#stefan salvatore ( closed starter. )
painofhumanity · 1 year
@queenvixens liked my queued starter call
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"I'm not sure why you're looking at me like something's wrong. . . Nothing's wrong," Stefan said stiffly, knowing he wasn't being convincing. "Look, I don't know what you heard from Elena, but I'm-- I'm completely fine. Sure, finding out the truth about Damon being my vampire ancestor instead of my big brother threw me for a loop, but I'm fine. I'm coping. I'm not gonna run off and start using drugs. . .again." Stefan ran his fingers through the hair at the back of his head (the only part that wasn't carefully styled) and grimaced at Caroline. "I'm not doing a very good job." It wasn't a question, because he already knew the answer.
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mysticfallsresidents · 10 months
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closed short thanksgiving starter / requested by @scribedheart.
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⚰️    ――――      “        I  WOULDN'T  EAT  THAT  IF  I  WERE  YOU   —   damon  made  that  and  if  you  learned  anything  from  my  brother  it's  to  not  trust  anything he touches   [   ....   ]        ”
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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closed canon one-liner starter for; @brokenandlonelysouls (Stefan)
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"Although, I see I've been replaced by another blonde."
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little-miss-buffy · 5 months
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Closed starter for @doeeyedgilbert
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Buffy heard the front door slam and fast footsteps up the stairs. Someone was home, but it seemed like something was wrong. When she heard a door slam, she knew it was Elena given how close their rooms were. Growing concerned, she stepped into the hallway, Elena's door opened a little and then was slammed shut. What was happening? Buffy sped-walked to the door and was about knock when she heard Stefan Salvatore's voice from the other side.
"I would never hurt you. You're safe with me."
Why was he saying that to her? What was happening? Knowing she should probably kick the door down, Buffy just listened to the two teens talk and her eyes grew wide in shock over what she was hearing. Stefan and Damon were vampires.
Apparently, Damon was behind the "animal attacks," but Stefan only drank animal blood. Buffy felt stupid for not seeing it before. She should've at least known that Damon was a vampire due to the bite marks on Caroline's neck.
Stefan never raised any red flags. Elena was bite free and any time she was in his presence, Stefan looked at her with what her mother used to call "gooey eyes." It was easy to see he was in love with her. How was she supposed to know he was a vampire? But, there was one red flag she should've picked up on; he looked a LOT like Angel. In fact, listening to him talk now, he was almost EXACTLY like Angel.
Now, Stefan was begging Elena not to tell anyone because knowing was dangerous. Yeah, it is, Buffy agreed with Stefan silently. That's why she never told Elena, Jeremy, or Jenna about what she was. "I never wanted this," Buffy heard Stefan say. She felt bad for him, but at the same time she was pissed at him. She didn't want Jeremy and Elena living their own version of her life, but now Elena was living it anyway.
Buffy knew she couldn't keep her double life from her anymore. Maybe she would leave out the being a slayer for the past ten years, living on a hellmouth for seven, stopping apocalypses, her sister being a ball of energy until five years ago, and the fact that she died twice. For now, she would just stick to knowing about vampires and the fact that she dated a vampire that looked more like he could be Stefan's brother more than Damon did. But, most of all, Buffy knew how hard it was finding out that vampires were real. Of course, she'd been taken to a cemetery and thrown into a fight with an ACTUAL vampire, but learning that the supernatural was real was hard to process, regardless of how you found out. She didn't want Elena going through this alone. She'd had enough happening to her as it was.
After a while, Buffy went to knock on the door, but didn't have to because the door swung wide open and she came face-to-face with Elena. "I'm sorry," she stammered, checking over Elena's shoulder for Stefan, but he'd gone. "I just...okay, I just broke the family code, but I heard the door slamming and stuff and I was about to knock on the  door and I heard....I eavesdropped..." Stop rambling, Summers. She sighed and spoke in a calmer voice. "I heard everything, Elena, and I just....finding out this stuff is real is hard and I don't want you going through this alone...like I did...when I found out."
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tragcdysewn · 6 months
closed starter for stefan salvatore!! ( @papcrrings )
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"oh, here, don't move." davina comments, reaching up to pull a leaf from the man's hair and giving him a small laugh. "you would've been walking around with this in your hair for an hour, maybe more."
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ripper-royalty · 1 year
closed starter for @klaeus
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Stefan Salvatore was not dressed correctly. He didn't look the part. Young in the face no matter how carefully he chose his attire. Not artsy enough to be a part of the show. Not wealthy looking enough to be a buyer.
Art itself was also just not his thing. History, current events, economics even were all fine, and he'd studied each with varying degrees of interest, but slogged through the arts when they were required. So it was strange to find himself standing in the gallery. Staring at a painting with entirely untrained eyes.
Yet, something about the print in the window had drawn his attention. Made him stop on the sidewalk and step into the showing. Now he stood before the cavass on the wall, a snapshot done in oils of a café on a corner. Something so utterly normal and serene that it tugged on his chest. It made him yearn for a home to display it in.
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morningstargirl666 · 2 years
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Chapter 24 Sneak Peak:
When Klaus knocked on the front door of the Gilbert’s house, it was Jeremy that answered.
It never truly did get old, the expression on people’s faces when they recognised him - the shock, the hate, the terror. Jeremy was likewise predictable that way, face morphing from surprise to something more scared, before settling on anger and hatred, masking his true unease. It didn’t matter. Klaus was beginning to recognise the scents that lingered in the air now and poor, poor Jeremy reeked of fear.
Klaus smiled, all friendly lines and innocent eyes.
It didn’t put Jeremy at ease.
“What the hell do you want?” He snapped, and well-
Wasn’t that just rude?
“Now, is that any way to treat a guest?” Klaus said in response, sounding quite offended.
“What you doing here Klaus?” Stefan said, appearing out of nowhere and opening the door wider, pushing Jeremy back and taking his place just on the other side of the threshold.
Klaus glanced at him, but only for a second, disregarding Stefan as a threat almost immediately. His eyes slid back to Jeremy, smile still in place.
“Well for starters, young Jeremy here could show me some manners and invite me inside.”
Stefan rolled his jaw, never tearing his eyes off Klaus as he spoke to Jeremy. “Why don’t you go up to your room.”
Damon approached from behind, sending Jeremy a threatening look.
The poor boy looked between the three of them, glancing between Damon and Stefan first, before turning to Klaus. Clearly, he was smart enough to realise the futility of arguing with two young vampires just so he could be there when a hybrid who could tear his arms off as easily as he tore through paper started a fight. He sighed, giving up, and left the doorway to retreat upstairs, taking the steps two at a time.
Klaus eyed the two brothers now Jeremy was gone, gaze deciding to settle on Stefan.
“Poor lad. Loses one questionable father figure only to be replaced by the likes of the two of you.”
Damon flashed a false smile, perhaps annoyed at the lack of attention directed at him. “Yeah. About that - something happened.”
“Oh, I know all about my mother’s invulnerable creation. That’s why I’m here.” Klaus said to Damon, his friendly voice equally fake. “I’m leaving town. Just here to pick up a few road trip necessities.” He glanced at Stefan, grin widening to show his teeth. “Spare tire, flashlight… doppelgänger. ”
Damon huffed a laugh and offered another falsely sweet smile, grabbing the door to close it. “Can’t help you there!”
The door slammed shut, close enough that it made Klaus step back a little. The grin dropped from his face.
“Well, that went well.” Sam announced from his spot leant against the porch pillar, out of sight from the Salvatores, his sarcasm unwelcome. “Now what?”
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were-jer-archived · 2 years
Closed starter for @apex-royalty [Katerina]
Jeremy bent over, his hands on his shaking knees, gasping for breath. It was his third run of the day and the sun was starting to set, it would be deep into twilight by the time he got back to the Salvatore Boarding house. Even now his mind raced as frantically as his heart, remembering all the half taught lessons from Damon and Stefan - they were never for his ears of course. Jeremy was the kid brother, always around but never at the center of anything.
Sublimate the feelings.
So he'd taken up running again, it fit, there was so much to run from and nothing to run to. The seventeen year old didn't have a home anymore, his sister had burned it down when he died. He didn't have a family, parents were gone, aunt was gone, and Elena was dead too now, technically. Off desperately trying to have a normal life, attending the college their parents met at.
Sweat dripped from his nose onto the pavement, but all too quickly he was recovering, his stamina was unreal now. Jeremy couldn't run fast enough.
Drown out the energy with physical actions.
You couldn't outrun killing someone.
No one knew the Sommer's bloodline carried the curse too. The town had made a name for itself killing vampires, when it was humans who triggered it. Somehow no one had triggered the family curse in decades. Maybe centuries. Jeremy had in a drunken fight at a bonfire. The kid was familiar enough with the supernatural to know immediately what had happened, he could feel the way his eyes flashed golden and how every single hair stood on end.
So now he ran, trying to deal with the amplified everything by just out running it. But Jeremy couldn't outrun the full moon next week either.
Jeremy stood straight again, wiping his forehead with the bottom of his shirt, then freezing at the sight of movement along the treeline. It didn't seem to matter how far the sun dipped behind the horizon, his sight was sharper and he needed much less light to see by. His entire body tensed on alert, guard hairs standing on the back of his neck, it was that wolf again.
There was no way it was a coincidence. He triggers his curse and is suddenly stalked by a monstrous white wolf? She never came close, just glimpses, bright eyes reflecting in the low light. Jeremy didn't question how he knew it was a she, he just did. The other times he was closer to the house, struck with fear he'd ran faster and got inside the safety of the four walls.
Tonight, no matter how his instincts screamed NO, the running hadn't sublimated the impulse control. Tonight when he took off, it was in the direction of the woods. It was his turn to chase the wolf.
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CLOSED starter for @bunnyblooded
It had been a weird month, well, for Angel at least. Cordelia had ascended to a higher plane. Then, she came back a couple of days later with no memories at all. Lorne, as an empath demon, made Cordy sing for him so he could read her and help, but apparently, what Lorne saw was so disturbing, it made him sick and he left the room without saying a word except to Angel, "Do the words slouching towards Bethlehem ring a bell? Evil's coming, Angel. And it's planning on staying."
After Wolfram and Hart broke into the hotel and sucked the vision out of Lorne's head (because logic), they finally found a spell that gave Cordelia her memories back, but her eyes grew wide with fear and she shut herself up in her room.
That was twelve hours ago. Now, it was morning and Lorne wanted Angel to ask Cordelia about "her little stint as a Miss Higher Power. Oh, say, maybe something about the thing-a-ma-bad that Wolfram and Hart sucked outta my noggin."
"No," Angel answered as he went down to his shared office with Stefan.
"Why?" Lorne asked on his heels.
"I said no."
"I said why, so let's meet in the middle with a why no."
"It's too soon," Angel answered, turning his attention to his partner, Stefan Salvatore. "He wants me to talk to Cordelia about her vision, but I want her to take a few days to adjust until she's feeling more like herself before we start coming at her with a million questions."
"How about one? One's good." The green demon also turned his attention to Stefan. "Chime in, Angel 2.0. What do you think?"
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malka-lisitsa · 2 years
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Closed starter for [ @bunnyblooded ]
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"You know, there is a lot to miss about you Stefan, but one of my biggest hast to be your cooking. I've had five star dishes all around the world and still- not much measures up to your Chicken Parm." Katherine hummed as she slipped into the kitchen. The scent had drawn her out of her room, or at least one of the random six left unoccupied in the Salvatore house.
She casually sauntered in and leaned against the counter top, smirking at him on hte other side.
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"What do you say after dinner we go get nice and dirty so there's a real reason for me to learn how to do laundry."
Did you expect anything less from her, honestly? She had one mode with Stefan and it was inappropriate.
Katherine knew he wasn't going to bite, and that was ok- because her only goal was to constantly and persistently remind him that the offer is always on the table, at all times. No expiration date, offers stackable, good at any location. Not exchangable for any other goods or services.
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w0efulboopsoul · 1 year
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@crownedhopelesss Liked for a starter! Hello! :D (For Damon or Stefan Salvatore! @mysticfallsresidents)
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The witch hurried around her flower shop, humming softly while she tidied up after recent rowdy customers. It was the end of a long busy tiring first day back, and she had a lot to catch up on. Shuffling her way towards the back, she found herself pausing dead in her tracks as she spotted a wilting rose. A deep frown set upon her lips as she went over to the dying bud, before using her telekinesis to lift it and bring it toward her, just as the familiar 'ding' to her shop's door rang out. Quickly grasping the flower, May turned to face the person who had entered and broke into a warm smile."Well, well, well, look who decided to show up just in the nick of time! You must have a sixth sense for when I'm about to close up shop." She teased playfully, giving them a wink before shaking her hair out and placing the dying rose on her front counter.
"Welcome to my flowery paradise! My name is Mayleen and how may I assist you in bringing some extra petal power to your blossoming night?" She asked, her smile only growing at her own cheesy puns as she leaned against the counter.
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voros-kiralyno · 1 year
Closed starter for @bunnyblooded
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Lazarus is D E A D -
Long live the age of NOVEMBER
She was just a child. Nineteen. Offered up like livestock. Taken. Used. Abused. Tortured and broken. For close to two hundred and fifty YEARS before she snapped. Before she couldn't take anymore and the animal that'd laid dormant for so long broke free of it's chains and ripped the former Alpha limb from limb. A strength shed never felt before. An anger that had been building since early childhood. The two make a dangerous combo, Nova is not to be underestimated.
Her teeth are sharper than yours.
Go on. Fuck around and FIND OUT.
Theres so much to being in this position of power. Its overwhelming. She wasn't ready for it. She didn't even want it. It was just a moment of blinding rage where she wanted all of it to STOP. The reason she is still here. The reason she took the crown? For all of the others out there begging for the same thing, with no power. No sudden burst of rage to free themselves. She has her freedom. She knows what she wants and shes the only one she can trust to make it happen.
"What of the prisoners?"
"The what?"
"Lazarus' prisoners."
"What usually happens to them?"
"Normally they're put down, purged."
"All of them?"
"Regardless of crime."
That did not sit well with Nova at all. So she took it upon herself to personally speak to each prisoner. To ask them what they'd done. How they felt about it. She had to use dust for a truth spell on most of them, but one prisoner.... one prisoner struck her as different. So to start, she abandoned the truth spell. Choosing to speak to him directly, without the pull of magic in a forced interaction. She had a feeling she needed to hear it organically.
"Stefan Salvatore? I'm November. I'm your new Alpha."
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STEFAN KNEW COMING BACK TO MYSTIC FALLS WAS A RISKY DECISION BUT IT WAS SOMETHING HE FELT HE NEEDED TO DO. it was scary because of the founding families that seemed to have a sneaking suspicion that vampires resided back in their peaceful, quiet town but stefan was determined to put a stop to that so he could live his life without worry of vampires ( or mainly his big brother ) ruining his one chance to begin anew. he enrolled as a student at the local college and mainly only did it to blend into society. mostly, he wanted a way in to sniff out any vampires he's never seen or met before. to his surprise, and a pleasant one at that, he did run into one he had previously known and luckily she was a good friend of his he hasn't seen in years, @preppyvcmp. a grin stretched on the vampire's face from eat to ear as he wrapped his arms around the petite woman. “ greta, i can't believe you're here, it's good to see you. what are you doing here ? last i heard you were traveling europe ” he pointed out, looking down at her with bright eyes, happy to see an old friend in such a bleak town.
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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closed canon one-liner starter for; @brokenandlonelysouls (Stefan)
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"Better watch your back. Because I may just have to go get a hero hair do of my own, and steal your thunder."
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little-miss-buffy · 11 months
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Closed starter for @the-last-doppelganger
Buffy was exhausted as she and Elena approached the front porch for the second time tonight. Her cousin really put her through the ringer today. The only thing that was on the agenda was to get the stupid moonstone from the bitch that wore Elena's face. That's it. But, then Damon got a call from Rose, telling him that Elena had her drive to that guy Slater's face and basically told any vampire to come get her and bring her to Klaus. So, he drove Buffy to get Elena.
Buffy hoped the elder wrecking ball of a Salvatore brother would wait in the car, but no. He HAD to come in with her. Buffy was already having a hard enough time trying to get Elena out the door, but then Damon just HAD to step in and grab her arm and physically drag her out the door. For five seconds, Buffy was proud of her cousin for using her training to get out of Damon's hold and ALMOST punched him, but he caught her fist. To make matters worse, the people Elena reached out to showed up followed by 90s Bowl Cut Hair (that was what she called the vampire that she THOUGHT Damon had killed a few days ago because she forgot his name). Buffy thought she was going to have to fight this guy again, but instead he killed the guys who came for Elena and just left.
That should've been the end of it, but when they got home, Jeremy told them that Stefan had gotten himself trapped in the tomb with Katherine. Buffy didn't really pay attention to why because she knew how Elena would react. As predicted, her cousin took off and ran to the tomb and tried to run in, but Buffy stopped her. After a brief argument with Damon, Elena conceded to go home with Buffy.
They walked in silence until they got to the house. Buffy's head was still reeling from what Elena tried to do today. She knew why she did it, she didn't want to lose the people she loved. Buffy understood, but she couldn't let it happen again. "We're not done, Dawn Summers 2.0," she stopped Elena from going upstairs. "Go sit down."
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bunnyblooded · 1 year
Atlanta was close enough that it wasn't too long of a drive for uncle and neice, even if Lizzy was visibly anxious about the whole endeavor. At least, she did seem fidgety. "I don't know how long this will take but I don't want to rush the process," he said as they hit the city limits and continued toward downtown. "We'll head some place busy and get started. I'll be with you every step of the way. We can stop and get something to eat if you're hungry, but the other kind of hunger is kind of the point. It sucks but...you have to sit with it. Because it's never going away."
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If there was one truth to being a vampire, it was that. He wasn't entirely sure why no one else was willing to do this for her - surely between the Mikaelson's and the Salvatore's, there were several who could. Not that he minded. Maybe they'd tried and he was just who was left. But he was family too and if she was struggling, it was the least he could do. He glanced over at her briefly. "How are you feeling?" Like they were going into the lion's den? Like she was about to undertake some monumental task? That if she failed, she'd be hurt and disappointed?
He knew how that felt, too. And he didn't want it for her. She was what she was, and she needed to learn control. "We're just about there. It's a nice part of town. We can do the tourist thing if you want, after. But I'm sure you've seen most of the city, yeah?" He reached out and touched her hand lightly, reassuringly. It wasn't a usual gesture for Stefan, but he was fond of his neice, and if nothing else, he enjoyed her company. She was a miracle, a mystery, a bright light in the darkness, like the stars when the clouds finally parted after a storm. "It's gonna be okay."
starter for @baby-royalty
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