#[i was feeling epic; lexi & stefan]
nikkiruncks · 2 years
Stexi x Umbrella - Rihanna, Jay Z
Requested by @suvarnarekha (icons belong to @redbedroom00, @comeontaylorspeaknow)
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papcrrings-arch · 1 year
Closed Starter : Stefan & Lexi ( @vcndetta )
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"Lexi!" Stefan called out, reaching out to pull his best friend into a hug. He had reunited with her on the other side but it was better that they were both alive, "Can you believe it?" he asked, "Back in the land of the living."
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thechaosmuses · 2 years
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closed canon one-liner starter for; @brokenandlonelysouls (Stefan)
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"Although, I see I've been replaced by another blonde."
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haylijahtilldeath · 7 months
What are your top 5s in anything TVDU related? (Characters, ships, friendships, familial bonds, episodes, etc.)
Ooh, my first question. Thank you for asking!
Even though I've watched tvd first, but I prefer the originals to it. So, my answer is going to be mostly about them.
I'm going to do the characters separately.
First, characters from T.O
Elijah Mikaelson (because he was the calm before the storm, I don't know how to describe him, he was just so resilient and holding onto his brother when the entire world could only see a monster in him, and for all his complex layers.) and Hayley Marshall (because she was a BAMF, the best mother you could have) fighting for first place, but none of them can win.
Camille O'Connell because she was such a ray of sunshine. (Caroline stans do not come at me, this is about two characters who have literally never met.)
Freya Mikaelson was such a badass.
Klaus Mikaelson because he had the best retorts and sarcasm.
Gia because she was so down to earth about everything. (Putting her after Klaus feels so wrong lmao.)
Now, Tvd characters. I can't conjure any explanation for them.
Caroline Forbes
Enzo St. John
Stefan Salvatore
Rayna Cruz
Rose from S2
Haylijah, because have you seen them? The chemistry, the compatibility, the love and all the respect. (S5 never happened.)
Bonenzo because they were so good together, and Enzo actually loved Bonnie and didn't spend his time using her.
Klamille, because Camille could see beyond 'evil Klaus' and understood him like no one else ever did, and Klaus saw so much light in her, and he cared about her.
Steroline because they were also good together.
Gialijah because they had so much chemistry and there was just something about them
Caroline & Enzo, because he stepped up for her and they had something special about them.
Camille & Vincent, because they related to one another after all damage they got because of the Mikaelson family, and they made something good out of it.
Freya & Hayley because they spent years together raising Hope, and they bonded so well.
Stefan and Lexi because they do supportive besties better than anyone.
Bonnie and Damon because they have managed to go from sworn enemies to best friends.
Familial bonds.
Hayley and Hope. No one does mother and daughter better than them.
Elijah and Rebekah. We saw so many times how Elijah cared for her and how she looked up to him. I believe he was her favorite brother, even if the show wanted to make us believe it was Klaus.
Marcel & Davina. They're not family by blood, but the way he was her family more than her real family and tried to protect her meant so much.
Elijah and Hope. We did not get much of them, but they had so much potential. If the show didn't completely destroy Elijah to redeem Klaus, we might have seen him be the best uncle out there.
Freya/ Rebekah and Hope. These aunt/niece relationships were so good. Rebekah cared for her for months, and kept her safe, and Freya raised her with Hayley and taught her so much.
Finding episodes that I genuinely love from beginning to end is difficult.
TO S2E9: The Map of Moments. We had family, we had bickering and we had love.
TVD S3E14: Dangerous Liaisons. We had a ball straight out from a fantasy, do I need to say more?
TO S1E20: A Closer Walk with Thee. It was not a happy episode, but we had our first Haylijah kiss, and it's good enough to be in my top 5.
TO S5E8 : The Kindness of Strangers. As much as I hated S5, but this episode was so good. We saw the Mikaelson family reunited, and every time I watch Elijah break down after remembering Hayley's death, I can't help but cry.
TO S1E1: Always and Forever. This feels like such a basic answer, but I love this episode. It was the beginning of an epic tv show, and it's just so nostalgic.
These are the ones you mentioned, and I can't for the life of me think about anything else to rank. Anyway, I am awkward most of the time, and it includes this answer. So, don't judge me too harshly!
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 month
I love Delena's meteor shower kiss. Not just their kiss, but the whole of it all for Damon as he takes a walk back through the cemetery. Bamon is everything I feel Stefan and Elena should've been but weren't. Feel Stefan's comment in 5x4 as I discuss season 6.
"So, bonded by death? Please don't tell me that we met in a cemetery."
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In 5x22, Damon was forced to say goodbye to Elena. Even though he didn't want to, there was no way back for him. What's beautiful about Bamon's scene is that people don't wanna die alone. Something Damon referenced when Elena woke from her ripper episode. Katherine spent her entire life running, only to die at the Salvatore boarding house all alone. Even though Damon and Bonnie would've preferred being there with someone else, they held onto each other in what they believed would be their death. They weren't dying alone. And yes, they were at the cemetery.
What becomes of them in the prison world is everything I feel of Stefan and Elena in the first season. In pushing Elena to keep his vampire secret, she spent the entire first season lying to her loved ones. Hell, she spent most of the second season still lying to Jenna and Matt. Stefan might as well have taken Elena to a prison world because that's how isolated he had her. Difference is they were actually dating. Bamon's friendship is every bit what it looks like for Elena to date Stefan, and all the while, hiding his supernatural world from her loved ones.
You then get this episode where Damon is trying to spark Elena's memories, and he reaches this point when he truly wants to let her go because he sees that she's happy and thriving. He doesn't wanna ruin what she was able to get back in his absence. A life without him, without his chaos. He then walks back through the cemetery because, as he stated to Stefan earlier in the episode, maybe he's still gone. After they do the meteor shower flashback for Delena, what they've basically done is had Damon letting go of Elena just to hold onto Bonnie via Ms. Cuddles. Every bit what they did in season 3 as they shifted frrom Stelena to Delena. They had Elena letting go of Stefan just to hold onto Damon. And what you get is the honest truth of what Stelena shoudl've been.
That's why Bamon's friendshp rocks better than Stelena's. As epic as Stelena should've been, they weren't. Delena outshined the Stelena romance and Bamon outshined the Stelena friendship. Stefan's greatest relationships on the show.... was his friendship with Lexi and his romance with Caroline. Even they outshined Stelena's romance and friendship.
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scienter · 7 months
Anon from last ask about tvd series finale.
TVD writers should have declared that Stefan had transformed into superman when Bonnie injected the cure because no way in hell a normal human could survive a stab wound,a gun shot and being beaten & kicked by a 4000 year old psychic within a span of 72 hours only to end up with a scratch on his forehead! And how the hell did he still have the cure in his body after bleeding out so much every single day! Silas sucked Katherine out of her blood to take the cure.Amara did the same to Silas.But it took only a small syringe of blood for Stefan to turn human! Nonsense!
Stefan came to Mystic Falls as a suicidal guy,spent his entire narrative with passive suicidal ideation,went on a suicide mission not less than 48 hours before he got married and then actively chose to end his life widowing his wife and gleefully screamed I WAS FEELING EPIC while Lexi CHEERED? LEXI of all people celebrating Stefan's suicide?
.This was HIS STORY?This was the end of Stefan Salvatore?
I DON'T BUY IT. This is NOT Tragedy.This is NOT dark.
This is CHEAP.PRETENTIOUS.And this is probably how the finale discussion went down👇🏼
KW: I want Stelena endgame.
JP:I know but that won't make any narrative sense.
KW: But Stelena is epic.
JP: yeah but Elena declared her undying love for Damon.
KW: Paul wants Stefan dead.
JP: We can work on that.But what about Caroline?
KW: Caroline who?
*awkward silence*
KW: Umm I don't know put her with someone Ric,Matt,Tyler...Klaus!
JP:Klaus! Of course! But Stefan and Caroline are married...
KW: Stefan and Elena are soulmates.
JP:But in s6 finale,Stefan said Elena didn't come into his life to be his soulmate.
KW: What S6?
JP:Well! If I kill Stefan, then Klaroline switch-bait will be easier! And Bonnie will get her powers back to save Elena's life.
KW: So,Stelena is endgame?
JP: Don't worry.I have everything under control.Oh and We will blame Nina in interviews.
*violent sound of writing*
Stefan dies by self-immolation.
It was E-P-I-C.
I had a similar reaction to Stefan's actions in the finale:
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queenofstelena · 2 years
The beginning of their epic love
Summary: The beginning of our favorite love birds aka how things could have been different and with a twist. Stefan gets to guts to ask Elena out on a date when they first date it may seem a bit rushed but I think it's adorable!
Notes: Supposed to have at least 2-3 chapters. For some reason I don't have a lot to say today lol!
Chapters: 1/3
Characters: Elena Gilbert, Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie Benett, Caroline Forbes, Lexi Branson, and Damon Salvatore
Warning(s): Nothing really for the millionth time just fluff
Rating: General Audiences
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Hope you enjoy <3
Elena's POV
Mr. Tanner was talking about the Civil War in 1864 I tried to focus but I couldn't. I kept thinking about the new kid Stefan Salvatore. I looked over to the window watching the fall leaves. I tried to distract myself but it wasn't working. My thoughts kept drifting back to him. He was mysterious but also cute.
He also, had this romance novel look to him. Oh my God, I've been hanging out with Bonnie too much. I internally groaned at this she's been rubbing off on me and not in a good way. I mean she's not wrong. Sometimes I hate it when she's right, but she wouldn't be Bonnie if she wasn't right or wise about something.
But there was something about him, I was drawn to him. Somehow in a short amount of time he made me smile, he made me giddy, and I felt like he understood me. It's like we had this unspoken understanding and bond.
I know I haven't known him very long but this was something I was certain about. Out of all the boys, I've ever dated combined he is the only one I truly felt something strongly about. In the past, I did like boys but I never felt this strongly about one before.
I was snapped out of my thoughts from my vibrating phone. Bonnie texted me saying "Hawtie starring at u." I smiled as I felt my cheeks warm up. Stefan sat a cross from me.
I turned carefully as I peeked a look at Stefan. He was indeed starring but I didn't care, I liked this boy. We locked eyes, I looked deep into his forest green eyes and he look deep into my chocolate brown eyes.
He had a small smile on his cute face. I couldn't help but look down and smile sheepishly as I blushed a deep red.
After class
Today, I had been running a bit behind putting my stuff away before the bell. But I wouldn't regret it this time. Unbeknownst to me as I put my stuff away Stefan walked up to me.
Bonnie and Caroline watched giddily and smiled at each other. "Your Elena right?" Stefan asked softly. No matter how sweet or softly he had asked me I still jumped a little.
"Oh, God I didn't see you there," I said apologetically as I put my hand over my chest for a second.
"I didn't mean to scare you, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school?" Stefan asked looking into my eyes.
"Umm, y-yes of course I would love to!" I shuttered shyly.
"I'll pick you up at 6:00," Stefan said about to walk away.
"Wait, you don't know where I live?" I said grabbing his wrist.
"Don't, worry Bonnie and Carolina told me," Stefan said softly, smiling wholeheartedly.
"Oh, ok good. I'll see you at 6:00." I said quietly looking at him one last time before grabbing my stuff. I blushed to smile to myself.
"How about I walk you to your next class?" Stefan asked.
I turned around and smiled. "That would be great." "What's your next class?" Stefan asked.
"Oh, French," I said pulling my bag over me.
"Well you're in luck we have French together." We both smiled as we headed for our next class.
Bonnie and Caroline smiled brightly at each other as they saw Stefan walking with me. We walked out of the door my heart was raising our hands were so close.
I closed my eyes and steadied my heart rate. Stefan seemed to notice this and said this to make me feel more comfortable.
"You know you've really made my first day a whole lot better. You've been sweet to me. Thank you for making me feel welcomed." Stefan said looking at me sweetly. I smiled and said
"I'm glad I've made it bearable I know high school isn't easy. I'm glad I met you Stefan you've made it better for too.
I said looking into his eyes. We both looked forward and realize we arrived at French class.
"Well, our talk has just made me more eager for tonight," Stefan said sweetly as he moved he tucked a strain of my hair behind my hair. I blushed looking at him we both headed for our seats thinking about one another.
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braedenhales · 2 years
TVD for the ask 🥰
Favorite character:
Bonnie Bennett
Least Favorite character:
I feel like saying Damon would imply there was something to like so Elena Gilbert.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Forwood, Stefonnie (but only in fannon), Stelena, Bonnie&Happiness, Stefan&Happiness
Character I find most attractive:
Stefan Salvatore
Character I would marry:
Marcel counts. He was in season four so he counts. Or Tyler Lockwood for see what Trevino is looking like these days. I saw him in person full beard and it was a sight to behold reasons.
Character I would be best friends with:
a random thought:
Rebekah probably would’ve been a better friend to Bonnie than anyone else was
An unpopular opinion:
Idk if it’s unpopular but I think Caroline should’ve been the one to kill Damon.
If that is not an unpopular opinion then Finn should have been able to go off with Sage after killing Klaus and or all of his siblings. I know no one really cares about that man but nine hundred years in a coffin and no one ever let him out like
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My Canon OTP:
Forwood season five? Idk her
My Non-canon OTP:
Bonnie&a damn break
Most Badass Character:
Season three Stefan
Most Epic Villain:
None of them were tbh but season 2 Klaus was with it going by memory I have not watched in years so don’t hold me to this
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Literally every single one of them. Except for Damon I guess. He was consistently trash.
Favourite Friendship:
Stefan&Lexi or seasons 2-4 Steroline
Character I most identify with:
Bonnie&or Rebekah
Character I wish I could be:
None of them. No thank you. I feel for them tho.
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landonmikaelson · 7 years
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1 Year Since The Vampire Diaries Finale I Was Feeling Epic - March 10, 2017 
Peace exists. It lives in everything we hold dear. That is the promise of peace. That one day, after a long life, we find each other again.
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intheshadowworld · 7 years
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A friendship soo EPIC that it lasted for over a century and even death couldn’t keep them apart!!!
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santinacedes · 2 years
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supernutellastuff · 2 years
Ok so I’m in early season 4. I’ve always really liked Bonnie, but she never gets anything to do and when she does it’s always just “here’s a random guy for you to have a relationship with and that will be your story for a while” (her and Jeremy 🤮) and it’s never interesting (although I wouldn’t mind if they went anywhere at all with her and Damon tbh).
I also very much like Damon, by far the better brother. I really don’t care about anything Elena-related anymore and I think it’s mostly because they’ve played everything out with her several times through already. Also sorry to Nina Dobrev but she’s not a great actor and I’ve kinda had it with the character by now. The less said about Stefan the better. Jeremy and Tyler too.
Now that I’m several seasons in though it really is feeling like they’re stretching for content. The world and season threats got too big and they have no idea how to stop the power creep so they just keep adding stuff that totally breaks established lore. One of the things I love about Caroline is how well she grounded the story (sure she’s a vampire but she’s also still really into regular high school drama and trying to be a normal person still).
(Also sorry for sending anon before. I didn’t realize I’d clicked that until it had sent)
Hello!! It's been a long time since I watched the show so I apologise in advance for any inadvertent spoilers or vague plot recall.
Okay so Bonnie has legit been done the dirtiest even though she's one of the coolest characters. I like some of her plot lines where her witch roots means she's actively opposed to the vampires but she still wants to be on Elena's side, the conflict could have been interesting but it's never mined deeper. I hate her and Jeremy too and I agree that she and Damon have some legit chemistry (explored in further seasons, so you do have something to look forward to!)
Yeah Elena is annoying, and I got tired quickly about how everything was always about her. I'm not sure if I prefer Damon over Stefan, but Stelena is defs more boring. I prefer Stefan as a stand alone character or his friendship dynamic with Lexi, Caroline etc (more on this later).
I agree with you that the world building gets bigger than the writers can handle, but I really enjoyed the cure storyline in s4. I'm in the minority, but I really liked how there are all these factions with their own agendas competing to get the cure, and well, i always like it when the Originals have to team up with the Mystic Falls gang.
Talking about the Originals, I think they're the best thing the show has ever done. The casting, the acting, the group dynamics, the lore, the integration with the core tvd group... Perfection. What do you think? Who's your favourite Original?
Yes, Caroline is such a breath of fresh air in the show. I absolutely love how she's one of the few characters who actually LOVES being a vampire. I related to her even before she turned, when she was talking about being second choice "no matter how much I do, its never enough". She's thriving as a vampire as well as retaining her connection to her human side, without any of the angsty brooding that Stefan and all do. One of the reasons I love Klaroline is that Klaus is the ONLY one who recognises this, that she wants a life bigger and better than this. He accepts her as she is, and I just looove how much he changes throughout the course of knowing her, how he consistently puts her first. Sigh. I can go on and on about Klaroline. They have such epic moments, my god. What have been your favourite scenes??
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zalrb · 4 years
hey, I am the same anon from your previous ask. I understand what you said. I also firmly believe that he is not 'more' bonnie than he is caroline. Like you said, intensity differs.
I understand when you say stefan's main motivation is 'wanting' to be good, and I totally agree, so is caroline's. I wanna add that just the way lexi helped stefan hold on to his humanity without becoming his only reason(like delena), stefan helped caroline too. What's interesting is that he inspired caroline just by being himself, i.e. being a control freak who wants to be in control. It wasn't said through dialouges yet i have a feeling it did. My opinion.
The difference bw stexi and steroline lies in the mutual sexual tension, and the similarity bw the charaters of stefan and caroline(even though it isn't unique to them) compared to stefan and lexi. I guess you are right then, stefan and caroline aren't soulmates(or maybe they are, and we are missing out some important stuff), but the kind of love that they share is amazing, simply bcoz it involves people that have amazing personalities themselves, and have a lot in common.
Just like stefan said in s6, steroline could grow into something even better than true, epic love. I think they had potential, but shitty writting couldn't let that happen.
I guess the point I was tryna make is that, even if stefan isn't wholly responsible for who caroline IS, he is definitely a big part of it. He isn't the whole ass reason, he is kind of an anchor and it all started when she fell in love with that anchor.
OK well you’re clearly a steroline shipper and I am so very clearly not so there’s a lot, a lot about this that I disagree with but those disagreements are thoroughly outlined in my other posts in my masterlist so I won’t get into that. But I will say that I disagree with this:
What's interesting is that he inspired caroline just by being himself, i.e. being a control freak who wants to be in control.
Just because Stefan is disciplined and has a regimen when it comes to blood doesn’t make him a control-freak. When people call Caroline a control-freak it’s because of things like this
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because she has to manage everything and there are times where she’s meant to be trying to manage or control other people’s, namely Elena’s, emotions
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and it comes out in her vampirism when she instinctively compels girls to leave Matt and Tyler alone respectively because she has to take control of the situation even if she doesn’t necessarily plan to.
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That isn’t Stefan. So once again, discipline is not being a control freak.
The difference bw stexi and steroline lies in the mutual sexual tension, and the similarity bw the charaters of stefan and caroline(even though it isn't unique to them) compared to stefan and lexi. 
Glossing over how much I disagree with the sexual tension part, I also disagree the idea that the difference between Stexi and Steroline is personality, nothing about how Stefan helps Caroline is rooted in the fact that he sees himself in her, I would actually say that it’s rooted in the fact that they’re different
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in fact when he says that she reminds him of someone it’s actually Lexi not himself
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The difference is the fact that when Lexi found Stefan, he was a ripper and he was unwilling to feel and felt like he had nothing to live for so she showed him that there were other things to live for,
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that’s the basis of how Lexi got through to him, by telling him not to focus on the despair and the negative because he’d drown it and want to feed and turn off his emotions. Stefan didn’t do that with Caroline, he taught her control of these new powers, which again doesn’t make them similar just because she is a control freak, everyone needs to learn control when handling something new that has power.
If anything, the way that Stefan helps Elena is more similar to the way that Lexi helped him.
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I certainly agree that Stefan is someone Caroline looked up to in how to handle her vampirism and you see that quite clearly particularly in 2x02 and so of course, he had an influence on her life but I would not say that he had an influence on who she is
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ashleyinwondrland · 4 years
I’m sort of happy they didn’t keep Lexi around and instead just had her pop up in flashbacks and as a ghost a couple times a season.
Because I feel like they would’ve ruined the wonderful platonic friendship between Lexi and Stefan. They would’ve made one of them develop feelings if she stayed on long term. It would’ve ruined ruined their epic-ness.
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kiss-my-freckle · 1 year
 "When I'm with him, it just consumes me."
X Florence + The Machine - Never Let Me Go
Keep this soundtrack in mind as you read through my post. Damon is written as the ocean, opposite Ripper Stefan. He fills Elena rather than drains her. "Moby Dick" in 3x19 is added to this. Stefan didn't finish reading the book because it finishes in 3x22.
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These are all of his carrying scenes. The arms of the ocean.
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Ocean, shore, ocean. When Damon joins her outside, he's like a wave tempting her to drown in him.
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Damon's darkness, Stefan's light, Damon's darkness.
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The only way they could actually kill Elena in his arms.
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How Ocean Damon laps the shore, cut to him laying on the ground when she feeds. "Just drink."
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At the monster party. That's why Elena is dripping blood.
Your love pours down on me Surround me like a waterfall And there's no stopping us right now I feel so close to you right now
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They're basically showing what it means for Elena to have Damon's blood in her system while she drowns. While you watch her drown alone in 3x22, know that his arms are wrapped around her. She's not alone.
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The left side is water expelling from Elena's lungs, and that water represents Ocean Damon. What you'd expect of someone when they drown, and you do CPR. The blood is more specific when she vomits. That's Damon's love.
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This is how Stefan is written into this Delena concept in season 5. Best to follow the parallel.
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This is the biggest parallel of all, and what I try to explain to fans. You have to consider Elena in Ghost World, when she refers to Stefan as a ghost because he flipped his switch. Elena was a ghost well before she hit the bridge. The top two pics are important because they're the parallel: ghost passenger.
Elena: I do feel stuck, Matt. I feel like I've been holding on to the girl that was supposed to die here with her parents. The girl who had a normal life, and didn't fall in love with vampires. Matt: You're not that girl anymore. It's okay if you want to let her go. Stefan: What if Elena was the one? Lexi: She was. And she will always be an epic love. Contrary to popular belief, there are actually multiple ones – especially for a vampire. The only way to find another is to let go and move on.
Stefan starts to see Delena in season 5, and this is part of it.
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