the first thing in the morning, you needed something strong. "I dunno, just bring me something strong, please" you answered and she looked at you skeptically but nodded.
You looked around the bar again. There were small groups of tables everywhere, which were all occupied on a Friday evening. People were talking motionless and laughing while you were the only one still sitting alone.
"How come a woman like you is here on her own tonight?" the bartender started mixing the tequila in a shaker with some strawberries that had previously been strained. Her green eyes, sparkling like emeralds in the bar light not leaving you for a second. She scanned you up and down, her head cocked and a faint smile on her lips. "Like me?"
"Sweet, beautiful, charming, classy.. shall I continue?" she poured the strawberry margarita into a suitable glass and placed it in front of you. "Thank you. Both for the compliments and for the drink,"
You thought the bartender would let go of you and get back to work, but she stayed. She leaned on the counter with her elbows, her white blouse revealing a plunging neckline through an open button. You looked at your opposite and took a sip of your drink, it burned in your throat sharply and made you grimace.
The woman in front of you laughed.
"Too strong?" you looked up slightly annoyed and hoped that she would let go of you. You were not a person who would strictly forbid anyone to speak to you or seemed generally antipathetic, but this was something else.
The woman saw the ring on your finger, did you often catch her eyes glancing at the diamond-encrusted, glittering stone in the middle of a silver band that held it in the setting. Still, she was not counting on stopping flirting with you.
Her hand lay on your forearm, gently stroking it up and down with her fingertips. Her long sleeve was perfect cuffed at the elbows, showing an winding tattoo. This woman was persistent. You withdrew your arm from under her touch and leaned further back in your bar stool to gain some distance.
"We do not know each other and I.."
"Hi, I am Ava," your counterpart introduced herself quickly, interrupting your sentence. The brunette held out her hand and a slight smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "And you are?"
As soon as Carina entered the old bar, drunk guests fluttered towards the Italian and prevented her from getting a precise overview of the room, in which she was only looking for a single person.
But even though she burned every physical feature of you into her eyes and memory, she could not find you anywhere between the numerous people. You had been swallowed up by the turmoiling crowd in front of her and she groaned in annoyance. "Excuse me,"
Carina tiptoed through the people with difficulty, making the walk into a breakneck slalom while being careful not to pick up spilled beer on her expensive suit or touch any lit cigarettes and get burned.
As she rounded the little corner, she stopped abruptly in her tracks before her jaw dropped. In front of her stretched out a little scene that she had experiences many times before, but which made her incandescent every time. Anger rose up inside her like a thundercloud and she bit her lip in frustration.
Surprisingly, she spotted you sitting at the bar with your back showing to her. In front of you, a brunette whose hair was pulled back into a messy bun, some lose strands of hair framing her face. Her lips covered with red lipstick grinned cheekily at you while touching what was Carina´s.
"Per il mio bene, c'è un giorno in cui non flirta?" (for the sake of myself, is there one day where she does not get flirted on?). Visibly judging, her eyes rolled into the back of her head. The brunette wrapped her arms around her body and darted looks were thrown in your direction, which unfortunately were not fatal to the young woman in front of you. Sciocco, che non conosci limiti quando vedi quel fottuto anello a lei dito (Fool, that you know no bounds when you see that fucking ring on her finger)
She walked skillfully and with an upright, straight gait towards the bar while being able to catch the conversation just in time before you could answer the bartender.
"In a relationship. With me. Hi, I am Carina DeLuca,"
Startled, you jerked around in your seat and looked into your girlfriend´s delicate face. Her voice was deep and sounded annoyed, a dark gloming look in her eyes as she looked down at your lips and then back to your eyes while cocking her head to the side.
You could feel your heart start to beat insanely fast at her close presence, the smell of her expensive perfume, that expressed your wife´s contradictory and timeless nature, intoxicated you. Almost like she was trying to lure you to her lips instantly. "You really took your time,"
Carina´s jaw clenched at your remark and her body came dangerous close to yours. With her upper body, she leaned into you, smirking while her lips ghosted over yours. You felt your cheeks heat up at your close distance. Flustered, you watch up at her, feeling your body beaming at the graze of her soft skin on yours.
A strand of hair that managed to free itself from behind her ear fell onto your cheeks, momentarily pulling your gaze away from her lingering eyes before your eyes shut at her close proximity, butterflies filling your stomach. "Ochi su di me, bella" (eyes on me, beautiful). Carina mumbled darkly into your ear, making you shiver at the close distance of her lips on your earlobe, feeling your heartbeat raging in your throat.
Her hand was laying still and quietly over your throat, gently wrapping her fingers around it. With a little bit of pressure on the sides of it, you let out a whispered moan, leaving your mouth gasping before her lips slammed onto your own.
You melted into her touch as she pulled you even closer, your hands unconsciously gripping her waist. "Ti possiedo," (I own you). The brunettes voice was deep and husky. You could feel your breath hitching as you looked into her darkened and heated eyes, filled with lust. Her lips made contact with your jaw line, prepping it with a few small kisses. "Cazzo, mi fai impazzire" (Shit, you drive me crazy)
Carina let go of you and pulled you a little closer before putting an arm tightly around you. She threw a wide, cheeky grin at the bartender but at the same time a glare that reflected pure jealousy.
Unsure, Ava´s fingernails scraped the dark wood beneath her. The whole thing, that played out in front of her made her slightly uncomfortable. Nonetheless, question marks flooded above her head and could lit up whole Seattle. Her curiosity was piqued.
"So.. you are her wife?" she pointed to the ring on your finger and Carina started to chuckle loudly. Carina pulled your jacket off the bar stool and hastily held it open for you to slip into. She was impatient, almost jittery. "No, princess. I got the ring from a children's vending machine and just gave it to her,"
Ava raised her eyebrows sharply and grabbed your empty cocktail glass from the table as quickly as possible. Nervously, she pulled a washcloth from her shoulder and made a beeline for the other side of the bar. Her gaze was constantly lowered without once looking in your direction again. "I did not know you were the jealous type?"
Fully dressed to go out again, Carina grabbed you tightly by the wrist and dragged you through the crowd. She wasted no time pushing people out of her way, just wanting to get you out of here and bring you back to the apartment where she had you all to herself. "Woah, where are we going? I thought we were supposed to stay a little longer?"
"I need to do something about that little flirt you just pulled, teaching you some manners"
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oneshotnewbie · 2 years
Station 19 request:
A oneshot where Reader is a good friend of Maya, Carina, Vic, and most of all Andy, but does not work at the fire station. She comes to eat lunch with them whenever she is free from work and they notice that she got thinner. Maybe something angsty with death/illness/sickness? I just have this plot in mind and no ending so maybe you could do something with it. Just wanted to share it with you because your stories are wonderfully writing and always allowing me to dice into another world when life gets rough. Thank you for writing and sharing ❣️
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⚠️Trigger warning!⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of cancer, throwing up and some swear words. These plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Summary: Life and death are two ends of the same rope. You can be dead while living your life or you can live while slowly fading away. You are fading away. Drowning because you have lung cancer. There is no putting it nicely. Every breath you take feeds your life a new chance, but also takes it away. Being diagnosed with cancer was a painful punch in the face and it did not help as you watched your family crumble apart under the weight of the news.
You stared at the stack of new documents on your lap, your body bolt upright in the seat of your car. You closed your eyes, sat back with a sigh and shook your head, tears slowly feeling their way to the surface. "Fuck!"
With the back of your hand, you wiped away the cold, wet sweat that had formed on your forehead and took a deep breath. You could not lose your composure now. A little too hectic, you widened your eyes again and stuffed the papers roughly into the glove compartment.
You did not want to see it anymore. You just did not want to know anything more about your condition. You did not want to deal with it anymore, not now when you were trying to have a nice lunch with your family after being unable to come for weeks.
Annoyed, you started the engine and drove out of the hospital parking lot. But you could not ignore and forget it that quickly what the doctor had told you based on the blood count and the subsequent tests: bronchial carcinoma.
But you did not understood it. You had never held a cigarette in your hand and always thought about your health. Every minute your thoughts wandered to the words of your doctor, hardly really concentrating on the road. It was a miracle when you parked your car near the driveway to the fire station safely.
The engine rumbled to a halt, unbuckled your seat belt and stared at your second home. Your heart sank in your chest at the thought of sharing the news with your family. You took a deep breath, followed by a cough and opened the door.
A fake smile crossed your lips as you stepped onto the threshold of the vehicle hall and looked around. Everyone was deeply engrossed in their work, chattering and laughing wildly. And you would completely destroy the happy atmosphere in a few minutes.
"Y/n!" you heard someone yell surprised and your gaze shifted in that direction. You discovered Vic, who came towards you beaming with joy and a big grin. "What are you doing here?"
On one hand, you would love to let her pull you into a strong, comforting and warm hug. On the other hand, you just wanted to hide away and be alone. Not talk about it with anyone, especially those whose hearts you would break.
They would give you hell if they would find out you have knows for months.
"I wanted to surprise you with homemade and delicious stuffed chicken fillets in rosemary sauce," you explained, earning cheers from the entire crew who had overheard your conversation.
A moment later you found yourself squeezed between Vic, Ben, Jack and Dean in an embrace and your body intuitively responded to this warmth and protection. You really had to pull yourself together not to grab onto the woman in front of you and collapse into her.
Even when your friends broke away from you, you were still stuck in a void. Only a door that opened and closed somewhere far away made you become a woman over your body again.
"Look at this," while Dean gently pulled your car keys out of your hands and set off with Gibson to get the food from your car, a blonde trotted towards you with Carina by her side. Her gaze was hard, her iron blue eyes pierced you before her facial expressions softened and a smile crept onto her lips. "The lost Y/n L/n has returned."
"Come here, principessa," the brunette added with a laugh to her wife´s comment and happily hugged you. You started losing yourself again, this time in the lovely, elegant and timeless perfume of the OB/GYN. "We have not seen you for weeks!"
Maya, who was standing nearby, inspected you and raised her eyebrow suspiciously. "Have you lost weight? You have gotten thin, practically disappearing," the blonde said simply, the words just gushing out of her.
"Just been extremely stressed lately," you sidestepped her, which was not even a lie. You have been stressed between hospitals, bad news and decisions. You looked at Maya intently, swallowed audibly, letting her frown without dwelling on it further.
During the time you stood there between your friends, trying to be happy, reality blurred before your eyes and you imagines how separate parties would mourn you.
Andy, you knew that for sure, would have the most trouble with it. After the deaths of her father and Ryan in such a short time, she would be completely devastated with your loss of life. She would run through fires aggressively and completely wrecked for a time, with no qualms about losing her own life. She already lost everything she ever cared for.
Made of steel, the gold medalist would look tough on the outside but would break down on the inside and hide it from everyone else. Even though you did not get along at first and she saw you as a competition, you won her love by showing friendship, softness and kindness towards her. She was incredibly fond of you.
Victoria would walk around happily after a short time of your death, even telling strangers stories and experiences from your time together outside of work for just remembering you, before the moment comes when she suddenly realizes the reality of you not being here anymore.
Carina, who brought you into the Station19 family in the first place, would grieve just as much as she did for Andrew. Starving for days, her appetite disappearing while being depressed and unable to express her emotions.
"Y/n, are you really okay? You look really pale," the Italian hooked and you felt her hand on your shoulder, shaking you slightly. You just nodded, tried to smile genuinely while you saw the intrusive look Maya gave you, which was literally crushing you from the inside. "Sorry, what did you say?"
"It is time for a delicious lunch. Come on, honey."
As you walked down the long and seemingly endless hallway, your only thoughts revolved around the forthcoming conversation with your friends. It was not going to be easy and you knew tears would flow, albeit your own.
"I need to tell you something," you started the final and most important conversation. Big eyes stared up from their full plates and judging by your look, all smiles from their lips and happiness in their eyes disappeared. Their facial expressions matched your confused, stunned and sad one.
"Uh oh.. let me guess, you are pregnant!" came from Jack and you bit your lip hard, his jokes not getting through to you.
"I am sick," your gaze frantically wandered around the room and you felt your heartbeat quicken. Your hands started to tremble and with difficulty, you were able to cling to the wooden table you stood at. Your vision blacked out for a little moment, the quick jump-up a little too much for your battered body.
Shock settled onto the silenced room and Jack looked down, embarrassed and remorseful at his stupid comment.
"What do you mean by that, preciosa?" exclaimed Andy. Her voice suddenly sounded thin and not at all like her own. Fear reflected in her eyes. She was afraid of what kind of information awaited her. She swallowed hard and briefly closed her eyes while the words you said swirled around in her head.
Seconds passed with everyone sitting across from each other in silence. "Answer me, please!" Actually, the Spaniard did not want to hear the answer at all, the fear over-weighing her but she had to know. "I was diagnosed with cancer," was your simple reply.
All noises died down and the expression on your friend´s faces showed sheer shock. Andy felt herself getting sick and made it to a trash can just in time before she emptied her stomach contents. You slowly walked up to her, gently starting to stroke her back.
"Tell us that´s not true!" Salty tears ran uncontrollably down Victoria´s cheeks and you looked at her with sad eyes before she jumped up and threw herself into your arms, clinging tightly to you from behind.
"Chances of recovery?" Maya asked, dropping into her chair. Her voice sounded broken. You could tell from the vibration in her voice that she was trying to stay strong and swallow her tears. She was a wreck, more shell than a person in this given moment.
"Please do not worry so much," you whispered almost inaudibly, earning serious and angry looks that sent shivers down your spine before Maya laughed bitterly. "Y/n, how do you picture that? You are our family!"
"What are your chances of recovery?" Andy meanwhile had stood up from her garbage bin to look you in the eyes. Her eyes were glassy, her pupils wide open. She was in visible shock. You gave up, tears falling unhindered down your face, which you tried to catch with your sweater sleeve. "Almost none.."
"Oh god," she hastily pulled the trash bin back towards her and vomited again. Her head was spinning and she felt like she might faint at any moment. Again, you rubbed her back soothingly, like you always did when she was feeling bad.
But what would happen if at some point you could not do it anymore? If you.. if..
Andy swallowed hard. She could not finish that sentence and the idea that there would soon be a world where you were not there for her whenever she needed you the most. You were her best friend. Her lifeline. Her better half.
"Despite the slim chance I will make it, trust me. You will not get rid of me that easily,"
"Y/n.." Victoria whispered in your ear and pulled you closer. Upset, she cried like she had never cried in her life. She leaned further over you and placing lots of small kisses on your beautiful hair.
"We trust you, bella," Carina forced out through sobs, her first words since your statement. She was in shock too, even though she had seen it more than enough times in the hospital. But hearing about it in her circle, in her family, broke her heart. "But not this illness."
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Can we get a part 2 to the station 19 cancer post please? It was really good and made me cry haha
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⚠️Trigger warning!⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of cancer, throwing up and some swear words. These plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Your eyes burned from the bright light that the sun drew across the room in powerful rays. You tried to run sideways in the armchair you were sitting in, but this was thwarted by the many tubes attached to your arms and chest.
A breathing tube under your nose sprayed tickling air into it. Chemical substances spread through your veins in your body and poisoned you. Numerous devices around you, which controlled your vital signs, beeped in an unstoppable rhythm and kept you trapped in a position that you could not stand for much longer.
Your back hurt, your already weak body exhausted from the strenuous treatments.
Your sparkling eyes had lost all luster and stared emotionless at the fast line displayed on the screen next to you. Where once your thin, soft hair was, there was only bare skin over which a cold breeze blew and made you shiver.
Birds were loudly singing outside. Children laughed and romped happily on the opposite playground of the kinder garden but your happiness had long since died out. Every week, you sat in the same chair at the farthest corner of the white room, vegetating away.
You kept seeing the same faces talking. You had not spoken a single word to anyone before, did not even know the names of the nurses. But you did not care, you were not here to make friends or make new acquaintances.
Battling. Surviving. That was high on your priority list.
You were simply trying to endure it in silence, hoping that with each new session the side effects would disappear.
Four weeks ago, the horror had started and you remembered exactly how the first day of autumn had hit you. The side effects dragged on after the first few minutes of the first dose, nosebleeds and vertigo followed immediately afterwards.
Since then, unconsciousness and the pallor of your strength has haunted you with every new breath you took.
"Oye, mi preciosa," (Hey, my precious). You narrowed your eyes sullenly as the soft and husky voice pulled you out of your thoughts. Wearily, you looked at the source of the noise after receiving a loving kiss on your temple. It was Andy, who knelt in front of you short after, a small smile creeping onto her lips. "What are you doing here? I thought nobody was allowed to-"
"Fire department status," her gaze wandered to your port access, which ran along the left under your collarbone and took a deep breath. She had seen this on you several times before, but the paler your skin got from battling that pesky disease, the stronger it seemed to pop out into her eyes. "Besides, I have my secret sources"
Andy quickly averted her fixed and anxious eyes from it and got back on her feet. "Bailey?" you asked, getting a simple nod as an answer before your best friend conjured up a small stuffed teddy bear from behind her back, making you smile before you tried to reach for it.
As soon as you had the little white polar bear in your hand, you examined it. He was no bigger than the size of your head and wore a fire suit with a matching helmet. On it, a self-applied number showing the date you were born and your last name in white letters.
"This is Mr. Cuddlesworth," the Spaniard began to speak while she walked away from you. You looked after her questioningly, seeing her asking a nurse at the small counter for a folding chair. A smirk creased on your pale lips, realizing that she was not just here for a short visit but apparently intended to stay here for a longer period of time. Andy came back gratefully and continued with her statement. "He will be your cute little helper when I can not accompany you"
"Thank you, Andy. That means a lot to me"
She took your hand in hers and held it tight, rubbing small tickling circles on the back of your hand with her thumb. "I do not know how much longer I can take this," you confess to her in a moment of total silence. Tears welled up in your eyes, the tiredness that enveloped your soul like a membrane struggling to the fore.
You felt your life slowly fading away. Every breath became heavier, rattling noises leaving your throat. You did not even have the strength to clear your throat. Every time you tried to get air into your lungs, they only filled a quarter full. Your innermost self resisted the negative thoughts, but your body went on strike, leaving you with closed eyes and tears rolling down your cheeks. "I do not want to die"
"You will survive, mi amor," she hugged you comfortingly to damp your distress and fear. Gently, she spoke positive affirmations alternating between her mother tongue and American language, but you could feel slow tears falling down on your cold head while her chest trembled next to you. "You are the strongest woman I have ever met in my life"
You too clung to the last straw of hope that was bestowed on you from all sides, but with each passing day the insecurity gnawed at you. Even if you healed completely and your cancer did not recur after a period of time, you would never lead the same life.
It had already died with the diagnosis.
"So Mrs. L/n, your first cycle is over and you are done for today. You can go home," the nurse interrupted in your intimate embrace, patiently waiting for you to be unplugged from any systems. Andy excused herself and quickly stepped aside before pulling out her phone and frantically typing on her phone.
After they flushed your port, you struggled to push yourself off the chair with your remaining strength. The onset of tiredness after chemo was clearly noticeable. Your best friend put her arms carefully around your waist to support you as you both walked slowly towards the exit, your eyes darting on the floor the entire time as you rested your head on her shoulder.
Andy quickly unlocked the door of your apartment as she dragged you along, her arms wrapped tightly around your body as if she had to hold you together so you would not fall apart. "Here we are, I will put you to bed right away,"
You nodded, unable to speak. You had not said anything since the hospital, had almost fallen asleep on the car ride if the young firefighter had not driven over every hill she saw on the road.
Putting the key on the dresser and tossing her bag dryly in the corner, she walked with you into your bedroom and laid you down. "Do you need something?" the brunette started with her responsible tasks towards you and began to take off your shoes.
"Go to work, I will be fine" was your weak and almost whispered answer as you sprawled out on your bed. Squeezing the soft pillow comfortably under your head, you held it tightly with both hands.
"I took today off. I will take care of you," she spoke softly, pulling a thick blanket over your trembling and sweaty body; the side effects of the chemotherapy already starting to show. Her warm hand brushed some stray strands of hair away from your face and followed the curves of your body until her hand rested on the outsides of your pelvis, stroking it encouragingly.
A strong growl caught her attention off guard and made her chuckle. Your entire face wrinkled at the sound and the uncomfortable feeling stretching in your stomach, which is why you hid deeper in the covers. "Bonita, have you eaten anything today?"
"No, but I am not hungry anyway"
"You have to eat something," she lectured you immediately, getting up from her seat. Andy was already on her way to the kitchen when she turned back to you. "Try to relax a little. I will be right back"
Vanishing from the room, she remained optimistic about getting you a sensible and healthy lunch even though you had nothing in the fridge to use up. Ever since the chemotherapy started, you have not had the energy to pursue your favorite pastime- cooking.
With a lot of creativity and a slightly slimmed down recipe, the brunette conjured up a warm soup for you. It would fill you up with a few types of vegetables in it, had enough vitamins and gave you strength, but it was not difficult to swallow.
Filling it into a small bowl, she walked back to you with slow steps, so as not to spill anything. But she stopped in the doorway and casted a feeble look down at you. In the meantime she cooked something for you, your eyes closed and you had completely disappeared under the covers, that were up to your nose. Andy heard soft, rattling breaths and watched as the sheet moved up and down in even movements.
Andy quickly brought the soup back to the kitchen before she carefully lay down next to you on the free space. Her head lowered tenderly onto yours as she wrapped an arm around you and rubbed your arm compassionately.
Worries spread through her again; she did not know about you or your state of health at the moment. You did not want to answer any questions about it, you kept quiet about your illness, although everyone around you could see more and more that your strength was dwindling. Soft tears rolled down the bridge of her nose as her body trembled gently against yours.
She was not ready to let you go.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Cancer story 3 part pls?
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Authors note: It's relatively short, but it's also the end of this little mini-series that you guys convinced me to write. Thank you so much for reading ♥
Andy Herrera had always underestimated it despite her losses. She had not wanted to admit that it could just rip you out of her life in this short time, never could have known that Mondays goodbye hug was the last she would ever get from you again.
The tough Latina has never been so unprepared by this dark force as with you. All the people who had died in her environment so far had given her time to prepare for it.
Her father had known from the start that cancer would take his life; the doctors had already given up on him. The brunette had not wanted to accept it, but deep down she had understood that Pruett was going to die; he had been able to use the last few weeks to say goodbye to his entire team.
Your chances of surviving this troublesome illness however, had been very good lately. Your chemotherapy had ended, the cancer even had regressed and your energy had slowly returned. But your body was too weak and eventually failed under the pressure of strain your system had to endure.
A shiver ran through her body and made her tremble briefly. Chilled air rushed incessantly through the open window into her living room and still, she could not breathe.
Andy could not tell how long she had been laying on the hard parquet floor just staring at the white ceiling that seemed to come closer with every faltering breath and she could hardly imagine anything more liberating at that moment, than being crushed by the ceiling that would push the pain out of her.
Her cell phone rang for the thousandth time somewhere on the coffee table. She had not touched it in days, failed to show up to work, had not spoken to anyone. The fire-woman just wanted to lay here and feel sorry for herself.
The Latina knew that while her friends on Station19 were struggling with the loss themselves, they were the ones most worried about her. Maya, Vic and Carina were afraid for her, but she could not take their condolences.
She did not wanted to be reconfirmed that you were gone for good, could not even bear to hear your name.
It had all been so sudden, without any premonitions. She remembered exactly how she had picked you up from the hospital on the decisive day a week ago and taken you to the station where you had spent your day together with everyone else.
You were so happy with the information that the cancer was on the mend and you were bubbling with new life energy. The color of your otherwise pale face returned to a silky shade of pink while a smile had been timid and constant on your lips.
Only the next day, when she could not reach you and you had not shown up at her workplace, did she make her way to your apartment to check on things. Her slightly shuffling but deliberate steps defined themselves on the steps in the stairwell before her hand thundered against your apartment door.
But no one opened and the worst assumptions had nested in her mind. When she did not get a message from you in the evening either, she called the police, who took pity on her and drove to your apartment to look around.
Andy had previously sat tensely with Maya and Carina in their apartment, staring at the clock and waiting impatiently when the call from the official, which she no longer remembered the name, she received at exactly 1:04am, knocked the ground from under her feet and let her collapse.
The friendly policeman had been silent on the other end of the phone for an unusual long time, finding it difficult to deliver the sad news to her- they found you dead in your bed.
The autopsy later revealed that you must have died the night before. The officer had assured Andy, that you fell asleep peacefully as usual, except that you would never wake up again. Your heart had stopped beating, as if it had suddenly gotten tired and had forgotten what its job was.
Since then she had been stunned, regularly wiping the stray tears from the corners of her eyes that threatened to trickle down her cheeks. Frantically, she pushed the pain to the farthest corner and buried it under total emptiness.
It was incomprehensible that you were no longer among them. Did she miss your nature, your endless humor, the indescribable smile and laughter that filled this apartment almost every day. She closed her eyes as she thought about it, her body wincing while her hands clenched into fists.
Andy Herrera's heart was pounding angrily, emotional and full of pain.
Her lips pressed into a forming line as her shaky breath caught in her throat, trying to control her emotions. But she could not keep that expression for long; soon the corners of her mouth turned down while her eyes began to shimmer.
As the first tear slipped from her eyes after several hours, she realized a tremor in her body before letting out a heartbreaking sob. The brunette turned her head, now laying sideways on the floor and looking towards the wall. Her whole body tensed and she swallowed hard at the picture of the two of you together.
"I miss you, Y/n" she croaked softly, her voice hoarse from days of silence.
The Latina felt her throat tighten, breathing became increasingly difficult. You were so damn important to her, had been everything to her. But now you got snatched away from her and it was irreversible.
At some point, the annoying ringing stopped and Andy was alone with herself and the lonely silence around her. Trembling finger slid along the discrete grooves of the floor as water pooled on the lower lid of her eye, threatening to collapse yet again.
The brunettes cheeks glowed and cooled slightly only from the coldness of her tears, which slowly rolled down her face and pooled on the outer parts of her contoured face, where they lost their grip and disappeared into her unwashed, frizzy hair.
She suppressed the thoughts about her loss, although it was so omnipresent in the air and would never fade away. Death was irrevocable and nothing would ever bring you back to her. Nothing.
You were gone.
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oneshotnewbie · 6 months
Carina DeLuca und Maya Bishop taking care after Reader has an operation and gets home. Readers emotions are wild because she is in so much pain
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Hospital hallways have never been known for their warmth, but on this rainy afternoon the gray walls and sterile floor seemed to intensify the cold. You sat on the edge of the bed in a jogging suit that was way too big for you and didn't fit, trying to sit up.
One of the nurses on the ward had changed your wound bandage for the last time and the doctor had just handed over the discharge papers, but the pain that was still throbbing and burning in your body made every movement a challenge for you.
There was a gentle knock and your head snapped to the door as it opened and two familiar faces entered the room, their faces brightening at the sight of you. "Hey, sleepyhead. Ready to break free from this joint? How are you feeling?" the blonde asked happily, smiling as she made her way over to you. A hand cupped the side of your neck before her lips pressed slowly and gently against yours, her longing for you insanely strong.
“Better, I guess,” you murmured as you struggled to your feet, standing on unsteady legs. You tried to smile, but you couldn't hide the fact that the pain was deeper than you expected. "I'm so ready to get out of here."
Now Carina had finally approached you, with a bouquet of fresh flowers in her hand. She knew that you liked roses best and just the smell of them made you feel better and she was happy that you were finally feeling better. Nevertheless, concern shone through the loving smile and lively brown eyes as she handed you the flowers and also placed a big kiss on your cheek. "Ciao amore mio,"
"Thank you baby." You replied, feeling a breath of freshness flow through the bouquet. It was as if a bit of normality had returned to this clinical room where you had been lying for a week. But now it was time to finally get out of here and get home, where you could heal yourself properly with the help of your two wives.
Together the two of you slowly walked with you down the long hallway to the elevators. You limped slightly, supported by Maya's strong arm, while Carina led the way, clearing the path. The world outside seemed contrasting and loud compared to the quiet, sterile environment of the hospital room.
"You have to tell me if it gets too much, my love. We can always use a wheelchair," the blonde offered as you exited the hospital and you shook your head with a hint of determination, despite the pain was still deep. "It'll be fine, don't worry."
The rain enveloped you and Carina opened an umbrella to protect you from the falling drops while Maya still gently walked you to the car door. Quickly opening it, she carefully lowered you onto the back seat of the car. A small cry of pain escaped your lips.
"Where does it hurt the most, Bella?" The brunette asked as she started the engine and looked in the rearview mirror to catch your gaze. "Everywhere. But Bailey and Webber have made it clear to me that it will probably be like this for another two days before things go uphill." You replied, trying to smile, but it was hard to hide the pain.
Meanwhile, Maya sat in the backseat with you before buckling up her seatbelt. She squeezed your hand gently, running her thumb over your skin. "We're here for you, okay? You'll feel better at home."
You just nodded tiredly and closed your eyes. The way home was characterized by quiet moments and the gentle sound of rain on the car roof. When you finally reached the front door, Carina carefully helped you out of the car and up to the first floor, while Maya ran forward and opened the apartment door.
In the warm light of the hallway, the home immediately felt inviting and the blonde carefully placed the bouquet on the dresser while the brunette led you to the bedroom and gently lowered you onto it. "Rest, y/n. We'll take care of the rest," she spoke, covering you with a blanket before giving you a kiss on the forehead and quietly leaving the room.
Your eyes closed from tiredness and the feeling of the loving atmosphere of your home, which was definitely beneficial to your continued recovery, and you fell into a deep sleep that consumed you for quite a while.
Only when the sun's rays gently filtered through the closed curtains and bathed the bedroom in a mild light did you wake up and, still weak from the previous operation, looked at the ajar door. "Maya, Car?" you called out to the two, hoping they were home.
The two immediately entered the room with worried looks and a tray full of breakfast. The Italian carefully sat down on the edge of the bed and smiled encouragingly at you. "Buongiorno, tesoro. How did you sleep?" You looked at both of them confused, but returned the smile weakly. "Good morning? Did I really only sleep for a few minutes?"
"No, silly. You slept through the whole of yesterday and the night," Maya said with a soft giggle as she pushed herself off the doorframe and joined you on the bed. "How are you feeling today?"
"Not so bad, I guess. But the pain is still there." You answered, still slightly groggy, and the blonde handed you a cup of water and a bowl of freshly peeled fruit from the tablet. "Here, maybe this will help a little. Afterwards you'll get your painkillers."
You nodded gratefully and took a small sip of water. Meanwhile, Carina carefully placed a cold hand on your forehead to see if you had developed a fever overnight, but luckily there was no trace of it. "Since there were a few complications with your surgery, it will take some time for you to fully recover."
"I know, but the side effects suck hard," you spoke, thinking about them that had become more noticeable lately. You struggled with pain, nausea, and general exhaustion. Even the effort of standing up seemed overwhelming and Maya helped you up. "How does the pain feel?" She asked carefully, moving closer to you to place a hand on your thigh.
 You sighed, trying to find the right words for the aching and warm pain you felt, circling the sides of the bandages with your index fingers. "It's like my body is no longer mine. Everything hurts and I feel so weak."
They both nodded understandingly and lay down next to you on each other's sides. They cuddled and snuggled up to you, nothing stopping them - not even the household. You lay in bed together all day, only getting up when absolutely necessary and otherwise just watching trash TV.
The next few days continued with a gentle rhythm of care and support. Carina and Maya took turns making sure you weren't alone. They helped you walk, gave you medicine, and brought you meals to your bed or couch. Together they created an atmosphere of love and care that seemed to dispel the dark clouds of pain.
In the quiet moments, Maya would read you one of your new and unread psychological thrillers while Carina massaged your hands or shoulders. The sensitive and reassuring phrases of care penetrated your consciousness, creating a small oasis of distraction in the midst of the storm of physical discomfort.
One evening, as the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon, you and Maya sat on the balcony while Carina prepared a light meal for you. The conversations were quiet, but the love and support spoke louder than the words they could ever offer you.
"I know, it's hard," the brunette said as she walked through the balcony doors and handed you a plate. "But you're doing great. Every day brings you one step closer to recovery."
You smiled tiredly, but with more energy than you had a few days ago. The pain had mostly subsided and your manner was slowly returning. "I'm glad to have you by my side. It gives me strength to carry on."
Together, strengthened by love and devotion, you went through the ups and downs of your health with them. In these moments of community, you found the strength to walk the path to complete healing together.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Fight Falls - Part II
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Trigger Warning⚠️ This one-shot includes the topic of a car accident and the plot is presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle the subject, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
You groaned in agony, dizziness unfolding as your eyes fluttered open troubled, surveying your surroundings. To all appearances, you were in a hospital room, at least that was what the strong smell of disinfectant told you from the bed you were laying in.
Your attention extended to the woman who had nodded off in the chair next to you. The blonde had her feet on the edge of the bed while her head gently rested on her closed fist. Your breath caught at the sight of the devastated face. Dry, pale lines of tears outlined the dark circles under closed and tired eyes. The sight made the heart monitor you were hooked to go horribly crazy.
"Y/n?" she was slightly dazed and confused when her eyes opened and focused on you. It was only when she squeezed your hand that you realized she was holding onto you like you were about to disappear.
"M-maya" your voice trailed off as you tried to raise your body into a sitting position. You warmly accepted your wife´s help as she slipped her arms softly under your armpits and carefully pulled you up. Maya quickly stroked your matt and dry hair before taking a glass of water from your side table.
The firefighter held it up to your lips, patiently waiting as you took your first sip, enjoying the cool water sliding down your dry and burning throat. Nodding to her, she took the glass away from you before sitting down and fidgeting with her fingers nervously. Her head was lowered, only soft whimpers and sobs escaped her.
"Four days," she began to speak softly, her voice shaking with tension. "You were unconscious for four days. Apparently, you hit your head very hard"
"That would explain the killer headache," you mumbled and the blonde smiled slightly as you grimaced while running your palm down the back of your neck. "What happened?"
"Someone figured it would be a good idea to hit the gas pedal quickly to get through a red light," she shrugged, biting the insides of her cheek hard. Her clear blue eyes darkened and pure anger flared up in them. "Was not smart of him to mess with you. You have two women by your side, one of whom has free access to every room in this hospital and might be on lookout for a minute or two while he gets to feel my fists"
You had realized that Maya seemed to be barely breathing out of sheer nervousness and just talked until she ran out of breath. You slowly reached out a hand and grabbed her thigh, which you began to squeeze gently to bring her back to reality. "It is neither Carina´s nor your fault"
"You have a nasty cut on your forehead and a severe concussion" she replied in a serious tone, frowning while a fixed and intense gaze brooked no contradiction. "Our thoughtless and completely pointless argument got you in the car in the first place"
You applied renewed but significantly more pressure to the blondes thigh, causing her to grunt out as your fingernails dug into her skin.
"Okay, I give in. Not my fault!"
Satisfied with her answer, you smiled and leaned back against your pillow, covering your upper body with the thick blanket from the cold. "Please bring me Carina. Or Amelia. Or anyone responsible for me and get me out of here!"
Squinting and eye and pursing her lips, you could see that she was not happy with your wish. But she could not refuse you anything so she nodded and jumped up from her seat. Placing a gentle kiss on your forehead, Maya headed for the door and briefly disappeared.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you let your eyes close for a soft moment as you rode out a wave of pain that took control of your body, making you shiver. You would like to ask for painkiller immediately if your treating doctor comes in. But then Maya and also Carina would worry and insist that you would stay here for observation.
Something, you did not want at all.
"Hey Y/n," you had not even heard the door creak open through your trance as your eyes snapped open and followed the voice.
Acknowledging the well-known neurologist in front of you, you smiled at her. "Nice to see you awake again. You gave the two toughest women I know a real scare"
Amelia tapped the tablet in her hands, calling up your file before joining your bed and shining her little lamp in your eyes. The light burned like hell in them, but you tried not to let it show so as not to minimize your chances of being able to go home soon.
"They are always worried, no matter what I do"
You were impatient as she gently pulled down the thick plaster on your forehead to examine the cut for any inflammation. You hated hospitals, everything about them but most of all the atmosphere that came with them. Even though you knew everyone here and were taken care of as if you were one of them, you just could not bear to be here.
"Not always, but often enough. Because we love you" the blonde folded her arms tightly under her chest and pouted. Amelia could not help but laugh at your bickering while you rolled your eyes and immediately regretted it.
"It looks like everything is okay so far. No bleeding or other damage to your brain, though you have received a mild concussion due to the impact. I will bring you the discharge papers in a few hours. Please try to walk a few steps to get your circulation going, see if you get dizzy while standing up"
"I am fine. I can go home now," you quickly leaned forward and threw your legs over the edge of your bed. There was no way you would stay here just a minute longer. Sensing your stubbornness as she knew it from you, Maya crept back to your side. "Honey, you really should listen to Dr. Shepherd"
You slapped away your wife´s outstretched hand, and a momentary, horrible pain shot through your spine but you tried to ignore it. It was not her fault that you were here, nor that the neurologist wanted to let you walk a few steps, but she was the only one you could take your frustration out on.
"Y/n!" you stared up at the blonde, who had crowded your personal space. Along with the warm breath you could feel on your cheek, the awkward beeping pierced your ears once again. "Take it easy before you hurt yourself even more and have to stay here longer"
You were about to argue but the look on her face brushed you off. You did not have the energy for another argument so you fell back onto the bed, mimicking the blonde with your arms crossed under your chest while an annoyed frown laid across your forehead.
Your head hurt from the strain she had put on your ears, trying to understand the voices of Amelia and Maya clearer than the constant ringing while your ribs started to ache. You squinted your eyes as the soreness in your body took your whole attention before slipping close, gritting your teeth to force down a whimper that threatened to leave your lips.
Your headache worsened.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Marina x daughter!reader gets hurt during a soccer game. She’s obsessed with the sport lives and breathes it. So when she gets injured it’s her ACL( care ending injury)
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A painful outcry, which went through the marrow and bones of Carina and Maya´s body and drove a shiver down their backs, caused the doctor and the firefighter to run onto the field after a brief shock. Their daughter had clashed with her opponent, been knocked off her feet and thrown a few centimeters through the air.
After that, you hit the ground and your loud scream echoed across the soccer field. It was completely silent, the whistle sounding a break while not a sound could be heard from the fans. All eyes were on you on the floor, a small team of doctors already squatting with you, while you were writhing on the floor, your face contorted in pain.
All your fellow players, even the opponents, had gathered in a small circle around you and the doctors while Carina and Maya had pushed themselves through the crowd and got on their knees next to you. They talked to you softly and watched in shock as you held your knee frantically and it was already beginning to swell under your fingers.
"Hey baby. Stop moving, it is alright. We are here," the blonde said softly, staring down at you in shock. You seemed to despair of the pain, slightly opening your shiny, tearful eyes while you mumbled incoherent whines. You looked between your mothers before the brunette found her words. "What hurts? Can you tell me that?"
Without words and with a face turning red from pain, you pointed to your knee joint, which took on a bluish discoloration and on which the doctors were already touching around. Maya gently stroked your hair and rested her hand on your shoulder while trying to calm you down with soothing words. "The doctors are doing what they can, but you can expect that you will not be able to play today and we are going to the hospital instead."
"No! No. We have to win the game! I have to play,"
Your mothers gave you a slightly annoyed look and shook their head hastily. How could you think of winning a stupid game while lying on the floor in unnatural pain? "Bella, non c'è modo. You are injured and we will not allow your addiction to the game to cause further injury." it burst out on the Italian and you stared at her defeated.
Your mother was right and you could not persuade the two rock-hard women anyway - you could not play like that.
With a firm grip under your armpits, Maya had clawed you and pulled you up, Carina carefully supported your balance with two hands on your shoulder blades. "Can you put your foot down?" a small but nice question that made you say no when you tried to do so. "No, it hurts so terribly!" you replied whimpering and leaned on the blonde's shoulder.
"Ti portiamo in ospedale. Maya? Hospital. It is probably the anterior cruciate ligament, it needs treatment." nodding, she pulled you closer to her. With quick steps, you both walked and hobbled down the muddy path from the soccer field until you reached the Italian's parked Porsche.
It had been two days since you were discharged from the hospital. As revealed by an X-ray, this was not just a simple injury, but a serious one that caused problems. Your mother was right and you really did destroy your anterior curciate ligament as a result of your accident and had to have surgery.
Now you were lying on the couch at home, your leg propped up on three pillows, while your favorite show was playing that you were not even paying attention to. Instead, you dwell on your thoughts.
Anything could have happened. Everything, but not that. It was the penultimate game of the season and now you had destroyed your knee in the decisive game for the final, which meant a four-month break for you. Now you could not attend such a big event and play for the cup.
"That is bewitched!" you shouted and slammed your fist angrily on the pillow that lay on your lower stomach. The blonde and brunette who had taken time off work to take care of you, quickly moving over to you and ignored the washing machine calling for them.
"Honey, what do you mean?" Carina whispered softly to you and gently ran her fingers through your hair. Tears wet your cheeks and you let out a soft sob, the pain brewing with the feeling of failure inside you. "I have failed."
"Hey, you did not fail. You are injured and that has nothing to do with failure. You will still get the trophy, I promise you that," the blonde continued the conversation and pressed a big kiss on your head, her hand softly touching your thigh and caressing it. Her voice was still a whisper.
A simple whisper that meant so much to you.
"But I let you down. You ran a 10,000 meter sprint with a sprained ankle and won the gold medal. And me? I just fell on the floor and now I have…this" you admitted, pointing to your braced knee. The last few weeks, the last few months have been so beautiful. Maya, Carina and you, were looking forward to your soccer game and had imagined what it would be like to celebrate your beaming face with the trophy in your hand.
But now everything had gone differently and you were lying here on the dreary couch and all hopes were destroyed.
Two horrified and deeply saddened faces exhaled loudly and were silent for a brief moment while they looked down dejectedly. You had no reason to compare yourself to Maya, you were unique in your own way and they hated that they could not take your worries away. "I beg you, Y/n.. you are not a failure." the Italian broke the silence and looked at you invitingly.
"Look at me little one," the blonde said cautiously, bending slightly over you and always looking into your eyes. You looked up at her questioningly, blue eyes boring into yours. "Neither Carina nor I are disappointed in you. Rather, we are happy that you did not injure yourself worse."
You nodded cautiously, holding back your words. The blonde smiled and got up from her seat before disappearing again. "Mom?" you called after her as she was about to disappear into the bathroom and she turned around questioningly. You held up the already heated ice pack. "Can you get me some new ice? It's starting to hurt again."
"An ice pack for the princess with extra painkillers and vanilla ice cream is coming right away!" she said curtly and hurriedly walked towards the kitchen. A few minutes later she came back two her wive and you with all the things and sat down next to you again. "Now back off. We are going to watch a horror movie to distract you a little," she giggled, grabbing the remote control. With a little nudge on your nose, you pressed yourself to the blondes side and rested your head on her chest.
"Se metti un film horror e lo guardi con lei, sei una donna divorziata."
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