#stay cranky
sunflowergraves · 6 months
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larrylimericks · 11 months
Hairless Edition Many tears, like the curls, have been shed. “He’s acting!” “He’s balding!” they’ve said. At U2’s Vegas home: A shiny, sleek dome ... Not the Sphere — Harry’s freshly shorn head!
Homeless Edition The internet’s taking-the-piss-ing: Harry’s house and his hair have gone missing. Ol’ Ben’s attic shuffle’s Now hotels with Russell, While his husband squawks on about chicken.
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slumbergoblin · 8 months
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Wanting to slightly redesign my Betrayus (+ doodles)
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comraderoscoes · 2 months
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starheirxero · 11 months
contrary to popular belief, the “t” in “tsams” does not actually stand for “the”, it stands for “transgender”! hope this helps 💜
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natsarrownecklacx · 8 months
Seeing so many fics now not have many comments but so many notes really frustrated/ saddens me :/
people deserve to be told their works is good, that silly line they threw into the third paragraph referencing that show / movie was noticed, that they did not waste their time working on free entertainment for us.
It’s just so frustrating to click into a fic with a good few hundred notes and the only comments are “part two” or “tag in next part” cause like? How about some appreciation for what we already gave you before you start asking for something else that you’ll probably just disregard aswell?
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angelmush · 29 days
one thing that has helped me w/r/t recovery and fatphobia is that even if i dont feel ready to address myself with compassion and kindness reminding myself that the way i treat myself because of my physical appearance will always inevitably carry over to how i treat and view others has honestly been so helpful realizing that getting over myself and my own fatphobia is a loving act and important socially not just internally. sometimes its easier to feel compassion towards others and then go, oh! i deserve the same thing. and by depriving myself of that i might make the mistake of judging and hurting others. anyways your recovery posts and food pictures are so wonderful and inspiring <3
1. thank u for taking the time to send such a vulnerable and honest message and 2. YES YES YES a billion times YES !!!
it’s a deeply loving and revolutionary act to address the beliefs that you consciously and unconsciously hold about fatness. as much as you might try, those conditioned feelings bleed into everything. they seep into our behaviors and in turn, wound us and the people around us.
you worded it beautifully. recovering and working hard on unlearning the ugly stuff undoubtedly makes us into kinder, gentler people. :-)
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zabreus · 8 months
tumblr users circa a few years ago: we’re gonna raise this next generation with the love we should have received. the cycle of abuse ends here ❤️
those same tumblr users now, seeing a neglected 10 year old testing out retinol serums at sephora: can i strangle it
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isthehorsevideocute · 4 months
How do you feel about Raleigh Link? She calls out a lot of abuse within the equine industry
Oh I am all too familiar with her. An internet clout chaser who relies on a YouTube channel with a following if mainly children who reacts to whatever hot button internet drama is popular at the time because she failed to make it as an actual professional in the industry. She's around my age and apparently does whole series about literal children's equestrian vlogs. Nothing says "professional" like spending your time creeping on minors for content. Haven't been keeping tabs on her because I've got better things to do with my life but last I heard of her trying to get a real industry job she got fired in the first week for endangering the farm's security.
What i have seen of her content, its poorly put together, frequently contradictory, and loaded with terrible advice, like "helmets are bad actually", and tutorials on trimming hooves (something no one without proper training should ever try but knowing her audience some dumb child probably would), saddle fit (incomplete check and the saddle she said fit the horse did not in fact fit the horse), and wound care (she treated a puncture wound near an eye that needed veterinary attention but just stuck some topical on it and called it good).
Plus anything that isn't what she would personally do she considers abuse. She very much has the attitude of "everyone abuses their horses except for me", every riding discipline by design is abusive, so on. Its so lacking in nuance that it's never going to have a positive impact because no one would ever take it seriously
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I need to return to my roots. tumblr zombies run fandom
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impossible-rat-babies · 11 months
there are several good side quests in HW, but there’s this one that gets me in the hinterlands. it’s started with “saro roggo’s average life” which is an aether current quest. simple enough?
it turns into a chain of quests where poor saro struggles to make sense of his existence now that he is no longer just a frog. he has no instructions, thus he doesn’t know what to do. what gives his life meaning? it’s being told what to do and he doesn’t have that, so he’s scared he’s going to be turned back into a normal frog. thus he enlists your help to discover the deepest desire of master matoya and give it to her. through this quest chain you ask a bunch of the brooms what master matoya desires and they spend you off on their own quests. (they are fun lil you only get directions from the journal kind of quests). but eventually one of the brooms tell you of their sister who might know what matoya desires, but she is hidden away and can only be summoned by a special word. another broom tells you that it’s the word of what is dearest to master matoya, and another tells you it doesn’t know what is dearest to matoya, but it is certain that matoya hates y’shtola above all else. she doesn’t talk of her, so of course she must hate her? right?
you go and find the broom anyway and find out this funny hidden away broom holds matoya’s memories of a young Y’shtola. all the joys of her growing up into a fine young woman to the sharp pain of her sudden departure. matoya cannot bear to have the memories close, but she doesn’t wish to forget them. so these memories get tucked away—hidden just close enough.
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pochapal · 5 days
thank god the consultant dismissed me as another case of anxiety induced hysteria otherwise my intense two hour episodes of nosebleeds and nausea where my blood pressure rapidly fluctuates by a range of up to 45 points in a short amount of time and back again would be something to be genuinely concerned about!
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lycankeyy · 1 year
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Does anyone know what breed of dog this is
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Everyone called out sick but me 🕺
Not an ideal situation today but I'm playing loud breakcore from my phone so it's fine
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lunarruled · 3 months
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Kyleigh's gift to everyone for the rest of the summer 😂😂
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bitchfitch · 1 year
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unsure ATM if I want to actually do the rest of the pattern or just make a bunch more mingo snakes.
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